Theodore Boone: The Accused

Theodore Boone: the Accused, by John Grisham (Dutton, 2012)
In this third story in the Theodore Boone series, Theo finds himself assigned to cover a murder trial for his class. However, events unfold that lead him to become a suspect in the robbery of a store. The accused murder suspect becomes a secondary plot-line while Theo attempts to solve the case against him. Friends and family join his effort to clear his name and reputation.
Again, as in all Grisham books, you learn about the legal system in an understated manner. Legalities are nicely woven into the story without bogging the reader down with legalise or procedural issues. Theo tries to steer clear of ethical lapses and wrestles with challenges he hasn’t faced in his thirteen years. Eighth grade brings lessons about trust, friendship and valor. See if you agree with Theo’s decisions considering his options at the time.
The first two Theodore Boone books include:
Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer
Theodore Boone: The Abduction
Each story is entertaining, educational and a welcome break from one’s daily routine. Enjoy!