What happens if you get caught shoplifting?

One question on AsktheJudge concerns the possible consequences for teens and tweens who have been caught shoplifting. Check out the example scenarios below and find out who could be cited, arrested and/or charged with shoplifting. If you want information specific to your case, please feel free to ask Judge Tom. Just use the comment section below or the Ask Box in the right sidebar.
Scene One: After school, Julie, Colin, and Matt stop at the local store for a snack and something to drink. Julie is by herself for a few seconds, and she slips a pack of gum into her pocket, knowing that she doesn′t have enough money to pay for all of the items she wants. She pays for her chips and drink and leaves the store with her friends.
Scene Two: Julie, Colin, and Matt only have 60 cents between them. They stop at the store, and while Matt keeps the car running, Julie and Colin enter the store. While Colin distracts the clerk, Julie puts a six-pack of beer in her backpack. They leave the store and begin to party at a nearby park.

Photo by D. Sharon Pruitt
Shoplifting is defined as taking property that′s displayed for sale, without paying for it. It′s a crime with both civil and criminal penalties. It′s also a crime that requires intent. If you were shopping and put something in your pocket, continued shopping, went to the checkout and paid for everything but the item in your pocket, you could be questioned about your intentions.
If it turned out that you had the money to pay for the item and didn′t act or look suspicious during the incident, you would probably be allowed to leave. Otherwise, you could be held for further questioning or for the police.
Scene One above presents a different picture. Julie knew that she didn′t have enough money for everything she wanted, so she stole the gum and paid for the rest. This is shoplifting, and since her friends didn′t know or play any part in the incident, they would be free to go if caught by the store owner.
Scene Two is your classic “beer run,” where all involved know exactly what′s happening and what their role is. Just because Julie took the beer doesn′t mean the others won′t be prosecuted if caught. Under the law, anyone aiding a crime shares full responsibility, just as if he or she had actually committed the act. Julie, Colin, and Matt could all be charged with shoplifting and possession of alcohol.
In many jurisdictions, a store can collect a civil penalty, plus the cost of the item taken, from the shoplifter or his or her parents. For example, the civil penalty for the stolen six-pack could be $100, plus the retail cost of the beer.
If you’re caught shoplifting, the police could refer the case to the local prosecutor who decides whether to file charges or not. First-time (or first offense) shoplifters usually go through a diversion program, which includes counseling, community service hours, and restitution. If you′re caught a second time, probation may be considered, with specific terms set by the court including time in detention. If you continue to steal, you could be sent to the state department of juvenile corrections.
Read here about 12-year-old Chris Moss who took $20.00 from his father’s wallet. Although not shoplifting, stealing is stealing regardless of the title it’s given: theft, larceny, embezzlement, etc.
if your charged with apetty theift misdeamener and had one 30 yrs. ago can they used the one 30 yrs. ago against you? also if you had a petty theift misdeamener charge but had a medical issue issue in progress could you get that lowered to an infration ?
Dear Marsha: The answers to your questions depend on the laws of the state where this event happened. Every state has its own criminal laws and rules that dictate what happens when someone is charged with a crime. Generally, a thirty year old minor offense will have little bearing on a recent crime. There may not be a record of it at all due to the passage of time. You can talk with a local attorney for advice on this or the public defender if you have to appear in court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi Judge- I am a mother of two children. Never in trouble ever I N 51. Years old. I was at kohl’s and I put two items in my purse under 100 dollars. I was approached by LP and they tried to keep me at store but I gave them my purse with items in it. I left because I was scared of him. He said if I left they would call police. I left went home and then kohl’s called me two days later stating I would get a notice to appear. Am I going to jail I have been so depressed I lost my job two months ago and have been struggling to make ends meet. I was told to go down to pick up the letter. I’m very nervous as I don’t want my children to get scared. Please help. I will never do this again. This is thecWORST feeling in the world.
Dear Julia: If they have your address, you can wait for the notice to come in the mail. Stores in many states are authorized under law to issue a fine to a shoplifter. Many prefer to handle it this way as opposed to going to the police and through the justice system. If they have their merchandise back, and, as you say, this is your first offense, and it’s under $100.00, you may not hear anything further about this. Good luck.
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Hi, I’m 17 and I live in MO, I’m scared that I am pregnant but can’t afford pregnancy tests, I stole one that was about $12 at price chopper and got caught and fined but let go, I tried to steal again at walgreens and the police were called and looking for me, I got away but I’m scared if they find me, I don’t want to face prison. I’ll never steal again, but I’m too scared to tell my mom. ):
Dear Oof: We think it’s better to tell your Mom so she doesn’t find out if the police come to your home looking for you. Even if she doesn’t know at the moment that you’re pregnant, if you are, because she’ll find out as soon as you start showing. The truth is always the best option. Unless you have a long history of shoplifting, you won’t be facing prison. It depends on the laws in Missouri, your history of offenses, and other factors. If you don’t have the money for a pregnancy test, contact a local pregnancy center like Planned Parenthood. Good luck.
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Sir my 17 year old daughter just caught her mother and i off guard. Straight a student 17 Christian girl. We just moved here to cuba mo our money is short our daughter never been any trouble had $50 cash in her pocket she tried giving it to her mother and i to help with gas she got caugt taken a $7.00 hat from walmart and we are very scared for our daughter shes had college on her mind since age 12 what is she looking at sir. Thank you and may God Bless.
Dear M. Johnson: If this is your daughter’s first offense, and considering the amount involved ($7.00), she should be offered what is called “diversion.” That means if she admits what she did, she may be offered a chance to complete some community service hours and the case will be closed. She won’t have a record that will affect her future. There’s also a chance she won’t have to go to court if the store decides not to press charges. Good luck.
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Hello, I live in the state of Georgia. I was caught at Walmart and was fined 450 dollars for shoplifting. I went to jail for several hours until my parents bailed me out. I was going through an emotional depression after an unfortunate marriage where my husband cashed out my checks and abused me. I didn’t plead guilty because I don’t want criminal record, since this is my first and last offense. However, right now I need an attorney. If you could please help me out and tell me how bad my case is and how much it would be to have an attorney to come to the trial. Is it necessary to consult with him before the trial or just have him come to the trial? I really don’t know how this works, since this as I said above my first offense and I really don’t want it to haunt me for the rest of my life.
Thank you so much.
(20 yrs old)
Dear Shuna: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered what’s called “diversion.” That means if you admit what you did and then complete some community service or attend a lass or counseling, the charge may be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Diversion is meant for first-time offenders. You could contact the public defender’s office and ask for an attorney to represent you, or ask the court to appoint a lawyer. If you contact a lawyer yourself, ask about making payments or if there’s a sliding scale fee for clients who qualify. Good luck.
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I am an International student in windsor, ON. I got caught shoplifted from Walmart for $310 worth of groceries and house staff. I was financially in trouble and i didn’t know what i was thinking back then when i was stealing. I am really ashamed of it. I was thinking of committing suicide. I got a blue from where the police have asked me to show uo on October 10th for the fingerprint and pictures also on 24th i have a court date in Windsor, On. I am an undergraduate student and this is my last semester here. I don’t have any money to hire a lawayer. Tgis is a very first crime of my life. Can anyone please help me? What’s ginna happen in future if i apply for any job and PR in canada.
Dear Masbah: As upsetting as this incident is, your life is not over. Everyone makes mistakes and there may be consequences. Your school may have an office or service for students who violate a school rule or break the law – something similar to legal aid. See if this exists at your school. If not, you could contact the local public defender’s office for advice and information about the court process. Since this is your first offense, you may be eligible for a diversion program. That means if you admit what you did and then complete some community service, counseling or a class, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Don’t over-react to this situation. You obviously will learn from it but it’s not an event that will have long-lasting negative effects on your life. Good luck.
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It was $26 worth of things. The guy in loss prevention took my pic asked for iD that’s all. He never showed me any video footage of incident. I signed two papers one for trespassing and the other he rushed me to sign it. I never left with any documentation of situation. Police were not called. He said I would receive something in two weeks in mail. But I don’t know if he was just trying to scare me or not?
Dear Emily: Most states authorize stores to fine someone who is caught shoplifting. Instead of calling the police, they send the shoplifter a letter requiring payment of a specific amount of money – it varies from state to state. So, don’t be surprised when the letter comes asking for several hundred dollars regardless of the amount involved in the incident. That’s not unusual. Once it’s paid the case is closed and you don’t have a record. If the store told you not to return, don’t. Otherwise, they could report you to the police that you trespassed after being warned not to return to the store. Good luck.
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My friend is illegal in USA she got caught stealing $60 at Target . The security at the store took her finger prints and she sign a paper What will happen after
Dear Lindita: We can’t say what will happen in this case since it depends on many things. The store may decide to handle this as a civil matter and not send the case to the police or local prosecutor. That is common in shoplifting incidents involving small amounts of money (under $100.00, for example). This may not come to the attention of the immigration authorities. She may receive a letter in the mail requiring payment of a fine. If this happens, she should read the letter carefully and decide how to proceed. Usually, once the civil fine is paid the matter ends and the case is closed. Good luck to her.
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Hey if you were caught stealing and it was too shirts that added up to 79 dollars and you got a citation and missed court due transportation problems and this is your first offense for shoplifting. Will you go to jail after filling out a motion explaining this I am 17 and still on highschool.
Dear Colin: It’s unlikely that you would go to jail over the matter. However, you need to contact the court in order to take care of the missed court date. Typically, when a person misses a court date, a warrant for the person’s arrest is issued. If you are pulled over while driving or for some reason contacted by the police and they see you have a warrant, you would be arrested. But if you take care of the missed court date and ask a clerk at the court how to get before the judge, they will most likely tell you a date/time to self-surrender to the judge so you can explain what happened. You may be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity to avoid a record if you complete the terms of the program. Good luck.
(Check our Teen Help Network for more help and resources in your area. This is information only – not legal advice.)
Dear Judge Tom,
I was caught shoplifting, and was given a notice to go to court. The court gave me an ACD, all I was asked to do was keep out of trouble for six months and complete community service hours by a certain date. With this understanding, I assumed that the case was adjourned, however I get a letter in the mail recently for notice of intent to use admissions or confession, and notice of intent to use identification evidence. At the bottom of the letter it says “The people are ready to proceed to trail.” Bolded and capitalized. I don’t understand why I got the letter? Do I just ignore the letter and continue doing my community service ?
Dear Liya: We don’t suggest that you ignore the letter. If you’re under 18, ask your parents to call the office that sent it to you and ask about it. Tell them you’re in or have completed the diversion program. If you’ve complied with the terms of diversion, the charge should be dismissed and there wouldn’t be a need for you to go to court. Good luck.
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Hi I stole a 32 dollar phone case from walmart I signed up to complete the Cecil program but didn’t pay it in time to start what happens now this is a class b misdemeanor and my first time in trouble
Dear Akera: Since you didn’t meet the deadline to complete the diversion program, the incident now goes to court to be resolved. You could still possibly be allowed to participate in diversion. It’s up to the court and prosecutor. So, don’t miss your court date and things will just get worse. When you go, the process will be explained to you. Discuss this with your parents before court. Good luck.
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I was walking through Wal-Mart one day about to finish my shopping when I was stopped and accused of shoplifting, all they really found was a protein shake I had carried into the store with me. I was ticketed and told I was banned forever (which I thought was harsh since her reason for believing me to be shoplifting was she’d seen me in there a lot) . My question is since the charges were withdrawn am I still banned?
Dear Ashton: Yes, you are probably still banned since the store’s decision to ban you is separate from the criminal case. You could try contacting the management and let them know that the charges were dropped and ask if you could return to the store. If you return without asking permission and the ban is still in place, you could be cited for trespassing. Good luck.
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My 16 year old daughter got caught dropping a pack of battery in her already paid bag of merchandise at a Spencer’s store at a mall, I got called to come to the store and they showed me the video, she swears that she wasn’t meaning to shoplift but I don’t know if I believe her! I think the whole scary situation has scared her none the less. She paid for the batterys with her money and no cops or security we’re called. Two months later I got a letter from a attorney to pay 253 dollars within 21 days to avoid prosecution. Can they charge this much?
Dear Amy: A store is allowed to request payment of a “civil demand” fee from shoplifters. If the fee is paid on time, then that may be the end of the matter. The store could also choose to turn over the case to the police and it’s possible that charges could be filed. It does not necessarily mean that it will definitely happen if she doesn’t pay the fee, but your daughter would be taking the risk. Good luck to her.
(Check our Teen Help Network for more help and resources in your area. This is information only – not legal advice.)
I would really want advice it’s my 1st time going to jail for shoplifting and I’m facing a felony because it was Loren than 200 dollars that I stole what can I be facing since it’s my 1st offense and it’s a felony I’m very scared
Dear Gladys: You may want to make sure that it’s actually a felony charge by Googling the name of your state and “first offense shoplifting” for more about the laws and penalties in your state. Since this is your first offense, you may be facing probation with community service, payment of a fine and having to attend a class or counseling. You should find out more when you go to court including what your options are. Good luck.
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Hello . I’m being accused of shoplifting . I live in Canada. I’m innocent I did not steal anything. The only evidence they have is that they are saying I took items into the dressing room and when I was done not all where left. I’m thinking the girls who work there are lying and trying to set me up. I used to work there and I ended up having bad blood with some of the other girls. I heard the girls whispering and seen the security guards there but they never came up to me or searched me. Today cops showed up at my moms and my place looking for me. I called the number they left and left a voicemail . I’ve never been arrested or charged with anything and I’m afraid they are going to arrest me. I don’t think I can mentally handle being arrested and I’m so broke it’s a joke. What do I do?
Dear Elle: Since you’ve never been in trouble before, it sounds unlikely that you would be arrested even if they believe that you participated in a minor shoplifting incident. The store may choose to request payment of a civil fine. Otherwise, if charges are filed, then you may be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity to avoid a record so long as you complete the terms of the program. You will find out more when someone returns your call. Finally, you could consult with a local criminal attorney for further information and advice. Many attorneys offer a free initial consultation. Good luck.
(Check our Teen Help Network for more help and resources in your area. This is information only – not legal advice.)
If someone who jus took turned was arrested for shoplifting for $150 then shoplifted again for $60 couldn’t they still get a diversion , or what would their sentencing be like?
Dear Dylan: Shoplifting laws and penalties vary across the country. What happens may depend on the amount involved as well as the person’s criminal record and age. Diversion is usually designed for first-time offenders. You can contact a local attorney for advice. Some offer free initial consultations, so ask about this if you call one. See our Teen Help Network for lawyers where you live: http://www.askthejudge.info/directory
Good luck.
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My girlfriend Gorbachev caught shop lifting for the second time and served a couple days in jail for the first time she stole and this time the second time she got caught while on probation and got scarred and gave a false name to the police officer she’s about to start a new job here in a couple days what do u think William happen will she be sent to jail again or is there a way that she can stay out of jail and be able to keep this new job
Dear Jared: It depends on the circumstances including the amount stolen as well as the laws of your state and the policies of the prosecutor’s office. The fact that she was on probation when she committed the new offense does not help her case, but she could be facing additional time on probation, community service and educational classes or counseling. She will find out more when she goes to court including the possible consequences. Good luck to your friend.
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My girlfriend is on county probation and got caught shoplifting and was charged with retail theft but the charge will be dropped to a summary.
Dear Matthew: If your question is about what may happen to your girlfriend, that depends on the specific terms of her probation, her history with the court, and her probation office and the judge. There are many factors to consider in determining future consequences for this incident. She’s on probation for a reason. It’s time to grow up and take these matters seriously. Good luck.
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I’m a 49-year-old male who walked out of Home Depot with $800 of merchandise while I was on my phone not paying attention the police came that were notified by store security interested me and took me to jail and charge me with a felony what will be the likely outcome when I go to court for the trial In a few weeks. This is my first A fence of any kind or be interested I do have a defense attorney who is working with me but I’m trying to get an idea of what may be coming as I certainly don’t want to have any jail time that we caused me to lose my job .
Dear Chris: We don’t provide legal advice to our readers – teen or adult. AsktheJudge is an education resource for teens about laws that affect them.
We suggest you discuss the possible outcome with your lawyer. There are numerous factors that come into play in a situation like yours. Good luck. -ATJ.info
If you are juvenile and it’s your first offense shoplifting your not supposed to go on probation unless it’s your second offense,right? Also if you are not read your rights at court for this case wouldn’t the case have to be dismissed? I would love an answer back because this question has stressed me out so much. Thank you if you answer.
Dear Kat: Every state has its own laws about shoplifting and the possibility of a diversion program. Google the name of your state and “shoplifting” for details about this. If you’re charged with shoplifting and have to go to court, the legal process will be explained to you. It is at that point that diversion may be offered if you admit what happened. If you go before a judge, your rights will be discussed before you plead guilty, if that’s your decision. Good luck.
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If I am trespassed from a store chain and thus all locations of that chain.
If I come onto the property of one, it is trespassing. 1st degree if I go into any buildings. 2nd degree if just in the parking lot.
Would I face a count of trespassing for each time that I were to come on to the property of multiple locations of this store (each time a different location? Only that, not to steal, harass or vandalize.
Versus multiple times at the same location?
Dear Submarines are cool: Yes, it’s absolutely possible to face multiple charges for each time you go onto the property of the store – whether at the same store or multiple locations. Don’t risk it. If you’ve been told to stay away, then that’s what you need to do. Good luck.
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Hi judge, my son just got out of jail from doing 6 months and last week he stole a boys wallet. My son is 16 he is in jail right now, so how long do you think he is going to be in there
Dear Summer: We can’t say how long he’ll be locked up this time. There are a number of factors involved, including his juvenile record, the position of the prosecutor, victim, and the judge. You can talk with his lawyer about what he’s facing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi judge, I am in school right now and I am trying to get in the education program to become a teacher. I just got caught shoplifting at Walmart.
I am wondering what to do….
I was going to ask the the prosecutor if I could do the division area program with all the research I did it seems like the divisionary program was the best bet because it is the first time I’ve ever done anything in my life.
I am not really sure the difference between the divisionary program and a plea in abeyance????
I am really stressed out about being able to get into the education program at my school and even after that getting hired as a teacher any advice would be greatly appreciated thank you so much
Dear Jenifer: If, as you say, this is your first offense, you can relax a little. Diversion programs are meant for first-time offenders. If you are offered diversion, and you admit what you did and then complete some community service, you won’t have a record that may affect your future. If you have to go to court for this incident, the process will be explained to you. Make sure you complete all the terms of diversion on time. Think long and hard before stealing again – these incidents can make a difference in your life as you get older. Good luck.
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My friends took some stuff from jcpenny in Mt.juliet TN and I knew she was doing it and I didn’t try. To stop her I watched her do it but I didn’t take anything and put it in my pockets and purse she did and I did also walk out with her.this is my first charge ever and first time seeing a judge what’s am I facing?
Dear Brianna: If charges are filed, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. You will find out more when you go to court including what your options are. Good luck.
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If a teenagers picture or vedio is taken during shoplifting, will the pictures remain with the authorities of that particular mall for life ?
Dear Khole: That depends on the policies of the store that was involved and the owners of the mall. They may hold on to the videos for a year or so, or possibly longer. Best thing to do? Don’t shoplift.
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My son got in trouble stealing out of Walmart and this was his first time getting in trouble ..but he shouldn’t even been in walmart stealing anyway i want to know what’s going to happen to him can you help
Dear Joy: Since this is his first offense, there’s a good chance he’ll be offered what’s called “diversion.” That means if he admits what he did and then completes some community service or attends a class, the charge will be dismissed and he won’t have a record. If the store told him not to return, make sure he doesn’t or he could be charged with trespassing. When he goes to court for this, the process will be explained to him. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I accidentally put an item in my purse and walked out of the store. And completely forgot about the item in order pay for it because I was messing with my phone. The police showed up and told me to report to court. I never committed a crime in my whole 25-years of life. This is my first offence and I promise to never do it again but, I’m scared thinking I’m going to jail and no one believes me. My whole life is crashing before my eyes, I don’t know whats going to happen to me now. I’m 25 and married to military. I feel like I ruined my husbands career and his life too. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!
Dear Hilda: First, calm down. Your life or your husband’s is not ruined by any means. Since this is your first offense, it’s very likely that you’re eligible for a diversion program. That means if you admit what happened, and then complete some community service or pay a fine, the charge will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. On the other hand, if you explain to the judge the circumstances (what you described in your question), he or she may believe you and dismiss the case. When you go to court for your hearing, the legal process will be explained to you. Or you can contact a criminal defense attorney on your own before the hearing. Since you’re a military wife, you may have access to the legal office (JAG) on base. Discuss this with your husband. You can also check our Teen Help Network for private lawyers where you live:
Good luck.
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Hi, when I was in middle school I believe 12-13 years old, I was heavily mentally ill and was messing around with a friend in a close by Kohl’s. When we exited the store we were asked to come back in by a male worker and I realized I had items that I had not purchased by accident. It wasn’t my intention to shoplift but I was not in the right mind and had done so. We were taken to the back of the store and was asked to present the items that we had taken and we immediately did so. Then I think we had written our name, where we go to school, phone and home address. Was asked not to come in without a responsible adult or else banned to enter by ourselves for a year. No police was involved and no fine, we had to call an adult to come pick us up and we were free to go. The woman that had asked us to present the items told us to never steal again and hoped that we had learned our lesson and I sure have even years later. Now I am looking for a job and am wondering if it’s in some sort of a record and will make it hard for me to get a job since there was no police involved and there was no personal information beyond basic and I wasn’t fined. Thank you so much.
Dear Alex: We’re happy to hear you’ve stayed out of trouble. Since the police weren’t involved with this shoplifting incident, and you didn’t go to court over it, there shouldn’t be any record that would appear in a background check. The only record is the one that the store made at the time. It’s unlikely, if a number of years has passed, that even their record still exists. Good luck with your future endeavors.
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my friend and i (14 years old in texas) got caught shoplifiting about $151 in makeup (5 items, its a misdemeanor class b i believe) and so we were taken to the back and we had our names and what not taken. we were banned from the mall for a year and we were taken to juvie to get our photo and fingerprints taken which they said would be deleted in a year. they also said we have to go to court so these are my questions:
1.will this stay on my record forever?
2.should i plead guilty or not guilty?(they have video proof)
3. is there any way i can lessen the consequence from the judge or get this not on my record?
thank you so much.
Dear Anon Girl: First, we cannot tell you how to plead in court. That will be up to once your options are laid out and decided how you want to proceed forward. Also, talk to your parents about this since they most likely will need to appear in court with you. Since this is your first offense, there’s a good chance that you will be offered a diversion program and given the chance to avoid a record so long as you complete the terms of the program. This may include community service, payment of a fine and attending a class or counseling. Once you complete the terms, the charge would then be dismissed and therefore, you would not have a record of the incident. Even if diversion is not an option, yes, you can ask the court to destroy or expunge your record once you turn 18 or a little older. Every state has its own laws concerning the destruction of juvenile records. We’re glad to hear you learned from this as the consequences will increase for additional offenses. Good luck.
(Check our Teen Help Network for more help and resources in your area. This is information only – not legal advice.)
I had a dui back in 2011 finished everything that was required. In March of 2016 I caught a shoplifting case but was given 3years probation and 10 days work release why wasn’t I offered the DIVERSON program? So that way I could get my record clear now I can’t find a job to pay my fines
Dear Christina: We can’t say because every state has its own criminal code and rules regarding diversion and prosecution of crimes. Check with the local public defender’s office or your lawyer if you had one. You could also contact the prosecutor’s office and ask about this. Good luck.
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I got arrested for shoplifting and they made me go in court and watch a video of why shoplifting is bad and they dropped the charge them recently I got arrested for shoplifting from a grocery store and now I have court again what is going to happen to me ?
Dear Shayla: It’s hard to say what will happen. It depends on if this happened in the same city or town where you live, if the store wants to press charges against you, the position of the prosecutor and policies of the court, etc. You could be offered another diversion program depending on the amount involved and other issues. When you go to court for this, the legal process will be explained to you. You can also contact a lawyer on your own before your court date. It’s time to take life seriously. There are consequences for stealing that only get harsher as you continue to shoplift. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice)
HI Ser am being charge for shoplifting and i already payed the fine.But they want me to go to court,WIth what should i defend my self. Can i do community service and get my record clean.
Dear Joealmo: The fine you paid may be what’s called a “civil fine” that stores are allowed to impose on shoplifters. In addition to that, criminal charges can also be filed against you. When you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you. You can admit what happened and you may be offered “diversion.” That means if you complete some community service, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi sir i was charged for shoplifting in canada 2015 but my charges were withdrawn my question is if i apply fo any job and they do background check does it still shows in my record
Does it createany barrier for getting job and i had applied for removal of finger prints too
Thank you
Dear Jacky: If you didn’t go to court for the shoplifting incident and, as you stated, the “charges were withdrawn,” this shouldn’t have an effect on your future. You can check the court’s website and the police department that was involved and see what record exists. Ask both about having any record that does exist expunged or destroyed. You can apply for expungment without a lawyer. You may be able to apply online. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was caught stealing at my job at macys last January 2015 LP caught me the mall police were called they gave me a citation to go to court. Long story short some of the stuff I took I wasn’t able to give back the value was around $225. Went to court got community service. Case closed deposition nolle proques. I was pay the amount I owed for the merchandise I couldn’t give back I missed like two payments & they sent it to a law office that represents macys so now this law office is sendING me civil demands go up up up that I can not pay I’m damn near homless. I was 18 stupid mistake need money cause I was homeless. I’m sure by now I paid off the merchandise I couldn’t give back & they keep asking me for these settlements I don’t have a job to pay them I’m near homeless no support trying to get a job I been sendING them like $5 or $10 a month because that all I can afford because I thought I still owed for the merchandise I wasn’t able to give back. I already paid off it I know I did. Restitution for what they got they stuff back & the money for the stuff they didn’t get back. This is my first time getting in trouble & my last
Dear Destiny: We suggest that you write the lawyer representing Macy’s and explain the situation just as you have in your note to us. Usually when a person makes good faith payments, even small ones, on a regular (monthly) basis, it is accepted until the amount due is paid in full. We hope you succeed in this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello, I was caught shoplifting at walmart around a little less than $50 worth of stuff. I had shoplifted once before a piece of makeup and apparently they had that on video too. Is this still going to count as first offense or will this count as multiple offenses? They said I’ll be in court for concealment and underringing an item. Please help me understand what’s going to happen.
It’s me again, I also forgot to mention that I have no previous criminal history at all. Other than this I am squeaky clean. Do you think I’ll be put in jail?
Dear Carringtyn: What will happen in your case depends on the laws in your state regarding shoplifting, the prosecutor’s policies and the practices of the judge assigned to your case. If you don’t have to go to court for this recent incident, you may get a letter from the store requesting payment of a civil fine. Usually, once the fine is paid, the case is closed. If you receive notice about a court date, the legal process will be explained to you then. Or you can contact a criminal defense attorney before going to court to discuss your options. The earlier shoplifting may or may not be known to the authorities, so you may only be facing one count instead of two. Good luck. Let this be the last time you steal because the consequences increase as incidents pile up.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Good Morning Judge Tom,
Sadly, I made a very wrong choice to shoplift a college text book! These are so incredibly expensive! I was terribly wrong and so sorry! I was arreseted and spent 2 day and nights in a holding cell waiting to be processed and out on my bail! I have a court date. This is my first offense! I am a college student, 19 years of age, and now hold a job. I live in the state of Oklahoma. I need to know what to do and am very scared! Thank you so much for your time!
Dear Brian: First, relax. Since this is your first offense, you’ll probably be offered “diversion.” That means if you admit what you did and then complete some community service, counseling or attend a class, the charge will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. When you go to court for this, the legal process will be explained to you. You can also talk with a criminal defense attorney before your court date. Some lawyers offer free initial consultations, so ask about this if you call one. Take a look at our Teen Help Network for lawyers where you live:
Good luck, and learn from this now that you’re an adult.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got caught stealing in penneys a cosmetic item that cost 3 euros. I know i never should have done this and i must face the consequences. and i am really worried about what gonna happen.
I gave them my name and address and later i got collected there was no police involved but im still worried if the police are going to come to my house or send a letter home my PARENTS cant find out im only 15 does anyone know if they are going to send anything home or come to my house PLEASE HELP IM WORRIED i know i shuldnt of had done it and i really feel terrible
Dear Chelsey: If the police weren’t called while you were at the store, and you haven’t heard from them since this incident, there’s a chance that you won’t and that the store will handle this themselves. The laws where you live may allow the store to fine you a certain amount of money. Once the fine is paid, the case is usually closed and that’s the end of it. We hope you’ve learned from this and won’t steal again. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi tom, I recently got caught at a store called Urban Outfitters in Arizona. I was headed out the door and it’s censored the workers decided to take me to the bag to call the police until file what has been stolen in their system. I am 18 years old and I have had a juvenile record. When I was 15 I got a caught with marijuana and paraphernalia. Then at the age of 16 17 I got caught with stealing over $1,000 of stuff but I wasn’t alone I got caught that day I was with a friend when I got caught. Now that I’m 18, I got caught with $258 worth of stuff . I need legal advice too late to look ahead. That was a given a court date and I’m pretty sure I will be prosecuted. I will have court January 11th till then I will have a bench warrant. What will happen with that bench when will it ever expire
Dear Laura: When you go to court for the recent shoplifting, the legal process will be explained to you. Or you contact a lawyer on your own for advice. We don’t know the history behind the “bench warrant,” so we can’t comment. Once you go to court, it will be addressed. In the meantime, stay out of trouble so your situation doesn’t worsen. If you were banned from the store, don’t return or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m 14 I was in the store with my mom she forgot something and I loaded the bags and fell asleep a cop said I need to come with him I took the blame of shoplifting because I don’t want to see my mom gone did I do a good thing
Dear Leah: It sounds like a very difficult situation you were put in. Unfortunately, by you taking the blame for your mom’s actions, you now may be facing consequences through the court and probably are not doing your mom any favors. In other words, your mom may have a problem with theft or another issue and may believe that she can do it again especially if you’re with her to potentially take the fall. We strongly suggest you talk to a trusted adult about this. Whether it’s a teacher, school counselor, a friend’s parent or another relative, they can help by talking about the situation and figure out a way to proceed forward. Good luck to you and your Mom.
(Check our Teen Help Network for more help and resources in your area. This is information only – not legal advice.)
I’m from sc. I got caught “shoplifting” @ walmart. I switched tags on some items to get the items for cheaper but I didn’t actually steal them. I got called into the security office and the cop gave me a ticket and told me to come to court. He said thanks for being honest and cooperating with us (even tho i was having a full blown panic attack) Complete first offense and I will NEVER do it again. He said they would probably lower my fine than what’s on the ticket and offer me a pti program….does that mean I’m not going to jail? I’m absolutely terrified
Dear Whitnwy: Since this is your first offense, you should not be facing any jail time. You may be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity to avoid a record so long as you complete the terms of the program (community service, payment of a fine, and an educational class or counseling). You will find out more when you go to court including what your options are. Good luck.
(Check our Teen Help Network for more help and resources in your area. This is information only – not legal advice.)
Judge Tom,
I am a college student in the sate of DE. I was caught shoplifting from walmart and I am 21. I know for a fact that they have video of what I did and two witnesses. The items taken were $85 total. This is my first theft/shoplifting offense, however I have been arrested for underage drinking years ago. Is there anyway that I can avoid having this on my record, or avoiding a conviction of any kind? I am extremely ashamed of what I have done and ant nothing more than to take it back. I fear this will hinder my ability to get a job in the future because I am studying to be a pilot.
Thank you for your help,
Dear Andrew: There are several ways this incident may be handled. If you received a ticket and have to appear in court, it may be processed through a “diversion” program. That means if you admit what you did and then complete some community service, the charge will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Since this is your first offense as an adult, diversion will likely be offered to you. If you don’t have to go to court and the police weren’t involved, you may receive a letter from the store requesting payment of a civil fine. Once the fine is paid, the case is closed and that’s the end of it. Also, if this is how the store handles this incident, there’s no record of it other than with the store – no official record that would appear in a background check. At your age and position as a college student, make this your last brush with the law since diversion is usually offered to first-time offenders. Good luck and keep your grades up.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My 12 yr old daughters friend was caught stealing from Kmart. Since my daughter was there when it happened even though she did not take anything she was still accused of theft and I got a civil penalty to pay of 350$ . What could happen if I didn’t pay and went to court instead, and is it even worth the hassle of going to court?
Dear Mary: We don’t provide legal advice to our readers since we are an education resource for teenagers about laws that affect them. So, we can’t tell you what to do in this incident. The civil penalty differs from being charged with shoplifting. If your daughter admits shoplifting, she will be given a consequence, either by the court or through a diversion program. She could end up with a record that you could seek to expunge at a later date. Usually when the civil fine is paid, the case is closed and there’s no court involvement or juvenile record. It’s your call as to how to proceed. You may want to speak with a local defense attorney for advice. Take a look at our Teen Help Network for lawyers in your area:
Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I live in texas I got caught shoplifting at HEB the total was $6.00, they did call the cops I was issued a authorization for trespassing warning, then they let me go. The items were returned. They didn’t search me for anything else. But the guy the confronted me told the office I stole other things, the office didn’t as to search me or anything just had me sign the paper, he also didn’t question me if I had taken anything else. I was wondering what I should be expecting from this encounter, will I have to go to court? Will I have to pay a fine? Will it go on my record? And how long do those trespassing warning last will I ever be aloud back to heb?
Dear Brianna: Since you weren’t given a ticket or notice to appear in court, the trespass warning may be all that happens in this incident. If the store decides to press shoplifting charges, you may get a notice in the mail about a court date. if that happens, make sure you go to court. If you miss court, a warrant for your arrest can be issued. But, it sounds like you got lucky this time with just a warning. Read the trespass warning carefully. It should state the time period that you’re prohibited from returning to the store. If it doesn’t, you can call the store and ask the owner or manager about this. Whatever you do, don’t return during the “no trespass” period or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
What happen if you got. Caught shopliftting twice at the same store and the police was called the first time but was called the second time will the prosecutor used that against you
Dear Esther: If nothing happened the first time (no ticket, court appearance, etc.) it won’t be used against you. Maybe it’s time to rethink your tendency to steal things. Eventually, it will catch up with you with serious consequences. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello Judge- I accidently left a store yesterday with merchandise under my basket that was not paid for. An employee found me in the parking lot and asked me about them. Once I realized what i had done i apologized and he took me back in the store. he wrote a report for the merchandise not paid for, took a copy of my ID, and i signed a paper. no cops involoved. he said i will be getting an “invoice” in the mail for the merchandise. I was confused because I still wanted the merchandise and wanted to pay for it.
Question 1: will criminal charges follow?
Question 2: will the store look through past video to see if i have done this before?
Dear Marcus: The store could review earlier videos and decide whether to file a complaint with the police for shoplifting or not. That’s their decision. The decision to file formal charges is made by the local prosecutor or police if they issue a citation for this incident. If you receive an invoice in the mail for the merchandise, paying it promptly may put an end to this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello Judge Tom,
I am 14 years old and Texas, and apparently i got caught shoplifting $66 dollars worth of stuff with a friend. We were sent to a juvenile place and our parents had to come and get us and we were put on probation. We got several comments about how we were behaving very well and were very respectful so they only gave us 3 months probation. Will we have to go to court? Will I be able to leave the city with my parents with my PO’s permission? What will happen to us?? Thanks.
Dear Anna: It sounds like you may have been placed in a diversion program. If this is the case and you complete the terms of the program without a problem, then the charges would be dismissed and that would be the end of the matter. If you violate any terms of probation, then you may have to go to court and have to talk to a judge about why you violated the terms. As for leaving the city, you most likely need your PO’s permission just like you stated. If you have been doing well and you have a good reason to leave like taking a trip with your parents, then your PO most likely will give you permission. Good luck.
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Hi im 17 and live in Missouri. I got caught stealing a 6 dollar sticker from walmart. I got arrested and taken down to jail to fill out paper work. I have court in 3 weeks and I was wondering what my penalty will be for stealing this is my first time stealing and I have been to court twice but the first time was for another reason.
Dear Austin: It may depend on the reasons you were in court before this incident. If it was for a serious charge, the judge will take that into consideration. Otherwise, you may be eligible for a diversion program. That means if you admit the shoplifting, as you said you would, and then complete some community service, counseling or attend a class, the charge will be dismissed, Don’t miss your hearing at court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello need some advice. I had got court papers at the end of march for shoplifting, march 2 2015 at a family dollar … now if it was on camera should of that of been said in the summary? at the time I was moving a lot was going on I am currently attending school I don’t want this to ruin that I have three girls at the time we had no food so yes I did take merchandise box of macaroni and a little pizza all valued at 4, 75$.1 couple weeks later before I even knew that I had court papers coming I went into that same store got some items walked out n there was a cop waiting for me very nice said I was told by another cop to wait here with you at that time I had no clue what was going on well we waited finally the cop called other cop and told him he wanted me to go down to cop shop for an interview went down there lady at dollar general says she seen items in my purse didn’t say I was on camera or she witness me take them. also said she had been keeping an eye on me because management believe I been stealing in the pass which was not true but anyways I have court on the 7th an very upset I never got into trouble before so this is my first time give me advice please thank u I from PA
Dear Jenna: If they have you on a video shoplifting, then most likely that information will be disclosed to you when you go to court. Ultimately, it depends on your state’s rules of evidence and disclosure laws. Since this is your first offense, there’s a good chance that you will be offered diversion and given the opportunity to avoid a record so long as you complete the program. You will find out more when you go to court including what your options are. Good luck.
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Let me rephrase this me an my friend 13 and im 14 got caught but they didnt know i did it so i left but then they called when i was runinng to the school to wait for mom and i chucked the skittles that were about 1.099 and i just went back and when i got there there were a couple cops and when i sat down i just confesed and said i chucked them and i asked an officer if he can walk with me so i can retrieve them and i did and brought them back ….. What will happen? And it was my firsy time ever breaking the law and its the only time. I am so scared what will happen i dont want it to be on my record cause i am supposed to get a job this summer and that … Plz tell me what will be my consequence i am really scared
Dear CJ: If you end up having to go to court over the matter, you most likely will be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity to avoid a record so long as you complete the program. This could require community service, payment of a fine and having to attend a class or counseling. When a diversion program is completed, the charges are typically dismissed. Good luck.
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I got caught stealing a pack of skittles less than 1.99 and its my first time ever and i live in va what will be my consequence
Dear CJ: It’s up to the store as to how to proceed. They could send you a civil demand letter requesting payment of a civil fine. It’s unlikely that they would involve the police over such a small value item, but if they did report it, then you could receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Again, because it’s such a small amount that was stolen, you may have gotten lucky with just a verbal warning. If the store told you not to come back and banned you, be sure to stay away otherwise you could face consequences for trespassing. Good luck.
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I was cought shoplifting at Walmart on Sunday. There where no police involved and it $24 worth. The LP took my I.d information and said since it was my first time he will go easy on me. He said I will receive a letter that states how much I’m going to be fine. He said that as long as I pay the police won’t get involved but if I miss one payment then the police can arrest me. I am wondering if this will show up on an of my records. This is my first time getting in trouble with the law and I really don’t want to end my life like this I’m just 23 and barely starting. I did ask if this was going to show up on my permanent record and he said no that the info will only stay within walmart. I signed a form that states I’m not allowed in ANY walmart for 6 months. Please I need to know will I go to court for this and will I not be able to work in any retail jobs or any job. It’s not worth shoplifting I have been pray and asking God to forgive me and I have not been able to be at peace since it happen. If I do go to court do I say I’m guilty or innocent, do I need to get a lawyer. How about if they do background checks will it come out. The town is Del Rio Tx if this helps you.
Dear Sara: Since this is your first offense and the police weren’t involved, you can relax. Stores are allowed to issue “civil fines” if they choose to. Once the fine is paid, the case is closed and you don’t have to worry about an official record that may affect your adult life. As you stated, the only record will remain with the store – Walmart. Don’t be surprised if the fine is in the hundreds, regardless of the $24 stolen. Your state law sets limits on civil fines for shoplifting and it’s usually higher than the items taken. You can arrange a payment schedule with the store. Good luck – we’re glad you’ve learned from this experience. Also, don’t return to the store for the six-month ban period or you could be charged with trespassing.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was stupid. I stole from Wal-Mart. It ranged at a total to 60.96…..It was some presents for my nephew and a few snacks because well, I hadn’t eaten all day and I was hungry but didn’t have any money. I did get caught, and at first I lied. I was scared and it was the first time I had ever been in any legal issues. So they took me to the back and I came clean, told them what I took, gave it back, and answered any questions they had honestly. I was terrified. The did call a police man out and I answered his questions. They gave me a ticket for a court date, describing my charge of Shoplifting and the worth of the things I had taken. What should I expect in court? Please somebody help because I am terrified.
Dear Jessica: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion and given the opportunity to avoid a record so long as you complete the terms of the program successfully. This means that you may be facing community service, payment of a fine and having to attend a class or counseling. You will find out more when you go to court including what your options are. Good luck. (Check our Resource Directory for more help and resources in your area. This is information only – not legal advice.)
I have a question just a couple of days ago at my job a young girl who was 17 had stolen shaving cream and a razor. Our undercover security had caught her stealing and brought her into our office I was present in the room with them. The security was asking her a bunch of questions then asks her what is your religion? with fright she said muslim he then said oh yeah your dad is definitely going to be pissed. He brought up her being muslim more then once and also infront of the cop now is he allowed to ask that question? I feel I should do something because this poor girl was being discriminated against because of her religion pretty ironic that 4 seconds later a white boy steals a monster and is let off the hook for it.
Dear Josh: First, you may want to bring it to the attention of a store manager or another person in an authoritative position. They may have no idea that this security guard is asking such questions and will take action once they find out. If you don’t get anywhere with a manager, etc. then you could consider talking to an attorney who handles civil matters and specializes in discrimination cases. Whether or not the security guard and/or store are violating any laws will depend on the specific facts and circumstances as well as the laws in your state. Good luck.
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over the weekend my boyfriend and I got caught shoplifting at walmart. we were brought into the little room and an officer was present. we are both 19 years old. we cooperated and gave them all of our information. the total of stuff that we took was over $200. although there were not many items- one of the phone accessories we took was $80. anyway, we were given tickets and given a court date next week.
what is going to happen? should i get an attorney? will there be jail time? we live in Arizona. please help me out.
Dear Emily: If this is your first offense, you may be offered what’s called “diversion.” Once you complete the terms of diversion, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Otherwise, you could be placed on probation for a period of time, given community service, counseling or classes. When you go to court for this, the legal process will be explained to you. It’s your call whether to hire a lawyer now or wait until the hearing to decide what to do. You could also discuss this with your parents who may have some advice. We hope you’ve learned from this. Keep in mind that diversion is usually a one-time break for first-time offenders. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I have question, if you get caught stealing and on your warrant or paperwork the price for the merchandise is wrong can your case be dismissed??
Dear Sam: It’s unlikely that your case would be dismissed for an error like that on the paperwork. It should be brought to the attention of the prosecutor and/or the court so that the consequences are not more harsh than necessary if they believe that the items stolen were greater than they actually were. Good luck.
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I was caught shoplifting in Express, Im 16 , and its my first offense. I stole two pair of underwear and a pair of socks. The total was $60. I was taken to the police department and then released but now I wait for a card to go to court. The manager of the store is pressing charges. What am I facing here ? What can I do ? I meed your advice.
Dear Andy: Since it’s your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity to avoid a record so long as you complete the terms of the program. This may mean completing some community service, payment of a fine and attending a class or counseling and then the charges would be dismissed. You will find out more when you go to court including what your options are. Good luck.
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Hi I have a few questions. I shoplifted for my first time the other day and I got caught. I felt horrible after I did it and I will never do it again. It was 1 item taken out of a 3 pack. the three pack was 17.99 but i only took one item out of it so technically it didn’t have an exact price. I am 17 years old. The store took down my information from my license. They did not contact my parents. I was told i will be receiving a civil demand in the mail. I do not want my parents to find out about this. I have enough money to pay the demand. If my parents were not contacted and i didn’t give any information about them, will the civil demand be addressed to me? All they did was write down my info from my license and my cell #. Also, is it just a letter that comes in the mail, or is signature needed at the post office for it? (i heard that but didn’t know if it was true). By the way, the police were not contacted and there will be not court. I just need to know the answers to those two questions. Thank you
Dear Annon: Since the store took down your contact information and do not have any information for your parents, the letter should be addressed to you. Whether or not you will have to sign for it depends on how the store chooses to mail out the letter. Most likely it will be sent by regular mail and no signature will be needed. We’re glad to hear you learned from your mistake. Good luck.
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May I simply say what a relief to uncover
someone who really knows what they are discussing over the internet.
You certainly know how to bring a problem to light and make
it important. More and more people really need to read this and understand this side
of your story. It’s surprising you’re not more popular given that you
most certainly possess the gift.
Dear Keith: Thank you for your comment. Please spread the word about AsktheJudge.info
–Judge Tom
I have a question. I was caught shoplifting at Kohls with a friend who is 16 as i just turned not even 20 days ago. She got arrested and i got a court date. The things we took added up to about 115 and Kohls said they are going to bill us for their time and the total of the things we tried to take. I am just wondering how much you think the fine i’m going to get from the courts and stuff are. It was a huge mistake and something i would never normally do. I dont want to tell my mom but i dont think i can afford to pay a bunch of fines on my own. Can i get community service instead of having to pay these fines? this is my first time ever getting in trouble.
Dear Gabby: First, the court may require that your Mom or parent be present with you during your court date so you may need to tell her. When you go to court, you may be offered diversion and meet with a probation or court officer. Explain your financial circumstances and that you would prefer more community service hours instead of a fine. They may be willing to work with you and reduce any fine by giving you more community service to complete. Fines vary from court to court, but typically range between $100 and up to several hundred dollars. Good luck.
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My friend is 22 he got caught stealing from wall Mart. They charged him with retail fraud at the third degree it is all under 50$ we are from Clinton two Michigan USA. Please help what will most likely happen? He has a very clean record.
Dear Chris: Since this is your friend’s first offense, there is a good chance that he will be offered a diversion program. That means that once he completes some community service, pays a fine and attends a class or counseling, the charges would be dismissed. He will find out more when he goes to court including what his options are. Good luck to him.
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hi judge thank you soo much for your previous response i have one more quetion if the charges are dissmissed will these charges will be on my record for the whole life will it affect when i apply for work permit or extending my student visa
thank you so much judge for giving knowledge and guidance about canadian law
Dear Nilesh: AsktheJudge is an American site focusing on the laws affecting teens in the U.S. However, diversion programs may be offered where you live in Canada. Check out this link to find out more about the possibility of diversion in Canada and whether it results in any record at all. Good luck.
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hi judge iam international student and i was charged for theft under $5000 from the bay taking $149 clothes and they give me court notice this is the first time ive broken the rules and i dont know any rules about canada could you plz tell me what charges they r going to put on me will they cancel my immigration ?
Dear Nilesh: You most likely are facing misdemeanor charges for theft/shoplifting. You may be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity to get the charges dismissed so long as you complete the program. The possible consequences you face may include probation with community service, a fine, and attending a class or counseling. You will find out more when you go to court including what your options are. As for your status as an international student, you would have to talk to an immigration attorney to find out if there could be any consequences. Many attorneys offer a free initial consultation. Good luck.
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I got caught by stealing a $5 worth at CVS, the clerk came up and told me to take up the stuff and she was like she called the police already, and I after I gave her back the thing I stole.. She admitely said “Get out!” ..”She banned from the store.” THE REAL BIG QUESTION is.. When they see me on the camera Will I be in trouble? Will they sent me a letter home about me being shoplifting?
Dear Keo: You might hear from them if there’s a way to contact you. If they know your name and address, you may get a letter in the mail requesting payment of a fine. Once it’s paid, the case is closed. Since you’ve been banned from the store, don’t return or you could be charged with trespass. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Ok so an employee at Canadian tire saw me drop a package and it was open and the parts for the object spread across the floor and I said I found it on the shelf, I knocked it over, and it fell apart. So now I’m leaving the store (and my friends are the ones telling me to try and get the object) so now I received a phone call after about 4 months later but not stating a specific person stole something, I overheard my dad repeat the words survey and investigation. Please tell me what can happen and the most likely. Me and my friends have stolen multiple things on different occasions from the same store.we are all 12-14 years of age.
Dear Jerry: The store may send you a civil demand letter requesting payment of a civil fine. If they choose to report the matter to the police, then you could receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. If this is your first time in trouble with the law and having to go to court, then you may be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity to avoid a record so long as you complete the program. Perhaps you should talk to your Dad about this and find out what exactly was said during the phone call. Good luck.
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So im from Victoria (Australia) and what I have noticed with shoplifting where I have seen it is that it never goes to court unless it is a second visit from the police (where they don’t get their stuff back) or it is valued over $100. A mate of mine was shitting his pants when stealing $14 dollars worth of cards and his friend got apprehended by the store owner who believes it was $28 worth (the guy who stole it got away). now the friend payed $30 which was more then double the cost of the items but still the school may have been involved and the police after he bolted. I have no idea what is going to happen to them but now I am a suspect because I was also there at the time. Yet I have not heard from the police or perhaps the school myself.
Dear Blake: If you had nothing to do with the shoplifting: didn’t act as a lookout, didn’t help conceal anything taken from the store, didn’t help out with the theft in any way, there’s little to worry about. If, by chance, you are contacted by the police, tell the truth and everything should work out. Keep in mind, there may be a video of you in the store. Good luck.
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Ok I am date a girl Elegaly here from mexico ahs be arrested and deported back to mexico For Postatution So Now
She Has Been Here For Four years an shes 27 years old Can She Get a green card and how do i do it for the fastest rezolits Dear Adam: AsktheJudge.info is an education resource for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to adults or teens.
We suggest you speak with an immigration lawyer about this situation. Take a look at our Resource Directory for professionals in your area:
Good luck.
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Dear Judge,
I was caught shoplifting a $20.14 mascara from sephora in JC penney, when the LP took me to the office they banned me from the store for a year. Since I coroparated with them they talked to me like a sincere person and said do not do it because its not cool and not good for your record. The security person wrote a citation for a court date for me but they filled the paper work wrong they put my sex as: M and my race as white, when i am a female hispanic. They gave me a civil demand letter but did not make me sign it nor did it have a case #? thoughts was this just to scare me so I will never come back to their store? ( also i am 18 and have nothing on my record)
Dear Karina: If you were given the name of a court and a date to appear, it’s best to show up. Otherwise, the court may issue a warrant for your arrest. You can call the court in advance and confirm you’re on the court’s calendar. Verify the date and time. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered “diversion.” Once you complete the terms of diversion, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
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Dear Judge,
I own a small store, lately I have been noticing some money is missing from the register in the end of day count, I installed cameras and they caught the person that has been stealing the money. The problem is he is a 15 year old boy who still lives with his parents, I estimate I’ve lost around $8500, the mother of the boy told me she would just give me $2000 and that I should not present charges because the kid is not going to get punished anyway and I’m not going to get any more money back. Is she right? What can I do? I live in Fresno California.
Thank you.
Dear Robert: We suggest you speak with the local prosecutor or victim’s rights organization to learn about your rights in this situation. Many district attorney’s offices have victim assistance programs for just this type of case. As a victim you are entitled to restitution from the offender, even a juvenile. There are also parent responsibility laws that cover property damage and personal injury losses caused by kids. Parents are held to a certain amount ($10,000, for example) for the actions of their children. Good luck.
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Me and my boyfirend were caught shoplifting at Walmart im 17 and hes 19 they charged him it was 100$ worth of stuff will he charged with a felony??
Dear Moe: Charging is a decision made by the prosecutor considering the evidence in a criminal case and applying the applicable criminal laws. Your boyfriend will likely be charged with a misdemeanor if the total loss to the store was $100.00.
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How u doing I stay in Jefferson city mo and I was with my friend and this girl and he was taking her to Walmart and she asked me to go in the store with her and help her with her stuff because she said her hand was hurting she said that she had already returned the stuff and just had to go get it and show them the receipt so I said OK me being tired from work and not thinking that it didn’t sound right so I help her I put the TV in the basket an push the basket I thought she said go to the door but she said go to customer service with her and after I went out the front door at Walmart not the second door to the street and the guy stopped me and asked for the receipt and I told him that she had it and she came and showed him it he said that it was dated a day back and was the wrong one she said she left it in the van or her mother had it so she walked past the customer service and out the other door so I said I was going outside to look for it in my van and he called the police so the merchandise never left the store what can happen to me in court I also had another charge but the judge seen I didn’t steal it it was a misdemeanor he gave me a year unsupervised probation because my witness didn’t show up
Dear Tony: Since you’re already on unsupervised probation, the court may feel supervised may be necessary under the circumstances. That’s if you plead guilty to shoplifting in this incident or are found guilty after trial. It’s up to the judge assigned to your case and what the prosecutor recommends to the court. You can discuss your options with your lawyer when you go to court. Good luck.
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I have a question, What if your brother(Minor) just got off probation a week ago, went with a friend (Adult) to walmart in Richmond, Indiana (We live in Ohio), and his friend (the Adult) stole something and pressured my brother to help steal, but he did not. They got caught, my brother got charged along with his friend, What could happen? (Keep in mind My brother is a minor and His friend is of age).
Dear Isaiah: The possible consequences depend on a number of factors including the theft laws in that state, your brother’s criminal record and the specific facts and circumstances of the case. If the value of the item(s) stolen was relatively low, he may be facing additional time on probation along with fines/restitution, community service and having to attend a class or counseling. It’s possible that his probation could be transferred to where he resides. Also, he may be able to appear telephonically for court. He should contact the court in advance and ask about this. We hope he’s learned from his mistakes and realizes that maybe it would be best to avoid hanging out with certain people. Good luck to him.
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I have a question, What happens if say, your brother got off probation then one week later gets caught for shoplifting?(State: Ohio)
Dear Ian: Two things: either he lucks out and gets another chance at diversion, or he’s returned to probation status with additional terms. The new terms may include a stint in detention or jail depending on his age, criminal history and other factors. Either way, he’ll likely be back in the system with more monitoring in his future. Time to wake up to reality.
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I have a friend who took a two hundred dollar gift card. They weren’t arrested because they were honest but the officer gave them a court date in municipal court in Colorado springs. What is the sentencing going to be
Dear Carla: The penalty depends on a number of things: your friend’s history with the court, whether this incident is a misdemeanor or felony, the sentencing policies of the judge and prosecutor and the victim’s input. On the other hand, if this is a first offense, your friend may be offered diversion. That means once some community service is completed or other diversion term met, the case will be closed. When your friend goes to court, the legal process including possible penalties will be explained to him/her.
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So my friend asked me to get her bag from the bathroom accidently i picked up the wrong one i returned the bag but the girl says theres stuff missing she called the guards and now they want me to come in what will happen to me will i be charged?
Dear Clara: Hopefully, when you go in, this will get straightened out. Explain what happened and this may not turn into formal charges against you. Good luck.
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i need to know if you are charge with a misdamentor in one county and your charge with another one in another county but you not being found guity for it yet can the judge hold it aginst you in the second one
Dear Colleen: Judges in different counties pay attention to the charges they have jurisdiction over. If a person has a conviction on their record, it may come into play when being sentenced in a later criminal proceeding. These are matters you need to discuss with your lawyer. He or she will be able to explain to you the significance, if any, of multiple charges. Good luck.
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Judge Tom, I have a question. The day before thanksgiving my friends and I were caught shoplifting at Walmart. I’m 16,another girl is 16, and the other is 18. Cops got called, and we all 3 have court 12-17-14. This is my first time being in trouble with the law, I live in Indiana so I’m not sure what will happen to me. I don’t want to go to “juvy” I need an answer and I need some advice. Please help me!
Dear Hannah: Since this is your first offense, you can expect to be offered “diversion” when you go to court tomorrow. That means if you admit what you did and then complete some community service, the case will be closed. It’s unlikely you’d be locked up this first time. Discuss this with your parents and one of them should go to court with you. Good luck.
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i just wanna ask, if someone in a minor age get caught for the first time did shoplifting. it is possible to have a criminal record? and it is possible to appear if yo want to get a police clearance or NBI clearance??,, ahmm, im only 15 years old at that time (2009).
Dear Jenelah: If shoplifting is your first offense, you may be offered what’s called “diversion.” That means when you complete some community service, or other consequence, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. It depends on the amount involved, and the policies of the court and prosecutor. The same goes as far as obtaining a police clearance or destruction of a juvenile record. Good luck.
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I was coughtshoplifting but i had my children with me, this was on a military base, and everything was returned to the store. I am now in a different state, but have to webcam with the judge on this friday, am I going to get jail time?
Dear Holly: Askthejudge.info is an education resource for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to our readers.
We will tell you, however, that if this is your first offense, it’s unlikely you’ll be sentenced to jail. You may be offered a diversion program which means if you admit what you did and then complete some community service, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed. Good luck.
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Me and my friend were caught shop lifting yesterday for 8$ and got arrested for trying to leave the store they gave us a ticket it was our first time getting caught the ticket has no amount on it or fine to pay is it possible to be waived and just close the case it was at khols in Brooklyn NY
Dear David: Check the ticket to see if there’s a date to appear in court. If there is, be sure to go with one of your parent’s. Or you could get a letter in the mail from the store requiring payment of what’s called a “civil fine.” Once the fine is paid, the case is closed and you don’t get a record. We hope you learn from this incident. Shoplifting is stealing and carries stiff penalties if you continue to steal. Good luck.
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my cousin was stop in Walmart had about 35 dollars worth of stuff cops was not called but they told her she had to pay 500 for cec program if she do not pay can Walmart still press charges on him in this was his first time
Dear Mimi: Yes, it’s the store’s decision whether to file formal charges or handle it as a civil matter. It sounds like they’re going the civil route since you’ve been fined $500. Usually, once the civil fine is paid, the case is closed and you don’t get a record from this incident. If you don’t pay, the store could decide to file a complaint with the police who may refer the shoplifting incident to the local prosecutor. Good luck.
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Hi I want to know what are the consequences of stealing less than 10 dollars from a grocery store. This is what happened:
I wanted to get some dogs treat and I needed some batteries. I bought the dogs treat but putted the 6 dollars batteries in my pocket. When I got out of the store, a person notified me that I putted battery in my pocket and stole it. So he took me to the back room and got my ID and information and took a picture from me. Then he printed a paper which was a civil theft paper and I signed it. And then he let me go .
My question is what is going to happen next? Will I have to pay a fine or go to court or what?
Dear Mike: It sounds like the store may request you to pay a civil fine. If you pay this fine on time, that may be the end of the matter and you will hear nothing more about the incident. If they told you to stay away from the store, be sure to do so otherwise you could be cited for trespassing. Good luck.
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I took some stuff worth 25 dollars and i had just walked out the door and turned around to come pay for them but the security did listen. I was in minnesota but live in iowa what will happen.
Dear Justin: If they have your contact information, you may receive a notice in the mail about a court date or a civil fine to pay. Once you pay the fine, the case is usually closed and this incident is over. Good luck.
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My son 18 was arrested for shoplifting $30 item at a best buy. He has a court day. This is his first time ( and only time ). He is a honor student, 4.0 in college has all these awards for scholar. He has been bullied all his life he now has a friend which dared him. He did this to keep his only friend. Which was dumb and he knows it. What should we expect.
Dear Lisa: Since this is his first offense and the amount stolen was relatively low, he may be offered diversion. This means that once he completes the terms of the program (community service, a fine and/or classes or counseling), the charges would be dismissed. He will find out more when he goes to court including what his options are. Good luck to him.
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Hi I was 17 when I got caught for shoplifting a $20.00 Item in CT, an officer was called in just to identify me since I didn’t have an ID. I just recently had an interview at the public library in my town, they offered me the job but before I could start working the city does a background check. Will this be on my record/ back ground check and will it stop me from getting the job? I have learned my lesson and the cop said this was a warning but I am unsure what it means for my (hopefuly) future job
Dear Emi: You don’t need to worry about this incident appearing in a background check since you were not cited and never went to court. A verbal warning does not result in any record. Good luck with the job.
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I have been diagnosed with an eating disorder and have been trying to cope with it but sometimes it gets the best of me. I was at college and for a few weeks I had been taking some food out of the campus food store due to the constant urge to eat caused by my eating disorder. Recently I got caught and they took my name down and I met with the security guards while I was balling my eyes out. Campus security met with me and told me that I would have to meet with the campus personal conduct person and then he will decide if they are going to bring it to the authorities. I’m planning on offering to pay for everything I have taken. Are there any other steps I should take to prevent this from getting to the authorities? Also how would they deal with the fact that I have been diagnosed with an eating disorder which causes me to do things like this?
Dear Hannah: Ultimately, it’s going to be up to your school and the rules and policies concerning shoplifting as to whether or not the incident is reported to the police. While a mental health condition does not justify breaking the law, they may take it into consideration when you meet with the personal conduct person. By showing that you are remorseful, that you are wanting to take responsibility for your mistake and that you will do what it takes to make sure it doesn’t happen again (go to counseling, etc.), they may be willing to keep any consequences within the school and not report it to the police. Good luck.
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Hi, I’m 18. I was caught shop lifting with my 17 year old cousin. This is her second offense but I have never done anything like this. I guess I just wanted to feel cool so I was just going along with what she said. My trial is tomorrow will I go to jail? I am fine with paying a fine because I know what I did was completely wrong. I’m in the process of trying to find a job right now do you think that it will stick to my criminal record? I wasn’t actually seen shoplifting but my cousin was. The total amount was only $27. Should I plead guilty? I’ve never been in this type of situation so I do not know what to expect. This is the state of Virginia. Help please.
Dear Amanda: Since this is your first offense, you may be eligible for what’s called “diversion.”
Once you successfully complete the terms of diversion, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record that may affect the rest of your life (jobs, college admissions, military, etc). We can’t tell you what to do in court – it’s your decision. You’ll have a chance when you get there to talk this over with a court official (probation officer, for example) and consider your options. You might want to discuss this with your parents before going to your hearing. Good luck.
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Me and two other friends of mine (both 13, we’re female) got caught for stealing popcorn chicken, water, and fries by an undercover security guy. The total came out to be $6.26 we have to go to court I got a thing to where I can’t go on the property anymore (it’s a neighbourhood Walmart) a ticket for like 200 dollars from the cops and Walmart is pressing charges. When my grandpa had to pick me up from Walmart (the police were still there) they referred to me as very remoursefull this is my 1st time ever getting in trouble with police or shoplifting. I live in Texas, do you think I’ll go to Juvie?
Dear Taylor: Since this is your first time in trouble with the police, it’s highly unlikely you’d be locked up in juvie. When you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you. You’re probably eligible for what’s called “diversion.”
Once you successfully complete the program, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Think twice before stealing again. The consequences in the future for repeat behavior get harsher. Good luck.
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here is what happened. I have worked at a petsmart in ky for two years. sometimes customers will throw unused coupons away in the trash, and yes you and I both know I going to say I took and used them. I got caught, got fired, had to sign what I did and that I would pay it back. no cops were called or present at any time. but im scared they could come to my house and arrest me at any point and time. what are the chances they will do this or would they have had me arrested at the store when they took me to the office? I hve already written the check to pay them back in full (51 dollars) and I came to this amount because they would not tell me how many coupons I took. they told me to pick a number and pay it. so I did. what happens now? I was caught and fired 9-10-14 and it is now 9-11-14
Dear Brittany: It is unlikely that you will be arrested since you already paid the difference to the store, they did not involve the police when they confronted you and they did not say that the police were going to be involved. Even if the matter were to be reported to the police, they may then investigate and you could receive a notice in the mail to appear in court, but it would be unlikely that they would arrest you. It sounds like you were able to pay what you believe you owed them and you probably will hear nothing more about it. Good luck.
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I got caught stealing I paid the court fees and paid back the store that’s been two years ago now I still cant get a job I have b never done that before one it scare the heck out of I did not go to jail but I got a wake up call that’s why I never did it again now I am back in church and I still can not get a job
Dear Teri: First, know exactly what your record shows. It’s possible that you completed a diversion program and don’t even have a record. So when applying for jobs, you may be able to answer “no” to having any prior convictions. Most employers are concerned about any felony “convictions”. If your case was handled in juvenile court, then you do not have a “conviction” since you would have been “adjudicated” as a delinquent. Therefore, you could truthfully answer no to having any prior convictions. If you do have a record, you can look into getting it expunged or destroyed. For specific information concerning the laws in your state, you could try Googling your state’s name and “destruction of criminal records”. Good luck.
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Hii my I went to the store with my sister and she stole some polo shirts , I knew she had them but I myself didn’t steal anything the amount added up to 210$, I got arrested and got out on bail , I have court coming up what will happen to my sister and I ? We live in Texas and I am a boy I’m 17 and she is 19 .
Dear Osiel: If this is your first offense, you both may be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity to avoid a criminal record so long as you complete the program. This means that once you complete some community service, pay a fine and attend a class or counseling, the charges would be dropped. You will find out more when you go to court including what your options are. Good luck.
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Jude Tom, so me being the stupid person I am,stole from my own job.i did my own returns and the total from the transactions came out to 215$ and the cops were called and I got on the system and stayed a couple hours in county already and got out under OR.my court date is a month from now and I was wondering what is going to happen mostly.this is my first offense,my recor is clean and I paid the money back to Nordstrom.im gunna get a lawyer but what do you think will be the decision?
Dear Sadie: Your lawyer would know best about the possible consequences based on the laws in your state as well as the facts and specific charges. Talk to him/her about this. You may be facing probation with community service, fines and educational classes or counseling. Good luck.
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i was caught trying to steal a $2.50 car air freshener from family dollar store in Superior, Arizona i surrendered the item in my pocket and the clerk allowed me to leave but she took down my plate number on my car will i go to jail for this if and when the police show up at my door ?
Dear Michael: If this is your first offense, it’s unlikely you’ll go to jail. You may get lucky this time and not hear anything further about this incident. If that’s the case, we hope you learn from it. Good luck.
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I am 20 years old and feel stupid for stealing for less than $15 worth I just got suspended today and they filed papers to hr corporate what could I expect to happen it’s my first time offense and they could have called the cops then and there but didn’t but they did suspend me from work until further investigation is the last thing they told me now what.
Dear Harold: Since it’s your first offense, you may get lucky and be given a break. If corporate decides to keep you, learn from this incident. If there’s a next time, you’ll probably end up in court explaining your actions to a judge and be facing probation, fines and possibly incarceration. Corporate may impose a “civil fine” which, once paid, ends the matter and you don’t end up with a record. Don’t be surprised if the fine is in the hundreds of dollars regardless of the $15.00 value you place on the item. States allow such fines as a way of reducing court cases. Good luck.
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I have a question, so me and my sister were caught shoplifting in Jc penny. I took scarves and my sister took perfume and make up. My sister and I both didn’t have any money and it was our first time shoplifting. My sister is 16yrs and im 18yrs, we went to the police station and our parents came and we have a court session in a couple days. mY question is how can I get rid of this record?Especially when its my first time getting arrested and the scarves were like 50$ all together. And Im going to college and it scares me to know that the college might know about it and I feel like I cant get a job with this on my record. what can I do to not look like a criminal, and how can I take it off my record as if nothing happened so I can a job and not have to answer yes on the, have you ever been convicted on the job application.
Dear Cassie: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of the program (community service, fines, educational classes and/or counseling), the charges would be dropped. You will find out more when you go to court including what your options are. As for your record, diversion would not result in any “conviction” so you wouldn’t have to worry about saying “yes” on any application. Always read the language very carefully so you can answer truthfully. Good luck.
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Its Abby again. Thanks for the reply. I wanted to clarify that it was my second time not third. It happen at sears and the clothes my friend got and I were combined together and I had to pay a fine from a civil demand of $100. I believe the total of merchandise was $250. So what are my chances of going to jail? I really hope I get anything else but jail. I need to keep working to pay my bills. I screwed up so bad and I’m beyond sorry and I hope the judge can forgive me.
Dear Abby: Even for a second offense, jail time is not very likely. You may be placed on probation and have to complete community service, pay a fine and attend a class or counseling. You will find out more when you go to court including what your options are and the possible penalties. Good luck.
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Since I was fined for $265.99 and this is my first time caught shoplifting and first offense of any kind is there ways to get the charges lowered? And thanks for your previous advice to
Dear Trenton: Since this is a civil fine, it’s unlikely that they will lower it, but you can always call the number in the letter you received and ask about this. Good luck.
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So I got caught shoplifting on December of 2013 and later around January of 2014 I had to go to court and went through a diversion program. I completed it. On July I did the dumbest mistake of shoplifted again. I went to the mall with some friend and we all did if. We got caught and now I’m really scared. I got a letter in the mail yesterday for a court hearing that u have soon. I have told my mom bc I’m so ashamed that I did that again. I’m really scared of what’s going to happen. Me so stupid and believe me if I could go back in time I would of never done that. I’m trying to move forward with my life and graduate from school and this is hunting me. I’m really scared I don’t want to go to jail. What can happen? I live in Indiana. And I was fined but I paid it off myself. Will I lose my job? What can happen to me? Please help me.
Dear Abby: Jail time is not real likely unless the amount stolen was very high (in the hundreds or even more). You may be placed on probation and have to complete some community service, pay a fine and possibly attend a class or counseling. Diversion will not be an option since this is your third offense. We hope you’ve learned for good this time that stealing is not worth it. Good luck.
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Hi I got caught stealing from my local Rite Aid in Oregon I am 18 and I don’t know why I stole it I just did this is really unlike me anyways I got caught and cooperated with them and today I got a letter about paying a fine of $265.99 now I have two questions for you will this go on my record and effect future jobs and also do you know if there is a way to get these charges lowered.
Dear Trenton: It sounds like the letter you received is from the store or their lawyer. Stores are permitted to request payment of a “civil fine” in shoplifting cases in most states. Once the fine is paid, the case is closed and you won’t have a record to worry about. This keeps the incident out of the court and criminal system. It’s your decision to pay the fine or not. If you don’t, you risk formal charges being filed that may affect your future. Talk with your parents about this. Good luck.
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Hi, I am 26 years-old in AZ maricopa county. However, I have Georgia license. I caught from shoplifting for $140 worth cosmetics from Kohl’s and I have an court date after 10 days. I wasn’t arrested but they called cop and i got a yellow ticket. This is first time and i am so regretting! I am an occupational therapy student and my school is starting from Monday. do you think if I take diversion program, it will affect on my school record or for national exam or employment? I am planning to move back to Georgia after I finish my school. Please give me some feedback asap!
Dear Ashley: As long as you successfully complete a diversion program, then there shouldn’t be any record of a conviction. However, all states are different when it comes to a criminal record. Your record may show that there was a charge for shoplifting, but that ultimately it was dismissed. You can ask the prosecutor about this when you go to court. It’s unlikely that this should affect your school record in any way. We are unaware of the requirements for your national exam. If it requires a background check, it’s possible that the incident will show, but again, hopefully it will show that the charge was dismissed (after successful completion of a diversion program). Good luck.
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My son and his friend went to Wal-Mart my son separated from his friend unaware his friend stole something before departing the store the alarm sounded and the was detained. My son was let go because he didn’t have anything and I wasn’t notified until I received a letter stating I have to pay 200$ civil claim for theft/exploitation is this possible if he didn’t steal anything and released
Dear Gina: Yes, it’s possible for the store to request this civil fee even though your son was not the one caught with the stolen item on him. It’s up to you and your son whether or not to pay the fee. The store could attempt to have charges filed if they report the incident to the police and then the police and prosecuting attorney would have to decide if charges should be filed. Good luck.
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Dear sir. Me and my wife went to wall mar shop. We collected some toys in one basket. These items cost about 270 $. We were trying to cross the door without paying. They caught us and called police. Police gave the ticket and asked us to go court. We are h1 status. Please let us know what is going to happen. This is first time experience for us. We are worrying about our two kids.
Dear Gani: This website is an education resource for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We do not provide legal advice to adults or teens.
We suggest you speak with an immigration attorney in your area. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I have a question… I got caught stealing a pair of earphones worth less than 20$ from Walmart. The fine is 250$ is this fair?
Dear David: It may not seem fair, but it’s probably legal. It’s called a “civil fine” that stores are allowed to charge in many states. Instead of pressing formal criminal charges against a shoplifter, a store may choose to go the civil route and fine the shoplifter. Once the fine is paid, the case is closed and there’s no criminal process or record of the incident. It is a high amount but is better than going to court and getting yourself a record that can affect your life in the future. Good question – thanks for asking.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello, we live in south Carolina. My grandson and two of his friends went to the mall. They went into Spencer’s gifts together. They separated once in the store. One of my grandson’s friends was seen by the other friend putting something in his pocket. he went and told my grandson what he saw and they attempted to leave the store because they did not want to be a part of the shoplifting. As they got to the door a store personnel stopped the two and said she was missing a pair of earrings and thinks one of them took them. They emptied their pockets to show they did not have anything but were continued to be detained by her until mall security and police got there. The 3rd friend admitted to taking the earrings and said the other two did not know he would steal and didn’t have anything to do with it. Can and should my grandson and his friend that warned him of the theft be detained if the clerk did not see them stealing? How can you get a copy of the store’s policy on shoplifting?
Dear Ann: Ask the store’s risk manager or loss prevention officer about their written policies in these situations. They should be able to provide a copy. If not, contact the store’s corporate headquarters. Under the laws in your state, either mall security or the store security person may be allowed to detain a suspect until the matter is cleared up or until the police arrive and investigate. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am a 20 year old female college student. I was caught shop lifting 400$ worth of athletic gear from target. The reason that I did such a thing was so that I would have athletic gear to wear while I coach middle school basketball. I am a volunteer. The police was involved and they gave me a desk appearance. I have never been caught for something like this but I have stolen underwear from the same target. This was a huge mistake and not something that I intend on doing ever again. I didn’t realize the severity of the crime I was committing. I am a great citizen to my community. I am a volunteer teacher for middle school art. I also work at an ice cream sandwich shop while going to school. I am attending college right now studying towards a degree in art education and am afraid this is going to affect my future. Am I eligible for an ACD/court dismissal? Is this going to prevent me from becoming a teacher? Also will the fact that I have stolen underwear from target come up at court even though I was not charged for that incident?
Also, this happened in New York, New York.
Dear Nes: If this is your first offense, you may qualify for a diversion program depending on the laws in your state as well as the rules/policies of the court. Successfully completing a diversion program and getting the charges dismissed means that there would be no record of any conviction. However, your record could still show the original charges, but that they were ultimately dismissed. Perhaps you could speak with an advisor in the education department at your school to find out more about the process of getting your teaching certification and the background check involved. Since you never went to court for the stolen underwear, it should not come up during your current case. We’re glad to hear you learned from this. Good luck.
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my girlfriend got caught shoplifting at Target last month when she did they stop her before getting to the door and then arrested her and detained her she recently lost her mother 1 week before the inCident. She has one prior drug charge and was very distraught and wasn’t thinking,her mom dying one week. B4 hat will happen
Dear Friend: It depends on her age and what happened with the drug charge. She can either talk with a lawyer now about her situation or wait until she goes to court for the shoplifting charge when the legal process will be explained to her. Tell her to explain what happened and about losing her Mom just before the shoplifting and the court may take that into consideration. Take a look at our Resource Directory for a lawyer in your area. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m 17 years old and got caught stealing from Kohls today. I stole around $300 worth of clothing. They called the police, filled out papers, and then my dad came to pick me up. They said because I stole over $20 worth of things, I could be charged with criminal charges. This is my first time so I’m just curious as to what may happen. they said papers will be coming in the mail. Will I have to go to court, pay any fines?
Dear Kayla: If you receive a notice in the mail about a court date, make sure you appear. The legal process will be explained to you at court. Since this is your first offense, you may be eligible for “diversion.” Once you complete diversion, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Yesterday my sister and I went to jcpennys and stole some stuff, we got away and then we went to charlotte Russe. My sister asked if she should steal some more from this store and I told her know. When we tried to leave the store the buzzer went off and the manager came to check us out. I only had JCP stuff but my sister emerald had tons of stuff from both stores. She called the police and all the stuff was returned to both stores. charlotte Russe decided not to press charges, but JCP did. It totalled to 200 dollars. I’m fourteen my sisters 16. This is my first time and my sisters been caught stealing before but they never pressed charges. We live in Indian river county Florida. Can u please give me the scoop on what I should expect when court date comes or what consequences I might face. I really don’t want to go to jail
Sir this is regarding my other comment,I’m fourteen and I’m a college student and I’m trying to get a job will something like thus get on my record?? And if so for how long, will they kick me out of class??is there a way I can stop it from getting on my record because its my first time and I’m only 14 and the classes in taking means alot to me. I live in florida
Dear Nakita: Since this is your first time, you can relax. You’ll probably be offered what’s called “diversion.” Once you complete the terms of diversion (community service, counseling or a class) the case will be closed. You won’t have a record, so your future won’t be affected by this one incident. Don’t let it happen again, though. Good luck.
(This is information only – mot legal advice).
I was at walmart with a friend and I asked him to use his bag to steal sometning . After I put the things I wanted in the bag I gave it back to him to were. When he walked out of the store, some workers yelled for us, brought us in a room and called the cops. I went to the prenger facility and he went to the real jail bc he was 17. This was his second time getting caught stealing,the first time he was 16. When will he get out?
Dear Mark: It depends on the prosecutor and the judge who is assigned to his case. There are a lot of factors considered when keeping someone in jail or releasing them pending further hearings. He may be released but on house arrest or other restrictive terms.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I have a question, I was caught stealing $25.00 worth of merchandise and i gave it all back. I’m 15. They want me to go to court and Im nervous . This is my first time shoplifting . What will my sentence look like ?
Dear AZlanna: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion. This means that once you complete some community service, pay a fine and attend a class or counseling, the charges would be dropped. You will find out more when you go to court includuing what your options are. Good luck.
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I 14 years old and was in target yesterday when I decided to steal a lipbalm out of a face exfoliating kit, I was leaving the store and a security guard made me go into the back room where they filled out a form and took a picture of the item I stole. The item was only 7 dollars bit the kit was 30. I live in Rhode Island, he said that he wasn’t going to call the cops and he didn’t know if they were going to fine me. I am really scared that I will get fined. Do you think I will? If so, how much do you think the fine would be? And, if not, do you think they werejust scaring me?
Dear Brianna: The store may decide to take no action since this is your first offense. Or you may get a letter in the mail requiring payment of a civil fine. Once the fine is paid, the case is closed. The fine could be several hundred dollars. It depends on your state’s shoplifting laws. If you were banned from the store, don’t return or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello Junge Tom. First off, my baby boy passed away of SUDI at 8 weeks old. Needless to say, I had tons of things he didnt even get to use. So a few weeks later, I finally decided to take some things back to use the money to go towards my angels gravestone. So, i had alot of things from Kohls, so I went there to do a return. Some things i didnt have a receipt for, so I was told to exchange some items. Then i went back to customer service, thinking she did the exchange and all. My head was so messed up at the time so i didnt even pay attention to what she did. So i went to leave and sat in the car thinking, hold on, why didnt i get money back? So i searched for my receipts and debated whether to go back in the store or not, but they had just closed. So about 10 minutes later, after im trying to figure out what they had done, about 5 police cars surrounded my car and ran up like i killed someone.. Then loss prevention came out and said i was shoplifting! They ended up arresting me and took ALL of my things out of my car. Including all of my receipts, all my sons clothes that i had to return other places, my husbands tools and my receipt book. They still have yet to give it back and i spoke to loss prevention and she said they have a couple things and thats it. The cops were so ignorant! They went through my cell phone and said i had all them receipts to go steal and take it back for money. After i even told them that i had a baby just pass away and was returning his things! I have court in a few weeks and was seeing if you happen to have any advice? Then I just called and spoke to the person at kohls that accused me of stealing and ahe was very ignorant and said she doesn’t have anything of mine beside a couple of things. And that all my sons clothes i brought in to return, they are keeping because i stole them.. I cant believe this! Please help me thank you!
Dear Sarah: We’re very sorry to hear about your loss. AsktheJudge.info is an educational site for and about teens and the law. We suggest you contact a criminal defense attorney in your area if you want to fight the charges. Many attorneys offer a free initial consultation. Ask about this if you contact one. Finally, if this is your first offense, they may offer you a diversion program, but you will have to decide if you want to take the offer or fight the charge. Good luck.
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If your caught stealing from a store and you ha very your work shirt on can they contact your employer and have you fired?
Dear Steve: There’s nothing stopping the store owner or manager from attempting to contact you about the theft through your employer. This is more likely to happen if you live in a small town as opposed to a major city. Whether you’re fired or not depends on the facts of the incident and the policy of your employer. We would expect you’d be given a chance to explain what happened before any action is taken. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge Tom,
I thank you whole heartily on everyone’s behalf who enter their issues in here.You do a great service to the Public,Thank You so much.
So,my first Arraignment was yesterday.I was as nervous as I could be and ashamed.I met with the Municipal Prosecutor,I told her I was guilty.She then ran a background check on my criminal record,found it was clean and since I was arrested for Disorderly persons Conduct and was my first offense,she said I was in for a diversion program.I had to pay a fine of $383 and I’m on probation for a year.The court said I would get by mail, the details of my probation and the day and time to meet with the probation officer.
This has again,sent me into depression and fear.I have no idea what to expect,what kind of questions will be put across,is it some kind of interrogation? Am I allowed to go out of state on a vacation all these questions are driving me insane.Are the Probation Officers, Police Officers. I just want this whole year to go smoothly and I come out clean with a good behavior record and my case will be dismissed and will never appear on my record.I need a clean record Judge Tom and I intend to keep it that way.Please give me some inputs regarding what to expect from my Probation Officer. I have no idea if my Probation Officer is a Male or Female.Please Help,Thanking You again.
Dear Laila: Again, you need to try to calm down a little. The worst part is behind you. You’ve been offered diversion which is a good thing. When you meet with the probation officer, the terms of the program will be explained to you and you will find out if you can leave the state either with or without permission. The PO will make sure that you’re following the rules of the program over the course of the year. Good luck.
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Dear Judge Tom,
My 19 year old daughter was caught shoplifting in Kohl’s and had 7 items worth $200. The police were called but she was not arrested. She was given a ticket for Ca penal code 490.5.This is her first time offense. I was completely shocked, disappointed, and heart broken. She has always been a great kid with many awards in academics and athletics. She is currently attending community college playing basketball and running track. She is striving to get an athletic scholarship to attended a 4 year university. I am torn if I should hire an attorney or just have her plead guilty for the charges and hope that prosecutor and judge will work with her so that it is not on her record.She knows that what she did was wrong and she is willing to face the consequences for her actions. I am a single parent of 2. I am their main supporter in everything. I work 2 jobs but I just can’t afford to pay for an attorney. Do we take a chance and request for a public defender?
Thank you
Dear Michiyo: Since this is your daughter’s first offense, she may be offered a diversion program. That means that once she successfully completes the terms of the program, the charges would be dropped and she would not have a record of any conviction. She will find out more when she goes to court including what her options are. She may have an opportunity to speak with an attorney or the prosecutor who can help explain the court process as well as whether or not there would be any record if she enters into a diversion program. If she believes that she may need a lawyer after that first court date, she can always look into getting one later. Many attorneys offer a free initial consultation for free at which time she can ask questions and decide whether or not to retain counsel. Good luck to her.
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Hi judge Tom, in our previous conversation I believe you are right and I won’t have to face court but I have to talk to a prosecutor? In your opinion, if I only tried to steal something under $10 and I’ve never done this before and I have no criminal record, do you think he will let me just pay the fine or do you think he/she will make me do probation or something? I’m just really scared and hoping all I have to do is pay a fine. I just want to pay it and get it over with and NEVER do this again :/ I am so freaked out!
Dear Lanette: When you meet with the prosecutor, you’ll probably be offered a diversion program.
If you admit the shoplifting and then complete some community service, attend a class or counseling, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Don’t expect to get off as easy as paying a small fine. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge Tom,
Thank you so very much,Although right now I have butterflies in my stomach and feeling sick,I’m trying to concentrate and ask for forgiveness.I just hope and wish this will all go away. I know its not so easy as said.I just can not see my family under pressure for my stupidity.I consider myself lucky for the support I’m getting from my loving kids and husband.Deep inside I feel the pain,the hurt,the guilt the remorse.If only I could go back and wipe it all out.I know what is done is done,I need to correct myself and like you suggested take some form of counseling. I have learned my lesson.My children were with me when I did the awful deed,and I’m so ashamed of this.
My kids love me,respect me and look up to me.I’m raising them well,teaching them to value peoples feelings and helping the needy and also,anytime we go out and we see any senior citizens needing help with their grocery bags or getting some place,my child runs up to them and asks them if they need any help.I encourage them to volunteer at the public libraries.I teach them to follow ALL the rules and laws. Doing all this as a Mother,here I go and shoplift when they are with me!I’m so worried Judge Tom,so scared and hurt.
I Thank You yet again for listening to me and please excuse me for writing again and again,I’m just too nervous about tomorrow.
You’re welcome , Laila. Good luck and take care.
Thanks for replying to me! I really appreciate it! But the store didn’t give me that fine, the mall cops did. So does that mean I still only have to pay it and no court? Or because the cops issued it that means I have court and stuff? Sorry I’m just very nervous I don’t know much about this stuff. I’m just so stupid for doing what I did and never going to do it again.
Dear Lanette: Be sure to read the fine/paperwork you were issued very carefully. If it simply asks you to pay the fine through the mail and says nothing about court, then you do not need to appear in court. If this is the case, it may be a civil fine as discussed in our previous response. There may be a phone number on the paperwork you received, which you can call with questions/concerns. Good luck.
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Dear Judge Tom,
On the 25th of this month June,I with my family had gone to XYZ and i have no idea why,but I’m still in shock and shame for shoplifting some cosmetics worth $47.I was caught as we were leaving the store and walking towards the parking lot.The LP promised not to call the cops if I cooperated.I did cooperate and handed over the cosmetics.This is my first offense and also LAST ! I’m having nightmares,and sleepless nights.However the LP did call the cops I got handcuffed and taken away,they took all my details and hand prints.I was in total shock and shame.I felt humiliated to the core.I was let to go home to my family and the Arraignment is coming up on the 1st of July.I’m feeling so nervous,scared,humiliated.I’m a good human being and a loving mother.I wouldn’t want to see my husband or kids get into ANY kind of trouble for my stupidity. I have not have had the courage to step out of the house,since this awful day.I have kept myself under house arrest,its a way I’m punishing myself.But,I feel sorry for my kids who wont go out with out me.Judge Tom,please advice me on what to expect.I know I did wrong,and I have decided I shall plead Guilty,we can not afford a attorney,since this is my first time,would the Judge be lenient? I promise I shall NEVER ever do anything like this and break the law in the future.I just want my peace of mind and my life back.My kids have NEVER seen me this depressed or upset.I’m scared very very scared..Please I need help and some kind words.
Thank You so much in advance.
Dear Laila: First, try to relax and stay calm. Since this is your first offense and you’re obviously remorseful, you’ll probably be eligible for a “diversion program.” So when you complete some community service, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Don’t miss your court date. The legal process will be explained to you at court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got caught shoplifting. I’m19 years old. I took something for under $10 and this was my first time shoplifting. I didn’t get arrested, they were nice enough to only issue me a fine. Will this be on my record? Will they let me only pay the fine and everything else will be okay or will I have to talk to a judge and need a lawyer? And if they gave me an appearance notice will they mail me anything in the mail? I’ve learned my lesson and it will NEVER happen again that’s for sure . Thank you.
Dear Lanette: We’re glad to hear that you’ve learned your lesson. You will not have to court so long as you don’t receive a notice in the mail. It sounds like the store is requesting a civil fee be paid and so long as you pay this on time, that will probably be the end of the matter. You will not have any record of the incident as long as you don’t have to go to court. Good luck.
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hi i am from southafrica and 21years ,i came to america on visit and was arrested for shoplifting but i did not have any form of identification on me, so i gave a fake name and address. but i was given a court date to attend. I am suppose to the leaving america before my court date, what do you advise i do, would i be charged when coming into america again. Mind you i only have a visit visa and this is my first offence, i am so sorry. if i attend the court would they be able to get my real information? or would i be able to go free and enter america next time without troubles? would i go to jail for lying
Dear Kris: First, we are an educational site providing free information to teens about their rights and the law. We do not provide legal advice to anyone. You could face additional charges for providing false information and lying to the police. You could try contacting a local immigration attorney to find out more about the potential consequences. Good luck.
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Thanks for reply!! Should I go to police and tell everything. I am very scared.
Dear Seema: Perhaps you could consider returning the stolen items to the store since you want to take responsibility for the theft, which would be the right thing to do. The store will most likely appreciate your honesty. If you’re too scared to return the items in person, you could either put them in the mail with a letter or just return them in a bag with a letter.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
i shoplifted 7 days ago ..is it still chance to caught ?
Dear Seema: If you were not detained at the time you shoplifted and the store did not obtain your contact information, then it’s extremely unlikely that you will hear from the store or police. Keep in mind that every state has a statute of limitations for filing charges, which are the time limits in which the prosecutor’s office has to file charges. So, your state most likely has at least 6 months or a year to file shoplifting charges if they had any way to identify you. We hope you have learned from this as you will probably get caught if you continue to steal.
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I have a question. My 11yr old daughter and her 14yr old friend got caught shoplifting in a Sears the friend admitted to the stuff being hers, no police were called, they called me to come pick my 11y/o daughter up, I had to give my id my address and phone number. Okay now her 14 yr old friend received a letter stating she had to pay a fine no court date, its been 2 months and I have yet to receive anything for my daughter regarding the shoplifting incident nor a letter stating I had to pay a fine or have to go to courti. Now this is her first time being in trouble, should I call someone to find out why or do nothing since I haven’t received any papers or anything?
Dear M.N.: Since you haven’t heard anything, you may want to leave things as they are. Your daughter’s age may have been taken into consideration while the teenage girl was given a civil fine. You could still receive the same letter from the store but the more time passes, the chances are slimmer that they’ll contact you. We hope your daughter learned from this experience and makes better choices about her friends.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge when I was 14 I got caught shoplifting at a khols nearby and they just made me sign a paper and banned me from every khols,after they took my information the said I would get a paper in the mail to pay a fine but no charges would be pressed and the cops were not called,I know it was stupid of me and I am very ashamed. I am now 15 and I want to get a summer job,will it show up in my permanent record that I got caught for shoplifting!?
Dear Julie: Since you never went to court and never were charged, you do not have a court record of the incident. Therefore, you don’t need to worry about any potential employer finding out about the incident through a background check. We’re glad to hear you learned from this. Good luck on your job search.
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I got caught shoplifting at walmart today. My mom was called and an officer was in the room with us but I wasn’t sent to jail or anything.. This is my first offense. I’m really worried cause they said I could go to juvy. But could they really do that if it’s only my first time? I’m only 17 and live in Indiana. Thanks so much.
Dear Taylor: Yes, you could end up in juvenile court over this shoplifting incident. If you didn’t get a ticket from the police, you may still receive notice in the mail of a court hearing. Since this is your first offense, you may be eligible for a “diversion program.” Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
my niece, who I have custody over and is 17 ran away 6 months ago. I guess she got caught shoplifting and was taking into detention. I was not notified at all. I found out through her mom. my niece boyfriends parents got her out. what should I expect now? am I legally responsible for her? the police never called me about the situation. I live in the state of Missouri
Dear Nina: Since she ran away and the shoplifting happened while she was on run, you may not be legally responsible for her behavior. If she has a lawyer, you can speak with him or her about her case and if she’ll return to your custody. You can also contact a lawyer yourself and ask about your rights and obligations as her legal custodian. Many lawyers offer free initial consultations. Ask about this if you contact one. You can also look at our Resource Directory for lawyers in your area. Good luck.
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I’m 61 years old I have problem I shoplifting and was caught in Walmart in Puerto Rico I have a court date tomorrow help
Dear Blanca: AsktheJudge.info is an educational site for and about teens and the law. We suggest you look into getting help with your shoplifting problem so that you don’t become a repeat offender and face increased consequences. You will find out more when you go to court including what your options are. Good luck.
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Hi, I’m 17 and live in Cali and recently got caught for shoplifting at target. being the dumb 17 year old i am i tried to walk out without purchasing anything and had a few items in my bags. the LP caught me and surrounded me and hauled me off to a room where they called my mom and i gave them my info, ssn, and all. no police were involved but i had signed a paper (didn’t read it) I’m assuming it was a confession paper and told me i was banned from all targets. a couple weeks ago my mom got a civil demand letter in the mail and was frightened about the suing and paid it immediately. i know that when you pay the civil demand you are basically telling them its ok for them to put you in the National Retail Theft Databse. I read on the NRMA website that any minors aren’t allowed to be put in the system. will i be in the system?
Dear Brooke: It is unlikely you’ll be entered into the national theft database but you could be placed on Target’s internal list of banned customers. We suggest you not return to any Target unless you receive written permission to do so. Otherwise, you could be charged with trespassing. We hope you’ve learned from this experience. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
my teenager has been accused of shoplifting & arrested court date is coming up, she swears she didnt steal anything and the store that she was at say they have proof on video camera but also waited over a week before taking action, also the store didnt ask for a receipt or any proof that she paid for any items, she is going to city court and i cant get a court appointed attorney and don’t have the money to pay one and the store will not show me their so-called proof. what are my options
Dear Gail: When you go to court with your kid, you will find out more including what her options are. If this is her first offense, there is a good chance that she will be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity to avoid having a record of any conviction so long as she completes the terms of the program. You and your teen will have to decide whether or not to accept such a deal or try to go forward and fight the charges. She may have an opportunity to speak with a probation officer or prosecutor and explain her side of the story. If she has proof that she paid for the items, then be sure to bring that to court with you. Good luck.
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What decided the amount of the fine? How much do you think it will be?
Dear Nick: These types of civil fines usually range between approximately $200 and up to several hundred dollars. If the store chooses to send one of these letters and request such a fine, then you most likely will receive it within the next couple months or so. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I worked at a clothing store for about a year. I was caught stealing. The LP was on the phone and told me it wasn’t a big deal. I admitted to stealing about 1300 worth if stuff over the year. I signed a promissory note, I made a statement to HR, I brought all the stuff back, they thanked me, and said I was suspended until I hear from them. No cops were called, everyone was super nice and understanding. In my statement the LP told me to write: “I could’ve been prosecuted”. But I’m still a little worried. Now what?
Dear Nick: The store may send you a civil demand letter requesting payment of a civil fine. If you pay the fine on time that may be the end of the matter. It sounds like they’re choosing to not press charges, but if for some reason, they decided to pursue that route, you would receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. We hope you learned from this as you are very lucky that charges have not been filed. Good luck.
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hey judge, well i got caught about 4 clothing items at target once i was gonna walk out the store the security from the store and another lady stopped me and took me to a room in that room they took my id and she was doing something on the computer and writting in a little notebook, they took a picture of me and a little after she tld me she was going to let me go and i would be reciving a letter in the mail, they didnt arrest me or call the police she just tld me i can go but not to go into that store in 5yr. what will happen?
Dear Marshall: It sounds like you will be receiving a civil demand letter in the mail requesting payment of a civil fine. If you pay the fine on time that may be the end of the matter and you will hear nothing more about the incident. If the store chooses to press charges, then you would receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Be sure to stay away from the store otherwise you could be cited and arrested for shoplifting. Good luck.
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I’m 17 years old almost turning 18 in October. I live in Ohio. My friend and I got caught shoplifting a value worth of $12.50. The police asked for our names, address, school and phone numbers. It’s been about a week since then. It was my very first time attempting to do that and my very first time getting caught. I did not think about anything and didn’t realize what I have done until we got caught and I processed everything in my head. Now I’m just so paranoid about it. I play sports in the fall and the spring. I am about to be a senior in high school. They told me I won’t qualify for financial aid. I want to be a celebrity stylist and trying to work up to that. I’ve been searching about laws in Ohio about shoplifting and everything yet, I’m still freaking out about it. How will it effect my future or my entire life?
Dear Haruna: Try to calm down a little. It’s a good thing that you realize what a mistake you made, but it should not have a major effect on your future educational and career opportunities. If this is your first offense, then there’s a good chance that you will be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity to avoid a record so long as you complete the terms of your program. Therefore, it would be unlikely that it will prevent you from receiving financial aid for college down the road, but you will need to research the federal and state financial aid rules and laws. Be sure to stay away from the mall otherwise you could be cited and arrested for trespassing. Good luck.
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I got caught shoplifting… it was under 50 dollars and I now have to go to court. I accept full responsibility fir my actions and will take any punishments that are given. But im worried that I wont be able to go on vacation, because I leave 12 days after my court date. What is they give me community service and it conflicts… also i really need to get this off my record(texas)
Dear Marina: Be honest and let them know about your vacation. Any community service that is ordered or other terms of your punishment can probably be completed when you have the time and won’t necessarily have to be completed while you’re on vacation. Assuming this is your first offense, you may be placed on diversion and given the opportunity of avoiding a record so long as you complete the program. You will find out more when you go to court. Good luck.
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my 17 y/o daughter was caught shoplifting while on a school field trip to Bush Garden. She was not arrested and she was released back to the teacher on field trip. The item was returned. My daughter did recieve consequences from the school and the school felt strongly that she had served punishment for the crime.
My daughter did sign a tresspassing paper that she cannot go to Bush Garden for 1 year.
I recieved a letter from a Law firm demanding $200.00 fine for item that was in fact returned.
I called and spoke to someone at this law firm as I felt that a more appropriate punishment would be teen court or community service hours but certainly not $200 fine as this was not a punishment to the child but to me.
We live in Pensacola and this happened in Tampa.
I have since recieved a 2nd letter now demanding more than 2x the orig 200.00
Do I have to pay this fine?
The reason I ask is, there were no charges filed, she was not arrested. I am feeling strongarmed by this Law firm. It doesn’t even seem to me that Bush Garden would even see any of this money as I am very familiar with attorney fees.
Could you please tell me… do I have to pay this when no arrest happened
Thank you
Dear Marci: The letter you received is a civil demand letter requesting payment of a civil fee. The company is allowed to request payment of these fees from shoplifters. You can choose to either pay or ignore the letter. If you choose to pay it, then that may be the end of the matter. The company could choose to press charges in which case your daughter may receive a notice in the mail to appear in court, but it’s totally up to the company whether or not they go this route. Their policy may be to send civil demand letters rather than pressing charges in some cases. Good luck to your daughter.
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I was accused at Walmart of stealing ink cartridges when I never left the store they were in the seat part of the cart by my purse and I had taken my jacket off and laid it over the cartridges as an over sight I had 2 printers and several ink cartridges in my cart at one time it was a dilema over 10 dollars and and the ink cartridge prices. I bought a printer put the other one and the cartridges back except the two THAT WERE ABOUT THE SIZE OF cd or dvd in its case a mere oversite on my part but never left the store.
Dear Rita: If you get a ticket or citation to go to court for this, explain exactly what happened and your intentions. The judge may understand that this was an oversight and dismiss the charge. Good luck.
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So I’m writing this story about a fourteen year old girl who steals alcohol to get in on a party, but gets caught before succeeding. How would the police handle the case? What are the consequences for her and the rest of her family?
Dear Charlotte: Unless there’s a history of this girl stealing or other offenses, she could get lucky this time with no consequences. Who caught her – the store manager or the police? If the store, they may decide to let her go this time. If the police, they could send the case on to the local prosecutor to decide if attempted shoplifting charges are appropriate. If she is charged with the crime she could be eligible for a diversion program whereby when she completes some community service, attends a class or counseling, the case is dismissed. The parents may not be consequenced assuming they didn’t participate in the incident or encourage her in any way. You have several options here to take your story. Good luck.
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Hi, I’m 19 years old and, recently, I was caught shoplifting at a Target in Massachusetts , Suffolk county. As I was exiting the store, a security person told me to come with him into a room where I was asked to record my information (Address, phone number, name, etc) by another person in there. As I entered, I emptied out all of the merchandise I took without the people prompting me to. Then, they asked for my ID and told me to sign a form admitting that I took the merchandise and another form banning me from the Target for life. The person then told me that he I was caught on camera for shoplifting before, but for some reason they didn’t stop me on past occasions. On this particular offense, I took less than $100 worth of merchandise, but I don’t remember how much I took during the past occasions. However, this is the first time I was caught doing anything wrong in my life. I was in a panicked state and the security employee offered me water and assured me that the only thing that the forms were for was that it allowed Target to send me a civil demand. He also told me that if I don’t pay it, a summons would be sent to me. He then let me go. The police was in the same room, but they did not talk to me as, at the same time, three other people were caught shoplifting and they were in the same room as I was. Aside from the civil demand thing, they did not give me anymore information and I am worried to death about what could potentially happen.
Dear Jack: You got lucky this time since the police weren’t involved. It’s unlikely you’ll hear from them since the store has decided to handle this as a civil matter. You’ll get a letter in the mail requesting payment of the civil fine – it could be higher than the value of the items you took and that’s legal under the laws in your state. Once you pay the fine, the case is closed and you won’t have a record that could affect you as an adult. Don’t return to the store unless they decide to cancel the ban. Otherwise you could be charged with trespass. It’s time to mend your ways – you’re now an adult with adult consequences for breaking the law. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i am 16 years old and the first time when i went to court was 2 years ago for burglary and now this is the second time going to the court for petty theft .. there was this two girls that was with me and i believed them and so they went to jc penny and they said they will buy some stuff and one of the girls said to pick anything and that she will buy it for me and so i picked the clothes she would just take it from my hand that i was looking at then we went to the fitting room and she wanted me to roll it up and so i did but i wanted to say stop but i wasnt able too because they were all high and they looked like they wanted to beat me up cause theyre like the kids that liked to bully a lot… so i had too much pressure on me ….. and then we got caught and now i have to pay for the ticket and i have to pay my fees for jcpenny… but they put me as a misdemeanor and so i dont know what will happen this will be the first time going to court for the 2nd crime can u tell me what will happen ? and im from california
Dear Gloria: What happens will depend on the charges filed and the policies of the court and prosecutor. Since you have an earlier offense on your record, you may be placed on probation for this latest incident. When you go to court, the process will be explained to you. Your parents can also talk with a lawyer before your hearing. Good luck and start making better decisions about who you hang out with.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, me and my best friend (were both 15) were caught shoplifting at Walmart, both of our items were worth less than $20. The police were not involved, our parents were called and the employees told us we might be fined with a civil recovery. We live in Colorado and I was wondering what the likelihood of us getting the civil recovery fine is?
Dear Ariana: It’s totally up to the store as to whether they send you a letter concerning the civil fine. They may have a policy to send such a letter to all people caught shoplifting in the store or they may make the decision on a case by case basis. The more time that goes by in which you do not hear anything, the more likely it is that you and your friend may have gotten lucky with just a warning. We hope you and your friend learned from this experience. Good luck.
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hello I got caught shoplifting at walmart in Paragould,arkansas.it is my first offense,which was a misdeamenor.ive already been to court,they gave me 6 months probation,$50 theft class,40 hours community service,and $1800 in restitution fine. ive had to move to Missouri in order to find a job to pay for it,i have half of my probation done,my 40 hours is done.it took me a month here to find a job in Missouri,well I found out that they issued me a 2 warrants in Arkansas for nonpayment,and failure to appear again.i did not have no way to come up my payment for that month or I would’ve paid it.i called down there and they said if I show up they wont arrest me but they will site me and add extra money I have to pay them.how can I fix this and make it right again to where I can start making my monthly payments again,instead of tacking more money on to it.i finally got a job to pay it by month,and when they issued them I didn’t have a job.cant the judge cut me some slack,i mean least im trying to pay them now and make it right and to get it done and over with.what am I expecting here and how can I fix this?
Dear Michael: First, you need to take care of the warrants and either show up for court or perhaps see if you can appear telephonically. Be honest and explain to the judge your circumstances. The fact that you’ve complied with some of the terms of your probation like the community service will be taken into consideration. Also, you could ask if you could complete more community service hours rather than have to pay more in fines. Ultimately, it will be up to the court, but you will have an opportunity to explain yourself. Good luck.
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I got caught shoplifting on another state and it was my first time ever getting in trouble. The assumed I was a criminal and treated me like one. They called the cops and I got arrested and took me to jail.i have mossed court twice cause o have no vehocle the judge put a bench warrant out for me untill I went to court.i just wanna know of theycould be lying to get me there? I was told that has happened but I was told it was against the law to do that. But I do not know. I have learned my lesson and will never put myself through that again..
Dear Emuhlee: We’re glad to hear that you’ve learned from this, yet it seems that you don’t want to fully take responsibility. Missing court because you don’t have a car is no excuse. There are plenty of options for getting to court including public transportation. Yes, it’s very possible that a bench warrant was issued. Call the court and explain that you want to take care of your case. They will probably tell you to show up on a certain day and then the judge will have to decide what to do which may be to quash or throw out the warrant since you self-surrended. Good luck.
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My name is amber & I got arrested a couple weeks ago for shoplifiting at walmart 50-200 dollars Im 17 & im gonna be 18 in about 3 weeks I have court on the 19th of this month what is going to happen am I gonna get community service or probation? Please give me some good answers thanks
Dear Amber: If this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity to avoid a record so long as you complete the terms of the program. This usually means completing some community service, paying a fine and having to attend a class or counseling. Then the charges would be dismissed. You will find out more when you go to court including what your options are. Good luck.
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Hey I need your opinion! Im 25 I was at a gas station around 5:25 AM and stuck a single tall boy can beer in my coat because I couldn’t buy beer yet since it wasn’t 6 AM yet and I was heading to meet some friends to go fishing and always like to have a beer while I fish. I was not caught while doing so at the store. and the cashier was not suspicious of me at all. I bought a dr pepper and some cigarettes while I was in the store for about $7.00. Will they go back and check the cameras later on? and if so will they try to press charges against me? or will they just not worry about it? The Beer was only $1.50 I know it was a huge mistake and I feel horrible about it
Dear Jeff: What the store will do is anyone’s guess. They could review the video and if they know you or can identify you, they could report the theft to the police. Then it would be up to the police and local prosecutor whether to file shoplifting charges against you. If nothing comes of this, you got lucky this time. You have to ask yourself if stealing a $1.50 item is worth the worry and possible charges that could be a result of the incident. Good luck.
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Hello I need advice and or help, I’m 17 years old and I recenty got caught shoplifting at Walmart with my 14 year old friend who also stole the same item as me the item totaled up to be be less then 20$ I’m very scared to what might happened to me and how much I will need to pay for the fine. Will I be alright?
Dear Omar: Yes, you will be alright. If the store chooses to fine you, then you will receive a civil demand letter in the mail. If you pay the fine on time, that may be the end of the matter and you will hear nothing more about the incident. If the store chooses to press charges, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Diversion would most likely be an option for you if this is your first offense. That means that once you complete some community service, pay a fine and attend a class or counseling, the charges would be dismissed and you would not have a record of any conviction. Good luck.
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Did I just destroy my life because I got caught shoplifting?
Me and my friend got caught and handcuffed at walmart. I’m 17 and he was 16, I admitted my guilt and waited for my parents to come get me. Will this ruin my life? I took 40$ worth of stuff and I regret it so much. I just wanna die right now, I’m so scared and I can’t show my face to my family anymore…
Dear John: Take a deep breath and try to relax a little. We can assure you that you did not destroy your life. Believe us, tons of teens AND adults make the same mistake you and your friend made. The store could choose to send you a civil demand letter requesting payment of a fine. If you pay the fine, that would be the end of the matter. If they report the incident to the police and you have to go to court, you may be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity of avoiding a record. This means you would have to complete some community service, pay a fine and possibly attend a class or counseling. Again, this will not destroy your life or future opportunities. The most important thing is that you regret what you did, know that it was wrong and will definitely not make the same mistake twice.
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My friend was arrest for buying the stolen good from the seller, going to court tomorrow. What is the sentecnce will be
Dear Jimmy: The consequences your friend will face depends on a number of factors including the laws in his state, his criminal history and whether he has a prior record and the facts of the case. He will find out more when he goes to court and may be appointed an attorney to represent him.
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my son wa scught shopliftinf at target sir and they repotrted it on libne they said he would recive a letter I was just wondering if you knew what the letter was goona say???
Dear Kelly: The letter you’ll receive from the store or their lawyer is most likely a request for payment of a civil fine. It could be several hundred dollars but once the fine is paid, the case will be closed and your son won’t have a criminal or juvenile record. This is the best way to handle first-time shoplifters in order to avoid getting a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My spouse was falsely accused of shoplifting a vegetable and a condiment in Louisiana. She doesn’t English well and really didn’t understand what all the fuss was about until the police showed up. Two small items worth about $3 each had fallen into her diaper bag and she didn’t see it. The Loss Prevention guy following her around apparently did. If they had not stopped her, she would have discovered the misplaced items within a few minutes, as soon as she dug into the bag for her keys, but no, they defamed her publicly by accusing her in the customer area of the store. Then they hauled her into the back and questioned her for nearly 2 hours, in plain view of a procession of employees who were taking their lunch break in the same room. She offered to pay and they refused. They wouldn’t listen to anything she had to say, and coerced her into signing a description of the incident and a prohibition on returning to the store. A cop showed up and gave her a summons to appear in court. I’m told that this technically counts as an “arrest.” What are our chances of getting these charges dismissed? Will it help, if we can show the police or the court a letter from the store saying they withdraw the charges? Does her character and standing in the community matter to the court? I’m reading that conviction for misdemeanor theft is at nearly 100%. She feels that her life is ruined by this simple error. Her error was not in committing any crime, it was merely that she misplaced two items in her bag and failed to correct the error before Loss Prevention stepped in. This is a store where we spend thousands of dollars a year. She is humiliated. I want to sue them. What do you suggest?
Dear Alex: If the store chooses to drop the charges, yes, that could influence the prosecutor to dismiss the charges in court. Otherwise, your wife may be offered a diversion program. This means that if she completes some community service, pays a fine and attends a class or counseling, the charges would be dismissed and she would not have a record with a conviction. You will find out more when she goes to court including what her options are. Good luck.
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I got caught shoplifting $95 worth of cosmetics at Meijer. They pulled me into a back office, asked me lots of questions. I am 18 years of age. They said I have to pay $200 for damages. They did not ban me from the property (I plan on not returning to the store, ever.) and they aren’t suing me. They did have a police officer come in. He said he was not arresting me, and gave me a citation to appear in court. This is my first time shoplifting and being caught (and last). I live in Indiana, what can I expect as far as punishment for what I have done. I was planning on pleading guilty for my actions.
Dear Katie: Since this is your first offense, you can expect to be offered a “diversion program.”
When you finish the program,the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Your future employment, school, or military plans won’t be affected by this one incident. The legal process will be explained to you when you go to court. You may be required to complete some community service, pay restitution to the store, attend a class or counseling as part of diversion. Good luck. We hope you learn from this.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Me and my friends were caught shoplifting. We were all minors and this is all our first offense. Anyways I was the one that put the stuff in their bags and the total added to about $80. Does that give me a greater punishment? We were arrested and have a court date. What usually happens at the court date? What should I do or say at the court? Are we trialed as a group or one by one? I have been stressing on this for days and I feel like an idiot for what i did. I should’ve thought twice on the consequences and now i have to pay the price. What is the worst case scenario of what is going to happen to me and my friends? I am really worried how this would affect me as a student. I have mostly bs and a 3.5 GPA. Will this affect me getting into colleges. Thanks!
Dear Nathan: Since this is your first offense, you can expect to be offered a “diversion program.”
Once you finish the program, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. So, your future (employment, school, etc.) won’t be affected by this one incident. The legal process will be explained to you when you go to court. You may be required to complete some community service, pay restitution to the store, attend a class or counseling as part of diversion. Good luck. We hope you learn from this.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was caught shoplifting a few groceries from shop rite after I put them in an empty shop rite bag, pretending I paid for them at check out. I was arrested at the same Shop Rite before and they remembered who I was. Had to go through hiring a lawyer and the whole 9… I was not aware that I was not aloud on premises and I had a restraining order, however I was not aware of this from when I went to court a few years ago. I signed a bunch of papers, and the cops were there. I asked if I was going to be arrested and the cop said it’s up to the store? So the security guy said, all I’ll be getting is a ticket that I have to pay for the $65 of food I took. I do hope I am not going to court or will have any criminal history, as I ALREADY got the previous charge expunged? I am broke with no job. What do you gather from all of this???
Thank you!
