Do I have to go to school?

“Education is the very foundation of good citizenship.” ~U.S. Supreme Court, Brown v. Board of Education, 347 US 483 (1954).
By law, all children in the U.S. are required to go to school.* Public education is free, as is transportation to and from school (in most communities), and breakfast and lunch programs are provided for qualifying students. Private school education is also an option, as long as the minimum state compulsory attendance requirements are met. States differ on the minimum age to begin your education. Some require children who are five or six years old by a certain date (September 1, for example) to begin first grade. The rules vary slightly from state to state. In most states, parents who fail to send their children to school may be charged with education neglect. Consequences include community service hours, counseling, and/or jail. There are a few exceptions to the general attendance laws.
Many families are now choosing to home school their children. Depending on your state’s laws, you could be tested on a regular basis to monitor your progress. Some parents are also sending their children to charter schools—smaller, specialized programs approved or licensed by the state department of education. Another option becoming more and more popular is an online school (usually all the course work and instruction is done online). In other words, you and your parents are free to decide the nature of your education and where you will attend school.

Photo by D. Sharon Pruitt
Exceptions are made for students who fall into exempt categories, such as actors and actresses. Child labor laws allow young people to work certain hours during the school year, but the laws specify that their educational needs must be met through a tutor or some other arrangement.
Before starting school or transferring from one school to another, you must be current on all required immunizations. The school will want to see a record of your shots or a letter from your doctor. Most schools have the forms you need to file. If you′re not up-to-date on your shots, or if you don′t have a doctor, talk with the school nurse or principal. Arrangements may be made with the local health department to give you the needed immunizations. In most states, you′re required to be vaccinated against diphtheria, measles, rubella, and polio. Opt-out exceptions are permitted in a number of states based on personal beliefs.
- A federal law, the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (1987), requires public school districts to register homeless children. In 2015, there were approximately 1.3 million homeless children attending public school. (National Center for Education Statistics (2016-2017)).
Elementary school education first became mandatory in the United States in 1918. You can get more information about this subject here: compulsory attendance.
*This applies to children in elementary and high school regardless of immigration status. The U.S. Supreme Court decided in 1982 that children in the country illegally may enroll in public school. The court said that denying public education could impose a lifetime of hardship “on a class of children not accountable for their disabling status.” (Plyler v. Doe, 103 S.Ct. 14, 457 U.S. 202 (1982))
“Education is like water, it is important for everything in life.” [17-year-old Jahan, a Pakistani schoolgirl – from “Three Cups of Tea” by Greg Mortenson & David Relin (2006)].
“Ah, a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a heaven for?” poet Robert Browning.
Does California Compulsory Education Law require a student to arrive to school on time
Dear Richard: The education law may not state a time you’re required to attend school since schools may vary across the state. However, every school has rules about attendance and the required times of attendance. Take a look at your school’s Student Handbook for the times that apply to you. They may be on the school’s website.
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i have custody of my now 16 year old grandson he has not been to school in over a year been to court tried everything is it a law in new hamphire for a child to be able to just cchoose to not go to school
Dear Fran: Thank you for your question. Compulsory attendance is the law in your state that requires children of certain ages to attend school. In New Hampshire, the law requires children between 6 and 18 years old to be enrolled in school. Your grandson is legally required to attend school at this time. You could contact the school district office to find out more about his options, such as which public school he should attend, online school options, etc. Here is the link to the law in your state: Good luck.
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what is the worst thing that could happen if i stop going to my school? i have already missed about a month or more.
Dear Katie: Every state has laws about attending school and the consequences for unexcused absences. If you google the name of your state and “compulsory school attendance” you’ll be able to read about the laws that apply to you. You can also check your school’s website for information about excessive absences and the penalties attached to truancy. Get back to school as soon as possible. Many states have laws that penalize parents when their kids skip too many classes or full days of school. This includes fines and possible jail time. So, it’s not just about you.
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I understand the law regarding why children must attend school however what I do not understand is how the state (or any state) can require taxpayers dollars be used to support sports. Is there a requirement in the law that addresses tax money be used to support sports in schools?
Dear Joel: We’re not aware of any laws that require so much taxpayer dollars to fund school sports, but that doesn’t mean such laws don’t exist. Schools are funded through state budgets and then each school district must make decisions about how those dollars are spent. As you will see in the following article (link pasted below), many budgets for school sports are shrinking and schools are having to get creative about how such sports can be funded (this includes crowd-funding). Thanks for writing us.
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I’m 16 about to be 17…i just had a baby and i live in the state of texas…do i have to attend school
Dear Kathy: Attached below are the laws in Texas regarding school attendance and truancy. Usually pregnancy is not considered an excused absence from school. If there are medical issues accompanying your pregnancy, that is different, but the school may require a note from your doctor. Good luck with your baby and your education. Your future depends, in part, on getting as much education as possible.
