Don’t miss ABC’s Family movie “Cyberbu//y” on July 17th, 2011

Recent statistics indicate an increase in cyberbullying incidents in the United States. According to the Pew Research Center 58% of 12-year-olds in 2009 owned a cell phone — up from 18 percent in 2004. Among youth 12 to 17, 75% had a cell phone. The Pew Center also said 73 percent of teens spent time on a social networking site in 2009, up from 55 percent in 2006.*
ABC Family television has partnered with Seventeen Magazine in the fight against bullying and to “Delete Digital Drama.” “Cyberbu//y“ tells the story of a teenage girl who is harrassed online. The movie stars Emily Osment, Kelly Rowan and Kay Panabaker. The Delete Digital Drama initiative launches this summer on ABC and in the August, 2011 issue of Seventeen.
The storyline follows 17 year-old Taylor who receives a computer on her birthday. She is excited to meet new friends online until she becomes the target of bullies on a popular social website. Her life changes quickly to one of fear, frustration and depression. Upon learning that she is not alone, including a classmate who suffered a similar experience, Taylor rebounds with the help of her mom.
Emily Osment (Taylor) is featured in a public service announcement during the movie and viewers are referred to as a resource.
Cyberbu//y will premier on ABC, July 17, 2011 and 8:00 PM ET. On July 14, 2011 there will be a rally in Glendale, California for everyone interested in stomping out bullying. See here for details.
*Creighton University report.
People shouldn’t be bullied in any side of course what is the problem it can lead to suicide like….i don’t really want to say it,it makes me upset…a..Amanda Todd
I fell in love with this movie this is what I went through to a peach except I have guys not just girls I’ve watched it like 8 times in the past week I have since started pageants and hold a national title as well I use the plat form of stomp out bullying . I am also homeschooled because of the problem I faced I also want to encourage others to be strong and don’t go unheard it can only hurt you more
Thanks for writing, Britini. Keep up the good work.
I LOVED this movie and couldn’t agree more with the message it is trying to spread! I am doing an english project on it and i hope that it gets the message out to those who are either being bullied or are the bullies themselves. 5 thumbs up for ABC family, i love that channel, and they couldn’t have picked a better person to play the lead than the amazing Emily Osment!
That’s a great idea. I wish the media would air more programs like this one to raise awareness.
Cyberbulling is a real problem. Glad to see the problem is getting some real attention.
People need to remember this isn’t a problem limited to teens – although from what I have personally seen the people who participate in this behavior as adults, it beings in the ‘mean girls culture’ of high school – it affects adults too. I know a few friends whose lives have been ripped apart by something that all too often isn’t a crime.
Thanks for your comment, Erich. You’re right about adults participating in all forms of bullying including in the workplace and by cyberbullying. There’s nothing magical about turning 18. Bad behavior only changes with wisdom & growth.
Can’t wait to see this movie, one of my close friends had the same thing happen to her.
Thanks for your comment, Lauren. We hope the movie will help prevent future incidents of cyberbullying from occurring.
Cyberbullying has become a major problem facing the younger generation. Gradually over the course of the past decade, leaders of our society have began to acknowledge the problem and have began to create ways to combat it. My hope is that as a society, we will continue to make forward progress in this area.
We agree, Matt. Teens often learn from the experiences of their peers. Consequently, “Teen Cyberbullying Investigated” was written for tweens & teens to read about real cases of kids in trouble over their email, blog, Facebook and YouTube posts. Take a look at the only book written for teenagers to read and learn to “Think B4 U Click” at: