What will happen to me if I ditch school?

State law requires you to be in school for a certain number of days each school year (compulsory attendance laws). There is also a maximum number of days allowed for unexcused absences. Once you hit that number, you′ll either be suspended for a period of time or expelled. Either consequence is serious and affects your ongoing education and family life.
What is truancy?
Ditching school without an acceptable excuse and therefore gaining an unexcused absence is called truancy. Your school′s assistant principal or attendance officer may be authorized to issue tickets, order you to appear in court, or even arrest you and take you before a judge if you don′t show up for school. The laws differ around the country, but all states have mandatory or compulsory attendance laws.

Photo by MITCHELL (Flickr)
Illness, a death in the family, or other emergencies are reasonable excuses for missing a class or a whole day of school. You may also receive permission to miss school to take a special trip or attend a family function. If possible, let your teacher know in advance about any planned absence.
Schools and courts have become very serious about school attendance laws. In fact, legislatures are passing laws making parents accountable for their children′s truancy. Parents may be fined or jailed if the truancy continues.
“Eighty percent of success is showing up.” ~~ Woody Allen
In Colorado, a fifteen-year-old girl was ordered to spend a month in a detention center for missing forty-three days of school and being late to school nineteen times. Her parents were also sent to jail for ten days and fined $300. A fifteen-year-old girl in South Carolina was tied to her mother, by court order, to make sure she went to school and stayed out of trouble.
Related Post: 5 things to know if you have to go to court for truancy
Judge Tom discusses the possible consequences for truancy in the video below.
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I have an 18 yr old son whom I homeschool and he decided he no longer wants to finish and is now drinking and smoking pot. What can I do being that he still lives under my roof. We live in West Virginia. Dear Tricia: Since he is now an adult you can ask him to move out unless he’ll agree to following your rules. That would include no alcohol or pot. If he refuses to leave, you can try notifying the police to speak with him and tell him what his options are. Depending on the laws where you live, he could be trespassing which may result in a ticket or formal charges filed by your local prosecutor. This could lead to his arrest and confinement. You could also speak with a local lawyer about your rights in this situation. If you contact one, ask about his or her fees. You may qualify for a sliding-scale arrangement with the attorney. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m 18 and I want to drop out of school they told me they have a school policy that my mom needs to sign papers. I was just wondering what the school would do if I skipped school and got my diploma online. Can I get in trouble with the law for skipping school?
Dear Alexis: Every state has laws about school attendance including age, grade, and truancy. We suggest you google your state and “truancy” for specific information that may apply to you. Since you were a minor (under 18) when your mother enrolled you in school, there may be consequences for her and you if you simply stop going without formally dropping out. Whatever you decide to do, we encourage you to continue your education through whatever program you choose – you will not regret it as you proceed through life. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I have a 15 year old that is in 9th grade and a 13 year old in 8th grade who will get up in the morning and go to school but later on end up ditching School and they are now under habitual truancy student. I do not know how to keep them in school and keep them for ditching but at the same time I don’t want to get in trouble for them what can I do I live in Colorado and I need some help
Dear Sarah: We suggest you speak with the school’s attendance officer for assistance. The school may have a method for dealing with habitual truants. Your county or city may also have a program where a juvenile probation officer explains the state’s laws about truancy and the consequences your kids face if they continue to ditch school. You can call your local juvenile court for information about this. Good luck.
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Hello. I had a question. When I was 14 I ditched school in the county of San Bernardino, was given a ticket and was told to report to the San Bernardino court. I did appear at court on my court date however since they were making changes on locations my case was not found and I was given a stamp on my ticket as proof that I showed up. After that I never received another notice or phone call. I never followed up because I was a teen and what teen wants to think about court. Now at the age of 24 I’m receiving letters from what seems to be a collection agency stating that I need to pay for that “traffic” ticket. The problem here is that what I was given was truancy not traffic. They also witheald my state tax without given me notice. My question is does a truancy ticket disappear after the age of 18?
Dear Bertha: It’s unlikely that what you’re receiving in the mail now relates to the truancy incident when you were 14. You may have a traffic citation that remains unresolved. Contact the court that should be noted on the letter you received and verify that this is still alive. This may also be a scam, so be careful about making any payments. We suggest you contact the court involved, and/or consult a local attorney for advice. Good luck.
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I got caught skipping school and I got a citation to court I have good grades and this was my first time what’s going to happen to me?
Dear Pedro: What will happen depends on the policies of the court and the laws in the state where you live. It’s possible you’ll be required to attend a class about the importance of getting an education and the consequences of skipping school. You may also be ordered to complete some community service. The bottom line is keep your grades up where they are and avoid any unexcused absences. Good luck.
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My daughter has 6 unexcused absences for the year. 2 of which she has a doctor note for which was not recorded. The school has now started the truency process. Is there any way to fight this? And what does it mean they started the process?
Dear Amber: Every school district has its own process regarding truancy. It’s best to speak with the attendance officer at the school to explain what happens in your daughter’s case. Show the doctor’s note and ask about contesting their action against her. You can also check the school’s Student Handbook or Code of Conduct for information. They may be available on the school’s website. You do have rights and are entitled to a full explanation of the school’s handling of this incident. Good luck.
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I’ve skipped school about 3 times now and the police are getting notified about it…what will happen to me now?
Dear Jasmin: The possible consequences will depend on the laws of your state as well as the rules and policies of your school. The school may take action like imposing in-school suspension or could choose to refer the matter to the local juvenile court. If that occurs, then you would receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. The court may require that you complete some community service hours and possibly impose a fine. Check your school’s Student Handbook, which should be available online for the specific rules concerning school attendance. Once you exceed a certain number of unexcused absences, the school will likely impose some consequences. Good luck.
(Check our Teen Help Network for more help and resources in your area. This is information only – not legal advice.)
Ok so am 15 in freshmen and school gunna end in 8 days. But they still call my parents that i still need to go.can i stay home or do i still need to go?
Dear Joel: You still need to go to school. There are a minimum number of days each school year that students are required to attend. If you get too many unexcused absences, you could face consequences. Since it’s so close to summer, you don’t want to risk those consequences. Stick it out and then enjoy the summer. Good luck.
(Check our Teen Help Network for more help and resources in your area. This is information only – not legal advice.)
making kids go to school is a punishment we should be able to have some free time
what if you were out side of school and didn’t step on school grounds but your friend steps on school ground and leaft and all this happened before school starts
Dear Rodolfo: It sounds like everyone who either did not go to school or left the school that morning would have been given an unexcused absence for the day or at least for the periods of school that were missed. The school keeps track of any unexcused absences and after accumulating so many, the school may impose consequences such as detention or even suspension. You can check your school’s student handbook for the specific rules and policies at your school as they should be clearly spelled out in the handbook. Good luck.
(Check our Teen Help Network for more help and resources in your area. This is information only – not legal advice.)
I had a Teachers Aide class in which she only needed me to take roll and than I can go around campus. One day I did not feel like roaming around campus and wanted to go home and I was stopped by a police officer in which the end result was that I got a yellow paper saying that I will be notified when I have to go to court for the violation of daytime curfew. What is going to happen to me?
Dear Eli: We can’t say what will happen. This is a rather minor offense, so don’t lose sleep over it, unless, of course, this is your second or third time going to court. It’s likely the ticket will be dismissed, but after completing a few community service hours. Good luck.
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I was just aware my license has been suspended since 2007 for a truancy ticket I never took care of. I was 16 at the time. I don’t understand how I was even issued a license under this circumstances. The DMV isn’t much help, all I’ve been able to get is a print out. What can I do? This has affected my insurance.
Dear Adrian: You could try contacting the juvenile court and find out what you need to do to make sure the ticket is no longer pending. Once the juvenile court sends proper notice that the ticket has been resolved to the DMV, it should be taken care of. Good luck.
(Check our Teen Help Network for more help and resources in your area. This is information only – not legal advice.)
To me, fining parents is ridiculous. All you are doing is hurting the parents. Parental rights have been taken away so much that if a parent tells a child they can’t do something the kids do it anyway because there are no repercussions. Parents need to work, they can be very good parents, and the kids can be rotten. All the legal system does is molly coddle the kids. Fining parents is a joke.
Thank you for your comments, Susan.
How manu day can you get for skipping school
Dear Curtis: First, take a look at your Student Handbook to see what it says about unexcused absences. You could be facing detention or even suspension once the absences get to a certain number. After so many unexcused absences, then the school may refer the matter to the juvenile court. The possible consequences in court may include community service, fines and educational classes. Good luck.
(Check our Teen Help Network for more help and resources in your area. This is information only – not legal advice.)
Thanks so much for information. I do suffer from depression because of school and I feel like they are not giving us rights. I am 11 years old and i am in sixth grade. I talked to my parents about it and they thought from my perspective that it was very crewed up.
You’re welcome, Brently. Keep talking with your parents about school – both the good and the not-so-good. They’re behind you and will see that everything goes well for you. –Judge Tom
I’m 16 and last year I missed nearly half the school year because I have extremely bad anxiety and depression. I’ve had problems with school attendance since I was in 7th grade, but not this bad. I got held back this year because I missed so much school last year. I’m supposed to be in 11th grade, but I’m in 10th. The first day of school was yesterday, but I didn’t go because of my anxiety and depression. I have been suicidal too these last few weeks. In 2 months I’ll be 17, and in my state you can drop out of school at 17. In planning on doing that and getting my GED. But the thing is, I can’t handle going to school these next 2 months. It’s too stressful. I’m truant too. I’ve went to court once for this. I have a truancy officer come to my house once a month to have check ups. My question is, is there any way I withdraw from school for these 2 months until I’m 17 without getting in trouble?
Dear Alyssa: We’re sorry to hear about your challenges. You are not alone in your anxiety about school. There are alternative programs for students with these ongoing issues. We suggest you talk with your parents, your truancy officer, your doctor and your school about how to handle not only these next few months, but afterwards so you can get an education with minimal stress. All of these people are there to help you, so don’t give up and do something foolish. Your life will improve but you have to work at it and be patient. You have something to contribute to this world that only you can develop. Good luck.
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If I’m sick and stay home one day can I be violated
Dear KJ: Take a look at your Student Handbook for information about excused and unexcused absences. Usually with a note from a parent and/or doctor, an absence isn’t held against you. Your school may have a website where the Handbook and rules may be found. Good luck.
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I’m a senior at my high school and my alarm didn’t go off and my little sister stayed home sick and didn’t wake me up and I missed my first period and there is only one month left of school will I still graduate?
Dear Jena: It sounds like this is your first unexcused absence, so it’s very unlikely that you will face any consequences since it’s the first one. You definitely do not need to worry about not being able to graduate for only missing one class. However, take a look at your Student Handbook (it should be available online through the school’s website) and see what it says about unexcused absences. The rules and possible consequences should be spelled out in your Handbook, so that students are put on notice of penalties if they choose to ditch school. Consequences are often imposed once a student has a few or more absences on their record. Good luck.
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Hello I’m 16 years old and my mom and me missed two hearings for my absences. I have a lot of absences and we have court on May and said we will need an attorney or one will be provided to us and we don’t know what will happen to me and her. It was all my fault because I would ditch. I am going to own up to actions but my mom always encourages me to go to school and tells me I have to unless it’s a medical issue. For when it is a medical issue my mom calls my school and if they ask for a doctors note we get one. I get sick a lot because I am not in good shape and because I have depression and anxiety. What will happen to me and my mom? We live in California.
Dear Angel: If this is your first offense and first time having to go to court, you may be offered a diversion program. That means that once you complete some community service hours, possibly pay a fine and attend a class or counseling, the charges would be dismissed and the case closed. You and your mom could explain everything to the court that you have described here. It’s good that you are wanting to make an effort to start getting to school and not miss any more unless you are really sick. Good luck.
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If I am over 18and still enrolled in school on West Virginia can I be charged with truancy for not attending?
Dear Katelin: According the following link, yes you can still face consequences for being “truant” in WV even after you turn 18. Make sure the information contained in the website is current since laws are changing all the time. The law basically states that so long as you are enrolled as a student, you can face consequences for unexcused absences even if you’re 18. Good luck. (Check our Teen Help Network for more help and resources in your area. This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello, my friend’s niece has not been attending school. Her own friends have told her guardian. The school has not contact the guardian about the missed abscesses. Which, now, we assume the girl called for a doctor note herself, or forged guardian’s signature. We know her behavior changed since she started dating. Not caring for her education. i would like to give some advices to help my friend with her situation. And what can be done. I think Trauncy Court would be acceptable but I’m leaning to juvenile. Though, if I were the girls guardian I would have used old school methods so she would go to school.
Dear Amanda: Until the facts are known based on evidence of falsifying notes to the school or otherwise, truancy court or juvenile won’t happen. The school is charged with taking action in these instances but they need proof to support unexcused absences. You can go to the school’s website to see the rules regarding compulsory attendance. Good luck.
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My brother has missed almost 18 days of school with in the first few months as well as 69 classes, my mother has told him about what will happen and he refuses to exept this and leaves school on a day to day basis, I’m not only worried what will happen to him bit will my mother pay for his stupid choices?
Dear Concerned Sister: Your brother is fortunate to have a sister that’s concerned about him. However, he will have to live with the consequences of his behavior. You can go on the school’s website to see the rules regarding unexcused absences, or talk with the school’s attendance officer. Every state and school district has rules and policies about truancy. Some states also have laws that penalize the parents when they are found guilty of contributing to the truancy situation. You can google the name of your state and “compulsory attendance laws” for information on this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello, I’m a 17 year old living in Durham NC.
This school year has been EXTREMELY stressful and depressing for me being that my closest sibling was murdered on our first day of school. Since then I’ve been lacking the motivation to even come to school so I have been late many of days and sometimes I skipped classes. Now that I’ve looked at my absences and realized I have 41 absences I realize that I HAVE to get self motivated and start doing what I need to do to get to and stay in school. My question is being that I’m 17 years old will my mom get into any kind of trouble because of my absences??? She doesn’t know about this because she leaves for work early in the mornings before i am suppose to get up for school.
Dear Tremayne: Attached below is information about the compulsory attendance laws in North Carolina.
As you see, children between six and sixteen are required to attend school. There are consequences to the kids and their parents if unexcused absences exceed a certain number. But, since you’re 17, this law does not apply to you. That doesn’t mean you can’t get into trouble since you’re still a minor and if you live with your parents, the law requires that you obey them. So, if your parents expect you to be in school, it’s your responsibility to go. We’re very sorry to hear about the passing of your sibling. Hopefully, with time and counseling, your loss will become more tolerable – not forgotten, but easier to cope and carry on as your sibling would want you to do. Discuss this with your parents. We wish you the best.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I’m 17 and from Texas. Last year I was severely depressed and started to skip school a lot until I got court ordered to get my ged. I started to go to the ged classes and realized that the ged prep test were to hard for me and that I need to be back in school. There is a local altrnative high school named Caesar E. Chavez that lets you work at your own pace to graduate. If I’m court ordered can I go back and ask them to hear me out and let me finish high school at the alternative high school instead regular? I’m not good with people. I like to work at my own pace because I get stuff done super fast. I’m not advanced as the ged test but I know education wise I’m where I need to be. Got any help for me? I really need it. My boyfriend is in the marines ,him and I are planning on getting engaged when he comes back from ist so I really want this done and over with before then.
Dear Desirae: It sounds like you’ve given this a lot of thought and are on the right path since you’re taking this very seriously. Absolutely, you can ask the court to hear you out and let you attend the alternative school instead of getting your GED. Explain everything that you’ve stated here and how you tried the GED prep class and ultimately, why you would like to attend the alternative school. It sounds like a good option for you. If you do not have a court date coming up, contact your probation officer (if you’ve been assigned one) or the court directly and ask if you can request a hearing to discuss this further with the judge. Good luck.
(Check our Teen Help Network for more help and resources in your area. This is information only – not legal advice.)
I had to un-enroll my daughter from school due to truancy..she is a run away and I have no idea where she is at. By law I have to have her reenrolled in school in three days..where do I go from here?
Dear Jamie: As long as you’re unaware of her whereabouts, it’s impossible for you to re-enroll her. Make sure the school has a record of your action when you cancelled her enrollment due to her being a runaway. To cover yourself and obtain information about her, you may consider filing a police report. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am a guardian of a 16 year old in Michigan who is refusing to go to school. Can I be held liable for this? Or is it on the student when truancy officers get involved. Is there someone I need to call or report this to? Thank you for any information and help.
Dear Ashley: You do have specific responsibilities as the guardian of this teenager. Take a look at this Michigan government website for information about attendance laws and truancy in your state.:
We suggest you contact the school’s attendance officer and/or principal to discuss your options and get help for this student. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I have a troubled 12 year old grandson who is now refusing to go to school. What legal recourse does the parents have? This is in a very small town in Indiana.
Dear Paul: Depending on the laws in Indiana and the policies and rules of the school district, there may be several options for your grandson. We suggest either you and/or his parents contact the school officials first to see what can be done. As a last resort, the court or local prosecutor could become involved if truancy charges are filed against him. As you realize, this has to be addressed before he gets any older and seriously disrupts his education and future. Your local juvenile court may have a program for incorrigible kids: one where he meets with a probation officer to discuss his options – sort of a “scared straight” approach. Good luck.
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i need help, I’ve failed my parents and have knowingly decided to ditch school, i was caught before but this time i was struck with how emotional they were about my situation, i just want to regain their trust an regain all i have lost in my years of truancy and stupidity, i just want some advice on how to get away from my mistakes and learn from them.
Dear Jason: You’ve taken the first step in rebuilding trust and respect with your parents. By recognizing your faults and having the desire to make amends, you’re on your way to a better life. Continue on this path by attending school every day, raising your grades and doing what you know your parents expect of you. After all, it’s your life to live and now’s the time to prepare for adulthood. Your education is key to a successful life filled with contentment, satisfaction and pride. Your parents are there for you as you mature – appreciate their devotion to you and show them you care. Best in life, -ATJ.info.
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Hi, ive been sick for about 4 days and I have been staying at home. My question is if I send a note saying that I was home for an ilness and is signed by my parents. Does that count as truency? Or do I have to get a doctors note? I already have a truency contract and I dont want my parents to pay because they dont have alot of money rightnow
Dear Brian: You have to look to your school’s rules about excused and unexcused absences. You may be off the hook, as well as your parents, if you have a doctor’s letter regarding your absences. Or you could be given excused absences with a letter signed by your parents. Take a look at your truancy contract for the terms that apply to you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was caught ditching, but i didnt get a ticket only a Trauncy diversion form and was send to attend a clas, what happends if i dont go ?
Dear Sara: If you don’t go to the class, then additional consequences may be imposed like additional classes or community service. If there is a conflict with your schedule, which is the reason why you are concerned about not attending the class, you could try speaking with the person or office in charge of supervising the diversion program. It’s possible that you could attend the class on a different date or even complete a class online. Our Resource Directory at the following link may have an online option for you under the “Classes for Teens” category. Good luck.
(Check our Resource Directory for more help and resources in your area. This is information only – not legal advice.)
I had a question, I’m 17 years old and i was charged with truancy then put on probation. Me and my fiance is getting married before the end of my probation. My father needed to know it when i get married does the probation drop. He is wanting to pull me from the high school that i am in because the school dosnt care for its students. I am aslo 5 months pregnant and i am bullied at the school and the prenciples do nothing. So since ill be considered an adult do the charges drop?
Dear Edith: It’s going to depend on your state’s laws as well as the terms of your probation. Ask your P.O. about this as he/she should be able to give you a direct answer. Also, click here to find out more about the compulsory attendance laws in your state as well as the legal drop out age. Finally, you may want to try talking to your school counselor about your situation and what is going on at school. The counselor may be able to answer your question and help put an end to the bullying. You may want to consider an online school as an alternative option for earning your diploma. Check our Directory link below under the “Schools” category in your state. Good luck.
(Check our Resource Directory for more help and resources in your area. This is information only – not legal advice.)
I’m 17 and I was charged with truancy. I’ve flat out skipped four days, and I’ve been late too many times to remember, mostly intentionally, skipping about the first 3 periods. My grades are pretty bad, too. Is there any way my guardian or I could get off easier in court if I say I think I have depression? I think I really do, I hate school and school makes me hate myself. I feel very overwhelmed by school, and I skip because it makes me miserable. Also, how likely is it I’ll get probation? Not much of the school year is left, and I never ever get in trouble.
Dear Lona: If this is your first time going to court for truancy, you may be placed in a diversion program and have to complete some community service, pay a fine and attend a class or counseling. Telling the judge about how you feel about school and that you believe you have depression is a good idea so that he/she can get a better idea about what you’re experiencing. We also suggest you try talking to your guardian about how you feel as well as the school counselor. There are resources out there that can help you, but you need to talk to a trusted adult in order to make things better. Good luck.
(Check our Resource Directory for more help and resources in your area. This is information only – not legal advice.)
hi I am 17. I was wondering if it was legal for the court to end me to summer school if I have failed one class this year? I have not failed one class since I started school. ive never been in any trouble with the law never skipped or anything like that. if it means anything my parents are divorced.
Dear Peter: Under the laws in your state, it is probably legal for the court to send you to summer school. Once a court has what’s called “jurisdiction” over you, the judge has full discretion to enter specific orders and you’re expected to follow them. If you don’t, there can be serious consequences for violating a court’s order. Truancy laws in most states are strict and meant to keep students in school and attending without excessive absences. Some states even punish the parents for neglecting their kids’ education by not seeing that they get to school every day. So, we suggest following the judge’s order, complete summer school and get on with your life. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello, my names Yani I’m 18. I’ve never gotten in trouble at school maximum I’ve gotten was a detention for being late to class. Last Friday I said I was going to prom but I wasn’t so they called me down to the principles office and warned me that if I left it would be a write up. I said okay and later I got all emotional and felt sick seeing all my friends excited and happy going to prom, so I walked out. I know for a fact they found out that I left but I don’t know what kind of punishment I’m looking forward to. Any suggestions ? And reason I couldn’t attend prom was due to financial problems.
Dear Yani: We’re sorry to hear about this and now that prom is behind you, let it go. You will have many opportunities to celebrate in the future. If you’re called to the principal’s office for this, explain why you didn’t go and, under the circumstances, there may not be any consequences. You may receive an in-school suspension at the most. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I have to go to court in a week for truancy, which I’ve missed 49 days, some I was sick. What’s going to happen there? Could I or my gayrdians get arrested? Could I get removed from my home? I live in North Carolina.
Dear Sarah: If you’re between 7 and 16, North Carolina law requires that you attend school. There are consequences for excessive unexcused absences for both student and parent or legal guardian. Take a look at this website for information that may apply to you:
As you see, your parents could be charged with a misdemeanor and punished accordingly. It’s unlikely they would be arrested, but the judge could place them and you on probation with specific terms to follow. That, obviously, would include daily school attendance. When you go to court for this, the legal process will be explained to you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
If I was to feel sick an skip school one day, but get better by the end of the day and go to work, what is the worst that can happen to me?
Dear Alison: School districts have their own rules about excused and unexcused absences. We recommend that you look at your Student Handbook and see what it says about missing a day or two. There may not be a consequence until you exceed a certain number of days. Don’t make it a habit because it will affect your future. If your school has a website, you can find the rules online. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I have missed 45 days of school what can happen I live in Florida.
Dear Quintin: Every state has compulsory attendance laws requiring students to attend school a certain number of days each year. You can Google “Florida compulsory attendance laws” to find out more about the specific law in your state. You also can check your school’s Student Handbook to see what it says about absences – both excused and unexcused. Finally, you can ask your school’s attendance officer about this. You didn’t mention whether your absences were excused or unexcused. If some or all of them were unexcused, the matter will most likely be referred to truancy court where you will face consequences like community service, fines and having to attend a class or counseling. Keep in mind that if you miss too many days, you risk having to repeat that grade. Good luck.
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So I was taken to court by my mother and school back when in 2009 for truancy. I had a fine and all that but went and did my hours for community service and had the fine removed. I have just found out being now 22 yrs old that I have a suspended ID card. The cop told me it was in effect as of 2009 but I did not have a license. I got my license in 2012. The DMV gave me my license. Now after 3 yrs I am now just aware of the 90 day suspension. Apparently the DMV was supposed to not give me a license but they did. Can I fight this? Considering the DMV messed up majorly??
Dear Alyssa: You’ll have to check with the rules/policies of your DMV to find out if there is any way to challenge the suspension. You may need to just get it over with so that your license can be fully reinstated and you can put this behind you. Check your state’s DMV website or you could just go to your local DMV and ask an employee about this in person. Good luck.
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I need help, I’m scared I don’t know what to do with my 11yrs old son, he is constantly suspended from the school for misbehaving,since he started going to this school a year ago at first he was being bullied then now he handout with those kids and today the official Gonzalez called from his school because he locked a girl in the bathroom and after the girl come out, he told her outside that if she tell the teacher he will kill her and showed a nife to her.
The officer said that her family was so nice for not charging him,because that’s felony.
Can you please tell me what to do? Do you think if he is in jail will be better.he is getting help with consuling and we are working as a family with a consuler in setting rules and consecuances, but seems that nothing is working. Please help me.
Dear Jenny: Getting immediate help for your son is advised. You mentioned a counselor that works with him and that’s good. He may need a full psychological evaluation to help getting him under control. You could also contact your local juvenile court to see if they have any programs for kids on the verge of breaking the law. Some courts have pre-delinquent programs to keep kids out of the system. Ask to speak with a juvenile probation officer for suggestions. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
To: Judge Tom
My fiance of 18 years of age and do to graduate this year is in the court system for truancy. We live in WV and she missed her second court date. What would be the best course of action to follow.
Dear John: You might want to call the court and ask how to handle this. If there’s a warrant out for your fiance, you’ll want to take care of that asap. Otherwise, it could seriously interfere with her life. There probably isn’t since you have a second hearing set. Don’t miss this next one. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
It’s my senior year and I’ve been missing a lot because I keep getting sick. My mom is stressed thinking she’ll go to jail if I keep missing. I’m 18. Can she go to jail for me missing too much due to being sick?
Dear Sam: Some states have laws that penalize parents for their kid’s unexcused absences. You’d have to check if your state has such a law. Google the name of your state and “compulsory school attendance” for information on this. You can also ask your school’s attendance officer or check your Student Handbook. If your absences are all for medical reasons and you have letters from your doctor, there shouldn’t be a problem. Make sure you or your mother keep those letters. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I live in Texas and I recently got a Compulsory Attendance Notification for having 3 unexcused absences in the past month. However, 2 of these absences were marked by accident and will be corrected. The letter says I have to have a DOCTOR’S note if I’m absent afterwards, but the letter is dated the 26th, I got the letter on the 28th and I missed the 27th, but I had a PARENT’S note. Technically after corrections are made I will have 1 unexcused absence in the past month, but this letter says I need a doctor’s note. Since I didn’t get the letter until AFTER I missed another day, I am scared of getting court notice. What do I do?? Please help!
Dear Eva: We suggest you talk with your parents about this so they can help get this straightened out. They may want to meet with the principal or attendance officer. What could happen to you depends on your school’s rules about excused and unexcused absences. Take a look at your Student Handbook for the consequences. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My step daughter who is in 5th grade in Longmont school district, is tardy and or absent when her mother has her custody time. Which is shared between the parents. The mother has moved even further from the school district and because of this the young girl doesn’t go to school. I feel it’s the mothers responsibility to make sure my step daughter gets her to school everyday unless of legitimate illness or an emergency. What can we do to kick this in gear? I mean this affects her grades and it’s simply damaging to her education. Please help!
Dear Lorie: You and her father may want to talk with a lawyer about this situation. If the child’s mother can’t see that she gets to school on time and every day, the court may step in and take control of her education. There are state laws that require her to be in school until a certain age (16 or 18, for example). Otherwise, there are consequences to the child and possibly the parents. Take a look at our Resource Directory for help in your area:
Good luck.
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Hi my name is Brandon I have to go to truancy court for my 2nd time because I was supposed to be sent to a alternative school but I never went , I’m afraid of the charges I will get, what could I expect , I live in el Paso tx
Dear Brandon: You may be facing additional community service hours, fines and having to attend a class or counseling. Your school attendance will probably be monitored to ensure that you start going to school again. Good luck.
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Hello, I got caught today for the first time for ditching with a friend. I’m 17 and she’s 18. I got caught by a cop and I think I’m going to get a ticket. I live in Chicago, Illinois. What’s going to happen next? We both have good grades and exceptional attendance.
Dear Kay: Take a look at your Student Handbook or Code of Conduct for the rules regarding unexcused absences. If the police officer didn’t give you a ticket already, it’s unlikely you’ll receive one. You may have gotten lucky this time. Remember that tardies and absences add up and can result in going to court, community service work, a fine or, in some states, penalties put on your parents. Good luck.
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Hello my name is Den. I ditched school for a day because I heard we didn’t have to go to school because everyone is testing and I’m done testing. So I figure I didn’t have to go due to the information I found. I have Saturday school now is there any way out of this sense I was tricked into thinking this.
Dear Den: We suggest that you talk to the school’s attendance officer or principal. Explain the misunderstanding and maybe you’ll get lucky. Otherwise, enjoy “Saturday school.”
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Hello, My name is Fabian Marrero and I am 15 years old I was arrested about a week ago for a crime that my friends did they robbed someone for 8 grand of shoes and I went because one of them owed me money and they said just come and I will give you some shoes so we can be even so they robbed the guy and I stayed in the car the whole time… I am going to court on April 6th 2015 and they are most likely going to put me on probation and one of the requirements of being on probation is being in full time day school and right now I am on home learning online school part time the reason I left was because I was being bullied very bad sometimes I will tell my mom through the phone while I was in school that i felt really sick so she would pick me up and I spent the rest of the day in my room hoping the next day would be better but it never was so I told my mom and she agreed to put me in virtual school online but now I need to go back to full time school but I don’t want to cause I am gonna end up getting hurt or worst hurting my self things like this effect a child my age and even though it’s just bullying it really hurts me and makes me not want to go to school that’s the reasons I started online school which by the way I’m doing really good at right now but I don’t want to go back what can I do ? Can I do anything ? Can I fight that requirement ? And explain my situation ? Or there’s no way around it?
Dear Fabian: Yes, you should explain your situation to the judge or the probation officer. Depending on what your options are and whether probation if offered to you, you can explain your circumstances concerning school and see if they can work with you on that requirement. Considering you are in an education program, it may satisfy the educational requirement of probation. Good luck.
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I have a daughter who is fifteen-years-old shes missed 35 days of school. We have court on Friday in Gainesville Georgia What might they do?
Dear Jasmin: That will be up to the judge assigned to her case. If she admits the absences, she may be placed on probation for a brief period of time. She could also be required to take a class or complete some community service. Every state and court jurisdiction handles truancy differently. The important thing is for her to stay in school and stop cutting classes and full days. Your state may also have a law that consequences parents for their child’s excessive absences. When you both go to court this Friday, everything will be explained to you. Good luck.
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ok so last year in 6th grade i had some issues
So I was switching classes and turns out I forgot to turn in a form and so I was marked like 20 times for not being in 5th period
Now in 7th grade I have been marked twice for not being at school 2 days in a row except for 1 period on the 1st day
My parents had forgotten to call the school and I have ditched 1 class for the first time
Usually everyone just gets a citation (its basically detention but it leads UP to detention) even if u skip regularly but idk what will happen here BTW I live in Oregon
Dear May: Students between 8 and 18 must go to school in Oregon. Consequences for excessive tardies and unexcused absences may be imposed. Plus the parents can be brought to court to explain their child’s behavior and possibly be sentenced for neglect. Take a look at your Student Handbook, Code of Conduct or on the school’s website for more information on this. Good luck.
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(Thank you in advance for making this site available!!!) My guardianship of my 13 year old neighbor was terminated amicably recently. He is back with his mom (we had him for 6 years) She is illegal and has a hard time communicating with the school and sheriff. Her son is refusing to go to school (he was diagnosed bipolar and has attempted suicide in the past when he lived with us). last semester he missed at least 10 days. He refused to go to school today. We called the sheriff this morning to see if they could help get him to school and they refused. The mom is trying he best but he is a big kid and he’s impossible to move into the car unless he’s willing. He got 3 Fs on his last report card. Is there anything that can be done short of her losing custody and him becoming a ward of the court?
Dear Jorden: If he hasn’t already been referred to juvenile court for truancy, chances are that he’s going to be. Perhaps having him appear before a judge and having to answer to him/her, he will be a little more motivated to get to school. The court including a probation officer can help work with his mom and find solutions to get him to school. This could mean ongoing counseling (if he’s not already receiving it). Also, his mom may want to talk to the school’s guidance counselor about her son. There may be additional resources offered through the school that have not yet been used. Good luck to this family.
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Hi! My friend’s son from Washington has been truant for a few months now, he’s 13 and goes to a private school. What could happen to them if he continues to stay absent?
Dear Leroy: The parents could face consequences depending on the laws in their state. According to the following link, they could be ordered to pay fines for each day their son misses class and/or to complete community service. Click here to read more about the laws in WA (make sure the information provided is current though since laws are constantly changing). Good luck to your friends and their son.
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My son is 17 and will be turning 18 in 16 days. He has a habit of skipping classes to hang out with his friends on their lunch period. He is however on school grounds. We have never neglected sending him to school. Last year we had to appear in court with him for this very same issue and luckily he just had to attend a few classes and not get into trouble with his attendance for 6 months. Now here we go again and the school has sent our names in for contributing to truancy. I’m very frustrated because I feel this is totally wrong, we send him to school, he’s at school and skipping 7th period. Yet the school admits that he is on campus. Why are they not in someway to blame for not making him get to his class. He turns 18 on March 4th and we have court on March 9th. What can we do if anything.
Dear Georgia: Depending on the compulsory attendance laws in your state, it’s possible that the truancy charge will be dismissed when he goes to court since he will be 18 by that time. However, some states require that a minor stay in school until graduation. Click here to find out more about the laws in your state. If he is facing consequences, they may be more of what he dealt with last year – some educational classes and/or community service, don’t skip any more school, etc. Assuming he’s so close to graduating, hopefully he can get to class so that he doesn’t risk not being able to graduate with his class. Good luck to your son.
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Hi. I’m a 16 year old male (junior) and so far iv skipped a lot of days. IV failed all my classes in the first semester because of the times iv skipped. I live in Washington state. My main reason for skipping was that I got a virus and literally have been sick for almost 2 months. And I even skipped few days after that because my health was so bad. The only official proof I have is one note from a doctor excusing few of my absences. I went to the doctor 2 times and they said there was nothing they could give me to get better. I’m being sent to court. What are my options? Should I request a letter, or get some kind of information from the hospital that I visited? Or will I have to tell it to the judge?
Dear Nike: Yes, if you can obtain a letter from the hospital or another letter from your doctor confirming what you have explained here, it would be helpful. You will have an opportunity to explain yourself before the judge, but having a written document to back up your explanation for all of your absences is recommended. Also, be sure to bring one of your parents to court with you so they can explain to the judge as well. Good luck.
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Are there any Arizona and or federal laws on parents falsifying school excuses from a medical facility and them signing as an MD.
It has come to my attention that this parent who is submitting these types of medical documentation had been an employee at this facility.
Dear Pat: What you describe may constitute fraud under state and/or federal law. The exact acts would have to be considered and whether anything was gained from doing this. Law enforcement and a prosecutor would have to consider any possible charges.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m a 17 year old male I’ll be 18 on July 17th. I didn’t go to school for a couple months. This is my first offense and im doing a lot Better in school I am now homeschool and I haven’t missed a single day and I’ve brought all my grades up I’m sitting with A`s and B`s and one D.I have a plan of graduating and going to colleage for heavy equipment. What will I be charged with. I’m just really worried. And again ‘ve never been in trouble with the law before. And I don’t do drugs I’m trying my best to get my life on track. I’m just worried about what I’ll get.
Dear Rocky: Since this is your first time having to go to court for truancy, you may be placed on a diversion program and have to complete some community service, pay a fine and attend classes or counseling. Ultimately, whether or not you have to go to court is going to depend on the laws in your state as well as the rules/policies of the school district. If you have to go to court, then you should receive notice in the mail. Be sure to tell the court your current circumstances and your future educational goals. It sounds like you’ve gotten back on track and have learned from your mistakes. Best of luck.
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I asked my principal why we don’t file truancy on students here on our campus and she told me she couldn’t because we don’t have a local law enforcement. Shouldn’t we be able to use the an officer from a nearby district? We are just 8 miles from a district with law enforcement and we are in the same county. Just interested in what the law says.
Dear Renee: Laws spell out the authority given to each law enforcement agency. Agencies can and often do cooperate with each other, but in matters such as truancy, it becomes a low priority issue. It is the responsibility of parents to get their children to school and students to attend. The school can take action against a truant if state laws allow such. Thanks for writing.
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Thanks for the quick reply one more question will the judge give me a option to do community service because I don’t have money too pay thanks again
Dear Jeffrey: Yes, usually when a fine is being considered, you’ll have a chance to comment to the judge or probation officer. Explain your financial situation and that you’d prefer to do the work hours. Good luck.
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hi I am 16 and got caught ditching school and I got a ticket for ditching I got too go to court on January 30th.but today i ditched school and i got caught I told the police that I was going to school but the police officer said I was truant so I got another ticket for being truant are trancy tickets the same as ditching tickets ? And aroundI live in California . Also will this 2 tickets affect my criminal record ? because I have my job permit that I got with the new law called dreamact and I don’t want this 2 tickets too affect my job permit will the 2 tickets affect my job permit ? and can I do community service to pay off te tickets ? If I can’t do community serive around how much money are these tickets ? Will be looking forward for a reply thanks
Dear Jeffrey: These truancy tickets shouldn’t have any effect on your job permit. Once you complete the required community service hours, the cases will be closed. Try to get to every class, every day. Truancy is taken seriously in most states including California. Excessive unexcused absences can affect your life. Good luck.
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I am 15 years old and have been extremely ill over the past 2 months and havent been able to attend school. Ive already have had to go to court but still have been sick. What can happen to me if Im still sick? Ive also been going to the doctor.
Dear Jose: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules regarding excused and unexcused absences. With a note from your doctor, these missed days may not be held against you. Otherwise, you may be required to repeat some classes or even the semester or school year if too many days have been missed. Talk with your parents about this. They may want to schedule a meeting with the principal to discuss your future attendance. Good luck.
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I live in beaver dam wisconsin, i got a citation for a truancy. and i didnt go to my court date. im 16 can they issue a warrant for my arrest if i dont call or show up?
Dear Brooke: It depends on how the truancy process operates where you live. It’s unlikely a warrant for your arrest would be issued for a truancy alone. But it would be best to resolve this citation as soon as possible. Talk with your parents about it and they can help you clear it up. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
well I went to school today and I had a substitute teacher that marked me and my friends present for the beginng of 3rd period p.e however he did another roll call in wich my friends and I didn’t say present cause we were in the bathroom , and we didn’t hear him. we later talk to him and he says he marked us absent / truant. is that truancy? can I get a ticket?
Dear Stephanie: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules about being tardy and unexcused absences. It’s unlikely you’d get a ticket for this unless you have other absences noted in your school file. Once they add up to a certain number (ten, for example) you may hear from the attendance officer or principal. Good luck.
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Hey I missed Monday all the way to Wednesday and on Thursday I went to for 3 periods and ditch the rest of the day do you what might happen to me Jordan
Dear Jordan: Look at your Student Handbook for the penalties for unexcused absences. Every school has its own rules about this and the consequences for violating the rules. You can also go to the school’s website to see the rules. Good luck.
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I have a question. If a parent drops their child off at high school in the morning, but the student decides to cut classes, does that responsibility fall on the school? Is the school responsible for all students on campus after they get dropped off until they are picked up?
Dear DeAnna: You’ll have to look to the school’s Code of Conduct and the district’s policy manual regarding truancy and unexcused absences. Generally, it’s the student’s responsibility to be in class, on-time and every day. Public schools are not military academies with total control and responsibility over the students. Parents and students share in the responsibilities to follow the rules. Good luck.
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i have missed 15 days of school and my mom is being sent to a judge what will happen? I am in middle school 8th
Dear Agustin: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the consequences for too many unexcused absences. The judge may place you on probation for a period of time or order you to attend some classes about the importance of getting an education. Some states have laws where the parents can also be penalized for their child’s absences. It’s time to take your education serious. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hey, I’m 19.. I want to get my driver’s license in Texas. I wanted to know if I have turancy tickets will I be able to get my license? I thought your parents have to pay for the ticket if you were under age while you got the ticket?
Dear Tasha: Take a look at this post from the Texas Attorney General’s Office about truancy and its consequences.
As you can see, your parents can be fined for your excessive absences and your driving privileges can be affected. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello I currently live in Illinois, I am 18 years of age and am currently living on my as my parents demanded. I am working full time so I can pay my bills. Therefore I have been missing a lot of school I’m also in the process of terminating my enrollment there at the high school. When I did speak with the attendance office at the school about my situation there informed me that I need to quit my job and start attending school or I would be issued and 85 dollar truancy ticket. I personally do not understand why they won’t work with me to begin with I am living paycheck to paycheck as is without them throwing an additional bill into the mix. Please give me any advice possible thanks,
Dear Donald: Under Illinois law, although you’re 18, if you were enrolled in school this school year and haven’t graduated from high school, the school may have jurisdiction over you. Take a look at Illinois law 105 ILCS 5/26-2. You can find this at your local public library. Ask at the front desk and a reference librarian will help you find it.
We suggest you contact the school attendance officer and try to resolve this. They may work with you in order to avoid the fine. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi. I’m im a 4.0 student with multiple scholarships, including one to Brown University. i am extremely stressed out by school and need occasional breaks. my dad is against these breaks and doesn’t excuse my absences. i have 7 un excused absences and my dad has received a warning letter from the truancy office. how many can i miss until i get a citation? by the way I’m 17.
Dear John: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules regarding excused and unexcused absences. You can also find the rules on the school’s website if they have one, or ask the school’s attendance officer. With seven on your record already, you’re getting close to the school taking action. Good luck and the best through your college years.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I skipped school today called myself in because I wasn’t feeling good I’m really sick they called my mom to tell her they knowcit wasn’t her voice. What kind of trouble could I get into for this? I can’t believe I’ve messed up. I don’t want to ruin my future.
Dear Michelle: For one day of unexcused absences, you may be lucky and not face any consequences if this is your first time or possibly detention or ISS. The school rules should be spelled out in the Student Handbook which may be available online through the school’s website. Next time be sure to ask your Mom to call it in so you don’t end up with additional unexcused absences. Good luck.
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My 15 year old son is in the 9th grade and we live in Louisiana. He was diagnosed with three different mental disorders and both he and I have just left his physically and verbally abusive father. We were both severely abused by his father for the whole 15 years. My son is greatly disturbed from a life of abuse and I am also.My son has three mental disorders and takes medication three times a day. I have severe panic attacks and depression. When I wake my son up for school he locks his bedroom door and refuses to come out. Even when I catch him out of his room he refuses to go. My son is very large for his age. He is over 6 feet tall and 129 pounds I am 5 ft tall and only 99 pounds. It is physically impossible for me to force him to go to school. I tell him every day that he could get locked up for not going but he still refuses to go. I am also very afraid of being arrested and put in jail since my panic attacks make it hard to do almost everything in my life including just walking out of my apartment. In the past I had doctors notes stating that I could not work because of my mental condition but I haven’t been to the doctor in a while because just going to the doctor is hard with panic attacks but I do have an appointment in a week for my son and myself. What do you think will be the consequences for his refusing to go to school?
Dear Angie: Every state has compulsory attendance laws which require that students be in school so many days out of the year. The school’s rules about absences and the possible consequences should be spelled out in the Student Handbook which may be available online through the school website. You could request a meeting with the principal, vice principal or another school administrator to discuss the problem and what has been going on in your son’s life. There may be resources at the school or otherwise that can help him. Typically, a student may first face consequences for truancy through the school like detention or ISS. Then the matter may be referred to truancy court. If this happens, you should also have an opportunity to speak with the judge. Finally, it may be worthwhile to explore alternative school settings and arrangements for your son’s education. Good luck to the both of you.
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I’ve haven’t been going to school and they sent out my 2nd letter what does that mean ? My mom called the school police to come get me . What do I have to be prepared for ?
Dear Anel: The possible consequences depend on the rules/policies of your school concerning unexcused absences. Check your Student Handbook (it may be available through your school’s website). The rules and consequences for truancy should be spelled out in the handbook. If this is your first time having to face any consequences, you may be given detention or in-school suspension. If the matter is referred to the police, then you may have to go to truancy court. Be sure to get to class so that you don’t face any additional consequences. Good luck.
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When I go to school I feel worthless and like I can’t learn for my life and my math teacher is so rude. I decides to skip my Math class to avoid feeling that way. However it skipped for about two month now and I have a citition. I DONT want to tell my parents. And I also need to know what the citation cost is.
Dear Liz: If the citation is to appear in court, then you may have to tell your parents as it’s common to require a minor to appear in court with his/her parents. You may be placed in a diversion program and the fines vary from court to court. It could be $50 and up to a few hundred. Good luck.
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hi my name is zoe i have skipped at least a total number of 24 and more hours i live in texas and thats 3 school days to make up but i continue to skip because i feel like going back to my class will lead to a speech or a long talk to my mom she gets calls about me everyday and i just tell her im there but he still counts me truant at the end of this december i will probably have skipped a total number of over 72 hours what are my consequences
Dear Zoe: You will have to decide which is worse – having to go to court for truancy or even having to repeat a grade or having a long talk with your Mom. Check your school’s Student Handbook (it may be available through the school’s website) about the consequences for unexcused absences. The first time consequences are imposed, you may face detention or in-school suspension. Then the matter may be referred to truancy court and you will have to appear before a judge. Good luck.
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I amI have an 18 year old son is a senior. He decided he wants to quit school and get his ged. And I fight with him everday.the school turned me over to truancy court. We live in Arkansas. What can they do since he is 18. He’s already preparing to get his ged. I have never been in trouble before and I am really upset about it.
Dear Kristy: According to the following site, the compulsory attendance laws in Arkansas require that a student be in school until he/she is 17. Therefore, it’s unlikely that any consequences could be imposed now that he’s 18 and able to drop out, earn his GED, etc. However, be sure to do your own research to make sure the information given in the link provided is current. Good luck to you and him.
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I have a 14 year old middle school student who misses 1st period everyday which results in truancy. I have primary placement but can’t physically make him get to school on time. I try getting him up 1 1/2 hrs early but he takes his time. His father and I have joint custody who has to pay the fines or court costs or any other cost related to truancy. We live in WI.
Dear A: It depends on the custody orders as well as the laws in your state. You could try talking to his father about this and just split any of the fines 50/50. However, it would be best to do whatever it takes to get your son to school on time since additional absences will result in additional consequences. Good luck to you and your son.
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I ditched school 2 weeks when I was 15 I went to a probation officer that told some stuff and now I’m 16 ditching school again 2 weeks. What will happen?
Dear Stef: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules about excused and unexcused absences. If you miss a certain number of days, you risk repeating a class or classes or even being held back a year. The school may also be able to send you to truancy court or impose other consequences on you and possibly your parents. It’s time to take your education seriously. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My 15-year-old adopted son ran away in June and lived for a time with his birth mother in Imperial Beach, CA – the same woman who nearly killed him and his older brother with meth fumes in 2002. I enacted an Order of Protection in October on his behalf as Guardian Ad Litem, but she broke it and forced me to file a Restraining Order. While he lived with us between 2002 and this year, he never missed a day of school; now he ditches on a regular basis and has missed five straight days. No one knows where he lives now and his last Twitter post shows him painfully thin and gaunt, obviously due to heavy drug use. We are at our wits’ end not just because of Jon, but also that the entire system treats him like a runaway child. No one will step up and help us help him. Please advise.
Dear Tom: We are sorry to hear of this situation with your son. However, we are an education website for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We do not provide legal advice to our readers.
We suggest you contact a local attorney who practices family or juvenile law. Some offer free initial consultations, so ask about this if you call one. Take a look at our Resource Directory for professionals in your area:
We wish you the best. -ATJ.info
My name is Allan.I’m 16. I live in Tennessee. Okay I’m on probation for truancy. I got violated for missing like 50 more days of school. I go to court on November 20th. What could happen to me? Oh and I recently been diagnosed with anxiety, I’ve had problems going for that reason. Could that help me in court?
Dear Allan: Since you’re on probation, the consequences for additional absences may include extended probation time, more community service or possibly time in detention if your state law allows it. Talk with your probation officer about this and your lawyer. If you have something in writing from your doctor about your anxiety, take it with you to court and show your probation officer and lawyer. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
my name is cristian and I got a truancy ticket for skipping school im 17 now and my court date is on the 19th of November 2014 but I turn 18 on November the 1st. can I be arrested for not showing up even that I am gonna be 18 before my court date.
and I live in Houston texas
Dear Cristian: Every state has its own laws regarding truancy and its consequences. Since you’re turning 18 before your court date, you may have gotten lucky this time and no penalties will be imposed. We suggest contacting the court you’re supposed to go to and ask about the hearing on November 19. Explain the situation and you may be told not to appear and that the ticket will be dismissed. You can also speak with a local criminal defense attorney for advice. Take a look at our Resource Directory for professionals in your area:
Good luck.
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i got a ticket in the mail for truancy but im 18 now nd that ticket was for when I was 17. is that ticket no longer in my record.
Dear Jose: Your record, if you have one, should not include this truancy ticket unless you went to court for it. Even if there is a record of it, it’s insignificant as far as the rest of your life is concerned. Truancy is not a crime that adults can commit. It is what’s called a victimless, status offense that only those under 18 can commit. Don’t lose any sleep over this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Someone i know has had two unexcused absences and im worried for her.
Dear Kailyn: Check the school’s Student Handbook to see what it says about unexcused absences. The rules and policies should be spelled out. After so many absences, consequences may be imposed such as detention, in school suspension, etc. Good luck to your friend.
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I went to jail for 55 days, and when i got out, had a $500 truancy ticket. How can i go about to get this resolved withought having to pay? Or who do i go to to explain that i was incarcerated during those absences?
Dear Jay: Check the ticket for information (phone number, for example) about who to contact. Explain where you were and ask for this ticket to be dismissed. You can also contact your school’s attendance officer. Show evidence of being in jail to support your request for clearing up your school record. Also, discuss this with your parents. They should be able to help you clear this situation up. Good luck.
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Hello, I would like to know what can happen if I am already on a SART contract and I missed one day of school. I was feeling extremely ill. My father called to try and excuse the absence but they did not let him because they said I was on a contract. I didn’t got to the doctor for a note, I was just home trying to recuperate myself. What will happen if I have one unexcused absence while on a contract? Is being on a contract going to affect me while applying to universities since I am a senior in high school?
Dear Jocelyne: You need to refer to the rules and policies of your SART contract. It should be spelled out as to what the consequences may be for additional absences. Perhaps you and your father could ask for a meeting with the attendance counselor or another person who is part of the SART program to explain your circumstances and see if they would be willing to make an exception. Whether or not potential colleges will know about your contract may depend again on the rules/policies of it and if it becomes part of your school record and if you comply with the terms of the contract. Again, we suggest you talk to the attendance officer about this. Good luck.
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Can you get a truant ticket for skipping detentions I have for 16 hours and I have not gone to one I live in Wisconsin
Dear Joe: According to the rules at your school (check your Student Handbook), missing assigned detention may constitute an act of truancy. If that’s the case, then yes, you could be cited for truancy. Otherwise you could be further disciplined by the school for not showing up for detention. Time to take this seriously so you can move on with your life without additional hassle. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I had been ditching for a few months every once in a while because of major anxiety. I turned 18 on September 8th and I got a truancy letter dated September 10th… Legally can they still charge me? I started independent studies on Monday of this week and have my meeting on Thursday. Do I still need my mom to go with me if I do have to attend?
Dear Makayla: Depending on the truancy laws in your state, you may be charged for truancy violations before you turned 18. At your meeting this week, bring some proof of your current studies or program you’re enlisted in. That may satisfy the hearing officer or probation officer to see that you’re not neglecting your education. If you have a contact number to call, do so and ask about you appearing without a parent. Now that you’re an adult, it may not be necessary for your mom or dad to come with you. Good luck and stay in school whether the law requires it or not. It’s your future that’s important.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My son just started kindergarten about 1 1/2 months ago. I understand that the truancy law in my state doesn’t start until a child is six. But I’m a divorced mother with split custody who is having a hard time with the other parent dropping off my son on time. His already missed a full day of school and has been tardy (twice)by 5 hours into the school day. The school does not enforce truancy even though the have kids who are 6 years of age. My son is five going on 6 next spring. My x doesn’t understand how important it is for our child to be in school on time. What can I do to educate my son’s school and my x on the importance on attendance?
Dear Kelly: Perhaps you could try talking to your ex. Explain the compulsory attendance laws in your state and the possible consequences of your son’s truancy. Parents can be held responsible and fined and even jailed for their kids’ tardies and absences. For the specific laws in your state, click here. Most likely the school can also face consequences (funding, etc.) if it’s discovered that they are not enforcing the state’s compulsory attendance laws. Thanks for asking.
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Im 29 currently finishing my last year of highschool in maryland can i check myself out of school and leave for like early dismissal?
Dear Von: Despite the fact that you’re an adult, you need to check your school’s policies on this. You can look in your Student Handbook or just ask the attendance officer at the front office. The rules and policies should be in place and be written down, so it should be fairly simple to get a clear answer to your question. Good luck.
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Enjoyed studying this, very good stuff, regards . A man may learn wisdom even from a foe. by Aristophanes.
Thank you, John, for your comment. -ATJ.info
What will truancy officers do about ditching school because I have been doing that often because of the school I’m going to.
Dear Matthew: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules about truancy: excused and unexcused absences. If your absences reach a certain number, the school may require that you repeat certain classes. You could also be placed on probation if you end up in court (truancy or juvenile court). Some states also punish the parents for their kid’s truancy including fines, community service and, in the rare case, jail time. So start taking school seriously to keep yourself and your parents out of trouble. Not to mention it’s your future that’s at stake here. Education is key to a better future once you leave home and strike out on your own. Good luck.