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Is it possible that I can take a year off school? I mean what’s the point of it anyway we are learning stuff that we are never gonna use when we graduate.and besides I think we can learn more from the outside world and from experience rather than putting a grade to delclare how dumb or smart we are.
Dear April: There will come a time in your life when the answer to your question will be obvious to you. You may even be embarrassed by asking such a question. Have you heard the expression that “knowledge is power.” That really says it all. You can obtain life’s lessons while staying in school. Everything you do contributes to your world experience and makes you a better person, not just for yourself, but others you may encounter throughout your life. Get as much education as you can, stay active in out-of-classroom activities, and get on with things. Good luck. Did you really expect any other response from us?
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Do we legally have to go to school? and i understand that we can learn alot on a computer but there are kids that dont have this stuff to learn but can we supply them and help them learn? but my main question was do we legally have to go to school?
Dear William: You “really” have to go to school if you’re a certain age under specific compulsory attendance laws in your state. If you google the name of your state and “school attendance laws,” you’ll see the laws that apply to you. Keep in mind, whether you go to a mainstream public school, or obtain an education elsewhere, education is the key to your future. Good luck.
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i think we shouldn’t have to go to school if we don’t want to.
Thanks for sharing your opinion, Gage.
i still dont understand we can learn everything on a computer
Not “everything.” There’s a big difference between “social skills” and “social media skills.” Both are important and both are needed to function in today’s world. Personal communication, not texting each other while at the same table, adds to life experiences and makes for a healthy, well-rounded individual. Give it a try.
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Why is it so important to go to school
Dear Makayla: That’s an excellent question. Compulsory attendance laws that require you to go to school so many days out of the year started many years ago. Some people may argue that school is necessary to learn new things and to help prepare for college and then the “real world.” Some may say that school helps you learn how to learn. There are different types of schools with different philosophies like some may not agree with giving students homework. Some of these different types of education include montessori, waldorf, homeschooling and sudbury schools. Thanks for asking!
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I just want a straight answer yes or a no. Also why was going to school have to be a law? And why was school become a thing?
Dear Trisha: Generally, yes all minors between certain ages are required to attend school. These are called “compulsory attendance laws” and you can Google the name of your state and “compulsory attendance laws” for more information specific to the laws in your state. In some states, the law requires students to stay in school until they turn 18 or until graduation. In other states, the law may require that the minor stay in school until he/she reaches the age of 16. Thanks for asking. (Check our Teen Help Network for more help and resources in your area. This is information only – not legal advice.)
Do I have to go to school? I should have a choice to go or not.
Dear Ralph: Every state has what are called “compulsory attendance” laws regarding going to school. That means your state requires you to attend every day during the school year if you’re a certain age (for example between the ages of six and sixteen), Failure to attend can cause you and your parents to have to go to court and face the consequences. Google the name of your state and “school attendance” for the laws that apply to you.
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Why do I have to go to school? I think it’s an abuse of government power. Why are we forced to go, against our will? I don’t have any say in it. How is that not unconstitutional? Aren’t these morals and values reminiscent of slavery? We’re young, so the government thinks they can make us do things. Why are we forced to go it against our will? I’m fifteen, if that matters.
Dear Hannah: As a minor, you do have rights. However, those rights are not unlimited and your parents still have quite a bit of say about your upbringing. If you didn’t got to school, your parents could be in trouble under the laws in your state. Compulsory attendance laws (those that require you to go to school) are based on living in a democracy and giving every child equal access to an education and therefore, more opportunities in their future for employment and being part of the democratic process (voting). You can check out this site about the compulsory attendance law in your state as well as the legal dropout age. Make sure the information is current as laws are constantly changing. Thanks for writing.
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Your honor, I have a 11 year old daughter that has been missing alot of time from school this year due to having mental prolbems, We took her to a psychiatrist who diagnosed her with social phobia, anxiety disorder, panic attacks, Depression ect..the school was made aware of it, and we tried getting her homebound schooling , but was denied ,so we reapplied and got a new form filled out by a doctor, and there still giving me trouble. .In the meantime my daughter hasn’t been in school , Now we have to go to court for truancy, and I’m scared I don’t know what to expect, she’s a good kid,smart, and a sweet girl, she just needs help and homeschooling until she gets well ..what should I do ?? Thank you
Dear Marguerite: When you go to court, bring the doctor’s note and any other documentation showing the judge what you have explained here about your daughter’s mental health condition. The judge will take all of that into consideration. If she gets approved for the homeschool program before the court date, bring verification of that as well. Good luck to you and you daughter.