Dear Lisa: Based on what you have described, it sounds like you will just get a civil fine in the mail from the store and will not have to go to court. However, if the store ends up pressing charges, you could receive a notice to appear in court. Considering you did not learn from your mistake the first time, we hope that this has been a learning experience as the consequences will increase for additional offenses and it’s unlikely that you will be able to expunge your record once you have multiple offenses. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I am 17, live in FL and have been caught shoplifting. I attempted to steal about $30 dollar worth of merchandise. What is my best course of action and what is the worst case scenario, this was my first time ever doing this
Dear Sasha: Since this is your first offense, you can expect to be offered what’s called “diversion.” See here for an explanation of diversion: http://www.askthejudge.info/what-are-juvenile-diversion-programs/
Once you finish the terms of diversion, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Learn from this and remember that diversion is usually offered once, not for repeat offenses. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I have a question,im 12 years old a few weeks ago i went to a best buy. i had a sd card which was from the store in my hand i was heading to the front of the store where my dad was (in the store), but the security stopped me and said i was shoplifting. i had no idea what was going on but whats gonna happen? im really scared
Dear Alexis: If the store security believed you were shoplifting, they may send you a “civil demand” letter requesting payment of a civil fine. However, if they let you go and did not contact the police and did not say anything about fining you, then you may have gotten off with just a warning. If the police were contacted, then you may have to appear in court. Diversion programs are usually offered if it’s your first offense, which means that you’re given the opportunity to avoid a record so long as you complete the program. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
as with some “friends” at a store and I Ddnt kno they were stuffing things in my purse (I had my purse in the cart n since I “trusted” them I would look around and come bak and I Ddnt see anything different really, so the two guys I was with ,they left outside and the girl stayed with me her n I were standing right next to the cashier we Ddnt pass the cash registrar nor did I walk outside the guy grabbed me by the arm n walked the girl n I to the “back room – camera room” and the 2 guys were in there as well they took my purse to emptied it etc..the police got there and they took our information then took us girls first to the cop car then to the police station,(THEY DID NOT READ ME MY MIRANDA RIGHTS) then around 9:30 pm from the police station they put us in a white van
And escorted us to county and I got booked at 12 am I called my mom n she bailed me out , I now found out I have court April/14 at 9:15 (PRE-TRIAL) I have no idea what that means this is my first offense EVER! I have never been introuble with the law. I am 17 with a class be misdemeanor I think what I sold was more than $50 but less than $500
What’s going to happen to me are they goin to give me probation are they goin to send me bak to jail): I’m very worried what’s goin to happen to me),:
Dear Serena: It’s extremely unlikely that you would get any jail time since this is your first offense. Also, you may be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity to avoid having a record so long as you successfully complete the program. This may mean completing community service, payment of a fine and having to attend a class or counseling. You will find out more when you go to court including what your options are. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I also would like to as a Question please …please reply to me in email im worried right now!!
Hi I was recently caught shoplifting from sears, under 200$ worth of merchandise and I am 18, what should I expect for my sentancing?
Dear Debbie: If this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program. This means that upon completion of community service, payment of a fine and attending a class or counseling, the charges would be dropped. You will find out more when you go to court including what your options are. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
i have a question sir i have no prior criminal record but shoplifting misdemeanors but because i was my third time which i have no memory of it turned into a felony state of va…im scared an dont know what to expect can you please give me some adice on what im looking at i go to circuit court over it …thank u
Dear Lynn: The possible consequences depend on the laws in your state as well as the specific facts in your case and your prior record. If you’re facing felony charges and cannot afford an attorney, then one will most likely be appointed to represent you. Talk to your attorney about the possible consequences. You may be facing probation with fines/restitution, community service and having to attend counseling or educational classes. You will find out more when you go to court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I was caught shoplifting in NYC by LP and forced to sign some forms and give them my details. The police were never called but I was told I would get a Civil Demand in the mail. As I live outside of the US (was only there on vacation), will they send this to my non-US address? And if I don’t pay it, can they still take me to court? Please help!
Dear Anon: If you gave them your current non-U.S. address, then yes, the civil demand most likely will be mailed to you if they choose to ask you to pay the fee. If you refuse to pay it, they could take you to court or refer the matter to the police and ask that criminal charges be filed. Whether or not the store would go through the time and trouble to actually do this depends on the store’s policies as well as circumstances including the value of the items stolen. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I am not a teen but I shop lifted and I know it was dumb it was over 200 worth of stuff I am really scared. I have never done anything like this before. I am in GA will I go to jail? please help!
Dear Maggie: If this is your first offense, it’s likely you’ll be offered a diversion program. Once you complete diversion the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. As a first-time offender, it’s highly unlikely you’d go to jail for this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Ok I have a question I shop lifted a couple of years ago and I wasn’t arrest they gave me a citation stating I had to appear in front of a judge and the judge gave me a deal stating that if I took it and did community service it would stay out of the court system so what I’m asking is will it be on my FBI Criminal Record? Also I was never fingerprinted for anything
Dear Parker: It sounds like you were offered a diversion program which means that you may not have any record of the incident so long as you completed the community service and anything else the judge ordered. It’s unlikely that this would appear on an FBI background check, but you may want to request a copy of your record through the court or the police department to see if anything shows up. Some states will show that there was an arrest or that charges were initially filed, but then they were dropped after the diversion program was completed. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
My grandson was arrested for shoplifting his first. He appeared in court, and the judge ordered a drug test witch was positive for drugs. He was ordered into drug counseling. I do not condone his actions but the order is interfering with his work. And creating a hardship for his family. He lives out of town and does not have extra money for gas. My question is can u b ordered into counseling when drugs were not involved in the charge thank you
Dear William: Yes, when a court has jurisdiction over a juvenile, the judge has the authority to enter orders appropriate to rehabilitation. The initial charge doesn’t restrict the judge in any way from entering drug court participation even though the juvnile came to court for an unrelated matter (shoplifting, truancy, etc.).
(This is information only – not legal advice).
my friend and I are both living in michigan. We got caught shoplifting from Walmart. I’m seventeen and she is eighteen. It only added up to 59 dollars. It was our first time ever and will for sure be our last. Please I need help
Dear Samantha: If this is your first offense, you’ll probably be eligible for a “diversion” program. That means when you complete some community service, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed. If you were banned from the store, don’t return or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, my friend asked me to go shopping with her yesterday and told me she’d get me something but I had to go with her. I didn’t think much of it cuz EVERYTIME she wants me to go shopping she will buy something for me or lunch or something. So I said okay. We went to Victoria secret and found stuff to try on. We went in the fitting room and tried on a few things. And before I could finish I noticed she was putting stuff in her bag. I was pretty irritated and just wanted to leave the store so we did. Then she said let’s go to jcpennys. We get to jcpennys and she was like I haven’t gotten your daughter anything for Christmas yet so pick out a few outfits. She had just gotten done telling me she got paid so I thought okay she won’t steal again especially in the same trip. So I grabbed a few outfits for my daughter and she grabbed tons of stuff and at that point I kinda knew she was but hoping no and instead of saying not this doesn’t feel right, I went with it. We got into the dressing rooms and she started putting stuff in her bag. She told me to put what I wanted in mine and stupid me I went along with it. We walked out of the dressing room and walked out of the store and was stopped. Got pulled back into their security room. Apparently she had been doing that for awhile and frequently. I didn’t know that. Well the cops came. I told him the story and he said he believed me and he would let me go but I would still get a court date in the mail. And later on I found out they kept my friend and has a $50,000 bail. So I’m wanting to know what’s going to happen with me. It was my first time ever being in the middle of something like this and I don’t ever want to do it again. The loss prevention guy told me I’d probably get a citation fine and maybe probation or community service. What do you think will happen?
Dear Brittany: If this is your first offense, you’ll probably be offered “diversion.” If you admit what you did and complete some community service or whatever the terms of diversion are, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Think long and hard about shopping with this “friend” again. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi i was caught shoplifting at walmart with my step sister. the total price was just a little under 50 dollars. they never gave us any paper work or anything they just took down some info and called the cops. the cops said that we will have a court date but my mom is out of town so im staying with my friend. if i go to family court what will happen and if i just go to regular court can they arrest me. i dont want to go to jail. it was just a dumb dare from our cousin. its been 2 days and no paper work or any calls in the mail. am i off the hook? Please Help! im only 13 and i live in omaha nebraka
Dear Hillary: If the police didn’t give you a court date, then it may come in the mail within the next few weeks. It depends on how busy the courts and prosecutors are. Let your mom know what happened so she can go with you to court. If this is your first time in trouble with the law, you may be offered a diversion program. That means if you admit what you did and then complete some community service, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Don’t miss your hearing and don’t take any more dares.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi ,
I am new Immigrant to Canada , I have shoplifting by accident and it was my 1st time honestly .it was not shoplifting I forgot to pay.
security guard called police and the police did not charge me because I had a clean record .
I received a letter from the Bay company under Recovery of Civil Damage charge.
My Question is :
1- is this happen as a criminal record for me ?
2- dose this be in police record ?
2- this happen will effect when I apply for citizenship ?
3- Do I have to pay the charge for recovery of civil damage to the company ?
This case effected my life and I am so sad of this happening , I am using medicine at night to sleep and I lost 10 kilo from that day happening, please help me.
Dear Sky:
1) since the police didn’t take any formal action, you don’t have a criminal record
2) the police may keep an in-house record of the incident for their own purposes in case you shoplift again
3) since you’re not going to court for this or paying a ticket from the police, it shouldn’t affect your citizenship
4) if you don’t pay the civil fine, the store could press criminal charges against you and that may affect your future. You can always talk with a lawyer in your area about this to obtain legal advice.
Good luck
(This is information only – not legal advice)
so the other day a friend got busted stealing a 10 dollar belt i was following him throughout the store but in no way assisting him or hindering any lps from seeing what he was doing. They grabbed us at the door and took us to the back room and filled out paper work for a civil demand. no charges were filed. should i pay these fines even though i took no part in the crime.
Dear Ace: If you didn’t know what your friend was doing and you were not assisting him in any way, then you have the right to challenge any potential consequences including the civil fine. If you choose to not pay it, which you have the right to do, the store may press charges against you. It’s ultimately up to the store to decide what to do. If charges are pressed, then you may receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. You would have the opportunity to explain your side of the story and defend yourself. Perhaps you could try talking this over with your parents so they can help you make the decision as to how you should proceed. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
My friend was caught taking my other friends purse out of her car, he wasn’t trying to steal it but he also didn’t tell her he was taking her purse out or going to her car. Someone saw and called the police. They cops came to his house and gave him a ticket. Now he has to go to court ( in about 6-8 months) , he’s only 15. What is going to happen? Can he still test to get his permit this march?
Dear Stella: If this is your friend’s first offense and having to go to court, he may be offered a diversion program. That means that after he completes some community service, pays a fine and attends a class or counseling, the charges would be dropped. As for his learner’s permit, he most likely won’t have a problem getting it if he hasn’t even gone to court yet. He may want to check out his state’s DMV website to find out how a potential theft offense on his juvenile record might affect his driving privileges. But since he hasn’t pled guilty to anything and there’s only a charge pending, his driving privileges may not be affected at this time. Good luck to him.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
My disposition report from billings court,MT it said Finding :dismissed by court what is that mean?
i didnt show in the court or front the judge but i sent letter for them explain what happened.
it was theft
is that mean i am gulity or not gulity
Dear Ali: It doesn’t mean you were found guilty or not guilty by the court. For whatever reason the judge decided to dismiss the case- maybe due to your letter of explanation and no objection from the prosecutor. You can contact the prosecutor’s office and ask about this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I went down town today and provided the paper the officer gave me and the clerk of court made me a court appointment for dec 23, 2013, no choice on the date.
Im terrified to be honest!””2 days”” before Christmas, what happens if I don’t get to go home to spend Christmas with my 4 children!
Im fearing, thinking and stressing the worse, if im put in jail over Christmas!
(Judge)I know you have written several times but im so scared, right now.
My kids are my life! My family means everything to be, this was such an honest mistake and I was so tired, I should have went home instead of pushing my self.
Im praying that the judge offers me a program so I can be home with my children.
Why would they schedule the court date 3 days before Christmas,
im so terrified!
Again, Desiree, try to relax. We understand your anxiety over this, but there’s nothing sinister or conspiratorial about setting a hearing a few days before Christmas. Courts across the country are in session up to December 24 every year. It is highly unlikely you’ll be put in jail then or at anytime for this offense. So, keep your stress level to a minimum and enjoy your kids & family these next few weeks.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear judge,
Thank you for your patience with all my letters, I will be going down town tomorrow to make my court date.
I have all my receipts and copies of my letters I have written to sears and the loss prevention department for the trouble I have caused, im am going to wait to mail them, so I can ask the judge if it would be okay if given the opportunity to ask.
also I just signed up for volunteering at the zoo and my local soup kitchen, even after all is said and done I believe I will continue to help locally, its a great feeling, today was my first day at the zoo and I just wish I would have done this before,
thank you for calming me down and being honest. im praying they will offer me the division program so I can go to collage at that beginning of the year without a criminal record. im wanting to be a vet tech and work my way up, if I get approved for the scholarship program, I know im 30 but its never to late to continue my education, I just pasted my ged test.so if I get my diploma before court I will bring that with me or the paper work I have in hand.
Its time to get motivated and step forward with my dreams and actually start working on it instead of just talking about it.
Everything happens for a reason, im just truly sorry it happened this way. I never meant to walk out with anything unpaid for, but I will hear my option and because of the sweater it is accidently my fault, so I will take the punishment, learn a very valuable lesson ( always check cart and never put anything on me without paying for it first,
im so disappointed in my self, I teach my children right from wrong but yet here I am going to court because of tiredness stupidity and poor choices.
Very hard lesson to learn, but yes your right this is a good example for my children using me and what happen.
thank you judge for responding. I know this isn’t legal advice its jut your opinion and it still helps.
You’re welcome, Desiree. Good luck tomorrow at court.
I have made copies of all my receipts, from ever store I spent money at that day/morning well everything except the sears one, they kept the receipt for that one? but I was able to print out my total purchases from the rewards card to shoe the judge what I actually spent there, I also wrote 3 apology letters, to sear, the loss prevention division and to my future judge explaining my state of mind and that im sincerely sorry for tall the trouble I have caused and how badly I feel.
I don’t know what I should plead, guilty not guilty or no contest? im guilty for forgetting about the sweater but innocent about the items in the cart? I was exhausted that morning and wasn’t in my right mind?
I feel so guilty, I cant sleep, eat, or do anything other than write and research. I have never been in trouble for and im terrified and so embarrassed that im going to have a criminal record or may have a record now for being irresponsible. I am 30 years old a mother of 4 and a wife.
Dear Desiree: You won’t have a criminal record if you complete a diversion program. That’s one of the reasons for diversion – to keep first-time offenders from getting a record that affects the rest of their life. Hopefully, you’ll have a chance to resolve this through diversion.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Im so sorry to keep writing but I cant sleep eat or do anything other then research and im trying to find some inner peace within my self over this,
since I did put the sweater on knowing it wasn’t mine and he tags was removed due to stupidly and not going straight to cashier to pay for it when tags was ripped alone with my hair, do I plead guilty? I honestly didn’t know that there was unpaid items in the cart though? but I am guilty fro the sweater, I should have corrected that problem?
I know I can plead not guilty no contest or not guilty, but I don’t know what to do, I cant afford a lawyer and im so lost right now, I wish I could just go back to sears and pay for the items and just ask them to keep them, but I know I cant. Also I don’t understand why they charged me full price instead of the sale price?( which truly doesn’t matter I know but the total went from around $60 to $134?) I read my paper work from the police officer and the total is 134.97 instead of the sale price?
I feel so embarrassed and so awful. im a mother and im suppose to be a role model to my children, I have even brought my son back to Walgreens to pay for candy he stole then asked the cashier to throw the rest away and apologized for his action. I always try to do the right thing but I didn’t that night with the sweater, the right thing to do should have been paid for the sweater before.
Dear Desiree: Relax. When you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you. If you admit what happened you may be offered diversion as we mentioned in our first response. If you decide to fight the shoplifting charge, then a trial will be scheduled and if you qualify financially, the court may appoint a public defender to represent you. What you do is your decision. We don’t offer legal advice to adults or teens. However this turns out, being honest about the incident and accepting the consequences will be a valuable lesson for your children.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thank yu for responding so quickly, I will be going own to the court house Monday morning to make my court.
I have made copies of all my receipts to show the judge I di have the money and I had no intions of removing any items unpaid for, then I wrote a apology letter to sears Att: loss prevention, stating im very sorry and explained my side of te story since I wasn’t able to when it happened. I feel so awful and I am a honest person. I have never been in trouble as an adult, I try to be a good role model to my children.I have written hr letter out and made a copy to keep with my receipts so I can show the judge I am very sorry, I made a mistake and I feel awful about it. I even offered to pay for the items, but sears would have it. the officer said it was there choice.
Should I mail the letter and bring that along with my receipts to my court date once set? I don’t want to be marked as a criminal, I always try to help others and I am highly against theft. I cant believe what happened. I feel so awful. I have learned a very valuable lesson through all this.
what can I do to show the judge it was an honest mistake?
thank you for non legal advice
Dear Desiree: Yes, bring your receipts to court with you and explain to the judge exactly what happened. Everyone makes mistakes or oversights especially when tired from the day’s activities. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I went out last night for black Friday, went to a a lot of stores, well the last stop we made was at Sears (my sister in law and her friend) I purchased about $148 at electronic center for items, the sales person was so tired he didn’t ring up my headphones so he rang them up on different purchase. I paid for all. I placed bag in cart and continued to shop at sears. We had in all 3 filled up carts mixed. I took a sweater off the shelf and put it on honestly because I was freeing ( I has every intentions of paying for the sweater, anyhow I had the sweater on when I walked into the dressing room to try on a few dresses, when I went to take my sweater off it got tangled up in my hear and the tags along with my hair was accidently pulled off. I picked the tags up and laid them on the changing seat with every intention of grabbing the tag before leaving room entirely. I dried other clothing on walked out of dressing room to ask sisters advice a couple of times, I then got dressed and not even thinking I wrapped the sweater around my waist grabbed the clothing. I forgot the tag in dressing room, being so excited about the dress I found not to mention its 4:15 am in the morning we have been shopping since 5pm yesterday.
We walk around I shop for a few more items. by then all the carts are full. We then went to the check out counter and I purchased everything in the carts completely forgetting about the sweater around my waist, not to mention there was 3 small rolled up children blankets for 12 bucks in the cart and a pair of 12 bucks headphones. im exhausted at this point while checking out. I threw the pillows in the cart and bags on top of the cart. I always usually check to make sure the carts are completely empty except this time. I even paid for a candy bar I ate in the store while shopping, I told the cashier, I lost the wrapper so I grabbed another one for her to scan, she gave me n evil look.
I paid for everything except the sweater i put around my waist and what was in the bottom of the cart, I honestly thought my sister removed the items since I said I wasn’t going to get them, so I didn’t think anything of it, I was just ready to get home. Im so embarrassed over the not checking the cart and completely forgetting out the sweater. I should have went home after leaving other store due to being so tired.
We all then walked out of the store and no sooner than we did a jso officer greeted me asking me to come with him? I said officer did I do something wrong and as soon as we walked back in the store I remembered the darn sweater I completely forgot all about it. im a honest person im a wife and mother of 4 children and I try to play a good role model for them. ( children as at home)
The security loss prevention Sears employee asked me if I had all my receipts and I said yes and I was completely, I said sir im so sorry I just realized I didn’t pay for the sweater shirt I have around my waist. I can go pay for that right now, im just exhausted and it slipped my mind.
He then said that’s not all you was trying to steal and I said excuse me? he then started pulling out the bags and pillows in the cart, he then pulled out the blankets and headphones and I was in shocked I looked at my sister and said I thought you pulled those out, because I decided not to get them, se said I wasn’t sure, so I didn’t?
I then told the person I honestly didn’t realize that they was still in the cart or I would have definably removed them, I will gladly pay for them to, he then replies as much as you spent in her I don’t see how you have any money left to pay for them? which I had my credit card and cash in my purse.
I offered several times to pay for the items and I can leave them here. Next thing you know im being put in the back of the police car. Im a honest person and I have never been in trouble before, (I have accidently walked out with dog food under my cart at publix and I went right back in to pay for the dog food and I apologized to the cashier.)
The officer told me as long as my record came back clean he would bring me down town but this is considered being arrested and he would issue me a paper to make a court date?
Everything came back clean this was my offence and he wrote me a Notice to appear citation for criminal or civil violation paper made me sign it. but did tell me that while being in the back of the cop car I was under arrest? There was no had cuffs or did he read me my rights so was that an official arrest?
I honest didn’t know there was anything in the cart that was unpaid and yes it was my accidental fault, I should have went out to my car and grabbed my jacket instead of wearing one there or I should have purchase the sweater then put it on.
I have always tried being an honest person, always, I even brought my 12 year old back to walmart 5 miles from my home to pay for candy he stole and then I told cashier to throw it away. I don’t believing in shoplifting and the cop learned this was the first I have even been in a back of a police car
Im terrified, im going down Monday to set my court date and I guess all I can do is tell the judge the truth and what truly happened.
I spent over $300 and its on my rewards card but problem is the employee took my receipts? so I cant even show the judge I spend that money and the police officer seen the cash in my wallet.
I have never stolen anything in my life and now im going to be a criminal and I was suppose to start collage in the fall to work on becoming a vet tech but now im scared for life because of a simple horrible honest mistake on my behalf, not checking the cart and putting the sweater on, The sad thing about the entire situation is, the cashier seen the items in the cart, why didn’t she ask me if I was going to purchase the items then instead of waiting for me to walk out?
Honestly I would have walked the items right back in the store as soon as I seen them in the cart then that probably would have reminded me about the sweater too.
very hard lesson learned .
what’s going to happen to me in court being the first time I have even been in trouble? Will I get a criminal record and will this stop me from becoming a vet tech or going to collage next year?
He also said he seen me pull the tags off in dressing room and I did explain to him what happened? so does that mean there cameras watching us change? can I use that as evidence to prove I wasn’t trying to take tags off I just didn’t have a choice when it go coaught in my hair?
I have copied all my receipts and im writing a letter to sears apologizing.
Dear Desiree: Because this is your first offense, there’s a good chance that you will be offered a diversion program when you go to court. This means that upon successful completion of community service, payment of a fine and attending an educational class or counseling, the charges would be dropped. Even if diversion is not an option, this incident should not affect your chances of going to college or pursuing your career goals. You will find out more when you go to court including what your options are. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I took two packs of mm and hair spray. I know I was wrong I was feeling real dizzy and tried to hurry out the store before I passed out I ended up in the emergency room the next day . I regret taken the items that was worth 14.97 and I’m paying a civil fee.of 150.00 is it possible to get the charges dismissed.this is my first offense.
Dear Kelly: If you received a ticket or notice to appear in court, everything will be explained to you when you go. Since this is your first offense, you’ll probably be offered a “diversion” program. That means when you complete some community service, attend a class or counseling, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Don’t miss your court date. Also if you were banned from the store, don’t return or you could be charged with trespass. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello, I have had a problem with shoplifting since I was little I have always been able to tell myself No. Unfortunently, I wasn’t able to tell myself No resently. I stole,and got caught, less then $100 worth of stuff from Walmart. I have been caught one other time at a mall and did community service for it when I was 15-16 years old. They told me it was taken off my record and I am now 18 years old. They said they will be filling a report and I will be taken to court to appear in front of a judge. I’m very scared. I know I have lost my job but I am wondering if I will ever be able to get a new job? Will this stay on my record for life? Are they going to pull the old offense back up and hold it against me? What can I do to help my case? I’m really scared and I’m alone in this. What should I do? Please help me!!
Dear Stephanie: When you go to court for this, the legal process will be explained to you. It’s unlikely the old offense will be brought up since you completed diversion (community service) and the case was closed. This may be treated as a first offense and it is since you’re now an adult. Be honest at court and hopefully you’ll learn from this.Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
So my friend had been stealing food and lighters from a gas station for a while and had me do it with him. I did it with him a few times but 3 days ago we both got caught and got the cops called on us. So my question is how much trouble will I get in. I live in Indiana and I’m 14 if that helps.
Dear Fabulous: If this is your first offense and first time being in trouble with the law, you may be offered a diversion program. This means that once you complete some community service, pay a fine and attend a class or counseling, the charges would be dropped and the incident would not appear on your record. You will find out more when you go to court including whether or not diversion is an option in your case. We hope you learned from this as the consequences will increase if you continue to steal and get caught. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
your honor.
i had 2 retail thefts back in 1989 that the sentence turned out to be a m1 6 to 23 mo in jail but only served the minimane sentence now i am trying to apply for my ccw and got denied and they told me if i got the charge reduced or exsponged i should be able to get it i have talk to some attorneies and they told me that i should have not go denied what do i need to get my ccw that is all i had on my record in pa could you please advise me i have changed my life around 360 degrees i dont drink or do drugs i am a christian family
Dear Kevin: AsktheJudge.info is an educational site for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to adults or teens.
The lawyer you spoke to should be able to advise you about getting your juvenile record cleared or expunged. It’s a simple process that may be done through the court’s website if they have one and most courts do today. You can also go to the court and get information from their self-help program. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
me and my friend went into hannaford and stole cough syrup we got picked up outside the store and questioned by the manager he then called the cops and we were brought back to school were we belonged ,the cop also called our parents andd took information no fingerprints or anything like that tho but we both have to go to the probation office on the 25th ,does this mean we will be put on probation? am i gonna have court? whats the most that can happen i live in newyork but i dont know the laws here … im hoping the worst that happens is i just pay a fine and im already banned from the store… what do you think
Dear Brooke: When you go to court a probation officer will explain the legal process to you. If you admit what you did, it is likely you’ll be offered what’s called “diversion” if this is your first offense. That means when you complete some community service, attend a class or counseling the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Don’t miss court on the 25th or the judge may issue a warrant for your arrest. Also, since you’ve been banned from the store, don’t return or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice)>
hey my friend got caught shoplifting from Shopko,in montana state in 2008 and he is international student was,and he back to his country and in 2010 he sent letter to the court to tell them he outside the state and he need close the case. the court sent this letter for him (We received your letters today and have dismissed the cases. The warrants have been quashed, de-activated, and the cases have been closed.
and now he is in united state again and he got married and trying to applay for the green card by I-485,and they ask about the crimnal history, so he dont know what he should put in this part and he afraid that will effect to get a green card and his application deny any advise for him
thank you so much
Dear Ali: AsktheJudge.info is an educational site for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to adults or teens.
Answering these type of questions on applications depends on the language used and phrasing. If your friend received a ticket that was later dismissed as you stated, without pleading guilty or a trial, then he wasn’t convicted of a crime and can answer accordingly. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
first shoplifting case it was at the moreno valley ca mall it was under a 100.00 dollars what happend now i go too court on nov 19,2013 first time i have been in trouble
Dear Nancy: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity of avoiding a record so long as you complete the terms of the program. This usually requires that you complete some community service, pay a fine and attend a class or counseling. You will find out more when you go to court including whether or not diversion is an option in your case. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I went into walmart grabbed a bottle of cologne and I went to the checkout and payed for it but I stuck a hair brush in my pocket and began leaving the store until I got stopped and they took me to the back room got my information and I had money to pay for it but they didn’t let me so they said they were going to let me go but I will be receiving a phone call from a place in bentonville that’s over the walmarts in Arkansas . But this is my first time ever getting in trouble plus I’m 16 years old
Dear Shaquille: It’s possible that you got lucky and will hear nothing more. Otherwise, if Walmart chooses to take action, you may receive a civil demand letter in the mail requesting payment of a civil fine. If the store decides to press charges, then you could receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. The loss prevention officer will often explain that one of these circumstances is likely to occur, so if nothing was mentioned about a fine or going to court, then you may hear nothing more. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
First Time I Shoplift Do Go Too Jail Or Pay A Fine It Was On sept 30,2013 At The <moreno Valley Ca Mall It Was Under 100.00 dollars I Go Too Court on nov 19,2013 in riverside ca court house
Dear Nancy: Since this is your first offense and the amount stolen was under $100, you should not be facing jail time for this incident. You may be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity to avoid a record so long as you complete the program. Otherwise, you may need to complete some community service and pay a fine. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I have a question, so my uncle was accused of stealing something a $50 ring, he told the store lady to call the police because he didn’t take anything the police came got his prints. They told him to go to court on Monday but he couldn’t make it because he had to flight back to Switzerland. This happened 13 years ago will he be charged if he comes back? Or are those records erased? Thanks you so much
Dear Kote: Every jurisdiction handles minor crimes differently. He may have an outstanding arrest warrant for failing to appear in court if he missed a court date. Or this could be history with nothing to worry about. Contact the local police department and ask what the status is of this incident. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am 18 and work at CVS, I got arrested in a sting for selling alcohol to someone who was 20… I am an A student, got a full scholarship to college and have a bright future ahead of me. What will happen? WIll this destroy my entire future?
Dear Mike: If this is your first offense, you may be offered what’s called “diversion.” That means if you admit what you did and then complete some community service, attend a class or counseling, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record to worry about. When you go to court for this, the legal process will be explained to you. You can then decide what you want to do. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice)
Hi my name is Ashley i am 18 yearsold and i was caught stealing with my friends at wal-mart and then the secerity said that we were under arrest but did not put handcuffs on us or neither did the cop that came into the small room that the secerity guy put us in with a bench that we had to sit on and we all got a court date and a piece of paper that said theft from the officer and banned from wal-mart for a year..i don’t know if i was charged..or really arrested and yes this would be my first offence i regret ever doing this ..should i get legal couselling? or a lawyer ..do i even need it?
Dear Ashley: You wait until you go to court for your hearing before thinking about hiring a lawyer. The legal process will be explained to you then. Since this is your first offense you’ll probably be offered some form of “diversion.” That means when you finish some community service, attend a class or counseling, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. If you decide to plead not guilty, you can ask the court to appoint a lawyer to represent you or you can hire your own criminal defense attorney. It’s your call. Don’t return to the store during the ban or you could be charged with trespass. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i have a question… I was caught stealing an item that was $30 i was told i could end up paying up to three times the amount for that i was given an appearance ticket. It was on a first offense i would never do something like this i don’t know what was running through my mind. Would i go to jail over this I hope not i’m so frightened and it wasn’t my idea my cousin a minor forced me too.
Dear Katherine: Try to relax a little – you are not going to jail for this incident. Because it was your first offense, there’s a good chance that you will be offered a diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of some community service, payment of a fine and attending a class or counseling, the charges would be dropped and you would not have a record. You will find out more when you go to court including what your options are. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
how would i find out? would they come to my house, or call me into the station? what’s the precedent for this? i recently started school, and i’ve found a place to live. i just want to put everything behind me. i don’t want to disappoint the people i love. and if the people who love me know about this, there’s no way they could look me in the eye anymore.
Dear Pam: If charges end up being filed against you, then you most likely would receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. If you don’t hear anything after a few months pass, then you may be lucky. But remember the police have typically 1 year or so depending on the statute of limitations in your state. Just be sure to stay away from stores altogether if you can’t control yourself from shoplifting.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
i used to shoplift kindof a lot. i’ve been back home recently, but now when i shoplift i see police cars pull up to the store after i leave. this has happened twice. could the police be building a case against me? i am so scared.
Dear Pam: If you’re “so scared” why continue stealing? Yes, they could be building a case against you and you’ll find out soon enough. Under the laws in your state the police may have a year or two to file charges against you. They don’t have to do it immediately following the incidents. It’s referred to as a statute of limitations. Time to make better decisions.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello I was cought stealing a sweater at jc pennys store and the price was $35 dollars and I now have to go to court I cant afford a laywer at this time Do I need one ? and what should I plea I didnt sighn the paper at the store saying i stole so im worried…. This is my first time doing this stupid thing I have no record at all im 30 yrs old and live in ohio state will i get jail time? I dont know what to do please help me with some of my questions thank you so much
and also will the store people show up to court with evidence like the video footage? they took pics of me and the sweater and when i wouldn’t sign the paper admitting theft at the store the lady said she has no problem going with the video do they do this ? it was $35 dollars i am really embaresed and want to end it fast .
Dear Heather: AsktheJudge.info is an educational site for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to teens or adults.
However, with that said, we will tell you that as a first-time offender you can expect to be offered diversion. That means if you admit the shoplifting and complete some community service, attend a class or counseling, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. It’s your call and you don’t necessarily need a lawyer before going to court for the first hearing. If you deny the charge a trial will be scheduled and then you can hire a lawyer to represent you or ask the court to appoint a lawyer for you. If you qualify financially, the court may appoint the public defender. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
today i was caught shoplifting at walmart in nebraska, im 18 and i shoplifted a hat that says on the price tag a dollar…when they took me to the room they sed it was 14 dollars. what will happen to me in court?
Dear Danny: If this is your first offense, you can expect to be offered a “diversion” program if you admit to taking the hat. That means if you complete some community service, attend a class or counseling, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. When you go to court the process will be explained to you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My friend was caught stealing twice in one day from two different stores. What is going to happen to her?
Dear Amanda: The possible consequences will depend on whether one or both stores decide to press charges. She could just be fined and have to pay each store a civil fee. If criminal charges are pressed by either or both stores, then she would receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. If this is her first offense, she may be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity to complete some community service, pay a fine and attend a class or counseling. Then the charges would be dismissed. Good luck to your friend.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I was recently caught shop lifting. I was told sicnr it was my first time I would just have to appear in front of a judge and pay a fine. Basically a “slap on the wrist”. My question is will this appear on record and will it show up in a back ground check?
Dear Avangaline: It depends on how it’s handled by the police and courts. If you are offered “diversion” you won’t end up with a record that will affect your life later on. Diversion is a program where you complete some community service, pay a fine or restitution, or attend a class. Once completed, the charge is dismissed and no official record exists of this incident. We hope you don’t consider this a “slap on the wrist” since diversion is usually offered for first-time offenses only. If you steal again, the consequences increase. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello, me and my friend were at Walmart in PA where she stole stuff over $100. I didn’t steal anything but I was there so I was an “accomplice”. We were 17 at the time. We were taken to the police station and our information was taken down. She was fined and everything but I wasn’t. Does this go on my permanent record? I tried applying for a job but they said I didn’t pass my background check. She had applied somewhere and she had passed hers? I’m so confused..
Dear Jennifer: If you were not fined and never had to go to court over this, then you do not have a criminal record. To confirm that you don’t have a record, you could contact your local court and request a copy of your record or ask if you can look it up online through the court’s website. Walmart may have an internal record of the incident for their purposes only, so if you tried to apply there, that would explain the problem with the background check. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
i was caught by my employeer stealing from the store i would return iteam custumers bought and place them on a gift card and do the same with things i bought. i brought back the iteams and paid but the LP person said she would calle the cops. as we where done with paper work she said i could stick around and wait for the cops or leave because she no longer needed me she said she would just give the report to the cops and i would recive a citation on the mail with a court date. what i want to know is how would i know if she did send it? and did she say that just to scare me the cost of everything was $550 and i paid it all off!
Dear Donna: There really is no way of knowing whether or not she called the police and provided them with your information. You will just have to wait it out to see whether or not you receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Typically, a person receives such notice within a few months of the offense occurring. You may have gotten lucky this time if she chose to not inform the police. We hope you learned from this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
My boyfriend stole something that was only 10$
what will his punishment likely be.
he is also 19
Dear Arin: If this is his first offense and he has to go to court, it is likely that he will be offered a diversion program. This means that once he completes some community service, pays a fine and attends a class or counseling, the charges would be dismissed and he would not have a record. If he wasn’t issued a ticket at the time the incident occurred, he may be lucky by only receiving a warning. Good luck to him.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
When I was about 13 I was caught shoplifting. I lived with a foster mom and she never gave me my allowance and never bought me anything so I felt like I sort of had to steal. After this I never had a court date, no community service or anything. Since then, I am a very good student, I do not live with that foster mom anymore and have not stolen since. I go to a school that requires me to get a background check because the time I graduate I’ll be an Emergency Medical Technician. Will this show up on my background check? it was such a long time ago and I was so young.. I didn’t realize what I was doing. I have so much shame when I think about it and I get so embarrassed and if it shows up on my background check my EMT teacher will see and I communicate with her a lot which makes it very awkward.
Thank you for your time.
Dear Caroline: Since you never went to court, completed community service, etc., then you shouldn’t have a record. It sounds like you got lucky with just a warning from the store and they chose not to press charges. If you want to confirm that you do not have a record, you could contact the juvenile court in the area where you lived when the incident occurred and ask for a copy of your record just to be sure that there is nothing on it. Good luck with your studies and EMT program.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Today, a couple of friends and I were being dumb and 3 of the 4 of us stole an item. One person who stole and one person who didn’t were not caught, me and my other friend were caught. They made us pay for the $4.50 items (total) it was our first time, I am 17. We stole from a local grocery store, we were told that we were not allowed to go in the store again without parents. No information of ours was taken down. If we do walk back in a few days later without our parents what should we expect. What if I truly just want to buy items. And act like the event never took place. Thank you.
Dear Kit: Once you’ve been “trespassed” from a store, you shouldn’t return without permission from the store. Otherwise you can be charged with trespassing. So if you want to take a chance, it’s your freedom you’re risking. One of the store employees may recognize you and call the police to enforce the “no trespass” order. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
So I have a question. I am 25 ive been on probation for awhile on a drug charge that I was charged with 5 years ago, and im on a stay of imposition. So I just recently got caught shoplifting at Scheels ($129.00). What is going to happen? I have a court date for August 20th for a Arraignment. I’m so scared I just recently got a new job so I know for a fact I would never do it again. I regret it so much. But im so scared cuz idk what is going to happen. i paid the 129.00 back to scheels, and let my probation officer know. Would a public defender help in this type of case? let me know what you think is going to happen..
Dear Cole: You may be appointed a public defender to represent you depending on the process and laws in your jurisdiction. For the shoplifting charge, you may be facing additional time on probation, community service, etc. As for the other offense that your serving time on probation, talk to your P.O. about this and what he/she is going to recommend since you violated a term of your probation by getting a new criminal charge. Good luck.
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Wonderful site. Plenty of helpful info here. I’m sending it to a few buddies ans additionally sharing in delicious. And naturally, thank you to your sweat!|
Thank you for your comments. -Judge Tom
Hi, my friend sometimes steals makeup, mascara, lipstick, etc., nothing over $20, and I’m afraid she will get caught. She is twelve years old. What will happen if she does?
Dear Alex: You’re right to be concerned for your friend. If she continues to steal, it’s most likely just a matter of time before she is caught. If the store chooses to handle this without notifying the police, they may send her a civil fine. These fines are often between $100 and up to a few hundred dollars. Otherwise, if the police are called, she could be issued a ticket and have to appear in court. She could be offered a diversion program if it’s her first offense and first time having to go to court. Good luck to your friend.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I’m 16 and live in California. I was caught walking out of Claire’s with two rings in my pocket ($14 total), and the manager filled out some papers, asking for my name and information. She said the corporate office was going to mail me a fine (between $300-500) that I was going to have to pay and that there might be a court hearing. She was gracious enough to not call the cops. I know everyone says this, but I deeply, sincerely regret what I have done. This is my first offense, and I am taking this seriously. My actions are inexcusable and I’m using this as an opportunity to start over new. I’m deathly scared – what should I expect from the mail besides the fine? I am taking full responsibility for my actions, but I’m terrified should I have to go to court. If they didn’t call the cops, will they still persecute me? What will the judge sentence me to if I do go to court? Please and thank you.
I just have a few more questions – will they file a civil suit? Will this be on my records forever? I was banned from the store, and they just told me to wait for the mail from their corporate office. Thank you.
Dear Fiona: It sounds like the store is handling this incident internally. That means once the civil fine is paid, the case will be closed. It’s unlikely you’ll have to go to court over this since the police weren’t called, but there’s always a chance that formal action will be taken. It’s up to the store and the local prosecutor. So, when you receive the letter from the store (or their lawyer) talk it over with your parents. Once you pay the fine these types of cases are usually closed. Since you’ve been banned from the store, don’t return or you could be charged with trespassing. If you hear nothing from the police or the court, you won’t have a record that will affect you in the future. The only record that will exist is with the store for their purposes. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m 18, I was caught shoplifting from Belk. By the time the loss prevention lady stopped me the cops were called. The lady only said that they were going to talk to me, and I would be banned from Belk. Also, they had to file an incident and police report for their files. She said more than likely I would be free to go, especially since my little brother was with me. When the cop came he took my info down a little notepad. He said he wasn’t going to take me to jail, and I had to prove to him I would show up to court, so I told him my mom worked at the courthouse & also my uncle was a state trooper and I would do anything to get out of getting arrested because it wasn’t worth it! He said that I would be getting an arrest warrant sent to me in the mail and I would need to go turn myself in and that’s when I would get my court date.. He told me again I was free to go since my brother was with me. And I explained how it wasn’t like me to do that, and I’ve never been in any trouble before. That I was going to college & my parents would be so disappointed in me. Of course by this time I was crying, when they told me I could leave I apologized sincerely and said I know it wouldn’t change anything but I just would like to say sorry for acting that way & stealing. Because I know it wasn’t right. The LP man said just let this be a learning experience. And the lady also handed me a civil demand paper and said I would be getting something in the mail. Is there anyway possible that after I left they decided not to press charges or anything? Every situation I’ve read about got a court date that day or in the mail.. Why would I be getting an arrest warrant??
Dear Ashley: You may have misunderstood what was said since you were crying and upset. It’s unlikely that a warrant for your arrest would be issued at the outset. You may get notice in the mail about a court date or there may be instructions on the ticket you received from the police. If you have a court date and you fail to appear, then the judge may issue a warrant for your arrest. Relax and, as the LP person said, let this be a learning experience for you. There’s nothing fun about going to court or having a record. Discuss this with your parents and you’ll have this behind you soon.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i have a question. i was caught shopplifting I am 16 and my mom didnt not find out i had a friends mom come dwn to release me but they said the cops were going to write up a ticket and send it in the mail. Is there any way my mom can not find out about what happend ? can i show up to court alone or with someone over the age of 18 . please help !
Dear Jessica: There’s a good chance your mom will find out what happened. So the best way to handle this is to tell her yourself instead of letting her find out from someone else. Most juvenile judges require a parent or legal guardian to appear with the child in court. If you appear with an 18-year-old friend or cousin, for example, the court may continue the hearing until a parent appears. Face the music and get this behind you. You’ll feel much better than trying to avoid the inevitable. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
essie and earlier today I shoplifted from a store it was s timer. well on my way out the clerk looked at me funny and then grabbed a phone and followed me out sside and waited for me to drive and i believe she got my license plate number. But i wasnt in my car it was my friends. Anyway what can happen can they call police and make a report even with no proof? If a camera saw me then what can they do?hi my name is j
Dear Jessie: It’s extremely unlikely that the police will be contacted over this since they didn’t stop you or obtain your contact information. A license plate alone is not enough to identify a person since they have no idea whether or not the registered owner was driving. It sounds like you got lucky this time, but probably won’t be as lucky if you continue to shoplift. We hope you learned from this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Dear Brooke: If you receive a letter about the fee from the store, there should be an attorney’s office on the paperwork which you could contact to ask about working off the fee. Otherwise, if you end up in court, you can request additional community service hours and explain that you don’t have any money to pay the fine. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, this is brooke again, and i was wondering if it is possible to work off the civil fees? I don’t have that type of money at all, and my parents refuse to pay for my stupid mistake, and i agree, i wouldn’t want to either, but i made the mistake, and i was wondering if there was some way that i could work for it? I would do anything. If they were to give me a court date, could i tell the judge that i want to work for it? or who would i go to if i got a letter about a fee?
hello it’s diana again (14 yrs) and i have some questions regarding my incident. Is the store allowed to get a picture of me from surveillance and put it up in the store? Oh, and i didn’t admit into the shoplifting for them but i know they didnt believe me which is why the security officer was called. They won’t track me down right? Sorry again i’m just really paranoid that i’ll have police knocking at my door any day now.
Dear Diana: You can relax. The police are not going to show up at your house and the store is not going to put a picture of you up on the walls. Again, you got lucky this time with a warning and them letting you go without getting any information from you. You probably won’t be as lucky next time, which is why it’s so great that you have remorse and learned your lesson. We all make mistakes, but as long as you learn from them, they can be valuable lessons. Take care.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I got caught shoplifting the other day. I’m 14. I went into the dressing room and ripped the tags off and hid them. Before I got in the lady counted my items and when I got out she did the same which I didn’t think she’d do. I hesitated and said maybe she counted wrong and she called her manager and I pretended to look and I “found” them but the manager called security to escort me out. I was not allowed in the mall that day but the next day I was. Will I get sent a letter or charges? No information about me was collected except the security officer asked how old I was and that’s it. He dismissed me and that was it. Will they track me down? They have no info about me. It was only 2 shirts and I gave them back before the security came. Ok scared because to be honest I am a goodie two shoes and a Christian. This was like a wake up call to never do it again. I just wanna know if they’ll press charges or arrest me but they have no information but will they track me down? Thankyou very much foot your time I appreciate it a lot.
Dear Diana: We’re glad to hear that this was a wake up call for you because you probably won’t be as lucky next time. Since they didn’t collect any contact info from you, most likely you will hear nothing more about this incident as the store doesn’t have the time or resources to track down the identity of a suspected shoplifter. If they told you to stay away from the store, be sure to do so otherwise you could be cited for trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Umm, today i was at walmart and got caught stealing makeup that added up to a total of 23$ , how much do you think the ticket will be? it was my first time ever stealing, and i got caught. is it possible to work it off b community service? im 17.
Dear Brooke: The store could choose to send you a civil demand letter requesting payment of a civil fine. If this occurs and you pay the fine on time that may be the end of the matter. The civil fee is usually between $100 and a few hundred dollars. Otherwise, if the store presses charges, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. If you have to go to court, it’s likely that you will be offered a diversion program since this is your first offense. This means that once you complete some community service, pay a small fine and attend a class or counseling, the charges would be dropped and you would not have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, My Friend & I went to Academy today, & I was just looking for stuff to go running in later on(shorts & shoes), she had told me we can just steal this stuff, i didn’t wanna do it but she said let me have your bag & ill do it, but she got caught so we both got in trouble. its my first offense, & i’m only 16, what would the court give me?
Dear Marissa: Since this is your first offense, there’s a good chance that you and your friend will be offered a diversion program when you go to court. This means that once you complete some community service and attend a class or counseling, the charges would be dropped and you would not have a record. You’ll find out more when you go to court including what your options are. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I have a question, If my friend stole a wallet and they caught her on camera what consequences is she looking at? Its her first time in trouble?
Dear Cassie: As a first-time offender she may be eligible for a diversion program. That means if she admits the theft she may be required to complete some community service, attend a class or counseling. Once completed, the charge is dismissed and she won’t have a record. Tell your friend that diversion is usually available for the first offense only. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I received a call from my daughter age 16 while at work . She went into the Wal-Mart in CA across from our apartments and when she was leaving the security asked if she stole something, she handed over $2.50 fake eyelashes. She called me on my cell and said I had to pick her up. They took my ID and wrote down my information and gave me a form to watch for something in the mail from their attorneys. No police were called, no picture was taken of her.
Are they trying to make me responsible for this? This is so confusing.
She needs to learn from her actions, however I will not be scammed or have anything placed on my clean record for my minor child’s theft. What to do?
Dear Heather: Your daughter got lucky this time. Since the police weren’t called she won’t have to go to court or get a record that could affect her later on. You will probably receive a letter in the mail from the store’s attorneys requesting payment of what’s called a “civil fine.” Once it’s paid the case is closed and that’s the end of it. If you decide not to pay the fine, the store could take further action including pressing charges against her through the police. The fine is usually several hundred dollars so your daughter can start saving. If she was banned from the store, tell her not to return or she could be charged with trespass. If you have any questions when the letter arrives, contact the loss prevention office at the store. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello Judge Tom,
I am not sure if this is your area of expertise, but I am hoping you could help me or point me in the right direction. I use to work for JP Morgan Chase Bank as a teller and never had any differences or any issues with my customers. However, I was going to school and my manager did not like the fact that I dedicated myself and my time to my studies instead of my job. Again, I was not a bad employee I was respectful and did as I was told. However, I recently applied for a teaching job and a administrator called this manager for a reference. My previous manager gave me a horrible review, saying very nasty and untrue things about me; some of the things he said was I never showed an interest in my work and I was a very bad employee overall that was ‘a not nice person.’ I could bore you with additional things he said but I will not waste your time reading it. When the administrator at the school called my previous manager the call was recorded so there is a record of what was said. I thought that previous managers could not say anything like this, they could only provide information that could be proven such as time periods I worked, salary, etc so can I do anything about my manager saying these things about me? I feel that the fact he said this made people view me in a less desirable way. Since I have a record of what was said can I peruse this matter further?
Thank you for any help you can provide, have a nice evening! Matt
Dear Matt: AsktheJudge.info is an education site for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to adults or teens.
We suggest you talk with a lawyer who practices employment law. If you contact one, ask about a free consultation to size up your case. Some lawyers offer this for the first half-hour or so. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m 18 and I got caught shoplifting in kohls the police were called but they gave me a court date and let me go. Couple days later I get a paper in the mail from kohls saying I owe them money. I’m more worried about going to jail, if this is my first offence will I go to jail or will I just get probation and all that? I live in maryland so is there like a certain law?
Dear Keyawnie: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity to avoid a record so long as you complete the program. Diversion typically consists of completing community service and attending a class or counseling. You will not be facing jail time for a first time shoplifting incident. We hope you learned from this though as the penalties will increase with additional offenses. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I’m 22 and I was caught shoplifting from kohl’s in tx. The LP took me to a room said they would not call the cops if I gave back the merchandise which I did it was worth less than $20. He than took my picture told me I could never return and had me sign a paper saying I agreed he then said I would be getting a fine in the mail. My question is do I have to pay the fine and after I do will this all be over? And will they more they likely try to take me to court?
Dear Alexis: It sounds like you’re going to receive a civil demand letter in the mail requesting payment of a civil fine. If you choose to pay the fine on time, then that may be the end of the matter and you won’t have to go to court. If you ignore the letter, then it could increase your chances of going to court as the store may choose to press charges, but that totally depends on their policies and procedures. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
i recently got caught shop lifting how ever the security gaurd said he wouldnt get the police involved so will i not get a criminal record?
Dear Tendaishe: That’s correct – if the police were not called and the security guard was being honest about not getting the police involved, then you will not have to go to court and therefore, will not have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I graduated from college and got a good paying job. I got use to buying nice things and frequently. So, when I lost my job a few months ago, I haven’t been able to afford my same lifestyle. I decided to start shoplifting. I shoplifted at one store a few times but never got caught. Then I went to Dillards and tried to take a dress and got caught. Will they go through the tapes at the other store and convict me for both?
Dear Sammy: It’s unlikely that the police or the store will use the time or resources to go through a bunch of surveillance tapes. You most likely are facing charges only for the dress you got caught stealing. We hope you learned from this as the penalties will increase for second or additional offenses. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Me my sister and my friend went to khols and me and my friend put bathing suits under our clothes and walk out of the store but my two sisters dint know about it my sisters one is 15 and the other one is 12 but I have a record I took two knifes to school but I already did my time . What would happen
Dear Mara: If you weren’t stopped by security and weren’t caught, then you most likely will not hear anything more about the incident. Nevertheless, we hope you realize what you did is wrong and will consider returning the bathing suits even anonymously since you didn’t pay for them. If you were caught, then you may receive a civil demand letter from the store requesting payment of a fine. If you pay the fine on time, that may be the end of the matter and you won’t have to go to court. Otherwise, you could receive a notice in the mail to appear in court if the store chooses to press charges. You may be facing probation with community service, payment of a fine and having to attend a class or counseling. Again, we hope you’ve learned from this as the penalties are likely to increase for additional offenses. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
About 7 years ago, I went grocery shopping with 2 friends, they stole a $9 bottle of alcohol (we’re all the drinking age)as I paid for my items and was about to walk out they threw the purse in my cart &ran out so security stopped me (I didn’t run bc I figured I was innocent I didn’t do the stealing and had no idea they were until they stopped me and looked in the purse! I have no record never done anything but I got a ticket and court date, they told me it’d be easier to plead guilty otherwise I’d have to go to a full hearing, give them my friends names, find a lawyer which freaked me out. So being that I was afraid I just took the guilty plee &paid a fee. Is it possible this is still on my record? And would it qualify as a misdemeanor? I know it’s not a felony bc they said for it to be felony it would have to be $40 of alcohol or more.
Dear Gina: AsktheJudge.info is an educational site for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them We don’t provide legal advice to adults or teens.
What we can tell you is that yes, it was probably a misdemeanor and it may still be on your record unless you completed a “diversion program.” Check with the court you were in and ask about your record. If one exists, ask about applying to have it cleared (expunged). It’s a simple process and you don’t need a lawyer to apply. You may be able to do it online. Check out the court’s website. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I have a question, my nine year old daughter took a pair of goggles from a store. The store did not catch her. Two days later I found the goggles in her room and she lied to me seven times about where they came from until I threaten to call the police. If I make her take them back to the store will they press charges or tell me I cannot shop there?
Dear D.J.: Recognizing that all things are possible, the store could decide to press charges and ask you not to return at any time. However, the odds are in your favor that they would appreciate the gesture of having her return the goggles and apologize for stealing them. You’re simply doing the right thing as a parent and it would be a valuable lesson that she won’t forget. Good luck – let us know what happens.
On a personal note, when Judge Tom was the same age he took a plastic part from a model car he wanted. He was caught with it at home and his parents marched him back to the store to admit what he did and say he was sorry. At age 66 today he carries with him the memory of this embarrassing situation. His shoplifting days ended quickly.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got caught shoplifhing and i got two tickets on because i took the blame for it and the other on ewas because i handed my sister a shirt. but both the tickets were $200. will i be able to get it off my record and will i have to get a lawyer just because of this.
Dear Carol: Read the tickets very carefully so you are sure to appear for court if a court date has been assigned. If this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity to avoid a record so long as you complete the terms of the program. Otherwise, if no court date has been assigned and you owe the store $200, this may be considered a civil demand meaning that if you pay the store this fee they are asking for, then charges may not be filed and you will not have to go to court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
My friend and I shoplifted from a store this past week and we got charged with stealing taking and carrying away merchandise with a value of 149.99 and also taking them without authority. This was our first time getting in trouble and we were told that we could do the first offenders program and in 6 months our records be wiped clean. Is this true? I’m from North Carolina
Dear Hannah: It sounds like this is most likely a diversion program in N.C. that is being offered to you. Typically, as long as you complete the terms of the program (community service, payment of a fine/restitution, attending a class or counseling), the charges are dismissed and you should not have a record. When you go to court, you’ll have the chance to speak with someone about this and get more information about how the process works in N.C. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I am 16 years old and me and my cousin were caught shoplifting at Walmart. They split up our merchandise in half and it ended up being around $76 each. I have a clean record but my cousin doesn’t and also, can she blame it on me because she told me to put the things in the bag we were using. I am going to court for the first time, and I am really scared.
Dear Selena: Since this is your first offense, when you go to court you’ll probably be offered what’s called “diversion.” That means if you admit the shoplifting you’ll be required to complete some community service, attend a class or counseling. Once you finish the terms of diversion the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Your cousin can point the finger at you but you just need to tell the truth and accept the consequences. Keep in mind that diversion is usually available for first-time offenders only. If you steal again the penalties will be greater. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got shoplifting at Walmart. No cops were called. It was only $19 dollars worth of things. They said I would get a letter from Walmart saying I have to pay the fine. They banned me from that store and said if I get caught shoplifting again that I will get arrested. Since no cops were called and they said I just have to pay the fine that means no court and no record right ? I just have to pay the fine and then that’s it?
Dear Lizz: Yes, it sounds like the store is not going to press charges and therefore, you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. When you receive the civil demand letter in the mail, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will hear nothing more. Also, be sure to stay away from the store as you don’t want to risk being cited for trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Me and my friend got caught shoplifting at target she stole a lot I only stole a little we are both 18 will we get fined heavely?
Dear Emily: If this is your first offense, you may be offered a “diversion” program which means after you complete some community service, counseling or a class, the case will be dismissed. There may not be a fine or restitution depending on the circumstances. When you go to court for this, the process will be explained to you. Good luck & learn from this – diversion is usually offered only once.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My Friend and I were cauaght shoplifting around 700$ worth of clothing. She told me to hold the bags and as we were walking out we were stopped. Im and 17 and the officer said it could be a felony and chargered as an adult and I am guitly by assocation. What’s going to happen? will I be tried as and adult or minor? Should they have just charged by for what I was carrying or all of of it together?
Dear Sydney: You’ll have to wait and see what happens about any charges that may be filed. If the officer didn’t give you a ticket, you may receive notice in the mail about a court appearance. If that happens, everything will be explained to you at court or you can talk with a lawyer of your choosing before the hearing. If this is your first offense, you may be eligible for a “diversion” program. That means when you finish some community service, attend a class or counseling, the case is closed and you don’t have a record. It’s up to the prosecutor to decide if you’ll be in adult or juvenile court. It isn’t common for shoplifting offenses by juveniles to go to adult court but it can happen under certain circumstances. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i got caught shoplifting nd i still didnt recieve the papers for the fine and this is my first time getting caught i wanted to noe wat can happend like can i be placed on house arrest or something and also because my grades are not good nd i have a large number of cuts
Dear Qua: What happens next depends on what happened at the store. If the police were called you may receive a ticket in the mail. If they weren’t involved, you may get a letter from the store requiring payment of a fine. If that happens and you pay the fine, then the case is closed and you don’t have a record. If you end up in court you may be offered what is called “diversion.” That means when you finish some community service or attend a class or counseling then the case is closed. You could also get lucky this time and hear nothing further about this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I shoplifted from walmart in Georgia a police Came and
Asked me questions like my name height and weight and address . Then the police filled out a piece of paper and gave it to me and at the end it said juvenile does that mean I have to go to court he didn’t say anything about it to me . Also I was staying at my friends house so her grandma came and picked me up . This is my first time and I regret it all.!
Dear Hemangi: First, look at the piece of paper carefully to see if there is any court date on it. If not, a couple of things could happen. The store may send you a civil demand letter requesting payment of a civil fine. If you pay this fine on time, that may be the end of the matter. However, if charges are filed, then you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Make sure to appear on the date and time instructed and you will find out more about your options at that time. If you have to go to court, you may be offered diversion since this is your first offense. That means that upon completion of some community service hours, payment of a fine and attending a class or counseling, the charges would be dropped. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
i stole 300 hundred dollars worth of clothes from the mall and got a ticket its my first time what will happen in court >?
Dear David: You may be facing probation with community service, fines/restitution and having to attend educational classes or counseling. You will find out more when you go to court including what charges you are facing and the possible penalties under the charge(s). Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I am 21 years old and yesterday I went to mall with my friend. I had to try out something in the fitting room and when I came out, my friend called me that she had left her hand bag in the fitting room. I went back and got her bag. On the door security stopped me and told me that I am stealing the bag. They had me arrested and I spent a night at the police station. My court date is in 2 weeks. What can I do to prove my innocence or at least to avoid a permanent criminal record. I have absolutely no criminal background or driving tickets.
Thank you in advance.
Dear Magen: AsktheJudge.info is an educational site for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to adults or teens.
Once you go to court for this, the process will be explained to you. You can wait until then or talk with your own lawyer ahead of time. It’s your decision. If you plead not guilty, the court may appoint the public defender to represent you depending on the policies of the court. Whatever you decide to do, be honest and accept the consequences. If you are offered diversion, that’s one way to avoid a permanent record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My 16 yr old daughter was caught shop lifting. Besides the consquences set by law, paying any fines, court costs and not being allowed to shop allow for awhile. What consequences would you recomend as a parent?
Dear Nan: The penalties that will be imposed by the court may include, as you mention, a fine, restitution to the store, community service and a class or counseling. Some parents who have written us also go with their son or daughter to the store to personally apologize for the incident. This is a lesson that’s not soon forgotten and could make a difference in a teen’s attitude about the law and consequences. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am a 21 year old male Hispanic. I was caught stealing an iPhone 5 case, two of them. This is the first time I Ever do anything bad like this. I would like to know what would happen to me? Will this go on my record? I need help can u help me? Please contact me at nategonzalez27@yahoo.com
Nate: We responded to your question in a direct email as you requested. -Judge Tom
Judge Tom,
I am 16 years old, and was caught shoplifting at a Walmart several nights ago. A LP stopped me as I walked out the door, I was then taken to a small room and questioned, the police were called and so were my parents. The total value of the merchandise was $55 (candy and cosmetics). I was told that I would need to pay a fine from Walmart and that I would be given a court date sometime in the future.
I have never been in trouble with the law before, this was a dare from a friend and I decided to go through with it because of a severe lapse of judgement. I do a lot of volunteer work and am an excellent student.
I was wondering if this incident will go on my record, what the possible punishments may be, and if this will impact my chances of getting into good colleges and finding a good job.
I have certainly benefited from this and will use it as a learning experience.
Thank You.
Dear Jo: We’re glad to hear you learned from this experience. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program when you go to court. This means that upon successful completion of some community service, payment of a fine and attending a class or counseling, the charges would be dropped and you shouldn’t have a record. Therefore, it most likely would not affect your educational or employment opportunities in the future. You will find out more when you go to court including what your options are. If for some reason diversion is not an option for you, then you would want to go back to the court once you complete your sentence and ask for your record to be expunged. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi judge, I’m 16 years old and I live in New York. I got caught shoplifting two days ago at rite aid. I returned the merchandise to the LP guy. He got my name and address. The cops came and took me in their squad car to the precient. I was fingerprinted and the given a court date. I didn’t pay civil demand. Will I get that in the mail? Do my parents have to know about this? What should I expect in court? Do I need a lawyer? What would be my punishment? I am a very good student and I fell horrible about this. I have definitely learned my lesson.
Dear Anon: We’re glad to hear you learned your lesson. If this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program and given the chance to avoid a record so long as you complete some community service, pay a fine and possibly attend a class. You may receive a civil demand letter from the store, but it’s ultimately up to their policies. If you already have the notice for the upcoming court date, review it very carefully. It’s very common for juvenile courts to require that offenders appear with their parents. It might be best to just sit down with them and calmly let them know about the mistake you made. Finally, you do not need a lawyer for your first court date or to be offered diversion. You will find out more when you to court including what your options are. If you (and your parents) then feel like you need additional advice before you can make a decision about your options, you could contact a lawyer for a consultation. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
what is the most time i can get for stealing a back pack full of chips lays hot cheetos at school am very scared
Dear Jose: If this is your first offense, you’re likely to be offered diversion if you end up in court over this incident. That means when you complete some community service, attend a class or counseling, the case is dismissed and you won’t have a record to worry about in the future. The school may also discipline you by after school detention, in-school suspension or the like. Good luck and think twice before stealing again.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m 21 and I shoplifted some cosmetics from rite aid under $35, got caught and I paid for them afterwards. The cops did come, ask me some questions, but didn’t arrest me or put any charges against me. The people from rite aid took my ID, jot down my information and took a photo of me. They also told me I’m banned from this rite aid and every other rite aid stores and they’re going to send my photo to them. I just wanna know if this will show up on my records or affect my future of applying for a job? Or will they mail me a warrant to pay for anything?
Dear Michelle: If it’s been a while since this happened, you probably won’t hear anything further about it. Since you didn’t have to go to court or get a ticket, then you don’t have an official record that would appear in a background check. Don’t return to the store as long as the ban is in place or the store could press trespassing charges against you. We hope you’ve learned from this.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
well my cousin got caught stealing at Food4less in California,for one item around 10$,his parents were out of state so they called me to get him in the store and told me what happened,no cops were called. They made me sign a form and took my I.D. which they made a copy of and gave him a a paper with a fine of 150$ and a number to call to lower the price,what i’m worried about is that his parent are not here to pay the fine. so will they charge me? I am over 18, or will they put it in my record?
Dear Jose: If the store has the correct information, this shouldn’t go on your record or cause you any problems. This sounds like a “civil fine” which means, once it’s paid, the case is closed. Since the police weren’t involved and your cousin doesn’t have to go to court, there’s no official record of the incident except with the store. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hey, So yesterday I was in claires and I was with my friends at the mall. I was trying on a necklace(worth 9.50) and I was near the sensors. I took removed the tag(you can out the necklace back on it) so that the alarm wouldn’t go off since i was looking in the mirrors, My friend was talking to me and I forgot I had the necklace on I walked probably a total of 4 feet past the sensors. One of the clerks called me back and said “I need you to get behind the counter”.. I did as she said and I asked if I buy the necklace because those were my intentions in the first place. She replied “no” and tried to take down my information. Mall security arrived, after the police arrived and took my information once my mother had been called. The police walked me into the Mall Management room. The cop took my name,date height,weight,eye color, ect. He got my mother to fill out papers and I was released to leave with her. He said that I will have to go to court and I will probably have to take 4-5 classes which will be 50-100 dollars per class.15,georgia, on informal probation. should I plea guilty or not guilty?What should I expect?
Dear Hannah: We do not provide legal advice to anyone and therefore, cannot tell you how to plead. We do, however, provide legal information and can tell you generally what happens in the majority of cases. If this is your first offense, there is a good chance that you will be offered a diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service, payment of a fine and possibly having to attend an educational class, the charges would be dismissed and you would not have a record. Be sure to bring you mother with you when you go to court so she can help you listen to your options and make a decision on how you should proceed. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I was caught shoplifting around a year ago and i still go to the same store, today i saw the security follow me around because i signed some trespassing papers but after going to court and payed my time and money the judge dropped my charges does that mean im clean and i shouldn’t worry about them stoping me and taking me to their little security room?
Dear Mario: If you’re through with everything the court required you to do through diversion or otherwise, then all should be well. However, if the store banned you from their premises for a year or so, then honor the ban or you could be charged with trespassing. You could also show the store manager your final paperwork from the court and ask about being able to return to the store to shop. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My son was caught shoplifting, he is 26 has a mental illness. He was in jail one day, he went to court the Jude gave him 80 hours of community service, and $477 ticket. Now home depot want us to pay them $660 to them. What happens if we don’t pay home depot. They took their item back, when he was caught. We live in California. Thank you
Dear Mariam: Your son should talk to his probation officer if he has one or whoever is overseeing his community service hours. It sounds like the store is asking for a civil fee, which is up to your son to pay. In some cases, when a person refuses to pay it, the store then presses charges and the person has to go to court. Since your son has been charged and already sentenced by the judge, he cannot face additional criminal charges for the offense. He may want to communicate this to the store. Good luck to him.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello, Im 16 and i was caught shoplifting a 28$ item about 7 months ago. I feel so embarrassed and ashamed, my mom had just passed away and i didn’t know how to handle the grief. I was referred to a youth diversion program which I’m currently completing now. I was told once completed the shoplifting will no longer be on my criminal record. I need to start thinking about my future and I’m really interested in Criminal Justice. More specifically my dream job would be to work for the FBI. Would they be able to see my record even if it has been erased? Thank you for your help.
‘Dear Katie: The purpose of a diversion program is to “divert” the incident away from the criminal justice system and keep a person from having a record that follows them around through their adult life. So once you finish the terms of diversion, you should be in the clear with nothing to worry about. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
In 1975 I was 17, living in Long Island. I was caught shoplifting and the police took me to police station asked my name what school I went tyo and let me go. Will this event show up on the background check?
Dear Andrea: It’s unlikely that this incident will appear in a background check. Since you were prosecuted or given the opportunity to complete a diversion program, there’s no official record of the shoplift, especially one committed 38 years ago.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Ok so me and my friend went to a local store, I took nail polish and put it in my pocket. I also took a make up remover tissue out of its box and used it. I dumped the box. Then I found out someone was following me, he was a detective. He stopped me and my friend and took us to the back. Cops came and he told me to fill out a sheet of how much I have stolen and he said if I was lying tht cameras around the store weren’t so I wrote a list and he called my parents and talked to them. Idk what’s gonna happen am I gonna go to court? Or something worst. I am a teen 14
Dear Ikra: The store may choose to send you a “civil demand” letter requesting payment of a civil fine. If this occurs, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. However, if charges end up being filed, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. If this is your first offense and you have to go to court, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Remember that the penalties will increase for a second offense so we hope you learned a valuable lesson from this incident. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
my cousin and I went into a clothing store and saw a pair of $3 flip flops. she went into a dressing room a little later and put them in her bag. at that time we both were 17, but now im 18. I wasn’t the one who took the flip flops, I didn’t even know she was doing it. the lady took both of us after she was caught and took our picture and filled out papers. she called the police but they never came, so we got to leave after a parent came. we live in ohio and just received a letter saying we have an intake hearing. and a few weeks ago we both received a letter saying we owe an attorney $200. my cousin paid hers but my parents told me not to pay mine since I didn’t shoplift. now since I didn’t do the shoplifting, what can they say or do to me in the hearing? plus I was 17 at the time, can anything be put on my record now that im 18? please respond
Dear Megan: If this is your first offense, there’s a good chance you will be offered a diversion program. This means that upon completion of some community service, payment of a fine, etc., the charges would be dropped and you would not have a record. You will find out more when you go to court including what your options are. You may meet with a probation or court officer and have a chance to explain your side of the story. Bring your parents with you so that they understand your options and the court process as well. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi my name is Amy and I am 15 years old. Just today my friends and I got caught shopplifing Claire’s. I hope you can help me answer these questions. Also this is all in Pennsylvania
1. When our parents comes to bail us, do they give the citations to our parents or they must mail the citations?
2. What happens if we didn’t get and citation?
3. What happens if we did get a citation?
4. When we go to court for hearing does our parents have to come with us or can a guardian that is over 21 come with us?
Thank you for taking your time to answer these
Dear Amy: Claire’s may send you a civil demand letter in the mail requesting payment of a civil fine. If you pay this, that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court. However, if the store decides to press charges, then you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Most juvenile courts ask that you appear with your parent or guardian, but read the notice carefully to see if you can appear with another adult besides your parents. If this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity of avoiding a record upon successful completion of the program. Remember, the penalties will increase for additional offenses, so we hope you and your friends learned from this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I recently left my hoodie that was 70 dollars at my work. When I went back to get it some one had stole it. So my question is, if I find out who it was what can be done to them for stealing something that was 70 dollars?
Dear Jim: If you find out who took it and they refuse to return it, you can report it to the police. They’ll decide whether to investigate the situation or not. You’ll need more than a hunch that this person took your hoodie. The police will need evidence in order to refer the case for theft charges. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I walked out Safeway today with couples things on my bag. (about $20) When I drive away, I saw two employees came out. Now I am very scare that they will review the camera and find my Drive lince and have police come after me. what might happen to me?
Dear Vivian: If you are charged with shoplifting from this incident and it’s your first offense, you may be eligible for a diversion program. That means when you complete some community service or attend a class, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. If this isn’t your first time before the court, you may be placed on probation with special terms. On the other hand, you may not hear anything further about this in which case, you got lucky. Sooner or later you’ll get caught if you continue to steal. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i walked out of walmart with a blanket i didnt know i forgot to pay for it i took it back the next day and got chared with teft a class b this was the first time this has happend and my court date is on the 7th im i ganna go to jail
Dear Cathryn: Since this is your first offense, it’s unlikely you’ll go to jail. Most likely, you’ll be offered a diversion program. That means when you complete some community service or attend a class, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. When you go to court on the 7th, everything will be explained to you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Stopped by loss prevention, $10 item total taken, items purchased. He wouldn’t proceed to office,questioning me in public, wouldn’t allow me a phone call to my 15 year old home alone,complaining of his family desire to be home,told me stop complaining. I received citation, disorderly conduct, court fine,no court date. Now store wants restitution $160. I am aloud back into the store to shop,complained to head of loss prevention. I was threatened a civil suit by that store was caught in if I don’t pay restituion by legal collections.Do I pay or wait for civil suit letter.?
Dear Karen: AsktheJudge.info is an educational site for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to adults or teens.
Usually when the civil fine is paid to the store, that’s the end of the incident. It’s your decision whether to pay it or not. You may receive a notice with a court date. If you do, the process will be explained to you when you go. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I stole $13 worth of eyeliner from Rite-Aid. I’m 14 years old, but I have gotten caught stealing once before. They did not catch me, but I don’t know if they caught me on camera, my mom paid with a credit card, and we were parked very close to the building. Additional information: my dad is a police officer, and I live right behind city hall where the station is :/ (When) Can I finally breathe again without being scared? I am very sorry for what I did, have completely turned my life around, and have been praying constantly. HELP ME!
Dear Stella: Since you were not caught at the time the incident occurred and the item stolen was relatively small as far as value, you most likely will hear nothing from the store and got lucky this time. It would not be worth the store’s time or money to go through all of the surveillance footage to try to catch petty thefts that aren’t caught in the store. We’re glad to hear you learned from this as you most likely will not be as lucky next time.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
A few nights ago, a few friends of mine asked to stop at Safeway before I took them home(around 5am). I did, thinking nothing of it. My sister and I were taking pictures sitting in the front seat, and when I looked up, the two friends were running back to the car with someone following them, also running. I didn’t know what to do, so panicked and drove away. Turns out, they had each stolen 2 bottles of Vodka. Friend A is 19 and friend B is 18. They both have records, but from when they were juveniles. Not too good records though, friend A has been to Juvenile Prison before and friend B has been in Juvie more than once. I didn’t know what to do, so just drove. I took my sister home, and then took them home, not knowing what to do, still. I got home, and nothing happened that day. 1am the next day, police call my house and ask to come talk to me. Turns out, they got my license plate. They read me my rights, and then asked what happened. I didn’t want to be a ‘snitch’ so I tried saying that they were people I didn’t know, only knew their first names. The police asked me if I could get their information. I said probably not. They told me we could make it easy and I could give them the info they need, or they could be mean and tow my car, get a search warrant, ect. My mom ended up remembering who I had said I was with, and so I ended up just coming clean, telling the police what they needed to know about who went inside and what had happened.
Now my question, what will happen to me? I’m 17, and I don’t have any record. I wasn’t given a ticket or told anything about a court date, but I’m assuming I won’t come out of it without something happening to me. What is likely going to happen to them? It definitely wasn’t planned, which I told the cops. I live in Washington, if that helps. I heard that it is a Felony to steal alcohol from a store, regardless of how much you stole; Is that true?
Thank you for your help, I appreciate it.
Dear Henrie: Since you finally told the truth and don’t have a juvenile record, you may get lucky and not hear anything further about this from the police or the court. On the other hand, you could be charged with what’s called in some states “False Reporting” which, essentially, is lying to the police. That would take you to juvenile court and most likely a “diversion program” as a first-time offender. Once you complete the terms of diversion (community service or a class) the case is closed and you don’t get a record. As far as the others with you, we can’t say what will happen to them since they’re adults with records. We recommend you drop these guys and move on with your life. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
3 years ago i was caugth shoplifting in target.the security guys got everythng on a tape,but they didnt call police.i gave them all of my info including my social,they took a photo of me,told me that im not allowed to shop there never again,and they let me go.a few days later i got a letter with a civil fine.ofcourse i paid everything.
and now 3 years later im about to apply for the citizenship and im so scared!what should i do?act like nothing ever happened since there was no charge??will they be able to find out about me shoplifting anyway?do i have to talk to a lawyer before i fill out the application?
thank you for taking your time.by the way im 27 now
Dear Dave: It’s unlikely anything will appear on a background check since you weren’t arrested, get a ticket or appear in court. There’s no official record that would show up – only a record at the store for internal purposes. You weren’t convicted of a crime and you weren’t arrested. Read all questions on applications carefully and pay close attention to the exact wording of each question. Relax and good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Im 18 and stole 4 shirts adding up to $111.50 what will happen? it was my first time and im paying the fine for 425$??
Dear Ashley: Since this is your first offense, you may be eligible for a “diversion program.” That means if you admit the shoplifting incident and complete some community service, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. When you go to court, the process will be explained to you. Let them know you paid the civil fine. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m 14 and was caught stealing at target, it was my first time and I stole over $50 worth of stuff, what will happen to me
Dear Tony: You may be eligible for a “diversion program.” That means when you complete some community service or attend a class, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. The process will be explained to you when you go to court. You could also be fined by the store or ordered to pay restitution for the items taken. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am 39 years old. I was at Krogers Grocery store today and bought $70 worth of merchandise. I had my purse and coat in the cart. I tried on a wrist brace and put it on top of my purse – I also picked up some other items. I decided against the brace – deciding that it was too expensive. I put it back on a shelf – not back where it belonged – but where I was at the time. What I didn’t realize was that I hadn’t put the brace back in the box after I tried it on. I just layed it on my purse. I remember rifling through my purse while I was shopping – looking for coupons and crap – and from everything that I can figure out – the brace slipped further into my purse. I honestly didn’t realize this. I literally walked from one end of the store to the other. I went through the check out – and paid for my items – I didn’t move my purse or my coat – I thought I had sifted through everything and gotten everything – but obviously I didn’t. Cause as soon as I stepped into the lobby – an LP for the store stopped me and pulled me back into the store. Under my coat were 3 items and I had also forgotten to pay for a drink that I had picked up there. He took me upstairs and questioned me. Looked at my receipt – then asked me for the brace in my purse – and when I opened my purse – I was shocked to see it – but I pulled it out. He asked me why I didn’t pay for it – and I said that I honestly had forgotten about the stuff under the coat and didn’t realize the brace was in my purse – he said that he had heard it all before and that I was lying. That he could understand forgetting a case of Coke – but not small items. They called the police – I was arrested and taken to jail – pictured and fingerprinted – and scheduled to Mayor’s Court. The total items were for $40.05 – I had already purchased $70.15 from the store – and had offered to pay for the unpaid for items. Not sure what is going to happen now. I have never been arrested and never stolen anything in my life. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Dear Rebecca: AsktheJudge is an educational site for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to adults or teens.
We will tell you that you may be eligible for a diversion program when you go to court. If you admit the charge you may be allowed to complete some community service. Once the work is done the charge will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Otherwise you can speak with a defense lawyer or the public defender at court who will explain to you your rights and options. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Your advice helped me a bit… showing the letter to the judge made her lighten the load a little bit… Since I was in High school, it was going to be $150 fine… But with the letter, it went down to a $100 fine… I was also not eligible in her eyes for diversion… If the other judge was looking at my case, he would’ve offered it apparently…
Also, do you have any tips or what I could do for this small matter… I am being pestered by lawyers and attorneys, and other things after my trial… Today I received 30 phone calls from 20 or so different people wanting to take up my case even though it’s over… I filed complaint to the FCC… Since I’m on the Federal Do not call list, I thought they wouldn’t call me… I’ve been on for maybe 3 months or so… Any tips?
Dear Mike: Glad to hear that the judge reduced your fine after seeing your letter. It’s very surprising to hear that attorneys would contact you for what would be considered a relatively small or minor matter. If you continue to be pestered, you may want to make a complaint to the Ohio State Bar. If you are a minor, there may be rules prohibiting such solicitation.
(This is information only – not legal advice.P)
I’m 17, Florida, got caught stealing a shirt from Khols. We admitted to everything, they said we were cooperative but they called a policeman he called our parents and said we have a court date coming in the mail. Just wait; it gets worse. In my purse he found a marijuana pipe that I used over 4 months ago. I quit smoking, so if they test me I’ll come up clean. Can I get in trouble for having the pipe on me if that’s not what they were looking for? I’m going into college early next year and I already have a job. I’m a good kid who made a few bad decisions, and this really opened my eyes. Any advice?? 🙁
Dear Mandy: It’s possible that you’ll be charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. You’ll have to wait and see. You could receive notice in the mail or a process server may come to your home with court papers. There’s also a chance you won’t hear anything about this if the police didn’t question you about it at the time they saw it in your purse. Make sure you stay clean from here on. You could be told to take a random drug test and you want it to be clean. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Summit county, Ohio State.
I was caught at Target just on Thursday for trying to steal a component of a product. Component worth approximately 50 cents, and product 3.99, but I’m being charged for the 3.99 anyway. I was released after the security and L&P (Loss and Prevention) got information + picture + set court date.
This incident occurred in Summit County, Ohio State. By reading the ORC, I found that I broke code 2913.02, with Petty theft, and may have penalties up to $1000, 6 months jail time, and 1st degree Misdemeanor. Along with a civil demand for $250 or less. This is also a first Offense
Security told me I will have to wait 7 years to get expunged, but the ORC says 1 year… Not sure which to believe in?
I also feel entirely remorseful for my actions. I have prepared an apology letter, and an essay about life that I really want to send to Target, but I don’t know whether I should send it before court date, bring it to court, or send it after court. I also removed one of my friends from my life that got me into theft. He’s going to court with me, probably the last time I’ll ever see him.
I just hope to God that I don’t go to jail…
Also, sorry for the long read, I over-explain things.
Dear Mike: No apologies necessary. We’re glad you’ve learned from this incident. It’s up to you whether to send your letter now or later. Take a copy with you to court to show the probation officer and/or the judge. You’ll likely be offered a diversion program after which the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got caught at K-Mart yesterday, shoplifting. The security took me in the back, and had me empty everything out. He then added up everything I took, and I took 140 some dollars worth of things. My mom’s friend came & got me, had to sign me off, etc… The security said I WILL have a court date coming in the mail & I WILL get persecuted. I want to know what can I get. Will I get months or years in jail? Will I be on probation, house arrest, have to do community service, have to take a class, will I be fined, will it be a misdemeanor or felony? By the way, I’m 16 in the state of Indiana. Griffith, Indiana to be exact. This is my FIRST TIME EVER IN MY LIFE committing a crime until now.
Dear Takyra: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program and give the opportunity of avoiding a record as long as you complete the program. This means that once you do some community service hours, pay a fine and attend a class or counseling, the charges would be dropped. We hope you learned from this as the penalties get harsher for second and multiple offenses making jail time more likely if you continue to commit the offense in the future. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I was caught shoplifting at target for a total amount of about 260 dollars. I was cooperative and the Executive Team Leader of Assets said to just come back the next day and pay up and I would just be warned and that I would not be able to go to Target again. However, when I returned, he had checked previous tapes and saw I stole another 260 $ worth of goods 6 days ago. He said I should try to return as many of the goods I can and pay for the rest and just never come back. I only had to sign a trespass warning saying that I will not return. He has my phone number and name. Will I be fine? What will happen to me? Is he lying?
Dear Kevin: If that’s what he told you, then there really is no reason not to believe him. If the store does want to fine you or press charges, then you would either receive a civil demand letter in the mail requesting payment of a civil fine or a notice to appear in court. As long as you don’t receive a notice for court, then you don’t have any record and there’s no reason to worry about your college, future employers, etc. finding out about the incident. We hope you learned from this as you probably won’t be so lucky next time. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, I got caught shoplifting. 60 dollars worth of items at jcpennys. I was not arreste but i got a ticket with my court date on it. I have a clean record and im 23, I’m scared to death. I almost have my LVN and i’m scared this will affect my record. I called Jcpennys and asked if this will be on my record she said no but i’m still unsure.
Dear Brittany: Try to calm down and relax a little. Assuming this is your first offense, there is a good chance that you will be offered a diversion program when you go to court. This means that once you complete the program (community service, a fine and possibly attending a class or counseling), the charges would be dropped and you would not have a record. You will find out more when you go to court. We hope you realize that it’s certainly not worth the possible consequences when engaging in criminal activity even if it seems minor at the time. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hey Judge, me and donna got caught shoplifting at gianteagle, and she is 17 and am 18. police interact and took our imformation. they said we will be going to go to court and i was wondering what are we really going to do there? will they take a picture of us? will they finger stamped us ? do we need a lawyer ? what will we be saying. it’s our 1st crime and will donna be judge the same as me ? we are really scare especially me cuz they said am not a minor.
will this effect our permanent record?
I also want to know, will we go to jail ?
will we be on probation/ community service hour.
Dear Tabita: Since this incident is your first offense, there’s a good chance you’ll both be offered a “diversion” program. That means when you complete some community service, attend a class or counseling, the charge will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. There’s little chance you’ll go to jail this first time before the court. The process will be explained to you when you appear in court – don’t miss your hearing or the judge may issue a warrant for your arrest. Without a formal record, this shouldn’t hurt future employment chances. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
im on unsupervized probation (not for shoplifting) but i got caught stealing from Macys in MO. the thing i stole was 100$ so i wanted to know if i was going to be going to jail considering im on probation
Dear Tim: You probably won’t go to jail, but you may be placed on supervised probation, given more community service hours, your time on probation may be extended or other penalties may be imposed. Also, you may be charged separately with the shoplifting offense. We hope you learned from this as you are facing more serious penalties and the risk of jail time increases with multiple offenses. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
me and my friend got caught shoplifting at the bay (1st crime) and the officer said he wouldnt put charges but then i got a letter saying they would investigate me. and i go out and chill with my friends alot, and now the there saying there gona give me a court date. for some reason he investigated me and i saw a car behind my house everyday what does this mean? and what will happen if i have to go t court?
Dear Ahnaf: If you receive a notice in the mail to appear in court, then be sure to appear on the date and time ordered otherwise a warrant could be issued. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program. This means that upon completion of some community service and payment of a fine, the charges would be dismissed and you would not have a record. We hope you learned from this as the penalties get more serious for multiple offenses. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
im 13 and my friend is 14.we got cought stealing and we had to go to the piloce station and everything. i dont know my court day yet. I stole a $10 perfume from a store at the mall but my friend took alot more than me. we live in NJ. what are the charges we could get from doing this?
Dear Carry: Depending on the laws in your state, you could be charged with theft or shoplifting. They’re pretty much the same when it comes to $10 items. If this is your first offense, you may be eligible for a “diversion” program. That means when you complete some community service or attend a class, the case will be dismissed. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I live in the state of Michigan and I am 17 years old. I was caught shoplifting and got arrested. I didn’t have to bail myself out of jail but they did finger print me and told me that I would be getting something in the mail where I would be assigned a date to attend court. This is my first attempt and nothing has ever been put on my record. I never even got a traffic ticket or got in trouble with the police, only with my parents. My grades are very good. I have all A’s and one B. I’ve been researching what will be done when i go to court. I don’t have a lawyer. Should I get one? I really don’t have the money for one. How will I be able to get this case dismissed and not put on my record permanently? What if I turn 18 before I go to court? Will that affect what will happen to me? I don’t know what to do. I know what I did was wrong and all I want to do is correct my wrong doings. Is it possible for you to tell me what may happen to me and what type of community service i can do before i go to court?
Dear Kiera: First thing is to relax. Since this is your first offense you don’t have a lot to worry about. You don’t need a lawyer at this point but that’s up to your parents to decide whether to speak to one now or wait until you go to court. As a first-time offender, you’re probably eligible for a “diversion” program. That means when you finish some community service or attend a class, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Your age shouldn’t affect your eligibility to participate in diversion. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi I got caught stealing a $15 necklace from claires. I am only 13 and I live in pennsylvan. ia
Dear Eve: Since this is your first offense, you may be placed in a “diversion” program. That means when you complete some community service or attend a class, the case will be closed. You could also receive a fine for this from the store. Think twice before stealing again because consequences get tougher as you get into more trouble. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was accused of shoplifting at my local walgreens one of the store clerks searched my bag and after a while of humiliation they let me go. They didn’t say they were calling police or take down my information I’m really paranoid thinking police will come knocking on my door in the future. What can I expect?
Dear Jennifer: You didn’t say whether or not you actually shoplifted, but perhaps some of that paranoia you are experiencing is also guilt? Since the store did not call the police at the time the incident occurred and they don’t have your contact information, you can stop worrying about the police coming to your house. Even if they had you contact info, the store would most likely use it for internal purposes so that if you’re caught shoplifting at a Walgreens again, chances are the store would take action. But for now, you most likely will hear nothing more about the incident. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
What happens if you are stealing a pair of earrings, while leaving the store you decide to drop them but didnt get the other earring that was in your pocket. But LP caught you stealing the earrings. I went into the LP office and got a civil and criminal charge for stealing. what happens? i was not arrested.
Dear Don: Shoplifting is handled in one of two ways, or both – civil and criminal. On the civil side, you’ll receive notice from the store requesting payment of a fine that may be several hundred dollars regardless of the value of the item taken. Once paid, the case is closed with the store. On the criminal side, you may receive a ticket or notice in the mail advising you of a court date. When you go to court, the process will be explained to you. If this is your first offense, you may be eligible for a diversion program. That means when you complete some community service or attend a class, the case is closed and you don’t have a record that could affect your future. Don’t miss your court date or the judge may issue a warrant for your arrest. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello. A friend and I was caught shoplifting at a Walmart about 6 months ago, we gave back the items and was given a fine form to sign and the police was called. We was arrested and had to go to court. Since I on the other hand am 20 and in college, the judge let me do community service for the court/jail fines and now I’m am getting a letter that staring that I have to pay WalMart $200. I am wondering do you think this on my record? And how should I response to job applications?
Dear Reader: Since you didn’t plead guilty or weren’t formally charged with shoplifting, you don’t have a record and you weren’t convicted of a crime. You were “diverted” away from the criminal process by completing the community service. The letter from the store requesting payment of $200 is the “civil” side of a shoplifting incident. Once paid, the case is closed and the only record that exists is internal with the store.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I had a question im from Illinois and I got caught stealing a shirt in kohls the guy told me if I took the shirt but I was nervous and said no and after the second time I admitted it and told me to sign some forms saying im not allowed in the store and could be further fined by kohls the cop arrived and said that this is a first time offense and it was a warning but I had no idea if it was on my record I was fined 250 and wanted to know if this is on my record or not and it got me a little angry that he didn’t tell me if I admitted taking the shirt the first time I would be let go off as a warning and then told the officer I kept on denying it.
Dear David: Since this is your first offense and the police didn’t give you a ticket or notice to appear in court, you got lucky. Once the fine is paid, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record that will affect the rest of your life. Make sure you don’t return to the store during the time you were told not to be there. Otherwise you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I really need help from someone who knows about the law & what to expect. I recently got caught shoplifting while i was being searched they had found cocaine in my shirt, it honestly wasnt mine, it was my friends that i was holding on to. i didnt say it wasnt mine cause they wouldnt elieve me either way. They also found meth in my wallet. That also was a friends but its been in thete for so long i myself forgot that i even had it. Since i will be turning 18 in january i wil be charged as an adult 🙁 so what are my consequences i look to e facing? & is there anything i could d9 to help myself? Thank you for your time. I appreciate it.
Dear Nichole: Even though you’re being processed in adult court, you may still be eligible for a diversion program. If this is your first offense and, depending on the amount of cocaine and meth, and if the prosecutor agrees with diversion, you may luck out this time. Otherwise drug charges carry strict consequences in most states. Discuss this with your lawyer (public defender) and be honest about what happened. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Me and my to Friends were caught steeling at Jc pennys. We are 14 years old. We stole mercahndise over 100 dollars. We all went to the police station and got finger printed and our photos taken, then we went to juvey but all they did was make us sign papers and put us in a cell for hours. Do you think we will go to court? Whats are other consequences that could happen to us?
Dear Courtney: If you have to go to court, you will receive a citation or a notice in the mail to appear in court. Assuming this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion which means that upon successful completion of the program, the charges would be dropped and you would not have a record for the incident. We hope you and your friend learned from this as the consequences will get more serious for additional offenses. Good luck. Please help us help more teens by voting for AsktheJudge to win a FedEx small business grant!
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I am 20 years old and a California resident. I have one prior felony conviction, Grand theft and I am on informal felony probation for 3 years. I have been diagnosed with ADHD and when I am off my medication I am very impulsive and often do destructive things without considering the consequences. In the following scenario I was not on my medication. I was shopping in a local grocery store and passed by the alcohol and had the urge to take some. I placed two bottles in my cart and then in my bag. I went through the store and continued to shop. I paid for my items and then was met at the door by an employee who said, “can you please take the alcohol out of your bag.” I was compliant and handed over the alcohol. The employee then asked me to come with him to a room I could only assume was a break area. I complied once again, but asked if it was necessary considering the items were returned. I was told I must stay in the room and watched by two employees. Another employee came in and informed me the police were on their way and that I had been caught on camera a couple weeks before doing the same thing. I realize that this seems erroneous but, I have no recollection of the previous event. I offered to pay for the previous but was told that it wouldn’t matter that the police were on their way anyways so I asked to call my mother. I was told I was not allowed to at first but after a couple more times asking I was told I could. I called my mother and she came to sit with me to wait for the police. After about an hour the officer showed up and asked me a few questions and detained me. I was taken into custody and booked and the next morning released on what was referred to as a “Kick.” The booking papers referred to the crime as burglary in the second degree which I am aware is a felony charge and defined as theft that takes place in a commercial establishment and to be convicted of a Second Degree Burglary, you must enter or remain unlawfully in a building, with the intent to commit a crime against persons or property therein. I realize that because of my prior theft in the store as well as my previous charge it may seem idiotic to claim but I had no intent of taking anything until the impulse came up as I walked down the aisle. I know I will have to have a public defender for my funds are light. I am aware, after research, one prior felony conviction makes you a “predicate felon”, this event was a violation of probation. Can the charges can be dropped if I simply repay the store for the first theft since they kept the second and agree not to step foot in the facility again? Is there anything I can do at all to lessen the charges or make this go away all together? Considering my age, previous record and the crime itself what is likely to happen?
Dear Jessica: It’s up to the prosecutor to just drop the charges, which is not real likely since they already filed the charges. However, the charges may be reduced if you take a plea and possibly reduced to a misdemeanor theft. The consequences will depend on your state’s laws, all of the facts, circumstances (including mitigating circumstances) and your prior record. Once you are appointed a public defender to represent you, talk your case over with him/her and let them know everything you have mentioned here like the fact that you are on medication for ADHD, your impulsiveness, remorse, willingness to pay the store, take a class, etc. These may be considered “mitigating factors” that can help your attorney in negotiating with the prosecutor. At this point, you will want to take your medication so you prevent any potential impulsiveness, possibly see a counselor if you feel this is something that would benefit you, go to school or work and definitely stay out of trouble. Good luck. Please help us help more teens by voting for AsktheJudge to win a FedEx small business grant!
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Hello, I was recently caught shoplifting at Walmart. It was about a week ago. I was taking cough medicine since I was sick and couldn’t afford it. It comes out about $10 worth of merchandise, in which they recovered when I was stopped at the front of the store. They took me into a room, they got my information from my ID. They said they wouldn’t call the police since I was cooperative. I was told though that I will be sent a letter and I will have to pay a fine. Anywhere between $50-$500. They recovered the items and let me leave with a paper of their policy on shoplifting.
I wanted to ask, will I have to pay the fine? If I don’t pay would they really go about prosecuting me over a $10 theft. I can barely afford paying my rent, I can’t really afford this.
Dear Johnny: The letter they mentioned sending you is a civil demand letter in which they will be requesting payment of a civil fine. If you pay this, that will probably end the matter. If you choose not to, they may pursue charges by making a complaint to the police. Whether or not they actually pursue charges for thefts like yours would be a matter of the corporation’s policies, which we are unaware of. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I went shopping, the retailer accidently put additional stuff in my bag. I didnt know until i get home and i get a call from her, that i need to return the stuff. Do i get charge even if i didnt take anything or put anything in bag. Can the store charge me for shoplifting if is the retailer person fault.
Dear Jenny: If you didn’t put the additional items in the bag and didn’t know they were there until you got home, you haven’t broken the law. Shoplifting requires “intent” – since you didn’t intend to steal, there’s no crime. If you get a ticket or charged with shoplifting, explain to the court exactly what happened. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I just learned that my daughter and her boyfriend got caught shoplifting at a local store in PA. It was around $200.00 worth. She received her hearing letter at the magistrates office. They are both 22, this is their first offence. Both had to go to the police station to get fingerprinted and mug shots. Is this normal procedure to get processed like this a month an a half before going to the magistrate? What could happen:? Am I looking for my daughter to serve jail time? I can’t sleep due to this upsetting news. Can you get me an idea as to what I should prepare myself for. Thanks!
Dear Concerned: Since this is her first offense, she may be eligible for a “diversion program.” That means when she completes some community service, pays restitution or a fine, or attends a class, the case will be closed and she won’t have record. Every jurisdiction has its own policies regarding the processing of shoplifting incidents. So, fingerprinting and mugshots may be the procedure in the area where this happened. Plus she’s now an adult and the adult criminal process applies. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I very stupidly stole a very enexpensive fish and some fish food from a pet store. I love in the state of Ohio? If I get caught what am I looking at as far as consequences?
Dear Jenny: If this is your first offense, you may be eligible for a “diversion” program. That means when you finish some community service, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. You could also be ordered to pay restitution to the store. Good luck & learn from this.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, im 18 years old and i was caught stealing $30 worth of merchandise at target… the security approached me and asked me to return all the stolen tems but they were just a pair of earphones…they said they wouldnt call the police and they didnt….the only thing he did was ask me my age and that was all…no name, no pictures, no police were involved but i had bought something with my debit card th just before they approached me..so can they charge me for anything or i dont kniw what can happen…before i exited out they said not to come back but they didnt say for how ling or if forever..and will it only be that target or all targets?
Dear Joana: You may have gotten lucky this time. Without any identifying information and no police involved, you most likely won’t hear anything further regarding shoplifting charges. However, you could get a letter in the mail requiring payment of a civil fine. Once it’s paid the case will be closed without any formal court action involved. Good luck and think twice before stealing again.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear judge,
btw i will NEVER do it again , i am going crazy and wish everyday i could go back in time.
I took alot of stuff the total was 274.10 worth of cosmetics . they watched me they said and when i was leaving the cop comes running around the corner and said come with me . went with him , i was in tears they had the people who are undercover watching on the floor . i was in tears , its embarrasing and everything else . I got a citation ticket , walmart didnt ban me from all their stores , they took my picture , i didnt get arrested ( thank you God) , I am 17 :/ , I live in Georgia . My court date is next month, I dont plan on telling my dad . my boyfriend and good friend will help with payments plus my babysitting job.
will this come off my record?
What will i have to do ?
how much do you think i have to pay for everything?
how long is probation ?
can i enroll in a class
I am 17 i live in Georgia . They will try me as a adult , i have a lawyer i am paying him 200 dollar to deal with the case , he said to
plea gulity , but i just want to pay what i have to , community services etc. and move on with me life , another question is i am a immigrant i have a green card i been here for 11 years i was 6 when i cam here will this affect my status ? please respond
Dear Tasha: Because the amount of stolen goods was relatively high, diversion and the chance of avoiding a record completely may not be real likely. Whether you’re charged as a juvenile or an adult, you may be facing fines (the amount varies from court to court, but usually is around $100 up to several hundred), community service and possibly attending a class or counseling. Once you successfully complete the terms of your sentence, you can request that your record be destroyed or expunged. If there is a shoplifting class in your area, you should be able to sign up and attend even before your court date. Try contacting the probation department to find out if there is a class offered in your county. As for the possible effects on your immigration status, you really need to talk to your attorney about this as he/she should be able to provide information specific to your circumstances. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello, i got caught shoplifting 28.00 worth, my meeting with the probationary officer is tomorrow, does this mean i will not have to stand in front of a judge? Im 17, and will my license be taken away? It says in the letter that i will be required to surrender my license
Dear Alexis: Every state has its own laws and consequences for shoplifting. If this is your first offense, you may not see a judge, only the probation officer. You may be eligible for a diversion program. That means when you finish some community service the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. About your license, ask the probation about that when you go to court. It is possible that it may be suspended for a brief period. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, so I was caught at DSW shoes ($300)
I was sent to the security room saw the video and everything…
I didn’t had an ID with me, I only had my “sentri” card which is like a passport for crossing the border
this is my first offense, but I’m afraid that every time I cross the border or something they are going to do something.
Another question is that, my court date is schedule for next week but I won’t be in town so I don’t know if it is okay to call and ask to re schedule.. is it going to affect?
Thank you
Dear Alexis: You don’t want to miss your court date because the judge may issue a warrant for your arrest. Contact the court as soon as possible and explain your situation. You may be given a new date to appear. Since this is your first offense, you may be eligible for a diversion program. That means when you finish some community service, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I took some stuff from Walmart; about $30 worth of stuff. They called the cops and said that I had a court date to go to. I didn’t get arrested; but he did say he would normally have. I am 19 and this is my first thing EVER. I was wondering what would happen if I just went to the court and said I did it. Would I have to do jail time or anything?
Dear Stephanie: Since this is your first offense, you’ll most likely be eligible for a diversion program if you admit the shoplifting. That means when you complete some community service, attend a class or counseling, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Don’t let this happen again – diversion is usually for first-time offenders only. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
It’s very trouble-free to find out any matter on net as compared to textbooks, as I found this post at this web page.
the total between all three of us though was 700. 203 was what how much the stuff i stole was worth . my other friend was 93 and for my last friend it was like 385 does that make things worse?
Dear Victoria: They may charge all three of you with stealing the total value of all of the items ($700) depending on the facts and circumstances as well as the laws of your state. You will find out more when you go to court including the specific charges you face. If you are charged with stealing $700 worth of stuff, yes, the possible consequences would be more serious and diversion would not be an option. When you go to court, you may meet with a probation or court officer and be given the opportunity to explain your side of the story.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi , me & two other friends got caught shoplifting at macys today . the total of the amount i tole was 203. whats gonna happen when i go to court? is this gonna stay in my permanent record? will it affect me into getting into a good college when i get out of high school. im a junior , and im only 15 years old . am i gonna go to juvenile hall?
Dear Victoria: If this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion and given the chance of getting the charges dismissed if you successfully complete the program. Otherwise, you may be placed on probation. Since you are a minor, the incident should not affect your ability to get into a good college as juvenile records are usually sealed and not part of background checks. Also, if the incident stays on your juvenile record, you could always ask the court to destroy or expunge your record once you turn 18 or so depending on the laws in your state. It’s extremely unlikely that you would go to jail or detention especially if this is your first offense, but remember that your eligibility for jail time is more likely if you get into trouble again. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Its megan again, I’m curious as to what the judge will ask me? Will he ask me to tell him the whole thing that happend with me AND my friend? or just what happend with me?
Dear Megan: You may not be asked about the specifics of your story, but if you accept a deal and don’t want to take your case to trial, you may need to admit to the shoplifting without going into much detail. The judge will not be interested in hearing about your friend’s story – just whether or not you knew what you were doing.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, I got caught shoplifting with my friend for my first time at target and my total was $240.00. What will my punishment most likely be in court? I’m a minor, 17.
Dear Alyssa: You may be offered a diversion program since this is your first offense. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine and attending a class or counseling, the case would be closed and the charges dropped. You will find out more when you go to your first court date including what your options are and the possible consequences. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
How will i know if the first case is closed?
Since you haven’t heard anything in a while, you can assume it’s a closed case. To be sure, you can contact the court and ask if your name is in the system.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i got caught shoplifting at a department store and havent been called to court yet and it happend 3 months ago but just got my $100 fine. I was with my friend the other day and i know its stupid but she influenced me to do it again and got caught, the stuff i took was only $28.00 the second time. What will happend in court if i get called for both times commiting the same crime twice?
Also im only 17
Dear Megan: It sounds as if the $100 amount is the civil demand fine that stores are authorized to collect from shoplifters. Since you haven’t heard anything further from the first incident, once you pay the fine, the case will likely be closed. If that happens, the court won’t know about the first incident only the recent one involving $28. If, however, you end up in court on both and you admit these charges, the judge has the option to place you on probation with specific terms. That may include community service work, a class, a fine or counseling. Once you complete the terms of the penalty, the cases will be closed and at some point in the future you can apply to the court to expunge your record. Think long and hard before you do this again. Each time you get caught increases your eligibility for some jail time. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi i recently got caught for stealing from H&M. But before this back in 8th grade i got a ticket for fighting. Now, stealing.. im doing my community service now and everything but i would like to know how this will affect my future? I graduate at age 17 from high school and wanted to study in the nursing field.. but iwanted to know will colleges and jobs accept me ? Or what would I have to do.. help ?
ps. I have really awesome grades.
Dear Daisy: If you are completing community service as part of a diversion program, then this incident will be erased from your record. If it’s not, ask about clearing your record when you’re done with the work. Either way, an 8th-grade fighting incident and a minor shoplifting charge now shouldn’t have a serious effect on your future. Keep up your awesome grades and good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
He banned me from the store in the mall and said i could go back to the mall the nxt day jus not that same store. But would they have me on camera and be able to identify me somewhere in the mall to inform other stores throughout the mall?????
Dear Mel: Then just be sure to stay out of that store. Even if they have you on camera, it’s extremely unlikely that they would take the time and resources to review all of the footage in order to inform other stores. Please realize that you were lucky this time and turn this into a learning experience. Remember, you will probably not be so lucky next time, so we hope you will not make the same mistake twice.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I got caught shoplifting in a clothing store. The security guard came and we started walking and he told me that if i didnt go back to that store and stayed away from the mall for a day and not to ever shoplift again he’d let me go. He didnt take any of my ID (name, addrss ect…) Will anything happen to me???
Dear Mel: You got lucky this time. Since no contact information was taken, you won’t hear about this from anyone. Be sure to stay out of the mall like you were told or you could be charged with trespassing since it was a person in authority (the mall cop) who banned you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hey my name is Jennifer and im 20 i got caught shoplifting with my 2 sister there 17 and we got are later in the mail from kmart saying we had to pay them for wht we tryed to take and we also got tickets that day but the police man gave me 2 im not sure y he gave me 2… do we still have to go to court and if we do go to court what do u think is gonna happen to us can we go to jail… we live in California i will never never ever shoplift again it so not worth it
Dear Jennifer: Since you received a ticket to go to court, then you need to be sure to show up for your court date. If you fail to appear, a warrant could be issued. The letter you received from the store is most likely a “civil demand” letter requesting payment of a civil fine. This is separate from your court date. You can choose to pay the fine or ignore it – either way you will have to go to court. It’s possible that once you pay the store the civil fee, they will not want to pursue the criminal case in court. If you pay the fee before you go to court, be sure to let the probation officer or prosecutor who you will likely meet with know about the payment, so that they can take that into consideration when deciding the best way to resolve your case. If this is your first offense, it’s likely you will be offered a diversion program and given the chance to avoid a criminal record upon successful completion of the program. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I recently got charged with shoplifting in Tennessee from a Claire’s but didn’t steal anything.
The employee who had the police charge me said her evidence was “empty earring packets and necklace packets” Claire’s policy is to charge to the fullest extent of the law.
I haven’t even gotten anything in the mail for it, but have a court date coming up. I have no idea what to do, and don’t really have the money to go off and hire a lawyer for this sort of thing, and even offered up my purse to be searched, and nothing was found to be in it.
What can I do to get my court papers sent to me, and be found innocent without going absolutely broke?
Dear V: First, we suggest you go to the hearing where the process will be explained to you. If this is your first offense, you may be eligible for a “diversion program.” That means if you admit the charge and then complete some community service, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. If you deny the shoplifting, you may be appointed a lawyer by the court who will represent you. Explain exactly what happened to the person you meet with at court (court or probation officer or prosecutor) and it’s possible for the case to be dismissed. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My uncle accused me of stealing his jewelry. I did not take it and he dies not have proof of anything. Can I still get in trouble if he calls the police on me? I had taken my aunts bracelet and earrings fake ones but I gave then back to him I did not steal his gold jewelry but he says I did. Will I get in trouble with the police?
Dear Angelrr: Typically, the police are going to want to see some evidence of the theft before criminal charges are filed against a person. If your uncle calls the police, they may continue to investigate the matter and they may want to interview you for your side of the story. Depending on the value of the alleged stolen jewelry and the other facts, the police may not have the time or resources to investigate especially since it may be considered a “family matter.” If this is the case, they may tell your uncle that it’s a “civil matter” in which case he could file a claim in small claims court if he wanted. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, my name is mary and i live in california. I am 15 and i shopliffted a shirt from one store and then i went to another store and shoplifted there and got caught. I dont have a previous record and i do well in school. The store decided to press charges and the police came. They said i will most likely have to do community service, but will colleges see this and not accept me?
Dear Mary: Since this is your first offense, you’ll likely be allowed to complete a “diversion” program. Once you do some community service, pay a fine or restitution to the store, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. So, colleges and employers won’t be able to discover this in a background check. We hope you’ve learned from this experience. Remember that diversion is usually designed for first-time offenders only. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
im 17 and i was caught stealing a 30 dollar wallet at belks. i have a court date in october. my parents kicked me out so ive been living at my friends house. this is my first offense ever will i have to pay fines or will my parents have to. if i have to pay them i dont have an official job so i probably wont be able to pay them. please help me figure this out.
Dear Peter: Since this is your first offense, you’ll probably be eligible for a “diversion” program. That means when you complete some community service, pay restitution to the store or a fine, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. When you go to court for this, the process will be explained to you by a court or probation officer. If you’re ordered to pay a fine, explain your financial situation to the judge or probation officer. You might be able to work off the fine through additional community service. Good luck and we hope you’ve learned from this.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thank you for replying judge! I needed to ask because I’m going to start applying for things that need to check my criminal record AND do a background check on me. I’m still curious if it will show up on anything. And is there anything/anywhere i can go to, to check my record. Thank you so much Judge!
Dear Allison: You’re welcome! Again, you would not have a criminal record from the incident you described. You could contact your local law enforcement department and request a background check of yourself/copy of your record so that you can confirm there is nothing on it. They should be able to help you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
More than a year ago me & 2 of my friends got caught stealing at an H&M store in Staten Island. I was 14 years old at the time & i know it was a stupid thing to do. When my parent came to pick me up all they made her do was sign a paper. Me nor my sister ever got anything in the mail to go to court etc. That being said, is there any chance that it may apear on my criminal record. i live in NY
Dear Allison: There is virtually no chance you have a criminal record. Since you didn’t deal with the police, get a ticket or go to court, there’s no official record of this incident. The only record that may exist is with the store for their internal purposes. We hoped you learned from this. All the best.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was at home depot and the person i was wtih was stealing i handed her some boxes to hold and she threw them in her purse and then she walked out i didnt walk out with her i went lookin for her then i went outside and then security snatched me up and i asked wht did i and he said you know what you did n**** and remind u i had nuthing on me and he called me the n word is that still pitty theft and could i sue
Dear Pat: If you received a ticket for shoplifting or petty theft and have to go to court, you can plead not guilty and ask for a public defender to represent you. He or she will know how to defend you. Explain everything to your lawyer about the incident. Depending on the circumstances and the facts of the case, you may have broken the law or, on the other hand, may be innocent of the charges filed against you. The court will make that decision. Discuss this with your parents. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal adivce).
I have a question, April 2012 I drove to a local Walmart not even knowing I did this, I was under perscription medications Ativan and Ambien for sleep, I purchased 2 quarts of oil which I have never bought any in my life, while standing at the check out in front of employees I torn open a DVD Anti-Virus tape my fingers were even bloody from ripping open the case as I remember some details 3-4 days later of the incident, I was trying to pull all the paper work out of the plastic case, then stood at the check out with one of the papers from the plastic case and scribbled letters and numers on the papers, then walked over to a garbage can and put the case and DVD in the trash. A police officer came to my home because they got my tag number, I had 4 arrainments I refused to except a plea deal as of yet because I am a nurse and scared it will effect me getting a job, I am to talk to a public defender this week. I have two charges one of petit thief and the other resisting merchandise recovery (it was placed in the trash) my question is how soon will this appear on a back ground check I live in the Orlando Florida area. My next appearance is for a pretrial in October 2012 but I might see if the State will take off the second charge. I was told by the public defender that if I did community serve work and attended a theft class and pay all fines it would be dismissed. yet how soon after this will I beable to expung this from my record.
Dear Denise: AsktheJudge is an educational site for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to teens or adults.
Since you have a public defender, discuss everything with that person who will be able to advise you. If you successfully complete the diversion program, you won’t have a record that will appear on a background check. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello judge.
My brother got caught stealing from his work.. He works at sears auto center and instead of giving customers their gift cards he kept them and purchased stuff from sears.. It totaled up to $165 dollars. Lp had called him in and he filled out a statement.. What will happen to him?
Its out in california.. He got suspended from work
Sorry judge I didn’t notice this was for juveniles.. He is 31 years old.. What can he do.. Can he offer to pay it back and get fired rather then the police being involved until further notice..
Dear Jason: You’re right, we are an educational site for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to adults or teens. We suggest that he either speak with a defense attorney before he’s charged and goes to court, or wait until his hearing when a public defender might be appointed to represent him. An attorney can also advise him regarding his employer and how to handle the situation. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was detained at a Seattle supermarket back in March for shoplifting $27.50 worth in two items. I am 19 years old and this is my first ever offense. I deeply regret my actions, and this incident has been haunting me every day since. Police weren’t involved because I was deemed cooperative, and no mention of court or any sort of citation except for a civil demand notice. I signed a 1-year ban notice and a paper with description and total of the items returned. My DL was also copied and returned to me. I was then escorted outside.
Two weeks later I received a civil demand, which was then paid via money order. Now, I have done research since this incident and understand the security company can decide to file the paperwork with the court at any point up to two years after the incident. I have spoken to some WA state lawyers and they deem criminal prosecution at this point unlikely.
However, my concern at the moment is the fact I received my civil demand notice at my college dorm mailing address in Seattle. This is the address I gave the LP agents who I assume put that in their report. Now if the papers are filed and the court goes ahead mailing a summons for arraignment, will they use my official home address (as shown on my license) or will they try sending it to my dorm which I moved out of in May? The dorm forwards mail to me up until August 5th before they return mail back to sender. I tried getting mail forwarded through the post office, but because the school is considered a business address, I don’t have authorization to forward it. Is there a way to make sure the court has my correct address even though I may not even have anything filed against me?
I’ve also been checking the name search feature on the King County and Seattle Municipal Court Websites and although they seem to show when cases are filed, I’m concerned as to whether this is a way to find out if charges are filed for me? Are the sites reliable for finding the potential case?
Thank you ahead for taking time reading my question. I would greatly appreciate any advice or help on the matter. I wish to take responsibility for my actions and don’t want any trouble if the courts are were to contact me. Any help will be a big relief for my nerves.
Dear Langheck: Your concern about making things right and being responsible for this incident are commendable. We don’t think you have to worry about any court action or formal charges. Usually, when the police are not involved and the civil demand has been paid, the case is closed without further or any court involvement. If, in the event, shoplifting charges are filed, notice will be sent to both addresses. Relax, and good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge,Thank You for your reply I was also wondering if you could answer this question , we requested the store show us a copy of the tape they have to prove my husband was indeed not shoplifting and their reply was have your lawyer call us. Do we not have any right to see the copy of the tape or do we have to have that court ordered? Thank you for your time
That depends on the laws in your state. You should be able to obtain a copy of the tape if this goes to court. You can ask the court to order it’s disclosure if the store refuses to cooperate. Discussing this with a lawyer may be helpful in preparing for your hearing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was just recently caught shoplifting in SEARS in Virginia. I had sunglasses valued at $28. They are pressing charges due to company policy. I am 18. This is my first offense. What are the chances of me getting diversion? What is the best way to get diversion for this?