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I am 17 gunna be 18 in November I am a senior in highschool all I need this school year is 3 classes how can I leave early and it wont count against me
Dear John: Check your Student Handbook for the rules about tardies and unexcused absences. You can also ask the school’s attendance officer about this. As a senior, the last thing you want to do is jeopardize your graduation. Maybe you can get permission to leave campus early, for a job, for example or other responsibilities. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am 18 years old and am out of state traveling my school started already but I was not in to resgter.with the school , and will not be for another week . If I am not registrared to atend yet can I be held accused of being truent ? Thank you for your advice ,,, I live in ky if that helps with the law any
Dear Mr. Brown: Since it sounds like you are not enrolled yet, it’s unlikely that these missed school days will be counted against your attendance record. However, it depends on your state’s laws as well as the rules/policies of the school district. Once you return and register with the school, you can either ask the attendance officer about this or check the Student Handbook to see what it says about absences. All states have “compulsory attendance laws” which require you to be in school a certain number of days per year, so you may have some make up work to complete once you start school. Good luck.
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I ditched a few times. Im trying to improve and change my ways so that I can have a better future but I am worried that those truancies will effect my future. I want to become a police officer. I fear that because of those truancies I wont be able to be one. Are the truancies going to effect my chance of going to college and becoming a police officer?
Dear Noemi: Since any of your unexcused absences were dealt with either by your school or juvenile court, it should not affect your ability of becoming a police officer. Be sure to get to school though so you don’t risk any further consequences. Ultimately, you could be held back a year if you miss too many days. Check your Student Handbook for the rules and penalties for unexcused absences. Good luck.
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my son is 14 years old he had got truancy we been to 2 court hearings already if he misses a review will he get a warrant i sent him with my mother because i got evicted so can i appear for him?
Dear Angelica: If your mother explains to the court why she’s there instead of you, the judge will most likely understand. As long as your son doesn’t miss a review, that’s what matters. Hopefully, his unexcused absences have ended. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m 15 and live in california. I recently recieved a letter from my principal saying I’m legally truant because I have missed 4 days unexcused through out my whole school year. I don’t ditch I simply just get sick but don’t go to the doctors so i never have a note. What should I do and how should I manage the situation. Will this effect my chances of getting into a good university?
Dear Angie: Perhaps you and your parents could ask to meet with the principal or the school’s attendance officer to discuss the situation. In order for an absence to be excused, usually you will need to have a parent call in to the front office. So, you don’t necessarily need a doctor’s note, just a phone call from a parent. Check your Student Handbook as the rules and policies should be clearly explained in it including what the consequences are for so many unexcused absences. This first notice of truancy should not affect your chances of getting into college, but be sure that any future absences are excused so you don’t risk facing additional consequences. Good luck.
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Im 22 and my 16 year old brother was recently arrested for skipping school and violating probation. Can you give me any idea of how long he would be in juvie? Also, he recently moved in with our mom who gave us all up until he got money out of his adoptive parents money. I would like to take him in if I could at all possible.
Dear Margaret: How long he be placed in detention depends on a number of factors including his prior record and if he’s been in trouble previously, the offense for which he’s on probation and his overall compliance with the terms of his probation. You could try speaking with his probation officer about this. As for taking custody, you need to speak with whoever has legal custody/guardianship of your brother at this time. If you can get that person to agree to let him live with you, then there shouldn’t be a problem. Otherwise, you could look into taking the matter to court by contacting a local family law attorney or perhaps your local legal aid office. Good luck to you and your brother.
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I go to court for truancy in October, I was missing days because my mom was in and out of the hospital. What will happen? Will I get a ticket?
Dear Kacey: If this is your first offense, you’ll probably be offered a “diversion program.” When you successfully complete the program, the truancy charge will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Keep your unexcused absences to a minimum. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
The first part of my second semester sophomore year, i ditched math pretty much every day and received 3 truancy notices. Then, i went to the doctor, I’ve been going to therapy, I’ve been put on anti-depressants, and after that i didn’t skip class. I live in California and have been searching the internet for answers to no avail. so my question is, Can i get a job over summer? when does my truancy “status” go away?
Dear Ryan: We’re glad to hear things have improved in your life. As far as a summer job, there’s no reason you can’t work depending on your age and the type of work you seek. Your parents need to give their approval of the job and the hours worked. If you are in a diversion program for the past truancies, ask whoever is supervising you about the length of the program. Good luck.
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If I got a ticket for ditching in high school and had to go to court and pay a fine while I was a minor,do i have to put that on an application for a job?
Dear Summer: It’s the rare employer who would want to know about a truancy ticket. We think you could be comfortable in leaving this off the application. But it’s your call. There probably isn’t a formal record of this that would appear on a background check. Good luck.
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I have two kids that go to a va school and we are moving and the kids havent been to school in two weeks i have a daughter that has missed 10 days before all this happened so she is up to 20 day or so now and i called the school and told them that we are moving and if i could get there work so they can do it at home the school told me they can only give me 3 days of homework and no more then that and she told me i have one day before she files papers to take me to court. We have been moving and the drive is 45 mins away and we are moving things everyday because we cant afford a rental truck so we are doing this all by are self they get out of school on June 6, 2014 i didn’t want to enroll them in a new school with just 2 1/2 weeks lifted of school and there other school is an hour drive away from are new house What do i Need to do? what will happen if i keep them out for the rest of the year?
Dear Stephanie: Every school district has specific rules regarding excused and unexcused absences. We suggest you make an appointment with either the principal or attendance officer to discuss your situation. You may be able to avoid court if the girls start going today until the school year ends. They can finish at their old school, get credit for the school year and start the new school without and issues following them. We’re sorry to hear of your challenges and wish you the best.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I live in Brooklyn and I’ve missed 31 days of school for the entire year altogether what would happen. I’m a junior.
Dear Jessie: Take a look at your Student Handbook to see what the penalties are for unexcused absences. Or you can ask the school’s Attendance Officer. You may have to repeat some classes or even repeat the school year depending on the laws in your state. Schools take absences very seriously because of the importance of getting an education. Good luck.
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Hello, i left school during a break and went to a near by place, i just left and i came back right away, all i did was leave for 10 mins, but there were other people out also, but when i came back, i just walked in with some other people idk and these two guardes let the other people in, but they had a look at me, i feel all stressed whats going to happen to me? i dont want to get in trouble, and i dont want my parents to find out, its my first time walking out, but people did the same day as i did
Dear Johnny: No matter what others did, you stand alone if you’re in trouble at school. Check your Student Handbook for the rules about leaving campus during school hours and the consequences if done without permission. Just because the guards “had a look at” you doesn’t mean you’re in trouble. Pay attention in the future to the rules. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’ve missed so many days since my freshman year, I’ve never received a ticket or anything for being truant. I end up having a leave of absence. Why I left my previous school. I ended up going to a continuation. I tried to enter another regular school but they didn’t allow me attend. I’m suppose to graduate this 2014 year & on May 21 I turn 18 I just feel like checking myself out, & checking into another school, What could be my punishment once I am 18 years old?
Dear Colleen: As far as truancy goes, the real punishment is what you’ve done to yourself and your future as far as your education. We’re not here to lecture you but will remind you that, as an adult, you’ll want every advantage you can earn to go forward in life. Truancy is what’s called a “status offense” in most states. That means any penalties only apply to those under 18 due to their status as a minor. Think about getting back to school or completing a GED program. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I’m 16 and from CA. I have a court meeting on Thursday for truancy regarding my absences. I just wanted to know what is going to happen. I’ve been told it’s either you get fined and leave or you get lectured at and looked down upon, fined, given community service hours, and more. I just want a certain answer. Also, this year I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety and I have medication + doctor’s notes + letter stating my illness. Should I bring this to the meeting/court? Because when I do not attend school it really is because I find a struggle to be there. Would they decrease my fine or be a little more understanding for my situation? Also, my guardian who is my grandma is ill therefore can I ask my uncle to go to the meeting for me? Sorry this is lengthy but I’m desperate for an answer.
Dear Jen: We can’t give you a “certain answer” since we don’t know the laws or policies where you live. But generally, truancy is treated seriously by the courts but not in a punitive manner. No one will be looking “down” on you. Yes, bring your papers with you and explain to the court officer or judge what’s going on in your life. Relax, and ask your uncle to go with you if your grandma can’t make it. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Yesterday a friend showed up to school with a mow hawk it’s about 1’inch tall and 1’inch wide I live in an extremely prejudiced town and anyone who isn’t Mormon gets persecuted. As a result teachers and students started making complaints to the office. And someone even went as far as telling the Principle and School Officer that he and I were smoking behind a nearby store. As a result the school searched us even though we had done nothing wrong. And told my friend that if he showed up without his head shaved the next day that they would suspend him. My question is can they tell him to shave his head and are we as students allowed to tell the school that we do not consent to searches? I live in Utah.
Dear Andrew: As for your friend’s hair, you would have to refer to the Student Handbook to see what the rules are about guys’ hair at school. If it doesn’t appear to be violating any rule or if the school’s rule is being applied in a discriminatory way, then your friend and his parents may want to challenge the school’s decision. As for the search, yes, you are allowed to say that you do not consent to the search; however, the school may continue to go forward with the search without your consent. Typically, a school administrator needs “reasonable suspicion” that a school rule has been violated or that a crime has occurred before going forward with a search. Again, if you believe your rights were violated, you and your parents may want to first ask to discuss the matter with the principal. Good luck.
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I’m confused…I’ve missed 16 days of school and according to Skyward they’ve all been excused (with the exception of one unexcused tardy). But, out of nowhere we were sent the truancy letter stating if I missed one more day of school with no “proper” excuse, I could be written up for truancy! I don’t get this at all!!
Dear Sarah: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules about excused and unexcused absences and tardies. You can also talk with the school’s attendance officer for an explanation of why you received the notice. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m truant and it goes to the school boards next Tuesday. I have really bad anxiety and even after all the suspensions, getting escorted by security and my mom I still keep ditching. I really don’t know what to expect. I’ve also been abusing substances and I got a ticket for being out past curfew from the school resource officer. Could they use the stuff I’ve done in the past against me? I don’t want my mom to get in trouble for my wrong doings and I really don’t want to go to jail. I feel that I will understand how serious this is after the school boards. I just started liking my school, could they make me go to an alternative school?
Dear Danielle: Anything is possible when you meet with the Board next week. It depends on the laws in your state about truancy, curfew and drugs. Your Student Handbook may spell out some of the consequences for breaking school rules. When you appear before the Board, be honest and sincere. Explain your new attitude about taking school seriously, staying off drugs and minding curfew. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I have a 16 year old daughter and she’s been tardy to class, which her teacher marked her absent and now we have to go to court. What will happen if we dont show up for court on the given date to come? I stay in Texas btw.
Dear Tina: If you fail to appear, a warrant may be issued. Truancy tickets may be issued for excessive absences or tardies. Check your daughter’s Student Handbook to find the school rules concerning absences/tardies. You and your daughter need to appear on her court date. If there’s a conflict call the court and see if the court date can be moved. Good luck.
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I am a 16 year old kid that has been bullied so much im afraid to go back to school i got a truancy letter how can i help this situation?
Dear James: We’re very sorry to hear about your situation.You need to talk to an adult you trust like your parents, teacher, school counselor or another relative. The school needs to know what is going on and your parents or perhaps the school counselor can help by talking to the school administrators and doing something about the bullying. Almost all schools have an anti-bullying policy to address such situations when they come up. You deserve to be educated in a safe environment, so be sure to tell someone about the bullying so you don’t miss anymore school. Don’t keep this to yourself. There are people there to help. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Dear Sir,
I have a 17 yr old girl who will be 18 in 3 months and we live in Texas. Trying to get her to school is very difficult and we have been contacted by the truancy officer with a warning. I drive her to the school but once she enters I cant be sure she stays. I have told the school this and don’t understand how a parent can be held responsible once they get them inside the building. Also she will be a senior (hopefully) next year would I still be liable for her if she will be 18? Thanks
Dear Trish: Whether you may still be held responsible for your daughter’s truancy depends on the laws in your state. Compulsory attendance laws in some states require school attendance until graduation even if she’s 18 or older. Check out this document about mandatory attendance laws in each state, but be sure to confirm that the information in the document is current. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My name is Chris and I’m 17 years old I ditch 6th period all the time but never got caught. If they catch me what can happen ? I live in California .
Dear Chris: First, you should check your Student Handbook to see what it says about unexcused absences. The consequences may include detention or in school suspension for the first time consequences are imposed. You could also be referred to the juvenile court where you would have to appear and possibly be placed on probation or deal with other consequences through the court. It would be best to get to class and make sure that any absences are excused. Good luck.
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I have missed a total of 15 days of school 5 were exec used but the remaining 10 weren’t because I have been told by some people I might be jumped and I have this one teacher that always yells at me for like potty stuff but when other kids do it he is cool about it. Also I have had a lot of mingranes these past 3 months .what will happen
Dear Jacob: You could be facing consequences such as detention or even suspension through your school. If your school refers the matter to juvenile court, then you may have to appear in court explain to a judge or probation officer why you have missed so many days. If you have to go to court, you most likely will be placed in a diversion program. Check your Student Handbook to see what it says about absences. You can also talk to your school’s attendance officer and explain why you have the unexcused absences. The attendance officer and school counselor should be able to help you get the issues resolved so that you don’t have to be afraid to go to school. Finally, please talk to your parents about this if you are comfortable. They can also help explain to the school the circumstances. Good luck.
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Hi. Two weeks ago my friends and I were coughs ditching and I got a truency ticket. I’m from Los Angeles California. I’m just wondering if this is going to show on my record. If so, would colleges and universities be able to see this? I’m really worried about that.
Dear Diana: Truancy is what’s called a “status offense.” That means, in this case, only a minor (under 18) can commit an act of truancy. It’s like runaway or juvenile curfew. Adults can’t be charged with these offenses. A “truancy” on your school record isn’t something you need to worry about as far as your future educational pursuits. Just don’t let them add up to the point where the school doesn’t give you credit for your classes or requires you to repeat a class or semester. Good luck.
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I’m 15 and in highschool. Does it count as a truancy if I was in the locker room during the PE class? I wasn’t off campus and it was only about 5 minutes. Also how long would it stay on my record?
Dear Paola: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules about absences and tardies. Under the school rules, you may be counted absent or at least tardy when you miss a certain amount of class time. As far as your school record, this incident could stay there for the rest of this school year and perhaps longer. Again, it’s up to the school and their policies. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was truant for a long time and was sentenced 48 hours community service and a $430 fine or so. I’m halfway finished my hours but I can’t pay the fine yet. I live in California and this is my third and final extension. I’ve tried finding jobs but because I was 16, employers said they preferred to hire 17 and 18 year olds. I turned 17 last week so I’ll be looking for a job again but I need to spend my time doing the hours and the deadline is coming up. Will I be fined even more or can I pay the fine after I get a job?
Dear Anna: We suggest you talk with the person who supervises your community service. He or she may be able to arrange for another extension and take your circumstances into consideration. As long as you act in good faith, as you are, in completing the hours and paying the fine, the court will work with you. Good luck.
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I was on my home after leaving my last period class. A friend stopped me to talk and we were sitting on the sidewalk outside of my home when the police pulled up and brought me back to school. I was not feeling well and had planned to ask my dad to excuse me from this last period class. My teacher is very relaxed and he understood that I had had a really long week. I got punished by the school but the police are arranging a meeting to assign me 90 hrs of community service. I have never gotten in trouble before and I was wondering if this was a necessary length of community service. Also, they stopped me on private property, church grounds is this allowed? Lastly, what kind of community service would I have to do? I already do community service on my own time, could I use these hours for assigned community service?
Dear Sunni: When you go to court or meet with a probation officer, you can talk to the judge or P.O. about the number of hours you were assigned. It’s possible that they can be reduced based on your lack of criminal history, the circumstances, etc., but ultimately it will be up to the judge or P.O. Also, the community service you already do most likely would be accepted by the court so long as it’s a legitimate non-profit or agency you are volunteering with and the court or probation department finds it to be acceptable volunteer work. Finally, being on church grounds is not necessarily private property if anyone is allowed to be on the grounds at certain times. As long as the police had “reasonable suspicion” to detain you and question you since you’re a minor and you weren’t in school, then most likely the detention would be legal. If you have more concerns about the police encounter talk to you parents about it and perhaps you could consult with a criminal defense attorney in your area. Good luck.
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My 14 year old sister in law has been refusing to go to school, her mothers tried to take away belongings privledges etc and nothing is working. We all live in new York state and I was wondering if there’s any recourse against her mother that the school will seek and if her mother can request her be on probation for truancy and her actions. Without some extreme measure my sister in law will not understand or listen and go to school without more serious punishment.
Dear TJ: Each state has specific laws regarding excused and unexcused absences and the consequences for exceeding the limits set by law. If you google “New York truancy laws” you’ll be able to read what the penalties are for both student and parent/legal guardian. You could also obtain information from the attendance officer or principal at this girl’s school. Her mother can speak with a probation officer at the local juvenile court to see if there is a way to persuade her to attend school regularly without becoming a ward of the court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, my name is Marie and and im concerned about a friend that was recently arrested because her son missed too many days of school. She had to appear in court 2011 and 2012 for the same reasons. She should have received a notice from the school and the court I believe had given her warnings that she fail to obey. Does this mean she had a warrant for arrest for not reporting to the school for her child missing too many days of school? What will happen to her next after she was bailed out on bond? I tried to help her in the past, because I have a teenager and received warning from the school to prevent this from happening to me. Please advise? Thanks, Marie
Dear Marie: There may have been a warrant for failure to comply based on what you have described. If the case from a couple years ago is still pending, then she needs to complete whatever terms were ordered by the judge. She could try contacting the court and find out what orders she still needs to comply with so she can try to complete the terms before her next court date. Good luck to your friend.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I’m just wondering is it possible to get put on probation in NY state in Dutchess County if you go to BOCES and refuse to go to school for the whole month of June?
Dear Brian: Anytime you have unexcused absences from school, you risk getting into trouble for truancy. That could mean a meeting with your parents and the principal or, if the absences continue, being sent to juvenile court. If that happens, there’s a chance of being placed on probation. It depends on the laws in your state and the policies of the court and school district. Best not to accumulate excessive tardies or absences. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, i’m currently 14 enrolling , in high school in the state of califorina, and was wondering if it was ok to miss one day of school? I feel guilty about this moment, and have no clue what to do now
Dear Jonathan: Every state has its own compulsory attendance laws. That means there are laws about how many days must be attended each school year. Take a look at your school’s Conduct Code and/or Student Handbook. That is where you’ll read about excused and unexcused absences and the penalties for breaking the rules. Excused absences shouldn’t be held against you. It’s the unexcused days missed or excessive tardies for class that can affect you. Good luck and enjoy high school.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m in middle school and have missed about 20 days, i live in houston tx, what kind of trouble will i get in?
Dear Hailee: Every state has its own laws concerning “compulsory attendance” (the number of days you are required to be in school each year). First, we suggest you check your Student Handbook about missed days – both excused and unexcused absences. Once you hit a certain number of absences, you will face certain consequences like detention, in-school suspension or even a referral to truancy court. You could also try talking to your school’s attendance officer and ask about possible consequences. If there is a legitimate reason as to why you have missed so much school this year, be sure that your school is aware of the reason and save any doctor’s notes, etc. so you can share them with your school as documentation as to the reason for your absences. Good luck.
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I am 16 years old, ive been on probation for over a year now and I overslept one day because i had gone to urgent care the night before and forgot to set my alarm, my P.O. called me in since i wasnt in school and i tried to explain i forgot to set my alarm after getting home from urgent care, i even showed him the doctors excuse and he put a violation on my record which is going before the judge this month. Can he do that?
Dear Stephen: Assuming that one of the terms of your probation is to attend school and not miss any days/classes, then yes, your P.O. can try to violate you for missing the one day. However, it sounds like you have a legitimate reason as to why you missed school (at least your morning classes), so be sure to bring the doctor’s note and/or any paperwork from Urgent Care when you go to court. The judge may be more sympathetic than your P.O. and excuse the absence. Continue to follow all other terms of your probation so you can show the judge that you are really making an effort to do well. Good luck.
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I am very close to exceeding the unexcused absences because I’m moving to another state and my mother hasn’t signed me out of school yet. I’m moving a week before the 1st quarter ends and I’m afraid my credits won’t count or they might take me to court since I’m technically enrolled in that school.
Dear Tony: First, check your Student Handbook to see what it says about unexcused absences as the rules and policies should be spelled out in it. Otherwise, you could try talking to your attendance counselor and simply explain your concerns about transferring out of state to a new school and that you want to be sure that everything will transfer accordingly. Every state has its own laws concerning compulsory attendance in school. Usually, once you hit a certain number of unexcused absences, consequences such as truancy court are imposed. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I’m 16 living in Colorado, I’m also 8 months pregnant and will be turning 17 in December. I’ve been waiting to attend an alternative school but now my online classes are telling me that they want to start sending me to truancy court. What exactly can happen if they do send me to truancy court and can they even do anything at this point in time?
Dear Tiffani: Under Colorado law you are required to be in school until you turn 17. Take a look at this site for the details from the state Department of Education. If you are cited into truancy court be prepared to explain your unexcused absences. Otherwise you may be ordered to complete some community service. Your pregnancy may have an effect on the outcome. Stay healthy for both of you and good luck.
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Hello i live in texas . Im a freshman . Im in high school . I skipped 2 full periods of study hall. And i asked for a random pass back to class . I asked a random question then a pass back to class . They said it was truency and my teacher would write me up . What can happen im very nervous …. Please help .
Dear Mohamad: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules about being late for class and unexcused absences. The number you’re allowed and the consequences for exceeding the limit should be explained. If you continue to be tardy or skip classes, it can lead to in-school suspension, a call to your parents or detention. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I’m Savannah. I’m 17, live in Texas, and am currently a junior in high school. I have only been absent once and missed half of a day, both of which are excused. However, I will admit, I have skipped my third period class a couple of times. Three, to be exact. Because of this, I have a court meeting scheduled for truancy. I have never been in trouble with the law. This will be my first time going to court and I am literally terrified. I’m in dual credit courses and have fairly well grades, my highest grade being in the very class I skip in! I’d like to think I’m very well rounded. I’m not involved with the wrong people, and I keep to myself most of the time. I am also quite sure I suffer from anxiety, which happens to be the main reason I’ve skipped. Large crowds, such as the crowds I have to be in during passing periods, make me panic. I often find it very hard to breathe and I often have to excuse myself to the restroom because of the overwhelming urge to break down in tears I get from being surrounded by so many students. School is a very uncomfortable environment for me, and I have often considered ending my own life just so I won’t have to be forced to being in that place with those feelings anymore. I was wondering, with all this taken into account, do you think I would be let off easy?
Dear Savannah: We are very sorry to hear about your feelings about school. Because this is your first time being in trouble and having to go to court, you most likely will be placed in a diversion program. This means that once you complete some community service and possibly attend an educational class or counseling, the charges would be dropped and you would not have a record. However, we believe the more important issue here is how you are suffering at school and probably from anxiety. We strongly encourage you to talk with a school counselor, teacher, your parents or any adult you trust. There are so many things to be done nowadays that can help ease the anxiety so many of us suffer from and it doesn’t necessarily have to be medication. Finally, if you are having suicidal thoughts, please talk to someone immediately or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. There are trained counselors available to speak with you 24 hours a day. Please take care of yourself.
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Hey I justed wanted to know when u withdraw out of 5th grade and said u were going to Florida school but never went to school again what happens when u try getting back to school but now iam 16 missed all my middle school years iam suppose to be in high school right now but scared of the law .what happens to me or my parents ? And I really messed up I really wanna go back but I don’t know what to do please comment back .what do I say to the law or school when they check my last time I went to school .help please
Dear Selena: You and your parents may want to schedule an appointment with the school you are wanting to enroll at. It’s likely that the school will want to see your records from your previous school, so you need to be honest about the last time you actually attended. They may want you to start at the 6th grade where you left off or you could possibly test out of the grades you missed. There may be other alternatives like taking online classes to try to catch up. We suggest you and your parents talk to the attendance officer at the school, someone at the school district office or even an attorney who specializes in education law. Some legal aid offices can provide free assistance to those who qualify concerning school law matters. Check our Resource Directory for a legal aid office near you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
My girlfriend is in an inpatient care ward for anorexia she’s going to miss at least 3 weeks of school, her schoolwork is being sent up to her so she can still do her work . Is she going to get any truency charges for this? We live in texas.
Dear Drew: Since your girlfriend is out for medical reasons and she’s continuing to complete her schoolwork, she doesn’t need to worry about getting a ticket for truancy. Depending on the school’s policies, her parents need to provide proof of her inpatient treatment, but the school will let her parents know if that’s the case. Your girlfriend just needs to focus on getting better and healthy. We wish her all the best.
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? im a mother of 3 elementry kids i was in the prosses of moving from tx to nm in 2010 ended not doing so at the time but i got 3 truancy tickets which i ended sending my kids father in my place judge didnt like the idea so ticketed him too for the same truancy days now having 6 cases in total. i havent paid for any of the 3 tickets under my name or any of the 3 under my husbands name which i think she was totally unfair i called her the nxt day of the court day and she said she was in her right to open those other 3 cases if the shool wanted to, i call the school and they said it wasnt them it was the judge who did it. so after all this i since moved states but want to know if the fines ever go away or they stay till paid or we get jailed.
Dear Adriana: Whether or not the ticket eventually goes away like when the kids are graduated from high school for example will depend on the laws of that state and the court process. Rather than risk there being a warrant or this coming up when you least expect it, it would be best to contact the court, explain that you have moved, but remember having these outstanding tickets. They will most likely work with you to get the matter resolved and may offer a payment plan so you can make payments to pay off the tickets. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello my grand-daughter’s Tamia 5 years old, and suppose to start kindergarden this year. Her mother Tamika Galloway has not enrolled her into school because of alot of reasons, and one she can’t read well and her other financial issues. I’m not sure what to do and I have tried to speak with her about this issue and my son has tried also but she is just not caring about anything at this point and get very upset if we try to suggest ways to help. I just don’t know what to do because my little Tamia is very smart and want to go to school. My husband and I were going to enroll her into summer camp but she just was not trying to allow us to do it and then she change her mind later but the camps were full. She is mentally ill and we don’t have the money for a lawyer so if you can give some advice please. Thank you and may GOD continue to bless you and your family.
Dear Deborah: We’re sorry to hear about this situation with your granddaughter. Unless a court gets involved regarding a guardianship or dependency of the child, there’s little you can do. As long as Tamia is not neglected or abused to the point where Child Protective Services gets involved, her parents are responsible for her schooling and other activities. Hopefully, your continued offer to help her out will sink in and allow you to provide for her needs. You can talk with a local lawyer who practices family or juvenile law for advice. Many lawyers offer free consultations for a brief period and that may be all you need. Ask about this if you call one. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My school attendance procedures state that “18 year old students are NOT allowed to leave school unless they have a valid excuse.” I will be 18 this year. Are they legally able to detain me this way? I realize that there could be administrative repercussions, but physical restriction from leaving? I go to school in California.
Dear Torie: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules about leaving campus with or without permission. Although you’re 18, the rules, as long as you’re an enrolled student, may apply to you. Otherwise, absences without permission may be held against you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello, I am in the 8th grade and the school year has ended. I have missed 2 days to many because of my father being in the military and deploying. All of the other days are excused. I have passed all of the standardized tests with being commended. And I am in Advanced classes with a B average. The school wants to have a meeting with my mom but they haven’t called her. When we have the meeting and they know the absentees are from my dad leaving will they still hold me back?
Dear Heidi: It’s unlikely that you’ll be held back with everything you’ve said. They may want to review your attendance record and clarify the rules for the future so that you don’t get yourself in a situation where they have to impose some discipline. Take a look at the Student Handbook for the rules and penalties for excessive unexcused absences. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My name is Katie,I live in Pennsylvania and I was wondering if you could get back to me on this question. I had a lot of truancy issues my junior and senior year, to the point where I decided to drop out. I’m 18 years old now, but I wasn’t when all of this was going on. I turned 18 after I dropped out of school. I had to go to a lot of court dates and my parents had to pay a lot of fines, but it always got payed. Today, while I was away at a friends house, an officer came to my door with an arrest warrant. It had to do with truancy. I’m very confused and scared, and I’m not even sure if they can do that now. I’m not in school, and I’m pretty sure things like that get wiped clean after 18. Am I wrong? Also, I may have missed a court date, but I’m really not sure, could that be why? I really need a reply because the officer is coming back tomorrow, and I’m not sure what my options are or if they have it wrong. Can I reschedule a court date if it wasn’t intentional to skip? Can I talk it out and pay fines as I go? What are my options with this, and where do I go from here. Arrest is not even an option. Please and thank you!
Dear Katie: Whether you can continue to face consequences for your truancy depends on the laws that apply to you. Google the name of your state and “truancy” for information. If, for example, you’re on probation or parole and the court requires that you attend school, then you have to follow the court’s orders. Your state may require that everyone attend school until they finish high school regardless of age. You could contact the court, explain that you want to take care of any pending or open case and find out if you can get a court date rescheduled. They may tell you to show up on Monday and self-surrender. In some cases, when a person self-surrenders in court despite there being an arrest warrant issued, the court will quash the warrant (get rid of it) since the person has made an effort to appear. You can also Google “compulsory attendance laws” and your state for further information. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I was convicted of a truancy at the age of 14 . I’ll be 18 in one month. I was ordered too show up to court and was ask too do community service . But I lost my truancy ticket and the community service application , so I failed too do community service . Can I go too jail for this ? Could the court revoke my driving priviledges ? What should I do ? I need help .
Dear Juan: You can relax and not worry about going to jail. However, just because you are turning 18 does not mean that this is necessarily going to go away. Some states have compulsory attendance laws that require you to be in school until you graduate. You could simply contact the court, explain your circumstances and that you want to take care of any pending case. Taking care of it now is better than not doing anything and worrying that it will catch up to you. As for your driving privileges, it depends on your state’s laws and the rules of your DMV. Check out your state’s DMV website to see if you can find any information about it there. Considering 4 years have passed since you went to court and you haven’t heard anything from the DMV, it’s unlikely that your driving privileges are going to be affected. Good luck.
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My name is Austin, I have to meet a truancy officer soon and I’m not sure hat we’d be talking about its suppose to be me him and my mother, and I was also wondering if they do drug testing while meeting a truancy officer
Dear Austin: It could be to discuss your absences and the possible penalties you face if you continue to miss school. Otherwise, you may be placed on a diversion program and have to complete some community service and attend an educational class or counseling. If any of the absences in question were excused, be sure to bring any documentation such as a doctor’s note if at all possible. Good luck.
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Well I’m Milyn I’m 14 .
I go to a public school after i got kicked out of my charter school for too many referrals .
Now at my new public school I missed about 130 days of school . I just started Febuary 23, 2013 and It’s now June . I go to school , I just skip a class and they mark me absent for the whole day .
This week is SPIRIT WEEK , and i don’t want to go except for friday .
Today is Tuesday and i don’t plan on going Today , Yesterday , and Last weeks Thursday and friday .
My Mother is threatening to call the police on me , and i still refuse to go .
I told her i don’t want to go , our spirit week has things to wear that i don’t have .
Like Twin Day , Bash from the past Ect .
If she says she’ll call the police .
Will she go to jail and what consequences i might have ?
Dear Milyn: Most states have laws regarding truancy and the consequences for ditching school. To find out what can happen to you first take a look at your Student Handbook. It will spell out the penalties for unexcused absences. One of the consequences may mean not advancing to the next grade level. Yes, your mother can call the police and that may land you in juvenile court explaining to a judge why you keep missing classes. States are cracking down on truancy across the country. Parents may be held responsible for not getting their kids to school including fines and jail time. It’s time, Milyn, to wake up and consider the trouble you’re bringing on yourself and your mother. In the long run, which, at your age, we know you’re not thinking about, you’ll be the victim of a lack of education. It’s your only option for a future where you’ll be content and happy with yourself. Start today by getting to all of your classes. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m 16 and I live in Florida. This was my second time skipping and I got caught by the cops at the last three days of school. They made me fill out this violation form and then released me because school ended at 11:50 and I got caught around 11:40. Those this affect me in any way for others things I would like to apply for., in other words does this affect my record negatively.
Dear Maria: If you have exceeded the limit of missed days, it could have an effect on your record at school. You’ll find out when school starts again. Or you can look at your Student Handbook for the rules about truancy and the consequences. If you have to go to court for this, you may be offered diversion which means when you finish some community service, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Try to make every class of every school day. It beats Saturday detention or other penalties. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
what is the legal age to not go to school in NC, i have attended 123/175 days this year in school what will happen?
Dear Ryan: North Carolina requires every person between the ages of 7 and 16 to go to school. After 10 unexcused absences, the school can send the matter to juvenile court for action. Plus your parents, if found guilty of contributing to your truancy, can be charged with a misdemeanor. Take a look at North Carolina law 115C-378 for the details Also, your Student Handbook probably spells out the penalties for truancy. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi i have been late a bunch of times but usually the times are always below 5 minutes late i beleive the amount was around 17 i was recently given a ticket for $114 and i was wondering if there is a way i could get out of it through community service or home detention or something of the sort
Dear Dale: When you go to court for the latest ticket, ask about doing community service instead of an additional fine. Courts will usually work with you in getting the penalty completed on time. Meet all of your deadlines and get this behind you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m sixteen and have missed over 40 days. Almost all, except about six, are covered by a doctors note. I’ve always had a weak immune system. I am Currently taking two honors classes and two stanard. I’m passing all of them with A’s or high B’s. School Admin. has told me I will more than likely not receive credit. Is there anything I can do to prevent that from happening? Also, if I do not receive credit for this semester will I be held back? Thank you.
Dear Elisa: Ultimately, yes, you could be held back if you have to retake all of the classes. So, it would be best to talk to your parents about this now and schedule a meeting with the principal or another administrator so you can work towards finding a solution and getting credit for the classes. You may need to talk to your individual teachers as well to figure out a plan about how you can complete the work required. Every state has compulsory attendance laws, which require you to be in school a certain number of days per year. You can check your school’s Student Handbook to see what it says about absences. Best of luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
im going to court twice in the same year for truency ive missed about 12 days, what will happen this time?
Dear Marg: You may be facing additional community service hours, educational classes and fines. It is common for the penalties to increase for a second or additional offense, so we hope you’ve learned that it’s best to make an effort to get to school. Also, if you are actually sick or need to miss for something your school would excuse, make sure that your parent or guardian calls in and gets your absence excused. Good luck.
(This is information only -not legal advice.)
I have a 14 year old brother that is having trouble going to school. He has a pending assault charge. what can i do to help him get through school.
Dear Chris: You can tell him about the disadvantages of failing to get an education but that will probably fall on deaf ears. You can also explain to him the realities of being truant. Many states are cracking down on truancy to the point where both kids and parents are penalized. Some kids have been locked up for a period of time and parents are fined and/or given a stint in jail. He needs to wake up and understand the concept of consequences. Once he goes to court for the assault, the judge may get through to him better than anyone. Good luck and thanks for being there for your brother.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I have a number of questions. I’ve never gotten in trouble in school, not even a simple lunch detention. I’ve always had good grades. I currently had a trip pre-approved, only to have my principle turn around and say if I didn’t provide a hospital slip my 5 consecutive days will be counted unexcused. If I do have to appear in court for truancy, what is the usual consequence of the first offense?
Dear Quinn: Considering your excellent track record as a student, it seems unlikely that you will end up in truancy court over this. Perhaps you and your parents could try meeting with the principal to discuss the situation and ensure that you don’t face consequences. However, if you do end up in court, it’s likely that you will be placed on a diversion program. This means that upon completion of community service, payment of a fine and/or attending a class, the charges would be dropped and you would not have a record. Best of luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
What will happen if my 17 year old kid that is not a legal resident gets a ticket for truancy after signing a contract to not get anymore tickets after he got a ticket for getting caught with marijuana? He’s about to turn 18 will they send him back to his place of birth? Will they put him in jail?
Dear Edith: The answer to your question depends on your local prosecutor and their policies. Oftentimes, truancy matters are not referred to ICE or other immigration officials. You can talk with a defense lawyer in your area for advice. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m brrian from texas ive skipped school like for 51 days and still havent got caught or gotten a ticket if I fail a tes or class would the principal look at my record of absentces to go to next grade or would I be caught soner or later even thoe I stopped
Dear Brian: It seems surprising that there have been no consequences for your absences considering you’ve skipped school 51 days. Yes, this could definitely catch up with you and as soon as your school realizes how many days you’ve missed, you may have to go to truancy court or deal with the consequences through your school. Check your Student Handbook to see what it says about absences. Also, you could speak with your school’s attendance officer to get some clarification about the matter. Every school requires students to attend so many days and if you miss too many, you could have to repeat the grade. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hey i have a question my girlfriend lives in nebraska and is about to go to her 2nd truancy hearing. She has insomnia really bad and that being so it is hard for her to sleep so some days she doesnt wake up in time. My question is what is the max that can happen to her shes 17 if that matters
Dear Ashton: It’s going to depend on the laws in her state, the circumstances in her case as well as her history and court record. She should be honest with the judge and explain her circumstances. If she has any documentation of her insomnia such as doctor’s notes, she should bring that to court with her. She may be placed on probation and have to complete some community service, pay a fine and attend a class. Good luck to her.
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Im 16 years old. I live in california ive had about 10 truancies. i got a couple of truancy letters. will i be fine?
Dear Nick: You may face consequences at school like in school suspension, detention, etc. However, if you exceeded the number of unexcused absences permitted by your school, then your case may be referred to juvenile court. You would then receive a letter notifying you of a court date. Check your Student Handbook for the rules concerning attendance and unexcused absences. You also could ask the attendance officer for the rules and consequences for so many absences. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
hello i am from new jersey and i have 2 sons that have not gone to school since jan 31.the reasons for their absences are really personal situation.their mother became addicted to prescription drugs & would not put any effort into them going to school & would not care if they would attended.also one of my sons got jumped during the first week of school & he was terrified to go back but he did not too long after that he got into another fight with the same kid.these kids are gang members also so that was another reason why him or hia brother would not attendend school.the school could not guarantee that they would be safe from any harm after these incidents.they children were staying with their mother because it was closer to the school than were i live.i gad no idea that they were missing so much school.i would like some advice on how to go about in getting them back into school.who should u speak with considering the situation that they were going thru.will i grt some sort of fine or jail time?.
Dear Cesar: We can’t say what the consequences will be if you’re taken to court over this. You can discuss that with a local attorney who is familiar with education law. We suggest you contact the school principal and schedule an appointment to discuss the situation. Once he or she is aware of the reasons for your sons’ absences, an arrangement can be made to help them catch up and keep all of you out of truancy court or from facing expulsion. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi my name is David and my question is i have missed about 2 days this month today my mom received a phone call from the front desk lady at my school saying that i missed 25 days because of me getting to school late this is my first time going to court ever i was a dropout but choose to go back to school I’m 18 now i live about a mile and a halve away from school what can i do ?i live in Houston Texas
Dear David: First, congratulations on getting yourself back in school and on track to earn your diploma. When you go to court, you may meet with a probation or court officer who will explain the process to you. Explain your circumstances and the fact that you only missed 2 full days, but was late for all of the others. Ultimately, you will probably need to start getting to school on time. Check your Student Handbook for the rules about absences, tardies and the consequences for such. It’s not uncommon for schools to consider tardies as unexcused absences, which means that the student can be referred to truancy court. We’re assuming that you’re close to graduating, so you only have a short period of time left to get to school on time. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Im 18 years old and i got truancy charges last week and attending court today at 4pm. It is my first offense and I already dropped out of highschool and have the date to take my GED. is it in my best intreast to plead guilty or non guilty and can i do any jail time?
We cannot provide legal advice and tell you how to plead. You may be offered a diversion program and have to complete some community service hours for the case to be closed. You are not facing jail time for this first offense. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, my name is Tony and I just got court for not turning in my notes. What can I do in this situation so I won’t go through another three months of probation and a fine. Its not fair for my parents to be paying for things like this. Can I take full responsibility of my problems even though I am 15 years of age ? This is the third time I get truancy , but this time I did not skip class at all nor school , I’ve been late to class but that’s it. Can I do something so I won’t get fined and then put to probation ? I’m really scared.
Dear Tony: It’s great that you are stepping up to the plate and wanting to take full responsibility for your actions and not saddle your parents with any of the consequences. First, we suggest you be straight forward with the judge or probation officer you meet with and tell him/her what you’ve told us. We’re assuming your parents were stuck paying the fine. Either figure out a way to earn money and pay them back even if it means working it off around the house. Your parents would probably be thrilled to have you “working” off the fine. Otherwise, you could ask for community service hours instead of a fine so that you can actually work the hours. Finally, it sounds like you need to figure out a way to get to class on time. If there is a legitimate reason why you’re late, try talking to your teacher and/or the principal about it. You (and your parents) could request a meeting with them to discuss the situation. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi I’m Jackie I live in Texas and I’m 18 years old. Correct me if I’m wrong but I heard and read that the state can’t file anything against you about not going to school because once you turn 18 your not obliged to go to school…is this true
Dear Jackie: Under the Texas Education Code, you’re required to go to school between the ages of six and eighteen. Take a look at Section 25.085 of the Code for details and the following sections that cover exemptions, penalties, etc. You can find these online or go to your public library and ask for the laws. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i skipped class the other day but it was my first time I talked to the principal about it and he said that I would get a truant for it. Is it still illegal? What are the consiquences?
Dear Hailey: Since this is your first time skipping class, it’s very unlikely that you will be going to court over this. You could ask the principal or your school’s attendance officer to clarify what happens when you miss one class or you could check your school’s Student Handbook for the rules concerning unexcused absences. You might be facing some sort of consequence through your school like detention, but often such penalties are imposed after more than one absence. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I can’t believe how ridiculous these attendance laws have become. When I was in high school 12 years ago in NY I ditched school quite often. I believe I had more than 40 absences my senior year. My mother never sent one single excuse note the entire time I attended school. I had good grades and went to college. My attendance was never even mentioned. I can’t believe that people are worried about jail time for this now! This is stupid and will in no way improve education.
Thanks for sharing your experience, Jenna.
Im 14 years old and have over 10 truancy already Im getting court next month and i dont know what will happen can i get put on probation or house arrest?
Dear Briana: When you go to court the process will be explained to you by a probation officer or the judge. Don’t miss your hearing and be polite. Courts across the country take truancy seriously, so you may be placed on probation for a brief period. Don’t miss anymore school between now and your court date. If you can, bring a letter from the attendance officer at school stating that your attendance has improved or showing no unexcused days since you got the ticket. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
is there anything i could do/say to help me in this situation??or anything i could do to better my outcome in court??? ir anything you would advise me to do so i wont be in this situation again???
Dear Ana: When you go to court, be honest and explain your absences. If your attendance has improved lately, you could bring a letter from the attendance officer stating this so the court will see you’re taking this seriously.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i’ve missed about 37 days due to being sick about half of my missed days are excused thew others aren’t i had a meeting with the school attendance officer in dec 2012 and after that i still miss so now i have to go to court the 20 of this month i also have a sibling that had this problem last year i wanna know what can happen to me and my parents and what i should do/sayy when i get to court?
i live in v.a thank you in advance
Dear Ana: We suggest you look at your Student Handbook for the rules about attendance and being truant. There are consequences for unexcused absences including having to repeat classes or even a school year if too many days have been missed. The court may also have a program that you’ll have to complete or you could be placed on probation for a brief period. When you go to court, the process will be explained to you by a probation officer or the judge. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hello i am a 16 year old girl in sc i am now on a truancy plan because i have missed 5 days. i missed those days because i have to clean a two story house and care for my special needs brother because my guardian who is my Grandmother can not do it herself and there is no one to help me. even though i go to online school i don’t have enough time in the day. I have tried to explain this to my adviser and she wont listen to me. I am an A student and am in advance classes and i would like to know how this will affect my chances to get in to a good medical college. I also want to know if i will be on this plan for the rest of my 2 years in high school.
Dear Rachel: You’ve got alot going on for a 16-year-old girl. If the attendance officer or school counselor won’t listen to you about your circumstances, perhaps you could request a meeting with the principal or director of the online school. As long as you can work out an arrangement where you get your school hours completed and get your work done, perhaps they will accept that your hours vary a little from other students. Whether you will continue to be on the plan will depend on the rules and policies of the school. Check the Student Handbook to see what it says about truancy plans. Best of luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
In first grade,My grandma had a stroke and my mom decided to keep me out of school for a while,the teachers decided to give me detention and make me repeat first grade.Was it lawful.
Dear Samuel: It may have been legal depending on the education and compulsory attendance laws in your state. If too many days are missed, then the school can’t advance a student to the next grade.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello, I’m in eight grade and I frequently must miss school (About three days every couple months) and I have missed two more after ten absences. Will I be considered truant in Colorado Law?
Dear Christian: First, look at your Student Handbook to find your school’s rules about attendance and how many absences you may have before you face consequences like being referred to truancy court. Also, you could ask you school’s attendance officer. Explain that you’re concerned and just want to make sure that you aren’t facing any consequences at this time. You most likely would receive a warning before having to go to court over the matter. Finally, be sure your absences are excused as unexcused absences could result in truancy penalties after just a handful of missed days. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Im a Truant going to court tomorrow im wondering what the judge would fine me for? im 17 and i skipped a few days and i cannot afford the fine im from texas and i wanna know if you dont mind, what ill be court mandated to do?
Dear Brian: Explain your financial situation to the judge and it will be taken into consideration. Instead of a fine, the judge may give you community service to complete within a certain time period. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i live in madisonville, Kentucky and i was suppose to have court on the 29th of january, for a review of my truancy and to see if i had followed all rules, and maybe even having the case closed. but now i have two unexcused absences and they rescheduled my court date for the 26 of february. what could happen to me since i am already on truancy and now have two unexcused.
Dear Diamond: Since you have two more unexcused absences, you may be facing community service or having to attend a class. Be sure to get to class as the more absences you obtain, the more serious the consequences get and ultimately, you could have to repeat a class and even a school year if you accrue too many. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
HI, Im 21 and I graduated high school in 2009. In 2007 I received a truancy letter from the school but it turns out they made a mistake with my attendance. The assistant principal took the letter from my hand and said “ill take care of it”. I dont recall if i ever received a court summons in the mail. Worst case scenario if they did send me a court hearing , and i did not attend, what’s the worst that could happen?
Dear Eddy: It’s possible that the matter is still pending in which case you need to contact the court to resolve the matter. If it is still pending, the case should be closed once they find out that you are now 21 and that you graduated from high school. Call the juvenile court in the county where you attended school and simply ask if there is anything pending under your name, date of birth, etc. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
im 14 and a freshman and live in arizona. its my 1st time ditching. How much trouble?
Dear Cheyenne: Check your Student Handbook to see what the rules and policies are concerning unexcused absences. They should be spelled out in the handbook. You may not be facing any consequences since it’s your first time, but keep in mind that the more school you miss, the more likely you will be facing detention, in school suspension and even be referred to truancy court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
My daughter was absent from school three times, and I got a note from her school requesting an interview with me.She wasn’t skipping, I was aware of her staying home, and I even called the school to tell them.Is this going to go onto her record forever, even if she was just sick?
Dear Alyssa: When you meet with the school officer, explain what happened and that you called this in each time she stayed home. If the school accepts each as an excused absence there shouldn’t be a problem. Take a look at the Student Handbook for the rules about tardies, excused and unexcused absences. You might be able to find them on the school’s website. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi,Um What Do I Do ? !?! Ive Been Skipping School and I Got Caught Twice . The first time with my friend and the second alone. Im in middle school,7th grade. And i live in mesquite… i have iISS for 4 days Because the last time i had 2 days.. then the assistant priciple said i may go to court.. im only 12 🙁 and idont wanna go to juvy.. he said i missed aLOT of days.. my dads SO .Mad at me since he doesnt have that much money if he has too pay.. ikm so scared. Im never .skipping again.
Dear Franchesca: We’re glad you’ve learned a lesson here. Many courts are ordering parents to pay fines or even spend time in jail when their kids don’t go to school. Follow the rules and stay out of trouble. Enjoy the holidays.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Sluffers and them getting suspended from school
I think it is stupid how when teen’s sluff or ditch class and get suspended for it is dumb because you are just giving them what they want. They do not want to be in class or here at school. If I had it my way they would not get suspended they would get some form of labor for sluffing class but that probably will not happen
. I know when I use to sluff if they would have made me do manual labor I would have stopped but know if I were sluffing it would in courage me to more because I like manual labor. But not everyone are like me what would be a punishment for me is giving me more work because it would take up more of my time and I would have less time to hang out with my friends and girlfriend. Something else that could happen is if you are on a team you could get kicked off the team or not be able to compete on the team which would probably be the worst punishment of all it would make me cry if I got kicked of the ball room team or could not compete.
In conclusion I think teen’s should not get suspended but should get manual labor more school work or kicked off a team because it will make them work harder and not sluff class because they get a legit punishment for not going to class.
Christian Cheney, prd.7, 12/11/12
Dear Christian: You make some good points. Many schools are using in-school suspension as a consequence for ditching or excessive tardies. All the best, -Judge Tom.
I am a 15 year old sophomore what are the laws if you ditch only 1 class period frequently but you still how up to all of your other classes on time
Dear Lucas: Take a look at your Student Handbook. It should spell out the rules and consequences of being tardy to a class or missing classes and full days. Every school district has its own rules and states have laws regarding the number of required days each school year that you must attend. Ditching too many classes can lead to repeating the class, in-school detention or possibly truancy court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My name is veronica I live in the state of Texas and I received a letter saying that I have 11 excused absences and 4 unexcused 2 state reported and 2 nonstate reported…it is saying that my mom must make contactact within 5 days or disciplinary actions will be made..what is it that they can do to me if my mom doesn’t show up to the conference?
Dear Veronica: Take a look at your Student Handbook or Code of Conduct. Every school spells out the process and consequences for absences and tardies. You may get some in-school suspension days or ordered to take a class about the importance of education, etc. If your unexcused absences continue, the school may send you to juvenile court where the penalties are stricter. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I and my daughter live in warren, pa and I just got a court summons for my 14 yr old for missing 3 days(oct 9,10,11). I did write an exuse but she never turned it in until oct 26, 2012. The letter was signed on Oct 25, 2012. She has missed 6 total days all together of school but no unexused absents or tarties at all. Why am i getting this letter? Should I get a lawery?? It also says I am pleding not guilty. Court date is Nov. 6.
Dear Beth: First, you could try talking to the school’s attendance officer to see whether the matter can be cleared up. Otherwise, be sure to go to court with your daughter on the date and time ordered so that you can explain to the judge or whoever your daughter is supposed to meet with that the absences were in fact excused, but your daughter did not turn in the note until after the court date had been scheduled. You do not need an attorney for the court date. If, after you go to court, you feel that you need an attorney to represent you or your daughter, then you could look into hiring one, but the matter may be resolved at the first court date. Good luck to you and your daughter.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, When i attended school i recieved two truancy tickets in California. I never went to court for niether of the tickets, i was young and dumb. I am now 22 years of age and i live in Texas, my question is can i get my license in the state of Texas? since i got the tickets back in California? and how can i go about paying off my tickets, i never went to court so i dont even know how much to pay? what can i do ??
Dear Melany: Truancy is what’s referred to as a “status offense.” That means only a minor can commit a status offense such as runaway, curfew and disobedience. In your case, once you hit the state’s mandatory school attendance age, you’re no longer able to be charged with truancy. Since so many years have passed, it’s unlikely a record of this exists. It shouldn’t have any affect on getting your license in Texas. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Aye its me again i just wanted to ask about the ticket i got well ditchins also truancy right?
Well isnt diching school a little crime that minor can comit like curfew runing away or truancy and be erased once your 18 right? Well the officer that wrote the ticket wrote it as a misdemeanor crime but im having doubt that truancy/diching isnt a misdemeanor crime and he shouldnt have wrote it as that so im worried that that might worsen the situation because i still have to go to court but havent told me when also first time offence and never have gotten a ticket or gone to court before so im sorta worried because i also heard him say he hasnt gaven a diching ticket in a long time so im worried he might have wrote the ticket as worser crime than it already is because he serched me but i dint have anything with me at all it was just that i was diching school.
You make a good point. Yes, ditching is truancy which is considered a “status offense” meaning that it’s only illegal because you are a minor. There’s a good chance that it’s not necessarily considered a misdemeanor as the officer wrote, but don’t worry because it’s ultimately up to the prosecutor’s office to review the ticket/case and file any charges in juvenile court. Therefore, it probably will not be filed as a misdemeanor and if diversion is an option, charges won’t even be filed. If you end up having to go to court, you will find out more and will receive a notice in the mail.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
hey so this is my first time getting a ticket and i recently got stoped by and officer for ditching school
Im 15 and i have had a lot Absents but they took me back to school and gave me a ticket and marked it as a misdemeanor but dint give me a court day
Do you think ditching is a misdemeanor?
And what should
I expect?
I live in california, venice
Dear Jesus: You may receive a notice in the mail telling you about a court date. Don’t miss your hearing or the court can issue a warrant for your arrest. Talk about this with your parents. They need to go to court with you. If this is your first offense, you’ll be eligible for “diversion.” That means when you finish some community service, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Good luck and make sure you make it to every class, every day.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m a 16 year old mother of 1 and married. I turn 17 in Dec. I do online schooling, but I haft to go twice a week and do the rest of the work online.Trouble is I dont have a ride to go. Currently I’m trying to find a job, to help support my daughter. If I dont go to school for the three months will my husband go to jail?
Dear Shelly: Without knowing the specifics and the laws that apply to you, we can’t answer your question. We suggest you Google the name of your state and “compulsory attendance law” for details about truancy and what your state requires of a minor when it comes to education. You can also check your state’s Department of Education website for information. Good luck and keep your studies up. That’s the best thing you can do for your daughter and yourself.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
HI, I live in California and i ditched school on Thursday(first time) & i got caught by police & i got a ticket and they said they would call me for a court appoinment . i have good grades and all but the vice priciple said that when i turn 18 it will dissapear like it never happened unless i do it again, but some people are telling me that it doesnt its permant forever . can i still be a doctor when i grow up? & will it dissapear off my record? PLEASE HELP. thanks (:
Dear Jenny: Truancy is what’s called a “status offense.” That means only someone under 18 can commit this offense. It doesn’t follow you around once you become an adult. It shouldn’t have any affect on your educational or employment pursuits in the future. You’ll probably be eligible for a diversion program after which the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
So I got truancy in April, and that year of school is over. I got probation though, and was curious if I could miss any school this school year while on probation. I live in Tennessee if that helps.
