Cyberbullying victims are not just teenagers

In 2012, Australian media star and model, Charlotte Dawson, became the target of a Twitter tirade due to her support of anti-bullying efforts. Some social media users wrote comments such as: ‘please hang yourself promptly’ and ‘neck yourself you filthy s***.’
The persistent bullying led to a suicide attempt and hospitalization. When discharged she was subjected to further cyber-attacks and depression set in.
On February 15, 2014, Charlotte was found dead in her Sydney apartment. She was 47 years old. The police reported there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding her death. Once described as outspoken and courageous, she was also fragile. Close friend, actor Russell Crowe, was in the neighborhood when he heard the news. He was out for breakfast with his young sons and broke down at the news of her passing. They met while teenagers and lived near each other.
To our readers in Australia, there is immediate help available if you feel suicidal or just want someone to talk to about your feelings. Go to or call 13 11 14.
As I began reading the article I didn’t think it was going to end the way it did- suicide. It’s almost disheartening to know she was being targeted because of her “anti-bullying efforts”. What is wrong with this world?
Good point, Kris. Thanks for writing.
This was such an unfortunate tragedy. Yet it illustrates the seriousness of cyber bullying. Cyber bullying impacts all people in different ways. It is vital that we stand up to cyber bullies. We should not stand by while people are being victimized. And if you are a victim of cyber bullying, it is so important to seek help.
Thank you, Desiree, for your comment.
It’s extremely upsetting and heartbreaking when you hear that even adults are becoming targets of cyberbullying. what gives any person the right to tell another human being to go kill yourself; whether you were joking or purposefully trying to hurt someone, we as human being do not have the right or justification to tell people to harm themselves. why is that cyberbullies or any type of bully forget to think that their actions can and will have some type of consequence. We as human beings need to ban together and put an end to such a hurtful epidemic.
We agree wholeheartedly with your thoughts on this, Elizabeth. Thank you for writing us.