Also, I am led to believe that there is clear camera footage of me taking off the tag and putting on the sunglasses. (not concealed). I know what I did was wrong and I don’t want to lie and say I’m not guilty, but I do want the chance to lessen my sentence through negotiation in court. Do I plea not guilty anyway or do I plead guilty? I am guilty but can I still be heard if I plea that way? I just want everyone involved to know it is out of character for me and will never happen again. I feel the stress of being pulled aside in the first place is enough for me but I know I deserve worse according to the state. What do you suggest?
Dear Michael: We suggest when you go to court that you be truthful and face the music. Since this is your first offense, you’ll likely be eligible for a diversion program. When you complete it, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. In order to do do diversion, you have to admit the offense so you’ll have a chance to make a statement either to a probation officer or a judge. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi there Judge, i got caught shoplifting 2 weeks ago and when the officer caught me, they had to call the cops because I was a minor and they couldn’t have a parent come and pick me up. then the cops came and had me arrested.. i actually didn’t know if i got arrested, because they never booked me.. or had my finger printed. my parents said, if someone was to get arrested, they would of booked you.. but after both my parents came and drove me home. i’m very scared now. i dont want a criminal or arrest record?? does this mean that i am going to get one? and no, i dont have to go to court because they didnt mention anything and my civil deamand bill came in yesterday and that was taken care of because my momma paid it immediately and she mailed it in today and they warned me verbally NOT to do it again.. which i most definitely would not. i definitely learn from this and i hope all the people who commented did too. shoplifting is one of the most serious crimes.. i’m so scared 🙁
and my uncle told me that theres a difference between getting arrested and having your parents come and get you without getting book? is this true.. he used to work as a cop back in our country.. i dont know if it applies in the USA
Dear Cassi: Your uncle is right – there is a difference. Since you didn’t go to court or get a ticket, you don’t have a record that will affect the rest of your life. This was handled as a civil matter that is now over since your mother paid the
“civil demand.” We hope you consider paying your mother back. Don’t give in to temptation again, this could easily be turned into a criminal charge that will end up with a court appearance and a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Oh my god thank you i appreciate it sooo much that you took time to help me thank you!
You’re welcome!
hello judge Tom i am 15 years old and my name is thalia ,about a month ago i was caught shoplifting with a girl in orlando’s The Loop i only took about two items and the girl had a bag full the orange county police officer told me i was banned for life from the loop and told me i was to go to court…. i have not got a single call from the store or court since then i want to know what will happen , i would also like to know if this will affect my record, and if i will be charged in the same room as the girl …i really dont want to see her face wow i cant believe i even called her my best friend! well judge Tom thank you so much for reading this and also for your time sincerely Thalia
Dear Thalia: If you have to go to court, you should receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. You and the other girl may receive the same court date, but won’t necessarily appear in court at the same time. Also, if this is your first offense, then you may be offered a diversion program and given the chance to avoid a criminal record. Finally, if you don’t receive a court date in the mail, then you probably got lucky with a verbal warning and a lifetime ban from the store. You don’t have to worry about having a record unless you go to court, and even then if you successfully complete a diversion program, you won’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I have a question, does a civil demand end everything once it’s pay usually?? without a court date or anything and you just get a civil demand.
Dear Jol: When the civil demand is paid, that often is the end of the matter and no charges are pressed or court hearings take place. However, there is no guarantee that since the civil demand has been paid, the store will not attempt to press charges. The store can still attempt to take the matter to court, but once the civil fee is paid, many stores do not bother with pressing charges.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
i got caught stealing at macy’s in minnesota and they called the police to get a court day schedule. do you know what happens at the court and what i should be prepared for? i don’t want to go to jail and don’t want it on my records either. what’s gonna happen to me? i learned my lesson though.
Dear Pan: We’re glad to hear you learned your lesson. If this is your first offense, there’s a good chance that you will be offered a diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service, payment of a fine and attending a class or counseling, the charges would be dismissed and you would not have a record. You will find out more when you go to court including what your options are. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
ok so me and my friend got busted at kmart for shoplifting in jefferson city mo, and we had also got away with shoplifting from walmart and hastings. i have a court date and so does she and we are both 15.. whats gonna happen to us?
Dear Amy: If this is your first time to court, you may be eligible for a “diversion” program. That means when you finish some community service, attend a class or pay restitution to the victim, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Everything will be explained to you when you go to couer. If you were banned from the store or mall, don’t return or you may be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information ony – not legal advice).
I have a question, about a month ago my husband went shopping at our local store for groceries, while shopping the $5.00 box of eye drops got crushed under the rest of the groceries and fell out on the floor,not thinking he put the drops in his pocket and carried on shopping and proceeded to the checkout to pay for the groceries and he forgot about the drops,he was stopped as he was leaving and stated he forgot then was taken to the back room for approx. 10 mins, where they questioned him and he told them what happened ( we had over $1000.00 in the bank so more then enough to pay)they then asked him if he had a criminal record to which he stated he does not,the lady dealing with him then called him a liar so he asked her to call the police station to which she did and she was told he does NOT have a record she then let him go> A month later he gets a letter from the store wanting $300.00 for investigative expenses and said if he doesn’t pay they will take him to cour, can they do this? he wasn’t charged with anything , and had more then enough to pay for the eye drops as he was grocery shopping?
Dear I bourgo: We certainly understand your husband’s mistake as accidents like that happen all of the time. Your husband received a “civil demand” letter requesting payment of a civil fine. Often when these fines are paid, that is the end of the matter and the person does not have to go to court. If he does not pay the fine, the store can choose to press charges, but it’s ultimately up to the police and prosecutor’s office whether or not to file charges. If charges are filed, he will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. He then can go to court and attempt to talk to the prosecutor and tell his side of the story. The prosecutor may give him leniency and if not, he could look into hiring an attorney to fight the charges. Good luck to you and your husband.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I got caught shoplifting 5 months ago and i only had to pay a bill from a law office (which was paid).. and now.. I’m so worried and scared that i am gonna get a record. I’m 16 years old and i am going to apply for colleges next year because i’m going to be a senior in high school. i didn’t have a notice or a letter saying i have to go to court for shoplifting… am i going to get a record? im so worried and this has be bothering me since the day i got caught, i have learned my lesson and my parents punished me soo hard.
Dear Tatianna: It sounds like your incident was handled as a civil case. So, when you paid the “civil demand” the case is usually closed and there’ s no record you have to worry about. Since the police weren’t involved and you didn’t go to court, there is no official record that will appear on a background check. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i got caught for stealing something that cost 3 dollars. they took my picture and am 14. i’ve definitely learnt my lesson. does this mean its on my record?
Dear Chris: No, it’s not on your record unless you have to go to court. Since the item stolen was only $3, the store may not bother pressing charges. If charges were filed in court, then you would receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Based on what you have described, it’s unlikely that you will have to go to court. We’re glad to hear you learned from this because next time you may end up with a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I was shoplifting at jewel couple days ago. today I went there and I notice one of the employee was fallowing me. I paid for my groceries using credit card and left ( I didnt take anything with me today) One of the employees fallowed me with the camera I believe she wanted to take a picture of my plates. I notice that so turn the other direction and went home. What now? Can they charge me based on shoplifting from week ago? They didnt caught me or anything, but I believe they might see me week before or so thats why I was watched today. Now they have my credit card number… I dont know what to expect?
Dear Anni: It’s very unlikely that you will hear anything more about the previous shoplifting incidents as it would take the store employees quite a bit of time to go through videotape surveillance footage, find you on the tape and then contact you through your credit card information. However, if you return to the store and attempt to shoplift again, it’s much more likely that you will be detained the next time as the store may be onto you and watching you. We hope you have learned from the incidents and will choose to stay law abiding in the future. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Me and my friend were caught stealing from Nordstrom. I took a $30 shirt. The security people told us that it wasn’t gonna go on our permanent record so I guess that means they aren’t pressing charges or something, but they said that we’ll have to pay a really big fine. I live in Washington state. About how much do you think the fine will be?
Dear Lilly: These civil fines (also known as “civil demands”) vary from state to state and store to store. Generally, the fines range between $100 and several hundred dollars. You will receive a civil demand letter from the store and if you have any questions, there should be an attorney’s office you can call for further information. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hey Judge. Last year, I was caught shoplifting and receive a bill from a law office to pay money, which was paid. I didn’t hear anything or had to go to court. I didn’t get a ticket or a notice to go to court and it’s been a year now. I was taken the the police station too. I want to work at Staples this year but they asked if I have a criminal record or if I have done any crime.. how do I answer this?
Dear Julianna: Since you never went to court or received a notice to appear in court, criminal charges were never filed against you and therefore, you do not have any criminal record. Based on what you have described, you paid a “civil demand” to the store. Since the matter was handled civilly, you don’t have to worry about having a criminal record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I was 17 years old when I was caught stealing in Illinois. All I had to do was go to court, plead guilty, pay $75 court fee and go to a jail tour. I am going to be 26 years old and worried that after 8 years, this is still on my record….Would you happen to know how long this will stay on my record?
Dear Lindsey: It’s possible that you completed a diversion program and therefore, would not have a record. Try contacting the court and request a copy of your record, so that you can see whether or not anything appears on it. If the incident is on your record, you can ask the clerk how to begin the process to get your record destroyed or expunged. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
hey its me again. How long would it take for her to be able to go to the store without her being held and questioned? My buddies are telling me not to worry since the cops wont even bother with it but i dont want any of them showing up my door asking for her. I heard security tapes are erased every couple months and you can’t get arrested as long as you weren’t caught at the scene of crime.
Dear Jonathan: We can’t give you a specific answer because every store has its own policies as well as each police department in handling these type of cases. Every crime has what’s called a statute of limitations. That means there’s a period of time after a crime has been committed where charges can be filed. Shoplifting is usually a year or so depending on the amount involved.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My girlfriend shoplifted a pair of shoes from TJ Maxx worth about 80$. I didn’t know about this at the time. Apparently she took it to the restroom, took off the tags, and stuffed it in her purse when we left. She said the manager seemed to look at her funny but no one ever called to us or stopped us so I had no idea she’d done it until we came back home. Will she get caught? She’s a metalchick with pink hair so she’s definitly recognizeable. Will the police call her when she wasn’t stopped at the door? Please let me know soon as possible, thanks!
Dear Jonathan: As you know anything is possible. However, if the store doesn’t have her contact information, it’s unlikely she’ll be contacted by the police. Unless, of course, you’re in a small town where everyone knows everyone. If she returns to the store, she may be stopped and questioned about this incident. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
heyy i wast caught shoplifting at kohls 3 ite1a muscle shirt packet and a tshirt packet of hanes and a baby closthes all worth $60 and since am i minor i was wondering how much would the fined be ?
Dear Adrian: The fine depends on the laws in your state and the policies of the court and prosecution. Discuss this with your parents and lawyer. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
iv been caught shoplifting at walmart my mom was fined around 260 dollars then walmart told my mom about a court date what would mostlikely happen at the court date i need help. thanks. and i forgot to add that i was 13 when it happened and i just recently turned 14
Dear Jonathan: When you go to court for this, everything will be explained to you by a court or probation officer. If you admit the shoplifting, you may be eligible for a “diversion” program if this is your first offense. That means when you finish some community service, attend a class or counseling, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Don’t miss court or the judge can issue a warrant for your arrest. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
But judge Its nicole again will this affect my future?
Dear Nicole: If you complete a diversion program, this shouldn’t have any affect on your future. There won’t be an official record that would appear in a background check later on when you apply for college or jobs.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hey judge it’s me marissa again so i told you my story before and my friend paid the civil demand thing and now she got her court date already . Now I didn’t get one and I didn’t get a civil thing to pay does that mean I don’t have to go to court ? Cause I’m traveling tomorrow and I’m not sure if I’m getting one . And I remember before the guy told me that she is going to court and I’m not but I’m not sure . Do you think they’ll send me one too.
Dear Marissa: If you haven’t received anything yet, chances are you won’t. Since you haven’t been notified about any court date or received a ticket in the mail, you’re free to travel at this time. If, while you’re gone, something comes in the mail, read it closely and be sure to contact the court if you missed a hearing. You don’t want the judge to issue a warrant for your arrest because you didn’t show up at court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was caught stealing $56 of jewelry. I have to go to court now. And i was wondering what are they going to do to me.
It was in IL and i am under age
Dear Karen: If this is your first time in trouble, you may be eligible for a “diversion program.” That means if you admit the shoplifting and then complete some community service, attend a class or counseling and pay the store back, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. When you go to court, everything will be explained to you. Talk with your parents about this and make sure one of them goes to court with you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi Judge! My shoplifting incident occurred 2 years ago when I was 15 years old. I go caught at Nordstrom taking clothes worth $120.. when they caught me they called the police and the police got involved, I went to the precinct and I wasn’t booked into Jail. My mom had to come and pick me up and I was released. I also got what’s called a Civil Demand payment letter, which was paid right on time when my mom got the letter. I didn’t have to go to court. When my mom paid the civil demand payment letter, we didn’t hear anything else. I’m 17 years old right now and I want to apply for jobs to help out my mom, but I have a doubt that I would be getting a job at all. I’m worried if I have a criminal record. The police got involved.. so does the mean I have a record?
I have stayed clean from the day, I haven’t commit any crime.. that was also my first offense, I’m really not that kind of person to do that, I only did it because my “friends” did it and I wanted to be like them but it’s not worth it. I definitely learned from this mistake, it’s a past experience which would never happen again.
For people who shoplift- I advise you not to! Shoplifting is way too much of a serious crime, people work hard for money everyday to pay for their bills and household utilities, once a person shoplifts.. prices goes higher for the loss items. If you really want something, then do what a normal person would do.. pay for it! I had “friends” who shoplift and it got highly addicted to them and they became whats called an “kleptomaniac” and they’re seeking treatment for it. Shoplifting is too risky, everyone’s watching you! Cameras are watching every single move you make. If you shoplift an item which cost around $10 you’ll pay a fine around $200.. so it’s not worth it at all!
Dear Julianne: Since you didn’t get a ticket or have to go to court, you don’t have an official “record” that will affect your future job or educational pursuits. The only record exists with the store for their internal purposes. A background check when you apply for something shouldn’t turn up anything about this incident. Thanks for adding your advice to others about shoplifting. You’re right – it’s not worth it in the short or long run. Good luck with your endeavors.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi im 13 and i was a k-mart with my friend and my mom and i got caught shoplifting and its are first time , and we stole $200 worth and i wanna know what will happen to me? will they just give me a warning?
Dear Nicole: If the police were involved and you got a ticket, then you’ll have to go to court for this. Otherwise, you may just receive a letter from the store or their lawyers requiring you to pay a fine. Usually, once the fine is paid, the case is closed. If you end up in court, since this is your first offense, you’ll probably be eligible for a “diversion program.” That means when you finish some community service, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. We hope you’ve learned from this – it’s not worth all the trouble & worry not to mention, it’s wrong to steal. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I didn’t get caught stealing at sears but they accused me and my friends and i ditched the items and left the mall but I’m very upset that they chased us out in from of sears to question us so i will never do that again but what would have happen if i let him search my bag and i was to get caught?
Dear Yvonne: If you were caught with the items that weren’t paid for, you could be charged with shoplifting or theft depending on the laws in your state and the amount involved. If that happened you could end up in court facing a judge or probation officer. If this was a first offense, you may be eligible for a “diversion program.” Once you complete the terms of diversion (community service, a class, counseling and restitution to the store) the case would be closed and you don’t have a record. Don’t press your luck and try this again.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
If you get caught stealing and your over the age of 18 can you still be eligible for a diversion plan?
Dear John: Yes, diversion is an option for first-time adult offenders just as it is for juveniles. Every court and prosecutor’s office has policies concerning which offenders can be eligible for diversion, but minor shoplifting incidents are commonly referred to diversion programs.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
When my friend was a minor she was convicted of retail theft. She was told if she kept good academic status and completed a specific number of community service hours it would be cleared off of her record. She finished all she needed to do and presented the proof. However, when she turned 19 she was convicted again of retail theft. Both were very small thefts in value but when she was convicted she was put in a holding cell for several hours, fingerprinted, and held for questioning. They found her old record and now she is worried she will face jail time. Do you think this is a possibility or is it more likely to be just a fine?
Dear Ash: It sounds like she may have completed a “diversion program” the first time around, which is frequently offered to first time offenders. As long as the value of the item(s) stolen was not very high, she most likely is not facing jail time. We hope your friend has learned from her mistake this time around because if she continues to get caught shoplifting, jail time is more likely. Good luck to her.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Have you ever had an experience like this before in court ? What will happen to me ?
Dear Marissa: If this is your first offense, when you go to court the process will be explained to you. You may be eligible for a “diversion program.” That means when you complete some community service, attend a class or counseling, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record that will affect the rest of your life. If you were banned from the store, don’t return or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hey judge , I’m 14 years old and got caught shoplifting at sears . Me and my friend admitted to it but the thing is the stuff was on her bag and was my stuff none of hers . They said that since it was on her bag and left she has to go to court . The cops came and took our info and they said that we were banned from the mall for 2 years . So a week later my friend got a fine of 200$ but I didn’t get any .. She paid it though .. But the cop said before that she has to go to court and it’s been a month and we haven’t receive anything …do I have to go to court ? Is it over yet . I know it will go in or record and leave when we’re 18 years old but I’m scared , my dad threw up cause he was ashamed of me … The cop didn’t say anything about me going to court but if she goes to court does that mean I have to go …? Please help me its haunting me , I know im stupid but it’s just I d t want my parents to waste their money on me …..PLEASE REPLY
Dear Marissa: You may receive notice in the mail about a hearing in court. It’s up to the store and local prosecutor to file charges. It could take a few months depending on the size of your town and how busy the prosecutor’s office is. Whatever you do, don’t return to the store/mall during the ban or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thanks Judge! But, I didn’t get a ticket or a notice about showing up to court when the incident happened which was last month. I didn’t even hear anything about going to court at all, but am I going to eventually get a mail sooner or later?
It is possible that you’ll receive notice about a court hearing. That’s if the store decides to press charges. It can take a few months before you hear anything.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hey Judge! It’s Cindy again, so I mailed my civil demand letter and payed for it a few weeks ago. My mom even called the law attorney office that the civil demand was from and then the lady on the phone told her that, since it’s already paid.. everything is done. I don’t even know if I am going to go to court, that’s the thing that I’m worried about.. I wasn’t booked into jail but I was handcuffed and had to go to the precinct for a parent to come and take me home because the LP officer in the store told me that my parents can’t come pick me up here. This wouldn’t be a record, would it? I really can’t have a record, Judge Tom. I’m really looking forward to colleges and having a great career! My mom lost her trust in me since what happened, still to this day. I’m very scared and learned a lot of this mistake, it most definitely set me straight!
Dear Cindy: Since you paid the civil demand, the civil side of this shoplifting incident is taken care of. But you still need to appear at the court hearing to take care of the criminal side of shoplifting. Otherwise, if you don’t show up, the judge can issue a warrant for your arrest. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Ok so my Best Friend went to the mall and bought a $20 ring 2 days ago in Dillards and payed with her Credit Card but she then realized that it was too big for her and knew she couldnt go back to exchange cuz she threw away the receipt so she went to Dillards today & STole a ring but did’t get caught leaving the store …so now shes scared cuz shes not a citizen and she thinks The cameras caught her ….Will she go to jail ?? How long until she knows they might have filed charges ?? Would it be best for her to go to the managers office and apologize and try to pay it back or will doing that get her in trouble??
Dear Iris: We cannot tell your friend what to do – she has to decide if she wants to do the right thing or ignore this as if it didn’t happen. Every crime has what is called a “statute of limitations.” That means the police have a certain period of time after a crime is committed to file charges. In shoplifting cases, it could be up to one year – possibly longer depending on the amount involved. Good luck to your friend.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello Judge–
This weekend I was caught stealing four items from a Hy-Vee grocery store in Iowa: shampoo, tampons, burgers, and WD-40, to be specific– it’s pretty humiliating. I’m a college student and was/am seriously low on funds. I was caught when walking out by Loss Prevention. I was taken upstairs where paperwork was filled out, a security officer from the attached mall came in, and two police officers. I was told I am banned from all Hy-Vees, the mall area for one year, and have to pay a $100 fee to Hy-Vee. The cops handcuffed me, put me in a cell, mug shot, fingerprints, was given a court date, and charged with theft in the 5th degree. I’m a senior accounting major, just turned 22 years old (technically not a teenager) and have a 3.31 GPA and know I have… or had… a great future ahead of me.
When I was 20, I was charged with a PAULA (Possession of Alcohol under the Legal Age), by just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I paid a fine, but was never taken to jail. I believe this is still on my record.
First, I would like to know if Loss Prevention or the jail can notify my employer, because both asked where I worked and I told them. That is probably what I am most worried about currently.
Second, what are my options for this court date? Because my goal is to become a CPA, I am seriously concerned about Theft in the 5th degree to be on my record permanently. Can I plead guilty, but receive a deferred judgment? Or are deferred judgments only granted when it’s your first offense, which isn’t the case for me? Or is this my first offense? If a deferred judgment, will it eventually come off my record? If I plead guilty, could I expunge this after time has passed?
How will this affect my upcoming job search? I know having a theft charge on my record significantly affects my chances at becoming a CPA, and it makes me sick to think I have thrown away all my hard work.
I know hiring a lawyer is in my best interest, but I really don’t have the money at all.
Everyone I know, family or not, would consider me a VERY responsible person, and would be shocked that I did this to myself. I have made a seriously life-changing mistake and would advise anyone that it’s just not worth it. My world feels like it’s crashing around me. I’m embarrassed, humiliated, scared, nervous, anxious, depressed, and would NEVER wish this upon anyone.
I’m willing to do anything– community service, classes, pay a fine — to get this cleared. Just really hurts me to have this on my record.
Thank you for your time.
Dear Bailey: First, although it’s possible for the store or police to contact your current employer, it’s very unlikely. Since this is your first shoplifting offense, you may be offered a diversion program or “deferred judgment” if that’s what it’s referred to in your area. These types of programs are handled differently in each court and sometimes they require a person to plead guilty, but then the court defers accepting the plea until the person completes the requirements of the program (community service, payment of a fine, attending a class or counseling). Once a diversion program is successfully completed, the charges are dismissed and therefore, there is no criminal record. You will find out more when you go to court including what your options are. In the mean time, try to relax a little as first time offenders are often given second chances. We’re happy to hear you learned from your mistake. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Thank you Judge, the security didn’t mention court or any sort of fine to her, they just gave her a ban and most likely used the images and her personal details e.g. address, DOB and full name to enter into the shopping centre system, one last question, if she decided to apply for a job in the shopping centre in a couple of years time, would her personal details and files still be kept within their security systems, or would it be taken off their systems after the 3 month ban has expired?
Dear Mel: It depends on the store’s/shopping centre’s policies. It’s possible that the photo and information concerning your friend’s identity is going to be used by the store and not the shopping centre. She could try contacting the store after the 3 month ban is up and simply ask whether her information is being kept on file by the store or the centre.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
one of my friends who is 15, took jewellery costing £7.00, she was caught, her personal details were taken and the security took images of her, she has been banned from the shopping centre for 3 months, however she was willing to pay for the goods, after being caught (even though the security made her pay for it) and she was allowed to keep the jewellery after paying for it. the security guard told her that her school will not be informed of the situation. would this affect her record, since up to this point, she has never shoplifted, and will this also affect her getting a job/part time job especially in retail?
Dear Mel: If she doesn’t have to go to court, she won’t have an official record that would appear in a background check. So, future plans for education or employment shouldn’t be hurt. Tell her not to return to the centre during the period of the ban or she could be charged with trespassing.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
im 20 and i took earrings from clairs off the tag and stuffed them around the store. the employee saw me and pointed it out while i bought other items (i didn’t take anything i stole) but just let me leave. Will I be in trouble?
Dear Melanie: Since you didn’t leave the store with the earrings, and the police weren’t called while you were there and you weren’t stopped and questioned by the store personnel, you should be in the clear. If you return to this store, be careful about what you do because they may remember you and not give you another break. Think twice before stealing anything.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Myself and two other friends went to the mall today and we shoplifted from a few stores. We went to Macy’s and I stole one shirt worth about $25. My one friend stole $135.99 worth of clothes and the other girl didn’t take anything. We walked over to another store and we took a few items from there as well. Macy’s had an LP and he followed us to the second store and when we walked out he stopped us. The lady from the second store was behind us. They took us into Macy’s and we filled out paperwork. The LP said Macy’s would not press charges on me because of the small amount, but I have to pay a $200 fine. My friend that stole the clothes has to pay a large fine and go to court. The last girl only took a pair of socks from the second store, but they are charging her for the full amount as the other friend that stole the clothes from Macy’s because she is an “accompliss” Two of us are 18 and the other is 22. We live in Ohio. This is first all of our first offense for shoplifting. What can we expect and will this be listed on our permanant record?
Dear Anya: In your case, it sounds like the store will be sending you a “civil demand” letter requesting payment of a civil fine. If you pay this fine on time, that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. By settling the matter with the store through payment of the civil claim or demand, it means it’s a “civil” matter and therefore there is no criminal record. If you and/or your friends end up having to go to court (if this is the case, you would receive a notice in the mail to appear in court), you may be offered a diversion program since this is your first offense. This means that upon completion of community service, payment of a fine and attending a class or counseling, the charges would be dropped and again, there would be no criminal record. We hope you learned from this incident. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
my son (14) got involved for shoplifting worth about $500 of games ,1st offense.but he returned all the stuff. he was used by his friend ,they(friends) stole the games and give to my son ,my son got caught because he was holding all the stuff.so ,we went to court, we prove the court that my son was a good kid,and an honor student.so, the court charge him for only misdemeanor and 40 hrs of community services.My question ,Sir, We just recieve a letter from probation department charging for restitution worth $526. Could i just pay the charges,but he return all the stuff. thank you ,sir
Dear Junior: It’s common for there to be restituion or money owed to the store in shoplifting cases even if the items were ultimately returned. Based on your other question, it sounds like your son was placed on a diversion program. Therefore, once the restitution is paid and the community service hours are completed, the charges are dismissed and the case is closed. Therefore, your son should not have a record of this offense. Perhaps you could try contacting the probation department or whoever is overseeing his community service and ask for confirmation that he will not have record. You could also contact the court and request a copy of his record to confirm that there is nothing on it. Good luck to you and your son.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Me and my friends where only 15 got arrested for shoplifting for the first time we got 50 dollars of cloths all together when the scurty tolled us to give it to him we did we did every thing they tolled us to but later the cops came and take us to the pulice station and take pics and figure prints of us and after they where done they tolled us that we where gona get a card in the mail for the day of cort with owr parents my qustions are what is gona happen are we gona go to juvi or how much well the feed go up to for $50);
Dear Lupe: If this is your first offense, when you go to court you may be eligible for a “diversion” program. Once you complete the required community service work, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed. If you were banned from the store, don’t return or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hey Judge! It’s Cindy again, I recently just mailed my civil demand fee and didn’t hear anything about going to court. I want to send an apology letter to the store, should I? I stole a value over $140 and I feel so bad and stupid for doing it. They didn’t banned me or made me sign any papers saying I can’t come to the store anymore, They didn’t even tell me to not come here anymore. Should I mail a apology letter to them, It was at JCpenney.
Dear Cindy: Whether you send an apology to the store or not is entirely up to you. Usually, once you pay the civil demand, the case is closed. If you feel it’s the right thing to do, go ahead. It’s always commendable to apologize for our mistakes. All the best.
(Tis is information only – not legal advice).
Thank judge
You’re welcome.
I was caught steal in stafford va at the Walmart I’m 18 yrs old what will happen when I go to court? What should I say? Everything I took was maybe under $50. I’m also a teen mom. They had called the cops and the officer gave me a court date.
Dear Stef: If this is your first offense, you may be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Therefore, you would not have a criminal record. You will find out more when you go to court including what your options are. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Thanks for the information! No I didn’t receive a ticket or a notice from the police to go to court. I only got a paper from the employee that says Civil demand notice. Which says that have to right to collect money I guess. Yes, I definitely learned from this. Thanks again.
You’re welcome. The “civil demand” letter is a fine that stores are authorized to impose on shoplifters. Usually, when the fine is paid the case is closed. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was recently caught shoplifting at an Urban Outfitters. The employees took me to the back and asked me for my information like address, ss number, etc. No police were involved, not even mall security. The employee told me that I was going to receive a call and I am going to get billed for the merchandise I stole. Will this be in my record?? I hope not.
Dear Jaime: Unless you got a ticket from the police or notice that you have to go to court for this, you don’t have an official record that could affect your future. The only record is with the store for their purposes. If they banned you from the store or the mall, don’t return or you could be charged with trespassing. We hope you’ve learned something from this. You may not be so lucky next time. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thanks so much for the replies and the information, Judge Tom! It really helped me a lot! Thank you so much! 🙂
You’re welcome.
so like a week ago me and my friend went to walmart and we were looking around and she told me to put this hair band in my pocket. i know stealing is wrong cause im almost 20 years old. but she been my friend for 15 years so i trusted her. so i look around and buy 40$ worth of things and we get to the doors and we get stopped, i start freaking out cause i never got in trouble and my friend has a Juvenal history. so they tell me to give the hair band back. it was 5$. so i did. now i have a disability, im not slow or nothing, but what am i facing? and will this go on my record?
oh and cops were called and i got 3rd degree theft and walmart is wanting to put a lawsuit against me een if i stole 5$ but my friend stole 123$ so does her stealing that much affects me too?
Dear Justina: First, what your friend did is separate from your offense. If you have to go to court, everything will be explained to you when you get there by a probation officer. If this is your first offense, you may be eligible for a “diversion” program. When you complete the program (community service, a class, fine or counseling) the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. If you were banned from the store, don’t return or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got caught shop lifting about 5 months ago at a CVS. It was one tube of mascara about 7$ , they called the cops and took my name and everything. My mom had to pick me up from CVS. Im 15 years old and I have court tomorrow …. I was wondering if you had any idea what could happen to me? Im very scared of being put on probation. Im a nice girl, I do okay in school, Im drug free and it was my first offence … ?
Dear Becca: Since this is your first offense, you will probably be eligible for a “diversion program.” Once you complete diversion (community service, a class or counseling) the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. When you go to court tomorrow, you’ll meet with a court or probation officer who will explain everything to you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hey Judge! It’s Cindy again! I’m sorry if I keep on posting but I’m still very worried. Since, I’m “not” going to court… because I didn’t receive a court summon/ticket to appear in court or an notice from an cop. My civil demand law attorney has a website and I was browsing around there site and I clicked the FAQ and it said,
Q: If I pay for the civil penalty, do I still have to go to criminal court?
A: Yes, the civil penalty is a separate issue from any criminal case that may be pending. At the time of the apprehension, the retailer has the right to decide to criminally prosecute a shoplifter, which will result in the criminal case being handled by the local courts or state attorneys. Our law firm is only handling the civil issue and therefore do not have any control or information about any criminal proceedings.
Does this mean I am going to go to court? I’m not sure if there was any criminal charges pressed against me. While in the department store, they told me that I’m going to receive a fine from the mail to pay for shoplifting incident. I am paying for the fine, but would I get a letter in the mail saying I would have to go to court? My other posts are on the top! I’m very scared about this situation, this is the LAST time that I would shoplift. I really don’t want to face court! It’s also my first offense, I have a clean record. Thank you so much! 🙂
Dear Cindy: In order for you to go to court, you have to be notified of a court hearing and formal charges filed against you. That usually happens when you get a ticket from the police or notice in the mail about shoplifting charges that have been filed with the court. Otherwise, you can relax. Once you pay the “civil fine” the case is usually closed and you don’t have an official record that will affect the rest of your life.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
If colleges also ask “Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense (including in juvenile court) other than a minor traffic violation, or are there criminal charges pending against you at this time?” Would I be able to put “no”? And this is Cindy from the two previous questions! Thanks so much for your replies, Judge Tom! It really helped me a lot! 🙂
Dear Cindy: Read every question very carefully. Language is important because there are differences between being “convicted” and pending “criminal charges.” These are terms not usually used regarding juveniles. If unsure about how to answer, ask your parents who can guide you through this.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thanks for the reply, Judge Tom! It really helped me a lot! So, If I’m not getting a record.. and I apply for colleges, do I have to put “yes” or “no” if they asked me if I was ever arrested. When the police came, I was handcuffed, got into the police car and headed to the precinct. In the precinct, They had my left hand handcuffed to an wall and I was sitting there waiting for my dad to come. After he came, I was released to him. What do I have to check while apply for college? I really want to go to fashion school!
Dear Cindy: It sounds like you were not “arrested” since you were not fingerprinted or booked into jail or the detention center. Therefore, you most likely can answer “no” to having ever been arrested. You could contact the police department and either ask for a copy of your record to confirm that there is nothing on it or ask the officer who transported you to the department to confirm that you don’t have an arrest record. Best of luck with your fashion school plans.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hey There!
I got caught shoplifting last week, I was caught by an LP officer and they send me to a room where they took the merchandise I stole and asked for my Name, Address, Number and Age. I gave it to them honestly and I also gave them my student ID. Then, they told me to call my parents, I called my dad explaining the situation and the LP officer said that he had to pick me up from the precinct. Later, the police got came and I was handcuffed and headed to the police station. While, in the precinct.. I wasn’t booked meaning no photographed, no fingerprints, no papers to sign and no interview. They just had me sitting somewhere just so my parents could come and pick me up. Right after my dad came, they only asked for his ID and explained to him about the shoplifting situation. After that, I was released to my dad and the police officer warned me if I steal again, I would have to go straight to juvenile hall. I didn’t get a ticket or court summon.. they didn’t even mention anything about going to court. A week later, I received a letter from the mail from a law attorney saying I have to pay a $350.00 civil demand. My parents are going to pay though! I’m still left very scared and worried, If I pay the civil demand.. is everything settled yet? Would I have to face court? Did the store press charges? Would this be on my record? I’m only 14 years old and I live in NY. I definitely learned a big valuable lesson and this had really set me straight! My parents are very disappointed at me and my mom was crying for 4 days straight. I’m very scared!
Dear Cindy: We’re glad to hear that you learned from this incident. Since your parents are paying the civil demand, it’s unlikely that you will hear anything more or have to go to court. The civil demand is a payment made to the store and therefore, you will not have a record from this incident so long as you don’t receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Good luck.
(This is informaion only – not legal advice.)
if i got caught stealing from a store for the first time and they decided to not press charges will i have a criminal record
Dear Michael: No, you wouldn’t have a criminal or juvenile record unless you get a ticket or are cited into a court where you’d either plead guilty to shoplifting or be found guilty by a judge or jury. So, if you only pay the store a civil fine or the store takes no action at all, there’s no official record that will affect your life. We hope you’ve learned from this incident.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello there.
I got caught at Urban Outfitters in California at the mall for shoplifting. I am sixteen years old and it had been my first time stealing and getting caught. I had taken about $155 worth of items from Urban and also got caught with $77 of merchandise from H&M as well. At the beginning, i lied abut later admitted I was guilty and got persecuted by the shop. The police were at the scene. I was charged with “Petty theft and a Misdemeanor”.
I realize now that it was extremely stupid.
I received a court date and am banned from said mall. Today, I am going back to H&M in order to return the clothing I had stolen. Should I be expecting any persecution from them as well?
What will be my consequences and how can I ask for a diversion program? About how big of a fine am I looking at here? Is there any possible way this stupid mistake can be removed from my records?
What are my rights in this situation?
Thank you.
Dear Jay: Since this is your first offense, you may be eligible for a “diversion program.” When you go to court, the process will be explained to you. Once you finish diversion, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Don’t return to the mall while the ban is in place or you could be charged with trespassing. Ask a parent to go with you to return the stolen items. Fines can run several hundred dollars depending on your state laws. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was caught shoplifting at Hollister when I was 14 and the amount came out to be around 150$. I was then arrested but taken to a nearby precinct (so I wasn’t taken to jail). After I was picked up by my dad I had to go to a hearing. I never actually went to court/saw a judge but I had to complete this online program for shoplifters and I did. The question is, will colleges be able to see this? And also, am I able to say “no” on college applications if they ask if I was ever arrested?
Dear Julie: It sounds as if you completed a diversion program since you didn’t go to court, see a judge or plead guilty to anything. That means there’s no official record of this incident that will follow you around the rest of your life. As far as answering the question about being arrested, always answer truthfully but read the question carefully. There’s a difference between being taken to a local station for a parent to come pick you up and actually being arrested for a crime. Discuss this with your parents. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I have a question. recently I got caught shoplifting at a major departmental store in the mall. I was told the fine was going to come in the mail but recently i have been getting a bunch of advertisements for different law firms and attorneys that could help me in court. HOW DO I STOP THIS???? I do not need this JUNK MAIL! Im 18 going to be in college soon and i do not want to keep checking the mail in fret that i’ll get adversitisemnts from different law firms.
Dear Isabella: Check with the post office to see if you can put a stop to all junk mail. It may not be possible, however. Everyone gets it – just ignore it and throw it away. As a consequence of the shoplifting, you may receive a letter from the store or their lawyer requiring payment of a “civil demand” – a fine. Usually, once it’s paid, the case is closed. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi, so my friend and i were caught shoplifting at walmart about a month ago. And the guy took down our information. Then he gave us a letter and a number to call and we called the number and it just said we had to pay a $50 fine. No cops were called btw. But do i go to court and the lady on the phone said that this civil demand will not be on our record but she’s not sure about the criminal charges. But how do i know if i have a criminal charge?
Dear Anon: If the store decides to press charges, you’ll receive notice in the mail about a court hearing. Usually, once the fine (civil demand) is paid, the case is closed. That’s probably what will happen in this case. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi me and my friend got caught stealing all together 180$ worth of clothes we’re only 14. we have court soon. what will happen?
Dear Lily: If this is your first offense, you may be eligible for a “diversion program.” Once you finish diversion, the charge will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. If the store banned you from returning, don’t or you could be charged with trespassing. If you’re under 18, make sure you bring a parent to your hearing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I went “dumpster diving” at a goodwill. I took some bags of clothing that were left on their sidewalk overnight. I felt so bad that I returned them to the store as soon as the store opened. I did take two pairs of shoes out of the bag and gave them to my son. I told the store manager this and he allowed me to pay for them. I still have horrible, terrible guilt over the situation and I’m very nervous that their camera might have seen my photo or tag number. Can they still prosecute me even after I returned everything I took and paid for what I kept? I paid with a check, so they have my information. The manager did seem kind when I came in. I’m 30, and a professional. I’m so embarrassed it’s killing me. Any advice?
Dear Migsby: It is possible but unlikely that you’ll be charged with this. Since the manager accepted your explanation of what happened and let you pay for what you kept, he’s probably not going to call the police. To ease your conscience a bit, you might consider donating some time to the Goodwill or other charity. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am 18 and I was caught stealing a few bottles of sky vodka this is my first offense. And I was cooperative with the police and employees who stopped me. Will the court drug test me? And will this be a felony?
Dear Adam: It’s probably not a felony depending on the total value of what you took. In some states, if the theft exceeds a certain amount, the crime goes from a misdemeanor to a felony. The court may order you to submit to a drug test since this is an alcohol offense. If you test positive, you may be ordered to test randomly for a period of time. Repeated positive tests can lead to jail or juvenile detention. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Im 16 and and me and my friend stole things from walmart I stole about 50 dollars worth what am I looking at and will they pull up the video of me stealing the stuff at court
Dear Stone: If this goes to court and you’re charged with shoplifting, the prosecutor may use the video as evidence against you. If this is your first offense, you may be eligible for a “diversion” program. Once you finish diversion, the case will be dismissed. If you were banned from the store, don’t return or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck. (This is information only – not legal advice).
Im had shoplifting from walmart when I was 18. I got caught in they sent me to jail, i only got a citation then I went home. I didnt get finger printing or no picture taking. They gave me a court date and I went. They gave me 80 hours of anger mangerment classes. They gave me a certain time to finish then I had to go back to court. The bad thing about it is that I never did the class and I miss the court date. Is this on my record. They never sent nothing to the mall, well if they did my sister would gave told me…. What should I do I need help…
Dear Lillie: It is possible that this shoplifting incident remains on your record. It depends on the policies of the court you were in at the time. Since you didn’t successfully complete the terms of the program and return to court, the case may still be open. Since you missed court, there may be a warrant out for your arrest. You can contact the court and ask about the status of your case. You can also speak with a lawyer about this and get some advice as to how to proceed. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i was asked if i was shoplifting and im 12. what should i do? i only did it because it put me off the fact that my dad might die.
Dear Nathan: Tell the truth and explain why you shoplifted. At your age and the situation with your Dad, you may not be in trouble. Don’t lie – that won’t get you anywhere. We hope your Dad gets better. All the best, Nathan.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I decided to do the terrible thing and shoplifted. I also made a purchase. On the way out I was stopped, and told to come back inside. I insisted that I didn’t take anything and told LP to leave me alone and they were embarrassing me. I attempted to walk away, and they eventually caught up to me. One of them stated that if I just gave the items back he would let me go. I hesitated still and again told him there is noting he can do, when he then told me that they were calling the cops and that I am on camera. He kept following me, so finally I began to cry and threw my purse on the floor and said ‘here, take everything and just leave me alone’. He grabbed all the items and then had my purse and told me to follow him inside. I was afraid of being charged after giving him the items, and grabbed my purse from his hands and ran off. I drove away and they didn’t see my car, however I am sure they have no problem getting my information from the purchase I made along with my phone number. Of course I feel like a fool, and am now at home anxiously wondering if they are able to press charges or what could happen. I gave all the items back, but I am still afraid they will be upset I denied and tried to get away and will do what they can to get back at me. This happened just an hour ago.
Dear Anon: Since they have their items back, they may decide to let this go. Or they could contact the police and make a report but it would then be up to the police and local prosecutor whether to file formal charges or not. You’ll just have to wait and see. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hey i was just wondering if i could go back to the store i was caught stealing its been like 11 days since then and i need to go and buy things from that store can i go or should wait a little bit more.
Dear Marcoss: If the store told you that you are banned from entering the store, then you should not return otherwise you could be charged with trespassing. However, if they did not ban you, then you are free to return there. If you are unsure of what they told you, then simply call and ask to speak with the loss prevention department to find out whether or not you are banned. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Good evening dear judge…
I have pretty same story… I was granted political asylum 1 year ago. When I was still working on my papers (I didn’t have SSN by then) I got arrested for shoplifting with my friend in New York – he wanted to steal $ 50 coat in “21 Century”. It is so stupid for both of us, and I still blame myself for not stopping him that horroble day…
We got arrested, had a court in 6 months, and got our case ACD, sealed and dismissed. That was my very first lesson, and I feel very very very ashamed for such stupid behaviour.
2 weeks ago I got a job offer from one of the national banks… Successfully passed my background check, and got official notice about my work.
The thing that I am being so worried about is that I am willing to apply for green card in 1 month, and I have to attach official court record to my I-485 application. Will this action reveal my sealed case? Is it going to be reported to the bank? USCIS will find out through my SSN that I am emplyed with it… I am so nervous about it….
And the last question, will my fingerprints show anything if my bank was to fingerprint me??
Thank you soooooo much for your assistance!!!! I am eager to get your answer…
Dear Catherine: If by “ACD” you mean you successfully completed a “diversion program,” there shouldn’t be a record of this that will affect your life. The purpose of diversion is to keep a person from having an official record of the incident – shoplifting in your case. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge Tom,
I had an accident on shoptlifting although the vest I took had no price tag or anything. It seem like someone had lost it I tried to look for more vest on desplay, but nothing. I cheked the stores clothing brand in case it did belong to the store but nothing. They accuse me for stealing it and the LP had no idea what he was talking about, he was a clueless guy. What’s your advice since i have to go to court and I guess might pay a fine. Should i show some proff that its not from the store or should i just leave it like that. This is my 1st offence 18 years old from Illinois the vest was “7.89”
Dear Anon: When you go to court, you’ll meet with a probation officer who will explain the legal process to you. Explain exactly what happened and bring any documentation you have from the incident. Since this is your first offense, you may be eligible for “diversion.” Once you finish the diversion program (community service, a class or counseling) the case is dismissed and you don’t get a record. Otherwise, you can plead not guilty and go to trial. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got caught shoplifting with my 18 year old brother. The cops were not called and i was released into my brothers custody. We stole some condoms which were valued at around twenty dollars. We live in CA and the lady said we might get a note in the mail with a fine. Will the fine be large and if so will both of us be fined. We shoplifted at walmart
Dear Mike: You might be surprised by the amount of the fine. Regardless of the value of the items taken, stores are authorized to impose civil fines up to several hundred dollars. Once the fine is paid, the case is usually closed and it doesn’t go to court or to the prosecutor’s office. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My friend and I (age 16) got caught shoplifting about November last year (about 5/6 months ago which we deeply regret)
1.she received a fine from the store and I didn’t, what Happend there? It’s up to the store to decide who to fine. If the fine was high, the amount covered the item and then some. You got lucky this time.
2. We got sent to the police department, got our info and names, photo, fingerprints etc. and we’re supposed to get a letter abiut going to court about a month later. Does that mean we just got “lucky”? Can they still charge us? Will they? Most crimes have what’s called a “statute of limitations” which is a period of time that the prosecutor has to file charges. Shoplifting could be up to a year. The longer you go without hearing anything, the better for you. They may have decided not to proceed.
3. Is it still on my record? How can I check WITHOUT getting in trouble or giving them the opportunity to charge me again? Unless you get charged and go to court, you don’t have a record that will affect the rest of your life. It may be best to let things be and not stir resting dogs.
4. Do colleges see this? No, at this point there’s nothing to see. Even if you are charged, it’s unlikely they would get wind of this.
Sorry for all the questions please respond with detail, im worried, thank you so much !
Dear Bob: See our responses in bold above. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi. my friend is 20 plus, and he got caught shoplifting for perfume, worth 13 pounds, and the security guards taken him to a separate room, and they checked his bag, rest everything was fine, they did not called the police but they taken his name, date of birth and address, they asked him to sign a banning latter, and he is banned from that mall, and will also send him a letter for fine. and they taken his picture as well. i just want to know how much will be the fine, and since there was no police involve so is he free from criminal record or not, and he is working at moment, will that make any difference at his work place , is police will ever come to his house, or work place. when he was leaving that mall, the guard said that radio of police is monitoring you,wherever you will go. so its better to go home. what will happen now, can you tell me please because my friend is so scared.
and for how long they will moniter him.
Dear Preet: Your friend got lucky this time. Since the police weren’t involved and he didn’t get a notice to appear in court, he won’t have a criminal record that will affect the rest of his life. He may receive a letter in the mail requiring payment of a “civil fine.” Usually, when the fine is paid, the case is closed. The fine could be up to several hundred dollars or pounds. Since he was banned from the mall, he shouldn’t return or he could be charged with trespassing. How long he’ll be monitored is up to the store – usually for the period of the ban. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i got caught shoplifting some earphones and this employee caught me and said can i help you with that and she took the earphones and left then i left the store and Im worried because what if i go back there and they arrest me i am 14 and i dont know what to do please help me.
Dear Marcoss: If they didn’t take your name, address, etc. there’s no way to contact you or report you to the police. We suggest you stay away from the store for a while and, more importantly, stop stealing. You’re bound to get caught sooner or later.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got caught stealing $15 worth make-up last Saturday from Zellers in Langley, Canada.
It was my first time shoplifting and I got caught.
I am 17 years old if that matters.
When I went into the Security place, that they have it for shoplifters, the Guy security took two of my ID cards and wrote down my Name, Address, and my House Phone Number.
While he was doing that, another guy came in and took my picture.
There was another lady Security there but she was just sitting there, stearing at the Security Camera.
The guy who wrote down my information called my mom and asked her to come down and pick me up. and after that phone call, he turned around and say something about $5,000 and if I would like to call my lawyer. I said NO, because I don’t have a lawyer and I didn’t want to make this bigger. I just wanted to go home. I didn’t knew what was going on. I was in panic so I don’t even remember what he told me instead of $5,000 and lawyer.
There was no police involved and they said they won’t tell my school but I am banned from the entire mall. I signed this paper saying that if I go back to that mall with in 12 month, they can arrest me as a shoplifing or something like that.
When my mom arrived, the security told her what happend and what will happen.
She didn’t say anything to me directly, but this is what I’ve heard.
1. They will send me a mail saying how much I have to pay and how to pay for that money.
2. They will not report this to police or to my school,
(and I hope don’t have to go to court or anything..)
3. I am not able to go back to the entire mall for 12 month.
So.. What will happen to me?
When do you think the mail will arrive?
and Since there was no police invonved, am I free from the criminal record?
Do you think I have to go to Court?
I am so scared that if somebody stop infront of me, I freak out. because that’s how the Security guy caught me right out side of the Zellers store. I know I’ve done a stupidest thing I could ever done and I will NEVER EVER do that again. I’ve learn my lesson and now I just hope this to be clealy over.
Please, Help me…
Dear Judy: First thing, relax. Since the police weren’t involved and you didn’t get a ticket, you won’t have a criminal record that will affect your life. In a few weeks, you’ll receive a letter in the mail from either the store or their lawyer requiring payment of a “civil fine.” Usually, once it’s paid, the store closes its case and this becomes history. The fine could be several hundred dollars depending on the laws in your state. Since you’ve been banned from the store, don’t return or you could be charged with trespassing. Wait until the year passes before you go back. We hope you’ve learned from this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi Judge
About a month after I turned 16, I was caught shoplifting at a local Wal-Mart. I don’t remember the exact monetary value of the goods, I just know that it’s somewhere between $40-60. It was my first and only time being arrested. I didn’t go to court or have charges or anything pressed on me, but I did go to jail where they placed me in a holding cell until my parents picked me up. I got my fingerprint done and my picture taken and all that– it wasn’t a pretty experience. That was about three years ago, I’m 19, haven’t committed any crimes since, and I’m just curious as to whether it will affect my chances of employment in the retail department when they do a criminal background check.
Dear Tyler: If you didn’t have to go to court, or complete a diversion program, you don’t have an official record that would appear in a background check. The only record that may exist is with the store for their internal purposes. So, if you apply for a job at the same Walmart, this incident may show up if they check their records. Otherwise, you can relax. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi again judge, my last question since I am suppose to appear in court tomorrow, what do I expect? My father wants me to research on the internet about what happens in court and etc. It is probably the diversion program, but anything else?
Dear Michelle: If diversion is available to you, that will be the full extent of what happens at court. You’ll speak with a probation officer who will explain the program to you. If you admit the charge and agree to complete diversion, you’ll be signed up and given your consequence. Once you successfully finish the terms, the program will end, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hey Judge.
I recently got caught stealing a pair of earrings from a Sears in Connecticut. Some LP came out to the front of the store and told me they have me on camera putting it in my bag, so I took the earrings out and gave them to him. Then another LP comes outside and says I have to come inside and fill out paper work or they will call the police.
I went inside, gave them my license (I am 18), which has my old address on it. The civil fine letter was forwarded to my new address by the postal service. I was very cooperative and they just asked me to sign a form saying I acknowledged their lawyer would make me pay them for their time and the earrings. Took the LPs maybe 10 minutes.
So this fine I got (which has to be paid within 20 days) is $275.00 for a $16 pair of earrings! It’s outrageous! I mean I know I shouldnt have done it, but $100 and some community service would have done the deed!
Anyways, My question is: I do not have the money to pay this. How do I take it to court without waiting 20 days or paying an expensive lawyer? Can I fight this with an appointed attorney from the court?
I’ve never had any other misdemeanors on my record…is a diversion prgram available in my state for this kind of crime?
Lots of questions, I know. Thanks
Dear Cap: Shoplifting is handled in two different ways: civil and criminal. The letter you received with the $275 bill is the “civil demand” notice. Once paid, the store usually closes the case. If it’s not paid, they may decide to press charges. If they do, then the criminal side kicks in. That’s when you go to court on the shoplifting charge and face a judge. You may qualify for a diversion program, but only if this goes to court. It’s your decision whether to pay the fine or not. Talk with your parents or another adult about this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hey Judge,
So today I got caught stealing in walgreens the security guard stopped me at the door a & told me to put the two shampoos back but I just walked out he followed me and he was on the phone while reading my liscence plate number if he got the whole thing whats going to happen?
Dear Erica: It’s unlikely that you will hear anything more of the matter. Even if the security guard obtained your license plate number, there is no way of knowing whether you are the registered owner of the car. Like the store employee told you over the phone, nothing more is likely to happen over a stolen bottle of shampoo and if they recognize you shopping at the store again, they may tell you to leave. If you don’t comply with a store’s order to leave and not come back, you should know that you could be charged with trespassing. We hope you learned from this incident. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I am on a student’s visa. I was found guilty of shoplifting and entered a plea bargain in which I only had to pay a fine and the crime could be expunged after a year. What is the likelihood of me getting deported?
Dear Indira: It’s unlikely that you’ll be deported for this. The purpose of a diversion program is to keep you from getting a record that affects the rest of your life. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi Judge,
My niece was recently got overriding merchant at work. She was fired & took to police station. Just last week, she received a letter from her employee to pay the difference and has to go to court for hearing. She is only 16 years old and her 1st offense. Can you please tell me what is the best options to go around so it does not show on her records? This took place in Dupage county in Illinois! Please reply ASAP. Thank you!
Dear Ash: Since this is her first offense, she may be eligible for a “diversion” program. When she goes to court the legal process will be explained to her. If she admits the charge and diversion is available where you live, then she’ll receive all the information about it. It may include completing some community service, attending a class or counseling, or writing a paper. The purpose of diversion is to keep a person from getting a record that follows them around in their adult life. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i was at school and i took around 20 dollars worth of stuff from a car. i returned them. what would happen to me?
Dear Skylar: First, we’re glad to hear that you did the right thing by returning the items. Depending on your school’s policies, you could face disciplinary action by your school like detention or even suspension if your school found out about the theft. Your school also could refer the matter to the police in which case you may have to go to court for the theft. We hope you learned from this incident and will not make the same mistake again. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
My cousin got caught shoplifting at walmart in Texas when she was 14. She was given a civil penalty and they charged her to pay $150, she never went to court and it was her first time shoplifting. Is it going to stay in her permanent record?
Dear Maica: Since she didn’t get a ticket from the police or go to court for this, there’s no official record that will appear in a background check. The only record that may exist is with the store for their internal use. Paying the civil fine apparently ended the case.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi again judge,
Just today I received a civil demand of $75 from the store. So I have to go to court and pay up the fine? I thought if I paid up, they would just forget about it?
Dear Michelle: There are two aspects to a shoplifting incident: civil and criminal. The civil fine is from the store or their lawyer when paid usually ends the case. But the store can also choose to press criminal shoplifting charges that brings you to court. They are separate actions. So, if you pay the $75 civil fine, the case may end. If you have a notice to appear in court, you still have to go. Explain to the court that you paid the fine if that’s what you decide to do and that will be taken into consideration. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Donna: If you’re on probation now and got caught stealing, this is also a violation of your probation. What happens in court is up to the judge assigned to your case, the recommendation of the probation officer, the position of the prosecutor, and other factors. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
What would my punishment be, if I got caught stealing about $40 bucks worth of things in CA?
I’m 14
Dear Martin: If this is your first offense, you may be eligible for a “diversion” program. Once you complete diversion (community service, a paper, class or counseling) the case is closed and you don’t have a record. You could also receive a fine from the store or court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was in a physical altercation in walmart parking lot, i know theres a law where i can request the tapes but i cant remember the name of it, it would help if you could tell me. thank you
Dear Chelsey: You can Google the name of the state where this happened and “public video surveillance” for information. You can also contact the store manager or loss prevention person and ask about this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am 19, and was caught shoplifting from walmart, it was 70$ worth of goods, I was not arrested I just had a court date I received diversion, so my question is, I am applying to nursing school in Tennessee next fall, I will be finished with diversion by then, will this effect me getting into the nursing program, I am very scared, I have really learned my lesson, and I just want to better myself, hopefully I can still get my dream job
Dear Kay: The purpose of a diversion program is to keep you from getting a record that affects the rest of your life. So, if you successfully completed the program, there shouldn’t be anything that will appear on a background check. You can check with the court that you would have been in and see if they have anything on you. If they do, ask about expunging your record. Good luck with your studies.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi im just wondering i stole a phone and it is my first time i been caught im just wondering will i go to jail for doiong this or will i just get charged
Dear Renae: If this is your first offense, you may get a letter in the mail advising you of a court date. Don’t miss the hearing. When you go to court, a probation officer will explain everything to you. You may be eligible for a “diversion” program. Once you finish diversion, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Your parents can also hire a lawyer before going to court – that’s their decision. It is unlikely, for a first offense, that you’d be sent to jail. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
another question about my story, do i need a lawyer cause my dad is going crazy over getting a lawyer.
Dear Michelle: It’s not necessary to hire a lawyer for the first hearing. If diversion is offered and you accept it, you don’t really need a lawyer because when you finish the program the case is dismissed. If you decide at court to deny the charge and instead go to trial, then a lawyer would be a good idea.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hey, me and my friend went to the mall exactly four days ago.. We shoplifted a little pair of earrings and trust me I totally regret it. It’s a stupid teenage thing. I learned my lesson and you have my word I will never do this again. I scared the police will track me down from my lisences plate number? Do you think I’m in the clear? I live in Texas..
Dear Hannah: The police may be too busy to look for you when the amount involved is this small. You got lucky this time and we’re glad you’ve learned from the experience. If you return to the store any time soon, you may be stopped and questioned by a store employee or security. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi.I live in Georgia and got caught shoplifting 48$ worth of merchandise at wal-mart.I’ve never been in trouble with the law before. i was not arrested nor was the police called. but i do have to pay some fine and show up to court on some date.the store person told me that they might put me in a holding cell till they decide what to do.my question is what will happen can i go to jail will this be on my record,because thats the biggest thing for me. i cant have it on my record because of school applications. i wish i would have worried more about this for i did something so stupid, but what are my chances that this doesnt go on my record.thank you
Dear Jessica: There won’t be an official record of this incident unless you actually go to court for it, plead guilty and are sentenced by the judge. If you go to court and are offered a diversion program and complete it successfully, you avoid getting a record. However, you may not hear anything about a court appearance since the police weren’t called. You may receiove a letter in the mail from the store or their lawyer requiring payment of a civil fine. The fine could be several hundred dollars. Once it’s paid, the case is usually closed and the only record that exists is with the store for their internal use. Good luck and learn from this especially since you have future plans for education.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Judge Tom, i just got shoplifting about 60 dollars worth of stuff in alabama. i had put it in my bag and wasn’t leaving yet and they stopped me. in alabama all you have to do is conceal. what i want to know is, will this prevent me from getting my driver’s liscense? i turned 16 today
Dear Jacob: If this is your first offense, you’ll probably be eligible for what’s called “diversion.” That means when you finish some community service, a class, paper or counseling the charge will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. So, your driver’s license shouldn’t be affected. Keep in mind that diversion is meant for first-time offenders only. Next time things may go a different way. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
If I was in Germany and I got caught shoplifting at age 18, would I go to a juvenile prison or adult?
Dear Cameron: If this was your first offense in Germany, jail or prison is unlikely. Usually a fine is imposed and once paid the case is closed. Repeat offenders face serious consequences including deportation if visiting the country. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hey i have a friend who got acused of stealing from walmart because he drove of with the people who actually did he had no idea that the other 2 people had just got caught stealing, all he saw was a guy chasing his homegurl, (the guy was aparently a security guard but he was in regular clothes). and later on, still not knowing what his friends had just done… he went back to the store to buy a couple of things he needed, and got stoped by some securities and they acused him of stealing and called the cops(he didnt get arrested dough)… and well now a couple months later he is getting mail from lawyers who are telling him he is being charged with theft, he hasnt got a letter or call from court or anything! what does this mean, and what should he do??
oh and he is 17 and it happened in texas
Dear Liz: He hasn’t been charged with shoplifting or theft unless he receives notice from either the police or the court. The letter he received was probably from the store or their lawyers. This is a “civil demand” notice requiring him to pay a fine. Usually once the fine is paid, the case is closed with no further action taken. However, if he had nothing to do with the shoplifting (accomplice, driver of getaway car, etc.), he need not pay the fine. If he gets charged with shoplifting, he can explain what happened to his lawyer and the court. If your friend is under 18, he should discuss this with his parents now before things go any further. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
my cousin and i are from va, we’re both from va. we went to target and starte stealing stuff. we eventually stole 4 items- we were about to steal one more thing but we noticed a stole officer checking us out. they had cameras everywhere too. when we were about to leave the officer comes up to me( while my cousin is already out) and asks me to show him where i left the thing i was aboutto steal i lied and said we put it back but he made me show him, he didnt seem convinced when i showed him.. another man comes up who i believe might of worked as undercover and said he saw me trying to steal he kept asking me where if i took it or if my cousin had anything in the bag, i said i didnt know. he said he didnt want to see me in the store again or he would charge me and told me to get out. what im scared of is that he will see the survellence tape which was every where and see we stole more. will they try to find us? also, when my cousin and i were youbg we stole things and got caught we were uderage too. the police came and everything; would that be in our record and could the people from target see that we might have a record?
Dear Bianca: Unless you’ve gone to court, pleaded guilty or received tickets from the police for these thefts, you don’t have a formal record. The stores involved may have their own records of the shoplifting incidents, but that’s for their internal purposes only. So, follow the order from the security person and don’t return to the store or you could be charged with trespassing as well as shoplifting. Your luck is running out – maybe it’s time to do the right thing and pay for what you want. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi, i am 16 and in NY and i was arrested for shoplifting and this is my first offense when i thinking about to take a necklace that was off the tag already and i put it in my pocket, but then i put it back where it was because i knew it wasn’t worth the guilt of it and then walked out the store, but then the shop worker accused me of shoplifting and told me to empty out my pockets and sleeves and i did and nothing showed up and he told me where is the necklace i took him to the place of where it was and i showed it to him by pointing it out. then he accused me of just magically pulled it out of my sleeve and put it onto the shelf right in front of him! terrible worker as he just kept throwing insults at me when i try to explain to him that HE was standing very close where i was and CLEARLY made that up that lie and tried to make me feel even more guilty. police showed up and didn’t even ask for my side of the story, which made me mad and the arrested and etc. i have to go to court in a few weeks and i am really nervous, what should i do? does this go on my records? i am guilty of attempted shoplifting, but at least i put it back… i do not know where i stand of guilty or not? 🙁 is there a discharge of this if i am on good behavior for 6 months or so? this is my first time and i feel really bad about it…
the necklace was around 12.99 and i just feel really bad about it… and 5 days later after the shoplifting experience my house was robbed and i just completely feel like crap…
Dear Michelle: First, calm down. This isn’t the end of the world. When you go to court, the legal system will be explained to you by a court or probation officer. Tell them exactly what happened and your options will be presented to you. You may be eligible for a “diversion” program which means when you complete some community service, attend a class or counseling or write a paper, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. As a first-time offender, diversion is often the best way to go to avoid getting a record. Discuss this with your parents and good luck at court.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
So i am a minor and like 7 or 8 months ago i stole out of a “Claire’s” in a local shopping mall. I had the money to pay for what i stole but chose not to for some reason and i know what i did was wrong, kids do stupid things and im not perfect. Any ways i got a notice in the mail stating that my legal guardian or parent has to pay a fee of $325 and we haven’t payed it yet becuz we really dont have the money but the paper has no court date on there. Then it also stated that if the fee wasn’t payed my grandmother(my legal guardian) could be arrested. So if i were to make payments towards the fee would they still go through with arresting my elderly grandmother?
Dear Kimberly: What you received in the mail is called a “civil demand.” There’s no court date on it because it’s from the store or their lawyer. This is one way stores handle shoplifting incidents. Usually, once the fine is paid the case is closed and no further action is taken. The store has no authority to arrest your grandmother. If you begin to make payments to the store, they’ll see that you’re not ignoring them and will ease off. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge,
My daughter who is 14 was caught shop lifting in an Illinois walmart.
This happened about 3 months ago.
Then they went through her purse and took there items back. Plus they also took most of her other items that were not stolen.
So they did not call the police.
But they said she might be fined.
So a month goes by, then one day we get a 250.00 fine from Michael Ira Asen P.C.
So I sent a hardship letter as we are in the prosess of losing our house.
They are still making the demand and now sent another letter saying that this is the last one. What do think could happen if we cant pay the fine.
Thanks in advance!
Dear George: It is possible that nothing will happen if the fine is unpaid. It’s up to the store to decide how to handle this. They can refer the case to the police who may investigate it and refer it on to the prosecutor. But the chances are slim because so much time has passed and the incident isn’t a high priority to the police or prosecutor. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am 18 and live in MA. I was caught stealing eye shadow that was only a few dollars at Kmart. I had to pay a fine but was never arrested or anything serious. What my real concern is, although this happened months ago, I applied for a job in retail. Will this show up in my background check? Will I ever be able to get a job in retail?
Dear Taylor: Since the police weren’t involved and you didn’t go to court for this incident, there’s no official record of it that will affect your future. The only record is with the store for their internal use. In other words, if you applied to Kmart for a job, they may see a report of this incident and deny your application. Other stores wouldn’t know about it. Good luck. We hoped you learned from this.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello My name is Briana I Was With A Girl Who Shoplifted like around 35$ worth of make up i never physically touched the make up or ripped any packages or anything i was just there when it happened and she put it in my bag and i didnt know what i should do but i have 2 go to court tomorrow what could happen to me im scared will this go on my record? Also i live in kentucky and they told me they werent going to charge and then decided too i guess can they do that?
Dear Briana: Yes, the store can decide whether to press charges or not. At court tomorrow the legal process will be explained to you. If you’re under 18, be sure to bring parent or guardian with you. If this is your first offense, you’ll be eligible for “diversion” (community service, a paper, class or counseling). Once you complete diversion, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Its like juvie but way safer
Thank you so much and yes im a first offender
I have another question i went to the terry center does tht affect the case ?
Dear Dru: We’re not familiar with the Terry Center. What type of program or facility is it? -ATJ.info
Hey judge.
I recently got caught stealing money from the registers at my job. They contacted LP office, a man came in and wrote down my info and had me sign paperwork, and then told me that I was one of their best employees so they are not going to involve the police as long as I pay back all the money I took.
My question is, even though the police were not involved, will I still have to appear in court ? This happened only 2 days ago and I am not sure if they are sending me a letter or not, but I just want to be prepared. I am scared.
Dear Alexis: If the police aren’t involved then it’s unlikely criminal charges will be filed that would require you to go to court. It sounds like the store is keeping this as an internal matter which is to your benefit. The letter you receive from the store or their lawyer will require payment of a civil fine. Once paid, the case will be closed without you getting a record that affects the rest of your life. You got lucky this time. Think before doing this again. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hey im 13 yrs old but when i stole i was 12 but anyway i was at walmart with my friend and i stole like 3 dollar headphones 2 pairs and ping pong balls idk y i stole them but i was leaving the store and the peopke tht work the cameras asked us to go to there office and asked questions and they made me sign stuff but they said i have to go to court on march 26 do u think i will go to juvie because im really scared and i thinks i have 16 more days intill court please help me thanks..
Dear Dru: When you go to court, the legal system will be explained to you by a court or probation officer. If this is your first offense, you may be eligible for “diversion” (community service, a class, paper, or counseling). Once you finish the program the case will be dismissed and you won’t have record. Remember this is usually offered to first-time offenders only. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I dont know if i was charged or not but i was banned from the mall ùi go all the time and on the paper it says suspicious behaviour whats going to happen if i am worried i might be arrange but i do buy stuff from theere but i think they think i get or theft from the store what am i gonna do and i didnt get nay court day or paper work whats liekly gonna to happen will they come and search my home and i am so worried i only get arrest once and that was my 1st time this time i dont know if i will be charged or not since there isnt any proofe and or any evidence and I dont know whats liely gonna happen to me anyone willign to give me some suggistion I am in toronto East end thanks.
I dont want be in jail whats my chances are and will they send me a court day or to my home address and or they will just leave as its since there was alot of items worth but they didnt catch me at the scene and will it be on my record im so scared and feel like to die now and cant face it thanks anyone willign to give a good advice to me really appricated.
Dear Xindy: You may have gotten lucky this time by just being banned from the store and/or mall and will not have to go to court. Unless the store chooses to press charges and the prosecutor’s office agrees to file charges, you will not have a criminal record and will not have to go to court. If charges are filed, then you would receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. If this occurs, you may be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity to avoid a criminal record. Jail time is very unlikely for a minor shoplifting offense especially if it’s your first or second offense. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
My friend and I got caught shoplifting and recently received a civil “penalty” claim paper to pay $250 to the place we stole from. After I pay this and receive my court date information will I have to pay more fines or is the $250 all that there is? I herd that you receive the choice to go to court or just to do community service and sometimes 6 months of probation. I just would like to know exactly what happens and if there are any other fines involved. The Penal Code is 490.5 if it matters. we only stole $62 worth of stuff but now were paying $250 for it.
Dear Alice: Once you pay the civil fine, that may be the end of the matter and you may not have to go to court. If the store chooses to press charges though, you would receive a notice to appear in court in the mail. If this occurs, you could have to pay a separate fine to the court. Again, once the civil fee is paid to the store, you may hear nothing more of the matter and therefore, not have a criminal record.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I was with somebody that was convicted of shoplifting in 2008, and it effected my record to. I was 21 yrs old then and never committed a crime i was wondering if there is a way i can get it expunged. Even though i have moved from the city do i still have to go back to that area to get the motion heard from that judge.
Dear Shamira: Yes, to obtain an expungement of your record, you need to apply to the court where the shoplifting charge was prosecuted. The court may have a website (many do today) where you can check on this and maybe apply online. You don’t necessarily need a lawyer to do this – that’s your decision. Some courts have an online form you can complete and file and within a month or two, you’ll receive notice of the court’s ruling. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i worked in a retail store for 4 years (In California, if that helps), but recently i had made a bad decision to steal money from my register. I took $300 and my loss prevention office found out. They took me into the office, made me sign a bunch of paperwork, and then set up a payment plan for me to pay off the money. I am over 18.
They also told me that they were not going to call the police, as long as i pay back every penny that i took from the register.
I was just wondering if this will effect my chances of getting another job. They told me i was suspended from work, but if i did get fired, i would need to find a new job to pay back the money i took.
I’m not sure if this will go on my criminal record because they did not involve the police… but i did sign many papers, wrote a statement, and they gave me an address to send all of my payments to. Can you help me? There is no court date or anything, i just need to pay back the money.
Also, i am aware that this is a site for teens. But i didn’t read the part that said “under 18″. I am 19, if that helps.
Dear RaeRevita: Since the police weren’t involved and you haven’t received a notice to appear in court, you don’t have a criminal record from this incident. The only record that exists is with the store for their internal purposes. So, it shouldn’t appear in any background check done on you for other jobs, You got lucky this time – we hope you’ve learned from this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hey what will they give me and my friend it was our first time stealing and they got him and I gave there stuff back to the store what will i expect at court
Dear Hisan: If this is your first offense, you may be eligible for a “diversion” program. That may include community service, a class, paper or counseling. Once you finish the program, the case is dismissed and you won’t have a record. Remember that diversion is usually for first-time offenders only. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, two days ago i was caught stealing two games from a walmart. A undercover cop stopped me. I followed him to the back and gave my id and what not. The guy was generous saying he wasnt going to call the cops since I was being good. But when i called my aunt to pick me up he said i have to go to a hearing and that he would call my mom( which he did and my mom told me she had to pay for stuff) well i was reading above to see if someone had a similar situation. (Im very sorry im 16 by the way and this is my first time!!) They are going to send something in the mail i have to pay for? and if i pay for it do i still have to go to a hearing? What exactly is a hearing?? They didnt call the police so it shouldnt be court right?
He did talk about me doing volunteer work but ive been doing that during the summer anyways. what may happen like do they always send a letter to attend a hearing.. the two games equal 120 so i guess thats a lot im still very sorry…
Dear Zack: Shoplifting can result in two different consequences: civil and criminal. That means you could get a letter in the mail from the store or their lawyer requiring payment of a civil fine. Usually, once the fine is paid, the case is closed. But you could also get notice in the mail of a court hearing which is the criminal side of the case. When you go to court, the legal system will be explained to you by a court or probation officer. Since this is your first offense, you may be eligible for “diversion” which includes community service, a class, paper or counseling. When you complete the diversion program, the case is dismissed and you don’t have a record. If you were banned from the store or mall, don’t return or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Sharon: Passing a background check isn’t a guarantee that the job is yours forever. If they discover that you stole from them in the past, they may take action depending on the laws in your state and the store’s internal policies. If you lied on the job application and didn’t disclose the theft, that may be sufficient to let you go. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
If my fiance and I were caught taking an item from a store and they tell us they aren’t going to press charges this time but we get a letter from a lawyer through the mail saying we owe a fine for it does that mean that it will show up on a background if a perspective job is to do a background check?
Dear Hannah: It’s very unlikely that this incident would appear on a background check if you didn’t get a ticket or notice to appear in court. If the store keeps in as an internal matter, the only record is with the store for their purposes. Once the civil fine is paid, the case is closed and you don’t have a record that will affect your future. Learn from this – you may not be as lucky next time.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was caught shoplifting for 30$ . Do I need a lawyer???
Dear Mola: Not necessarily but it’s your decision. When you go to court for this, the legal process will be explained to you. You may be eligible for a diversion program in which case you don’t need a lawyer. When you finish diversion, the charge is dismissed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i need help i go to court in a few days and i was caught shoplifting at old navy but i idint take any thing over 50 dollars and this is my first time going to court what should i expect
Dear Alfonzo: You may be eligible for diversion if your court or probation department offers it. Most do. Once you finish diversion that may include community service, a class or counseling, the case is dismissed and you won’t have a record to worry about. The purpose of diversion is to keep you from getting a record that follows you around in your adult life. Keep in mind that diversion is usually meant for first-time offenders only. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i got banned from the mall for a year for taking a couple of shirts. the security took my ID and gave me a receipt for getting banned. will he mail me something in the future? like the ticket again?
Dear Steve: You may hear nothing more about this incident and receive nothing in the mail. However, be sure to stay away from the mall otherwise you could be cited with trespassing.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Me && my friend were caught shoplifting. She is 17 and i am 19. I went to jail she had more than me though. It was my first time ever getting in trouble for shopplifting. What do you think will happen in court. & it was in alabama.
Dear Savannah: You may be eligible for what is called “diversion.” Once you finish the program, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record that will affect the rest of your life. When you go to court, a probation or court officer will explain the legal process to you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi i have a question, tonight iwas caught stealing a lotion at walmart, they caught me outside and ask for my info, they said i have to pay a fine. it was my first time, they said next time they will call the police. will this go in my records? i live in california, please help!!!
Dear Maria: You won’t have a record from this incident since the police weren’t called and you’re not going to court. Once you pay the civil fine from the store, the case will be closed. It may take weeks before you get a letter from the store or their lawyer and the fine could be several hundred dollars. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i am 16 living in Florida. i was caught shop lifting in JCPennys, i took 80 dollars worth of stuff. what should i expect? About how long does it take to get a court date? i think there a first offenders program. what do i do?
Dear Carly: It may take a few weeks or so before you receive a letter about your court date. When you go, the legal process will be explained to you. You may be eligible for a “diversion program.” Once you finish the program, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Okay, thank you so much.
You’re welcome.
Dear Judge,
I recently got caught trying to steal hair products from Walmart, in the state of California, and undercover person caught me walking outside of Walmart. He then asked me what I took I only showed him one thing, he said follow me, then walking into the store I through away 3 items. I did so because I didn’t know what was going to happen it was my FIRST time, and FIRST run in with the law. He then found the 3 things I threw away. I was so scared.. It was a total of $30.03. A sheriff was notified and he wrote me a ticket. It says I was charged with petty theft and misdemeanor was circled.
What kind of charges am I facing?
Can I receive jail time?
When I go to my hearing what will they do or say to me?
Do I need a private lawyer? The sheriff said they would appoint me one if need one..
Dear Baylee: According to what you have told us, you are facing a misdemeanor charge for petty theft. To learn more about misdemeanor charges, click here. Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. It is extremely unlikely that you will be facing jail time for this first offense. You will find out more when you go to your first court date and can wait until after then to decide whether or not you need to hire an attorney. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi!I got caught shoplifting from macy, san diego CA , was a t-shirt about 15 dolars . im 25 years , student from brasil …. they didnt call the police but they gave me a civil demand/recovery , they make a demand for the payment of 425 dolars to pay whitin 5 days of the incident … my question is if i really have to pay this because they do not have my ID , just a picture of me and i going back to brasil in some weeks… thank you
Dear Richard: We can’t tell you what to do because it’s your decision. If they don’t have any way to identify you there’s little chance you’ll be charged with shoplifting. Usually when the civil fine is paid, the case is closed. If it’s not paid, the store can refer the matter to the police, but with no identification, the police won’t take any action. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
help! i was caught shoplifting at oldnavy and i didnt take nothing over 50 dollars but i have to go to court and i 18 and it my first time
Dear Alfonzo: Since this is your first time, you may be eligible for “diversion.” Once you finish the diversion program, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record that will affect the rest of your life. When you go to court, the process will be explained to you. Keep in mind that diversion is usually meant for first-time offenders only. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi Judge, I was accused of stealing from a Pet Store in Jan 2009. Feb 2011 they had to dismiss the case because they had no evidence because I was not guilty. I spent thousands of dollars in lawyer fees and they towed my vehicle and held it for evidence for 3 months, that was another 2,500. I am trying to get my money back from Petsmart in small claims court, but Petsmart attorney got it dismissed because of the statue of limitation. Can you tell me how i can go about getting my money back in small claims court, I live in NY. I didn’t know I had to sue while I was fighting the criminal case What can I do?
Dear Sean: AsktheJudge.info is a site for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to adults or teens.
We suggest you speak with your parents about this if you’re under 18. Otherwise, speak with a lawyer who’s familiar with civil law and small claims court or superior court proceedings. Since the statute of limitations has run on your case, you may be out of luck as far as taking legal action against the store. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i went to hobby lobby with my sister she bought paint and i need a bow tie i didnt bring my walletso i ripped out and and put it in my pocket my sister paid and the managers were waiting for us to get done paying and asked if i had not paid what i stole and i said no i didnt steal anythingshe asked if i took something and i never stoled in my life so i took it out and gave it to her the police came and i got a ticket what will i get if i live in the state of texas ? and what if this is my first ?
Dear Daniela: When you go to court for this, the legal process will be explained to you. Since this is your first offense, you’ll be eligible for “diversion.” When you complete the diversion program, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I have another question about the Juvenile Complaint I received, relating to my previous comment. Since charges were filed against me, is it even possible for the charges to be dropped in some way. I would like to send a letter of apology to the store, or apologize in person, but I’m too scared to go back. I don’t mind paying civil demands, I just don’t want to go to court and have legal issues. 🙁
Also, do I have to check yes to “have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor/felony?” at this point? I haven’t gone to court yet.
Dear Chris: Since you have not yet appeared in court, you have not been “convicted” of anything and can answer “no” to this question on any applications. Also, if you are offered diversion, then ultimately the charges will be dismissed once you complete the program, so again, you would not have a record for the incident. Because you are scared to return to the store, sending a letter of apology would be a decent and honest thing to do without a face to face confrontation. Best of luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, i shoplifted at nordstroms. i stol 50$ of clothing. which was only 2 pieces. and my parents were never home they were out of state. and the nordstrom workers called the police. i asked if my aunt could come and get me. they said okay since my parents are out of state. they said they may or may not send me a court hearing, do you think they will? i have a clean record im 16 and i never got into trouble like this. also if i do go to court, my parents would still be out of state so am i able to bring my aunt as my guardian?
Dear Ashley: Yes, if you receive notice of a court hearing, tell your aunt so she can go with you. Without an adult with you, the court may continue the hearing. On the other hand, you may not hear anything further about this. You may receive a letter from the store or their lawyer requiring payment of a civil fine. Usually, once it’s paid the case is closed. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was shoplifting from victoria secret. Trying to get something for my girlfriends. So i as i was leaving with about 60 dollars of merchandise, a lady stoped me and called the mall security on me. I am 17 and this is my second offense. ( i was caught stealing before). They called my parents to come get me. They said they would call with more info. (they have my i.d and everything) Whats going to happen????
Dear Austin: You could receive a letter in the mail from the store or their lawyer requiring payment of a civil fine. Once it’s paid, that may be the end of the case. You could also receive notice in the mail of a court hearing if the store decides to press charghes. If that happens, the legal process will be explained to you when you go to court. You could be offered “diversion” which includes community service, a class or counseling. Once you finish the terms of diversion, the case is dismissed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi. im 19 years old. live in CA. i recently got caught shoplifting. my boyfriend was with me. so what happend was my boyfriend actually opened the package(iphone case) cause he wanted to try it on his phone. he was kinda nervous cause it was hard to open and didnt wana get in trouble. after he finally got it open it dropped and he left it there cause he was scared. when he turned around i picked it up and put it in my pocket without him knowing.
walking out the store i got stopped and taken to the security office. they didnt take him. and he didnt run away, they just disnt take him.
so i got arrested. all the questions got asked. name adress social. ect. they didnt even ask for his name. but they told me they saw him open it on video as if it was a plan. so in the end, they never actually asked information about him. is he gona be brought up in court? or be charged or arrested? are they gona look for him? and this is my 1st and LAST offense. so whats the worst that could happen to me?
thank you for any help. its appreciated.
Dear Claudia: Your boyfriend may be cited into court for this, but it’s unlikely. They would have stopped hiom at the time and gotten his information. They apparently have decided to press charges against you since you picked it up. put it in your purse and walked out of the store with it without paying for it. When you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you. If this is your first time, you may be eligible for “diversion.” When you finish the diversion program, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m 16 years old, and I was caught stealing a $15 pair of sunglasses at JCPenny in NEVADA. I was taken to a room where I filled out a Civil Demand notice. On the notice it states that the case is valued at $15. Does that mean I only have to pay $15 to JCPenny? Don’t they usually want more like $150? What else can I expect to happen with this Civil Demand?
Also I had to fill out a Juvenile Complaint with Henderson Police Department at the top. It gives me a court date and description of the Petty Larceny. What do you expect to happen during my case in Juvenile Court?
Dear Chris: Yes, the civil fine may be more than $15.00. That’s up to the store. You may receive a letter from the store or their lawyer requiring payment of the fine. You could also get notice from the court about a hearing. Don’t miss it. When you go, the legal process will be explained to you. You may be offered diversion if this is your first offense. When you complete diversion, the case will be closed and tyou won’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi!I got caught shoplifting from macy*s and the police came and after all they added this crime on my record because i stole 15$ worth of product.luckily they did not send me to the court.Now,i wanna check my record and see if this crime automatically got deleted from my records but i do not know how to check my crimes record. The shoplifting happened 6 years ago and I live in California.I’ll be so thankful if you could help me to check it even online!Thanksssss
Dear Ana: If you didn’t get a ticket or have to go to court, you probably don’t have a record that will show up on a background check. If you completed a “diversion” program, you wouldn’t have a record since the purpose of diversion is to keep you from getting an official record. You can contact the juvenile court where you lived at the time of the shoplifting and ask if they have anything on you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got caught shoplifting $4 worth of merchandise. They didn’t call the police just told me to sign some papers and told me they would mail me something. What should I expect from the mail and how long will the mail take?
Dear Jay: You may receive a letter from the store or their lawyer requiring payment of a civil fine. Usually, once it’s paid, the case is closed and you don’t get a record. It could take a few weeks or longer to receive the letter. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i got caught the other day shoplifting from walmart. the amount was under $25 and i am 17 years old. they took my information at walmart but no police were called. they said i would get a letter in the mail with a fine. im assuming this is a civil fine. my question is how much will this fine be? and what would happen if i did not pay it? also, i live in texas .
Dear Alex: You’re right. It is a civil fine that, when paid, usually closes the case without you getting a record. It could be several hundred dollars so don’t be surprised. It depends on what your state law allows retailers to charge in theft and shoplifting cases. If unpaid, the store can press charges against you. Then it would be up to the prosecutor to file charges or not. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
And one more question, is it gonna go on my records?and if it does when can i take it off or clear it from my records?(I am 41 years old i mean if it makes any differences)Thank you so much for everything!!!You helped me alot!THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH
Dear Karen: If it goes on your record, you’ll have a chance to haver it removed after a period of time. Every state differs regarding the clearing or expungement of a record. You can check your court’s website about this. There may even be an online form you can complete and file. But there’s a chance there will be no formal record from this incident that will affect your life. All the best.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
So i was shopping in food store and when i paid for like 200$ for my shopping i realized that i have to buy a shampoo so i went back got the shapoo paid for it and RUN and then when i came out of the store i Ripped off the new receipt and fastly put the receipt on my bag at that moment the security who was standing ouside of the store took my shopping bag and took my license picture and took a picture of me bacause he said that he saw me stealing.I said that i need a video that shows that i didnt pay for the last time they didnt show me and i said i’ll pay again in front of their eyes and i did.They didnt let me to see my husbant who was waiting for me in the car and didnt let me to see the worker whom i paid the first time, and they didnt call police.Why would they need my ID information and my picture taken if they do not have any prove???
Dear Karen: It may be store policy to collect information on everyone suspected of shoplifting. If the police weren’t called it’s unlikely you’ll hear anything further about this incident. If you return to the store they may keep an eye on you for any suspicious behavior. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Well im from buffalo . and i got caught stealing a 4 dollar braclete at spencers.im only 13 , what will happen ? please responde asaaap
Dear Adriaann: The store may choose to send you a “civil demand” letter requesting payment of a civil fine. If this occurs, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. If the police were involved and charges end up being filed, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. If this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. We hope you learned from this incident. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
So i got cought stealing in 2010 as a 10th grader, when i was a now I’m Jr.I already did my hours and took my class. So when I’m Applying for a job do i check yes or no when they ask me ” have you been convicted of a crime” even though my ticket should have been cleared?
Dear Selena: If you completed a “diversion program” you don’t have a record to worry about and you weren’t “convicted” of a crime. The purpose of diversion is to keep you from having a record or a conviction. You were “diverted” away from the formal juvenile or criminal system. So you can safely answer “no” to this type of question. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi I went to a store and went into the fitting room, lock the door and conceal two pieces of clothes on me. I walk out of the fitting room but after about two minutes I had a change of heart so I walk back into the fitting room. there the LP officer push me to the wall and told me I was going to jail for shoplifting. I try to talk to him but he quickly put me in cuffs and threw me in the floor saying that I was resisting when I wasn’t. I got a bruise in my head and and wrist when I never intensely to run. he said that he had seen me threw fitting room door, meaning he peak in. since I took them out of the box I was stealing already. I never attempted to go out the door and it was just minutes when I walk back to the fitting room to put the items back in there box. I was put in jail and charge with robbery 3, shoplifting, and disturbing the peace. my record was clean so they let me out that night with no bond. was he right to tackle me? is it consider shoplifting when I never attempted to go out the store? I have court next week and I know it was wrong to conceal the items but I walk back to fitting room to put them back. everything is on camera so everything I just said is the truth. what should I do? what should I say in court?
Dear Ronald: When you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you by a court or probation officer. If you plead not guilty, the court may appoint a public defender to represent you. Explain everything that happened to your lawyer. If you’re under 18, discuss this with your parents. They may want to contact a lawyer before you go to court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi i caught stealing at claires, i am not a citizenship but i am a legal resident. will they kick me out of the country in the U.S?
Dear Jen: It is unlikely that Immigration (ICE) will be notified of this incident. More serious crimes (felonies) may be reported to government and deportation considered, but not shoplifting. That doesn’t make your stealing right or allow you to continue breaking the law which could result in a jail sentence. Think before you’re tempted to steal again. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thank you judge. I have another question…Because the cops did not show up and I was let go, does that necessarily mean that they were not called? If they were not called, why would the security guard tell me I would be getting a court date in the mail? How likely is it that someone would be let go if the cops are called? Also, he said that I would be receiving it in 2 weeks but everyone that I have read about has received theirs within months, I’m not sure what to expect.
Thank you
Dear Kristina: It’s unlikely the store would let you go if they called the police. It would be a waste of resources and the police wouldn’t care much for it. You have to understand that these cases are handled differently around the country – small town versus big city, etc. Volume has a lot to do with how soon you’d receive notice in the mail about a hearing in court. Also every crime carries a “statute of limitation” – the time allowed for filing charges after the crime is committed. Shoplifting, depending on the value of the items taken, can have a one or two year limitation period. So, relax. The more time that goes by, the chance of being prosecuted lessens. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello Judge,
I am 19 years old and live in Washington. Today I was caught stealing makeup from Bartell’s (extremely dumb, I know). I was cuffed and taken to the back where my information was taken down. The police did not come but I was banned from Bartell’s for a year and was told I will be receiving a court date in the mail. I would guess that the total amount was around $50, they didn’t tell me. Will they review tapes? What will happen at court? Can I go to jail? Is it even possible for security guards to cite court dates?
Thank you.
Dear Kristina: Usually, a police officer gives a ticket for shoplifting or you receive a notice in the mail setting a court hearing. But since the police weren’t called, it’s unlikely you’ll be going to court for this incident. The process varies across the country, but this is the usual practice. You may receive a letter from the store or their lawyer requiring payment of a civil fine. Once it’s paid, the case will be closed. Don’t return to the store during the ban or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I live in Indiana. When I was 18, I was caught stealing $12 worth of makeup from a store. Since it was my first time getting in trouble, my punishment was to pay some fines and if I stayed out of trouble for a year, the charge would be expunged from my record. I am assuming that this expungement happens automatically. I am now 25 and will be starting my career soon. I am worried that this will show up on my background check and prevent me from being able to get a job. Do you think this will show up on my record? How long does something like this stay on my record? Any other advice?
Dear Arianna: To make sure the theft has been expunged from your record, you can contact the court you were in and ask if they have anything. If they do, ask about the expungment process. You don’t necessarily need a lawyer to do this. Courts with websites often have the expungment forms online for you to complete and file. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
So my girlfriend and her friend were “caught” shoplfting. They were stopped in the garden center at wal mart after they ran to get them. It was less than $15 for my girlfriend ( all I’m concerned about). Well we got a letter from Palmer reifler and assoc saying she owed 200 as a settlement. When we tried to do a payment over the phone they wouldn’t accept it because they wanted a 12.50 fee on it I told them I didn’t have it but it was too late to mail it in without it being late and they refused the 25.00 over the phone. They then raised it to $500 instead of the original $200. Is there anything we can do. The payment date changes each month and they said they don’t send out letters to remind people of their payment, nor have we gotten a statement showing where they raised the amount. Any advice?
Also we’ve not missed any payments only two of them late
I apologize it skipped my mind completely. There were no police called. They told her she may receive a letter but probably won’t she was a first time offender and was simply put in the system
Dear Dave: We suggest you continue making the payments at an amount you can afford and keep records of all payments. You could also speak with a lawyer about this if the law firm representing the store continues to hound you about payment or continues to raise the fine. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i am 19 and my boyfriend is 20 we just caught taking about 70 dollars worth of stuff. they saw me hand my boyfriend my ourse and him but a few dvds in it. we were taken and a police officer gave us a court date. my dad is a police officer and is helping me through this and is taking good care of my but, no one is really giving my boyfriend any help. I’m scared for him I dont want him to get into a lot of trouble and I dont want this to stay on his recoeder. this is his first time ever doing anything like this. what should he do?
Dear Elana: When he goes to court for his ticket, the legal process will be explained to him by a court or probation officer. He may be eligible for a “diversion program” if your court offers this to first-time offenders. Once he finishes the program, the charge will be dismissed and he won’t have a record that will affect the rest of his life. Good luck to both of you and we hope you’ve learned from this.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Here is the whole story, my friends and i wanted to get alcohol for a party so we went to Walmart and stole 3 bottles of liquor, but didn’t get caught (to my knowledge). Seeing how easy it was we decided to go to Safeway and try to get more, while there a Secret Shopper noticed my friends were stealing liquor and followed them out to the car and started taking pictures of the license plate, all while calling the cops, i was behind in the store buying some stuff, but i also stole a sandwich. when i was leaving the store i saw cops chasing my friends down around Safeway, so i started to run the other direction, while my other friend(the car owner) stayed by his car where the cops talked to him and searched his car and found the 3 bottles of liquor we had already stolen from Walmart. All of my friends that ran got away, so we all met up and called another friend for a ride. Our friend that came to give us a ride being dumb wanted to go drive by and see what was happening to the original car owner then the cops noticed us all in the car and followed us and pulled us over and questioned us and then they let one friend go, because he didn’t steal anything, let the original car driver go, and let the friend who was giving us a ride go, but put 3 of us in handcuffs and took us down to the station and the cops having searched the original car drivers car found all the liquor from Walmart, the cops kept asking us where we got the alcohol and who stole it from Safeway, and we told them that we had the bottles before going to Safeway. The cops then made us sit in a cell for a couple of hours then called our parents to pick us up. Now here are my questions: What am i going to be tried for if i only stole a sandwich from Safeway?(i stole liquor from Walmart)If the cops never find out where we got the previous liquor from who gets charged with that? Could the cops legally search the 2nd friends car? Could these cops go to Walmart and ask them if there missing any alcohol? If the cops did ask walmart if they were missing alcohol and walmart said yes would we be charged with that also, and would it be another shoplifting crime, or the same one? Will we all have court together or will it all be separate, and if separate will we all be tried for stealing everything or will we all be tried for stealing what we personally stole?(i thought we would all be charged for shoplifting seens how we all kinda played a role in it, but they let some of us go and made some of us go to the station) Last but not least one of my friends had a bag with marijuana in it and a bunch of other stuff i was just wondering if he will ever get any of the stuff in that bag back? (excluding the drugs and what not) Extra info: we are all under 18, except the one friend who didn’t steal anything from Safeway and the cops let leave(but he did steal from Walmart). We all live in Nevada and stole from stores in Arizona. They said papers would be coming in the mail. p.s. Sorry for the novel, but really can’t stop thinking about any of this stuff and would really extremely appreciate it if you could help answer any of my Q’s.
Dear Aaron: You’ll have to wait and see what you’re charged with. Based on the evidence collected by the police, it may include theft or shoplifting, accessory to a crime, etc. If you all acted together even though only one of you took the alcohol, all can be charged with the theft. Once you receive the papers in the mail, you’ll know what you’re charged with and can proceed from there. When you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you by a court or probation offecer. If you deny the charges, the court may appoint a public defender to represent you. Or your parents may want to speak with a lawyer before your hearing. If this is your first offense you may be eligible for a “diversion program.” Once you complete the program, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got cought shoplifting for $60 dollars at walmart since it was my secoond time the police was called and i was arrested and taken to the police station, there I was booked fingerprinted and fotografed, then they let me go home, I did not hve to pay bail or nothing like that nor was given any kind of paper work its been 23 months since the incident and have not received any citation on the mail to go to court what this mean? will it show in my records if I apply for a job?
Im sorry it has not been 23 months its been only 2 months sorry my mistake.
Dear Rocio: You may have gotten lucky this time since you haven’t heard anything in two months. But you still may receive a letter in the mail about a fine you’d have to pay the store or a notice to appear in court. If this happens, make sure you appear or the court may issue a warrant for your arrest. If you don’t hear anything at all, the police department may keep a record of this. Otherwise there won’t be an official court record that would affect your future. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My friend and I have gone to Wal-Mart 2 days in a row and have stolen a lot of make-up and even a curling iron. We left the box to the curling iron in the toy section. When the workers go to check and clean up and they find the boxes, can they look back at the tapes and see that we stole them? If I could go back in time I would just pay for the curling iron. :\ How long after the incident can I breathe easily?
Dear Malia: The answer is “yes” the store can check their tapes and if they’re able to identify you, they can report this to the police. States have what are called a “statute of limitation” (SL) on all crimes. This is the period of time charges can be filed after a crime is committed. They usually run from one year to many years. Some crimes such as murder and treason have no SL. A shoplifting incident usually carries a one or two year limitation. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got cought shoplifting at the buckle in flint michigan. it was a 140 dollars all together and it was the first time i ever had done it, hence the reason i got cought. I have to go to court, and my parents said they wouldnt ask for lenyency because they want me to get punished what could my punishment be? I’m only 15!
Oh and i was arrested and fingerprinted. i also received a ticket
Dear Kara: Since this is your first offense, you’ll likely be eligible for a “diversion program.” Once you finish the program, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. If you were banned from the store, don’t return or you could be charged with trespassing. Your comment “hence the reason i got caught” is troubling. We hope you don’t try this again because the consequences are more serious for repeat offenders. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was caught shoplifting. Paid a 500$ fine to the stores lawyers. Never received anything from the court, and was not arrested or finger printed. Will this come up on a background check? I am 20 years old and from CA. Also, on job and school applications would I have to put that I was convicted of a crime or criminal citation?
Dear Beth: Since you didn’t get a ticket or notice to appear in court, you haven’t been convicted of anything. The store apparently handled this as a civil matter and since you paid the civil fine, the case is over and there’s no official record except with the store. So your answer to a question about ever being “convicted” is no, at least as far as this shoplifting incident goes. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi judge,
Two months ago I got shoplifting in CA and the police said I would get a court date sent in the mail. I’m 17 and that was my first offense. Just today, I received a letter stating this:
“”It has been brought to the attention of this Department that your child was issued a citation by the Police Department alleging petty theft of personal property/labor/embezzlement… This misconduct warrants your serious concern… No appearance will be required, nor will further action be taken by this Department in this incident; however, if your child is again cited to this Department, more serious action and possible referral to the Juvenile Court could result.”
Does this mean I don’t have a record? What will happen now?
Dear Sandra: Unless you receive a ticket or have to go to court, you don’t have a record that will affect your life. The store may keep its own record of the incident but only for their internal purposes. It sounds like the store decided not to press charges against you. You may still receive a letter from the store or their lawyer requiring payment of a “civil fine.” Once that’s paid the case will be over. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i was banned for 1 year and that passed and nothing happend during that year.thank you so much
You’re welcome.
ok so i have a question i got caught shoplifting..they questioned me and the called the police more question were asked and that was it they said they will not pess cherges but i’m wandering will that be on my criminal record?and if yes will it be there forever?it was my fist time. thank you
Dear Deea: If you didn’t receive a ticket or notice to appear in court, then you got lucky this time. There’s no criminal or juvenile record that will affect your future. The only record that could exist is with the store for their internal use. If you were banned from the store or mall, don’t return or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I’m seventeen years old and I live in Utah, and I got caught shoplifting for something around $10. It was at a mall, and the cop told me that since I was not being prosecuted by the store that I was getting a warning for trespassing and I can’t go back to the mall for a certain amount of time. I feel horrible about it. Do you think I should be worried about hearing anything else?
Dear Stephanie: You’ll probably not hear anything further about this unless you return to the mall during the ban. Then you could be charged with trespassing. Consider yourself lucky this time.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I was with someone who got caught shoplifting a pair of boots for about $40. I didn’t know he did it but they said I turned around as he was consealing it. But, in my defense, he was closing a diaper bag. I didn’t know that was why he was closing it. They told us that we would be getting something in the mail about how much we needed to pay. It has been three months noe and neither one of us have gotten anything in the mail. Does it still go on my record if I get a background check for a job? And will it cause me to not get the job?
Dear Reader: Unless you’re charged with shoplifting and go to court, there won’t be an official record of this that will affect your future. The only record may be with the store for their internal purposes. For example, if you returned to the store and applied for a job, they may refer to their records to see if they have anything on you. If the store is a major chain (Walmart, etc.) it may take awhile for the letter to arrive. Otherwise, you may have gotten lucky this time and won’t hear anything further. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi Judge. I am 22 years old and I got caught shoplifting at the grocery store. When I was leaving the LP told me to come into the office. They saw me taking the stuff and it came out to be $50. It’s my first offence and I’m really scared. They took all my information and the cops showed up. My biggest question is they asked where I worked and I told the LP. Will the LP tell my work?
It was a huge mistake and I wish I can take it back. I am in fear of losing my current job due to this.
Dear Jessika: We can’t say what the Loss Prevention person will do. If you live in a small town where everyone knows each other, there’s a good chance that your employer will find out. Otherwise, you probably don’t have to worry about it. If you received a ticket or notice to appear in court for this, you may be eligible for “diversion.” Once you finish the diversion program, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. If you were banned from the store, don’t return or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I have a question, I am 20 years old and I shoplifted hundreds of dollars worth of items from sephora and suspect it was all caught on tape. I have stopped now but want to know if I ever went back to the store even in a year’s time to purchase something could I be aressted? and could the police currently have my surveillance information from the store on file?
Dear Maia: As you know, anything is possible. So, if you return to the store, you may be recognized by a store employee and the police may be called. The only way the police would have information about the incident is if they were notified at the time and they took a report. Every state has laws that set a period of time after a crime is committed for the state to file criminal charges against the offender. It’s called a “statute of limitations.” For shoplifting it may be a year or two depending on the amount involved. Google the name of your state and “shoplifting statute of limitations” for information. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hello again, okay so i got a letter in the mail saying that i have to pay a fine for my petty theft. Do i still need to go to court? And if i’m paying $350 for the items shouldn’t i be able to keep them since i’m paying more than just the item
Dear Dane: The letter you received is what’s called a “civil fine.” This is in addition to criminal charges for the shoplifting. Stores are authorized to impose a fine on people caught stealing from them or shoplifting. Paying the fine does not entitle you to keep the items unless your state law allows this. When you go to court for the criminal side of the case, make sure you tell the judge or probation officer that you paid the civil fine and show them proof of such. That will be taken into consideration. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got caught shop lifiting items that totaled less than $25.00. I had lost my purse a few days earlier and did not have my driver’s license, debit or credit cards with me. I was told that I will receive a fine in the mail for $250.00 but I have not receive it yet. Should I call the store and make a phone payment? I am extemely embarassed and want to put all of this behind me.
Dear Sandra: If often takes a few weeks or even longer to hear from the store. You may want to wait until the letter arrives before you do anything. You may get lucky this time if the store decides not to take any action. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hey, it’s amy again about Belks shoplifting. Im worry that will he check my background on computer and will put it as a criminal? he was ask for my name thou ? Im scare that he will reported and I will get a letter to go to court ? Im so worry now
Dear Amy: Without any identifying information about you, there’s little chance you’ll hear anything further from the store, the police or a court. If somehow you receive notice of a hearing, you can explain everything when you go to court and the legal process will be explained to you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hey, I got caught shoplifting in Belks today, it was a earring that cost like $10.00, i took the earring out and put in my pocket, when i walked out, the LP was following me and ask me to come back, he asked where is the earring, and i was so nervous, when i pull out the earring from pocket, theres only one and I told him that I have only one. I asked him “well, can I just pay for it? ” he told me to go pay and and do not come back to belk. Is he going to write the report or is it going to affect my credit ? Im so scared now. I would never do it again. please help ?
Dear Amy: It sounds like you got lucky this time. Since he allowed you to pay for the earring and did not take down your contact information or call the police, you do not have to worry about having a record or your credit being affected. Do not return to the store otherwise you could be cited for trespassing. We’re glad to hear that you learned from this.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Alan again, does it help me that i returned the speakers to the school after i got suspended, also when the school asked me questions about it, it wasn’t recorded and I never talked to a police officer so i don’t think there is a police record and because my attorney hasn’t received one… do you think the court will take away my license for this…. its in Michigan.
Dear Alan: It may help a little bit that you returned the speakers as the court will take into consideration all of the facts and circumstances. If there is a police report, your attorney should receive a copy. Your attorney would know whether or not there is a possibility of you losing your license for this offense, so be sure to ask him/her at your next court date.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, i got caught and am being charged with larceny from school. I took some speakers from an auto lab class that i was in. I didn’t actually take the speakers to my car, i just took them out of the car in the auto lab, i had a friend take the speakers from the class room, out of the building, and to my car…. its is my first offense, what is likely to happen to me… it was a dumb mistake i did
Dear Alan: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. You will find out more when you go to court and will have an opportunity to speak with a court or probation officer about your options and the court process. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
hi, me and a friend stole a $60 game and got caught by secret security, who i didn’t know was security so i pushed them away, and got .charged for robbery and spent 3 days in jail but now i got a letter for a 300 dollar fine. Should i pay it even though i spent 3 horrible days in jail and got charged for petty theft
Dear Albert: Since you have already been charged with the offense and need to appear in court, you most likely will have to pay fines and/or restitution and don’t necessarily have to pay the civil fine. It sounds like you received a “civil demand” letter from the store requesting payment of a civil fee. Usually, if you do not pay this fee, the store is more likely to press charges. Since you’ve already been charged, the store is likely to receive restitution (fines) through the criminal case. However, if you choose to pay the store the civil fee, it possibly could help your case showing the prosecutor that you’re taking responsibility for your actions and have already paid the store. If you have a public defender, you should ask him/her about this issue. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi I’m 18 and have got retail theft from walmart for 35$ and have court next week I have a clean record never been arrested I live in PA what is going to happen in court
Dear George: Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Therefore, you would not have a record of any conviction. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Got caught stealing 2purses & earnings came out to be around 125…went to jail for a day mom came got me…on release and waiting for my court date. 1st offense i make good grades and do volunteering i was just trying to get attention from my mom who kicked me out but now i see that was stupid .. I live in texas what shall i expect?
Dear Sade: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. We’re glad you realize your mistake as the consequences will increase for additional offenses, so we hope this is your first and last offense. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello Sir it’s helen, thank you so much for your information. It really does help me a lot, I will talk to Walmart about my financial situation and hope that they will work with me and take in to consideration that I paid them something instead of nothing. But I have to ask if I send them a hundred double the amount I tried to take, is there really a possibility that they will press charges and take me to court & will it go on my record? I would really hate to go to court for only paying 100 instead of 3.
Dear Helen: Perhaps you could try calling the number on the civil demand letter so you can talk with someone, explain your financial situation and that you can only afford to pay $100 right now. You also could try contacting the loss prevention department at Walmart to talk to someone. Again, it’s possible that Walmart could attempt to press charges if you fail to pay the civil fee, but ultimately it’s up to the prosecutor’s office to file criminal charges. It may not be worth Walmart’s time or money to go through the hoops of trying to get charges filed against you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
So about 36 hours ago I stole a bottle of bourbon from Rite-Aid. I had a friend with me but she didn’t take anything and she wasn’t with me when I put it in my bag. As we were leaving the alarms at the door went off and as soon as I heard them I took off running, which is suspicious and makes me look dumb but that’s what I did. My friend stayed and gave the cashier her name but ran away when the cashier went back to get a manager. I really don’t think they got a look at my license plate. It’s also a kind of run down store with employees who look like they don’t give a crap about the store’s well-being. Should I be worried about being police tracking me down? I already am but what are the odds that I will get caught? I had a friend go into the store today and he said they didn’t have any posters of my face with the word thief above it but there was a vhs sized package in the out going mail. Can the police find my identity with just a video tape? Any help would be really appreciated.
Dear Amy: It’s quite unlikely that you will hear from the store or the police. Even if they got your license plate number, there is no way for them to no whether or not you are the registered owner of the car. We hope you realize you made a mistake and will consider either returning the stolen item or leaving an envelope with the money for the alcohol. You could do this anonymously if you are too scared to return to the store. Next time you probably won’t be as lucky.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello it’s Helen again, I wrote you on Jan. 21st about my incident with Walmart. Thank you so much Judge for your information, I did recieve the civil demand letter as you said I would. The letter stated that I had to pay 3 hundred dollars in 20 days and if I didnt pay there will be a warrant for my arrest! There is no way I can come up with that money. I spoke to an attorney and they told me not to pay it, that Walmart was just trying to scare me so that they can get money. I only attempted to steal about 50 bucks worth of stuff and the walmart employees took it back so its not like they lost their products. Now I understand that I have to pay for what I tried to steal and maybe a bit more so I’m willing to give 100, 50 for what I tried to steal and another 50 but I just cant afford 300. The attorney also told me that walmart will most likely not take me to court because it’ll just cost them more money and that I can not get arrested because there was never a police report made. Im not sure whats gonna happen. I am going to pay what I can afford to give them but will Walmart really take me to court or have me arrested for not giving them more money?
Dear Helen: Only a court can issue an arrest warrant. That means Walmart would have to press criminal charges and ask a judge to issue a warrant which isn’t likely based solely on failure to pay the civil demand. So, part of what you’ve been told is pressure tactics by Walmart. On the other hand, the store can attempt to press charges but it doesn’t happen often. Pay what you think is an appropriate amount and see if the store will accept it. Explain your financial situation and hopefully they’ll understand and close out the case. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thank you!
If my fines didn’t show up on Wisconsin circuit court will it show on a background check?
Dear Caitlin: It’s unlikely they’ll appear in a background check if there’s no record with the court. But glitches do happen so there’s no guaranty.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got caught stealing a $5 dollar shirt when I was 18. First and only time I ever stole. I had to go to court and I paid the fine on time. I am now 23. I’ve never shop lifted again and I don’t intend to ever do it again. I regret it more than anything. I applied for a job and she said she just has to do a background check and the job is mine. Will I get the job or will this stop me from getting it. The job is at a snack shop in a casino. I live in Wisconsin if that helps.
Dear Caitlin: Check with the court you were in to see if a record of this incident exists. If it does, ask about having your record cleared or expunged. You can also check the court’s website (many have them today) and see if you can apply for expungement online. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Okay, so a year ago, I stole a dress from Walmart. I got a letter like 3 weeks later saying if I didn’t pay 150 dollars, the case would go to jail. Well, i paid the 150 dollars the next day and sent it to the place they told me to. Well, I was wondering if the “shoplifting case” would be on my record since I paid the 150 dollars and they dropped the charges? Thanks
Dear Nicole: If the police weren’t involved and you didn’t have to go to court, there isn’t a record that will appear on a background check or affect your life. The only record may be with the store for their internal purposes. For example, if you applied for a job there, they may discover the shoplifting incident in their records and decide not to hire you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i have a question.if my friend stoled something and got caught and was banned for a year and then they shut down all of that store will it still be on her record?
Dear Jaz: If the police weren’t involved and she didn’t have to go to court, she doesn’t have a formal record to worry about. The only record would be with the store for their internal use. For example, if she applied to the store for a job, they may catch the shoplifting incident in their files. Since she was banned from the store, that may also be in the store’s database. If they have other stores, she should probably stay away from them until the ban is up. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
what happen when you go to court for the first time at 14 and you took an ipod will you go to jail
Dear James: Since this is your first offense, you may be eligible for what is called “diversion.” When you finish the diversion program, the charge will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. It’s unlikely that you’ll be sent to jail or juvenile detention this first time. But keep in mind that diversion is usually for first-time offenders only. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Reba: We’re glad your friend has learned from this experience. It is possible for her to receive a ticket in the mail, but unlikely. She may get a letter from the store or their lawyer requiring payment of a “civil fine.” Once that’s paid, the case is usually closed without further action. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My 16 year old daughter was arrested on shoplifting charges lastnight while visiting her aunt. The police were called but she did not give them her ssn since she doesn’t know it. Her aunt signed as the responsible party, not sure why she would do that instead of insisting that the police contact me, which they haven’t yet. She was given some papers by the police, no court date listed. Also her aunt was instructed to call the police station with my daughters ssn. I refused to give the ssn to the aunt. If they do not have any of my information can i just ignore anything that her aunt receives until i receive something personally? Also, I’m punishing my daughter. I just don’t want here having a record though. Also, it is her first offense.
Dear Ann: Rather than ignoring any potential court dates or other notices from the police or store, it would be best to address the offense and any possible consequences. For example, if a notice from the court notifying your daughter of an upcoming court date is sent to her aunt and she misses her court date, a warrant could be issued. Your daughter may receive a civil fine from the store and once it is paid, that could be the end of the matter. If she ends up having to go to court, she may be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity to avoid a record. You may want to talk to her aunt and make sure she forwards any mail she receives to you or contact the police department with your contact information. Good luck to your daughter.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
in 2005 i received my drivers license. i was asked to take a co-worker home while i was on the clock by my boss. at this time i did not own a vehicle. my boss gave me the keys to his van. i asked him if he had insurance he said yes. my co-workers home was less than 15 mins away. couldnt say no to a paid break. i was pulled over 2blks from her house when i was pulled over for a crack in the windshield. i gave the officer my license and insurance card. then he said your insurance has expired do you have a new one. couldnt find one in the car. i was issued 2 tickets 1. for the crack in the windshield 2. for no proof of insurance. the officer told me that i needed to appear in court with proof of ownership, insurance, and repair of the vehicle. none of these things i could prove the vehicle didnt belong to me. i asked my boss to go to the court date because who better to prove those things than him its his car. he didnt go and my license was suspended every since. how can i fix this issue. this puts a brick wall on everything i want to do. i have a degree and cant use it because i cant drive. what can i do to fix this situation. i have extremely limited funds.
Dear Terrance: You need to go into your local Department of Motor Vehicles to find out what you need to do in order to get your license reinstated. You may need to pay a fine to the court, and even though it wasn’t your car and ultimately should be your former boss’s responsibility, you may need to pay it if you want your license back. You also could contact the court to find out what needs to be done to clear up the issue and ask how you can challenge the ticket since it wasn’t your car. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Ive been charged a $200 fine for $10 petty theft and Im not guilty But I dont know what to do I dont have a court date no ones called me or anything didnt et arrested during the process will I be put in jail for not paying for the fine on time?????????