Dear Jordan: Take a close look at your written probation terms. Most likely they require you to obey all laws and that includes meeting your state’s compulsory attendance laws for school. So, in other words, while you’re on probation you need to get to school everyday and every class. Otherwise your probation officer can file a probation violation with the court which will mean you’ll be explaining your truancy to the judge.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I do not ditch school,however, I have several unexcused absensess. I have a 4.0 GPA and im entering 7th grade I already missed about 5 days.Most were from trasnportation problems. My mother is forcing me to go to this school that has an inter-city envirement,terriable education,and I am not allowed to play piano which is very important to me. I looked up an online school ECOT but my mom wont let me join. I told her if you dont sign me upI wont go to school tomarrow. She still not agreeing what can I do? This is extremely EXTREMELY important for my life ,ECOT.I have to play piano 6 hours a day so I can become a skilled classical pianist. I havegood grade I dont want a truency report. She said she’ll call the police on me if I dont go. This has been going on for weeks.If it turns 10.1.12 and im not in ECOT I might kill mysel. my birthday is 10.7.12 this is extermely importan. Can I make a case to allow my self the right to go to this oline school where i meet all requirements>? I havent missed many days of school and I get high test scores.But I wont go tomarrow if she doesnt sign me up
Dear Samuel: It’s ultimately up to your mother to make decisions about your upbringing such as your education and where you attend school. Maybe you can try to make a strong case for yourself and present it to her to see if she will reconsider allowing you to attend the online school. You may want to get the paperwork together showing your Mom that it’s an accredited school, have her speak with an admission counselor and even perhaps the counselor at your current school to help explain to your Mom the benefits of the online school. If she’s unwilling to let you switch schools, your school counselor may be able to help you make the most of your current school and find a program where you would be able to play the piano. Please let the counselor or another adult you trust know how desperate you feel about the situation. Finally, if you are feeling suicidal, please immediately call a help line like the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. Good luck and take care.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
My brother is a junior in high school the days that my mom and dad go to work he decides that he doesn’t want to go to school. My parents call every morning to ask if he has left already but he wont get up. He tells my mom that he doesn’t want to go to school. We don’t know what to do my moms tried calling school and asking for help but they don’t seem to help. He ditches way to much and he just wont go to class. What can you advise we do??
Dear Joanna: First, you may want to check your brother’s Student Handbook to see what the rules are concerning unexcused absences. After missing so many days, the school will refer the matter to truancy court and he will have to make a court appearance. If his school has a truancy officer or attendance counselor, perhaps your parents and brother could schedule a meeting with him/her so your brother fully understands the potential consequences for missing too much school. Also, depending on your state’s laws, your parents could be held responsible for his absences and also face consequences. Maybe if your brother was aware of all of this, he would start making more of an effort. Good luck to your family.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
My husband and I have custodial custody of his 13 yr old son. We got custody in the middle of Feb 2012. A month later we got a call from the truancy office for the county where he lived with his mother. We went to court and did a change of venue and transferred the case to our county. The case is still currently open. Everything has been going really well, hes attended all his classes, getting good grades and was taken off of his IEP. This past weekend he went to stay at his mother’s house for the weekend and she refused to give him back to us. She called the police and claimed abuse. The claims void our custodial rights. His mother told the police that she would make sure he gets to school but he now has 2 unexcused absenses. Ive already talked with the school and the truency office for his case and they understand the situation. My questions are can she get in any trouble for him missing school? Can she be held liable for her actions of not getting him to school? And is there anything he can file against her for adding to his truency issues?
Dear Melissa: Every state has compulsory education laws and truancy rules with consequences for violations. You have to see what the laws are where you live and how they apply to you and this boy’s parents. States are cracking down on truancy including penalties against the parents who neglect their kids’ education. Some laws include fines, community service and/or jail time. You can contact your local prosecutor and ask about this situation or the school attendance officer. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My daughter and I live in Kentucky. The other night at a football game she got mixed in with trouble without even knowing she was doing anything wrong. She’s a good girl and has never been in any kind of trouble. But the consequence for every one else was 5 days suspension, my daughter also got 5 days suspension. I was wondering if these absences are excused or unexcused since they aren’t allowing her to come to school.
Dear Cate: We’re sorry to hear about your daughter’s situation. Since she has been suspended and is not voluntarily missing school, the absences are most likely excused. However, to confirm this, either check her Student Handbook to see what it says about suspensions and school absences or call the school’s attendance officer. Good luck to your daughter.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
When i was in high school i received around 6 ditching school/truancy tickets & I never went to the citations in court until last year when a police officer pulled me over for going too fast on the street (speeding ticket). So i went and pledge guilty for the speeding ticket. I told them that i wanted to make an arregement and pay my fine every month. So thats that. That same day i asked them if i could pay my truancy/ditching tickets with community service hours, but they said they didnt have none of those (truancy) tickets on their records. They doubled checked and nothing would come up on the computer. So for all this i have a few questions?!
1. Are those truancy tickets considered as misdemeanors?!
2. Are they considered a felony or a warrant if i didnt go to the citations Even if i was underage?
3. If by any chance they could find the tickets on the records, would they affect me even if i am 20 years old now, almost 21 & i wanted to make an arragement but they couldnt find them even when i gave them the case number(s)?
Dear Josue: Truancy tickets are what’s called “status offenses.” That means they’re crimes that only a minor can commit including runaway, disobedience and curfew. They are not felonies or misdemeanors and shouldn’t have any affect on you as an adult. Since the court checked your name in the system and nothing showed up, there’s no outstanding warrant for your arrest. These most likely were never formally entered into the system because of the level of offenses (low) and because now you’re an adult. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I have a question. I am 18 years old and I graduated high school already. I am a good person and have not got into any trouble what so ever. I got a truancy contract for skipping two classes in middle school because I wanted to finish a project that was due for class. So they asked me why I skipped and I told them the reason why and they contacted my parents and my parents and I had to sign the truancy contract promising that I will not skip classes, school or be late for any class. After that I followed everything because I did not want to get into more trouble. My question is if I got that truancy contract in middle school, did it go on my record? Also is it bad that I got a truancy contract?
Dear Dulce: First, congratulations on finishing high school. Relax, this truancy matter is history and you don’t have an official record that will affect your future. Now that you’re 18, minor offenses like these don’t follow you into your adult life. All the best.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I have an enormous issue, we are in Colorado Springs, Co. Have a 15 yo daughter, has always had medical problems, had a bullying problem at schiol last year, and it aggravated some of her medical issues to the point that the school was calling almost every day to come pick her up and take her home. eventually, her family Dr removed her for the remainder of the year on medical and placed her on a home tutoring program throught the same school district. we had some issues in the spring with tutors, and went a few weeks without any, and my daughter ended up in court in Feb on a curfew violation (for being 7 min late which I requested the citation not just a release, from a Nov incident). The judge requested DHS be called and my child was removed from the home. I haven’t seen her since. Please tell me what else i can do at this point?? the paperwork is redundant, requests nothing but “counseling” an order already issued states only that there is “parent child confict in the home” nothing else. Nothing. This happened Feb 23 2012. Must add, single mother, her father died year ago New Year’s after 21 years
Dear Lisa: We recommend you speak with an attorney in your area who practices juvenile or family law. He/she will know about the laws that apply to a child being removed from your custody and can review any court orders issued. You may have a review hearing coming up to address issues with the judge and plan for her eventual return. If you have the name and number of the assigned caseworker, contact that person and ask about your case and future plans regarding your daughter’s return. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
my son stayed with his father this year and he missed too much school… His father just told me he was charged with parent contributing to nonattendance… can my son still come home like he is supposed to?
Dear Heather: You have to follow any orders issued by the court regarding your son’s custody and living situation. If you think a change is needed for his welfare, talk with an attorney about modifying the custody/visitation orders. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I adopted my granddaughter, and she has been having severe headaches for the past 5 years. We’ve seen doctors about it, but when she gets headaches , her vision gets blurry, she gets dizzy, and she cannot concentrate, and she would headaches alot, almost daily. she missed 20 days. some for the headaches, some for doctor appointments, some for counseling. this if the first time we’ve gotten a letter home about court, and she has court in a couple weeks. what should we be expecting? She is not a bad kid at all, she has good grades. She has anxiety terrible though, she is very nervous.
We also live in Nebraska
Dear Cassie: When you go to court, explain everything to the judge. Bring documentation of her doctor visits, medications taken, etc. Anything to back up your explanation regarding her absences will help your situation. The judge should understand once presented with the facts. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I am 16 years old and I just received my first truancy letter from my school but I never missed any of my classes and I always avoid being late. It says on the letter that I’ve been absent for 7 days and I was surprised on how it happened for I never been absent or late. I always get good grades and I’m an honor student. I believe it was just an error but, I am really scared on what might happen to me after this. Am i going to jail? Am i going to court? Are my parents will be involved in this? I’m scared.
Dear Anne: Talk this over with your parents who can vouch for your regular attendance at school. There may have been a computer glitch resulting in this truancy notice. Don’t worry about being locked up or even being sent to juvenile court over this. But your parents need to know what’s happening so they can help you resolve this and clear your school record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi , my 14 year old daughter ditched school and left during lunch , security saw her and chased her and she ran , eventually they had to call the school cop , she got a ticket for truency . i dont have money to be paying a fine . what are the consequences for this situation
Dear Anna: Your daughter may be placed in a diversion program and expected to complete community service hours and/or attend a class or counseling. If the court wants to impose a fine, you and your daughter can explain your financial situation and ask for an alternative penalty. It’s possible that additional community service hours or classes could be imposed instead of a fine. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi I’m Rodrigo. I ditched on the very last day of school. I go to a school in Los Angeles. I didnt go to school and met up with some friend to go get somthing to eat . And thats when 2 officers stoped us and detaned us. I have to say that was my first time ever being in hancuffs. I dont even have a long record. I just want to know what is going to happen?. This is my first time getting into trouble with ditching and with the police.
Dear Rodrigo: If you haven’t ditched before and do not have any unexcused absences on your school record, then you may not hear anything more about the incident. Check your school’s Student Handbook for the rules concerning unexcused absences, but usually consequences are imposed after a student has missed school several times. If the officers gave you a ticket to go to court, then be sure to show up on the date and time instructed. Diversion programs usually are offered to first-time offenders. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi my name is Isaac I’m from Texas I turned 18 while still in school and I was became truant I graduated a few weeks ago and now I’m going to court for it now, what’s gonna happen?
Dear Isaac: First, congratulations on graduating this year. When you go to court, bring a copy of your diploma to show the court. The truancy should be dismissed without further action since you accomplished what the truancy laws are designed to address.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m 18 years old and a senior in high school. It’s almost the end of the school year and my mother receive calls from school everyday, but she doesn’t understand english. I guess it was about the absence because i miss friday’s school and before that i had been absent more than 5 days. My counselor had told me before if i miss too many days, then my mother had to go on court. But i don’t want my mother to know or get involve in it cause it’s my fault. Is there a way to avoid my mother getting into this situation and what should i do?
Dear Meng: First, try checking your school’s Student Handbook to see what the rules/policies are concerning unexcused absences. You may be facing consequences through your school such as detention before the matter is referred to court depending on the rules as well as the number of days you’ve missed. You also could try talking to your school’s attendance counselor to find out whether or not any consequences will be imposed at this point. If you end up having to go court, most likely you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I have missed school a lot because I was sick. And I have missed couple.of finals to too . The school wants a doctor s note but we don’t have insurance. What should I do?
Dear Mona: You and your parents may want to meet with the school’s attendance counselor or another administrator so that you can explain the situation and discuss what can be done if you aren’t able to go to the doctor. Make sure your parents call in any of your absences so that they are excused. Refer to your school’s Student Handbook to find the rules and policies concerning absences – excused or unexcused. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I live in ft walton beach florida my boyfriend has an 18 year old son who just moved in with us we have been together 4 years his son has not attended school since the 5th grade my boyfriend was under the assumption he was being home schooled by his mother who has custody we did not learn this was not happening till a year ago when we started asking questions about him not having a drivers license we know have him living with us cause he has no means to support himself. She still wants full child support since his daughter is 12 he refused and cut it in half. we now need to find out how to get his education license insurance and teach him how to live is there anything we can do to make her help with this and to make sure this dont happen with his daughter,
Dear Tara: AsktheJudge.info is a site for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to teens or adults.
You and the father of the children need to review the custody and child support orders with a lawyer familiar with Florida family law. He may need to have the orders modified to reflect the current situation. At the same time you can discuss with the lawyer the education of the younger child. Good luck.
This is information only – not legal advice).
my son is 11 years old and in 6th grade we live in illinois he has missed between 30 and 40 days of school and the school said if he misses 1 more day then they will report him to the truancy officer he has never been reported before and he was just diagnosed with depression and just started meds for it and is n councling and there is only 4 more days of school what will happen to me or my son if he is reported
Dear Sara: That depends on the truancy officer and his or her authority to take action regarding your son’s absences. Take a look at the school’s Student Handbook for the rules about excused and unexcused absences. The penalties for violating the rules should be spelled out. Hopefully, the medication will help with his depression and stabilize him so he can attend school on a regular basis. Good luck.
(This is information only- not legal advice).
Im 17 and from Texas, I have a son who’s now 9 months. I stopped going to school the second semester, and I’m now finding out I have court soon. I was living with my sons dad at the time and I was always the last one to sleep because my baby was very bby at the time, would wake up to his cries and change his diapers feed him at night and all that mommy stuff, I also would wake up at 5am to make my ex boyfriend lunch for work, by the time I was done It was time to start getting getting for school, I didn’t really miss school but I was just to tired of not having enough sleep, and I just stopped going for no good excuse but because I hardly had my sleep, I need help ASAP!! What’s going to happen to me. I do want to return to school but not till this coming up fall.
Dear Maribel: Whoever you see when you go to court will understand your situation. All you need to do is explain the circumstances and your plans to return to school in the fall. You may be ordered to attend a truancy class or perform some community service. Because of the fact that you’re now a Mom with a baby who depends on you, it’s even more important that you finish school so you can meet his needs over the years. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
this is my first time ditching class not school ! & wanted to know what would be my consequences ? Because im a good student and have a good record ! No rpc , suspention or expultion ! Iv only gotten detetion once !
Dear Aranzaa: Since you have a good record at school and few unexcused absences, the consequences should be minimal. Take a look at your Student Handbook for the penalties for ditching classes or full days. The consequences increase as the numbers go up. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello judge Tom.
I was wondering, I have ditched about 12 class periods.( not full days, class period) and now I am getting hired at a job. I live in California. So I was wondering if my school would still sign my work permit?
Nevermind make that 17 ditched class periods
Thank you.
Dear Cassandra: That’s up to the rules in your school. Take a look at the Student Handbook to see if Work Permits are covered. It may be a consequence of excessive absences if the school doesn’t approve or sign off on the permit. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I have five kids. Four of them attend school every day and get good grades. My 13 year old has been in trouble with the law for the last 3 years. He spent time in a Juvenile Detention Center. He is court ordered to attend school every day. He has been leaving school after I drop him off. I contact his probation officer every time he misses school. I am in constant contact with the school. I am concerned that I may be held responsible for his actions. What steps do I need to take in accordance with California State Law to alleviate the responsibility I may incur due to my sons reckless abandon for breaking the law?
Dear Desperate: We suggest your son have a serious talk with his probation officer. The consequences need to be spelled out for him – meaning his possible return to detention and the penalties you may incur as his parent for his truancy. Under California law that may include a fine or jail time in the extreme case. Document your efforts to keep him in school. By not attending school, he’s in violation of probation which usually means harsher consequences. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Im 13. What would happen if i ran from a police officer when he caught me for truancy
Dear Trever: The officer may give chase and try to catch you or wait until he sees you again. Then he could question you about your attendance at school. It’s best to limit your unexcused absences or you may end up in juvenile court. You will not like going to school in detention. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hello my son is 16 and he skips school alot. his room is in the basement and mine is upstairs. if he skips i cannot tell if he did or not because i am still in bed when he’s supposed to get up. how do i make him go to school and not skip it.
he skips 2-3 days per week for the past 1 month. his absence record is well over 20. We live in the state of New York. what will happen to him if this goes on?
Dear Mike: Take a look at the school’s Student Handbook for the rules about excused and unexcused absences. He may be getting close to being sent to Truancy Court if that exists in your area. Depending on the laws in your state, a parent may also be held responsible for not getting their kids to school. Some states allow the court to impose fines and/or jail for what’s called educational neglect. Ask the school’s Attendance Officer about this. As far as what you can do as a parent, how about a loud alarm or consequences for ditching school? Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
When I was 17 I was ordered to appear in court for truancy but my court date was after my 18th birthday. I graduated with highest honors and went on to college. I did go to court paid the fine and did community service I turned everything in and was found compliant. I am 24 now and I was wondering if that truancy would be on my record still. This was in 2005 and ifit is on my record how do I find out and how do I get it off? Thank you.,
This was in Dallas, Texas.
Thank you again.
Dear Zane: It’s unlikely that a record exists of this truancy incident. To be sure, you can contact the court you were in and ask. If a record does exist, ask about clearing it. You can also check the court’s website and see if they have an online form you can complete and file to apply for expungement of the record. But we don’t think there’s much here to worry about. Truancy is what’s called a “status” offense meaning only someone under 18 can commit it and be charged. It’s not the type of crime that follows you around as an adult and affects your life. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
OK, so I accidentally skipped my last class because i was in the office for a long time and when i came out i saw people leaving. But i forgot that some people left an hour period before me. i didn’t realize this just today. I AM FREAKING OUT. I have not been in trouble with school before “except for bad grades in bio”. i knew something was off when i went go to softball practice and it didn’t start yet.I DID NOT LEAVE THE SCHOOL. i went to the library for a bit and the went. i also have an IEP and other things but im not sure if that makes a difference i live in IL. WILL I GET PUNISHED FOR MY MISTAKE.
Dear Karlee: Try to relax. It’s unlikely that you will be in trouble for one missed class or unexcused absence. You could try talking to the teacher and/or attendance officer at your school to explain what happened. Also, your school’s Student Handbook should explain when and what consequences may be imposed after so many unexcused absences. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello, I am a senior in high school in Nevada and I get sick a lot so miss a lot of school. I turn in all absent notes sometimes even doctors notes so that they can be excused absences. My grades are good, I’m not failing any classes, have all my credits, and have passed all my proficiency’s. Could i get in trouble or possibly not graduate because of my absences?
Dear Genny: Every school has policies regarding excused and unexcused absences and the consequences for passing the number allowed. Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules and/or speak with the Attendance Officer. You’re too close to graduation to risk not getting your diploma. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Im in my senior year of high school, can I still be truant? I haven’t ditched school, but I get picked up early a lot. I know that they are counted as tardies, but can they really do anything to me since this is my last year?
Dear Lauren: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules about excused and unexcused absences. They apply to you even though you’re a senior. The last thing you want to do is jeopardize your graduation. If you have questions about this talk with your parents and the school’s Attendance Officer. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
If my son was suspended from school twice in his Senior year, and may not have too many absences to still graduate this year, what can we do to help him to still graduate so he don’t drop out of school, and can he still graduate at another school this year?
Dear Denise: We suggest you speak with the principal, counselor and/or Attendance Officer at his school. They may be able to get him into an alternative program so he can graduate on time. It depends on how much school he’s missed and whether he can make up the work before graduation. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Somebody necessarily lend a hand to make severely posts I would state. This is the first time I frequented your website page and up to now? I amazed with the analysis you made to make this actual publish extraordinary. Excellent task!
Thanks for your comment.
Okay so this is the first time I’ve ever had an unexcused absence will I be fined or will it just be a warning?
Dear Andrea: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the number of excused and unexcused absences allowed before the school takes action. If this is your first, you probably don’t have to worry about a fine or truancy court. Keep the number to a minimum. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am a mother of a 16 1/2 yr old girl,13 yr old girl and a 151/2 yr old boy.My oldest daughter is ditching/cutting classes on a constant basis.I try to talk to her,I go to the schoolin which I have recieved 2 Truancy Letters.The more i try to help her she pushes me away.She is on her way to get her 3rd & 4th Truancy andthen to the DA.I cant afford a fine by any means and I dont want to go to jail.What are the Laws in Ca on this issue?
Dear Rosemarie: Sorry to hear about your daughter’s attitude about school. We’ve provided below the California Department of Education post about truancy and its consequences to both student and parent. Scroll down to see the section about penalties available for parents. This may not apply to you, however, since you’re doing your best to see that she gets to school. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hey, I’ve missed 15 days this semester, and I was curious if they’ll warn me about my attendence issue before they just throw me a court date?
Dear Jordan: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules about excused and unexcused absences. The number of days allowed and the consequences for breaking the rules should be spelled out. With 15 days already missed, we suspect you’re getting close to a notice about Truancy Court or however your school handles these situations. Time to take school seriously. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I go to Carl Albert Middle School In Mid-West City Oklahoma! I am thinking very hard about ditching school to avoid severe physical and emotional bullying….NO! MY TEACHERS AND PRINCIPALS WILL NOT DO ANYTHING! I am in 8th Grade…..and I need to know if my Grandma (Legal Guardian) Will be fined or possibly put in jail? I want to get punished for my own actions! not her! she did nothing! anyways…what is the maximum She can be fined for me ditching per day…..and how long would she go to jail for?
Dear Emily: We’re sorry to hear about the bullying in your life. Have you talked about this with your grandmother? You don’t need to carry this around by yourself. The adults in your life who love and care about you can do something. If speaking with the teachers and principal doesn’t result in any action, then their supervisors need to be put on notice. Your grandmother can contact the district office. As far as her being punished, it’s unlikely under the circumstances that your grandma would be fined or locked up. Take a look at your Student Handbook for information about excused and unexcused absences. The consequences for you and your grandmother should be spelled out. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
my son has missed 10 day’s this semister andin feb. and march he has been giving the school the doc. excuess’ss he had 3 in feb.and a few in march so and they have absent by those day’s he has not ditched school he is doing his best to go to schoolbut my son is doing his best to go to school.i wounder if the judge see’s that he might say yea he is doing his best to be in school sence he only missed 10 but he has
Dear Nancy: The judge will be concerned with any unexcused absences your son has. If this is his first time having to go to court for missing too many days, it’s likely that he’ll be placed in a diversion program. Try to work with your son on getting to school because he doesn’t want to miss too many days which could ultimately jeopardize his continuing on to the next grade. Good luck to you and your son.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
At my school in pennsylvania, I think that 3 unexcused absences means i have to go to truancy court. I’ve only ever missed homeroom, never a real class, but i guess it still counts….will my mother be charged?
Dear Taylor: It’s not likely that your mother will be charged with anything at this point. If you’re absences, whether excused or unexcused, continue, under the laws of your state, she could be fined or even jailed. Every state has its own laws regarding truancy. Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules about truancy. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Tom Jacobs
I let my daughter that is 16 stay with her grandparents and dad to stay in her school in missiouri me and my other two kids live in oklahoma i have legal custody of all three she is now having to go to truancy every tuesday so i have to go there and take her.her dad is in jail will the courts let her move to oklahoma and live with me go to school here
Dear Crystal: If you have legal custody, there shouldn’t be a problem having your daughter return to your home in Oklahoma. When and if you have to go to court (truancy) in Missouri, show them your custody papers. If, for some reason, it isn’t that easy, speak with a family lawyer for advice. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello. I just turned 18 not too long ago. I am still enrolled in a full time high school, but have been missing alot of school because I am pregnant and have not been feeling good. I got a note from my doctor saying I should have home studies but the school does not want to let me transfer out. I am on juvenile probation in the state of California, city of Los Angeles. I have only one chance to prove to the court that I am doing better, although my grades have dropped severly. Can I get into trouble for missing? I have improved my behavior and have a valid reason on why I am missing so much, but the school and my probation officer all say to “stick it out”. I have tried but it has not worked for me. What can I do? My mother does not want me to leave the school either, but I am 18. Please help me.
Dear Karla: In your situation, being 18 doesn’t excuse you from following the terms of your probation. We’re sure you know about the consequences of violating probation. The last thing you want is to have your baby while locked up in detention or juvie. So, do the best you can to stay healthy and in school. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi i am 17, turning 18 in september. I recently started ditching because i cant focus in regular school and i want to graduate. I have Been trying all year to get into Independent studies. But still no luck. what could i do. and i honestly dont want my GED. I want a Diploma.
Dear Aleck: We suggest you speak with your parents about this and schedule a meeting with the principal or other school officials who may be able to help you reach your goal. You’re too close to graduation to risk missing out on your diploma. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi i recently got a ticket ,2 weeks after that I got another one -can I just tell the judge to charge both tickets on the same day- im 15 , live in los angeles and both tickets are for ditching school. :p
Dear Matt: Most likely when you go to court, the judge will have both tickets and can deal with them at the same time. If he doesn’t you can mention it and possibly save yourself another trip to court. Bring both tickets with you. Stay in school – it’s the best thing you can do for your future.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My son is 10 and is in the 4th grade.
This past month he has gone to the nurse after lunch not feeling well, she has caaled me and we have talked then I have talked to my son and I have gone to pick him up and bring him home. On one of the occasions he had a mild fever but it was a fever. Also both times it was after 1:00 p.m. when he was picked up.
On both occasions he was marked absent for the day. this does not seem right to me since he gets out at 3:30 most days but wed 2:45. And he was there all day until then. why is it alright for his school to mark him absent? If I had just gone and picked him up and said we had an apt he would have been marked as leaving early?
Dear Carol: You’ll have to take a look at the school’s rules regarding excused and unexcused absences. The Student Handbook should explain the policies about marking a student late or absent. The Handbook may be on the school’s website. If you still have questions, contact the principal to discuss your son’s situation. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am trying to find out the laws in Colorado on teenage mothers and attending High School. She is 15 years old so I need to know her rights. I am her mother and her and her son live with me, I am their sole support.
I need to know if she can get her GED or if she has to attend high school and if so when can she legally stop going. She has had a lot of health issues also since her delivery.
Dear Carol: We suggest that you contact the school district’s office and ask about the attendance rules where you live. Every state has its own laws regarding compulsory attendance and the ages of students who must attend. There are also programs for teen mothers. Her absences that are due to health issues may be excused and not held against her. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello. I got a ticket for truancy in ca back in 2003 I was 17 at the time and I haven’t payed it ever since. At that time I couldn’t rely on my mom to pay because she wasn’t there. I’m am now trying to pay it. What can I do? Can I go to jail? What are the consequences? I’m from Los Angeles
Dear Julio: Truancy is what’s called a “status offense.” That means it’s a crime that only a minor can commit. Once you turn 18 you can’t be charged with a status offense. It’s unlikely that a record still exists for this incident when you were 13, but it’s possible. You can check the court you would have been in or whoever issued the ticket to see if there’s a record. If there is, you can ask to have it cleared. They may require that you pay the fine before they erase it from your record. It’s also very unlikely that you would go to jail for this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i ditched with my cousin and his mom went to go and check him out. The school said that he wasnt in class, and his mom was trying to contact him. What would happen to him?
Dear Elijah: He may be called into the principal’s office to explain what happened. Or, depending on the number of times he’s missed school or ditched classes, he may be sent to truancy court. Either way, it’s time for him to take school seriously unless he wants to go to school in juvenile detention. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I live in california,i recently got two tickets for ditching school in less than two weeks and along with 30+ absents what will happen in my court?
Dear Mar: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules about trauncy: excused and unexcused absences. Every school district handles truancy according to their own policies. You’re required under state law to attend school so many days a year or risk having to repeat the year or certain classes. When you go to court you can expect to be ordered to attend a class about the importance of getting an education, counseling, a paper or community service. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi my names laila, i always bunk or skip lessons i dont get along with my teachers and always get kicked out of lessons so i dont see the point in going… my teacher mrs gough once threw a chair at my head and she missed by a few inches… my spanish teacher said i was a slag…and told me when i grow up i will be a prostitute … i put this down to abuse dont you? i was bunking lesson once and as i went round the corner i had loads of teachers chasing me with broomsticks swearing at me… telling me i was a waste of space… mrs gough has personally said to me that she wishes i was dead and gone… everyone at chaucer technology school knows that mrs gough is a drug dealer… and shes asked kids if they want to buy some in the past…
Dear Laila: Your situation is unfortunate and requires the attention of people with the authority to do something. Speak with your parents about this. They may be able to talk with those who are responsible for what happens at school – the principal, school superintendent and others. Physical threats toward you may be criminal and should be reported to the police. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi im 15 and i live in California. During lunch i crossed the street (literally across the street) to get to my friends car because we had our lunches in his trunk. Right as we stepped on the other side of the sidewalk fromm our school, a cop pulled us over. We were sent back to school and received a ticket for being off campus without a pass. Is their any way to fight this? And why when you get in a fight across the street you are considered on campus still and may get suspended, but in my case i am considered “off campus”?
I got pulled over by a cop for being “off campus” when i was just across the street. The next day i was called into the office and i received a ticket. Can they give me a ticket the next day?
Dear Joshua: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules regarding on and off-campus incidents. The ticket may have more to do with truancy and not being in school during school hours. Discuss this with your parents. You have the right to fight this and that’s your decision. If you explain exactly what happened to the judge, the ticket may be dismissed. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I am 16 and have never ditched a class this year. I have though missed about 15 days of school and some was excused and some was not. will that get me truancy court? I also have a sister that has missed alot more days then I have.If she got truancy court would I be draged along with her to or would it only be on her? If you are in truancy court is there a way to drop charges before we go to court? I live in Oklahoma.
Dear Anna: You and your sister would be treated as individuals regarding your attendance record at school. If you’re both in violation of the rules, you could both be cited in to Truancy Court to address this problem. Take a look at this website for information about going to school in Oklahoma:
Ask the Attendance Officer about Truancy Court and what to expect when you go. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi my name is Mary and I live in califonia and I been ditching school a lot but most of them are excused . And my parents already had a talk about my absences with my councilor but I still ditch school and i make sure they are all excused . So I was wondering what will happen to me if I keep ditching school?
Dear Mary: Since every state requires that you attend school a certain number of days each year (usually around 180 days) and that you are only allowed so many unexcused absences as well as excused absences, your school can keep your from continuing on to the next grade if you have missed too many days. So, even if all of your absences have been excused, you could still face consequences depending on the laws in your state and the rules of your school district. You could try referring to your student handbook about the rules and policies concerning “compulsory attendance” and the number of absences you are allowed. You could also ask your school’s attendance officer, counselor or even principal. Finally, you could try Googling your state’s name and “compulsory attendance” or “truancy” for the specific laws in your state. You don’t want to be in the position of facing consequences or possibly being held back, so start getting to school. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I live in Athens, Alabama, and I was wondering how many days of school you could miss before being held back due to sickness and other health related problems.
Dear Brittney: Since every state requires that you attend school a certain number of days per year (usually around 180 days each year) and that you are only allowed so many unexcused (and excused) absences, your school can keep you from continuing on to the next grade if you have missed too many days. However, you want to be sure that any of your absences are “excused” since they have been due to illness, so be sure your parents call in your absences. You could try referring to your student handbook about the rules and policies concerning “compulsory attendance” and the number of absences you are allowed. You could also ask your school’s attendance officer, counselor or even principal. Finally, you could try Googling your state’s name and “compulsory attendance” or “truancy” for the specific laws in your state. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
hey im mac and currently 18 years old and ive missed more than 15 days of school and was wondering what will happen to my parents? or what will happen to me?
Dear Mac: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules about excused and unexcused absences. Every school district and state has its own rules regarding school attendance with the consequences for going past the number allowed. You can also ask the Attendance Officer at school. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I live in fl and I use to skip school like it was a hobbie. All my school did was send me to this girl, I guess shes a social worker and she sent me to two programs, beach house and outward bound. My question is if my school was suppose to send me and my mom to court why didnt they?
Dear Lindsay: First, we hope this is all in the past and that you’re going to school now without unexcused absences. School is not punishment – it exists for you and your future. Every state treats truancy differently. Going to court is usually the last resort when all alternatives have failed. So, you probably weren’t considered to be a chronic case and the programs you completed were sufficient to get your attention. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
what happend if you dont go to community service for truancy
Dear Dakota: It’s up to the court or probation officer assigned to your case to decide what to do if you fail to complete the assigned hours. You may be brought back to court to explain to the judge why you didn’t do the work. You may get additional work or other consequences depending on the circumstances. If you just weren’t able to get them done due to transportation, sickness, etc. tell the judge and you may be given more time to get the work done. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am 18 and I had 23 absences but i have paid my fine and I did not recieve probation or community service of any kind. And I would like to know if I would recieve any more serious consequence if I miss any more days of school.
Dear Juan: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules regarding excused and unexcused absences. There is a set number of unexcused absences that are allowed before you get into trouble and risk repeating a class or even the school year. Discuss this with your parents. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
im 16 going on 17 and i got caught with two packs of cigarettes in school, one pack wasnt open at all and wasnt mine and the other pack was mine but was only missing one out of it. my record is clean what will happen in court? just some community service?
Dear Bobby: Most likely, you’ll receive a lecture from the judge or probation officer and possibly community service work. Possession of tobacco products is a status offense (one that only a teen can commit). Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My son is 8 and has issues with a bully this year that caused him to fake being sick. Sometimes we would not know for sure if it was real or not it was out of character for him. Finnaly he revelead what was going on and it took me sending multiple emails and going to the school twice to get them to adress the problem. All of his absences have been excused i have called each time. Some of those times he was very sick. A few he had dentist appts and his physicals and his annual heart doctor appt. Now im recieving threatning letters and phone calls from the truant officer. His teacher even told me send him if he’s sick as long as he’s not puking fever or deathly ill. I mean its kinda ridiculous. By the way my son is in advanced math advanced spelling and has top grades in all his work so the days missed have not hurt him i make sure we get all missed assignments done. Now he has missed two more days of school after getting food poisioning and spending the weekend in the hospital? Im afraid now im going to be arrested? Whats the process for this? Should I be worried?
Dear Stacy: Perhaps you could ask for a meeting with the principal and/or the school’s attendance counselor to explain the circumstances. Also, try checking your son’s Student Handbook to see what it says about absences and the compulsory attendance laws in your state so you can know how many absences your son is allowed before there may be consequences. Since it sounds like you (and your son) have not faced any formal consequences for his absences at this point, it’s very unlikely that you would be arrested for his current absences. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I am 13 years old and i have truancy for missing to many days of school , becuase my mom has seizures very often and i am one of the oldest in my house so i have to kinda take care of her. i dont know what to do bec uase i missed my court date becuase my mom cant drive with her seizures:(
Dear Icia: Try calling the court and tell them why you missed the court date. They most likely will work with you and reschedule the court date at a time and date convenient for you and your mother. That way you will have additional time to figure out how you are going to get to court whether you get a ride from a friend or relative, take the bus or figure out something else. Best of luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi I live in Los Angeles and today my sister got a call from school telling her that her son 17 has been missing school a lot ,the thing it’s that she’s the kind of person that leaves her kid at the gate and he even says hi to the security guards when he goes inside the school . So they told her that he could possibly go to jail for her kid.my question ?isnt the school responsable for the kids after they go in school .
Dear Brenda: The school may be responsible for its students while they remain on campus, but when a student decides to ditch class or leave campus, the student will face consequences. If this is your nephew’s first time in trouble for truancy, then it is unlikely that he will go to jail or detention. He may be offered a diversion program and have to complete some community service hours and pay a fine.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I have a serious issue. My son has been IN SCHOOL, but will hang with his friends till after the bell rings. Then he is counted tardy. It’s not MY fault, but the schools…and apparently they are counting these tardies as actual missing tardies! I’ve now got to go to court for the 3rd time, and it’s ridiculous! I need to know what to do, who to contact, etc. And he has TEACHERS that bully him, and have actually put their hands on him…but the judge won’t let me bring up any of those topics…he’s picked up bad habits from bad friends at school. He’s not allowed to have them ove or go to their homes, and yet the school is still saying it’s MY FAULT…for things he does while at school. What do i as a single working parent need to do in the state of kentucky to put a end to it!?!?!? And i tried transferring him schools, and the school that don’t want him refused to let him…Thanks for any help!
Dear Concerned: AsktheJudge.info is a site for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice or counseling to parents. Millions of single, working parents have kids who get to school and their classes on time. Every school has rules about excused and unexcused absences, including tardies, with consequences for breaking the rules. It’s time to stop making excuses for your son and let him pay the price for his errant behavior. Good luck.
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Hi my name is eric, and well ive missed school for about 38 days. most of them are excused but there’s a reason i don’t want to go to school. There is a teacher named Ms.Silvia and i believe shes racist to me, because she keeps on missing my work, And gives me twice the work then others. And the bad thing is that sometimes she marks me abscent. Iv’e told my mom bout this but my teacher lies and says “no he just dosent listen” and all that bad stuff and im getting angry!
Dear Eric: Check your Student Handbook for the rules about excused and unexcused absences. You don’t want to go past the number of allowed unexcused days. Ask your Mom to meet with this teacher and the principal. They can go over the issues and hopefully straighten things out. You should also be there to discuss what’s going on. Good luck.
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Hello, my friend is 17 and she has to go to court about her truancy. She has a weak immune system and gets sick easily. She has missed a lot of school because of it, is there anyway she could win her case? If you can help it’d be appreciated thank you.
Dear Michael: If her absences are health-related, they should be excused. When she goes to court, she and her parents can show the judge her medical records or a letter from her doctor explaining her situation. The school’s Student Handbook should spell out the rules about excused and unexcused absences. Good luck.
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Let’s say I am repeatedly late to my classes. The school decides to give me a lunch detention as a consequence, reasonable. I ditch the lunch detention and that gives me an after school detention, reasonable again. I ditch that as well and end up with a talk from the vice principal and a Saturday school, once again I don’t see a problem. This is where I have trouble understanding the law. I ditch the Saturday school and in turn the school decides to suspend me. How does suspending me solve the problem? I believe this is not a consequence the school’s logic is flawed. I also know the school is following state laws which follow federal laws. So I am saying the federal law is flawed. My question is how does suspending me correct my attendance? Why do they not change their ways from suspending me to trying to fix the problem? Most students think of the suspension as a holiday break, which is sending the wrong message. I would like a clear and straight answer thank you I appreciate it.
Dear Kari: Consequences increase as a person reoffends. You’ve witnessed this firsthand. The first is to get your attention and turn things around. You raise a good point about out-of-school suspension. Some students see it as a benefit. It doesn’t actually benefit anyone unless the school requires the student to keep up with the missed classes. In-school suspensions serve a better purpose. You express yourself well and have thought this through. How about applying your reasoning and smarts to your studies. Why create obstacles to your future? Good luck.
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My son is in kindergarton my husband is in the Navy he just served a 4 year term and is reinlisting for another 4 years. He is a officer and he hasnt seen his family in CA in almost 4 years. He is allowed 30 day leave time between his renlistment and the day his enlistment ends. His mother already bought 4 plane tickets to fly us out to see her before he goes another 4 years without seeing them. How long in North Carolina can a child be absent before they fail him? we just need to know a number so he doesnt fail the year. He is in honor roll already so he is ahead of his class already so i dont have any concern with him falling behind. Its just my husband is home sick and we all want to see his family and we all need the vacation and school year ends june 8th. I have already contacted the superintendent but im not sure if they will be much help because since NC and VA is full of military they kinda dont care and wont allow them calling this an excuse for an absence. Which i dont like and find completely unfair cause he cant pick and choose his vacation days. So any help would be great thank you
Dear Hilarie: The answer to your question is up to the school district. Every state and district has a mandatory number of days a student must attend to move on to the next year. Check the Student Handbook at the school or online. You can also contact the school’s Attendance Officer and get the exact number your son needs to move on. Good luck.
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Hello. Um, well I’m sixteen years old and I strongly, dislike school. I love to learn, but I just hate to waste eight to nine hours in a place where I don’t do much learning. I just get bullied and the teachers aren’t even interested in teaching. I’m sick of it, so I started ditching school. In my worry of wanting to move on in life, I took an online GED test AND a high school diploma test, I passed them both with 100s. I’m waiting to raise the money to buy my diploma from them. Now, I’m still currently, enrolled in school, but now that I’m getting my diploma do I still need to attend school?
Dear Yami: We suggest that you discuss this with your parents or guardian. There are many online scams and what you may receive after paying the fee for your diploma may be worthless. Don’t send any money to anyone until you know for sure that the diploma is credible and that it’s accepted in your state as a legitimate. Every state has laws about attending until a certain age. There are exceptions depending on the circumstances. Take a look at your Student Handbook for information on this or speak with the Attendance Officer at school. All the best.
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what will happen to me if i go to court in montana for a minor in possession and i dont bring a parent with me when parent showing up is required?
Dear Austin: Most juvenile courts require a p;arent or guardian to appear with their son or daughter. If you show up without a parent, the court may reschedule the hearing. It’s best to let them know about the hearing and why you have to go. Good luck.
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I’m a senior in high school and i have received a summons to truancy court on Wednesday. This is my first time getting truancy. I was wondering how much money if any i will have to pay?
Dear David: Most truancy courts around the country impose community service rather than a fine. Or a class about the importance of getting an education. Consequences increase as you continue to skip school. So, keep this in mind. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i live in S.F, CA. i got my third truancy letter, im almost 18, and i want to drop out and get my GED,since its too late to change things at school. what are the consequences of a third offense? if i have court, can i say that i want to drop out and get my GED? can i take all the “punishments” instead of my parent?
Dear Felipe: When you go to court for this ticket, explain everything to the probation officer you’ll meet with or the judge. A third truancy ticket may result in a probation period with community service, a class, etc. Hopefully, your parents won’t be penalized for your actions. There are several states that allow truancy judges to fine or even jail parents who fail to get their kids to school. Good luck.
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I was wondering if you withdraw from school in one state and you move to a different state can you attend school there ?
Dear Scarlett: Absolutely. Every state has what are called “compulsory attendance laws.” You can Google this phrase for the details in the state you moved to. Most states require attendance between certain ages: 6 to 16, 17 or 18 for example. Good luck.
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Hi I’m 18 years old and I live in Chicago. I miss a few days in a week or so. So how many days in Chicago is the limite of missing school?.
Dear Samantha: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules about excused and unexcused absences. Every state and school district has their own policies on this. Try to keep them to a minimum because there are consequences including Truancy Court, probation, etc. Good luck.
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Hello.I’m Christine,15 year old and am from Malaysia.I had didn’t went to school many time already and so I received a letter from principal wants to meet my parents.I don’t want my parents to get in trouble but I also don’t want to go to school.I just don’t like to leave my house and I mostly just stay at home when my family goes out.I want to be home school or school using the Internet.And is it legal to home school in Malaysia?
Dear Christine: It is possible to be home schooled in Malaysia but your parents have to agree and be willing to do this. It is not easy for them or you to do this successfully. Speak with your parents about the reasons you don’t like going to school. If you are being bullied, they need to know so they can help you. You have a chance to open up about this when you and your parents meet with the principal. Good luck.
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Hello, I am a truant child, 11 years of age. I don’t know why I am truant, since I used to love school. I have been bullied a lot at school.(it got so bad i switched schools). I went to the school for two days but after that I couldn’t go for some odd reason. I am very nervous and haven’t eaten in two days, my mother is taking me to the doctor tomorrow but school starts on again and my mother asked me to go and I said it isn’t happening. She said that if I didn’t go to school she said she would send me to juvie and i am also nervous. I have missed about 20 days of school in 2 months and i need help. I live in Texas. What do i do? Will i go to juvie? Will my mother go to jail? What’ll happen to me if i dont go to juvie? Please help I am desperate!
Dear Kyle: We recommend that you discuss how you feel about school and the reasons you don’t want to go with your Mom or another relative you’re comfortable with. If you’re being bullied at school, don’t keep it to yourself. Tell someone like a friend, a parent of a friend or a relative. There is a lot of help available to you but you have to tell someone you trust about it. You could also call a helpline and talk with someone trained to speak with victims of bullying. Try the Trevor Project Hotline at 1-866-488-7386 or http://www.bullypolice.org. Good luck, Kyle.
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Hi my name is james im 16 years old. I got a letter showing me my absences and saying they are truant. It has some laws that can be enforced on it but it doesnt say anything about going to court. The reason why i miss is because im depressed and i get this way because my sisters have babies and they get kicked out of their apartment cuz they cant pay it and i have a step dad that constantly throws out my mom if he gets mad. This is the reason why i live with my grandma but This stresses me out and then i miss school. My mom doesnt know i miss. And she said someone called saying theyre gonna take her to court but i dont want her to get in trouble. That will just make me more stressed out. Is there a way i can fix this so my mother wont get in trouble? Like talk to my counselor or attendance officer and explain why i miss and ask for a second chance?
Dear James: We’re sorry to hear about the stress in your life. You can reduce it by doing exactly what you suggested. Speak with both the principal and attendance officer about what’s going on. They may be able to work out a schedule so you can stay on track with your studies. The school counselor could also help you get through this. These people are there to help students now and with their futures. Good luck.
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I have been skipping school for over a few months to help out my family and run the business that is put onto my head for the death of my father, I have been told I can be arrested and stuff but nothing has happened yet, although my main concern is do they have the right to cancel my road test for my license that is coming up in one month? Also is it true they can suspend my license as well for not going to school until Im 18? Plus im having issues trying to figure out what age I can drop out of school again, I am currently 16 years old.
Dear Arsalan: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules about excused and unexcused absences. Or you can speak with the Attendance Officer at school. Many states have passed strict drop-out and truancy laws that apply to teens up to 16, 17 or 18. Google the name of your state and “truancy laws” for information where you live. Some states impose fines, suspend driver’s licenses or prevent teens from getting a license if they’re not in school. Parents can also be fined or even sent to jail for failing to keep their kids in school. Good luck.
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Hi im 16 years old and ive been ditching school quite a while i think i missed like 8 days this month that are unexcused. I got a letter today showing my absences and saying laws that can be enforced. I dont want my mother to get in trouble. I dont ditch to do drugs or anything i just dont find school challenging so i dont like to go. Is there a way i can resolve this without my mom getting in trouble? I live in california by the way.
Dear Sam: California, like many states, have specific laws regarding truancy. There are penalties for both the student and parent, including fines and jail time. Take a look at this government website for information about the laws in California. The best thing you can do for your Mom is to get back to school and stop all unexcused absences. Good luck.
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My 16 year old daughter has missed half the shcool year. She says she wakes up and has like morning sickness symptoms. I fight with her to go to shcool, but last time, she pushed me and told me to get away, then when I called the police, she proceeded to blame me for everything and that I dont believe her that she is sick. I have taken her to several doctors, and nothing has been found to be wrong. What can I do. I even scheduled her for a counselor.
Dear Pam: We’re glad you have an appointment with a counselor for your daughter. Maybe he or she can get to the bottom of what’s going on. Is it possible that she’s being bullied at school? Some kids who are bullying victims do anything to avoid going to school. You could also speak with the Attendance Officer to see if the school has any suggestions. Good luck.
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My name is Jocelynn & i live in Tennessee. They recently told me that I’m getting my license revoked because of my absences. I had excuses but they were too late. Is there a way that I can keep my license ?
Dear Jocelynn: Tennessee is one of the states that has tied the privilege of driving to attendance at school. If you’re suspended or expelled from school due to excessive unexcused absences, your license is likewise suspended. You can contact your local Department of Motor Vehicles for information about reinstyating your license or the Attendance Officer at school may have information about this. Take a look at this government website for further information. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I live in Texas and over my sons winter break came i went to China for 2 weeks and my son missed school for 3 days. Now the government sent an trauncy notice for my child. What should I do?
Dear Bao: We suggest you speak with the Attendance Officer at his school and explain the situation. Maybe he can make up the work he missed or write a special report about his travels that he can present to his class. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi there,
My friend and I today went skiing (instead of school) Both of our parents said it was ok, and it’s my first absence. Does truancy apply to us even though we had parental consent? We’re both 4.0 students, we just weren’t doing much today and needed a break.
Dear Kirk: “Needed a break?” – what are weekends for? Not to mention spring break, holidays and summer. Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules about excused and unexcused absences. If your parents called you in, it may be considered an excused absence. It’s up to the school. However, don’t be surprised if it’s marked as an unexcused day that goes toward the truancy count in your school record. Good luck.
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Hi, I’m Eileen. I live in San Diego CA, I take my 5 year old sibling to school every morning. The problem is that there have been times(especially at the begining of the school year)that she refuses to wake up (I wake her up around 6 am to 6:15 am)she wasn’t used to waking up so early, she would cry and refuse to wake up, my mom can’t take her she starts work around 4 am, I think i have missed school 4 to 6 times during this school year I’m not sure.I turned 18 in January, can my mom get into legal trouble? Is it considered truancy? We are a family of 6 and she is a single mother, I get really good grades, when im absent I always go to the teacher to get the work even if i don’t have that period that day. The problem is my mom never called to excuse these absences, and i think it’s too late now because they are from last semester. We did not know about truancy, last year was my first year in the United States and this year is my sisters first year in the US, I did not know it was that serious to miss school that’s why i never urged my mother to call the school. I am going to go to Saturday school to clear the absences, but does that clear the fact that i did miss school? can i still get in trouble for it?
Thank you for your time.
Dear Eileen: When your mother has time off, she may want to schedule a meeting with the Attendance Officer and/or principal of the school to explain the situation. That way the school will know you’re not intentionally violating the school’s rules about excused and unexcused absences. Good luck. Keep your grades up and we wish you a bright future.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
How many days of school can an 18 year old student in the state of georgia miss before they get charged with truancy and wat happens if theyre already on probation. Lets say the student has 348 missed class periods this school year and 33 tardies wat will that students consequences be and wat will his parents consequences be?
Dear Justin: States have cracked down on truancy over the past few years. For example, in the Atlanta area, parents can be fined up to $1,000 or jailed up to 60 days if found guilty of neglecting their kids’ education. See a recent story here. Take a look at your Student Handbook for information regarding excused and unexcused absences in your school. The penalties for violating the policy should be spelled out. Since you’re on probation, truancy is likely a violation which means you could be explaining your absences to a judge if your PO decides to violate you. Bottom line, get back and stay in school. Good luck.
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Hi i have a question. Im 14 years old im in 8th grade this is my last time in middle shool. but i have a lot of absents i have 12 or 14 messed days in a period of 7th months i have not went to court i havent never went to court for absents, but i already hvae a meeting with ma parents and my school. wat happen if i went to court? my mom go to jail? i dont want that.! my big problem is wake up in the mornings! im good in school i just have the problem im passing all my class. what should i do? can i just get HOMESCHOOL? Thank YOu!
Dear Salma: We have information here about Texas school attendance requirements.
You’ll find out more when you meet with the school officials regarding your absences. It is possible for your parents to be fined for not getting you to school, but that may not happen this first time. You could also end up in Truancy Court where the consequences are more serious. About home-schooling, that’s up to your parents to decide. They still must see that you meet certain levels throughout the school year. You may be able to sleep in a bit longer, but the workload remains the same and you’d be depriving yourself of socializing with your friends. Good luck.
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can my son passed in 2nd year high school.. if he have an absent for 1 month and 2 weeks..?
Dear Yvan: That’s up to the school and their attendance policies. Take a look at the Student Handbook for the rules regarding unexcused absences. If your son has miss more than the allowed number of classes or days, he may have to repeat the school year, semester or certain classes. You can schedule an appointment with the principal, vice-principal and attendance officer to discuss his future. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am 18, and I was wondering if I could legally excuse myself from school. I have a problem sleeping in, and my parents won’t excuse me from school. I know I need to get to school, but I struggle. So, shouldn’t I have the right to excuse myself from school since I’m 18?
Dear Connor: Every state has its own laws about attendance at school including the age of students. Also school districts have rules about this. We suggest you take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules that apply to you. Regardless of your age, if you miss too many classes or days, you may not graduate with your class. Good luck.
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what happens to the student and parents for breaking truancy ? did they have this same rule to arrest the parents last school year ? if the parent gets arrested , where does her children go ?
Dear Shanece: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules about truancy and the consequences for breaking the rules. If parents are jailed for a weekend or a week because of truancy, the kids are placed with relatives or possibly Child Protective Services if there’s no family to step in.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am a Spanish girl, this summer I finish my high school, the counselor says I need to take my speech class forces and I do not want because I can not speak good English and I am very ashamed, but I do not know what will happen .. I can do? and I pass all my 4 taks, and that’s the only class that I need to do
Dear Sandra: Talk with your parents about this. They can contact the school and schedule a meeting with the principal or vice-principal. If Speech is a required course for graduation, there may be an alternative in your situation. It’s up to the school but you may have to accept their decision and take the class. In the long run, you’ll find it useful. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My son has been accused of several felonys and he has been put in jail multiple times. He has skipped many days of school. My son has been doing extreamly well since he’s meeting the right people and I wish the judge could see that. I don’t know what to do and wanted to know how long he could be locked up in jail for so many days skipped since it was his last chance.
Dear Janie: That will be up to the judge assigned to your son’s case. If he has a hearing coming up to review his situation, explain to the judge or your son’s lawyer how he’s doing now. Tell them about his new friends and how he’s doing in school. You could also write a letter to the court reporting his progress. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I live in Washington state and at school I was a 4.0 student for Junior year. Then my grandma died, and I’ve started missing school. I would wake up somedays and just start crying because I miss her so much, those are the days I would stay in bed and cry the whole day. On top of the missing school, came the homework. Tons. I couldn’t keep up. My grades were dropping to B’s and my brother told me he was disappointed in me. For a B. So I gave up, what’s the point you know? I felt worthless in school so I stopped going. I didn’t go for about 3 weeks straight. I knew my teachers would ask what’s wrong, and I knew I would just cry so I would avoid school. I’ve also been stressed about my grandmother passing. I feel like I should be over it and I’m not. My mom told me if I miss anymore school she goes to jail :/ how can I prevent that? Drop out? My mom suggested I switch to an alternative school, but I told her I didn’t want to. But now I’m thinking I should. I just don’t want to get in trouble with school, or with the state, and I definitely don’t want to send my mother to jail.
Dear Alora: We’re sorry about losing your grandmother. Everyone loses someone they love, but that person would want you to carry on and succeed. Many states have recently started to crack down on truancy. That includes sending parents to jail for not getting their kids to school, or imposing a heavy fine on them. You can help your Mom by getting back to school everyday without any unexcused absences. Think about speaking with the school counselor who probably has experience in helping students cope with personal loss. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Does this apply to kids who are 18 and only have a couple months left of school? Can the parents still get into trouble
Dear Haley: You have to look to the specific education laws in your state. They should spell out the rules and consequences when violated. You can Google the state’s education department for these. Also check the state law regarding compulsory attendance. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hmm. Just pointing out the fact that it doesn’t make much sense to “expel” highschoolers for “ditching” school, does it?
The end result is MORE school missed, regardless of whether it’s voluntary or not.
That’s kind of like shooting the horse in order to cure it.
