Adult needs permission to date?
Jordan Christensen, age 19, of Appleton, Wisconsin lived with his foster parents. In May, 2009, he stole their car and a gun and with his sixteen year old girlfriend, fled to Tennessee reportedly to get married. Once caught, he was charged with auto theft, stealing a firearm and jumping bail.
Jordan told both families he was guilty and accepted full responsibility. In December, 2009, he was sentenced to one year in jail and three years probation. At sentencing, the judge ordered “no dating of the opposite sex without permission of your probation agent.” He was also restricted from any contact with the girl and prohibited from using any social networking websites.
Judges have authority under the law to impose sentences appropriate to the crime. Since Jordan took a minor out of state in a stolen car, the restriction on dating is directed at protecting other minors. He and his probation officer will have to determine what exactly is a date.
What do you think of this particular probation term? Is it reasonable considering what Jordan did? Does it put too much responsibility on the probation officer to check out each potential date? What criteria should the PO use in determining whether to approve or disapprove a potential date?