Are these laws for real?

Once in a while you read about some law that just doesn’t seem real. With today’s love affair with reality shows, blogs and tweets, there’s always someone posting about a crazy rule or statute that you’d bet was made up or, at least, unenforced. We ran across a list of such weird laws and decided to check them out on WestLaw Next, a reputable legal research site used across the country by lawyers and judges. To read the law for yourself, google the name of the state and section number. For example, “Alaska law 04.16.030.”
These laws are currently on the books (as of 2015) in the named state.
Alaska statute 04.16.030 prohibits drunk persons from entering or remaining in a bar and continuing to drink.
California Fish and Game section 6883 states that if a frog dies or is killed while participating in a frog-jumping contest, it may not be eaten or used for any purpose.
Idaho law 18-5003 regards cannibalism: “Any person who wilfully ingests the flesh or blood of a human being is guilty of cannibalism,” unless it was done under “extreme life-threatening conditions as the only apparent means of survival.” Punishment includes prison up to 14 years.