Dear RTH: That’s a good observation and one that’s been argued many times over the years. Yet some schools still resort to suspension or expulsion in serious cases. Many, however, impose in-school suspension where the student is still responsible for keeping up with his or her studies. Thanks for the comment. -ATJ.info
Hey, I have a question. I live in Springfield Virginia and have ditched 4-5 days of school, mostly because ive missed the bus and its a long walk to school. I wanna know if everything will be fine if i dont skip anymore, since my cousin now has a car to drive me to school so i wont miss the bus. Thank you very much in advance. Im a highschool student btw.
Dear Alejandro: If you don’t have anymore unexcused absences, you’re probably okay with your school. To be sure, take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules about excused and unexcused absences. Usually when you hit the maximum number of unexcused days allowed, then the school may take action. That may include a meeting with your parents, Truancy Court, a diversion program and/or probation. So stay in school and get on with your education. You’re doing this for yourself & your future. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I have only missed like 8 days but I’m worrie that something bad might happen if I miss agai with a note , I could not afford goin to jail or even a family member because I am the FCA (fellowship of Christian athletes ) president ,other than don miss anymore . Do you have advice ?
Dear Sampson: The best advice we can give you is to make sure you don’t miss anymore school or classes. Your Student Handbook explains the number of unexcused absences allowed before the school takes action. Do your best to avoid any issues with the school over this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi. I am currently 18 and will be 19 in less then 4 months. I have skipped school about 6 or 7 times in the past few weeks. So far I have not gotten in any trouble. Can I not be charged with truancy because I am 18? To me that would make since because you can legally drop out of school when you’re 16 here in Minnesota.
Dear Kaleigh: Even though you can’t be charged with truancy since you’re 18, that doesn’t prevent the school from taking other measures based on excessive absences. You may be required to repeat classes if too many are missed and you may be jeopardizing graduation with your class. Take a look at the Student Handbook for the rules about unexcused absences and the consequences. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I missed about a 2 weeks of school for trying to get into another and the pass week I been going to that school to see if the teacher is in to enroll me, is that still considered ditching?
Dear Carolina: As long as the absences are excused under the rules of your school, they shouldn’t be considered “ditching.” Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules about excused and unexcused absences. It should also spell out the consequences for going past the limit of unexcused absences. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i live in orlando,florida. i was just wondering if i can go back to school after having my mom disenroll. the only problem is that i missed 3 months of school because i was in my home country el salvador, which over there it is hard to get into the school. i am back here in florida but my mom thinks that they wont enroll me because of me missing so much. i really would like your advice
Dear Christine: We’re glad you want to continue with your education. You’ll have to check with the school to see if they’ll allow you to return this semester. Necause of the time already missed, you may have to wait until next semester, In the meantime, you can look into an alternative school or online. That way you can catch up with your classmates and still graduate with them. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi my name is sandra i am 18 and i live in dallas texas have just been called from my school that i have missed 17 days of school and that i have a meeting with my mom in a couple of day they did say in the call that if i miss one more day that i will not grauate from high school is that possible? i have never had this problem before and im
Dear Sandra: First, it’s unlikely you’ll be going to court or jail over this. Take a look at your Student Handbook for information about unexcused absences and the consequences for exceeding the limit. Some states are cracking down on truants and their parents. Courts have issued fines and even ordered parents to jail for neglecting their kids’ education. But since your meeting is with the school and not in court before a judge, you may be looking at repeating some classes or not graduating with your class. Time to get serious about your education and your future. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
ive been missing school because it is too hard and my teachers give too much work and im also a little scared of them i want to be homeschooled but most people say its not good what should i do and will i also be putting my self at risk to go to court?
Dear Sofia: Depending on the laws in your state and the rules at school, you may be getting close to seeing a judge or going to truancy court. Every state handles truancy matters differently. Some even punish the parents for not getting their kids to school. You can either look at your Student Handbook or ask the attendance officer at your school about the consequences of too many unexcused absences. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi,my name is zach and I live in texas. I have to go to court soon For missing school.But I was wondering do they test you for drugs .(Im 13)If they do what will happen if it test postive.?
Dear Zach: You could be tested for drugs if the court and/or probation department believe it should be part of the consequences for your truancy. However, drug testing is not usually a part of the consequences for truancy. If you are tested and test positive, then you could face additional consequences and even additional charges for drug use. Be sure to be clean when you go to court so you won’t have to worry about being tested. Good luck.
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my name is roberto and i wanted to know i have court on march i need to do some angermangement classes that i have already done and go to school but the thing is im scared because i have left home for 2 days without my moms permission because my girl friend hasent being do well on her pregnancy i had to go to the doctor with her my probation knows that my girlfriend is pregnant but doesnt know i have left home without permission and my mom hates me and would tell my p.o im going to be a dad already my girlfriend is 3months im 17rs old im going to be 18 in may when i turn 18 do i get off of probation?
the thing is i want to get out of probation so i could leave with my girlfriend and help her out because she needs my help and my mom doesnt want me to leave with her and my girlfriend needs help from me i need to find a job and help her out.
i live in san diego please help me out what could i do i dont want to go to juvenuile when my girlfriend is pregnant and i cant be there when my baby is born
please help
Dear Roberto: Probation could end once you turn 18, but it depends on the laws in your state and how long the juvenile court has jurisdiction over you. In some states, a person could remain on probation through juvenile court until he/she is 21. Ask you probation officer about this and explain what is going on with your girlfriend, her difficult pregnancy and your mother’s rules. Perhaps you could all sit down together and discuss the situation, so that you can work out an agreement that is best for all of you. It’s unlikely that you will go to detention for being gone 2 days, but it would be best to bring documentation concerning the the doctor’s appointment and anything else you can bring to court with you to show the judge why you left home if the issue comes up. Take care.
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I have court for truancy and I dont go no more to a public school but im 18 & thinking to start home school would the judge let me do homeschool or send me back to a public school my truancy officer requested me to start homeschool!
Dear Karla: Yes, the judge may agree with your truancy officer and that homeschool is a good option for you especially if it means that you will graduate and complete your education. Best of luck.
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These laws are insanity. Forcing someone to go to school after 18 years of age? What is to stop the government forcing a parent to take care of an 18 who doesn’t want to do anything the parent wants? The person is 18. These fascists have WAY too much control these days. Kindergarten children getting arrested for kissing on the cheek. Sexual harassment for a child protecting himself by kicking a bully in the private area? COME ON. We’re turning into the soviet union.
Thanks for your comments, Danielle. Every state’s laws are different concerning compulsory attendance and when a student is required to go to school. Some states require schooling for 16 and 17-year-olds while other states require a student stay in school until graduation.
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Im 18 years old and its my second time going to court for truancy im scare going to jail I didnt complete my hours the first time I got a paper saying I have to pay 250 and do community service im working on that nd im duing homschool my fam. Is out of town for problem so its just me and my 3 year old brother here I live in irving tx, do I have chances on going to jail?
I dont wanna go to jail, and what does detention warranted means?
Dear Sofia: It’s very unlikely that you would go to jail at this point. When you go to court, explain to the judge what your circumstances are like at home, so he/she understands that you may need more time to complete your community service hours and that you cannot afford a high fine. If you continue to miss school and don’t do what the court orders you to do, then it’s possible that the judge may believe some time in juvenile detention is necessary, so you can at least go to the detention school. However, since you’re already 18, you would not be facing any time in juvenile detention. Best of luck to you.
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Hi, my name is Stephen and I am going to a court on the 17th for a summary court. I am not guilty but the thing is that I have not been to school since Wednesday of last week. Will I get a more severe punishment? And I know that I have to go to school. I really wanna try and change after this. Thank You.
Dear Stephen: If you had 3 additional unexcused absences this week and the court finds out about them, which it may not, then it’s possible the judge may believe that extra community service hours or educational classes, etc. are warranted. Be sure to get to school and comply with the court’s order, so you won’t have to worry about harsher penalties. Good luck.
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I have court for truancy its my second time the first time I had to do community service but I didnt complete my hours my family is out of town.because we had a family problem and I had to stay with my nephew so its only me and him and im scared to go to jail im duing homeschool right now can I go to jail for hat?
Dear Ana: Since it’s only your second time in truancy court, it’s unlikely that you’re facing jail time. However, the more you continue to miss school and if you don’t complete the community service hours and any other penalties the judge imposes, the more likely the judge may feel that some time in detention is warranted. Tell the judge what is going on at home and make sure you comply with the court’s order so you won’t have to worry about spending time in detention. Good luck.
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Hi my name is amy and I am 17. I I have never been absent for more than 4 days each school year. But this year in highschool I had 7 excused absences due to illness and family issues, I was wondering if I would get in trouble or anything because I have never been absent for that long.
Dear Amy: As long as the absences this year were excused, there shouldn’t be a problem. It’s when you exceed the number of unexcused absences allowed by the school that they may discipline you. Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules about truancy and the consequences for violating the policy. Good luck.
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I got introuble for being out past 12. I have court soon and I have 9 unexused absences in one class and about 7 in my other classes. But when I go back to court its a new semester and i have no absences. Will I get in trouble for having those absences even though its a new semester and i have no absences? I am 16
Dear Asher: If you’re going to court for a curfew violatioin, the judge may not know about the unexcused absences last semester. If you’re not charged with truancy, you’ll only be addressing the curfew matter at court. If you meet with a probation officer first, he or she may know about the truancy situation and discuss it with you. Bottom line – get home on time and don’t miss any more school. These things can add up to serious charges. that may result in lockup at juvenile detention. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I just got my first truancy and im in ca. Im so frightened of what might happen. But i was wondering if a first truancy a warning and then if you keep skipping class then the consequences will happen.
Please reply as song as possible. thank you
Dear Allison: Every school district has their own rules and policies about handling truancies. Your first offense may result in just a warning or possibly a truancy class. You may also have to write an essay about the importance of getting an education. Additional unexcused absences can mean community service work or a fine. As a last resort the school can require that you repeat classes or even a semester or school year if the number of absences are great. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m 16, and im in the 11th grade. Last year i had no where to live and went from friends house to friends house (alcoholic dad, had to leave, long story). And in that time I was feeling very stressed and not myself.my attendance was bad. Then, at the start of this year I missed about three straight weeks of school, and now I finally have a permanent place to stay, and my mind is right, and im back on my feet. Do you think the school will still allow me back? How many times can you ditch before you are expelled or fined in CALIFORNIA?
Dear Maya: We’re glad to hear you’re back on your feet and settling down. At your age, education is the best thing you can do your your future. Here is some information about attendance at school in California. It may be easier to just contact the school you’d like to go to and ask about their attendance policies and if you qualify for re-enrollment. You may have to make up some work since you’ve missed part of this semester. But you should be able to get back on track and graduate on schedule. Good luck.
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I Am currently 17 turning 18 in may 1, i got court next week this is my third time going to court for truency,i dont want my parents paying any fee for my mistakes and i whas wondering can i ask the judge to get sent to jail and sit it off? i know it sounds crazy but i realy feel like my parents did everything they were supposed to do,there for they shouldnt be the ones punished..i dont think “high school” is for me,so im planning on getting my ged and going to a community college after.
so if i deny to pay the tickets will i get sent to jail? or can i just ask to get sent to jail and sit it off? if so how long can i get sent to jail for?
Dear Jose: There’s a good chance if you refuse to pay the fines already imposed that you could be sent to juvenile detention for a period of time. But that depends on the laws in your state and what authority the judge has to sentence you to jail. You can Google the name of your state and “compulsory attendance laws” for information. It’s admirable that you want to keep your parents out of this, but some states allow the court to punish parents who don’t see to it that their kids get to school. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m Nick from California, 17 years old turning 18 in about a month. I recently got caught at school with marijuana, and got a ticket for it. I’ve been to court and been sentenced 3 months in-patient at a drug treatment facility when I turn 18. The ticket is $350, if I do the drug treatment it goes down to $30. Basically I need to know two things: When I turn 18 can I pay the ticket myself and be done with it (or at least go to an out-patient drug treatment facility); and also, I’ve asked my mom to enroll me into a school where I have a better chance at succeeding, but she refuses because she thinks it is “another excuse,” and I can’t stand being at the school I am currently at because I get anxiety attacks from being there (granted my mom doesn’t believe me), so is it possible to drop out of the school I am currently at, wait a month until I am 18, and enroll in the home-school to finish up?
Dear Nicholas: Since you’re under specific orders from the court, you’ll have to run this by either your probation officer or whoever will be monitoring your compliance with the terms ordered by the judge. We don’t provide legal advice to adults or teenagers. If you had a public defender representing you in this case, speak with him or her. They would be familiar with the specific laws that apply to your case and the policies of the court. Good luck.
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Okay so I live in Colorado and today I was called into the vice principales office because I was absent too many times this semester which started this 3rd and I was absent a lot because I had to miss class to get my schedual changed because it was all screwed up. So last semester I ditched a ton though which I know really regret… So the vice principle told me ” I’m going to have to give you a referal for being truant from too many classes and it says”Exhibit A letter sent home.” What is an “Exhibit A letter” and what will happen to me???
Dear Austin: “Exhibit A” simply means the first piece of evidence in your truancy case. It’s a document that can be used in court to support the school’s claim that you’ve violated the school’s mandatory attendance policy. Now, if you had a letter from your doctor excusing some of the absences due yo health conditions, that would be your Exhibit A for your defense. You may be eligible for “diversion” if this is your first time. When you complete the diversion terms, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record to affect you in your adult life. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi I was wondering I’m about to be 18 and do I have to stay in school
Dear Brandon: Each state has its own laws regarding when you have to start school (5 or 6-years-old) and when you may stop going. Some require that you attend until age 16, others until you’re 18 or when you graduate from high school. Try Googling your state’s name and “compulsory attendance laws” for more information or click here.
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MY 14 year old step-daughter refuses to go to school on a regular basis. She claims she’s sick (no symptoms) or will out and out physically attack us when we try to get her to school. After researching my states (WA) laws about evicting your child I’ve come to the conclusion that the best approach is to contact the authorities when she becomes violent and the truancy officer when she refuses to attend school. If I am working with the school on the issue is it likely I’ll still be subject to legal consequence for her refusal to attend?
Dear Cody: It’s unlikely that you would be facing consequences at this point especially if your step-daughter has not yet appeared in court over the matter. If and when she has to appear in court, you and your partner should appear in court with her to find out what the judge has to say and to explain the problems you’re having at home. If the school as well as the court see that you are working on the issue and doing what you can to get her to go to school, then it’s less likely that you will face penalties. It might be a good idea to document everything including when she refuses to go to school, your efforts to get her to school and her response. Finally, it sounds as though there could be emotional issues affecting your step-daughter and resulting in her refusal to go to school. For example, she could be bullied, harrassed or have other problems at school. You may want to contact the school’s guidance counselor or another therapist and see whether you could meet to discuss the situation. Good luck.
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hello im valerie being truthful im very young i received a callsaying im goingto court for being absent to much i think about 17 or 18 times im in a middle school and i was wondering what will they do to me at the court im going to the doctors later to get a excuse drom the doctor because i have heart issues but i dont know if itll do the trick… also im from Massachusetts
Dear Valerie: Every state has laws about attending school. Your school has rules about excused and unexcused absences. If you’ve gone past the number allowed,the school can take action. That’s why you received a notice to go to court. If you have medical issues and your doctor will give you a note explaining this to the school, that should help in court. Your mom or dad can also explain to the probation officer or judge what is going on. The judge may talk to you about the importance of getting an education. You may be ordered to complete some community service or attend a class or write an essay about education. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, i’m 15yrs. old and I have a record of a runaway charge and a disturbance of school charge for fighting. I’ve been put on probation for 8 months and I have a bad history of Marijuana usage and I was wondering what it would take to be put in a Juvenile Detention center? What other charge could get me sent to a JDC?
Dear Mike: We hope we’re wrong, but it sounds like you want to be locked up. This is a good question to ask your probation officer. Oftentimes, someone who continuously violates probation is sent to the Detention Center. A judge can only do so much if the person isn’t interested in helping themselves by staying out of trouble and following their probation terms. In your case, many judges wouldn’t hesitate to lock you up if you continue to test dirty for drugs. Good luck.
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Hi im currently 22 years old and i got a ticket for ditching back in 07the for ditching. But i paid the fine back in 07 I want to know is it off my record i live in California
Dear Denise: Since you were a minor at the time and just paid a fine, it’s unlikely that it’s still on your record. You may have completed a diversion program, in which case any charges would have been dismissed. You could contact the court and request a copy of your record to confirm that there is nothing on it. Good luck.
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I live in california and I got caught leaving school. I got a ticket but I never showed up for court. what kind of trouble can I get in if I just ignore it? im 15
Dear Mark: Most judges take their jobs and responsibilities seriously. If you blow off a hearing and fail to appear, the judge may issue a warrant for your arrest. That may be the case for you. Contact the court you were supposed to go to and ask about the status of your case. If there’s an outstanding warrant, ask about getting it dismissed or vacated. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi , we just began our second semester 2 days ago. Today I got a Truancy letter and well my parents don’t know about me skipping school more than 7 times(according to the school attendance) Last semester i was absent exactly a total of 5 times, along with 3 tardies. The school attendance says I’ve been absent for a total of 70 times. which knows about, but being the fact that she doesn’t speak english, she doesn’t write an excuse letter. the letter says i have to appear at my school with a parent(s) next Friday. A lot of people got this letter at my school, and most of them told me they’re not going to show up. So my question is : What would happen to them if they don’t show up, and i just turned 16 during the winter break. before all of my absences took place. I’m so scared. also the letter says we will only be discussing strategies for remedying the situation and what will happen if the truant behavior continues. What if i don’t show up, but STOP the truancy behavior. My absences were of personal depression issues, and of course i don’t want anyone to know about them.(specially my parents.)
Dear Barbara: Every state has laws about truancy and the consequences for violating the law. If the unexcused absences pass a certain number designated by your school, the school can take action. That could include sending you to juvenile or truancy court. That could result in being placed on probation or participation in a diversion program. It sounds like your school may be trying to address the truancy problem by meeting with the students and parents first before taking this to court. It would be advisable for you and your parents to attend. Otherwise, you could be facing a judge and explaining what’s going on. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am eighteen years of age and since my birthday, my mother has put everything in my control. Doctors appts, schooling, paying for everything I need or use around the house, etc.
Now I live in Illinois. May I call myself out of school for a badl timed dr appt?
Dear Darien: Check your Student Handbook or ask the attendance officer at school about this. Every school has rules regarding excused and unexcused absences. At 18, as an adult, you may be allowed to call yourself in sick, for a doctor’s appointment, etc. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
yes hi im currently 18 and me and my parents sign to do a disenrollment and i talked to my guidence councler about a ged degree but now they keep on calling my house saying i am missing so many days of school even after i sign the paper for disenrollment what will happen? will i get fined. me and my parents clearly signed the paper
Dear Anthony: Since you’re legally an adult and have signed the proper papers, along with your parents, to withdraw from school, there shouldn’t be any consequences. Google the name of your state and “compulsory attendance law” for information about this. If the calls you’re getting are computer notices regarding the absences, the withdrawal information hasn’t been loaded into the school’s computer system. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My husband is 15 and I’m 19. I’ve already graduated from High School but he is an alternative school. I told him I refuse to call him in again. He has missed many days and been late on several occasions. I just can’t seem to get him up or motivated to go to school. Since we are married I know he is legally emancipated. But my question is: who will get in trouble for his truancy? Me or him?
Dear Stephanie: As far as we know, there are no states that penalize a spouse for truancy violations of the other spouse. Parents may be fined and even jailed in truancy cases. So, in your case, your husband will suffer the consequences. Google the name of your state and “compulsory attendance laws” for information on this. You might remind him of what he’s facing if he doesn’t comply with the school’s rules regarding unexcused absences. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi i am thirteen and i signed a document saying i would not miss school but i did and now i have to go to court i missed 16 days i wanted to know my max punishments
Dear Dakota: As a consequence of your absences, you may be ordered to attend a class about the importance of getting an education or ordered to complete some community service. In some states, if the truancy continues, parents can be fined and/or sent to jail for a period of time for not seeing that they get their kids to school. If this is the case where you live, don’t put your parents in this position. Some teenagers across the country end up in foster care while their parents do their jail-time. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi I live in California and I ditched school in 2007 I got a ticket and went to cout but never got to stand up to a judge because a guy came up to me and said I was free to go now I’m 18 and try to get my drivers license but they told me I never payed my fined. Would I go to jail because it has been five years already? What can happen?
Dear Katherine: It is highly unlikely that you’d go to jail over this incident. Since you’re 18 and this is showing up on your record, it might be best to pay the fine. Once you do that, then contact the court you were in and ask about clearing or expunging your record. It’s a simple process – one that you can do online if the court has a website. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am from California and in 2007 I was 16 and missed a lot of school. My dad called a police officer on me to teach me a lesson. The officer gave me a ticket and I was supposed to show up in court. I did not go and went into independent study and graduated. I had forgotten about it until recently when I had to pay a fee of 170 from that 2007 case. After I paid that fee I got a letter from the court of an unpaid 40 dollars and notice to increase the amount of that ticket by 300 dollars. Today I went to pay it but the clerk told me I didn’t have to pay it and to go to court to resolve the case. She also said there was a hold on my license, but that was wrong because a year after the missed court date I got my license. Do I have to go to court for a 4 year old truancy case when I am now 21?
Dear Robin: You don’t have to but it might be the best way to clear this up once and for all. When the judge hears what happened and that you’ve followed through, although late, with the fines, the case may be dismissed. Then you’ll have a document of dismissal for your records and any future headaches this may cause you. There’s also a possibility that your driver’s license has a hold or suspension on it that you didn’t know about. You can contact the MVD and ask about the status of your license. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hey my name is mike. I have about 100 unexcused absences, but I dont know how many days that is, and I dont really have a reasonable answer to why, just that I didnt feel like going and thought I could just make them up later, but now I get this court letter to show up to court and had me real worried, I had recieved this letter ciuple days before I turned 18. I didnt really know wat to do. I also had problems within the school and had to make up my absences, but now I learned that the court and school r two separate issues.I thought best thing was just go to school everyday from then on since my court date wasnt in 3 months but now Is getting close, and ive already made up my hours for school n have brought my grades up. What do you think the court might do, what will be the worst rule they can give me?
Dear Mike: If this is your first time going to court, you may be placed on a diversion program and have to complete some community service, pay a fine and attend a class and the charges will be dismissed. Be sure to let the judge know that you’ve caught up with your school work and have raised your grades. Bring some documentation to show the judge this if possible. The worst case scenario will depend on the laws of your state, but again, if this is your first time going to court for truancy, then the judge is more likely to grant you some leniency. Good luck and be sure to continue going to school.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
My name is Jonathan. My sister has gotten re-mandated by a Bronx Judge for not going to school, staying out late, or not coming home at all for days. I love my little sister more than anything else in the world. She is only 16 years old. I don’t want to wait 2 years to see her again. I need my sister by my family’s side through our teenage years. What can me and my grandmother (Legal Guardian) do to have the judge bring her back from the group home that she is placed in, so we can get her real help, like Therapy, Or Medical Attention? Instead of placing her around other troubled teens that actually have gotten arrested for worse things than shes done. (She never got arrested for anything severe, she only got arrested for being in the wrong place at the wrong time)
Dear Jonathan: We’re glad you’re concerned and want the best for your sister. Apparently a judge has decided that placement in a group home is best for her at this time. Hopefully, she’s receiving appropriate medical care and counseling. If she has a review hearing scheduled with the court, you can contact her lawyer or guardian and express your view of the situation and offer to be available as a placement alternative when she’s to be released from the group home. You can also write the court a letter for the same purpose. A judge’s responsibility toward a juvenile is to do what’s in that person’s best interests based on all available information. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
well im not a habitual ditcher and ive missed my first period so many times now that they sent a contract home, the reason why is beacause of taking care of my brother in the mornings. Me and my family have to go on a family emergency trip for about 5 days and i dont know if i can go or what. i live in CA
Dear Ed: Have your parent or guardian contact your school and explain the circumstances of the family emergency and why you would need to miss several days of school. As long as the absences are excused by your parent or guardian, there may not be a problem, but be sure to let your school know in advance of you leaving for this trip. Good luck.
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Hello, well ive gotten in trouble for other stuff many times before and i spent some time in placements and in detentions, but this school year ive missed more days than you are supposed to. What is going to happen? I live with a friend for a little while because of family issues , and he told me that my dad called him and they are supposably investigating for truency,? Whats going to happen ive prolly been late five times over all and skipped about eleven , helpp.! Im about to be sixteen in february, please help.
Dear Jake: Since every state requires that you attend school a certain number of days per year (usually around 180 days each year) and that you are only allowed so many unexcused absences (and tardies), your school can impose consequences if you have missed too many days. You could try referring to your student handbook about the rules and policies concerning “compulsory attendance” and the number of unexcused absences you are allowed. You could also ask your school’s attendance officer, counselor or even principal. Finally, you could try Googling your state’s name and “compulsory attendance” or “truancy” for the specific laws in your state. You may receive a ticket and have to go to truancy court where you would likely be facing community service, fines and having to attend a class or counseling. Start getting to school and on time, so you won’t have to worry about the consequences. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello , My name is Sirena . I’m located in Manitowoc,Wisconsin . I’m legal now , but as a minor , I’ve gotten a lot of truancy tickets in the previous city that I was residing . In time , I’ve changed myself a lot . I’m married with a newborn now and I’m trying to move out . After turning in the application for a low income housing apartment, I was sent a letter that these truancy tickets are in collection . They’ve never told me that the trauncy tickets were going to be used against me . Who can I call and what can I do to get the right understand of why I was denied for these apartments ?
Dear Sirena: Contact the court you were in or would have been in for these truancy tickets. Apparently, if you ignored the court fines regarding the truancy citations, they’ve been turned over to collections or a civil judgment has been entered against you for failure to pay. Unpaid fines and restitution don’t automatically disappear when you turn 18. They can follow you around throughout your adult life. Ask someone at the court how to straighten this out so you can get on with your life. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi im 15 and in sc and ive been out helping my grand ma for about 4 weeks and have no excuce could i get in trouble
Dear Dexter: If that means you’ve missed 4 weeks of school, then yes you could be facing consequences for truancy. Depending on the circumstances as to why you’ve missed school, perhaps your grandma could talk to your school’s attendance officer so that at least some of your absences can be excused. Try checking your school’s Student Handbook for its rules and policies concerning compulsory attendance, so you’ll know how many absences you’re allowed before your school will take action. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I am a 17 year old in San Jose,California, I ditch a period or two in a day. Will my parents be fined for it? I mean my grades are going to hell so…..does really matter(not graduating & I’m a senior)?
Dear John: Sorry to hear you’ve messed up this year, but it isn’t the end of your education if you don’t want it to be. Check your Student Handbook to see what it says about truancy and a parent’s responsibility. Some states are imposing fines and community service on parents who neglect their kids’ education. We hope you get things back on track so you can move on with your life. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi. Im a freshman in high school in nyc. I get painful headaches every weel, sometimes 2 times a week. When i get them i cannot function, and all i can physically stand to do is lay down, and so as a result i have missed alot of school, about 1 day a week at worst. At least a few of my teachers know about my headaches, and understand. But i am still afraid about what might happen. My mom never really calls the school about it, although she knows im sick. Nothing has happened so far and all that happens is my school emails my mom telling her i was absent. If i have a doctors note excusing my sick days, would everything be alright?
Dear Michael: A doctor’s note could make any unexcused absences considered “excused”, but you and your mom may want to meet with the school’s attendance officer to talk about your medical condition. You could check your school’s Student Handbook to find out the policies concerning unexcused absences and how many absences you’re allowed until you will face consequences. Rather than risk facing any penalties by your school or having to go to truancy court, it would be best to go to a doctor and get some help for your headaches and let your school’s attendance officer know what is going on. Good luck and take care of yourself.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Im 13 and have missed 10 days total 2 were unexcused the school sent a letter to my house about it I live in Minnesota can my mom a only parent get in trouble
Dear Michael: Under Minnesota law, yes it is possible for a parent to have to go to court and face consequences if you’re missing too much school. Here is a web site about truancy in Minnesota.
Bottom line, get back to and stay in school. Once you pass the allowed number of unexcused absences, the school can take action. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I missed 12 days of school what could happen to me??? I live in pennsylvina
Dear Luis: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules regarding excused and unexcused absences. Every school has rules about truancy and what happens when you pass the number allowed. You may be sent to Truancy Court if that exists in your area or other consequences may be imposed. Some states authorize the court to fine your parents for every day missed and you could end up on probation. Bottom line: get to school everyday, every class unless you have a valid reason for missing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was born in December, so I was still in high school after turning 18. I once attempted to leave school during lunch period to eat at a fast food place a block away. A truancy officer noted my course and yelled at me to not leave school grounds. I explained that I was an adult, offered to show him my drivers license, but he told me it didn’t matter. Isn’t school voluntary by the time a student is 18? Could I have been assaulted by him, handcuffed, and gone to jail if I did leave the grounds? Could I have been expelled for going to lunch? I understand that children do not have all the rights of adults and forfeit even more while on school grounds, but what right does anyone–official or otherwise–have to stop a grown man from crossing the street? (This occurred in California in ’89)
Dear Mitchel: The answer to your question depends on a few factors: the laws that existed in 1989 regarding compulsory school attendance, the school’s policies about truancy and the authority of the school to enforce their rules. Since rules and laws are subject to change and often do, you would need to go back to the laws of that year. You are right about your legal status as an adult when you turned 18. Possession and use of alcohol is an example of limited rights until age 21.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I have court tomorrow and the judge said if I have good attendance he will let me go but I was tardie 2 times and I’m scared I might get locked up and I’m only 13
Dear Ashley: The tardies may not be held against you. Hopefully, you have a good explanation for being late. The judge may order you to take a class about the importance of getting an education – the rest is up to you. So, get to bed early enough so you don’t sleep in, study hard and your future will be just what you want it to be. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
well my boyfriend had just gotten a letter to go to court and his mom is saying he will have to go to jail and he only 17. is this true what she saying? or does his mom have to go to jail. we live in San Antonio Texas please help.
Dear Anita: It depends on why he’s going to court. If he’s charged with a misdemeanor (a low offense such as shoplifting, trespass, curfew, etc.) he may not be facing jail. It’s not common for parents to be sent to jail for the acts of their child. However, when it comes to education, some states are cracking down on truancy. It’s called “educational neglect” and when a parent continuously ignores their son or daughter’s schooling, they can be given a jail sentence. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi. I’m a 14 year old girl who started back in public school this year. I was home schooled last year, in a different state, and this is just really hard for me. I’ve been getting sick a lot because the weather is different in this new state – it’s a big change moving from Mississippi to Washington. I’ve missed a lot of days, and I haven’t been able to excuse some of them. But for the past two weeks straight I have just not been able to wake up in the morning no matter what I do. My mom keeps going on and on about how she’s going to be put in jail and how I’ll be taken away, and it makes me feel so horrible, but I’m not missing school on purpose. I actually like school but I can’t get up in the morning no matter what time I go to bed…Do you have any advice?
Dear Sara: If you’re serious about loving school and not wanting to get your mother in trouble, you’ll get up on time and get to school. Whatever it takes, a blast from the radio, a splash of water from your Mom to get you out of bed, etc. States are cracking down on truancy and some impose penalties on the parents for what is called “educational neglect.” In Washington a parent can be fined $25.00 each day you miss school if it’s not an excused absence. See this Guide about truancy in Washington from the ACLU for more information. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello. I live in Orlando, Fl. My husband committed suicide last year. My 11 year old has suffered from this horribly. She missed a lot of school last year but is doing better this year. They have filed truancy charges against me and I have to go to court. They denied a public defender so I don’t know what to do now. I don’t know if I can take anymore. What do I do?
Dear Amy: We’re sorry about your loss and hope that you and your daughter are getting help. We suggest you speak with either the attendance officer at school and/or principal about the days she’s missed. She certainly has good reason to be down every now and then in dealing with such a great loss in her life. If she has a counselor or therapist, ask for a letter simply stating that she is involved in grief counseling. Once the hearing officer or judge understands the situation, the truancy charge should be dismissed. All the best to both of you.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hey along time ago i would stay home from school i was either sick and i was in an car accident september 20, 2011 and i kinda got hurt the pain was very bad and it made me miss a numerous amount of days in school then the following month october 20,2011 i was in another car accident abd got hurt pretty bad and missed another numerous days in school and now i have to go to court because of my accidents im really scared what should i do ?
Dear Latanya: Sorry to hear about these accidents. We hope you’re doing better and recovering from any injuries. When you go to court, take copies of your medical statements or appointments to support your reasons for missing school. Usually excused absences aren’t held against you. But if you or your parent didn’t call in, the absences would be considered unexcused. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I recently turned 18 and live in Florida. I had my license suspended for missing 15 days at a public school and am currently graduating in a virtual high school. I am wondering if I can now go to a DMV and have my license reinstated and if so, will it/how much will it cost me to reinstate it?
P.S. I have looked everywhere on the FL DMV website and have only seen information on teens that are ages 14-17.
Thank you.
Dear Kim: Since you are now 18, you may be able to apply for reinstatement of your license. Check out this link and try contacting the number listed which is to the Florida DMV. An employee with the DMV should be able to answer your question. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
i am a 13 year old girl atteding Alternative learning center u have not been to school ni 3 weeks and now casue if that the are trying to kick me out of the alc is that possaible and yes i am on probation to ?
Dear Vanessa: Since every state requires that you attend school a certain number of days per year (usually around 180 days each year) and that you are only allowed so many unexcused absences, your school can take action and impose discipline if you have missed too many days. You could try referring to your school’s Student Handbook about the rules and policies concerning “compulsory attendance” and the number of unexcused absences you are allowed. You could also ask your school’s attendance officer, counselor or even principal. Finally, you could try Googling your state’s name and “compulsory attendance” or “truancy” for the specific laws in your state. We suggest you talk to the principal or another school administrator and find out what you can do to make up for any missed days and school work. You don’t want to let this get too far and risk time in detention for your truancy, so show your school that you’re willing to make an effort to catch up with your school work. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I’m attending school in Arkansas. I have missed 21 days of school and they are trying to fail me for this. Even though all but 3 of the days have been with the doctor. Can they legally do this, and if so what counter measures could I take?
Dear Blake: Your Student Handbook and the laws of your state spell out the number of unexcused absences allowed before the school takes action. If, as you say, “all but 3 of the days” were due to health issues, get a note from the doctor and give it to the front office. Discuss this with your parents. They can request a meeting with the attendance officer or principal to straighten this out. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My name’s Miranda. I live in KY, and I’ve been to juvie before for faking a doctor’s note. I’m on truancy probation, and I just got a letter in the mail today about having to go back to court in a week. I’ve missed 12 unexcused days. But I’m doing better this year and I decided today I was going to change and get my life on track, I just need a little time to prove that to my judge. If I explain that I just need time to prove to him that I want to do better and go to school, do you think he’ll let me stay out of juvie? It’s a miserable place and I’ll do anything to stay out!! I’ll pay a fine, anything!
Dear Miranda: The judge isn’t interested in you paying a fine. That’s too easy. He or she wants you to get an education because it’s your future & responsibility to yourself to prepare for your independence. Most likely you’ll be given a chance to avoid being locked up again. Just make sure all absences are excused and that you keep your grades up. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
my parents said that the school will call someone to my home and get me school so what should do
Dear Ho: If you’ve been missing a lot of days or classes, the school may have a truancy officer whose job is to get you back in school. They may have the authority to take you to court where you’ll have to explain your absences to a judge. You ask what you should do. The answer is simple – get yourself to school everyday, every class. No excuses unless they’re medical and you have a doctor’s note. Otherwise there will be consequences. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
my parents said that the school will call someone to my home and get me school so what should do
As we told Ho, if you’ve been missing a lot of days or classes, the school may have a truancy officer whose job is to get you back in school. They may have the authority to take you to court where you’ll have to explain your absences to a judge. You ask what you should do. The answer is simple – get yourself to school everyday, every class. No excuses unless they’re medical and you have a doctor’s note. Otherwise there will be consequences. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My son flat out refuses to go to school sometimes and I don’t call it in because he has no excuse. I think sending the parents to jail or fining them for a child (16) who is a habitual truant child is insane. What am I supposed to do? Pick him up and carry him? I’m a single parent and I have to work to just like everyone else. The California people who voted these crazy laws in probably have perfect children and perfect spouses. Well, I don’t so don’t punish me for a selfish child. It should be the child who gets into trouble and not the parent. Sending someone to school who doesn’t want to be there only disrupts the other children.
Dear RK: Parents whose kids refuse to obey them have the choice of contacting a local probation officer at juvenile court, district attorney or the police for assistance. Parents can file what are called “incorrigibility” petitions in juvenile court. The definition of an incorrigible child is one who is chronically truant, a runaway, disobedient, etc. Staes across the country are cracking down on kids and parents who neglect their kid’s education. Every case is different and treated individually. Hopefully you won’t be brought before a judge to explain your son’s absence from school. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’ve skipped 21 days of school. I live in
Pinellas county, Florida. This is my first time I will be going to court for truancy. What should I expect from the judge and what will most likely be my punishment? What could I do (Start going to to school of course but…) to change the outcome of being sent to a detention center or getting hit with a fine?
Dear Zack: You will either participate in Truancy Court if that exists where you live or be offered “diversion.”
Once you finish the diversion program the charge will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. It’s unlikely you’ll be given any time in juvenile detention. If you end up in court again for this, then your chances for lock-up are greater. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
what right do I have as a parent.. My local principal tried last year to get me for truency and the judge tossed it out its all been medically excused now its starting again kids either turning the excuses in late and her counting them as unexcused. I even have a paper where he was absent and she sent home a paper saying it was unexcused but gave him a paper saying unexcused recieved the excuse 9/20/2011… Ive called her repeatedly and have yet got a call back. What rights as a parent do I have. I can get excuses from all the doctors if thats whats needed I’ld like to avoid a court hearing.
Dear JR: It sounds like a lack of communication between you and the school has created this problem. We suggest you go in person to the school and meet with either the attendance officer and/or principal. Take a look at your son’s Student Handbook for the rules about excused and unexcused absences. Usually the policies are clearly spelled out including the penalties for violating the policy. You’re right about wanting to avoid going to court. You can nip this in the bud now. Stay calm & patient in all your communications with the school and they should do the same. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’ve just left Truancy court (Garland, TX) and my son have missed 6 days (2 whole days including tardies) due to my medical condition (side effects of the medication that I’m prescribed.) To top it all off, I’m also in the middle of a divorce. To my surprise, the judge automatically assumed (without hearing my case) that he’s missed because of my medical condition and Garland ISD has a strict policy and it will not be acceptable fyi. I’ve pleaded not guilty, but I’m terrified of the consequences ahead. I have another court date set on December 9th with a district attorney for a pre-trial. Do you believe that it’s within my best interest to change from “guilty” to “not guilty” based on what the judge told me? Any suggestions?? I’ve also notified the school and basically I’m stuck in a rutt (with regards to them excusing my son’s tardies and missed days).
Dear Tasha: Since you pleaded not guilty, we assume you were appointed a lawyer to represent you. If not, you can speak with one on your own. Or you may be appointed one after meeting with the county attorney on Dec. 9. We cannot tell you what to do, you have to make that decision. On December 9, the county attorney may offer you a “diversion program” so that you don’t have to go to trial on the charge or face getting a record. Once you complete the terms of diversion, the case is dismissed and no record is created. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
In SC, does information on a doctor’s note negate confidentiality agreement? I am afraid that if my doctor puts the reason I have been out of school on my doctor’s note, my teachers will have free reign to get information about me from my doctors. Is this the case? Or is it acceptable to simply have my doctor’s state that I was under their medical care without stating the reason/illness?
Dear Karen: Great question. Usually school attendance officers accept a general statement as you suggest from a doctor. As long as it’s on the doctor’s letterhead or script this satisfies the “excused absence” rule. Doctors are well aware of the HIPAA requirements and limitations on disclosing any confidential information of their patients. Even if the doctor comments briefly about the nature of the illness, this does not open the door for teachers/administration to obtain further details about you or your treatment. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi I was just wondering how much trouble I can get in in my current situation. I am currently living in Ohio and I have 9 absences that my mother has called in for. I know that the state regualtions are after 10 call ins by a parent the absences are to be counted as unexcused no matter what. I was just wondering how many more absences I have to have to get in trouble with my school and the law? I am currently 14 and in 8th grade. The reason I stay home so much is because I have almost a nine and a half hour day and it’s a big transition from last year being six and a half. Even next year being my freshman year I won’t have as long of a day so I just want to know how many more absences can I have before I start to become in trouble with my school or the law?
Dear Nick: Check your Student Handbook for the number of unexcused absences allowed by the school before they take action. It sounds like you’re getting close. Once you pass the limit you may end up in Truancy Court. That may result in probation, counseling, a class about the importance of getting an education, etc. Your parents may also be fined or sent to jail, as in some states, for neglecting to see that you stay in school. If you’re serious about starting high school next year, you have to pass this year first. Skipping class or full days isn’t going to result in your graduation. Good luck.
(This information only – not legal advice).
Hi, my name is Dakota and I’m 16 and I live in Haysville, Kansas. I have 36 excused absences (not full days, but all my classes put together). Will I (or my parents) get into trouble?
Dear Dakota: You have to read the rules about attendance in your Student Handbook. There are a limited number of unexcused absences allowed before the school takes action. Schools across the country are cracking down on truants including sending students to truancy court. Once there, judges are authorized to impose fines, community service and in some states jail time for parents who continue to neglect their son or daughter’s education. Keep your tardies and absences to a minimum. Take a look at this web site for specific information from the Kansas Bar Association. Scroll down to “School.” Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
its dylan again sorry but whats the chances i do time? i have 0 credits in school also.. Do you really think its just gonna be community service hours i also have not completed anything on my probation and i was suppose to be done with probation on the 15th
Dear Dylan: It’s unlikely that you’ll just receive community service only since, as you state, you’ve missed deadlines and haven’t followed your probation terms. Your probation officer will make a recommendation to the court and the judge will decide the consequences. You may be placed on a higher level of probation called “intensive probation” in some states or even be given a stint in detention to get your attention. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My name is Isabella, I am 13 years old and live in Michigan. Today I got in trouble for skipping class. It was my first offense. I thought I could just let loose for one day with my boyfriend at the park a couple blocks away from school, but instead got the police to pick us up back to school and get a truancy ticket. I’ve never had this happen to me before, I’m just learning now what a truancy ticket is. I don’t want any sympathy, I know I must face the consequence of my crime. But it was my first offense, I have to go to court but I have no idea what they will ask of me? Could I get punished, like go to jail? If so, is there anyway to go about this? Or try to make it better! Please help, I’m going crazy just thinking about it.
Dear Isabella: First, we hope you’ve told your parents about this. They will find out anyway and need to go to court with you. Since this is your first offense, you will probably be placed in what is called a “diversion program.” Once you finish the program the case is closed and you don’t have a record. The program may include a class about the importance of getting an education and a paper on the subject or some community service. Keep in mind that consequences get tougher as you continue to get into trouble. We know that won’t happen with you, but just a reminder. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My son was absent from school for a family wedding out of state. I notified the school and his teachers prior to the absence and still I received a letter stating that my son was truant for 3 days and that this was a serious matter that needed to be dealt with immediately. I live in Illinois and I wanted to know what I can do to either get this letter taken out of his file or how I should respond to it. I and my son did everything that was required of us by the school district including getting all his assignments completed ahead of his departure and I feel that he is being punished simply because this was considered a vacation instead of him being ill. He is a honor roll student and does not want this letter to negatively impact his ability to get into college.
Dear Lisa: We suggest you speak with the principal about this and ask for an explanation about how this is being handled. Since you did everything in advance of his time away, there seems to be a miscommunication in the administration. If necessary, you can pursue this to the school superintendent and/or school board. As a last resort, speak with a local lawyer who practices education law. It shouldn’t get that far so stay calm when speaking with the school officials. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My parents have to sign a forum. So i can get help from the Community workers.But i don’t feel like need there help from the Community workers. My parents says that they help you get rid of your problems. is it true please tell me
Dear Lee: We are not familiar with the Community Workers Program you mention. But if they are recommended by your school, counselor or church to help young people out in difficult situations and your parents agree with their services, give it a try. You may find it beneficial. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My parents have to sign a forum. So i can get help from the Community workers.But i don’t feel like need there help from the Community workers. My parents says that they help you get rid of your problems. is it true please tell me
Dear Jack: We are not familiar with the Community Workers Program you mention. But if they are recommended by your school, counselor or church to help young people out in difficult situations and your parents agree with their services, give it a try. You may find it beneficial. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, my name is Maria and i live in colorado. I have been missing school lately but my mom has been excusing it because i have been sick. today i told her my head hurt adn i couldnt go and she got mad and told me that she wasnt going to excuse it. truth is i had a science test today, and i forgot to study so i got really nervous, which makes me feel sick. will i get in a lot of trouble for just one unexcused absence?
Dear Maria: It’s unlikely that you will face consequences for one unexcused absence, but you need to refer to your student handbook about the rules and policies concerning “compulsory attendance” and the number of unexcused absences you are allowed. You could also ask your school’s attendance officer, counselor or even principal. Finally, you could try Googling your state’s name and “compulsory attendance” or “truancy” for the specific laws in your state. No one feels great when they have to take a test and they are unprepared, so make sure to study before your test so that you won’t feel sick in the morning.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hey my name is dylan i have court tomarrow for a violation of probation for not attending school i dont sleep very well and i cant get up in the mornings its been going on forever i beleive im a insomniac but i havaent been diagnosed with it. Im really scared for tomarrow and im wondering what will happen im on probation for a mistometer and it was batterie and this is my first violation i live in san diego california. i hope you can reply before tomarrow thanks.
Dear Dylan: Be honest and explain to the judge why you have trouble getting up and going to school. You may be ordered to complete more community service hours or pay a fine. Do what you need to do to make sure you get to school whether it’s setting multiple alarms, having your parents help get you up, etc. as you don’t want to violate your probation again. Also, you don’t want to risk missing too many days of school in which case it could affect your ability to move onto the next grade. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi. I’am 17 years old. I have a little girl. Well, I have missed 11 days of school because I have been sick, and I had to take care of my daughter for a couple of those days I missed cuz my parents couldn’t watch her, most of them have been excused, and I have been charged for been traunt. I was wondering what the judge would do. I live in indiana.
Dear Ericka: If this is your first time in truancy court, you will probably be placed on some type of diversion program. This means that you may have to complete some community service hours, pay a fine and/or attend a class. Be sure to tell the judge why you were absent from school and bring any documentation you may have showing the court that your daughter was sick. Be sure to get any future absences excused as you don’t want to end up in court again especially since you are 17 and are probably in your final year or two of high school. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello Judge My name is Jack I am in Grade 9 for this year.My old school was better than the one i have now.I didn’t really like school at first with i was Grade 7-8 i really did hate school but then after when i got to Grade 8 i started love school again But now in Grade 9 I started to skip some days of school now and then.I was sick for 8 days and didn’t go to school for another 8 days so i missed school for 16 days already so with the 8 days that i was sick count as Ditching school. And the other 8 days was the days i wasn’t sick.Will i be able to pass grade 9? and will the police arrest me if i don’t go to school? Whats should i do i am really stuck. I feel worried and Confused on my what i am suppose to do.I need some Help on what to do. Its so hard on the path i am going i just feel like i am about to give up on everything.
Dear Jack: First, don’t give up. The school year isn’t over and you can make up the time you’ve missed. Talk with your parents about this. They can schedule an appointment with the attendance officer at school or the principal to see how they can help and keep you on track. Take a look at the Student Handbook to see what it says about excused and unexcused absences. Once you get passed a certain point you may have to repeat certain classes. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
my daughter is 17 and will turn 18 this december. she makes all A’s in school, is graduating this december (a semester early) and has applied to college and plans to start spring 2012. however, she was living with her father until the end of last school year. she was ditching so much school she had 128 hours of unexcused absences (and had done so previous years – with no consequences). neither the school nor her father did anything about it. so i made the school punish her. shortly after, my daughter ranaway from her father’s home and decided to come live with me. she now refuses to speak to or see her father. things between her and i have been good off and on. except now she did not go to school yesterday or today and has been at a friend’s home. also, i know she smokes pot. i don’t really know what to do. she will be finished with high school and turn 18 years of age in 1 1/2 months. is there anything i can to do help her? whether it be legally, verbally or cut off her “extra” finances (i pay her gas, car insurance etc.). i feel like i am at the end of her time with me as a minor and maybe i should just let it go. but at the same time, i care too much to, i want her to be successful in college, and i am worried about legal consequences for us both. Any advice helps. Thanks.
Dear Stacy: Your daughter is so close to becoming an adult that she’ll be living with the consequences of her actions. You can be there for her as she experiences reality and continue to encourage her to stay in school and stay away from drugs. But ultimately, she’ll make her own decisions and have to live with her choices. We wish you both the best. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, i’m jessica, 15 years old & reside in Augusta, Ga. & i’m on probation for truancy. I missed 27 missed days before I got sent to court, with only 1 excused absence, but that’s a lie, because I know I’ve turned in way more notes than that but they said that didn’t matter. So last week, was my first week at school after my court date, I’ve only been to school 2 days and half of a day. But so far I’ve had all excused absences for my missed days. This is the 2nd week, and I’ve already missed Monday & going to miss today. If I get a doctors note, could I get in trouble for missing so much school and still go to youth prison, even if they are so many missed days since my court date but all excused?
Dear Jessica: Since you’re on probation for truancy speak with your probation officer about this. He or she will explain to you the consequences of additional unexcused absences from school. In your state, the judge may be authorized to lock you up for a period of time depending on the circumstances. Missing school while on probation may also be a violation of your probation. This could lead to detention. Bottom line: get to school on time – everyday and every class. Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules and penalties for unexcused absences. You’re also risking having to repeat classes or the full school year. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello, my name is Chris and i’m 15, in 10th grade and living in NY. I’m on the PINS program for missing too much school in 9th grade. They said if i continue my absences i will have to go to court and most likely go to a home. So far i have been absent about 5 or 6 times (already 3 times this week!). It is not that i refuse to go to school, the problem is that i can not get up! I am usually woken up by my mom at around 6:20 (1st pd. starts at 7:30) and i am so so tired that i don’t even know what’s reality so basically i’m half a sleep. THIS IS EVERY DAY. please don’t tell me anything about going to bed earlier because i’ve tried and it just won’t do anything. My problem is when i go to court (which most likely i am) will i be able to use that excuse for my absences and not get penalized? And my mom is a teacher and has no time to bring me to school same as my dad. And even if i’m ready for school and my dad is able to bring me usaully around 2nd pd., sometimes i fall asleep for another 5 hours just by putting my head down. I wish i could do something but i can’t handle waking up this early anymore. Thanks
It’s still Chris and also my parents won’t write me a note for my absence for me to hand in to the school (which makes my abscesses legal)
Dear Chris: We’ll get right to the point. The education laws in New York require that you be in school, period. Regardless of your excuses, there are consequences for both being truant and failing to obey your parents. If you and your parents end up in Truancy Court, they may be fined for your absences and you can be placed on probation if an incorrigibility petition is filed. See this story about truancy in New York. Good luck. It’s your future – once you turn 18 and are out on your own, sleeping in won’t support you.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Well, I’ve been truant in the past due to health issues, and they just gave me a warning. This past year, we (My mother and I) had to go to court during August. They told us that because I had passed, and was entering high school, that the court could not do anything about me being truant. I missed about 73 days, although most of those days had been accounted for by doctor notes. Trying not to get off topic, this year I’ve missed almost 12 or 13 days, due to psychological issues that I’ve had to deal with in the last two weeks. Now, the school has my attendance record and thinks I’m just skipping because I don’t want to go. That’s not the case. My mom doesn’t want to go to jail, and she doesn’t want me to go to a Juvenile Detention center, but at this point, I feel like I need to. What should I do?
Dear Skyy: We suggest that you talk to an adult that you trust – that you can open up to. Maybe a school counselor or teacher. Or a parent of a friend. If you already have a counselor or therapist regarding the psychological issues you mentioned, discuss what’s happening with him or her. The sooner you speak with someone and get help, the better you’ll feel. There are also helplines and hotlines across the country that you can contact for counseling – they’re free and don’t require that you identify yourself. Whatever the problem, people do care and are out there to help others. Let us know if we can hook you up with someone you can talk to whether it’s about bullying or cyberbullying, suicide prevention, LGBT issues or anything else. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
SO, I’m 18 and still in high school (not in special ed). One of my teachers said here in Georgia that I can be kicked out for not passing enough classes. So far, I passed 7 since I got enrolled in 9th grade.
Dear Thomas: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the requirements regarding graduation and the number of classes needed to finish up. At seven, you may be below the limit but may be able to do something about this. Schedule a meeting with your principal or assistant principal to discuss your future. Whatever you do, don’t give up. Your education is the key to your future. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi I missed school for 14days but not all at once like 2-3days a week some days i were sick so what should i do
Dear Lee: First, get back to school and keep your unexcused absences to a minimum. Your school has a number of days you can miss before they take action including a ticket to go to truancy court or in-school suspension. If you miss too many classes or days, you may have to repeat the school year. Check your Student Handbook for the rules about excused and unexcused absences. If you want to graduate with your class, you have to attend everyday. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi! I’m a freshman in highschool and I live in Alabama. I have all A’s and B’s grades (so I clearly do well in school) and I’ve missed 6 days this schoolyear. I’ve never been tardy and the worst punishment I’ve ever gotten was a detention for chewing gum. I have to miss school a lot for health reasons, however my mom can’t afford to take me to the doctor every single time. My question is how many more days can I miss (with a parent’s excuse- not a doctor’s) before they retain me/send me to court? Thank you!
Dear Lauren: Sorry to hear about your health. We hope you improve so you can get on with high school. Check your Student Handbook about excused and unexcused absences. Every state and school district has its own rules regarding the number allowed before action is taken. Maybe your Mom can meet with the school nurse, attendance officer or principal and explain the situation. You’re not alone when it comes to having the funds to visit the doctor on a regular basis, and school officials understand this. Good luck and enjoy high school.
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Hi, my name is Alyssa. I live in California and i am a senior in high school. I already have 90 absenses( from each class, not just a day though), and 11 tardies. im so frustrated….
