England launches tween/teen cyberbullying mentors

“I’m your age, I care, and I’m listening”
This is the message from a new program in England called CyberMentors. Consisting of volunteers from ages 11 to 25, the recruits are trained to give advice and support to their peers who call in. Online help is available each day from 7:30 a.m. to midnight. Adult supervisors assist the mentors if needed.
The British non-profit BeatBullying created the cybermentor program. One of the young mentors was quoted saying, “When people are being bullied online, they don’t really know what to do about it. People feel more secure to do it online because they’re not looking at the person in the face.”

From CyberMentors.org.uk
The site, www.cybermentors.org.uk also includes a chat option, videos, personal stories and more. Safety tips for users on YouTube, Facebook and Bebo are available. Mentors must live in England and complete the training program.
The following video is an anti-cyberbullying video supported by KLS Support Services:
For a recent story of 14-year-old cyberbullying victim, Carney Bonner, turned CyberMentor, see: