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As applied to teens of the twenty-first century, William Shakespeare got it wrong when he wrote this:
“I would there were no age between ten and three-and-twenty, or that youth would sleep out the rest; for there is nothing in the between but getting wenches with child, wronging the ancientry, stealing, fighting.” [The Winter’s Tale, Act 3, Scene 3].
If as a juvenile I got two MIP’s for alcohol but was successfully terminated, by doing all they required me to do, and at age 17 I got another MIP charge but while I was 18 I was still on probation & my probation officer just now is un successfully terminating me will I still be able to join the military ? This is gratiot county, MI
Dear Reina: Each branch of the military has its own rules and regulations regarding enlistment. You’ll have to check with the branch you’re interested in joining to see if they’ll take you with an MIP on your record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m 16 I got a felony for trying too sell, when I turn 18 is the felony still going too be in my record?
Dear Jay: It most likely will be there after you turn 18 but it could be sealed depending on the laws in your state. You could contact the court or your former probation officer to ask about this. They should be able to give you an answer. Every state has its own laws concerning the destruction or expungement of a juvenile record. You could look into doing this so that your record won’t be an issue with future education or employment opportunities. You could Google the name of your state and “destruction or expungement of juvenile record” to find the specific law and requirements in your state. Good luck.
(this is information only – not legal advice.)
What are the penalties in New York State for DWI (18) years who was told by an adult(27) yrs to leave the crime scene and go to the precint and claim he was car jacked. He left the crime scene.What will the charges be?
Dear Margaret: To see the most recent laws and penalties regarding DWI in the state of New York, Google “DWI penalty new york” and you’ll bring up the state’s department of motor vehicles with current information. This person you’ve described could also be charged with false reporting [lying to a police officer] if he went to the station and gave a false report, and leaving the scene of an accicent. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
If i criminal background and want to become a registered nurse can i ? It was for theft by check and forgery by check didnt get a felony but got deferred adjudication it made ten years in July of 2009?
Dear Abigail: Whether you can become licensed in your state as a registered nurse depends on the specific laws and requirements to obtain the license. If you were a minor when this happened ten years ago, there’s a good chance it wouldn’t show on a background check. Since your case was deferred, that usually means that there’s no record of a conviction. If you successfully completed the diversion terms, then the case is closed. Read all questions on any applications you fill out very carefully and answer truthfully. For example, look for the words “felony” and “conviction” in the questions and answer accordingly. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].