Dear Alyssa: If you’re serious about graduating with your class this year, you need to do something now about these absences. Talk with your parents and maybe schedule a meeting with the attendance officer at school or your principal. Whatever is the cause for missing so much school needs to be addressed. We wish you the best and hope you can resolve this soon. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
im 12, and a couple of days ago the Assistant Principal called me up to the office one morning and told me that they have a file on me to go to court for missing the days in the first semester and it ends on jan 13th.my step-dad has nothing to do with it. what would happen to me,my mom, and my step-dad? and what would be the options for me and my mom, and step-dad?
Dear Stacy: If this is your first time in court for truancy, you can expect to be offered a diversion program. Once you finish the terms of the program, the truancy charge will be dismissed. Some states impose a penalty on the parents if they fail to get their kids to school. This may not affect your stepfather, but it will your mother. So stay in school and keep the unexcused absences down. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello. My name is Jazmin, & I live in Ohio. I was wanting to know if you’re a minor & you were sentenced 6 months of juvenile probation, if they are allowed to keep you on probation after your (supposed to be) release date was already up, & all your court fines are paid. I’m on probation for truancy and I haven’t been in any trouble or back to court since then. My probation officer hasn’t contacted me at all in the past 4 weeks & I’ve tried contacting her, but no answer or call back. The principal of my school & the secretary of my school have both said they heard that I was off of probation. But I haven’t received any release forms in the mail. So what does this mean? Are they allowed to hold me on probation after all fines are paid & release date is up, for over a month now?
Dear Jazmin: If you have met all of the terms of probation ordered by the court and the term of your probation has run (six months, etc.), you may be off probation. But to make sure, try calling your PO’s supervisor to verify. Ask for a written statement for your records. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I live in texas, how many days can you miss before you are considered truant?
Dear Robert: According to this document, the Texas Education Code states the following: An individual commits an offense if the individual:….Fails to attend school on 10 or more days or parts of days within a six-month period in the same school year or on three or more days or parts of days within a four-week period.
You will want to confirm that this is your school’s police and is the current law by referring to your student handbook about the rules and policies concerning “compulsory attendance” and the number of unexcused absences you are allowed. You could also ask your school’s attendance officer, counselor or even principal. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
what happens when you had court and you were on probations and you still skipped can they give me another court date if i stopped skipping when i ralized what i was doing was wrong?
Dear Rose: Contact your probation officer and explain why you missed court. He or she will know what to do especially if the court issued a warrant for your arrest. It is also possible that the court reset the hearing to another date. Don’t ignore this because it won’t just go away. You need to take care of this as soon as possible. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i’m a senior in high school in texas and i just turned 18 this semester. if i fail to attend school with unexcused absences, can i be charged with truancy even though i’m already 18?
Dear John: You have to look to your state’s laws about truancy and compulsory attendance. Even though you’re 18 if, for example, you’re under the jurisdiction of a juvenile court (on probation or parole) and the judge has ordered that you complete high school regardless of age, you must follow the judge’s order. Google “Texas school attendance laws” for information. Here is a new section of the Texas law that went into effect this year. Good luck.
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hi well i havent been to school in 30 strait days and the cops havent called i live in iowa and im 16 whats the chance of me passing the 10th grade and do they even call truancy on 16 year olds in iowa
Dear Justin: Take a look at your state laws about attendance at school. Here is Iowa Section 299.1 and you can check Sections 1B, 6 and 7 for consequences of being truant.
Whether you’re technically truant or not won’t affect your passing 10th grade. Your Student Handbook explains the consequences of exceeding the number of unexcused absences. In other words, if you miss too much school, you won’t pass on to 11th grade if you haven’t met the requirements to advance. Talk with your parents, principal, vice-principal or attendance officer about this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m a fresh man at Allen,TX I’ve missed 18 days of school I’m moved from Kansas and lived in a hotel when we tried to enroll on the first week of school they stalled us for a good 1 hour and more finally saying u need a proof of residence no exceptions soo couple of weeks later we get a place and come to the school again stalled for longer than an hour and said u need a water bill so we waited for an officer because he was concerd about are lease document saying its multi colored paper soo another 30 min wait until the lady said you can go and get the ultitly bill before he gets here soo all the happen we became truant now they said we have to do make up hours wed. 4 hours and sat. 4 hours we did this can completed 47 hours when we went to court judge said you finish now do 6o hours of community service by joining a club why do I have to do this when I sat in school four hours longer and ruin a Saturday now I have to join a club and finish more hours can’t he just end it all and say welcome back and one more thing all the clubs won’t allow me to finish my time they said if you join u stay for a year but all I want to know is can’t he just let go of the community service because now I have all pre AP class I can’t do a club after school and study I’m a good kid first time this happen and all the teachers said he has done very well in class.
Dear Maximus: We can’t tell you why you’re in this situation, but it would be best to follow the judge’s orders and complete the hours given. You can discuss this with a probation officer or a lawyer who specializes in juvenile law to explain what happened and why. Every state is cracking down on truancy even to the point of punishing parents who don’t see that their kids stay in school. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m 14 freshman in highschool and i’m about 12 weeks into school and i’ve already missed 18 days. I’m really afraid to go back and it started because one day i had a presentation and i’m deathly afraid to speak in people. I will for sure make myself look stupid. My dad is really pissed and stressed out over me all the time and he blames me for everything i do. I have way too many problems and I don’t really want to go back. I think my dad agreed to let me to online schooling but he isn’t very clear. My school says in the conduct code after 10 days missed we will be put on an attendance watch program. and every day after 15 absences i need a doctors note. I haven’t gotten a doctors note the past three days and i don’t know what’s going to happen to me.
Dear Aaron: This is no way to begin your high school years. We suggest that you and your Dad meet with the attendance officer at school or the principal to discuss the situation. Explain your fears of public speaking and any other issues that may be going on. You are not alone – many students have the same fears and teachers understand this. You may also benefit from speaking with the school counselor. Good luck.
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Hi, I’m a junior in high school, and I live in Mississippi. I’ve apparently missed 6 days which the school is saying hasn’t been excused, and that they will fine my dad $1,000 which doesn’t make sense to me because the limit was 12 days last year. My doctor wrote a note for about 4 of the 6 days missed, but I lost it right before performing with the band at the pep rally. (I missed homecoming week, and came back on the day of the homecoming game where everything was hectic and crazy) If we go back to the doctor and get them to write another note even though about a week has passed since the days missed (we had fall break right after homecoming) would it then count as excused? We were thinking it should, but will the school still accept it and my father not have to pay the fine? Please and thank you for the help!~
Dear Jennifer: What you are asking is entirely up to the school. The attendance officer will decide if the absences are excused or unexcused. Another note from the doctor may help clarify the situation. Your Student Handbook should spell out the rules about absences, tardies and the consequences for exceeding the limits. Good luck.
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i live in virginia and i was wondering if a food fight is a good reason to miss class
Dear Desmond: We would be surprised if the school gave you a pass on missing class for this reason. Unless of course, you were injured, had to go to the nurse’s office or were held hostage during the fight, etc. – otherwise it’s your responsibility to be in class and on-time. Nice try.
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I’ve missed a couple days this school year due to my post traumatic stress disorder, and one of those days was concerning my father’s death anniversary, I’ve sent in my excuses to the attendance office, but I just received a letter from the Dallas Independence School District about ‘Truancy prevention program’. My mom doesn’t have the time to go to this, and I shouldn’t have to. I’ve sent in all my excuses. What do I do?
Dear Jen: Perhaps you and your mom could ask for a meeting with your school’s attendance officer or another school administrator to go over your attendance record. If all of your absences have been excused by your mom, then it may be a mistake that you received notice of the truancy prevention program. Check your Student Handbook for the rules and policies concerning school attendance. Every school district allows a certain number of absences (usually unexcused) before the school will take action and discipline the student. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hey I am 16 years old in 11th grade and I have had 3-4 excused (was sick) absences and 2 unexcused absences (refused to go due to extreme lack of sleep caused by family fights) in a month and a half and my mom just went to the police. I live in suffolk, virginia if that helps to make your answer more accurate for laws and stuff. So what can happen to me at this point?
Dear Jacob: We’re sorry to hear about the disruption at home. Take a look at your Student Handbook to see what the school policies are regarding excused and unexcused absences. With just one or two unexcused, there shouldn’t be a problem. As the number increases, however, then you’re looking at a visit to the principal’s office, a call to your parents, etc. It might be helpful to speak with a counselor at school or adult relative that you trust about this. If you’re comfortable doing so, maybe mentioning this to your parents will calm things down. Good luck, Jacob, and be safe.
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Hi my name is angel i live in texas. And about a month ago i quit school and became homeschool about now i have gotten a truancy letter saying i had to appear in court tommorow because i missed ten 10 days at the beginning of the month (this is my first time getting truancy) what can i expect from this?
Dear Angel: First, explain what’s happened to your parents if you haven’t already. Next, be sure they go with you to court tomorrow. They can explain to the judge that they are homeschooling you and get this straightened out. If they just took you out of school without telling the school that you were going to be homeschooled, this needs to be taken care of. There may be some papers they need to sign to get you set up officially for homeschooling. Good luck.
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My friend is charged with helping a minor skip school. He was 16 years old at the time now he is 17. I don’t want anything bad to happen to him.
On the day they ‘skipped school’ they were not required to be there. They had passed all there courses and their absenses would not have been documented. It was the last week of school. I just want to know the possible charges for each of them.
Dear Aniarys: It depends on the laws that exist in your state. He could be charged with contributing to the dependency or incorrigibility of a minor, or as an accomplice to the offense of truancy. Other laws may also apply. Google the name of your state and “truancy” for information.
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hi im 15 and im on probation and i live in cambridge ohio and i havent went to school in about a week and i have a court date coming up for a felony if i kept skipping school and skipped that court date and just left the state what would happen
Dear Derek: Since you’re already on probation, the consequences of additional charges and probation violation will have consequences. Leaving the state is not the answer. If you do, the court will likely issue a warrant for your arrest. Do you want to live the rest of your life always looking over your shoulder for someone to arrest you? It would be better to stay put, face the music and get on with your life. Discuss this with your parents and probation officer. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello, I’ve missed quite a few days of school recently, originally starting because I was sick. Most of them are excused absences, as the doctor gave me a note permitting me to be out. I’ve got an appt. in a week to see someone that will begin the process to let me attend school homebound, as I really just hate being at school. My folks keep telling me that if I miss too many days, even excused, I/Them could be fined or jailed, and that its possible a truancy officer may come to the house within the next week if I don’t go. Is that really true, even though most absences were excused? (8 out of 11 I believe) Thanks
Dear Chris: Every state has a required number of days you must attend school and if you don’t meet that number, it’s possible that the school will discipline you or not be able to pass you onto the next grade. For the specific laws in your state, try Googling your state’s name and “compulsory attendance” or “truancy”. Also, try checking your school’s Student Handbook to see what it says about absences (both excused and unexcused). Your school’s attendance policy should be outlined in the handbook. Finally, you and your parents could try contacting your school’s attendance officer to explain the circumstances and find out whether you’re at risk of facing consequences for your absences. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
hi my bf got a speeding ticket and he was on probation at the beginning of the year but now he is off of it. can he get locked up for it? oh and he received a letter from independent study saying that he might get a truancy ticket (but he hasn’t done anything) is he going get locked up for this ?
Dear Mariah: If your boyfriend was on probation when he recieved the ticket, he may also be charged with violating his probation. That could lead to time in detention or jail. It’s up to the court to decide the penalty. Truancy is taken seriously by every court and judge. Teens across the country are experiencing serious consequences for chronic truancy including suspension of driver’s license, fines for the student and parents and juvenile detention. The laws of your state must be referred to for a more specific answer. Google the name of your state and “truancy penalties” for information. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i am 16 and do not want to go to school. i live in florida, is there a law saying i have to go or can i just stop attending
Dear Christine: We refer you to this government website for Florida education and mandatory school attendance. Although, with your parents permission, you can stop attending school after filing with the school district a declaration of intent to terminate your education, we strongly recommend that you don’t do this. Doing so will affect the rest of your life in many ways. Think long and hard about this as it gets harder to return to school as you get older. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hello,i live in FL and my drivers liecense was suspended due to school tardieness.i was told i had to attend school for 30days before my liecense can be reinstated.Now heres the problem,ive been in school for a month now but i have 2 unexcused abstinces so the attendance office doesnt want to sign off on my paper so i can take it to the dmv.So does that mean i have to wait another 30 days or what?
Dear Elijah: Check out this State of Florida explanation of the law that you reference. This spells out the process of suspending your license for unexcused absences, time periods and reinstatement procedures. Good luck and keep your missed days to a minimum. Other states are doing the same thing to keep students in school.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
how long will my freind be in a juvenile center for lighting trashcans on fire?
Dear Colton: That depends on a number of factors including the state laws that apply to the case, your friend’s history of offenses, the prosecutor’s recommendation and the judge’s view of the case. Juvenile courts have rules and procedures for youth that are detained, so that is also a consideration. You can Google the name of your state and “juvenile detention” for information.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi my name is Arturo and I was wondering if am 18 and still in school and am out ditching can I still get a ticket? Another question Can a dean take away my beanie is its nutrition and its cold outside and if he can, can I get it back from him since am 18?
Dear Arturo: Because you are 18 doesn’t mean certain rules don’t apply to you. Since you’re still in school, the rules apply to you as well as all other students. When you started the school year you probably received the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct. Read the section about excused and unexcused absences – they apply to you. The same for your beanie – if it violated the dress code, a faculty member may be able to take it for a period of time before returning it. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
okay well i was skipping but i went to my pep-ralley but i don’t attend that school i just play sports there i got a ticket for skipping and traspassing i dont under stand this
Dear Jamiee: If the school officials and/or the school resource officer knew that you were skipping school even though you do not attend that school, they can possibly cite or ticket you for truancy. As for the trespassing charge, you would have to look at the rules of that school. Because you were not a student of that school, but attending one of the school’s events, it may be considered trespassing. You could try contacting the school to find out why you’ve been cited or ask the judge when you go to court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Ok my mom and i have been having alot of issues with my little kid brother he is 14 he lies he skips school and some more things id rather left be unsaid we have been trying to find a way to get him to strighten up act more like the man he is about to come he has never known his father for his dad died when he was almost 2 my mom and i have been doin our best but i work a full time job along with my mom and we just dont know what to do. -O’Fallon, Mo
Dear April: If the kind of trouble your brother is getting into are misdemeanors or petty offenses, now is the time to get involved before he graduates to felonies and be facing jail or prison. We’re speaking of possession of alcohol, small amounts of marijuana, theft, trespass etc. Many juvenile courts across the country have programs where the probation officers speak with kids on the edge of serious trouble. Your mom can call the court and ask about a similar program. The probation officers will also speak with the kids who are chronically truant, runaway incidents, and repeat curfew violators. He’s lucky to have you in his life to be so concerned about his welfare. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice)
i live in northern ireland and i really dont get along with anyone in school and i don’t have friends at all and i was ditching couple of times this month.
will everything be fine if i just get over it and go to school every day from next month?
Dear Greta: We’re sorry to hear about your situation at school. Maybe speaking with your parents or a counselor would help. Ditching isn’t the answer unless you want to repeat this school year or the classes you’re missing. Remember that school is the door you must keep open to prepare for your adult life – for your independence and happiness when you leave home. In answer to your question, yes, if you start to go everyday these few absence shouldn’t affect the rest of the school year. Good luck, Greta. Be strong, put a smile on your face and move forward.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Ok so I live in Georgia and I’m on probation and have missed my first period 8 times can I be arrested and sentenced?
Dear Tom: You’re pushing the limit by cutting class on a regular basis. A standard term of probation anywhere in the country for a juvenile requires you to be in school without any unexcused absences. So, this means you’re not only truant but also violating your probation. You could be brought back to court by your probation officer for both violations. That may result in your attending school in detention. If you haven’t been locked up before, it’s not anything to look forward to. Let’s get it together and wake up on time to make your first period. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My friend has received the truancy letter in Pennsylvania. His guardian has also received the multiple offense letter; however, his guardian decides not to show up at a required conference. What are the penalties which might happen to my friend and his guardian? He turns 18 in February and I would hate to see him spend it in juvenile detention or state prison only because his guardian refuses to comply with the court.
I am sorry I forgot to include that the letter was received last week and my friend has been a multiple offender. He has decided to turn things around. He told me that he would be locked up until his supposed senior year ends, which would be the summer of 2013. Is this, put away for 21 months, a possible penalty for him for multiple offense of truancy?
Thank you so much.
Dear John: Truancy may result in detention or jail time for the student. If the judge has given the strudent several chances and he or she continues to be absent, the likelihood of being sent to school in detention is greater. States are starting to punish neglectful parents for not seeing to it that their kids get to school. Parents can be fined or jailed if found in contempt of a court order mandating that they keep their kids in school. Other states are suspending the minor’s driver’s license as well. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Last school year my child was skipping school, even when i would drop her off at the front doors of the school. We went to court and they told her they wanted to see her in 6 months to see if she’s missed anymore. Since then she’s turned 18, had a baby, and moved out of state. I recieved a letter from the courts telling me and my wife that we missed the court date when we didnt know we were surposed to go. they say we signed papers saying we would be there. I don’t recall being told or signing anything telling me as such or i would have showed up. Thus i have to come up with over $1,200 before they issue a warrant and arrest me and my wife. Living check to check it i don’t see that happening. Seems a little steep for accidently missing a court date. Is there anything i can do? I live in Harris County, Texas.
Dear Jason: We suggest you speak with a lawyer in your area about this situation. A criminal defense attorney or one familiar with juvenile law should be able to advise you. Many lawyers today offer free consultations for the first 30 minutes or so and that may be all you need. Ask about this if you call a lawyer. Also, your local court may offer free legal advice from volunteer attorneys. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Help! I have been keeping my child out of school while involved in a due process hearing (spec ed). The district has my child’s multiple doctors’ orders which are to put him in the school with the program closest to home due to health needs to be close to treatment (at home, not available at school), but the district doesn’t want to do this for whatever reason. The district’s homebound instructions require the docs to sign a form that there is no other school in the district my child can go to. Since this is not the case, the docs cannot sign the form and my child is not getting any education. No one ever calls from the school to care that my child isn’t in school. This is wk # 5. My child is 13. I just contacted the State because no one contacts me, but I haven’t heard anything. The hearing decision is months away. What do I do? Is my child by definition truant? We are in CA.
Dear Taylor: If your child is home because of medical reasons and you have a doctor’s statement supporting his absence from school, he’s not truant by most definitions. These excused days shouldn’t be held against him or be a basis for a truancy charge. As far as how to proceed in expediting the hearing and decision process with the school district, you could contact an education lawyer for advice. He or she may provide a free consultation to assess your situation. Ask about this if you call an attorney. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello. I am fifteen and have been diagnosed with the disease lupus. I have been missing school a lot, we’re five weeks in and I’ve missed nearly two already, one of those week being five consectuative days. *Already* they’re threatening me with truancy. Don’t I have to speak with them to get everything excused? I’m supposed to be on excused leave whenever I have a flare but they don’t seem to be honoring this.
Dear Anna: Sorry to hear of your health situation. Ask your mom to look at your Student Handbook regarding excused and unexcused absences. With a doctor’s note, your days home due to the lupus should be excused absences and not held against you as truancy. Your mom may need to schedule an appointment with either the attendance officer at school, vice-principal or principal. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Me and my mom where charged with truacny Due to me getting jumped by 9 guys and i refused to come back to this school. They now have me starting again.. Is there anyway to explain to a judge when i go up in front of them the situation and can you help me be able to explain it in a possitive way? Thank’s — Zach. South Dakota.
Dear Zach: Yes, you should have the opportunity to explain to the judge why you missed school. Just be honest about what happened and explain your thoughts and concerns so the judge can know where you’re coming from and try to help you with the situation. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hey I’m just wondering if my daughter quit school can she retake her exams next year she refusing to go back to school but I dont want her to mum up her future but she keeps gettin g bullied and she can’t go back any suggestions
Dear Tracy: Try contacting your daughter’s school and speak with the attendance officer or the admissions/enrollment staff member. You will need to find out the policies of her school district. You also could speak with a guidance counselor about the bullying situation that is occurring for help and guidance. There are other options besides dropping out of school and the guidance counselor should be able to discuss these. Good luck to you and your daughter.
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I just turned 18 on july 20 2011 and I droped out of middle school and I was wandering if it was possible to be able to go to high school and get my high school diploma?
Dear Bulmaro: Try contacting the high school you are interested in attending and explain that you would like to enroll. Whether you can enroll and what grade you would enter will depend on the laws of your state as well as the policies of the school district. An admissions counselor should be able to give you more information about your options. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I have to go to truancy court very soon because i stayed home alot because i get sick very easily, i am 15 years old and a sophomore in highschool. My doctor said he’ll write me a note to truancy talking about how i got sick which is why i stayed home. what will happen to me?
Dear Sora: Make sure to get the note from your doctor before you go court and bring it with you so you can show the judge. Depending on the specific circumstances (the number of absences, the doctor’s note, etc.), it’s possible that the truancy charge could be dismissed. Otherwise, you may be placed on a diversion program and have to complete some community service, pay a fine and/or attend a class. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, My sister has already needed to repeat a year of schooling due to absences. School just started a couple weeks ago and she already missed 3 days along with being late. This morning the truancy officer came to our house and said that if she doesn’t go to school he’ll have to file a report on both her and my mother. We used every reason we can think of to convince her to go to school (limited future job offers, basic education, the law says you have to, etc) but it ended with her getting violent at my mother and telling my mother to “if you want to cry, cry outside my room”. It is upsetting because she basically abuses my mother and now my mom will end up paying this fine and maybe jail time. Is there a program opposite of DYFS?
Dear Tina: We’re sorry to hear how your sister’s truancy is affecting your family. Assuming DYFS is the Division of Youth and Family Services, we’re unaware of an agency that helps parents deal with abusive or unruly children. However, your mom should explain to the judge at your sister’s next court date what is going on and how she is at loss as to how to get your sister to school. Parents also have the option of filing an “incorrigibility charge” against their children when they cannot control them and a judge will have to decide how to punish the teen. Probation and some time in detention are both options for the judge. For more about incorrigibility, click here. Best of luck to you and your family.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi I’m Natalie and I’m a concerned parent. My daughter is 17 and she is disabled. she does not want to go to school cause every day it hurts her to walk. the school is on my but she has to go to truancy this month and last year she had to do community hours and pay a fine she just don’t get it through her head. I feel like I’m having to be a mean mom and she hates me .I told her I’m only doing it for her own good. shes really behind and I’m trying to get her back on track.
Dear Natalie: Perhaps you and your daughter could schedule a time to meet and talk with the school’s attendance counselor or guidance counselor. If you can get a doctor’s note explaining her disability, maybe an arrangement could be made with her school allowing her to complete some of her school work from home. The counselors also could help explain the compulsory attendance laws in your state, the school district’s rules and policies and whether there are some alternative options for your daughter so she can complete her education. Finally, when she goes to court, be sure to bring any doctor’s notes or other documents concerning her disability and why she has missed school. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi,im Jaxon, and im going to move to another school in 2 weeks, i live in Missouri, and im thinking about skipping a bunch of school before i do, will my amount of absences carry over to the other school?
Dear Jaxon: There’s a good chance your new school will know about your unexcused absences. When kids change schools, the new school requests the records from the old school. If you miss too much school and jeopardize passing the year or semester, the new school will place you accordingly. So, think twice before you this. It’s tempting since you’re leaving, but may come back to bite you.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m in year 12 (6th Form) and I was wondering, are you aloud to ditch school and not be in trouble about it?
Dear John: Take a look at your Student Handbook. It should have a section about truancy and excused & unexcused absences. Just because you’re a senior doesn’t mean you can ditch days without consequences. Many high schools in the U.S. look the other way when it comes to Senior Ditch Day, but check out your school’s policy first before taking a chance. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hey, i want to drop out but in sc you have to be 17 and ime only 16(turn 17 in may). I smoked a ciggarette in school hoping to get expelled but only got 3 days oss. what will happen if i just stop going to school? i have read allot of mixed expieriences. i kno a kid who did the same thing and nothing has happened to him after 6 months.
thank you
Dear Drake: South Carolina, like every other state, has compulsory attendance laws. As you said, you must attend school until age 17 when you can stop going if you choose. (It will be one of your biggest regrets later in life). The school can choose to act if you become a chronic truant. Take a look at this outline (Part 111) for information about the truancy process in South Carolina.
We hope you change your mind. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i live in California and im 17 years old. i am in an independent studies program and i am required to do at least 3 credit reports in the course of 2 weeks. i didnt get that done so i have a truancy report on my record now. will that affect my chances in getting into the college of my choice?
Dear Katelyn: It’s unlikely that a truancy noted in your school record will have any affect on your future education. Colleges and universities don’t require the production of juvenile records. Another point regards the nature of a truancy offense. It’s a crime that only a minor can commit. Status offenses (runaway, disobedience, curfew, etc.) don’t carry through to one’s adult life. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I live in Colorado and I heard you cant get charged with truancy when you turn 17 because the dropout age in Colorado is 17 I was wondering if this was true or not
Dear Eric: Take a look at Colorado statute Section 22-33-104. This is your state’s compulsory attendance law that states all children from age six to 16 must be in school. You can see it at any public library. There are exceptions listed in the law that should be reviewed.
Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
my principal said i cant miss more than 10 unxcused days of school i go to emerson,arkansas what do you think will happen
Dear Michael: You only have a limited number of unexcused absences before the school takes action. In your case, it sounds like your school will take action once you hit more than 10 unexcused absences. If you end up having to go to court for truancy, usually you will not be facing time in detention for your first offense. They may offer you a diversion program which includes community service, payment of a fine and attending a class or counseling. However, the court and your school will take into consideration how many absences and unexcused absences you have, so be sure to get any of your absences in the future excused by a parent.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I’ve been summoned to go to court for truancy. I’ve been to court about 3 times and I recently dropped out. I’m 17 and Igo to court next tuesday and now my fear is will i go to jail or will iget some sort of probation. i live in texas and i would appreciate if u could give me so advice. i plan on getting my ged and will be joining a ged class on monday.
Dear Chris: Every state’s laws differ on comulsory attendance (the period of time you are required to stay in school). Since you are 17 and have registered for a GED class, the judge may consider this an acceptable alternative to going to school depending on your state’s laws. Be sure to bring any documentation with you when you go to court so you can show the judge that you are taking this class. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
i live in ga and this is my first time for truancy, and my mom has probation. i have doctors notes that i didnt bring to school. what will happen to me and my mom
Dear Bill: First, be sure to show the attendance officer at your school your doctor’s notes and that could resolve the matter. If you have to appear in court over this, then take the doctor’s notes with you and show the judge. Since this is your first time getting into trouble, you may be offered a diversion program and have to complete some community service hours and attend a class. In the future, make sure any of your absences are excused so that you don’t have to worry about any possible consequences. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I’m a college student in CA. I’m trying to find info on some education laws/policies. If a child stops attending school(no home schooling, no public schooling, nothing) at 3rd grade then starts attending school again at age 12. are they required to go into the 7th grade or are they held back until they can catch up? Is there a law/policy stating since your 12 you HAVE to go in the 7th grade? Would this be considered part of the NCLB act of 2001? Any help will be appreciated
Thank you for your time
Dear Tiffany: The state department of education and individual school districts set the policies regarding grade placement. Based on guidelines issued by the department, schools normally assess the grade level of incoming students and assign them accordingly. Age alone is not the determining factor in deciding what level a student is at. You can contact the district office and ask about this or check the district’s website. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My question is about the school’s responsibility. I live in TX and my 15 year old has been to see a judge twice for truancy. I personally took him to school every day and can tell by his cafeteria account that he was there at least part of the days he was truant. Isn’t the school responsible for his custody and care? I can understand once or twice, but when he walks off campus dozens of times it seems like neglect. Does the school have any responsibility?
Dear Missie: Truancy laws include unexcused absences from individual classes as well missing a half or full day. Your son may be present for lunch, but ditching some or all of his classes. Generally, schools are not babysitters with complete responsibility to monitor every second of a student’s life on campus. Schools are required to provide a safe learning environment and the responsibility to attend rests with the student and his or her parents. If a student chooses to leave campus, the school, under the laws of your state, could be liable if they forcibly prevented him from doing so. The school’s responsibility under the compulsory education laws of Texas is to report to you when he’s not there and uphold the truancy procedures in place. See here for the details:
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi! My name is Andrew. Well I got caught ditching on the last day of school on June 10th. It was also the last period of a minimum day. The officer brought me to school and cited me there. Well my question is , will I be able to talk to the judge.The reason why I honestly ditched was because I was going to get balloons for my cousin who was also graduating the same day. I didn’t want him to wait on his final day of high school so I chose to ditch so I can go with him to buy balloons. Also , what are my chances of having my case dismissed or doing community service instead of paying the fine, because my parents cannot afford to pay the $250 dollars.
What a great way to end the school year. When you go to court for this, you’ll meet with an information or probation officer who will explain the legal process to you. Most likely, you’ll be offered “diversion” which means when you finish some community service, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. One of your parents should go with you to court. Explain your financial situation and the court will take it into consideration. Thanks for writing, Drew. Good luck.
(Thios is information only – not legal advice).
Hi I am 17 and ditched one class period on my last day of the quarter on prom night, and received an unexcused absence even though my mom called me out. I had a bad tooth ache and i did not want to carry through till prom so I left to go get Advil and then after school hours I saw a teacher at a 7/11 and I got the cut because it was supposedly an unnecessary call out. I went to the dentist days later and i have record of that… So I really don’t know why they can give me a cut. But either way I guess I made a bad decision and i was wondering if one period of unexcused absence will effect my chances of playing college athletics or not? (no truancy court or anything)
Dear Allen: It’s unlikely that this one cut would affect your future in school, sports, employment, etc. If your record of attendance is good with this one exception, don’t worry. Check your Student Handbook for the number of unexcused absences allowed before disciplinary action is taken. Good luck. Hope the prom was fun.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi i got a ticket for truancy back in 2006, and i barely knew English that time and was new to united states… i had to take the bus everyday to get to school, and i remember some buses were too early so sometimes i miss them and i have to wait for an hour for another bus to come, then some were not on time so that is another problem. an officer gave me a ticket but i don’t know what the ticket for because i dont understand him. so what i did was ignored the ticket. and now its 2011, planned to take the drivers permit test but they told i cant take it because there was a record about me not showing up to the court (FTA) and (FTP). im turning 18 in august and i graduated highschool already (2011), is the ticket still gonna hunt me for life? and i wont be able to drive? Its been 5-6 years, i never got any phone call or anything saying about my truancy ticket, until now that i found out about it. What should i do??? 🙁
Dear Chris: Talk with your parents about this and ask them to help you straighten it out. Since you just graduated (congratulations), the truancy charge may be dismissed by the court. You and a parent can contact the court you were supposed to go to, explain the situation (bring your diploma) and ask for a dismissal of the truancy ticket. This shouldn’t follow you around or have any affect on your future. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got a ticket for ditching school in early May. I was at school for the first period and then left and went home without telling anyone. The next day I went to school I got a ticket and the cop says I have to go to court and the fine could be up to $250. I will have court in a few days so what can I expect to happen. This is my first time I ditched so is there a chance I might not have to pay the fine or it gets lowered? Could I also get community service instead of the fine? I have graduated also graduated 8th grade. Thanks.
Dear Alex: It’s up to the court to decide the consequences of this ditching incident. If this is your first offense, you may be offered “diversion.” Once completed, the charge will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. And, yes, you can explain your financial situation and ask for community service in place of a fine. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
my friend has missed over 60 days in public school in illinois and now has a court date do you think she will recieve a fine?
Dear Chad: That’s a lot of school your friend has missed, so it really depends on whether this is her first time in truancy court. If it is her first time, she may be offered a diversion program and have to complete some community service, pay a fine and attend a class in order for the charges to be dismissed. Good luck to your friend.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I am thinking about bunking off school for one day next week for a concert. I am 14 and have never bunked off school in my life before. I live in the midlands in England and I was wondering if the school could suspend me for this?
Dear Sali: It really depends on your school’s rules and policies concerning ditching as well as the laws in your area. In the U.S., one “unexcused absence” does not usually result in suspension. You may want to check your school’s Student Handbook to find the policies concerning unexcused absences, so you can find out the possible consequences for missing one day. If your parents agree to let you go to the concert and miss school for the day, then they can call in the absence so that it’s excused. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I ma deployed for one year. My wife and step kids are in Aurora CO. The school started harassing my wife after the kids missed a couple days of school. My wife is an RN, but has Lupus and can no longer work as an RN. The kids, 9 and 6, missed school due to fever and so forth, not just skipping. Both kids do very well in school, no discipline problems, and we always get compliments from the teachers saying they are wonderful to have in class. Their father, joint custody with my wife having physical custody, met with the truancy officer since my wife could not, he signed an agreement to have a doctors note or to take the kids to the school nurse, an LPN, if they are sick. He lives an hour and a half away, and is also military. Thing is we are on tricare and you have to have permission to take the kids to urgent care or any other non military clinic if it is not an emergency, but if you call with sniffles and a fever or whatnot they say use XYZ over the counter stuff, if not improvement in 24-48 hrs call for an appt. Anyway, after getting the report cards at the end of the year they passed with all the usual compliments and so forth, then my wife gets served papers for truancy a few days later. According to CO state law I can find, and the published Aurora public school policy, an unexcused absence is one a parent/guardian did not contact the school to excuse, and only applies if the child is 7 or over. We called to excuse all absences, and even sent them to school if they felt like crap so they could see the school “nurse” and were sent home, which they are even counting those as an absence now. We can’t afford a lawyer to go into court with, what can we do?
Dear JMHEDD: We’re sorry to hear about your family’s situation. Perhaps your wife could ask for a meeting with the truancy officer or even the principal to explain the circumstances and that she’s been in compliance with the school’s rules by calling in their absences to excuse them and sending them to school to see the school nurse when they’re sick. This should all be documented with the school officials. She may want to speak with the attendance officer to make sure that any absences have been marked excused as they should be. When she goes to court, it would be helpful to bring as much documentation as possible to show the judge what you have explained here. Even if it means just writing down the dates, the illness and the outcome, so she can be organized when talking to the judge. Good luck to you and your family.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I accidently missed truancy court and I’m 15 what will happen
Dear Tee: Call the court and explain that you missed your court date. They probably will reschedule for another date and time, but be sure to get to court next time. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
hi my name is vivion, i am 16 years old
and i am on probation, i recently got 2 tickets for loitering and i already havent shown up to one of them will they mail anything to me? and i want to just deal with it when im 18 thanx for the help
Dear Vivion: Because you failed to appear for your court date, a warrant for your arrest may have been issued. You are not necessarily going to receive anything in the mail, but you may depending on the court’s policies and practices. Putting this off and thinking that you can wait until you’re 18 to deal with these cases is not a good idea. First of all, since you are a minor, it’s best to take care of the case now so that it remains on your juvenile record rather than having it appear on your adult record. Juvenile records are usually “sealed”, so it’s much better to take care of this now. Try contacting the court, explain that you missed your court date and most likely, they will reschedule a new date for you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi. I live in garland, tx. I was in truancy court once last year. And now I’m in it again. I have missed ten or more days in a 6 month period. Now what will happen on my second time going back?
Dear Jared: It’s possible that you may be offered a diversion program. Whether or not you’re offered diversion, you are likely facing some community service hours, possibly a fine and having to attend a truancy class. The judge could order some time like a night or two in detention, but this penalty is usually reserved for when a minor continues to appear in court for the same offense. The judge really doesn’t want to see you appear before him/her again and again, so do what you can to get to school and to get any absences (for sick days, etc.) excused. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi my name is Taelor and I am from Southern California. I recently got caught ditching 2 classes with one of my friends at school. We had went up to my house during our 4th period class and stayed up there through 5th period too.l After 5th period is lunch and we decided to walk down to Chipotle which is right across the street from my house and our school. Meanwhile as we were in the line getting food my friend who I was with saw one of her friends moms staring at us. Later that day when we walked back to school we got called up to the office to talk to the Deputy. He assigned us a $200 ticket and a court date June 10th at 1:30 pm. I have never been to court before and I don’t really know what to do or even what they are going to say. Is community service a situation I might get assigned by the judge?
Dear Taelor: If this is your first time to court for a truancy, you’ll probably meet with a probation officer. You may be offered “diversion” which means when you complete some community service or take a truancy class, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi. I’m 16 years old and I’ve missed alot of days of school. I already went to court, and was fined $125. Paid in full. I went back to court to show that I finished my mandatory tutorials. The judge didn’t count my tutorial hours because they weren’t specific, he said. I had unexcused absences since I had gone to court. Now I have to go into what is called into something called “lock-up” or “lockdown”? I don’t know which. I was just wondering what I should be expecting? Please and thank you.
Dear Amy: Since you were given a chance the first time and now have additional unexcused absences, you may be facing a day or weekend in juvenile detention. Every court handles truancy differently according to local policy and state laws. You can contact the person at court you dealt with when you first went – the probation or other court officer. They can explain what you can expect to happen now. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hello. i am 15. i got caught ditching. i wasnt realy ditching, but u cant convince a cop of anything. so i have to go to court. i was wondering. i have about 2 weeks of not bieng in school all day. but they are excused. but i have ALOT of tradys. i am in class but i just have a habbit of coming late. not to late, but like a minute or to. so what will happen when the court pulls up all my records and see my tardys. is it the same as being truant?? also if i dont appear in cour, wats the worst that can happen. do they have a warrant on me? thnx
Dear Daniel: It doesn’t make any difference whether you call missed days , hours or minutes “tardies” or “unexcused absences.” It’s all the same and the school and court can take action. When you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you. If this is your first time in court, you may be offered “diversion.” Once you finish the diversion program, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. If you decide toskip going to court, the judge may either set another hearing or issue a warrant for your arrest. It’s best to appear and get this behind you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
okay so my school says that if we are done with exams and have no missing work we dont have to go the last day well im done with exams but have missing work and dont plan on going will it the missing work count as a 0? and many many more people are doing this not just me so can the school really do anything? ive never had a unexcused absentence this year?
Dear Kory: Check your Student Handbook for the consequences for an unexcused day. See if you can complete the missing work and turn it in before the last day. That way you can miss it and not have to worry about whatever discipline the school may impose. Good luck and enjoy the summer.
(This is information only – not legal asdvice).
I go to a school in Orange County, California. I currently have 44 truancy’s which i regret tremendously, and have gotten caught once and was put on an attendance contract with other several punishments. However, i ditched even after receiving this contract due to certain reasons, but still did not get in any trouble or received anything. Therefore i am wondering if the school would give me a ticket or anything else at the end of the year. My parents are not in any situation financially to pay off a ticket and i am scared of my parents going to jail. I really dont ever want to ditch in my life again and will not. However my mentality was carefree about ditching because the school year was ending, therefore i continued to ditch. What do you think would happen to me?
Dear Jenny: It’s possible that you will receive a ticket for truancy, but usually when this happens, the school refers the matter to juvenile court. You then would receive a notice to appear in court. Since every state requires that you attend school a certain number of days per year (usually around 180 days each year) and that you are only allowed so many unexcused absences, your school can keep you from moving on to the next grade if you have missed too many days. You could try referring to your Student Handbook about the rules and policies concerning “compulsory attendance” and the number of unexcused absences you are allowed. You could also ask your school’s attendance officer, counselor or even principal. Finally, you could try Googling your state’s name and “compulsory attendance” or “truancy” for the specific laws in your state. Since you are nearing the end of the school year, it would be best to talk to the attendance officer, principal or another school administrator to find out how many absences you have, how it’s going to affect you and whether you could make up any of the missed days. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I skipped school March 13, 2011 and got caught but nothing really happened. They just took me back to school. But i just got a letter in the mail saying I have a court date coming up for it but I never been in a court room before.How do I handle this and what do I say?? please help
-proud graduate—-May 27, 2011
Dear Cierra: First, congratulations on graduating. When you go to court, take your diploma with you to show the judge or probation officer. The truancy charge may be dismissed once they see that you’ve successfully completed high school. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi again I found out today that the city will take action what will happen to me??
Dear Chris: Depending on your age and history of attendance at school, the court may place you on probation for a period of time and/or send you to a truancy class. You may also be required to complete some community service. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, i am separated from my son’s mother but with joint legal custody. My son is 7 yrs. old and in 2nd grade. The mother went on a camping trip to San Diego with her boyfriend and took my son with them for 3 days making my son miss school for 3 days. By definition, my son is now truant. The mother did this also for one day 2 months prior to take my son to the snow with her boyfriend.
My son tells me that his mother doesn’t help him with his homework or reading. On the otherhand, I help him with his homework when he is with me and read books to/with him. I am considering going back to court to ask for more time with my son.
Please share your thoughts and advise.
Thank you.
Dear Rene’: AsktheJudge.info is an educational website for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to adults or teens.
We suggest you discuss the situation with a family lawyer in your area. Many lawyers provide a free consultation for the first 30 minutes or so and that may be all you need to decide how to proceed. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi my name is Natalie i live in Houston,TX and i got a ticket for some absences and well i lost the paper with my case# and i cant find any phone# online so i could ask for another copy of the ticket with my case#. I don’t know what to do and i have court soon,please help
Dear Natalie: Whoever gave you the ticket for court should be able to tell you the name and phone number of the court. Ask your attendance officer at school or counselor. You can also Google the name of the county you live in and “truancy court” for information and contact numbers. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My name is chris and I’v been ditching class and getting caught. I also have a court date and I cant stop ditching what do I do? I have a court date 6/10/11
Dear Chris: We don’t know what you mean by “I cant stop ditching” but the school has rules regarding excused and unexcused absences. Check your Student Handbook for what can happen when you go over the limit. The court may place you on probation for a period of time or you may be allowed to complete a diversion program. Once completed, the truancy charge will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Depending on how much school you’ve missed, you may be required to repeat classes or the year. This will put graduation with your class in jeopardy. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi, Ive been struggling with school attendance since i was a little girl. ive been through alot and dont know why i feel so negative about school Ive offered home schooling to my mother but shes not going for it. i have been told than im going to court because of all my absences and im not sure what the consequences will be?
Dear Alysa: We’re sorry to hear about your difficulty with school. It sounds like this is your first time going to court, so it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This will allow you to complete some community service, possibly pay a fine and/or attend a class and the case will be closed. More importantly, try sitting down with your mom or another adult you trust and calmly explain how you feel about school. You also could try talking to your school counselor about this. Perhaps, your mom will be willing to compromise in finding you another schooling option. Best of luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello, my name is Nick and I live in Washington.ive missed 11 days of school and was wondering if this would effect my graduation this year. I am 18 but i never get my absences excused because i forget or lose the note. i have 2 of the 11 days excused.
Dear Nick: Since every state requires that you attend school a certain number of days per year (usually around 180 days each year) and that you are only allowed so many unexcused absences, your school can keep your from graduating if you have missed too many days. However, it is likely that you would receive a warning if you were risking not graduating. You could try referring to your student handbook about the rules and policies concerning “compulsory attendance” and the number of unexcused absences you are allowed. You could also ask your school’s attendance officer, counselor or even principal. Finally, you could try Googling your state’s name and “compulsory attendance” or “truancy” for the specific laws in your state. Since you are almost graduating, it would be a good idea to look into this issue now and possibly talk to school administrators with your parents if possible about how you might be able to make up some of the missed days. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi Judge Tom – I live in CT and my son is 13 and in the 8’th grade. Recently my son simply did not leave our house and go to school. This was the second time. The first time being early in the year and the second one very recently. Worried after the school called, went right home from work about 10am. I found my so at home, it was a Tuesday. He told me he was sick and I let him stay home for the rest of the day because he said he had a “stomach ache” and he very seldom does that. My wife and I need verifiable proof before we let the either of the boy’s stay home sick, we are strict with this. He received an in school suspension for this. I had a very hard time with this but accepted, not fully thinking at the time. We, on occasion, when one of our boy’s are verifiably sick we let them stay home so we don’t “spread at school” and we take care of them. When doing this we do not call the school, never did. We receive a call that our son was not in home room. We don’t worry because he is with us. The following Tuesday, the day after he served his in-school suspension. My son is “sick” again? We dug out of him that gym day was on Tuesday’s and he can’t run the mile. The other boys, not bullying, laugh and point at the kids who less then excel at sports. This embarrassed and deeply effected my son greatly. With this in-school suspension he became ineligible for his 8’th grade trip. This infuriated me and my wife. I went to the school and talked with the principle and the superintendent. Both came into the meeting with a very aggressive attitude. After some discussion I agreed that Cam should not go on the trip. NONE OF WHICH had to do with the in-school suspension in my mind and I made that clear. Other factors of in school incidents completely unrelated to this particular incident. When I described the gym incident they, in a very smug way, brushed it off. I’m not done with dealing with that. Came told the kids at school, mostly his gym mates that he skipped school. They used this as grounds for the in-school suspension. What was he going to say? I get picked on in gym so I decided to stay home. You don’t need to have an advanced degree in school administration to figure that one out. He is 13. At this point they will not give me my $400 dollars back. Now it is a new matter all together. I don’t believe you can pick and choose what you believe is the reason a child is not is school. So we punish all other children with unexcused absences with an in-school suspension? This does not happen. Either you do or you don’t. Law’s and rules are black and white until you sit in front of a judge and, in some cases, a jury of your piers. In the hand book it says the principle will meet with other appropriate administrators to discuss. This is done when a child has 4 or more in a month or 10 in a school year. There is nothing describing one unexcused absence. Do I have legs to stand on and what should I do. As you are aware of the economy, loosing $400 will be very difficult for us.
Thank you,
Dear Mike: Assuming the $400 is a fine for your son’s truancy, you could try speaking with other school administrators like the attendance officer to get some clarification as to why your son is being penalized for one unexcused absence when the student handbook calls for consequences for four or more. The attendance counselor should be able to tell you exactly how many absences (excused and unexcused) your son has had. You mentioned that you don’t normally call the school when you allow your son to stay home sick, which could have resulted in additional unexcused absences. You also could ask to be heard by the school board to further discuss this issue and the fact that your son should only have one unexcused absence. Good luck to you and your son.
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i was wondering if getting a ticket for ditching school i considered a felony or misdemeanor? im applying for jobs and i always put no when they ask.
Dear Rosa: Usually, truancy matters are considered “status offenses“. This means that truancy is against the law simply because of your age and the fact that you’re a minor. Truancy is usually not designated a felony or a misdemeanor, so you should be able to truthfully answer “no” to having any prior convictions. To confirm whether or not anything appears on your record, you could contact the court that you appeared in and ask for a copy of your record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, I’m Kim and I live in Vegas, I have ditched school a lot this quarter, from the beginning of this month til now. My school called my house and told my parents about me ditching, but I have never received any ticket or calls from the court, besides when me and my mom were talking she didn’t even mentioned about going to court or anything like that. I just got in trouble.. with my parents. I don’t know what’s going to happen?
Dear Kim: Oftentimes schools will call the parents first in hopes of getting your attention and stopping the unexcused absences. If it doesn’t work, the next step will be a ticket or hearing in truancy court. Check your Student Handbook for the number of unexcused absences allowed in your school district. Good luck.
(Thi is information only – not legal advice).
i live in alabama and ive missed about 30 days about half excused will i fail??
Dear Clayton: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules about excused and unexcused absences. There’s a number allowed after which the school can take action. That would include suspension, taking a truancy class or sending you to truancy court. So, put an end to the unexcused absences and you won’t have to worry about being disciplined. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My name is Mara and living South Carolina. I want to miss a day of school to go visit a friend who lives in Ohio who is graduating in just a few weeks. I’m in good standing with all my teachers and grades, never skipped a day of school, and my parents don’t fully agree to the situation. For my school I know we can only miss 4 days in a quarter unexcused and I haven’t used any. My questions are: If I miss school without telling anyone, how much and what kind of trouble legally would I be in?
Edit – I forgot to add that I am 18 and living at home currently.
Dear Mara: It sounds like you’ve already checked your Student Handbook for the rules and penalties regarding unexcused absences. It’s doubtful that there would be a consequence for a first-time absence. There may not be any legal consequence (truancy charge, etc.) but it would be best to resolve this in advance with both the school and your parents. Maybe request a meeting with the principal or attendance officer. Explain your reasons for missing the day and that you’ll make up the work. As an adult now, you have to live with the choices you make. Since you live at home, keeping the peace and respecting your parents position on this might be the better choice. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
ok i live in Maryland do you have any information about how many days do you have to miss to be kicked out of school? because i have alot of medical problems that some times put me out of school for weeks. And i dont like missing school but my problems may cause me alot in school. please help me out!!!!!!
Dear Malik: You need to talk to your parents about your concerns, so they can contact your school and talk to the administrators. First, make sure that all of your absences are excused by your parents. Every state has a required number of days you must attend school and if you don’t meet that number, it’s possible that the school will not be able to pass you onto the next grade. For the specific laws in your state, try Googling your state’s name and “compulsory attendance” or “truancy”. Again, you and your parents should talk to the attendance counselor at your school or another school administrator to explain your medical circumstances and find out how your absences may affect your future education. Take care of yourself.
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I have had to miss a whole week of school because i had to see a family member in Ohio and i live in arkansas. Could they see that i am truant. I told all of my teachers that i had to leave a family member in Ohio. I am worried that they would send me to court.
Dear Richard: If your teachers knew in advance about this trip and you haven’t fallen behind in your studies, there shouldn’t be a problem. Check your Student Handbook for the rules about excused and unexcused absences. If you receive a ticket or notice to go to truancy court, talk with your parents and they can go with you and explain the situation. At most, if you’re held accountable by the court for truancy, you’ll be ordered to complete some community service and/or attend a truancy class. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m 14. In a accelerated 8th grade class. I have good grades. Good behavior. But I get sick easily, and picked on tremendously. I have quite a bunch of absences. Over at lest…30 I know it’s enough to where my Principal has to determine if i “get promoted” to the 9th grade or not.. My teachers say I’m a bright student, and I have a good future.. But I’m very worried. I don’t want to fail and loose the few friends I have since I’m picked on so much. I’ve been staying after as much as I can. And studying. But I’ve missed too much to make up,I had to take a survey the other day and one of the questions were asking about if i had ever been retained or held back. It made me so worried.. I’m STILL worried… can they hold me back for my attendance..? Even if i pass the “EoGs”? And If I were to not pass them.. Do you think they’d “retain or hold” me back?(I live in NC)
Dear Kaitlynn: It’s up to the school to decide if you’ll be held back. Talk this over with your parents and maybe schedule a meeting with the principal. You can’t do anything about the unexcused absences, but maybe you can work something out so that you can move on with your class. Possible a summer program will get you back on track. Good luck and don’t let the bullying get to you.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
how many truancies before i get fined i am beggining to ditch school constantly…. oh i live in santa ana, california
Dear Chris: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the number of unexcused absences allowed before the school takes action. Many schools and courts across the country are cracking down on truancy. In some states, parents are called before the judge to explain their children’s absences and may be fined or ordered along with their kids to complete community service. Bottom line, no more absences – education is all about you & your future. Good luck.
“Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” -Malcolm X.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am 15 years old and I have to go to court may 19th in douglasville, GA. I have missed days of school without bringing an excuse in the next day and I have to go because of truancy I am very nervous because I don’t want.me or my mom to go to jail or be fined could you tell me some of the possible consequences?
Oh and I have missed 26 days of school since school started and 11 of them are unexcused and i have 18 tardies, what could be my consequences in Douglasville, GA.
Dear Jonita: If this is your first time in truancy court, you may receive a warning from the judge or probation officer. You could also be ordered to attend a class about the importance of education and some community service. It’s unlikely that, for a first offense, you or your Mom would be fined or sent to jail. Take a look at this government website for information about truancy in your school district. Just type in your county for details. http://www.doe.k12.ga.us/pea_policy.aspx?PageReq=PEASchoolAttendance
Bottom line, Jonita, is to stay in school and study hard. This is about your future and your dreams. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My daughter has missed a lot of time this year due to health issues. Most have been excused. We decided to unenroll her and start homeschooling until her health issues are resolved or manageable. When I went to the ISD to unenroll they said I could not until I went to truancy court. I went to truancy court could not see the judge and was rescheduled. But told by the ISD that because she had a referral she can not be homeschooled unless the judge oks it. She only got the referral after I requested to unenroll. Am I wrong or is this a violation of the 1st and 14th admendments. We are in Texas.
Dear Christy: AsktheJudge.info does not provide legal advice to teenagers or adults. We are an educational site for & about teens and the laws that affect them. In this case, we suggest you look at the Student Handbook and the rules regarding excused and unexcused absences. When you go back to court, ask the judge or probation officer you might meet with, about homeschooling and court approval for you to do this. Your legal concerns regarding the First and 14th Amendments should be taken up with a lawyer familiar with school law.
If you’re in the Houston area take a look at this site: http://www.houstonisd.org/portal/site/StudentSupportServices/menuitem.a2de90fd3a201a57d91c2510e041f76a/?vgnextoid=cdf66838c3a23210VgnVCM10000028147fa6RCRD&vgnextchannel=8db3df788185f010VgnVCM10000028147fa6RCRD
If you’re elsewhere in Texas you can Google your county and “truancy laws” for information. Good luck.
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hey my name is Jessica and I’m 15 years old . I have been having alot of problems at home and have been feeling really depressed lately . I live with my mom and my sister . I have also been having suicidal thoughts . I have missed my classes probably more than 80 times and I still don’t go to school or class . My mom thinks I do but I don’t . Some of my teachers have seen me a couple of times and I’m scared to go back to school . It’s almost the end of the school year and I feel that if I go back now I will go to court and go to juvi and so my mom will have problems with the law because of me . My mom doesn’t know about my suicidal thoughts and I don’t wish to tell her . I’m having enough problems enough on my own and this is a huge one . I haven’t gotten a truency because I never go to class and I feel that I go I will get it but I’m really scared to . I live in las Vegas and go to desert pines high school I’m a sophomore and I would like to know what could happen to me and my mom and how much we can get fined . I would also like to know if there is any way I can get my credits that I need and if that will cost me anything . Thankyou and I hope you find me a solution (:
Dear Jessica: Every state and school district has policies about truancy. Since it’s close to the end of the school year and you haven’t heard anything from the school about court, you may not until next fall. You’re not likely to get any credit for this semester if you’ve missed most of it. You can speak with a counselor at school about this.
Also if there’s a school psychologist or nurse, it may be helpful to talk with them about your depression and suicidal thoughts. Believe us, Jessica, nothing is so bad that ending your life is the answer. As you’ve probably heard, things do get better. You’re young with many years ahead of you – many experiences to enjoy as you go through life. There are also people available to you who have gone through what you’re feeling now and who have gotten through it. Call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 anytime of day or night for someone to talk to. It’s free, confidential and very helpful. All the best.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i got a truancy ticket and have to go to court and I was wondering if I could go with my sister (she’s 27) because I don’t want my mom to find out?
