Australia tackles cyberbullying with DVD

“Let’s Fight It Together” is a short video story that presents a cyberbullying scenario involving students. It is designed with teenagers in classroom situations in mind.
Launched in 2009, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) aims to equip young people with strategies to avoid, get out of or help others deal with cyberbullying behavior. The DVD and accompanying booklet present real experiences of teenagers who have been cyberbullied.
“The impact of cyberbullying – the use of social networking sites, mobile text messaging, instant messaging, email and other web sites to bully others – can be very damaging, and is becoming a significant issue for children and for schools,” said Chris Chapman, Chairman of the ACMA.
“Let’s Fight It Together” has received high acclaim and is being used by schools in New Zealand and Europe. For more details, see: under “teens.”