Judge Tom Tackles Cyberbullying

A new book published by the American Bar Association in 2020 covers the subject of cyberbullying at home, school, in the community and workplace. Titled “Cyberbullying Law,” Judge Tom has collected over two hundred state and federal court cases over the past twenty-five years. Some of the cases are presented in full (the official court opinion), while others are summarized and accompanied by a full citation for those who wish to read further.
Cyberbullying Law is meant for anyone interested in the rights and responsibilities of those involved in cyber abuse or harassment, including educators, law enforcement, attorneys, judges, and parents. Specific subjects cover acts of intimidation, stalking and threats through digital devices. Sexting, revenge pornography, defamation, wrongful death lawsuits and bullycide are matters before courts across the nation. Family, juvenile and civil courts are handling claims of cyberbullying on a regular basis. Employment law also sees its share of cyber abuse involving employees and management. School districts face lawsuits alleging negligent handling of reports of bullying or “deliberate indifference” to reported incidents.
Cyberbullying Law is believed to be the nation’s first case book on the subject. It will be updated with new cases and research periodically. It is available now exclusively at the American Bar website: https://www.americanbar.org/products/inv/book/401936788/
In April, 2021, Cyberbullying Law will be available on Amazon.
Photo by Sam McManis originally published here.