Dear OmAr: It will depend on the person you see at court – a judge or a probation officer. First, check the ticket and see if it states that a parent or guardian must be with you. Since parents are responsible for seeing that their kids are in school, the court expects a parent to appear with the student. If your sister goes with you, the hearing may be continued to another date. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am 17 years old and live in Houston Texas. I have quite a bit of absences in many of my classes. Do you know the maximum amount of absences within Clear creek isd before i am sent to court? Will i automatically get fined or probation?
Dear Laura: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules regarding excused and unexcused absences. Every school district has its own policies on this subject. If you’re over the maximum number you may be referred to truancy court or a school official who can impose a penalty. That may include taking a truancy class or completing some community service. The first offense doesn’t usually result in probation or a fine. Good luck & stay in school – it’s your future that’s on the line.
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Hi I am 18 and i was wondering after how many truancies will you get suspended or expelled because i have a friend that gets truancies couple times a year but he does community service for it for the truancies to go away.
Dear Arash: If your friend checks the school’s Student Handbook he should find a section covering excused and unexcused absences. Every state and school district has its own policies regarding truancy and the consequences of going past the limit. Doing community service for certain offenses is usually limited to once or twice. Continued truancies will eventually land him in juvenile court where he could be placed on probation. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
This morning i couldnt wake up cause i went to bed late last night. My grandma called the school and they said they would send someone down. I missed ALOT of school but never dicthed. I have proof i was trying to goto school. Can they still take me away?
Dear Kelsey: It is unlikely that you would be removed from your home because of missing school. It has happened before but is a very rare occurrence. Talk this over with your grandmother and think about meeting with the school attendance officer or principal to discuss the situation. Once the school understands what is happening at home, you should be able to reach an understanding. Getting to bed late is not an acceptable excuse for missing school. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i have a 19 year old daughter who goes to a new york city school. she missed 3weeks of school within a year cause she was sick and they opened a truancy case on her when i send her with notes of all her absences. what will happen to her?
Dear Chasity: She may be required to attend a truancy class or complete some community service. Bring your doctor’s notes to court with you and show the judge that these were excused absences. You might also check her Student Handbook to see the rules regarding absences and consequences. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i missed like 11 days and i had 9 tardies what could be my punishment for ohio.
Dear Matt: Since every state requires that you attend school a certain number of days per year (usually around 180 days each year) and that you are only allowed so many unexcused absences and/or tardies, your school can discipline you once you exceed a certain number. You could try referring to your student handbook about the rules and policies concerning “compulsory attendance” and the number of unexcused absences/tardies you are allowed. You could also ask your school’s attendance officer, counselor or even principal. Finally, you could try Googling your state’s name and “compulsory attendance” or “truancy” for the specific laws in your state. Once you acquire so many absences, your school may refer the matter to court, so try to get to school on time and be sure to get any absences excused. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, I have 4 unexcused absences from my school and I got a letter saying it’s my 3rd truancy. It’s not that I have been ditching school, it’s that I haven’t come to school in different period of times and I forgot to excuse it. What will happen to me? Do I have to pay or go to court since it’s my 3rd truancy?
Dear Aleksandra: It depends on your school’s rules and policies as to whether you will go to court or how you will be disciplined. You may be facing a fine and/or community service hours. Check your Student Handbook to find it out what it says about the rules concerning unexcused absences. You also could ask your attendance officer. Finally, try Googling your state’s name and “compulsory attendance laws” to find out the laws concerning truancy in your state. You may want to ask for a meeting with your principal or other school officials so your parent(s) can explain what’s been going on.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Excuse the post from above, i wanted to add more into this situation…..In my freshman year i had to go to court for truancy because i missed 18 days of school. The Judge saw my grades were good and i didn’t get fine. Two years later which is now, I have to go to court again for another truancy with 17 days of missed school, the same for my brother, but this is his first time. 1 month from now I and my brother have to go to court, and i don’t know what’s going to happen… Is my mom going to go to jail? am i and my brother gonna be sent to juvie? Our grades are good, but i don’t know what to do…. I’m missing school because sometime im sick, but i don’t go to doctors cause its not nothing serious, plus stuff been happening really bad lately for me which causes me not to go to school. I make my brother stay home with me because i don’t want him to walk to school for an hour and walk back home alone, because i live in a bad neighborhood. What should i do, and what would i expect from the judge?
Dear Son: Whatever is going on that’s the reason for missing school needs to be shared with someone you trust. Tell one or both of your parents, a school counselor or adult relative about the situation. If you are being bullied at school or on your way back and forth, tell an adult. There is help in these situations but adults can’t do anything unless they know about it. At court, explain to the judge what’s going on and why you’ve missed so many days. He or she may be able to do something – but again, not unless they know the facts from you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Im a 15 year old dad who has recently been missing school alot and i signed a contract with my school district and before my baby was born i would still miss school. My mom got ”served” and now i have to go to court. what will happen to me? will i be taken away from my gf and baby?
also i think the total fine is 15,000.00 can i pay it off?
Dear Caesar: If this is your first time in court, you will probably be offered to participate in a “diversion” program. That means when you finish a truancy class and/or some community service, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. The legal process will be explained to you and your Mom when you go to court. Don’t miss the hearing or the judge may issue a warrant for your arrest. It is highly unlikely that you would be locked up this first time or separated from your child. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i have been arrested for truancy when i was in 10th grade and i am now 19, will the arrest be on my criminal record? im getting my citizenship and i passed my interview but when i got home i thought about what the
immigration officer was talking about the criminal records and when he said asked if i was ever arrested or convicted of a crime i said no and he said he was going to pass it to another immigration officer to do a criminal background check and if anything shows up than i can be denied for citizenship since i lied. So my question is does it show up on your criminal records?
Dear Vina: Truancy is not, strictly speaking, a crime. It is what’s called a “status offense” that means only a minor can commit it, not an adult. It’s your status as a juvenile that makes truancy an offense. Normally it doesn’t become a part of a criminal record. If you completed a diversion program as a consequence of the truancy citation, there shouldn’t be a record that would show up on a background check. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My husband has custody of our 17 year old son in TX. He recently decided to go live with his Mom and has been skipping school and will not move back home. If we did not modify the custody order is my husband responsible for truancy if the Mother is actively taking son out of school and/or not making him go to class? Or are they both responsible. My husband has met with the school and has talked with his son but he completely disregards all direction.
Dear Laura: Most courts would look to the parent who has physical custody of the minor and hold that person responsible for seeing that he or she attends school. There is little a non-custodial parent can do when the minor lives elsewhere. Your husband can check his divorce decree and see what it says about his son’s education and also your state’s truancy laws. There may be little time left before the laws don’t apply to the minor since he’s 17 and/or graduating from high school soon. You could also speak with a family lawyer about this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i missed school, and got sent to truancy school, then missed school afterwards and got a court letter but didn’t show up at all or call, and I’m not going to. I’m 17 and wondering if any charges and what kind of punishment they can do to me. I live in Utah
Dear Gibson: You and your parents may be facing some consequences if you blow this off thinking nothing will happen. Take a look at this government website about truancy in Utah:
Many states are cracking down on truants including penalties on parents who fail to get their kids to school. Depending on your state laws, this could also hound you after turning 18 until you graduate. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi I’m from Los Angeles California and me and my friends were recently caught ditching it was my first time and I got a ticket. The cop said that if we don’t miss school for the next 2 months we don’t have to pay the fine. And also what will happen to me if I don’t go to court? I’m 13.
Dear Mei: If you don’t show up for your court date, a warrant could be issued and you could be arrested if stopped by the police, which would only make matters worse for you. Be sure to go to court on the date and time ordered so that you don’t find yourself in additional trouble. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I been called on my attendance I do attend but am regularly late due to my class distance from locker. I go to take care of my detentions when possible but I also work so it makes it hard for me to take of it. what can i do
Dear Oscar: You can try to change the location of your locker so you can get to class on time. Or you could speak with your teacher and/or attendance officer about this situation. You can’t be the only student with this issue. Maybe less socializing between classes and a quicker step would help?? Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i am 18 years old and i just got filed on truancy again this will be ny 7th time i live i dallas texas. I have an open case already that i need to pay which is $575 and i have not paid it and now i have this 7th case i was wondering what is going to happen and what i can do? please help!
Dear Nancy: It will be up to the judge you see or court officer who will explain the legal process to you. Explain the circumstances – why you continue to miss school, and maybe you’ll get a break. Otherwise, the court can place you on probation or order consequences that are authorized under the truancy laws of Texas. Good luck. If you are able to pay part of the fine before you go to court, that would show the judge that you’re not blowing it off or totally ignoring it.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I’m 15 years old and in 10th grade. I have never skipped a class or school. I have been absent from school a total of 18 excused days all due to sickness/injury. I was wondering if this is considered truancy and if my parents would be fined? I hope not. I live in PA.
Dear Elizabeth: If your absences have been excused due to health issues or illness, they shouldn’t be held against you. Check your Student Handbook for your school’s policy on unexcused absences. Most schools set a limit before you get into trouble. Also, many states are cracking down on truants and their parents with fines and mandatory parenting classes. For more information about Pennsylvania’s truancy laws, see: http://www.askthejudge.info/12000-in-truancy-fines/8584/ Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi i got a citation im 17 now but i will be 18 on the court date do i still have be accompanied by a guardian?By the way i live in Ca Los Angeles – the citation was for ditching school.
Dear Osbaldo: Once you turn 18, you’re an adult. Unless the ticket tells you to bring a parent or guardian, your appearance without another adult should be acceptable. You might want to call the court in advance and ask about this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I live in Minnesota and I have been missing over 90 days of school, and It’s because of my grandma and my cousin’s death. My grandma was like a mother to me and her death was so unexpected, after that happened I gave up completely, before that when my cousin died, I went to school for only about 3-4 days a week. And now I disobeyed the school social workers, and the prosecutors, and now I may have gotten myself into some trouble. But it is because of depression, and me and my dad are going through a really hard time, and these people don’t stop making it worse. I don’t know if the court, or the prosecutors will care. Can me or my dad get in serious trouble?
Dear Brandon: We’re sorry to hear of your personal loss. You and your dad may want to make an appointment with the principal or assistant principal and explain what’s been going on in your family. Check your Student Handbook for the rules about unexcused absences. You have probably exceeded the number of absences allowed and may face some consequences that, hopefully, will get you back on track. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i am a senior in high school and i was summoned to truancy court but missed my court day. i mixed up the day of my court date. What should I do?
Dear Ester: Call the court and speak to a clerk and explain what happened. The court will set a new court date for you. But be sure to take care of this because if you don’t contact the court to let them know what happened, there could be a warrant issued and you could be arrested if you are stopped by the police. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi My Name Is Dereck & Im 13 Teen Years Old & I Dont Like The School Im Apost To Be Going Now I Don Want To Go o That School At All I Wanted My Mom To Transfur Me But She Said No & Im Have Been No oing To School Lately Because I Dont Want To Go To That School What Should I Do ?
Dear Dereck: We’re sorry to hear that you’re unhappy at school, but realize that you’re definitely not alone in feeling that way. Perhaps you could try talking to a counselor at your school. They may be able to help you and discuss options that could make your school life more pleasant. They also could help identify other schools that may be a possibility for you if your mom reconsiders allowing you to transfer. Try sitting down with your mom and fully explaining to her why you don’t like your school and why you want to transfer. She may not realize how you truly feel and be willing to make some changes to make you attend school regularly and feel better about it. Best of luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I live in Ohio and am a Senior this year, my parents has recently received a phone call conceding my absences from school for the past 10 days. However I had been to my physician and they wrote an excuse to keep me from attending school for the past 10 days. I am going back Monday and am feeling a lot better now that the necessary treatment has been completed. But, the school was threatening to send me to an Alternative School for the rest of the school term. If I was told I was unable to attend and brought my excuse from my physician are they allowed to take disciplinary punishment into account? Thanks!
Dear Tyler: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules regarding unexcused absences. If you have a doctor’s letter covering the days you’ve missed, there shouldn’t be a problem. However if there’s a limit set on the number of unexcused absences, there may be consequences. Discuss this with your parents and possibly a meeting with the principal can resolve this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi my name is Danny from MN I was wondering I’m 18 still in High school and they sent me a letter saying I’m being truant and missing alot of school days. Question is what is going to be the consequences for me
Dear Danny: Check your Student Handbook and see what your school’s policy is regarding unexcused absences. You may be required to complete some community service or attend a truancy class. Keep your absences to a minimum in order to avoid a court appearance. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My name is chris and im a 16 year old sophomore. My whole life I’ve got great grades and attended school until this year. I’ve missed about 80 days of school do to serious illness and injuries. I missed two weeks of school recently from injury and my schools sending me to truancy court and wont accept my doctor excuses. I find this very unfair and i need some advice on what do expect and what i should do in court (present my excuses or what). Please help me out
Dear Chris: Take your doctor’s letters or notes with you to court. Once the judge sees that your absences are due to health reasons, they shouldn’t be held against you. Take a look at your Student Handbook for an explanation of the rules regarding excused and unexcused absences. If you have followed the school’s policy about sick days, show the judge or probation officer the written rule and explain your situation. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello, I am a sophomore in Greenfield, Wisconsin. I have had, and still having, a lot of injuries and my absences can be justified by a doctors excuse. Can I still be fined?
Dear Zak: Most schools allow a certain number of unexcused absences before you get into trouble. However, if yours are due to health needs and you have a note from your doctor, they shouldn’t be counted against you. Check your Student Handbook for the rules about this. Stay healthy.
(This is information only, not legal advice).
Hi, I live in Kansas.
And i’ve missed A LOT of school, and i mean a lot! I get letters about truancy but nothin has happened. I keep my grades up even though i miss a lot of school. Does that affect any reason why they havent given me truancy?
Dear Katrina: It’s possible you haven’t heard about your attendance record because of your grades remaining high. But that may not last. If you’re over the limit of unexcused absences, the school can take action. Take a look at your Student Handbook for the consequences you may be facing. Don’t jeopardize your future by going down this path. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hello. i was just woundering what will happen when i go to court for my truancy ticket? i it like a regular court where there is a judge sitting ten feet away from me and im ten feet away from him/her but standing? im getting a bit nervous here. i have really bad attendence. i have many of days where i just dont show up at all and days where i do show up at school but not go to some hours(mainly the afternoon hours) reasons why i dont go the other three and sometimes four hours is because i either dont like the teacher (or the way the teacher teaches), students in that class, boringness, or its just too challenging/ hard for me. last year when i was a freshman i got four credits then went to summer school for the other two credits. i didnt do so bad that year(because the classes werent as difficult). but this year is horrible! i dont really know why. sometimes im just feeling so stressed for no reason! oh yeah and other reasons why i dotn go to some class hours is that im falling so far behind that i dont even know what is going on or what the teacher is saying anymore. I have difficulty concentrating. i can never stay focus on a single thing!! oh yeah and i have another question i havent been attending my biology class for several reasons, 1) my teacher is really bad at teaching 2) he ALWAYS goes OFF topic 3) seems like he always flirts with the girly GIRLS! 4)he told the WHOLE class that I was the ONLY one FAILING that class(well he didnt say my name but he pointed at the spot where i sit. and how do i know this? because my three friends told me!)
ok now, can he even do that? by telling the class that, it makes me not ever want to go to that class.!
i feel like im just going through so much! and i just dont know what to do anymore!… help?
Dear Chee: We suggest you talk with your parents about what’s going on and the reasons, as you have explained here, for missing so much school. Or speak with a counselor at school. The only way to prevent falling further behind is to start going to all of your classes. When you go to court, if this is your first time, you’ll probably meet with a court or probation officer who will explain everything to you. You may be eligible for a diversion program. Once you complete the diversion terms (community service or a truancy class) the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. So relax and get help so you can get back on track. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello. I am currently a senior in High School and am very close to finishing my final year. I have been missing an unacceptable amount of school, of which I deeply regret. For the past 6 weeks I have missed 3 days a week. However, all of my absences are excused. I have been extremely paranoid as to whether the school is capable of not letting me walk due to my absences. Is it possible that I may not graduate, even though I have all the required credits and all of my absences are excused?
Dear Brandon: Since every state requires that you attend school a certain number of days per year (usually around 180 days each year) and that you are only allowed so many excused and unexcused absences, it is possible that your school can keep your from graduating if you have missed too many days. You could try referring to your student handbook about the rules and policies concerning “compulsory attendance” and the number of excused absences you are allowed. You could also ask your school’s attendance officer, counselor or even principal. Finally, you could try Googling your state’s name and “compulsory attendance” for the specific laws in your state. Since you are almost graduating, it would be a good idea to look into this issue now and possibly talk to school administrators with your parents if possible about how you might be able to make up some of the missed days if you’re behind in your school work. Best of luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I’m 15, I live in Texas, and I’ve been a “runaway.” I skipped school a few days ago, and my principal told me that the officer that arrested me called up to the school wanting to talk to me! 🙁 I’m not going to go to juvie am I?
Dear Chelsie: You said you’ve “been a runaway.” If that means you’re not at the moment and you’re back home, that’s good. The officer may want to talk with you for any number of reasons. Let your parents or guardian know about this. They may want to be present when you speak with the officer. It’s unlikely you’re going to be be locked up unless there’s other criminal activity you’ve been involved with. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Ok well my boyfriend has missed alote of day and at his school the limit is 10 days soo i guess he missed more because his dad got a letter tell him to appear in court. what could happen to his dad and blake ..since this is the first time he is going to court for it? And i live in alabama soo can you help me out!!!!please
Dear Jordan: Since this is his first time in court, he’ll probably be offered to complete a diversion program. That means when he finishes a truancy class or community service hours, the case will be closed and he won’t have a record. Truancy is a serious matter and courts across the country are cracking down on kids and parents. If you Google “Alabama truancy laws” you find detailed information about this. His dad will be advised of the law and his responsibility to see that Blake gets to school. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I live in Indiana. I was having issues at school and “ditched” school for two days, unaware that not only would I have consequences, but also my mother would. So, the two days I skipped, will it affect my mother and I, and if so how bad?
Dear Austin: Every school district has policies regarding truancy. Check your Student Handbook or Code of Conduct to see what happens in your school. If this is the first time you’ve ditched school and only for the two days, the consequences may include a truancy class and maybe some community service. Your mother will be told about the truancy policy at your school and her responsibility to see that you attend every day. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Ok, my girlfriend has missed quite alot of school because of family troubles. Her father is a single parent (her mom passed away a few years back.) and she has missed about…40 days? possibly more…her court date is actually later today but im still wondering…what exactly can they do to her or her father? she is 16, so im not sure what they can do. she is really freaking out. she is actually very smart, she is going to have one of her projects in the national science fair next year….so will the fact that she is smart (and in AP Classesm etc) play a role in what they do?
Dear LJ: The fact that your friend is smart won’t necessarily sway the court to be lenient regarding her truancy. In fact, because she has a promising future, the court may take a greater interest in getting her back on track. She may be placed in a diversion program requiring a truancy class, community service, etc. States are taking truancy seriously these days. Many are even punishing parents or guardians for neglecting their kid’s education. If you Google the name of your state and “truancy” you’ll see the laws that apply to you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I have 11 absences in schhol, for different reasons. I get pink eye alot and I always miss my bus and I never call my parents to take me to school cause I know they cannot miss work and I really didnt want them to risk thier job for me missing school, my parents arent risk takers. I have to go to court now and I hear that they can take your parents away for you not attending school. Thing is, its not really my parents fault for me missing school, its my own for waking up late and not calling them. And plus I get really bad cramps when im on my cycle. Is it true though that they can take my parents away from me? im 16 years old.
Dear Veronica: States are cracking down on truants including punishing parents for not getting their kids to school. You can Google the name of your state and “truancy” to see what happens where you live. If this is your first time in court and your attendance has improved, you may be offered a diversion program. When you finish the program (community service, a truancy class, etc.) the truancy will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Remember, your education is as important to your future as your parents’ jobs are to them. Follow their example and get to class.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My name is Jalissa, im almost 17 and I live in Manhattan Kansas.
I have court tomorrow for being truent and I am terrified. I only skipped a handful of days on purpose and the rest are from days I suffer from my depression.
I dont want my mom in trouble because of me and I dont want to be taken away or held back. What will most likely happen to me.
Hopefully you read this before four tomorrow.
Dear Jalissa: If this is your first time in court for truancy, you will probably be offered what is called a “diversion” program. That means when you finish some community service (10 to 30 hours), or attend a truancy class, the case will be closed. You won’t have a record to worry about. Try your best not to miss anymore classes or days, unless they’re excused absences. States are cracking down on kids and parents in truancy cases. Good luck. Let us know what happens today.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I keep seeing you use words and phrases like “Educational needs” and “Legitimate reason.” Would you please define both of these for me?
Please email me as i will likely not be able to find this site again.
Thank you,
Also, if I am causing no direct harm to anyone what right does the court have to intervene?
Dear Joe: Both phrases have to be read in the context you find them. It’s hard to answer your question without knowing what exactly you’re referring to. A court intervenes in someone’s life when it has the legal authority under the law to protect life or property. Someone must bring the issue before the court, then it decides if it has jurisdiction to proceed. Courts do not randomly venture out into the community looking for issues to settle or people to order about.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My name is joe im18 years old and I have two truancy tickets at 515 dollars a piece from 2007. I have graduated high school class of 2010 and I am know trying to join the navy preferably the seals. But I cant because of the tickets how can I get them dismissed or taken care of so that I can join the navy?
Dear Joe: Try calling the court and ask what the status of the case is and find out whether there is a warrant, etc. and ask how you can take care of the tickets. Explain your circumstances and that you are trying to get into the Navy and the court will most likely work with you to resolve and close your case. Best of luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
When moving from another state how long does a parent have to enroll their child into school….is a month with the children out of school considered truancy
Dear Sara: Excellent question. Every state requires your children to attend school a certain number of days per year (usually around 180 days each year) and only allows so many unexcused absences. You could try contacting the school where your children will be attending and ask the school’s attendance officer or the front desk about this matter. You also could try Googling your state’s name and “compulsory attendance” for the specific laws in your state. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I ditched school yesterday cause i was supossed to go to a play. I didnt have ehough money to go i thought the teachers would just mark me here casue they knew where i was suposed to be. I was just old that i have to go to court and im kinda freaking out!!! what do i do??? PS i live in vernal utah
Dear Krysteb: It sounds like you hit your limit of unexcused absences at your school. When you go to court the legal process will be explained to you. If this is your first time in court, you may be offered diversion. When you finish the terms of the program the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Don’t miss anymore classes or days of school. Courts across the country are cracking down on truancy including penalties for parents. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
thank you very much for the information, but if i try to handle everythin can they arresst me for not going to court ? Or would they make me do community hours?
Ask about that when you contact the court. You might be able to avoid an arrest, if there’s an outstanding warrant, by making the first contact to take care of this. Community hours is always a possibility. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hey well i live in los angeles california and well i had a ticket when i was 15 im 17 now about to be 18 in june and i never showed up in court and also had a ticket for crossing a rail road track that same month and i havent gone to court for none of them but i had all that when i was 15 but now im doing way better in school i be getting good grades and i might even be graduating this june ever since i had those tickets i havent gotten in trouble any more well these effect me in the future to getting my i.d, drivers licence etc. What can i do? Willl the ticket fine increase?
Dear Kevin: Every court handles tickets and non-appearances differently. When you missed your hearings the court may have issued a warrant for your arrest. If it did it could follow you into your adult life. We recommend that you contact the court and ask about the status of your tickets. It’s best to take care of this before you turn 18. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am 16 years old in the state of Florida, so legally, I can drop out of school. While I have no interest in this, am I still obliged to attend? I Googled truancy laws in my state, and they seemed to apply only for 6-15 year olds, but I’m not certain. Any help is appreciated.
Dear Izzy: Attached to this response is an article about the attendance laws in Florida. It also includes the Florida statute about truancy that you can read. Once you’re 18 you can stop attending school without having to notify the school board, etc. However, once you turn 16, there’s a requirement that you need to meet that’s explained in the law before dropping out. We’re glad you “have no interest in this” because the best thing you can do for yourself and your future is to get as much education as possible. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
am also graduating this year am really stress right now i dont what will happend but if i dont graduate because of absentses am going to be really sad and i dont know what am going to do
Dear Alfredo: Every state requires that you attend school a certain number of days per year (usually around 180 days each year) and that you are only allowed so many unexcused absences. It’s possible that your school can keep you from graduating if you’ve had too many unexcused absences, but since this is your first time having to go to court, you will probably have an opportunity to make up for your missed days. You could try referring to your student handbook about the rules and policies concerning “compulsory attendance” and the number of unexcused absences you are allowed. You could also ask your school’s attendance officer, counselor or even principal. Finally, you could try Googling your state’s name and “compulsory attendance” or “truancy” for the specific laws in your state. Since you are almost graduating, it would be a good idea to look into this issue now and possibly talk to school administrators with your parents if possible about how you might be able to make up some of the missed days.
(This is information only – not legal advice._
hi my name is alfredo meza jr i was sent to court for attendence this is my first time in court am norvous i wasnt going to school becaouse i didnt feel well and i did not went to the doctor because my parents doesnt have medical insurance. am 18 years old am also a dissability person i sttuter what will happend will they suspend me , i dont want to be suspended i want to go to the same school i just need you answer will they charge me or what will happend?? please this is my first time in court and its kinda stressful
Dear Alfredo: Since this is your first time going to court for truancy, it’s unlikely that you will be suspended. Explain to the judge why you didn’t go to school and the court will work work with you. You may have to complete some community service hours or attend a class. In the future, be sure to get to school or have your parents call so that you don’t get an unexcused absence. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hey. my name is Travis. I live in Colorado and am a Sophomore in high school. I have already been called out once by my school for being truant (4 days unexcused due to a communication mistake between my parents and the attendance people-my parents are separated and i only live with one of them but the other communicates with the school)
I recently missed 7 more days unexcused (my school requires a doctors note after the 4 days which my mom could not obtain since they were due to sleep problems and having to watch my brother) and we received a letter today-i havent read it but my mom explained to me basically what it says-something related to juvenile court and being sent to juvenile detention-she said it didnt say that im going to detention immediately but that missing school is now illegal.
Im not ditching because i am consenting with my mom the days that i am missing and she is aware of it and im at home.
Im not sure whats happening next and what i should do.
Dear Travis: Whatever you do, don’t miss the court hearing. The legal process will be explained to you when you go. If this is your first time in court you’ll probably be offered diversion. Once you finish the diversion terms the case will be over and you won’t have a record. The chances of being detained are slim on a first offense and for truancy. One of your parents should go with you and explain the circumstances. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My name is Jackie, I live in Texas, and I was wondering if I’m absent to school could I be accused of Truancy? I have permission from my mom not to go to school,but I’m not doing any productive work on this day that I’ll be absent. I am 17 and I’ve only missed one day of this school year. Can my school personally punish me for not going to school? Could I be sent to court for missing this one day?
Dear Jackie: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules about excused and unexcused absences. Most schools allow a certain number of unexcused absences before a student is in trouble. Usually one or two absences doesn’t result in disciplinary action. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I live in Texas and im 18, if I am accused of truancy, does it affect me? Also, you are considered an adult at the age of 17 in Texas.
Dear Manny: In doing some limited research it seems that Texas truancy laws may not apply to you since you’re 18. Take a look at this government website for information:
You might contact the school’s attendance officer for an explanation about your situation. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi i had a court date for a truancy ticket but i lost the ticket and dont remeber what the dat was. I feel like i missed it already it was only my first court date. what will happen if i missed the first court date?
Dear Matt: You can call the court and ask about the status of your case. Don’t ignore this even if you’ve missed the first hearing. A court can always issue an arrest warrant when someone doesn’t show up for a scheduled hearing. Ask your parents to contact the court and inquire about the best way to resolve this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am 17 and currently a senior in high school. Since I have been an honor student and have always been ahead on my credit throughout high school, I only have 2 classes at the high school. I only need history to graduate and the other class I absolutely hate. It is so boring and since is my first period, I never want to go so I show up late a lot. It is too late to drop the class unfortunately. I want to stop going to the class altogether but I am really scared of truancy because I have missed 9 days and the limit is 10. If I stopped going to only this class that won’t effect my graduation or my college, would I be in trouble with the cops? I am a very good student, this class is just pointless to me and I really wish I wouldn’t have signed up for it. I live in Washington State if that helps at all.
Dear Kaitlyn: You’re in an interesting situation. The last thing you want to do is jeopardize your graduation this year. You’re too close to completing high school and getting on with college to mess things up. Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules regarding truancy and its consequences. You might also speak with the teacher of the second class and see if you can work something out even though you’re past the deadline for dropping the class. Maybe you can take an “incomplete” in the course if it doesn’t affect your standing. Talk this over with your parents who might be able to schedule a meeting with the teacher and/or principal to resolve this. You may have to stick it out and make the best of it for the next few months. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thank you in advance!
Hi, me and my friend were caught skipping and since we are traunts we have to go to court. the police officer said that if we go to all of our classes from now on that the fine will be reduced, is that true? or if not how much will the fine be?
Dear Angelica: Every state has its own laws regarding truancy. If this is your first time to court over this, you may be ordered to take a truancy class or complete some community service. Many courts don’t issue fines for truancy knowing that students have limited funds and that the only victim is the student and his or her future. When you go to court let them know you’ve stopped ditching school or cutting classes. That may help with the penalty you’re given. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
okayy here goes… im 16 and im not sure how many days i have missed, but i have 18 unexcused days. I didnt know how many days i had missed and noone told me i had truency untill after i missed my first court date. and 4 or 5 diff ppl have had custody of me this year so i had to move alot. its just a bunch of b.s. i think. What do i do?
Dear Brittany: Check with the attendance officer at school to see where you stand. There may be an outstanding warrant for your arrest since you missed court. If there isn’t you need to contact the court and ask for another hearing. Otherwise, this can follow you around for months or longer. Tickets and charges don’t just go away or disappear. Once in the system they need to be taken care of. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
what is the law in nj for this . i’ve passed my absences and my school if i miss one more day they are going to get the state involved and i dont know what they will do im scared. i want to transfer and start again … help ?
Dear Brittany: Take a look at this site for the New Jersey laws regarding truancy and compulsory school attendance. http://www.state.nj.us/education/students/safety/behavior/attendance/
You can also read your Student Handbook or Code of Conduct to see what the limits are regarding unexcused absences and the consequences. Since you’re one day away from the school taking action, do your best to see that it doesn’t happen. If you end up in truancy court you’ll have to complete some community service and/or attend a truancy class. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal asdvice).
I live in PA, & I have missed 11 days of school. All the days are excused except for one. My mom is flipping on me because she thinks i’m going to get held back. But, it’s not my fault that I have a low immune system. So do I have the right to tell her to stop worrying?
Dear Sheridan: Yes, you can reassure your Mom by telling her not to worry but like all parents she’ll still worry. Explain to her you won’t get held back for one unexcused day. You can show her the Student Handbook with the rules about attendance. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
im 18yrs old from texas. i have 33 unexcused absents. im a good student, never ever got in trouble in school before, and im a all out A’s and B’s student before. im having issues with my family and that is discouraging me from goin to school. i have to go to court.
i just want to know whats the punishments and if my parents gonna get it too, and i dont want them to be punished because of what ive done. if they tell me to pay a fine, i want to pay it my self, and here’s another question, what if i cant pay the fine right away because i dont have enough money but i have a job, im just saying im going to pay the fines but just not right away.
i want to know what punishments im going to face.
and how big is the chance that i would go to jail(if ever i am)?
its me again Jowee, im 18 and like what i said im going to court, does my parents needs to go with me? im asking this because im moving out and i dont want to cost any burden to them anymore. i want to face all the consequences, and im going to graduate highschool, dropping out is the very very last thing i would do, i even wouldnt consider dropping out because i have goals in my life.
Dear Jowee: Call the court that you have to go to and ask about the need for your parents to go with you. Explain that you’re 18 and plan to appear – it may not be required that your parents come too because you’re an adult. As far as the penalty, if you admit the unexcused absences you’ll probably be required to attend a truancy class or finish some community service. Explain your financial circumstances to the court officer you’ll meet with or the judge. Oftentimes, the court will order work hours in place of a fine. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am 27 year old step mother , my step son is ten years old and is having problems with not wanting to go to school . his excuse all the time is i don’t like the school and the teachers! his father is losing patients and his real mother just doesn’t seem to care . I once was in his shoes when i was younger and i am trying to help him understand that what he is doing has consequences . His father and i cant seem to get it through to him that we can be and are held responsible for him not going to school. What can we do to i guess you can say make him fully realize and understand what he is doing ?
Dear Rebecca: You are right about consequences for unexcused absences. Because of the national dropout rate schools and states are cracking down of truants and their parents. You can Google the name of your state and “truancy law” for information applicable to you. The important thing here is to get to the bottom of his objection to going to school. Maybe a meeting with the school counselor or psychologist would benefit all of you. If he is being picked on, bullied or threatened at school, this needs to be addressed immediately. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thank you so very much for your responce. It turned out, after speaking with the principal and my daughter that the citation is for 4 days missed in a one month period (the week she missed for the flu.). Since the nurse had called me to pick her up it was rather clear she was ill. I plan on fighting the citation. The principal admitted she spoke with my daughter who admitted to not turning in the note. My daughter told me she had. The school allows three days to submit a note and I was not notified until I recieved the citation yesterday, therefore they did not give me the allowance to provide a note. It should be school policy to notify a parent within the allowable timeframe as kids are not always responsible, as I have found out the hard way. The other notes were recieved as I found out, which to me would show I have provided notes and this is not just an excuse. Again, thank you for your help and it is great what you are doing!
You’re welcome. When you get the chance, tell others about AsktheJudge.info.
(Texas) I just recieved notification I must go to court concerning Parent Contributing to non-attendence. I have three children, two of which have not missed much school (they are not involved in the charge). My 11 year old, however, has missed 9 days of school. I sent notices as she will ill each day of school. There was a very serious flu going around and she missed a week for it- the nurse had actually called me to pick her up as she had vomitted at school. I have always sent a note, however how can I prove I sent a note for these absences to get the case dismissed?
Dear Cassie: Explain what happened, as you have here, to the judge or probation officer when you go to court. If you have your telephone records from the missed days and can show calls placed to the school on those days, take them to court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m 14 and in 8th grade. My school has an attendance rule that a student can only miss 15 days of school and over 15, you can get a truancy officer against you. I’m a good student, good grades, never got a pink slip, detention, or a suspension in my life. I’ve only missed 14 days and 5 of it is vacation. My mother and dad are split up and I had no choice but to go on that trip with my father. My vice principal is getting a truancy officer to come see me becuase he supposably made up a rule that you can’t miss over 10 days of school. The student handbook, and the parent letter said that a student can’t miss over 15 days of school. Now, I know alot of people that missed over 14 and didn’t even get called for truancy. Is this illegal and can my mother sue the school for mistreated or false truancy?
Dear Ashley: If it says 15 days in the Student Handbook and that is the rule/policy that all students and parents are aware of, then your 14 missed days shouldn’t be a problem. Explain to the truancy officer your understanding of the rule and point out that the Student Handbook states 15 days as the rule. It’s possible that the school is changing this rule/policy to 10 days, but all the students and parents would need notice of the new rule. If necessary, you and your mother could always ask for a meeting with the vice principal to further discuss this issue and your understanding of the rule. Keep up the excellent work in school!
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
I had truancy in High School but, finished all my hours. I graduated HS and am now attending full time college. My mother just received a letter in the mail for a warrant for my arrest due to truancy… I am so confused cause I finished everything. I graduated HS 3 years ago and am on my way out of college next May. What is going on?
Dear SRW: Sometimes there are glitches in the system and the information in your case maybe did not get entered into the court’s system. If this is the case, it may look like you failed to comply with the court’s orders, which is why a warrant has been issued. Call the court and explain the circumstances. If they do not have verifcation that you completed your hours, you may need to contact the probation department or whoever you turned your hours into and ask for the necessary paperwork. Once the court understands the situation and confirms that you completed the hours, the warrant should be quashed. Good luck.
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I live in daytona beach florida. Im 17 years old and im a junior i have probably about 16 unexcused abstances but the thing is i have 2 jobs and im too tired to get up for school so i skip. My dad is telling me that im gonna get in trouble for skipping school. so how many more unexcused abstance do i need to be in trouble or am i already in trouble?
p.s. my sister is 14 and is a freshman she is almost over 50 days of unexcused i know she is in trouble cause the school called and had a meeting with me dad. so i doubt im in any trouble at all right?
Dear Julia: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the school’s policy regarding attendance. Every state has a set number of days that you’re required to be in school (usually around 180 days). Once you hit the maximum number of unexcused absences, the school can take action. This may mean a referral to truancy court where you could be placed on probation. Take a look at this site for information about truancy enforcement in Florida:
Good luck and stay in school. Your education is your future.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hay got a quick question I am 14 and I have missed 8 days of school due to sickness I live in Colorado springs and I was wondering if they would send the truancy officer.
Dear Michael: You need to check your Student Handbook for the rules about excused and unexcused absences. With 8 absences, you may be getting close to the maximum number allowed before the school takes action. If your absences were called in by one of your parents, they may be considered excused absences. Good luck.
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I’m 18, and from SA, WV. And in March I have to go to court, for missing 24 days. I got a notice about a month ago about me missing, and the paper said If called my attendance officer that they wouldn’t prosecute me. I called left a voicemail annever got a call back. And haven’t misse a day since. I don’t want to make excuses, but I started missing after my dad moved out and missed even more after him and my mom divorced. But, I am extra nervous about court. I know I missed the days, I just don’t know what to say to the judge. And, I’m not looking forward to fines either.
Dear Samantha: The attendance officer should know that you’ve been regularly attending since the notice went out about the March hearing. Try to contact that person again, possibly in person at school, and explain what’s going on. He or she may be able to cancel the court date since your attendance has improved. If not, when you go to court, explain what’s been going on to the judge and the reasons for the unexcused absences. You may be required to attend a truancy class or complete some community service after which the case will be closed. Good luck.
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I’m In texas daughter just turned 14 is in the 8th grade. she has very bad migraine head aches and i have dr notes for almost all the days she has missed she also got the tybe b flu this year and missed 2 weeks of school but due toi the wether it was only three school days . now thay have sent us a truence ticket and dont know what to do all her absences are medicaly related.
Dear Renee: If you have to go to court for the ticket, take all documentation with you from her doctor. That way the court will see that the absences were for medical reasons and should be excused absences. The ticket should state the dates that were unexcused. If you can match those with your doctor’s notes, the ticket may be dismissed. Good luck.
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hi im joe from pa, and i missed alot of school but most of the days i missed because i was sick and i went and got doctors notes for them. Then i got charged with the days i got the notes for and i even went out to see my dr every day i was sick. Also i got charged for missing school when the days they said i missed i was in school. Then they sent me to a different school and i Recently missed 2 days because i was very sick, but i went and saw a doctor and he gave me exques and now they are saying they are going to take me away. Can they even do that when i was sick and exqused by my dr and is there anything icould do to not get taking?
Dear Joe: You need to discuss this with your parents or guardian. They can contact the school and straighten this out before it gets worse. If you have a doctor’s note explaining your situation, these should be excused absences. You can also check your Student Handbook regarding excused and unexcused absences and the consequences for exceeding the limit. Good luck.
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Hi, my name is Kacie from Mesquite, TX and this is about to be my fourth year being truant. My first three years of high school were stupid mistakes. However, this year, I’ve been doing really well until now. I just received a truancy letter today saying that I missed a few days of school, and I remember those days were from me staying home due to sickness. I do not have doctor notes, because I can’t always go to a doctor just to get a note from being sick. My parents were supposed to call the school, but my attendance teacher said that they never called. In addition to that, I was with my parents in Houston from Monday-Wednesday (today) for Chinese New Year. However, my mom just received an e-mail from the school saying that those absences are unexcused. I know for a fact that I will not be able to pay these fines, and I will become 18 shortly after. I have a few questions:
1) Will I receive any consequences if I just leave it as it is and wait until I become 18?
2) Are there any other punishments that can be given to me instead of paying the fines?
3) Is there any way I can “sit out” my fines after becoming 18?
Dear Kacie: It’s best to take care of the truancy matter before you turn 18 so you don’t have any of this following you into your adult life. Depending on your state’s laws, the court may have jurisdiction over you even after 18. If you’re financially unable to pay a fine, explain this to the judge or probation officer. You may be given community service instead. If not, ask for time and maybe an installment plan to pay the fine. If you blow off the fine, it can turn into a judgment against you that will affect your credit rating as an adult. You can Google “Texas truancy laws” for more information on this. Good luck.
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Hey im Brittany, Ive been chargsed with truancy and ive recently seeen a counseler who ever also a Social worker.. this is my first time ever being in trouble with anything.. This counseler start asking me questions about a family memeber i rencetly lost in summer and im still having a hard time with but im just grieveing the way any other person would. It’s my first time ever losing someone close to me and i lived with my grandpa for a year taking care of him before he passed away. He kept asking me questions about my grandpa until i broke down crying and then he told my parents that he needed to send me to get professional help. He also said we needed home counseling and hes sending someone to the home. I just wanted to know, are they allowed to do this? .. and if they send this home counseler how long will this last? .. Also after all this court stuff is all done and over with do we have to let this home counseling go on?
Dear Brittany: First, we’re sorry to hear about the loss of your Grandpa. Grandparents are very special people in our lives and will always be remembered. He would want you to be strong and make him proud with everything you do. As far as the counseling, it may be a good idea to help you through the grieving process. When you go to court on the truancy matter, the legal process will be explained to you. Ask about the counseling and how long it will be in place. Also discuss this with your parents. They can speak with the counselor about the in-home counseling and the need for it to continue. Good luck and be strong.
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Hey every one my name is damian.i live in buckhannon,wv
i have misst a lot of school.an i am about to stand befor a juge.tomorrow at 3:15 pm.im not Sher if i will have to do jail time or not.i am 18 years old.i dont want no one els to have to pay for this.i thought if your 18.your responsible for your self.lock up is nothing new to me.but i dont want someone that couldent stop me for the misstakes that i have made.to have to suffer to.any ideas
Dear Damian: We’re glad to read that you’re willing to face the music without making excuses or blaming your parents, etc. Since you’re an adult the court will likely look to you to take care of this truancy charge. When you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you. You may be offered diversion which means after completing some community service the case will be closed. Good luck.
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My daughter had 9 unexcused days at her old school in Tennessee. We moved to Illinois the second week of January. The Juivinile court just called me and said I had court. I told him we no longer live there.He said that if the school wants to they can still summun me. Is this true?
Dear Chastity: It may be true under the laws of Tennessee, but it’s unlikely they would seek your appearance after you’ve moved to another state. To avoid future problems you might consider writing the court a letter explaining your current situation, where you now live and that your daughter is in school. Good luck.
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Hi, i was wondering that since most of my senior-only teachers found out about senior ditch a few days before the day, now theres a rumor going around that if a senior is missing on the announced ditch day they will be kept from walking at graduation. Can they do that? Can they give extra punishment just to keep me from missing school that day? this will be my first truancy.
Dear Luis: School districts are authorized to impose disciplinary measures for violating school rules. That may include keeping you from participating in your graduation ceremony, or some other sanction for an unexcused absence. However, since Senior Ditch Day is a fairly common event across the country, any consequences are usually minimal. You might check with the front office or ask the attendance officer about these rumors – they may be just that and nothing more. Good luck and congrats on your graduation.
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Hypothetically, if you graduated high school early, and are still school aged, and go somewhere where the law does not allow for an exception to truancy laws because of your age. (Some of the states on the http://www.schoolengagement.org/TruancypreventionRegistry/Admin/Resources/Resources/15.pdf list do not show allowances for early graduation.) Can a cop arrest you, bring you to their juvenile detention center, or otherwise harass you.
Back when I was in middle school, a cop actually threatened me with those things when my school had a half day and I had stopped at the park after school.(That was in the early 90’s though.) I told him he shouldn’t lie to little kids, a half day isn’t skipping school if no one is at the school, including the teachers, principal, etc., he could call one of his other cop friends to see if I was lying, but if he wanted to arrest me he’d have to catch me first. Then I hopped the fence to get back into the park and went back to swinging.
Dear Jessa: The list you attached to your question is almost ten years old. Nevertheless, every state has detailed exceptions to their compulsory attendance laws. If you graduate from high school early, before your 16th or 18th birthday, you’re most likely excluded from the state’s truancy laws. There are no laws requiring you to attend college. So, if the police gave you a ticket or took you to juvenile court on a truancy charge, your diploma or GED certificate would be a defense to the charge and the ticket would be dismissed.
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Hey, I was resently told i had to come to court cause of truancy, if im on home school be4 the court date what could be done? .. And im 17 does that mean i can quit.. and what wud happen if i did?(im from West Virginia) .. quittin is the last thing i want to do i want to go on and graduate.. This is my first time every being in trouble. .. Also could they take me away from my family, and would the walefare be brought in in this siutation since it is the frist time this ive ever been in trouble?
Dear Ash: First, it’s highly unlikely that you would be removed from your family for a truancy violation. Take a look at this site for the rules in West Virginia about school attendance, student code of conduct, etc.:
Every state has its own laws about attendance and consequences for ditching classes or not going at all. Homeschooling, if approved by the school district, is acceptable. So when you go to court take some documentation that shows you’re being homeschooled and that you’re school has approved the program. Good luck.
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Thanks It just Happen that i had to pay the ticket i had no other option anyways thanks for your help
You’re welcome.
Hi Im Carlos I miss certain days of school before withdrawing from school because i decided to rather get out of school and take a master test to get my hs diploma but still havent take it could the judge send me back to school or just make me pay the ticket ? btw im from houston texas
Dear Carlos: It is possible for the judge to order you back to school depending on the circumstances. Texas, like every state, has compulsory attendance laws. Take a look at this page for some information about the laws that apply to you: http://www.nisd.net/hatchett/admin/Att_Policy_TEC_Code_Warning.pdf
You can also Google “Texas truancy laws” for more information. Good luck.
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Hey, Im Brittay I am 17 and I go to Riverview High School in WV, i’ve missed a lot of school and now ive got to go to court, but I was signed up for home school but my case dont go be4 the BOE until the 15th and my court day is the 17th. However we have started the home schooling already…if im on home school before the court date what can they do?
Dear Brittany: The court may not accept simply your statement that you’re being home-schooled. If the school has approved it or you have some documentation showing that you’re satisfying your state’s compulsory education laws, bring those documents to court. Whatever paperwork you have, even your hearing date before the Board of Education, show the judge so he or she can see that you’re being honest. Good luck.
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I live in Texas, I was 17 when i skipped a lot of school and was given a court warning notice, i continued to skip and recieved a court date. since then i been going to attendance recovery, and i talked to all my teachers about getting my grades up. i recently turned 18. and i have my court date on the 14th. are they still going to fine me for truancy even though i did the offence when i was 17 and just recently got my court date when i turned 18? what are they going to do in my case?
Dear Tom: You have to look to the truancy laws in Texas to see what may happen to you when you go to court. Although you turned 18 and are no longer legally capable of being truant, the court may still have jurisdiction over you since the charge was filed before you turned 18. When you go to court, you’ll meet with a court or probation officer who will explain the process to you. You may have to simply complete some community service to satisfy the court and close this case out. Good luck.
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Well they put me in the timeout all day.It was extemely bad whether and it was like walking on a frozen pond but yet i walked and fell a couple of times to get to school only to get an hour for being a couple of minutes late and there was a line extending from the office of people signing in because they were late.Should they be able to do that after it was bad whether and I did the best I could to make it?
Dear Francisco: It would seem that some leeway is called for considering the weather, but that’s up to the school. You might have to leave home a little earlier to avoid any more tardies. Good luck.
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I have been late to school around 9 times but only by a couple of minutes. When your late 3 times or more they give you an hour, and if you skip too many hours they put you in a time-out room. Now I was wondering is this legal, especially since they are giving you an hour for missing school by a couple minutes but yet they are prohibiting me from getting an education by putting me in time-out room. Also consider since I am a very quiet student and never get in trouble by a techer or cause a disruption.
Dear Francisco: The laws of your state require that you be in school so many days each year – usually around 180 days. That means that you must be in class unless your absences are excused. School districts are authorized to make rules about attendance including excused and unexcused absences and tardies. Even a few minutes late for a class or school day can be held against you. If you’re tardies result in an hour in the time-out room, make the best of it by doing homework or catching up on missed assignments. Good luck.
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So if I did all my work and am passing my classes would the judge focuse on that or would he look at the whole outcome cause my mom been in and out of the hospital and that caused me to miss school too and I have evidence!
The judge will consider everything you present, the whole picture if you’re given the opportunity to explain what happened, and you probably will.
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I live in virginia and its a commonwealth state and I’ve been out of school for 35 days supposely and I have been sent to court on todays date and the judge had told me that I disobeyed the law cause its not the first time that I’ve. Been sent for the same results but all I wanted to know would it matter if I’ve had made up all my work and passing all my classes and had my days excused when I was ill.would the judge care bout that? What would be the results that would happen to me?
Dear Kimberly: There is a big difference between excused and unexcused absences. If you were sick and had a doctor’s note, the absences would be excused and not held against you. Of course the judge would consider the circumstances that caused you to miss school. Otherwise you may be ordered to complete a truancy class, community service work or even be placed on probation for a short period to ensure you’re attending school. Good luck.
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Thank you, but there has been a warrant issued out for my arrest and i am going to go down to the court house on monday but i dont want to be arrested or anything like that. i mean this isnt my first truancy case ive had other offenses b4 because i depend on rides from other people to get to school ect. and if they dnt feel like doing it im screwed, my judge has been very nice and letting me take my time and he has lifted warrants b4 but im not so sure about this time but im hoping he lets me off because i would rather just get my GED and start my college courses online so i wont have to worry about truancy since i will be 18 in june…i just dnt kno wat to do
Dear Raven: Explain to the judge your current circumstances since the birth of your son and that you want to get your GED and begin your college classes. The court and/or probation department may be able to assist you by leading you in the right direction to get your GED. Again, it’s unlikely the court will send you to detention considering your circumstances. Good luck.
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I live in rowlett texas and that is the garland independent school district. ok so i just had a baby 3 months ago and my school filed truancy on me the day before i had my son. i missed court because i didnt have a ride to the court or to school that day. is ther anyway i can fight this because i am a breastfeeding mother and i dont think i deserve to be away frm my son over something like truancy now if it was something that was like a real crime like murder or something i would understand but i missed school frm having morning sickness…..can u please help me
Dear Raven: First and most important, congratulations on the birth of your son. Try calling the court and explain the situation – why you missed school and court. If you’ve been assigned a probation officer contact that person for advice in how to handle this. It’s unlikely the court will send you to detention or jail under the circumstances and for a truancy offense. Also talk with your school so they understand what’s happening and that you’re not intentionally missing school. Good luck.
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ok so i’ve skipped a lot of school in the past (about 2 months not consecutively though) and i did all the things required such as taking a class and going to get treatment for other things involved. Recently however i’ve missed 13 days due to an unexcused medical reason and i’ve gotten maybe 5 tardy’s (accidental) i have court in 3days am i going 2 jail? Also i hear they drug test is that true?
~ Thanks v.v
Dear Genn: Since you’ve been consequenced before regarding your attendance at school, you can expect this time to receive more community service hours or be ordered to take additional classes. You might also be placed on probation for a period of time. Then if you have more unexcused absences or tardies, you’d be in violation of probation which may earn you time in detention where the court will be assured you’re going to school everyday. Most detention schools around the country are accredited so you don’t lose out on your education. Start taking school seriously – it’s your future that’s at stake. Good luck.
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hi im nate, and i was wondering if i got trunce last December and they judge suspend my license for 2years (dec 2011) so basically my question is that. can i get my license after i pay my fines? and also can i get another truancy even tho im 18 and still in school?
Dear Nate: Truancy laws differ from state-to-state. In many states you must be in school between the ages of 6 to 16 – in other states the ages may be different. If you’re under court order to be in school, regardless of the statutory age, then it’s advisable to follow the judge’s order. Otherwise you may be found in contempt of court and looking at some jail time. As far as getting your license back after paying the fines due, it depends on what the court ordered. Check any paperwork you received from the court for the details. You may have to pay the fines and still wait two years for reinstatement of your license. You can inquitre about this at the Department of Motor Vehicles. Good luck.
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Its gang related they threatin me , they ask people what school i go too i cant snitch or they’ll kill me , my own friends set me up , im trapped in my house not goin out hiding hopeng they dont shoot my house , i cant trust anyone cause everyone scared of them and will snitch me out , i was in the gang but i didnt wanna get jumped out so they wanna kill me i live in providence RI this problem been going on since i was 13 andd im 15 now i dont feel comtherable going too school i wanna just go too jobcorps insted
Dear Christopher: You need to discuss this with your mother. She can check with job corps and see if you qualify and if they’ll accept you. Even if they do, that means you have to leave the house everyday for the program. If you’re being threatened you need to notify the police. Be safe and speak up to your family about your concerns.
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I been missing out of school because gangs had been harrasing me and i do not go too school and my mom talked too the principal everywhere i go they show up too jump me im only 15 years old what would they do too me if i dont go too school ? but i do have a good reason cause bullying aint tolorated and they still keep doing this im not gonna go too school if i keep gettin bullied
Dear Christopher: If your mother doesn’t get any results in reporting the bullying to the principal, she needs to go to the school district or superintendent. Most schools today have anti-bullying policies that require schools to investigate reported bullying incidents and address the problem. If it’s been a long time since you were actually bullied, don’t use this as an excuse not to go. Otherwise, you’re risking having to repeat classes or a full grade. Good luck.
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so i got a ticket for not going to school well it really wasnt my fault i was going through some family problems and when i was heading to school a cop pulled me over thinking i was dicthing and gave me a ticket i didnt go to court because my whole family situation got in the way now im wonder im 19 did it erase from my record?
Dear Erika: If the ticket you received was just for truancy, most likely you have nothing to worry about. Truancy is a “status offense” meaning it’s a crime that only a minor can commit, not an adult. It’s like juvenile curfew or runaway cases – adults don’t go to court over these. The ticket has more than likely been dismissed from the system. Good luck.
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I’m 21 in College and I am enrolled into Air Force ROTC. They have a form they want me to fill out about Civil Involvements. Back in California when I was in 9th&10th grade I’ve had 2-3 misdemeanor truancy ticket…one of them I went to court,paid a fine & did some truancy class..the other two I believe was dismissed/dropped…I now live in Neavda, had no problem getting a credit card,job,own business,car,etc. Would my past hurt me now when I try to enroll to AFROTC?
