Have cell phones taken over your life?
A recent study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project (April, 2010) reports that cell phones have become indispensable to America’s teenagers. The report indicated that 4 out of 5 teens sleep with their phone in or near their bed. Some wait for late-night texts or use the built-in alarm to wake up.
One in four teens access the Internet by cell phone and 54% record videos while 60% play music. Cell phones are no longer used just for calling since technology allows the user to text, play games, take pictures, share videos, listen to music and go online and send e-mail. Keep others in mind when using these and other applications to communicate. Cyberbullying is wrong and may have unexpected consequences to you and your family.
Photo by Samantha Celera
For more information about unexpected consequences from online behavior, including emails, blogs, chat rooms, and social networking posts, take a look at Teen Cyberbullying Investigated published in 2010 by Free Spirit Publishing. This book presents real cases of teens in trouble at home, school and with the law over their writings in the digital age. None of the stories told include teens who intentionally set out to do harm. But oftentimes, without thinking ahead, physical and mental injury is the result of cruel or mean-spirited posts.