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Sir, I am a father of 3. My oldest is 17 and my wife has always been at home and we have had our differences, and have separated. We still try to work things out but I just found out that my wife and my daughter was tried to be served with papers but really seams like it was a court date that was missed and a possible warrant for their arrest? Not 100%sure . But if that is the case which is what they fear….this court date was for too much school being missed. And I just want to know what is best options? They now are no where around and I know the court date was not intentially missed. It was sent to old address over a year ago. But now the situation is I’m trying to figure out what I can do to keep them out of jail, get them home, and my daughter to get her education.
Really appreciate any advise
Dear Aaron: We suggest you speak with a local lawyer who practices juvenile or family law. There are enough issues in this situation that require advice from someone who knows the laws in your state and how to guide your family through the legal system. Take a look at our Resource Directory for professionals in your area:
Good luck.
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I have a brother and his wife that has his 15 year old son stay home to put the 2 little ones off to school. Isn’t this against the law?
Dear Yvonne: It may be a violation of your state’s compulsory education laws. Most states have age limits for attending school. If he is continuously late for school because he’s getting the younger ones off in the morning, he could be marked down for being tardy or unexcused absences. You can also check his school’s policy on this.
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Thank you for responding to my last post. Since my last question, my step-daughter’s mother has withdrawn her from school altogether with no plan in place to get her enrolled in another school she said she was thinking about homeschooling but she’s not sure. We hired an attorney at the beginning of last summer break to try to gain custody of her and the judge on the case appointed a guardian ad litem in June but we have gotten nowhere as they have been unsuccessful at locating them. The judge on our case has not been informed of her situation at this point because they are trying to wait until they locate them to speak with her mother. My husband and I have spoke with my step-daughter’s now, former school district, and obtained her school/ attendance records for the past 5 years. I tried calling child protective services but since we do not have an address for them to locate her they tell me they can’t follow-up. My husband and I are very concerned. Someone through all this told me that a child has to be enrolled no later than September 15 in Mississippi. Is that true? If so do we just have to sit by idle? What will happen if they are unable to find them before my step-daughter fails? This is all to unfair to my step-daughter, she shouldn’t have to suffer for poor decisions made by her mother. To some people they may look at it as it’s just a few days missed this year but in my eyes her whole future is at stake. That is unacceptable to us we need help and don’t know where to go to get it. Is there anything else we can do to help her?
Dear Natasha: It sounds like you are doing everything you can to gain custody and be sure your step-daughter’s needs are being met. You and your husband may be in the best position to track them down and get their current address. If your husband or you are able to speak with your step-daughter or her mother over the phone, you could always ask for the address and explain that you have some things to mail to her. As for Mississippi’s compulsory attendance law and when you have to enroll a child in school, you’ll need to either contact a district office to confirm the information you were given or you could try Googling “Mississippi compulsory attendance law.” We hope everything works out especially for your step-daughter’s sake.
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My step-daughter lives with her mother in Mississippi, she is 12 and in the 7th grade. Her school resumed August 7, 2013 she has not attended school at all this year because her mother has failed and refuses to send her to school. In the past 3 years she has approximately 1 (school year) of incomplete days or full absences with only 1 (day) being excused by a doctor. We have spoken with the school but have not had any luck, is there anything we can do?
Dear Natasha: It’s very surprising that the school would not issue a truancy ticket or even allow your step-daughter to advance to the next grade if she missed that much school. Perhaps you’re not getting the full story and could try speaking to her mother about this. Explain your concerns and that you would like some reassurance that your step-daughter’s educational needs are being met. You could tell her that if she doesn’t make more of an effort to get her to school, you will have to report her to Child Protective Services for educational neglect. Otherwise, you could try speaking directly with the school’s attendance counselor. Good luck.
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i need some advice,i have a daughter [38].she has three kids.this makes the second time she went before.he sayes he is putting jail for two months. she will lose her apt. disable check,and food stamps.and the children will be very upset.i have work with this famil to have a home. thank you
Dear Patsy: We’re unclear as to your question. It sounds like your daughter is being jailed possibly for failing to get her kids to school. If she wants to appeal the judge’s decision or see if there is anything she can do, then she should consult with a local attorney who handles similar cases. Many attorneys offer a free initial consultation. Good luck to you and your family.
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this helped me a lot. i needed all the information for my report. see if you can edit the article a little.
We’re glad to hear it helped you out, Joseph.
Regarding the vaccines,The government should be sued for forcing people to be vaccinated with who knows what with no choice but to.It’s against peoples rights to be forced to get a vaccine.That’s why I have trust issues.I would much rather get a virus than get something that causes pain.
Dear Samuel: We doubt if you’d be saying this if you contracted a disease that a single shot could have prevented. Have you heard the saying “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?”
