Newspaper tackles bullying

In a rare act of advocacy, the Sioux City Journal dedicated the entire front page of a Sunday issue in April, 2012 to bullying. This was precipitated by the suicide of 14-year-old Kenneth James Weishuhn on April 15, 2012.
Kenneth came out to his family and friends a month earlier and the bullying began. He suffered intense harassment at school and online threats including a hate group posted on Facebook. Death threats were made and it was too much for Kenneth to bear.
We commend the Sioux City Journal for taking a strong stand against this epidemic. Bullying can no longer be ignored as it hits small and large communities across the country. If you’re a student reading this post, talk with your friends about standing up for the weak and against all bullies on and off-campus. Take a lesson from the Bully Guards at Johnson High School in Texas.
Being on the receiving end of bullying can be very depressing and can “suck the life” out of a person, especially, if it has been going on everyday. I sympathise with those being bullied and I pray the bullying stops and that those bullied prevail, not to, “rub it in their faces”, but to gracefully live life once again.
I know how easy it is to want revenge and/or to just get even. That is not ours to deal with and if you believe in your higher power, you’ll know that He will not allow His children to be mistreated,purposely, for any extended time.
Lastly, Please, Please, Please, for the Love of Christ Jesus, Do NOT take your own life/comitt suicide. There are really so many out their who truly love you unconditionally and would be distraught if you did this. I love you,unconditionally, like in scripture, and I don’t know you. Talk to your Mother and Father, they really want to make your life right and they want you happy and safe. Please stay in this wonderful game of “Life” with the rest of us who Love and Care for you deeply. I promise, things will work out for the better. Have Faith.