Bystanders vital in anti-bullying campaign

The Cartoon Network is taking on bullying in its programming this Fall. Starting October 1, 2010, a campaign begins on television and on the network’s game-filled website,
In 2009, the network polled children from its audience about their worries. Topping the list was the war and their parents’ financial problems. These were identified as issues they had no control over. However, bullying was a worry they felt they could help combat.
Studies indicate that 85% of bullying incidents are witnessed by bystanders. However, only one-fifth of the time does a witness intervene on behalf of the target. Cartoon network’s program is directed at middle school students where bullying is most common. The campaign will include content in the cartoons themselves, in public service ads, online curriculum and on CNN. The cartoons will include teachable moments where viewers will be referred to additional information about the scene on its website.
Other broadcasts that include anti-bullying content include Sesame Street, Nickelodeon’s Nick News, and the Disney Channel.