7-year-old gets suspended for imaginary weapon

Since the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in December, 2012, teachers and administrators are taking a close look at anything involving weapons on campus. This includes all students regardless of age or grade. Student violence is front and center on the national landscape and with good reason. We have posted many stories about “zero-tolerance” policies regarding drugs and weapons at school and in the workplace.
A second-grader in Colorado has learned a hard lesson about school rules. Alex Evans, 7, was suspended for throwing an imaginary hand grenade on the playground during recess. He explained that he was pretending to be a hero by saving the world. He was seen tossing an imaginary grenade at evil forces. Alex’s mother said her son was “very confused” by the suspension. “I’m confused as well, so it makes it hard for me to enforce these rules when I don’t even understand them.”
The school district maintains a policy regarding play weapons and play fighting. The rules don’t expressly prohibit imaginary weapons, but the school superintendent said individual schools have the power to supplement the general student code of conduct.
That is total B.S.
(edited by ATJ for language)