When can I get my own apartment?

If you′re under eighteen, most landlords won′t rent to you without a parent or guardian co-signing the lease. This may be age discrimination, but it isn′t illegal. Owners and landlords require a legally responsible adult to be on the lease or rental agreement.
Once you′ve moved in, you′re required to pay the monthly rent and whatever additional expenses are spelled out in your agreement. This may include the first and last month′s rent, utilities (gas, electric,water), the phone and cable bill, and a security or damage deposit. If your name is on the lease, you′re legally responsible for the apartment and for paying the expenses for the entire term of the lease.
You′ll be given firm dates for paying your rent and the terms for any damage to the property. If you leave the place in the same condition as when you moved in, your security deposit will be refunded. Read your lease agreement carefully before signing it, and don′t forget to keep a copy for yourself. Go over it with your parents and read the fine print.
If you have valuable personal property in your new place, consider buying renter′s insurance. It may seem like an unnecessary expense, but if someone breaks in and takes your clothes, stereo, and sporting equipment, you′ll be left empty-handed unless you have insurance. If you′re covered, you′ll be able to replace what′s been stolen.
i’m 16, turning 17 in 3 months and i’ve recently been kicked out but my parents have agreed to helping me get on me feet. so could they co sign so i could get an apartment ?
or could my 18 year old friend get the apartment and i move in to help with rent.
Dear Kaitlyn: States and cities have rules, regulations and laws that govern landlord and tenant relationships. So, you’ll have to check where you live to see if a minor needs a co-signor in able to rent an apartment. Also many landlords have their own policy about this. Some refuse to use co-signors at all or at least allow teens to rent with a co-signor. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello I just turned 18 like 2 months ago and I want to get a apartment for me and my son in Florida. Am I legally allowed to?
Dear Dyamond: Below is a link to information about the laws in Florida regarding age. Once you turn 18, you’re an adult for all practical purposes. Some activities, such as alcohol consumption, are limited to those age 21. As far as renting an apartment, you’ll need to meet the requirements of the landlord. You’ll have to prove that you’re financially stable and can comply with the terms of the lease you sign. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello, I’m Madison and I have a friend who was kicked out of his home. I want to help out and get him a place to stay, but we’re both 16 and I’m not sure that I could get a parents signature on a lease. We live in Pueblo Colorado, are there apartments that don’t require an adult on the lease? Or should I find some other place for him? I hate to know that he’s stuck living on the streets at the same age as me.
Dear Madison: We’re glad to see you care for your friend and want to help him. However, finding a landlord who would rent to a minor without a co-signor is close to impossible. Maybe there’s a residence for teens in your area, or a homeless shelter that takes teens. You could call them and ask about a place where he can stay. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m 15 and want to leave my parents house. Since I got into high school they been on my back yelling at me and I’ve had enough and want to live in a apartment away from them. Is there anyway possible that a 15 year old in NJ could get a apartment?
Dear Daniel: We’re sorry to hear of your unhappiness at home with your parents. However, there is little chance you could just pick up and leave to live on your own until you’re a few years older. Here is a website for information about the laws for minors (under age 18) in New Jersey. https://statelaws.findlaw.com/new-jersey-law/new-jersey-legal-ages-laws.html
As you can see, you need to be at least 17 to enjoy some rights as an adult. It would be close to impossible to find a landlord who would rent an apartment to a minor. A willing landlord would require an adult co-signor on the rental agreement. Not to mention other challenges you would face living independent at age 15. These are the years to mature and learn about facing life free from your parents. So, we suggest you make the best of your situation, be patient and calmly discuss with your parents the issues you find challenging while living with them. You may be surprised at the outcome. We wish you the best, Daniel.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi im 16 and live in Seattle i really want to have an apartment but i cant cus i dont have a jop and im still in school plus my parents would kill me if they found out i wanna move out is it possible to buy an small apartment in seattle ?
