Is hugging hip?

Many teens say that hugging at school is not a sexual or romantic gesture. It is simply the “hello” of this generation. Hugs range from the basic friend hug to the bear hug. Gender is no longer a barrier to this casual greeting.
Some schools, concerned about sexual harassment claims and inappropriate displays of affection, have banned hugging on campus or set time limits (three seconds, for example) on a hug. Enforcement must be a nightmare. In an earlier blog we reported on one school that gave detention for extended hugs.

Photo by Binababy123 (Flickr)
What do you think about hugging at school? Is it something you’ve grown up with among family and friends? Is it an extension of the handshake or fist bump? Has hugging lost its meaning or do you think it helps break down barriers. Have you sent someone a *hug* on Facebook lately?
In March, 2012, the principal at Matawan-Aberdeen Middle School in New Jersey announced the end of hugging at school. Some of the 900 students agreed with the policy while others oppose it and plan to circulate a petition to convince the administrators to repeal it. No disciplinary actions are planned if violated. Officials trust their students to comply without consequences: not a bad approach to working with students.