What if I damage school property?

All students are responsible for taking care of their books and school materials. If yours are damaged or lost, you may have to pay the replacement or repair costs.You′ll also have to pay the repair costs of minor acts of vandalism at school, such as a damaged locker, broken window, or graffiti. Stealing or damaging school property may result in suspension or expulsion, as well as having your grades or diploma withheld until the situation is corrected.
- Parents in Alaska may be billed up to $2,000 for the acts of their children at school.
- In Arizona, parents or guardians are held responsible for all damage done at school by their children.
- In Iowa, students are fully responsible for any damage to their school books.
State laws often place financial responsibility on both the student and the parents. There may be a limit on the maximum liability, or the law may be silent on this subject, which means that you and your parents are fully accountable for all damage. In 1996, three twelve-year-olds (two girls and one boy) caused $50,000 worth of damage to an elementary school in rural Arizona. They were sentenced to two years probation, 300 hours of community service each, and $1,000 in restitution to cover the school′s insurance deductible. The children were also limited to five hours of television time a week while on probation, and they were expelled from their school.

Photo by Half Alive (Flickr)
If you damage school property, you may be charged with criminal damage or reckless burning, depending on what you did and how much harm you caused. If someone is injured by your actions, assault or endangerment charges may be filed against you. Intentional or irresponsible conduct at school can result in disciplinary action from both law enforcement and the school.
In May, 2012, an 11-year-old student urinated on a cart in the hallway of Upper Allen Elementary School in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. On the cart were computers worth $36,000. They may be beyond repair and the replacement cost may fall on the boys’ parents. He has been charged with institutional (school) vandalism and criminal mischief in juvenile court.
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Hi i got dress coded and i cut the shirt that they gave me ( all black T shirt) because it was reaching all the way down to my knees, i had a jacket on and personally dont think i should’ve gotten dress coded at all but that’s another thing, im just worried it can get bad or i can get suspended or something because the dean got really mad she saw me at the end of the day and took me to the nurse i returned the cut shirt, also i recently moved to this district i went to a different one for a year but ive only been here around a week and a half)
Dear Janet: If your question regards the cut shirt, it could become your responsibility to pay the school for its replacement. It shouldn’t be much but that’s up to the school. Good luck with this and think twice before acting again. Actions have consequences, right?
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I was at school and I accidentally kick my leg up while by the door and broke one of the glass on the door, they said they don’t know if it was a accident because of how I kick my leg but I didn’t mean to break the glass , and I came home and told my mom but it’s been two days and I’m scared because my mom will be mad if they call and say she have to pay and I don’t know what to do , any help ?
Dear Jaylah: As long as you told your mom about this incident at school, instead of her first finding out if the school calls her, you should be okay. Accidents happen, right? But if this wasn’t an accident and the glass broke when you intentionally kicked it, that’s a different story. The school may have insurance that covers this, or they could try to collect the amount for repairs to the glass from your mother. In the long run, depending on your age and your mom’s position, you could be obligated to pay her back. That would be a good lesson you in the future. Adulthood comes with responsibilities – early lessons are valuable in this regard. Good luck.
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Me and my friend were horse playing on the school bus and his knee made a crack in the window what are the consequences
Dear Julius: First, you should tell your parents about this. They’re going to find out eventually and it’s better they hear it from you first. The school may have insurance that will cover the cost of repairs. You and your friend may have to split any amount not covered by insurance. Take a look at the school’s Code of Conduct and see what it says about property damage by a student. It may include some community service or other penalty. There are a number of factors considered in determining the appropriate consequence to impose. Good luck, Julius.
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On summer break(now) Me and my friends was playing tag and I jumped from a sorta high place like not that high and I accidentally broke the school slide and this is during dusk or around night time.
Dear Jay: Since you admit to breaking the slide, you should let the school know. Their insurance may cover the cost to either repair or replace it. You may have to pay the deductible which will be less. Fessing up to this is the best approach to putting it behind you responsibly. You might also tell your parents about what happened so they don’t hear it first from the school. Good luck, and nice going taking responsibility for your actions.
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what will happen if i break a window on the school bus and don’t pay for it
Dear Joey: First, take a look at the school’s code of conduct and/or its student handbook. Property damage is a crime and may be investigated by the local police. Resolving the matter directly with the school is best. It may avoid a criminal charge and record for the juvenile. Speak with the school officials to resolve this matter. You may have to pay the school’s insurance deductible rather than the full price of replacement. Good luck.
