Do you want fries with that?

In December, 2009, 19 year old Alesha McMullen ordered a cheeseburger at a McDonald’s in Kansas City, Missouri. Unhappy with her order, she demanded a refund which was refused.

Alesha (on the right)
Alesha went on a rampage that was caught on the restaurant’s cameras. She threw a sign and a water container over the counter. Then she pushed three cash registers sitting on the counters to the floor.
In January, 2010, Alesha was charged with felony property damage. In the State of Missouri, property damage in the first degree is defined as an act by someone who knowingly damages property of another exceeding $750. Since Alesha is 19 years old, she will be prosecuted as an adult. The maximum penalty is 4 years in prison. (V.A.M.S. 558-011)