Teen Cyberbullying Investigated
“Teen Cyberbullying Investigated” by Thomas A. Jacobs (Free Spirit Publishing, 2010)
The explosion of the Internet has given rise to endless new ways for teens to threaten, harass, abuse, insult and bully others – or to be bullied themselves. With the click of a button, or touch of a screen, a photo, video, or conversation can be shared with a few people in an email or a text – or broadcast to millions on a web site. Cyberbullying has become a frightening and sad reality.
How can you know when an online action crosses the line or becomes an illegal activity? “Teen Cyberbullying Investigated” provides an in-depth look at the cyberbullying epidemic. It presents real cases of tweens and teens who were harassed or caught harassing others online, on camera, in a text, or using a cell phone.
TCI will help you understand what cyberbullying is, recognize when you may be a victim or perpetrator, and learn tactics for successfully dealing with it. Each chapter features a specific case and resulting court decision, questions for you to consider regarding the decision and how it affects your lives. Chapters also include related cases, important facts, and suggestions for further reading. Questions asked of the reader include: “What does it mean to be a good citizen in our e-world?” “Have you thought about the implications of cyberbullying, or downloading sexually suggestive photos, or faking your personal profile to fool others?”
For more about “Teen Cyberbullying Investigated” and to order your copy today, click here.
“If you have knowledge, let others light their candles with it.” Winston Churchill, England’s Prime Minister during World War II