Is smoking alcohol legal?
Smoking alcohol is catching on and health authorities have issued warnings about its dangers. Apparently YouTube videos have gone viral showing the viewer how to get high without drinking. You simply pressurize whisky or beer, for example, and inhale the vapors which go directly to your brain. There’s no time for the alcohol to go to your stomach first, then through your liver and finally your bloodstream on the way to your brain. It’s a direct shot to your brain with potentially fatal results. Emergency room doctors are on the lookout for victims of this trend.
Promoters of smoking alcohol claim it’s a way to get drunk without gaining calories and that you wouldn’t test positive on a breathalyzer test. Both are false according to doctors and criminal defense attorneys who have commented on this method.
Dr. Robert Glatter of Lenox Hill Hospital explained that “The normal sensation when you drink and you are getting more drunk is to vomit. It’s your body’s way of expelling alcohol. However, when you inhale alcohol, your brain has no way of expelling it.”
Not to mention if you’re under 21, smoking alcohol is still consumption and therefore illegal. You can’t hide alcohol consumption from your parents or the police by smoking the vapors. Alcohol in your body, regardless of how it gets there, will show on a blood-alcohol or urine test. This is the same as eating alcohol-soaked gummi bears or using vodka-soaked tampons. We’ve written about these trends and continue to recommend against risky behaviors.
To learn more about this, Google “smoking alcohol” or watch some of the craziness on YouTube. Use your head & be safe!