Dear Liz: Your truancy record should not have any affect on your current pursuits: job, military or college applications. Truancy is what’s called a “status offense” meaning only a minor can be charged with truancy – much like runaway, curfew, etc. So a truancy record does not carry over into your adult life. Good luck.
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hi, I got a ticket for being truant and its for missing full or partial days correct? with no excuse. Practically every day ive been excused.(that ive been late). I havent missed any full days being unexcused. For the most part its my family that is slow in the morning, making me late for school. im worried about what the consequence could be. I’m 13. could you shed some light as to what could happen to me?
Dear Keelan: Your Student Handbook states the number of unexcused absences that are allowed before the school takes action. This includes missed classes or tardies as well as full days. When you appear for your truancy hearing or meeting, the process will be explained to you. You may be required to attend a truancy class or to complete some community service. Some states are starting to punish parents who fail to get their kids to school on time. You and your parents can Google “Truancy” and the name of your state for information about this. Good luck.
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I’ve missed school for the past 2 weeks due to just turning 18 on December 18th. We we’re out of school for winter break from December 17th, until January 4th. I haven’t been back since students returned to school. Me turning 18 has meant alot more responsibilities. I have been working towards getting my driver’s license which has caused me to miss quite a few days of school because of my driving test being canceled numerous times due to the snow we have been getting. I have also had to go sign forms and go to different places to get the financial support needed for my daughter and I. My mother has lost all income due to me becoming of age, and can no longer afford to support my family as well as her own. Which is very understandable. She helps me when she can, but the rest is up to me. & to me, taking care of my daughter is more important then going to school at the moment. I understand that a diploma is the best thing for my future of supporting my daughter, but its also very difficult to work for that while needing to get a job to support my daughter now. & i believe that her needs at the present moment are what matters most. I haven’t received any notices for truancy in the mail yet or received any calls from the school other then calling to say that I need to attend school.. but nothing about truancy. So my question is; In the state of Ohio, if I do happen to get truant.. What will happen to me in court? Will I be thrown in jail or just get fined? And also, will they kick me out of school if I don’t decide to get my GED before all this happens? I can’t risk being thrown in jail for my daughters sake. So what do I do, & what will happen to me?
Dear Kim: As you know, Ohio law requires those between 6 and 18 to be in school. Since you’ve reached 18, the truancy laws don’t apply to you. So you have no worries about going to court or being locked up for truancy. You’re right about your daughter coming first and we wish you the best. If you can fit into your schedule a GED program, you’d be doing yourself and your child a big favor. There are many teen moms pursuing their education. It might take longer but you’ll never regret it. Good luck.
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Hi, I’m 17 years old, and I have a question, does it matter how many days of school I miss if I’m already 17? I live in Arizona and the reason I think this is because at my age I could of already dropped out of school, so I suppose I can miss as many days without getting in trouble right?
Dear Brandon: Arizona law requires that you be in school between the ages of 6 to 16. That means you can’t be charged with truancy for skipping school. However, there are consequences at school if you miss too many classes or days. You may not pass a class you’re taking or graduate with your class or at all without the necessary credits. We can’t emphasize enough how important your education is, not only to you as and your future, but to all of us in terms of what you may contribute to the world. Think beyond this Friday night – good luck.
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Hello, My brother in law has court next thursday, this is he’s second warning because he didn’t show my mother in law the paperwork. We have to go out of town because next friday my fiancee graduates from the Marine’s BootCamp. What will happen to my mother in law if she doesn’t show up to court? Can she just show up on that next Monday when we are back from the trip? By the way, we live in Dallas, Texas.
Thanks 🙂
Dear Paola: What may happen is entirely up to the judge. You can contact the court and ask for a brief continuance. Explain the circumstances and you may avoid further trouble. Otherwise the court may issue an arrest warrant which will further complicate matters. Most courts are very busy, so just showing up on a day you’re not scheduled may not get you anywhere. Good luck.
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Uhmmm my names ian, im 17.. I skipped first period a little too many times and eventually got in trouble.. This is my first time ever getting in trouble. I live in texas and i have one concern on my mind.. I listened to the judge chew me out and was given 6months probation and 40 hours community service…seriously?? Butttt if i am a good boy for the rest of the school year and get all my hours donereally quick and pay all my fines could i get off of probation early? I was told you cant get off early for truancy in texas but i need someone who knows to help me out, please and thank you
Dear Ian: It really depends on the laws of your state and the policies of the probation department. Many departments have what’s often called “early termination” which means that if a person on probation has completed all the terms of probation, has done well and not violated, then the probation officer will petition the court and ask that your probation be terminated. If you have a good relationship with your P.O., perhaps you could ask him/her and of course, it is understood that if early termination is an option, it gives you an incentive to do well on probation. Good luck.
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i know somebody that is currently on probation for a misdemeanor. nothing big. our senior ditch day is coming up in about a week he has cleaned up is act and hasnt gotten in trouble but will he get in trouble if he ditches for ditch day if the probation people come to his school and home and he isnt there. He is also on call monitoring now instead of showing up to the departmen.
Dear Robert: Although it’s unlikely that an absence for senior ditch day would be held against him or considered a violation of his probation, it’s ultimately up to his probation officer and the terms of his probation. He may want to consider running the plan by his probation officer in advance to ensure that it will not affect his status on probation. Although some schools give students a “pass” on senior ditch day, some have considered the absences to be unexcused and therefore, affected the students’ attendance record. Since it sounds like your friend is doing well on probation, his P.O. is likely to agree that participating in the day will not violate the terms of his probation especially if a specific event for the day is planned. Good luck to your friend.
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Thanks.. Do you think they would make me do juvy time? Or send me away to a program? I wanna get my life back on track and im not a bad kid and definitely dont wanna get time in juvy or taken away from my home! I dont know how to calm down, im so stressed out
Dear Megan: Whether the judge believes that some time in detention is necessary will depend on the specific circumstances of your case, whether you have failed to comply with the court’s order previously and the policies of the court handling your case. Explain to the judge what happened and how you’ve been trying to get your grades up, etc. If you currently have good grades, you could bring documentation to the court with you to show the judge. Detention is usually not imposed until a person has violated the rules numerous times and cannot follow the terms the court imposes, but it’s ultimately up to the judge. Keep working hard in school and be sure to follow all the rules so you can prove to the court, your family and yourself that you are a good and productive student. Good luck.
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I’m 14 and have missed ALOT of days these past couple of school years. I failed 6th grade for my absences and passed the second year. I missed about 73 days my 7th grade year and am currently in 8th. I was sent to ALC-a alternative learning center for being on drugs, where i do everything online and I am making up two 7th grade credits as well. Well I had court on January 3rd and was told I have to be in school everyday with no disciplinary referrals or unexcused absences. Well, thursday ( January 6th) I was at school on the computer and quickly showed a friend a song on a music website. Later that day i got a referral for it and suspended for two days, the 7th and 10th. I’m so scared! Im trying to get my grades up and I plan to go to school everyday once i get back, but im so scared about what they might do when i get back to court! That was my first ever time i had to go to court too. But can you please help me. Im so scared!
Dear Megan: As you know, there’s a price to pay for breaking a rule at home and at school. When you return to court explain exactly what happened and maybe the judge will be lenient. Once you’re back in school on Tuesday, follow the rules to the letter. If you’re not sure about something, whether it’s the right thing to do or not, don’t do it. Since you’re already before the court, this isn’t the time to take risks. You’ll have all this behind you soon if you comply with the court’s orders. Good luck.
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Hi, I was just diagnosed with type one diabeted at the beginning of this year and have miss around a month of school altogether trying to get it regulated. I’ve have a doctors note for most but am still worried that I may get into trouble and that my mom will get into trouble. What do I do about my situation?
Dear Lili: We’re sorry to hear about your health. As long as you’re under a doctor’s care and your absences are health related, there shouldn’t be a problem at school. Your absences should be excused. If necessary, you can ask your doctor for a letter explaining the situation. Neither you or your mother will be in trouble for medical-related absences. All the best.
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Yeah, I have had alot of absences maybe 20. And they asked me why i was missing so much and I told them it was family issues and medical issues. And they got hateful with me telling me that they should’ve known about this stuff. But its none of the schools buisness what my family issues are. My family is more important then school at the moment. The school attendance person(whoever she is) told me that she wasnt going to force me to talk but she also said if i charge you with truancy they’ll be all up in your buisness. What’s going to happen if i am charged? im only 16.
Dear Charitie: If you go past the number of allowed unexcused absences, the school can take action. Every school district and state differs on how they handle truancies. Check your Student Handbook for information on this. You may receive a letter requiring a meeting with the principal and your parents. You could be sent to truancy court where you may be ordered to take a class or complete some community service. It’s best to handle this without getting the courts involved. Maybe a meeting with your parents can resolve this so that the school understands that the absences aren’t intentional. Good luck.
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Hi my name is Albert,
I have missed school for 35 days and 6 are unexcused and im scared I will get arrested for truancy. What should I do?
Dear Albert: First, check your Student Handbook to see what it says about attendance and missing school. You may be allowed a certain number of unexcused absences before any action is taken. Or you can ask the attendance officer or even the principal about this. It’s not likely that you’d be arrested for this, at least at this point. You may receive a call or letter from the school if you go over the limit of unexcused absences. That could mean attending a truancy class, in-school detention or possibly going to truancy court. Bottom line, no more absences. Good luck.
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Hello their My name is Jessica and i got a ticket at the begging of 2010 but i had lost my ticket and had just found it and my court date is overdue will i get arrested or will my fine be increased? please respond i am very nervous it is also my first time.
PS. I was absent around 30 through 40 times the reason was because i was having breathing problems in which I would faint but the school knew of these problems would it affect my situation. Please respond and thank you very much.
Dear Jessica: It’s unlikely you’ll be arrested on this ticket but you need to clear it up so it doesn’t remain outstanding. You can contact the court and ask how to proceed. If you have had good attendance since school began last Fall, let them know and the truancy charge may be dismissed. If the ticket is still in the system, you’ll probably receive some community service work to complete or be required to attend a truancy class. A fine isn’t usually imposed on students for truancy. Good luck.
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My parents were sent a letter of truency, and they suppose to show up for a date at the truency office on the 18th of December, but my father did not read the letter untell recently, he thought it was just a letter of warning. He said he’s going to call the truency office tomorrow. I have been missing alot of school through out my life. Including last year (which was my first year of high school 9th grade) Im not sure exactly how many days I missed, but I know I missed over 9 through out the year and thats my school limit. I have heard that the actual limit is 15. My mom excused alot of the absences of last year, but not all. And I know I missed more than 9. I also (without my parents knowing) skipped enough hope last year in one period of time to loose a half credit (about 2 months I suppose) I was never alerted of any kind of truency last year. Although this year, my second year of high school, I have also missed alot of school. And I have skipped a few classes, a few times I have skipped random classes like my american lit, but I use to skip my soccer class, about 5-8 classes of soccer I skipped. But I have missed alot of whole days of school, within 2 quarters (or one semester) without any excuses hardly. My mom only excused one day, Im pretty sure. I was wondering, if they truency office would only recognize the full days of not going to school, or the classes I did not attend. Either way I’m still in this situation of truency, I was just wondering how much school they would recognize for truency.
Dear Alex: Since every state requires that you attend school a certain number of days per year (usually around 180 days each year) and that you are only allowed so many unexcused absences, it sounds like your school is taking action because of your missed days so far this year. Depending on your school’s policies, it may consider missed classes when determining whether to cite a student with truancy, so ditching individual classes may be held against you. You could try referring to your student handbook about the rules and policies concerning “compulsory attendance” and the number of unexcused absences you are allowed. You could also ask your school’s attendance officer, counselor or even principal. Finally, you could try Googling your state’s name and “compulsory attendance” or “truancy” for the specific laws in your state. Since you’re likely facing some consequences for your missed days/classes, we hope you’ve learned that it’s easier to get to school than deal with the possible consequences in the future. Good luck.
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hello my name is marissa i live in dallas.tx and my cousin is registered in school under my moms name, he just got a letter in the mail for a court date on the 10th of jan. This is his second time for truency and he wasnt skipping, he’s just been translating for his mother at the doctors cuz his father is dying, we are not financially stable to pay any fines, what advice can i give him for his court day or what is going to happen?..on the letter it says he’s missed 10 or more days in a 6 month period..will my mom be arressted if she has warrants?
Dear Marissa: Your cousin should bring any documentation he has concerning the missed days when he goes to court. Even a letter from his mother explaining why he missed those days and how many of them were excused due to his need to attend his father’s doctor appointments would help the court understand why he’s missing school. He can also tell the court about his family’s financial hardship and it might be willing to work with him by ordering community service hours rather than a fine. Finally, it is unlikely that your mom will be arrested based on your cousin’s court date since the two matters are unrelated. However, she may want to take care of any outstanding warrants by calling the court and asking what she can do about them or calling a local criminal attorney for a free initial consultation. Good luck to you and your family.
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hi my name is alejandro velasco i live los angeles california and ditch school for like 33 days..and im scared.what going to happen to me?plz
Dear Alejandro: Every state requires that you attend school a certain number of days per year (usually around 180 days) and that you are only allowed so many unexcused absences. You could try referring to your student handbook about the rules and policies concerning “compulsory attendance” and the number of unexcused absences you are allowed. You could also ask your school’s attendance officer, counselor or even principal. Finally, you could try Googling your state’s name and “compulsory attendance” or “truancy” for the specific laws in your state. If you continue to miss school, it is likely that you will be cited for truancy and have to appear in court. Then you may be facing community service hours, a fine and possibly having to attend a class. Good luck.
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I got a letter saying I have to go to court for truancy because I got a ticket in 2007 for skipping school, what will happen to me and what should i do now? This was a loooooong time ago, eight grade and I am now a senior. I was caught skipping school with my friends so the police got our names and took us back to school. No drugs or anything, we were just skipping. They gave me a ticket and I only called once, but it was a lot to do and they asked me stuff I didn’t even know. A friend of mine had told me to not worry about it and that they would just mail me my court date, bad mistake. I get it until NOW and I owe $141.00. This was a long time ago and I changed, haven’t skipped school since then, national honor society, going to college (accepted to all the universities i applied to),number nine in my whole senior class, all of that. What will happen because I understand it was a big mistake and really regret it, but I need to know what I need to take and say and everything. By the way I live in Dallas, Texas and I am 17 years old, and will turn eighteen a week after my court date.
Dear Martha: It’s surprising that you’re just getting notice of this after three years. But don’t ignore it especially since you’re close to 18. Go to court with papers showing your grades, classes and accomplishments since the 8th grade. The judge will likely dismiss the charge with no consequences. Depending on the reason for the $141.00 figure, he or she may also dismiss it. Good luck and keep up the good work.
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I have a question im on probation for truancy i live in san diego california, and wanted to know i keep on ditching school but on my attendeance doesnt show how many times i missed school i only miss 2 classes at the end could i still get in trouble with that?
and how long would i get in juvenile if they caught me ditching cause they told me if i keep on ditching and they caught me they would give me time but how long would they i been on probation for like 6 or more months.help me thank you
Dear Roberto: Since you’re already on probation, when you miss classes or full days of school, you violate your probation. That may lead to incarceration depending on the judge and the truancy laws in California. Ask your probation officer about the consequences of breaking probation. There have been cases where the judge also punished the parents for not seeing that their kids get to school. Do yourself a favor and stop ditching. Your future depends on it.
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hi, im maddie. ive missed about 36 days of school this year and its the ending of first semester. i have doctors notes for at least 12, my mother has called in for me every day that ive missed. i have court in two days, i have no idea what to expect and im very scared, ive never been in trouble with the law before.
Dear Maddie: Every state requires that you attend school a certain number of days per year (usually around 180 days each year) and that you are only allowed so many unexcused absences, so if you exceed the allowed number of absences, your school can take action and refer the matter to the juvenile court. Since this is your first offense and first time in court, you will probably have to complete some community service hours, possibly pay a fine and attend classes. We hope you’re able to start getting to school so you don’t face additional consequences in the future. Good luck.
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Hello, I am in need of serious help about a 6-month probation I have for ditching class..Last year I ditched a total of (which the court has stated) 119 periods, which is way too much..I was given an accepted apology without fine by serving a 6 month probation, which started around early september this year, to not miss 1 class period, in which until then the case would be closed, however,…I have just screwed up this probation by what is almost 50 periods! (included with those would be 3 whole days of not going to school without any excuse for either of these days)…aside from a fine, what problems could i be facing now? I really need help as I really want to change and continue my education and at least graduate high school..(I’m from Sam Rayburn, Pasadena, Texas outside of Houston) Please help..
Dear Jesus: If you have a probation officer assigned to you during this six-month period, contact him or her and ask about the current situation. Every state is different in how they handle truancy cases. You may get a second chance to prove yourself and what you said above about wanting to change. If that’s the case, tell the judge if you go back to court. The judge will decide the consequence for missing more school. Good luck.
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I recently got a letter from my school threatening to send me to court. Why? I have missed around ten days of school, all of my absences were excused by my mom. I was sick for a week with an upper respiratory infection. And I was gone the other days because I have a mental disorder. They know I have a mental disorder. But next time I miss school because I’m mentally unavailable they want a doctor’s note. First of all I don’t have health insurance. Also my parents can’t afford to go to a clinic just to please my very bored assistant principal everytime I have mental breakdown during the school week. I was considering home schooling but I’d rather not regress back to being agoraphobic. If I do have to go to court this year than would they sympathize with me if I told the exactly what I told you? (Personally I think that my assistant principal doesn’t like me because my parents work at an MMJ center. As I also get checked regularly for drugs, even though I’ve never been in trouble for drugs.)
Dear Arden: Before the situation turns into a truancy charge against you or other disciplinary action by the school, ask your parents to schedule a meeting with the principal. A face-to-face discussion of your medical issues may help the school understand why your absences aren’t intentional. If you explain what’s going on as you have in your question to us, the principal will see the complete picture and hopefully be able to assist with your continuing education. Good luck.
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All i have to say is that nobody will ever revolt to fight for freedom in america because most people take their time watching tv. hopefully someone will understand this countrys needs and corrections one day and speak for the people
well yes most kids should want to go to school.but the government needs to understand that since the creation of the Declaration of Independence millions of people had fought and died for freddom and now they have died in vein. for example most of europe like in germany dont have laws like these, like students in germany can go to school on there own time and look where they are some of the most succesful people came from germany like einstein. so to answer your question we would probaly be even more succesful with children not feeling contolled and parents not being told what their duty as a parent is.
i am truly amazed by the passing of these laws if we have these laws then what does the statue of liberty mean? or “give me liberty or give me death”? in fact it is said this nation is a nation of great liberty and is stronger nowhere else but if you look under the definition of liberty it says: “The condition of being free from restriction or control” or “The right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one’s own choosing” explain that.
Dear Darren: Thanks for your comments. Where would we be, as a nation, without compulsory education for children? Would most kids go to school voluntarily? Let the discussion begin.
I must say i have missed quiet a few days of school this year due to sickness. My parents called in for me everyday before 8:00am saying i wasnt going to attend in school that day. Well today I got a letter in the mail saying i am going to be put on a Attendance Contract?! Does that mean that I cant miss ANY days at all?! What if my parents car were to break down before school, or a family member died, would i get in serious trouble?!): I mean all of my absences should be excused if my parents call in right?! well they didnt excuse any of them! Please help me! I am worried. I get good grades and this is what i have to go through..
Dear Priscilla: The school is obviously concerned about your education and lack of attendance. Take a look at your Student Handbook regarding the rules about excused and unexcused absences. You must be at the number of unexcused that triggered the letter you received. Just because a parent calls in an absence doesn’t mean it’s automatically an “excused” absence. It has to be for a legitimate reason, oftentimes requiring a doctor’s note, or some other proof supporting the missed day. The Contract will spell out the consequences of further absences that may include suspension or expulsion. You may also have to repeat a class or possibly the school year. Read the contract over carefully with your parents so you’re all aware of what’s expected and what may happen if it’s violated. Good luck.
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Look i missed up to 18 days and 11 lates i am supposed to go to court and this is my first time being in court for this what is the maximum punishment for this? Pleas answer because i am really scared that my parents will go to jail and i am having a nervous breakdown because of this. i am 15 years old tenth grade and live in PA
Dear Ryan: Since this is your first offense, you can expect to be offered what is called “diversion.” That means when you complete some community service or attend a truancy class the case will be closed. If you keep missing school or cutting classes, your parents could end up in jail depending on the laws of your state. You could also be locked up if this continues. Good luck tomorrow. Let us know what happened.
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I just got a truancy letter I’ve missed slot of days from school goin over by absences limit by 5. My school dosent only count the number of days missed but the number of period missed leaving me w 24 unexcused absences. I had received my first truancy letter to go to court. I live in Texas. Whats going to happen I’m saved I don’t want to go to jail nor do I want my mom too. I’m a senior I have to graduate, since I have several absences and here too many to make up I planned on going to a alternante school which is the same as diploma. But what’s going to happen to me when I go to court!? I’m not a bad kid I kiss make bad decisions.
Dear Victoria: Since every state requires that you attend school a certain number of days per year (usually around 180 days each year) and that you are only allowed so many unexcused absences, your school can keep your from graduating if you have missed too many days. You could try referring to your student handbook about the rules and policies concerning “compulsory attendance” and the number of unexcused absences you are allowed. You could also ask your school’s attendance officer, counselor or even principal. Finally, you could try Googling your state’s name and “compulsory attendance” or “truancy” for the specific laws in your state. Since you are almost graduating, it would be a good idea to talk to school administrators with your parents if possible about how you might be able to make up some of the missed days. If this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program which means that upon completion of community service, payment of a fine and attending a class or counseling, the case would be closed and the charges dismissed. Jail time is unlikely for a first offense, but if you continue missing school, it’s much more likely. Good luck.
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Hello, the neighbor next door to me has a couple young kids and there is a 16 year old girl that lives next door to them who comes over to their house everyday all day. She shows up at about 7 in the morning everday and ditches school. she has done this all week. My question is can the adults get in trouble for letting this minor be there when she is supposed to go to school? She claims that her mother knows but everyone is pretty sure that isn’t the truth.
Dear Sarah: The answer to your question depends on the compulsory attendance laws of your state. Since she is 16, she may not be legally required to go to school. For example, some states mandate attendance between ages 6 to 16. If she is supposed to be attending and is babysitting instead, yes the responsible adults may be breaking a law. That depends on how your laws are written and if there are consequences for violating the law. You can Google the name of your state and “compulsory school attendance” for more information.
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Hello, I have a question that may seem rather odd to most. I understand that every state requires mandatory school attendance, however, if someones parents never enrolled them in ANY school in the past, what would the laws be reguarding the matter? And what could be done about it?
Dear Alice: You’re correct about school attendance laws, but there are also exceptions for certain children. You’d have to check the exact language of the law for details that apply in that state. For example, exceptions exist for child actors, chronic illnesses, etc. Those same laws would spell out the consequences of failing to enroll a child if they didn’t fit into one of the exceptions. There is such a thing in some states as educational neglect where parents are held responsible for complying with state law regarding their children’s education.
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Ok I haved ditched over 40 days and im always ditching my First Period Class and my teacher from that period said that she has reported me to LAUSD and said some other stuff. What will happen to me. I live in California.
Dear Jessie: Check your Student Handbook about the rules and consequences of missing classes or unexcused days. Most schools have a limited number of absences that when exceeded result in some disciplionary action. You could be cited into truancy court, ordered to attend a meeting with your parents, etc. Bottom line: no more ditching or you may have to repeat the class or school year. Good luck.
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Hi, I’m fifteen-years-old and live in Colorado. I’m a sophomore in high school and I have missed 32 days this semester, since August. This is my first time dealing with any legal issues. I have health problems, but I have never gone to a doctor about them in particular. Basically, I am very overweight (have been told by doctors I am morbidly obese), weighing 270+ at only 5’4″ and I get sick a lot because of it. But not every sickness has been excused by a doctor. My parents are no longer allowed to excuse me, but they have been aware of every absence I’ve had. I have problems with my joints, with breathing, and other weight-related problems that make it very hard for me to go to school. I can barely even walk up the stairs at my school to get to class on time. I also get very brutally bullied by kids who attend my school. The only problem is that the really serious stuff doesn’t go on at school. There have been blogs made about me and how fat I am, people have pretended to be guys who like me, only to humiliate me afterward, and I get mooed in the hallways. I’ve been very depressed because of this and I do not want to go to school. I know I’m breaking a law, and because of it, I have to attend court on the 3rd of this month. But are those good enough excuses? Will anyone care or even try to understand the physical and emotional pain that school causes me? Thanks for any information you can give on what may happen to me on the day of my hearing.
Dear Ashley: We commend you for being so straightforward and honest in your question. If you explain to the judge or probation officer you’ll meet tomorrow in court, they will have a better understanding of your position. Life can be very cruel at times, but recognizing that can help you through difficult times. The court may suggest some counseling if you’re not already going. Or you may be ordered to take a truancy class.
As far as the bullying at school and cyberbullying, you should report this to a school counselor or principal. Once you see a message online, stop reading and walk away from the computer. We know that’s not an easy thing to do, but you must protect yourself. Also tell your parents about this. Take a look at http://www.thatsnotcool.com/ for tips about online safety and helpful responses to bullies.
Don’t take this wrong, Ashley, but if your appearance is important to you as you’ve indicated, maybe you can do something about it. If you have control over your weight (it’s not a thyroid problem or other medical issue) take charge of your life and do something positive for yourself. Talk with your parents about this and get their support. You’ll be an adult in a few years and can start preparing now for your independence and a happy life. That is not to say you can’t be happy the way you are, but since you’re not, you can make some changes to better your life. Look here for information that may be helpful: http://kidshealth.org/teen/expert/ As you may know, First Lady Michelle Obama has a program dedicated to obesity and teens. Take a look at her website with information about healthy eating, exercise and more. http://www.letsmove.gov/
We wish you the best.
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hi mu name is gabby i live in california.i have ditched only my first class about 16 times, and have been tardy to first period about 25 times. what will happen? i have detentions for each one of the tardies but have not gone to any of them. i was also warned that i will be contacted by an administrator but that hasnt happened. what will happen?
Dear Gabby: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules about missing classes and being late. There are probably a set number of days before you get into trouble. The school may discipline you by either giving you in-school suspension, requiring you to take a class about truancy, or some other penalty. They can also call your parents to come in for a meeting. As a last resort, if the ditching continues, they can refer you to juvenile or truancy court. So, to avoid any of these consequences get back to school and don’t miss any more. You may also jeopardize moving on to your next grade. Good luck.
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Salutations, Judge Tom. Today’s my FIRST time being unexcused from school without a doctor’s note. My excuse: I accidentally slept a whole +12 hours last night and am now attempting to complete any to all of my incomplete/late assignments from yesterday/months ago. I’m an honors (and AP Calculus AB) student and am VERY PARANOID with school work and band (my grades now: ABCABC). I live in CA, do you have any information regarding to my punishment? I don’t want my parents to be blamed for my consequences.
Dear Vinson: If this is your first unexcused absence, there shouldn’t be too severe a consequence if any. Check your Student Handbook for the rules about this. Most schools don’t take any action until the unexcused days go over a set number, five or six, for example. Then a call to your parents or meeting with the principal may be scheduled. Consequences usually include community service, a truancy class or in-school suspension. Good luck.
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Hi, i have 84 un excused abscences but my school counts it by the periods so i have 11 or maybe 12 unexcused abscences. i live with my boyfriend because my dad lives 50 miles from my school, im 17 years old and received a summons for court today at 4:30. this is my first offense and im really scared, could you please tell me what i should expect? probation? a fine? i just dont wanna see my parents go to jail. oh and i forgot to mention. my boyfriend has court with me today too.
Dear Amanda: If this is your first time in court, you can expect to be offered what is called “diversion.” That means if you admit the absences you’ll be required to take a truancy class or complete some community service. Once that’s done the case is closed and you don’t have a record to worry about in the future. Bottom line, Amanda, stay in school and don’t miss any more classes. You may jeopardize graduating with your class. And, by the way, in some states it is possible for parents to be sent to jail for not getting their kids to school. Good luck.
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If I Admit To A Trancy Wht Will Happen? I Live In California. . .
Dear Jessica: In most cases, you’re ordered to complete some community service or attend a truancy class. Every court has its own policy regarding school attendance and getting teens to stay in school. The more you miss, the greater the penalty. Good luck.
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Hi Judge!
Well My Names Jessica And Im Going To Court For A Truancy. My Question Is. . .Will The Probation Officer That Caught Me Be At Court Against Me?
Dear Jessica: It is possible that he or she will be there. If you deny the truancy and it’s set for trial, the probation officer will be there to testify for the state. You’ll then have an opportunity to question the PO. If you admit the truancy there won’t be a trial. Make it to all classes every day and you won’t have court to worry about. Good luck.
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Hi im from Minnesota and i ditch my 3rd hour a lot because the class doesn’t interest me even though its a required class (Geometry) I’ve been caught before and they call home everyday but my parents havent found out yet. Im worried that something else worse will happen. Do you have any advice because it would help me alot. Thanks
Patrick: You know what our advice is: stop ditching geometry. Especially since it’s a required course. Otherwise you’re putting your graduation in jeopardy. You could be cited in to truancy court or even placed on probation depending on the laws in your area. Then your parents will find out. Give geometry a chance – it may change your perspective of the world. It’s more than just math. Good luck.
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Hi, my name i Ariel and I am 15. I’ve currently missed about 4 or 5 days of school, all unexcused, this quarter and I was wondering if I can get a truancy ticket if I miss school again, but with a doctors note or a note from a parent? I live in Jacksonville, Florida.
Dear Ariel: If your absences have been excused due to illness or your parents have contacted the school and excused you, then they won’t be held against you. It’s the unexcused absences that add up and can end up in truancy court. Check your Student Handbook for the rules about school attendance. Don’t ditch classes or miss any days unless absolutely necessary. Good luck.
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I got a ticket for having like 7 unexcused absences for my first class and 3 absences for the day.
I oversleep and miss my first class which is cross country practice. If the judge asks for the reason of my unexcused absences, and I tell them I oversleep alot, what will or could the judge say to me about my reason?
Dear Crystal: The judge will probably explain that your reason does not provide a justifiable excuse to miss your first hour. If there is more to your problem of oversleeping, such as a part-time job, etc., it won’t necessarily mean that you can miss practice, but the judge would be able to take into account the big picture. The judge and/or court officer may be able to help problem solve and figure out ways to make it easier for you to make it to practice. Good luck.
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Many years ago I had problems with attendance and was charged with truancy twice and served probation in both cases. Since then, I have shaped up. I get pretty good grades and attend school. Right now I’m in my senior year of highschool and am trying to fill out college applications. On the part that asks about have you ever been convicted of a crime, I really don’t know what to say. If I were to clear my record (I’m 18 by the way) would I still have to explain it or would it just be better to explain it anyways?
Dear Joseph: Technically speaking you probably weren’t “convicted” of truancy. Truancy is what is called a “status offense.” That means it’s an offense that an adult cannot commit – it’s based on your status as a minor. If you met with a probation officer and completed a class or some community service, you participated in a diversion program. One benefit of diversion is the absence of a record once the program is completed. So, bottom line, regarding the two truancies you haven’t been convicted of a crime. Good luck in college.
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hi i live in wi and i ditched school for my first time in high school and its only the 3 month of school can a school police officer come to your house and get you and bring you to school?
Dear John: The authority of the school police officer is spelled out in your state’s laws and the rules of your school. Check your Student Handbook for the rules regarding truancy. It may cover the powers of a school officer and what the consequences are for truancy. Some states authorize a truancy officer to come to your home to investigate the reasons for unexcused absences. Save yourself some aggravation by going everyday unless there’s a valid reason for missing school. Good luck.
Hi Judge!
Well, I have to go to court today for missing 9 days of school, this is my first time being in trouble with the law, im a good kid, I was just having a hard time the first month we moved here to Ohio, but I wasn’t by any means skipping school, or ditching, im not the type of kid AT ALL. But anyways, my question is, will i get juvie time for this?
Dear Allie: It’s very unlikely that you’ll be locked up for this. Explain to the probation officer or the judge what happened and why. You may be ordered to attend a truancy class or maybe complete some community service work. No more unexcused absences and you’ll have this behind you. School will get better every day you attend, especially once you make new friends. Good luck.
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hi im logan and i am in 6th grade and i live in michigan and i have been wondering aabout the laws of truancy and could u give me a rough idea of how many days i can skip school
Dear Logan: At the beginning of the school year, you should have received a Student Handbook outlining the rules of your school. In it you’ll find the rules about excused and unexcused absences. Most schools have a number of truant days that are allowed before the school takes action. They may talk with you first, then call your parents in, and as a last resort, send you to truancy court. So don’t plan ahead to miss days unless you have a good reason that the school accepts. Good luck.
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Hello, My name is Anthony
Im currently in middle school and im in the 8th grade,
I live in Los Angeles. My friends and i were caught ditching out side of campus and received a truancy ticket. I would like to know the approximate cost.ALSO my friend got 1 tikect to with me but later in the mouth she got 2 more 2 are for truancy and one is for posistion what will happen will she go to jail and if so how long
Dear Anthony: At your age it’s not likely that you’ll be ordered to pay afine. If you admit the unexcused absence, you may be ordered to complete some community service where you live or to take a truancy class. If you miss more school, the consequences increase. Your friend may also be placed into a diversion program. That means when she completes some community service, pays a fine or attends a class the case will be closed. Because of the possession charge, she may also be ordered to drug test when told to by her probation officer. The penalty is up to the judge. When you both go to court, the legal process will be explained to you by a probation officer. Stay in school and out of trouble or you’ll both be facing time in detention. Good luck.
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hello im 16 and i have missed about 2 months of school and i have to go to turancy court. what do i do?
Dear Ryan: First, don’t miss your court date. Once you’re there the process will be explained to you. You can either admit missing those days or deny it. If you admit the truancy the court will decide the penalty that may include taking a truancy class or completing some community service. If you deny the absences, a trial will be set. If the court finds you guilty, then the judge will decide the penalty. You might also be offered what is called diversion. When you complete the diversion program, the case will be closed. Don’t make this any worse by missing more school. Good luck.
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Hi I’m Oscar, I am in the LAUSD 16 years old a junior in high school and i have like 15-20 unexcused absences,what can happen???
Dear Oscar: Check your Student Handbook for the number of unexcused absences allowed. It’s usually 10 to 20 before the school takes some action like notifying your parents or calling you in for a talk or community service hours. After a certain number you may be suspended from school which will jeopardize your moving on next year. Take school seriously, Oscar – it will change your life. Good luck.
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Would truancy laws apply to me? I miss about 20 or more days of school a year and my school knows that and is reminded that every year but still end up getting a letter each year. All of my absences are excused and reason I miss so much is because of my health. The school has to do with part of my missing because every year we had the school tested for mold and its come back positive every time. They never go through with the letters but I turn 18 in a few weeks and wondering if it would still apply.
Jason: You would have to look to your Student Handbook to see if the attendance requirements apply to you and what the consequences are for excessive unexcused absences. Also your state law applies to this situation. Google the name of your state and the words “compulsory school attendance” for the details. Good luck.
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oh i got 3 truency,truency,possion can i got to jail?
Dear Diana: It’s unlikely that the judge will send you to jail for truancy. However, it is possible if the truancy is also a violation of probation. In other words, if you’re on probation for another more serious crime and one of your probation terms is to attend school without any unexcused absences and you continue to miss school, the judge may be able to lock you up for a period of time so that you attend detention school. It depends on the laws in your state. Stay in school – it’s the best way to prepare for your future. Good luck.
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Well I Got A Citation For Loitering In The State Of Cali Im 13 What Should I Expect?!
Dear Juliet: If this is your first ticket for anything, you can expect what is called diversion. That means when you go to court for the ticket, the legal process will be explained to you. You’ll most likely be asked to complete some community service or attend a class [maybe online] and then the case will be closed. You won’t have a record to worry about in the future. Check out our eBook on the home page for more information: “A Teenager’s Guide to Juvenile Court.” Good luck.
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ok will i got two tickets for truency nd one for possion what can happen to me nd i got them all in one month i live in cali nd im 13
Dear Diana: If these are your first offenses, you can expect to be placed in a diversion program. That means when you go to court the legal process will be explained to you. If you admit the truancy and possession charges, you’ll be required to finish some community service, pay a fine or attend a class. Once you do what the court has told you to do the case will be closed. You could also be placed on probation – that’s up to the judge. If you break the law again, the consequences increase. You may be facing some time in detention before long. Good luck.
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Okay My Names Jocelyne And I Have To Go To Court Because I Was “Citing” Which I Wasn’t My Mom Was Down The Hill And Couldn’t Take Me To School So I Descide To Walk With My Friend Luckily My Mom Gets There On Time And She Leaves Me At The Corner Of The School Because She’s Late To Work. So Im Walking To School When The Probation Officer Starts Asking Mee Questions Like Where Do I Live And What Time I Leave Myy House. Later Im Told Im Going To Get A Citation For Truancy. Is That Fair?! Also Its My First Absence And My First Time Being Late.
Dear Jocelyne: It sounds like you were just late to school that day since you had to walk. Since you’ve never ditched school before and haven’t been cited with truancy, perhaps you and your mom can try talking to the principal or the school resource officer to clear any misunderstandings. Also, you most likely received a verbal warning for this incident since you’ve never been in trouble for being late/absence. You can also check your Student Handbook to see what it says about absences/tardies. Good luck.
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i was taken to court in okalossa county in fl in last years school year. their in elem. school. the judge gave me a 30 day saspended sentence. if the children miss 1 day ,i serve 30 days,does this stay with me for this school year as well? if so what can i do? they have good attendace now… please help,thank you
Dear Teresa: You’re required to follow the court’s orders. The paperwork you received should spell out the terms and the duration of the order. It probably requires you to see that your kids have no unexcused absences during the regular school year. Contact your lawyer, public defender or whoever you worked with when you went to court over this last year. He/she will be able to explain to you what’s required and for how long. Good luck.
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ok i got two tickets yesterday nd i have another one nd this all happened in the same month or so wat can happen to me i live in california nd im 13
Dear Diana: Read all three tickets carefully and check to see if there’s a court date stated. If there is, don’t miss the hearing. We can’t tell you what the consequences may be without knowing what the tickets were for. But you may be looking at a probation period which means you’ll have a probation officer assigned to you. You may have to complete some community service, pay a fine or attend a class or counseling. The penalty is up to the judge. Good luck.
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well i got a truancy ticket and i wasnt even ditching but i got suspended from school today will that effect me greatly and what happens in court ?
i live in california and have to go to sylmar to court
Dear Jose: When you go to court for your hearing, you may meet with a probation officer. He/she will explain the process to you. If you didn’t ditch school, explain to the probation officer what happened. If you were suspended for too many unexcused absences, you’ll have to explain why you missed those days or classes. If the suspension is for something else, the court will take that into consideration. Don’t ditch the hearing or the court may issue a warrant for your arrest. Good luck.
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ok well im 13 and i got a ticket and i have to go to downtown court in l.a and its next month im just wondering if they’re mean over there . is it better to go there or santa monica . and when i got my ticket the officer said i might pay 300 for ditchin . is that true? and can i get cummity service if i ask? but i didnt ditch the scool buz dropped me off at the school bt i left to 7/11 and when i came back they said we ditched and all this stuff but we came back right and we were only 10 min late
oh that was my first ticket i got so well they go easy oon me..?
Dear Andrea: Since this is your first ticket, you may be offered what is called “diversion.” That means if you admit to missing some school without an acceptable excuse, you may be required to complete some community service, pay a fine or attend a truancy class. When that’s done the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Even ten minutes may constitute a violation of the rules at your school. You don’t have to miss a full class or day to be truant. Take a look at your student handbook for the rules that apply to you. Good luck.
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hi i live in indiana and i havent skpped at all but my mom forgot to give a note to the school and so now i have nine unexcused absences and if i miss one more day then i will get a court date and i realy dont want to!!!!!!
Dear Alex: This should be an easy fix. Ask your Mom to contact the school attendance officer and/or principal and explain what happened. She can write a new note for all nine days if that’s what the school requires. If these were legitimate excused absences according to the rules of the school, they shouldn’t be held against you. Good luck.
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i am facing a bit of a problem i live in L.A. California and im 18 my schools police officer is threatening me with a truancy ticket for being off campus during lunch. i feel that since im legal age to drop out of high school they should not be able to hold this type of power over my head. thank you!
Dear Jordan: Although you’re 18, the education laws of your state may require you to remain in school until you graduate. The laws of every state differ regarding what is called compulsory attendance. Also if you’re on probation or parole, the terms of such may require you to be in school until you finish. So, Google “California compulsory attendance” for the details that apply to you. You could also ask the school’s police officer about the basis of his belief that you could be truant. Good luck.
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Dear judge, I live in Dallas Texas and attended court in Plano Texas, I’m 16 years old. I have been tardy 5 times and absent 4 or 5 times. The assistant princible took me to court and I had about 6 charges of 500$ each on me. I was ordered to do 60 hours of community service which I started this past Saturday and gained 6 hours. In court my mom told the Judge I hadn’t been coming home lately And I don’t follow rules so he put me on house arrest weekdays and weekends and threatned to put an ankle bracelet on me. I also have to go to counciling and a behavior class, sign in and out of school every day, and take a daily homework sheet around to class, I was also drug tested and I passed. Today didn’t go as planned and I didn’t have a ride to school so I ended up not attending…what is most likely going to be my consequence?
Dear Ash: If you have a probation officer assigned to you contact that person and explain what happened. You’re on a pretty short leash right now with all you have to do and the monitoring of your activities, so don’t make it worse. Be sure you stay away from drugs and alcohol, otherwise you’ll be looking at some jail/detention time. Get to school tomorrow and tell the attendance officer what happened today. Good luck.
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I have a question about truancy but with a twist.
What happens if the Parent prevents a child from going to school?
There’s three kids that only attended one day of school this year. The parent had court last month for Statute 11-5-7(g) Adult fail to cause child to attend school, three kids so three counts. The parent didn’t go to court and the only thing that happened was three fines of $263.50. Well the parent packed up and moved to another county ( same state )at the end of Sept.
It’s now October and the parent isn’t doing anything to have the kids go back to school. The kids are now saying they don’t have to go to school, youngest kid is 10.
Two of the three kids already have records with unpaid fines and the parent also has many unpaid court fines ( over 15 unpaid fines ).
What do you think will happen next for the parent and kids?
The way I see it, the judge will give a little slap on the hand of parent and kids, more fines that go unpaid and maybe the kids will attend school. Oh, this is in Wisconsin if that helps.
Thank You
Dear Confused: Wisconsin, like every other state, has compulsory school attendance laws that include remedies for those who don’t comply. There are exceptions set forth in the statute for certain kids. Take a look at your state’s website on this subject at: http://dpi.wi.gov/sspw/compulattnd.html
Included are frequently asked questions.
You describe a family that’s trying to stay one step ahead of the law. You’re right, courts often impose fines which go unpaid. Unfortunately, unexcused absences at school are not a priority to many people. However, the laws are in place to enforce when someone makes it a priority. Judges can set a hearing, provide notice to the parents, and when they fail to appear, issue a warrant for their arrest. We have seen cases where parents who continue to ignore the law in failing to get their kids to school, are sent to jail for a period of time and the kids are placed with Child Protective Services. The kids in this case with unpaid fines, if on probation, may be back in the system for violating probation. The court always has the authority to use its contempt powers to motivate compliance. Good luck.
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I was truant twice throughout my highschool year. which was my freshmen and sophmore year, and now im
starting to worry that since i’d been truant, can that affect me on getting a job?!? Because, I have applied at so many stores here in Oklahoma and I havent gotten a call. So, im really starting to think it’s my truancy record. can you help me?!?
Dear Stefanie: As long as you complied with the terms of the court and/or completed the program (community service, fine, class, etc.), then it is extremely unlikely that the truancy is on your juvenile record. It’s also unlikely that a potential employer would ever see your juvenile record. To confirm that the truancy tickets aren’t on your record, try calling the court (if you had to appear in one) and ask how you can obtain a copy of your record and explain that you are concerned since you are looking for a job. Best of luck with your job search.
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Hey Judge i got a court letter today but some of it i dont really understand could you interpret for me in a better way “You and your parent are required to appear before the Court. You and your parent have a legal obligation to provide the Court in writing with your current address and residence. The obligation does not end when you reach the age of 17. On or before the seventh day after the date you or your parent change residence, you or your parent shall notify the Court of the current address by completing a “Juvenile Change of Address” form. A violation of this requirement may result in arrest and is a Class C misdemeanor punishable by fine up to $500.00. The obligation terminates only on full discharge and satisfaction of the judgment. “Juvenile Change of Address” forms are available at the Court Clerk’s window. ”
Dear Jackie: Unless you and your family are moving, then you don’t need to worry about the change of address form. The court just needs to have your current contact information so they can notify you if necessary. As for bringing your parents, see our earlier response.
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Hi Judge, I live in Dallas Tx and i just got another letter from the court saying that i had to show up for turancy this is my 2nd time Im a senior and the last time i got truancy was my sophmore year, this is the 6th week of school now, when i went to my old school i admitt i did skip alot of the time or i would get sent home in 1st period because i would get sick. I’m 3 months pregnant and so most of the time i would miss was because i wasnt feeling well, my old school reccommended for me to move to a center where they hel kids graduate faster and its alot more freely there and i started last week and already go 2 credits all i need now is 3.5 more 🙂 I’m really motivated with that but I dont want my parents to get in anymore trouble because of me. I have my court date Oct. 12 and i turn 18 Oct 9th do i still have to go to court with my mom or dad or can i go by myself now since I’m officially an adult?
Dear Jackie: Try calling the court ahead of time and explain the circumstances and that you will be 18 prior to your court date. It may not be necessary for your parents to go to court with you, but if they tell you over the phone that they should appear with you, then make sure your parents know about the court date and are prepared to go. Bring any paperwork you have showing that you are now enrolled in a new school and are on the fast track to earn your diploma. As long as you explain everything going on, the court is likely to understand. Good luck with your remaining 3.5 credits and your future.
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Hello, i’ve skipped 5 days so far this year and i was wondering if there was a way to make up for my absences, like community service or saturday school?
Dear Jacob: That’s not the best way to begin the school year. If the absences were unexcused and they’re marked against you in your school record, you might talk with your teacher or the front office to see if there’s a way to have it removed. Also talk with your parents and maybe together you can resolve this. Remember that there is a set number of unexcused absences that schools allow before sending you to truancy court. Good luck.
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Hey, i ditched school 3 times this month and got cuaght. Now today i ditched too this will be my 4th time in one month i live in surprise az ARIZONA i was just wondering what is the consiquenses in my state for ditching 4 times in the same month???
Dear Michael: Check your Student Handbook or Code of Conduct for the specifics regarding attendance, both excused and unexcused. Every school district sets its own school calendar. If you reach a certain number of unexcused absences, you may receive a ticket and have to appear in court. If you appear in court for truancy, you are likely facing a fine or community service hours. Don’t let ditching become a habit, otherwise, you are bound to go to court over the matter. Good luck.
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hi i have a question about ditching in los angeles california… it’s my last year in middle school and me and my friends want to do something exciting. I informed my mom about this and she said it was fine as long as it was just once and i didnt get in any trouble involving the law. If i ditch while i’m in school and i have a note or something saying my mom knows im not in school would i still get into trouble if i get caught? also if i just show up to school right before it starts and i go somewhere else with friends will it still count as ditching even though i never really showed up?
Dear Catalina: We can’t tell you it’s okay to ditch school because it is against the rules and a violation of your Student Handbook’s code of conduct. The law authorizes excused absences but not unexcused. If unexcused absences continue you can reach a point where the school can impose sanctions against you and possibly your parents. So, if you have your mother’s consent to miss a day and she calls in the day you miss, it shouldn’t be held against you. Just don’t make it a habit. Good luck.
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I am from the great State of Wisconsin and the other week our local high school principal denied many students the priviledge of leaving school even though they had the proper parental excuse note. Is the principal’s action legal or is it against some law? I feel it is wrong because it was against the parent’s wishes.
Dear Mr. Poeschel: Based on what you’ve described we can’t say whether keeping the students from leaving was appropriate or not. It depends on the circumstances, the rules of the school and the reason for not honoring the parents’ notes. You could ask for an explanation from the principal that may provide you with information you’re not aware of and that justifies his/her actions. Good luck.
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what happens in Truancy Court? what do they tell you? how does it work? what if its only for missing 9 “unexcused’ absences but you’ve actually really turned in the notes?
Dear Brandy: Since this is your first time having to go to court for truancy, you most likely are facing some community service hours and possible a class or counseling. Bring any documentation with you that you can show the court concerning the notes that you turned in as the court will take those into consideration. Good luck.
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I’m 14 years old. If I go to court because my boyfriends on trail would I get in trouble for going? Like could I get called truant if his uncle said he was my gaurdian? and this was on a school day.
Dear Julie: You’d be considered truant if your absence from school is unexcused. If your parents or legal guardian called in excusing you, then under your school’s rules it may be an excused absence. Otherwise you may be in trouble for ditching and find yourself in court. Good luck.
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Hey my names karina
i got caught at a ditching party and they searched me they found nothin asked for my name and birthday and school i went too then they let every one else go they just told us too get out of there and go some were else
is anything gonna happened please help me
Dear Karina: We don’t know who you mean when you say “they.” If the police have your name, address and school you might hear something about this incident. You may receive a truancy notice in the mail requiring you to take a class and then the case will be closed. Or someone from the school may talk to you about this if it’s reported to them. Or your parents may receive a call from either the police or school. Whatever happens, don’t make things worse by ditching again. It’s no party when you have to go to court and explain yourself to the judge. Good luck.
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Hi.i wanted to find out how many days i can have unexcused absence on middle school in california,Fresno?
Dear Tim: Each school district sets it’s own school calendar. Check your Student Handbook or Code of Conduct for the specifics regarding attendance, both excused and unexcused. By asking this early in the school year, we hope you’re not planning ahead for unexcused days off that aren’t legitimate. Have a good school year.
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im seventeen and live in cali. my parents are abusive and have been reported many times, but nothing is ever done about it so i ran away but i decided i was still going to go to school. unfortuantly when i went my mom called the cops on me. so now i am not going any more. when i turn 18 the officer said all charges will be dropped. i was wondering if i am caught before then what will happen to me? remember i live in california.
Dear Krisstal: If you’re stopped by the police before you turn 18, you’ll either be returned to your parents or placed with Child Protective Services. If there are new or pending charges against you, they could place you in juvenile detention until you go to court. If you’re living on the street at this time you could call CPS yourself. Click here http://www.childsworld.ca.gov/res/pdf/CPSEmergNumbers.pdf for the counties in California and their CPS hotline numbers. and explain the situation. They would investigate and either return you to your parents or place you in foster care. You have some choices here and first and foremost need to protect yourself. Be safe and good luck.
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So That means i cant go get my I.D and My Drivers License without having to find out i have anything in my record??
Dear Thalia: It’s doubtful you have a record based on the truancy of four years ago. That alone shouldn’t keep you from getting your driver’s license and identification. Good luck.
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Hello,Well When I Was 15 I got caught ditching by the police and got sent back to school and everything, but i never got any notice in the mail or a call so i forgot to go to court because my family and i traveled to mexico,i havent been in trouble by the law ever since and now i’m gonna turn 19 does that mean i’m gonna get arrested?
i live in los angeles California by the way,
Dear Thalia: Since this incident is a few years old and the fact that you’re now an adult, you have little to worry about. If you had a court date, there’s a slim chance the court issued a warrant when you missed the hearing. Truancy applies only to minors not adults. You’re no longer eligible for juvenile court or by definition considered a “truant” since you’re passed the compulsory attendance age to be in school. All the best.
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Hi, some security gaurds at my (old) school caught me ditching a class I didn’t want to go to. They told me to go to court where a judge gave me a 200 ticket. I’m not a minor anymore and I have no money to pay off the bill and I need to get my license ASAP. What should I do?
Dear Jamie: Depending on the MVD laws in your state, you may have to pay off the fine before being issued a driver’s license. If that’s the case, you can contact the court that you were in and see if you can set up a payment plan [monthly] or possibly request community service hours in place of the fine. Good luck.
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First off I live in California. When I was 16 I got caught ditching, I went to court and the judge said If I do community service I won’t need to pay a fine. But I didn’t so the ticket was $219.00. I still haven’t payed the ticket. And I looked at the DMV handbook and it said if you recieve a truancy ticket your license will be suspended for a year. Does that mean after you pay the ticket? Also now I’m 18 and starting college soon I need a license to get to school, so since I’m 18 did the ticket go away?
Dear Jessica: It’s unlikely that the ticket and fine just went away. It may still be on record since you didn’t pay it. Call the court you were in and ask about its status. You can also check with your local DMV to see the status of your license. It may have been suspended without you knowing it because of the unpaid ticket and time running out for you to pay it. See if you can pay it now to put this to rest and reinstate your license. Good luck.
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Hi, I got a habitual truancy ticket in ’09. I stay in the state of California and now trying to apply for a job but they always ask if i’ve ever been convicted of a crime. Is it considered a crime?
Dear Adriana: In most states truancy is considered a “status” offense. That means the status of being a minor makes missing school a crime. An adult cannot be considered truant unless the state law requires attendance until age 19 for example. Getting a ticket for truancy or other status offense [runaway, curfew, etc.] isn’t usually considered a conviction of a crime. Read all applications for jobs, college, military, etc. carefully. Language is important and can be misleading. Good luck.
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Hello, I recently went to truancy court in Texas. I was assigned community service, but did not finish it. Also, I was 18 when I was summoned to court, does that have any effect if I miss my reset court date? The judge said I would have to pay a fine of $500 If I didn’t join a program called drop out recovery, because I stopped going to school, but never withdrew. Will he send out a warrant for my arrest? I do plan on going back to school. Thank you
Dear Mark: Under Texas law you may be required to complete the consequence the court imposed even though you’ve turned 18. It is possible but unlikely the court would issue a warrant over a truancy matter. It would be best to complete the community service and the drop-out recovery class in the event you find yourself before the judge again. Good luck.
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In 10th grade I was caught ditching school (for the first and last time) and I was given a ticket and court date. I went to court and they gave me the option to either go to a class or pay the fine. I couldn’t go to the class because I was gone all summer and I couldn’t pay the fine because I don’t have a job and my family has some financial difficulties. I recently turned 18 and I was wondering what I should do to clear up this mess. Does it clear off my record? Do i still need to pay it?
