Heartwarming Father’s Day story??

What happened to Norman Rockwell’s small town America? Remember his illustration of a typical lemonade stand?
Two young sisters in Overton, Texas, planned to take their Dad to a local water park this Father’s Day. They decided to set up a stand and sell glasses of lemonade for 50 cents and popcorn for one dollar. When the police drove by, they told the girls and their mother that they needed a permit from the city and her kitchen needed to be inspected by the health department in order to continue.
This hasn’t gotten in the way of the girls’ determination to raise money for their Dad’s surprise. 7-year-old Zoey and 8-year-old Andria Green decided to give their treats away and ask for donations. In that way, they legally avoid the city’s requirements. We hope the police return, accept some lemonade and make a contribution.
These are two entrepreneurs to keep an eye on in the future. Happy Father’s Day, Mr. Green.