15-year-old Iowa teen wins $50,000 for texting
Kate Moore, of Des Moines, Iowa, got her first cell phone eight months ago. She built up a habit of 400 plus text messages a day – enough to earn her way to New York City in June, 2009 to compete in the LG U.S. National Texting Championship. Approximately 250,000 people across the country competed for the final 20 spots.
The two-day competition included texting while blindfolded and texting while on a moving obstacle course. The final feat called for texting three lengthy phrases without making any mistakes in spacing, punctuation and capitalization.
Kate beat out the second-place winner by just seconds. The first-place prize was a new LG phone and a cool $50,000 cash.
After her victory, Kate offered some advice to parents: “Let your kid text during dinner! Let your kid text during school! It pays off. Your kid could win money and a new phone.” Although Kate had her phone taken away a few times at school, she gets good grades, performs in school plays, and socializes with her friends in person.
Nice going, Kate. Will you be setting aside some of your winnings for college?
For more about texting, see: http://askthejudge.info/can-i-get-into-trouble-for-sexting/232/