Graphic video illustrates the dangers of texting while driving

[Warning – The following video contains a graphic dramatization of a deadly head-on car accident caused by a teen who is seen texing while driving.]
The Gwent Police Department in Gwent, Wales has produced a Public Service Announcement hitting hard on the serious danger of texting while driving. The four minute video portrays teens in a vehicle laughing and talking. The distracted driver who is texing causes a car accident with another vehicle which results in multiple fatalities.
While the controversial video has received praise and attention by many for it’s explicit images that certainly have a lasting effect on the viewer, some believe that the video is not appropriate for a teen audience. The PSA has not made it to television in the U.S. yet and there is a question of whether it will make it past U.S. censors.
Recent studies show that approximately one quarter of all fatal accidents in the U.S. involve a texting driver and that a person is 23 times more likely to be involved in an accident when texing while driving.