Dear Nikori: It’s always possible to buy a home or apartment if you have the money, or a co-signor if you’re underage. It depends on the seller’s terms and the specific laws about contracts that apply to minors. You may have to wait a few years until you turn 18 to do this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Could you get one at 17
That would depend on your state’s laws, the policies of the landlord, and the willingness of your parents/guardian to co-sign a rental agreement if a co-signor is required. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I just turned 19 two months ago and I would like to know if I am legally able to rent my own apartment in the state of Texas
Dear Kiara: At 19, you are legally an adult for most purposes. Whether you are able to get your own place to live depends on the owners of the property and the terms of the lease or rental agreement you sign. They may choose to have a co-signer on the lease unless you can show them that you’re financially responsible. Many states have landlord/tenant associations where you can get advice based on the specific laws in Texas. You can ask about this at your local public library. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m 18 with a baby I would love to get my own place I live in Utah can I get my own place now and I also work full time
Dear Trisha: Once you turn 18, you become a legal adult with added rights and responsibilities. Take a look at this post on Findlaw.com for an explanation of your rights in Utah. All the best.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Can a 16 year old co-sign with his mom to rent an apartment in Texas, if he has a job and pays every month?
Dear Billy: In some states this is a possibility, but you have to look to the laws in your state, specifically the landlord’s rules/regulations. If the landlord/owner is okay with the circumstances, then it may be fine. It could be a challenge to find a landlord who is willing to enter into such an agreement with a minor though. Good luck.
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I’m 12 but my friend wants to know if you are 13 or 14 can you rent a apartment with a parents consent and then co-signing the lease or do you still have to live in your parents house
Dear RJ: As long as you’re under 18, not married or emancipated under your state’s emancipation laws, you’re required to listen to your parents & obey their rules. It is highly unlikely that a landlord would accept a co-signor for a 13 or 14 year old. The potential liability would be too great to enter into this type of agreement. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Okay so I am only 11 years old and I need a place to stay where would you suggest that be??
Dear Selayah: If you left home without your parent’s permission, you’re what’s considered a runaway. There is a helpline you can call at any time of day or night for information to help you out. The number for the National Runaway Program is 1-800-786-2929. When you tell them where you are (what city or state), they can put you in touch with assistance nearby. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My 19 year old son entered into a Lease with an off campus apartment complex without having a full-time job, at least 3X the rent amount or a Adult Guarantor. He did not get the funding required to attend the school and wants to go to school locally until his situation is resolved is there anyway that he can legally be responsible for a 10 month lease?
Dear Stacie: First, your 19 year-old son is an adult by law. A lease is a contract that is binding on both sides. He is bound by the terms of the contract unless they are illegal or against public policy. Take a close look at the lease to see what his liability is on this lease. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Can I rent a apartment at the age of 16
Dear Kobus: That depends on the specific laws where you live. Every state has laws about rental leases and the age of majority (which is usually 18). However, a landlord can agree to rent to a teenager with an adult (parent or guardian) agreeing to be a co-signor on the lease. Google the name of your state and “age for apartment leases” for the details that would apply to you.
Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I am a senior in high school and 17 years old. Am I allowed to rent my own studio apartment?
PS I live in New Jersey
Dear Amaya: Under the laws in your state, you become an adult at age 18 (the age of majority). That means a landlord wouldn’t likely rent an apartment to you until you turn 18. At that time, legal contracts become enforceable. In addition, as a minor, if a landlord was to rent a studio to you, they would likely ask for a co-signor who is an adult such as a parent or guardian. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Can i b 17 and get my own apartment
Dear Destiny: Yes, you may be able to get your own apartment at 17, but it will depend on a number of factors. First, the laws of your state must be considered and whether or not you have your parents’ permission. Since you’re still a minor, your parents continue to be legally responsible for you and get to make the rules about your upbringing like where you live, who you live with, etc. If your parents agree to you getting your own apartment, you then have to consider the rule and policies of the apartment complex and/or landlord. You may be required to have your parents on the lease as co-signors. Talk to your parents about this and find out if they are in agreement with your plan. Good luck.