Dear Breanna: Take a look at the ticket you received for instructions about how to proceed. If there’s a phone number listed, call and ask about pleading not guilty since you said you’re not. Once you let them know your position, a hearing in court may be scheduled. Otherwise, you can speak with a local lawyer about this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Need some advice on an incident that happened when I was 23 years old in NY. Caught shoplifting in Macy’s, went to court,Paid a fine. Got caught here in PA 5years ago in Macys,don’t ask me what I was thinking but did community service and had the charge expunged at age 51 years. Got laid off,been depressed trying to get a job,got caught last night in Grocery store chain,steeling $10.98 worth of items and I purchased items. Police officer gave me a disorderly conduct charge,wrote up nature of offense retail theft. No court date, no fingerprints,pictures,did get a summons. My question is what shows up on background check under married name if no social security is needed for a job? Can I get both charges expunged,old one and this new one. Should I try to get the new one expunged first,since the old one was under my maiden name in another state and it didn’t show up when I did a police online background check,they didn’t ask for Social Security number. This one is charged as disorderly conduct but written down as retail theft, I don’t know if it can be expunged. The good news is I’m glad I got caught so I can work on this horrible plague I and finally face this problem. The second part of the good news is the expunged on 6 years ago doesn’t show up anywhere. I’m an educated,creative,RN and outside sales person for 16 years,this affliction isn’t limited to younger people only. If not handled ongoing like alcoholism or other addictions it will never get better. Thank-You and I hope you can advice me in the right direction.
Dear Karen: AsktheJudge.info is a site for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to adults or teens.
We suggest that when you go to court for this recent incident, speak with a public defender about cleaning up your record. You can also contact a criminal defense lawyer before your hearing date. We’re glad you realize the nature of this addiction and plan to work on it. It’s never too late. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi judge i would like to ask u my father got caught shoplifting this is his first time. he went to court already but the lawyer keeps on ajrning it so far it has been ajrned like 4 times cause they never have the discovery. wat can happen now if they do or do not find the discovery its been already 4 times that he went and they give him a diffrent date to come back.
Dear May: If the state is unable to produce its evidence (that’s what “discovery” is), then the court will eventually dismiss the charge. It should happen soon if your Dad has already been to court on this three or four times. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got caught shoplifting with a freind. The store said that they would send us a settlement for a civil claim; my friend got hers but I still have not received mine and its been about a month since she got hers! When I was giving them my address I couldn’t remember my area code because I recently moved. Should I call the store? Do I have to pay if I never get anything? Can I get in trouble for not paying even though I never got anything?
Dear Annie: Until you receive notice in the mail about the fine, you won’t be in trouble. You can help straighten this out by informing the store about the correct zip code. That’s your decision. Usually, once the fine is paid, the case is closed and you won’t have a record that will affect the rest of your life. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i have been caught stealing once when i was 18 it was ats sephora just makeup, around this same time i had got hired at a retail store i was in a horible rebellious phase in my life and did have some employee theft… this is now more than a year later not only am i changed person but at my job i have been asked to go to a lp interview…im assuming this is all bad. if it is the worst case scenario and my employer decides to prosecute since it would be a second offense what would my sentancing be like or charges i live in california. also would being under the influence of marijuana have any other affect on my case while the crimes were comitted?
Dear Sarah: What happens depends on a few factors: your record of offenses, the position of the prosecutor and court, your attitude, etc. It’s not easy to predict what will happen until you get to court and discuss this with a public defender or your own lawyer. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thank you for the very fast reply. This is Chris from a few comments ago. I understand the consequences as of now and I will pray to be eligible for a diversion since this is my first offense. I am grateful for the potential to have an opportunity to redeem myself after a very stupid mistake and flaw in character. Heed my words people, don’t let power and freedom consume you. It just takes constant reminding to understand how much one action can affect you. I have a 4.0 gpa in college and I still made this grave mistake. I am now working to redeem myself in hopes someone will take me in for a job explaining to each my grave mistake. Do you think this is a good idea? Or should I wait till the offense is dealt with?
Dear Chris: It might be better to wait until all is said and done. That way you’ll have the full experience and be able to pursue a clear record if you end up with one or be past the diversion program. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi judge I got caught shoplifting in las Vegas at a sports store. I stole a football jersey. I am 18a years old and this is my first charge.
Dear Victoria: Since this is your first offense, you’ll probably be eligible for “diversion.” Once you complete the diversion program, the charge will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Don’t miss court, and if you were banned from the store, don’t return or you could be charged with trespass. At court, everything will be explained to you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am 21 and I was caught with employment theft at JCPenney. I let my mother use my associate discount (against company policy) and I was terminated for misuse of company property and possibly fraud returns of about $126. I admitted to all that I did in one sitting as I was very guilty. Since this is my first offense, how severe will my consequences be? The LP told me to call in a week on the store manager’s decision on if law enforcement will be informed or not. She stated that more than likely they will be informed. As I was escorted out, I stated that I wanted to pay back the $126 there, but the LP told me not to. What can I expect?
Dear Chris: This can go one of two ways. The store can press charges in which case you’ll receive notice of a court hearing. If that happens, everything will be explained to you at court or you can speak with a lawyer before the hearing. That’s your decision. If this is your first offense, you may be eligible for “diversion.” Once you finish the diversion program, the charge will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Or the store may decide not to pursue criminal charges and issue a civil fine. If that happens, you’ll receive a letter in the mail. Once you pay the fine, the case may be closed. Good luck. If you were banned from the store, don’t return or you could face trespassing charges. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am 25 and was arrested in pa for retail theft . This incident took place around 2 years ago. I’m not a resident of pa and want to know how do I file an petition for an expungement myself?this is first and only offense . Can you help guide me in the steps that I need to follow
Dear Sarah” AsktheJudge.info is a site for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to adults or teens.
We suggest you contact the court you were in and ask about the expungement process. They may have a website you can check and even complete a form and file it online. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
In 2008 I was charged with retail theft, amount of $ 104.oo on a trip to sesame place in pa. I paid the fine which was over four hundred dollars. I recently moved to fl and i was wondering can I still attend a diversion program? I am 29 and made a huge mistake and will like to attend a program and an file for an expungement. How do I go about this???
Dear Vanessa: AsktheJudge.info is a website for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to teens or adults.
We suggest you check with the court you have to go to and see if diversion is available for your recent arrest. You can also speak with a defense lawyer or wait until court and speak with a public defender. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thank you judge Tom, I’ve been worried sick about this incident. Since the security guard took her info I was wondering if I should call them to ask them what was going to be done with it. I wanna make her do a honest apology and since she was banned from the store, I’m thinking she should write a letter to them or give them a phone call and sincerely apologize for her behavior. Is that a good idea or not.
Dear Suzie: We can’t tell anyone what to do or how to act in any particular situation. Apologizing for a bad deed is never unacceptable. Whether it affects the outcome of a case is not guaranteed, but it helps heal the soul of the offender. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I have a question, Me & my friend got caught shop lifting back in june of 10′. The fine was $300 but around $400 if you did monthly pays of $55. Well i had two payments. I haven’t had the money to pay that much, im having a really hard time with money issues, i just turned 19 i have a baby. I was hanging around wrong people who shop lift on a daily bases. And i was being stupid and took some stuff me and my friend did it was all put into one bag. Well i stop paying the payments and they stoped sending me letters in the mail about me having to pay a fine then they sent another one, and i didn’t pay anything then i just got in the mail that i have 10 days to pay $340 in cash because i “promised” to do payments and that i haven’t been. First id like to know why did they say i promise. When i didn’t promise anything nor did i have to sign any papers saying i would pay payments or even pay a fine at all. Well the 10 days passed, i got a missed call on my phone and it was kmarts laywers saying they need to speak to me… What will happen?? i really don’t want to go to court i don’t need that stress i don’t want to get arrested, i learned my lessons have’t shop lifted any where nor do i hang around those people who did. I can’t afford $340 at once nor can i afford $55 a month.. What do you think will happen? Im very scared thats why im kinda ignoring them but i know thats not good. Im afraid to talk to them. What if i where to pay $5 a month? Do you by chance think they will accept it even though its not a lot? but its at least something coming in.
Dear Kayla: You’re right about ignoring this debt. It’s not going to go away on its own. Everyone understands the effects of the economy and how many people are struggling to get by. You may be able to negotiate a reduced monthly payment, even as low as $5.00 per month. The calls and letters are a result of blowing the fine off completely. You can speak with a lawyer about this before doing anything. Many lawyers provide a free consultation for the first 30 minutes or so, and that may be all you need for advice. Ask about this if you call one. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
MY cousin who just turned 20 was caught shoplifting at icing jewelry store. She and I had gone to the mall and I decided i was gonna go to forever 21 and she went to icing. I then got a call from her saying she’s in trouble. I went to icing and they told me she stole some earrings worth $8.95, and that the manager asked her if she was going to get the earrings she had, she acted like she did not know what was going on. i offered to pay for them but the store manager said no because she had already called the mall security. The manager said they were going to press charges. Her driver’s licence was taken and they took down her information, address, phone number and stuff like that. We were told the security guard was gonna take her to the police station. We walked out of the store with the security guard and she gets a call on her radio, I dont know what it was but she told my cousin she was gonna let her go. No fines or tickets were given and we never got to talk to the police. My cousin was told never to return to that mall. She’s never been in any kind of trouble, not even detention while she was in school, she is in her 3rd year of college and has GPA of 3.55. I know the security guard let her go, but im still worried. Is this incident going to go on her records, and is there any possibility a warrant could be sent for her arrest? And also is she gonna be fined, and approximately how much. I live in GA and im 25, i dont know if that helps.
Dear Suzie: Since the police weren’t called and your cousin didn’t have to go to court, there’s no official court record of the incident. So, a background check would not pick up on this incident. The only record may be with the store for their internal purposes. She may receive a letter requiring payment of a “civil fine.” Once it’s paid, the case is usually closed. This is common in shoplifting cases and is a legal way for stores to recover their costs and expenses from the incident. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
A month ago I got caught shoplifting in apple store in NY. I took 160 dollar’s beats headphones. I am 17 now. Police took me to the jail. My cousin bailed me out. I got few question. This upcoming jan 26 my court day. My parents still doesn’t know about it. Can I take my cousin to the court? I am not citizen yet, I am an immigration. Is it gonna affect my citizenship? I never did anything like that before. So approximately how much I might get fined or if I get community service, how long do I have to do it? IT will be really helpful if you response to my questions. Thank you.
Dear Rex: Since this is your first offense, you may be eligible for a “diversion program.” Once you finish the program the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. When you go to court, everything will be explained to you by a court or probation officer. Most courts require that a parent or legal guardian be with you since you’re a minor. If you bring your cousin, the court may continue the hearing to another date so your parents can appear with you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was caught stealing around $30 of merchandise at an electronics store. The police where contacted but did not show up, and the store filled out a form online. I was told that I would receive a notice in the mail regarding my fine which would be no more than $500 because it was a class c misdeameanor. This happened a week and a half ago, and I still have yet to receive the notice. Has the case been dropped, and is there some way to find out the status on my citation?
Dear Dylan: One of two things has happened. Either it’s taking the store or their lawyers time to send the “civil demand” letter out. Or they’ve decided not to pursue this any further. If the letter arrives, once the fine is paid the case is usually closed. If you were told not to return to the store, don’t or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My friend and I got caught stealing at sears last week, and we’re both 17, first offense. My friend got a letter in the mail from sears stating that she pay $200.00 by the next 20 days. I have read somewhere that, that letter is scam and that you don’t have to pay? So my question is, does she have to pay? It’s both our first offense. Also, What will happen in court? What type of punishment will we get? I’m very nervous and I feel so bad about what happened and it is a lesson learned. Please answer, Thanks.
Dear Linda: First, if the letter looks legitimate, either from the store or their lawyer, it is what’s called a “civil demand.” It’s a fine that stores in many states are authorized to impose. Usually, once it’s paid, the case is closed. If you also received a ticket and you have to go to court, the judge may take payment of the civil demand into consideration. At court, since this is your first offense, you may be eligible for “diversion.” Once you finish the program, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was caught about two weeks ago stealing about 50 dollars worth from walmart. I live in new hampshire and this is a first offence. I am going to court in a week or so, im 17, and that means i will be charged as an adult in the state of new hampshire. Im expecting to pay a fine, as well as probation. What should i be expecting for a fine? and how long should i expect to be put on probation for? I am an honors student and have records of this, i do community service through my school, will this help the judge be easier on me? what should i be expecting when i show up at court?
Dear Alexa: Since this is your first offense, you can expect to be offered to participate in a “diversion program.” Once you successfully complete the program, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record that will affect your future. Let the probation officer you’ll meet with in court know about your status as a student and any other positive information that the judge can take into consideration. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was caught shoplifting 4 cheap ear studs at Kmart. The security there took my information and had me signed some paperwork stating that I agree to the allegation and that I wouldn’t go into any Kmart again. I didn’t give him my ID and I wasn’t fingerprinted. He also told me that I would be receiving a letter asking me to pay for the fine. I asked him if this would go on my record and he said no it wouldn’t. I am a F1 college student in the states and I’m just worried that if this goes on my record I would have trouble getting my student visa next time. Can I believe him when he told me it wouldn’t appear on my record? Is there a way to find out? Please help! I’ve learned my lesson and I would never do it again.
Dear Angel: Since the police were not involved and you didn’t get a ticket or have to go to court, you don’t have an official record from this shoplifting incident. You got lucky this time and hopefully will learn from it. The only record may be with the store for their purposes. If you were banned from returning to the store, don’t. Otherwise, they can file trespassing charges against you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
So im 18 years old and I live in Arkansas. I got a job at rss dress for less when it just opened and I worked my way up to a supervisor within just a few months. One day a lady returns a item and i issue her a merchandise card ….After doing so she deceds that she does not want to return the item and wants it back so i giver her item back and take ther mercidise card back…It is still active with $23.67 on it. I dont know what to do with it so i put it in my pocket…yes i know it looks horrible but the problem comes when i go to my trunk and return a broken showerhead my dad bought from there. I wa issued another merchandise card. I through it in the same pockett forgetting about the one I had in there and when i get off duty i go to buy some new items. I grab and use the wrong merchandise card….I got apprehended and fired because it sent red flags throught the system. Now i have aggreed to pay back ross for the “loss” i created for them plus the $200.00 I had to pay them for there time to investigate me. I missed one of my payments this months now im afraid of what will happen…
i kinda also for got to pay th remaining $67.45 on my speeding ticket from a year and a half ago…I payed off the $300.00 of it though.
Dear Mark: We suggest you get caught up on the missed payment to Ross so things don’t get worse. Otherwise, they may add on a fee for late payment. Regarding the balance on your speeding ticket, you should also start making payments to the court, even in small amounts until it’s paid off. Many courts turn unpaid tickets, fines and surcharges over to collections after a period of time. That will have an effect on your credit rating and future purchases. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello sir, I got caught stealing hair care products from walmart, dumb I know, ididnt have enough money for it and stupidly decided just to take it. Im am 19 years old and have never stolen anything, I got desperate since I didn’t have any money and really needed it. I, of course, got caught since i never done it before and was asked to go in a room and empty my purse by one of the workers, they took down my name, number, address, and SSN. I was later told that I was not gonna get arrested nor did they call the cops, they told that they were not going to prosecute me and that ill be charged with the items I stole plus other fees. They also told me that my name and pic will go out to their other stores as a first offense and if I got caught again I will be arrested and charged. Now I obviously learned my lesson and will never ever do it again, it is so not worth it. But will this go on my record and prevent me from jobs and schools? Or was the law even involved in this, or is just in store’s records? I was also told that I was more than welcomed to come shop in the store again but I am so confused as to what’s going to happen to me.
Dear Helen: Since law enforcement was not involved, you do not have any type of criminal record. It sounds like the store will send you a “civil demand” letter requesting payment of a civil fine. If you pay this fine on time, it will most likely be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court. As long as you don’t have to go to court over the incident, you have no record and don’t have to worry about potential employers or schools finding out about the incident. You can return to the store to shop, but remember that if it happens again, the police will most likely be involved next time. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, I got caught stealing alcohol a couple months ago and they just sent something in the mail about it. Can they do anything if the alcohol is gone and can’t be found?
Dear Jerry: Yes, theft or shoplifting charges can be filed against you regardless of the whereabouts of the alcohol. For example, if you drank it you could still be charged with taking it without paying for it. Not to mention the charge for underage possession of alcohol. So, think about this in the future if you care about staying out of detention. Follow the directions stated on the documents you received in the mail. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Me and a friend of mine got caught stealing from walmart. The manager along with 2 police officers approached us saying this would be the only opportunity to take out anything we have stolen from the store because if we walk out, they were taking us to jail. Well of course we took the stuff out….the officer wrote down our information and called it in to confirm that it was legitimate. The manager told the officer not to give us a ticket because it was around the xmas holiday and our records were clean, although we couldn’t come back to walmart for 24 hours. About 2-3 weeks later i got a letter in the mail from walmart saying that i had to pay $150 in the matter of 20 days…..what will happen if i dont pay and will this go on my Criminal record?
Dear Jay: The letter you received is what is called a “civil demand.” Stores are authorized under the law to fine people caught stealing or shoplifting. The fine is usually a few hundred dollars regardless of the value of the items taken. Usually, once the fine is paid, the case is closed and no further action is taken. If you don’t pay the fine, the store can press charges against you. In that case, you’ll receive notice of a court hearing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello, I am a 17 year old girl in NE with kleptomaniac tendencies. I have 1 prior shoplifting charge and 1 citation for shoplifting, and have been through a diversion program but have not gone to court. Last week, my parents found > $1,000 of stolen jewelry with the tags attached that they returned to the stores. I am aware that I have issues, and am trying to fix them with therapy, psychologists, and medications. However, since this is my 3rd time getting caught and the dollar amount is so high, I am scared as to what I can expect from a judge. I have been told that the stores have to ability to prosecute, but as this is a Class IV felony (in two different ways) I am not sure that this even matters. My court date is in 2 weeks. I have been issued a ticket by policemen who told me that probation is likely, but other sources have told me that jail time is a possibility. My questions are: Can they prosecute, and what are the implications of this? What can I expect for punishment? Will I have to disclose my felon status on job applications? Thank you very much, I am a wreck.
Dear Shanelle: First, we’re glad to hear you are getting help for your issue. That could make a difference to the judge when it comes time to sentencing you. The store can press charges – in other words, file a report with the police and pursue charges, but ultimately, it’s up to the prosecutor’s office to file charges. The penalties you face depend on the laws in your state. However, since you are still a minor and are taking steps to get help for your problem, the judge could grant you some leniency by ordering probation with community service, a fine/restitution and any other terms the judge believes are appropriate. When you go to court, talk to your attorney as you may be appointed a public defender. He/she will be able to tell you what kind of sentence is likely in your case and how to go about getting your record expunged once you complete the terms of your sentence. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Genesis again… what are the chances of me having to do some kind of jail time? If any?
Dear Genesis: It’s very unlikely that you would be ordered to serve any jail time for your first offense. But remember that jail time is more likely for multiple shoplifting offenses and/or if you fail to comply with your sentence or the terms of your diversion program. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello Judge,
This is Lashawn again. I am writing you back because of my earlier entry. Just to rehash the issue for you, I am now 35 years old and when I was 17 i was arrested with a group of girls for retail theft. I did not steal anything and was not with them at the time of them getting the items ( I was at the service counter return purchased merchandise and met up with them before they got to checkout and we know the cashier). The cashier ( we all knew from school ) only charged them for certain items and we never go to leave the register before security grabbed us. We were taken into an office and the police where called. We all were arrested and fingerprinted. I am now trying to get a good job at a well know financial institute and was fingerprinted. I was asked to get a disposition and had to go to the police station to be fingerprinted to get my wrap sheet. The rap sheet stated I was arrested 4-18-93 and it gives the officers name. It also stated ret. theft 38-16a-3a 6 mos ct sup and the judges name. I have forgotten all about this situation since I am older and a responsible citizen so I did not disclose this because I have not had any issues with a regular background check. Will I still be able to be employed by this company and what steps should I take to get my record cleared.
Dear Lashawn: Whether you can still be employed with the company will depend on their policies. They may want to know how the case was resolved and whether you were convicted, completed a diversion program, etc. It would be best to be honest with them at this point and explain why you didn’t disclose it in the first place. As for getting your record destroyed, the laws vary from state to state concerning the destruction of juvenile records. You could try asking the clerk of the court how to begin the process to request the expungement of your record. For the specific laws in your state, you could try Googling your state’s name and “destruction or expungement of juvenile record”. If you have stayed out of trouble since the incident and successfully completed the terms of your sentence, it is likely that a judge would grant a request to expunge your juvenile record. Best of luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I’m 19 & in Florida. A friend and I were caught shoplifting. It’s both of our first offenses & both of what we stole were less than 100 dollars. LP took down all our information and told us to pay a 200 dollar fine. The police came and arrested us but never took us down to the station. They let us know it was a misdemeanor and gave us a court date and time. What’s going to happen?
Dear Genesis: Since this is your first offense, you’ll be eligible for what is called “diversion.” Once you finish the diversion program, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Don’t miss your court date. When you go, a probation officer will explain everything to you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
earlier today i went to target and attempted to shoplift about 30$ worth of merchandise as i was approahing the door a lady jumped in front(i assume an lp officer) and asked if i really wanted to do this…i turned around, dumped the merchandise in an aisle, and left out the oppisit door without another word to her…they could get my liscence plate number..is it likely they will go through the work to track me down..i did not leave the store with any merchandise..how long can i expect it to be before they contact me if they do decide to take action?
Dear Ali: It’s quite unlikely that you will hear anything more about the matter. Even if they got your license plate number, there is no way for them to know whether you are actually the registered owner of the car. If they decide to take action, you would most likely hear from them within a couple months, but again, this is unlikely. We hope you learned from your mistake as it sounds like you got lucky this time.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi my name is Michelle I am 17 years old and live in MA. I was caught shoplifting at a Walmart, it was pretty bad, the cost of everything apparently was about 300-400 dollars. This was two weeks ago, today I got a civil demand in the mail (for 250 dollars), am I still going to court? I told the officer why I stole those things, and that I was a good student, nothing on my record, and applied to schools like Harvard and Brown. These are the reasons why he didn’t arrest me. Am I still going to have to go to court?
Dear Michelle: If the officer told you that you would receive a notice in the mail to appear in court, then it’s likely that you will receive one. Although it’s possible for the case to be resolved with you paying the civil demand, because the amount stolen was between $300 to $400, it’s somewhat likely that you may need to go to court as well. It may take a month and up to a few months for you to receive the court notice in the mail. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Thank you very, very much
You’re welcome, Lashawn. Take care.
Hello again, I spoke with the company that I am trying to become employed with and they stated that since the county clerks office has no record of any offenses I can just get the documents and fax it over. My question is will this employer request my rap sheet for me or will the paper work from the clerks office be enough?
Dear Lashawn: There are no guarantees, but what you send them from the clerk’s office may be enough and shouldn’t prevent you from getting the job. If you completed a diversion program, that is the purpose of such – to keep you from getting a record that affects you later in life. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i got caught stealing a boottle of liqour, and they charged me for retail&uunder age drinking, i payed bond to get out that night this is my first time im 19, what would happen?
Dear Richi: Since this is your first offense, you’ll probably be eligible for a “diversion program.” Once you complete the program, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Don’t miss court and follow the terms of diversion closely. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi judge, I have a question. My friend got caught shoplifting and was told to make up 25 hours of community service she is 16 and she hasn’t made them up before the court date… I’m worried about what may happen since she did complete her hours. Can you help me pleaseeee?? Very much needed!
Dear Chase: It’s up to the probation officer supervising your friend and the policies of the court. She may be given a second chance to complete the hours. Or the prosecutor may remove her from the diversion program and proceed to file formal shoplifting charges. The best thing she can do for herself is to finish the hours as soon as possible.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
A couple days ago someone I know took something from a local Meijer store and the LP followed him outside but didn’t say or do anything to him. He got in his Dads car and backed out, as he was backing out she got behind the car and started writing something. Can they do anything if she didn’t apprehend him on the spot?
Dear Jacob: The loss prevention person can report the incident to the police and give them the license number of the car. Even if the car is registered to someone else, that wouldn’t necessarily stop an investigation. The chances are slim that anything will come of this because of the time and effort needed to trace the number to the shoplifter. If this happened in a small town where everyone knows everyone else, that’s a different story. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
On New Years Eve of 2011, my friend and I were caught shoplifting from Sears. (In the mall) When we tried to leave the store with the items in our bag, the store manager stopped us, and brought us to a back room. The manager and several other people who worked for sears questioned us. Then, the mall cop was brought in and he questioned us as well. After that, the actual police was called and after verifying the information the mall cop had told her, we were both arrested and brought to the juvenille detention center. We had our mug shots and fingerprints taken and stayed there for six hours until my mom came and picked us up. This all happened in florida. However, the mall we were caught at was out of the county we live in, and we were banned from the mall. We are also fourteen and this is both of our first offenses.we have to meet with a probation officer soon who will recommend to the assistant D.A. whether or not we go to trial. We also have to pay sears to drop the civil charge which we are doing. We were wondering what the worst possible consequences could possibly be if we go to trial?
Dear Gloria and Allie: If you go to trial and are found guilty by the judge, you could be placed on probation for a period of time. Probation may include attending a class, counseling and some community service. If you admit the shoplifting, you may be eligible for a “diversion program.” Once you finish diversion, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. When you go to court for this, a court or probation officer will explain everything to you. Don’t return to the mall during the ban or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hey so my friend told me this story and I just would want to know the real facts. Ok she lives in pennsylvaina and she came to visit in new york city, and then she went to white planes and got caught shoplifting at sears, she took 4 items, the cost was 50 something she said. And she got arrested because she was 18, the bail was 400, she has court this Tuesday at white planes. Its her first offense, can you please tell me what the court is gonna give her???
Dear Sallyt: Every court handles shoplifting offenses differently. Usually, for a first-time offender, what is called “diversion” is offered. When the diversion program is successfully completed, the case is dismissed and the offender doesn’t have a record. When she goes to court, she’ll meet with a court or probation officer who will explain everything to her. She may be allowed to do the diversion program where she lives and mail in verification that she met the terms required in the program. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Bob again. So the “statue of limitations” . Does that mean if the court doesnt contact the offender in a year the case is dismissed/forgotten?(California) if so, they already took their prints, pictures, information AT the police department, doesn’t that mean that they’ve been charged and are already in the system for shoplifting? So doesn’t mean that it’s on their record? And colleges Can see it when they apply. Since they haven’t contacted the offender for so long, arnt they still charged in the system?
Dear Bob: Once the Statute of Limitations (one year, two years, etc.) has run and no formal charges have been filed, it’s too late for the prosecutor to file them. That doesn’t necessarily erase a police record of an arrest or investigation. It just means that you weren’t charged with any crime. These are rarely reported to colleges, employers, etc. Every law enforcement agency has its own policy regarding the retention of records. If no charges are filed, you can check with the agency to see how to go about clearing your name from their records. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I’m 19 and live in Florida. I got caught for shoplifting, $48 worth. I did it for an adrenalin rush which was so not worth it in the end. The police were called and I got arrested. I’ve never been arrested in the past and I’m going to court soon.
I really don’t know what to expect. Can you please tell me what to expect? Are there any questions the judge might ask me that I should prepare myself for?
Also, this has really discouraged me to look for a job because I’m afraid they will see it and not hire me. I’m ashamed of it and will never do it again. I was told if somewhere did hire me (like in a store or something) they would have to pay more towards their insurance for me in case I were to steal something. Is that true?
Please help me.
Dear Emma: Since this is your first offense, you will probably be offered “diversion.” Once you finish the diversion program, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. When you go to court, you’ll meet with a court or probation officer who will explain everything to you. The information about increasing a store’s business indurance if they hire someone with a record is questionable. It wouldn’t applly to you in this instance anyway because of the minor nature of the incident and the possibility it won’t rersult in a record anyone would see on a background check if you successfully complete diversion. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Just want to thank you for this valuable resource and answering all of our questions!
Hey i stole $140 of merchandice and i am wondering if i would get a more severe punishment if i admit to having the thought of stealing before i entered the store or if I say i wasn’t going to but saw the item and then got the thought of stealing
Dear Dane: If criminal charges are filed against you, the issue of when your intent to steal developed (before you entered the store vs. after entering the store) will most likely not even come up unless you decide to take your case to trial. If you told the police and/or store employees of when you decided to steal, it ultimately should not affect the severity of your punishment. However, what is typically taken into consideration by the court is the specific facts and circumstances, your criminal history and the court’s rules and policies. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I got caught stealing today from a make up section of a department store.. about 230$ worth of items. I got a probation notice and i live in maryland. It is the first time and I might have to go to court. What is going to happen?
Dear Leslie: You may be offered a diversion program in which case you would have to complete community service hours, pay a fine and/or attend a class or counseling. Then the charges would be dismissed. If diversion is not an option in your case, you’re likely facing similar consequences as those mentioned above, but may also be placed on probation. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I got caught shoplifting in Belks it was a shirt that was worth 32 dollars I regret it so much. I have court next month I’m 18 and I have never been charged of anything what will most likely be my punishment?
Dear Natalie: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Therefore, you would not have a record of a conviction. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I almost stole from the retail store I work at today. It was about $9 worth, just one thing that I slipped into my shirt because I don’t know why. I’ve never done anything like this before and I feel terrible, even though I put it back minutes afterwards. I can’t stop crying and worrying about it. I’m 20 years old and have no criminal record, I volunteer at the hospital and I’m studying to be a pre-school teacher. I even go to church every Sunday and donate money and old clothes to charity every month. I don’t know what to do. I don’t think anyone saw me. My managers didn’t say anything and acted normal, walked me out of the store and said “Thanks for your help, see you monday!” I know they can’t review security tapes themselves but if someone saw something could they possibly have security review them later? And if they do how long would that take before I’m confronted?
What kind of consequences am I looking at for my age and stuff if I’m caught, and will it help at all for me to tell them I panicked and put it back? I’m really worried this will ruin my life. I’m a very cautious and well-behaved person and I’ll never do anything like this again. I can’t even believe I did it once.
Since I work there they have all of my information. Is it at all possible that they’ll just fire me and ban me from the store?
Dear Sarah: Try to calm down and don’t be so hard on yourself. As long as you learned from the incident, which it certainly sounds like you did, then you can trust yourself that you’ll never do the same thing again. It sounds like it’s very unlikely that you will hear anything more about the incident. Although it’s possible security could review the tapes (if they’re reviewable – some stores have surveillance cameras with a live feed, but don’t actually record anything), it’s very unlikely. If your co-workers suspected anything, they most likely would have confronted you about it. Even if you ended up in court over the matter, which again is unlikely, you would probably be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity to get the charges dismissed and have a clean record upon successful completion of the program. Remember that we all make mistakes, but as long as we learn from them and don’t repeat them, they can be considered valuable learning experiences. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I was 18 and got caught shoplifting on december 24th in our local JC Penny. It was my first offense ever and was told that because I cooperated with them and everything they were going to make it a civil fine. It is now January 13th and I still haven’t received my fine in the mail. How long does it take for something like this to come in the mail? I just want to get this taken care of so it’s one less thing I have to worry about.
Dear Matt: Depending on the size of your town or city and the red tape involved with Penny’s loss prevention office, it could take several weeks or longer to hear from them. So, be patient. If several months go by and you still haven’t received the “civil demand” letter, you got lucky this time. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I have heard from a former loss prevention employee that most retailers will not invest their time to pursue such a small case. Therefore, I will most likely just avoid the store for a while. Plus, they can’t technically prove that I shoplifted, can they? I went to the bathroom with my purse after I put the book in it. So even if the surveillance cameras caught me putting it inside, I could argue that I chickened out and left the book in the bathroom before leaving.
Dear Justine: Staying away from the store is probably a good idea. If you’re cited or charged with shoplifting, you’ll have a chance to explain what happened to your lawyer and/or the judge. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I stole a $30 book from Barnes and Noble. I put it in my purse, put my Beats by Dre on my ears (headphones) and walked out. When the machine beeped, I pretended to not notice hear. I got In my car and before I started the car. I saw an employee rush out writing down my license plate number. I stealthily threw the book on the floor of my car out of sight and stepped out and I asked him if there was a problem. He said I walked away after a machine beeped. I told him I didn’t shoplift and this is ridiculous. I said I would follow him into the store and open up my purse. Even after I showed him my purse, he didn’t look satisfied and just walked away. I walked out and now I’m getting paranoid. Im fearing that the employee wash convinced and is looking through the surveillance tapes to see if I shoplifted. Should I just go back tomorrow, speak to the manager privately, return the item, and apologize as sincerely as possible? I am a minor and dont want this to go on my record. I definitely will not be doing this again..
Dear Justine: What you do now and how you handle this is entirely up to you. We can’t tell you how to proceed. Your thought about returning and fessing up to your acts is admirable and certainly the right thing to do. If you don’t and you get notice in the mail about a court hearing, you may be eligible for a “diversion program.” Once you finish diversion, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Even if you ended up with a record, you could apply to have it expunged at a later date. Good luck. Let us know what you decide.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi, my brother got a ticket for marijuana in colorado the other night, but it was actually mine and i feel way to guilty, is there any way i can get the ticket switched from my brother to me
Dear Joe: It’s not that easy to just switch a ticket to another person. When he goes to court for the ticket you can go with him and explain everything to the probation officer or judge. If you’re under 18, discuss this with your parents. They may want to speak with a lawyer to get this straightened out. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i was caught shoplifting at Shopko(in the state of MN)with 2 others about 4 months ago(i am 14). I was given a bil from Shopko for about $160. After paying that i have not recieved anything about a court date or anything. Should i excpect to goto court? Is it still considered a misdemeanor if i dont goto court? Will this be on my record?
Dear Sherree: If you haven’t heard anything in the past four months, you’re probably in the clear. Apparently the store decided to handle the case as a civil matter. Once you paid the civil fine, the case was closed. Since you didn’t get a ticket, go to court or see a judge, you weren’t convicted of anything and you don’t have a record. Don’t press your luck and do this again. Consider this a lesson and learn from it. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi,two friends of mine got caught shoplifting a few monthes ago, ages 16. They did paperwork, parents were brought, fingerprinted and photod bt police, etc. They were told they would get a fine & court papers in one month to do hours. However, one friend got a fine from the store, while one didn’. ( she waited but it’s been months) so what does that mean? Also, they have not received any court papers at all. No phone calls, no contact from the police. What does that mean? It’s been months, should they contact the police? Is it on their record? What if they never recieve the court papers in the future. PLEASE help and give as much information as you can, much appreciated.
Dear Bob: There are two ways a shoplifting incident can be handled: one, through the police and the courts. Second, by the store through a “civil demand.” If charges are filed, the shoplifter would receive notice in the mail about a court hearing, or a ticket from the police with a court date stated thereon. It sounds like one of the two in this incident is being processed by the store through the civil fine. Once it’s paid, the case is usually closed and no further action is taken. The other offender got lucky this time. Or the second person may still hear from the store or the court. A “statute of limitations” on shoplifting may be as long as a year before the state can no longer bring charges against the offender. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
its angel again sorry soo if i have the stolen items and give it back to the owner and get a note signed saying i gaved the items back to the owner when i go to court could it help me out??
Dear Angel: Yes, it could help in the sense that the court will know that the items were returned to the store’s owner. It won’t necessarily excuse you from the shoplifting itself since the crime had already been committed. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i was caught in Sears for shoplifting. the store said that if i come back during one year i will be arrested. Now Im moving in another state , this rule is still effective, or i can walk in Sears w no fear that i will be stopped and arrested? I was in probation and my case is dismissed. Thank you .
Dear Lolita: If Sears banned you from all of their stores, then the ban applies no matter where you live. If, however, you were banned from just the store you stole from, then you can return to other stores without violating the ban. If you’re not clear and don’t want to risk being charged with trespassing, contact the store you stole from and ask about the ban. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hey i had a quick question, a couple of days back me and my friend got caught stealing from target. we were walking out the store when they took us back in the office & took the stuff back & got down our names address and phone numbers. they took a picture of us & banned us from the store. that’s all we were told then a sherriff came & verified our information and got a run down from us. he asked if we were ever arressted but we haven’t for any reason so after the sherriff verified our identity they gave us back our bags and told us we where okay to go. they didnt give us a citation a fine, nothing!!! I’m not sure what happens from this point can you please help me?
Dear Araceli: You may have gotten lucky this time. Without a ticket or citation, you don’t have to go to court over this, yet. You could receive notice in the mail about a court date. If you do, don’t miss it or the judge may issue a warrant for your arrest. You could also get a letter in the mail from the store or their lawyer. It’s called a “civil demand” and once you pay it, the case is usually closed. It could be several hundred dollars so be prepared for this. Since you were banned from the store, don’t return or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got caught for stealing two bikes and theyre trying toc charge me grandtheft but i only stoled one bike and my friend the other one can i get this as a misdemeanor because each bike was worth less than 400$?
Dear Erick: It is up to the prosecutor where this happened to decide the charges and whether it’s a misdemeanor or felony. That decision is based on the laws that apply to the case and the evidence available to the prosecutor. If you’re charged with a felony, you may be able to reach an agreement with the state and lower it to a misdemeanor. Your lawyer will try to work out a plea agreement with the state for a lesser offense. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i was 18 and got caught for stealing i got arrested for grandtheft and went to county jail but the judge released me because it was my first offense and took off all the charges now i have court whats the worst they could do at court?? you think i have to do jail time for my first offence?
Dear Angel: For your first offense, it’s unlikely you’d get additional jail time. Although grand theft is a serious crime, first-time offenders may be offered “diversion.” When the terms of diversion are completed, the case will be closed. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was 18 and got caught shoplifting, the first time I ever did anything bad like this. I filled out some paperwork and the officer gave me a citation and said I had to pay the fine when it came in the mail. I didn’t have a court date or anything else. Will this stay on my record.? Would this affect me if I want to go into the military or something.?
Dear Jane: This sounds like a civil traffic ticket, like a parking violation. Once you pay the fine, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record that will affect your future. Learn from this experience because you may not be as lucky the next time you’re tempted to steal. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
When I was 16 I was caught shoplifting. This was 15 years ago in CA. I was release a few hours later after my parents came to pick me up. I never went to court or anything but I did get have to pay a fine to the store. Is this information on my record? Did I get charged with a crime? Will a fingerprint clearance show this? And will it mean that I wont be cleared?
Dear Pam: Since you never went to court, then you most likely were not charged with anything. It sounds like you probably paid a civil fine to the store, in which case there would be no record and you would not have to worry aobut the incident showing up on a background check. You could contact the court and request a copy of your record just to confirm that nothing is on it. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
my friend and I got caught shoplifting at walmart in Covington ,Georgia. We’re both 16 and the items stolen were less than$300($99)
what do you think the charges may be?
we have to go to court on Jan 24th.
I for sure know i won’t do it again.
*it’s the first time we do it.
Dear Melissa: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Remember that the penalties will increase for additional offenses, so we hope you learned from this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I was caught trying to steal earrings from Icing. The clerk came up to me and said she saw what i was doing. I gave her everything and keep shopping. I decided to buy the earrings and i used my debit card. I didnt steal anything i bought what she thought i was trying to steal. Can anything be done now? You know since they have my information because of my card?
Dear Kelly: It sounds like you got lucky this time. If the store was going to take action, they would have written down some of your contact information and may have asked you to sign an agreement to pay the store a civil fine. It’s very unlikley you will hear anything more from the store. We hope you learned from this incident. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
My friend and I got caught stealing at a store. I only bent down and handed her something and she put that and other items into her purse. We got caught when we left the store. The security guard called the police and they issued us a ticket and a court date. I’m wondering what the consquences could be for my friend and I. I’m only 17 and years ago I got caught stealing but cops weren’t notified. My friends 20 and has never gotten caught stealing before. I was also wondering if the police who issued us the ticket has to appear in court. Also, if the cop doesn’t appear in court do they still run our case or is it dismissed? Thanks!
Dear Giana: When you go to court for this, a probation officer will explain everything to you. If this is your first offense, you may be eligible for “diversion.” Once you complete the diversion program, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Witnesses don’t usually appear at the first hearing. If you plead not guilty and the case is set for trial, then the police and other witnesses will be there. Good luck.
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i got caught stealing a textbook from my college’s book store, and they also have me on camera stealing another book the day before. I admitted to both when i was caught and went to jail for a couple hours and was processed. I’m curious whether I will be punished as if i had a previous offense since i am being charged with two counts of 3rd degree retail fraud. I’ve learned my lesson and have no intention of ever stealing again, i simply didn’t have the money to purchase my textbooks and made a stupid decision. I am twenty years old. any idea what my punishment will be?
Dear Jeff: When you go to court, a probation officer will explain everything to you. You could also speak with a lawyer about this before you go. That’s your decision. If this is your first offenses (they’ll be considered as one most likely since they were a day apart and you haven’t been to court on the first one), you may be eligible for a “diversion program.” Once you finish diversion, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. You may have to do some community service, pay the store back if the books were damaged in any way, etc. It’s up to the court regarding the penalties and terms of diversion. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My friend and I were so stupid. We’re 19 and 20 respectively and just started shoplifting last week and got away with a lot so we became too cocky or something. We got caught at a costume jewelry store. My friend played it off that she was trying on the rings and even bought them. I wasn’t so lucky. The clerk found the tag I had taken off before I left and asked for her keychain back and I gave it to her saying I was going to pay for it. Of course she didn’t believe me, but all she did was tell me to leave the store. The cops or mall security weren’t called, but I’m still worried about the cameras and the fact that my friend paid with her card. This just happened yesterday and I feel like a complete idiot. I learned my lesson beyond anything because I was just self-medicating clinical depression. I know now that this just made it worse and to never do it again. I’m just sorry for everything…
Dear Jeffrey: You got lucky this time. If the police weren’t called and the store didn’t take any identifying information from you, you’re probably in the clear. If you were told not to return to the store, don’t. Otherwise you could be charged with trespassing. Learn from this especially since you’re now an adult and are eligible for adult penalties in the criminal justice system. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Sorry to bother you again….
But we did receive a ticket/citation from a police officer, I just didn’t have to go to court. Does that change things?
Dear Laura: It doesn’t change anything if, as you said, you completed a diversion program for this offense.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My friend and i both stole a game from sears. im 16 he’s 17. He was considered an adult and taken to jail. i was released to my parents. I live in Georgia. Will i still have a court date? and if so what will my punishment be?
Dear Cody: You may receive a notice in the mail setting a court date if you are charged with the theft. Based on your age and if this is your first offense, you may be offered a “diversion program.” Once you finish the program, the case is dismissed and you won’t have a record. Diversion is usually offered one time, so think before you’re tempted to steal again. Good luck.
This is information only – not legal advice).
thank you but is it true that the court will take what the man from loss prevention says as sufficient evidence even there is no physical evidence this is what my lawyer told me.
Dear Lindsay: Without reading the police or loss prevention reports about this incident, we can’t offer any predictions on the outcome when you go to court. Your lawyer knows how to present your defense and cross-examine witnesses called against you. Trust your lawyer to do the right thing. If you and your parents aren’t satisfied with your representation, you can hire your own lawyer to replace the current one. That’s a decision for your parents to make. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge,
A few months ago I was arrested for shoplifting at Dillard’s in an Arizona mall. I’ve since completed my diversion program (although it will be a few more days until the case is dismissed). I was told I’m not allowed back to Dillard’s for a year, but I’m wondering if I’m allowed back in the mall since nothing was mentioned about that? I’m scared to swipe a credit card at any other stores in the mall and have the police called. When I was arrested, the police officer told me “I may want to stay away from the mall,” is there a way to find out for sure?
Dear Hailey: We’re glad to hear you finished the diversion program. It beats having a record that follows you around into your adult life. About returning to the mall, you could contact he police department and ask for a copy of the police report on this incident. See if it says anything about being trespassed from the mall or just Dillards. If you return during the ban period, you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
In 2007 my friend and I were caught shop lifting at a local retail store. My friend was 18 or 19 at the time and I was 17. A police officer came to the retail store and issued both of us a citation and said we were free to leave. A couple weeks later I received a letter from the Juvenile Department stating that I had to attend a diversion class. I attended the class and never received anything else from the Juvenile Department, nor did I have to go to court. Now I am applying to Law School and the applications ask if I was ever convicted. I am not sure how to respond since I was never arrested (I was only given a citation) and I never appeared before a judge or had to enter any plea. What shall I say on my application? Is a diversion considered a conviction?
Dear Laura: The purpose of diversion is to keep first-time offenders from having a record that would affect them later in life. Since you didn’t receive a ticket, didn’t have to go to court or appear before a judge, you weren’t convicted of anything for this incident. Based on what you’ve told us, you can comfortably respond “no” to the question about ever having been “convicted.” Good luck & enjoy law school. It’s like nothing you’ve ever done before, but you’ll love it.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I w. It has been over a yraras robbed /assaulted and false arreated by LP and can n ot get over it . Cp doesn’t work every time I reach out for help
We don’t understand your question. If you clarify your issue, we’ll try to provide you with information or a resource that you can contact. Also is “Cp” cellphone?
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My question is one day my husband and I were going to walmart and an aquaintance of ours asked if he could come so we brought him well my daughter and her carseat was in my cart and I was running out of room so we transfered the things in my cart to the aquaintance cart and after that I left to go look at toys well I didnt know he had ended up following me and while I was looking at toys my father who I didnt know was there came up and we started talking well the whole time the guy with all of my stuff as well as his is putting the things into bags and when I saw it I told my dad we should leave. Well we started to leave and went to talk to my dads girlfriend at the door since she is a door lady and the guy followed me right out the door with the cart full of bagged items. I did not know he was going to do that and didn’t know he was following me. I went to court and the loss prevention person is claiming he saw me putting items in bags and holding bags open for the other guy but that is completely not true my dad was there the whole time talking to me. I dont understand my lawyer said that based on what he is saying I will get convicted but there are no pictures of me putting things into bags nor did I get caught with anything because I didnt do. So honestly the loss prevention guy is lying and the only thing I am guilty of is trying to give someone a ride to help them out. This is really not fair and I am on probation so if they convict me this will violate my probation. If I get violated does that mean that I will have to go to jail or is there still a chance for me to try and complete probation which is what I want to do. Please help me Im lost and upset.
Dear Lindsay: If you are convicted of this shoplifting incident, how it will affect you depends on the specific terms of your probation. You should have received some paperwork when you were originally placed on probation by the court. The consequences for probation violation should be explained in those documents. You could also ask your lawyer about this. You do have the right to plead Not Guilty and force the state to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you committed this offense. Discuss this with your lawyer. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge,
I am currently a 21 year old college student, I made an idiotic mistake when i was 18 and got caught stealing a pair of flip flops. I was told when i went to court that i would just have to do the community service hours and i wouldn’t have to worry about any charges. I’m completely embarrassed about the silly mistake i made some years ago. I have applied to a job and been denied because of a “petty theft”. I’m confused because i thought i was never convicted and i plan on transferring colleges and am afraid it would ruin my chances for admittance.It was my only offense, should i just get my record expunged? Have i been lying on my applications even when i thought i wasn’t charged?
Dear Courtney: You haven’t lied about this if you believed you weren’t convicted and didn’t have a record. Look into clearing or expunging your record. Contact the court that had jurisdiction over this when you were 18 and ask about the expungement process. You may be able to do it online if the court has a website. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hey , i have a question you could really help me with i live in british columbia Canada , if i got caught for theft under 5000 , and the person i stole from chose not to press charges for various reasons , would the incident still go on my criminal record?
Dear Anna: If the police weren’t involved and you didn’t go to court for this incident, there wouldn’t be a record that would appear on a background check. It sounds like you got lucky this time. Think about the consequences if you’re tempted to steal again. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I’m 17 years old and I got arrested for shoplifting about 200 dollars worth of clothes. I didn’t actually get arrested in the store. Also. I was followed by an employee all the way to down the road and when I came to a stop the employee asked for my id and called the cops. This is my first offense. Currently I am looking for an attorney and my court date is april 2nd. what will happen now? Will I get more jail time? Or do u think ill have to do community service?
Also, how to I find out i f I apply for the diversion program?
Dear Cathleen: When you go to court, a court or probation officer will explain everything to you. Since this is your first offense, you may be eligible for the court’s “diversion program.” Once you finish the program, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. It’s up to you whether to get a lawyer now or wait until your court date. You may not need one if you take care of this through diversion. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hey judge, a month ago I was caught stealing from Walmart after a friends funeral, I had no intention whatsoever of doing so. I was given a ticket with two misdemeanor charges and a fingerprint compliance form then sent home. I know what I did was wrong and am paying the price of anxiety fits and stress. I’m 18 and live in Arizona. I’ve been told to complete a fingerprint compliance form before my court date of January 4, 2012. Although, every time I go to the police department between the indicated hours of 6 and 8 a.m. I’ve been told that it was a holiday and that they are short on staff since December 27, 2011. I have a full time job which I enjoy very much and cannot afford to lose with paying bills and college tuition out of pocket. What will happen if I get sent away again tomorrow morning before my court date?
Dear Allie: If you’re unsuccessful in getting the fingerprints done before tomorrow when you go to court, explain to the probation officer or judge exactly what happened. Since you’ve made a good faith effort to comply, the court may take this into consideration and give you an extension to complete it. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
so i got a UPM, 4 days after i turned 18, I live in New York State (but not the city, they have different laws) and it’s a civil citation. my mom wants to throw away all sorts of money on a lawyer because im going to college next fall, I already applied but still need to get financial aid so she wants it off my record. Will a civil citation affect my ability to get financial aid? I’m probably going to request ACOD if possible, but will college financial aid programs ask if I’ve received a civil citation? I don’t really think they will, and i dont think the 100 dollar fine is even worth getting a lawyer for if i have to throw 1500 into that.
Dear Chris: Every college and university in the country has their own admissions procedures. Some ask questions on applications about juvenile records, others don’t. Some even send a background check to the juvenile court where you live. So, it’s hard to say what will happen in your case. If you’re offered a “diversion program” for this offense, completing it successfully will keep you from getting a record. Whether you hire a lawyer or not is your decision, one that you & your Mom can make together. Usually, a civil citation doesn’t affect one’s future or endeavors. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
okay id like to start off with the fact i had no intention of stealing i went to go to wrestling practice and it got canceled so i dressed out into regular clothes and pulled out my phone then a kid who i thought was my friend asked if i wanted to hang out and i got distracted and i ended up going with him to hobby lobby and he asked me to help him take a pen and i was stupid and helped him then we both got caught with a pen each the pen was 20 dollars and the manager asked us to give him any merchandise we had so we did then he took us up stairs and we had to fill out some paperwork and i try ed lying to the guy so i Diderot get in trouble and then he called the cops and i was taken into custody and they had to fill out a citation and stuff i live in new mexico abq so what is the maximum sentence i can get for retail theft i said sorry but what is the max that they can do and what can i do to make this go by easier so i don’t have to go to Juvenal hall or prison i’m only 15 will this rap sheet go away when i’m 18 and no i had a criminal tress pass thing so now i cant be on hobby lobby property
Dear Austin: If this is your first offense, you will most likely be offered to participate in what is called a “diversion program.” When you finish it, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. When you go to court, you’ll meet with a court or probation officer who will explain everything to you. To do the diversion program, you have to admit the shoplifting. Otherwise, if you plead not guilty, the judge will set the case for trial. Talk with your parents about this before your court date. Also, since you’ve been banned from the store, don’t return or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My friend and I went into walmart and not knowing his intentions to steal, he grabbed flowers and shoved candy into my arms so I put them in his open backpack out of panic, then I walked out of the store and we were both placed under a restitution, what would I be charged with?
Dear Joey: The store may choose to send you a “civil demand” letter requesting payment of a civil fine. If this occurs, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. However, if charges end up being filed, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. If this is your first offense, you may be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
if i get put into the Diversion Program, will i still have to pay for anything? i know i have to pay for the stuff i took, but will i have to pay the civil fine or anything else?
Dear Michelle: Some diversion programs require payment of a fee to participate. You’ll have to check if this is the case where you live. It is also possible for the store to impose a civil fine that you’d be required to pay. Once it’s paid, the store rarely takes further action. The fine may be several hundred dollars and it’s based on your state’s law about this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was shoplifting and the security guard took back the items and told me to leave I didn’t get into trouble but am I banned from the Walmart and other Walmart or in the future get in trouble
Dear Bob: Typically, the store will tell you whether or not you are banned from the store and if so, for how long. Since they didn’t say anything to you, then you may not be banned. You could try contacting the loss prevention department and simply ask whether or not you are banned so you don’t risk getting cited for trespassing if you return to the store. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, I’m 14. Me and my friends went to a food store and stole some food I had 3 gummy snacks and my other friends had some candy to. Then we went to a electrnic shop and my friends stole some head phones then we went to k mart and my friend stole a neckless and my other friend stole 2 baack massaqgers. The after that we went to the parking lot and got in 3 cars and stole stuff. We got caught and we got put in Juvinal Detention. We went to court three days later and said im getting 3 counts of vehicle theft and 2 or 3 counts of shop lifting. But honestly my parents say they have no evidence besides the stuff we gave up. I was held in there for 2 weeks and the put me on home detention december 15. What do you think will happen to me? This is my first offence.
Dear Kade: You may be facing probation with fines/restitution, community service and classes or counseling. Whether the judge believes that more time in detention is necessary will depend on a number of factors including the facts and circumstances, your criminal history and the policies of the court/prosecutor’s office. If you have an attorney, talk to him/her about your case and what consequences you can expect. Remember that the penalties will continue to increase for additional offenses, so we hope you learned from this incident. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
if its been 2 months since we shoplifted and you havent heard anything, could you just get fined? we only stole stuff worth about a doller, so would it be a letter to court or a letter for a fine?
Dear Lucy: If the police weren’t involved and you weren’t given a ticket, the only letter you could receive is from the store asking for payment of a fine. But for a dollar item, it’s unlikely this will happen. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
About how long should it take for me to recieve my court notice? it happened yesterday. and about how much should i expect to pay & to who?
Dear Michelle: It depends on how busy the court is where you live. It could be a few weeks or even months before you get notice of a hearing. You can call the court and ask about this. If you’re fined or ordered to pay the victim restitution, the amount depends on the value of the items taken and the laws that apply in your state. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi My Name is gaby im 14 years old and i got cought stellinq with my friend at gordmans and they sent me a latter frome this program sayinq to go to it but i could not go thata day what would the cort do to me because i dd not atend ?
Dear Gaby: If you have a court date, explain when you go why you missed the class and ask for another opportunity to attend it. This may be part of a diversion program that keeps you from getting a record that could affect you later in life. Don’t just blow this off – you want to get this behind you as soon as possible. Check the letter you received for a telephone number. Ask your Mom or Dad to call and see what you can do to resolve this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
my court got dissmissed. but my dads lawyer asked for the discovery wat does that mean. does it show me and my dad r only my dads pictures of wat he took cause mine got dissmissed will it have anything to do with me and also the proscuter had fined my dad before he got a lawyer 1000 dollar fine and 15 days community service.
but the lawyer said he is going to try to get a bargin with them im just worried if the discovery will have anything to do with me or is it just for my father to prove that he did shoplift he is realy sorry and he never did this i love him so much thats why im worried .thanks Judge.
Dear May: The term “discovery” in the law means a person or lawyer’s right to know what the other side in a lawsuit has by way of evidence. In other words, there are to be no surprises in court – both sides must share with each other the evidence they intend to use against each other before the trial begins. That way both sides know how to deal with the evidence if it is used at trial. Since your case was dismissed, this discovery process should not affect you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
If my info was taken on December 23 2011 when will I get my papers in the mail regarding to my court date
Dear Chanchan: The notice to appear in court could take a while because of the volume of cases in the court. If you live in a large city, it may take several weeks or even months. When the notice comes, be sure to get to court on the date of your hearing. Otherwise, the judge can issue a warrant for your arrest. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Last question will the undercover people that caught me shoplifting be at court . If I plead guilty for one store but not for the other 2 stores will another court date be scheldule and how do I tell the judge I plea guilty for shoplifting for one store but not guilty for the other 2 . Who will be my plaintiff
Dear Chantel: The “plaintiff” in a criminal case is the state. At the first hearing, the victims aren’t usually required to appear and don’t show up. If you plead not guilty, the court will set a trial date when they are required to appear to testify. Victims have designated rights under your state law which allows them to appear and have notice of all hearings. So, they could be present but generally they don’t come until either a trial or sentencing hearing is scheduled. If you participate in a “diversion program,” they wouldn’t need to appear. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i got caught shoplifting 26$ worth of makeup today from Sephora. i’m 16, they banned me from the store and took my picture, and the officer said it’ll only be on my Juvenile record & theyre going to send me a court date. i live in NJ. Will i be fined for more than the price of the makeup? and since i’m only 16, will it affect my college applications? and will it really be sealed away once i turn 18? i’ve never been in trouble before & i get good grades, it was my first time stealing & i’m afraid it’s going to ruin everything for me.
Dear Michelle: First, relax and understand that this single incident won’t ruin your life. As a first time offender, when you go to court you’ll meet with a probation officer who will explain the legal process to you. You may be eligible for a “diversion program.” Once you finish diversion, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record that will appear on a background check. The purpose of diversion is to keep you from getting a record. You can ask the probation officer about clearing any record that results from this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i stole from a papershop one day and i thought i got away with it.. only worth about 50p.. the next day my sister went in and stole something worth about 60p. she got caught and they took her name down, they asked her if she stole the day before she said no, but they said we got it on cctv, she told them it was her sister (me) they got both our names and our adress.i came into the shop to buy something 2 weeks later and when i payed for the item i was buying they told me the police were coming round, but that was just the one of the workers, the manager said it was a warning. they didnt.. so will i get a letter to turn up to court with my sister or will it just be a warning, this was two months ago, so when will this letter come if it does? or is it really just a warning?
Dear Lucy: Since it’s been two months, you may have gotten lucky this time and not hear anything further about this. Or you may receive notice in the mail to appear in court. If that happens, don’t miss the hearing. The legal process will be explained to you by a probation or court officer when you go. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge,
Will the police offers and the people that caught me shoplifting be present during my court date? I don’t have an attorney or anything. I’m just going to plea no contest and go straight to the sentencing. I’m 17 if that helps.
Dear Audrey: Usually at the first hearing, no witnesses show up. If you plead not guilty, then the judge will set a new date for the trial. That is when the police officer and store witnesses will come to court. If you plead guilty or no contest, or are placed in a diversion program, there will be no trial. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
dear judge tom i am 13 years old and i was caught stealing a 15 dollar bracelet at khols. they didnt tske my picture or any finger prints. they said they werent gonna call the police or anything im just banned from the store.
Dear Justine: It sounds like you got lucky this time. The store could have pressed shoplifting charges against you which would mean going to court and seeing a judge. Don’t violate the ban or you could be charged with trespassing. The next time you’re tempted to steal, think about the trouble you’ll be in if you get caught. Not to mention, even if you get away with it, it’s wrong to steal anything at any time. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge, When I go to court, is there any particular way I should dress? I don’t really own anything nice.. and I don’t want the judge to think I’m a scum if I don’t appear presentable. Thanks.
Dear Jill: Here is a post from AsktheJudge.info answering this question. The fact that you asked about this and want to “appear presentable” is admirable. Don’t stress out about this – you’ll make the right choice of outfits and get this behind you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I really need answers I am so confused..
I am a 18 year old female
living in Saskatoon, SK. Canada
I was employed at walmart for 11 months, i made a mistake when i first started there and i stole a gift card that was about 50 dollars. I spent it and ever since then they were doing an investigation on me. They interregated me and made me pay what i stole from them. And they called the cops, the cops took me from the store in handcuffs and then when i got in the cop car they let me go on a warning. They said that if it happened again that they would put a comment saying that it happened before and that i would have a higher chance of getting charged. I obviously was fired from walmart. but would it be put on my criminal record? what would that warning show. Would it show on only the polices records or my future employers & university applications? I have been applying for jobs but now luck, i’ve went to 3 interviews.. no call back so i’m starting to think something isnt right. HELP 🙁
Dear Brittany: You do not have a criminal record since you never went to court and were not charged with an offense. The police department’s database may have some information about the incident and the warning, but colleges and potential employers would not have access to this internal information. Similarly, Walmart likely has the information about the incident in their database in case you tried to apply at another Walmart, but again, it’s unlikely that this information would be shared with other stores. Many people are struggling to find work right now, so don’t be discouraged by a few unsuccessful interviews. We hope you learned from your mistake and wish you luck with your future endeavors.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello Judge,
I am an 18 year old who works in a shopping mall. This past week I was Christmas shopping with some of my friends from high school we ran in to a situation. As I was in one of the stores in the mall about to make a purchase, I realized that I had left an item that I had previously purchased in the store that I had just left. Without thinking and in a panic I ran out of the store with the item in my hand to go and retrieve my purchase. Once I retrieved my purchase I, i realized what I had done. I quickly returned to the store to purchase the item that I had taken by mistake. when we arrived, the store manager was ther waiting along with mall security. My friends and I gtried to explain but they still took us to jail and wanted to ban us from the mall for 2 years. With the help of my store manager from my job, which is also located in the mall and couple of other references on my characters behalf, the store manager decided to forget about the whole situation. There is still the charges and possibility of this going on my permanent record from the police dept. Every time I call the store manager from the store where the incident took place I seem to get the runaround. I confused. what should I do? I don’t want this to hinder me from not being able to go to college.
Dear Storm: You do not have a criminal record of this incident unless you end up going to court over the matter. So unless you receive a notice in the mail to appear in court, then you do not need to worry about any colleges or future employers finding out about the incident. If you are not sure whether charges are pending, you can contact the court and ask whether any charges have been filed against you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal adivce.)
I need an idea of what to expect. Im an ex Walmart employee. I got fired of Theft of $63.92. On black friday i had purchased 2 games for $28 then 4 days later returned them without receipt. They put the money onto a gift card then i purchased 2 other games with it. My record is clean up to this point, And even tho the Supervisor approved the exchange and told me it was fine i got pulled into the office a week later to be written a citation and terminated. So what do you think will actually happen to me =/ pretty scared at this point, never even set foot in a court room.
Dear Ricky: Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you willyou may be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. You should have an opportunity to speak with a probation officer or prosecutor when you go to court and will find out more about your options and the possible penalties. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I had 15 pair of socks ,and 5 panies in my purse my cousin had 75 dollar polo shirt and 15 dollar socks in her purse will we be charged for what we just had in our possession or will they charge us for everything since we were together
Dear Chantel: It depends on the laws of your state as well as the facts and circumstances. Sometimes a store will add up all of the stolen merchandise and divide it by two meaning that you could each be charged with shoplifting half the total amount of the stolen goods. You will find out more when you go to court and should have an opportunity to speak with a court or probation officer. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
One day me and my older sister went to Walmart, we had no intentions of stealing anything, but we did. As we were walking out the door were stopped by an undercover lady. We had to show her were everything was and she had a manger with her. After that we had to go the the backroom. There they found the price for everything. My sister who is 17, had $65 worth of stuff and I had $18, Im 15. They had to prosecute her since she was 17, but my mom asked if I could be prosecuted to. They (Walmart Manager) said yes. The undercover called a officer and he asked us some question, like name and age. The lady (undercover) said that she had added up the total from the both of us and divided it in two since we were together. It came out to be around $40. The officer told my mom that we could go to the station with him and talk with him more, but if we (my sister and I) did not and our mother did, he couldnt talk to us, and vice versa. But we went and talked to him, he asked if we had intentially went into Walmart to steal and other stuff pertaining to the crime. My sister and I wrote a statement at the station. This incident was also our first time, and my last.He told are mother to call the station for a date for a probation meeting on Wednesday. She did and they said somethng was coming in the mail, it did and it was a paper saying our date, and then a packet with our medical information.
Im very sorry for wait I did. I feel terrible, my mother said don’t let it ruin your life but I feel like my life is ruined. I can’t even bring myself to take a hanger out of my sister closet.I’m a really good kid, and I don’t know what came over me, its the biggest mistake of my life. Im super terrified on whats going to happen, because I have no idea whats going to happen. So what do you think could happen?
Dear Brianna: Try to calm down. Your mother is right as this one mistake you made is not going to ruin your life. Since this is you and your sister’s first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Therefore, the incident should not appear on your record. It sounds like you won’t repeat this mistake, but just know that the penalties will increase for additional offenses. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
how much is the fines usually if you stole from 3 difffernt stores ; and if u only stole from 2 stores but was nervous and told them 3 different stores ; would it be best just to tell them you only stole from 2 stores and tell them the truth
Dear Chan: Yes, it’s best to tell the truth especially when you are “admitting” to something you didn’t even do like stealing from one additional store when you didn’t. As for the fines, they vary from court to court and state to state, but generally the fines for shoplifting may range from over $100 to several hundred dollars. We hope you learned from this incident. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
hey i am a 13 year old girl and i was caught shoplifting at khols … i wish i would have never have done that ill never do it again.. they just told me that i am banned from the store . they said that they werent gonna call the police.. but it still kills me insidee any advice????
Dear Sue: The store may choose to send you a “civil demand” letter requesting payment of a civil fine. If this occurs, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. However, if charges end up being filed, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. If this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Be sure to stay out of the store otherwise you could be cited with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
My wife was processed for shoplifting this afternoon. She apparently left the store without paying for some items still in the cart. She has never stolen anything in her life or let alone a speeding ticket. She has been known to return to the store to return items not paid for after getting all the way to the car! When they were processing her, she kept telling the store security that it was a misunderstanding, (there were items in the cart that was already paid for). My question is: if the intent was not there, how could this be shoplifting?
Dear Jeff: If your wife pleads not guilty, a trial will be set and she’ll have an opportunity to explain her version of what happened to the judge or jury. Her defense lawyer will know how to challenge the state’s case and present her own. Then it will be up to the judge or jury to decide, based on the law and evidence presented, whether she is guilty or not of shoplifting. Good luck. The state will attempt to show, through her actions, that she intended to steal. She and her lawyer will attempt to rebut the state’s case by calling her own witnesses and testifying herself, if she decides to, regarding her actions and intent.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Okay me and my friend got shoplifting when we were 16 and the stores managers caught us. they took us into the back room and they made us call our parents. they counted up the total, my friend got a misdemeaner, but i on the other hand had a felony because of a bracelet that costed like $200. So they called the police,they arrested us and they took us to the station, they gave us a hard time and made rude remarks… they then called our parents to get us. we had to go to some class to teach us about shoplifting. we had options, either community service or pay a fine. we did the community service. they told us we could ‘exponge’ it when we turned 17 and that we could check no when applications ask if we have ever been convicted… the thing is i didnt ‘exponge’ it and i dont really know if i could check no? i dont want to get in trouble. i dont even know if i really even got convicted? help me.im 18 now.
Dear Amanda: The laws vary from state to state concerning the destruction of juvenile records. You could try asking the clerk of the court how to begin the process to request the expungement of your record. In some states, you may have to wait until you are 18 or even older before you can make this request. You also could contact the court to request a copy of your record, so you know exactly what appears on it. Be sure to read the language on any application very carefully so you can answer truthfully. If you were charged in juvenile court, then you were not “convicted” since you are “adjudicated” in juvenile court.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Sometime in the summer me, my sister, and my friend got caught shoplifting at h&m at a mall. I was 14 years old and my sister was 15. I took something worth 19.99 and she took something worth… Somewhere around 60$. They took our names and address, took our pictures, but didnt make us sign anything. They did tell us were banned from the store forever and the mall for a year. Later my mother came to pick us up. They made her sign a release form. And that was about it. They havent mailed us anything yet or made us go tocourt and im worried that may stay on my records (school related) or will i have a criminal record? Help! Thank you!
Dear Leslie: It sounds like you may have gotten lucky with just a warning and being banned from the store and mall. Unless you end up going to court over the matter, which seems unlikely at this point since you haven’t heard anything, you do not have a criminal record. Also, this incident should not appear on your school record since it’s very unlikely that your school was notified of the incident. Be sure to stay away from the store otherwise you could be cited with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Me and my friend stole a 7 dollar necklace from spencers. I was cooperative and i gave all right information to the police. I was taken to the Juvenal hall for like an hour. I have to appear in court. What am I to expect? im 15 and my record is crystal clear.
What will I receive?
Dear Rachel: Since this is your first offense, you’ll probably be offered what is called “diversion.” Once you finish the diversion program, the case will be closed. Don’t miss court and when you go, a probation officer will explain the legal process to you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Two of my friends were caught stealing and the store got their merchandise back undamaged but are being fined by the store’s lawyers office as a “settlement offer”. Is this allowed to happen since the store got their merchandise back undamaged?
Dear Justin: Yes, in many states the law allows stores to fine shoplifters. It’s called a “civil demand.” Once the fine is paid, the case is closed and you hear nothing further about this. The fine may be several hundred dollars regardless of the cost of the item taken and even when the item is returned. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
so me and my friend were caught stealing at the mall in kohls. we got band from kohls does that mean were band from the mall too?
Dear Jessie: If you were told not to return to Kohls and nothing was said about the mall, the ban is limited to the one store. If you were given some paperwork about this, read it carefully for the details. If you return during the period of the ban, you can be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
ok ; so im 15 and my cousin is 13 we got caught stealin out of belk , jcpenny , and dillard . we stole a polo shirt for 75$ , sum nike socks tha was 30 dollars , and sum panties ha was 5. if this is our first time , what will happen ? we live in Georgia . o an in my purse i had a pair of socks and the panies . and in her purse she had the polo shirt , and other pair of socks. will they seperate our items . im so scared i never done anything like this and never will do it again
Dear Chantel: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Depending on the facts and circumstances, you and your friend both may be charged for the collective amount of the items stolen or they may charge you each with whatever was actually caught in your possession. We hope you learned from this incident as the penalties will increase for additional offenses. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Im 12 and i live in texas
I shoplifted from sears( headphones) $10
They called the cops and i have to go to the court .
I wanna know if i get a criminal record will it affect my carrer
(first time getting caught never commited a crime before
Pls help
Dear Alphy: Since this is your first offense, you’ll probably be offered “diversion.” That means when you finish some community service, attend a class or write a paper, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Your future will not be hurt by this one incident. Think before you do this again because as you get older, the penalties become more serious. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I got arrested when I was 11 I believe. I stole some rings, the police came. I never got fingerprinted or had my photos taken. To this day I feel so bad and I’m wondering if this is on my criminal record! PLEASE HELP, thanks.
Dear Katie: If you didn’t go to court or see a judge or probation officer, you probably don’t have a juvenile or criminal record. It’s not unusual considering your age at the time. The police often go through the motions with younger kids to impress upon them the importance of obeying the law. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Today I was caught stealing from Khole’s in Maryland, they had taken me inside and searched me. They had accused me of stealing more than what I’v stolen. ($500) The store manager had called the police and took me, I have to go to court in mid Jan. Im 20 yrs. old. This is my first time ever getting caught, I know what I did was very immature I’v learn my lesson very well. Now I’m scared of whats going to happen next.
When you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered “diversion.” Once you finish the diversion program the case will be closed and you won’t have a record that will affect your adult life. Diversion is usually offered once, so keep that in mind if tempted to steal again. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m 16 and I was shoplifting at the mall yesterday in Nevada. The items totaled up to no more than $13. They placed me under a 6 month ban from the mall and called my parents. They took my information down. Can I expect further punishment?
Dear Gerardo: Since you weren’t given a ticket or sent to court over this, most likely it’s over. You may receive a letter from the store or their lawyer requiring payment of a fine. This is called a “civil demand.” Once it’s paid the case is closed. Obey the ban or the store could press trespassing charges against you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge,
I was caught shoplifting with $130 worth of dvd’s at a store in New Jersey. I’m very ashamed of what I did, and am very sorry. I cooperated with the store security and police as best I could because I know what I did was wrong. They told me the most that will happen is being charged with a Disorderly Persons Offense. My court date is in a few days and I see that most people have to pay a fine and do community service. I’ve searched online and see that for this amount, I don’t really have to get a lawyer, as I plan to plead guilty and get what’s coming to me. I’ve never done anything wrong except for this extremely stupid thing, I have a clean slate. I’ve been losing sleep over thinking that I would have jail time, but most people online say that won’t happen unless I make the judge really mad, which I do NOT plan on doing. Is this the right way to go?
Dear Mike: It’s likely that you’ll be offered “diversion” and once you complete the diversion terms, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. If, as you say, you did it, admitting this and going forward is the right thing to do. The sooner you can put this behind you, the better. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was caught stealing some shoes for my mom last Mothers day. I didn’t have any money and i just wanted to get something for my mom. I had never shoplifted before, clean record of everything. I felt really stupid after and i really regret it and learned my lesson.
It was in Kohls, they took my name adress and everything, and at the time i was 17. still am.
but they sent me a letter and i had to pay for the stolen shoes.
I did pay it, and i haven’t heard anything since.
I know i’m not allowed to go into the store for like a year.
but i’m wondering if that will show up on my record or like background check if a future job where to do one???
Dear Stacey: Since you didn’t go to court or see a judge or probation officer, you don’t have a criminal or juvenile record. So in the future, this incident shouldn’t appear on a background check or affect your future. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Your honor,
Can video surveillance be used if the shoplifter:
a)Is not seen physically putting material evidence on their person in the video?
b)Is not found with material evidence upon leaving a store?
c) Or, can video evidence be used if a person is supspected of shoplifting, but a and b above are not met. However, a store presents time-stamped video that may show items handled by a shoplifter, but do not concur with an electronic register receipt produced by the store?
This would apply to New York State law.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Dear Nick: Whether or not a surveillance videotape can be used against an accused shoplifter in court is going to depend on the specific facts and circumstances as well as the laws of evidence in that state. If the accused (“defendant”) decides to fight the charges and go to trial on the charge, then a judge would have to decide if the videotape falls within the rules of evidence and is admissible. Even if the defendant is not seen actually shoplifting in the video, it may still be used as circumstantial evidence that he/she was at the store at a specific time, how crowded the store was, etc. It would be best to speak with a local attorney about this if considering going to trial.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
if the people at the shop threaten you is it bad for them? because when a friend of mine told them i was fake crying when i got caught which i wasnt, they said i was a bitch!
can they get in trouble as well as me?
Dear Siobhan: Generally, being rude and even using offensive language is not a crime. Words can cross the line into “hate speech” and then become actionable. We all enjoy free speech un der the First Amendment, but this guarantee is not absolute. This employee’s language may not have been appropriate but it’s not likely punishable under the law. Enjoy the season.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My daughter was hired at Walmart at the age of 16. She has done great and was promoted to Manager lastnight. Within 5 minutes of becoming manager, they notified her that she had made a mistake back when she was 16 and accidently over rode a purchase for perfume that she thought was on clearance when she was 17. She grabbed a bottle of water and hadn’t yet paid for it but was going to. They fired her and had her arrested for theft of the water. She had plenty of money at the time and had not left the store with it. Is there anything i can do about this? She has been crying over this all night.
Dear Misty: You can try to speak with her supervisor about this and come to an agreement over the incident. If she is charged with theft or shoplifting, she can talk with a lawyer (her own or one that the court appoints if she pleads not guilty) about what happened. Depending on the circumstances, she may be eligible for “diversion” which would keep her from getting a record that could have an impact on her adult life. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m 18 years old, never had a single offense and don’t have a record and I was caught shoplifting $99 worth of stuff from JCPenney’s today. I live in Louisiana and a friend of mine said her first time she ever got caught shoplifting, she got put on Diversion program, had to pay fines and community service. Since it’s my first time doing anything illegal, what are the odds of 1) me going to jail 2) anything coming in the mail for me because i live with my family and i dont want them to know and 3) of me getting a record
Dear Lilly: Since this is your first offense, you’ll likely be offered to participate in a “diversion” program. Once you complete the terms of the program (community service, a class and/or fine) the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. That’s the purpose of diversion – to keep you from getting a record that would affect you in your adult life. Diversion requires an admission by you that you did shoplift. If you deny the incident, it will be set for trial where the state is required to prove that you committed the crime. It is possible that a letter may be sent to your home from either the store or their lawyer. Stores are allowed to impose a fine, called a “civil demand,” on shoplifters. It could take several weeks before the letter arrives. Once it’s paid, the civil aspect of the shoplifting incident is concluded. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.
Dear Judge,
I am 18 and from NJ. I recently got caught at a local k-mart trying to steal an item (this was my first offense). It was a cheap wire and i took it out of the box and tried to walk out with it in my pocket. The LPO took me into a back office took down my info and had me sign some papers. He said i will be receiving a civil demand letter in the mail shortly. As far as I know the police were not involved, should i be worried about police involvement or getting arrested? Do you think this will show up on my criminal record? Any information about possible outcomes will be appreciated.
Dear Kyle: Since the police weren’t involved and you were allowed to leave the store, you can expect to receive the “civil demand” letter within a few weeks. Once the fine is paid, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record that will affect the rest of your life. You can expect the fine to be several hundred dollars. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge So Basically Wait it out to see what happens i already been fored and suppose to come get me check on next friday and he said he will have the delaware state police involved but im not going to pay cause why pay if i didnt do it i am 20 soon to be 21 in like 4 days so should i have a lawyer ready to go or what i dont think they can arrested me due to no evidence except me signing a non legit paper i live in claymont delaware
Dear John: That’s about it – wait and see what happens. You can speak with a lawyer in advance and make sure if you’re arrested that you have a lawyer standing by to make the arrangements for your bail. That way you spend the least amount of time in jail. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
dear judge no i dont have a copy but he did ask if i wanted one but i didnt want it which i wasnt thinking at all and i was scared and upset he said he trust me but i dont think he believed me so i shouldnt have to pay anything cause i dint take money from my job but he aint a cop or anything like that he said it was theft but i always tape up my money drops and put them in the safe but i thought it was write so what can i do
Dear John: Unless he takes some action against you (fires you or reports this to the police) there’s nothing to do at this point. If you’re under 18, discuss this with your parents who may help you resolve this with your boss.
If you’re an adult and charges are filed, you can discuss this with a lawyer of your choosing or one appointed by the court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Sir i have a problem monday i was called into my job to my bosses office and he accused me of stealing money from money drops but he has no prove that i even took anything which i didnt but i sidned a non legit document which was his writing on a piece of computer paper what can i do cause he said if i dont pay it i will have a warrent for my arrest but i didnt take anything
Dear John: Unless your boss is with law enforcement (police, detective, etc.) he has no authority to issue a warrant for your arrest. He can report this to the police who will investigate the matter and refer it to your local prosecutor. If you have a copy of what you signed, you may want to speak with a defense lawyer. You can also wait to see what happens – you may not hear anything further about this. If you do, explain exactly what you did or didn’t do to your lawyer who will know how to best defend you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Our 16 yr old son was stopped by loss prevention staff in a Home Depot in Florida for taking 3 metal washers (value 50 cents). He is an “A” student, responsible, respectful, and we were stunned when we found out via a letter from a lawyer’s office demanding $425 for a civil claim on behalf of Home Depot. I took my son back to the store and he apologized to the manager (which was the right thing to do regardless of the demand). When the incident happened, the loss prevention people asked my son to sign some documents and told him he could not come back to the store for 24 hours and everything he returns in the future needs a receipt.They told him no further action would be taken. Shouldn’t a parent have been called before he signed any documents? Your advice is greatly appreciated.
Dear Lydia: In most states, stores are not required to contact parents of teens caufght shoplifting before speaking with the teen or asking them to sign papers before they are allowed to leave the store. It could be a different situation if the police were involved, arrested your son and interrogated him. Then his Miranda rights may kick in requiring notice to you in advance. If he is charged with shoplifting and has to go to court for this, explain what happened to his lawyer who will know how to defend him including any papers he signed. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
What kind of community service do you think I have to do for first time offender of shoplifting? I’m 16 about to turn 17 by the way. But even though I’m 17, I am still considered a juvenile right? I committed the crime when I was 16 about a month before my 17th birthday. Thanks.
Dear Ashley: In most states, the age of majority is 18. You can Google the name of your state and “age of majority” for information that applies to you. Community service may involve working on a clean-up crew along the highways, public parks, community centers, school grounds, etc. You could also be assigned to work at a food kitchen, homeless shelter, animal shelter or public library. Whatever the needs are in your area are served by people completing community service. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
OH! and P.s.
What should I plead in court?
Just advice on what you think… Ive never done anything like this before..
Will it matter tha my friend asked me to hold it? will the court caer about that?
Dear Aubrie: We can’t advise you about pleading guilty or not guilty. That is your decision. Talk it over with your parents to help you decide. And yes, the court would take into consideration the circumstances – explain exactly what happened, be truthful and the court will act accordingly.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Im a 21 year old female in California. I have court tomarrow so I hope this gets a reply tonight. I live in los angeles county, but I stole from san bernardino county and am attending court out there.
I stole from Walmart with two friends both 20 years old at the time, Stupid I know, but I was going for food, and didnt have any money. we were stranded and starving, I had 10$ for gas to atempt to get home and bought a drink from the same walmart. My friends and I took some other food, and other items, they had no room on them and talked me into holding it for them. the total I had was for about 45-65$ I dont remember exactly. And we were stoped outside.
Due to me holding there items I had the most amount and then myother friend, and the last friend had bairly anything and didnt even have to pay a fine like me and the second friend. We payed the 300$.
I was wondering, will the court care that it was there items? they told Walmart that they had most the Items I was holding, and said they had to still take it to court.
this is my first offence of anything EVER!
What should happen? I know you cant tell me for sure, but I was wondering what to expect….
Dear Aubrie: Since this is your first offense, you may be eligible for what’s called “diversion.” Once you finish the terms of diversion, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record that will affect the rest of your life. Don’t miss court – the legal process will be explained to you by a probation officer when you get there. If you admit the charge, you may not appear before a judge. You’ll do the paperwork for the diversion program and be free to leave. Remember, diversion is usually restricted to first-time offenders. Keep this in mind if you’re tempted again to steal. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
2 days ago me and my friend got cough in shoplifting it was our first time.the guy took us to this office and did some paper work they told us we have to go to court in about a month or so im really nerves like really scared im 16 i regret it so bad wat would the court do to me!!??? 🙁
Dear Jessica: Since this is your first time, you may be offered what is called “diversion.” Once you finish the terms of diversion, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record that will affect your future. Diversion is usually offered once, so think before you’re tempted to steal again. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
In Massachusetts, three of my friends went to the mall. One friend was the instigator of the shoplifting. The other two were more hesitant, but partook. They went to five different stores, and ultimately took about $800 worth of clothes/jewelry. I actually have no idea what they were thinking :(. So one of them got arrested on the spot, and the other two had put their bags in the trunk of their car which the police searched. The one girl took all of the blame hence why she got arrested. The two other girls bailed her out, and were notified that although they were not arrested they will be getting summons in the mail. The arrested girl went to court to see if she qualified for a lawyer and was given a date to come back. The other two got summons in the mail. Each girl got 2 counts of larceny over $250 and 3 counts of shoplifting. So I have two questions about them, 1) Is it right that they should all be getting the same charges because that would amount to over $2000 dollars of stolen goods when the police had just told them $800. 2) Will they probably use video cameras or not for the trial? Thanks! Oh and it was everyone’s first offense.
Sorry, and they are all 17. However the one arrested will turn 18 soon.
Dear Abby: They are each charged with the total amount since they were apparently together throughout this incident. The exact amounts each will ultimately be held responsible for will be worked out in court. The store owner will not benefit financially over and above the retail value of the itmes. Whatever evidence exists in support of the charges may be introduced at trial, including eyewitness testimony, and audio/video evidence. It’s up to the defense lawyers to protect their rights and make sure credible evidence is admitted and anything obtained unlawfully is excluded. Those are matters between the attorneys and the court to decide. Each of the girls need to discuss these matters with their lawyers. It is also possible that they may be offered diversion since this is their first offense. If this happens, once they complete the terms of diversion, the charges will be dismissed and they won’t have a record that will appear on a background check.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
2 months me and my sister shoplifted a can and a chocolate bar and they caught us on cctv, they gave us a warning.. about 3 weeks later my sister payed for a item and then they said to her the police were coming to our house, they never did.. will the police end up coming?
Dear Siobhan: They may have been trying to scare your sister as it’s unlikely that the police would show up at your house for a shoplifting incident. If they obtained her contact information, it’s possible that the store is turning over the information to the police and that she may receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. However, since the store employees let you go with a warning the first time and your sister paid for the item the next time she went into the store, it’s unlikely that you will hear anything more about the matter. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Dear Judge,
Yesterday I was at a mall in Colorado. I was accused of “shoplifting” due to the following circumstances. I had picked out an item to buy for my friend and was carrying it around as I continued browsing through the store. I went towards the back of the store and saw another item I wanted to look at, so I put the item I had been carrying around in my pocket so I wouldn’t drop it or lose it. As I was heading towards the cashier, I was stopped by an employee who asked for the item in my pocket. I explained to him the situation, but he told me it was still shoplifting even though I hadn’t left the store with the item and was heading to pay for it. The police were called and they wrote all my information down and gave me a court date. When I explained to them what had happened and that I wasn’t a shoplifter and that I was an honor roll good student, they seemed to understand but I still have to go to court. I recently got accepted to a college I really want to go to; will the school be notified of this incident? I’m 17 and this is my first time ever getting in trouble with the law. I don’t want this to have ruined my future (especially since I honestly wasn’t trying to shoplift anything and am a good person); will this show up on my records when I apply for jobs?
Thank you in advance.
Dear J: Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Therefore, the incident would not appear on your record. However, diversion often requires that you admit to the shoplift, so you’ll have to decide if you want to take your case to trial and fight the charges. It is very unlikely that your school would be notified of this incident. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I just turned 18 and I was caught for shoplifting 2 shirts, about $60 worth, at an H&M in CA. I was cooperative and went to the back with the loss prevention person. She got all of my info and wrote a report, then the cops were called. The cop questioned me and while I was terrified and not thinking straight, I admitted to taking the items from the store. The store said they would send me a civil claim in the mail, but I also got a ticket from the police officer which said that I was being charged with PC484 and a court date set for next month. I have already admitted guilt on recording, but I was reading about the law online and it said that I could face possible jail time. Is this true? Also if it is only a fine, how much do you think it would be? I still haven’t told my parents and I would like to deal with this on my own if at all possible. Thank you for your help!!!
Dear Annie: If this is your first offense, you may be eligible for a “diversion program.” Once you finish the terms of diversion, the case will be closed. Jail for a first-time offender is rare. If you admit the shoplifting and are remorseful, you’re not likely to be given any jail time. When you receive the letter in the mail from the store or its lawyer, paying the civil fine as early as possible also helps your situation. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
im 19 i go to court tomorrow im from arkansas i was caught shoplifting at dillards and i also gave the cop a false name and they took me to jail for shoplifting and giving him a false name this is my second time getting caught i worked my first time off with community service and fines what do u think the judge will do tomorrow??
Dear JJ: Since this is your second time before the court and because you’re an adult now, you may be placed on probation for a period of time. Probation terms may include additional community service and drug testing if appropriate. Depending on the facts of the shoplifting and the false information to the police officer, the judge will decide the penalty. Make this your last time because penalties increase as you reoffend. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thank you for replying. I just had one more question since you have dealt with many of these cases before.. Do you recommend pleaing no contest? My parents told me it would be the best thing to do and to not get an attorney since I shouldn’t even try to put up a fight and that attorneys would tell me the same thing everyone else is. I just want to the judge to know that I am honestly sorry and regret what I have done. I know they caught me, so I shouldn’t even plea not guilty because I really do not want to be put on trial.
Dear Melissa: We can’t tell you how to plead, but your parents are correct in advising you to go with a no contest plea. It is the same as a guilty plea as far as how it’s treated by the court. You would avoid a trial and proceed to the sentencing phase. Your expressions of remorse to the court would go a long way in resolving this as well. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Me and two of my friends went into a liquor store on a saturday. My friend put a bottle of liquor into her purse and then one of the workers hesitated and requested for her to put the bottle back. We didnt purchase anything (not because of the incident)and left. Then i seen him writing down my license plate number to my car. I havent heard from anybody yet. . . But i can only assume its because its the weekend. What should i expect even though i didnt do anything, the bottle was put back and it was my car.
Dear Daphne: The store employee may have written down your license plate number for the store’s personal file, so that if they catch you again, they may call the police. It’s unlikely that you will hear from the police and/or the court since the store empolyee didn’t obtain any of your contact information and although, your license plate number may have been obtained, they don’t know who the registered owner of the car is. You may want to reconsider going into another store with your friend again, as you could face consequences next time. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I’m 16 turning 17 in less than a month. I was caught shoplifting at walmart with 30 dollars of makeup. My mom was with me but was unaware. They took me into a small room with surveillance and made me show ID and ssn and all that and they asked my dad to sign something. The guy that caught me said a civil demand will come home on the mail in a few weeks or it might not. Then the police came and told my dad that a letter about my court dad would arrive in about a month. He just said something about family court.. So does this mean I wont be in front of a jury? And will my age affect the punishment? This is my first offense. Also, I heard that if I enroll in online anti shoplifting classes right now and the judge knows of me completing them before my trial, it will have positive effects. Also, should I get a lawyer or free consultation now? Even though the court papers haven’t come home?
Dear Melissa: Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Therefore, you would not have a trial. When you go to your first court date, you will be able to speak with a probation officer and find out what your options are and whether you can complete a diversion program. You can always wait until after your court date to speak with an attorney if you still believe it’s necessary. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Dear Judge
I just got caught shoplifting 54.00 worth of legos and this is my first offense and I don’t know what to do. Do I get community service Im afraid to go to jail before I enroll into college and the messed up part is I don’t have a ride to court and I live in OK
Dear James: First, do whatever it takes (that’s legal) to get to court. Otherwise, call them and explain your situation. You might be given a new date so you can get there. Oftentimes, a judge will issue an arrest warrant for a person who fails to appear.
Regarding the shoplifting incident, when you go to court, a probation officer will explain the legal process to you. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered “diversion.” Once you complete the diversion program, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Think about this if you’re tempted to steal again. You may not be offered diversion again. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge,
Thanks for answer my question, but why should I have to go to a the diversion program for a thing I didn’t do? I have the evidence that I was not at that place when the incident happened. Please let me know what I can do to clear my status.
Dear Ricky: Diversion isn’t something that’s forced on you. Most programs require that you admit the charge against you. So, as you say, if you did nothing, you can plead not guilty and make the state prove that you committed the offense. You can hire your own lawyer, represent yourself, or the court may appoint a public defender to represent you. Tell your lawyer everything that happened including the evidence that you weren’t in the store at the time of the incident. He/she will know how to present your defense. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
If you walk out of the store and got away, what is the possibility that the store will have your scene investigated by the police and that the police will come knocking on your door? How long would this process usually take? If they haven’t filed anything within the first few months, does it mean I’m off the hook as long as I don’t show up in the store anymore?
Dear Anon: It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re off the hook, but the chances improve as time passes that nothing will come of this. A store and prosecutor has up to a year, possibly longer depending on your state laws, to file formal shoplifting charges against you. This is called a statute of limitations that applies to all crimes. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge,
I just got a mail letter from the Walmart store which say I got caught shoplifted some alcohol and I must attend at the court in next month. I was so surprised because I didnt do it and I am just 18. I dont know how they got my information and send it to my house, but I have a evidence that I was doing my final test at the school at that time. Can you please tell me what I could do next to prove that I am innocent? And I lost my ID about 3 weeks ago so I think somebody used it to go shoplift.
Dear Ricky: Discuss this with your parents or guardian. One of them needs to go to court with you. At court, you’ll meet with a probation officer who will explain the process to you. If you deny the charge, the court may appoint a public defender to represent you. Explain to your lawyer everything that happened and he or she will know how to present your defense. If you admit it, you may be placed in a diversion program. Once you finish diversion the case is dismissed and you don’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi! I stole stuff from a certain store a few times. I’ve learned my lesson and would never do it again. It’s been months… Is it possible for them to still charge me? I mean, what is the possibility that they will catch me if they haven’t at the moment? Am I safe to go back to the store, even if I fully pay for my items? Thanks.
Dear Anon: There is always a chance that someone at the store may recognize you even if the last theft was months ago. They could always review their video tapes and/or contact the police. The chances are slim that this would happen, but it’s a possibility. Every state has what’s called a “statute of limitations” for all crimes. This is the period of time after an offense is committed that the state can file formal charges against you. In a shoplifting incident, it’s usually a year if the amount is minor (uner $100.00 for example) and longer if a higher amount. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice)>
Dear Judge,
I got caught shoplifted about 2 days ago at Food 4 less. I didn’t bring my own wallet but I was keeping my friend’s driver license, so when the cop checked my body, he found this ID and he wrote down the information of my friend. My friend is just 19 years old and the stuffs that I shoplifted was alcohol. The cop didnt get any of my fingerprint and I didnt sign anything either. So any chance that my friend could be involve in this? What can he do if they send the letter to his home and ask him to go to the court? I swear that me and him are not look like each other.
Dear Tai: If you didn’t get a ticket from the officer, your friend may receive notice in the mail to appear in court since they have his information. Then you need to straighten this out by going to court with him and explaining what happened. If charges aren’t filed, he could also receive a letter in the mail from the store or their lawyer asking for payment of a “civil fine.” Usually, once the fine is paid, the case is closed. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My 14 year old brother sole a backpack at Six Flags in Arlington Texas 3 years ago. Yesterday we received a letter from a Lawyers office charging us $400.00? How that works? How do I know this is realy?
Dear Sister: Crimes have what are called “statute of limitations” which is the time period the state has to file formal charges against someone. Take shoplifting, for example. If under a certain amount, say $100.00, charges must be filed within one year. If over $100.00 and it’s a felony, the state may have two years or longer to file charges. Once past the statutory time periods, no charges can be filed. In this case, the civil demand from the store’s lawyer three years after the incident seems a bit long. Speak with a local lawyer about this before paying the bill. Check to see if there’s a date of the incident in the letter you received. Maybe a more recent shoplifting happened at Six Flags that you don’t know about. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge,
I shoplifted a couple of days ago at Wegmans (in Buffalo) (similar to pathmark in NYC) and the security called me in. I didn’t mean to and I know that whatever reason, they won’t care. They were debating if they should call the police or not and were going to ban me from the the store and I told them not to and that I won’t do it again. They fined me by how much I took, took my ID and put it in their system, made me sign something about me shoplifting, and they let me go. I was wondering if I will ever have to go to court or will never get a job. I’m 21 and I’m out of college soon, I really regret it and never will do it again, but I want to know if it will affect my future career. Thanks.
Dear Jess: Most likely, this will be the end of the incident since they didn’t call the police at the time. You could receive a letter in the mail from the store or their lawyers requiring payment of a civil fine. Once the fine is paid the case is closed. This shouldn’t affect your future job, school or military pursuits. Consider yourself lucky this time and think twice before stealing again. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got caught shopliffting about 6 or 7 weeks ago and the owner calld the cops and he said he would take me to court but the store was a store thats only there for halloween its not there anymore but i havent gotten anything and the cop just told me to leave and not come back but he got my info
Dear Alex: You may have gotten lucky this time and not hear anything further about this incident. On the other hand, you may receive a notice in the mail about a court hearing. If that happens, discuss this with your parents and don’t miss court. The legal process will be explained to you when you go to court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, My two friends and I were caught switching tags on camera an those two girls worked at the store. Both those girls were fired and were being charged a fine, I work for another company/store an that store knows my info and where I work. Will that store contact my work? I’ve learned my lesson and in very worried. But don’t want my work to find out, should I tell my boss?
Dear Worried: It could happen that one store would contact the other, especially if you’re in a small town and everyone knows everyone else. Otherwise, it’s unlikely. It’s up to you whether to tell your boss. If you’re a minor, discuss this with your parents. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My sister was attending college in gainesville, florida. She wanted to get an apartment so my mother signed the guarantor application for her. My sister’s two friends did not have anyone to signed their guarantor application so my sister forged my mother’s signature for her two friends without my mother knowing. Within the same year, my mother was receiving mails and phone calls saying the two friends did not pay their rents and my mother is responsible for all the fees since her signature is the one on the guarantor application. My mother’s plan is to paid the fees (since she cant get out of it because her credit will be ruined and the payment information will be sent to the collection agency) and she was going to sue my sister’s friends.
My questions are:
(1)is it legal for my mother to sue my sister’s two friends?
(2) The incident happend in Gainesville, FL when my sister and her friends were staying there. They no longer live in Gainesville, they all live in Miami. Can my mother proceed with this matter in court in Miami (since they all live there now or will she have to go to Gainesville and solve this matter? By the way, my mother lives in Miami also
(3)Is it ok we do a promissionary note for my sister’s two friends because they are aware they are responsible but I wanted to have it in writing?
Dear Patrice: AsktheJudge.info is an educational site for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide, as you are requesting, legal advice to adults or teens. We suggest you speak with a lawyer in Florida regarding these issues. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hiya im 13 n i got caught shop lifting in a small sweet shop in sheffield for the first time today n we went to the other shop next to it then got a drink n we walked bk past it n he was on the phone n he said we were banned from the shop so i dont know wt to do n im scared will they go to my school n phone ma mum or will he just have phoned the other shop person to say we were banned plz help
Dear Ella: You may not have anything to worry about since the store doesn’t have your name, address or other identifying information. Since you’ve been told not to return to the store, don’t. If you do, the store can press trespassing charges against you. If the owner knows who you are he may report this to the police. If he does, you may receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. If that happens, discuss this with your parents and, when you go to court, the process will be explained to you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was caught shoplifting in July and Im 17 years old.ive been applying for jobs and havent found one.Is it because of my record?
Dear Claudia: It’s somewhat unlikely that the shoplifting incident is preventing you from finding a job especially if you never went to court, which would mean that you don’t have a criminal record. If you did go to court over the matter, it’s likely that you were charged with a misdemeanor and not a felony. If you went to court and are uncertain whether or not you have a record, contact the court and ask for a copy of your record so you can see exactly what, if anything, appears on it. Also, you can always go back to the court and ask for your record to be destroyed or expunged. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello. I was caught shoplifting with my friend a little over three weeks ago. I am 15 and she is 16. The security guard told us we could not return to the mall for one year and that we would recieve fines in the mail. I live in Washington state, by the way. As i said before, it has been a little over three weeks and I have heard nothing. Will I get a letter or was it just to scare me? And who would I call to see what’s going on? This is my first offense. Thank you.
Dear Monica: It may take a few more weeks before you receive the civil demand letter in the mail. You may just want to wait a few weeks and see what happens. You could try contacting the loss prevention department at the store, but it is possible that you may have gotten lucky with just a warning this time. Be sure to stay away from the mall otherwise you could be cited for trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Okay so today i was at a federal based store and i was caught shop liftiong some shoes and makeup and it came to a total of $130 dollars , the guy said i have a court date and i am being charged a fedreal crime so it will go on m record , i have to pay the $130 Plus $200 dollars , what is going to happend am i going to have to go to jail , he said that the judge wll decide my consequence .??? im really scared
Oh and is there a diffenrence between a federal charge and any other charge./?? whats going to happend .!!
Dear Vanessa: There is a difference between state and federal crimes and the way they’re handled. Federal prosecution of crimes by minors comes under the Federal Juvenile Delinquency Act. Check out some common questions and answers about the Act here. When you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you. Make sure you understand everything before making any decisions about pleading guilty or not guilty. If you’re a teenager, speak with your parents about this incident. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello Sir,
On Nov 24, 2011 at 11.30 PM we started forming a line for the “Thanks Giving Sale” at MACYS.
Doors were opened at 12 AM …people were rushing towards the sale items, myself and my husband both were looking at the SALE items which we prepared to buy, first we took pair of shoes and then we went to the MENS winter coats, we didn’t like any of them and then we were moving ahead for more shopping, we saw some MACYS carry bags, as we don’t have any CART or any other bags to carry that shoes, So we took that MACYS carrybag near the COUNTER…where no one is there and we kept our shoes in to that carrybag and then we were shopping rest of the things and we are selecting a PANT and a store member came to us and asked us “Do you need any Help”, then we both said no need and then we selected a PANT and we kept that in the same MACYS carry bag, we went to see the Wallet, we chose one and kept in the MACYS carry bag and then we went to Sweaters, and i asked my husband whether the size fits for him or not, he said i don’t want that and he went to store member and asked ” If i don’t like the sweater or if it not fits me, can i return it back as it is on SALE” – He replied and said “you can return it until you have the TAG on it”. Then, we came towards OAKLEY goggles and asked my friend who came with us for shopping and he liked those goggles and a store member asked him if he needs any help, he went with the store member to select goggles, – me and my husband actually searching for “WINTER COATS for WOMEN” while searching for it, I saw ladies shoes which are on SALE, i asked my husband to sit on chair and i started looking for the shoe pairs, while my husband was sitting on chair with the “MACYS Carry bag” in his hand and i then i didn’t like any of the shoe pair and i came to my husband i said lets look for the “WINTER COAT” , again we started searching for it, we saw LADY HAND BAGS over there and we selected one small HAND BAG and i was trying to keep that HAND bag in the same MACYS carry bag, my husband said you can carry it on your shoulder, so i did the same and we were searching for the “WINTER COATS for WOMEN” But, we didn’t find them for almost 5 minutes, – Immediately a PERSON came towards us and he took out “MACYS carry bag” from my husband hands and started pushing my husband from back forcefully telling you are shoplifting, We both shocked and i was walking with them towards the managers room, while walking, my husband and myself both trying to explain him that we are shopping and we wanted to speak to the MACYS manager and that person said he himself is the MANAGER. But, he was not listening to us on anything…he was started yelling at us and we both got scared and went to the manager ROOM, he was telling that you both are doing the shoplifting and he asked for all the details and we gave all the necessary information, my husband thought of calling our friend who is shopping “OAKLEY” goggles in the same store. But, the MANAGER grabbed cell phone from my husband hands…then we realized that taking CARRY BAG and putting SALE items in the “MACYS CARRY BAG” is a big mistake…we both are not aware of this thing and we got scared, Immediately 3 COPS came and the MANAGER he gave us a document asking for the signature on it…my husband asked him what is this regarding, he said you did shoplifting, so MACYS will not allow you both for 7 years so you have to sign it, then my husband was trying to tell him that we didn’t do anything wrong and why should we sign on it. But, the MANAGER was yelling at us and we both got scared, we both signed those forms and he took our PICTUREs and then COPS put the hand cuffs on both of us and took us to the POLICE station and did all the formalities and they asked us to appear in court and they gave us some forms which consists of Intent to Deprive Macys of the full retail value – $237.
Now, we both are getting tense whats gonna happen to us and our future, we don’t know anything about this and we are not getting any thoughts of coming out of this situation, me and my husband age 27, we are non-immigrants, we don’t know anything about the rules and they didn’t mentioned the NOTE at the counter that not to use those CARRY BAGS. my husband is here in U.S since 2008 and myself i came here last year.
The only reason to took the MACYS Carry BAG is to put shoes in it, so that it will be easy to carry and we didn’t tried to go out of the store.
So please help us in this matter by giving your suggestions.
Dear Sweety: AsktheJudge.info is an educational site for and about teenagers and the law. We suggest you try contacting a local criminal attorney in your area for further information and advice. When you go to court, you will find out more about what possible consequences you face and whether diversion will be an option. You will then have to decide whether you want to take a plea deal or go to trial. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Friend took 2 candy bars and they said that they will be watching us next time. Think they got our faces and my license plate on camera. Will they call the police?
Dear Bobby: It’s very unlikely that they will call the police since they don’t know who the registered owner of the car is. We hope your friend learned from this as he/she probably won’t be as lucky next time and could be detained, issued a citation and/or fined.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
dear judge, i was caught stealing a gatorade from school and admitted that ive done it in the past, so the vice principle said he was going to press charges against me. He told me this 8 hours ago and a police officer was sitting right there when i said this to the vice principle and the police officer didnt arrest me and let my brother pick me up from school because i was ill. I have been in trouble before for ‘shoplifting’ but my probation got terminated because i moved from that state. Does that mean it is no longer on my record? Will i get put in juvenile detention now? Or will it be like the first time? I am afraid I will lose my child because of this. I don’t know what to do. I sat in in-school detention for three entire days because of being caught and the vice principle wanted to put me in the detention room for two more days and said he was pressing charges.
Dear Katie: Depending on the laws in the first state, you may or may not have a record. If you completed a “diversion program” you shouldn’t have a record that will appear on a background check. But a court may have access to another court’s records. This time you may be eligible for diversion again depending on the policies in your area, the laws that apply and the prosecutor and judge’s position. When you go to court for this, everything will be explained to you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
This is Melissa again. Thank you for your response. I have another question, though. Say they do rewind and find the footage, how much trouble would I get into? And is the amount of time that’s passed enough to work in my favor? I know that in most cases, a store’s security staff has to have an unbroken view of the customer taking their item, make sure it’s store merchandise and catch the customer outside of the store. None of this happened and again, it’s been months, so would it even be worth it for them to pursue it?
Dear Melissa: Usually the more time that passes, your chances of being charged are less. So, relax and don’t look back or repeat this. Enjoy the holidays.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I have left my job, but months ago (maybe 4 or 5), I took a small item under the amount of $20. It was a stupid, spur of the moment decision and I honestly don’t know why I did it. I have never shoplifted before, have no previous criminal offenses, and I’m over the age of 18. At the odd chance that there is vague camera footage of me taking the item, could I be arrested or charged if the footage is seen?
Dear Melissa: As you know, anything is possible. So, if a store employee views the video and sees you shoplifting an item and can identify you, it could be reported to the police. It’s unlikely to happen especially if this was months ago. If your conscience is bothering you, you might consider paying for the item. Just send the cost of the item to the store, addressed Manager, briefly explain why they are receiving the money. It’s up to you whether to sign it or not. At least you’d be doing the right thing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice)
hi i have a question i have been caught for shoplifting before and they gave me probation and i had to take a call i was 15 at that time and then i got caught again when i was 17 but 2 days after that i turned 18 so what will happen this time i have a court date on the 2nd of dec it happend that friday before holloween . this is my second offense will it be on my record or will i be charged as an adult
Dear Ronedia: What will happen depends on the laws in your state. Since you’re no longer a minor, you may not be in juvenile court. When you go to court on December 2, the legal process will be explained to you. You may be offered another diversion program even if you completed one as a minor. Otherwise you’ll be given a chance to admit or deny the charge. If you admit it, then the penalty will be decided by the court. If you deny it, a trial will be scheduled and you may be appointed a lawyer to represent you if you qualify financially. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thank you Judge Tom 🙂
I will look into that right away.
Dear Judge,
I got caught shoplifting. I paid civil demand. Then, I went to court for hearing where I was asked to pay fine of $300 plus cost which came to $430 and leave. No diversion or anything was mentioned. I finished paying the fine also. Does that mean it is going to be on my record forever? I am from Pennsylvania and I am 20.
Dear Keisha: It would be best to contact the court and ask for a copy of your record so you can see what, if anything, appears on it. It’s possible that in your county a fine was all that was required to fulfill the terms of a diversion program. If the incident appears on your record, you could always go back to the court and request that your record be destroyed or expunged. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello judge, I asked a questiona nd I never got an answer?? please help! I shoplifted about 37.00 last month, i am 19 living in texas, and I paid a fine of 265.00 with a no contest plea. the girl told me that it meant to just pay and get it over with. she didnt ive me any options and i wonder if it will show up on my background check cuz ive applied for jobs and i wonder so. I want my record clean 🙁 what can i possibly do??
Dear Sandy: The fine you paid may have been part of a diversion program or a civil fine and therefore, you may have nothing on your record. If you never went to court over the matter, then you do not have a record that will show up on a background check. Contact the court and ask for a copy of your record so you can see exactly what, if anything, appears on it. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Dear Judge Tom,
Understood and thank you.
You’re welcome.
Hi judge i got cuaght shoplifting a month ago, i just recently recieved the letter in mail to pay restitution, at the time cops were called but no charges pressed, i immediatly paid the resitution should i have to worry about being arrested or is this matter over also will there be any follow up notices being that i paid it off completely
Dear Jim: Usually when a store has received the “civil demand” they close the case and don’t press charges. They do have the option of going forward with shoplifting charges but most don’t. We hope you kept a copy of payment of the civil fine. In the event you end up in court on the shoplifting, you’ll have proof of payment that should assist the court in sentencing if you’re found guilty. Some stores send a receipt shortly after payment is made. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge Tom,
I have a question for you, do you what happen if I have my first ticket for adult misdemeanor? Because, in Sacramento City College I was caught by the Los Rios Police for petty theft for using paper clip that I unbent it as a little stick to get the coins out from the change coin soda machine where it was jammed in 11/16/11 and I was wrong for doing that. Also, I am a college student attended Sacramento City College and I am 23.
I have one more question, do you know how much I have to pay the fine for the adult misdemeanor in court?
Thank you, Judge Tom,
Dear Minh: Askthejudge.info is an educational site for teenagers about the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to teens or adults. When you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you. You may be eligible for “diversion.” Once you complete the program the charge will be dismissed. Any fine ordered paid by the court depends on the amount involved in the theft and the California laws that apply. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge Tom,
Thank you very much for the information. But I am well over 18 and international student from Korea so juvenile law does not apply for my case. What do I do in that case? Also I recently read about summary appeal. What is that?
thanks again
Dear Keisha: Both juvenile and adult criminal records may be cleared or expunged depending on the laws that apply. Diversion programs are meant to give an offender a break for for first-time, minor offenses. A summary appeal may mean a review of the case by the court for error that is handled on an expedited basis. We’re not familiar with the term as it relates to shoplifting or misdemeanor offenses.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge Tom,
I had written to you a short while ago. So, i was caught for shoplifting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and this is my first offense. Long story short, I gt a court hearing and in my hearing, no questions were askd and i was just asked to pay the fine. I am now done paying the fines. So the shoplifting amount came to around $100 but in the complaint it said $220. But in the court they gave me a sentence of “$300 + costt” which came to $420. I am so confused if mine is a case of summary offence or misdemeanor and I don’t know where to find out. I was not given any community service or anything of that sort. Am I eligible for expungement in the state of PA? If so, how and when? Will this affect my future visa applications to USA or other countries? Kindly help!
Thank you Judge Tom
Dear Keisha: There are several things you can do regarding any record you may have in Pennsylvania. First, contact the information officer at the court and ask about this or go on the court’s web site and see if they address juvenile records and expungement. There may even be a form you can complete and file online. You could also call the juvenile probation department and ask. Attached below is information from the Juvenile Law Center in Philadelphia about Juvenile Records Expungement. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My name is Michelle. I live in Gwinnett County. I was recently accused of theft by shoplifting at Wal-Mart. I recieved a citation on October 24, 2011. The person whom stole from Wal-Mart went to jail! On November 10, 2011 I went to court. I did not talk to any judge or lawyer. I was told to sign a wavier. I was given 90 day probation, 80 hours of community service, and a $435 fine. On October 24, 2011, when everything had happened, I was supposed to leave that afternoon to the military. I would not do anything to jeopardize my opportunity to go to the military. I want to know is there anyway I can go back and talk to a judge to listen to me?
Dear Michelle: It sounds as if you’ve been given a chance to avoid having a record by being placed in a “diversion” program. Once you finish the terms (the fine and work hours over the 90 days) the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. You can request a hearing before the judge but it’s up to the court to decide how to handle the case, especially since you’ve already signed papers that are now part of your court file. Speak with a lawyer about this and how to proceed. Many lawyers provide a free consultation for the first 30 minutes or so and that may be all you need to assess the case. Ask about this when you call. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello Judge. It is me again, from yesterday’s post if you remember. I would like to thank you for all your tremendous help. You are very kind to dedicate your time to helping us all. I also have a few questions, if you don’t mind me asking again. I’m just still very shaken up over my matter. I know the LP man didn’t mention court to me, but is there still a chance that the company or whoever will still press criminal charges and send me to court? I know you can’t read their minds, but how often have you encountered that? Or how likely would that happen, according to your experience? I believe civil and criminal cases are two separate things? Can they still summon me to court even though there was no police involved? Also, is there really a 1-2 year time period where they could still press criminal charges on me, even after I pay the Civil Demand fine? Should I just contact the LP at the store or would that be inappropriate? I promise only one more question: if I am summoned, would I need an attorney or public defender? Again, thank you so much for your help! I am truly grateful for your information and time! I hope you know you have made my life a lot less stressful, as well as many others from what I see. 🙂
Dear Sara: From our experience, few cases end up as criminal charges once the civil fine is paid. A store does have what is called a “statute of limitations” that governs how long they can wait to file a complaint with the police. Shoplifting, depending on the amount involved, may be one to two years. Google the name of your state and “shoplifting statute of limitations” for information. If you end up getting charged, you can hire your own lawyer or wait until you go to court. If you plead not guilty the court may appoint a lawyer to represent you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was 17 when I was detained by the LP. The police officer took me aside and I got a ticket for Petty Theft Infraction. I went to my court date, and because the judge saw that I was pretty honest, straight-forward, and pretty much a good citizen. He let me off with a warning and told me I was free to leave. I didn’t have to pay the 300 or so dollars I had to pay, nor did I have to sign papers at the end. Does that mean there is nothing on my record that would rise for suspicion when applying for jobs, or is the ticket arrest and stuff still there?
Dear Sharmaine: The police dpeartment may have their own record of this incident but you don’t have a formal record with the court since you didn’t plead guilty or be found guilty following a trial. Nothing should appear in a background check. You can contact the court you were in and ask if they have anything on you. If they do, ask about the expungement process. You don’t need a lawyer for this and may be able to do it online if the court has a web site. Most do today. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m 19 and I stole a 7.50$ necklace at a store in the mall. I got caught and I handed the necklace back to the store manager and didn’t run. I was very compliant and wasn’t rude. I was hoping that I would be let go and that they would just ban me from that store. But they got the police involved and I was told that I will be getting something in the mail for my court date. I know what I did was wrong and I wish that I could take it back. Every day I wish that it was just a dream but sadly it’s not. What I want to know is what my options are. How do I present myself in court so that the judge may give me leniency? And can they ask other stores in the mall to look back at past video surveillance and see if I have stolen anything before? I have once a while ago but it was in a different store. Again I know what I did what was wrong and I am extremely sorry and will never do it again. For everything has now fallen apart, I lost my parents trust, my boyfriend and I got into a huge fight about it, I’m afraid I’ll lose my job at the daycare I work at, and I hope that I can still become a teacher. So I really need to know how I can get probation and get this taken off of my record. I live in MD by the way. Thanks again.
