Accolades and Testimonials
“A great resource that will help parents and teens stay abreast of laws that deal with teens and students.” –Jennifer Wagner, Connect with Your Teens Blog
“ is an amazing Website for teens who want to know the various rules and regulations that apply to them according to the law.” –Kasey DeGasperis, Teen Diaries Online intern
“Information on the law for teens is not always readily available, so this is a great resource. Be sure to check it out … everybody should know their rights.” –TeenSpace Blog, Prince George’s County Memorial Library
“Judge Tom Jacobs dispels myths, explains legal procedure, and details juvenile rights in the hopes of eas[ing] the minds of America’s youth.” –Lauren Williams, Youth Pulse (youth marketing company)
“For teens and their parents, finding answers to questions about laws and court decisions that affect them could be a daunting task. Not anymore.” –Larry Hendricks, Arizona Daily Sun
“What’s really cool about the Website is that it covers stories about teen rights in the news right now.” –Anna Bruce, Youth Services Librarian Tigard Public Library
“As the country’s legal system works to play catch-up with the alarming rise in cyberbullying crimes, [AsktheJudge is] working to provide pertinent information.” –Theresa Bierer, Flagstaff Business News
“This site is a great resource for teens and their parents. It is absolutely clear that Judge Tom ‘knows’ teens” and “how to connect with teens.” –Dr. Jenny Walker,
Teen Cyberbullying Investigated: Where Do Your Rights End and Consequences Begin? (Free Spirit Publishing, 2010)
“A must read [that] encourages teens and educators to think about the law and what it means for those involved in cyberbullying.” –Communiqué, the newsletter of the National Association of School Psychologists
“Read it. It will close the gap between you and what your kids know that you don’t know.”—Dr. Phil McGraw of the national Dr. Phil show
Listed on Curriculum Connection’s Professional Shelf as “Essential Resources on Bullying for Educators.” –School Library Journal
“Illustrate[s] the basic legal issues behind online teen bullying . . . challenging readers to consider all sides of the issues.” —School Library Journal
“Will leave readers with a clear understanding of the potential consequences of bullying behavior. Dozens of courts cases, informative sidebars, and topics to consider are highlighted, making this a must-have guide for teen collections.” –Curriculum Connections, “Noteworthy Nonfiction of 2010,” School Library Journal
“A phenomenal educational tool on cyberbullying. . . . I’d recommend it be mandatory reading for middle school and high school students across our nation.”—The Cracked Spine Blog
“I applaud your efforts to heighten the awareness of teens in the consequences of cyberbullying.” –Former First Lady Laura Bush
“Amid all the talk about cyberbullying, Judge Tom Jacobs’ no-nonsense approach cites chapter and verse from actual court cases, in a straight-forward, thought-provoking way.” –Cathy Dunn MacRae, Youth Today
“[Reading Teen Cyberbullying Investigated] was a real eye-opener as to the things people do, the consequences and battles involved, and the rights that individuals have. This book is a wealth of information and I highly recommend it.” —Terra Heck, Heck of a Bunch Blogger
“Among books recently published on this topic, this one distinguishes itself by covering more than 50 actual court cases involving teenagers.”—School Library Journal
“Deals with the hot, contemporary topic of online teen harassment, by both teens and by adults.”—Booklist
“A great tool to provoke dialogue and help bridge the ‘digital divide’ between teens and adults.” —Dr. Jenny Walker, president, Cyberbullying Consulting, Ltd.
“Explains the ramifications of teen cyberbullying in a very readable format.” —Stuart Nachbar, Educated Quest blog
“Should be required reading for school administrators, teachers, parents, and young people when exploring the vast and still uncharted territory of the Internet.”—Ian Zack, Executive Editor, The New York Times Upfront
“Every teen who has a cell phone or goes online should read this book. It’s as suspenseful as Harry Potter and as scary as Twilight, but these stories are real.”—Mary Beth Tinker, former plaintiff in the famous student free speech case Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (U.S. Supreme Court, 1969)
“Thoroughly researched and fascinating. A must-read for young people and their parents and caregivers, not just in the United States, but worldwide.”—Richard Piggin, Head of Operations, Beatbullying, London, England
“This book is at the forefront of cyberbullying literature. It has the capacity to inform school policy as parents, teachers, and principals race to find solutions for bullies and support for victims.”—Kimberley O’Brien, Principal Child Psychologist, Quirky Kid Clinic, Australia
Testimonials from Teen Users
“Dear Judge: I just wanted to thank you for all your help and time. You have been extremely helpful. Thanks for all your dedication and commitment you are putting into this blog.” –“S”, age 22
“I find your Website very informative. Thanks again and more power to the youth.” –Daisy, University of Florida student
“[Y]our info was very helpful and helped relax me enough to tell [my mom]. thanks!” –Corey, age 17
“[Y]ou’re doing excellent work here, thanks a million…the world is a better place because of people like you.” –David
“Thank you so much for the speedy response and info. It did make me feel better. I appreciate your time and help…thank you, thank you.” –Jacey, age 19
“Thanks for your help & your Website is very helpful to people who feel because of their age they don’t have many people on their side looking out for their best interests.” –Paul
Teen Help Network