Is it against the law for a parent to discharge his kids from school for one month to travel out of the country then come back to the same school.can the parent be prosecute even if the kids attended school while out of the country and has records to prove it…i live in texas by the way……
Dear Jose: It’s going to depend on the laws in that state. Try Googling “Texas compulsory attendance laws” for specific information. Although parents can face consequences for educational neglect and not getting their kids to school, it doesn’t sound like that would be likely in this case since the kids were traveling and continuing to attend school. It would be best to try to resolve the matter with the kids’ school/school district. A meeting with the principal or other school administrators may clear things up especially if records were provided. Good luck.
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There is a family with 6 children none of which are in a school of any kind, This is Alaska. How long before someone is in trouble? What are our laws?
Dear C Rose: Once it comes to the attention of the authorities if in fact none of the children are receiving any education whatsoever, the parents could face consequences and the children be required to enroll in school. Every state has compulsory attendance laws requiring kids to go to school from a certain age until either they graduate from high school or reach an age like 16. Click here to check the compulsory attendance laws in your state. Please help us help more teens by voting for AsktheJudge to win a FedEx small business grant!
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Hi I need to cite the actual law that states children have to go to school from a certain age to certain age, I think from 5-16… ? (in California). Where can I find it? I have looked all in the constitution and department of education and can’t find it…
Dear Alyssa: See here for the laws in California about attending school. You have to go between the ages of six and eighteen. Read the second full paragraph and if you read further, you’ll see the consequences for failing to attend. Good luck.
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I live in New Mexico and my boyfriend has been ditching school. He’s 14 and he got a court notice. This is his second time going. What will happen to him?
Dear Maria: Since this is his second time in court, he may be given some community service to complete, or ordered to attend a truancy class or counseling. If he continues to ditch school, he may find himself going to detention school. Many juvenile courts around the country have an official school for kids who are locked up. If that’s the only way the judge will know he’s attending, that may be his next stop. Good luck.
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I live in Va and go to a county high school. Will my parents get in trouble if I start missing a lot of days? I mean if I go to school like three days a week. I have already missed 13 days this year and they haven’t said anything.
Dear Noelle: Take a look at your Student Handbook for information about the consequences of missing too many days. Every state and school district has rules about this and the penalties for violating the rules. In Virginia, your parents may be fined up to $1,000.00 or be sent to jail for up to six months if the court finds that they violated the education laws and neglected to see that you were in school everyday unless the absence was excused under the rules of the school. Don’t put your parents in this situation. Good luck.
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i am 12 years old and I have been sick! This is the 12th week of school. I have missed 8 days all together. They were NOT in a row!!! Will my parents go to court or get fined? How many days can get in one year of school to miss? I live in nevada
Dear Dester: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules about excused and unexcused absences. It should state the number of days before the school takes action. You can also ask your attendance officer at school. You may be getting close to the limit so check into this soon. Good luck.
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I got a court notice in the mail and this will be my fourth time going for truancy. What will the consequence be for my fourth time if I’m 16?
Dear Jackie: You’ll have to check either your student handbook about this, ask your attendance officer at school, or Google the name of your state and “truancy laws” for information. Every state handles truancy cases differently. You could be placed on probation with the court if formal charges are filed, or be required to attend a class about the importance of getting an education, etc. Some states impose a penalty on the parents for failing to see that their kids stay in school: a fine, community service and even jail time in serious cases. Good luck.
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if i am a senior in high school, and i am 18 years of age, can i still get a truancy ticket even though i am 18 years old?
Dear Nathan: That depends on the laws that apply to you. Google the name of your state and “truancy” for information. If, for example, you’re on probation or parole and the court requires that you attend school, then you have to follow the court’s orders. Your state may require that everyone attend school until they finish high school regardless of age. You can also Google “compulsory attendance laws” and your state for further information. Good luck.
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my 15 year old son has not been in school for over a year lives where ever he wants to father ,aunt i contacted the school board last year and nothing was done we live in polk county florida i even talk to an officer at the school and nothing has been done what do i do
Dear Katina: You can check with your local juvenile court for help with your son. It sounds like he fits the description of an “incorrigible child.” The court may have programs to get his attention and back on track. Google “Florida incorrigible child” for information. Good luck.
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Is it illegal not to have q 7th period?
Dear Victor: How many hours a student must be in school during the week depends on the compulsory attendance laws in that state. Once a student is in high school, it’s common for some students to not have a first or last period of the day especially if it’s their senior year and they already have plenty of credits to graduate. You could try Googling your state’s name and “compulsory attendance law” for more information. You also could check your school’s Student Handbook to see what it says about attendance. Good luck.
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how many unexused absenses can you have before getting truancy?
Dear Xavier: It depends on the laws of your state as well as the rules and policies of your school district. Check your Student Handbook for your school’s attendance policies and it should state exactly how many unexcused absences your allowed before facing consequences for truancy. Good luck.
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