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I got so mad during inside the gym, i tried to reach the top of a wall mattress and it fell out
what will happen
Dear Jimmy: We read your second post that added a few more facts to your question, but then accidentally deleted it from this site. Anyway, since the vice-principal didn’t do anything at the time, you may get lucky tomorrow (Monday) and hear nothing further about this. On the other hand you may be called to the office to discuss it further. If any damage was done, you may be held responsible for it. Or you may get in-school suspension for your behavior. Good luck. We hope you learn from this.
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Hi my school is accusing me of breaking the neighbors window while I was at school but I did not do it. My friend is a witness. My PE teacher asked if in did it and I told him no but he told the principal I said yes. I did not throw a rock and break the window. The principal said my parents will have to pay but I don’t understand why. I did not break the window what can I do?
Dear Reader: We suggest you explain exactly what happened to your parents first. They can decide how to handle this situation with the school. Maybe a meeting with school officials will resolve this before it goes any further. Good luck.
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Just wondering what is the right protocol. My 11 year old son fell onto a laptop that was loaned by his school and cracked the screen so I’m trying to have it replaced but unfortunately it’s taking longer due to covid19 so I purchased a brand new laptop for the school to have and I was honest with the school they said when I turn it in that I need to bring the old laptop and new one but to me shouldn’t I keep the old one since I’m turning in a brand new laptop in the place of the old one?
Dear Judy: We suggest you ask the school this question. They may have a policy regarding broken computers, or their insurance coverage may require return of one that’s been damaged. Your position seems logical, especially since you’re replacing it with a new one, but there may be another reason for the school’s request for the damaged one. We like the way you’ve handled this unfortunate incident.
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I acidentally broke a school chromebook? Will i get charged for it if so how much will it be
Dear Kevin: We suggest you first look at the school’s Student Handbook. You may find it online or a copy in the front office. It may have a section addressing property damage, both accidental and intentional. You may not have to pay for the computer if it was an accident, and the school’s insurance policy covers this. Otherwise, the school may look to you and/or your parents for reimbursement. Good luck.
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Hi, i jumped on a marker outside my school (still on school property) and it exploded and stained the concrete. The staff saw it and told me to clean it up and they got really mad. I tried to clean it up as fast as I could because my dad was picking me up. I couldn’t clean it up in time so it’s stained now. I didn’t mean to damage the concrete. I didn’t think it would explode either. Would I get suspended for this?
Dear Leann: You’ll have to take a look at your school’s rules about this. The Student Handbook or Code of Conduct should explain penalties for property damage. It’s possible the school could give you a day of in-school suspension or some other consequence. Your parents could also speak with the principal to resolve this matter. Good luck.
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Hello I’m my son was at school and him and his friend wrote letters on the wall with a pencil and after tht day they all got suspended for five days. The administration said that their pressing charges. Why and can they do tht if the letters on the wall are not permit it’s erasable it’s was not with color or marker.
Dear Jaime: If charges are filed against your son, talk with a local lawyer about this. He may be assigned a public defender, or you can hire your own lawyer to represent him. He or she can explain to you the specific laws where you live about property or school damage. He may end up with some community service to complete and then the case would be closed. Good luck.
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Hey my name is Jeff Garrett. I recently was horse-playing with a friend at school, when he was chasing me. He chased me when I jumped out of the way and he ran into the wall. The crack is pretty big, as his shoulder hit it. The hole he knocked had some of the drywall go into the wall. I didn’t even realize he hit the wall because we were going to our buses and it was crowded. I researched and it said I would have to pay about 200 dollars, but I only have 15 dollars from mowing yards. I’m really scared, because I have never been in trouble this bad. Sure, I act like a class clown and get sent to the hall every now and then, but that’s nothing compared to this. The scariest thing about this is how my dad will react. He’s a very strict cop. Can you please give me advice?
Dear Jeff: First, it’s important that you tell your dad about this before he finds out from someone else. Be honest, explain exactly what happened and that you’re willing to pay your share of the repair costs. The school’s insurance may cover the expenses, but that’s up to the school and their insurer. Good luck.
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Hello, my son (8 yo in 3rd grade) was outside on the playground and was throwing rocks at school (Virginia). One rock got away from him and he broke a window at the school. It was not malicious, but they punished my child by suspending him for day. Recently they sent us a bill for approximately $500 to pay for the repairs, but this is no longer punishing the child but me as the parent. Is there not insurance for this? Why do I pay taxes in this county? Am I responsible to pay for this?