Dear Amanda: If this is your first time in court for shoplifting, you’ll probably be offered a “diversion program.’ When you complete the terms of the program, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record that will appear in a background check. So, your future isn’t ruined by this one incident. When you appear in court, the legal process will be explained to you by a probation officer. Don’t miss the hearing or the court can issue a warrant for your arrest. Also, if you were banned from the store or the mall, don’t return or you could be charged with trespass. Think twice before doing this again. Diversion is usually offered to first-time offenders not repeat offenders. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
dear judge,i got caught shoplifting in a clothing store cost about $150 back in 2008 and the police came by and arrested me .he took all my infos and the finger prints and told me that i have to go to court to see the judge but i was so scared and didnt show!!! now,i’m so scared it’s gonna stay at me record forever.. im applying for my green card in the end of the year ( 2011)…does that effects me from doing anything? how do i get rid of the record?? please help,thanks.
Dear Mandy: Since you didn’t appear for court, the judge may have issued a warrant for your arrest. That warrant could be in the system and available to other law enforcement agencies when your name or personal data is run. You can speak with a criminal defense lawyer about this and get some advice on how to straighten things out. Many lawyers provide free legal advice to the public for the first 30 minutes or so. Ask about this if you call for an appointment. Your age may also be a factor here. If you were a minor in 2008 when this happened, there may not be a record that will affect your adult life. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
okay so i got caught stealing a game under 50$ and am now sentence to court on the 15th next month, Dec.15, i am 17 and considered a adult where i live. what should i do when i go to court, oh also i have stolen many other things from the store beforehand but never gotten caught.
Please Help.
Dear Gabe: What happens when you go to court depends on the laws where you live and the policies of the court and prosecution. If this is your first time in court for stealing (shoplifting) you may be eligible for “diversion.” Onmce you finish the diversion program, the case is closed and you don’t have a record. When you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you by the judge or a probation officer. It’s your decision to either admit the charge or deny it and go to trial. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello Judge,
Last week I was caught stealing an item worth $18.50. It was my first time and I don’t know why I did it. I feel horrible. I am 19 and live in California. The LP took me to the back. Took my picture, took down my ssn, my address, phone number, and had me sign a Civil Demand and Trespass Notice. His boss decided not to call the police on me and said I was lucky. I did cooperate and told him the truth. He says I will be fined and never allowed back into the store ever. He also said that I would not have a record, because the police were never involved. However, I am not sure. Does he mean after I pay the fine, I won’t have this incident on my record? Will it show if I want to apply for jobs in the future? He didnt mention anything about going to court either. Ive learned my mistakes and I swore to myself I will never do it again. What is going to happen? Im just really nervous and this type of behavior is ridiculous for me. If you can help, thank you.
Dear Sara: You don’t have to worry about this affecting the rest of your life. When someone shoplifts, the store can handle the incident internally without involving the police. State laws authorize a store to impose a “civil fine.” Once the fine is paid, they close the case and it’s history. They can also press charges which, in your case, they’ve chosen not to do. The letter you’ll receive will come from the store or their lawyer. The fine may be several hundred dollars. If this is a store you’d like to return to in the future, wait a year or more and request permission to return. If they allow you to return, get it in writing to prevent future trespass charges. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Two years ago I had a misdemeanor minor shoplifting charge and a huge lasp of sound judgement at a big box retail store. I was NOT arrested, but went to court and got an attorney. A deal was struck behind the scenes by my attorney, where I would be on probation for 1 year and have to take a 4 hour class (this described by the judge). After 1 year if I had nothing happen and was a good person the charge would get reduced to Trespassing (again described by judge). Being the innately good person that I am, I was released from supervised probation after just 4 months and nothing did happen in the following year and nothing to me has happened ever since then. That’s how I plan to keep it. I am assuming my record would now say Trespassing as it should according to the presiding judge… but I have no way to check this. Apparently in VA, that type of sentence is very common for first time shoplifting offenders.
I have since been applying for jobs. I have a college degree and am having a hard enough time finding work in this economy, let alone with something on my record. In the state of VA you cannot have a misdemeanor expunged from your record. It stinks. For the rest of my life I have to live with this on my record, and I know it is making it harder to get a job (one my my prospective employers told this to me).
There are times when I get so upset that I wager what it would be like to go back to try shoplifting again. Personally, it’s not worth it for me… not now or ever… but the state has punished me for life and inadvertently made it harder for me to get a good job and employment. I know people in the same boat who don’t want to shoplift, but without finding a good job, have felt they had no choice but to go back to it. The system and “second” chance they got by the program has failed many of us… because it makes it harder to find a good job. For some that I know it means going back to bad behaviors. I know I won’t make that decision again… but it stinks to have to go the rest of your life with something minor on your record. I accept the consequences of my actions though. That said.. here is my question.
What does it look like on a background check for my prospective employers? Does it say “Shoplifting reduced to trespassing” or will it just say trespassing? I purchased a self background check from a company online a year and a few months after my court appearance to check…(as I was expecting it to just say trespassing) and there was nothing that even showed up on it! Just a time in the past where I went to court because of a speeding ticket. Nothing about trespassing or shoplifting.
When applying for jobs, I’ve just decided to be honest and upfront about the situation saying I had a trespassing charge which was a reduced sentence that came with a divergent program which after a year should have had the original charge removed from record… but I really have no idea what a “professional” background check would say. The one I got myself from an online company didn’t have a thing!
Any insight would be great! thanks!
Dear RJ: We suggest contacting the court you were in and asking about your situation. Here is a web site that may be useful in identifying who to contact. Every state has a process for clearing, sealing or expunging a juvenile record. You may have to be a certain age before applying and there may be some offenses that stay on your record longer than others. It sounds like you completed a “diversion proghram” through the court. That may be why the check you had done didn’t show any incidents on your record. You can also speak with a lawyer about this or the probation officer you had at the time. Also, the court may have a web site where you can apply online for expungement of your record, if one exists. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Me 22 and my niece 16 were caught trying to shoplift at sephora We never exited the store with the stuff the cops were called and since I had the stuff in the bag they took down my info and my nieces they police told us We weren’t going to be arrested gave us a lecture that scared us straight and We will never do anything so stupid ever again but the cops never mentioned a court date or anything of that matter they just said sephora doesn’t want us there and since it was the one in downtown Disney the cops said that they were done with us and a Disney rep told us We were banned from Disney and we were let go I was wondering are cops going to call the house my cell or what’s will happen this is the first time We got caught what will happen to us?
Dear Unknown: It sounds like you may have gotten lucky this time with just a warning. If they didn’t obtain your contact information, then there is no way for the store to send you a civil demand letter or for you to receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. However, if they obtained your address, you may receive this civil demand letter requesting payment of a civil fine. If you don’t hear anything more of the matter within the next month or so, then just be sure to stay way from the store and Disney otherwise you could be cited with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
One other thing I forgot to ask:
Is it even legal for this woman to have had these 2 minors sign these forms w/out parental or legal guidance present?
I was under the impression that this is not legal, especially when they had to be bullied into signing them.
Thanks again!
Dear Beth: Again, talk to the attorney you contact about this issue. Because the woman is not a police officer, it is unlikely that your daughter’s Miranda rights were somehow violated, but an attorney would be able to provide an analysis of this issue and possibly use it as part of your daughter’s defense.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello Judge Tom,
Tonight my 17 yo daughter went shopping w/ a friend(16 yo) @ the local JCP in Southern Pa. While there my daughter found some items she wanted to try on and her friend went with her into the dressing room. While in there she noticed her friend had some merchandise in her possession. As they exited the dressing room my daughter returned the items she tried on and they proceeded to window shop. As they exited the dressing room she noticed a woman paying extra attention to them (found out later she was w/ loss prevention, as they headed to the exit a man stepped in front of them and “detained” them. Once in the “back” room both girls were questioned with MY daughter being aggressively grilled by the woman
Several times this woman insisted my daughter had unpaid merchandise on her even though she and her packages had been searched and receipts produced for her other merchandise. Her friend admitted to concealing the friendship bracelet and hair bow($20 worth) while my daughter insisted she knew nothing of this theft and had not participated. At one point this woman actually grabbed her arm and was jerking her around. The police were called and the girls were informed that they were pressing charges.
At some point before the police showed up this woman placed 2 forms in front of the girls, one was an admittance of guilt and the other was an acknowledgement of possible civil suit pursuance from JCP. This woman bullied both girls into signing these forms with no legal counsel or parents present. My daughter maintained her innocense and at first refused to sign the admittance. In the end the woman bullied her so much she feared she would get into more trouble by not signing it.Both girls were taken downtown, booked, fingerprinted and then released into parental custody w/ instructions to appear within 10 days @ the magistrate.
Please understand my daughter is a model student (3.5 gpa), she is busy scoping colleges and works almost fulltime along w/ playing yearround soccer. She doesnt have a deviant bone in her body. We plan on fighting the charges and pleading not guilty. My question is would we have any rights filing a civil suit against JCP for false arrest and detainment? Whether she is found guilty or not this will stay on her record forever unless we can pay to have it expunged (not guilty verdict). She was treated VERY poorly and are very upset by the unprofessionalism of this woman. I would like to contact attorneys on monday to see what we CAN do, but I dont even know what kind of attorney this would fall under.
I know this was very long winded but I wanted to be as specific as possible, thank you so much in advance for any advice you can give us.
Dear Beth: Since this is your daughter’s first offense, it is likely that she will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and/or attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Therefore, she would not have a record for the incident. As far as filing a civil suit against the store, you can always file a claim however, it may not be worth your time and court fees in doing so. When you contact an attorney who practices juvenile and/or criminal law, you can also ask about a civil suit and whether you would have a decent chance of prevailing in court. Good luck to you and your daughter.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
caught taking out something from the store last wednesday that worth $330 dollars, was given a fine to pay and was told i will be prosecuted in the court. Is there likelihood that it will not be in my record after i pay the fine. I do not want to loose my job and if i do will i be able to apply for one again. please help
Dear Joyce: The fine is what’s called a “civil demand.” Stores are authorized to impose these fines to cover their expenses in the incident. The only record of this civil fine would be with the store. However, if you are prosecuted for theft or shoplifting, the police and court records may be kept for a period of time. Once you get a notice to appear in court, you’ll have a chance to discuss this with the court or probation officer. You can also speak with a lawyer of your choice before going to court. After all of this is resolved, you may be eligible to apply to have your record cleared or expunged. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello your honor,
I was recently caught shoplifting at walmart in texas I am 21 and it is my 1st offense. My concern is that I used to work for walmart but got fired because I let my friend borrow my discount card and when checking out I didnt scan some of her items. The lp told me that I had to wait for the police to send me notice about the charges walmart was going to give. Its been 2 months and I havent heard anything about this incident. Now I got arrested for shoplifting at walmart for a total of 60 dollars, is it possible for walmart to combine both incidents? Also I was arrested but I didnt receive a ticket, how would I know when to go to court? Would I be elligible for a diversion program? I am a full time student in a community college and am studying to be a teacher,would this stay in my record for life? Please give me some feedback, I am a scared,and I dont know what to do. Ofcourse I know I did something wrong I just wish I could go back time. Thank u
Dear Chantal: AsktheJudge.info is an educational site for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to teens or adults.
You may be eligible for “diversion” depending on the court and prosecutor’s position. You may receive a letter in the mail notifying you of a court hearing. Don’t miss the hearing or the judge may issue a warrant for your arrest. The incidents at the same store can be combined but that athe prosecutor’s decision. If you end up in court, the legal process will be explained to you by a probation officer. If you’re serious about becoming a teacher, the stealing/shoplifting has to stop. Your state department of education may deny you a teaching certificate if, as an adult, you have a record that reflects your character. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi its may i would like to ask i am going to this cour(chancery division , family part) me and my dad have to go i hired a lawyer the reason of this court is because me and my dad got caught shoplifting at walmart and my dad has to attend the court with me what could be the consqunces of the judge can they take me or my dad and can the say that my dad is not allowed to see me beacuse of what happend i am so worried and dont know whats going to happend my court is next week can you please tell me what could or maybe the judge will say and what could be the consqunce for both me and my dad thnk you
Dear May: We can’t say for sure what will happen to you or your Dad, but usually first-time offenders are given a chance to complete a “diversion program.” Once you finish the program, the case is dismissed. You can discuss this with your lawyer who will know the possible consequences and how to best defend you in court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
so, i havent been caught so this may be irrelivent but its been on my mind. ive stolen from the dollar store up my road, and ive never been caught. but it just bothers me. ive only stole food, but i still feel bad. i dont know what to do to get this off my chest, although im sure one of the employees saw me last time and im nervous. what should i do?
Dear Ethan: You might consider a few things. First, stop stealing from them or anyone else. Eventually you’ll get caught and have to face the music. It’s hardly worth a dollar item. Second, to ease your conscience, pay for the items you’ve taken. You can send the store cash without identifying yourself. That’s your decision. One thing for sure, you’ll sleep better knowing you’ve done the right thing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got caught stealing from Walmart in Maricopa, Az. the dollar ammount that me and my friends stole was about $80. What is the worst that could happen to me? Oh and I got in trouble at school for stealing and Ipod, well i said i did it to cover for this girl. Besides that what could happen at most and at least???
Dear Marrissa: If this is your first offense (shoplifting) you will probably be offered a “diversion program.” Once you finish the program the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Regarding the theft at school, there are several possibilities. The school can discipline you with suspension or expulsion depending on their policies. Check your Student Handbook about penalties for breaking the rules. The victim of the theft can notify the police and that could result in formal charges filed against you. Or it could be resolved between you, the school and the victim without police or court involvement. Discuss these two incidents with your parents for advice & guidance. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
my friend alisa went in to khols and stole soothing she went to try on . .and she put it in her bag. i didnt know she did that but when we went to leave they caught her and told us both to go back and open our purses i opened mine nothing of theres was in it she opened hers and he had 90$ worth of stuff.. what will be my punishment if i didnt do anything? :C im scared. nothing like this has happened and im almost 18..
Dear Heather: If you didn’t do anything or know what Alisa was doing, you shouldn’t be in trouble. If both of you were given a ticket and have to appear in court, explain what happened to the probation officer you’ll meet with in court. Discuss this with your parents – they may want to speak with a lawyer before your court date. You do have the right to plead not guilty and make the state prove that you shoplifted. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi judge,
I did something awful today which I keep wishing I could change. I went into Shoppers Drug Mart, and stole about 50 dollars worth of product, there were 4 items (mascara, nail polish, oil and eye liner). As I was leaving, the store security grabbed me by my hands and said I was under arrest. He brought me to the back room where I returned all the items and he asked for all my information. He even called the police and gave them my information. He sent me out the door with a piece of paper explaining that I had been arrested with the date, time and location. He said I will receive a letter in the mail with a court date and that I’m not aloud back in that store ever again. I’m 18, live in Victoria, British Columbia and this was my first AND LAST offence. What should I expect at the court date? I really don’t want a criminal record so how can I prevent that from happening? Please help! I’m in college and I made a bad decision, lesson learned.
Dear Maddy: The legal process will be explained to you when you go to court. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered “diversion.” Once completed, the charge will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Here is the Canadian Bar Association web site with information about shoplifting in Canada. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
a friend an i were caught shoplifting today and arrested. we were bonded out within the hour but have to go to court. i was wondering what will happen in the state of georgia for this first offense and what we need to do since we dont have a lawyer to consult.
Dear Michael: When you go to court the legal process will be explained to you. If you plead not guilty, the court may appoint a lawyer to represent you. If you admit the shoplifting, the court may place you in a “diversion program.” Once you finish the program the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Check out this web site with information about shoplifting in Georgia.
Hello Judge, it’s Leanne again. I did some more research and ask for advice on avvo and this is what they gave me.
How reliable would you say this advice was?
Thanks again.
Dear Leanne: Yes, it’s true that you do not have any criminal record for this incident at this point and don’t need to worry about disclosing it to colleges or potential employers. It usually does not matter whether the items stolen are damaged or not as the store is still entitled to request the “civil demand”. Sometimes when a person does not respond to a civil demand letter and make the civil payment to the store, charges are pressed by the store and the person may receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Whether or not Walmart will choose to press charges if you ignore the letter is up to their rules and policies. It’s entirely up to you whether you should pay the civil demand or ignore it.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I got caught shoplifting at JCPennys and im only 15 do you think that the court will be hard on me because this is only my first offence??
Dear Jennifer: Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Remember the penalties will increase for additional offenses, so we hope you learned from this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Today was an awful day. I live in Toronto, Canada. I’m 35. Stupid me I went to the dollar discount today and I needed some paper cups for takeout coffee in the morning and gum. Because I just started Nursing in September I am tapped out for cash. I was with a friend and when she turned her back I threw the stuff in my purse thinking I would save the few dollars. Well security approached me and I ran! My friend left disgusted I assume. The security caught up with me about 100 meters away and grabbed my purse. He said if I wanted it I had to come back and get it. I had my wallet but my phone and keys was in there. I decided to go back and face the music. I was embarrassed and scared. Everyone was looking at me. The police man came about an hour after. He spoke to the security. He came in the back room and spoke to me. He asked me if security offered me a lawyer I said no which was true. I told him that I had my wallet I just came back because I didn’t want to run from the police I live in the area and shop at that plaza so often. He said I came back for my purse but all that was in there was my house keys. I did go back because my phone was in there. I didn’t mention that though, I took it out as soon as I got my purse back, I explained to him that I had no accomplice my friend had no idea and they left. Which was true. I told him I was hard on cash and that my record was clean as a whistle. Which it was. He took my name, address, phone number and license number. He told me I had to come in the cop car for him to run my info. Nothing came up. He said that I was free to go and that he would put it into his computer (I watched while he did it), that my hands were full of my belongings and forgot that I had coffee cups and that police was called but I came back to the store voluntarily. He saved it in his computer and he let me out. I thanked him. I had told him that if I had a criminal record I would not be able to continue with Nursing which is true. He said that I would not have an record. I’m just wondering if this is true! Will I get a letter in the mail for a court date? I was thinking about going and doing a criminal record check in about 3 weeks to see if anything shows up. There really is not point in my wasting Twenty five thousand in my education if I will not be able to get a job because of my record. I can drop out I just don’t want to waste the next four years because of my stupidity. I feel so low.
Dear Jyoti: If you do not receive a notice in the mail to appear in court, then you would not have any record for the incident. The officer most likely entered the incident into his computer system, so that if it happens again, another officer would see the incident and may decide to arrest you rather than letting you go. You may receive a letter from the store requesting payment of a civil fine. If you pay this fine on time, that may be the end of the matter and you will hear nothing more. You also could have gotten lucky by just receiving a warning for this offense and there could be no additional consequences. Don’t jump the gun and drop out of school as you should not have a record for this incident as of right now and may hear nothing more. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, im 17 and last night i took my sister in law shopping. she was buying some clothes for her and i saw a $10 bottle of perfume i wanted, i dont like asking for things because my family has never had enough money to buy extra things. we rarely get to go clothes shopping unless the season changes. ive never had anything ive really wanted.. so i took the perfume. i thought i was fine until the security guard stopped me. he said i was being very cooroperative and the police said the same thing. ive never done anything wrong before. never had a bad grade card in school, 3.5 gpa, ive never even gotten pulled over. i took it cause i dont have money to have something i want. my sister got caught shoplifting a couple years ago and she didnt have to go to court because my dad set up a payment plan instead. he wants to do the same as me. he isnt pissed off at me, he is disappointed because ive never done anything wrong before. i cant stop thinking about what i did and i wish i could take it back, how do i stop kicking myself in the butt for it? i live in missouri so what do you think my fine will be when its mailed to my house? my sister in law is giving money to pay it if ill babysit to pay her back. it was $10. my sister stole over $50 when she was caught, since mine was so little do you think my fine will be little and also because ive never done a thing wrong? im so mad at myself and worried.. please help..
Dear CeeCee: We’re glad to hear you learned from this experience and now realize the value of having stuff you want, but cannot afford. This is why many people work hard at their jobs – so they can provide for themselves and their families, but also occasionally buy something nice. If you receive a “civil demand” letter in the mail requesting payment of a civil fine, you may be looking at a fine between $100 and up to several hundred dollars. It does not necessarily matter that the item you attempted to steal was only $10 or that you are a good kid who has never gotten into trouble. Stores are entitled to ask for these civil fines and the amounts they can ask for vary from state to state. It sounds like you have worked out a good arrangement with your sister-in-law to babysit for free in exchange for them to pay off your fine. Focus on your school, keeping up your grades, helping your sister-in-law out, doing the right thing and you can stop beating yourself up. We all make mistakes in life, but as long as you learn from them rather than repeat them, they can be valuable learning lessons. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, when I was 15 I got caught shoplifting underwear and a sweater from Shopko. I am now 18. I talked to the court and even wrote the judge, however they say it will be on my record till im 35 or i can have it expunged after 5 years!!! This is my only offense ever! I was caught with 1 other girl and she said they took it off her record and she got a job somwhere where they do federal background checks even, but when i asked the courts they said hers was there? I have a job interview at Walmart tomorrow and i’m not sure what to say. I really need this job. I’m a fulltime college student living on my own and I’m not that kind of person. I don’t know how they will react when i tell them i’ve been caught shoplifting. Also i don’t think this punishment really fits the crime. I already did 6 months probation and 25 hours community service when i was 15. I live in Menominee County in Michigan. Please help?
Dear Brittany: Because you were a juvenile when you committed the offense, there is a good chance that the incident will not appear in a background check conducted by a potential employer. Juvenile records are usually “sealed” and are not accessible to the public. Although they may be seen by certain potential employers (for example, if you were trying to become a teacher), many background checks do not include juvenile records. Your friend may think that her record has been “expunged” when it really has only been sealed. Click here for more information about expunging juvenile records in Michigan. Also, when asked about your criminal history, listen carefully to the question so you can answer truthfully. If you are asked about any prior “convictions”, you could answer no since you are “adjudicated” in juvenile court and not “convicted.” Best of luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello Judge,
Today I made the worst mistake in my life. I am 16 and I shoplifted from Wal-mart. The total of the amount was around 14 dollars. When I was walking out, a lady in regular clothes caught me while I was with my mom and led my mom and me to the back of the store and asked me some questions, got down my name, address, and asked for my mom’s ID. They told me that the a letter would come in about 3 weeks regarding the cost of the fine I need to pay, and that I could call a number if I want to know the fine within 14 days. They said something about trespassing but I did not catch it at the time. They also said that the amount of the fine would be 50-1000, but when I came home to do research, everyone said that the fine would be 50-500. There was no police involved and they let us out within 10 minutes. So my questions are:
1. How much do you predict the fine to be? Is it usually 10 times the cost of the items? It depends on the laws in your state. Usually, the civil fine runs between $200 and $500.
2. The lady caught me right when I was getting out, so is it possible that she was watching me the whole time? Yes, it is possible that she watched you throughout your shopping and waited to stop you until you passed the cashier on your way out the store.
3. What happens if I pay the fine? Usually the case is closed unless criminal charges are filed against you. Will I be added to the National Theft Database? That’s up to the store. If they are members of a national organization, they can add your name to list that’s maintained. Will this shoplifting incident affect the chances of me getting into college?No, most universities and colleges don’t require juvenile records in considering admission Will this affect the chances of me getting a job later on, especially since I want to major in Business administration? It shouldn’t since the only record will be with the store. If the future employer belongs to the same database as the store, they may be able to obtain information about this incident. For applications and more, can I say that I did not commit a felony? Or check yes? We can’t tell you how to answers these questions other than truthfully. But pay close attention to the exact words of the question.4. What happens if I don’t pay for the fine? I was reading other forums and some people suggested that walmart files these letters all the time and if you don’t pay the fine, they will just ignore you and move on to the next person. That may be the case, but they can also press formal criminal charges against you if you fail to pay the civil demand.
Dear Leanne: See our responses in the text above. Thanks for writing us.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Today I stole a $40 hoodie from walmart. I was caught by Arkansas police but not arrested. They gave me a court and sent me on my way. This is my first offence in anything. Im 18 years old do you think if I pay the fine I wont have to go court and it wont show up on my record. And if not is there anything I can do for it to not show up. Thanks
Dear Tim: If you have a date in court, don’t miss it. Otherwise the judge can issue a warrant for your arrest. However, if you have the option of appearing in court or paying a fine, then once the fine is paid your appearance isn’t required. Read the ticket carefully so you don’t create further problems. Since you’re 18 this ticket may remain on your record. Every jurisdiction handles cases differently and under the laws that apply. Since this is your first offense, you may be eligible for diversion. Once the diversion program is successfully completed the case is dismissed and you won’t have a record. Ask about this at court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was caught shoplifting in a Kmart for $10 headphones. The LP didn’t call the police and I received a civil demand. I was wondering if I tell the police I received a civil demand but I was not arrested can they still arrest me for petty theft? And also will the civil demand show up on my criminal record?
I live in California by the way
Dear Silvestre: A civil demand usually doesn’t result in criminal charges. Stores can press charges and impose the civil fine, but many don’t. Once the civil fine is paid the case is closed and you don’t have a record that would appear on a background check. It sounds like the store in your situation chose to go the civil demand route only and not involve the police or court. You got lucky this time. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello, I have a question for you. I’m 16 years old. When i was twelve i got in trouble with the police but completed diversion and everything. But then now i just got into trouble for shoplifting from a store. It was a ten dollar hat. upon being caught, i was honest and told them that i had also taken a 20 dollar pair of shoes from a different store that had no idea. I have been given a ticket and a court date for both of these things, and banned and such. But I was wondering what will show up on my record now. Will my crime when i was 12 show up on my record along with my shoplifting, since i broke diversion rules and made a crime again?
Dear Mikayla: If you successfully completed a diversion program when you were twelve, there shouldn’t be a record that you have to worry about. However, if you’re in the same court this time, there may be a record of your past diversion experience. So, maybe this time you won’t be offered diversion since you’ve had a chance already. When you go to court you’ll speak with a probation officer and he/she will explain what will happen. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hello my name is javier an im 22 and i got arrested for shoplifting when i was 19 and i had to go to court but i failed to appear what are the cosequenses of this..?
and what can i do to schedule another court apperance? it also is my first offense
Dear Javier: You can contact the court you were supposed to go to and ask about the status of the case. You might also speak with a lawyer about this if the charge still exists and/or there’s an outstanding arrest warrant. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i got caught taking a mascara worth like 8 or 10 bucks. it was very stupid of me . am i going to go to court because i’ve never been to court before
Dear Natalia: That depends on what happened at the time of the incident. If the police were involved or you were given a ticket, then you’ll probably have to go to court. Read the ticket carefully for a court date. Discuss this with your parents as soon as possible so you don’t miss the hearing. You could also receive a notice in the mail about a court hearing. Or the store may decide not to press charges but fine you instead. If that happens, you’ll receive a letter in the mail from the store or their lawyer requiring payment of a “civil fine.” Once the fine is paid, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Good luck and learn from this. Next time it won’t be the same consequence. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I am terrified and scared. I was caught shoplifting a shampoo bottle at Target ($15 value). They actually had camera of me shoplifting about 5 times prior and they finally caught me walking out concealing the shampoo bottle. The total stolen value from all the previous times is about $200. I was so so scared I admitted to wanting to steal the bottle when I came to Target and I even wrote down on a piece of paper they gave me that I took a shampoo bottle. I was arrested and released on OR. It was the worst day of my life. They charged me with PC 459… This is my first offense ever and I am 24. I am a medical student and I have never done anything bad before in my life. It’s just that one day I took a nice shampoo bottle from the store and it was so easy so I kept doing it even though I knew it was wrong. I have a lawyer and she said she’s gonna try to talk to the DA before the case gets filed as a felony and maybe get it reduced to a misdemeanor with no jail time. I am scared to death that I might have to go back to jail and this will ruin my life and goal of being a doctor. Do you think any judge would be more lenient in my case? Thank you so much.
Dear Amanda: Since this is your first offense and the amount involved is small, you may be offered a “diversion” program. Once you finish the program, the charge may be dismissed and you won’t have a record that would appear in a background check. Your lawyer may discuss this option with the prosecutor. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi Judge,
I have another question for you. Hopefully you can help me understand this better. So my charge was luckily filed as a misdemeanor, and not a felony. But it was 7 counts because they decide to charge me with the previous times i went into the stores and took the shampoo bottles even though I was not caught. Would this affect or increase my punishment? Would I be more likely have to do jail time? Or, a diversion program would still be a more likely option? Thank you very much
Amanda: You need to discuss this with your lawyer. He/she will know the laws in your state and the policies of the court and prosecutor. Since you’re charged with seven counts, that may affect any plea agreement or penalty upon conviction. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
alright thank you and yes this was my first offense
You’re welcome.
Hi im alex i was attempting to steal some beats from bestbuy but by walking into the bathroom a employee comes up and askes if i have prducts in the bathroom i handed it to him later walked out a manage asked me what i was doing with it so i said there wasnt any one around and i was unsure what to do so i just brought it in he told me to hurey up my purchase and never come again do they have the rights to not let me back in i never stole it and do they have record of my identity
Dear Alex: They probably don’t have any contact information about you or identification unless you gave it to them. Stores do have the authority to ban you from their premises. While the ban is in place don’t return or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hey judge, i recently turned 21 and i went out that weekend to celebrate well i got so drunk i was in a gas station and ended up getting introuble for shopplifting. i ordered a sub and was in line waiting to pay then before paying for it i must of put a pack of crackers in my pocket and before i knew it the police were there and i got arrested. im currently enrolled in school for air traffic controller and graduate soon. ive worked so hard to get to this point and hope this doesnt stay on my record and ruin my career. I made a stupid mistake to get that drunk and to pull that childish act with the crackers. What do you think will happen at court?
Dear Kevin: If this is your first offense, you may be eligible for a “diversion program.” Once you finish the terms of diversion the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. If diversion is not available where you live, ask about clearing or expunging this incident from your record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hey judge, I recently bought some tires at a tire store. I drove off the lot only to realize that maybe they didnt ring me up. noone stopped me or prompted me to pay. As a matter of fact they told me I was good to go and I drove off after a man that worked there loaded my old tires up. Is this considered Shoplifting? Will I be arrested if I dont follow up and I actually didnt pay even though I didnt realize? is this my fault legally? this happened in oregon
Dear Allen: It is possible that, at the end of the day when sales are tallied and registers checked, the error will be discovered. Whether they can trace the shortage to you is another matter. Whether this is a crime or not depends on your intent, if any, to get away with something or was it just an accident or slip of mind. Either way, you have to live with knowing that you didn’t pay for the tires and consequently the store has suffered a loss. Do the right thing and you’ll feel better in the long run. Good deeds have a way of coming back to you.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was caught stealing around $10 of stuff from walmart in Fayetteville, West Virginia, and I have a court date on the 15th of this month. I am 18 years old. What do you think will happen? I have never done anything wrong, this is my 1st offense.
Dear Corey: Since this is your first offense, you’ll likely be offered what is called a “diversion program.” Once you finish the program the case is closed and you won’t have a record. When you go to court the legal process will be explained to you by a court or probation officer. If you decide to plead not guilty, the court may appoint a public defender to represent you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hey i have a question.My brother was found shoplifting from a store and when he got outside the police stopped him and took him in for questioning and they found what he stole. They also took his details.He is 18 going to 19, they also said he was banned from the store and he is also going to pay the retail loss prevention fee. After all these is he convicted? or does it mean he has a criminal conviction?
Dear Lee: If your brother didn’t receive a ticket or notice to appear in court, he hasn’t been convicted of anything or have a criminal record. The police and the store may keep their own record of this incident for their purposes, but that’s not a record that will affect his future. It sounds as if he got lucky this time and the store will handle this as a civil matter. He’ll receive a letter from the store or their lawyer requiring payment of a civil fine. Once it’s paid the case is closed without further action. It could be several hundred dollars. Remind him not to return to the store while the ban is in place, otherwise he can be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information noly -not legal advice).
I was caught shoplifting and i received a letter from the company i was stealing from stating that I have to pay $800 dollars. Is that a misdemeanor or felony?
Dear Jason: If the letter was from the store or their lawyer, it’s a civil fine, not a criminal fine or penalty. Stores in most states are authorized to impose a “civil demand” on shoplifters. Once the fine is paid, the case is usually closed and no further action is taken. If you receive a notice in the mail about a court hearing, then formal shoplifting charges have been filed. Don’t miss court or a warrant for your arrest can be issued by the judge. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
thank you judge. i was caught in Los Angeles, CA. I stayed in the police station for about 8 hours and then they gave me a paper stating the court date. I went there and the judge did not give me any diversion program because my attorney said it was just a infraction theft so the case was dismissed. Also, i only had 1 week to stay in CA because i will be back in my country. Judge, what does it mean do i still have a record? how long will it take before my case will expunged?
Dear Serena: Since you said the charges were dismissed, then you may not have a record. Try contacting the court that you appeared in and ask for a copy of your record. You may have to pay a fee for the copies. Once you see your record, you will be able to confirm whether or not anything appears on it. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
a friend of mine was caught shoplifting, the total is 156.00, the store took her info. but no cops were called… she is afraid because, she was charged with a misdemeanor/welfare fraud over 2 years ago, the case is closed, she did restitution, she is off probation, but she is afraid of going to jail, the Loss Prevention Person told her it was a misdemeanor and she will get papers in the mail from the court…..any advice will be appreciated
Dear Nancy: Even though this is not your friend’s first offense, it’s possible that she will be offered a diversion program and have to complete community service, pay a fine and attend a class or counseling. If diversion is not an option, she’s likely facing similar consequences in addition to being placed on probation. Jail time is unlikely for a first offense shoplifting, but if she continues to violate the law, it will become more likely. Good luck to your friend.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
hi judge, im was 21 years old when i was arrested for shoplifting of $26. Now, im 24 years old and im planning to go the united states this november and early next year may visa will expire so i will apply for another one. judge, is there any possibility that i will be questionned in the airport by the immigration officer regarding may record? is may shoplifting record was already expunged? Is there a chance that i will be granted a tourist visa again during my renewal? i will wait for your reply. thank you.
Dear Serena: Whether or not the shoplifting incident will appear on a background check will depend on a number of things including where the incident occurred (in the U.S. or abroad), how the case was resolved and the immigration laws. If you went through some type of diversion program, then the incident may not appear on a background check. You need to a contact an immigration attorney and find out whether the incident will affect your visa application process. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, my name is luis, and i was caught stealing yesterday at Fleet Farm. The price of the object was only $10.00. Im 15, and my family is poor and will likely not be able to pay the fin. Could i do community hours, or something else instead of paying the fine? I live in Minnesota. Will this go to my record? i was hoping to start looking for colleges, will this affect me?
Dear Luis: The store may choose to send you a “civil demand” letter requesting payment of a civil fine. If this occurs, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. If you cannot pay the entire fine at once, call the number in the letter and ask if you could make payments. If charges end up being filed, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. If this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine and/or attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. This incident should not affect your ability to be accepted into colleges. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I also have another question.
Should I get a lawyer for my case?
Dear Latrice: You may be offered diversion without having the assistance of an attorney. You could go to your first court date and find out what your options are and what the possible consequences will be. You could then decide whether you believe you need the help and assistance of a lawyer. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hey. I’m 18 years old. I live in Georgia. A friend and I were caught shoplifting at Walmart last Monday. This has been boggling my mind ever since it happened. This was my first time interference with the law. Shoplifting is something I don’t do and wasn’t my intention on doing when I came into the Walmart because I didnt want to ruin my chances of going to army basic training that day. I originally came to get some keys that I left there the day before. I let my friend negatively pressure me into doing something I knew was wrong. She was caught stealing over $25 dollars worth of merchandise. I, on the other hand, only had $8 worth of merchandise. She was cuffed and sent to jail with a $1300 bond. I was given a citation with a court date and not cuffed. I have taken care of things with the army.
What should I expect to happen at court?
Dear Latrice: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Therefore, you would not have a record for the offense. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello Judge
I’m currently being charged w/ shoplifting about $100 of merchandise from Walmart. Is there any way I can pay for this and settle outside of court. There is not a court date set for the time being. I am to call and check in w/ the bondsman the 27th of each month to see when I have court. What can I do to avoid this charge before court? It’s my first offense and I do not want to have this on my record. Thank you for your time.
Dear Lauryn: Sometimes stores choose to request a civil fine from shoplifters rather than pressing charges. You could try contacting the loss prevention department and ask whether or not you could pay this civil fine to end the matter. Otherwise you will have to wait for when your court date is scheduled. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity to avoid having a record by completing community service, paying a fine and attending a class or counseling. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I got caught stealing a box of condoms today and was taken to the backroom, made me sign some papers, took a picture, and told me i was banned for life… This was in arizona! They asked for id and i gave it to them…. Im 18! Should i be worried? Should i expect a letter from them? It was my first time ever… What can happen?
Dear Josh: First, you may have gotten lucky by just being banned from the store. If this is the case, do not return there otherwise you could be cited for trespassing. The store may choose to send you a “civil demand” letter requesting payment of a civil fine. If this occurs, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. However, if charges end up being filed, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Therefore, you would not have a record of any conviction. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi,im 18 and was caught shopliftng in walmart the security pulled me in and I had no ID so they had me fill out a paper with just my name adress, phone number, and height, weight, and hair color. Took a picture, then let me go. Will I be fined or go to court? Will it be on my record if I have nothing on my record?
Dear Jolisa: The store may choose to send you a “civil demand” letter requesting payment of a civil fine. If this occurs, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. However, if charges end up being filed, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. If this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Therefore, you would not have a record of any conviction. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello Judge,
I am 22 years old and I got caught shoplifting on Thursday for $40. I am sincerely sorry for what I did and I haven’t been getting any sleep being worried sick. When I was caught the LP took me to the room for questioning but because I didn’t have my ID on me he couldn’t let me go so he called the police. When they police officer came she said I am charged with a felony because I intended to steal. But I didn’t! It was a stupid impulse I had. She took me to jail where they initially told me I had to stay over the weekend and go to court on Monday. The judge told me my bail was at $20000. I begged him to let me go and thankfully he did but told me to return to court in 45 days. I am so scared because I do not want to do jail time again. I was so surprised I was charged with a felony for $40 (although I know I have no excuse). The only thing is that I am on informal DUI probation. Is this way my charge is so high? I am very remorseful and would never do this again. What will happen to me? I am willing to do everything such as fines community service etc but I cannot do jail time because I am currently in school at UC Irvine. Should I hire an attorney? Please help.
Dear Nance: Since you’re on probation now, we suggest you speak with a lawyer about the current shoplifting charge. If you plead not guilty, the court may appoint a public defender to represent you if you qualify financially. Many lawyers provide free consultations to the public for the first 30 minutes or so. Ask about this if you call a criminal defense attorney. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I am terrified and scared. I was caught shoplifting a shampoo bottle at Target ($15 value). They actually had camera of me shoplifting about 5 times prior and they finally caught me walking out concealing the shampoo bottle. The total stolen value from all the previous times is about $200. I was so so scared I admitted to wanting to steal the bottle when I came to Target and I even wrote down on a piece of paper they gave me that I took a shampoo bottle. I was arrested and released on OR. It was the worst day of my life. They charged me with PC 459… This is my first offense ever and I am 24. I am a medical student and I have never done anything bad before in my life. It’s just that one day I took a nice shampoo bottle from the store and it was so easy so I kept doing it even though I knew it was wrong. I have a lawyer and she said she’s gonna try to talk to the DA before the case gets filed as a felony and maybe get it reduced to a misdemeanor with no jail time. I am scared to death that I might have to go back to jail and this will ruin my life and goal of being a doctor. Do you think any judge would be more lenient in my case? Thank you so much.
Dear Amanda: Since this is your first offense and the amount involved is small, you may be offered a “diversion” program. Once you finish the program, the charge may be dismissed and you won’t have a record that would appear in a background check. Your lawyer may discuss this option with the prosecutor. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello, I was shopping at Wal-mart and I have never shoplifted or thought of it. Anyway I’m 28 years old and while I put diapers in the cart and some other little things my child was throwing a little package of pajamas I pick out for her on the floor for me to pick up because this is an enormously fun game. So I did as I usually do and said, OH! you threw them again and now they are gone and I tossed them on the bottom rack of the cart. Well, when I went to leave I paid and everything and forgot the dang pajamas. I was apprehended while leaving and taken to a back room and I was confused. The undercover guard said she saw me intentionally put items I wanted to purchase in my cart and the pajamas I supposedly didn’t want to pay for at the bottom and tried to steal them. Then she said my child’s blanket (which I tossed under there too)was what I was using to hide the item. So, I guess it does look like I was trying to steal it. I mean, I would think so. She said she had cameras with me stealing and she was going to call the police. But she didn’t call the police she just banned me from the store. I didn’t sign anything but she took my social security number and license information which I am concerned about. She gave me a letter that said I shall receive a letter from their lawyers to pay a fine and then she escorted me out and let me go. I am banned from that store. They said the grand total of my stolen merchandise was $8.36. I’m just so embarrassed and was wondering if I just pay the 200 dollar fine if I will be ok? I don’t want to go to court. The manager said I could pay for the stuff and go because I had the money, but the loss prevention lady said no to that because she swore up and down she had been following me and saw me do it. So she gave me the fine. I don’t care about paying this, it was my fault. I just don’t want them to change their minds, send police to get me and take me to court. I’m afraid!
Dear Carol: It sounds like the store will send you a civil demand letter requesting payment of a civil fine. If you pay this fine on time, that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. Although the store could still press charges, it’s unlikely since they told you that you needed to pay a fine and often once the fine is paid, the person does not hear anything more about the incident. Be sure to stay away from the store, otherwise you could be cited with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Earlier this week at my college I was caught shoplifting merchandise that amounted to about $100. This is my first offense ever and I know it was a horrible decision and will never do it again. What would be the chances that I would be expelled? The school I go to is a public university and located in California.
Dear Chris: That depends on a few things: whether the school is aware of the incident; if formal criminal charges are filed and whether you plead guilty or not guilty if and when you go to court for this; the school’s policy regarding students with a criminal record, etc. You may be able to participate in a diversion program after which the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. You might check the university’s written policy regarding student arrests, tickets, and criminal incidents. They should be set forth on the school’s website or in written format available from the Administration. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got cought shoplifting from walmart yesterday. I am 17 and live in AZ. I had 18 dollars worth of stuff. I got arrested and was taken to the police department. I have to go to court but this is my first offence. What would the consequances be? How bad will i be punished? Wil this stay on my permanent record?
Dear Lola: Since this is your first offense you can expect to be offered participation in a “diversion program.” Once you finish the terms of diversion the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Remember this is usually for first-time offenders only – you don’t get a second chance if you reoffend. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was arrested for shoplifting, 3 hours after I had left a store. I put a bottle of vodka in my purse (which they saw on camera). Before I left the store I took the bottle out (which they claim I dont have proof of that). When I was leaving the store, I was stopped and asked for an ID, The lady never asked me to come back in the store, and never said I stole anything. Never asked to look in my purse. So I got into my car and drove home. The police show up at my house hours later, and searched my purse, and didnt have the vodka. Can I be charged for that?
Dear Amber: You could be charged with a crime depending on the definition of “shoplifting” in your state. The facts of the incident would have to fit the statute. So, Google the name of your state and “shoplifting” for information. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
This summer I got caught shoplifting at Target. I was detined by security and the police were called. The officer did not handcuff me or take me to jail, but instead gave me a citation and court date. I went to court, pleaded no contest and was given 18 hours of community service and had to take an online shoplifting class in order to clean my record. My question is, now that I have done all this is it off my record? And more importantly, do I have to check yes on job applications for being convicted of a felony now that my record is clean?
Dear Christian: If you participated in a “diversion program” and successfully completed it, you don’t have a record. You can check with the court about this to be sure. If a record does exist, ask about applying to have it expunged. You may have to wait a period of time to be eligible depending on the amount involved and whether it was a misdemeanor or felony. If you’re a minor (under 18) you probably weren’t “convicted” of a crime. The language differs in juvenile court. You may have been “adjudicated delinquent” on the shoplifting charge. We can’t tell you how to answer the question but pay close attention to the words used in the question. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hey, today my friend told me he needed to go to the store. I am the only one of my roommates who has a car, so I am basically just a taxi service for them. While there he sees an item he wants but does not want to pay the price for, and puts it in his pocket. This is a smart guy, so I laughed it off as a cheap joke and walked the way I was facing (he was in front of me and the location of the item was BEHIND me). I assumed when he walked by he put the item back. He checks out and we get back in the car and once we get back to the apartment he shows me the item in question. Can I be implicated legally as accessory since it was MY car that would be on the security footage?
Dear Michael: Since you may appear on the video you could be a suspect in the shoplifting and therefore be interviewed by the police. Simply explain to them what happened as you did here. Be honest and you shouldn’t be charged as an accessory. If you are charged, explain everything to your lawyer. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello. I’m Janny and I’m from Massachusetts and my friend got caught stealing headphones at Wal-Mart. As me and my friend were walking out the store a mangager appears and stops my friend and ask him to go to a room with her. He does so and is charged with committing the crime twice (Apparently he did this on another occasion)yet he has a clear record before this indicent and is only 16 years old. What is to be expected? Will he have a choice of completing a diversion program if pleaded guilty? And most importantly, will he have some type of criminal record regardless of the outcome?
Dear Janny: Diversion for your friend is a possibility. If the court where this happened has a diversion program, he may be eligible. Once he completes the terms of the program, the charge will be dismissed and he won’t have a record. That’s the purpose of diversion: to avoid the trial process and keep the person from getting a record that may affect them later in life. Tell him, though, that diversion is usually for first-time offenders. He may not be as lucky if he steals again.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Me and my friend got caught stealing bread in Wal-Mart today.. they called the law and pressed charges. They said instead of a Felony they would make it a misdemeanor. Me & my friend are both 16 & live in North Carolina, when we have to go to court does our parents have to be present?
Dear Taylor: Most juvenile courts across the country require a parent or legal guardian to be with their son or daughter when they go to court. Otherwise, if you show up by yourself, the hearing may be continued until a parent can be with you. If you received any paperwork from the store, read it carefully and see if it says anything about this. You can also call the court and ask. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi.I’m in Ohio. I shoplifted 5 years ago, I felt really bad for my actions.I paid fine judge was really nice to me since it was my first time. And it was a good lesson for me. Never again.When I was in the store they told me if I will come back they will arrest me. my question is 5 years is it enough time? Can I go back to the store? Just wanted to look for some presents for my parents. Thank you.
Dear Rose: Most likely, the ban has been lifted. Usually they run about a year or less. To be sure, you might call the Loss Prevention person at the store and ask. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Whats the diffre e from a civil demand and being pressed charges?
Alex: There are two sides to a shoplifting incident. One is civil where the store decides to handle the case on its own, without involving the police or going to court. The other is criminal where the store decides to press charges against the shoplifter. That’s when you go to court, plead guilty or not guilty and are sentenced if found guilty of the charge. Stores in some states have the option of both, imposing a fine and pressing criminal charges.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
what if i got caught stealig from a one time halloween store and the guy said he was gunna sued me he calld the cops and he took down my information but never told i was gunna get a letter he just said afyer to leave. Its here just for october and the value was 45$ what will i be expecting and stuff?? And will it go on
My record and ruin me from getting into school and job? Im 17 and live in massachusetts
Dear Alex: The store may choose to send you a “civil demand” letter requesting payment of a civil fine. If this occurs, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. However, if charges end up being filed, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Therefore, you would not have a record of any conviction for the incident and it should not affect your educational or career opportunities in the future. We hope you learned from this as the consequences will increase for additional offenses. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
what if the cop never told you that your gunan get a letter . should i still expect one
Dear Alexandra: Even if the officer did not tell you that you would receive a civil fine in the mail or a notice to appear in court, it’s possible that you will receive one. Although if the officer just gave you a warning and/or told you not to return to the store, you may have gotten lucky this time. If you were told that you are banned from the store, be sure to stay away otherwise you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi. I am in Hawaii and recently got caught shoplifting from a Navy Exchange. Initially, when the LP stopped me at the door I had $100 worth of stolen merchandise in my purse. That was the second time I had been there that day and had stolen items the first time as well(but did not keep them in my purse). The LP took me into a room and asked me questions then took my car keys and escorted me to my car telling me to put all of my belongings in a bag. I am now being accused of taking ALL of those items. most of which were not stolen from their store. Since they did not ask me if they could search my car and did not involve police to do so, can they use what was in my car as evidence? They are saying that with the goods in the car I owe them well over $1,000. This is my first offense. what can happen to me?
Dear Kell: If you are formally charged with shoplifting, you will have a chance to plead guilty or not guilty in court. If you deny the shoplifting, the court may appoint a public defender to represent you. If that happens, explain everything to your lawyer. He or she will know how to proceed and handle the state’s evidence against you. Since this is your first offense, you may be allowed to complete a diversion program. That means when you finish some community service, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Assuming you’re a minor, tell your parents what’s happened and they’ll go to court with you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My daughter was caught shoplifting. We have a court date in a few days. But since then I have recieved a letter from the store’s attorney saying I gotta pay them $400 for what she took which was bout $60. I am allready behind on my 1st payment because i’m a single mom who is unemployed and dont have the money. Do I try to pay them or wait till we go to court?
Dear Nette: In most states, stores are authorized to fine shoplifters. Once the civil fine is paid, they can choose not to press criminal charges against your daughter. You can contact the store or their lawyer if that’s who sent you the letter and ask about a payment schedule. That would be a better way to go than having to appear in court unless your daughter didn’t do it and wants to plead not guilty. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
a guy i know, he’s about 24, was locked up for two counts of shoplifting from a corner store. he has a criminal record already but never for shoplifting. how long do you think they will keep him locked up for? and any other types of punishment he will recieve?
Dear Jane: Sometimes, a person is booked into jail when he/she is first arrested, but as soon as they appear before a judge (within a few days), they are either released or a bond is set. The possible consequences your friend faces depend on a number of factors including the facts of the case, his criminal record and the policies of the court/prosecutor’s office. He should know more after his first court appearance.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
this guy i know has two counts of shoplifing and he has a criminal record but never for shoplifting. what possible punishment will he recieve?
Dear Stevie: Depending on the facts of the case, the value of the items stolen, his prior offenses and the court’s policies, your friend could be offered a diversion program. The prosecutor will consider all of the factors when determining how the case should be resolved. He may be placed on probation and have to pay a fine, complete community service and attend a class or counseling. Good luck to your friend.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi Judge Tom,
I unintentionally [and I know this is always said as an excuse, and that I likely can’t prove it] walked out of the store with a couple of items of makeup whose total value was approximately $10, when I was approached by Loss Prevention. I was asked if I had anything I hadn’t paid for, to which I immediately remembered the makeup and replied “Yes!” I explained that I had spaced out and asked to return to the store to pay for the items. The LP took my information and I paid for the items [they charged me $27, despite that being nowhere near actual cost- they keyed the prices in instead of scanning them…] No charges were pressed and no police were called. I have now received a “Settlement Offer” for $325. Is this legitimate? Do I have any recourse? Thanks for this great resource!
Dear Jess: First, you’re welcome. We’re glad you found us.
Yes, this “settlement offer” is common and in some cases involves a higher amount. Shoplifting may be handled as both a civil matter and a criminal matter. A store can decide not to press charges and simply impose a civil fine on the shoplifter. This keeps the case out of the courts and the victim doesn’t get a record that may affect them in many ways. Once you pay the fine, the case is closed and you don’t have a record that will show up on a background check. Many people, even if there was no intent to leave the store without paying for the items, pay the fine to end the case promptly. It’s your decision. The incident can also end up as a shoplifting charge that means you have to appear in court and either complete a diversion program if you admit the charge, or go to trial if you plead not guilty. Again, this is your decision. If you plead not guilty, the court may appoint a lawyer (public defender) to represent you. Explain everything that happened to your lawyer. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am currently a 19 year old. I was caught stealing fake eyelashes and mascara ($20.79) I was 100% compliant with everything, broke down, they didn’t involve the police, I have NOTHING on my record. I will do ANYTHING to make this right and have it not go on my record. Will this show up when employers pull up my background check? I live in Washington and still haven’t received the fine in the mail (which they said to look out for) I am so regretful and I know this is not the person that I am, and all I want is a second chance and I will never EVER steal again. Do you think they will give me that blessing and not put it on my record?
We think you got that second chance you mentioned. Since the police weren’t called and you didn’t get a ticket or court date, the store has decided to handle this as a civil matter. So, when you get a letter in the mail from either the store or their lawyer requiring payment of a “civil fine,” pay it on time and the case will be closed. It could be several hundred dollars, so you may want to start saving. This is a common practice. Don’t give in to temptation again – you may not be as lucky. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My sister in law was arrested early this morning for shop lifting. She is 19 years old and this was her first offense. They won’t tell my mother in law any details just that she has court tomorrow. Is there anything we can do until then or how can we get more information about hats going on
Dear Cindy: Because your sister-in-law is an adult, this offense is hers to deal with in court. When she goes, the legal process will be explained to her. Since this is her first offense, she stands a good chance of being offered diversion. Once she finishes the diversion program, the charge will be dismissed and she won’t have a record.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I live in texas and i was dropping off a coworkers neices in the next town over I had to get some things out of walmart so they went into the store with me while they text their ride this was my first time meeting them i did not know they were stealing. They left the store before me and were gone when i got outside but as i was pulling out the police stopped me and said they had put stolen merchandise in my car. My doors were locked so i knew it was not true they asked to search my car i let them and they did not find any stolen merchandise in my car. I gave them all the information that i had since then the coworker have changed her number and quit the job the police are saying that since they came in the store with me i can be charged is this true and what can happen to me
Dear Michelle: Whether or not they will charge you will depend on the specific shoplifting laws in your state as well as the evidence. Because the three of you were together, they may believe that you were all aware of what was going on, but if there is no evidence that you knew or that you shoplifted, then they probably will not file charges against you. Even if charges are filed, it’s extremely unlikely that you would face any jail time over this incident. You may be offered a diversion program and giving the opportunity to avoid having the offense stay on your record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I’m 21 years old, in Ohio. I went to walmart today in Ohio and printed pictures at the photo centre and walked out without paying for them. They cost a total of $2.50. They stopped me to check my receipts and took me inside the room with the cameras. I told them it just slipped my mind, but obviously they don’t believe me and strongly believed I was shoplifting. They took down my information from my ID and my partner’s information (she didn’t have ID). They kept the pictures that I printed. They didn’t call the cops, or give us any papers, or make us sign anything, or take any pictures of us. they let us go and said not to come back to walmart for the rest of the night.
1) I’ve been reading up on this since I came back, am I going to get some sort of letter/fine?
2) Is this going to go on my criminal record?
Dear Raj: It sounds like you may have gotten lucky this time with a warning. However, since they obtained your contact information, it is possible that you will receive a “civil demand” letter in the mail requesting payment of a civil fine. If this occurs, be sure to pay the fine on time (if you admit to the shoplift) and that may be the end of the matter. Since they did not say anything to you about paying a fine, again, you may be lucky by ultimately being let go without any consequences being enforced. This will not go on your criminal record so long as you do not receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
i got caught shoplifting at a store i had no intentions on stealing the item my question is if its under 100$ can they not proceed in chraging me with the crime
Dear Patrick: Generally, it does not matter how small of a value item is stolen as the person can still be charged with shoplifting if the store decides to press charges. However, since the item is under $100, it is likely that you would be facing a misdemeanor charge and may be offered a diverison program if this is your first offense. Also, sometimes stores will decide to request a civil fine from the accused shoplifter and send a “civil demand” letter rather than pressing charges.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
hey its may again i would like to ask you is chancery division family part have anything to do with dyfs (divison of youth and family serivce)
Dear May: Courts and government agencies are separate departments of government. Representatives of a state agency (DYFS for example) may appear in chancery court on a case representing a family or child.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got caught stealing an object worth $100 when i was 15. I live in Illinois. I had to pay a $500 fine, that was my only punishment. They informed me when i am 18 it will be taken off my record. I am now 16, turned around bad habits, and looking for a job. I am also looking to see if i can apply at a hospital to be a volunteer (wanting a career in the medical field). I am wondering… When looking at my criminal record, will they be able to see my stealing incident?
Dear Lynn: Since you didn’t go to court for this, you weren’t convicted or adjudicated delinquent. Therefore, you don’t have an official record. The only record that may exist is with the store for their purposes. The $500 fine was probably a “civil fine” that once paid ends the case most of the time. Good luck with your education and job pursuits.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Im 19 years old. When i was 17 years old i was caught shoplifting at JCP, i was arrested and had to pay JCP around 250 for the damage ect. I had to attened court but was called in by a probation officer to meet with her. I took her my grades as well as a few other information she needed. I didnt have to do any community service or go to court. She told me that as long as i didnt get encountered with the law it would nt show up but that if it ever did they would consider it. I have not been in trouble with the law ever since this happen and it was my frist time. I want to know if this is in my record. I got hire by sears today and they are going to do a background check. will this show up? Im really stressing out and im really scared that it will show up. Ive learned my lesson and i will never shoplift or commit any crime.
Dear Jenny: Since you didn’t appear in court or go before a judge, you haven’t been convicted of a crime. So, there’s no official record of this shoplifting incident. It shouldn’t appear on a background check if you completed a diversion program. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi its may again i just got a court date in chancery division family part am i going to have to speak with a judge n would thy fine me and would i need a lawyer can u and also this is the first time this happends to me which means first offence
Dear May: You may not need a lawyer at this point. It’s up to your parents if they want to hire one before going to court. When you go, you may speak with a probation officer first who will explain everything to you. If you admit the charge you may be placed in a diversion program (work hours, a class or counseling). Once you complete the program the case is dismissed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I was caught shoplifting from four different stores at the mall but because i knew the officer he talked his boss into changing it to a misdemeanor. This is the first time Ive ever been in trouble with the cops. I have to go see a probation officer tomorrow. What is going to happen to me?
Dear Brittany: Since this is your first offense and you’re meeting with a probation officer, you’ll probably be offered “diversion.” Once you finish the terms of the program, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Don’t let this happen again because diversion isn’t available to repeat offenders. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I keep reading websites saying that if I don’t pay my CVS civil demand, it’s unlikely they will sue. I am 18, and the LB told me i wouldn’t hear anything from cvs.
Dear Jessie: There are no guarantees that the store won’t press charges if the civil fine is ignored and not paid. It happens and has happened in the past. So, we can’t tell you definitively that failure to pay will be accepted. We usually suggest to our readers that they think about the situation and do the right thing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thank you very much have a good day
hi it may again me n my dad got 2 letters from walmrts lawyer sayin that i have to pay 150 dollars and my dad has to pay 150 dollars to but wht i dnt get is that is it a fine because in the paper it didnt say anything about a fine and also i would like to know how many days or months does it take until i get a court paper i would like to know if i am going to get a court paper or not thank you
Dear May: If the store decides to press charges against you, you will receive a notice in the mail advising you of a court date. Otherwise, the store can choose to handle this as a “civil” matter only. The letters you’ve received from Walmart’s lawyer is the civil side of the case. Once you pay the “civil” fine, usually the case is closed. But your local prosecutor may decide to proceed with a “criminal” charge of shoplifting. It’s the prosecutor’s decision. It could be several weeks or months before you hear about criminal charges. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My son is 19yrs old on 8yrs probation for burglary of a habitat, on friday 10/14/2011 he was riding in the car with my sister , she stops the car at a CVS drugstore and tells him to stay in the car, that shes going to use the restroom, that she will be right out, hes waiting in the car, and he says that she has been inside the store for more that 20mins. so he says he goes in the store to see whats taking her so long, he says she comes out they get back in the car, and as soon as they pull off from the store the cops get behind them and take them to jail, but they search him he has nothing, when they search her, her purse is full of CVS merchandise, more than 50 less than 500, and they take him in to. I bond him out, he goeas and report to his probation officer the next day, and he tells him that he has to get an affidavit signed by my sister stating that the merchandise was hers and that my son honestly did not know that she was going into the CVS to steal, my question to you Judge Tom, is What are the steps that my son need to take in obtaining this affidavit?
Dear Nikki: An “affidavit” is a sworn statement about an incident or fact. Your son’s probation officer is asking that your sister write a statement about what happened, stating that your son wasn’t involved in the shoplifting if that’s the case, didn’t have any knowledge of what she was doing in the store, etc. The statement must be signed by her and witnessed by a notary public. She can do this at most banks or a private notary. Once your son has the notarized statement and provides it to his probation officer, his PO will decide what, if anything, further needs to be done. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Sunday I was caught shoplifting around $14 worth of merchendise. The LP took me to the back where he got my information. He made me sign two papers. The one with my information on it and another saying I am banned from the store for a year. No police were called and he said that I might have to pay the store some restitution and then he let me go. This is my first offense. My question is, what could I expect to happen to me?
Dear Marie: Since this is your first offense and the police weren’t involved, you may not have to go to court for this incident. You may receive a letter in the mail requiring payment of a “civil fine” to the store. Once it’s paid the case will be closed. Don’t return to the store until the ban is up, otherwise you can be charged with trespassing. It may take a few weeks or months before you get the letter. Good luck and learn from this. Usually you get one chance before formal shoplifting charges are filed against you.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Sarah: Yes, since this is a first offense, you may be eligible for a “diversion program.” Once you finish the terms of diversion, the charge is dismissed and you don’t have a record. This isn’t always available a second time, so think twice before stealing again. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi it me Jeremy again I forgot to say that the Cops got called and that they gave me a pink slip of paper that said that i was to the district court on Noveber 17th 2011. Will it probley be about the same thing were I would have to pay a fine or do community service.
Dear Jeremy: Yes, when you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you by a probation officer. If you admit the shoplifting, you may be given diversion and have to pay a fine or complete some community service. Each state and court handles these cases differently, so you’ll have to wait until court to see what you’ll be required to do. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
well my friend got caught soplifting at our local major mall and from what i know it wasnt something huge but worse then like gum about ho loong would she be in jail although i dont support her at all i just am concerned
Dear Robert: If your friend was arrested and booked into jail, chances are she will be released as soon as she sees a judge. It’s very unlikely to be sentenced to any jail time for a first offense involving a relatively low value item.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I got caught for stealing $64.90 in legos from walmart this is my first time with the law. I now know not to do it ever again. I live in North Carolina and I do not know what will happen being i am 16. My parent have no clue because they would go crazy.what could possiblie happen.
Dear Jeremy: The store may choose to send you a “civil demand” letter requesting payment of a civil fine. If this occurs, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. However, if charges end up being filed, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. We’re glad to hear you learned from this as you will face harsher penalties for a second offense. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, i stole my friends sweater and i was caught and gave it back they did not call the police but i did get suspended from school then i went on a school group field trip for six flags and i got caught stealing again this time a ring pop they did not get the police involved bit since i was with my teacher shd gave the incident report to my assistant principle i am 13 and i want to know what will happen now?
Dear Victoria: It’s up to your school as to how they will discipline you. Although they could refer the matter to the police, it’s unlikely that they will do so over a small value item involving your first offense of stealing from a store. You may face another school suspension or another type of discipline. We hope you have learned from these incidents because if you continue to steal, you will have to go to court and explain yourself to a judge. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I was caught leaving a grocery store with products I hadn’t paid for (in the state of Iowa). I paid the $200 restitution the store asked for and agreed to their lifelong ban. I have a court date in early October. I have no prior convictions and am a 24 year old student with an exceptional record of accomplishments. Nothing like this has ever happened to me. I am ashamed to tell anyone, but I need advice. Should I ask for deferred judgment? I read that it might be a possibility. I want to do whatever will save me from having my career impacted. Should I plead guilty and just pay the fines? Or is there a way to present myself and my case to avoid having a permanent mark on my record? If I do get deferred judgment, what exactly does that mean?
Dear Lauren: Since this is your first offense, there is a good chance you will be offered deferred judgment or a similar type of diversion program. When you go to your first court date, you should have the opportunity to speak with a court or probation officer or the prosecutor who will explain to you what your options are and what penalties you’re facing. If deferred judgment is an option in your case, then once you complete the terms of the program the charges will be dismissed and you will not have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
i got caught last month and im 17 but im turning 18 next week and i applied at a job and they called me but they said that they have to do a background check will that turn out negative? will i fail?will that show up on my background check?
Dear Danny: If you never appeared in court for the shoplifting incident or haven’t received a letter from the court instructing you to appear at a future date, then you do not have a criminal record for the incident. A background check may reveal the incident only if charges were filed against you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
it me Philip again, and yeah i mean i even told the cops and LP that ill show them where i put the mirror and they didnt let me. its not illegal to tak a product out of package and put it on another shelf, its illegal to take it out of the store without paying. they really thinki stole it when i didnt. My first court date is wednesday so ill let you know any other questions that come from this. thanks again! -Philip
Dear Philip: Actually, it may be illegal to take a product out of the package and leave it in the store depending on the theft laws in your state. The store may not be able to sell that product now that the package has been opened. Good luck at your court date.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
dear judge,
hey its Philip again thanks for getting back to me. The charges were filed against me and my friend. yes i took the mirror out of the package and yes i held on to it with my hand(never concealed it)and put the package down and yes i walked to the next isle. BUT i put it back on th shelve. i had no intentions of stealing it. i walked out of walmart with something i purchased and nothing else
You’re welcome, Philip. Then you may want to talk to a lawyer about fighting the charges and possibly taking your case to trial. You should find out more at your first court date including what your options are and will have to decide if you want to take your case to trial. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
My cousin was caught shoplifting. She switched the tags to change the prices from 12 to 4 dollars. She was caught and escorted to the office where she was asked for ID, phone number, and address. The police arrive and take her to the police station, where later her husband got her. She is over 20, and was caught at Walmart by prevention of loss officers. A court date is presented, and she has never committed any crime at all on her record. I was with her. What happens now in court? Thank you for helping!
Dear Dan: Since this is her first offense, it is likely that she will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Therefore, she would not have a record from the incident. Good luck to your cousin.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Dear judge tom,
Me and a buddy were shopping at walmart. i picked up a car mirror set which was open half way, i took one of the small mirrors out and put the package on the rack. i then walked to another isle with the mirror still in my hand. i then put the mirror back on the shelve in a different isle. i didnt wanna take it anymore. then i went and took a screwdriver and purchased it and walked out of the stole. i got to my car and the LP employee said that i shoplifted and showed my the open package and i said to him no i didnt i put in back in the next isle over and he said i had to go back into the store to talk about it and i said no. he then got in my face as i was trying to get in my car. i got in my car and a cop followed me to my house and arrested me. the LP guy said me and my friend stole a radio deck, car wires, the mirror, and 2 ps3 games. and he said i pushed him when he confronted me when i didnt. i wasnt even in the department tht has ps3 games in it. they made the other merchandise up. the only thing they could have on me is the mirror but i put it back and never took it out of the store. Is this a legit case for walmart? or can i sue for false accustion? Please help me and get back to me. thank you!!! -Philip
Dear Philip: If charges have not yet been filed against you, the prosecutor’s office will review the police report and evidence and decide whether or not to file charges. If the LP officers believed that you were in the process of stealing even if you did not complete the theft by taking any items out of the store, that may be enough for them to pursue charges. If charges are filed, you will have to decide if you want to take the case to trial after reviewing any evidence Walmart has against you. You may want to speak with a local criminal attorney about the facts and to help you decide if you should fight the charges and go to trial. You can always file a lawsuit when you feel that some sort of injustice has occurred, but keep in mind that it may not be worth your time and money especially when you may not prevail in court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I am on the F1 student visa. I have an i20 from the institution I am studying in. So, in case they have noted it as $220, do I still qualify for diversion according to the state of Pennsylvania law? I am pretty certain it came to $70-$80 though the exact value I fail to recollect. I do not plan to plead “not guilty”. I am not even sure of what other options I have.
Dear Keisha: Again, when you got to court, you’ll meet with a court or probation officer who will be able to answer your questions and explain what your options are including whether or not you are eligible for diversion. As for your resident status, you will need to contact a local immigration attorney in your area to find out whether the charge as well as the outcome of the case will have any effect on your residency. Take care and good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello judge, I am a 18 year college student in california and last summer I was caught shoplifting from a department store. I stole about $20 dollars worth of make up it was not my first time, however it was my first time getting caught. I have had this problem for years, however I have been trying to stop. It is a nervous habit that started when my friend got me into it and it escalated when my mother got cancer and my family had less money then I was used too. After I was caught outside the store with the merchandise I was put into a room where they took the makeup and had me fill out paper work. No police were called. I denied stealing the items was intentional, and though they have video proof I never admitted to stealing it. Because I was cooperative with the paperwork and taking my picture and giving them my drivers license they told me i should get a fine and i did not get a court date and the police did not come. My concern is I am applying for a job and a sorority at my college and they both have background checks. Since I was not charged will this be on my record? I am very ashamed of this and dont want any jobs or organizations knowing I am aspiring to be a Heart Surgeon and I am a very good student. I will never do this again. Please help me, will this show up on my background check?
Dear Felicia: Since the police weren’t called and you weren’t given a ticket or a court date, there is no official record of the incident that would appear on a background check. The only record is with the store for their internal purposes. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thank you so much for your immediate response Judge Tom. It is comforting to get the right information from a knowledgeable source. Just for understanding, what is the $220 mentioned in the charge sheet? Also, should I hire a lawyer to represent me in this case? I am a student, and I don’t really have too much money on me, being on a loan myself. Further, will it help my case if I start doing some community service right away, before my hearing? I have only six months left in this country, before I leave for a hiatus for a year. One more question, will it affect my chances of obtaining a visa or work permit in the future, once I clear the case completely?
Thank you very much Judge Tom!
Keisha: You don’t necessarily need a lawyer at this time unless you want to contact one to discuss the case. When you go to court, a probation or other court officer will explain the process to you. If you plead not guilty, the court may appoint a lawyer to represent you. It is possible that the $220 listed in the charge sheet was an estimate of the value involved. Not knowing your legal status in this country, we can’t comment on the effect this may have on your future.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, my name is lynn, im 16 and i live in new york, my sister who is 13 stole a bracelet from khols, that was worth like $15 on sale. the LP officer stopped us outside of the store and asked for us to come to the security office, im considered as an accomplis our parents had to come also he said that he was just going to take down our names and that it he let us go without a fine or anything, and we’re not allowed in the store again with our parents. Will this be on our permanent records? what happens next, im scared and confused… Help please
Dear Lynn: Since this is your first offense and the amount is small, you’ll probably be given a chance to complete a “diversion program.” Once you finish diversion, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. You may also receive a letter in the mail from the store or their lawyer requiring payment of a civil fine. Once it’s paid, the store will likely close their case against you. The fine could be several hundred dollars. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge Tom,
I wrote to you a few weeks ago. In short, I was caught shoplifting and the police were not called and they took down all my details and I was let go. This is my first offence. it was an act of complete foolishness and I absolutely regret it. I have not repeated this further and I will never do it ever again. A few days back I got a mail demanding civil damages and I paid $380. Today I got a court notice. My hearing is on the 11th of Oct in the state of Pennsylvania. They have asked me to come a few days before for some fingerprinting and photo. And they calculated the amount of the theft and it came up to $70 – $80. On my case sheet, it says $220. Will that make the case more serious? I am an international candidate and I plan to leave the country for a year for my marriage and everything and come back for my higher studies. How serious is this issue? I have not told my family and friends as it will distress them and I am extremely ashamed of myself for bringing myself down to this level and stooping so low. I cannot afford a lawyer, I am a student. All I want is this not to be on my criminal record. I will do anything it takes. Community service and everything. I want to come out clean and i want a fresh start. And I will be leaving United States by May and coming back only in 2013. Is there any way of not letting this go on my permanent record?
Thanks, Keisha
Also, since it says $220, can I still get the diversion program? I am pretty sure it came to $70 odd. I don’t know what to do! I am so terribly regretting this. It was an act of sheer impulse. I do not want it to be on my record. That is all. Please let me know what my options in this situation are. I want to come out clean and new.
Dear Keisha: The figure that will be used by the court is the $70-$80 amount. This means you’ll most likely qualify for a diversion program. Once you finish the program, the charge will be dismissed and you won’t have a record to worry about or that will affect your future. That is the purpose of diversion. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
ok i got caught shoplifting at my job . they called the lost prevention on me and fired me from the job . made me sign papers saying that i have to pay them back and i certainly will . but my main question is that they didnt call the olice on me or anything . is this in my criminal background ? i usally have no porblem getting a job and all of a sudden after this whole situation i havent been able to get a job . do you think this is in my background
Dear Jessica: This incident will not appear on any background check unless the store chooses to press charges in which case you would receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. If you never receive any notice from the court, then you do not have a criminal record for the incident. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, me and 3 of my friends were stopped before exiting a walmart store. One of my friends have stolen something but i didnt steal anything. They take us to the security office and tells us that “we just need some information and if you never steal from here again we will let you go”. After taking my information down, he says “arrite get the hell out of here” and lets us go. Will they mail us with a penalty or contact us?
Dear Jesse: You may have gotten lucky this time with a warning. The store could send you a “civil demand” letter in the mail requesting payment of a civil fine. However, they usually tell people that they should expect to receive this fine in the mail if they’re planning on sending it to them. If they told you to stay out of Walmarts, be sure to not enter any of the stores otherwise you could be cited with trespassing.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, Im 17 and I got caught shop lifting yesterday at sephora. This is the second time I got caught. The items in my bags were about 500dollars but I also had an lv belt , burberry scarf and wallet. which adds up to another $1000. I told them the truth that I also stole those items, so they returned it to the stores, and I stayed with the police, at first they were going to send me straight to juvenile but I beg to get a hold of my parents. My dad came, i got released. But the officer told me this is a felony, I will have to go to court. Can you please tell me what will happen? do I have to serve time in juvenile ? will this be on my record and keep me away from getting a job or going to a university ?
Dear Natalie: You are likely facing probation with some community service, a fine/restitution to the store and classes or counseling. Whether the judge believes you need to serve some time in detention will depend on the specific facts, your criminal history and the policies of the court. When you appear for your first court date, you will have a better idea as to what penalties you’re facing. The charge will remain on your juvenile record, but once you’re 18 or older (depending on the laws in your state), you can ask the court to destroy or expunge your record. You must first successfully complete the terms of your sentence and if you continue to stay out of trouble, a judge is likely to expunge your record. Juvenile records do not necessarily show up on background checks conducted by colleges and universities, but if the application asks about your criminal history, you must be honest and truthfully answer any question. However, be sure to read any question very carefully since many applications ask about any felony “convictions”. In juvenile court, you are not “convicted” but “adjudicated” a delinquent. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
if someone steals shoes at a store and there an employe at the store. Say u have stolen alot of shoes and a total of 500 bucks and u get caught steeling the shoes. What would happen? do u go to prison? and for how long?
Dear David: If you are charged with theft of the shoes, the consequences depend on the laws of the state where this happened. Every state has its own criminal laws with specific penalties for breaking the law. You can Google the name of your state and “theft” or “larceny for information. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
How long does security footage get saved?
Dear Anonymous9: It totally depends on the policies of the store as there is no law requiring stores to save security footage for a limited amount of time. You could try contacting the store’s loss prevention department to get a specific answer. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
dear judge i was caught shopelifting but i put what i stole back and the loss prevention people asked me to come with them but the let me go but they put up up a hard fight try to see if i still had what i stole
Dear Ambrose: If the police weren’t called and you weren’t told to appear in court for this, consider yourself lucky. Next time may be a different story. Shoplifters are taken to court and, if found guilty of the offense, punished. Think twice before stealing again. You did the right thing in returning it before you left the store. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
me and my sister got caught shoplifting from old navy & we had shoplifted from h&m before old navy. i live in new york. and it was our first time; we went too the precint and they filled out some paper. they didnt tell us that we had probation or court & the stores didnt tell us that they were pressing charges. we are both underage but i would like too know if that would go onto our records? and if so, would i still be able too get a job when i hit the appropriate age to gt a job. and i also take modeling classes so would i ever be contacted too be a model for h&m or old navy? since i shoplifted from there?
Dear Gloria: SInce you were caught and they have your contact information, you might receive a letter in the mail from the store and/or the local prosecutor. The store can require that you pay a fine and they can also decide to press charges. If that happens, you’ll be notified of a court date. Then when you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you. This could have an effect on your record depending on what happens. Talk with a lawyer about this if you end up in court. If you hear nothing in the next few months, you got lucky. So, think twice before stealing again. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge,
I am 21 years old, yesterday I was caught stealing in CA for 88 dollars worth of merchandise. This is my first offense, VERY clean record. I am feeling great regret for my stupid decision, but I have questions. Will I get offered a diversion at my arraignment before I even see the judge? Is it true you are only offered diversion if you plea not guilty too? I have read that on other forums. Advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks
Dear Ashleigh: Diversion programs are handled differently in courts throughout the country. It’s possible that you could meet with a probation officer or the prosecutor and be offered diversion before seeing the judge. Some programs require that you plead guilty before entering into the program, but this is not always the case. You will find out more when you go to court and should have an opportunity to speak with a probation or court officer or prosecutor. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I am a 39 yr old mother of five young kids, husband disabled and struggling financially. I got caught shoplifting some kids clothing in jcpenney and was arrested last year. I went through the pti program and graduated and had my offense expunged. 2 weeks ago I was hospitalized for depression and just life in general has been so hard…I went into the local Belk ( it was my daughters 11th birthday) and realized I couldent afford a nice present for her so I put a bracelet on my arm ($65.00) but it was on sale for 15.00..and security stopped me at the door. I realized what a terrible mistake I just made and couldent stop crying. The woman security officer was very nasty and the prosecuting attorney is the same attorney from the first offense. I was granted a public defender and I want this to be over so I can get some help and move on with my life. I am afraid of going to jail and leaving my five kids alone. They have noone else but a disabled dad who cannot walk. I am trying to be positive but I need advice and some hope. I am a good person and just made some bad decisions.
Dear Kimberly: We’re sorry to hear of your situation. Since you have a public defender representing you, explain to him/her the situation and a plea bargain may be possible. It’s doubtful that the court would send you to jail under the circumstances. However, anything is possible. Your lawyer will be able to explain to you what to expect. We wish you the best and hope everything improves for you and your family.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello, first and foremost, thank you for this fine article.
At the age of 17 I was caught shoplifting from a store. The amount was minor, and NO charges were pressed, I was not required to do community service, etc. I was released into custody of my parents due to, at the time, being a minor.
I have since turned 18 and am no longer a minor. Given that I am both no longer underage and no charges were held against me, would this appear on a background check? I have had no other illegal activity (not even traffic offenses).
Thank you for the time and information, Judge Jacobs! You are a very helpful person.
Dear Richard: Since you didn’t receive a ticket or go to court, you don’t have a “record” that would show up on a background check. The only record you may have is with the store for their internal uses. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i was at macys with a friend and we stole. we got caught and the charged us each with a 200penalty fee. I am 18 years old and did not tell my parents. I am now at college and have been to the police station and the court will mail me my date and everything to the school. Will this be on a background check if i havent gone to school yet? and what will happen to me when i go to court? i understand what i did was wrong and i am prepared to face all consequences.
Dear Coco: If this is your first offense, you may be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service, payment of a fine and possibly attending a class or counseling, the charges will be dismissed and you will not have a record for the incident. You will find out more when you go to court and will have an opportunity to speak with a court or probation officer who will explain the possible penalties and tell you what your options are. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, I am 19 and last night I got caught at the bloomingdale and those stuff worth about $350 and they gave the ticket 484-Petty Thieft, I am international student and I am so worry about being deported… And this is my first and last time…
Dear Huan: You need to contact an immigration attorney in your area to find out the possible immigration consequences for the charges you are facing. Since this is your first offense, you may have to complete community service hours, pay a fine and attend a class or counseling. However, we’re unable to provide any information about the immigration consequences, so contact a local immigration attorney. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi I am 18 years old and I live in California, yesterday about 6 or 7 o’clock, my friend and I got caught shoplifting at the Bloomingdale. When the security came at me and tried to handcuff me, I sudden ran away and left my friend with the other stuff which is about 350$. And one of them police called me right about 30 minutes later, and I kept avoiding that I was at the mall. They said they will come to arrest me, and now I’m staying at home and waiting, because I think if the police want to arrest me, they would track where I live and come right away but now about 18 hours since the last time he called me. And my friend was committed to steal all that stuff. So is there any chance that the police wont arrest me?
Dear Tai: It’s possible that they will not arrest you especially if they don’t have your contact information. Even if they do have your contact info, you may receive a notice in the mail to appear in court rather than being arrested by the police. These court notices usually are sent out a month or so from when the offense occurred. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi I am a 20 years old college student and my parents are in back home country.I am living by myself and hardly paying my expenses of what i earn. Few days ago i was lost my job due to layoff and was in a such bad mood that i shoplifted some clothes at macys in Fairfax VIRGINIA but i got caught by one of the detectives. This was such a stupid mistake i ever made in my life.Before i never did such thing and was never been in any case and have a clean record. This is for first time offense . My friend in college told me that he use to steal some stuff from stores and never got caught and easily get away with that. i didn’t knew that there was such a harsh law against it. They took me back in a security room and took my id and noted all the information. I begged them not to call the police but they called police but police didnt arrested me and gave me yellow summon and told me that i have to appear in the court next month with date.The value of goods was less than $200 and i was charged under petit larceny. They banned my entry at macy’s for lifetime.
I came home and searched internet for some lawyer and then called them. They told me that there is possibility that i can go to jail for one year. And it can even affect my future jobs and my immigration status. And they were demanding fees no less than $1500 for leading my case. I don’t have that much money to pay since i haven’t got any new job and i don’t want my parents to know about that because it will hurt them so much.I am from a poor family and didn’t knew the result of this act. I am a immigrant and have been living here for 7 months .I was never dishonest with myself in my life but was in such a bad mood due to loss of job that resulted in this act. I feel so shameful because my dad use to tell me that whatever happens in life don’t be dishonest .i ignored his thoughts for first time and now facing the consequences. I am a bright student and i am studying on my scholarship and financial aid. Please let me know that what are the possible consequences and what should i do? Is it going to stay on my records? And do i need a lawyer for this? I heard there are some public lawyers who charge less.
Please help me i am so scared i did not eat anything from last day and feeling very sick.
Please help.
Dear Hundal: Since this is your first offense and first time being in trouble, you may be offered a diversion program. This means that upon completion of community service, payment of a fine and possibly attending a class or counseling, the charges would be dismissed. Therefore, you would not have a record of any conviction. If diversion is not an option in your case, then you are likely facing similar consequences to those mentioned above, but would end up with a record. You do not need a lawyer to go to your first court as many people appear unrepresented. You will find out more at your first court appearance and whether or not you are eligible for diversion. However, you need to contact a local immigration attorney to find out the possible immigration consequences depending on how your case is resolved – diversion, a misdemeanor conviction, etc. Finally, the conflict between the criminal charge on the summons and the criminal code listed is most likely a mistake and it’s not unusual for mistakes to be made on citations to appear in court. When you go to court, you will be told exactly what you are being charged with. Best of luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
My friend and I were caught stealing from Walmart. they took us in the room, made us call our parents & everything. My friend is 17, & I’m 18. They called a cop, because I had no ID on me. He found my information on the computer, & we had two sign two papers & were baned from walmart. My question is, this was my first time. I didn’t get arrested or anything & my record was clean. I want to know if that is gonna show up, & if there is any way I can ask for it to be cleared, since it was my first time & I wasn’t taken to jail or anything. Please & thank you.
Dear Cinthya: It sounds like you may have gotten lucky by getting off with a warning and being banned from the store. If you hear nothing more, then you do not have a record and don’t need to worry about this incident showing up on a background check. If the store were to press charges, you would receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. If that happens, you may be offered a diversion program since this is your first offense and could avoid a criminal record by successfully completing the program. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
my brother is 17 and was caught shoplifting. he was given a ticket by the police and asked to appear in court. we live in wy. please will this appear in his record? and will my dad be notified? its his first time and is a jail sentence ruled out?
Dear Sandy: Since this is his first offense, he may be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Therefore, he would not have a record for the incident. It is extremely unlikely that he will be facing jail time for this first offense. He should look at the ticket and see if it says anything about appearing with a parent as many juvenile courts require that a parent be present during the court date.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
In Sandy Springs Georgia, I received a citation for shoplifting for $47, I have no record, 26 years old and I wanted to inquire what is most likely my options.
I intentially did not steal it but that is besides the fact. What are my chances and how do I proceed in inquiring about the Georgia diversion program?
Dear LaMar: Because this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion. This may require completion of community service, payment of a fine and attending a class or counseling. You will find out more when you go to court and should have an opportunity to speak with a court or probation officer who will tell you more about the penalties and whether you are eligible for diversion. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I was caught doing shoplift in a Tjmaxx store in Maine. Something around 45$. They called the cops and take me to police, take fingerprints and photos. I paid the bail, it was 160$. And they give me a court day. But I am a foreign student and in less than one month I will go home. I mention that the date for court is in November, when I’ll be home. I am really, really scared and SO SORRY for that. i will never , ever do it again. I want to call the court and reschedual the day. But what is going to happen with me? They can put me in jail?? I don’t think I have time to do community work. can I pay the fine without doing community work? Can I clean my record in a way or another? Plese, HELP!! thanks so much
Dear Anna: The best thing to do would be to call the court and explain your circumstances. It’s possible that they can move the court date to a day/time sooner. The penalties you face depend on the laws of your state as well as the policies of the court. You may be able to just pay a fine, but again, call the court and find out what can be done since you plan to leave the country soon. Take care and good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I just got grabbed at Macy’s for some merchandise that I did put in my bag. I tried on Macy’s merchandise with Buckle merchandise that I already paid and had receipts for. I got on the phone and put a t-shirt and thin plastic pants in with my other ($300) of Buckle stuff since I wasn’t paying attention. They grabbed me and didn’t believe me even though I shop there all the time (I”m a grown man with great salary). Like everyone else on here I am now getting civil demands even though they got back their $80 worth of merchandise undamaged with tags obviously still on. Here’s what my attorney has done. He went and got it diverted I already did my 40 hours community service and have applied for expungement (got it all done in 3 weeks). He told me to toss all the civil demands. If they do pursue charges he said they would have a hard time collecting. All they have on video is me going into and then leaving a dressing room. NO store can prove you intended or didn’t intend to steal unless it’s like a huge amount of stuff. So after having it deverted and expunged it essentially is like it never happened. Any attorney is going to demand money more than these little $50 civil demands to take to court so he said they almost never take it to court. So there you go. My attorney said to ignore civil demands. He essentially said they can’t ask for a civil settlement with no criminal prosecution. And if they do pursue it and me or any of you out there have a dismissal and expungement they can’t really ask for a civil settlement with a criminal dismissal. My next step it to go with my attorney to their manager to agree that we both disagree with what happened and that I be allowed to shop there since I have since I was a kid. I will let everyone know how that goes in case anyone is in my situation. To those of you that knowingly shoplifted stop it and if you unknowingly shoplift you don’t have to be a 90 year old Alzheimer’s patient to not realize you took something esp. if it’s a small thing. To me it’s better for them and easier for everyone to just require payment for the merchandise right there. My attorney told me that they get $50 each for every shoplifter they catch. That’s why they don’t want to ever let anyone go. If I was giving up $50 I wouldn’t want to either! However I like most accidental takers are prob. more than willing to pay right there if they make a mistake. Good luck.
Dear Ken: Thank you for sharing your experience. FYI – when many stores receive civil fines from accused shoplifters, the store chooses to not press charges and the person avoids going to court, which could happen if the person refuses to pay the fine.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
We just received a mail today asking for a fine of 50.00 for shoplifting at k-mart. I don’t know what to do, haven’t got any information about court and was wondering if i should pay the fee. Also what does that letter mean. i think you should know which letter i am talking about the ” pay 50.00 within the next 20 days and we will….”
Dear Yue: The letter you received is called a “civil demand” letter in which the store is requesting payment of a civil fine. This means that currently no criminal charges have been filed. If you pay the civil fine on time, that may be the end of the matter and you will hear nothing more. If you don’t pay the fine, it’s likely that the store would press charges and you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Take care.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Me and my brothers were caught shoplifting. we haven’t heard any thing so far besides a mail telling us to pay something. After making the payment would we still have to go to court even if we haven’t heard anything. Does having to go to court depends on the situation?
Dear Yue: If you pay the civil fine on time, that may be the end of the matter. Although the store could proceed to press charges against you and your brother, it’s less likely once you pay the fine. If you choose to not pay the fine, it’s much more likely that you will have to go to court. If you do not receive anything more in the mail (a notice to appear in court), then you don’t need to worry about charges filed against you or having to go to court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I was caught shoplifting for $40 in merchandise at walmart (omaha,ne). I’m 19 yrs old and this is my first offense. Could i go to jail? Will i have to pay fines or go on probation, community service? Thanks.
Dear Victoria: If you were cited or if you receive a notice in the mail to appear in court, you be offered some type of diversion program since this is your first offense. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. It is extremely unlikely that you will be facing jail time for this first offense. We hope you learned from this as the consequences will increase for additional offenses. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, I’m 24 and have never gottne in trouble. At a drugstore chain a manager saw me shoplifting though it was not caught on camera. I was followed outside and accused and I told her it wasn’t true and I left. There is a possibility she got my license number. What I took equates to about $7. Will this be worth the store to call the police or try and find me? I will never do this again, I’ve learned my lesson. And though I understand my actions deserve punishment I would like to know the likelihood of police showing up at my house.
Dear Lee: Anything is possible, as you know. If the store thinks it’s worth the effort, they can contact the police who may follow up with an investigation. The store would need some contact and identification information to report this. You might consider returning the items or sending them the $7.00 – you can do this anonymously. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thank you i am strong willied about this field and have high hopes for myself i know i can do great things and i feel that this was a minor set back, thanks so much for the advice i will do so and let you know what happens i hope its a positive response,i have had so many set backs this year
We hope things improve for you and that you can peaceably get on with your life. All the best. -ATJ.info
hi me and a friend got caught shoplifting at H&M last year, the lady made us sign this tresspassing paper saying we can never go to the store again, what i stole added up to 15 dollars i wasnt thinking, i had just been robbed from my ex boyfriend, he cleared out my bank, and i was frustrated being so broke, i had no intentions to steal when i came into the store it just happend, it is one of my favorite stores and i wanted to know if i speak to a manager or some one higher and explain what happened will they let me work ther, i love fashion and i was just having a terrible day, i have worked in some great stores and this store was someplace i wanted to work.it kills me everyday to know that i cant be apart of it and i just want to know if ther is anything i can do to reverse it and try to get a job with this company in the near future. please help me
Dear Fatimah: Although you’re banned from the store, you’re not prohibited from contacting them by letter, phone or email. Send your request for a lift of the ban and possible employment in the future to the Loss Prevention Office and/or general manager, You need to contact someone who has the authority to consider and possibly grant your request. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got my civil demand letter in the mail yesterday and it’s not directly from Walmart but a law office. I’m just scared that it might be a scam and I don’t want to end up paying the wrong people. Who should I call to check if this the right letter or not?
Good question, Dina. You can call the Loss Prevention Office at the Walmart store and verify that their lawyer is the same person who sent you the civil demand letter. Or you can take another approach and call the attorney’s office and ask for written verification that they represent Walmart. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I got caught shop lifting when I was 17, first and last time, I was placed “under arrest” but never actually taken to a police station. I went to court, and paid all my fines. Now I’m in college and I have to go through a background check. I am wondering if this will show up on my check when it’s run. Did it get taken off my record when I turned 18? I don’t want to not put it down, thinking it was taken off and have it show up and make it look like I’m lying. But then again, I don’t want to put it down and have it not show up. So I just wondering if it’s still on my record. Thanks!
Dear Dottie: Every state has its own laws regarding juvenile records. Google the name of your state and “juvenile record expungement” for information. You can also check with the court you were in (possibly online) and ask about the process to seal or expunge your record. If you completed a “diversion program” for this offense, you don’t have a record. That’s one of the reasons for participating in a diversion program. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m 23 and I caught caught at my job stealing 400 worth of shoes. I was never arrested an they said they would go to the police but it’s been two weeks an I haven’t got a letter to go to court yet. I wasn’t arrested, but terminated. I did get a letter to pay the amount with 20 days. I went on an interview with a job and it’s taking my background check a while to come back. Will this show up on my record/background check? I don’t know if they are pressing charges are not but will the pending charges show up on my record if they are? This incident happened a few weeks ago
Dear Sarah: AsktheJudge.info is a site for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to teens or adults.
You can Google the name of your state and “criminal records” for information. Most likely you don’t have a record for this most recent incident since you haven’t gone to court yet. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
my parents know about it, and the probation officer i was talking about was the one i had when i was 13 years old. and i still know her name because my mom kept all those files for me, last time i stole 4 years ago i had to take classes and do an essay about what i learned from shoplifting. and a hearing? im scared the cops just told me i have to go to court. 🙁 would i be going to jail for that? because my parents sign a paper when the cops took me home. i guess sign of realease or something.
Dear Danny: It’s unlikely that you would get jail time for this, but anything is possible. We can’t say for sure. A call to your former PO may help.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi I had a question I had stole from walmart and I lost the letter they send to you say how much you have to pay and such and I just wanted to know since I havnt paid whats gonna happen its was about 300 dollars to pay back I have no idea why I only stole 5 dollars worth of what I got
Dear Melissa: We suggest you contact the Loss Prevention person at the Walmart and ask about this. They should have a record of the incident and can remind you of your obligation to them. The reason the fine is more than the value of the item taken is due to a state law that authorizes stores to impose a civil fine in theft and shoplifting cases. The law sets a limit of usually several hundred dollars. It is to cover employee time & expense in handling the incident. Most stores impose the fine instead of pressing criminal charges. Once it’s paid the case is closed and you don’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i got caught stealing at kohls and the pl took me to the back room and asked for all my information and the cops came im 17 and about to be 18 in 3 weeks and i dont know if the cops gave me a ticket all they did was take my fingerprint and took me home is that a bad thing? and when would i get my court date because they said i have to go to court? would i be going to jail for this because the cops asked me what happen and i told them the truth and i told them that i stole the item everything cost $170 and this is my second time my first was when i was 13 years old i was offered to go to a class so whats gonna happen to me now? they charged me 2 things burglary and conspiracy not petty theft is that a bad thing? im scared of what might happen can i call my probation officer to make my court date earlier to get this over with? is it gonna take a month to come because im nervous im gonna be 18 soon !
Dear Danny: If you have a probation officer, he or she will know what you need to do. They will probably find out about this eventually, but you may want to discuss this with your parents and/or lawyer before you mention it to anyone else. What happens depends on your record, the circumstances of the incident, the prosecutor’s position and the court. If you didn’t receive a ticket from the police or notice of a court date, you may get a letter in the mail about a hearing. It could come anytime within the period allowed under the laws in your state for shoplifting charges. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My friend has been stealing Pokemon card booster packs, each pack is only a dollar, what would happen if he got caught?
Dear Harlequin: If he is caught stealing (shoplifting) he could get a ticket and have to go to court. He could also receive a fine from the store that can run into hundreds of dollars regardless of the one dollar price of the cards. What will happen depends on his age, juvenile history, the laws in your state, the judge, prosecutor and his attitude if he ends up in court. He could also be offered “diversion” if this is his first offense.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was at target and was in the process of shoplifting some merchandise when one of the workers there walked beside me and asked if she could help me. She then said excuse me and took the merchandise to returns area and that was it. I paid for the rest of my items and left the store. what can i expect to happen and am i allowed back in the store? this happened about 6 days ago. I live in CA and i really regret my decision and will fervently work to better myself after this experience.
Dear Alen: Since the police weren’t called and the store employee didn’t say anything further to you, you lucked out this time. Unless they have your contact information, you probably won’t hear anything further about this. Don’t press your luck, however, by returning anytime soon.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got caught shoplifting a 30 dollar watch i got cited for 5th degree simple misdeamedor and have a court date i am 23 and had a prior deferred in iowa would it be likely to face jail time? I completed my probation a year ago that was not shoplifting related. Iowa law states punishable by max 30 days or 500 dollar max with 50 dollars minimum fine. I have a clear record other than my deferred sentence a couple years ago. Any suggestions.? I was being immature and it will not happen again. First time shoplifting and first time i get caught lesson learned.
Dear Jame: If the first offense was processed through a juvenile court diversion program, you shouldn’t have a record. So this time in court will be considered your first as an adult. You may be offered diversion again. When you go to court you’ll speak with a probation officer who will explain everything to you. You can admit the charge or deny it and go to trial. The court may appoint a lawyer to represent you if you qualify. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
its been 5 days since i got caught shoplifting and my court date hasnt come yet, i hope it comes soon. i live in california and i dont know if they gave me a ticket all they did was take my fingerprint because im under 18 but do u know how many more days will my court date come? cuz like ive said i need to go out of the country.
Dear Coco: We can’t say when you’ll receive the notice from the court. It depends on the size of your city, how busy the court is, how many judges there are, etc. It could be a month or two before you hear from them. You could make arrangements with someone to get your mail while you’re gone. If the letter comes from the court, your friend can let the court know about your whereabouts and ask for a continuance of the hearing. Just don’t ignore it or the court may issue a warrant for your arrest. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
What if I have my ticket on the day I shop lifted but I haven’t seen any court papers sent to me? It’s been a year. Should I write the judge or the court a letter? Will they charge me for leaving the situation for a year? What are the consequences?
Dear Leah: We’re not sure about the details here, but if you missed a court hearing there may be an outstanding arrest warrant for you. Contact the court and ask about the status of your ticket. The consequences depend on the offense, your record, the prosecutor’s position and the judge. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
well me and my friend got caught stealing some make up at walmart, we are both 19 and live in kansas. i was wondering what will happen to us? will we go to jail? we got arrested for the itmes and had to get bonded out of jail by paying $100 dollars (origianal bond $1000) we have court tomorrow and i am really nervous and scared to what will happen. will we only have to pay a fine and have probatiobn??? the total sum was under $50 of make up that we stole.
Dear Adriii: If this is your first offense, you’ll likely be offered “diversion.” When you complete the program the charge will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. When you go to court tomorrow, the legal process will be explained to you. It is highly unlikely that you’ll get any jail or detention time. Be polite and truthful and the experience won’t be so bad. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thank you so much for your quick response. I truly appreciate it!!!!! Do you have any punishments to suggest. We took his phone, itouch and xbox away from him and grounded him for a month. I am toying with the idea of taking him off his lacrosse team (it is Fall season right now, which is for recreation and Spring being the main season for his his school)…I would love any of your suggestions please!!!
We think the discipline you’ve given him will get his attention and he’ll learn from this. If he continues to act up you can up the consequences. Not knowing him or your family situation leaves us incapable of making any recommendations. All the best.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello, I never thought I would be on this site….I have a son who is 16, on Saturday, he and six friends or so went into a Wal-Mart here in Georgia to buy some fishing supplies. One of his friends told my son to put some bait in his pocket and his friend stole some lures., my son also took some candy. All in all they were both caught by security and the third one got away with what he stole. The total amount of what my son stole was $4!!!! Yes he stole $4 worth of candy and bait!!!!!! So sad, for him! Wal-Mart didn’t press charges, I asked them to call the police to teach my son a lesson, but they told me that the police wouldn’t even do anything, lucky for my son!!! My question is, this is my son’s first time (that I know of)…security told my son it was easy to spot him because he wasn’t experienced enough to get away with it, but for the other friend it looked liked he had done this before!!! Security told me that he might get fined by the state, how will I find out if he will get fined or not? And also said that it will not go on his record?! He has always been an Honors student from Grade school to High school, a boy scout (hasn’t been able to go in awhile because we have four children in sports and practices fall on his scout days)…his next ranking is to be Eagle!!!!! Please advise me of what I should expect.
Thank you!!!!!
Dear Mom: Your son was lucky this time since the police weren’t involved and he doesn’t have to go to court. The store decided to handle it themselves. That means you’ll receive a letter in the mail from either Walmart or their lawyer requiring payment of a fine. It may take a few weeks before the letter arrives and the fine could be several hundred dollars regardless of the $4.00 taken. This is called a “civil demand.” Stores are authorized under state law to impose a civil fine in shoplifting cases. Usually, once the fine is paid the case is closed and your son won’t have a record. The only record that may exist is with Walmart in the event he returns and steals again. Then they will probably press charges. We hope he’s learned from this and is more selective about his friends. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i live in california and the first time i got caught was at macys and they told me to go to school for it, and my friend told me that she went to jail for robbery when she was 15 so they probably wont take me to juve since they didnt take me in the first place. i really wanna get this over with because im scared i might not go back to my country for school
Dear Coco: If this is your first offense and the police didn’t arrest you or give you a ticket, you may receive a letter in the mail advising you of a court hearing. At that time you may be offered diversion which means when you complete some community service, attend a class or counseling, the charge will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Keep in mind that consequences increase if you get into anymore trouble. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was caught shoplifting when I was 17. It was my first time. It’s been almost a year and I haven’t heard or received anything from the court. I’m 18 now. So what happens now?
Dear Nina: If you didn’t get a ticket at the time or miss a court date, you got lucky this time. Even in busy jurisdictions you would have heard something before your 18th birthday if charges were filed. The only exception may be if the amount involved was exceptionally high or for some other reason the state wanted to wait until you turned 18 and charge you as an adult.
In most states the statute of limitations for shoplifting is one or two years. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
they charged me burglary not petty theft and i guess conspiracy, but the police told my parents when he took me home was that they dont really charge you conspiracy. and i dont know when im going to get my court date i hope soon because i wanna leave the country because i have school soon. im really hoping they’d let me do the classes. do you know how long that is? its my second offense the first time i stole was when i was 14 and i did the classes but then i forgot how long that was, i dont even know why i did it i guess my friend was just so excited to steal because we planned it and i got pressured into it. i know its my fault too and i shouldnt be stupid to be a follower but everyone makes mistakes and im just so depressed right now crying almost everytime i see a new family member and asked me why i did it. its so hard right now my friends kept telling me not to worry about it because its no big deal well to me it is. man good thing this didnt happen when im 18 because my life is screwed then. i dont really know what to do i kept on researching online about punishments and stuff and how we’d have to pay a different fine that cost $1000 which is alot of money and my mom doesnt even make that much money for a month because she has to pay bills and its just me and her i have no dad or anything. i feel so bad because my mom keeps crying about this :'( please help.
Dear Coco: Although we’re glad to hear how upset you are over this and how you are taking it very seriously, try to relax a little. You will find out more when you go to your first court date and have the opportunity to speak with a court or probation officer who will explain the court process to you, what type of offer is being made (diversion, etc.) and how long it may take to complete the program and/or your sentence. These things vary from city to city and court to court, so we cannot give you any specifics, but just a general idea of what you may be facing. Fines for this type of offense are usually between $100 to several hundred dollars and most courts allow you set up a payment plan to pay off the fine over time. Since you are so anxious about all of this, you could try calling the court now even though you haven’t received your notice yet, find out whether charges have been filed against you and see if you can get court date moved to a date as soon as possible since you have plans to leave the country. Again, you may need to wait until your first court date to get more answers and find out the specifics in your situation. As for your fingerprints, again, this policy varies from city to city and it’s probably customary to take fingerprints in your area. Take care and try to calm down.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
i got caught stealing at kohls and told me that i have to pay something when i get it in the mail, but i didnt even damage the item. if i dont pay for it what will happen? would they put me to jail? im 17 years old
Dear Stef: It sounds like the store is going to send you a “civil demand” letter requesting payment of a civil fine. It does not matter that the item wasn’t damaged as the store has the right to request this civil fine from shoplifters. If you choose to not pay this fine, it is likely that charges will be filed and you will have to appear in court. If this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. It is extremely unlikely that you will be facing jail time for a first offense unless you violated the terms of your diversion program. Remember that the penalties will increase for a second offense so we hope you learned a valuable lesson from this incident. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
am i going to get involved in her case becaus i got charged 2 things burglary and conspiracy. but since im a juvenille and shes responsible of me i guess she got charged another which in that case i dont know. i dont really wanna get involved with her situation because shes blaming everything on me when we both planned it. and i admit to the police that i took the stuff and i was very honest about it. do u think my case will be over in a month and 3 weeks? bcuz im leaving before october 22 for school in a different country.
Dear Coco: You and your friend have separate cases, so you do not need to get involved in her case. How quickly your case is resolved will depend on your specific charges, what the prosecutor’s office is willing to offer you (diversion, etc.), the facts of your case, the court’s calendar and more. Again, let the court know that you need to leave in about 2 months as soon as you receive your notice in the mail to appear in court. They may be able to tell you how quickly your case is likely to be resolved. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I did a stupid thing by looking at cards at whole foods and while holding my book I put the book in my bag with the card… intentional… not sure… I was on the phone and cannot even remember putting the book in my bag… on my way out the security officer asked me to step inside his office… he found the card and took it and asked me to sign a form to never step foot in whole foods store again and let me go… no police was called… he took my pic and id information… what happens next? A fine via letter? Or is this the end of it?
Dear Tom: You may have gotten lucky by just being banned from the store and not have to go to court or pay a civil fine. Although the store could send you a “civil demand” letter requesting payment of a fine, the security officer didn’t mention anything about a fine. Be sure to stay away from Whole Foods otherwise you could be cited with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
so when do you think i’ll be going to court? in how many days? what if this is my second offense?
Dear Coco: You probably will receive the notice in the mail to appear in court within a few weeks. Then your court date may be another couple weeks or so from when you receive your notice in the mail. As soon as you receive the notice, you could try calling the court to explain your circustances about leaving the country for school and it’s possible that they may expedite your case (make your court date sooner) or work with you to get the case resolved. Also, you could be offered diversion even if it’s your second shoplifting offense depending the laws of your state as well as the policies of the court. As for your friend, she may want to speak with a lawyer if she’s still in custody. If she’s facing more serious charges than you, she may be appointed a public defender to represent her.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
A couple years back i was caught stealing in minneapolis and was punished by being taken to the station, got pictures taken, sat in a holding cell, had to take a diversion class, pay a fine, and many other things in my personal life at home. i learned my lesson, i’m a VERY good kid. i dance, i do well in school, i hang out with good people, i’m trustworthy, i work two jobs, i’m someone so unlikely to steal. and just today, after so long i went to JC Penny with a girl that has also been caught before. we didn’t have intentions to go in and steal, but then she wanted a ring. so we went to jewelry and i saw some bracelets that i loved. i JUST recieved my very first speeding ticket which doesn’t make me look very good. but my paycheck is supposed to go only to gas when needed and then saved to pay my ticket. so i couldn’t dip into the money in my wallet i NEED it. something took over and i decided to take some bracelets. THEE DUMBEST thing ever. i got got, cuffed, given a citation and other things. i will recieve a court date in the mail. but here’s what i want to know… i know you can’t tell me what the court will end up doing with me and i know i deserve punishment so however they do it is fine with me. but i need to know… will these incidents both now be on my record? i’m 17 years old. does my record clear when i’m 18? my record is so important to me. i work good jobs and i want to enlist. help me out. will my record clear? i’ve never felt so dumb in my life.
Dear Neah: As for your first offense, as long as you successfully completed a diversion program, the charges should have been dismissed and therefore, you should not have a record for that incident. Depending on the laws of your state as well as the policies of the court, you could be offered diversion again for this second offense. However, if diversion is not an option and the offense remains on your juvenile record, it will most likely be “sealed” once you turn 18 or older. This does not mean that it’s forever erased. Once you successfully complete your sentence, you can go back to the court and ask for your record to be destroyed or expunged. You may have to wait until you are 18 or older to make this request. We hope you truly learned from this because if you continue to get in trouble with the law, the more likely it is that you will end up with a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
i got caught stealing yetsterday with my friend im 17 and shes 19 im turning 18 soon, in 3 weeks. and the police took me to take my fingerprint and he said that in a couple of days ill get something in the mail and i have to attend court. what will happen to me? i was charged burglary because me and my friend planned it. but i accepted all the consequences and the cops took me home because he said i was being cooperative. do i have to do community service or go to a school? how long do you think that’ll take? because i have to go out of the country in 2 months because i have school. please write me back asap. im curious.
Dear Coco: If this is your first offense, you may be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. When you go to your first court date, you will most likely talk to a court or probation officer. Explain to him/her that you plan to leave the country for school in a couple of months so they know your educational plans and may be able to work with you to resolve the case by then. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Before yesterday I caughted shoplifting in walmart.
I tried to return something1
Dear Judge Tom,
I’m am now a 21-year-old college student (studying Education) with a good job as an After-School Teacher. I passed my background check and have been working there for three years.. but wondering just what appears on my background check has bothered me for a while.
When I was 11, on my birthday, I was hanging out with friends and walked into my local grocery store (Homeland). Stupidly, I was persuaded into stealing a few string-cheese sticks for my friends and I while another friend stole something else. Upon walking out of the store, we were approached by two police officers who were regularly stationed in a car just outside of the store. They took us to the back and took down our information.. like our names, birthdates, SSNs, etc. I was so ashamed and embarrassed and felt so guilty and dirty, as this was the FIRST and ONLY time I had EVER shoplifted. They asked if we had the money to cover it and I said no.. so they called our parents. Just their disappointment in me was bad enough. They arranged for my parents to pay for the items and we walked out. I was severely punished by my parents, but I never went to court, classes or anything else. I was never fined.
But since they took down my information.. I just always assumed that it was put on my record and will show up on all my background checks. Is that true?
Thanks so much in advance!
Dear Danielle: Since you didn’t get a ticket or notice to appear in court or complete a diversion program, you don’t have a record. The police probably kept your information for a short time in the event you shoplifted again. It sounds like your experience was exactly what the police had in mind to teach you a lesson. You can relax about this showing up on a background check. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, i got caught shoplifting and im 15. do i have to go to court? when i was in there with the police all they said was that i was going to get a fine in the mail. how do i know if i got charges pressed on me.
Dear John: If the police didn’t give you a ticket or notice to appear in court, then you may not be charged with shoplifting. The fine that they mentioned to you is probably what is called a “civil demand.” Stores are authorized under the law to impose fines on shoplifters. Once the fine is paid the case may be closed and you don’t get a record. If you fail to pay the fine the store can press charges. The fine may be several hundred dollars and the letter may take a few weeks to receive in the mail. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
im 15 and i stole a shirt worth $6 from kohls in ny they caught me and just asked for my name and my info and my moms id will it be on my record i never got a call or a mail due to dis i noe it was stupid and i learned my lesson
Dear Sydney: If you weren’t given a ticket or a date to appear in court, then the store is likely going to handle this as an internal matter. In other words, you got lucky this time. You may receive a letter from the store or their lawyer requiring payment of a fine. Once the fine is paid, the case is closed and you won’t have a record. The fine may be several hundred dollars. It may take a few weeks or months to receive the letter. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i recently took 65cents of an item in ny i didnt think, it was dumb i was just hungry and trying to feed myself and my girlfriend i paid for the meal just not the sauce and they found out but i got away. is there a warrent out for my arrest and if so how can i resolve this without any real penalty ?
Dear Eddie: It’s unlikely that a warrant has been issued by a court or judge. The restaurant would have to have your contact information and identity to report this to the police to start an investigation. As far as clearing your conscience about this, you can send the 65 cents to the restaurant anonymously or drop by and pay them with an apology. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thank you very much for your patience and time and more importantly the information! I do understand that anything is possible. So do you mean to say in most cases, if they wanted to go to the court they would have contacted the police right away?
One last question, if they send me a civil fine and pay it on time, is it still possible that they will pursue it through the court months later- after the payment is done and everything is settled? The items totalled to $72. I do not want to let my family or fiance into this. They will be shattered. They have all done their very best to keep me comfortable and happy here.
I completely regret this. I don’t even know what instigated me! But I am thankful that they have given me a chance to correct myself and also that they did not call the cops or make it something more serious.
Thank you very very much for your reassurance.
Hoping for the best
Dear Keisha: Evert state has what is called a “statute of limitations” for certain crimes. Shoplifting may be one or two years depending on the value of the stolen items. This means the state has that period of time to file charges against a defendant.
Also, paying the civil fine satisfies the civil part of the case only. The criminal side of shoplifting is when charges are filed and you find yourself in the criminal or juvenile justice system.
Neither are likely to happen in this case due to the reasons given in our earlier responses to your questions.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge Tom,
Thank you so so much. I feel a lot better after sharing this with you. Yes, I will save up money and pay up the fine. I will NEVER allow the incident to repeat again!
Though the police were not called, the LP mentioned about going to the court and explaining the situation and requesting for a diversion program. So, is there still a possibility of a criminal case against me?
Dear Keisha: As you know, anything is possible. It would be unusual for the store to pursue this through the court but they can contact the local prosecutor. If this happens you’ll receive notice in the mail about a court date or with a probation officer to discuss diversion. Diversion does keep you from having a formal record so that your future isn’t harmed by this one incident.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge Tom,
A really stupid thing just happened. I completely regret it. I am so so sooo ashamed of myselfnow.
I am a 21 year old student. I have a clean academic record as well as a clean personal and criminal record of every sort. I am an international student here on a visa. I got caught for shoplifting at Target in Pennsylvania a couple of days back. This is my first time. I never intended to do it. I was not raised like this. I was taken by the LP inside the security office. There I accepted and sincerely apologized for my mistake. I know it is my fault and I should have never done it int he first place. I did not deny that. The LP took down my information.. Name address phone number etc. They specifically told me they will not call the police. They did not take my fingerprints and also did not ask for any signature. I was very cooperative during the entire procedure. The officer told me he believed that I realized my mistake and I am not a regular shoplifting “junkie” ( that’s what he said) but they had to do their duty nevertheless and it was too late and it would go on their record. He also said I could expect some mail in 4 weeks. He said I could ask for defferment through community service and shoplifting rehab sessions. The thing is, I graduate in May and I intend on leaving the country, going home getting married to my fiance and I plan to return only after a year for my higher studies. Will I be able to get my record clean through community service and all of that before I have to go? I am so completely ashamed of myself and I have not told my family fiance or friends. I have not received any mail or any civil notice from them. Also, they did not ask me to pay up beforehand. I am petrified and filled with guilt. I don’t knwo what got into me that day. I do not have a SSN or a job of any sort. Only came here to study. I wish I didn’t do this. I will NEVER go on the wrong side again EVER. Please give me your suggestions on how to go about it. Would it be advisable to start doing community service now itself, as I have limited time later on? I have not received any mail follow up from them.
