My Body Belongs to Me

“My body Belongs to Me” by Jill Starishevsky (Safety Star Media, 2007)
Have you heard the saying that “Brevity is the soul of wit” from Shakespeare’s Hamlet? There are many examples of the value of brevity in history and literature. Consider the First Amendment at just 45 words or the Gettysburg Address at approximately 270 words.* Also the Christian version of the Golden Rule has just 11 words.
Jill Starishevsky’s book is neither a comedy or humorous. In fact, it’s quite serious and accomplishes much in only 22 sentences. “My Body Belongs to Me” gives parents or any parent-substitute of young children a tool to openly discuss boundaries with their young children. Until discussed, “private parts” is a meaningless phrase to any child. The point here is that the conversation must take place and the sooner the better. The lessons in this book cover what sexual abuse is about, why your child is not at fault and the importance of telling an adult when it happens.
“My Body” is not a book to be read one time and then shelved. We recommend that parents read it with their children regularly as they grow from toddlers to elementary school. The message will be more meaningful as they mature.
The author is an Assistant District Attorney in New York City. She has prosecuted hundreds of sex offenders and has dedicated her career to seeking justice for victims of child abuse and sex crimes. One of her victims inspired this story. The book is tastefully illustrated by Sara Muller.
“The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.” ~Thomas Jefferson
*There are five known drafts written in President Lincoln’s hand.