Dozens of students suspended for cyberbullying

Toronto High School near Newcastle, Australia took action in April, 2016 against more than fifty students caught bullying classmates online. A Facebook post encouraged students to leave negative comments about students. The administration obtained a list of those who participated and suspended them for four days, with a few students suspended for up to twenty days depending on the circumstances and content of their speech.
The school took immediate action, holding a school-wide assembly to address the matter. The principal, Mark McConville, commented that “Toronto High School does not tolerate any harassment of any students.” The students involved would also receive additional support and guidance in the appropriate use of technology. Young people “need parental guidance and support, both in the ‘real’ world and their ‘virtual’ world’ added McConville.
Due to the high incidence of cyberbullying, we suggest you stop and think about possible consequences before hitting “send.” Once your post is out there, you can’t retrieve it. It’s in cyberspace that has instant and an infinite memory.