Gun violence hits again, this time in church

Once again, America is faced with an inconceivable mass murder. On June 17, 2015, 21-year old, Dylann Roof attended a Bible study session at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. Twelve members of the church were present, including the pastor. After an hour, Roof stood up, took out a .45 handgun, announced he was there to kill black people and opened fire. Nine parishioners from ages 26 to 87 were killed.
Roof fled the scene and was caught the next morning about 200 miles away. He reportedly confessed to investigators saying he wanted to start a “race war.” Roof is white and the deceased were African-American. He has been charged with nine counts of first degree murder and one weapons count.
Since the tragedy at Columbine High School in 1999, there have been numerous mass murders in the U.S. All are tragic, with great loss. One incident, in particular, stands out–the twenty first-graders (most were six-years old) slaughtered by a lone gunman in December, 2012 while in their classroom.
As shocking as it is, what has Congress done about reasonable changes in this country’s gun laws? Absolutely nothing!! Who would have thought that the murder of twenty children and six educators would be ignored by Congress (over 500 of our so-called representatives) shortly following the incident? You may ask how could this happen? Where are our leaders when the lives of innocents are brutally snuffed out? Look no further than the deep pockets of the NRA and other like-minded groups.
Will the lives of nine people studying the Bible and praying in church make a difference? What do you think?
Update: In January, 2017, Roof was convicted of his crimes and sentenced to death.