Dear Christina: We suggest you contact the school and make an appointment to speak with the principal about this situation. If this was, as you say, an accident, the school’s insurance may cover the damage. Also, your homeowner’s policy may cover this as well. You could also ask for an itemized bill showing the actual cost of the repairs (materials and labor). Good luck.
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Hello I recently accidentally dropped a laptop on my desk it was at the edge and I got up and hit it I did not mean to so I apologized to the substitute and admitted it was an accident later that day I brought it up to the principal and he was not angry nor mad with me. Will they make me pay for it or should it be under insurance?
Dear Kyle: Insurance may cover this incident. Either your family’s homeowner’s policy or insurance through the school district. If neither will cover this, you and/or your parents may be looked at for reimbursement. Good luck.
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Hi my daughter draw on a table at school with a pencil but didn’t harm the table they clean it .now she has suspended for 5 days and they write on her records that she defacing school property and they let her now clean the toilet schools the question is they can suspend the student and it’s her first time she did something wrong and with out a worming
Dear Nihad: Take a look at the school’s Code of Conduct and/or their Student Handbook. You might be able to view these online at the school’s website. Or ask the front office for these. Most likely, they spell out the consequences for what your daughter did. You can ask the principal or vice-principal to meet with you to explain the penalty imposed on her. Good luck.
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I kicked a ball in the lockerroom and it broke a sprinkler on the ceiling and flooded the ground but ended up all being drained and it didn’t seem like that much of a big deal I apologized and the janitors cleaned it up and it’s a day past so you think I’ll have any consequences
Dear Calvin: You did the right thing by apologizing and taking responsibility for this accident. It’s possible you won’t hear anything further about this, but it’s up to the school officials. They may contact your parents and/or ask for payment of any costs they had to make to clean things up, or repair the sprinkler head. Good luck.
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Hello, I was at school and I was waiting in the bathroom for my lunch to start. I noticed a light switch cover (the metal or plastic piece that goes behind the light switch) that has bee painted over. It had a few surtaxes in it that allowed me to peel some paint of, I only peeled the size of a quarter of the cover and while I was doing so I got spotted by a teacher who called me out and asked for full name. I gave it to her and she let me go. What possible consequences could arise as I apologized and take responsibility for what I did. It is quite absurd that she would do this as that paint isn’t even meant to be there and I only peeled off paint that was the size of a quarter
Dear Hasham: It’s not very likely that you will hear anything more about this incident since she let you go and considering it’s a switch plate you’re talking about. However, if you do hear something, replacing a switch plate literally costs $1 or so and can go up if they plate cover is more decorative. Again, taking responsibility for your mistake and being willing to replace the switch plate should resolve the issue – if you hear back from a school administrator about this. Good luck and just remember that something as inconspicuous as a switch plate does cost money, no matter how little, but could be considered “damaged” if you’re not thinking and decide to destruct it somehow.
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I am being accused of vandalism at my school. I was shaking the vending machine in the attempt to get candy out (I know that the resultant theft was wrong, and I’m willing to pay the compensation for that), and surveillance cameras show the vending machine moving more than the wall mounts should allow. The school is demanding that I pay for the replacement of the wall mount, which was loose from the cement wall behind it. It was loose from the wall before I shook the machine, but they don’t believe my testimony. The camera angle makes it impossible to see the wall mount. Can they legally make me pay? I don’t want this to go to court over $1.50, so I also don’t want to antagonize them.
(I live in Idaho if the laws in this case vary)
Dear Anon: While the school can’t necessarily make you pay, there may be other consequences that could be worse than having to pay. You didn’t mention what the costs are to replace the wall mounts, but it may be worth paying to avoid the school referring the matter to juvenile court. If the school refers the matter, then you could have to go to court over the incident. Perhaps you (and your parents) could meet with the principal or vice principal to address the matter and work out some sort of compromise. If they see that you are taking responsibility for your actions and that you want to pay, but only for that which you owe, they may be willing to work with you. Good luck.
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At school i saw someone vandalizing
Dear Abdohashi: If you’re asking what you should do, we suggest you talk with your parents about what you saw. They may decide to tell the principal so the incident can be resolved. Thanks for asking us.
