The Internet at its best

The expression about the power of one person in someone’s life or the lives of many is heard constantly. You see it on television and in the movies, books and plays. A teenager in New York experienced this when his friend went on a crusade to do something for him before succumbing to terminal cancer. Nachu Bhatnagar is in high school and suffers from Ewings Sarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer. He is not expected to live past the summer of 2012.
Nachu got hooked on the science fiction novels of Harry Turtledove, particularly the series “The War That Came Early.” The next installment in the series is due to be published in July, 2012. Nachu’s friend, Colton Jang aka “Kivakid” decided to go online and start a campaign to obtain an advanced copy of the book.
Kivakid posted this message on Reddit: “It is my duty as a friend to do whatever I can to fulfill Nachu’s last wishes. Is it at all possible for you to send him copies of the remaining books in the series? I understand the risks involved in sending an advance copy of your books to him and I understand the potential copyright issues and backlash from publishers. That said, my friend needs some good luck and kindness to balance out the awful stream he’s been on, and I couldn’t imagine a better person for it than his favorite author.”
In a short period of time, word reached Turtledove who agreed to send Nachu an advanced copy of the book. Kivakid presented it to him as a late birthday present while another friend videotaped the moment. Due to excited utterances we aren’t able to post the video here but refer you to YouTube. Mr. Turtledove also agreed to speak with Nachu about the final book in the series and how it ends.
Nachu commented last year about the support he’s had throughout his ordeal. “My friends have been a great source of support for me and they have really helped me get through tight spots by showing how much they care,” Nachu said. “The dedication of my friends and teachers means the world to me.”