Is salvia legal?

Although the federal government has not made salvia a controlled substance at this time and therefore, it remains legal within federal law, more than 20 states have banned it or limited its use. For example, in California it’s illegal to provide salvia to a minor, but not illegal for a minor to possess it. Other states like Maine make it a crime for minors to purchase or possess salvia. For more information about which states have banned the substance or limited its use, click here. Before experimenting with salvia, know the facts including the laws of your state. Also, understand that this substance is a hallucinogen that has caused negative effects and experiences for many users.
What is salvia?
Salvia divinorum, commonly known as “salvia”, is a pscychoactive plant which is a member of the mint family. It is believed that the main psychoactive ingredient is Salvinorin A, which causes hallucinations. The plant was originally used by the Mazatec shamans for religious purposes in Oaxaca, Mexico. It is sold as dried leaves or concentrated extract, which are smoked, chewed or used to make a tea. Types or brands of salvia include Purple Sticky and Black Magic.
Effects of salvia
Salvia became popular in the U.S. as a legal alternative to marijuana, but the effects are very different. Many have warned that salvia is not a “party drug.” It can be extremely potent especially when used as an extract. Users have reported distorted senses, an out-of-body feeling, hallucinations and losing control over their body movements. It may also cause fear and panic. Like synthetic marijuana which was recently banned by the federal government, the long-term effects are somewhat unknown as salvia has not been studied and researched long enough.
Your blog information very important,salvia is a illegal product many country.But it is used many useful work such as medicine,health and treatment.
salvia legal
it sounds like we need the feds to pass a law prohibiting the sell and possession of salvia so that there will be uniformity in the law from east coast to west coast. I have never heard of salvia before reading this post…very potent, potentially harmful drug.
Uniformity in the law is usually a good thing. However, laws alone don’t necessarily prevent usage of prohibited substances. There are tens of thousands of laws on the books and the U.S. has the highest incarceration rate of juveniles and adults in the world (over 2 million). Just like a federal law about bullying and cyberbullying, as Lady Gaga promotes, is fine but not the answer to antisocial behavior. It’s more about raising kids from day one with values.