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Hello Judge Tom,
Recently my son kicked a rock at school which resulted in a broken window. The school put him on community service and gave him a referral. Upon examining the comments written in the referral I became aware that my son was unsupervised. The coach had sent him outside of the weight room where his class was participating in P.E. He had failed to take a change of clothes and was not allowed to participate in class. He was alone outside and was not actively being watched by an adult. The school is pursuing damages for the broken window. I had initially agreed to be responsible, since he had been reckless in kicking rocks. Now, after discovering the circumstances that allowed for this to happen, I feel that the school failed to properly prevent misconduct by way of adequate supervision. Am I still fully liable for the repair costs given the circumstances…in your opinion?
Dear Judi: You will need to refer to your son’s student handbook concerning and the rules about property damage at school. You can also look at your state’s parental responsibility law to find out the specific law in your state about having to pay for damage caused by children. Try Googling the name of your state and “parental responsibility law” for more information. Finally, we suggest you ask for a meeting with the principal or vice principal to discuss this matter. When all of the facts are taken into consideration, the school officials may be more forgiving or at least work out a compromise with you. Good luck.
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Hello judge Tom, I am in california and I want to know what happens if a child accidentally damages a teacher’s private instrument that was used for teaching. Does the parent have to pay for the instrument as a whole or does the parent only need to pay for he repair fee.
Dear Long: You will have to refer to the school’s rules and policies concerning damage to school property and to other forms of property damage on school grounds. Paying for the repairs to the instrument seems to make sense and hopefully, the teacher is agreeable to this resolution of the matter. The parents could refer to the Student Handbook, which should be available online through the school’s website, and look for the section that deals with property damage. Also, the parents could speak directly to the teacher about this and offer to pay for the repairs. Thank you for your question.
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Hello judge Tom. Last Friday i accidentally broke the toilet bowl in our college. I placed my bag at the top of the toilet or the top board of the flash, then I changed, then when I pick up my bag, I stopped and got really shocked coz the lead of the flash slides and it fell on the toilet seat resulting a half chaired toilet bowl. Can I just buy thesame bowl and replace it? thank you.
Dear Jai: We suggest you report what happened to someone responsible for maintenance on campus. You can offer to pay for its repair or replacement. Good luck.
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I had football practice and after I went into my car and backed up and accidentally knocked down a pole at the school parking lot the car has a small dent but the pole is knocked over and I went home like nothing happened. I feel bad and worried about it I don’t know what to do. This happened during summer break
Dear Seth: We suggest you first talk this over with your parents. Based on your description of what happened, it was an accident. The school most likely has insurance as well as your coverage. Doing the right thing is always best and will leave you with a clear conscious. Let the people in the front office know what happened. If no one is there during the summer break, you can either wait until school starts again or write them a letter explaining the situation. Good luck.
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I was on the tennis courts in my PE class today when I rubbed a few harmless (no profanity) words into the black tarp-like material on the walls of the tennis courts. I was ultimately caught (I know I deserved it) and I was told that this was vandalism and that I would clean off the walls, which I was ok with. I’m wondering if I can get suspended or severely punished as a consequence for this? After all, I think that this is minor.
Dear Josh: It’s not a minor incident when the school has to use its resources to correct/repair what you did. School funds are scarce enough without having to spend time and money on things like this. You’ll have to check your school’s code of conduct or Student Handbook for the rules regarding suspension and property damage. We hope you’ve learned from this and continue to become a responsible person in your community.
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I’m a first year student at university and was involved in a rampage at school that led to school property being damaged. The issue is ongoing with the school sgb now I’m worried of the trouble I may be into, please advise me
Dear Nathi: If you are charged with a crime, you’ll either receive notice in the mail to appear in court, or a ticket to pay if you admit your part of the rampage. Your school may have legal services available to students when they face court action or get arrested. Check with the administration (student services) to see if this is something you can take advantage of. Otherwise you can contact a local criminal defense attorney for advice. Some offer free initial consultations so ask about this if you call one. Also, take a look at the student Code of Conduct for information in these situations. Good luck.