Dear Keisha: First, we can tell you to stay calm and consider yourself lucky this time. Since the police weren’t called and you didn’t get a ticket or notice to appear in court, the incident may be handled by the store alone. If the store follows through with a civil fine, you’ll receive a letter in the mail requiring payment within a certain time (for example, 30 days). Once the fine is paid the case is closed and you won’t have a record that would affect your future. The only record will be with the store in the event you return and this happens again. The fine could be several hundred dollars so you’ll need to save for that. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, in 2007 i was 14 and i was caught for shoplifting a perfume from Sears, I payed the fines and went to court. But then I got caught with a friend who was shoplifting a couple months later and once again I got a fine, but i didn’t go to court. in February of 2008 I got caught stealing once again and was fined and went to court for both that and the time before (I only went to court once for both occasions). So everything was finished, i payed fines, did community service and counseling. I will never EVER shoplift again, I’ve learned my lesson over and over. but my question is, Now that I’m 18 I’ve got a job at a retail store if i pass the background check. Will they be able to see my juvenile Misdemeanors? I was told by several people that once I turned 18 my records were sealed but now I’m really starting to get worried because I really need this job. Thanks!
Dear Laurennnn: Every state has its own laws regarding juvenile records and disclosure. Google the name of your state and “juvenile records” for information that applies to you. You may be able to have your record sealed or expunged now that you’re an adult. If your shoplifting incidents were handled through diversion, you may not have a record at all. You can contact the court and ask about this, or the probation officer who worked with you during your involvement with the court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
dear judge please help!
i got caught shoplifting at khols a few weeks ago the amount was about 300$ , the police came and they gave me a court date. i was 17 then but two days ago i turned 18 and court day is in two weeks. i keep getting letters from lawyers saying that i should call and set an appointment because i could go to jail. is this true or just advertisment!? i am really scared and dont know what could happen. do i really need a lawyer ? will i really go to jail? what could happen to me? pleaseee help. (i dont have papers) and im terrified. this is my first time shoplifting.
Dear Priscila: We can’t comment on the letters you’ve received from lawyers since we don’t know the content or how they came to know about your situation. It may be advertising. Since this is your first offense, you may be eligible for what is called a “diversion program.” That means when you finish some community service or attend a class about shoplifting, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. You can always hire a lawyer before you go to court for your hearing, but you can also wait until the hearing where the legal process will be explained to you. If you decide to plead not guilty, the court may appoint a lawyer to represent you if you qualify financially. The chances of any jail time are slim. Don’t miss the hearing and ask a relative or adult friend to go with you if possible. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
A week or so ago i stole from winco, (being a stupid 18 year old) and i got a civil fine and that was it.
i lied to my in-laws telling them that i had stolen around three year’s ago FROM A DIFFERENT STORE, i said that they had video footage of me steeling and that i agreed that it was me. i told them i signed papers and that they found out it was me from old video footage.
but my father in law wont drop it saying that he wants to contact a lawyer, because he “think i owe s— to them”. all i want to do is pay the fine and get it over with, i defiantly learned my lesson and will never steal again. is it possible that my excuse could actually happen in real life?
the excuse that “i stole some stuff with a friend, they caught my friend but not me, i think my friend gave them my name, and i was stoped in winco and asked to see my id, then i was brought into a back room where they showed me video footage of me steeling a couple years ago and asked me if it was me and i agreed, i then signed papers and was given a fine of around $270.00.”
would that ever be possible??
Dear John: Anything is possible, but in this case it’s unlikely they’d believe this story. It’s pretty far-fetched. So, keeping that in mind, the truth may be the best explanation. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
what costitutes shoplifting
Dear Jeff: The legal definition of shoplifting differs slightly from state to state. So, Google the name of your state and “shoplifting” for information that applies where you live.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Im 19 and I got caught shop lifting from walmart total was under 10 bucks they didi not call the police at the time so am i off free now or what will happen Im In kansas and am really afraid that this may afect my scholarship for college this semester I feel really badb for doing it but what happens now it happened yesterday
Dear Bob: Since the police weren’t called and you didn’t get a ticket or notice to appear in court, you got lucky this time. You may receive a letter in the mail from the store or their lawyer requiring payment of a civil fine. Once it’s paid, the case is closed and you won’t have a record to worry about. If you don’t pay the fine the store can press charges against you. The fine may be several hundred dollars and take a few weeks to hear about. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was stopped about 60 feet outside Macy’s and told they needed to look in my bag (from another store). I had 3 high end thick thermal shirts (from Buckle) in the bag with the receipt from the store. I had tried on 7 items hurriedly from Macy’s none of which I wanted. I had tried on some of the Macy’s merchandise (the seven items 4 of which were very paper thin workout plastic pants and 3 t-shirts) with what I had already purchased from Buckle (the 3 thermals). While changing back into my clothes I had worn into the store, to leave the dressing room I received a call about my new business. I changed into my clothes, threw my stuff into my bag (all while talking on the phone) and exited the store and was still on the phone when I was stopped. In my bag was a thin pair of plastic pants and a T-shirt which I admitted I did try on. They insisted I intentionally tried to shoplift the items. I insist that I didn’t mean to but obviously DID throw them in the bag with the stuff that I had purchased from Buckle when I was on the phone changing and just trying to leave and put the stuff I had bought at the other store back in the bag. I even showed them that the price I paid for the Buckle merchandise was over $200 and that there is no way I would try to come to Macy’s and try to steal $80 worth of minor crap clothing. Plus I had my debit card and explained further that my income is over 6 figures/year and that I shop at Macy’s a lot and could feel free to pull up my info to see how much/often I have spent money at that store. Needless to say they just refused to believe me, told me if I didn’t need the merchandise for money then I was simply “sick” and must be a kleptomaniac. They then called the cops and insisted I be sent to jail after I refused to sign their little pink form that also demanded I pay the store loss prevention $250. I failed to see what that was for since to me signing that signified guilt and also since they were out “nothing” cause the merchandise was right there undamaged witht the tags still on, I demanded to know what the $250 was for? Also, the LP kid (high school education, 25 years old guy) insisted I had to pay it IMMEDIATELY right there even though the pink paper said I had 5 days to pay it. My attorney which was at the jail before I got there to bail me out, got it diverted and 40 hours community service which still burned me up but he said that was the easiest way to deal with it. They insisted they “don’t make mistakes” and that it couldn’t have happened the way I said. It will be expunged and that’s not what makes me mad. I have shopped at that place since childhood and am well into my 40s now but wonder how likely is it my attorney will be able (after this is done) to say, “Hey this guy is a highly educated, successful guy who spends money here! This is a misunderstanding and he just wants to be able to shop here again”. Since the only thing left that I don’t know about at this point is that they banned me “for life” from the store. This happened in KY by the way. Thank you for any insight.
Dear Brad: AsktheJudge.info is a website for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to adults or teens. We know you’re not asking for advice since you already have a lawyer and have worked this out through diversion. Whether you can ever return to the store is entirely up to them. As your lawyer probably told you, don’t return unless they lift the ban. Otherwise you could be charged with trespassing. We suggest you wait 6 to 12 months and then contact the store about the ban. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello, I stole a pair of headphones from a Winco store just the other day and was caught, i am 18 and i have never stolen before, i was given a fine of 265.95 dollars and am not allowed to go into winco for the next 100 years. i believe that i have lost my papers and also i live with my girlfriends parents and will get kicked out if they find out so i was wondering
1. is there any way they can get any information on the time and place that this hapend.
2. how do i go about finding the address to send my money too and can i send a money order to them?
3. i have an mip from when i was younger that can be expunged but i have no tgotten it fixed yet.
what can i do i need help.
Dear John:
1) It’s always possible they could find out but unlikely unless you’re in a small town where word spreads quickly and there’s little else to talk about. On the other hand, maybe they found your papers.
2) Since you’ve been banned from the store, call them for the informatrion you need.
3) Contact the court in person or online and read about the expungement process. They may have an online form that you can complete and file.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
yesterday i almost got caught stealing from safeway. I’m 18 and i was wondering what would happen under these circumstances. i grabbed the bottle and proceeded to the exit were an employee grabbed onto me bear hugging me and attempted to tackle me but i was able to escape from him by hitting him in the face and muscling my way out of his grasp. i got away with the bottle. i was wondering what would happen had i got caught and if the employee is allowed to put his hands on me?
Dear Scott: Store employees, under most state laws, can legally detain you when caught stealing. They can hold you until the police arrive or handle the situation themselves by issuing a civil fine. If the fine isn’t paid, they can press charges. In this situation, if they have a way to identify you and have your contact information, they may report it to the police who will investigate and determine whether to charge you with shoplifting. Regarding physical contact between you and the store employee, you have to look to your state’s laws on this. Google the name of your state and “shoplifting laws” for information. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i got caught shoplifting back in 2001 at beachwood mall in ohio. i was found guilty and had to do 10 days in jail. it was quite awful. now jump to 10 years later and i am 31 now and live in NY. I am applying for a job and they perform background checks. will this theft conviction show up even after 10 years from another state? if so I will need to get my record expunged. since i live in ny now how can I do this? will i have to go back to ohio to get my record sealed or can paperwork be done thru the mail and phone. how much will it cost me because I am currently unemployed. (hence the job search)
Dear Lauren: Askthejudge.info is a site for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to teens or adults.
We suggest you speak with a lawyer about clearing your record. You can also contact the court you were in and ask about expungement of adult records. The court may have a website with public information and include the necessary forms to complete and file. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i got caught stealing a eyeliner at Walmart, yes i know dumb, i’m 18 and live in TX. is it possible that i will be sent to jail? i am really scared right now, they told me i would receive a letter telling me what actions will be taken. Will i receive a fine or get arrested? I really need to know i am really scared right now. I regret what i did and hope this wont affect me getting a job or mess with me attending school since its my senior year. Please help me.
Dear Danny: If the police weren’t involved and you weren’t given a ticket or notice to appear in court, then you got lucky this time. The store may send you a letter requiring payment of a fine that’s called a “civil demand.” Once it’s paid the case is closed and you don’t have a record. It may take a few weeks to receive the letter and the fine could be several hundred dollars. If this is your first offense, even if you went to court for this you’d be eligible for “diversion” which is a program designed to keep you out of the criminal system and from having a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Okay, thank you very much. So to clarify, this IS NOT on my record as of right now? And if I do pay the fine on time without the store pressing charges it will be like this incident never happened?
Dear Dakota: That’s correct – you will not have a criminal record if charges are never filed against you.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I was recently caught shoplifting with a another friend (Both under 18) while at K mart. My mom was shopping on her own while we were by ourselves. We had both stole the same product, we each stole a pair of head phones. $20.00 each. After my mom checked out, we headed outside and a security guard stopped us. And brought us in the surveillance room. He said we will each receive a bill in the mail from 1 – $500.00. My mother signed the release for both of us and now we’re awaiting for the bill. My question is, when will receive the fine? I know it’s under 250 since we stole under $50.00. Also, what else will happen? Will I have to go to court, community service, will this stay on my record for ever? Can I still get a job in retail? I know it’s a lot of questions but we know we messed up and we’re curious. Thanks – Dakota.
Dear Dakota: It may be several weeks before you receive the “civil demand” letter from the store. If you pay the fine on time, that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. If you don’t pay the fine, it’s more likely that the store will press charges and you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. If this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program and given the opportunity to avoid a record. However, if charges aren’t filed after you pay the civil fine, then you won’t have to worry about having any criminal record. We hope you learned from this as the penalties will increase for additional offenses. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
To whomever answered my worries-
My parents said that when the manager pulled my parents out of the room te manager of said store won’t set a fine.
Thank you so much.
You’re welcome. Take care.
Dear Judge,
I am 14 and me and 2 other friends were caught shoplifting. We took a i-phone case, when we were about to leave the workers stopped us and put us in a questioning room, then they called the police and then we were taken the preisting (police office) there they only took our names, address, school, and age down. After that they said since where all 14 and this is our first time they let us go, to our parents. The question I have is, is this going to stay on our records, will I be able to get a job, go to smart colleges (because i was the one that got 95 and above averages and was really smart). So can you please help me and tell me how my future is looking.
Dear Alex: As long as the store doesn’t press charges and you don’t receive a notice in the mail to appear in court, then no charges have been filed and you do not have to worry about there being a record of the incident. You probably won’t be as lucky next time, so we hope you learned from this. Keep up the good work in school.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
My 14 year old sister got caught shoplifting at Target, I was with her, I am 21 butI didn’t steal anything. The Police came and asked me some questions but didn’t arrest me just her. Now we have a court date, as her guardian I have to accompany her. What will happen, she doesn’t have any criminal record. Please help…
Dear Anthony: Since this is her first offense, it is likely that she will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Therefore, she would not have a record of any conviction from the incident. We hope she learned from this as the penalties will increase for additional offenses. Good luck to you and your sister.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I was caught shoplifting 6 months ago at Macy’s. I had Wet Seal merchandise that was taken and returned. The officer did not count that towards the $ amount stolen, because he decided to be lenient.
I have already gone to court for this crime and am on probation for a misdemeanor. My question is, can Wet Seal decide to press charges against me at a later time? Will this affect my probation and the expungement I am hoping to seek in 2 years?
Also, when Macy’s returned the merchandise, I am not sure if they gave my information out for Wet Seal to mail me civil demand/compensation. If so, it would be a problem because I gave them my college mailing address which is no longer active. There’s no number I can find for the Wet Seal Loss Prevention for me to find out either. What do I do, in this case?
Thank you so much for you help. I have learned my lesson in petty theft and will never do it again.
Dear Katherine: Although Wet Seal could press charges only if they have your contact information, it sounds unlikely at this point since it’s been 6 months and they may have known that Macy’s was going to press charges. You don’t necessarily need to sign anything in order for Wet Seal to send you a civil demand letter, but again, they may not have obtained your contact info from Macy’s and enough time has passed that it’s unlikely you will hear from them at this point. So, at this time, you don’t need to worry about your probation or future expungement being affected. Every state has a “statute of limitations” for pressing criminal charges in different types of cases. To find the laws in your state, try Googling your state’s name and “misdemeanor statute of limitations”. In some states, the prosecutor’s office has 6 months to file charges in misdemeanor cases. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Today I stuffed a pair of shoes (worth $35) into my bag and walked out of the store. I got into my car and then the clerk walked up to my car, knocked on the window, and showed the empty shoe box and glared. I handed her the shoes and she walked away. So, I shut my car door and drove off. She did take my license plate number.
I checked laws in my state. It’s a a minor misdemeanor. I am wondering if they can press charges on me by just using my license plate number? Can something like this stand up if there are no cameras in the store and the item restored to the business and less than the $500 value or more which qualifies it as a misdemeanor?
Will the police come to my home or will they mail me notice of charges? It says statute of limitations on this is 6 months, but seems from earlier posts that most times you hear from the police within a few days.
Can the store look up my information and call me directly to ban me or fine me?
I have an unrelated prior, but all charges dropped and the case is in expongment process in another state.
Dear Alley: Although it’s possible that the store could press charges by using your license plate information, the prosecutor’s office may be reluctant to file charges considering they have no way of knowing whether you are the registered owner of the car. So unless the store clerk got additional contact information from you, it’s not real likely that you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. If the police have the time/resources to further investigate, which may not be likely for a $35 item, they may contact you within the next week or so for more information. We’re glad to hear that you realize you made a mistake. Next time you may not be as lucky and could be facing an arrest.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Oh ok, so now I guess its ben 3weeks so what are my chances
Dear Jooo: We’re not sure what your question is. You’ll have to be more specific – 3 weeks since what and chances of what? Thanks.
Dear Judge-
About a year ago, me and my buddy got caught shoplifting Axe (I know… It was stupid) at a giant eagle and we (almost) took around $20 of stuff between the two of us. The manager called the cops, but no physical interaction with said cops. No fines were set, I don’t know if he pressed charges or not. I was twelve when this event occurred. I live in Pittsburgh, Pa. I also have plans to join the Air Force and later CIA, will this affect my acceptance into either?
Thanks, and that literally was a life changing scenario for me.
Dear Jaxon: We’re glad to hear that you learned a valuable lesson at a young age. It sounds like you may have gotten lucky with a warning. Often, a store will send a “civil demand” letter requesting payment of a civil fine to the shoplifter. Ask your parents if perhaps they paid this fine for you. As long as you did not receive a notice to appear in court in the mail and never went to court over this incident, that means the store did not press charges and you do not have any criminal record. Therefore, there should be no problem when it comes to a criminal background check for the Air Force and CIA.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I have a question…My boyfriend just got on house arrest. I recently found out that I was pregnant, so he was going to come live with me but i live in another state. I know he can move out of state for just a few reason and pregnancy is one of them. My question is, will they ask for a pregnancy test? Does he have to have prof? Please and Thank
Dear Samantha: They may want some sort of verification like a note from your doctor, etc. as it would be very easy for anyone to use this excuse to move out of state. Your boyfriend should explain the circumstances to his probation officer and ask what he needs to do to get his probation transferred to another state. Good luck to you and your boyfriend.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Sorry for asking for further clarification on an earlier question:
“Can someone please answer a question for me? If you switch a ticket at a store, the cashier says that’s not the right price, you pay the correct price and take the merchandise, can you still be prosecuted later if they see on video that you switched ticket? what are the odds that they would pursue that?”
If they wanted to take action, would they have confronted my right away? At what point can I stop worrying about this? If they did take action after I left, what would it be?
Dear Heidi: You would have to take a close look at your state’s shoplifting law. It may include what you describe – switching tags even if you eventually paid the correct price. If you are charged with shoplifting, explain what happened to your attorney. The store may have up to one or two years to file a formal shoplifting charge against you – this is called a “statute of limitations.” But the more time that goes by without hearing anything, the better. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was caught stealing at a retail store. Im 16 and live in Illinois. I was arrested and my parents had to come sign me out. The value of the items was worth $100. The security officer said I was going to receive the fine I had to pay.which i will right away. In two weeks im turning 17 so are they just gonna charge me as an adult and put me in jail for the first time i’ve ever had a problem with the law? or give me probation and such? What degree petty theft did i commit? helpp!it was my first offense. Will i be eligible for diversion program ?
Dear Sasha: If this is your first offense, you’ll probably be eligible for a “diversion program.” Once you complete some community service, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. You’ll likely stay in juvenile court and won’t be sent to jail or detention. When you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you by a probation officer. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My girlfriend was caught shoplifting in Wal-Mart. She never made it past the greeter, and also signed a piece of paper and returned the item immediately. Walmart calls her and says they will drop the charges if she would pay $150. So she pays the money and Wal-mart sends a letter from there company saying that they have dropped all the charges. So She goes to court and has never had anything on her record ever, other than a speeding ticket when she was younger, the judge says that he is now picking it up and charging her with it regardless and gives her 1 year probation, and $1200 fine to pay. This is in Ga. Is this Legal? Can She appeal and get this dropped?
Sear Jason: There are two parts of a shoplifting incident: civil and criminal. The bill from the store she received is the civil fine, the $150. The charge of shoplifting and possible consequences are the criminal aspects of the case. Since she’s a first-time offender, she may be eligible for “diversion.” Once she completes the terms of the diversion program, the case will be dismissed and she won’t have a record. She may have a right to appeal depending on the shoplifting laws in Georgia. She can speak with a lawyer about this who will advise her of her options. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I committed theft valued @ $4.18. I understand that there are costs associated with this, as well as, some sort of ‘punishment’ fee. But, they are demanding $200.00. I looked into Ohio rev. code sections 2307.60 & 2307.61, as stated in the certified letter. I am not knowledgeable in this field, but I feel that $200.00 is a bit extreme. Does this sound right? What should I do? Also, the paper given to me @ the time of the incident says I will be contacted by one lawyer, but the letter came from a completely different one. Should I be concerned about that? And, finally, how worried should I be about them pressing charges? This is my first offense and I am 26 yrs old.
Dear Marie: Unfortunately, stores are entitled to ask for this civil fine from shoplifters. The amounts vary from state to state, but generally, these civil fines range between $100 up to several hundred dollars. If you pay the fine on time, then that is likely to be the end of the matter. Although the store also could press charges, they often settle minor shoplifting incidents like yours with these civil fines. If you choose to not pay the fine, then it’s much more likely that charges will be filed. As for the two attorney names, it’s nothing to be too concerned about since they probably work out of the same firm or law office. You could call the number provided on your notice and ask about this if you are still concerned. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Can someone please answer a question for me? If you switch a ticket at a store, the cashier says that’s not the right price, you pay the correct price and take the merchandise, can you still be prosecuted later if they see on video that you switched ticket? what are the odds that they would pursue that?
Dear Heidi: The odds are slim that the store would pursue this as an act of shoplifting. This is because you paid the correct amount for the item after switching the price. Think twice before doing this again – you may not be so lucky. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
If I am qualified for the diversion program (which from what I’ve researched may last around 6 months?), will I have a criminal record before I complete the program? Or will I only have a criminal record if I fail to complete it. Is a criminal record only dismissed once the program is finished?
Dear Elle: The purpose of participating in a “diversion” program is to avoid formal prosecution and having a criminal record. If you successfully finish the program, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. If you don’t complete the program, the prosecutor can press charges that may result in a criminal record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I live in California and when I was 12 I tried to steal an electronic device at Rite Aid and I got caught by an under cover cop and went to the back of the store for questioning. I don’t recall any policemen questioning me (as this was years back and my memory is quite hazy) but for sure the under cover cop did. A few months after that incident, I received mail from Rite Aid to pay a fine? I’m guessing to pay for the device I tried to steal and whatnot. I didn’t have to go to court, or do any diversion programs. I am currently 18 wondering if that incident 6 years ago will affect me job wise because I’m currently trying to find a job but am worried about filling up employment applications due to my past mistake. Does this mean my incident is on record or no?
Dear Marie: Since you didn’t get a ticket or go to court, you don’t have a record. The only record that may exist is with the store for their own purposes. This incident shouldn’t have any effect on your employment search. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi .. just wanted 2 knw .. about 7-8 yrs ago when i was younger … i was with a friend that was shoplifing ..( this is when i was living in GA) i cant remember the out come of the case , if it was taking care of or not. but i want 2 become a foster parent would that stop my chances!
i no longer live in that state i have a family .. & that never happened again …
waht do u think?????? plz & thank u
Dear Sista: That one incident shouldn’t have any effect on your life today. If you weren’t arrested, didn’t go to court and you weren’t placed on probation, nothing should appear in a background check. Good luck and enjoy foster parenting. The kids need you.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got caught shoplifting about $45 worth of merchandise from Shopko today, and was brought to the loss prevention room. I was compliant and did everything they asked. They called the police, who issued me a citation with a court date. I believe it was cited as a misdemeanor, as I am an adult (20 year old college female). This is my first offense ever, I’ve never even had a traffic violation. I’m wondering what exactly will happen. I know that there is a chance of jail time and community service, and obviously fines to the court and civil ramifications. I feel so stupid, I wasn’t raised like this and did it on an idiot dare, which I know I never should have taken. I know I’m not this type of person, so this is completely agonizing.
That’s besides the point though. I’m curious as to how serious my punishment will be. I really don’t want this on my record, but, obviously, I have to sleep in the bed I made. Is there any chance of expungement later on if good behavior is demonstrated, or of reducing the charge to an infraction? And how possible is it that I will spend time in jail?
Dear Alyssa: First, relax. Since this is your first offense, it’s very likely you’ll be offered “diversion.” That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine or complete a class, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. If diversion isn’t available where you live, after following the consequences ordered by the court, you’ll be able to apply for expungement of your record. When you go to court the legal process will be explained to you by a court or probation officer. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Ok judge so I went to court was offered diversion I took it and I told them that I would be leaving to go to Wisconsin in a couple of days she said Welk you need to call this number and talk to the state attorney so I did that and she told me to cone in I drove to bartow and she said I’m not gonna give you the class but your gonna have to pay this so I payer 175 to the state attorney and 40 to the lpd aand she said u will have a dismissal letter in about 6 to 7 days to ur new address what is a dissmisal letter?
Dear Logan: It sounds like the charge against you will be dismissed and the letter you’ll receive is your copy of the dismissal. Keep it in your records in the event of a glitch in the system and you hear about this at some time in the future. It’s your proof that the case has been resolved and now dismissed by the court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi judge,
i got shoplifting something worth 40 dollars at a walmart in new hampshire the other day. the LP asked me to follow him to a room and they took down info and took my picture before having a police officer show up and take some info from me. the officer said that they will issue a warrant and he would call me when this happened so that i could “turn myself in” i was just wondering what u think i should do at the moment? also since they took my picture will they be able to search for me in older store footage? and what kind of charges am i looking at for a first offense?
Dear Tops: As a first-time offender, you may be offered diversion if you end up in court for this shoplifting incident. That means when you complete some community service, attend a class or counseling, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. The store could go back over past security videos but it’s unlikely they’ll spend the time doing this. When you get notice of the hearing date, don’t miss it. Otherwise the court can issue a warrant for your arrest. See here for specifics about New Hampshire shoplifting laws: http://www.shopliftingprevention.org/shoplifting-laws/new-hampshire-shoplifting-laws.html
Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi im 15 and i got caught stealing at walmart about a month ago it was my first and last time i promise. but since it was my first time, the police only gave me a fine of 100 dollars. The lady said it was okay for me to go back, but when i went back i got a letter saying that this officer recently recently received a juvenile referral and they have scheduled an appointment for me tommorow. what do you think will happen to me? please reply as soon as possible
thank you.
Dear Maritza: Since this is your first offense, you may get off easy. Payment of the fine may end the case. Or the court or police department may offer what is called “diversion.” Once you complete the terms of diversion, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i took a $13 item from a grocery store i don’t believe had security cameras, and i also bought two other items and paid with a debit card. this is my first time stealing something and i am really guilty now. i’m 19. i am wondering if the store can track my information to arrest me, license plate, ect. would it be best to go back and pay for the item, or would the store be more mad? and can they track me with the debit card?
Dear Emma: It is possible for the store to attempt to contact you through the information they have from your debit card. First, however, they would have to know or suspect that you stole from them. Chances are slim that you’ll hear anything further about this. We can’t tell you what to do as far as paying for the item – that is your decision. To ease your conscience, you could send them payment for the item anonymously with a note attached. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi I was caught stealing about $30 worth of make-up from a store a couple days ago. I was taken to the back where they filled out paper work and took down my info from my drivers lisence. The police were not called but i was given a civil demand letter saying that i have a month to send in a $200 fine to the store’s headquarters and they said i was not banned at this point in time. I was just wondering if once i pay the fine if that will be the end of it since the police were never contacted and if it will show up on my record? that’s what im worried of most of all.
Dear Laura: Since the police weren’t called and you don’t have to go to court, it’s likely that this is it regarding the incident. Once you pay the civil fine, the case is closed and the only record will be with the store for their purposes. If you don’t pay the fine, they may choose to press formal charges against you. We hope you’ve learned from this experience. You may not be as lucky if there is a next time.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
my daughter was caught stealing at Kohls. She took 26.00 in eye shadow. the police took a report. She is only 15 yrs old. What should I expect?
Dear J: If this is her first offense, she may qualify for what is called “diversion.” When she completes the diversion program the case will be closed and she won’t have a record. You may receive notice in the mail of a court date where the legal process will be explained to you by the judge or probation officer. This is where diversion may be discussed.
She may also get a letter in the mail from Kohl’s requiring payment of a civil fine. Stores are legally authorized to impose civil fines in shoplifting cases. It could take a few weeks before you get the letter. It comes from the store or their attorneys with instructions about complying with the request. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
How much do you think the civil fine will be if I took about 60$ worth of items?
The fine may be several hundred dollars. Stores have a limit under the law and the limits differ from state-to-state. If you Google the name of your state and “civil demand shoplifting” you may obtain information on this.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi I have a question, I live in California and I was caught shoplifting about 2 weeks ago. I’m only 15, and I was caught shoplifting nail polish and a cheap ring at Claire’s (about $10 total). The store owner said I would get a letter in the mail, but I haven’t yet. This is my first time shoplifting, and I don’t have anything on my record. I was wondering what will happen to me, and how much will the fine be (if I do get fined). Thanks.
Dear Chelsea: You got lucky this time. The store could have callled the police and pressed shoplifting charges against you. Stores have the authority under the law to impose “civil fines.” That is the letter you’ll receive in the mail. Once the fine is paid, the case is closed, you don’t have to go to court and you won’t have a record. The fine could be several hundred dollars and it may be a few more weeks before you receive it. If the store banned you from returning, don’t. Otherwise they can charge you with trespassing. We hope you’ve learned from this incident. Crime will seriously affect your future. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Sorry but I had some more questions, how will I know that they mean to charge me if they never mentioned it to me at the store. Should I call them and ask or just wait out the number of weeks? Where can I discuss this with a lawyer just to be on the safe side? thank you so much your response put me at ease a little bit.
Dear Dina: Since most large corporations and stores tell shoplifters when they will have to go to court, it’s unlikely in your case that you will receive anything in the mail other than notice of the civil fine. You may just want to wait and see what happens after you pay the fine, but that will most likely be the end of the matter in your case and you will not have to go to court. You could try contacting a local criminal attorney for a consultation, but unless you’re facing criminal charges and have to appear in court (which you don’t as of right now), they will not be able to tell you much. Try to relax and hang in there. It sounds like you learned from your mistake which is a good thing.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I live in California, I’m 15, & I got caught stealing at Target. I took about 50-60$ worth of items & they took me in this room to talk about the consequences. He said that I will be charged in the mail for the items I took & it will be put on my mom’s record that I stole. Will that record ever go away? & will I have to go to court? Since they didn’t mention anything about going to court.
Dear Via: It sounds like the store will be sending you a “civil demand” letter requesting payment of a civil fine. Be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. If the store chose to press charges, you would receive a notice in the mail to appear in court, but since they didn’t say anything to you about going to court, you may just be facing the civil fine. When they said it would go on your mom’s record, they most likely meant that they will keep your contact information in the store’s database so that if you get caught shoplifting again, they are more likely to press charges. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I’m 20 and I was caught shoplifting in New Jersey at a Walmart (yes, I know it’s completely ridiculous and I was stupid). The security person took me to a room and asked for the merchandise, so I gave him what I had taken (makeup). Then he asked for my ID and I gave it to him and I was so scared. He asked for my SSN# and I told him that. After all of this he said that I would get a letter in the mail with a fine in 4 to 6 weeks of upto $150. They never called the cops it was only walmart employees. I didn’t get my picture taken and I didnt have to sign anything. When I was leaving they gave me a paper containing New Jersey Statute 2A: 61 C-1 . My question is will I receive criminal penalties for this even though there was no police to ticket me or give me a court date and they didn’t mention any of that either. My other question is what will they do with SSN#? Put this on my permanent record? By the way this was my first time being caught and doing this. Does it seem like I have to go to court? Thanks for your response.
Dear Dina: It sounds like you may have gotten lucky this time by just being fined by the store. Although the store could press criminal charges in which case you would receive a notice in the mail to appear in court, it sounds like they chose to settle the matter with a fine. Once you pay the fine on time, that will most likely be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. The store most likely puts your contact information including your SSN into a database for the corporation so that if you are caught again, they probably will press charges. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi judge, I appreciate your desire to help nervous people in this blog. I am over 18. Here’s what happened: I called a store, with my cell phone, to see if they had any items in stock from a specific producer. They said they had a few of the items (obviously not all – there are many). I said that I might come in later. I went in later and shoplifted a few items from the producer that I called about (I couldn’t find all of the items mentioned on the phone). I didn’t say that I was the one that called, and nobody saw the shoplift act itself. The clerk saw a subtle bulge in my clothing as I left while she was talking to someone, but she didn’t say a word to me. I left and went to my car, which was parked far away. Within an 20 minutes, I received four phone calls from the clerk and one voice mail that said: “You called about those products, then came in and took them, I have your phone number and therefore I can get more information about you, and …. we need to talk.” This occurred in a small retail shop in a big city, where the cops are busy with other matters than tracking cell phone numbers on a clerk’s hunch of associating the call to the store earlier in the day with the shoplifting act….? Any information or direction you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. – Steve
Dear Steve: Although you may be right about the police not having the time or resources to further investigate cases like the one you’ve described here, we hope you understand that what you did is obviously wrong and if you want to avoid further trouble with the store and/or police, perhaps you could consider returning the items (even if done so anonymously). If the store complains enough to the police, they most likely could easily track you down if they wanted to. In addition, the store could have surveillance cameras which would only be additional evidence for the police. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
hi i was caught stealing a few weeks ago in urban outfitter and i had stole 2 things but the man had added another item because my friend had stole too i also had these sun glasses with me and he thought i had stole it but my grandpa had told him it mines how much would they make me pay and will they add the sunglasses amount im 14 by the way thanks for ur help
Dear Geneva: How much you owe will depend on the store’s policies and procedures. If the store chooses to fine you by sending you a “civil demand” letter, you may owe between $100 to several hundred dollars as stores are entitled to collect these civil fines from shoplifters even though the fines are often much larger than the actual shoplifted amounts. If you end up going to court over the matter, then you may be facing court fines and have to pay the store the amounts of the stolen items which could include the sunglasses. We hope you learned from this as the penalties will likely increase for additional offenses. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Me and two of my friends got caught shoplifting from Shopko. Can we get charged for times we werent caught?
Dear Sherree: It’s not likely to happen unless they have evidence of past incidents. Either a store employee can identify you or there’s a videotape clearly showing you shoplifting. Good luck. Hopefully you’ve learned from getting caught this time. The penalties for repeated crimes increase and may lead to incarceration.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi i am 34 years old now,in 1997 i did a stupid thing,i was shoplifting in macys(clothes around 100$ value),i got caught and then i spend 2 days in jail(Atlanta)my friends get me out (1600$)and i never get any respond from the court so i never appear to cort.All this years im clean no criminals records .my question is how i cleand my record ?thanks for answer
Dear Christopher: If you never went to court on this shoplifting incident, then you don’t have an official record to worry about. You can check with the court where this happpened and ask about the existence of a record. If they have something, ask how to proceed in getting it sealed or expunged. You can also Google the name of the state you were in and “expungement of records.” Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi, i am from long island new york in nassau county
my brother was with two of his friends yesterday at the mall in jcpennys one of his friends was shoplifting cheap bracelets and my brother and his other friend knew about it but did not take any action in it at all, when they walked out of the store two security guards ran out and told them to stop and said they had them on camera and know they stole bracelets. the kid that stole them took them out of his pockets and gave them back and my brother and his friend emptied there pockets and had nothing on them, after that one of the two security guards said that my brother and the other friend that didnt take anything can go and when they were walking away a third guard came out and pointed at my brother and said that he cant leave and has to come back, so my brother said he was told he could leave because he didnt do anything and he started walking and the guard said no, your going to jail which scared my brother and made him very nervous since he hadnt done anything so he panicked and tried running but before he could start the guard grabbed my brother put him in a head lock and threw him on the ground(while i was going to school at NCC and took a criminology course i was told that store security has no right and can get in a lot of trouble by touching or putting there hands on you) and my brother didnt fight back or anything and they handcuffed him the the kid who actually stole the items and called the cops in which they got arrested. when the cops came and took them, they didnt read my brother his miranda rights and just took them both to a precinct near by and they ended up posting his bail at 200 dollars and i bailed him out but he has a court date next week and hes being charged with a grade A misdemeanor even though he didnt take any part in it which is why he was originally told he could leave by the first security guard and this is his first offense, hes a good kid and has never gotten in trouble with the law. what can happen to him? and is there anything he can do to get dropped from the charges?
Dear Ryan: When your brother goes to court, he’ll meet with a court or probation officer who will explain the legal process to him. Based on what you’ve described, he may want to plead not guilty and speak with a lawyer about the charge. The court may appoint a public defender to represent him or, if he’s a minor, your parents can hire a lawyer before he goes to court. Since this is his first offense, he may be eligible for “diversion” if he admits the shoplifting. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice)
I’m 19 i got caught shoplifghting at walmart the item was 20 dollars, i continued to shop pay for the other items an began to leave, this lady stop me an siad you need to come with me u have some murchandice on u that u didnt payed for!, we went in the room they to my i.d. an phone number an social, they said since it was my first time an that i seemd like a nice kid that they was going to let me go with a free pass,an they said that i was in the sytem for walmart an if i get caught at sam or an walmart or any stores that belong to walmrt that i was going to jail, so is it possible to hear any more from this like court date or any thing?
Dear Jason: It sounds like you got lucky this time. If the police weren’t called and you didn’t get a ticket or have to appear in court, you don’t have a record and it may be the end of this incident. Since you’ve been banned from Walmart stores don’t return or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck and learn from this.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
am 17 and i got stealling some jewlery and am not from the state, but i live here and my parents thinks am never going to be something in the future cause of that. The things i Stole was over $150 what can my punishment be. Please answer me am desperate andd its my first time ever dealin with the laws.. thank you!
Dear Sasha: Since this is your first time you may be eligible for what is called “diversion.” This is a program where you’re required to do some community service work, attend a class or counseling and upon completion the case is dismissed and you don’t have a record. You may also be ordered to pay the store back for the items. Since you live in a different state, you may be allowed to complete diversion there or even online. It depends on what’s available and if the court will allow it. If you have a hearing date for court, don’t miss it or the judge may issue a warrant for your arrest. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
So last summer i was “shoplifting” so the story is My friend Aaron an I went to Haggens, and we walked around the store for a good ten minutes trying to figure out what we wanted to BUY! so we had pick out two sodas and we bought them, and went and sat down, at their little seating area, then we decided we wanted candy bars, so again being as indecisive as i am, i took forever to pick a candy bar, by now me and Aaron had lost each other, so im waiting by the front entrance to the store with the candy bar IN MY HAND, and now im still INSIDE the store, i call Aaron on my cell but before he could pick up a “Secret Shopper” came up to me and started yelling at me saying i was stealing the candy bar, which i honestly wasnt, so he told me if i give him the candy bar i could leave, well i gave him the candy bar, and he started pulling me to this back room, now Aaron saw this and was about ready to just knock him out 😛 but i calmed him down so i went willingly to the room, so i could just explain to him what was going on, but before i could explain to him he starts calling me a punk and being an arse, so after he was finished with his rant, he told me i had to pay a 250 dollar fine, even tho I knew i wasnt stealing and had the money to pay for it, i just agreed trying to avoid a court date and a big scene, so i payed the 250 dollars and went on with my life.
so my question is; sence i wasnt stealing and had the money to pay for it, instead of just paying the 250 dollar fine, could i have actually gotten out of it if i took it to court. i was 16 so its not like i just had 250 dollars laying around, but i didnt really want to put the extra stress on my self of going to court, and then getting charged with all this other stuff.
P.S. sorry if this doesnt make a load of sense its 5:00 am here, and im just messing around on google before work 😀 well have a great day!
Dear DJ: If what you’ve described is true, you could have stuck to your story and let the store press charges for shoplifting. Then in court, you could have pleaded not guilty and taken your chances with the judge. He or she may have believed you and dismissed the case. Or the judge may have believed the store and found you guilty of the shoplifting. By paying the store’s fine, you don’t have a criminal record regarding this incident since you didn’t go to court.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
One of my friends stole some jewelry from a household during a party. I was at the party on the night this happened. A few days later a few of us are hanging out and my friend pulls out a bag of jewelry and starts talking about how he stole it from this person’s house we were at the other night. He’s talking about going to pawn it off for money somewhere out of town. I had no idea he had taken the jewelry that night, but I get in the car with them thinking everything will be okay. We go to a town and he goes inside with another guy to pawn it off.( Note: this kid is 16, but he was fifteen at the time, I am 15 as well.) I stayed out in the car and waited not really sure what to do. He gets about 300-400 dollars for it and we leave. About two days later, I decide to go to the police and tell them what happened. I didn’t say I was with them when they pawned it though. I just told them I saw him with possession of it and he pawned it off in another town and how much he got. Stuff like that. I have a subpoena for this now and was just wondering, can I get charged for accessory for this?
Dear Kayla: It doesn’t sound like you were an active participant in this guy’s actions. Your mere presence in the car when he pawned the items may not constitute an “accessory” to the crime. If you shared in the money he received or benefitted from it in any way, that may be a different story. It depends on the definition of “accessory” in your state. We recommend that you discuss this with your parents before you go to court on the subpoena. They may want to speak with a criminal lawyer to determine your role and responsibility, if any, in this case. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Me & my bestfriend got caught stealing from a claires,In Florida. I’m 17 shes 16. The guy waited until after we walked out of the store to stop us, and he was threatening and putting his hands in our face, & me with the temper sadly, i blew up in his face,right when the cop got to the store. I was the one who put 2 pairs of sunglasses & a necklace in my bag & my bestfriend put 2 pairs of sunglasses in and was seen taking tags off of things, when we were arrested and taken to the jail, they said i was getting charged with a felony or something & she was an accessory to the crime. so what does that mean?
theres 4&1/2 months till my 18th birthday so are they just gonna charge me as an adult and put me in jail for the first time i’ve ever had a problem with the law? or give me probation and such? there was 53$ worth the stolen merch. so that would just be a second degree petty theft right? helpp!oh & what would happen to my friend? they only caught her taking tags off.. so?this is all so confusing.
Dear Marylyyn: Since this is your first offense you may be eligible for what is called “diversion.” When you finish the terms of the diversion program the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. The same for your friend unless she’s already on probation or has a criminal history with the court. It’s unlikely that this case would go to adult court. Don’t miss your hearing or the judge may issue a warrant for your arrest. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Question, If someone is caught shoplifting, Are they not allowed to go back to the store in which they were caught in? Its been 2 years since my cousin got caught shoplifting in JCPenney, but she swears she still cant go back. Is that true?
Dear Shyla: That depends on what your cousin was told at the time she was caught shoplifting. Stores do have the authority to ban a shoplifter for a period of time, usually a year or two, and occasionally forever. Have her check her paperwork on this or she can call the store’s Loss Prevention person and ask if the ban is still in place. If it is, she can ask that it be lifted – it’s up to the store. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
question, my and my friend got caught stealing 5$ jewelry and they took down our info and told us it was to just have on record at their store(boscovs) they said we would get a fine in the mail and once we paid it, it would be over. They said it wouldn’t go on our record and nothing else would happen as long as we paid the fine in time. Is this true? I’m going into nursing school and I wanted to know if it would show up on a background check if the police and court were never involved?
Dear Shannon: Yes, what you’ve been told is a common practice in shoplifting cases. You’ll receive a letter from the store or the store’s lawyer requiring payment of what is called a “civil demand.” It’s a fine that stores are authorized to impose on shoplifters. Once paid, the case is closed and you don’t have a record. If unpaid, the store can press charges and you’ll be notified of a court hearing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i got caught stealing from sears , it’s under $150 i suppose . I was ask to go to the court and i did , i didnt go in to see the jury instead , they ask me to go to an office and the lady told me to write an essay the “shoplifting paper”she told me to see how well i wrote it , its its good enough the case will be dismiss right away , and i dont have to go to the acual court , is it true ? now i have finish writing it , and i have to go back to see her again later at 3:30 , i just want to know it is true , my case will just dismiss like this
Dear Selina: Every court has its own method of handling shoplifting cases. If this is your first offense, then what you’re doing with the court in writing a paper about the incident sounds like their “diversion” program or a part of it. So, consider yourself lucky this time. If you steal again, the consequences will be different. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hey so I got cought stilling an I went to court an everything an the juge gave me classes an a fine I did not do my class an did not pay my fine, I had no money or anything an I go back soon what will happen to me?
That will be up to the judge. He or she may give you a second chance to complete the classes and pay the fine or decide to change the penalty to a stint in jail/detention or a number of community service days or hours. Judges generally aren’t keen on their orders being ignored. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
So yesterday I was at Kohl’s and I stupidly decided to take a pair of boots totaling around $50 dollars. I didn’t do it in the open I went into the fitting with other stuff and I didn’t realize that I was being followed. As I left the stop the LP person came up to me and tried to get me to come back inside but I panicked and said I didn’t take anything I left everything in the fitting room. I was walking away and as I was walking he was saying he was going to get my license plate and call
The police. He also was using profanity againt me and calling me names that were inappropriate. Him
And the other two guys followed me
To my car and got my license plate. The car isn’t registered to me but to my brother and I’m 21 and live in California if that helps. I’ve never done this before it was a stupid lapse of judgement and I will never do it again. Would the store still come
After me even if the car isn’t mine or would they go after my brother???
Dear Ashley: If the store decides to press charges, they will contact the police and give them whatever information they have. Then the police may start an investigation. It’s up to both the store and law enforcement to work together in a shoplifting case. They may eventually speak with the prosecutor to decide if formal charges will be filed. The investigation may begin with your brother since he’s the registered owner of the car. That may lead to you. Every case is different. Bottom line, be honest and accept the consequences. If this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community service, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear judge Tom I thank you so much for your advice it has really got some stress off my should thank you so much
Dear Logan: You’re welcome. We wish you the best.
I got got caught shoplifing in century21 3 years ago,I went to cour and paid my fine and my service ahour.Now i stupidly went into whole food and i had the intentions to purchase some groseries and i was looking at some lotion ,i really like them so i stole the them and of course once again got caught !!! i am im very worried !!!! i know i did wrong and i had the money to pay for it but i just didnt, the total was something like $100. can i go to jail? is this going to ruin me? im trying to be get my green card can they send me to jail or deport me?
Dear Alexandra: Typically a person is not sent to jail or deported for a shoplifting offense. However, if you continue to make this same mistake, jail as well as possible immigration consequences will be much more likely. For more information based on the laws in your state as well as the policies of the court, you need to consult with a local immigration attorney in your area who will be able to answer your questions about how this may affect your immigration status as well as chances of getting green card. Many attorneys offer a free initial consultation at which time you can sit down and talk about your concerns for about half an hour. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Sorry to keep bugging you but I should of made my question more clear I wont be leaving until the twentith my court date is on the 17 so I will definatley be at my court date I was just wondering if I’m still gonna be able to move up there? And another question could I go ahead and do an online diversion program? Just to do it? Or is there even a online diversion program?! Also will I have another court date after this one. I haven’t done anything else o was just wondering if there will be another date for the same thing? Thanks so much Judge Tom! Your the best!
Dear Logan: When you go to court on the 17th, explain to the judge or the court or probation officer who you may meet with instead of a judge about your plans to move. It should not be a problem, but the court needs to be advised of your current address and that you are moving. If you are offered diversion, there may not be another court date as you will have to complete the terms of the program and then the charges are typically dismissed without you having to return to court. Finally, we are not aware of an online diversion program as it usually includes community service hours which cannot be done online. But there shouldn’t be a problem for you to complete the terms of a program in another city or state. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
2 years ago i was working at a department store and my friends went in and i didnt charge them all the items. of course i got caught and returned everything. the stores pressed charges and at that time i was 20. TODAY i stupidly went into kholes and i had the intentions to purchase a shirt and i was looking at some makeup but since i didnt find a shirt i like i stole the make up and of course onc again got caught !!! i am not 22 and im very worried !!!! i know i did wrong and i had the money to pay for it but i just didnt, the total was something like $40. can i go to jail? is this going to ruin me? im trying to go to a private school and they check your record 🙁 will they really press charges?
Dear Yesenia: If the store told you that they were going to press charges and that you would receive your court notice in the mail, then yes, it’s likely to happen. The store also has the option of sending you a “civil demand” letter requesting payment of a civil fine. If this occurs and you pay the fine on time, that may be the end of the matter. If you do end up going to court, it’s not likely that you would go to jail for this incident even though it’s your second offense. It’s possible that you may be offered a diversion program as well. If diversion is not offered to you, once you complete the terms of your sentence, you could ask for your record to be destroyed or expunged. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Dear Judge,
I cant thank you enough for taking your time to get back to me with such an informative response. I really appreciate it. Just having a general idea of whats to come helps to settle my nerves. I do have a few more questions, though. The LP guy only said that I would have to pay 4-5 times the cost of the item. Though no-one can say for sure, do you think that it will be just a ~$25 fine, or up to $500 as it seems that is a possibility? Additionally, I would like to get this done and over with as soon as possible, and not have to worry for the next coming weeks. Is it possible that I can call up Walmart’s loss prevention and make my payment sooner? Once again, thanks.
Dear Rich: Yes, you can contact the store and request an earlier resolution to your case. But don’t hold your breath. Stores are busy with hundreds of these incidents and it takes time to process each case. The civil fine imposed by the store depends on their policy but can’t be higher that state law authorizes. Laws usually specify a maximum amount or a figure 2 to 3 times the value of the item. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hey. I live in California, I’m 18 years old(just turned July 26) and yesterday I got caught stealing make-up from kmart. It was only $6.00. 3 guys and 1 lady took me in the back room where they began to fill out some paperwork. They copied down my license and got both my addresses. No cops were called and no fingerprinting was done. I asked if I was going to have to pay a fine and the guy taking my information said no, the second guy said “ya, a more then $6.00 that’s for sure” and the third guy started to laugh.. I don’t known which it is. They had me sign a paper saying not to come in and said I will get something in the mail. I was so scared that I thought I was going to get sick and I was shaking. I told my dad first he yelled and I cried.. I WILL NOT be doing this again and I’ve never stolen ANYTHING before in my life. Certainly learned my lesson.I just want to know whats going to happen? Am I going to get arrested? Go to jail? Will I ever be able to get a job? I’m so ashamed In myself.. please help? thank you.
Tristen. manteca, California.
Dear Tristen: It sounds like the store may send you a “civil demand” letter requesting payment of a civil fine. When you receive this letter, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court. These civil fines vary from store to store, but usually they are between $100 up to several hundred dollars. If you choose to not pay the fine, then the store is more likely to press criminal charges, so you would receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. However, the store is more likely not pressing charges at this time, which means that you don’t have to worry about going to court, being arrested or having a criminal record. We’re glad to hear you learned from this. Take care and good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
i am 16 years old, i was caught shoplifting 500 dollars worth of clothes in JcPenny in nyc. They called the police and made me sign a letter saying that i stole from the stor. They took down my information. The clothes were in perfect condition folded with the tags on them. They said i would have to pay a ticket. How much would the ticket be? After the police took me to the precinct and took my information and told me i would have to appear in court. What do you think will happen to me? What should I do?
Dear Jordan: There are two aspects to a shoplifting incident. First, civil where the store is authorized under the law to fine you. That’s the “ticket” you mentioned. Once the fine is paid the case is closed and you don’t have a criminal record. Second is the criminal side where you go to court and plead guilty or not guilty. You’ve been hit with both due to the amount involved ($500.00). Don’t miss your court date. When you go, the legal process will be explained to you by a court/probation officer. If this is your first offense, you may be offered “diversion.” When you complete the terms of diversion, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a criminal/juvenile record. Stay calm and tell the truth. Discuss this with your parents and one of them needs to go to court with you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Just last night my friend and I got caught shoplifting at Walmart in Illinois. I am 17 years old and stole $40 worth of merchandise. They filled out paperwork there then called the cops to the store. They also filled out paperwork and called my parents to come pick me up. She said I would receive a letter in the mail about a court date and said most likely I would be convicted. I was just curious of about how things will play out and I was wondering if I could get a rough estimate about how much I will owe in all. I have a completely clean record and I get good grades in school. I’m just scared of what will happen. Also, in the fall I plan to fill out college apps and apply for financial aid. How will this incident effect that process? Please provide me with as much detail as possible so I can fully understand everything. Thank you.
Dear Ali: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service, payment of a fine and attending a class or counseling, the charges would be dismissed and the case closed. Therefore, you would not have any record of a conviction for this incident. Fines vary from state to state and county to county, but typically, they are somewhere between $100 to several hundred dollars. This incident should not affect your ability to get financial aid for college as there is a good chance that you will be offered diversion and the charges will be dropped. We hope you learned from this as the penalties will increase for any additional offenses. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
i am from B.C, CANADA
Hi i got caught shoplifting a necklace in sears, they called the police and everything.. however the police did not fine me or my friend, just the mall banned us for a year. However my friend already had records from ontario but i geuss they didnt look that up ? it was my first offence ever and i regret it very much since am looking to get a job 🙁
i was just wondering if i have a criminal record ?
the police said I do and it will never go away but im not sure if she was just trying to scare us :S
Dear Michelle: You may have gotten lucky this time. If you weren’t given a ticket or notice to appear in court, then the ban from the store may be the only consequence. You could receive notice in the mail about a court hearing. If you do, don’t miss it. As a first offender, you may be eligible for “diversion.” Once the terms of diversion are completed, the case is closed and you won’t have a record. Take a look at this web site from the Canadian Bar Association for information about shoplifting. Learn from this and good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thanks for the response. My court date is the 17 of this month and I’m moving to Wisconsin for school what can I do about that?
You don’t want to blow off the court hearing. The judge may issue a warrant for your arrest if you don’t appear. So, contact the court and explain the situation and the fact that you’re going to school soon out-of-state. Ask for an earlier hearing date or they may continue it to a time when you return home for the holidays. If you’re not able to speak with anyone about this, write a letter of explanation. Date it and be sure to put the case number on it – the number on your ticket or whatever notice you received about the hearing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge,
I live in New York, and I’m 16 years old. I was in Walmart and decided to steal an audio cable, under $5 in value. When they stopped me at the door and took me into the room with the camera displays, I stayed calm, polite, and they didnt take the time to lecture me, they just took my information off my driving permit and I was on my way. Nothing to sign, and no security involved, except for the loss prevention team itself. They told me that I’ll be receiving something in the mail, and I’ll have to pay 4 or 5 times the price of the item as a punishment. They chose not to call my parents, but recommended I tell them before we get the letter. And now for my questions:
Will this be put on some sort of criminal/permanent record?
Besides the fine, is there any other repercussion I must serve? Probation, court appearance, community service, juvie even?
What else will this letter contain? Besides most likely banning me from Walmart?
When will this letter arrive? And can I pay it myself or must a parent or guardian pay it?
Will this affect future job/college applications? I’m currently hired in a local grocery store, will they hear of this?
I’m nervous and uneasy about this, and simply knowing whats to come would help, thanks in advance.
Dear Rich: Since the police weren’t involved and you don’t have to go to court, you won’t have an official criminal or juvenile record. You haven’t been charged with a crime. Stores don’t have to press charges – they can handle shoplifting as a civil matter. That sounds like what they’ve decided to do in this case. The letter can take a few weeks to get, maybe longer because Walmart is a big retailer. When the letter comes, read the instructions carefully. It will require payment of a civil fine by a certain date. Once paid the case will be closed. If you’re banned from the store, don’t return or you could be charged with trespassing. It’s up to you to tell your parents about this – it’s best to be honest with them since they may find out anyway. This one incident shouldn’t affect your future school or employment pursuits. Good luck and learn from this.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello. I am currently transferring to a private university that does background checks on those applying to that school. I am now 19 & was caught shoplifting at age 17 at rite aid (it was my first time ever, and I’ve regretted it ever since). The loss & prevention people didn’t file a report to the police, but I did sign something that said I wasn’t able to go to another rite aid again. I was given an amount to pay afterwards in the mail. I was just wondering if it would show up on my background check? And was my record automatically sealed once I turned 18? (I live in the state of California)
Dear Katie: Since the police weren’t involved and you didn’t go to court for this incident, you don’t have a record that would appear on a background check. The only record might be with the store in the event you violated the ban and returned to the store. There was no official sealing of the record since that is done by the court and no record was created beyond the store’s record-keeping. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear judge thanks for the advice, oh and I forgot to say that where I stole from is in a diffrent town and this store is really famous so alotttt of plp go in there everyday the town is like and hour and 35 min away from where I live so, what are my chances now?, !!!!
Distance shouldn’t make a difference. If the store and/or police wish to pursue this, they will. It’s a matter of priorities – value of items taken, your juvenile history if any and other factors that are taken into consideration.
one last question. If i had shoplifted before its likely the police would have already shown up at my door correct? I know i already asked but im still concerned/ Im still very scared that they are going to. No doubt i learned my lesson but now my past actions are haunting me.
Dear Trisha: It is possible but unlikely. You may also hear about a past shoplifting incident through the mail – either a notice to appear in court or letter from the store requiring payment of a civil fine. There’s no guaranty that nothing will happen but chances are better each day that goes by without hearing anything. Your state’s “statute of limitations” for shoplifting applies which means the state can file charges up to a year or two after the incident. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
ok me and my friend where caught stealing from sears acouple days ago, im 15 shes 18. we got our court date and everything.. but then my brother got a call saying that i was being charged for lieing to a sheriff . i was currently staying at my friends house but after the incident my mom doesnt want me with her. but we had put her adress as mine . and now we have an appointment to settle the misunderstanding . what do you advice me to do? im really worried
Dear Diana: We don’t provide legal advice to adults or teenagers. AsktheJudge.info is an educational site for and about teens and the laws that affect them. We suggest you simply tell the truth. That way you won’t get caught up in a tangled web of lies that you may or may not remember in the future. If you decide to plead not guilty when you go to court, a public defender may be appointed to represent you. Tell your lawyer everything about what happened and you can get this straightened out. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi, my names jo, and six days ago me and my friends were at a store and they went outside, for a little while and i stayed in the store, and i was behind this like wall thing thats was holding rings and stuff, and the camara couldent see me, but there was also reflecting mirrours, so i think the camara caught me threw the reflecting mirrour, so im soooo scared and what i stole was 10.00 that was 6 days ago and i keep thinking the cops will see my face threw the reflecting mirrours and show up at my house! help!!!!
Dear Jo: There’s little we can tell you except to be patient. You may have gotten lucky this time and won’t hear anything further about this. On the other hand, if they have a way to identify you and know your address, etc. you may receive notice about a shoplifting charge. If that happens, the legal process will be explained to you if and when you go to court. If this is your first time you may be offered diversion. Once the community service is done the case is closed and you won’t have a record. Learn from this and don’t steal again. Consequences increase as you get older and reoffend. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi judge, I got cought shoplifting Saturday at khols it was about 300$ in the value of merchandise I stole ,im 17 and will be turning 18 in a 3 weeks, this is my first time ever doing something like this, im terrified in what will happen in court. Im applying for college, will this affect me while doing so.?? Will I get sent to jail? Will i have a permanent record?
This is in Chicago, Illinois.
Dear Pelizabeth: Since this is your first offense, you’ll likely be offered what is called “diversion” when you go to court. When you complete the community service, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Jail or detention is not likely for a first offense.This shouldn’t affect your college applications or future employment opportunities. The purpose of diversion is to help you avoid a “record” and learn from this experience with the law. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was shopping w/ my toddler at Whole Foods in NYC, and bc I had to carry my toddler and the groceries I put the items in my bags to check for heavy-ness – its a bit of a walk home from the store. I am scatter brained, exhausted, not thinking clearly, an hormonal wreck (toddler is weaning and hormones are going berserk) and stressed (my husband just got laid off). After changing my toddler’s diaper, I went to leave the store – forgetting to pay, bc items were in bags, like I said I spaced and hadn’t been thinking clearly. I was apprehended, they wouldn’t listen to me, and had me arrested. When the security apprehended me, at first I told them I had paid, and genuinely looked for my receipt, because it makes no sense that I’d steal, I’ve never done anything like that. I’ve corrected bills at restaurants even when the error was in my favor! As soon as I realized I hadn’t paid, I told him and asked if I could pay, he said I will pay, took me to the store manager who said cooperate and no charges will be pressed. I did, and signed a form saying I will never shop there again, and gave them my info. Then the manager took a photo of me said I’m a thief and going to jail, that’s when the police came. I had to call my husband (who in turn missed a job interview) to come get our toddler as I was handcuffed and arrested.
I was given a DAT for an arraignment next week. I can’t afford 2k for a lawyer, and am not sure what to do/expect. It was under 200, however they accused me of stealing items I had in my diaper bag that had previously been purchased – despite having been 1/2 used, as well as my necklace that had been purchased there months prior. They confiscated those items as well as my bags (not even WF shopping bags – woven produce bags).
I am looking for work, and can’t have a record (lost my job right after baby was born when company downsized). Also, I have to go out of town for the month of october for a project/job I have, what do I do so the following court date isn’t scheduled for that same time?
I’m also worried about jail, because my toddler is not yet weaned!
any advice is much appreciated, i’m near heart attack panicking over this
Dear Jessica: When you go for your arraignment next week, the legal process will be explained to you by a court or probation officer. If this is your first offense you may be offered “diversion.” Explain your financial situation to the officer and you may only be required to complete some community service. Also, if you’re not available for a future hearing in court, tell the probation officer and they’ll work with you on a different date. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi there, a couple years ago I was caught shoplifting from a store (I was probably 15 or 16 at the time, I’m 19 now) and it took place in Maryland. My mom was with me so the manager didn’t call the mall security but just talked to my mother and myself in the back room. I had to fill out a paper with my name and address (I can’t remember what else it had on it). She said we would be fined. (I don’t know if we ever were fined but I guess we were, my mother never brought up the incident again). I never went to court. My question is: When I apply for a job will it show up on a background check? Is it on my permanent record?
On the forms I fill out to get a job, if one of the questions is “Have you ever shoplifted?” can I say reply “no”?
Dear Jaz: Since you never went to court and never received a notice to appear in court, then you do not have any criminal record for this incident. Perhaps you should ask your mom if she paid the fine to confirm that the civil fine was in fact paid. It’s common for stores to ask for this civil fine and as long as it’s paid, they do not press criminal charges. As for filling out an application, if the question simply asks “Have you ever shoplifted?”, you would have to answer “yes” in order to be honest. However, if it asks “Have you ever been arrested for shoplifting or convicted of shoplifting?”, then you could truthfully answer “no”. Best of luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I was caught shoplifting from a local Wal-Mart a couple of days ago. It was only a $4.00 product and I am aware of the fine I will be getting in the mail. I am 17 and the cops were not called so I was just wondering if this incident will be put on my record. I am also wondering if I applied at a local clothing store, would they be able to see that I was caught shop lifting?
Dear Jackie: If you pay the store’s civil fine, that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court. As long as you do not receive a notice in the mail to appear in court, then this incident will not appear on your record. It’s extremely unlikely that another store would be able to see any sort of record that this incident occurred unless of course you applied at another Walmart as the corporation probably keeps records on who has been caught shoplifting at their stores and may keep this information in a database. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
im 18 and i got caught stealing about 20 dollars in merchandise from walmart security guy brought me to his office took picture id and all that stuff this is my first ever offence im 18 a cop came in and talked to me put me in handcuffs made me seem like i was going to jail sat in the cop car for a while and then he opened the door gave me a court date i just recently recieved a restitution letter from walmart im going to pay it and all but what should i expect from court im supposed to be moving up to wisconsin shortly after what will the outcome of my court most likely be??? thanks
Dear Logan: Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Therefore, you would not have a record of any conviction for this incident. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello. I live in Orange County California. I was caught shop lifting some razor blades – value $27. I had no intention to shop lift that day. This is not a good excuse, but twice that month I had had stuff stolen from me and when I took the razors there was another one so I just took it. I paid for one package of razors and some soap and when I left the store security intercepted me. The police were called and I have a court date. I understand there is a good chance for diversion but I am not sure how I should plead tomorrow. I am guessing not guilty? I can’t believe I did this, I’m ashamed of myself, but I also don’t want to be screwed in the future over something so minor. Thank you in advance.
Dear Mike: The court process will be explained to you today and you will have a better idea of what your options are. If diversion is an option in your case, it may require that you enter a plea of guilty first, but then the court will “defer” judgment rather than accept your plea giving you time to complete the program. You should have an opportunity to speak with a court or probation officer or a prosecutor today and have your questions answered. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
hi i am 15 years old and me and my friend went to walmart and i took a bathing suit and some skin cream, well as we were exiting out of the store security guy stopped me and pulled me into a room and called the cops, the cops came and she hand cuffed me and they asked me for all of my information. the cop handed me a ticket and said that i would have to go to court. this is my first time with the law so im wondering how long would it take for my court date to come and will this go on my record? if it helps i live in Texas.
Dear Mikahla: Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Therefore, you would not have a record of any conviction for this incident. Typically, the first court date is scheduled within a couple months or so of when the incident occurred, but it could be longer depending on the size of your county and how busy the court’s calendar is. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi Im 20 and got caught stealing gift cards from my job i admitted what i did promised to repay and was fired police were called or anything. i was wondering would this go on my record and is there a chance that I still could get arrested for this im from illinois
Dear Stacy: If you did not receive a citation and do not have to appear in court, then this will not appear on your record. However, if the store (your former employer) chooses to press charges, then it’s possible you could receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Typically, this would occur within a couple months or so after the incident. If the store did not say anything about pressing charges and didn’t call the police, you may have gotten lucky by losing your job and repaying the store rather than having to go to court and possibly having a criminal record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello. I was caught shoplifting about 1 week ago and got charged with a misdemeanor of petty theft. The problem is that this happened in Florida and I live in Missouri. I don’t have enough funds to get a lawyer or attorney and I cannot afford to fly back down. I have no job and haven’t had one in over a year. This is a first time offense. I stole about $75 from walmart and I truly regret my actions. I know it was wrong. What could I expect? Will I go to jail?
Dear Christine: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity to avoid a record upon successful completion of the program. Jail time is extremely unlikely for a first offense. Try calling the court in Florida and explain that you live out of state. They may allow you to appear telephonically at your court date. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I am very very stupid and I was caught shoplifting again not even a year apart . The first case was dismissed and I completed 32hrs of community service. Now this time is my second offense I live in north carolina. What will happen to me? Will I go to jail? I just found out I’m pregnant and I need to get my life in order and grow up! This will never happen again I need to be a role model for my child and set some standards for myself. Also what would you sugguest I do? I don’t want t go to jail!
Dear Brittany: Even though this is your second offense, you still may be offered a diversion program depending on the laws in your state and the rules/policies of the court. Even if diversion is not an option, you are likely facing additional community service hours, a fine and possibly having to attend a class or counseling. Jail time is unlikely for a second offense especially if the value of the items stolen is relatively low. We’re glad to hear you’ve learned from this and don’t want to repeat your mistakes. Remember the penalties will get harsher for additional offenses making jail time more likely in the future. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello.. My question is this. My 16 year old daughter got caught shoplifting alcohol, unopened… This is her second time getting caught and went through the diversion program the first time. I am not sure what Virginia laws are or what kind of punishment she is looking at?
Thank you in advance!
Dear Angela: Although it’s her second offense, your daughter still may be eligible for a diversion program depending on the laws of your state and the rules/policies of the court. If diversion is not an option, she is most likely facing some community service hours, a fine and possibly a class or counseling. Good luck to you and your daughter.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, I got caught shoplifting at sephora last year when i was 16. the police were called and i left the store in handcuffs. There was a a guy there that handled juveniles and the cop followed that guy back to his office. im pretty sure it was the police station but like the juvenile part/office. the juvenile guy took down my name, address (&etc), and took a picture. they took me home and my mom signed a paper for them to release me to her. about two weeks later i get a letter in the mail about my court date and such and there was a number for a this lady that we should call if we had any questions. my dad called her immedietly and asked her everything on how the process would be, how we should prepare, and such. the day of the court date, the court place was closed because there was a big snowstorm. so the next day (or when we came home.. i forget) my dad called the lady and told her how it was closed and what he should do. so instead the lady told him to come to her office. so she told him to come (with me ) on so and so date and time. so we went and the lady said why did you do it , everyone makes mistakes, and so on and told me that i didnt need to go to court as long as i write a sorry letter to myself and send it to her. my question is who was this lady, and do i still have a record, or was it erased or….. ?
Dear Tahs: It sounds like they decided to not file charges against you. The lady you describe possiblyworks with juveniles going through diversion programs to avoid court records or she could work with the probation department. The best way to confirm that you do not have a record for this incident would be to call the court, explain the situation and ask for a copy of your record. Based on what you’ve described, there should be nothing on it. Best of luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
is it possible that places like walmart could be tally-ing everything up and coming after me now? that way it is a bigger charge?
Trisha: As in any situation, it’s possible but highly unlikely. It would be difficult to review past tapes trying to find one individual. Too time-consuming for a small return. All the best.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thankyou so much i was just worried that since i do purchase things at walmart that they would be able to come after me for something i stole like 3 weeks ago. i def learned my lesson and dont even know what i was thinking. that isnt who i am. for extra precautions im not going to be shoppingat places i shoplifted and didnt get caught at for a couple of months.
You’re welcome. We’re glad you learned from your mistake.
I have shoplifted in the past and i know its wrong, I was never stopped or questioned, I know they have up to a year to file charges. My question is, if I shoplifted weeks/months ago is it going to come back to haunt me now. Is there a chance I can get arrested now for it even though it happened weeks ago?
Also i was caught monday for shoplifting at a different place. i feel terrible i was not booked or arrested or given a citation. is this going to go on my record? all they told me was to expect a fine[civil fees] but i want to know if my current retail job will find out about this incident. I live in california and am 23 years old. when i was 18 i got an mip of alcohol but had it taken off my record…please help. im so scared that i ruined my life.
I learned my lesson. and now im constantly living in fear..help
Dear Trisha: We’re glad to hear that you learned your lesson. It’s extremely unlikely that you would be arrested for shoplifting several weeks ago. If no one every stopped or detained you, then they probably would not be able to contact you. As for this recent incident, it sounds like they are expecting you to pay a civil fine rather than pressing criminal charges. If you do not have to go to court over the matter, then you will not have a record for this incident and it’s very unlikely that your current employer would find out about the incident. Remember that if you continue to be tempted to steal, you will eventually end up in court and have to face the consequences. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Dear Judge Tom,
I got caght shopliftin at a local walmart but they didnt call the cops. What do I espect???? I am 19 yrs old.
Dear Allen: You got lucky this time. Since the police weren’t called it’s unlikely that formal shoplifting charges will be filed against you. You may receive a letter from the store requiring payment of a civil fine. Once paid the case will be closed. Stores are authorized under the law to fine people for theft/shoplifting. It could be several hundred dollars. If the fine is not paid they can press charges against you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was caught shopliffting about 100 dollars worth of items from Wal- Mart. I recieved a citation and have a court date, but am 16. I live in North Carolina. What could the estimated fine total be, and what could I do to expunge my shoplifting record for the sake of colleges?
Dear Cameron: When you go to court for your hearing, you’ll meet with a court or probation officer. He/she will explain everything to you. Ask about expunging your record. At 16, you’ll have a chance to clear your record before you start applying for college. You may also be offered “diversion” which means when you finish some community service, the shoplifting charge will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Learn from this & good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got caught shoplifting about 6 months ago in Manitoba,Canada. I wasnt charged, cited or anything but only a warning. I had a chanve to talk to a local laywer who works at community centre and she told me that this will not show up in my criminal record, therefore it would not have any negative impact in mylife. but she also told me that even though police officers were not at the store, because I was detained by security, the arrest record will be on my record. so my questions is will this prevent me from crossing Canda – US border ? Thank you for your time to read.
Dear Harry: In the U.S., this incident would not usually appear on a person’s arrest record since you were not “arrested”. You could try requesting a copy of your criminal record through your local police department or court so you can see exactly what appears on it. If the arrest appears on your record, you may want to consult with an immigration attorney to find out how it could affect your crossing the border. It’s unlikely that you would be prevented from doing so for this incident, but an immigration attorney would be able to fully answer your question. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
hi again… about the diversion program! do i have to wait for the judge to offer me the diversion program or can do it myself now so when i go to court averything will be done, the reason im asking is bcuz im moving to another state and its gonna be hard for me to come back to north carolina for another court date. thanks
We suggest you contact the court and ask about changing your hearing date to an eaerlier one so you can take care of this before you move. Otherwise, if you don’t appear, the judge may issue a warrant for your arrest. You don’t want that following you around. Explain the situation to someone at the court and ask how to handle this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am 19 and recently caught shoplifting at a clothing store. I was also caught shop lifting at the same store when I was 15. I took diversion classes for first one. But I was wondering if I could get a harsher punishment and if this time is considered a second offense because the first offense was when I was a minor. Does it matter that I shoplifted when I was a minor or is it still considered a second offense? If so, what will most likely happen? I live in az by the way. Thank you
Dear Emily: Since you completed diversion for the first offense when you were 15, there shouldn’t be a record of it now. As an adult this may be considered a first offense and you may be eligible for diversion again. When you appear in court, an information or probation officer will explain the legal process to you. If you are offered diversion, consider yourself lucky. It will not be offered again should you re-offend. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi,my name is karen..im 24 years old and i shopplifting at a px a military got caught base in north carolina!! this is my first and only time… an i really sorry for what i did… the police told me that im gonna resive a letter on the mail saying the court date… im from another country and i still have my green card and i was eligible for a citizenship.. my question is… whats gonna happen since i shopplifted at a px in a military base and if is gonna affect me in to get my citizenship….thanks
Dear Karen: You’ll have to wait and see what court you must go to – whether it’s on-base through the military justice system or off-base at the local city or superior court. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion. Once you finish the diversion program, the charge will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. This shouldn’t affect your immigration status but you may want to speak with an immigration lawyer in your area. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i was caught shoplifting in april. The juge told me i had to do 10 hrs of comunity service on a website called achive but i can not find it.
Dear Heather: There are many shoplifting classes around the country. To save time. we suggest you contact the court you were in and ask what program they use. They should be able to give you the phone number and/or website to enroll & complete the course. You can also check any paperwork you received when you went to court. The name & number of the place should be listed. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Yes I know, I learned from my past experienced. I couldn’t even look at my mom since she has done so much for me and I was such a disappointment. But what if H&M decides to press and charges and Forever 21 as well?
Dear Aly: If that happens, then you could be facing two separate charges, which would appear like your first and second offense. However, it sounds like you may be lucky this time with a fine and a ban from the store for a year. Take care.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi. I was caught stealing at Target in April and I was not arrested or anything like that. The person said I was a decent girl and told the truth so he did not call the cops. So within 2 months I received a letter saying I need to pay a $500 fine in which I did. That was done with but I am banned till I am 18. I can however return to Target only if I am with a guardian. I believe I have no criminal record of this incident, only within the Target store? I told my mom I learned my lesson and I was very sorry.
But I disappointed her again just yesterday. I was caught at H&M. They did not call the cops either but I will have to pay another fine which I will pay for. They have my information and picture just in case I enter the store again, they could identify me. I am banned for a year. When they told me to come into the backroom they told me to open my bags. In there I previously stole from Forever 21 as well. They called Forever 21 and told them they would return the things I stole from their store. Will I get another fine from forever21? Even though I did not get caught there? They said if Forever 21 were to file a report, they would give Forever 21 my information. If Forever were to file a report, they would have to contact me about it right? If so, how would they contact me? Will the Target and H&M incidents count as a felony? I’m not sure because I believe it’s an internal thing since no police or arrest was involved what so ever. I am 15 btw.
Dear Aly: Yes, if Forever 21 presses charges and contacts the police, then this would be considered your first offense since the other incidents were handled through the store and without the court’s involvement. Since you haven’t been to court, currently you do not have a criminal record. (But unfortunately, if you keep up this shoplifting, you are very likely to end up in court and possibly with a record.) Neither of the 2 incidents in which you were caught (Target and H&M) would be considered felonies or misdemeanors since you didn’t got to court and criminal charges weren’t filed. If Forever 21 presses charges, then it’s likely that you would be facing a misdemeanor charge rather than a felony. You may receive a “civil demand” letter in the mail from F21 or if they press charges, you would receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. We sincerely hope you have learned from these mistakes. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
im 18 years old and i qot shopliftinq out of sears in the mall. the store called the police and i was arrested and takin to the precinct. this is my first offense and i dont want my mom to find out that i was stealinq. will they roll back the store cameras when i qo to court.¡?.
Dear Kara: They will not play the surveillance video when you go to court as the store may not have it and the court does not have time to do such things unless you take your case to trial. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion and given the opportunity to avoid a criminal record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
HI Judge–sorry this is like my third time posting. My story’s already on here, but just to refresh I’m 18, got petty theft under California Penal Code 490.5, items were $15 or under, got a court date and I paid my civil demand fine.
I’ve been trying to figure out if I need a lawyer–in order to get the diversion program, will I need a lawyer to fight on my behalf? I already admitted to the crime to the loss prevention officers & the police officer, all I want to do is do whatever I have to to get this off my record. How much do you think the court will fine me?
I’m reading things on expertlaw.com that make me feel uncomfortable, and a lot of people are recommending lawyers but they’re really pricey, so should I go to court by myself? And do I plead guilty since I already admitted to the Loss Prevention officers and I’m on camera? Or should I plead no contest? Will they send me to jail for this?
Thank you so much for your time Judge.
Dear Joanna: Try to calm down. First of all, you’re not going to jail for this especially if it is your first offense. You don’t need a lawyer to go to court and many people who are in your position never have one. You could go to your first court date, see what the state is willing to offer you to resolve the case and whether diversion is an option. If diversion is not an option and you feel like you need legal help, then you could consult with a lawyer after your court date as you can hire one at any point while your case is pending. We cannot advise you how you should plead. However, if diversion is an option, it may require that you take responsibility before enterning into the program. Fines usually range between $100 or so up to a few hundred dollars. You will find out more and be able to ask questions to a court or probation officer when you go to court. Best of luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
My story is worse than all of the above. I’ll try to make it the short version. I am 33years old, I am a speech pathologist in Texas. I got physically addicted to pain killers when I had my c-section as there were complications (ripped open) and I fell and herniated a disk in my back 1 week after ripping it open. I was on pain killers for 4 weeks pretty much around the clock. I quit taking them when i felt better and I got soooo sick, then when the panick attacks, insomnia, and severe depression kicked in, I figured out post google about withdrawls and physical addiction. My doctor helped, gave me another script to taper down but I left the refill part blank, I wrote in 1 for the refill as I was looney toons and afraid it wouldn’t be enough. Dumb move but totally happened in less than 2 seconds. Anyway, so much for the short story. So, somehow I got busted (pen ink?) and was indicted for perscription fraud. A year has gone by and in two weeks they will decide if they are going to knock it down to a misdemeanor or figure something else out.
Here’s the kicker. I left my PINK I phone at target in the cart, walked out, walked immediately back in and it was gone. Talked to the manager and they called me later that day and had found it. I told them to wait for me as I would need to come in the morning. I got there in the morning and the girl couldn’t find it and checked the log and it was “picked up” by my “husband” Juan Martez? No contact info, regardless of policy, all fake. Totally an inside job, no other way. So, I asked them to review their tapes or help me. After the 2nd call, they starting ignoring my calls and would not return them. I had a bad bad night, didn’t sleep at all (d/t a pulmonary disease I have), drank vodka shots to try and sleep. Didn’t work. So stupid, I was completely sleep deprived and and not to mention whatever ambien does to you as I took 1 before bed and 1 30 min before the vodka – those things do not work. Anyway, I don’t really even know what I was doing or who I was cause I proceeded to get up, walk to target because I was going to get my money’s worth if they wouldn’t pay me back for my $400 phoneI walked around the store, not even concealing my attempts well, got the things I needed and picked out $200 worth of clothes and toys for my medicaid patients (I am a pediatric SLP in home health), put what I got for them, clothes, in my purse and paid for the rest. The guy stopped me as soon as I crossed the last door. The police man gave me a ticket for a court date and said if I don’t have any other convictions for theft than I would just probably get a misdemeanor. I cried for 2 hours and then slept for 12. When I woke up, I went down to the store and apologized and that was that.
So, here’s my question. . . because I have not been convicted of the fraud felony yet (no hx of any criminal behavior ever)but my court date is August 12th. The court date for the theft is August 18th. I would rather get my sentencing for the fraud without them knowing about the theft.
Is it better to be convicted now with the fraud thing before the charge for theft goes into the system and they find out?
How long do I have before the judge/prosecutors find out? or is it immediate?
Would it be a good idea to just go talk to the judge by myself Monday and tell him everything and ask for his advice?
What should I do, besides get an attorney?
Does the charge for fraud count as a previous theft charge? Will the theft charge be a first offense? I’m confused if offenses are categorized? So, basically, am I a first time offender for the theft charge?
I’m a good person, truly. I obviously don’t need to take ANY perscription medications ever. . . because the person that commited these crimes is not me, not even close.
I’m so scared. Please, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Dear Alexis: You have a lot going on and you need legal advice before you decide what to do here with these charges. This website is an educational site for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to adults or teens. When you go to court, ask for a public defender to represent you. He or she will be able to advise you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
About 8 years ago, (at the age of 18), I was caught stealing less than $10 worth of jewelry from an H&M store in NYC. I remember being taken to the back of the store, writing down my information, and having my picture taken. I was not arrested and I was let go on a warning since there were so few items. I was also told not to shop at any H& M stores in NY. About 2 years later I received a letter in the mail requiring that I pay a $75 fee. I paid immediately and have not received any issues since. My question though is if there’s a chance that the incident ended up on my permanent record. I have gotten jobs in the past, but Im currently trying to get one now with no luck and I’m wondering if this past incident could indeed have anything to do with it. Perhaps I am being paranoid, but I would like to know if incidents such as mine still end up on your record if you’ve never been arrested or had any court dates. Also, I cannot remember if I was banned from shopping for a certain period or forever…is there a way to find out? And i was banned forever, is there a way to change this?
Dear Jess: Since the police weren’t involved and you didn’t go to court, you don’t have an official criminal or juvenile justice record. The only record that may exist is with the store. As far as the ban, if imposed by the store, you can contact their Loss Prevention office and ask if it is still in effect. If it is, ask about having it lifted. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi Judge,
I was caught stealing at macys. The loss prevention came and took my friend and I back to there office, called our parents, had to pay a fine to macys, (they press charges even if valued at 1$), the officer came and gave us our court date and then we lleft. By the way I live in GA.
Questions: Dear Cara: see our answers below.
Will this be on my record? only if you don’t complete a “diversion program” – it may be part of your juvenile record but not open to public disclosure.
Will my job be notified? usually not, but if you’re in a small town, word may get around. Juvenile records are generally closed to the public.
Will my school be notified? again, usually not depending on the laws in your state and court policies. If you’re placed on probation, the school find out because probation officers often meet with their kids at school.
Will colleges be able to see this? not if you finish diversion – one purpose of diversion is to avoid having a record.
Will this affect me getting a job? it shouldn’t.
Is everything not official until I go to court? Because you have a court date, it’s official now but that doesn’t mean you have a criminal or juvenile justice record that will follow you aroung for life. Diversion is meant to keep that from happening.
What will happen when I go to court? you will meet with an information or probation officer who will explain the legal process to you. If you admit the charge and are given diversion, when you finish the program the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Otherwise, if you deny the charge and go to trial, you may be appointed a public defender to represent you. If found guilty, you may be placed on probation with certain terms to follow. After a period of time you can apply to have your record expunged. Ask about this when you go to court.
Will me and my friend go to court together? not unless you were both given the same date and time for the hearing. Read the tickets closely and don’t miss your hearing or the court can issue a warrant for your arrest. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
PLEASE & THANKYOU! you’re welcome – good luck.
Hi.. So about 2 months ago, I got caught stealing a nail polish.. that was it. It was my first time ever, and I was balling and felt horrible and regreted it. The lady took me to a room and got my info. She said I will be notified for a fine within the next 30 days but I never got anything in the mail. She never called the police because I was compliant..Could this possibly be on my record for background checks, etc.. ? (I live in AZ, and the store was Kmart if that helps). Thanks.
Dear Amanda: You may have gotten lucky this time and may not hear anything further about this. On the other hand, since Kmart is a national chain, it could take several months before you receive the letter. If it comes, they’ll be asking for payment of a fine called a “civil demand.” Once paid, the case will be closed. The fine could be several hundred dollars. Since the police weren’t involved, you won’t have a record in the criminal or juvenile justice system. So this one incident won’t affect your future. The only record that may exist is with the store. If you were banned from Kmart, don’t return or you could be charged with trespass. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
NOTE: Sorry, im sure this is annoying but i keep thinking of more stuff.
I have a question. I am only 13, so im disapointed about this and these days are behind me, but it still happened. Me and my 2 friends went to a wal mart, and shoplifted z few cans of keyboard cleaners, and they got high off of it. Never got caught. A few days/weeks (not sure) later we went car hopping. I didnt have any stolen property on me, but the group did. We got caught. I wanna know what i may be facing for the car hopping, as well as what will happen if i get caught for the wal mart incident?
I was 12 when this stuff happened. i turned 13 only a few days ago. Does that affect anything?
I live in Lafeyette, Louisiana, and the other 2 guys were teenagers when this happened, unlike me who was under 13 at the time.
Dear Mike: If you received a ticket from the police and you have a court date, don’t miss it. Otherwise the judge may issue a warrant for your arrest. Tell your parents about this and show up on time. Once there, a probation officer will explain the legal process to you. If this is your first offense, you may be offered “diversion.” That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine, or attend a class, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. The court may also place you on probation for a period of time and order you not to hang around these friends anymore. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, i wanted to know if a civil demand and a summons to court would ever been in the same letter? or would they be different letters? and if i got a summons to court, would there be another fine on the letter as well?
Dear L.C.: Usually, the civil demand comes from the store or the store’s lawyer in a separate letter. A summons to court would come from the court and is handled separately since involves a criminal matter (shoplifting) and the store’s letter is civil. In addition to the civil demand, the court, in the criminal case, may further order payment of a fine.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thanks judge for the reply… but i still am soo scared and guilty. The security guys told us that they will not get the police involved at all. could it be possible that the court date is to just go and pay a the fine?? or do i have to pay both the civil demand and also the court as well? can that happen?
can an 18 year old get diversion?
Dear Jessica: Yes, an adult may be offered diversion if it is a first or second offense and not a felony in most states. It is possible to receive both a civil demand from the store and be fined by the court. It doesn’t happen often, but under the theft & shoplifting laws of your state it is a possibility. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
So i am sooo dumb. (i promise to never steal again!). i got caught stealing at a rite aid a few weeks ago! no police were called at all. But… over a year ago… i stole from a walmart in a different state( i only had to pay a fine then, no police)
will they know that this is my second offense? no police was called this time either. please help! i am soo sorry. i just turned 18. and i need to grow up!
Dear Cadie: Yes, you do need to grow up and realize now that you’re an adult, the penalties for crimes are greater than when you were a juvenile. Adult consequences are harsher than the rehabilitative goals of juvenile court. It’s not likely that last year’s incident in another state will be known by the police or court involved with the latest incident. You may receive a letter from the store asking for payment of a civil fine. Once it’s paid, the case will be closed. Or the store could press charges and if they do, you’ll get notice of a court hearing. If that happens, don’t miss the hearing or the judge may issue a warrant for your arrest. When you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you by a probation officer. You may be eligible for “diversion.” Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi Judge, i am 17 and my cousin, 18, and i got caught shop lifting at rite aid in Oregon and we stole a little over 200 dollars worth, making it a theft II case. they took us upstairs, and NO police was called at all! they said that we would just have to pay the fine and that would be all. but, my cousin just got a letter in the mail about the fine but it also gave her a court date! what is the court date for? does it involve an arrest or something? please help! when we were caught, no police we even there or called at all.
Dear Jessica: Just because the police didn’t come to the store at the time of the incident doesn’t prevent the store from pressing charges. So, the court date for your cousin is likely based on a shoplifting charge. You may also receive a similar letter. Or the store could choose to press charges against your cousin since she’s an adult or you’re not. If you have to go to court, don’t miss the hearing. Tell your parents what happened and when you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you. You may be eligible for a diversion program. That means when you finish some community service, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I took about $8 worth from Ralph’s grocery store a week ago. I didn’t have enough money in my checking account at the time, so slipped the packets of cheese into my purse and paid for the rest of my items. I wasn’t caught; no one stopped or questioned me. I was stupid; I know this is wrong and I will never do it again.
I shop frequently at this location and I went for groceries again this afternoon. There’s a security officer on site and he usually is by the door. As I went in, he greeted me and asked how I was. I don’t know if he greeted others too or not, but I was the only person he greeted near me. Then the store was having some kind of surprise promotion giveaway so all the customers were headed in that direction. I passed the security officer who was near there and he said “hello young lady” and I smiled and walked past. I paid for all my items and left.
I’m honestly freaked out about the security officer. Did he single me out because it had to do with me stealing a week ago? Or was he just being creepy? I haven’t received any sign/notice about me stealing. Can Ralph’s press charges against me for stealing after the fact? Do grocery stores usually do that? I don’t plan on returning to the store because I’m too creeped out, but they have my information since I used my credit card. Can they still prosecute me?
Thank you for your time.
Dear Kara: Yes, if someone at the store can identify you and saw you take the cheese without paying for it, they can press charges. Every state has what is called a “statute of limitations” (S/L). That is a period of time after a crime has been committed to file charges. After the time runs out, charges cannot be filed. For misdemeanors like this shoplifting incident, the S/L is probably a year or two. You can Google the name of your state and “statute of limitations shoplifting” for information. Most likely you won’t hear anything further about this since you weren’t stopped at the time or when you returned. Your imagination may be working overtime because your mind is on what you did. You could return the cost of the cheese to the store anonymously to ease your conscience. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
THANK YOU :}. So, what exactly do the terms of the diversion include??
They may include community service hours, a class about the law and how it applies to you, or other duties as ordered by the court. You may be required to take an online course about a specific subject such as shoplifting, truancy, etc. Click on the highlighted “diversion” in our earlier response for more about diversion.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Im 15, i gat caught shoplifing at H&M , the amount was 12.95 it was one tank top. im scared and confused about whats going to happen in court? I really messed up and im hoping to apply early decision to university. CAN i , does this affect that?
Dear Natasha: If this is your first offense and since the value of the items involved is low, you are probably eligible for what is called “diversion.” Once you finish the terms of diversion, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Don’t miss the hearing. If you do, the judge may issue a warrant for your arrest. When you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you by a probation officer. If you plead not guilty, the court may appoint a public defender to represent you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello Judge,
I just have a question for you. I live in New York State, and I have worked at CVS/Pharmacy since May 2006 (about 5 years). I also just got a new job at Chase bank which is next door to CVS a few months ago. I go to school so I only worked 2 days at CVS, and only 3 days at Chase, but I guess CVS didn’t like the fact I went to Chase even though I asked them and they said fine. It’s not like I am at chase 20 or 40 hours a week it is 10 hours a week just like it was 10 at CVS. But I haven’t been on the schedule at CVS for quite some time now and am worried that they fired me, can they just do this though? They just stopped putting me on and haven’t said two words to me; I realize New York is an ‘at will’ employer state or something like that and I can be fired for any reason, but do I have to be informed I am fired, I would think for common curtsy they would at least say ‘dan we no longer need you’ but they didn’t. I was at CVS for 5 years and thought it would be a good reference but if they fired me I am not sure. They never gave me any problems either or anything so it is just upsetting that a company I was with for years did this. I have Chase now, which is a better job and more professional anyway, it is just upsetting. Thanks for your help, and sorry if I was somewhat confusing in writing this. Enjoy your day.
Dear Dan: You’re right – the way this has been handled after five years sounds unusual. You could confront your supervisor at CVS directly and ask him if you’re still employed there. Don’t ruffle any feathers or put him/her on the defensive, but they should be clear on your status. You can also speak with an employment attorney if you think it’s necessary to determine what rights you may have under state laws. The attorney may provide a free consultation for the first 30 minutes or so and that may be all you need. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I’m sorry to post again. My story was:
I am freaking out! I am 18 and got caught shoplifting at a Wal-Mart in California. I know, how dumb can I get? Anyway, so I had taken Mascara and a Face Primer (make-up) worth about $15? If even. They caught me, took me in, ask me for info, asked for my legal ID, which I didn’t have but wished I did cause then I wouldn’t be going through with this right now, and since I didn’t have any, they called the cops. In the room the lady was asking me, did you come in here intending to steal? i said no. she asked if i knew that i was stealing i think, and i said yes. And then the cop came, arrested me, read me my Miranda rights, and asked me questions about the theft. I told him it was kinda subconsciously on accident, because I was holding a bunch of make-up in my hand, which I didn’t intend to steal (I had gone to Wal-Mart with 3 other friends to pick up frames) and then one of my friends called my phone so I went into my bag to grab my phone and switched the make-up for my phone. I had also grabbed mascara and told him I had put it in my bag. He asked if I had plan on returning them or paying for them, and I told him I forgot about the one I had dropped in my bag until I was walking out of the store and digging for my keys, which then I remembered/discovered that I had dropped the first make-up thing into my bag and was thinking “Okay this isn’t right! I’m going to return these things,” right as the two girls who were undercover security rushed out to stop me. The officer told me a bunch of stuff that kinda just got me jumbled, and he said he’s just going to site me for a misdemeanor and that I have to appear in court on the day of the ticket or on the day that is on the letter I’ll be receiving and failure to appear could resort to jail-time. So I was like, okay. And then he asked me for a couple of thumb prints, which I gave to him, and then he made me sign the ticket and let me go. So, will this go on my criminal record and how bad is everything that just happened?
I have a clean record and this is my first offense. I just don’t want this on my criminal record. I have contacted a lawyer but I need something to calm my nerves! I have completely learned my lesson and wish I could take the entire day back; I have definitely learned from my mistake!
I have one more question to ask–do you suggest I get a lawyer? I’m willing to admit that I stole the items and plead guilty (I’m not even gonna try to lie, I just wanna get this over with!), but do you thing I require a lawyer in order to get a clean record and a small sentence? Thanks so much Judge!
Dear Joanna: First, relax. Since this is your first offense and the value of the items involved is low, you are probably eligible for what is called “diversion.” Once you finish the terms of diversion, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Don’t miss the hearing. If you do, the judge may issue a warrant for your arrest. When you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you by a probation officer. You don’t necessarily need a lawyer at this point – it’s your decision. If you plead not guilty, the court may appoint a public defender to represent you. You may want to wait and see if you are offered diversion. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi Me &My Cousins Got Cauqht Sholifitinq From Claries So They Took Our Name & Adress This Was In Febuary Idk why we Did It We Just Did. It Was Ouur First Time Shopliftinq We Took About 28$ Of Stuff. They Sent Us A Letter In The Mail Sayinq We Owe 300 Dollars My Parents Made Me Do a Yard Sale To Raise Money But Apparently They Didn’t Pay It So We Got Another Letter Askinq For 600$ They Said They Are Able To take Us To court & Will If They must What Will Happen If We Go To Court? I’m 14 & My Cousins Are 13 We Live In California If It Helps Please Answer Soon Thank You xoxo
Dear Trina: If the store’s fine is not paid they can press charges. You may receive a letter in the mail about a court hearing on the shoplifting charge. If you do, don’t miss the hearing or the judge may issue a warrant for your arrest. When you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you by a probation officer. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered “diversion.” Once you finish the diversion program (community service, a class or counseling) the case will be closed. We hope you’ve learned from this incident. Consequences increase as you get into more trouble. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got caught shoplifting at victoria secret with a freind, it was our first time. She got got caught with 6 panties and a few necklaces from claires. I was caught with 2 make up kits from victoria secret. her total was about $125.00 and my total was $59.00 she is 17 and i just turned 18. Victoria secret decided to take us to court. I have a clean record. ive never done anything before.
what will happen at court? like how will it work? will there be a jury? or is it like traffic court?
what do you think the outcome will be?
Dear Kelsey: Since this is your first offense, even though you’re now an adult, you may be offered what is called “diversion.” When you finish the program, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. If you were banned from the store, don’t return or you may be charged with trespassing.
It’s unlikely that you’ll go to jail on this first offense. When you go to court you’ll meet with a court or probation officer who will explain the legal process to you. If you admit the shoplifting, you may not even see a judge. Every court handles these cases differently. There won’t likely be a jury because the amount involved is low, and if you admit the crime there’s no need for one.
Your friend (age 17) may be dealt with in the same way if this is her first offense. Hopefully you’ve learned from this incident. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, My 15 yr old sister got caught shoplifting on a naval base. (in an NEX store) The two items costed $72 (which we had the money to buy them.) She was messing around and had a necklace & bracelet in her hand and playing with her camera. I yelled at her to put her camera away and I guess she accidently put the items in her purse with the camera without realizing it. (she doesn’t really pay attention well) We bought all our stuff and when we were leaving, my sister was stopped by an LP. apparently, she ripped off the tags (while messing aroung -_- )and later stuck it in her purse with her camera. We Just got a package with a bunch of paper work and fines ($200 and ($75 for a shoplifting class) ), but no letter/info about a court hearing. Should we just pay the money or appeal it? Will we still have to go to court if we pay for the fine. Btw Im raising my little sister alone and really cant afford this.
Thanks for the help.
Dear Polly: If the police weren’t involved you may not have to go to court or before a military tribunal. Oftentimes stores will impose what is called a “civil” fine and, once paid, the case is closed. It is also possible that you’ll receive notice in the mail about a court date if shoplifting charges are filed. It may work differently in the military. You can ask someone on base or contact the Judge Advocate General’s office. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
thank you judge. I’m freaking out, but not as much now.
You’re welcome. Take care and try to relax.
Hello, I was stupid today and my friend and I got cuahgt shoplifting from our town market. I’m 17 (18 in Sept. which may be for when the court date is*) and stole about $67 worth of items. My friend is 18 and stole about $80. Will I need to have my parents with me if the court date is after my 18th birthday? are the charges more severe when I’m 18? do I need a lawyer if I plan to say I did it? I can’t afford more than 200 dollars (which is college money) and tis is both of our first times. I’m actually a really decent person and we did this randomly (and bought our drinks). I have to go to Juvinale court, so does that mean it’s going to be tried as a juvinile? and the cop said that he would put in a good word, is that a good sign? also, what if my parent is unavailable/ may I have a close friend who is 19 serve as the adult? thank you for your answers.
Dear Bri: Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered a diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of the program (community service, a fine, a class and/or counseling), the charges would be dismissed and the case closed. Entering into a diversion program may require you to plead guilty to the offense, but it depends on the rules and policies of your local court. A ‘no contest’ plea means that you are willing to accept responsibility and the consequences, but you are not pleading guilty or not guilty. You will find out more when you go to your first court appearance and have the opportunity to have your questions answered. You do not need an attorney and can wait until after your first court date to decide whether you should look into hiring one to represent you. See what the notice to appear in court says when you receive it in the mail and if it states that a parent must be present, then you should appear with a parent and not an adult friend. If your parent cannot make it, call the court in advance and let them know. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
so i shop lifited today and i got busted the game cost 19.99 but they didnt call any cops on me or went to jail. They said it will not go on my record at all just i will get a letter for damages what will happen from then on please let me know
Dear Jose: It sounds like the store will send you a “civil demand” letter requesting payment of a civil fine rather than pressing charges. When you receive this letter, be sure to pay the fine on time and that will probably be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. When a store chooses to press charges, then a person receives a notice in the mail to appear in court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
When I was 18 I was caught stealing at sears in Illinois, the amount stolen was considered a misdemeanor. I was drivin in a police car to the police station, and I was finger printed, givin a court date, and then allowed to leave. I showed up to court but the plantiff (loss prevention officer) did not show up, and the judge let me leave. The judge did not sentence me to community service or a fine or anything, I was just told to go. My question is would I have a misdemeanor on my record? When I fill out job aplications I have been answering no when asked if I have been convicted of a crime, or have a misdemeanor on my record when filling out an employment application. Also this all took place 4 years ago.
Dear Brooke: Since you were allowed to leave and no penalties were imposed and since you never pled guilty to anything before the judge, you should not have any conviction on your record. Also, there is a good chance that charges were either not filed or were dismissed and therefore, you should not have a record for this incident. However, to confirm this, you may want to call the court that you appeared in 4 years ago and ask for a copy of your record. That way, you can be certain that nothing is on it. Best of luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I have a question. I am 19 and recently got caught shoplifting from walmart. I had the money to pay for it but for some unresponsible reason decided to just take it. The total of everything came out to $10.71. It was nothing big just some iron on jewels (for t-shirts) When we walked out into the parking lot a security guard came and told us to return the stuff. This was my first time doing this so I was really scared. I gave him the stuff and he took me back inside. Since I didn’t have a drivers licence he called the cops. I was given a sitation and now i have to go speak to the judge to see my fine. So do i plead guilty? and what are the possible consequences. I have never gotten in trouble with the law before and hope it doesn’t stay on my record. Please reply
Dear Nancy: Since this is your first offense, there is a good chance that you will be offered diversion. This means that upon successful completion of the program which often includes community service, a fine, a class and/or counseling, the charges would be dismissed and you would not have any record of a conviction. Sometimes these programs require a person to plead guilty before they can enter into the program. You will find out more when you go to your first court appearance and then will have to decide how you want to proceed. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I got a warning for theft at a Rite Aid in California. I was stopped by LP and gave the items back (a total of about $20), and i signed a few papers. No cops were called and I was told that I’d get a letter in the mail from the store’s lawyer stating how much i would have to pay, and if i dont pay it, i’d have to go to court. What else could possibly happen to me?
Dear Kristine: You have covered it all. When you receive the letter, called a “civil demand” and pay the fine, usually the case is closed. If you don’t pay the fine the store may decide to file formal charges against you with the police. If that happens, you’ll receive a notice in the mail about a court hearing on the shoplifting charge filed. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
When I was 14 I took a 7$ worth book from my middle school library. My family knows and I feel really bad about it but i was just a kid. I want to make up for it, this is the only thing that i have stolen ever. Otherwise i am clean. What should i do? Will i possibly be referred to a police for something this small?
Thank You
Dear Coco: Your heart & conscience are in the right place. You could pay the library back for the book if you no longer have and can’t return it. You can send the money (cash) to the school with a note explaining the reason. You don’t have to sign your name or identify yourself unless you want to. There is little chance that charges would be filed against you. Every now and then, libraries grant an amnesty period so that overdue or “kept” books are returned. Great decision!
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I think I may have been caught shoplifting. I did not not take the item out of the store. It was extremely impulsive and not premeditated. I snipped a wire on the casing and an alarm went off. I realized I was way in over my head and that it was stupid so i ditched the item on the shelf. I think I was in a blind spot of a camera (if it was even on). and I work at that place so i have to go back tonight. do you think theyll find out, I feel really bad. I am 19, the item was $150 i think, i was sleep deprived, i put it back on the shelf, im scared, please help.
Dear Nick: It is possible that you were caught on video doing what you did. Your boss or supervisor may speak wirth you about it when you go to work. We can’t tell you what to do because we don’t provide legal advice to anyone, teen or adult. You might consider manning up and apologizing. You may have to pay for the item if it’s damaged in any way or can’t be placed back on the shelf & sold. Stores also have the authority to impose a civil fine, sometimes referred to as a “civil demand” that, once paid in full, closes the case. Do the right thing and you can put this incident behind you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello Tom I had a question.
I was caught stealing from shopko about 3 weeks ago, with my friend. I am 14 and she is 15. We both stole makeup and a hair piece (under $20 each). This is our first time having anything happen to us! They said we were placed under arrest and would have to pay a fine and go to court. We got our letters from the store we stole from and had to pay around $170.
When will we get our court information to go in? And also what kind of punishment will we recieve?
Dear Mariah: When you were arrested, you should have received notice of a court hearing. If you didn’t, then maybe you got lucky this time and won’t have to appear in court. Since you paid the civil fine to the store, they may have decided not to press charges against you. On the other hand, you may still receive a letter in the mail about going to court. If you do, don’t miss the hearing. The legal process will be explained to you when you go. If the court offers a diversion program, you may be eligible for it. Once you finish some community service, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Good luck, and learn from this incident. Penalties including probation and/or jail time are possible if you steal again.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am sorry if my posts are getting really annoying. I’m very sorry. Today, I received a civil demand letter from Macy’s asking me to pay $500. Before, I received the clerk’s hearing letter…I was hoping to receive just the civil demand letter and was going to pay for it right off the bat because I was saving money from two jobs…hoping to settle it off court. But now I have a clerk’s hearing and the civil demand letter…so my question is, should I pay the civil demand letter even though I’m going to court? If I do pay the civil demand letter…will showing the clerk that I paid at least help me a little if not a lot about his decision to whether to press charges on me or not?
Thank You so much..please reply.
Dear Jennifer: As you may already know, shoplifting creates two separate actions against the shoplifter: one is civil (the demand letter from the store for $500.00) and the other is criminal (formal charges filed in court by a prosecutor). You are required to take care of both in order to get this completely behind you. We can’t tell you what to do because we don’t provide anyone with legal advice. You might discuss this with a lawyer before the court date or wait until you go to court and ask whoever you meet with about your case. If you decide to pay the civil demand before your hearing, be sure to tell the probation officer or the judge that you did. In fact, if you get a receipt from the store, bring it with you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi, i live in the uk. 2 weeks ago i was caught shoplifting and the store decided not to press charges even though it was my second offence. however, they then told me to open my bag, which i did. i had a carry bag packed for france, where i was travelling to the next day and they assumed that since i didnt have a receipt for the items, i must have stolen them from other stores across the street. they then called the police as they said it was their duty, but considering that the store was closing, they just gave my details to the police and said to expect a home visit. they informed the police that i would be on holiday until yesterday. i have now arrived back and have no word that the police have tried to visit. i am considering going to the station tomorrow (i would rather face consequences myself than to get my family involved), and was wondering if you could tell me what to expect. they have no proof that i stole the items in my bag and actually let me leave the store with them. they did not press charges for the items i had taken from their store either. now that the police are involved, can i expect to face charges for the items that the store caught me with, or the other unrelated items in my bag?
Dear Gary: As you know, anything is possible. However, the facts you’ve outlined don’t necessarily mean that formal shoplifting or theft charges will be filed against you. Regarding the items in your bag that were yours in the first place, it’s unlikely a store would claim they were stolen. There is still a chance you’ll receive a notice in the mail about charges or a visit from the police. But the longer things are quiet, the greater the chance that no action will be taken. We hope you’ve learned from this and don’t steal again. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello Tom. About 3 years ago I worked in a deli. When I first started working at this establishment I paid full price for all of my food that I bought for lunch. A few weeks later I caught a co-worker making up pricing stickers for her food that was less than what the actual price of the food was. I confronted her about it and she claimed that she had been doing this for years and had never had any problems. Being young stupid and broke(not that these were any excuses for my actions) I began to do the same.
Now fast forward a year later when I was about to quit.
I was taken aside by our security or “loss preventions” manager who claimed they had caught me paying less for the food I was getting and in effect stealing from the company. I readily admitted I did this and I eventually got a civil notice in the mail demanding that I pay for what i stole including a punitive charge.
I paid this as soon as I could and no other legal actions happened.I have never gotten into any legal trouble before and I have never even gotten a speeding ticket. However I recently looked up my name on a criminal background search and I found my crime on there(even though I was never even appeared or was instructed to appear in court?). I have been putting in applications for jobs and I believe this is what is holding me back. Is there any way I could expunge this off of my record considering that this is the first time I have gotten into any kind of trouble and never intend to do this again? Oh, and I live in Ohio and am a college student if that helps.
Dear Jon: There are a few steps you can take to clear your record. First, you can speak with a local criminal defense attorney about this and how to go about expunging whatever record exists. Since you didn’t go to court and weren’t “convicted” of any crime, the only record you have is with the store involved or a private company that maintains records for retail establishments about shoplifting/theft incidents. You can contact the store or company who keeps the record and ask about applying for expungement. From what you’ve described, your case was handled through the civil process which included payment of a “civil demand.” This shouldn’t be an obstacle in your future. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i tom. im adam. i just recently stole 40 dollars worth f stuff from walmart in mount pleasent michigan. im only 16 years old and how much toruble am i gong to get into. im so scared. its my first time. i told the cop my friends stole from another store and i helped out. i need asnwers on what could possibly happen to me. im realy sacred 🙁 please email ASAP!
Dear Adam: Since this is your first offense, you can expect to be offered what is called “diversion.” If you admit the shoplifting, once you finish some community service the charge will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. If you received a ticket from the police, don’t miss your hearing at court. Or you may receive a letter in the mail advising you about a court date. Everything will be explained to you when you go. If the store banned you from returning, don’t. Otherwise they can charge you with trespassing. Discuss this with your parents & relax – it’s not the end of the world. Just don’t repeat this behavior and learn from it. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got charged for shop lifting at a local grocery store in Worcester, MA back in April. The total value of the items was about $30 or less. I went into the Store Manager’s room where he wrote me up but there was no police involved. As I am currently outside the University campus for summer break, I missed my first notice. I received my second notice to pay a fine of $300 after a month of the date the letter was issued and I had ten days to pay the fine. I was a month late in paying the fine, but I was not penalized for the delayed payment. This was the first time that I got caught and I have a clean record. Now that I have paid my fine, will there be a criminal record under my name or do I have to go to court? Your reply will be very helpful. Thank you.
Dear Samantha: If you paid a “civil demand” to the store rather than a fine through the court, then you would not have any record. If you are unsure who you paid the fine to or believe that it went directly to the court, try contacting the court where you received the notice from and ask 1) whether your case is closed since you paid the fine and 2) for a copy of your record as you need to know whether the incident appears on your record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Thank you for replying, I stole around $150. In Massachusetts, is that considered low? or is that a larceny? I’m so scared. I can’t calm down and haven’t slept since I received the clerk’s hearing letter.
Dear Jennifer: In most states, $150 would be considered a misdemeanor and therefore, diversion would be an option to resolve the case. Once the amount exceeds the misdemeanor limit, which may be around $500, then the person could be charged with a felony, but every state has its own laws concerning what constitutes felony shoplifting. Try to relax and calm down as diversion is most likely an option in your case. You will have a chance to talk with a court or probation officer when you go to your hearing and find out more.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
thank you for answering my last question, i would to ask your opinion on wheather or not we should hire an attorney to repersent us or since its our first offense an attorney will not be nessecary? thanks.
Dear Lucy: You could wait until after your first court date to see what kind of deal the court/prosecutor is willing to offer you and then decide whether or not you want to hire an attorney. Many people who go to court without an attorney are offered diversion. Also, many people do not hire an attorney until after their first court date, so it’s ultimately up to you and your parents, but it’s not usually necessary to have an attorney immediately for a misdemeanor shoplifting charge.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I am freaking out! I am 18 and got caught shoplifting at a Wal-Mart in California. I know, how dumb can I get? Anyway, so I had taken Mascara and a Face Primer (make-up) worth about $15? If even. They caught me, took me in, ask me for info, asked for my legal ID, which I didn’t have but wished I did cause then I wouldn’t be going through with this right now, and since I didn’t have any, they called the cops. In the room the lady was asking me, did you come in here intending to steal? i said no. she asked if i knew that i was stealing i think, and i said yes. And then the cop came, arrested me, read me my Miranda rights, and asked me questions about the theft. I told him it was kinda subconsciously on accident, because I was holding a bunch of make-up in my hand, which I didn’t intend to steal (I had gone to Wal-Mart with 3 other friends to pick up frames) and then one of my friends called my phone so I went into my bag to grab my phone and switched the make-up for my phone. I had also grabbed mascara and told him I had put it in my bag. He asked if I had plan on returning them or paying for them, and I told him I forgot about the one I had dropped in my bag until I was walking out of the store and digging for my keys, which then I remembered/discovered that I had dropped the first make-up thing into my bag and was thinking “Okay this isn’t right! I’m going to return these things,” right as the two girls who were undercover security rushed out to stop me. The officer told me a bunch of stuff that kinda just got me jumbled, and he said he’s just going to site me for a misdemeanor and that I have to appear in court on the day of the ticket or on the day that is on the letter I’ll be receiving and failure to appear could resort to jail-time. So I was like, okay. And then he asked me for a couple of thumb prints, which I gave to him, and then he made me sign the ticket and let me go. So, will this go on my criminal record and how bad is everything that just happened?
I have a clean record and this is my first offense. I just don’t want this on my criminal record. I have contacted a lawyer but I need something to calm my nerves! I have completely learned my lesson and wish I could take the entire day back; I have definitely learned from my mistake!
Advice? :/
Dear Joanna: Try to calm down. Since this is your first offense, there is a good chance that diversion will be offered to you. This means that upon successful completion of the program, the charges would be dismissed and therefore, you would not have any record of a conviction. Remember that the penalties increase for a second and additional offense, so we hope you learned from this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello Judge,
I have written here before about me shoplifting at Macy’s, Massachusetts. A month later (which is now) I received a clerk’s hearing at the end of this month. I don’t have money to get a lawyer so I’m planning to plead guilty and go by myself. My question is, will the clerk allow me to explain myself and is it beneficial to bring proof that I am a good full-time student in college as well as working two jobs this summer. My family has been in a financial crisis so that’s why I did what I did and I really did learn from my mistake. I haven’t spent any money on clothes and unnecessary things besides food and has been saving money in my savings. I’m 18 and it’s my first offense…I know that a diversion program “may” be offered but because I have two jobs and have to go home to watch over my young siblings, I don’t know if I can handle it and I can’t afford to lose my jobs because my mom who is a single parent is jobless…will the clerk make my punishment more harsh?
Dear Jennifer: There’s a good chance that diversion will be offered to you since this is your first offense and as long as the value of the items stolen was relatively low. A diversion program may require completion of community service, a fine, a class and/or counseling. You will be given plenty of time to complete the program as many people who are on diversion also have jobs and/or are full-time students. If you complete a diversion program, then the charges would be dismissed and you would have no record of a conviction. You may speak with a court or probation officer when you go to your hearing. You could bring documentation that you’re in school, etc. as it certainly could not hurt. Best of luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
hi,my name is lucy i got caught shopplifting at JCP in california about a week ago with my cousin and sister, i stole $130 but altogether we stole about $400 worth. we are all extremly sorry for what we did but are willing to face any consequenses, we deserve it! we learnbed our lesson but the officer gave us a misdemeanor citation and we have to go to court for it.we all have clean record and wil never do it again! do you know what possible consequences may be for us?and what we should say in court? also i was wondering because when i was questioned by the officer he forgot to read me my rights before questioning me, what i can do about that? thank you.