Also, I live in California.
Dear Chelsea: The best thing to do is to call the court and ask about the status of your case. It may have been dismissed now that you’re an adult and truancy doesn’t apply to you anymore. You may have to pay the fine still or attend the class to get this closed out. But it would be worth it to have a clean record move on with your life, hassle free. Good luck.
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Hi, id like to know since i was cought ditching school twice as a “minor” would this carry on as a misdeameanor? im tring to get a job as a law enforcement officer but before applying on anything id like to know if that would disqualify me?
Dear Omar: Unless you went to court on the truancy charge and either admitted it or were found guilty by the court, you wouldn’t have a record. If you think you have a record, now that you’re 18 or older, you may be eligible to apply for expungement of your record. Call the court and ask about this. Good luck.
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during january 2010 in my senior year i recieved a letter from the school reading all my 1st period unexcused absences (over 40) then it sayd i was reported to the school attendances board the letter also say i could get fined 2500 dollars despite that i was still absent for my 1st period class but they no longer bother me with letter. i just finished high school 1 week ago and just turned 18 2 days ago ended up with a total of 76 absences on 1st period n 11 days full absences most unexcused(this doesnt include 11 grade where i had 65 absences for 1st i have difficulty waking up early) anyways can i still get in trouble or did i get lucky considering the fact i live in los angeles ca and truancy is kinda normal thing here.
Dear Anonymous: It sounds like you got lucky if you just finished high school considering the number of unexcused absences. Once you turn 18 in most states, the truancy laws don’t apply. We hope you have some plans for your future now that you’re out of school. Good luck.
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hi i live in utah and during the year i missed alot of school due to being way sick i missed 4 days of school while i was on probation and i got a call from my probation officer and she was way mad cause of those four days i dont know what is going to happen can something bad happen to me?
Dear Anonymous: It depends on the terms of your probation and the circumstances of the missed days (whether they were excused or unexcused absences). Provide any documentation you have to your probation officer such as a doctor’s note or even a note from your parents showing why you missed those four days. If the missed days violated your probation, your probation officer could impose additional consequences. Perhaps you could try talking to him or her explaining why you missed those days and ask if there will be any consequences. Good luck.
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hey my names Diana. im currently 17. ive had truancy bout 4 times already and i have another court date next monday. Can i go to jail? well whats the most possible thing that could happen? my parents wont pay any money no more.
Dear Diana: If you mean you’ve been to court four times on truancy charges, there is a possibility the court could give you some detention time – maybe a few weekends. That depends on the truancy laws in your state. Don’t miss your court date or any more school and you won’t have this problem. Your parents shouldn’t have to work so they can pay your fines. Think about them for a moment. Good luck.
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My son missed many school days here and there that started to add up. He Finished out the school year and only failed one class due to housing issues that led him to miss around 40 school days but like i said he finished and he plays sports. he was recently notified that his license was suspended. He has no court date and he is now on summer vacation. We are wondering sice his licence was suspended for the days he missed during the school year then what does he have to do to get his license back. he plays basketball during the summer and needs a license to attend practice and games for his school summer program. What does he do now that it is summer. We live in Florida
Dear Cherie: He may be out of luck this summer because Florida laws authorize the suspension of teen driver’s licenses for missing too much school and the reinstatement of his license requires 30 continuous days of school attendance. Take a look at your state’s Motor Vehicle website http://www.flhsmv.gov/teens/parent_gdl.html
for the details and information on this subject. Good luck.
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my daughter was court appointed to attend bootcamp, but i as her mother cant afford the fees. what do i do? i am a single mother withe 3 children. i work 2 days a week and also in nursing school. the bootcamp keeps harassing me about payments. i told the courts before we left the courts that i could not afford the bootcamp. what do i do?
Yolanda: If your daughter has a probation officer, explain the situation to him or her. You could also write to the judge who ordered her into the program and ask for assistance. Ask the program director if they have a payment schedule you could be put on. You can’t be the only parent in this situation, especially in today’s economy. Good luck.
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So lately, I started to ditch classes. But at first it was to study for other classes, and now it’s to either sleep or study for tests. I really don’t want my parents to know about it. And the school’s sent three letters telling them about at least 6 partial or full days of unexcused absences. I really REALLY don’t want my parents to know I’ve ditched class. I know ditching class was a really stupid move and as a Junior now, I’m glad I learned it. So I won’t make the same mistake in Senior year. But, what can I do to get these cleared without telling my parents “I’ve been ditching class”. I live in California, they say I can be brought into court. This scares me a lot and that’s a good enough motivator for me to not ditch. I know I’ve also been late to some classes in the mornings or just because I had to ask the teacher a question or so. I know I haven’t exceeded the legal amount of ditches (36) yet. But, what should I do? I’m not..a bad student am I? I mean I have passing grades and I try my best in school; I’ve only started ditching recently and I stopped too. Really…what can I do and what should I do?
Dear Lori: If you have received three letters from the school and your parents don’t know about this yet, you must be getting the mail, right? Obviously the school is keeping track of your absences. The next step may be a phone call to your parents and then they’ll know what’s happened. We can’t tell you what to do about the past but you know what you need to do from now on. It’s true that under state law and your school district’s rules, a truancy complaint can be filed with a court. If that happens you and your parents will have to appear before a judge and you could be placed on probation, etc. Speak with your attendance office about past unexcused absences and make those the last ones. Consider telling your parents before they find out from someone else. Good luck.
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Hi. I recieved a truancy ticket when I was 16, went to court three times since then. Fulfilled all my obligations and graduated highschool at 18. At my last court hearing I gave them evidence of my community service as well as my diploma. My ticket was dismissed but I still had to pay a fine. Do I have to still pay that fine now that I completed my obligations or will that fine, initally recieved when I was 17, become a warrant? Will this fine hinder my chances of getting my drivers license in the state of Texas even after 5 years?
Dear Marisa: If you had a probation officer assigned to you when all of this happened, contact him or her with these questions. Every state has its own laws regarding juvenile offenses and the consequences for nonpayment of court-ordered fines, restitution, etc. Now that you’re an adult, there may not be a warrant out for your arrest, but there could be a civil judgment against you for not paying the fine. That could affect your credit and ability to get on with your life without additional hassle and red tape. Good luck.
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Just wondering, does the term “Unexcused Absence” apply to the whole day, or 1+ period(s) missed? Thanks.
Dear Jackson: You’ll have to check your Student Handbook or ask the attendance officer at school. Every school district sets its own rules regarding absences and the definitions of what constitutes an absence. It may also be a matter of state law. Some schools count a tardy as an absence for that period.
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ok like im moving to oregon and i picked up a charge in arizona and they gave me a court date what do i do
Dear Jeremiah: Whatever you do, don’t ignore the court date. If it’s a serious charge, the prosecutor may request a warrant for your arrest if you don’t appear. Call either the court and explain the situation. You may be able to have the hearing moved up so you can attend. Good luck.
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Hi, my name is Melodie, I live in Florida and I go to a drop out prevention program, I have missed 40 days out of the school year due to illness, anxiety, and other problems. I want to know if they can expel me if I continue to miss days of school even though the teachers and principal have spoken with my mother and understand, stating I have permission to stay home and do my work online.
Dear Melodie: If you have the school’s permission to do your work at home and turn it in, then there shouldn’t be a problem. Excused absences don’t count toward truancy, only unexcused. Hope your health improves so you can enjoy all the benefits of education. Good luck.
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Hi, I have court tomorrow for truancy. I live in Texas. I am a week short from graduating as an honor student at my school. I also have a full ride to Texas A&M University. This is also my first offense. I have 14 days of unexcused absences. I was able to lower my absences down to 10 with medical excuse notes. I was not able to lower absences down to 9 because the attendance ladies refuse to do it for me since it was after hours. That absent was a mistake made by my teacher, who emailed them to fix it but they didn’t. What should I plead tomorrow and what is the worst punishment that would be given to me if I cannot get it to clear?
Dear Ann: Take all of your documentation to court to show the judge. He or she will probably take your situation into consideration and maybe even dismiss the charge since you’re graduating next week. Congrats on finishing high school and all the best in college.
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Hello, i have missed alot of school this year(30days)all excused. Since it is the last three days of school can my parents still get fined if i miss the last day?By the way i am in hesperia unified school district,middle school>
Dear Josh: That depends on the attendance laws of your state and school district policy. Check your Student Handbook for the rules and penalties regarding unexcused absences. Why worry about this since you’re talking about just one day and it’s the last day of school – just go, say goodbye to your friends for the summer and enjoy it. Don’t risk the trouble you might cause for yourself and your parents. Good luck.
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How man unexcused days of school can I miss before I go to court I’m in SLC Utah
Dear Pedro: Check your Student Handbook for the number of days you’re allowed to miss before you’re truant. School districts set policy regarding attendance and the rules follow state law. You could also ask the attendance officer at school. Good luck.
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hi, im kameron If im already on probation and i go to another court truancy what will happen and how does my probation officer find out does the jugde tell him or my schhool?
Dear Kameron: Since you’re already on probation, there’s a good chance your probation officer will find out. Depending on your age, one of your probation terms likely requires you to be in school. Your PO may be in touch with the school on a regular basis, especially if he or she has other probationers there. Bottom line: no more unexcused absences. A violation of probation can lead to detention. Good luck.
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I missed about a month and a half of school. I’m sixteen and I’m severely Anemic, and it causes me to sleep excessive amount of hours. In the morning, I’m still really tired and weak, and sometimes I’ll have a lot of headaches. I was issued two tickets. My mothers vehicle was broken down for awhile, and had no way to take me to the doctors office. I’m going to the doctors next week to get another prescription for my Anemia and to get more blood work done. If I can an excuse, and have proof that my Anemia is severe will this help out my situation?
Dear Jessie: Usually a doctor’s note to the school regarding your health is all that is needed to make your absences excused rather than unexcused. The days you miss for medical reasons shouldn’t count against you. Hopefully you’re staying up with your schoolwork while at home. We wish you good health and a speedy recovery.
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ok, well me and my friend are planning to ditch… im in 8th grade i mean whats the worst that could happen right?
Dear Ditcha: Depending on the attendance laws in your state, you may end up in juvenile court explaining your absences to a judge. You could be placed on probation, and if there are parental responsibility laws where you live which there probably are, your parents may be held responsible for your nonattendance. Parents have been fined or even jailed for neglecting their children’s education. Not to mention you’re risking having to repeat a grade if your unexcused absences are excessive. Bottom line: don’t ditch. Good luck.
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Okay, so Im 16 and i’ve gotten a letter that i’ve been absent 98 times this year. What can happen to my parents if I dont tell them about this??!
Dear Clara: Some states have laws that punish parents for not seeing that their children attend school. Your state may be one of them. Penalties range from fines to jail time. It would be best to tell your parents now and avoid serious consequences when they eventually find out, which they will. Good luck.
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ok so im 18 and i was wondering even tho im 18 can i still get into trouble if i ditch??
Dear Sheyenne: Every state has its own laws regarding compulsory education and the ages that you must attend school. Check your student handbook for your state’s requirements. It may state that you’re required to be in school until you finish high school which may include a student who has truned 18. You could also Google the name of your state and “school attendance laws” for details on this. Good luck.
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i have a freind who has been ditching class for a long time what are the number of days that they can have unexcused absences
and will that effect him if he wanted to get a job permit
Dear Garcia: Since every state requires that you attend school a certain number of days per year (usually around 180 days each year) and that you are only allowed so many unexcused absences, your friend could get in trouble if he has too many unexcused absences. If this is the case, he may receive a ticket for truancy and have to appear in court. He could try referring to his student handbook about the rules and policies concerning “compulsory attendance” and the number of unexcused absences he is allowed. He could also ask his school’s attendance officer, counselor or even principal. Finally, he could try Googling his state’s name and “compulsory attendance” or “truancy” for the specific laws in your state. Concerning the job or work permit, every state has its own laws about the employment of minors. If your friend does not have to go to court for his unexcused absences, then it should not affect his ability to get a work permit. However, if he ends up with a record for truancy, it’s possible that it could affect his work permit status depending on the laws of your state. He could try Googling your state’s name and “job or work permit requirements” for more information. Good luck to your friend.
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I got my first truency with 8 unexcused absents. I go to school in souther nevada, las vegas in the clark county school district. I was wondering if im aloud to miss any more days of school as long as i turn in a note or does that add on to my truency???
Dear David: You’ll have to check your Student Handbook for the answers. Every state and school district usually spells out in the Handbook what constitutes excused and unexcused absences. With 8 unexcused, you may be getting close to some consequences. If you have a note from a doctor excusing you from school, that shouldn’t count against you. Good luck.
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hello im tiffany and after reading this i have a question i need to ask im a 16 year old girl and i admit that ive missed alot of days of school and i have got a ticket and i was wondering about what i can do to get myself out of this problem i mean i will do anything and i promise not to miss anymore days again but the thing is i will except a punishment but i was wondering is there anything else i can do to pay the time ive missed in school with out paying a fine i mean i will do anything else exept that…cause my family is low on money and i dont think my mother will be able to pay the fine of my ticket please help me i will aprciate it and im sure i will never do this again please i really need help
Dear Tiffany: You can call the court and ask about the penalties imposed for truancy. When you go to court, explain your family’s circumstances. The court will take what you have to say into consideration and possibly order you to complete some community service instead of a fine. Good luck.
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uh Hi I have missed about 34 days of school or so but they have been all excused Notes/Called in by my parent all except 1. I’ve had about 3-4 doctor excuses too. I was wondering would I still be in trouble with truancy? I’ve been threatened, but It seems unfair because of the excused absences.
Dear Miranda: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules about excused and unexcused absences. If all of your missed days are legitimately excused, then you shouldn’t have a problem. See if “truancy” is defined in the Handbook. Some schools consider missed classes, not just full days, or tardies as an act of truancy. If you’re not sure what constitutes an unexcused absence or tardy act, ask your attendance officer at school so you can avoid unwanted consequences. Good luck.
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Hi i was caught out of school during feburary. I was out side of school right next to the open gate. I was woudering in California can my 27 year old brother take me to court if my parents cannot come due to work? And Also I’m 17 and this was my first ticket for truency. But iv also got one for smoking 2 months prior. Would I be able to recurve community service?
Dear Harry: Your brother might be able to bring you to court. Call the court in advance, explain the situation and see what they say. He may have to bring a signed consent by your parents authorizing him to appear in their place. You’ll probably receive some community service work or have to attend a truancy class. Stay in school unless your absences are excused and legitimate. Good luck.
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Hey, i have a question, i got a letter to go to court because i was declared a habitual truant, and i was on a contract i missed one day after i was on the contract and forgot to enter a note. My friend told me that they sent that same letter twice to her house but she never went and nothing happened. I go to school now all the time, and im really scared to go to court. What will happen if i dont go?
Dear Anon: A letter from the court isn’t something you should ignore. Depending on your court’s policies, intentionally missing a scheduled hearing may result in the issuance of a warrant for your arrest. It’s better to appear, meet with the court officer and discuss the truancy situation. It’s likely to result in a truancy class or a few community service hours. Good luck.
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Hi I’m from NY….Well I have been in school but my school says I haven’t been there for a while but I just go to school late and when I go to school and the official attendens is taken in third period class that teacher still marks me appsent and now the school open a case for me..can’t you tell me what will most likely happen when those people come to my house?
Dear Anon: Most likely they’ll discuss the situation with you and your parents. Their job is to see that you’re in school everyday unless your absences are excused [medical reasons, for example]. Explain to them what’s been going on, why you’re late in the morning, etc. They may ask you to sign an agreement about future attendance and the risk you’re taking in missing classes. Good luck.
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Ka thanks for the advice still worried but I’ll be sure to be there tomarow and I know more then I did before I cound the site
If they do try and give my mom jail time can I take the sentence instead?
Dear Perry: It’s not likely the judge would let you serve the time in place of your Mom. Her responsibility is to see that you’re in school, and yours is to go to school to avoid further consequences.
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Oka I’ve ditched about 50 days I’m on a contract never thought anything of it but toaday my mom got a call from a cop on her cell and at her job now I’m extremlly woried I’m a freshmen in covina CA any advice?
Dear Perry: It sounds like your excessive absences have caught up with you. State law requires you to be in school a certain number of days each year. If you violated the terms of the contract, you may be cited into court to explain what’s going on. The court may place you into a truancy program or on probation. It’s up to you to decide to admit the absences or fight it at a hearing. You can discuss that with the court/probation officer you’ll meet when you go. Bottom line: get back to school with no more unexcused absences, or you may find yourself going to school in detention. Good luck.
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Hey i need help please, ok im 16 years old and live in Los Angeles California, and ive been absent alot cause i have stomatch problems and the school knows about it, all my absents are excused. But what i need to know is can my parents get in any trouble? even tho i really am sick and it hurts alot? I even have doctors notes.
Dear Arturo: If your absences are excused and you have letters from your doctor, there shouldn’t be a problem for you or your parents. We hope your health improves so you can get back to school as soon as possible. Good luck.
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i personally got expelled from my school for ditching literally hundreds of classes during my freshman and sophomore school years, and i had to go to continuation school and take adult night classes. and i personally have to say it really wasnt worth it. my senior year i literally had 20 classes, going to school at 630am and not being done until 745pm, with an hour in between my normal classes and my extra classes. i eventually did make a deal with my original high school and walked with my class in 08, but it nearly killed me! and now im a graduate from the Le Cordon Bleu in pasadena, ca. so my best advice would just have to be to wait until schools out for the day, then hang out, party, do whatever. ditching isnt worth making up for it in the end!
Thank you, Criss, for your words of wisdom. We agree with your advice.
I diched class all through out da day….(used to) but I was wondering can I still be charge for truancy for those classes I missed? Oh I transfers to a new skewl too…
Dear Randall: Yes, you could be charged with truancy, but it’s not likely since you’re in a new school. Most states define truancy as missing a certain number of classes or days. Your new school has the same rules – check the Student Handbook for the number of unexcused days allowed before you’re in trouble again. Bottom line – don’t miss any more or you could be repeating your current grade. Good luck.
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I live in the State of Texas. I already had truancy, went to court & have been fined. I was given the instruction not to be absent or tardy for any reason for a month and half. I have been obeying this rule until today when i was marked Tardy twice. I am going back to court on May 25th and I need a clean record. What will be my punishment at court for these tardies?
Dear April: The penalty will depend on the judge you see and your history. You may be placed in a truancy program or ordered to complete some community service. Make this the last tardy or unexcused absence. Good luck.
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i live in toronto (TDSB)in gr 9 right now and i ditched the same class about 8 times how much more can i do before i get in deep trouble.
Dear Tim: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the answer to your question. It should say how many unexcused absences are allowed before action is taken by the school. Bottom line, don’t miss anymore classes or days. You risk being kept back a year if you miss too much school. Good luck.
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Is it true if I come to school more the adminstrator or judge can remove the tickets?
Dear Robert: It depends on the laws in your area – the judge may be able to dismiss or adjust the tickets based on your recent attendance. Keep attending without any additional unexcused absences for the best results. Good luck.
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Hi judge. Ok i have a problem, you see i believe that i am fully capable of taking on adult responsibilities. After conducting a teaching competence on all six of my teachers, i contest to their teaching methods.They dumb down the curriculum and teach it in ways that are very hard to retain. I feel as if I’ve been learning the same thing for 5 years ever since i moved to Nevada. I was wondering if there was a way to contest this in court.
Dear Tom: Rather than going to court over this, which could take years and considerable expense, try resolving your issues with the school and curriculum with the administrators. You can request a meeting with school officials and go over your concerns. Also check your Student Handbook for the process in challenging decisions and school policies. Good luck.
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Hey, my name is Erin and I live in Phoenix, AZ. I’ve never ditched to school, and I’m not planning on it, but I have quite a few excused absences. I tend to get sick a lot, so I miss school for that. I also have a number of lates to my first class, but that is because my mom has to drive me and she’s never ready on time. So my question is how many excused absences can I have before getting in trouble? I’m worried I might have to repeat classes. Thanks!!
Dear Erin: We’re glad you’re concerned about this and that you take school seriously. Every school district sets its own policies regarding school days, excused and unexcused absences. State law requires that there be so many official school days each year. But you are allowed a number of unexcused absences before being truant or jeopardizing passing on to the next grade. Check your “student handbook” for the rules that apply to you. If you’re still not sure, ask someone in the front office. Good luck – stay healthy.
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Is there a way to get the tickets removed? What if I cant show up to the court date??
Dear Robert: Regarding your truancy tickets, only the court can dismiss them. If you can’t make it on the date that’s set, call the court in advance and ask for a continuance – a new date. Don’t ignore it all together or the court may decide to issue a warrant for your arrest. Good luck.
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I missed over 40 days of school so of course they gave me a ticket and my mom the tickets equal up to 200$ or 300$ How can I get out of this mess?? How do I explain the tickets to my mom?? How do I pay it off?? First time ever getting a ticket.
Dear Robert: If you have a court date on the truancy ticket, tell your mom as soon as possible. The news would be better coming from you than her receiving a notice or a summons in the mail. No one likes bills in the mail, especially an unexpected one that’s in the hundreds of dollars. Explain to the judge or the court official you meet with the circumstances. Since this is your first ticket, you may be offered diversion which means that when you complete some community work hours, a truancy class or counseling, the matter may be closed. Also the fine may be waived by the court. Bottom line – no more unexcused absences. Consequences increase each time you end up in court. Good luck.
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Okay well me and y boyfriend ditched school the other day. i go to a middle school and he goes to a high school. well i got caught and they found out my boyfreinds name. well so he is getting a truancy tickat as well. i was wondering my boyfriend is on probation since he got a truancy ticket will he be sent to juvy?
Dear Anneliese: What happens to your boyfriend depends on his history, probation terms, and the judge he’ll see when he goes to court. He could ask his probation officer about this – he or she should know what may happen. Continued unexcused absences have consequences including being held back a year if the number is high. Don’t miss anymore days is our best advice. Good luck.
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If this is my 2nd time being sent to court for excessive abensences what is more than likely going to happend will I get a fine if so about how much?or will I have other options?
Dear Julie: The penalty this time will depend on how many days you’ve missed and your age. You may be placed in a truancy program, given community service work to complete or ordered to attend counseling or a truancy class if you haven’t already done that. Your court may also impose fines that you would be expected to pay, not your parents. Keep in mind that the school may also penalize you if the absences are severe – holding you back a grade is not uncommon. Good luck.
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Hello, I am 14 years old. Currently in the 8th grade. But its my first time ditching today, and I got caught by the police. My parents found out and my dad took me home. Then thing I’m worried about is tomorrow what’s going to happen.. if they’re going to suspend me or expel me. But also I have a “contract” with my school district. Saying that I won’t miss school unless I have illness therefore I must show up at the school, get checked out by the nurse, and if I’m sick go home. And if I do miss school I must bring a doctors note. But I just don’t know what to do.. help?
Dear Luke: Since this is your first unexcused absence, it’s not likely you’ll be suspended. There may be a consequence at school such as an extra assigment or a truancy education class to attend. Now that what you’ve done is out in the open, just deal with it and don’t let it happen again. The consequences increase as you continue to miss school. Good luck.
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I live in Santa Fe springs California.
A friend and I were caught ditching by a police officer,
were taken back to school assigned a Saturday school and
given a ticket saying we need to appear in court.
Do our legal guardians have to take us? Will they ask
for identification if we have someone else take us
and say their our guardians? Also, I get sick alot.
And I have quite a few absences but my guardian has
excused them all will that affect my punishment?
I’m sixteen years old, have very good grades, and
haven’t gotten into any trouble at school other than that.
Dear DesireeMarie: Read the ticket carefully. Usually when teens are cited into court, the presence of a parent or legal guardian is required. Bringing someone pretending to be a guardian can only lead to more trouble. If your absences are excused, you shouldn’t have any problem when you go to court. You may be offered a truancy program or class which, when completed, will end this matter. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
i’m 16 and three months ago i got released from a 6-9 month juvenile treatment facility ( i spent 7 months there ) because of school truancy. after being released on probation, i’ve gotten 3 MIP’s and violated probation by being suspended from school one time. i go back to court in 9 days and i’m really scared.. i have a severe drinking problem though and my mom is looking into sending me to inpatient rehab. what do you think is gonna happen when i go to court? i’m extremely stressed and depressed about all of this. what can i do to better my chances of not getting locked up again when i go to court?
Dear Caitlin: The court will decide the consequences for these recent offenses. Since you admit to have a problem with alcohol, the court may place you in an inpatient program or accept the one your Mom is looking into. Either way, you need structure and support during the treatment period so you can beat this and get on with your life – substance free. We wish you the best – the first step in your recovery is recognizing the problem and your willingness to get help. Good luck.
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ok soi have completely irrational fears, I have severe deppresion and ADHD, when I even think about leaving the house I get sick,I’ve had 3 unexscused absences, my parents want to call the school and truency department, I’m a nice kid but I’m scared of the police and jails, my dad is also a cop, what do I do?
Dear Drake: You need to explain to your parents what’s going on so they’ll understand and get you some help with your fears. You only have a limited number of unexcused absences before the school takes action. Since your father is a police officer, he should be able to assist you deal with whatever causes you the depression and anxiety about going to school. If you’re being bullied at school, tell your parents. It’s not something to keep to yourself or be ashamed of. Good luck, Drake.
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Hey my nam is kenny n I was absent 8 times unexcused n the court calls my mom n tells us to go to court should I go. Am I in trouble?
Dear Kenny: You’ll really be in trouble if you miss court. If you’re told to be there, make sure you are and on time. Don’t let any more unexcused absences happen. You could end up going to school in the court’s detention unit. Good luck.
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ok so i have a boyfriend who has a sister that 15 years old and hasnt gone to school in over a year shes currently a freshman but since shes not doing so well in school and is now suppose to attend adult school but hasnt even gone to that, what are some of the consequences that can happen due to this?
Dear Linda: Every state has compulsory school attendance laws that differ from one another. In some states you have to go to school between the ages of 6 and sixteen. Other states have higher or lower ages. So Google the name of your state and add “school attendance age” for the laws that apply to you. If you miss too many days that are unexcused absences, the school can take action and discipline you or refer the matter to your local prosecutor for truancy. Good luck.
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hi,my name is marisol i just turned 13 and im in the 7th grade, i have court tomorow early in the mornin and i was wondering what would happen to me. i only went to school for a month and stopped going. i had my problems at home. i am bein raised by my mom who isnt ever around and ive felt neglected my whole life. and its hard to be the youngest and have all these expectations to succeed. in the beginning i always felt sick(realized later it was anxiety) but then i had my relationship problems. but through it all i did it alone. i had bad depression. and had suicide thoughts alot, but when i asked my mom for help she ignored me or just didnt do anything. so i was alone. i lived with my brother and his wife and 2 younger kids. but when i stopped going everything got better in a way. i got the things i always wanted but didnt get. Sometimes i thought about going back, but i just felt like when i was at school it didnt do anything for me, they say education is best for you, but im not sure if its right for me. but i got these letters from the distric and i ignored them. but now i have court and im not sure what i should do. i wanted homeschooling but i don’t think thats an option no more. i really need you help/
Dear Marisol: You’ll probably read this after going to court since you said you had to appear this morning. We hope you explained everything to the judge. Every state has mandatory school attendance laws that you have to obey. Otherwise there may be consequences There are also exceptions where substitute programs are acceptable. We hope you received some helpful information from the court and people to contact if you consider suicide again. You can always call a help-line where counselors stand ready 24/7 to help you. Try 1-800-273-8255(TALK) or for those in other countries, take a look at http://www.suicide.org for numbers to call for immediate help. Good luck.
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Okay so I live in California and I really get sick a lot! And I was wondering how many days of excused absences can I have if I go to a school In San Diego, CA?
Dear Salvador: You need to check your student handbook for the exact number or ask the front office. Every state sets its own mandatory school days for each school year. If your absences are excused, under your school rules, then you should be okay. It’s the unexcused absences that add up and may cause you a problem in advancing to the next grade. Good luck.
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Hi, I like in the UK, and got caught ditching school. its the first time ive ditched and not gonna do it again. me and my mate were reported as ‘missing’, they rang our parents, and rang the police to try find us. we were at my house after me not feeling too well. i didnt wanna say anything to any staff because i didnt want my mum getting called out of work. so i got the bus home without saying anything. what do you think will happen?
Dear Tami: Since your parents were called at the outset, there’s a good chance the school will follow up with a call again. Think about telling your Mum what happened so she’s not inconvenienced at work. Plus it should come from you, not the police or your school. There may be a consequence for ditching depending on your school’s policy. It may include an in-school truancy program or community work hours. Think twice before ditching again – it’s a big hassle that has a ripple effect on others in your life. Good luck.
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I was sick for a long time in winter, 23 days, but I really was sick and my mom called the school every time, but i stayed home different days of the week for a few weeks, so it looks like i ditched (i didnt). I want to go to a private christian high school next year and I’m not sure if they will still let me in now.. i live in california… sorry i just wanna know if u know.
Dear Jenna: As long as you pass this year and meet the requirements of your new school, you should be accepted. If all of your absences were excused or for medical reasons, explain this, if asked, to the new school and there shouldn’t be a problem. Good luck, and stay healthy.
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so today, i was caught outside of school with a friend. We were already walking to school when the school police caught us, he told us to get in and he took us to the school where we received a citation. We have to appear in court sometime in May. I have a clean record never been caught ditching or ever been suspended. i have good grades too. what can i expect from the court? im in CA. and the citation says that i have to show up with a parent or guardian. Can i take my sister who is 19?
Dear R.G.: We assume your ticket was for truancy or ditching school since you wrote us under that question. If that’s the case, you’ll probably be offered a truancy program that may include a class and counseling. Your 19-year-old sister is not your parent. So, unless she’s your legal guardian, it’s doubtful the court would accept her instead of a parent. It’s best to tell your parents what happened and why you have to go to court. Good luck.
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I’m in 7th grade and missed about 15-17 ays of school. some of them with doctor notes others with a note from my mom. Will I be truant if I miss anymore days of school without a doctors note(sorry if this isn’t related to the topic I just need advice)
Dear Nikko: Each state has its own compulsory school attendance laws requiring students to be in school so many days. Also your school has its own rules about truancy, tardiness and the consequences. They should be in your student handbook. You may be getting close with your unexcused absences. Ask at the Office or check your handbook for the exact numbers. Bottom line: get to school on time and don’t miss any additional days – it could result in being set back a year. Good luck.
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Hi,I live in Maryland and was wondering what the laws were involving parents who allow children to stay home? Also I have grown more concern with my neighbor. She has allowed her 8 year old to stay home from school for up to 2 weeks at a time. School did get involved and she started to attend once again. Now, I see it happening again.(shes out running errands with her mother during school hours and is clearly not sick) Arent there laws here that could make this stop?
Dear J.L.: Most states have laws regarding neglect of children including educational neglect. But the ages of children required to attend school may differ. You’ll have to check Google for your state’s compulsory attendance laws. Violations may be reported to Child Protective Services or your local prosecuting attorney, but due to limited resources nationwide, this type of report may be a low priority. Good luck.
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Hello. I was very sick last month and ended up in the hospital, therefore missing 10 days of school. All of my absences are excused and I have two doctors notes. My school made my sign a contract today saying I will be at school for the rest of the year or I will go to court. Were my excused absences a valid reason for the school to give me this truancy contract? What will happen if I violate it? Thank you :]
Dear Erica: It may be the school’s policy to enter into these contracts with students who have absences, excused or not. Your student handbook should explain the consequences of violating the attendance rules. There shouldn’t be a problem if you miss additional school this year if they are excuse for medical reasons. Hopefully, you’ll stay healthy the rest of this semester. Good luck.
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Hey, I have 9 days absence & my highschool limitt is 10. In my school when u reach 10 they have a meeting with u & ur parent , wat I want to know is what do they talk bout there or wat happens
Dear Chris: Your absences and the reasons for them will be discussed. The school wil want to know what can be done to improve your attendance and they will explain to you and your parents the consequences of additional unexcused absences. You may be offered assistance to deal with the underlying reasons for missing school. Once you exceed the ten days, you could be suspended and even kept from moving on with your class. Ask at the meeting what your school’s policy is. Good luck.
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Umm.. I live in Forks WA just wondering if my absence days carry on through the entire year or what…? I have lots of unexcused absences So i dunno what to do? =/
Dear Amphbianoia: Every state has its own laws regarding school attendance and unexcused absences. Check your student handbook for the rules that apply to you. Missed classes and unexcused days will likely affect your standing and may prevent you from moving on with your class. There are a set number of absences that when exceeded bring consequences to the student. Bottom line, get to school and every class unless you have a good reason, acceptable by the school, to miss.
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I have to go to court next week for missing about 15 unexcused days. I am afraid of what will happen. I have also been diagnosed with anxiety related to school. Will they place me in homebound instruction or take me out of my house? Please I don’t want to leave my house.
Dear John: It’s not likely you’ll be removed from your home unless you’ve been warned in the past by the court about excessive unexcused absences. If you’re already on probation for an offense and now you’re violating your probation by cutting school, you could be facing some time in detention if the court in your jurisdiction has the authority to detain you for truancy. You also asked about your Dad going to jail – that’s also unlikely but in some situations possible after warnings by the court to see that you attend. Good luck.
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Can you go back to juvie if you ditched one class and your on a pr bond?
Dear Kevin: Yes, it’s possible depending on the terms of your release given to you by the court. If you’re required to attend school, without any unexcused absences, and you niss a class, the judge has the discretion to impose sanctions including return to juvie. Good luck.
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I live in Staten island new york and I’ve been absent about 40 times in a school year. I’m 16 years old and in the 11th grade. The school has contacted the my parents and visited my home, they threatened my parents that if i don’t get my act together that they will file a report with Child services and they will take me away. my question is, Can they take me away from my parents, even though my record is clean, have no prior incidents with the law? The school knows that i get sick a lot, and the 40 days (spaced out) i was absent, i was home. Thank you.
Dear Amber: In some states, Child Protective Services may get involved in a case of educational neglect. In other words, if your parents don’t see to it that you go to school, you could be removed and they could suffer consequences as well. So you need to get to every class, every day. Or you could be charged with truancy, and your parents may be penalized. No more unexcused absences. Good luck.
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i just wanted to know what all need to do and what al i need to know to get my licesen back.
they have been suspended becaused ive missed to many days out of school last year
tat was only because i was fighting, (but the fight was not my fault) so how do i go about getting my licesen back?
am im 18 right now (june 20th is my birthday) and will be graduating this may
Dear Stache’: You need to check your state law regarding license suspension for truancy. It should include a statement about getting it reinstated and what you need to do for that. Try Googling your state name followed by “truancy driver’s license.’ Sounds like a good idea to us in order to keep kids in school until at least high school graduation. Good luck.
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i have skipped school about 10 times but i dont now why i dont seem to be bothered how many times can u skip school without getting in seriose trouble i need to now i want a good job just cant be bothered going to school
Dear Karatie09: What you say contradicts itself. By this we mean “I want a good job” but “just can’t be bothered going to school” doesn’t exactly go together, unless you are an heir to a fortune. Where is that “good job” going to come from? Is someone going to hire you if you can’t read, write or spell correctly? Stay in school as long as possible. An education is something that lasts your whole life and can’t be taken away from you. Check your student handbook for the number of unexcused absences permitted before action is taken against you by the school. Good luck.
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hi on december me and my friend got caught ditching by the police now we have to go to court on march i don’t know what is going to happen when i go to court. i live in longbeach,california
Dear Jasmin: If this is your first time in court for truancy and you admit missing those days, you can expect to as a consequence community work hours, a truancy class or counseling. Your court may have a diversion program which means you won’t have a record and the case will be closed upon completion of these terms. Stay in school – next time may include detention school.
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Ive missed about 10 days during the first three quarters. My parents and i are taking a vacation for religous purposes to Mexico. I dont know if my school will let me take two weeks off, when i have already missed 10 days… Would the school let me?
Dear Jacky: Every state has its own laws about school attendance and required number of days. Before your trip, it would be best to check with the front office and make sure these are excused rather than unexcused days. You might be required to write a paper about the trip or some other exercise, plus keeping up on your school work. Ask your parents to meet with the school in advance to explain the nature of the trip and its importance to your family. Good luck.
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Hi! i live in polk county, florida & so far i’ve been going to school everyday but there’s sort of a problem always getting to my 1st period class. i almost never make it to 1st period which is geometry! when i do make it to my 1st period class the teacher always has an attitude problem when i ask him for help on classwork or test’s or even make-up work! i’m scared that all these absences will affect me in the future when i apply for entrance to a college & university. (i graduate next year) will it affect me? ;; i try to go to 1st period but sometimes i can’t because of the weather it’ll rain & i won’t have no ride to make it and just alot more stuff. the deans & guidance counselors haven’t found out about this but if they do will they send me to juvenile detention?? i cannot talk to the ppl that work at my school for the reason being that i know they are going to take it to serious matters & will mess me up someway. can you please help me out!!! thanks.
Dear Star: You have plenty of excuses for missing first period. But we think you know the solution to your problem. It’s pretty obvious. You need to get up on time to make it to class or risk failing the class. If it’s a required course to graduate next year, you’re going to have a problem. Or switch your schedule if you can, so you start classes one or two periods later. You’re not alone with the morning struggle getting up, but alarm clocks have been around for awhile. Try one. Good luck.
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Hello im steven im in 6th grade in ohio and i am very nervous about my attendance. I got a letter saying that they filed a report with juvenile court and now i have a bad flu and today i had to stay home to protect the health of other students i dont want to go to juvenile detention! HELP!!!
Dear Steven: Be sure to go to school every day unless you have an excused absence. Being sick is a good reason to miss school, especially if you have a doctor’s note. When you go to court, explain all of your absences, tell the truth and you may be placed in a truancy program. That may include a class and/or counseling about school and some community work hours. Your education is the most important thing in your life at this time. Stay in school. Good luck.
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I live in california. how many times can i ditch one period before i am fined?
Dear Alex: Every state has its own laws concerning the number of days you are required to attend school before facing a truancy citation. For your state, try Googling California and “compulsory attendance” or “truancy” and you should find the specific number of days required by law and how many days you can miss before you are considered “truant”. This information should also be in your school’s student handbook, which you can request a copy of if you don’t already have it. Good luck.
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what if you cant afford to pay a fine that the court or judge gives you for skipping school
Dear Joey: Explain to the judge your circumstances and he or she may substitute community service hours for the fine. If not, the judge may spread out the payments over a year or so that you can eventually pay it off according to your financial abilities. Good luck.
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just wanted to know how many days can you miss in high school in California when you transfer or move to a different school before getting in fined?
Dear Joey: Every state has its own laws concerning the number of days you are required to attend school before facing a truancy citation. For your state, try Googling California and “compulsory attendance” or “truancy” and you should find the specific number of days required by law. This information should also be in your school’s student handbook, which you can request a copy of if you don’t already have it. Good luck.
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I have a 15 year old son who makes good grades and attends school regularly! However, he has been tardy a few too many times. Tardy meaning 1 to 10 minutes at the start of school and apparently he is late to a few classes in school. These occurrences have turned into absences after 3 tardies which has resulted in my child falling under the “truancy” guidelines. Is there anything to be done when he is not skipping and his “absences” are actually a result of in school tardies? We are located in Arlington, TX and are hoping for some resolution!
Dear Mrs. G.: Many middle schools and high schools across the country have district policies dealing with tardiness and unexcused absences. Look at the school’s code of conduct and student rules for the specifics in your district. There should also be an explanation of how to address a disagreement with your son’s attendance record. Ask for a meeting or hearing to resolve this. Bottom line, he is required to follow the rules and start getting to his classes on time. Otherwise, he’ll have to live with the consequences. Good luck.
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okay like no other i have been missing an excessive amount of days of school. due to many reasons lack of sleep, sickness, family issues, being sent home b/c i was sick. ive had truency before it was long ago i don’t even remeber anymore it was in middle school. im a senior now and i would like to kno what happens to a second time truancy? i dont live with my parents any more i moved out when i was 17. im 19 now and a little nervous.
Dear Sharon: Because laws change periodically, and you want a current answer to your situation, it’s best to Google your state’s name followed by “truancy” or “compulsory attendance.” Usually a second truancy charge results in work hours, a fine, truancy class and/or counseling. Your age, since you’re an adult, may also have an impact on possible consequences. You could also call the court or a local public defender’s office and inquire. Good luck.
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I am a senior currently applying to colleges and one of my applications asks if i have ever been convicted of a misdemeanor. I have gotten a ticket for ditching school but did not have to pay anything or go through any type of program.
what i was wondering was; is ditching school and getting a ticket for it a misdemeanor in California?
Dear Gaby: Truancy in most states is an act of incorrigibility, not a misdemeanor or felony. Plus as a minor, you weren’t “convicted” of anything if your ticket and consequence was just for ditching. Good luck in college.
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I have been missing a lot of school this year (around 40 days) for many different reasons (sickness, family troubles, ect) about half of my absences are excused….I am scheduled to appear in court. I live in ohio, i am very nervous about the possible consequences. what is most likely to happen? would they go as far as putting me in detention hall? would my mom (only parent) get in trouble? I am very scared. Please help.
Dear Mike: You should be nervous about appearing in court. Judges take education and truancy seriously, as they should. Since this is your first court appearance, you may receive some community service hours to complete, and have to attend a truancy class. Every state handles truancy differently. You’re not likely to receive any detention time on the first offense. But it is possible for repeat offenses. Bottom line, stay in school and no more unexcused absences. It could also jeopardize graduating with your class. Good luck.
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Hello my name is Kat and I’m 18 and live in california. I have ditched school countless times, and I wanted to know if my school is able to charge me with truancy even though I’m already 18?
Dear Kat: Generally, truancy laws do not apply to adults. California requires children between six and 18 to attend school, with exceptions depending on the circumstances. Although you may not be subject to a truancy violation, unexcused absences will jeopardize your chance to graduate. For details on this subject try Googling “California truancy” or “California compulsory attendance.” Good luck.
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Me and my friend were caught ditching by the police and now we have to go to court.I’ve ditched twice and I’ve never got caught.I don’t know if I’m goingnto get a ticket, I am so scared about what is going to happen. Oh I live in California
Dear Jasmin: Once you get to court, the process will be explained to you. You may be offered a diversion or truancy program that means if you complete some classes, maybe a few community work hours, and some counseling, the case will be closed. Otherwise, you could be placed on probation for a period of time so that a probation officer can check on your school attendance. Bottom line, don’t miss anymore school or you could end up going to school in detention, and you won’t like that. Good luck.
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hi i was just wondering can i be prosecuted for not going to school regularly because of my generalized anxiety disorder? I dont go regularly because of severe panic attacks and i’m afraid to go because of them is it considered truancy?
Judge Tom’s response:
The answer to your question depends on your age, grade level and the attendance laws in your state. Google your state’s name and add “school attendance” for the details about what’s required where you live. Most states recognize medical issues as acceptable reasons for missing school – but you’d probably need a doctor’s letter or statement to avoid unexcused absences. There should be an alternative education program available to you until you’re ready to return to mainstream classes. Check with your school district. Good luck.
Hey, well I live in Texas and I have been skipping swim practice @ 6:30 in the morning because of cramming all night for tests etc and I have 6 unexcused absences. My school district sent me a letter and I’m kind of getting worried now but I’m just too tired to swim some days. What should I do? I’ve talked to my coach and he just won’t change it.
Judge Tom’s response:
Talk with your parents about what’s going on. They may have more impact on resolving this with the school so you don’t end up in court for truancy or before the school board for these unexcused absences. Good luck.
Hi, ok i’ve been kipping school, at first i just didn’t go because i didn’t feel good, and i had sleeping issues. Like for example i can’t go to sleep for the world, no matter what i do. But i ended up not going to school for 15 days, now my parents got a court date. I’m so scared & I don’t want my parents to get in troule. I know it’s my fault, but I don’t know if it’s me or every teenagers go through this, but I want to go to school now. I’m just wondering what will happen when me and my parents go to court?
Judge Tom’s response:
If this is your first time to court for truancy, you can expect some community service hours, enrollment in a truancy program if your county has one, and possibly a short probation term. Every county and every state handles truancy differently. Your parents may be required to do something as well, such as attending the counseling with you, if your state has a law regarding parents of truants. They could also be fined if you continue to miss days especially after your hearing. Bottom line, get back to school whatever it takes. Set your alarm on loud, not snooze. Good luck.
Hello, I live in Texas, and this has been the first time I have ever been absent for school – mainly because I have had far too much work which prevents me from getting any sleep at all. I am an honors student and have only skipped school because I have been having a very rough week, consisting of 1-5 hours of sleep every night. My parents refuse to sign an excuse slip, saying that I deserve anything that the law deems worthy of punishing me. What will happen to me? How can I make this up?
Judge Tom’s response:
Explain to the court the circumstances – why you’ve missed school, your duties at home, and desire to remain an honors student. You may be ordered to attend some counseling or a truancy program. Consider this a lesson in responsibility and stay focused on your education. Good luck.
hi my name is amber and im 18 years old i live in california, still in highschool. This is my last year but i have been missing lots of school. I have to work full time to pay all my bills, so i miss school to go to work, but i am afraid that i will not be able to graduate or the school might kick me out…my grades are not bad. i just need to know what could happen if i miss alot of school. every time i ask the person in the office what i need to do to excuss my missed days they always tell me nothing. Is there a maximum of days that you could miss and still graduate?
Judge Tom’s response:
The number of days you need to attend to graduate is based on state law – usually around 180 days each year. But every state is different. The number of unexcused absences also varies from state to state, and among school districts. Check with your school’s attendance officer, counselor, or go straight to the top and ask your principal. He or she won’t bite your head off – explain to them your circumstances and intention to graduate. Good luck.
Hello, I live in Arizona, I have ditched about 4 times, and stayed home about 10 times,what is my limit?
Judge Tom’s response:
Take a look at http://www.lawforkids.org – this is an Arizona website that provides information about laws affecting kids including truancy. You can also check with your school’s attendance office and they’ll give you the limits and rules that apply to you.
I got a ticket for truancy in winter 08 I went to court in spring 09 and the judge said if i make good grades and dont miss anymore days of school it will be dissmissed but if i do he will suspend my license and ill have to pay the $500 fine but did get more but I graduated this summer 2009 and the court date was in the summer but i rescheduled. im in college now and im now 18 will i still have to pay my $500 fine if i graduated and im 18? and my court date is set for october
Judge Tom’s response:
First, congratulations on graduating and starting college. Bring your paperwork to court showing that you graduated and are in school and the judge will likely dismiss the case and clear your record based on what you’ve said here. Good luck.
I’m currently enrolled in an independent study program which requires me to show up to class twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays based on my last name. I got a ticket on a Friday for ditching somehow even though i told the police that i don’t have school on Fridays. I even showed them my ID, which says I’m in an independent study program. Can they do that?
Judge Tom’s response:
Since you received a ticket, you’ll have to explain the situation to the court. Bring all documentation with you showing your required school days and the ticket may be dismissed. Good luck.
I was charged with truancy when I was 18, and put on a long list of probation. They did not let me quit school or anything. Over the truancy case I have spent 62 days in the actual Breck. Co. Detention Center with actual felons and crime offenders. I will be 19 in 2 months and am still on probation, even though I have already graduated. What’s up with that? I don’t understand.
Judge Tom’s response:
If you’re still on probation, you should have a probation officer assigned to your case. Call him or her and find out what’s going on and how long you’ll be supervised. Also ask how you can clear your juvenile record. Good luck.
I just got married and we live in Polk County, Fl. he has a daughter who is 15 and she will not go to school. We are constantly trying to wake her up but, she just lays there (like she is deaf). This is the second week of school and she has only attended two days.I believe the third time in seventh grade. She doesn’t care that we might go to jail for her not going to school. I am really stuck now, because her father doesn’t want to deal with it and I’m afriad that I will go to jail and I have four other kids that I have to take care of. No problems with my four going to school! Do you know if there is a PINS Warrant in Florida or any kind of court order to make her reliable for her own decisions?
Judge Tom response:
Every state has compulsory attendance laws, including Florida. Stepparents may or may not be legally responsible for the attendance of their stepchildren. You’ll have to check your state’s education code about this. If she continues to refuse to go to school, contact the counselor at the school for assistance and/or the school’s resource officer. Good luck.
I got a ditching school ticket awhile ago almost a year ago and im currently 18tn I was wondering if that comes of my record and i will be aloud to get my drivers license. I also have pocession of tobacco perafanilia i was wondering if that came off to.Please help me.
Judge Tom’s response:
Both offenses are minor in nature and shouldn’t show on a records check once you’re an adult – but you need to check with your local authorities to see what happens in your state. Call the district attorney’s office or local police station. Good luck.
alright whats the chances of jail time when i turn 18 its all truancy tickets ive had a rough life sexual abuse cud that get it lowered or perhaps gone
Judge Tom’s Response:
Further penalties for not paying your fines depend on your state’s laws. Your life story may have an influence on the court’s decision in how to handle your case.
hey the name nick and ive been truant alot i have like 3,000 in fines will that go away when i turn 18 next month
Judge Tom’s Response:
Good question, Nick. Fines, restitution amounts and court surcharges do not automatically go away when you turn 18. In most states, any unpaid amounts stay on your record and a civil judgment may be entered against you. That means you’ll have trouble establishing credit, getting a school loan, joining the military, etc. Also if you plan to ask the court to expunge your juvenile record, it won’t happen if your court-ordered debts aren’t paid. Thanks for asking.
hi!my name is jessica i live in texas ive already been sent to court once and i had to pay 180 but they send me to court again i had pladed innnocent becouse the attendance ladies were messing up on my attendance. i went back and tried telling them that they made mistakes becouse the days i had been absent i had doctors appoinment due to deppression.also due to my deppression i lost intrest in lots of things .at the time i was living with my ex boyfriend i graduated and i still had my court hearing for the third time to show my excuse notes the thing is my ex phisically abussed me and i left his house living all my paper work behind to get back at me for doing that and putting domestic charges on him he destroyed my papers .Im in a big mess court only adds more problems to my situation what can i do i have cout on the 13th of july help i really need advice!!!!oh by the way i graduated already i was class of 2009
Judge Tom’s Response:
Dear Jessica:
First, congratulations on graduating from high school. With all that’s going on in your life, you were still able to complete your studies. Regarding your next court appearance, be prepared to tell the judge the reasons you missed school. If you can get new written proof from your doctors, do it. Also take with you your diploma to show the court that even though you had some absences, you were able to graduate. Good luck.
I was caught ditching one of my classes with a couple of friends we were caught by a officer and was sent back to school where we got a ticket and got punished by the school for a couple of days. The officer told us that we were going to be called home and told when we had to go to court. My friends and I regret ever ditching but were freacking out about the court thing what could happened to us oh and we live in California can you please tell us what could happened to us please.
Judge Tom’s Response:
What happens to you when you go to court depends on the truancy law of your state, your juvenile record if you have one, the judge hearing the case, and your attitude about being in this situation. You may have a chance to explain what happened to a probation officer and/or the judge. Your city may also have a diversion program that you can attend so you don’t have a permanent juvenile record. Good luck and stay in school.
i ditched with this girl due to peer presure.will i get in trouble if it is my first time?will my mom get in trouble?i just don’t want to tell my mom she will probably take everything away from me.my brother got caught ditching classes but i ditched the day
Judge Tom’s response:
Sarah, all states have a required number of days for school attendance. Once students hit a certain number of unexcused absences, they will face consequences by the school and possibly the juvenile justice system. Most states and school districts will not suspend or expel a student for one unexcused absence; however the school’s policy may require some punishment like detention. Parents are typically held responsible only when the truancy of a minor continues after already being punished for unexcused absences.
hi! well i got caught ditching and i didnt show up onmy court date because i was out of town and i dont know how to contact the court. what can happen to me ? And this would be my secong ticket =/. oh yeah another question do ditching tickets clear up when once you turn 18 even if you havent payed them?
Judge Tom’s response:
We suggest you call the court, explain what happened and they’ll tell you what to do. It’s best to take care of this asap so it doesn’t appear that you’re blowing off the court or probation department. In most states truancy citations don’t appear in adult record checks once you turn 18. Good luck, Karen.
i live in Utah live ditched about 20 days. whats the maximum consequence?
Judge Tom’s Response:
Hello, Lee. The maximum consequence for ditching school depends on the laws of your state. You might ask a school counselor or a local librarian. You could be charged with truancy if that is the practice in your community. That could mean a period on probation through the juvenile court. You may also be suspended or expelled from the school if you exceed the number of missed days allowed without a legitimate reason. Avoid all of this by going every day and making the best of it – it will pay off sooner than you think. Good luck.
Judge Tom’s response:
Under Colorado law, a “habitual truant” is defined as a student who misses public school four days in any one month or ten days in one school year due to unexcused absences. However, most schools and school districts have developed their own policies concerning unexcused absences meaning you could face consequences for ditching even if you don’t meet the definition for a “habitual truant”. Typically once a student becomes a habitual truant, the school will refer the case to juvenile court where the student would have to appear for a hearing. Colorado law also requires parents to comply with the compulsory attendance laws. This allows the state to also hold the parent responsible for their child’s unexcused absences.
It’s always best to play it safe and by the rules. If you continue skipping school, you are putting not just yourself, but also your mother at risk of facing consequences for your actions. We wish you the best.
I’m living in greeley, Colorado and i was wondering how many days you can ditch before being fined for truancy. I’ve only done it four times but i am stressing out thinking my mom will get in trouble.
I am the single mother of a 17 year old boy (will be 18 in April 2009). My son has been occasionally ditching school, and short of skipping out of my job and actually going to school with him and sitting next to him all day, I cannot prevent him from doing this. I have lectured, discussed, bribed, threatened, begged and pleaded with him about his attendance and I certainly cannot afford to pay a fine for truancy (especially if I have to take off work to sit by his side every second all day). Is there any law that can make him responsible for his own decisions for the next 3 months??
Judge Tom’s response:
Dear Jackie: we sympathize with your situation and you’re certainly not alone. Many parents find themselves battling the growing pains of their teens. What you can do to control him over the next few months before he turns 18 depends on the laws of your state. You may have an emancipation law that could apply, but the process may take as long or longer than the time left before he’s legally an adult. Or you could check your state’s ‘incorrigible child’ laws to see if it applies and what you can do. If your local court provides free legal advice to citizens, take advantage of it. Many cities have weekly ‘free legal assistance programs’ that are staffed by volunteer lawyers. Good luck.