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Hey, I accidentally made a hole in the wall throwing a ball at a friend. They said they would take care of it the following Monday. I’m scared they might do something harsh like expell me. It’s a very small hole about the size of a average head. How much do you think it might take to repair it if they decide to hold me guilty to it? I don’t want to tell my mom as I’m scared she will get angry and I will pay it off with my own money. Can you please help me see what the cost might be? I live in the state if North Carolina. In the town of Lincolnton. And if you can do you know if they might suspend, expell, or do anything of the sort? Thank you in advance
Dear Jadon: Depending on the extent of the damage to the wall, the materials involved in the repairs, and other factors we can’t tell you what the cost would be. It may not be much especially if the school’s maintenance department can take care of it. As far as any discipline by the school, take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules that apply to students when property damage happens. We think it would be best to tell your Mom about this incident, rather than the school notifying her in a phone call or letter. Good luck.
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I shaded in the back of a little remote called a clicker that we use in science for quizzes. It’s still works but I’m being billed for vandalism. Is this right? I would have gladly taken detention or something of the sort as punishment but why am I paying for a clicker that still works?
Dear Ameirah: We can’t tell you why you’re being billed for what you did. We suggest you discuss this with your parents and they can contact the company and inquire about the “vandalism” of the device. Good luck.
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i think if you damage the school prop you really get in big trobs
Dear Steve: Depending on the amount of damage, you could be facing serious consequences for damaging school property. Thank you for your comment.
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Another child was holding a glass door and wouldn’t let me in and I kicked the door (dumb move) and it cracked it. Should the other child be made to help pay for the door and the school told my mom they only use one company and she would have to pay whatever it was. Shouldn’t she get to choose who replaces it since she’s paying for it??
Dear Alex: Whether the school also finds the other kid responsible for the damage is a decision left up to them. However, your parents could attempt to contact the kid’s parents to see if they would be willing to help pay for the repairs. It’s always best if these types of matters can be resolved outside of court. As for the repairs and who has the final say on the company that gets to complete the repairs, again, it’s ultimately up to the school. They may choose to go with one particular company as that company may do all the work on the school property or they want all of the doors to be consistent. Your Mom could try talking to the principal or vice principal and see if they are willing to work with her a little on this to minimize the amount of money owed. Good luck.
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I need help. My sibling goes to the same school as me and we’re in the same grade. She had my phone and I asked her to give it back but she wouldn’t. Ive always felt intimidated by her and in the moment I couldn’t take it anymore so I put a small hole in the wall and I’m freaking out. I did it because I felt bullied and taunted but then again I put a hole in the wall. What do you think they’ll do with me?
Dear Alison: First, we encourage you to talk to your parents about this if you feel comfortable. With their help and support, you could talk to the school administrators, offer to pay for the damage and possibly resolve the matter by paying and taking responsibility for your actions. That may be the end of the matter. They also could decide that additional consequences are necessary like detention or in-school suspension, but ultimately that will depend on how the administrators choose to handle the matter. Finally, talking to your parents or another trusted adult like the school counselor or teacher or another relative can help you deal with your sibling better so that you don’t feel the urge to punch a wall in the future. There are better ways to cope with your frustration and talking it over with an adult is a great start to figuring out other coping strategies including confronting your sibling about how you sometimes feel bullied by her. Good luck.
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My son sat on the end of a table in class and he broke it. He was suspended one day and I have to pay the cost to replace the table. Do I have to pay the cost of a new table or should I be able to pay a depreciated value since the table is several years old. I live in the state of North Carolina.
Dear S. Boller: Discuss this with the school so you can reach an agreement that’s acceptable to both of you. Most states have “parental responsibility laws” that set the amount a parent can be held to when their child damages someone else’s property. In North Carolina, the amount is $2,000. Take a look at North Carolina law 1-538.1 for the details. Good luck.
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I was suspended from school last year because I accidentally tripped someone in the hallway. I said i was sorry, he said it was ok, so I started to walk away. He the proceeded to grab me by my shirt, haul me back towards him, throw me to the ground and beat me. I was suspended, and he received no punishment. Is this right?
Dear Jake: Based on your description of what happened it doesn’t sound right. Perhaps you should have objected to the suspension last year. It’s probably too late now to do anything about it. Discuss this with your parents. Good luck.
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I have been terminated from school because of minor school property damage. Is it right to be terminated? It was my first time offense and I admitted it to the Dean but he betrayed me and sent me straight to the vice president of the Uni and they are filling a termination charge against me. The degree of the damage was minor but they are aggrevating it. Saying it was big. I had the louvre and two holes on the wall. Please help me
Dear Malcom: We suggest you talk with your parents about this. If you are a minor (under 18 years old) they may want to schedule an appointment with the Dean and discuss this situation. Under the rules in your school, they may be able to expel you based on this incident. Good luck.
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