(Check our Teen Help Network for more help and resources in your area. This is information only – not legal advice.)
If your emancipated and 16 are you able to rent an apartment? I would be most likely living with a friend of mine who’s my age.
Dear Kaitlyn: Yes, if you are legally emancipated under the laws in your state, you should be able to rent an apartment. Of course, there’s nothing that requires a landlord to rent to you. You’ll have to show the landlord proof of your emancipation. Good luck. (This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello my name is roxy and I live in Minnesota is it legal to rent an apartment if I’m 17 with my parents permission? Please help
Dear Roxy: As a minor you may be able to rent an apartment depending on state and local laws. The landlord may require an adult co-signor on the lease, unless you’re an emancipated minor. Take a look at this website for information:
Good luck. (This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m trying to live on my own in Wisconsin and I am 16 almost 17 can I rent an apartment
Dear Aniah: If your parents agree to letting you live on your own, then it may be okay depending on the laws of your state. The problem is going to be renting an apartment, which involves signing a contract (the lease agreement). Different landlords and rental companies have different age requirements for signing a lease. They may want your parents to be co-signors, or another adult. Because you are still considered a minor until you turn 18 or unless you become emancipated, your parents continue to be legally responsible for you. That means that certain things like enrolling in school, going to the doctor and receiving medical treatment and more may present obstacles without your parents’ consent. Good luck.
(Check our Teen Help Network for more help and resources in your area. This is information only – not legal advice.)
please email me with more info.
Dear Bre’untia: You’ll need to write your question so we know what information you are looking for and we’ll try to answer your question. Thanks.
can an 16 year old rent an apartment in Virginia
Dear Diamond: There aren’t too many landlords that would rent to a minor (under 18). That’s due to contract laws and legal responsibility issues in most states. With an adult co-signor, you may be able to rent an apartment. Or if you’re legally emancipated under the laws of Virginia, then you’re able to rent on your own. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
will I be able to have my own apartment in my name when I’m 18 with my boyfriend (who will also be 18)
Dear Marissa: In most states, once you turn 18 you’re considered a legal adult. That means you should be able to rent an apartment, but that will depend on the landlord’s policies and requirements to enter into a lease. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi my name is raleisha davis and I currently live in alabama I am 18 have a stable job I just wanna know do you have to be 19 or 18 to get an apartment in Tennessee
Dear Raleisha: The age of majority in Tennessee is 18, which means that you are legally considered an adult and may rent an apartment. Keep in mind that different rental companies have different policies and there may be an older age requirement for that company only. You can find that out by looking at their website or talking to the property manager. Good luck.
(Check our Teen Help Network for more help and resources in your area. This is information only – not legal advice.)
I need help finding a apartment. Can you provide for a teenager?
My name is Daleana Jackson I live in a trouble household. I stay into it with my mom . I especially, stay into it with my step-dad. I need help to find a place to live to separate myself from the drama in my home.
Dear Daleana: We’re sorry to hear about your situation. However, as long as you’re under 18, you may find it difficult to find a place that you can rent. Most owners/landlords require an adult co-signor and proof of employment or other means of support. If your parents are willing to set you up in an apartment, that may work. Otherwise, you may have to make the best of things until you’re an adult. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Can a 16 year old co-sign with his mom to rent an apartment in Texas, if he has a job and pays every month?
Dear Billy: In many states this is a possibility, but you have to look to the laws in your state and specifically the landlord’s rules/regulations. If the landlord/owner it okay with the circumstances, then it may be fine. It could be a challenge to find a landlord who is willing to enter into such an agreement with a minor though. Good luck.
(Check our Resource Directory for more help and resources in your area. This is information only – not legal advice.)