Social isolation tips for parents & educators during the pandemic

While millions of K-12 students are now shut-ins until the coronavirus ebbs, new challenges surface for kids, parents and educators doing their work online. The opportunity for cyberbullying is great, particularly for those not used to online learning.
Professor Sameer Hinduja* of Florida Atlantic University has written a thoughtful and informative article with suggestions to educators about monitoring the students they interact with to protect them from cyberbullying. This includes staying in touch with students, offering comfort and encouraging them to report any “problematic or abusive content.” Tips to parents include allowing ongoing social contact by Skyping and FaceTime. “Research has shown that socializing and connecting with their peers is essential for their continued healthy development and especially in the midst of chaos and uncertainty.”
*Sameer Hinduja is co-founder of the Cyberbullying Research Center. You can find additional information and tips at
Judge Tom’s publisher, Free Spirit Publishing, Inc., is providing free tips for educators to consider when communicating with students during the pandemic. Go to:
Another Unintended Consequence of COVID-19: Cyberbullying Could Increase, March 26, 2020, by Florida Atlantic University.
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