Dear Lucy: We’re glad to hear you learned from this incident. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity to get the charges dismissed upon successful completion of the program. The police are required to read a person their rights only when they’re “in custody” (which typically means arrested) and are being interrogated by the police. So, if you weren’t in custody or if it was the store’s loss prevention officer and not an actual police officer who questioned you, then it’s possible they didn’t have to read you your rights. You could ask the court or probation officer about this when you go to court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
hi my name is emma and i used to steal and i stole somthing about 1month ago im never going to do it again because i have been busted 1nce for stealing 2nd for braking in and entering and 3rd for stealing which my friend did i helped but my sister has started stealing and she is 17 she turns 18 on the 21st of jan but if she gets caught which she hasnt before what are her consequences of her actions and what can i do to make her stop she isnt a easy girl to make her change her mind she has depression hates her self and she has balemia what should i do when i talk to her she gets really frustated and makes me fell bad ! HELP !!!!!
Dear Emma: If your sister is younger than you, and it sounds like she is, you need to set a better example. She looks up to you as her big sister – action & behavior is a stronger message than a lecture. If you sense she’s in need of counseling or other professional help, speak with your parents or any adult that you trust – maybe a counselor at school or a friend’s parent. If she continues to steal, the consequences are more serious once she turns 18. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
do you live in nebraska?
I’m 23 and was charged with felony commercial burglary. This is my first time offense. Clean record. Will I do jail time? Can I plea for community service or fine?
Dear Jeff: Since this is your first offense, you may be eligible for a “diversion” program. Once completed, the charge will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. On the other hand, you may not be offered diversion if the amount involved in the burglary is over a certain amount. Your state law dictates how cases are handled. It’s also up to the judge whether incarceration is a possibility. When you go to court, you can speak with a probation officer or public defender about the legal process and what you can expect. You could also contact a defense attorney before court to review possible consequences under your state laws. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
DO you know what can happen because she’s not with a legal guardian?…and about how much will her fee be if the cost of the items was $36?…Thanks for the advice:)
Dear Lisette: If she receives a letter from the store requiring payment of a fine, it could be several hundred dollars. A fine from the court would be less if she gets notice of a hearing for shoplifting. She may be able to appear in court on her own since she’s not with her legal guardian. She may have to explain the circumstances to a probation officer or a judge. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My friend is 17 and pregnant. She lives in Phoenix, AZ and was caught shoplifting and doesnt have a legal guardian. The police officer told her she had to go to court or else she would get a warrant. However, he didn’t give her a ticket or anything. What can happen or what should she expect when she goes to court? Can she get arrested when she goes to court?
Dear Lisette: If and when she goes to court, it’s extremely unlikely that she will be arrested. If charges are filed, then she will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. She needs to be sure to show up for her court date otherwise a warrant may be issued. If this is her first offense, it’s likely that she will be offered diversion and given the chance to avoid having a record if she successfully completes community service, pays a fine and attends a class or counseling. Good luck to your friend.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
im 13 years old , and i got caught stealing at claries , everything i took totaled up to $51 ! the manager called the police i got arrested , and have court this monday at juvinile hall , it was my first time ” shopliting ” what is going to happen ? and my friend had took something to is that going to affect her to ?
Dear Jackiee: If this is your first time in court, you can expect to be offered a diversion program. That means when you complete some community service and a class and/or restitution to the store, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. When you go to court a probation officer will explain the process to you. You may not see a judge this first time. Good luck and we hope you’ve learned from this incident.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thankyouu. What will my fine most likely be?
Dear Olivia: It really varies from state to state and court to court. It could be anywhere from $100 to several hundred. Many courts rather impose more community service hours and either no fine or a low fine knowing that the minor may not have their own money.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Im 12 yearsold, from nebraska. I got caught stealing an earing from Claire’s. They prosocute…what will be my punishment?
Dear Olivia: If this is your first time in trouble with the law, you can expect to be offered a diversion program. So when you finish some community service or a class, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Learn from this because if you get into more trouble, the consequences increase including probation and/or time in detention. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i am 13 and i stole a neckles they caught me in the camera. i am cry and my mom shouting the lady telling me that i am going to court can my mom doesn’t have a job i have i little 4 year old brother crying and tell my mom if i am going to jale.my little sister that is 7 telling me why why did you steal. i could not talk kept quiet. i dont konw what to do so i if you help me you will be my hero so please help me.
Dear Marie: If this is your first time in trouble and going to court, you probably don’t have anything to worry about. First offenders usually receive some community service hours and the shoplifting charge is dismissed. If the store didn’t give you a date to appear in court, you may receive notice in the mail. Don’t miss the hearing. You may not hear anything further about this, especially if the police weren’t called and didn’t give you a ticket. The store may send you a letter requiring payment of a fine. Once it’s paid, the case will be closed. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi… about a month ago, I was caught stealing from Macy’s. (Illinois) I honestly had no intention of doing so, but talking with friends they said it was easy to do, and for me to try it. I honestly had NO idea what was going though my head and I did it… It was a lack of judgement on my part, and I feel guilty about it everyday. I was indeed caught, taken into the basement, find a civil something… worth 500, but only could pay 300 at the time. I stole up to I think 113.00 in items. I was given a ticket that had a court date on it for next month.
Alright, I’m 18, I have a clean record.. I am honestly so scared of going to court.
What could happen? I made a huge mistake, and if they fine me, I honestly cannot pay for it.. I realize what I did was wrong and that I have to pay for my actions, but it is eating me up inside because I don’t know what the judge is going to say to me… if he/she will scold me… or anything that is going to happen….
Dear Krystal: Try to relax a little. It sounds like you learned from this incident and hopefully will not repeat your mistake. Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program which will allow you to avoid a criminal record upon successful completion of the program. Diversion usually requires completion of community service, payment of a fine (you will be given time to pay off any fine and also could ask for more community service instead of a fine) and attending a class or counseling. For more about diversion, click here. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I got caught stealing mascara today at Walmart. I’m 15 so they called my mom and she is going to punish me on her own. They have my home phone though to my dad’s house. Will they call it at all? And also I was told that all I have to do is pay a fine, but will anything else happen? And they didn’t tell me I’m not allowed there, but should I stay away anyways?
Dear Ash: They most likely will not call your dad’s house if they obtained your address, so they can send you a “civil demand” letter. Since they told you that you would have to pay a fine, it does not sound like they are going to press charges. Be sure to pay the fine on time, and that should be the end of the matter. You can return to the store if they didn’t tell you that your are prohibited from doing so. If you want to make sure, you could call and ask to speak to the manager or loss prevention department. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I got caught shoplifting in a sears in Miami, FL. The securities stopped me and made me sign a paper saying what i had done and that i couldn’t go back for a year. I’m 18 and the value of the merchandise was $75. When the police came he wrote a report but didn’t arrest me. Then he made me sign a promise to appear document but I’m leaving the country for more than a month so what is going to happen if i’m not in Miami when the letter gets to my house?
Dear Meli: If you know the date of your hearing, call the court and explain that you’ll be out of the country. You can ask for a new date after you return. Don’t ignore this because the court can always issue an arrest warrant if you don’t appear and they haven’t heard from you. You may be asked to prove your travel plans and you can send the court a copy of your plane tickets. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi judge. i really regret doing this and i will never do it again i didn’t come to this country to do this. so…a few days ago i shoplifted at a store, but i wasn’t stopped or anything. ive shoplifted from that same store before and ive never gotten caught or stopped and i know for a fact they have cameras, do you think they could fing me and arrest me? and what would happen if they did?.(im 17.)
Dear Pablo: You’re pushing your luck if you’ve done this a few times and haven’t been caught. The store could review its tapes and try to identify you. Then they could notify the police who will investigate and possibly charge you with shoplifting. However, unless you’re taking high-dollar items, it’s unlikely the store will do this. If you’re in the U.S. as an illegal, you are also risking deportation. Think twice before stealing again. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi ok so me and my friend went to kmart one day and we took about $60 if stuff. We got caught and told us we have to go to court. Then like 3 weeks later we both got separate fines from kmart for $250. We paid it off but then we still have to go to court. My ? is what is going to happen when we go to court will we get another fine or will get community service, and if community service what kind and how much. We are both 12 and this is our first time. We took only makeup. And when we go yo court will they each call us up to the stand and ask us ? Especially since we freaked out and told then a false story saying that we did it to be friends at school. Please tell me!!!! I’m freaking out here thanks
Dear Destiny: Since this is your first offense, you may be given a chance to complete a diversion program. Once you finish some community service, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. You may receive a few days of work that you can do on the weekends, or 20 to 30 hours over a few months. You may also be ordered to attend a class about the law and consequences when broken. If you were banned from the store, don’t return or you could be charged with trespassing. We hope you’ve learned something from this incident. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
today my friend shoplifted a box of Crest whitestrips ($50 about) from a CVS in town (we live in California), i guess the sensor went off as she was leaving the store. she got nervous but didn’t look back and walked to her car and drove home. she said as she was pulling out nobody was pursuing her or anything but could they still check cameras and track her down by her license plate number? Do you think this is probable? What are some stories like this that you’ve heard about CVS drugstores and how’d things end up for the shoplifter..
Dear Ajia: It is always possible that the store will study their tapes and attempt to identify her. If they have a clear photo of her license plate they can report it to the police. A number of factors come into play about their decision to pursue this including the size of your city, how busy your police department is and whether they would investigate a minor shoplifting case, and whether the store wants to press charges. We don’t have specific information about individual chains and their policies. Good luck to your friend.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thank you so much for your reply. I’m quite positive that the cops aren’t going to do anything formal, but I’m still worried about the civil demand because they have my permanent home address (from my ID) and I’m worried that by the time that they do decide to send one I’ll be back at school at my new address in a different city (because I’m doing summer school I’m going back very soon). Should I possibly (without going to the store of course) alert them as to my new address in which to send the civil demand to? Or is it better if I just give them a chance to never have to deal with me again and hope they feel I’m a waste of time. I guess I really don’t mind the civil demand, but I do mind it getting sent to the wrong address (where my parents will be able to see it, and I absolutely can’t have that).
Dear Jenna: We can’t tell you what to do, but you might consider telling your parents. They may find out about this eventually and it would be better to hear it from you than someone else. You could also let the store know about your school address so any correspondence is sent there instead of your home. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I’m 19 and I (stupidly) shoplifted. It was under $10 and the managers called the cops on me. They took down my information and stuff, checked my info and realized that I had nothing on record before this incident. So now they have my information and I’m banned from this store. That is literally all that happened. They didn’t say they were going to fine me, summon me or anything but I’m afraid that the managers are going to do something with that information out of spite or something. The cops were really nice and helpful and just took our information and warned us (because I had a friend with me)about how we weren’t allowed in the store anymore and let us go. Seriously…they didn’t mention any letters or court dates or anything. Can they surprise you with that or do they have to warn you about that ahead of time? I’m never stepping foot back into the store and I guess they have my info and notes for petty theft. But is that all? Please tell me I got super lucky and that I won’t be expecting a letter in the mail or anything.
Dear Jenna: We can’t tell you that you won’t hear anything further about this incident. The store may send you a letter requiring payment of what’s called a “civil demand.” This is a fine that stores are allowed to impose in cases of theft and shoplifting. It may be as much as several hundred dollars. Once paid, the case is closed. So, in your case, it doesn’t sound like the police are going to send it to the local prosecutor for formal shoplifting charges. But you may hear from the store in the next few months. Also, don’t return to the stored since you’ve been banned. Otherwise, trespassing charges may be filed against you. Good luck and consider yourself lucky this time.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
dear judge sorry again i didnt ask the question correctly what i meant was will the court requir me to drug test becouse of my previouse problems with drugs at school ??
Dear Josh: It is possible that the judge will require you to submit to random drug testing based on your history. If you test clean several times, the requirement may be lifted. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi. I’m 17 years old and I got caught shoplifting in an Alabama Wal-Mart. It was stupid and I don’t know why I did it. This is my first and last offense, I won’t ever do this again. They took me into the security room and took the stuff I had in my purse ($110 worth of stuff, it was just shirts and clothing items and the tags were all still on them). They took my information down and released me with my mom. They said I’ll have to go to family court and they want to prosecute me and have me put in juvenile detention. I was accepted into a college university (I’ll be 18 before I start classes) and I want to know if this will affect school or getting a job when I turn 18?
Dear Emme: Since this is your first offense, you’ll probably be offered diversion. When you finish the terms of diversion, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. This one-time incident shouldn’t affect your future plans for education or employment. Good luck.
(This is information only, not legal advice).
thank u so much judge also i forgot to mention the cop told me that i would have another charge becouse i took a back pack in and put the items in my packback wich is orgnized theft i have learend my lesson and i will not be stealing anymore in my time also i have been ccouht at school with weed but had no court or anything it was resolved throught the school do u think they wil drug test me ?
Dear Josh: Public and private schools may have a drug testing policy in place that applies to certain students such as athletes or those who participate in extracurricular activities (choir, French club, etc). Check your Student Handbook to see if your school has such a policy. If they do, you could be asked to submit to a test. For more about this, take a look at: http://www.askthejudge.info/wp-admin/post.php?post=45&action=edit
Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am 21 years old. I was caught shoplifting cosmetics totaling roughly $20 from Cub Foods in MN. I know it was so wrong of me, but somehow and some reason I did anyways. I was brought back to the security office, banned and my photo was taken. They also called the police. The officer gave me a citation with my court date. I am frightened. I’m going abroad just 4 days before my court date and won’t be able to make it. Can I reschedule my court date and what do you think is in store for me since I am an adult? Is it likely that I’ll be seeing any jail time? What should I expect to prepare for court since I cannot afford a lawyer either?
Dear Sam: First, you need to contact the court and ask for a continuance of your hearing. Explain the situation and you should be given a new date. They may ask for verification of your travels. If so, send them copies of your itinerary or plane tickets to and from your destination.
If this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program. Once completed, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. This applies to teenagers and adults when the crime is a misdemeanor or petty offense. It’s unlikely that you’ll receive any jail time. When you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you. You don’t necessarily need a lawyer at this point, but you can always speak with one in advance. Many lawyers provide free legal advice for the first 30 minutes or so. If you contact a lawyer, ask if he or she provides free consultations. If you decide to plead not guilty, the court may appoint a public defender to represent you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i got cought steeling from walmart iv never been cought before and have a clean recored unless school counts ok i stoll 7 dallers worth of stuff and was cought they clled the cops and he questioned me did some paper work called my parents and sent me home he said i would get paper work in the mail about court i live in arizona im 15 will i be placed on probation ???? any infrommation on what will happen please
Dear Josh: Since this is your first offense, you are likely facing a diversion program. This means the upon successful completion of community service, payment of a fine and attending a class or counseling, the charges will be dismissed and the case closed. Therefore, you would not have a record of any conviction. Supervised probation is usually not part of a diversion program. Remember that the consequences will increase for additional offenses, so we hope you learned from this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I got cought shoplifting about one week ago at a kmart store in CA. it was a 15 dollar worth I have learn my lesson and will never do it again. Now police were not called they made me sign some papers and said i will recieve a fine and that this would not go on my record they told me not to do it again. Now I gaved them my information but I think they wrote down the wrong zipcode will I stil recieve the fine or should i call the store manager?
Dear Jill: You could try contacting the store and ask to speak with the loss prevention department as they were most likely the ones who took down your contact information and told you about receiving a fine. Explain the circumstances and that you want to confirm they have the correct contact information for you since it has been a couple of weeks. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I am 21 years old. I was caught shoplifting cosmetics totaling roughly $20 from Cub Foods in MN. I know it was so wrong of me, but somehow and some reason I did anyways. I was brought back to the security office, banned and my photo was taken. They also called the police. The officer gave me a citation with my court date. I am frightened. I’m going abroad this 4 days before my court date and won’t be able to make it. Can I reschedule my court date and what do you think is in store for me since I am an adult? Thanks so much.
Dear Sam: Call the court and explain your circumstances about being abroad this summer and they may either accelerate your court date and reschedule it sooner or push it back. If you fail to appear in court, then a warrant may be issued, so be sure to call the court soon. If this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity to avoid a criminal record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi Judge,
I went to Kohl’s with my two friends. Apparently going in there, my one of my friends who happened to be 18 already had intentions of stealing, but I had no idea that she was going to. Supposedly my 17 year old other friend other knew that she was going to. They both picked up around 800 dollars worth of jewelry, but they didn’t shove it in their purse. I thought the 18 year old was going to pay for it (not knowing the full price) because she had just gotten money from her mom. The girl told me that I could get something because she would get it for me since it was on sale. After that we continued to walk around the store and then one of my friends said that their hands were tired and asked me to hold the jewelry, so i did. Then out of nowhere, the 18 year took the jewelry from me and started ripping off the tags and shoved all of the jewelry in her purse. I told her to stop, but she didn’t listen. So, we continued to walk out and when i realized what she was doing I dropped the jewelry that I wanted because I wanted no part of it. The kohl’s employees stopped us and now we have to pay a fine of $150 dollars. They said I might have to go to court, but the letter I just received only said I had to pay a fine. Even though I didn’t commit the crime, do I still have to go to court considering I had no idea they were going to shoplift?
Dear Julia: It sounds like you received a “civil demand” letter. If you pay the fine, that may be the end of the matter and you won’t have to go to court. If you choose to not pay the fine, then it’s much more likely that the store will press charges and you will have to go to court. If this occurs, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. You could either fight the charges and go to trial or take the deal the state offers, which in your case, would likely be a diversion program if this is your first offense. Best of luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
My 14 year old daughter was in Claires and had a pair of glasses in her hand when her friend grabbed her and pulled her out of the store to see other friends who were outside of the store. The friend did not know my daughter had the glasses in her hand. The employee came out and grabbed my daughter and pulled her back into the store and my daughter and her friend explained the situation and one employee sided with the girls but the other did not believe them and called security. Mall security said there was nothing they could do about it as there wasn’t any proof of shoplifting. My daughter wrote her name down and I just received a demand letter in the mail from a law firm. I was never contacted about the situation until now. Is it legal for the store to take this action without contacting me? If the police were not involved and the case is technically inconclusive, will this go on her record? Is there any way I can fight the monetary demand? Thanks.
Dear Erin: The laws in every state allow for stores to request such civil demands in these type of situations and usually the parents of minors do not have to be notified before this letter goes out. You and your daughter do not have to pay this fine, but then the chances of the store pressing charges are greater, which means that it would be more likely that your daughter would have to go to court. If you and your daughter choose to pay the civil demand, that likely will be the end of the matter, so the incident will not appear on your daughter’s record. You could consider contacting the attorney listed in the letter, explain the situation and see whether the store would be willing to drop or reduce the demand. Good luck to you and your daughter.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I got caught shoplifting by security guard about 3 months ago, Manitoba, Canada. I got a letter from prosecution department today and it says, I will not be asked to attend the court or pay any fine, however,this incident will be used as a warning( or caution). does that it that it will remain in my ciminal record ??will it cause any bad effect on getting a job in medical field ?? Im currently a permant resident in Canada, so when im applying for citizenship, can it cause bad some impacts as well ?
I tried to find any helpful advices everywhere but i couldnt find any. Can you help me please ?
Dear Harry: Based on what you have explained, it sounds like the incident will not appear on your record. Perhaps you could try contacting the court and ask for a copy of your record to confirm that there is nothing on it. Before you apply for citizenship, you may want to speak with an immigration attorney to make sure that this incident will not affect the application process. It sounds like you most likely got lucky this time, so we hope you learned from your mistake. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I was in a pawn shop picking up something that my brother pawned, while he was doing the transaction their was jewelry on the counter and I took a ring and a bracelet on impulse. When I came back in the sales associate told me that he had me on camera and I’m lucky he did not call the police I was angry and said that I did not steal these things. Or course, I did but I left anyway. Will they come and arrest me or just set a court date? And when should I expect to be arrested/receive a court date? I’m bey nervous bcause I I’m graduating the end of this year with my bachelors in criminal justice and going to law school.(I know, ironic) it was a stupid decision but I am very nervous about being arrested. If he did not call the police at the time could I still be arrested or just receive a court date? (I live in New York) Thank you so much in advance for your professional opinion.
Dear Stacey: The store may choose to send you a “civil demand” letter requesting payment of a civil fine. If this occurs, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. However, if charges end up being filed, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. It’s extremely unlikely that you will be arrested even if charges are filed. Usually a notice to appear in court is mailed out. Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Remember that the penalties will increase for a second offense so we hope you learned a valuable lesson from this incident. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
So, I got stopped at the px here on base for an unpaid item which turned into a few items. I visited the bank in the back of the store to take care of some things. On my way to the back I stopped and picked up an Xbox that I intended on getting for my son. I put it under the cart as my daughter was in the cart at the time along with a diaper bag and my purse. I proceeded to the bathroom then to the bank. At tis moment my kids were out of the cart as I had to get them out to go into the bathroom. They were running around, playing with exercise equipment, taking boxing gloves out of the packaging and playing with them, and taking DS games off the shelf. Once I was done at the bank I was beyond flustered. I cleaned up after my kids and at this point my only focus was to get out of there and get back to the car to go home. They had already done enough damage. So, I exited the store. I got stopped by LP demanding a receipt. Right then I knew exactly what had just happened. I immediately apologized and told the woman I would go back in to pay for it right away. No luck. Then after further investigation I realized that along with my item under the cart my son had also thrown a spongebob toothbrush, graham crackers, and some chocolate candy in the cart. I was unaware of this at the time. I had already put down a toothbrush my daughter had and a box of hair color I had on a table just as I exited the store. I told them several times that I still want the item and asked if I would ever be able to purchase the item and they gave me no answer. And to make it worse they only have me picking up the item and then exiting the store nothing in between. So, it does not look good for me. I honestly was not in the right frame of mind at that moment. I have never been in a situation like this before and do not know what will happen to me or my husband being as that he is my sponsor. I got a citation to appear in court. I just don’t want a record as this is not me.
Dear Marie: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service, payment of a fine and/or attending a class or counseling, the charges would be dismissed and the case closed. Therefore, you would not have a record for the offense. As for how this might affect your husband’s rank, perhaps there is someone he can talk to within his department about the situation. You will find out more when you go to your first court date and should be able to ask questions. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
My friend got caught shoplifting at walmart CA about $70 dollar worth. He was taken to their office and police were called. in the office they made him sign some papers and the officer gaved him a paper with a court date and time. Now his question is that he is a nonenglish speaker will he have someone in court translate, or can he take someone to translate for him? Now then what will happen I herd you mention about the diversion program can he ask for it? or will it be offered to him? and this is his first offense.
Dear Aaron: Since this is his first offense, it is likely that he will be offered diversion. The court will provide an interpreter for him, but if they don’t already know that he is a non-english speaker, you or somebody may want to contact the court in advance of his court date to notify them that he will need an interpreter. Good luck to your friend.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Ok so I didnt shoplift. I went to a walmart store in KY and the AEP stopped me before I got to the door saying I shoplifted. Im 17, I have no previous offences or anything, I recently graduated high school with honors. The AEP took me to the back before ever calling for my father or an officer, they searched my purse before the cop or my dad was ever called. They picked at things that belonged to ME in my purse saying I stole them. At first it was just a can of feminine spray they said I stole and I didnt even know what that was! At first it was 7 dollars worth then 80 then 50 then 25 then 10 then 2 then 70 then 62, they couldnt get it straight! I know they dont have me on video cause I didnt do it, and they never said they did. What can I do?! Im a good person, I havent never done anything like that in my life! I was so angry and scared because I didnt do it and I was being punished for something I didnt do! What can I do about this?!
Dear McKala: The store may send you a civil demand letter requesting payment of a civil fine. If you pay this fine, that may be the end of the matter. If you don’t pay the fine because you don’t feel like you should since you’re not guilty of shoplifting, then the store is more likely to press charges. If charges are filed against you, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program and given the opportunity to avoid a criminal record if you successfully complete the terms of the program. However, it may mean that you have to take some responsibility and admit to the shoplift. Otherwise, you could choose to fight the charges and go to trial. If charges are filed, you and your parents may want to consult with a local criminal defense attorney for advice as to how to proceed. Many attorneys offer a free initial consultation. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
okay so, just today I was stopped at the PX on base for theft. I went into the store to visit the bank which is in the back of the store. On the way to the bank I stopped and picked up an Xbox that i planned on buying for my son. I put it under the cart due to the fact that at the moment my son was sitting in the cart and my daughter was in the seat up top. I proceeded to the bathroom first then to wait in line at the bank. While at the bank my kids were out of the cart at this point. They were running around, playing with boxing gloves that they took out of the packaging, playing on the exercise equipment, and taking DS games off the shelf. Flustered, I cleaned up after my kids and now my only focus at this point was to get out of the store and get to the car. So, I left the store just to get stopped by LP. As soon as she asked for a receipt, it triggered and I realized what just happened. I immediately apologized and offered to go back in and pay for it. With further examination I then realized that my son also threw a spongebob toothbrush, some graham crackers, and chocolate candy into the cart as well and I did not realize it. my daughter had a dora toothbrush and I had a box of hair color that I put down right before exiting. I even kept asking if I would be able to purchase the xbox after the fact and they could not answer me. I left there not having any clue as to what to expect. I was given a citation for theft under umjc, but was told nothing further. This is my first time ever being in this type of situation and I am scared out of my mind. I worry about what will happen to me and/or my husband and his rank, etc. I do not want this on my record as I have a clean record and would like to keep it that way. And apparently the LP lady only has me picking up the item and then leaving the store with it, nothing in between. So, I’m lost as for what to do. Thanks for your help.
Dear Marie: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service, payment of a fine and/or attending a class or counseling, the charges would be dismissed and the case closed. Therefore, you would not have a record for the offense. As for how this might affect your husband’s rank, perhaps there is someone he can talk to within his department about the situation. You will find out more when you go to your first court date and should be able to ask questions. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
hey, i was called into a shop for investigation meeting for alleged theft, i admitted to taking 3 packs of sweets, 3 bottles, about £7 altogether. i was shown the cctv footage and i work there for paper round. i was suspended until i get a letter for the date to go to this discrimination action thing, does this mean they will just give me a warning and sack me from my job or will i get a criminal record? this is in the u, first offence and im under 16
Dear Adrian: If the shoplifting laws in the UK are similar to those in the U.S., then the store may ask you to pay a civil fine as part of the discipline class. In the U.S., when that fine is requested and then paid, that often is the end of the matter and the person does not have to go to court. However, if the store chooses ot press charges, then the person receives a notice in the mail to appear in court. Since the police were not involved in your case and the store employees did not mention aything about going to court, you may have to attend the class, possibly pay a fine and avoid a criminal record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
hey i qot cauqht stealinq 2 single condoms from kmart and the total was 13.99 . this is my first time stealinq and i would like to know what would my punishment be. and i kno i qot to do community service but i would like to know how lonqq. thankx (:
Dear Brooke: The store may choose to send you a “civil demand” letter requiring payment of a fine. If this occurs, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. However, if charges end up being filed, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. As to how many community service hours will be ordered is totally up to the court and the policies in your county. You will find out more when you go to your first court appearance. Next time you want to buy condoms, but don’t have any money, do a little research as you will be able to find organizations that provide condoms for free. Planned Parenthood may be one organization. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
hey i was caught shoplifting at k-mart and i stole 3 chocloate bars and ping pong ball pack and the total was like 7 or 8 dollars.they took me in the room and made me sign papers and called my parents. no cops were called.they let me go and said i will either get a fine or wont. wat do you think judge will i?give some details and evrything cus im scared
Dear Mike: It sounds like you may receive a “civil demand” letter in the mail requesting payment of a civil fine. If you receive this letter and pay the fine on time, then that likely will be the end of the matter and you would not have to go to court. Therefore, you would not have a criminal record for the incident. If you don’t receive this letter and hear nothing more, then consider yourself lucky. However, next time it is unlikely that you will be as lucky so we hope you learned from this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Two days back I got caught shoplifting in kohls,Chicago. The things were around 565$. They took my information n called the cops. They arrested me, took me to the police station n did take photo finger prints n gave me court date. I know it’s no use crying after the crime but sometimes u make mistake n then u realize that how bad it can be. Right now I feel like killing myself bt looking at my little kid I feel terrified. I don’t have enough strength to do one more crime. Sorry is not just enough but I know for sure this is it. I learnt the biggest lesson of my life. But what now how I get out of this n my mind state. They gave me class a misdeamonar. This was my first offense. Plz help me. I cannot talk about this to anyone. How do I get it out of my background check. Plz let me know. I m 29.
Dear Michelle: Try to calm down and realize that you made a mistake, but this incident will not affect the rest of your life especially since it is your first offense and you have been charged with a misdemeanor rather than a felony. You may be facing community service, a fine and having to attend a class or counseling. As far as having a record and background checks, most employers are concerned about any prior felony convictions and not misdemeanors. However, once you complete the terms of your sentence, you can go back to the court and ask that your record be destroyed or expunged. If you are thinking about suicide, please call this number and ask for help: 1-800-784-2433. Your child needs you and you will be able to put behind this shoplifting incident and move forward with your life. Please take care of yourself.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, im 19 and i live in arkansas. I got caught shoplifting in the mall of little rock, arkansas. And I have to go to court. What could I get charged for?
Dear Lesica: If this is your first offense, you may be offered a chance to complete a diversion program. That means when you finish some community service, pay a fine or attend a class, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. If you were banned from the mall, don’t return or you could be charged with trespass. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hii… Im 17 and live in hawaii… about 2 weeks ago i was caught shoplifting at a Navy exchange.. the value of the merchandise stolen was about $140 it was dumb of me and i have never done anything like that before. The lost prevention lady stopped me as i was leaving the store and asked me to go with her.. i went and she questioned me.. i gave them all of the stuff that i stole and they took pictures of the merchandise and my military id and also my license. The cops weren’t called… and my mom was off island so she didn’t have to pick me up. I was allowed to drive home alone. they told me that a letter was to come in the mail, but i haven’t received it yet. i have already signed up for a diversion program and i have yet to get my court summon. Im really scared i haven’t done something like this before.. its jus like something awful possessed me. i was raised in a strict christian home and have always had good grades. I am so ashamed and i am scared it will stay on my record and i might loose my job that i have right now. I have definitely learned from my lessons. I was wondering if since i am a minor, if it will go on my permanent record… and roughly how much the fines and court cost will be involved.. will i have to do community service and or go to jail?
thank you so much for answering my questions….
Also regarding to my question up there ^ about the Navy exchange.. they mentioned that they could take away all my families military id’s and and im scared because at this point in life my mom is a widow and we live off social security… the benefits of shopping at the commissary and buying gas on base is how we survive. its would be horrible to get these privileges taken away… should i hire a lawyer? i don’t have money.. and my mom is making sure i am taking responsibility for my actions and making me pay.. i only have almost $1000 is ther any advise you can give me… i am just terrified of what could happen to me and my family. I would try to get a job.. but im scared its already on my record.
Dear Leah: First, relax. Since this is your first offense, the diversion program you’re signed up for may be the end of this incident. The purpose of diversion is to keep you out of court and free from a criminal record. So, once you finish the terms of diversion, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have to worry about a record affecting your future. If you receive a letter from the store, it may be a “civil demand” notice. Stores are authorized under the law to impose fines on people who steal or shoplift from them. Once the fine is paid, their case is closed. As far as the military and your on-base benefits, we can’t tell you what may happen. That’s a military matter that your Mom will have to discuss with base authorities if your benefits are ended or suspended. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i was caught shoplifting at walmart a month and a half ago and the total amount of the merchandise was 46 dollars. so they basically gave me a petite larceny ticket with a court date 3 months away from the day i got caught. i then received a letter in the mail from walmarts lawyers asking me for a 250 dollar settlement fee. if i pay that settlement fee does that mean the charges will be dropped and the court date will be cancelled?
Dear Dillon: Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Shoplifting has two aspects to it – civil and criminal. The ticket you received regards the crime of shoplifting which will be handled when you go to court. If this is your first offense, you’ll probably be offered diversion. Once you finish the terms of diversion, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. The letter from the store’s lawyer addresses the civil side. Stores are authorized under the law to impose a civil fine in theft and shoplifting cases. Once the fine is paid you’ll receive a receipt from the lawyer. Take that to court with you and show the judge that you’ve complied with the civil fine. These fines are usually several hundred dollars regardless of the cost of the item you took. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was caught stealing from h&m in NYC and i was aressted. Will this mean that I will get a fine and also will have to do community service?, i am 16 and this is the first time i have stole something and i am worrie about what will happen in court.
Dear Isabelle: The store may choose to send you a “civil demand” letter requiring payment of a fine. If this occurs, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. However, if charges end up being filed, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Remember that the penalties will increase for a second offense so we hope you learned a valuable lesson from this incident. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Im 18 years old in Kentucky and i was caught with with shoplifting 4 bottles of nail polish( at walmart)costing 31$. I’ve never stolen in my life and when i did take them my mind was blank and i wasnt thinking right. I’ve learned my lesson. I wanted to know what will happen my guidance teacher has told me that i can go to jail for 10 days of house incarceration for 15 days… is this true? or could i get a lighter punishment?
Dear Anisha: If this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program if charges end up being filed against you. This means that you could avoid having a record if you successfully complete the terms of the program. Jail time or house arrest is extremely unlikely for a first offense. We’re glad to hear you learned your lesson as the penalties will increase for any additional offenses. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
i got caught shoplifting at walmart and they took my friend an i information and told us they would send us something in the mail about a court day. the item was under $10, im really scared an i completly regret it, i have learned my lession. i was wondering how much trouble we could get in for it? and also we got in trouble for a prohibition does that effect us in court for this charge?
Dear Cali: The store may choose to send you a “civil demand” letter requiring payment of a fine. If this occurs, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. However, if charges end up being filed, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. If this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Remember that the penalties will increase for a second offense so we hope you learned a valuable lesson from this incident. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I am extremly worried . okay so today i was at the mall when my boyfriend’s 3 friends went into a store . me and my boyfriend were just talking when the officer told him to ” come here ” . Will walked over there and they told him to come in . I waited outside of the store . Then a police car came up and took all 4 of them in . I am soo scared right now . What all can happen to him ? And in the past he stole from that store . but he quit steeling . Please write back .
Dear Carly: Your boyfriend may be charged with shoplifting if they believe he was stealing from the store or somehow helping his three friends shoplift. If he ends up being charged with shoplifting, then he will have to go to court. If this is his first offense in court, he may be offered diversion which would allow him to avoid having a record if he successfully completes the sentence. If your boyfriend’s friends have a habit of shoplifting, both of you should avoid going shopping with them in the future. Good luck to you and your boyfriend.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, I was recently arrested for shoplifting alcohol. They took my prints and a picture called my parents and let me go. About 2 weeks after getting arrested I got a notification for a “Diversion Interview”. I was wondering what I can expect to happen at this interview, what my punishment will be like (I stole around $80 worth of alcohol), and if they will drug test me at all. Thanks so much I really regret this decision.
Dear Jack: A diversion program will keep you from getting a record that could affect you later in as you try to find a job, go to college, join the military, etc. Once you finish the program, the case is dismissed and there’s no official record that would show up on a background check. Since the shoplifting involves alcohol, you may be required to take a drug test and even more than one depending on the probation officer’s practice. You’ll find out if this will happen when you go to court. So, stay clean before & after your court date. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was caught shoplifting a few weeks ago at a store in NY and they turned me over to the police. After taking my fingerprints they gave me a desk appearance ticket where I am required to answer before the criminal court in a week’s time. I am extremely worried. I shoplifted $90 goods and I am a first time offender-I did it due to mounting stress-My father was rushed to hospital and my sister’s baby died. Is there a way I can prevent a criminal record? I am currently going through a working visa process as I am from Sweden and worried that it will be declined. Plse help. I am low on funds and wondered if it was possible to get through this without a lawyer. Is it possible to have the court cse dropped?
Dear Sarah: Since this is your first offense, you’ll probably be offered to participate in a “diversion” program. When you finish the program, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. You don’t necessarily need a lawyer at this time – that’s up to you. When you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you. If you decide to deny the shoplifting charge, the court may appoint a public defender to represent you. Otherwise, you don’t need one to enter & complete the diversion program. We can’t provide any advice regarding your immigration status. If diversion is offered and completed, this may not have any effect on your visa. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
so i’m 14 and was caught stealing(this was the first tinme)$80 worth of products at Sephora in nyc. i was with my 2 friends, one of my friends total was $50 and the other was $100. we were caught on tape and had to call our parents to pick us up. the guard said we were gonna recieve a letter to go to court.we felt so stupid and irresponsible. me and my friends are good students and have never been in this much trouble before and is really worried that our future is at risk. what is going to happen to us? will this go on our permanent record?
Dear Casey: Considering your age and that this is your first offense, you’ll probably be offered “diversion.” When you finish the terms of diversion the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. When you go to court for this, the legal process will be explained to you. If you decide to deny the shoplifting, a trial will be set and you may be appointed a public defender to represent you. Your parents can also hire a lawyer for you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi. I was caught shoplifting 2 months ago and a month ago i was sent to court and since i stole items worth $25 only, the court offered me to go into community service for 40 hours and an 8 hour theft class. i have been going to community service and is half way into completing it but now, on my theft class paper, it says that, since it is my first offense, i need to take an 8 hour class which then says that the first offense is under $75. could you tell me how much this class would cost? thank you
Dear Camela: These classes are offered across the country and they differ in fees. Check your paperwork from the court and if the fee isn’t stated, there should be a phone number you can call and ask. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thanks i saw other posts from people who obv were not teenagers that received advice so I expected the same. I just feel so lost its hard to sleep with all this on my shoulders its a sad thing when it feels like a person has nowhere to turn to. I just want to knw if its likely I will have to do time or if house arrest is possible if it comes down to it. I can’t leave my babies idk what I would do and really a lot of ppl act like I cld beat these charges it was wrong for them to threaten impounding my vehicle jst because I decided I didn’t want them to search.
Dear Virginia: We do our best to answer all questions that come in, but primarily the teen population that the site is designed to serve. We can’t tell you what will happen when you go to court. There are many factors involved including your history, the probation officer’s recommendation to the judge, and the laws in your state. House arrest is a possibility as well as other consequences. The court will take into consideration your children in deciding the appropriate penalty. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I have previous felonies and misdemeanors on my record for shoplifting and check fraud and credit fraud too which I ended up doing 7 months in jail and this year would be 5 yrs I’ve been out and no trouble… well I messed up big I went shopping wit my kids stole a few items left the store didn’t get caught but my child was asleep in my arms as I pushed my infant in the stroller and went to the car. My baby began to cry needing fed and changed so I left my daughter to sleep in the car while I ran back in the mall to attend to my baby. I locked to car cracked windows and left. When I return the cops were called and my stolen merchandise was found because lp from the store was there and very nosy peeking in my car and when asked to search my car I said no and they threatened to impound it b/c my tags were dead so I’m being charged with reckless endangerement of a child felony and felony shoplifting what can I do I’m so scared. I love my children I’m a stay home mom I have made bad choices and really changed over the years from the past but slipped up. I don’t want to go to jail again and the child charges scare me I even uses to wrk daycare I wasn’t thinking but I love my kids so much they treated me like I was dirt it was so hurtful!
Dear Virginia: AsktheJudge.info is a website for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to adults or teens.
We suggest that you speak with a criminal defense lawyer for advice in this situation. If you can’t afford a lawyer, you can plead not guilty when you go to court and a public defender may be appointed to represent you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
A year ago, this Tuesday, I got caught shoplifting from Wal-Mart. I was trespassed, and charged with misdemeanor theft. At the time, I was told that after a year I could petition Wal-Mart for re-entry. As that one year mark is coming up, I have been looking for information on how to go about doing this. I understand that you aren’t associated with Wal-Mart, so this is probably a long shot, but as I haven’t been able to find the information elsewhere, I figured, I would try asking here. Would you happen to have any insight on who I need to talk to talk to gain re-entry?
Thank you for your time, Robert
Dear Robert: We suggest that you contact either the WalMart Corporate Offices (attention: loss prevention) or the Loss Prevention Office at the store you’re banned from. Wait for something in writing before returning to the store to avoid a trespass charge. If the store has a website, you may find an email address for the loss prevention manager. That way, if you email your request, you’ll receive a written response that you can keep for your records. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thank you so much for the useful information I will contact them soon to obtain some information. Will I, regardless if i plea guilty or not guilty, speak in front of the judge? I am still nervous with headaches and can not ear or sleep right. I appreciate your advice thank you so much.
Jim: If you’re eligible for a diversion program, you may not see a judge. Oftentimes, probation officers handle diversion arrangements. Even if you see a judge, although a new experience for you, it won’t be as bad as you expect. Just be polite, answer truthfully and everything will be fine.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi judge here is an update on what has happened. I was placed into custody and brought down to the station to get fingerprinted and my picture took. Then sat there waiting for the officer to come back with the amount in total i have took. I was cooperative and he came back telling me that it was a misdemeanor 1 (which is 1 underneath a felony)in PA and i am eligible for ARD and that if i plea guilty he will drop the charges of conspiracy. He told me that i do not need a defense attorney because the outcome will be the same. I am nervous and scared and i want to know could the charges be changed if they already told me its a misdemeanor and will i have to serve jail time since its my first offense and should i please guilty to make it easier and get it over with? i have learn my lesson and will never do such a stupid thing again. Thank you judge hope to hear from you soon.
Dear Jim: We can’t tell you how to plead – guilty or not guilty. That’s your decision. You’ll have a chance to discuss this with a probation officer when you go to court. You can also contact a lawyer before court and ask how to proceed. Many lawyers provide free consultations for 30 minutes or so and that may be all the time you need to get some advice. Since this is your first offense, it’s unlikely you’ll receive any jail time. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi i was caught today with shop lifting over i believe 600$ worth of stuff and also lending out people my discounts at work i am an employee and i did get called back into the office and spoke with the loss prevention guy. He recorded me on a voice recorder and also told me to write down a statement on how much and how i did it and sign it. He did not call the police but told me to bring all the merchandise i took tomorrow and he will resolve it. He told me about my chances of being prosecuted and restitution of merchandise. im 19 and live in PA and this is the first time i did this. im nervous and i dont know the outcome im so stupid for doing this. will i be sent to prison?
Dear Jim: Since this is your first offense, you may be facing probation with community service, a fine and classes or counseling. Although jail time could be possible depending on the laws in your state, it’s typically not imposed for a first offense. Remember that if you violate the terms of probation/your sentence or you get a second offense, jail time is more likely. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I was caught shoplifting and I was 12 when I did it, and I stole around $22 worth of makeup but my friend stole about $50. O just got the court date in the mail today but I just wanted to know what will happen in court and what my punishment will be
Dear Claire: If this is your first offense, you’ll probably be given a chance to complete a diversion program. When you finish it, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Don’t miss your court date. Talk to your parents about what happened and they’ll be able to speak with a court or probation officer when you go to court. We hope you’ve learned from this and don’t steal again. The penalties get worse each time you’re caught, including jail time in juvenile detention. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Yesterday i was caught shoplifting from kmart with my daughter and husband im 19 and this happend in florida the iteasm all equald up to $130. they calld the cops and the cop let us go with a coourt paper . The thing is i was the only one who had stuff one me “/ i feel like crap my husband had NOTHING to do with it only me but yet they involvd him because he was with me .. Is that fair can he fight that ?? Also i had put some shoes on my daughter and said it was hers 🙁 . Im so scared and dont know what to expect what will happen to me??? What about my daughter ?? & husband plesae let me know something
Dear Ineed: If both you and your husband received a ticket for shoplifting, you both have to appear in court. The legal process will be explained to you by a court or probation officer. Explain what happened and, if this is your first offense, you may be offered to participate in diversion. When you finish the terms of diversion, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Both of you can plead not guilty and go to trial, or admit what you did and the court will decide the penalty. The charge may be dismissed against your husband based on what you’ve stated here. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge Tom:
Today me and my friend went to payless, as i was trying on shoes my friend went off and took a pair of shoes and put them in her purse. The lady there at the store cot her and she gave the shoes back. We left but the police cot up with us and asked for our names and addresses. what will happen to me??? I didn’t know what was going on!!!!
Dear Karina: First, let your parents know about this incident. You may not hear anything further about this. However, if you get a notice in the mail about a court hearing, don’t miss it. When you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you. You’ll have a chance to admit the charge or deny it. If, as you stated, you didn’t participate in the shoplifting, explain what happened to the judge, attorney or probation officer. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am 19 years old and I was caught stealing merchandise worth less then $10. The store manager stopped me at the door and demanded his merchandise back. I gave it all back. He took me to an office in a store and asked for my information (name, age, height, etc.). I answered all questions trufully. The manager told me he caught me on camera stealing on other occasions, but didn’t stop me at the door. I admitted to stealing that merchandise. The manger didn’t say anything about pressing charges. A police officer came and took me to a police station and took my fingerprints and picture. He gave me a citation for a court date then released me. The court date is in a couple months. My questions are would returning the merchandise I stole but didn’t get caught for help my case? And if i do return the merchandise, will I get arrested again? Also, this is the first time I have ever been arrested, will this arrest go on my record and if so, is there any way to get rid of it? Should I get a lawyer for the court date? I am trying to get a degree in veternary studies, will this arrest effect my degree (such as getting into med school) or any job oppurtunties? Thank you for your time.
Dear Tracy: Since this is your first offense, you’ll probably be offered to participate in a “diversion” program. Once you complete the diversion terms the case will be closed and you won’t have a record that will affect your future. If you decide to return everything you’ve taken from the store, it’s unlikely you’d be arrested. Let the store manager know you already have a court date and are just doing what you think is the right thing to do. You might want to discuss this with your parents first and get their advice. If this incident goes on your record, after a period of time you can apply to the court for expungement (destruction) of the record. Ask about this when you go to court for the ticket. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
im 16 and me and my friends made the stupid mistake of stealing 40 dollars worth of stuff from claires. They just sent a $325 dollar fine to my house that i have to pay within 20 days but my dad refuses saying “they are just trying to see if hes stupid enough to pay a guilt fine” and i am pretty sure they will be taking me from court if they do not get paid. what should i do??
And also, my dad had filed bankrupt a few days ago. if he notifies the court will they still make him pay??
Dear Megan: Stores are authorized under the law to impose what is called a “civil demand” on shoplifters. It’s a fine that once paid usually ends the case. You don’t have an official record from this but, if not paid, the store may decide to press criminal charges against you. You could try to work out a payment plan with the store ($25.00 a month, for example) until it’s paid in full. Otherwise you risk going to court and taking your chances on the penalty that would be imposed by the judge. You and your Dad could also speak with a local lawyer about this and get some advice about how to proceed. Many lawyers provide a free consultation for the first 30 minutes or so and that’s all you’d need in this case. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice)
Hi. I’m an 18 year old girl from Indiana and according to my state law, shoplifting is a class D felony apparently. I was caught shoplifting about $60 worth of stuff from Wal Mart a few days ago and I’d torn everything out of its packaging. I didn’t get any paper or anything and they didn’t take my picture, but the cop said I’d get a court date in the mail. It was a stupid and impulsive thing to do, but I’m afraid of going to prison. I’m a good student and I’ve never so much as gotten written up for anything in school. Should I be worried? Do I need a lawyer? What should I expect? Will this affect my graduation in about 3 weeks?
Dear Joy: When you receive the letter, it will notify you of your court hearing regarding this shoplifting incident. Don’t miss the hearing or the court can issue a warrant for your arrest. Once at court, you’ll meet with a court/probation officer who wiull explain the process to you. You can speak with a lawyer before the hearing or wait until court and meet with a public defender. That’s your decision. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered a chance to participate in a “diversion” program. Once you complete the terms of the program (community service, a class, etc.) the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. This shouldn’t have any affect on your graduation this month. Congratulations on completing high school & continue on with your education. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
i am a 21 year old male and i have been charged with petty theft and it is my first time being arrested in Louisiana what will happen
Dear Jyron: When you go to court on this charge, the legal process will be explained to you. You can either plead guilty or not guilty – it’s your decision. You can also speak with a lawyer before the hearing or wait until your court day and speak with a public defender who will advise you. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered what is called “diversion.” Once you complete the terms of the diversion program, the case is dismissed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi i’m 15 and i got caught stealing a 5 dollar hairbrush in oregon at safeway. i got banned and they said there was gonna be a fine, how much will the fine b
e? i was totally cooperative and they said there would not be charges?
Dear Ian: You got lucky this time. Once you receive the “civil demand” letter in the mail and pay the fine, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record that could affect your future. The fine could be anywhere from $100 to $300 depending on the laws in your state. Since you’ve been banned from the store, don’t return or the store could file trespassing charges against you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m a 15 year old living in California. I was caught stealing, the lady who caught me didn’t call the police and just let me go but now I feel horrible, it wasn’t the 1st time(maybe like the 3rd or 4th time) and I want to return the stuff and thank the lady without seeming worse. I really sincerely feel bad. What should I do?
Dear Sharon: If you’re sincere in your desire to set this right, first tell your parents about it. Ask them to go with you to the store to apologize and return the items. You’ll be doing the right thing and feel much better after getting this off your chest. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I’m 23 and about 4 years ago I was caught shoplifting from Wal-Mart. They brought me into a private room, asked me some questions, took my license and made a copy. The police were called and they basically asked me if I knew what I was doing, talked to me about what my parents and school would think of this, etc. I was not arrested but did sign a paper acknowledging that I knew that from now on I could not enter another Wal-Mart or I would be arrested for trespassing. They said I could receive a letter from the company with a fine to pay, and if I did not pay the fine they would file charges. However, I never received a letter. Now I’m about to graduate college and have a great job opportunity but they’re running a background check on me and I’m really concerned this will show up. What do you think Judge?
Dear Andrew: If you didn’t get a ticket or receive a notice in the mail to appear in court, then there’s no record of this incident to affect your future. To put your mind at ease, you could contact the court you would have had to go to and ask if they have a record or outstanding warrant for you. It’s possible that this either slipped between the cracks or wasn’t meant to be filed in the first place – just a scare. Good luck and congratulations on your graduation.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Judge, I am 17 and i was caught shoplifting $70 worth of merchandise from Kmart. I live in kentucky. What is going to happen next? When i turn 18 will this be taken off my record? or will i even be charged?
Also i dont live with my parents, but my mom pays for an apartment for me to live in that is in a building that my grandfather owns and my uncle lives in. When i was released to my mom the police officer said that he said that he was going to press child abandonment charges on my mother. Is it considered child abandonment if my mother is paying for everything and still financially takening care of me and making sure im going to school?
also,will any of this affect my college progress? i have already been accepted and emrolled but can the college i guess revoke my acceptance based on this?
Dear Michele: If this is your first offense, you’ll probably be offered “diversion.” When you finish the terms of diversion, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. If you didn’t receive a ticket from the police, you may not hear anything further about this. On the other hand you may receive a letter in the mail notifying you of a court date. When you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you. That’s when diversion may be offered. This one incident shouldn’t have any affect on your future plans for school or employmeny.
As far as abandonment, Google “Kentucky abandonment” for your state’s definition. Since you’re 17 and the living arrangements are with the consent of your parents, there may not be a problem here. But since the police officer mentioned it, you might want to see if everything is consistent with the laws that apply to minors, independence and parental responsibilities. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
How can you find out if you completed a diversion program? I can’t tell if there is a record of my first time getting arrested for shoplifting because when i got arrested the second time, they didn’t seem to know about it. Please help me as a I am about to be going to court for the second time, not knowing what will happen if they find out about the first time. Thanks
Dear Jodie: Contact the court and ask the clerk for a copy of your record. Explain that you need to know whether there is anything on it and that you’re unsure whether you completed a diversion program. The clerk should be able to help you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi Judge!
Me and my friend went shopping yesterday and she talked me into shoplifting. After shoplifting a shirt from one store and getting away with it we were pumped up with aderaline and wanted to do it again at a walmart acrosss the street. We got caught at walmart and confessed to the cop that showed up that we had shoplifted at a store across the street. Getting caught at walmart would be our 1st offense. Because we confessed about the store across the street I assume that would be our 2nd? I am so scared of whats going to happen. I have been sick all night and can’t get myself to calm down. What do you think is going to happen? I am 21 and have never done anything bad ever! When I apply for jbos do I have to tell them about this??? Also, I am from South Carolina if that helps determine what will happen to me.
Dear Courtney: Both incidents may be treated as your first offense. If that’s the case, it is likely that you would be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case would be closed and the charges dismissed. Therefore, you could truthfully answer “no” to having a record when completing any job applications. If diversion is not an option and you end up with a record, you could return to court and request that your record be expunged. Remember that the penalties will increase for a second offense so we hope you learned a valuable lesson from this incident. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello, I am 16 and i was shopping in a different state, my friend and i went shoplifting in a store and were caught. I had about 500$ worth of stuff, and my friend had 300$. I am worried about the news getting around, i mean we didn’t cause a scene when we were caught. Will this be on our records forever? I mean we’re both juveniles and never ever want to do it again. I know it depends on the states laws and whatnot for the consequences , but i don’t know where to find that information either. And will this leak out to the news…? I’m scared.
Dear Nancie: Since you are a minor, it is unlikely that this offense will be made public through the news, paper, etc. To find the specific laws and penalties for shoplifting where the offense occurred, try Googling the state’s name and “shoplifting laws”. Although diversion may not be an option for you since the amount of the stolen goods is relatively high, you could go back to the court and request that your record be destroyed or expunged once you complete the terms of your sentence. The laws vary from state to state concerning the destruction of juvenile records. In some states, you may have to wait until you are 18 or even older before you can make this request. For the specific laws in your state, you could try Googling your state’s name and “destruction or expungement of juvenile record”. If you have stayed out of trouble since the incident and successfully completed the terms of your sentence, it is likely that a judge would grant a request to expunge your juvenile record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
My friend and i walked into a smokeshop last night with no intention to steal. I was looking at items then i grabbed one and put it under my shirt. the clerk saw me and told me what i was doing. i gave it back to him and left. he told me to not comeback and he was calling the police. my friend had his car and drove away, may have got license plate number.
what will happen?
Dear Adam: You may have gotten lucky this time. Without your name, address, etc. it would be difficult to file shoplifting charges against you. Since you were warned not to return to the store, don’t unless you want to be charged with trespassing and shoplifting. Your friend’s license plate number won’t lead to you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Last week i was caught shoplifting from Sephora it was about $30 worth of things. The store told me I had to pay for the items and I was arrested. My court date is on May 9th and I’m not sure what is going to happens or how much its going to cost. I have no prior criminal records. I can’t afford a lawyer and can only afford about 500 of any fees or fines.
Dear Beatriz: If this is your first offense, you can expect to be offered a diversion program when you go to court. You don’t necessarily need a lawyer, but that’s your decision. The legal process will be explained to you by a court/probation officer. If you admit the shoplifting and complete the diversion program, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Whatever you do, don’t miss the hearing on May 9 or the court may issue a warrant for your arrest. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I appreciate your answer.
But i have a few more questions.
I have completed and essay and community hours for my second case and i’m still continuing with the drug abuse program. do you think the consequences will be big? For exampple: will i get house arrest?
I am going to seek for a lawyer asap to get legal information and defense for my trial. I am also in the process of becoming a resident. Do you think this will implicate my legal status? and will i be able to go to college? have a future?
Dear Susie: We can’t tell you what the outcome will be or the affect this will have on your legal status in this country. It depends on the judge you’ll be before and what happens with the charges filed against you. Discuss all of this with your lawyer who will be able to advise you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I live in Miami Florida, And i was caught shoplifting twice.
The first time, i was arrested and sent to the juvinile center. I am a minor, 16 years old. I was put in a drug abuse program for consuming weed and had to complete community service to complete my punishment. However, I was caught shoplifting again before I was done with my first case. Do any of you have any idea of what the procedures might be now? I am really scared for my future as of now, i made a stupid mistake but i am an amazing person and get good grades.. someone please give me advice!!
i am really confused i went to my first court date it was a sounding, and now im supposed to go to trial. I am super confused and stressed out. please help!!!
Dear Susie: Since you’re going to trial on this latest charge, we assume you have a lawyer representing you. If that’s the case, he or she will be able to tell you what to expect at trial and in the event you’re found guilty of the charge. You can also discuss this with the probation officer who may be assigned to your case. The penalties in this situation depend on the laws in Florida that apply and the policies of the court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello judge Tom, yesterday my mom got caught shoplifting at Macys. The police went there and gave her two tickets and a date for court. She also had to pay $200 to the store and got 3 papers saying that she couldnt go back to the store for 3 years. She also had her picture taken. My mom is a resident, we’re originally from Peru. This is the first time shes done something like this and I’m very afraid of what will happen after court. What should we do? Will she get arrested? is she gonna be able to get a job? will they deny their citiznship when she tries to apply for it? could they deport her for this? I would really appreciate it if you could answer these questions for me.
Dear Rachel: First, make sure she doesn’t miss her court hearing. If she does, the judge may issue a warrant for her arrest. When she goes to court, the legal process will be explained to her. If this is her first offense, she may be offered “diversion.” That means when she completes some community service or attend a class, the case will be closed and she won’t have a record. After this she can apply to have any record that exists destroyed (expunged). We don’t know how this would affect her immigration status because many variables come into play. If she has an immigration attorney, she can ask him or her about this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
thanks for the quick response, but i paid for the product & was planning on paying for it even before she came up to me. ): there are no good people anymore which is why she accused me. i was astounded. do you think they would call me even though i paid?
Under the shoplifting laws in your state, what you did in using the product in the store before paying for it may constitute shoplifting. You can Google the name of your state and “shoplifting definition” for the specifics on this. So even though you paid for it after using it, this may still be shoplifting. It is unusual that you’d get a phone call – usually in these cases you receive a letter in the mail from the store or from an attorney on behalf of the store. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello, I got arrested over 5 years ago for shoplifting and again recently. When asked if I had been arrested before I said no but was scared when I was taken to the police station that they would find out but, they didn’t say anything about it. They just wrote me a ticket and set me up with a court date. The first time I got arrested I was on probation and paid court costs. I was told that if I had did a deversion program that it wouldn’t be on my record, was the probation considered my deversion program? I tried a free trial version from beenverified to run a background check on myself and it showed no criminal records but Im not sure how accurate that was since it was a trial version. IS there anyway to find out what my record shows and do you know what may happen to me if it does show on my record when I go to court? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Dear Lynn: You can contact the court you were in to see if a record exists. It is possible if you completed a diversion program, there’s no official record of the incident. That’s the point of “diversion” – the shoplifting was diverted away from the justice system. If you have a record from the incident five years ago, ask about the expungement process. The court may have a form that you complete and file. You don’t necessarily need a lawyer for this. The form may even be online on the court’s website. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
im 18 and went into riteaid to get a pregnancy test. i was embaressed and really nervous so i went to the bathroom to take it and was planning on going to the cash register when i was done and telling her the product i used so she could ring it up. i left the bathroom when i was done and was walking to the cash register and the woman tapped me on the sholder and told me i stole it. i tried explaining to her that i was going to tell the cashier what i used and she told me that was stealing. i told her i was embaressed to walk around with the box which is why i used it in the bathroom. she brought me up to the front and made me pay for it. i then got a call at my house for my dad “an attorney” and was told to give them a call imediately. i feel like this has something to do with the incident. i had no intension of stealing and i paid for the item. do you think theyre calling to press charges?
Dear Natalie: It is possible that the call is about this incident. Since you’re 18 and an adult you can return the call or be there when your Dad does. It could also be a request by the store to pay a civil fine for shoplifting and, once paid, the case will be closed. You won’t know either until you return the call. Whatever you do, talk it over with your parents first. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi…It’s karan…again. So the cops came to my house and arrested me on a shoplifting charge. I was taken to the police station where they got my handprints, took pictures, and questioned me. They asked me about the offense and if I had done it before. I told them that I had stolen alcohol at the store and done it once before at the same store. (The truth is I had done it 3 times before but never been caught). The police officer was very nice and said that he wasn’t charging me on alcohol charges just shoplifting. So my question is: 1, what can I expect in my court hearing? 2, if the cop said that they would just be charging me on shoplifting will they be charging me on just the time I was caught or all previous offenses as well? The cop said that “since this was my first offense it wouldn’t be too bad”…Since he said first offense I was wondering if that meant I was just being charged for one instance of shoplifting. Thanks…I really regret this a lot now.
Dear Karan: It sounds like you are being charged for this one offense – the one the store just caught you on. Since this is your first offense in court, it is likely that you will be offered a diversion program. That means that upon successful completion of the program (community service, a fine and/or classes or counseling), the charges would be dismissed and the case closed. Therefore, you would not have a record of any conviction and it should not affect any school or employment opportunities for you in the future. It is unlikely that your school will be notified over this. Remember that the penalties will increase for a second offense, so we’re glad to hear you learned from this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
well my friend who works at walmart stole 500 dollars from the cash regerster over a period of time and this is her first time getting in trouble with the law and shes only 17 yrs old && we live in texas i know 500 dollars is alot but she goes to court in a couple of weeks in all honesty what do you think will happen to my friend
Dear Jasmine: Since this is her first offense, she may be facing probation with community service, a fine/restitution and possibly having to attend a class or counseling. Depending on your state’s laws, the judge could impose some time in detention/jail, but usually jail time is not imposed for a first offense of theft. Good luck to your friend.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
The other day, my mom and I got caught shop lifting at Walmart. Neither of us were really thinking, so lesson learned. An LP officer took us into the back room and took our information and such. Because two other things were going on and the officer who was doing stuff (while one other just sat there with no expression) went to go deal with that. When we had first been taken back into the room and before word of the other things going on got to him, he noted that he wasn’t going to call the police. Well, a few minutes after he leaves to deal with something, in comes this police officer (police were called for the other problems they were having) who does the same exact thing as the LP did, only taking longer, being extremely disrespectful, and also charging us with larceny and my mother with that plus contributing to a minor’s actions (because I’m 16). The LP also gave us a trespassing notification and banned us from all Walmarts for 12 months, though said that we could talk to the manager about getting that nullified.
This is somewhat confusing. The items were somewhere around 25 dollars, and the LP said he wasn’t going to call the police. Both of us are awaiting court dates via the mail. I don’t have a record (unless a truancy problem I had from 8th grade from being sick so much went on the record), but my mom has a history (over 10 years or longer ago) of child endangerment, domestic violence, and DUIs.
What should we expect? We were 100% compliant and didn’t give them any problems after being taken into the back room.
Dear Rose: The store may choose to send you a “civil demand” letter requiring payment of a fine. If this occurs, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. However, if charges end up being filed, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. It’s possible that your mom will be offered the same since her record is from so long ago. Remember that the penalties will increase for a second offense so we hope you learned a valuable lesson from this incident. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, My friend got caught of shoplifting from walmart in illinois for goods worth of $38. She was handed over to police and police gave her ticket along with court date. So far she had clean record, no offense of any time. She is here on dependent visa. I heard that in illinois penalty for shoplifting is very harsh. She and i are very much worried now. Please suggest what may be the consequences.
Dear Ram: Since this is your friend’s first offense, she may be offered diversion. That means that upon successful completion of community service, payment of a fine and attending a class or counseling, the charges would be dismissed and she would not have a record of any conviction. As for how this case could affect her immigration status, she should consult with a local immigration attorney. Good luck to your friend.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
My sister which is 17 years old stole $100.00 from her cash register at krogers grocery store which she works they told her she was under investagation with them for two weeks but they still allowed her to work but on yesterday they called her to the back and and they asked her what happened and she confessed too her stealing the money and her job called the cops and when the officer show he gave her a spech and he made her write a stament but he did not arrest her on the spot the officer gave her a card and told her to call the station and see when her court date is and i just want to know excatly what will happen under Texas law its her first time ever getting in trouble with the law but she is not allowed back into krogers for a year. will she face jail time will this be on her record, what would be the likely decision the judge will make and she graduates in two months will she still be able to go to college that she got accepted to i’m really scared for my sister.
please help i need answers
Dear Ashley: Since this is your sister’s first offense, there’s a good chance she’ll be offered diversion. That means when she finishes some community service, attends a class or pays restitution or a fine, the case will be closed and she won’t have a record. This is common in cases of low misdemeanors and for first-time offenders.Tell her not to miss her hearing or the court can issue an arrest warrant. Also tell her not to return to the store while the ban is in place. Otherwise she may be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got caught shoplifting at a Wal Mart in Ohio about 3-4 years ago. I was 19 and stupid enough to think that I’d never get caught. I got 30 days (suspended) one year of nonreporting probation, and a $200 fine (I had $150 in merchandise on me at the time. Since then, I have been scared straight, and wouldn’t steal again if my life depended on it. My question is that since that store is the closest Wal Mart to where I live and it has been several years, can I return to that store to purchase things?
Dear Lynn: First, we’re glad you learned from this incident. If you were banned from the store at the time this happened, we suggest that you call or write them a letter and see if the ban has expired or been lifted. Contact the Loss Prevention office and see if you’re free to return. Otherwise, if the ban is still in place, you could be charged with trespassing if you went back. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I did something absolutely stupid- I got caught shoplifting items worth $20. The LPO appoached me, we went back to the office, I was given a civil demand letter on the spot, and a trespass letter. I paid for the items I took while we were there in the office, but they weren’t able to take anything but checks/money orders for the civil demand, so I mailed that in to their head office. I was told I wasn’t being charged with anything, and that as long as I paid the fine quickly, it wouldn’t go any further than that.
The LPO was actually really nice. She let me cry and talk about some things that had been bothering me. I was really surprised. There were no police, I’m 18, and in Oregon. I mailed the payment with a delivery later that afternoon. I’m a good kid, never been in trouble, straight As, and starting my first year of college. I was as polite and nice as I could be, honest and cooperative. I really really regret doing this though. I can’t believe I was so dumb.
I feel horrible about this whole mess, and the guilt has just been eating away at me. Ive been having trouble sleeping and eating. Ugh.
Is there any reason to doubt what she said? Will I get a receipt for my payment?
Dear Megan: Normally, when the civil demand is paid you receive a letter in the mail stating that this is the end of the matter. Since the police weren’t involved, it’s likely you got lucky this time and won’t hear anything further about this incident. If you were banned from the store make sure you don’t return. Otherwise trespass charges can be filed against you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi Judge,
So today I went to the store in fl, with a two of my friends and decided to get some gummy bears which were less than $3. i didn’t feel like holding them in my hand so i just tossed them in my purse. While my friends were in line were were deciding where to eat. I told them to hold a place for me in the line and walked to the door of the grocery store and peeked out the door to see if the restraunt next door was still open. when i turned around there was the store manager asking me to open my purse. I did so. He found the gummys but i told him i was goin to go back and pay for them. There was this tape blocking the entrance of the store so obviously i was not going to go through the sidewalk. Anyways, so i followed him to the back room and he was completely rude. I just asked him nicely if i could just pay for it and be on my way but he said i passed the point where i could pay for them. So i then asked him what was going to happen and he just kept asking me if the adress on my license was correct, which i repeated 3 times yes. There was another guy in the room whom i just asked what was going to happen and he said it was all up to the manager but the papers won’t be filed on my permanent record, just for their stores only. I’ve never stolen anything before. I’m 18 and the manager just told me that i was going to get in trouble for trespassing and i’m not allowed in the store for a year.I asked if I had to sign anything and if i could get a copy of the sheet and he said no. It was just like a verbal warning. I don’t really shop there so it’s no problem, but my question is, will I be receiving anything in the mail? I offerd to pay for the gummies and they saw i had money, but they refused. Now i do not know what will happen. Is it really just a verbal warning and if i don’t step foot in the property i’ll be fine???
Dear Jazzy: It sounds like you got lucky this time. If the police weren’t involved, you may just receive a letter in the mail from the store requiring payment of a fine. It’s called a “civil demand” – once it’s paid the case is usually closed and there’s only a store record of the incident. However, if as you explained, you had no intention of shoplifting the gummys, you should discuss this with your parents and decide how you want to proceed. If formal shoplifting charges are filed against you, you have the right to plead not guilty and let the judge decide the case after hearing your side. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
well this is kind of sad, but anyways I am 24 and i was at subway eating and they were being rude the whole time since we got there 15 mins before closing. So when we sat down they told us we had to hurry up and eat. After that we started leaving but before i left i just grabbed a cup and filled it with water. They wrote down my license plate numb and i am wondering what could be the outcome? What would it take for them to press charges on me, Camera? Is my dad going to get in trouble since the plates belong to him….thanks for help
Dear Poodle: Most establishments provide water for customers at no charge. So, you may not have done anything wrong. But, as you know, anything is possible. So, through the license plate number, you could receive a letter in the mail from the store about this incident. If you do, discuss it with your Dad – explain what happened and he will help you work this out. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, I wasnt exactly caught shoplifting but heres my story: I was in walmart yesterday and decided to shoplift a bunch of makeup. I got a shopping cart
put the makeup in it and put some extra things in.
I went to a section where barely noone was and started putting things in my purse. when i was finished i turned around and saw a LP watching me but he tried to hide once i looked at him. i put my cart to the side and walked out the store, the workers by the door didnt say anything. i was in the parking lot and i was about to cross the street when suddenly i heard a laugh, it was the LP following me. He pretended to talk on the phone. I got scared and ran across the street to the mall. I went back to walmart and nothing happened. could i possibly still get introuble? if he ever saw me again?
Dear Isabel: You may have gotten lucky this time since you weren’t stopped or questioned. On the other hand, if the store has any identification information about you, you may receive a notice in the mail regarding this incident. If you left the store with the items in your purse, you may be charged with shoplifting. The Loss Prevention person can probably identify you, so if you return to the store he may want to speak with you about this. Think twice before stealing again. It’s not worth the aggravation or consequences that may affect your future. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Just so you know, I live in the Houston, Texas area and am 17 years old. Okay, this past Saturday, I was caught shoplifting at Macy’s. I stole a ring, two necklaces and a purse. My first intent when going into the store was not to steal but to just look around. While in there, I eventually made the stupid decision to steal. This was my first time. 🙁 Anyways, Loss Prevention got me as I was walking out of the store and I was taken to a back room and questioned. The total amount of the items stolen was $164. I was basically told I was never allowed back. Then they called my mom and the police and I was arrested. I was taken to jail and booked and processed and spent the night in jail. My parents bailed me out the next morning at $500 dollars and I have a court date coming up soon. Any idea on what may happen while I’m there? Should I ask the judge about a diversion? If so, when should I? I’m scared. I’m a great kid and student and I really hope this doesn’t shatter my dreams of being the first in my family to attend college. :/ Thank you in advance.
Dear Tayleigh: Since this is your first offense, you can expect to be offered diversion. When you complete the terms of diversion (community service, restitution to the store, a class, etc.) the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. When you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you. Don’t miss the hearing or the court may issue a warrant for your arrest. One more thing – don’t return to the store since you’ve been banned. Otherwise, you may be charged with trespassing. After a year or so, you can write or call Macy’s and ask if they would lift the ban. Learn from this – consequences increase as you reoffend. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi, it’s karan again. And just a follow up to your answer, would it change anything if they had called the cops while they tried to detain me? What happened was they detained me, and tried asking for my i.d./contact information (I denied them access to both and gave them a fake first name no last name). But while I was detained they called the cops. I ran away before the cops came. But I was just wondering if the fact that they called the cops changes anything. Thanks
Dear Karan: No, it most likely does not change anything since the store does not have your name or contact information there is not much the police could do. Again, we’re glad to hear you learned from this and wish you the best of luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, Im 16 and I was recently caught for stealing alcohol from a local grocery store. I had taken merchandise from this store before and they had footage about it. But this was my first time getting caught. I gave them fake information and then ran away. They tried to stop me but I didn’t get caught. I’m really worried that they probably got my license plate number. It’s not my car, (my mom’s) but I’m worried that my mom will receive some sort of notification. I know what I did was wrong and I regret this decision so much. I can say without a doubt that something like this will never happen again.
Dear Karan: We’re glad to hear that you learned from this. Although it’s possible for them to get your mom’s contact information through her license plate number, it’s not likely since they have no idea who is the registered owner of the car. Keep in mind that if you return to the store, one of the employees could recognize you and detain you. If you still have any of the stolen items, you could consider returning them to the store even anonymously since you know that what you did was wrong. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Thank you for responding so quickly! So wants to take the stuff back, but we were at a mall out of town. She told me that she threw it in the garbage, but I don’t know if they believe her tho… That mall is not in an area that I frequent very often, so I probly just won’t go back there anymore; or at least not for about a year or so. I have told her that I am NEVER taking her shopping outta town with me, ever again tho because I cannot afford to get into any kind of trouble like that! I do have one more thing to ask you tho: I know that JC Penny DOES have MY contact information there, because I have a store credit card with them. And I used my card there that day to make a payment before I knew that she had taken anything. So couldn’t they just get my address that way, once they see that I used my card there? Or do you still think it is unlikely I will hear anything more about it? Sorry to keep bothering you, but I am just REALLY worried about right now. =/
Dear Lynette: Yes, even though it’s possible for the store to track you down and find an address for you, it’s unlikely that they will do so as many stores have surveillance cameras, but don’t have the staff or money to review all the tapes and track down shoplifters that weren’t caught while in the store. We’re glad to hear that you learned from this and won’t be shopping with your friend again.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi, i am 15 and was with my 18 year old sister at Belk. She said she was going to get this blue eye shadow for prom but never told me to take it nor did she want me to. I took the eyeshadow and suprised her with it when we got out of the store. Security came up to use later and brought us to their office. They tried to press charges for both of us and called the cops. The cop chose to not charge us for anything although we were both banned from belk for 5 years. Then out of nowhere a month later(today) we got a letter in the mail saying we have to pay $150 towards Belk. Are they allowed to charge us this since they got their item back in the same condition and we didnt actually get charged? If so, what exactly is the charge for? (the makeup was only 15 dollars)
Dear John: You received a “civil demand” letter requesting payment of a civil fine. Stores are allowed to ask for these fines from shoplifters even when they get their items back. This does not mean that you are being charged with a crime or will have to appear in court. If you pay the fine on time, that may be the end of the matter. The store also could choose to press charges in which case you would receive a letter in the mail to appear in court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hi Judge,
I don’t know if you know anything about the Hong Kong law but I came upon this website as I was searching on Google.
My story begins here: I was in citysuper with a bunch of friends and I was dared to steal a few food items and beauty products which totals up to nearly 800 HKD (about $100 US). The security guards took me in and I took out all items that were stolen and had to wait for the police. I stayed at the police station for approximately 4.5 hours till I was given bail (around 62.5 US dollars, 500 HKD). They took down my address, name, school, parents numbers, etcetc. My parents do not work here in HK and therefore I was told to get an adult who is above 18 to pick me up. Also, I was told that because I am 16 years old I do not need my parents to be informed. Is this true? I had my fingerprints taken, mug shot and continued to be questioned. I am due in to go back to the police station in a months time. What will happen then? No one mentioned about having to go to court.. However I don’t know what will go on. I won’t be surprised if I need to pay a fine because I know what I did was wrong to begin with. The person who came to pick me up was 23 years old and he is meant to come back with me in a months time to the police station. I have to apparently talk to some CIPD (I think that’s what they are called).. and the cops told me that I will only get interviewed and questioned but that should be it. I was also told that this will not be on my record nor will they tell the school because this is my first offense. Definitely my last. I might be going to boarding school within the next 5 months and if I am offered diversion how can I complete this if I have to leave the country? Should I inform the police officers about this? I have learned my lesson that is for sure, but I am still very anxious of what will happen because I do not want to sit in a police station for another 6 hours without knowing what is going on. PS. I do not think a lawyer will be needed as this is not an extremely serious case?
Dear Ellen: If the laws are anything like the ones in the U.S., then diversion may be offered since this is your first offense. The purpose of diversion programs is to divert the offense away from court, therefore, lawyers are not usually involved when someone goes through this type of program. If you’re not going to boarding school for another several months, you may have enough time to complete diversion or you may have to complete it while you’re away, but you can talk with the officers about this when you go back to the station. Whether your parents should have been notified when you were arrested depends on the laws in HK. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Ok, so I was shopping at a mall with my friend yesterday and we went into JC Penny and DEB. There was an item at JC Penny that was a “3-peice” deal where it came with a shirt, vest and necklace. Well, I guess she went into the changing room and took the vest and necklace off and put them into her purse. But then she put the shirt back and then left to go to the next store. Then she tried to steal a shirt from the Debs store too, but got caught by the manager. The manager was nice about it tho and didn’t press any charges, she just asked her never to come back there ever again. I did see the manager talking to the security guard tho, and then the security people also followed us out of the mall too.
She felt bad for taking the stuff from JCP after getting caught at DEB, and she wanted to return it, but like I said; security was following us and she got too scared to go back. Not only that, but it was closing time too, so we just left the mall while the vest and necklace were still in her purse. I was the one driving her, so I am worried now that I am going to get in trouble if those security guys who followed us out go back and check the cameras of all the other stores that we went into that day.
So what should I do here? Is there a chance that we will be identified on camera, and if so then will I get in trouble for driving her too/from the store? How long will it be until I hear anything? Will the police come to my house, or her house? Can she get arrested if she was only caught on camera, but not stopped by anyone there before we left the mall? I’, really worried right now, because I do not want to get into any trouble for something that she did! I didn’t even know about the JCP incident until we were already in the car and pulling out of the parking lot, so any advice would be helpful right now… Thanks.
Dear Lynette: Although it’s possible for the security to go back and check the surveillance videotapes, it’s very unlikely that you will hear anything more especially since they don’t have your contact information. It sounds like your friend got lucky this time without charges being filed. Perhaps you can talk her into returning the items to JCP even if she does so anonymously. We hope you both learned from her mistakes. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello everyone, a few days ago I was in a store and I was doing the shopping I was in the clothing department I got what I wanted and I went to toys, while I was walking I decided to put the goods in my shopping bag because things fell from my hands, so while I chose a toy someone stops me and very rude, it makes me see the handcuffs on me and almost slams into my face and asked me to follow him. I went into a room and slammed to the ground the goods out of my bag, I tried to clarify the misunderstanding, but nothing, call the police and I continue to explain that I was going to pay, but they explain to me that it is still wrong to put the goods in a bag but for me it was a bag for spesa.NOW I understand that it is wrong and would certainly not repeat them but I do not have believed my intention (maybe the police believed me and was trying to make me understand where my error) and I have set a date for the court, I’m scared because I do not know the consequences of this and I’m Italian and I live in North Carolina for 4 years and I am a resident with green card .. can you tell me what `happen? thanks and sorry for my English.
Dear Giuditta: If this is your first offense and first time having to go to court, you may be offered a diversion program. If you admit the shoplift, the charges may be dropped after you complete some community service and pay a fine. You could contact a local criminal attorney who could explain your options and possibly represent you if you want to fight the charges. As for your immigration status, you need to contact an immigration attorney to find out how the charges could affect your status. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
So my friends supposely got caught shoplifting in Belk’s at a mall in north Ga. And it was shirts over the price of 300$ only one was stolen and the others were damaged. When we walked out the guards stopped us and told us to come back in the store(it was 5 of us) And the girl who actually stole the shirt put it back and the guards did not see her do it and she was under age she was the one whole stole but the other 18 year olds got arrested for it and they got felonys and also another felony for supposely have burgulary tools but it was not seen in the person’s possesion or on video. What are the chances that they receieve jail time. What are the chances the charges can be dropped on the 18 years old. FYI it was only 2 18 yrs olds who went to jail cause they all was in the dressing room.
Dear Connie: If this is the first offense for these girls, whether a minor or adult, there’s a good chance they may be offered diversion. Once the terms of diversion are completed, the case is closed and they won’t have a record. It is also possible that they could be placed on short-term probation because the charge is a felony. When they finish their probation time, they can apply to the court to have their record expunged. It is uncommon for a first-time shoplifting offender to go to jail, but every court has its own policies. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
thank you. also one more question. they said they have watched me steal from the store before and have it on video. and that one time they had 2 people tailing me and they didnt catch me, but i dont know how. would they use those tapes in court? i dont seem them being relevant to that case.
Dear Thomas: It depends on the laws in your state and what are called the rules of evidence. The judge may not allow tapes of earlier incidents that you have not been charged with. On the other hand, the judge may allow it to show a pattern of behavior. If you plead not guilty and go to trial, you can discuss this with your public defender. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hey. i am 18 and was caught stealing from walmart with my younger sister and her friend. we put stuff in their purses and then got caught leaving the store. i have a citation and go to get booked on april 20th. i have a clean record, ive never even been stopped for traffic violations. the items were almost 90 dollars total. i didnt have anything on me but in contributed to them stealing. i live in tennessee. will i end up in jail or just probation?
Dear Thomas: Since this is your first offense, you’ll probably be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community service or attend a class, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. You could also be placed on probation depending on the practice in your area. When you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you. Good luck. Try to set a better example for your sister and her friend.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hey, i was just wondering? since im 15 now. and will turn 16 in a month, will i still have my hearing if they havent contacted me until after my birthday? or if they do call me after my birthday, will the charge still be erased of my record. since i stole while i was 15?
Dear Brenda: Let’s see. You and Hannah are either sisters, close friends or this is an amazing coincidence. Either way, we’ll say again that your age has nothing to do with proceeding with the charge. If, for example, you were almost 18 and you stole when you were 17, you could be charged as a minor in juvenile court or the prosecutor could wait until after your 18th birthday and file the charge in adult court. Turning a year older doesn’t erase the fact that you broke the law. So, as a minor at 16, you can still participate in diversion and have no record once you finish the program. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hey, i was just wondering? since im 15 now. and will turn 16 in a month, will i still have my hearing if they havent contacted me until after my birthday? or if they do call me after my birthday, will the charge still be erased of my record. since i stole while i was 15?
Dear Hannah: Your age has nothing to do with proceeding with the charge. If, for example, you were almost 18 and you stole when you were 17, you could be charged as a minor in juvenile court or the prosecutor could wait until after your 18th birthday and file the charge in adult court. Turning a year older doesn’t erase the fact that you broke the law. So, as a minor at 16, you can still participate in diversion and have no record once you finish the program. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Yesterday My friend caught in shoplifting from TJ-Max store located in Georgia. She stole 2 perfumes worth of $33. The security man stopped her when she was leaving the store. They took her in the security room. They took her ID and filled up all the paper work. She is 28 years old and had a baby with her. They called the police, and asked her to call someone who can cpme and take the baby. So she called me and I took baby from her. They hand cuffed her and took her to the police station. Where they took her finger prints and photo. This is her first time shoplifting. She called me to bailed her, when I came I paid $2500 and got realease. They gave her the citation number plus she has a court date in June. Some one told her to hire an attorney. She is really a honest girl n I don’t know why she did that . She is really depressed rite now. She doesn’t want this crime to come on her record. She had a clear back ground. What is the best thing to do that it doesn’t come on her record ???
Dear Meena: AsktheJudge.info is an educational website for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to teens or adults.
We will tell you that if this is her first offense, she may be offered diversion. When she finishes the program, the case will be dismissed and she won’t have a record. She may want to contact a lawyer before her hearing to discuss this matter. Many lawyers offer a free consultation for the first 30-60 minutes. Tell her to ask about this when she calls. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am not sure what to plea when i go to my arraignment. I don’t want to plea the wrong one. I asked the court when i called if there is going to be someone there to talk to before i go in front of the judge. She said no that i am just to go in front of the judge a plea either guilty or not guilty. I don’t have the money for a attorney. Do i ask the judge when i see him to appoint me attorney.
Dear Kara: If you plan on admitting the shoplifting, then the court will explain to you about diversion. Some diversion programs require that you admit the offense. If you plan to deny the charge and want the case to go to trial, you can ask the court for an attorney. Otherwise, you don’t need a lawyer if you agree with completing the diversion program. Again, discuss this with your parents about the best way to proceed. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Do they have diversion in Michigan
Dear Kara: Most states have some type of diversion program, although it might be called something else like “deferred prosecution”. Click here for information about Michigan State University’s Adolescent Diversion Program.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
hi my name is marco and i got caught stealing from shopko. they were nail clipers that were like ten bucks. i looked at the camera thinking to myself that it would be funny if they thought i was going to steal it. so my girlfriend said something and i was listening to her and i totally forgot to put the nail clipers back. so with me not noticing i put it in my pocket. i reminded myself to put it back but i totally forgot. so we left and some shopko people told us to stop and i touched my pocket and i was like damn! i forgot to put it back. so the question is what will happen to me? the nail clipers cost like 10 bucks or so. so im going in to plead guilty because i have no proof that i didnt mean to.
Dear Marco: The store may choose to send you a “civil demand” letter requiring payment of a fine. If this occurs, be sure to pay the fine on time if you are admitting the shoplift and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. However, if charges end up being filed, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. If the store employees believed you, it’s possible that you will get lucky and hear nothing more about that matter. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
My friend got caught stealing from walmart and he is 17. He has a court date and a hefity fine to pay. What type of other punisent would he get (he has no proir record, hes a stright A student, and no disaplein record at school)
Dear Jessi: Since this is your friend’s first offense, he may be offered a diversion program which means that he won’t have a record upon successful completion of the program. Diversion often requires completion of community service and attending a class or counseling. Good luck to your friend.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Do you mean the you will tell me how to plea or the probation officer will. And how much do you think my fines will be. I have also started paying restitution back to the store.
Dear Kara: No one can or will tell you how to plead, but when you go to court, your options will be explained to you. If diversion is offered to you, then you may have to admit to the shoplift, but ultimately will not have a record upon successful completion of the program. It’s great that you’re already taking responsibility and paying restitution to the store. The fines vary from court to court, but generally are somewhere between $100 to several hundred dollars. Best of luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I recently went to BOBs clothing store. I took a pair of shorts. I went INTO the dressing room to try them on along with about 6-7 other pieces of clothing. Noone was in the dressing room besides my friend and noone asked us how much merchandise we had.
I put the shorts INTO my bag INSIDE the dressing room. I left NO tags on the floor what so ever. I walked out, replaced all the clothes onto the rack, except the shorts that i had in my bag.
Upon leaving, we were asked to let the LP guy search our bags in the vesibule right between the doors and the outside doors. Then we went into the holding room, and waited two hours for police to come.
The police were shown no videos at all of us actually putting the merchandise into our bags, as we had done it inside the dressing room.
They have no video of us taking it at all, just suspision of the employee (1 employee, which was no where in the store because it’s a small store)
Is there any way to fight that they didn’t have us on video? Or could we ask to see video of us taking the itme? any feed back welcomed! thanks!
Dear Emily: Because the LP officer stopped you and searched your bags, there’s really no dispute that you were in fact caught shoplifting. Whether you can fight the charges based on the LP’s lack of evidence and pure suspicion, is something you’ll want to talk over with a local criminal attorney. Many attorneys offer free consultations. Keep in mind that LP officer is an employee of the store and not a police officer; therefore, he/she may conduct searches without the same level of suspicion required for the police. We hope you learned something from this as your decision was wrong regardless of whether there was a video camera. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
My long term girlfriend is on permanent disability due to depression and other issues steaming from a horrendously abusive childhood and young womenhood.
At the advice of her Dr, she just changed to a new medication. In fact today was her first day taking it. (she travels about 2 hrs to the dr every month or so). Because we live in a small town, she often will do some shopping there.
But, she just arrived home and told me that she was cited for shoplifting! I thought she must be kidding. . . We are in our early 40s. We DON”T do this.
Here are is how it happened. . .
She told me that she began feeling a bit strange shortly after taking the meds. She went to a store which is a higher ends specialty food and grocery store. She went through the line, paid and headed out to the car. For some reason, she turned around–still with her cart and bag of paid for groceries–and gos back into the store.
In plain view and without hesitation, she fills her cart with different varieties of meat (like whole hams and steak) and walks right up to and right by the cashiers area and out the door and heads to her car. The cart was full of
-meat (she is a vegitarian)
-baby food (we have no kids)
-lollipops and gummi worms-we dont eat this ???
It is a shame if people use this as a defense when they don’t need to, but I am 110% sure that she had a “break” and/or reaction from the medication and was clueless as to what happened. She stated that she was just kind of standing there not knowing how to answer questions
There was absolutely no attempt to conceal anything-store security said she went right up, filled her car with Hams and whatnot, and passed by a busy checkout area
In addition to her med change, she has been having a very tough time=we just found out her main abuser is being let out on parole.
Dear Troy: We’re sorry to hear about your girlfriend’s situation. If she doesn’t have a criminal record, she may be offered a diversion program which would allow her to avoid having a record for this incident, but she would have to admit to the shoplift. She may want to talk over the incident with her doctor and perhaps even get a letter from her doctor confirming the recent change of medication. Finally, she could contact a local criminal attorney if she wants to fight the charges. Many attorneys offer a free initial consultation. Best of luck to you and your girlfriend.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I was caught shoplifting and the item that i took was $60. The police were called and i was giving a citation. I received my court paper to go to court. For a simple larceny charge. This is my first offense and I am scared to death and have learned my lesson. I am wondering what is going to happen to me and if i should just plead guilty and just pay the fines or plead not guilty . I do plan on taking a shoplifting class on my own. And will this be on my record and if so how do i get my record clean.
Dear Kara: Since this is your first offense, you’ll probably be given the chance to complete a diversion program. That means when you finish some community service, pay restitution,etc. the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. When you go to court the legal process will be explained to you by a probation officer. We can’t tell you how to plead, that’s your decision. Doing the shoplifting class before your court date is a good idea, but not necessary. If you do it, take verification that you completed the class with you to court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got arrested for shop lifitng over 5 years ago, had to pay court cost and got probation. i recently got arrested again for shoplifting and they didnt do an extensive background check but ran my social and I guess it came back clean because they didnt mention anything about a previous offense and wrote me a ticket and sent me on my way. My question is, when I go to court will they know by then that I have a previous offense and what will happen?
Dear Bella: You may have gotten lucky this time. If you were a minor at the time of the first shoplifting, that may explain why nothing came up on a background check. Also, if you completed a diversion program, then there would be no record of the incident. On the other hand, when you go to court this time, there’s always a chance the judge may know about the earlier incident. It’s not likely, but possible. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got got shoplifting alcohol. What is my punishment?
Dear Jonathan: That depends on a number of things including your age, criminal history (is this your first offense?), how much was taken, etc. If this is your first offense, you may be eligible for a diversion program. When you finish the terms of diversion, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. If you have to go to court the legal process will be explained to you at that time. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was 19 years old whwn i had a J-1 visa for a working holiday program and I was caught shoplifting in the place i was working on. The store sent me a civil demand, I payed the fine. I was fired from the job and asked not to come back to the store. The thing is I am not sure If they have canceled my J-1 visa, it seems that they have not. Now i am traveling to USA with my family and I am scared. I have a turist visa ( I got it even after traveling to work). Will I have any problems enerting the country? Will this show up when they scan my passport?? please help me!
Dear Agustin: If you didn’t receive a ticket from the police at the time of the shoplifting and you didn’t have to go to court, there is no official record of this incident. The only record may be with the store. If you completed a diversion program, then there wouldn’t be an official record because that’s the point of diversion – to keep the case out of court. Your visa should not be affected. We suggest you contact an immigration official or attorney and ask about this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
me and a mate went to tesco’s and he did not know what i was doing but i lifted over £1,000 pound in video games and got caught at the door but i had no bag with me i left it in the shop so the videos games never left the shop and do damage was done and they got there stuff back but when i was at the door the guard stopped me and then i made a run for it and then 8 people from tesco’s grabbed me and i broke free from them ran back in the shop and jumped over a till and ran through the shop and went out the fire door and got caught i give up and then police were called i went to the police station and got finger pints done and photo’s done and dna and all put in a cell till i got get interview got interview and now waiting to see what they have to say.
could u please tell me what am looking at as in jail or anything and i am from northern ireland
Dear Stewart: If Ireland’s laws about theft and shoplifting are anything like those in the U.S., you may receive notice to appear in court if formal charges are filed against you. Even though the video games were returned, the theft still took place. We suggest you Google “Ireland shoplifting” for information on what you’re facing if you hear anything further about this incident. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice)
i was aressted for shop lifting in JC Pennys few months ago ..at time of arrest i was also told that i coulntt enter the store for 8 years …i’m already through with the court appearences and that part is settled – however i was wondering what could happen if now go back into the store to buy things even thought they had said i’m not allowed back in the storefor 8 years …? am just wondering about that …thanks
Dear Donna: Once a store has banned a person, usually due to shoplifting, they can file trespassing charges if you return during the ban. Eight years sounds like a long time for shoplifting – but it depends on how much money was involved, etc. Since you’ve complied with the orders of the court, you could contact the store by phone or letter and discuss this with them. Maybe they’ll shorten the period to something more reasonable. If you have any documentation from court showing your compliance, provide the store copies. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
My sister shoplifted yesterday at a Joise Leslie store. She’s only 15 years old and she got caught stealing an amount of $35 item. However, she’s under 18 so the workers there told her to call our parents to come and pay for the item, otherwise they will call the police. So my sister called our parents and my mother told me to go (obviously cause my mother felt it was embarrasing). After I got there and paid, I found out that they took my sister’s ID and wrote something. So i was worried. Is it going to be on her record, but she’s only 15 …
Dear Arelie: The store may have taken your sister’s ID for a number of reasons. It may be for their own personal records, so that if they catch her again, they will call the police. The store may send her a “civil demand” letter requiring payment of a fine. If she receives this letter, she should pay the fine on time if she admits to the offense. Often when a civil demand is paid, charges are never filed and the person avoids having to go to court. Although it sounds like your sister got lucky this time, if the store chooses to press charges, she will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. If this occurs, she probably would be offered a diversion program if this is her first offense, which would allow her to avoid having a record if she successfully completes the program. If charges are never filed, your sister doesn’t have to worry about having a record. Good luck to you and your sister.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hello. Today my friends and I were caught shoplifting. There are 3 of us one 20, one 19 and me 18. We were at a K-Mart in California. I took 27 dollars worth of items (out of their packages). One of my friends took about $70 worth of stuff and my other friend took about the same amount. The Loss Protection Agent caught us once we were out side and brought us back into a room. He had us empty out or bags and we saw everything. He listed out everything we took and took pictures of it. He also totaled it up. Then he had us sign papers. The LP also never wrote his side of the story. He said he would drop it off at the police station the next day. Then he called the cops and they came and arrested us. Took us down to the police station. Finger printed us, took our mug shot and held us for hours. The let us go with a court day. What I want to ask is What do you think will happen? The court date is for my friends and I, like its one date for all of us. Do you think the court with offer us diversion? How much do you think we will have to pay in all (court fees and restitution and all that?) Will it go on our record? Also the police said that the store was arresting us. Not them. They also said that the LP might not show up. So I was wondering if you know how often LP’s show up or not. We were also thinking about going to talk to the LP soon and telling him that we learned our lesson and were story and to please drop it because we dont need this haunting us forever. Does that sound like a good idea? Thanks a lot for reading this and taking the time to reply to it.
Dear Chris: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion which is common for first-time shoplifters when the amount involved is relatively low. Once you successfully complete a diversion program, the charges would be dismissed and the case closed. Therefore, you would not have any record of a conviction for the incident. Every state and county has various fees and fines for shoplifting, but generally you may be looking at a range between $150-$500. You will find out more and have a better idea of the fines and penalties when you go to your first court date. Jail time is extremely unlikely since this is your first offense. Finally, if you want to apologize either in person or in writing to the LP officer, that’s entirely up to you and your friends. Best of luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
I have a question to ask you. I committed shoplifting about 2 months ago. So I stole from Macy. It was such a dumb mistake to even do that. I now learn my lesson. So when I got caught, they took my thumb print and told me to bring tthis one paper to court and I did. But they told me that they do not deal with minors but juveniles and adults. & they never sent a paper to be about going to another court. What should I do? I’m really worried. PLEASE HELP.
Dear Vicky: Try contacting the court where you were sent and explain the circumstances and ask where you need to go or call. You also could ask for the phone number to the juvenile court so you contact them and find out when and if you need to appear. If you call and speak with the clerk of the court, you should be able to find out if charges have been filed and the date of your next court date. Finally, you could try contacting the police department that was involved and explain that you were sent to the wrong court. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
hello i have a question. I got caught shoplifting today at claire’s i am from Georgia and I’m 17, they said that they were going to send me a fine and wrote my info down on a piece of paper. They also said i was band from the store & took me to my mom. i was wondering if i would have to go to court for this if so would it be on my records and would the colleges find out about this? please answer pronto thank you
Dear Kelly: It sounds like the store is going to send you a “civil demand” letter requiring payment of a fine. Be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. Therefore, colleges, potential employers, etc. would not find out about the incident. However, if charges end up being filed, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. If this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program, which ultimately would allow you to avoid having a record from the incident. It is not likely that you will be as lucky next time so we hope you learned from this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Alright, I have a question. I’ve been researching for a few hours. My boyfriends 19, stole $20.00 pair of glasses in October/2010. That was his first offence, He had to go to court and write a letter, and such. His probation was suppose to end in mid April, And on March 25/2011, Him and his friend were caught with their second offence, I was wondering whats going to happen to him?
Also, He was kicked out of his parents house a while ago, and He is currently live with me and my roommates, I’m 18 and I don’t have money to bail him out or pay for his fines. Sorry but my question is whats going to happen to him and me? Sorry he also live in Alberta.
Dear Becca: If the amount stolen the second time also was relatively low like the $20 glasses in his first case, he may be looking at additional probation, community service and a fine. However, since he was still on probation when he committed the second offense, he’s most likely facing an additional probation violation charge. The judge may feel that a short period of time in jail is necessary for the violation as well as the second offense, but again, depending on the facts and circumstances, he may be facing additional probation, fines and community service. You are not responsible for his fines or to bail him out and therefore, will not be expected to pay any fees just because you live together. Good luck to you and your boyfriend.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Hey, when i was about 15 years old i was hanging with some older boys (18 and 19) and we went into a CUB foods grocery store in Minnesota, they boys went over to the DVD section and started looking at movies so i followed. Later i noticed that they were shoving DVD’s down there pants. As we were getting ready to leave a guard stops us and brings us into his office. He gave all of us a shoplifting ticket and made me call my parents but the guard also gave them contributing to the delinquency of a minor. I was young and scared so i really didnt stick up for myself and just took the ticket. A few months later i went to court with my father and my punishment was I had to do community service with my parents (like housework and stuff) while my father supervised and was my probation officer, i was banned for a year from cub foods, and i couldnt be in contact with those boys anymore. I followed the judges orders went about my life, but now that im 19 and want to join the Air Force im wondering if this charge would be on my juvenile record still or not? or if i should even mention or say anything about it?? im pretty worried that the stupidity of myself when i was a youngster would have an affect on my military career? Please help!!!
Dear Michael: It sounds like you completed a diversion program. If that’s the case, you don’t have a record. If you’re not sure how this was handled, contact the court you were in and ask if they have your name on file for this incident. If they do, you can apply for expungement. That way you’ll have a clear record and nothing to worry about in the future. Ask about clearing your name – it’s a simple process and you don’t need a lawyer. You complete a form provided by the court and file it. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hey, so i want to know what is going to happen to me. im 15 and i stole a shirt from dillards in greensboro, NC. and got caught. i will turn 16 next month, and they havent told me my court date yet. and this is my 1st offense. i will never do this again. and i just want to know if i will go to jail or not.
oh and the shirt was 39.00, do you think i will have to go to a Juvenal detention center? im so scared please help me. and i dont know what to say to the judge either.
Dear Hannah: You may get a notice in the mail about a court date. When you go, and don’t miss your hearing, the legal process will be explained to you. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered “diversion.” When you complete the diversion terms, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. At court, tell the truth and be respectful. Think twice before you steal again. Consequences increase as you reoffend. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi, me and my boyfriend just got cought staeling a $5 shirt from walmart in texas. they undercover cops in walmart said we were allowed in walmart still and we wouldnt go to jail, but then the cops came n took our information. we have to call the municipal court to make an appt. my friend is 17 i am turning 17 in less than 2weeks. do we need parents to come with us? what should we expect? after we go to the court and they tell us what he have to do whenever we do what they tell us, will it be over with?? please help! im scared..
Dear Bianca: If this is your first time to court, you may be offered a “diversion” program. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine or restitution to the store, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. The court may require a parent be present since you’re a minor. Call the court and ask about this before the hearing. And don’t miss your court date – otherwise the judge may issue a warrant for your arrest. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I have a question …I got caught stealing almost a year ago from walmart in florida and got put on probation but i was wondering when will i be allowed back in the store?
Dear Crystal: That depends on WalMart. You can call or write their Loss Prevention office at a nearby store or the one you were banned from and ask about returning. Make sure you get the person’s name if you’re allowed back. That way you’ll spare yourself further trouble if stopped. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
hi one more question.
isnt there a law that says if they dont pin a crime on u
for 7 years~10 years they cant pin that crime on u no more?.
Yes, it’s called a “statute of limitations.” It means that after a period of time following the crime, the police/prosecutor have a year or two to file charges. Misdemeanor charges can be brought within a shorter period of time than felonies. Some crimes, such as murder and treason, have no limitation. Those charges can be filed anytime even 20 or 30 years after the incident. You can Google the crime and the name of your state with the words “statute of limitations” for the time periods where you live.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Will they every be discarded after the case closes ( for both the police and Target store)? Thanks
Their records could be destroyed after a period of time but that’s up to the police and the store. They each have their own policies about record-keeping. You could contact both and ask about this.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
The record the police keeps, it won’t be problematic in the future, will it? When I apply for college or a job, the record the police keeps won’t keep me from obtaining the job/college acceptance. Will they just discard the record ( both store and police) if we don’t get into anymore trouble with the law for a while ( few years). As always, Thank You
Dear Ike: Police keep what they call “field reports” that aren’t formal full-blown investigative reports that get attached to charges when filed. The write-ups here by the police and store shouldn’t have any effect on your future work and education pursuits. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hello, I have a question? My friends was caught staeling from Target and was caught by security. The police were called in and they called me in to ask some questions about it! He told me that I could go to jail for association with the shoplifting, but he never took any of my personal information! He did for my friends though. I was wonder if anything going to happen to me and my friend( im personally a minor but my friends 20 yrs old), is there any documentation of this incident ( on our crimnal record or will the store have it on record)! Thank you for the help.
Dear Ike: You’re not likely to hear anything further about this if the police didn’t take your name, address, etc. The police will keep their own record but you don’t have a formal criminal record. The store may also keep their own records in the event you or your friend return and another shoplift occurs. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
me and my friend stole a jewelry from a big store…its less than $20…it was our first time, and we got caught….the store called the police and gave aus a sitaion…whats gona happen at the court? please help…we never ment to do it…we were teens doing stupid things…please reply
Dear Alice: Since this is your first offense, you will probably be offered “diversion.” When you complete the terms of diversion the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Learn from this as consequences increase as you get into more trouble. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
ok i have a question about 8 years ago. age 12~14
my friend was stealing stuff from this store for acouple of days.and i was there with him but i never stole anything in that store. but 2 weeks after .after he stole from that store for 4 days +. i was caught with a trunacys for missing school .and they toke my picture and finger prints.
i want to know if those 2 will go on my record.
cause i was only caught for that trunacy ticket
what im saying is i think i got caught with him in there security camera.but they never send a letter to me or anything or not that i know of
Dear Dave: Since you didn’t get a ticket or go to court for the shoplifting, there’s no record of it against you. Truancy is a “status offense” meaning it’s an offense that only a minor can commit. There shouldn’t be any record of just the truancy that would show up on a background check. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I know you muct get these a lot, but here goes…
I was caught shoplifting at walmart and I’m 19 and live in Missouri. They said that this was the 4th time they got me on camera. Naturally, they banned me from ever going to another walmart again. They also called the police. This is where I get confused. The police man originally was going to make me sit in jail overnight. He asked if I could pay the 150 fine to get out of it. I said that I would have to go to the bank, but yes. So instead he let me out on a summons. I have a court date in May and I was wondering what to expect? Am I going to be charged for just the one time? Is this considered my first offense? I don’t have a criminal record and I’m more than willing to do community service and pay as much of a fine as I can handle and take classes/correctional courses and even accept probation terms… does this mean I’ll still have to go to jail or is there any way that I can avoid jail?
Dear Jessica: Considering this is your first offense in court, it’s very unlikely that you are facing jail time. Whether or not you are charged for the previous incidents depends on whether Walmart chooses to press charges and if there’s evidence from those previous incidents. You may be facing charges for just the most recent incident when you got caught. If so, you may be offered a diversion program and have to complete some community service, pay a fine and possibly attend a class or counseling. We hope you learned from this as the penalties will increase for additional offenses. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Thanks Juudge! Truly thank God for you and this site!!
God Bless!
Hi judge,
I just have a quick question. I stole 3 years ago. I spoke with lost and prevention, They took my Info, took my fingerprint, and they fired me. No police and No fine innvolved. That was it. Nothing else came from it. I admitted to it and return the items voluntarily. My question is, Since they took my fingerprint, does that mean now when a job requires that i have a fingerprint done that it will show up on record?
Dear B.W.: Since the police weren’t involved and you didn’t go to court for this incident, an official criminal record doesn’t exist. The only record may be with the store that was involved. So, if you’re applying to the same store but in another location, the incident may come up on their internal background check. There are national reporting organizations that are private (non-governmental) that stores can join for reporting incidents of theft, embezzlement, etc. Only members have access to the information. So, there’s a slight chance that your theft might show up from their records. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thank you for the information, this just happened a couple days ago so is it possible for a separate letter to come in the mail requiring a court date? Along with the civil demand? I read that there is a criminal and civil part to shoplifting and the store could press criminal charges even after the police were not called, separate from the fine. Is this true?
Just to verify, we are in Philadelphia, PA. And so you said once we get the letter of civil demand and pay the fine in full she should be safe from anything affecting her record? Any classes or community service or we can just pay and be done with it?
Dear Samantha: If the only thing she receives is the civil demand letter, then once it’s paid, the store usually closes the case. They do have the option to notify the police but in most cases they would have done that on the day of the incident. There is always the possibility of a shoplifting charge being filed within a year or two from the day it happened, but that rarely happens. If the amount involved was hundreds or thousands of dollars, charges are more likely.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge, My friend and I are both 18 and we got caught shoplifting in Rite Aid. Together we stole $120 worth of stuff, I know it seems like a lot it was mostly makeup and nailpolish. They took us in the back and searched our bags, they asked which one of us would be taking the wrap and my friend said she would thinking we would just be paying the $120. She filled out a paper and when we realized they were charges I told them we wanted to split the charges. He didn’t “feel like” filling out another paper so he put everything on my friend. It was a Rite Aid form and he said we should be getting a letter in the mail. What is going to happen? How much do you think the fine will be? And will this be going on my friend’s record?
Dear Samantha: Since the police weren’t called and you didn’t get a ticket or notice to appear in court, your friend will receive a letter from the store requiring payment of a fine. It’s called a “civil demand” and once it’s paid the case is closed and she won’t have a record. The fine could be several hundred dollars. Since you were both involved you could split the fine and share in the responsibility for the incident. Think twice before stealing again – consequences increase as you re-offend. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hey there Judge, I shoplifted a few times over two weeks ago at a store with cameras. i was stupid and not thinking. It’s been over two weeks and i’ve been back numerous times. no weird looks, nothing changed about the store’s security. The reason I have been going back is I know they have my information because I have bought things there before with my debit card. And I just need to know if I’m going to get caught, I can’t just sit around and wait for a letter in the mail. I also know that they only keep their security video for two weeks and do not have security watching the tapes proactively. It’s been two weeks and nothing. my question is if they looked and saw me on the tapes already, how quickly do you think they would put things together and catch me when i am in the store? am i in the clear since its been two weeks?
Dear Joe: It sounds like you most likely got lucky this time. Although it’s possible that security or another employee will recognize you the next time you enter the store, it’s not real likely since you’ve already returned there and nothing happened. Perhaps you could consider returning the stolen items, even anonymously, to help clear your conscious since you know you made a bad decision. Good luck. -ATJ
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
The part that took him to a higher level was the knife. He was charged with felony robbery. The attorney is saying that the knife was not used in the robbery but long after during a struggle in the parking lot outside the store
Dear Mike: Again, try contacting another local attorney for a second opinion. The fact that a weapon was involved will be considered an aggravating factor making diversion and the possibility of no record less likely. At the same time, there are other factors that weigh in your son’s favor like him having no criminal record, college student, etc.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
My son was caught shoplifting in a department store. He stole less than $500 worth of clothes. He fought with the store security in the parking lot. He said that he didn’t know it was store security and thought he was being attacked. During the struggle he pulled out a knife. He has no record and is over 18. He attends college and does well. This was a one time poor judgement mistake. His lawyer says that he can get the charges reduced and he might even have no record since it is first offense. I’m not sure I believe the lawyer because he wants lots of money. This is in NY.
Dear Mike: Your son would have to be facing a misdemeanor charge and be offered a diversion program in order to avoid having a record from the incident. Every state has its own shoplifting laws and it’s possible that stealing under $500 worth of merchandise is considered a misdemeanor in New York. Diversion is commonly offered to first-time shoplifters, but many courts and prosecuting offices have policies concerning when diversion should be offered and it may be for cases involving a smaller dollar amount. You could try calling another local attorney for a second opinion and to find out whether diversion might be an option for your son. Good luck to you and your son.
(This is information only – not legal advice.)
Thanks so much. I feel a lot better now. This was my first time shoplifting and i swear it will be my last. Thanks for the advice.
You’re welcome, James. We’re glad to hear you learned from your mistake.
I’m 14 and got caught shoplifting in California. The item was $10. It was my FIRST offense and definitely learned my lesson. The lady called in mall cops and the cops asked me questions (name, DOB, school) and talked to my parents but I didn’t hear what they were saying. Question is: 1. What should I expect? 2. Will they notify my school? 3. Will I need to go to court?
Dear Allison: It would be best to ask your parents about this and what was discussed with the police. It doesn’t sound like you have to go to court but you may receive a letter in the mail from the store requiring payment of a fine. Once it is paid the case will be closed. Schools are not usually notified about these incidents. Consider yourself lucky this time. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi. I resently was caught taking a $7 headphones from walbaums. They questioned me and let me off the hook. I live in new york and i didnt have to pay anything or sign any papers. The cops werent involved i dont have a car, and they said i couldnt go back there. Is anything going to happen to me? And for how long can i not go back there. Thanks
Dear James. You got lucky this time since you weren’t ticketed or arrested. We can’t tell you how long you’re banned from the store. You could call them and ask. Whatever you do, don’t return until you know because they could charge you with trespassing if you return during the ban. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was caught shoplifting last week, was not actually arrested but the cops were called and they gave me a notice to appear. This is my first and ONLY time doing this, I so have learned my lesson. This is my first offence so i felt it was a good idea to hire a lawyer being as I have no clue what to expect or to do. I’m 19, what should i be expecting for my first offence as my punishment? I’m really worried and scared I hope i did the right thing by hiring a lawyer.
P.S. This happened in Florida
Dear Kirsten: Since you’ve hired a lawyer, ask him/her about what you can expect when you go to court. Most likely, since this is a first offense, you’ll be offered “diversion.” Once you finish the terms of diversion the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. We hope you’ve learned from this incident.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
She did and they said I just have to turn my self in to the cops and wait for court I guess what will happen
Dear Samantha: You and your mom could go to the courthouse, explain to a probation officer what happened and possibly take care of the warrant at that time. She could also contact a local juvenile law attorney for information about handling this situation.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
now I went to the court and it’s for my mom not telling me when I had a court date for driving with a suspended license but I missed the date because my mom didn’t tell me when. Now a have a bench warrant what should I do? What’s going to happen in court I’m the 17 year old in wy
Dear Samantha: Since you’re a minor ask your mom to call the court to find out how to handle the warrant. They may give you a new date to appear and take care of everything at that time. Whatever you do, don’t miss the next hearing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
A couple days ago I was in a gas station getting soda when I stole a pack of candy less then ten dollars. The store employe didnt talk to me but today cops were asking for me to a friend. Could they be trying to find me for that stuff this is my first time and I’m so scared to go to jail. I know I’m never going to do it again. I’m 17 what’s gonna happen?.
Dear Samantha: If the police identify you as the shoplifter they may serve you personally with a ticket or notice to appear in court or you may receive notice in the mail. Either way, don’t miss the hearing or the court may issue a warrant for your arrest. When you go to court the legal process will be explained to you. Since this is your first offense you’ll probably be offered diversion. That means when you finish some community service and/or attend a class, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thanks a million Judge Tom for responding! I don’t know if it’s me just panicking but should I hire a lawyer? I mean, I had a previous deferred adjudication (similar incident) with a motion of non disclosure. Will the probation officer hold this against me? Also, I can’t meet on the court date at that time. Can I ask to move it an earlier or later time? Maybe another day?
Yes, contact the court as soon as you can and explain your situation. Ask for a new date for the hearing – it shouldn’t be a problem. If you’re under 18, have a parent call the court. You may not need a lawyer at this point, but that decision is up to you and your parents. The court may appoint a public defender to represent you if you decide to plead not guilty. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi Judge Tom,
It’s me again. I posted Sun, 20 Feb 2011 at 12:19. I was out of town and came back to get a certified mail note to pick up a letter from the post office from the Municipal Court. I’m terrified right now. Most lawyers I consulted both in the city and online thought it was HIGHLY unlikely criminal charges would occur and that I would need to pay just a restitution fee from Walmart. The post office isn’t open until 8 am and I can’t sleep.
What could the municipal court be sending me? IS this NOW on my record? I have a contract renewal with a company I’m working with this week and I don’t want this to be on my record.
I looked at tim Tue, 01 Mar 2011 at 04:39 question and I was wondering if the letter is just a fine and I pay the fine to the municipal court, will it be a plea of guilty and therefore on my record/criminal background check?
I got the letter. It was a court summons. If I just pay the fine, will it be on my record? Can I get an expungment or do I have to get it deferred before I can do that? What can I do to make sure this doesn’t show up on my record/criminal background check?
Dear Feel: The letter is most likely a notice to appear in court for a meeting with a probation officer. He/she will explain the legal process which is likely to include a diversion program. Once you finish the terms of diversion the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Whatever you do, don’t miss the hearing. If you don’t show up the court may issue a warrant for your arrest. Ask the probation officer about clearing your record if you end up with one from this incident. Good luck – let us know what happens.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi I’m 17 and My friend and I got caught shop lifting at JCPenny’s. They put both of are charge together and it only came out to $22.50. I live in Texas and I have no idea how everything goes down here. I got a citation but I’m not sure If I’m going to have to go to a class or go to court or how much it would be. I also have to pay JCPenny the 22.50 and I have to pay more but I have no idea how much. Please give me some estimates as to how much it would be or if I have to go to court or take a class. Thank you. (:
Dear Rose: Check the citation you received for the date and time of your court hearing. If there’s nothing mentioned you may receive a notice in the mail. Don’t miss the hearing or a warrant may be issued for your arrest. When you go to court the legal process will be explained to you. If this is your first offense you may be offered diversion. Once you complete the terms of diversion the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. You may also receive a letter from the store requiring payment of a civil fine. Stores are authorized to impose fines in theft and shoplifting cases. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hi I am international student, but now I am out united states.on September 27th 2008. I was visiting the states I had an accident me and my friend went to a clothing store named “Rose” we purchased some merchandise then we went to a different store called “shopko”. at the later store when we were done purchasing at the cashier we were stopped by the cashier and store security accusing us of shop lifting. we denied the accusations the security called the police we were taken to the station and posted a bond there was a court date assigned to us but due to our immigration stay at the country we had to leave the country before the court date we tried to postpone the court date to earlier time but we were not successful . I would like to solve this matter I have proves that I paid to the court bond and bills showing that I have paid for everything. I would like to find out . what do I need to do resolve this matter .
Dear Sam: You could try calling the court where the charges were filed to find out the status of the case. There may be a warrant since you failed to appear in court. Many courts have certain days and times for people with warrants to turn themselves in and appear before a judge. You also could contact a local defense attorney for more information and to find out the process for someone in your position. Many attorneys offer a free initial consultation. Finally, you may want to contact an immigration attorney for information about how this case could affect your immigration status. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
Hey there, I shoplifted a little over a week ago. I was not caught, and I have been back into the store numerous times since then and nothing has happened. no weird looks, nothing like that. They definitely have security cameras and I’m probably on them. But once again, i’ve been back and nothing has happened. Do you have any advice as to if I should expect anything bad to come of this situation?
Dear Joe: We suggest you don’t press your luck and steal again. Don’t think because you weren’t caught last week that it won’t happen eventually. Not to mention that stealing is wrong whether you’re caught or not. The store can always review their tapes and notify the police. Think before you’re tempted to break the law again – crime never pays in the long run. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I am 19. I was caught shoplifting a little over one month ago at The Bay (in Ontario, Canada). Because I had no prior criminal record , meaning the police did come to store and did not charged me( let me go unconditionally). I got a fine from “Aclaim Civil Loss recovery” and another fine from court, and I paid all of them. My question is that will there be a record for if I am not charged by police? So I can leave this behind after i paid the fine?
Dear Tim: It would be best to call the court and ask about any record that might exist. In the United States, if the police aren’t involved and you don’t have to appear in court for the shoplifting, there’s no official record to be concerned about. But we can’t say for sure in Canada. It sounds like you can leave this behind you. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Maybe I should have been more specific. The cops were not involved in this circumstance. And the total from all incidents was probably around $15. So my subsequent question is that if they reviewed the tapes and found maybe 3 additional incidents over 3 months, how would this be charged?
Dear Jim: If they had enough evidence to file these charges, they could be filed together but each would have to be listed as a separate count. Each would also have to be proven as a separate incident. Procedural rules differ across the country and from one court jurisdiction to another. Since the police weren’t called, it’s unlikely you’ll hear anything further on this.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
A person gets caught shoplifting at a grocery store for $6 worth of goods and the LP officer takes their information down and said that as long as they didn’t get caught shoplifting again nothing would happen. If they have shoplifted from that store before a few times, again petty amounts like $4 dollars, what would happen if they review the cameras and find relevant footage? Also, what are the odds they review the cameras from 1.5 weeks ago? Would this be tried as a first offense misdemeanor? And would the person be eligible for diversion? If the merchandise were replaced, would that help the person’s cause? Thank you.
Dear Jim: If this is the first time you’ve been caught and charged with shoplifting, it would be considered a first offense. It’s unlikely that the store would review past tapes looking for additional incidents of shoplifting. The amount is too small, unless the police asked them to go back a few weeks or so to check for additional incidents. As a first offense, diversion is most likely available if your court has a diversion program in place. Replacing the item may make a difference in the case depending on the timing, intent, and totality of circumstances. It could indicate a change of mind or remorse, but it may not be enough to escape the fact that shoplifting was committed. You have to look to the exact language of your state’s shoplifting statute. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got caught by a Loss prevention officer in london drugs, because i didnt have any ID he called the police. I was arrested, fingerprinted and had my photo taken. The cops were very nice and said they’d push for the better punishments. I have a court date in 2 months.
I am 21, and the amount was $102. Is it possible that I can come away from this without a criminal record (I have a clean record before this)? What should I say in court? I am guilty but I’m hoping my cooperation and the police support will mean a lenient sentence.
thank you
Dear Claie: When you go to court, the process will be explained to you by a probation or court officer. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered “diversion.” When you finish the terms of diversion (community service, a class, etc.) the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Tell the truth in court and the court will likely be lenient this first time. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I tried walking outta a store with $150 in merchandise, at the door I was caught, when the women went to get someone else I took off. Eight months later I went to the jail to visit someone, and was arrested on a warrant. They gave me a court date I’m wondering what I should plead? It’s the first time I’ve ever been in trouble. What’s gonna happen?
Dear Misty: We can’t tell you what to do or how to plead. That is your decision to make. When you go to court, you’ll likely meet with a court or probation officer who will explain the process to you. You may be appointed a public defender if you qualify for one. Discuss how to proceed with the lawyer. Since you didn’t state your age we assume you’re a teenager. If you are, talk with your parents about this. Whatever you do, don’t miss the next hearing. If another warrant is issued, you may be locked up the next time between hearings. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Hey, I was at Wal-Mart today and I thought about shoplifting and it was my first time, well I chickened out and ended up putting the 3 items of makeup on a self. The manager saw me take it out of my purse and came over to me and in a harsh tone asked if I had anything else in my purse. I told him now, he said it was a felony to conceal items, which I have no idea of. He didn’t take my name, picture or anything. He said it was a felony and then left. Should I be worried? I am in college and I am so scared something bad is going to happen because of it. I feel so bad, I am never thinking of doing something so stupid again.
Dear Renee: If the manager didn’t take your name or any identifying information, there’s nothing to worry about. If he banned you from the store, don’t return or you could be facing trespassing charges. It sounds like he wanted to put a scare into you. We’re glad you’ve learned from this experience. It’s not something you want on your record as an adult or interfering with your education. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I was arrested for stealing an item less than 6 dollars at walmart and brought into the police station and they said i would get a letter from the police and a letter from walmart but it has been 2 months and i have recieved nothing so am i not getting anything?, and also they told me i had to make bail and even locked me in the adult holding cell for a while until they realized i was 16 but they thought i was 19 and the police looked at my id so they should have known…is there something wrong with that where i could argue in court or something because when they took me out they were like oh we cant lock him in there or keep him in there cause hes a minor, also this happened in missouri
Just to add to the post above i also wasnt fingerprinted or given anything to sign or anything like that
Dear Tim: It sounds like you may have gotten lucky this time except for the jail time. But since that happened, the police may have decided to close the case with no further action. Otherwise the prosecutor has up to a year or two, depending on the laws in your state, to file a shoplifting charge. It’s called a “Statute of Limitations.” The letter you might receive from the store is a “civil demand.” It’s a fine that stores can impose on a shoplifter that can run up to several hundred dollars. Once it’s paid the case is closed unless criminal charges are filed. However, you may not hear anything further about this. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got caught with $50 worth of stuff from tj maxx in ny, and the police came and wrote me a citation. The man who worked at tj maxx said that the company would send me a letter asking for $50 even though the items were returned. Now I’m reading that they ask for more, is that true? And who does the letter come from in the mail a law firm or tj maxx?
Dear Laura: Stores are allowed under the laws of your state to impose a fine on shoplifters. It’s called a “civil demand” that can run into hundreds of dollars. Once paid the case is usually closed. You’ll receive a letter from the store stating the amount and due date or it could come from a lawyer who represents the store. If you received a ticket from the police, that is the criminal side of shoplifting. Don’t miss your court date. The legal process will be explained to you by a court or probation officer. If this is your first offense, you’ll be offered “diversion.” Once you finish the terms of diversion, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I got arrested for resisting officer without violence (OBSTRUCTION) 5 months ago, I havent heard from court or anything like that, not even mail. I search for my record via clerk of court website and it said ” no infomation filed” Am I good to go or what ?
Dear Alex: Although it’s been five months since the incident, there is still the possibility of charges being filed. Every state has a “Statute of Limitations” (S/L) for crimes, misdemeanors and felonies. That means the state has a period of time to file formal charges after the crime was committed. Misdemeanors are usually a year or two and felonies may be longer. Some offenses have no S/L such as murder and treason. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Dear Judge Tom,
Thank you so much for answering my question. My friends have told me that it would be ok and actually hearing it from an adult, a judge no less, puts my mind at ease. Thank you once again.
You’re welcome.
High Judge Tom,
I am 18 years old and just got caught shoplifting at Wal-mart for about $5 and I had to fill out some papers, but the cops were not called in. They told me I would have to pay a fine, in which I will. Will I still have to go to court because I had heard of Wal-marts policy in which it had to be over $25 dollars if it was your first time to be charged with a criminal offense, but I have heard stories of people still being charged. The thing is, is a court order the same as being charged with a criminal offense?
Sincerely, Phillip
Dear Phillip: If the police weren’t involved and you weren’t given a ticket or notice to appear in court, you got lucky this time. You could still be charged with shoplifting and have to go to court, but it’s not likely due to the $5.00 value. You may receive a letter from the store requiring payment of a civil fine. Usually, once it’s paid the case is closed. If the store banned you, don’t return or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
I’m 17 turn 18 in about 2 months I got caught shoplifting in California.I understand that my actions were wrong. I am going to court and although I have never been caught stealing before, I have been on diversion.
My question are am I going to be charged as an adult? Will the charges me more severe to the fact that I have a previous misdemeanor? Will it affect my ability to get a job,into college, military ; if I apply for my record to be cleaned? how will it affect my future?
I regret my actions and wish I could go back in time. I can’t and now am looking for answers on how bad I messed up.
Dear Marcus: It’s very unlikely you’ll end up in adult court on this single shoplifting charge, especially if your court date is before you turn 18. Depending on the amount involved in this recent shoplifting incident, you may be offered diversion again. When you go to court, a court or probation officer will explain the legal process to you. Don’t miss the hearing or you will find yourself in adult court if it has to be continued past your birthday. Good luck.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Judge Tom,
Thank you once again for answering my questions. Again, I’ve learned from my stupid mistake! I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions. Stay awesome
Hi Judge Tom,
Me again. I just reread what you wrote and then what you wrote for other people in my similar situation. You wrote that” Once the fine is paid, that usually ends the matter as far as the STORE is concerned. ”
Does that leave the criminal/city charges? How likely would it be to receive a letter/ticket in the mail?
Can I receive a letter/ticket/citation in the mail 2-13 months later? In Texas the Status of Limitations is 2 years… I’m terrified right now because I’m applying to graduate school and for a job within the next 8 months.
This the worst mistake of my life. I am so ashamed and regretful. Thank you for time.
Also, I have a previous deferred adjudication from 7 years ago that was completed and had a motion of non disclosure (which is why walmart loss prevention saw that my record was clear). Can that be used against me if the charges were filed?
Also, I have a previous deferred adjudication from 7 years ago that was completed and had a motion of non disclosure (which is why walmart loss prevention saw that my record was clear). Can that be used against me if the charges were filed?
If you successfully completed a diversion program years ago it won’t be used against you in a recent case. That’s why it was “diverted” away from the justice system. The fine from the store is the “civil” side of a shoplifting incident. Even if the civil fine is paid, that doesn’t prevent the prosecutor from filing charges against you during the two year statute of limitations period. It’s unlikely to happen but it is possible under the law.
(This is information only – not legal advice).
Thank you so much for answering my question Judge! I will NEVER EVER steal AGAIN!
You’re welcome.
My first offense of Class C misdemeanor theft was for shoplifting I got deferred adjudication and a motion for non disclosure.
Then I made the idiotic mistake to shoplift again ($43) at Wal Mart in Texas. There wasn’t a police officer, no citation/ticket, arrest or finger prints taken. My id was taken but I dont know if it was taken to an officer because I was in another room when the person took my ID. I was told by the Asset protection recovery team member she was going to take my case to court so she can present it to the judge and I would be sent a ticket as well as something from Walmart (restitution fees).
If the police were not called by the loss prevention officer, no arrest, no finger prints and just my information written down (I wasn’t banned), what is the likelyhood of me getting a citation in the mail? The LP officers were cracking jokes and just told me that they were going to send in the files later that week for book keeping.
I am now very confused. Am I going to get a criminal charge if no police or ticket was issued the day I was taken in Asset recovery? Why did she tell me she’s going to the judge with proof of items I took? What is the likely hood of me getting a citation in the mail? Can she file a court summons? IS THIS GOING TO BE ON MY RECORD?
Dear Disco: It is possible that you’ll receive a letter/ticket in the mail notifying you of a court date. However, since the police weren’t involved at the time, it’s unlikely. The only record that you’ll have is with the store for their internal purposes. You may also get a letter from the store requiring payment of a civil fine. Once the fine is paid, that usually ends the matter as far as the store is concerned. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Thank you Judge Tom for all your help. It’s me 18 year old Ashley from KS again. I was wondering on the day of my trial in March how is the court process? Do I walk into my court case and get asked how do I plead? And then ask for a public defender or do I get to speak to a probation officer first? I have no idea what to expect and I’ve literally been an insomniac since yesterday. I’m also writing an apology letter to that Walmart that I stole from. Will this help in my case? Nobody told me to do it but I want to. I feel so ashamed of myself. Today I went to sell some of my clothes to prepare for all the fines and court fees I know I’ll be getting. Tomorrow I plan on selling video games that I got for Christmas. I don’t know how to deal with the mental aspect of this. All I do is sit in my room depressed and google what’s going to happen to me and my future.
Dear Ashley: In most courts around the country when you go to court you’ll meet with a probation officer who will explain the court process to you. If you admit the shoplifting to him or her, you may be offered diversion that we mentioned to you before. You may not see a judge at all at this court appearance. Once you finish the work hours, pay the fine, or whatever is required in diversion, the case will end. First-time offenders are given a break in the hopes that you don’t reoffend and return to court. Relax and enjoy the weekend.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear Judge Tom, I am 18 years old and I live in Kansas and I was caught shoplifting today at Walmart. As i walked out, a bunch of people stopped me and brought me to their office. They told me to take the things out of my bag and I did. I stole about or under $110 worth of items. They asked for my I.D, my address, date of birth, social security number things like that and I gave it to them. I know this was a stupid thing to do and I shouldn’t have done it. But I did and now I have to face the consequences. They gave me pieces of paper about the KS Civil Recovery Statute and it explained civil penalties against me. Also another piece of paper that’s called Asset Protection Recovery discussing “Bennett Law”. It’s hard to understand those documents in layman’s term. Could you explain them to me if you know what they are? Then a policeman came, handcuffed me and started writing down information about what happened and stuff. After he was done asking questions he gave me a copy of “Uniform Criminal Complaint and Notice to Appear”, on it, he circled “Petit Theft” and I have a court date in March. Like I said before, I know I made a mistake, a HUGE MISTAKE, at that. I’m never ever in my life doing it again. I’m 18 you know, so does this go on a permanent record of mine? Will it be in my background checks when I want a job. I’m planning on applying for a job at a bank near the end of May. Will this hold me back? Should I tell my parents about what happened today? I don’t want to because I disappoint them enough, I ruin everything but I still live with them. (no finger prints were taken, no pictures were taken of me but I was on camera in the security room) please answer my questions judge tom. I need help 🙁
ALSO: What should I expect in the courtroom in March? the lady that took me to the office said i had a choice to plead no contest – what does that mean? or to plead guilty? Which one should i plead? I mean i did it but what’s the difference? Also what are the punishments? am i going to jail?
Dear Ashley: First, relax. What’s done is done, right? So let’s take this slowly. Shoplifting involves two aspects of the law: civil and criminal. The Recovery Law you mentioned is the civil side of this incident. That means the store can send you a bill for shoplifting. The law sets the amount – it can be several hundred dollars. If you receive this in the mail and promptly pay it, that part of the case ends. The ticket for petty theft is the criminal side of this. It requires that you appear in court on the set date. When you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you by a court or probation officer. If this is your first offense, you may be offered what is called diversion. When you complete the terms of diversion, the charge is dismissed and you don’t have a record. If diversion is not available,then you decide if you’re going to plead guilty, not guilty or no contest. We can’t tell you what to do or give you any legal advice. You may have a chance at court to speak with a public defender. “No contest” is treated the same as a guilty plea. It means you agree with the evidence the prosecutor would present if you went to trial on the charge. Unless you have an adult record or lengthy juvenile record, you’re not likely to get jail time. You may be placed on short-term probation after which you can apply to have your record expunged. Ask about this when you’re in court. This is alot here to process, we know, but it’s quite simple once you’re in court. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I do not have a record even though I was arrested?
Dear Katie: You may have a record with the police department of the arrest, but no record of conviction since you didn’t go to court. You can call the police department involved and ask if there is a record and how to go about expunging it. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear Judge Tom,
I was caught shoplifting a little over 2 years ago. First offense shoplifting, I think it was a Class One offense…. I was 20 years old. I was banned from the store (I’ve never been back). I was arrested, I paid a fine and never went to court. The arresting police officer actually lived in the apartment building next to mine. I live in W.Va. I never received a letter in the mail to go to court. I paid 2 fines totaling up to nearly $300. I remember asking the clerk if I had anything else to complete and she said “No”. Is it still on my record? And do you think I’d be able to get it expunged?
Dear Katie: Since you didn’t go to court or see a judge, you don’t have a record. You completed a diversion program and consequently there shouldn’t be an official record of this incident. You can contact the court and ask if they have anything that would show up on a background check. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
thanks judge. as long as i do not have to stay at the jail with other inmates. correct?
Dear Angelina: Community service work is usually done in the community and not in or at the jail. For example, you may be assigned to cleaning up a park or working at a food bank, etc. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
thanks Judge. do you know where we complete our hours? They had told me I need to do 56 hours in jail, or five days of community work so I chose the work of course and the shifts they told me were eight hours but didnt tell me where I would do them. Is it like a typical work day? I work and then go home and show up the next day?
Dear Angelina: Every county is different, but it should be explained to you when you show up to report to your alternative program. You may have a choice as to where you complete your hours or you may be assigned to a particular place. Although you may have to complete 40 or more hours, often those hours are broken down into several hours at a time over the course of a month or so. Again, you will find out more when you report to the program.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
ihave recently recived a letter from the police station saying that i need to appear for a alternaative program, with a 50 dollar fee. it also says if i fail to appear my case with my filed and result in a court apperance. does this mean that the store will still sue me? or do i jsut have to attend the program and its a done deal?
Dear Minka: It sounds like you are being offered a diversion program, which means that if you complete the terms of the program, no charges will be filed. However, if you fail to appear at the date and time notified by the police and you don’t complete the terms of the program, then charges will be filed and you will have to appear in court and may end up with a record. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
i don’t have to return to court. I was put on probation and received my sentence at the last court hearing. The office told me as long as I am on the calendar by my surrender date then I should be okay. I hope they are telling me the truth
Dear Angelina: If that’s what you were told, then that must be the case and since you are going to get signed up to complete your community service on 17th, you should be fine. Best of luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
hi judge. I was caught shoplifting awhile back and went through the court process and had my last court date in January. The judge told me I need to do some community service and gave me a number to call. I called and they had said I would have an appointment february 17th at 11AM to talk about where I will be doing my hours. The judge said that my surrender date would be february 21st though at 6PM. I am worried because I cannt have my hours done by then. I was just wondering if the surrender date means I was supposed to schedule an appointment by that date and sign up to do my work alternative hours? Or if they actually needed to be completed by then? The office is really busy and booked so theres no way to get me in sooner.
Dear Angelina: Work programs are handled differently around the country. The main thing is that you’ve tried to sign up and because of the number of people trying to do the same thing, you’ve been put off until the 17th. If you have to return to court on the 21st, take some proof of your appointment on the 17th so the court can see that you’ve made a good faith effort to comply. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
if me and my friends went to the mall and she and i both took something and she went to another store and got caught. as i walking with them i dropped the stuff that i had taken. i waited with my friend for a little while and then a sales associate brought the stuff i dropped into the room where my friend was getting questioned in, so i decided to leave and went to my house. can i still get in trouble if already left. If they found that i was stealing why didnt they talk to me when they had the chance?
Dear Sara: You may have gotten lucky this time since you were allowed to leave and weren’t questioned. You may still hear from the store if they decide to press charges against you, but it doesn’t sound likely. Think twice before putting yourself in this situation again. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I was arrested for shoplifting at Macys store NYC on January 7, 2011. The amount was 526$. I didn’t actually try to leave the store, I put all the stuff in the bag and continue shopping. But was stopped and put in their store jail. They called the police and I was took by them and fingerprinted. I had my Court on February 9, 2011, and public defendant told me that I can’t play guilty because I am an F1 student (married to American citizen) and they could depart me. So I played as no guilty and they gave me a new appointment to the Court on April 11.
My questions:
1) Is it true that I can’t play guilty because of F1 visa??? Because I thought they would give me a shoplifting class and couple days of community service….
2) What I have to expect on the second Court? What they are going to do to me????
Dear Elena: AsktheJudge.info is an educational website for & about teenagers and the laws that affect them. We don’t provide legal advice to adults or teens. We suggest that you speak with an immigration lawyer before your hearing in April. Oftentimes, lawyers will provide a free consultation for the first 30 to 60 minutes. Ask about this if you contact a lawyer. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Thank you. I received a fine of 200$ and paid it the same day. So far I haven’t received a court notice. Do you think there will be one, judging from the fine?
Dear Savannah: The fine you paid may have been the “civil demand” from the store. If that’s the case, you may still receive a notice in the mail about a court hearing. Sometimes that takes a few months to receive depending on how busy your courts and prosecutors are. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I recently got caught shop lifting and i lied about it even though they knew i did it. i got issued a citation to appear in court. i really don’t know what to expect and its making me sick to my stomach. i’m actually scared. i understand that what i did was wrong. I stole a 28 dollar bracelet, i have never been in any kind of trouble what so ever… i still attend school i am a senior and i also have a job that i work at every single day, i need advice i guess i’d like to know whats going to have to me, i live in NC.thanks.
Dear Kara: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered what is called diversion. That means when you complete some community service and/or a class the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. When you go to court the process will be explained to you by a court or probation officer. Be on time for the hearing at court. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
hi umm 3 weeks ago me and some three friends got caught shopliftting and we got 2 tickets for it were 13 years old and first time in court what will be the consequence thanks (denver )\
Dear Rogelio: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered what is called diversion. When you complete the terms of the program the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. So learn from this experience. Otherwise, the next time you steal the penalty will be harsher including probation and/or detention. Good luck.
[This is information only, not legal advice].
i wuz caut stealing and i fined by Zellers and i payed it. thats not the question. the police came and said the information card was put down as “caution or warning” and i was wondering if that counts as a criminal record. i am 15 years old. if goes on my record how can i remove it . i live in Toronto.
Dear Jake: If you did not got to court over the matter, then there wouldn’t be a criminal record. The police could enter your information into their system (not the court’s system) as a previous “contact” so that if you get in trouble again, it’s more likely that charges will be filed.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
Dear Judge,
Me and my boyfriend recently got caught shoplifting for about $40 worth of stuff and said that we were being prosecuted. I’m guessing that “prosecuted” will be meaning that me and him will have to go to court to plead guilt or not guilty. This our first time doing this. We still haven’t received any letter since this only happened recently. How long does it take for us to get the letter? What will happen if we do go to court? Do you think they’ll give us a chance to participate in a diversion program? It really worries me that they won’t give us a diversion program and this might end up staying on our permanent record. If they don’t give us a diversion program, what should we do? Thank you so much.
Dear Dominique: Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. If diversion is not an option for some reason, then you’re likely facing similar consequences as stated above. You can always petition the court to expunge or destroy your record after you complete your sentence, so the offense will not stay on your permanent record. Remember that the penalties will increase for a second offense so we hope you learned a valuable lesson from this incident. Good luck.
I’m 15 years old three days ago i was cought shoplifltting but this is my second time & my mom doesn’t want me to go to court i wasn’t born in the U.S so she wants to take me back to Mexico what should i do ?
Dear Adriana: If you fail to appear for your court date, then a warrant for your arrest may be issued. You and your mom need to contact a local immigration attorney to find out how your case could affect your resident status. Many attorneys offer a free initial consultation at which time they will meet with you briefly, provide some information and explain what they could do for you. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
Hi, I am 18 years old and i recently moved to california and a couple of months ago me and a friend who is under 17 years old both got caught steeling a bottle of alcohol. we got out of the store then the people from the store got his license plate and called him and he went to the police station and then i ended up turning myself in and we returned the two bottles, and appolagized to the manager of the store. this is my first time getting into trouble and its been a couple of months and i have tried calling the police station to find out any information. my friend already got his punishment and he got 20 hours of community service and a few classes he had to take and i still have not heard anything back. Will i get the same punishment or will it be worse just because im 18? we did not go into the store with the intent to steal we both just got the impulse to steal and didnt think obviously, and just did it.
Dear John: The store may choose to send you a “civil demand” letter requiring payment of a fine. If this occurs, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. However, if charges end up being filed, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Even though you are 18, if this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Remember that the penalties will increase for a second offense so we hope you learned a valuable lesson from this incident. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
I’m 16, and I live in Texas. I was caught with 499$ worth of clothing at a Kohl’s store. After being questioned by lost prevention, the police officer informed me that it was a class B misdemeanor and that it was not a felony. This is my first offense. They were hazy on what I would have to expect. I haven’t heard back from anyone, and the incident occurred about a month ago. They recorded the items recovered on paper, and I signed a form of some sort. I nor my mom left with any paperwork. Is a follow-up expected?
Dear Savannah: Considering you took almost $500 worth of goods, it is likely that you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. The store may also choose to send you a civil demand letter requiring payment of a fine. If you receive this letter and pay the fine on time, that may be the end of the matter. If you end up going to court, you are likely looking at a fine, community service and possibly having to attend a class or counseling. Remember that the penalties will increase for a second offense, so we hope you learned from this. Good luck.
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Hi, I’ve read through almost every story here and was wondering if you could give me some helpful advice/information. Two days ago I walked out of Walmart after paying for some items and asset protection told me to come with them because I had unpaid items in my purse. I admitted that I took a few items and handed them over in their office. I was so embarrassed and nervous because it was my first time being caught. I definitely don’t ever want to steal again out of fear of what will happen. In this case, I started crying immediately and they did the good cop/bad cop routine. I’m only 20 and live in Maryland. The total cost of the stolen items came up to only $5(Lame, I know)and I was so scared about what was going to happen to me that I lied and said that an aquaintance put me up to doing it. They have his name. They threatened to call the cops but didn’t and they didn’t take my picture or have me sign anything either. The only thing they did was write some things down on a form and took information from my license. They said that I caught the “bad cop” (I don’t know his name) on a good day and then let me go. I don’t recall ever hearing anything about paying a fine and they joked about how little the stolen total was. I’m still worried though. Will I receive a fine? Will they follow up on the guy’s name I gave them? I really don’t know what to expect and I told them it was my first time stealing. Also, they know where I go to school and work, will they notify them? How much would my fine cost if issued? They didn’t say that I was banned either but warned me that they’ll keep a close watch on me next time and if I’m caught again, that it will be more serious. I’m so worried and embarrassed!
Dear Beth: It sounds like you have nothing to worry about this time. If you didn’t receive a ticket or notice to appear in court, then the incident is likely over. The only additional word you might here is from the store requiring you to pay a civil fine. Once that’s paid the case is closed. It’s very unlikely that the police will notify your employer or school. They have no reason to make your life difficult. So just learn from this experience and move on. Good luck.
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Hi, I’m 16 and got caught shoplifting. If my parents picked me up before any cops and they’re were no cops involved, our pictures wern’t taken will I still go to court and get a fine?
Dear Kimmy: It sounds like you most likely got lucky this time and either got off with a warning or the store may choose to send you a “civil demand” letter requiring payment of a fine. If this occurs, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. The store also could choose to press charges , in which case you would receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. If you have to go to court and this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of the program, the case would be closed and the charges dismissed. Remember that the penalties will increase for a second offense so we hope you learned a valuable lesson from this incident. Good luck.
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I am done with my diversion program. Is there any way I can check my background. I really want to know if this horrible act is in my background yet or I got rid of it.
Try contacting the person who supervised the diversion program you finished. He or she should be able to tell you what’s on your record.
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Hi, Its me again. I have one more question. I am under probation for my shoplifting act. The thing is court charged me $340 in total. Also I paid around $385 to the store. Why I need to pay both ?
Thanks for the information so far
Dear Mohammad: There are two aspects to a shoplifting incident in most states. One is civil – that’s the letter you receive in the mail requiring payment of a fine. Then if a shoplifting charge is filed, the court has the authority to impose a fine, community service, a class and/or probation. Once you take care of the fines and whatever else has been ordered, you’ll have this behind you. Good luck.
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One of my friend get caught shoplifting in food store at Decatur, Illinois.
(worth will be $12).he was taken by cop,fingerprinted and taken photos.later he was given a notice to appear in criminal court after 1 month. he is very depressed. cant even take food, sleep.. Please let me know what will be the consequences of punishment. will i have to go for a lawyer in this issue? Please advise
Dear Clara: If this is your friend’s first offense, he’ll probably be offered “diversion.” When he finishes the terms of diversion the case will be closed and he won’t have a record. Tell him not to miss his court hearing. When he goes to court the legal proicess will be explained to him. Also tell him to relax and not give in to temptation again. Consequences increase as one re-offends. Good luck.
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Dear Judge TOM,
I’m 14 & I got caught shoplifting at Macy’s in California about a day ago. The amount I stole was about $137.00 but I’m fined about $395. My mom was furious how much the fine was. The items weren’t damage though. Now I have to go to court. The people told me that it will be on my criminal records. & I’m banned from any Macy’s for 3 years. Will they let my school know about my criminal records? I’m a straight A student and I’m hoping that after I graduate I can go to college, and earn my degrees to become a pharmacist. I’m worried, because this is my first time. I’m very ashamed, and this will be my first and last time doing that.Will they clear my criminal record? If yes, when will my criminal record be clear? Will I get a fine in court too? Do you know how many hours would I get for community service? PLEASE HELP !
Dear Valerie: There are two sides of a shoplifting case: civil and criminal. The fine you received from the store is the civil side. Stores are authorized to impose a “civil demand” which is the $395 amount. Once it’s paid, usually the store closes their case. When you go to court for the shoplifting ticket, this is the criminal side of the case. The court process will be explained to you when you get there. Since this is your first time you’ll probably be offered “diversion.” When you complete the terms of diversion the case will be closed and you won’t have a record to worry about. Make sure you don’t return to Macy’s for three years or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
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when i got caught shoplifting they told me the police will call me within two weeks and i will have to go down to the police station. two weeks passed and they havent called, why?
Dear Minka: The police are either too busy and haven’t gotten around to your case, or you got lucky this time and they only wanted to put a scare into you. In most states they have up to a year or two to file formal charges in a shoplifting case. You may still hear from the authorities about this incident. Good luck.
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I’m from Ireland. I shoplifted when I was only a week gone 18 and I will NEVER do it again. I stupidly got caught leaving pennys(department store) with hairgrips and make up. My friends were doing it at the time and I got involved and regret it every day and have never done it again. It is the first and only time I have ever been in trouble with the law. I was very shook up when I was taken into a back room and asked to give my details. A guard was called in (policeman) but the store security said they had never seen someone like me in before, as I was very sorry and scared. I was never taken to court or made pay. I just gave them back what I had taken and it was left at that. I am now 25 and have to fill out a garda vetting form as I will have to go on placement soon to work with children. I am embarrassed and scared at what might show up and don’t know what to do. It makes me sick to fill out the form and I ma scared my placement may be turned down. I was never convicted so should I be OK and am I still on record.
Dear Lauren: If the police weren’t involved and you didn’t have to go to court, then you don’t have an official record to be worried about. The only record that might exist after all this time is with the store. Read all questions on applications carefully and answer truthfully. If you weren’t “convicted” of a crime then you can answer no depending on the wording of the question. Good luck. We’re glad you learned from this incident.
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Hello judge tom,
a friend and my older brother found a way to open games from a shop, they bought them taken them out and returned them for a full refund, while returning the items the store clerks had asked for their IDs and he started typing some thing into his computer at the store, just curious if they knew they had opened them is there any chance they could crack them down for the stolen merchendise? even thought they had taken the items back and gave these 2 their money back
Dear Jerry: As you know, anything is possible. The clerk may have suspected something but didn’t want to make a scene at the time or wanted to check with his supervisor before taking action. So, they may hear something from the police or receive a letter in the mail about this. The authorities don’t have to act right away. They have up to one or two years to file charges, depending on the laws in your state. This is called a “statute of limitations” that gives the police and prosecutors time to investigate a case before filing formal charges. Good luck.
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Thank you:)
Thank you so much, I’ll try to return or pay for it as soon as I can. when do you think they would try to contact me? A day? A week? What would be the penalty if i don’t return it in time?
Dear Elle: It’s hard to say – it could be a week or longer if anything happens at all. There is a one to two year time period for formal charges to be filed. It’s called a statute of limitations. Don’t lose sleep over this. At your first opportunity return the item, explain & apologize. Good luck.
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Hello, I was shopping in ross today 1/19/2011. and I found a couple of headbands i liked, so I did pay for them. as i’m walking out i notice a headband i completely overlooked and I put it on for size, anyway i wondered over to the shoe department and looked at the shoes. I didn’t touch anything, but I walked out of the store and drove home. It wasn’t until I looked in the mirror that I had the headband still on!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so scared, I didn’t mean it. It was only four dollars. No one stopped me or said anything. what will happen to me? will they later press charges, I’m 18 in college and live with my parents, and extremely forgetful. I’m so sorry. will they come after me? I paid with a debt card can they find me though that? Please help I’m scared. Thank you.
Dear Elle: What you did happens everyday. It’s happened to us. The best solution is to return the item to the store and explain what happened. Since you wore it they may ask you to pay for it. For $4.00 you can do the right thing and put this behind you. Otherwise, it’s unlikely you’ll hear anything about this. The store could send you a letter since they have your identification or contact the police. But, again for $4.00, they probably won’t. Good luck.
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Thank you for answering me. It was a wrong doing. I just turned 18 which is no good. I’m just going to hang low and stay out of town because I don’t even live in that town. Can a police officer pull me over just because I have a small red car? I think that’s all she knows about me and all she could tell the police.
Dear Nogi: The police would need more than just the color of your car to pull you over and question you. Otherwise there’d be a shortage of police to stop every red car in America.
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I took a $2 dollar drink and got out of the store with it but while I was pulling out in my car a lady chased after me. She was hitting my car but I pulled away fast and out of sight. What do you think is going to happen to me? It’s been about a day and no cops have been to my house… am I off the hook?
Dear Nogi: You may have gotten lucky this time. On the other hand, if she took your license number you may get a visit from the police. Shoplifting/theft charges don’t have to be filed for up to a year or two of the incident. But the chances are good that you won’t hear anything further about this. It depends on your age (juvenile or adult) and the size of your town. Think twice before stealing again – consequences increase as you reoffend and get older. Good luck.
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hello i am 15 years old i stay in california. i was caught shoplifiting with one of my friends a few months back at kmart. they gave me 2 months of probation 16 hours of community ser. one day i decided to ditch with my friends and we got caught on someone else’s property. i got cited for prawling and failed probation. i have court in a month and i am very worried about what is going to happen. will i get juvinile hall time or not?
Dear Nena: What happens now is up to the judge and your probation officer. Since you’ve already been given a chance and messed up, the judge may think a period of time in detention is appropriate. On the other hand he or she may give you another chance to prove you can stay out of trouble. Do that between now and your hearing. Good luck.
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Thank you so much you’ve eased my mind a lot
thank you soo much! i hope everything will be okay..im very worried
You’re welcome. Relax – everything will turn out fine. Learn from this experience.
hi judge, i was caught shoplifting. the items came out to be $195 total.i was sent to a precent where they gave me a desk appereance ticket and also took my information down.now i have to appear in court. this was my first and last time. im just curious to know if i wil be sentenced to jail? and if my record can be erased if i obey the court rules?
Dear Maria: If this is your first offense you’ll probably be offered what is called diversion. Jail is highly unlikely considering the amount involved and being the first time. When you complete the diversion program the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Don’t miss your hearing date. When you get there the legal process will be explained to you. Good luck.
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One more question since we were in a group and they took the majority of the 2000$ of merchandise do we all get the same charge or do I get less because I’m only responsible for 200$ worth of the 2000.
Dear Brian: That will be decided by the prosecutor who files the charges. You may all be held responsible for the total taken since you acted together, or you could be charged for the items in your possession. You can discuss this with the public defender or probation officer you’ll meet when you go to court.
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Hi Judge,
I wrote about 3 weeks ago about a shoplifting incident worth 4.99 at a Grocery store. I got a civil demand letter this week for $150. I was a little surprised to see that the lawyer is from New York and the money is due to a “Legal Payment Center” in Cali. Keep in mind this store is only in Mass and Ct, it seems like there is a lot of parties involved for a $150.00 fine. I’m not sure if you know, but is this normal?
Also, police were not called during this incident. It has been about 3 weeks (December 22nd). What are the chances that I get charged at this point?
Dear Dan: You have a good question, but generally it is not uncommon for companies and corporations to work with out of state attorneys. A company may be doing business in one state, even though it’s incorporated or headquartered in another state. The attorney most likely handles the store’s civil demand letters and other legal issues. If you’re unsure about sending your payment to the payment center in California, you could try contacting the attorney to confirm that this is where you need to send it. If you pay the fine on time, that may be the end of the matter and you will hear nothing more about the incident. If you choose to not pay the fine, the store may want to press charges in which case you may receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Good luck.
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I was caught shopliffting in hawaii, younger than 18. But now i currently live in new jersey and im still younger than 18. what happens to my record? Does it get cleaned when I turn 18 for that incident in new jersey?
Dear Nicole: Your juvenile record is not necessarily erased automatically once you turn 18. If you went to court over the incident, then there would be a record out of the state of Hawaii that would be accessible by other states. You could try contacting the court in Hawaii and ask for a copy of your record so you can see exactly what’s on it. If you completed some type of diversion program for the incident, then the charges would have been dismissed and you would not have a record. If the incident still appears on your record, you can ask the court in Hawaii how to be go about getting it destroyed or expunged when you turn 18 or Google “Hawaii destruction or expungement of juvenile record”. Good luck.
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Ok me and a group of kids stole a lot of games from walmart and then month later I get caught shoplifting at target the cop says I can get a informal hearing and since I’m a minor and first offense I’ll just get comm service with no record but the item I took from target was under200 and we took over2000 $ worth from walmart which he questioned me about so do I still get the comm service or get jailtime for the linked crime?
Dear Brian: If Walmart chooses to press charges and the prosecutor’s office believe they have enough evidence to file charges, then you could be facing two separate charges for two separate offenses. If charges end up being filed for the Walmart incident, then you are most likely facing more serious consequences than community service depending on the laws in your state. Because the value of the items stolen is high, you could be charged with a misdemeanor or felony (again, depending on the laws in your state) and probation is likely with community service, a fine, classes and counseling. Jail time is also an option especially when the value is high, but often it’s not imposed for a first offense. Good luck.
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i stole form a wal-mart esrlier this year got caught nothing ever happened again after that and it was horriblt embarrassing. a few months later i got a job at the same wal-mart. i took a phone and a computer mouse to connect to my laptop so i could conect to the internet via tethering. i completly forgot about the mouse and phone in laptop bag i left in the break room the boxes where in my locker. i left work. a few days later the Lpa came up to me and took me into their office and basically interigated me and i was fired for theft since i took the product home. and didnt pay. a month had gone by and i just got a letter in the mail that says i have to be in court in two weeks. i stole once before but never got arrested or tried. im twenty years old and live in Boone county indiana. i feel horible about the first time i stole and had full intentions on paying for the items the second time just completly forgot about them.The letter said Class D felony for theft. can you give advice on what to expect?
Dear Craig: Since this is your first offense (first time having to appear in court), you may be offered a diversion program. That means that upon completion of community service, payment of a fine and attending a class or counseling, the case would be closed and the charges dismissed. If diversion is not an option in your case, your likely facing similar consequences as those mentioned above, but the offense will remain on your record unless and until you request that your record be destroyed or expunged. Remember the penalties will increase for additional offenses, so we hope you learned from your mistake. Good luck.
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if for any reason this was to go on my record though would it be cleared when im 18?
Dear Minka: Depending on your state’s laws, if you end up with a record, it won’t necessarily be automatically cleared when you turn 18. You may have to go back to the court after you complete the terms of your sentence and after you turn 18 and ask the court to destroy or expunge your record. Click here for more information about this. However, if you’re offered a diversion program, you won’t have to worry having the offense on your record.
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I was in a drug store the loss prevention officer caught me with some things. I dumped them up on the counter and left. He took my husband’s licence plate down. Police officers saw the car and the licence plate today. They said the car was seen leaving the scene of a theft, but there was no theft I dumped on the counter and left. They stopped him today and told him his car was envoled in a theft. They just took some information and said You may or my not get a call, Like I say nothing that I took is in my possession, it is all in the store with the guard. They stopped him today and said they would either call him or may not. So they only thing they have is the car licence plate, nothing else as I did not take anything, I put it on the counter, I was not taken to back, not photographed etc. and no police officer ever game.
Dear Carol: You may have gotten lucky this time. But a store employee may still be able to identify you from a photo lineup if the police decide to conduct one, but it’s unlikely. You probably won’t hear anything further about this incident. If the store has no identifying information on you, there’s little chance of charging you with theft or shoplifting. Under the laws of your state, what you did may constitute a crime, even though you left the items on the counter. Good luck.
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does that also mean i will be fined? about how much would the fine be?
Dear Minka: It is possible that the judge may fine you but unlikely. Usually in these cases you’ll receive work hours to complete and maybe a class to attend. If the store asks the court for restitution for the items taken, then you may be ordered to pay the store. You could also receive a letter from the store requiring payment of a “civil fine.” This is authorized in many states. Once you pay it ($100 to $300) the case is closed.
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i recently got caught shoplifting with a friend. i was about 60$ worth of stuff at khols. will this go on my permenent record. they told my mom that the police will contact me within two weeks. does that me im going to get sued?
Dear Minka: It may mean that a formal charge will be filed against you for shoplifting. If that happens you’ll receive a notice in the mail advising you of a court date. You may be eligible for a diversion program if this is your first offense. If you complete diversion, the case will be dismissed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
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dear judge tom
i am 11 years old and my friends wanted me to go steal jeans and a t shirt for him soo i did it becuz my friend that wanted me to do this wuz andrew and he is a big bully soo i did it and i got caught and they took me to loss prevention and i told them my name and my mom phone number and i dont really know anythin and they said that their will be a fine and i stoled sumthin that is 70$ im just wondering how much the fine would cost? please reply thanks
Dear Sokong: Stores have the option of sending “civil demand” letters requesting payment of a fine. If the fine is paid on time, then that’s often the end of the matter and the person does not have to go to court. The fines often range from $100 to several hundred dollars depending on the store’s policies and your state’s laws. If you are being bullied by Andrew, you need to talk to an adult you trust – your parents, a teacher, school counselor or friend’s parents. You are now having to pay the consequences for Andrew’s harassment, so before this happens again or gets worse, know that there are people there for you to talk to and who can help. Good luck.
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I got arrested for shoplifting an item valued at approx. 20 dollars. I was released about an hour after, and I am a minor. They did not tell me that I had to appear at court. I got a letter in the mail from the store the inncident occured at saying to make restitution, and I needed to pay 50 dollars within 30 days which I paid. I am trying to get into the military, and I had told them that I had no pending court charges and I am about to leave for basic on the 27th of january. Today I got a letter in the mail saying that I need to appear to court on the 25th, and it appears that the state is pressing charges. I have a criminal history, but I had put it behind me and got a dissmisal in the interest of justice and my record wiped clean. However this incident happend approx. 3 months after, it was a major lapse in judgement and I fully regret it and will never do it again. What are your reccomendations? I hope this will not ruin my military career before it has the chance to begin.
Dear David: Even though you paid the civil fine, it sounds like the store decided to press charges. If this is your first shoplifting offense, there’s a good chance you will be offered a diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of the program, the charges would be dismissed and you would not have a record of any conviction. Perhaps you could try speaking with your recruiting officer about the incident and your upcoming court date. It may set back your date to begin basic, but if you’re honest and take care of the pending charges first, then it’s more likely that you’ll be admitted in the future. If you don’t tell them and don’t complete the court ordered terms, then you may be facing consequences in the military as well as a warrant for your arrest. Good luck.
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dear judge tom,
i had my court appearance today at 8am. i did get to meet with my public defender. after speaking to him i was sentenced a little later by the judge. i need to pay restitution, pay 500 dollars in fines and the judge said i needed to do 10 days in jail or i could do the work alternative program which she said would be 72 hours of work. i read on the card they had given me it is 8 hours a day, 2 days a week and just labor work. do i do this work at the place they assign me and then i go home? it seems like it is the same thing as community service, but they called it work alternative program. is there a difference?
Dear Casey: It would be best to do it where you are assigned. It’s obviously a court-approved place and a record of your hours will be kept. Community service and the work alternative program are the same -they’re both alternatives to jail/detention. Get them done and this will be a closed case. Good luck.
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I was caught shoplifting today, and it was incredibly stupid, humiliating, and eye opening. I beeped at the door and gave over the item I had in my pocket, then I apologized and walked out of the store. The woman at the counter didn’t call for me to come back in or to wait or follow me out. I am just freaking out and hoping this was a free, well-learned lesson, because if nothing more happens, I sure did learn my lesson. But my question really is more about whether or not I am still in trouble. I don’t plan on returning to the store, but is it likely that the woman got my license plate number and that cops will show up at some point? It was under 2 bucks, and I gave it back, and nothing more was said at the time, I just apologized and left… But am still panicking…
Dear Nicole: It sounds like you probably got lucky this time and will hear nothing more about the incident since the woman didn’t make you stay at the store in order get your contact information. Without your contact info, there is no way for the store to get in touch with you and even though she may have taken down your license plate number, she doesn’t know whether you are the registered owner of the car. If you make this mistake again, you are not likely to get lucky again so we hope you learned from this incident. Good luck.
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I was caught shoplifting the other day by an LP officer, about 30 dollars worth of cosmetics. The police were not called. They took me to a back room, took all my info down. The LP officer said I’m being arrested for theft under $5,000.00. He said to wait for something in the mail stating my court date, and the charges incurred… I am 25 yrs old, was broke and wanted to get something for my sister, It is my first time ever and i feel so stupid, and deff sorry for what I did, it will never happen again.
my question is if there was no police involved will i deffinately be called to court?
even tho its a first offense, because I am older will i be charged more severely?
I am very anxious about this, and am happy i found this page.
Dear Eliza: Try to relax as it sounds like you might not have to go to court. The store has the option of sending you a “civil demand” letter in which case the store will be requesting payment of a civil fine. If you pay the fine on time, that may be the end of the matter and you would not have to go to court. However, if the store chooses to press charges, then you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. If this occurs, you may be offered a diversion program since this is your first offense. That means that if you complete the terms of the program, the charges would be dismissed and the case would be closed. We’re glad to hear you learned from this incident as the penalties would increase for any additional offenses. Good luck.
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Hello judge,
I recently was caught shoplifting and im so ashamed of my act. I was caught up in the moment and i can asure you this will never happen again. Im 19yrs old i stole a pair of earrings. It was in a pack of 5 but i just took out 2 which totaled to 15$. So not worth it and i wish i could go back in time. I had to sign a paper at the store and then a cop came and took the paperwork. I was then released. I was just wondering what is going to happen to me since this is my first offense and i have a clean record. How much do you think this is going to cost me overall? Is there anyway i can get out of going to court
Dear Tracy: Since this is your first offense, you can expect to be offered to participate in a diversion program. When you finish the program the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Don’t miss court and when you go the legal process will be explained to you. Good luck.
[This is information only not legal advice].
Thank you judge Tom.
So If I were to say no contest they would show evidence in court or just go straight to sentencing? I decided to wait for my public defender. I hope they are there though. I don’t want a coninuance on my case
Dear Casey: It depends on the practices of your court and judge. It may require a second hearing to give the state time to prepare to present their evidence. Discuss this with your public defender when you go to court.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
thank you judge tom.
what is a plea agreement? and also what is the difference between pleading guilty and pleading no contest?
Dear Casey: Let’s say you were charged with two misdemeanors, trespassing and shoplifting. The prosecutor may offer to dismiss the trespassing charge if you admit the shoplifting. That is a plea agreement. You agree to admit a charge in return for dismissal of others. That way you don’t go to trial and the case is completed sooner than later.
A guilty plea is treated, at the time of sentencing, the same as a no contest plea. No contest means that you are not contesting the evidence the state would show at trial to prove your guilt. The prosecutor states in court what the evidence and testimony would be if you went to trial, the judge asks you if you agree that that is what would be presented and if you say yes, the court finds you guilty or not guilty. Then, if found guilty, you proceed to sentencing.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
how can I found out if there is a case filed against me for petty theft? can I go to the court house for my county and ask them to see if there is anything associated with my ID number? i got a civil demand sent home, but my last name was misspelled so i am afraid that the asset protection employee wrote it down incorrectly (it is hard to spell). however, he did get the correct home address and i’m sure he took down my driver’s license/ID. if I go to the court and ask the clerk to look up my information, can he/she check to see if there is any file linked to my ID and not just my name and birthdate? i hope my question is clear but if you need anymore explanation i will try.
Dear Meagan: Yes, you should be able to go to the courthouse or call the court to find out whether there are any charges pending. You could explain to the person the circumstances and that the charges may be filed in another name since the store mispelled your last name. The court should be able to tell you whether or not any charges have been filed. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
thank you judge Tom.
I also wondered can I just go and if I don’t see the public defender I should be able to just plead guilty without waiting to see my public defender right? I don’t want a continuance. Im trying to get rid of this as soon as I possibly can, with or without the public defender.
Dear Casey: Yes, it may be possible at your next court date to just plead guilty to either the charges or to enter into a plea agreement if the prosecutor’s office offers a plea or a diversion option to you. Someone at the court will explain more to you, so you know what your options are and what consequences you face by pleading guilty.
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hi tom i was wondering whats going to happen to me tomorw in court i have 90 days to do cal trans comunity service i havnt done any it has been 7 months i had to finish it i have probation and a 5 year joint suspension is there any way i can get like 6 months extension
Dear John: It really depends on the circumstances, the reasons you have not completed the community service and the court’s policies. Yes, it’s possible that the judge will give you an extension, but it’s ultimately the judge’s decision to make. If you have any legitimate reason for not getting the hours completed, you should bring any documentation you have to court with you which may help explain to the judge why you haven’t completed your community service. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
thank you judge Tom.
If they are too busy or perhaps don’t show up, when the judge calls my name do I just say I would like a continuance on my case due to the public defender not being there? Or may I also just plead guilty and forget about having a PD? I have not paid the PD yet because I still have not spoke to one.
Dear Casey: You’ll just have to wait and see what happens when you go to court. Again, if your public defender is not there, then you will talk with a court or probation officer who will explain the court process to you and what your options are. So, you will have an opportunity to speak with someone and get more information whether it’s your public defender or court or probation officer.
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I found a bag withe a reciept in it and returned it for the money. I didnt spend anything, and I came back and returned the money as well. The lady was saying I would still have to fill out paperwork, but later let me go. I happen to be wearing a company sweatshirt, do you think they woul contact my company. they dont have my name or anything. Just wondering, because I love my job and returned the money.
Dear Josh: As you know, anything is possible. But it’s unlikely, without knowing your name, the store can do anything. You may have gotten lucky this time but don’t count on it happening again. If the store told you not to return, don’t, or they could press trespassing charges against you. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I have been caught shoplifting in CA. It was less than 50$. I was given a court date in which I was told I may be given a fine and possibly be charged with a misdemeanor or possibly have the charge dropped to an infraction. Anyways, my question is, I received in the mail a notice from the store saying I need to pay 200$ according to “Federal Law, Title 31 USC Section 3701” Do I really have to pay this? Because I thought I would pay the store back with my fine from the court. I don’t mind paying as I know I did something wrong. But I also want to make sure I know my rights and all. Also, They retrieved all of their merchandise back and this is only for administrative fees. Also, I was only given 3 weeks to pay this, and if I get a fine from the court in a week I won’t have the money to pay them both at the same time. Are they allowed to charge me from the court and have me go pay the 200 dollars to them? I don’t mind paying my punishments but I want to make sure the store is being fair.
Also, will paying this fine before I go to court help with my chances of getting the charge dropped to an Infraction? I am very scared about this going on my record.
Thank You so much! I am 19 but I have no one I can turn to for advice as my mom died recently and my dad is homeless. I have honestly learned my lesson. I just really don’t want this to end up defining my life by inhibiting myself from perusing things in my future.
Dear Heather: First, although you’re an adult, this one incident shouldn’t affect your future plans. There are two aspects of shoplifting: civil and criminal. Stores are authorized under law to impose a civil fine on shoplifters. That’s the letter you received requiring payment of $200 which is the usual amount regardless of whether the items were damaged or not. Once the fine is paid the case is closed and the store keeps its own record of the incident in the event you return and steal again. If you have to go to court regarding the shoplifting, that’s the criminal side of the case. You may be offered diversion where, upon completion of the terms, the case is closed and you don’t have a record. Explain your circumstances to the court officer or judge that you see and you may be dealt with leniently. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
thank you judge Tom.
what shall I do if my public defender is not there in court?
When you get to court, check in at the front reception desk. Give them your name and they’ll tell you where to wait for your hearing. They’ll also tell you where your public defender is. He or she probably has many cases going back-to-back so be patient. If your court works a little differently and the public defender isn’t there for this hearing, you will meet with a court or probation officer who will explain everything to you. Good luck.
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thank you. is there a diversion program open for anyone with not such serious crimes?
Dear Casey: Most jurisdictions across the country have diversion programs. They might be called something different (deferred prosecution, etc.) but their function is the same. And yes, diversion is generally offered to first-time offenders for lesser crimes: low misdemeanors or infractions of the law.
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hi judge tom,
i have my second court hearing in 2 days and have not yet heard from my public defender. where do i go from here? i am 18, living in new york, was caught shoplifting about 200 dollars in merchandise from jcpenney with my friend. i know it was stupid and i have learned from this. also what is the work alternative program? i am going to college at the moment and have night classes and i work during the day time. i don’t know what will happen to me?
Dear Casey: When you go to court a public defender will speak with you about your case and the legal process. Tell the lawyer about your schedule and that if you’re ordered to complete community service work you may need additional time to finish the hours. Completing a “diversion” program is better for you and your future than having an adult criminal record. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hi Judge Tom
Thank you for your clarification. Just to make it clear though, if only one store pressed charges on my friend (amount under $50) and the other two didn’t does that mean she is only dealing with one store-meaning one victim? yes On her ticket though, it doesn’t say she is versus the clothing store, but instead the court. So is she only dealing with the court for her actions or with the store as well? both, the court and the store as the victim in the case And because the other two stores did not press charges, the amount she stole from that store will not be mentioned in trial? that’s correct Lastly, is there anything that she can do prior to her court date? Like write apology letters to the three stores, etc? she could do that but she should speak with her lawyer before she does anything. Thank you so much for all your help, I don’t know how to express my gratitude. Happy New Year! 🙂 You’re welcome
Hello Judge,
My 15 year old son and his friend got caught shoplifting boxers ($42 each kid) at JCPenney yesterday (WA State). They were taken to the office, told to sign the civil demand document and an officer was also called. My question is: He nor the other child have ever been in trouble before, never shoplifted. This is their first offense. We were told by the store that they will have to pay restitution ($100-200 plus the cost of the item) to JCPenney as part of their civil suit, and then an attorney would be appointed to them, and we would receive a court date in the mail. In reading many of these similar cases on here, it sounds like they can qualify for a deferment and as long as they complete all of the requirements, they won’t have it on their record, so long as they never do it again.
Does this sound accurate?
It’s Jimmy again…I left off a ‘1′ from my email. it’s is JavaJoe1@live.com
Dear Jimmy: That’s correct. If they are offered a diversion program, once it’s completed the case is closed and they don’t have a court record to worry about in the future. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I know it is a misdemeanor. However i dont know what class it is. is it likely that i will be seeing the same judge as last time who is assigned my case? my public defender has also not called yet so im not quite sure what to say in court. since it is a first time offense i was thinking of just getting it over with and not speaking with my public defender that way i dont have to wait another several months
Dear Jason: It is possible that you’ll see the same judge. That depends on the court’s policies and how they assign cases. You can tell your lawyer you want to take care of this as soon as possible and avoid another hearing. If you plead guilty you may be able to go straight to sentencing. Again, that depends on the practice in your area. Good luck.
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Hi Judge,
I researched online and came across this information, could you clarify it for me?:
“If it is your first theft or “theft-related” offense, but the item(s) exceeded $50, you may be able to participate in a diversion program. Informal diversion is a type of “deal” that your California shoplifting defense attorney may be able to make with the prosecution.” (found @ http://www.shouselaw.com/petty-theft.html#penalty)
Where it says that the item(s) exceeds $50, does that mean the price of each individual item or all the items combined (different stores) has to be over $50? For example, like two shirts ($30), chocolates ($15 @ one store, and $10 at another), that exceeds $50 combined..but does the law mean that as long as the items individually don’t add up to $50 it’s not exceeding $50? I hope I’m making sense… Thank you again.
Dear Tina: Most states consider the amount taken from each store. So if you stole from three different stores, there are three victims and each has a right to press charges. Prosecutors don’t add up the totals from different stores. Good luck.
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Hi Judge,
i’m from a county that does not have a formal pre-trial diversion program, so that is not an option for me even though i have a clean record. i was caught a few weeks ago trying to leave the store with a little less than $80 of merchandise. they got my ID and made me sign 2 papers (1 was for a civil demand..I can’t remember the other because I was just so scared and wanted to get out of there). I’m not a minor and even though they said they wouldn’t call the cops, I know they’ve got up to a year to prosecute me and can forward my information and incident details. I already paid the civil demand in full, and am afraid that I’ll get a court summons any day now. What advice do you have for me besides attaining an attorney if I can afford it / asking for a public defender if I qualify?
Thank you.
There isn’t alot you can do other than wait for the notice to come, if it does. Your local prosecutor decides whether to file charges or not. And you’re right, he or she has up to a year (in some states, two years) to file the charges. So, relax and hope for the best.
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i need your help pls
i know we were stupid.i regret shoplifting and swear not to do it again.a friend and i were caught shoplifting from a store last night with cosmetics like blush-on and eye-liner worth $20-30 each of us.it was really our first time.we are both 26 years old.we were called by the store securities when we were on our way to the parking lot and were taken to their office.they took our infos like name,address and date of birth etc. typed it in their computer and called the police.they let us sign a paper stating that we cannot return to their premise for a year.the security said that they cannot press charges against us and wait for the police to charge us.when the police arrived they didn’t take pictures or finger-prints from us but took us inside police car and took our infos and typed them in their built-in computer inside police car.when done typing he told us that its a warning and never do it again and they did let us go.what will happen to us?my friend actually has a work permit here in canada and will it affect her application for residency in the future?will this appear in the police clearance?please i need your help..
Dear Tara: You and your friend got lucky this time. Since the police didn’t give you a ticket or notice to appear in court, you don’t have a record to be concerned about. The only record will be with the store in the event you return. Since the store banned you, don’t go back or you could be charged with trespass. This incident shouldn’t affect your friend’s immigration status or residence application.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
thank you. also, is the diversion program available to pretty much anyone who is a first time offense?
Dear Jason: It depends on the laws in your state and whether the offense is a misdemeanor or a felony. There are classes of both misdemeanors (Class 1, 2 and 3, for example) and classes of felonies (1 through 6, for excample). The lower the class the better the chance of diversion being available for the first time offender.
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dear Judge
im sorry ill try to make this simple. me and my friend went to a gas station. we drove their to get beers, as far as i knew we had money. i park my mothers truck, turn off the truck. when he came back he told me to go,i started panicking ones he told me he made a beer run….
right after the cops pulls us over, i told him the truth of what happend. Basically they said to me “Go home, your lucky tonight”….
im freaking out because i never have done anything remotely close…. i know my friend has done stuff like this, thats why asked him if he had money. he lied.
the cops got my phone number, social and drivers license. my friend got handcuff and taken to jail.. will ill be getting charged or fine in any way?
im freaking out…..
Dear Madrid: It sounds like you got lucky this time. The police evidently believed you and let you go. So think about hanging out with this “friend” again since he lied to you about this and used you for the beer run. It’s unlikely you’ll be charged with anything. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Thank you. Since it’s a first time misdemeanor embezzlement and being in college and I also got a new job, I shouldn’t receive jail time right?
It’s not likely, but there are no guaranties since the final decision is up to the judge assigned to your case.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hi Judge,
It’s me, Tina, again.
Thanks for your information. She’s 23 so she will be going to an adult court. Will diversion still be an option to her? Thanks!
sorry, but I just thought I should tell you where she lives: Southern California. Would the punishments be different?
Dear Tina: The punishments are very close to the same around the country. If she doesn’t already have a criminal record, then diversion would be available to her.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
oh okay. If someone is there then, do I talk to them right then and there? or do I tell the judge I want more time and then talk to them? I really just want to know the sentence process and start the new year off good.
Dear Jason: If you get to court 15 to 30 minutes early, ask at the information desk the name of the lawyer who is representing you. You may then have a chance to speak with your attorney before the hearing.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
hi judge,
I had posted on this website a few months ago asking a few questions. My story was that I embezzled money from the place I was working. I wrote a statement the night they questioned me. I went to court about a month ago and all I did was ask to speak to a public defender, the judge granted that and I went home. I have to go back to court in two weeks, however my public defender I was appointed to is on vacation and not coming back for awhile. I called the office and they basically said go to court and ask for more time. They mentioned that public defenders rotate cases at the beginning of the year? I do not know what to say when I get to court. Do you have any advice for me as to what I should say? I really want to get this over with and do not wish to wait even longer. The amount is 900 and I start the next semester of college in about a month. First offense to….please help. I know I messed up but I want this to end so I don’t have to worry. thank you
Dear Jason: You may have to wait until the day of the hearing. At that time a public defender should be there to represent you and explain everything to you. It may not be the same person, but someone from the office will be present since you were appointed one. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hi Judge,
I had a friend who just got shoplifting a two items worth $30. There were other small things (chocolates) found in her bag later (but those stores did not press charges). This was her first time. She got probation from the store, got taken away to the police, and was set out from the city jail with a bail bond. She has a court day set in a little over a month. What can happen to her in court? Will this say on her permanent record forever? Help!
I forgot some other informations. The police said her actions had an “intent” and is considered a felony. What will happen because it’s her first crime and she’s hasn’t had any law-breaking background. Thanks.
Dear Tina: Since this is her first time it will depend on whether she goes to juvenile court or adult court – you didn’t mention her age. Even though it’s a felony she may still be offered what is called “diversion.” Once she completes the terms of diversion the case will be closed and she won’t have a record. If she was banned from the store, tell her not to return or she could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hi Judge Its Ashley Again From A Few Days Ago. So On The 22nd Of December I Got A Civil Demand Notice From The Store Asking Me To Pay $200 For The Incident Within 20 Days. In Paying This Do I Still Have To Go To Court? Im Still Very Scared &&’ I Feel Extremely Guilty All Day Everyday. Please And Thank You For Your Help.
Dear Ashley: There are two parts to a shoplifting incident. One is “civil” and the other “criminal.” The letter from the store is a civil fine that stores are authorized to impose on shoplifters. Usually when the fine is paid the case is closed. You still have to go to court to handle the criminal side. Explain to the judge or probation officer that you received the civil fine and paid it. Then you’ll be in better shape to participate in the diversion program. Either way, you won’t have a juvenile record that will affect you later in life. Happy 2011.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hi Judge,
I was caught stealing a pair of earrings worth $13 at Nordstrom rack yesterday. It was in NYC. I am 22 years old. The security guards did a lot of paper work and made me sign two things. They claimed the room was audio and video recorded, and I basically verbally admitted that I stole the earrings. I think I behaved very well, I did not fight the arrest or anything and was polite. The cops came and took me to the station and I was held in a cell for a few hours. They took my finger prints and my photo. When I was finally free to leave they gave me a DAT with the code PL 165.40 to appear in court in a few weeks. I plan on pleading guilty in court, what are some of the things that could happen? If I get fined, how much should I expect to have to pay? Also, I just graduated college and was going to start looking for jobs, but will companies be able to look this up when they do a background check on me?
Dear Leah: If this is your first offense you can expect to be offered what is called “diversion.” When you complete the diversion terms (community service, a fine, etc.) the case is closed and you don’t have a record. Don’t miss your court date or a warrant may be issued for your arrest. This shouldn’t have any affect on your future. Ask at court about clearing your record if diversion isn’t available. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
A friend and I were caught shoplifting at a grocery store in Massachusetts. My item was valued at 5 dollars. Immature, I know. I was actually out of the store and two people followed me and threatened to call the police if I didn’t go back in. I went in and signed two things. One was a trespassing notice stating I can’t go to this chain again. The other was a civil notice sheet claiming that they can ask for damages. My information was taken down and my photo was taken. I was told the photo was only for the store database. The police were not called and “not-prosecuted” was checked off on one of the hard copies I got. So, I have a few questions about this. First off I am wondering if any criminal action will be filed? Like, what are the chances of that happening since they didn’t do it at the time? Also, I am wondering if I will have any record of this. I was not told my name would be entered in any database and as far as I know I didn’t sign anything saying that, if for some odd-reason I did I don’t have a copy. Thirdly, I am wondering if I pay the civil restitution (assuming one is sent) will this be the end of it? Thank you for your time.
Dear Daniel: Since the police weren’t involved and you didn’t receive a ticket, this isn’t likely to end up in court. You got lucky this time in that the store decided not to prosecute. If you receive a letter in the mail from the store or their lawyer, read it closely. It will likely require payment of a fine (several hundred is usually the amount). This is called a “civil demand.” Once it’s paid the case is closed and you don’t have a record, only with the store. Don’t return to the store since you’ve been banned. If you do they can file trespass charges against you. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear judge:
3 days ago I committed a really awful mistake. I shoplifted a necklace from a store. The prevention oficcer caugth me and took me to the office. they asked me for an ID and fill up a paper and let me sign it.They make pay for the full price of the merchandise and they even give it to me with the purchased received. They didnt told me anything else about the police or me going to court or anything. could I expect to received a court order or a visit from the police? Could they pressed me with more charges?they didnt told me neither I was banned from the store, even though I am not planning to go there for a long time. I know it was something really folish of me and I am really really sorry for what I did. Thanks
Dear Babara: You may have gotten lucky this time. Since the police weren’t involved it’s possible but unlikely that any charges will be filed against you. There is a one or two year period of time in which you could be charged with shoplifting. States differ on what is called a statute of limitations. (See the last paragraph.) It’s a good idea to stay away from the store for awhile even though you weren’t banned. We’re glad you’ve learned from this incident. As you get older the consequences for breaking the law increase. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hello Judge. This is the first time I’ve been on this website. I need help bad! So I am 20 years old and was caught stealing in Macy’s (department store). I was at Oak Park Mall in Kansas and I stoled about $200 worth of goods. I was told that I am banned from Macy’s for 3 years. This does mean every Macy’s stores out there right? I am confused. Also, after Macy’s banned and fined me, which was half of the amount that I had stolen, I was taken to the police office in the mall. There, they dealt with me differently from Macy’s. So the police banned me from setting foot anywhere near that mall for a year. And I was handcuffed and taken to a police station where I paid an amount of $1000 bond in order for me to leave, or else I was to go to jail. So now, I’m here and is so confused. I was told to go to the court date which I will go, of course. I feel terrible about all of this and believe me, this will never ever happen again. I just don’t know what to do now. Am I to contract an attorney? Or will there be one when I go to court on that date? Please help me!
Also, what will I expect when I go to court? What are the consequences of my actions?? Will it be on my records since I am considered an adult already?? This is the first time I have got caught stealing and there will not be a second time! I’ve learned my lesson!
I’m really sorry for posting so many comments, but I forgotten to tell you that I am from Missouri. I got caught stealing in Kansas. I don’t know if that information is important to know or not, but I want to make sure anyways. I’m just really scared right now.
Dear May: There are two sides of a shoplifting incident” civil and criminal. The fine and banning from the store for three years [and it usually means all Macy’s but you can call the store and ask] is the civil side. The court date is about the criminal aspect of the shoplifting. Don’t miss your hearing or your bond may be forfeited and an arrest warrant could be issued by the court. When you go to court the legal process will be explained to you. You don’t necessarily need a lawyer at this time unless you want to speak with or hire one. That is your decision. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered “diversion.” Once you complete the terms of diversion the case is closed and you don’t have a record. Don’t return to either the mall or Macy’s during the ban or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
hi judge this is cherice again. on november 28th from i told you about my situation. And anyways i have to attend a diversion program on december 29th from 6-9pm and i have to pay 50 dollars for that ! They’ve just mailed my civil demand letter yesterday and i have to pay a fine of 250 dollars ! okay my question is why is that fine so much ? the bracelets only costed 28 dollars ! why do i have to pay to go to that diversion program ? i didn’t ask for them to give me that, i mean i’m blessed i got that instead of being asked to go to court ! how long i’m i gone have to do that diversion program ? what am i gonna do there ? i don’t wanna hear any more speeches i’m sick of em’ i learned my lesson already and i don’t need people steady throwing that mistake in my face ! yeah but basically i was just asking how long i’m going to do that diversion stuff, what am i gonna do in that program, why is the fine 250, and why do i have to pay for that prgram ??????? sorry if it seem like i have a attitude or tring to get smart with you but this situation is veryyyyy stressful !
Dear Cherice: There are two sides to a shoplifting incident – civil and criminal. The civil part authorizes stores to impose a fine up to a certain amount on shoplifters. Every state is different but $250 is not unusual. Many stores choose not to press charges once the fine is paid. It also keeps you from having a criminal record that would affect you later on. The criminal side is when you go to court for consequences. If you admit the crime and participate in diversion, you don’t earn a record or get placed on probation. Otherwise you can take your chances at going to trial on the charge and having a record if you’re found guilty. There’s a fee for the diversion program or class because someone has to teach it and the expenses must be covered by the offender instead of taxpayers. If you have additional questions, make sure you ask them at court on the 29th. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hi, I was caught shoplifting at Walmart. I’m 16 years old and live in NC. They called the police and took my information, and gave me a court date. What will be the possible consequences?
Dear Allison: If this is the first time and the value of the items taken is low, you’ll probably be offered “diversion.” So when you complete a class or some community service the case will be closed. If you were banned from the store, don’t return or trespassing charges may be filed against you. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
hey, i’m 22 and my friend and i got shoplifting watches from Wal-Mart in Tennessee and even though the watch was $12 a piece, they put the prices together and charged us both with shoplifting a $22 dollar item. Are they allowed to do that? With this being my first offence what will i be charged with? Will i be doing any jail time? What will my friend be charged with since this is his third offence stealing from a Wal-Mart?
Dear Terry: Depending on the circumstances and what the store employees saw, they may view this as both of you taking two watches, not just each of you taking one. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion. That means when you finish some community service, pay a fine or attend a class the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. It’s unlikely you’ll get any jail time for this first offense. We can’t say the same for your friend if he has a record of previous offenses. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear Judge Tom,
So About Two Weeks Ago I Got Caught Shoplifting At The Mall. It Was A Small Flower Bow And A Headband Totaling Like 8 Dollars. Ive Never Done Anything Like That Before And The Police Were Called And I Was Arrested (I Was Put In Handcuffs And Read My Rights) But Since I Was With My Mom Even Though She Was At A Different Store They Let Me Go With Her. I Have To Go To Court Next Month. What Should I Expect? Will I Go To Jail? Will This Be On My Record? (I’m 14 Years Old By The Way About To Turn Fifteen Tomoro) Will This Effect Me With Going To College? Will I Be Able To Get A Job? Will This Be On A Record? Im Soo Scared And I Deeplt Regret That Ive Done That I Dont Know Why I Did But I Wish I Didnt. Im A Good Student And Ive Never Been In Trouble Before. Thaank You For Your Help. I Live In Florida By The Way.
Dear Ashley: Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Therefore, you would not have a record and have to worry about this incident affecting your employment or college opportunities in the future. Remember that the penalties will increase for a second offense so we hope you learned a valuable lesson from this incident. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
dear judge,
i got a “civil demand” letter to pay $500 within 20 days of this letter. so i talked to my friend and she didn’t get one. but she moved recently. but she went to court, took a class and paid 40. will she still get a “civil demand” letter from the store? should she go back to her old house and check if she got the letter too? or will she not get the letter since she went to court.
Dear Lily: Since your friend went to court it’s very unlikely that she will receive a civil demand letter. Completing the terms of her court program is most likely the end of the matter. She doesn’t need to go back to her house to check the mail especially if her mail is being forwarded to her new address. Good luck to your friend.
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Hi, im 15 years old and i live in michigan. i got caught stealing 2 rings. one ring was 30 dollars and the other was 4o dollars. so the total was 70 dollars. its my first time that i ever shoplifted. and now there sending me to court. They took me to the police station and took me a picture front ways and side ways and took my fingerprints and everything. what will happen? will i have probation or anything like that? will it effect me if i wanted to be in the music industry? please tell me. im really stressed out. I regret it all.
Dear Junior: We’re glad to hear you regret your actions and that you learned from your mistake. Since this is your first offense, you will probably be offered a diversion program which means that upon successful completion of community service, payment of a fine and attending a class or counseling, the case would be closed and any charges dismissed. Therefore, you would not have a record and the incident should not affect your future. Remember that the penalties will increase for a second or additonal offenses, so it’s good you realize you made a mistake. Best of luck.
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My 15 year old daughter and her 16 year old friend were at Dillard’s, had paid for several items each, and were about to leave when her friend was called by her mom asking her to pick up some tights. They got them (price was about $20) and stopped by the jewelry section to look at things there. Then they started to leave the store without remembering they hadn’t paid for the tights. They were still in between the two sets of doors when they were stopped, with the tights still in my daughter’s hand. The store security person took them to a back room and told them they were being detained and “you’re being arrested” and took their IDs to another room. They were asked for their SSNs but didn’t know them so they couldn’t answer. They were questioned and made to sign a notice that they could never enter any Dillards ever again. They were given a blank copy of the notice (no names of store personnel were given to them) and only then were the parents called and they were released without the police being called, since the store personnel realized it had been a mistake. My question is, given that criminal intent is an element of the crime of shoplifting, and was clearly absent here (no attempt to conceal or flee), do the store personnel have the right to detain and, by their own statement, arrest juveniles, but not Mirandize them, then question them (including asking for their SSNs) and compel them to sign legal documents without notifying their parents? I am outraged that my daughter was subjected to this over an honest mistake and as a father I am angry that she was deliberately put through a terrifying and traumatizing ordeal. My question is whether the store personnel are allowed under Oklahoma law to do these things.
Dear Daryl: You are correct about “criminal intent” being the basis of a shoplifting incident. However the question of intent is a matter for a court to determine. Since the police weren’t involved and your daughter won’t be going to court over this, that decision remains undecided. The store has authority to detain, not arrest, a suspect, question them and ask for identifying information. Miranda doesn’t apply in this situation – only if the police were involved and took custody of your daughter. The notice she was given about returning to the store should be followed. Otherwise she could be charged with trespassing. You can read Oklahoma’s shoplifting law here. Google this to make sure it’s the most current statement of the law. Good luck.
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hello. i was caught shoplifting a few months ago so i went to court. but they did not have my ticket on file so they said i will receive a letter and i will have to do what it says to do. the letter didnt come for a few months and i received the letter today. it says i have to pay $500 within 20 days of the letter. but how come my friend only paid $40 and 8 hours of community service when she stole more than me? is there a way i can do community service? and how can i get my juvenile record cleared? cause i am eighteen now.
Dear Lily: It sounds like you received a “civil demand” letter from the store. If you choose to pay the fine on time, then that will probably be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have a criminal record of the incident. If you don’t pay the fine, the store may choose to press charges in which case you will then receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. If that occurs, you may be facing a community service, a fine and possibly classes or counseling. If this is your first offense, you will probably be offered a diversion program, which means that upon successful completion of the program, the case would be closed and the charges dismissed. Therefore, you would not have a record of the incident. For more information and advice concerning the laws of your state and what your options are, you could try contacting a local attorney in your area for a free initial consultation. Good luck.
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dear judge. i went to court a few months ago for shoplifting from a store. i go back to court in three months when they will tell me what i will be sentenced with. i am going to call my public defender soon, but was wondering can the public defender keep me out of jail? it is a first offense and i am a senior in high school. what do you think will happen? i am also 18
Dear Eric: Your lawyer is the best person to discuss this with. He or she knows the laws in your state and the policies of the court. It’s unlikely that you would receive any jail time for a first offense shoplifting, unless the value was very high, say hundreds or thousands of dollars. You’ll probably receive some community service and/or a class to attend. You can also ask the public defender about clearing your record in the future. Good luck.
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I am 23 and live in Ontario, Canada. Store security stopped me yesterday for missing to pay for a small item among my other purchases that was worth 1.29. I was taken to a room where security took down my personal information, address, etc, and did a background check. I have never been charged before and explained to him this was a mistake and I would be happy to pay for the item but he refused and called mall security. I was given a trespassing notice and they told me to sign a few papers of only one which I initialed that, he stated, said I had stolen. Security said I would be fined and charged with theft under $5000.00. No police were there and I am not sure about the paper I initialed. I am not sure what the proceedure in a matter like this is nor what I am to expect. Will I this really be on my record? Can mall security charge me? My trespassing notice does not have my postal code on it and they used an old address to do my background check. They also did not give me any copies of any of the information they were filling out except the trespass notice.
Dear Natalie: Since the police weren’t involved, it’s unlikely that you’ll have to go to court for this incident. If you do because shoplifting charges are filed, you’ll get notice in the mail of a court date – if you left a forwarding address from your last place. If that happens don’t miss the hearing. Otherwise, you may hear from the store regarding payment of a fine. Once it’s paid the case is closed and you don’t have a record. Since you were trespassed from the mall, don’t return. If you do, you may be charged with trespassing. For more information you can Google your province and “shoplifting.” Good luck.
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im 19 years old and i love in south florida i recently got caught shoplifting an under shirt and right before i was about to leave the store the security got me and took me in a room and ask me to take off the shirt and ask for an id and so i did he also asked me if it was first time and i told him it was and that if he pulls up record will i be right and i reassured him that it really was my first time. so in a matter of like 2 or 3 min he took a copy of my id n told me he was going to b nice and all there going to do is send me a letter of me having to pay for the product that i shoplifted. i asked him if i would have to pay for it at the store with the letter and he said no its more of a law suit and thats it i didnt sign no paper whats so ever, what exactly is it thats goin to happen with this letter, will it go on my record or affect me in any ways??? even though the guy said all that was the only thing thats gonna happen for some reason its blowing my mind please help…
Dear Ernesto: Since the police weren’t involved it sounds like the store is going to handle this themselves. That means you’ll get a letter in the mail requiring payment of a fine. It’s called a “civil demand.” Once it’s paid the case is closed and you won’t have a record or anything to worry about. If you were banned from the store, don’t return. Otherwise you may be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
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Ok so i took a guilty plea to the shoplifting because i wasn’t offered a lawyer and to complete the diverson i would have needed a lawyer. I was charged with a class A misdemeanor and i have to do community service and pay a fee.i was just wondering if it comes off your record if you stay out of trouble for a year. Because one of my friends was charged with a felony and after a year it was off of his record because he didnt get in trouble with the law at all and he completed his community service as well.
Also i was wondering if having this on my record will keep me from getting certain jobs. Thanks.
Dear Brandon: Every state has its own laws about clearing a juvenile record. You can ask the court officer who supervises your case about this or Google the name of your state and the words “juvenile record expungment” for information. Once your record is cleared you shouldn’t have a problem with job applications. Many employers don’t do a background check and oftentimes juvenile records don’t turn up on these checks. Good luck.
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hi. im 30 years old and live in new jersey and i was caught shoplifting (1st time) and the last time of my life i will never do it again, a cream it has a value for $84.00 at marshall or tjmaxx in the same state i paid for some other items but i didn’t have enough money to paid this item. When i got out from the store the LP stoped me and check me and she found what i took, she took me in back and asked for my ID, adress, phone # and my social security, and she make me sing some paper and she said let me call my boss and see what will be his desicion about it, and after she spoked to him she said u can go the information will be in the store for 6 months and after that it will disapear but don’t do it again, she said if i do this again the store will call the police. But when i got home i was reading the paper that i singed i see we both make a mistake putting the days wrong…. My question is: Do u think i should call the store and notice them about the mistake about the wrong dates that we put or no? also since she took my information that will be on my record forever even if she said will be only for 6 months in the store that information will appear everywhere for example if i appy for job ect?.
Dear Melissa: Askthejudge is an educational website for & about teenagers and the law. We don’t provide legal advice to adults or teens.
We will tell you, however, that since the police weren’t involved you don’t have anything to worry about. You don’t have a “record” except with the store. You may receive a letter from them requiring payment of a civil fine. Once it’s paid the case is closed. Don’t worry about the date on the document. You can call the store and tell them but it’s not necessary. If you were told not to return to the store, don’t. Otherwise you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
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Me and my friend were caught shoplifting when we were 13 at JCP, and the security guards at the mall did come talk to us. Our parents came and I believed they paid the a fine to JCP before we left the store. We never appeared in court but we both were on probation as well as did community service. I remember the security guards tell me that I should work hard in life and come back to show them that I did changed. Therefore, after the incident I worked very hard in school and graduate with good grades. I’m earning my BA in a few months, and I need to find a job but it requires background check so I was wondering if the incident will appear in my record? I don’t quite remember much because the security were talking to my parents only and up to this day, this incident is one that we don’t speak of so I don’t know much about the afteraffect. All I know was that I did completed my community service and was on probation but I got to meet with my probation officer for 2 times only and ever since I finished my community service, I was never contact again.
Dear Sea: It sounds like you completed a diversion program, which means that you were diverted away from the court system and since you completed the terms of your program, you do not have a record of the incident. Since you never went to court, you most likely do not have any juvenile record. However, to confirm that nothing appears on a background check, you could try contacting the probation department that you dealt with and ask for a copy of your juvenile record. Congratulations on your success in school. We’re happy to hear that you certainly learned from your mistake.
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My 16-year old son was in Best Buy with two of his 15-year old buddies in Florida. One of the 15-year old boys removed some guitar strings from their wrappers and hid them in his jacket pocket while my son and the other 15-year old boy were playing keyboards, then a few minutes later he said it was time to leave. Both my son and the other 15-year old stated they had no idea their friend had concealed the guitar strings or intended to do so. Before the three left the store, or were even near the registers, a security guard detained the three and called police officers. I was called at home to retrieve my son from the store. While there I was given a form to sign that stated my son was banned from the premises for one year – theft was listed as the reason. Before signing I insisted the reason be corrected to reflect the fact my son did not commit a theft. Finally the form was adjusted and I signed agreeing to my son being banned from the premises for a year. The officer stated he could charge my son with accessory and I would have to fight that charge in court. I feel the one-year ban is harsh, considering a person in this country is innocent until PROVEN guilty. I did ask to see the store video, and was told it may go into evidence. Should I seek legal representation to request to view the video? The boy who hid the guitar strings admitted at the scene he acted alone and my son, as well as the third boy, had no idea of his actions. Should I expect further issues?
Dear Cindy: Based on what you described, it sounds like the only action the store is taking against your son is banning him from the store for one year. If the store believed that your son was directly involved, it would probably send him a civil demand letter in the mail requesting payment of a civil fine or possibly press charges in which case your son would receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Since they agreed to modify the paperwork banning your son and stating that he did not steal, then that is most likely the end of the matter. Your son should not return to the store, otherwise he could be charged with trespassing. It is a store owner’s right to ban people from their store and since this is a civil matter and not a criminal matter, your son does not need to be proven guilty of anything. If you want to try to fight the ban, then you may want to request seeing the video and contact a local attorney for a free initial consultation. You could also try contacting the store manager to further discuss the issue. However, because the store ultimately could send a civil demand letter or even press charges, it may not be worth your time and money to fight the ban and possibly risk fighting criminal charges in court. Good luck.
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I got caught shoplifting but no police were called into the store..can they still call them later and have them press charges?
I’m really afraid that they will still call the police and I will have it on my record even though they didn’t while I was in the store. I’m over 18 but my Dad was with me and had no idea I was shoplifting (I’m so embarrassed. He came into the Loss Prevension room w me while my little bro waited outside w my cousin). The whole time we were in the room he was yelling at me, saying I’m so shameful…maybe this is why they were “lenient” with me at the store to give my Dad some peace/hope, but would they just report me anyway and have it on my record?
This is the first time I’ve gotten caught shoplifting, but I have stolen from this same store before and during that time I purchased other items with my credit card. I’m afraid they’ll track it back somehow and I’ll have multiple offenses then on my permanent record. How will it affect my chances of getting into graduate school.
Thank you for your help
More info:
They told me I “may” get a Civil Demand in the mail and said I’m lucky cus this was my 1st time and no police were involved (I’m 18+). I shopped at the same store 2 months ago w a credit card but I also shoplifted during that trip and wasn’t caught. Is it possible for loss prevention to check my past transactions and review the tapes from that date to see if I took anything during those times? And if they find anything, can I get charged for a second offense (or first, since I’m not even sure if I was charged for the time I did get caught just last week)? I’m really scared, I feel so guilty, I don’t know what to do because I already gave those items that I took previously and got away w as presents. Help :’( I’m scared. They also reported me to a database & banned me from all branches which is even more worrisome bc I shoplifted from those branches in the past as well for presents.
Dear Channy245: The store may choose to send you a civil demand letter requiring payment of a fine. If this occurs, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. However, if charges end up being filed, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. It’s also unlikely that the store will go back and review previous surveillance footage as it would take time and resources, so it’s unlikely that you are facing additional charges. Remember that the penalties will increase for a second offense so we hope you learned a valuable lesson from this incident. Good luck. -ATJ
thank you! If I apply for jobs before my hearing, would it be on my record? And since I’ve paid Scheels already should I expect any other bills or letters in the mail before my hearing?
Dear Kyle: No, this incident will not be on your record since you have not been “convicted” of anything, so you can truthfully answer “no” to any questions about having a misdemeanor or felony conviction. If you’ve already paid Scheels a civil fine, then you probably will not receive anything else in the mail. Good luck.
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I’m 20 and I got caught stealing a $5 dollar arm band from Scheels in Minnesota. (Very stupid of me I know)This is my first offense and I’m just wondering what will happen. The police officer mentioned something about a program I could get into where I just have to pay a fine and have community service hours. They set up a court date for me. What can I expect? Will this be on my perminant record? Thanks!
Dear Kyle: Since this is your first offense, you’ll probably be offered what is called “diversion.” It will be explained to you when you go to court. It means that after you complete some community service, pay a fine and/or attend a class the case is closed and you don’t have a record to worry about. Don’t miss the hearing and, if you were banned from the store, don’t return or you could be charged with trespass. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Thank you for the information!!
I’m still a little confused as to why i even have to go to court, the reason the police was called because of my friend, not me. So why should i have to even go to court?The people at walmart pretty much dismissed me and told me that if i did it again then i would go to court. And is there anyone i can talk to about this? I have called the clerks office and they said they couldn’t talk to me about it and that i should talk to my lawyer, which i dont have. Will they sort this out when i get to court or will i still have to do community service?
Thanks for the help!
Dear Brandon: First, you don’t want to ignore the summons, even if it was issued in error. You can explain everything when you go to court. If you don’t show, the court may issue an arrest warrant and then things get even more complicated. So be sure to go and explain everything to the judge or court officer you may meet with first. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I’m 19 and my friend and I were caught stealing from walmart. the security person explained that if the amount of items where over 25 dollars then they cops had to be called. I had under 25 dollars and my friend had over a hundred. The security person explained to me that i would not have any charges pressed against me but my friend would and they would have to go to court. A couple weeks later we both get a letter in the mail saying we have to pay 100 dollars to the law firm that represents walmart, and we both paid it. But a few days later i get a court summons, my friend never received one. Why would i get a court summons and my friend did not when i was never charged? What is supposed to happen when/if i go to the court hearing (and this was my first offense)? Will any of this be in my record? Thanks!
Dear Brandon: There could have been a mix up in sending out the summons. But, regardless, you have to go to court. When you do the legal process will be explained to you. You already took care of the civil side of this incident, meaning you paid the civil fine. What remains is the criminal shoplifting side and you’ll handle that at court. Since it’s a first offense you’ll probably be offered “diversion” if you admit the shoplifting. That means when you complete some community service or attend a class the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
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Hi I was at Walmart with a cart of things (not paid for) I walked out of the store and almost to my car 2 employees approached me asking for receipt. I act like I was getting it outta my purse. I took my purse & walked to the car. I left the cart for them but in my purse was some stolen medication. The empty med boxes were left in the cart. They stood there as I left. Didn’t look as if they got my license #. So I actually took the meds (unfortunately) What will happen & how long can I expect a visit from the cops @ my door?
Dear Marie: If there’s no way to identify you or your address, you probably won’t hear anything further about this incident. They could report it to the police but they would need a way to contact and interview you. You got lucky this time, but don’t count on it happening again. Good luck.
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So what do I do in court if I am 19, caught shoplifting a $20 item? I have a clean record and I have never done anything like this before; I feel like an idiot and it will NEVER happen again. I have heard advice saying “plead guilty” and “plead not guilty,” get a lawyer/don’t get a lawyer… what do I do? What is the best way to pay the least amount of money, avoid jail time, and possibly get it off my record?? Thanks!
Dear Cassie: It is your decision whether to plead guilty or not, as well as hiring a lawyer. Since this is your first offense and the amount involved is low, you’ll probably be allowed to participate in a diversion program. That means when you complete some community service or attend a class, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Wait until your court date and the process will be explained to you. You’re not looking at any jail time for this first offense. Good luck.
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I got caught stealing at Macys in California a couple of days ago, and it was more than 500 dollars because the stuff there are expensive. The security from the macys took me to the back wrote me a fine, and i’m not allowed to go back there again. After they called the cops and they took me to jail. They wrote this down as a felony because i’m 18 years old. I bailed out of jail 8 hours or so after i was there. I’m currently a college student at a UC. They gave me my court date for February, but i was wondering what happens now? Do i get charged with a felony or could they possibly bring it down to a misdemeanor? My record is completely clean, i have NEVER EVER gotten in trouble for absolutely anything.
Dear Ana: Since this is your first offense, even though you’re now an adult, you may be offered what is called “diversion.” That means if you admit the shoplifting you’ll have to complete some community service or attend a class, after which the case would be closed. You may also be placed on probation for a period of time with similar terms. When you successfully complete probation the case is closed. If you end up with a record, you can apply to have it cleared in a year or so. Ask about this when you go to court in February. It’s up to the prosecutor to lower the charge to a misdemeanor. That may be part of the agreement discussed when you appear at court. Good luck.
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what happens if i get cought stealing shoes in the mall with all my friends
Dear Eric: If you received a ticket from the police you’ll probably have to appear in court. If the police were not involved, the store may send you a “civil demand” letter that requires payment of a fine. Once it’s paid the case is closed. If you have to go to court, you may be offered what is called “diversion” which means when you complete some community service, pay a fine or restitution or attend a class the case will be closed. If you were banned from the mall, don’t return or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I have court on Wednesday. Is it late for me to get a public defender? And after I shoplifted from target I felt so bad that I went in for counseling. Would this help me? And is it too late to apolgize to the store?
Dear Nessavae: Depending on the laws of your state and the amount of the item stolen, you may be appointed a public defender at your next court date. However, public defenders are not always appointed for misdemeanor offenses where no jail time is required. You will find out more when you go to court on Wednesday. Yes, letting the prosecutor and/or judge know that you are going to counseling could help them understand that you are taking responsible for your actions and that you are remorseful. Finally, it’s not too late to apologize to the store so sending a letter or contacting the store to apologize will probably make you feel better. Good luck.
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My boyfriend is on probation for being in possetion of a stollen hat. He just got caught shop lifting. He took a mp3 player from menards. This is his 2nd probation violation and he is 17 years old. We live in Minnesota. The cop at the store said there is a good chance that he will be going to juvey. I was wondering how long will he been in for? Or if there is any chance that he won’t have to go?
Dear Deanna: Whether the judge believes that your boyfriend needs to spend some time in juvenile detention depends on the facts and circumstances of his original offense, the violations, his criminal history and the laws of your state. If this is your boyfriends’s third shoplifting offense, then the judge may believe that some time in detention is necessary since he’s obviously not learning from his mistakes. He will find out more at his next court appearance. If he has an attorney, then he should speak with his attorney about the possible consequences. Good luck to you and your boyfriend.
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Hey, I was just caught shoplifting at Urban Outfitters and the whole price of the stolen goods was around $230 dollars. The guy said it would be still around that same price when they send me a bill in the mail. He also said that I can never go back to any Urban Outfitters. I was wondering if its possible to lower the amount I have to pay and if I can ever go back to Urban again because I really have thought about it and I now want to actually buy the same items that I stole. (btw I live in California)
Dear Lorenzo: It sounds like the store will send you a civil demand letter where they request payment of a fine. This fine can be as much as $300 or so even when the stolen item is only $10, so if you have to pay close to $230, you should consider yourself lucky that the fine is not double the amount of the stolen items. You will have a choice to either pay the fine or not. If you choose not to pay the fine, then it is likely that charges will be filed and you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. As for returning to the store, you may be cited with trespassing since the store has banned you. If you want to buy the clothes, you could shop at the online store. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
hey thanks very much for your response, i really think i will just take it back next time i go. idk why i did that, i honestly don’t because i bought other stuff and a lot of it, so why i took it and just didn’t pay for it, idk i really don’t just a stupid mistake. the second after i did i i have been worrying about getting caught, like if i go back they’ll call the cops and then arrest me and stuff like that so if i take it back that will hopefully remove the guilt i feel. thanks again, i appreciate it, and happy holidays. =]
You’re welcome. Happy holidays to you and we’re glad to hear that you certainly learned from this mistake.
Hello, i am 21 and i stole some vanilla extract today for 11.00$, i also bought other stuff but just didnt pay for the vanilla extract; i put that in my pocket and i left the store and noone found out i dont think. they have camera down the ails though, so if they catch me on camera can they do anything to me? like if i go back and buy something can they call the cops then even though i stole it a while ago? or do they have to do something to me b4 i leave the store and go home? thanks
Dear Tyler: Ultimately, the store has the ability to call the police or to press charges against you after the shoplifting incident occurred if the store believes that you committed the offense and has evidence of it. However, it might not be likely since it would take time and resources to review the surveillance tapes and look for any suspected previous shoplifters. It sounds like you know that what did was wrong and rather than worrying about getting caught, you could always return the vanilla to the store even if it means sending it back anonymously. Good luck.
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Hi, my name is Miguel I was caught shoplifting a $5 dollar item at a local store and I was stopped by a security guard. He told me to go with after that he took my information and then he called the cops and they came and gave me a citation and told me to never return to the store again. I forgot to pay the citation and now I have to go to court to attend to, but the worst thing about it is that, I was not aware that I had to got to court and now this is my second hearing. On the summons letter it has a fine and when to attend, I was 17 at the time I am 18 now. My questions are, What will happen when I go? Will I be charged as an adult for a crime done when I was 17? I am also applying for a job and they are doing a background check on me as I write this I forgot about the charge will it cost me my job opportunity?
Dear Miguel: Since you were cited when you were 17 but now are going to court as an adult, you’ll likely be treated as an adult. But if this is your first offense and the value of the item is low, the consequences may be the same. You may be given community service, a fine or ordered to attend a class after which the case will be closed. This shouldn’t have any affect on future job or school applications. If you shoplift again it could become a record that may be disclosed on a background check. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
So on black Friday i got caught shoplifting at steinmart. I stole a necklace worth $20. They stopped me as i was in my friends car. I gave them the necklace and told me to follow them in the back. They called the cops and took my information ssn, id, Picture etc. They told me i had to take a class about shop lifting and i think they mentioned something about going to court. I just turned 17 and i live in Richmond Virginia. is this going stay on my record? What’s my consequences?
Dear Jo: Since this is your first offense you’re likely to be offered diversion. That means when you finish some community service, pay a fine or attend a class, the case will be closed. You won’t have a record to worry about. So when you go to court the process will be explained to you. Don’t miss your court hearing. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
i got caught in a jcpenny store shoplifteing but i never did that in my life i took a total amount of $50 there was to shirts and i live in maryland what would happen to me and im only 15
Dear Jesus: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered what is called “diversion.” That means if you admit the shoplifting you’ll be required to complete some community service, pay a fine or attend a class. When that’s done the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. You might also receive a letter in the mail from the store asking for payment of a “civil fine.” Once you pay it the case is closed. If you received a ticket because of this incident read it carefully and don’t miss any court hearings. Once you go to court the process will be explained to you. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
But if the court had not responded to my request or the prosecutor’s office. what do I do in this case, I must hire a lawyer or what should I do. What a good way to find a lawyer. Does this cost me a lot of money to resolve this issue, because I paid the fine by about 364 dollar in police station.Thanks for the answer.
Dear Sam: It might be best to contact a lawyer where you live so he or she can make the necessary calls to the court and prosecutor in the city where this happened. They may be able to work this out so you can return to the U.S. without violating any immigration laws. Or you could go online and look for an immigration lawyer in the city where this happened and contact that person. Good luck.
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Wait and another thing, if i have to go to court what am i suppose to plead. ? i had the bracelets in my hands and they have me on camera, i believe it’s a huge difference between stealing and attempting to steal. stealing is when you have an item in your bag or pocket right ? so what am i suppose to do/say ? of course i’m going to admit to having them bracelets in my hand but okay, the situation is petty, i’m confused ?
they can’t say i had the bracelets in my pocket because they will be lying, they’re evidence, which is the camera, will show i had the bracelts in my hand/ on my hand. !!!!!!!!! I’M TOTALLY CONFUSED !
Dear Cherice: When you go to court simply tell the truth. Explain what happened to either the judge or probation officer. Then you’ll either be placed in diversion (see earlier response to your question) or if you admit what happened the judge will decide the penalty. Either way, when you complete your sentence you can apply for a clean record. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Thanks and yes i did. i felt so bad, when i was at home this pass weekend i constantly cried, but my aunt and mom said i can’t keep beating myself up about it.
but thanks again this is the scariest thing i’ve ever had to face.
hi judge. i live in illnois. and on on black friday i was at calumet city river oaks mall with some people, i attempted to steal, i was caught with 2 bracelets in my hand. No the bracelts wasn’t in my pockets at all, they were in my hand the whole time. the bracelts was 28 dollars. the manager grabbed me and told me to come with him. so i came and i was tooken in this room they took my info and whatever, i was going to pay them back the money. i needed an adult 18 or older to come get me but my aunt took so long to get ready they called the police. the police took me to the calumet city juvenile center/ station. they searched me and they took my picture, took my prints etc. minutes later my aunt showed up and she had to sign some papers. i know im now in the system. im 14 years old, good a, b student, i don’t have any type of record, that was my first offense, i dont give my parents any trouble. do i have to go to court ? what is my consequence. ? also, when i become a junior in high school, 16 years of age, i will be applying for college, and when i turn 17 years of age a senior in high school i will be applying for a little job, is that gone mess up my cahnces for college and a job ?
Dear Cherice: The store may choose to send you a “civil demand” letter requiring payment of a fine. If this occurs, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. However, if charges end up being filed, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Therefore, you would not have any record of a conviction and this incident should not affect your job/college opportunities. Remember though that the penalties will increase for a second offense so we hope you learned a valuable lesson from this incident. Good luck.
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im 16 years old and me and my 15 year old cousin were caught shoplifting about four shirts that in total costed $165. Now i have no clue what to do and im wondering if this is already on my record or if it will be on my record AFTER court? I was also wondering if there is some way i could expunge this off because im an A-B honor student and this is my first offense? Can I just do community service and classes on anti theft or fines? Anything to keep this off my record
Dear Edgar: The store may choose to send you a “civil demand” letter requiring payment of a fine. If this occurs, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. However, if charges end up being filed, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Therefore, you would not have a record from the incident. If you do end up with some kind of record, every state has its own laws concerning getting a record destroyed/expunged. For more information about that process, click here. Finally, it may take a couple months or so for you to receive the letter/notice in mail. Remember that the penalties will increase for a second offense so we hope you learned a valuable lesson from this incident. Good luck.
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i am 15 in chicago il. And got caught stealing a bottle of cologne worth 40$. And they sent us a fine of 250$ that we paid. Does that go on my record. And that was the first time i get in that kind of trouble thank you
Dear Mike: It sounds like you paid a civil fine in response to the store’s “civil demand” letter. If this is the case, you were not criminally charged, the offense did not go through the courts and therefore, you do not have any type of criminal record from the incident. If you are unsure if you paid the store’s civil fine or paid the fine to the court, you could try calling the court and ask for a copy of your record to confirm whether you have one or not. Good luck.
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I’m only 17 and I’ve made some bad choices. In Oct. 2010 I stole a credit card from a teacher and was suspended for 4 days, and a court date for December 9th, 2010. Then two weeks ago for my first time I shoplifted in Wal-Mart and was caught. I have a court date December 3rd, 2010. My biggest concern is they’ll send me to a juvie and I won’t be with my family anymore. What do you think will happen, since the Wal-Mart inncident occured before my first court date?
Dear Taylor: If you’ve never been in trouble prior to these two incidents, you might be facing probation with community service, a fine and classes or counseling. However, it’s ultimately up to the judge. You will have an opportunity to speak with a court or probation officer during your first court appearance at which time you will find out more information about the possible consequences you face. Don’t get into any more trouble, otherwise the chances of being sentenced to serve some time in detention will be more likely. Good luck.
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hi,this is my story.
On September 9th 2008, my friend and I went to a clothing store named “Rose” where we bought some clothes. At the time of our entry to the store my friend and I were both carrying hand bags. Approximately three and a half hours later, we went to another store by the name of “Shopka” in order to buy other items as we were planning to leave the USA on Oct 8th 2008. We stayed inside the store for approximately 40 minutes. During that time, my friend purchased a bag. We then went to the cashier to pay for what we have purchased. We paid and headed towards the exit door, when the theft alarm started to sound off. At that time a female approached us and asked to see what was inside our bags. We told her that our bags contained some clothes, a pair of shoes and other miscellaneous items. The female then searched the bag and found some new clothes, so she asked if we had a receipt. I told her that we had bought some clothes from the “Rose” store. When I asked my friend about the receipt, he told me that he threw it away and that he didn’t know he was supposed to keep it. The female employee and two male security guards didn’t believe us and said that if we admit to taking these items from this store, they will resolve this matter. We told them again that we purchased such items from another store, but they said that if you admit to taking it from this store we will resolve the case; otherwise, we will call the police. When we stood by our statement, the security guards called the police. When the police officers arrived, they asked where we got the items from. We told them again that we purchased the items from another store and that we don’t have a receipt because my friend threw it away. We told the police officers that we didn’t know laws in the USA. The police officers told us that we are under arrest for theft and that we must accompany them to the police station. They then put each of us in a separate police vehicle and drove us to the police department. They also confiscated our bags. We were then processed for pre booking. The police department officials told us that we can either stay in jail or pay a release bond and appear in court on October 18th 2008.We paid the bond, but told them that we must leave the USA by October 8th 2008 due to our flight schedule. The police department officials then gave us a phone numbers and told us to coordinate with the court personnel to change our appearance date. We told the police that we must leave on October 8th 2008, because our J1 Visa is only good for four months. No one really cared for what we said so we had to leave on October the 8th 2008 in order not to violate US immigration law. This caused us to miss our court date.
I am now outside the united states I can not go back because I didn’t have a
VISA SO now I want you tell me how I can closed this case and I am outside and can not came back to U.S.A Now because I didn’t have Visa.please help me
Thank you.
Dear Sam: You can try contacting the court and explain your circumstances and that you are unable to enter the U.S. at this time. The court might be willing to handle your case and let you appear telephonically depending on the court’s rules and policies and how they are willing to resolve your case. You can also try contacting the prosecutor’s office handling the prosecution and ask to speak to the prosecutor assigned to your case. He/she might be willing to work with you. If you are trying to apply for a Visa and cannot do so until this case is resolved, you need to contact an immigration attorney for further information and assistance. Good luck.
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I was accused of stealing a $3 fruit cup from wawa (a gas station), i was not stopped wen exiting the store, i was pulled over about an hour later, by a police officer that issued me a summons, what going to happened to me, will this go on my record if im found guilty?
Dear Kim: If this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered a diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of the program, the charges would be dismissed and therefore, you would not have a record of any convictions. For more information about diversion programs, click here. Good luck.
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but what if it is 2 years do you think they will recongize me
Dear Jason: It is doubtful that they would recognize you after so much time and chances are new employees would be working at the store, but you will have to take your chances.
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Dear Judge –
I go to a botique store by
my house. About a month ago – I did take a purse – I should not have done it but I did. I was in the store last week after it happened and it looked like one of the owners was taking down my license plate number – but nothing came of it. Then I went in there today again and when I went outside a lady was standing there and she had a paper and looked like she was doing the same thing?? I guess I don’t really understand if they thought it was me why wouldnt they say something. There are no cameras in the store and noone saw me do it but they could say they did. I think they know I did it because I was there and then this item was gone. Now I am scared they are going to call the police with my plates and track me down. Isn’t it their word against mine if there is no proof ie video, etc – what could they really do? I don’t have the item anymore. I am freaked out and what should I tell the police if they do question me.
Thanks if you respond!
Dear Shiela: It’s possible that the store will either send you a civil demand letter or press charges against you if they took down your license plate number; however, it’s unlikely since they don’t have your contact information and don’t even know if you are the registered owner of the car. You could always send the amount you owe for the stolen item anonymously since it sounds like you know that you made a mistake. Good luck.
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Hi, i’m 18 and i was caught stealing a lipstick that was only about 2.99. I’m already banned from the store for a year. They also told me that since the item was so cheap i probably wouldn’t get anything from the company. I’m just wondering whats going to happen? This is my first offence and i have no criminal history.
Dear Darlene: The store may choose to send you a “civil demand” letter requiring payment of a fine. If this occurs, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. It’s unlikely that charges would be filed for such a small amount, but if they were, you would receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. However, you may also be lucky this time and just be banned from the store for the year. You probably won’t be as lucky next time, so we hope you learned from this. Good luck.
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ok so ive bein going to iga a store not far away but i would bring a small bag and steal things and one day i went up there and stole a big bag of mints and other stuff and all together it was about 43$ so i was walking and i think assistan manager a boy looked at me and i got scared so i was rushing out side and i got out and i was about to start running when he came out and said excusse me sir were do you think your going with that bag of candy i said sorry and gave it back then he said come and i ran so fast sweating and scared i made it home safe and sound but if i go back there will they recongize me and its only bein about 3 moths
Dear Jason: Yes, it’s possible that they will recognize you, but unless they kept a record of the incident and know how much you stole, they may just give you a verbal warning to stay away from the store if they remember you. If that occurs, be sure to stay away from the store otherwise you could be cited with trespassing. Good luck.
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I am a 22 year old from Georgia. I was caught taking around $20 of merchandise from Walmart. My friend took around $90 it turns out, and they took her to jail. I believe a cop was already on the premise, and he told me not to go into any Walmarts in the states ever again. They took my name and looked at my ID, and asked for my SSN as well. No one told me to expect a civil demand letter, and the cop that took my friend said that they wouldn’t bother pressing charges on me. My question is, is there a number I can call to find out if they will fine me? They didn’t give me one, but I wish they had. I feel awful about this, but I feel even more awful not knowing what will happen.
Dear Mia: It sounds like you learned from your mistake which is good because next time you might not be as lucky. It sometimes takes a couple months or so for the store’s attorney to send the civil demand letter, so you still may receieve this letter in the mail. Otherwise you could try calling the store and asking for the loss prevention department as they might be able to tell you whether you should expect to pay a fine or not. Good luck.
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Hi recently my daughter got caught stealing at CVS. She’s a minor she’s 13 years old. No police where called, she just had to sign a letter saying she’s not allowed on CVS property for 2 years. This is her first offense so I thought that was the end of it then today over a month later I received a letter from some Attorney At Law saying I have to pay $350.
The item she stole was $10.99.
Then the letter says If they don’t receive payments within 25 days “They may hire local counsel to take all legal steps which may include a civil action in court to collect the full amount allowed by the statute.”
The letter also says “IMPORTANT NOTICE: The payment of any demand made upon you does not prevent criminal prosecution under a related criminal statute provision. Payment of the amount demanded may not be used in any court proceedings by our client as an admission of liability. You might want to seek the advice of counsel regarding this.
So even If I pay the $350 CVS may still bring my daughter to court she’s just a minor.
I scanned the letters please read them,
What would happen If I didn’t pay the $355 dollars? Then CVS decides to take me to court seeing how she’s just a minor and it’s her first offense won’t she get probation and, or do community services? Thanks for any help I really appreciate it.
If CVS still brings my daughter to court even after I pay the $350, in the letter it says “Payment of the amount demanded may not be used in any court proceedings by our client as an admission of liability”
So she still could get fined, should I send a letter to this Attorney At Law people who sent me the letter saying I’m not paying the $355 dollars and I’ll take my chances in court after all she’s a minor with no priors the item was only $10.99.
Dear Mike: Yes, even if you pay the civil fine within the requested time period, the store still could choose to press charges against your daughter. However, in practice, most stores do not press charges after the civil demand payment has been made especially if the police were not involved at the time of the incident and there is no police report. If you do not pay the fine and your daughter receives a notice to appear in court, it is likely that she would be offered a diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of the program which would include community service, possibly a fine and classes or counseling, the case would be closed and the charges dismissed. For more information about your daughter’s options, you could try contacting a local defense attorney. Many attorneys offer a free initial consultation. Good luck to you and your daughter.
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Me and my friend got caught shoplifting at walmart and then arrested. The value of the items were around $121. My court is next month. In illinois what would the most likely punishment be?
Dear Christian: If this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Remember that the penalties will increase for a second offense so we hope you learned a valuable lesson from this incident. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
Dear Judge,
i have been doing lots of research on background checks and shoplifting. I am just wondering what is civil suit record? Would paying for a civil demand show up on the civil suit record? I know the best thing I need to right now is to wait for the store to contact me, and I have tried to contact some immigration attorneys. But without any information from the store, there is really nothing they can do about it. Should I just wait? I was thinking about calling the store again, but I am afraid too many calls would make them angry. I have tried to concentrate on my study, and studying really helped me not to think about this. But still… is waiting the only thing I can do for now? Thank you .
Dear Yao: The only thing to do at this point is to wait for the store’s letter. It could take several months depending on how bust they are, the volume of backed up cases, etc. Or you may luck out and never hear from them about this incident. So, relax. If the letter comes and you decide to pay the fine, then the matter will be closed and you’ll have this behind you. -ATJ.info
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Hi Im 15 , my friend and I got caught shoplifting. They put us in the system, and asked for our name number and adress, but thats it. We stole 8 dollars worth of things. Our first time. This was at wallmart, and they called our parents to pick us up then let us go. Will we be fined?
Dear Sahara: The store may choose to send you a “civil demand” letter requiring payment of a fine. If this occurs, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or end up with anything on your record. However, if charges end up being filed, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. If this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Remember that the penalties will increase for a second offense so we hope you learned a valuable lesson from this incident. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
Dear Judge:
I just wanted to thank you for all your help and time. You have been extremely helpful. Thanks for all your dedication and commitment you are putting into this blog.
You’re welcome, Samia. Best of luck.
There was three of us supposedly shoplifting. The other got away cuz all evidences against her were put in my bag. only me and a friend got caught at nordstrom. Her value was $14 mine is $120 but those weren’t my clothes at all and she put it in my bag. They also found a magnetic device in my bag and they assumed that it was used but i said i never used it. this is our first time getting arrested and first time of shoplifting charge. We are given a court date, were both 18 and live in Orange C, CA. Were charged conspiracy and burglary 459 PC. The total of all items found in mt friends car were 1200 but i didn’t have anything to do with that one. what will most likely happen to me? or how can i prove myself only as accessory to crime/ accomplice for less charges?
Dear Rhett: What you’re possibly facing depends on a number of factors including the specific facts and evidence against you, your criminal history and the laws of your state. If this is your first offense, you may be facing probation with community service, a fine and classes or counseling. You will need to speak with an attorney about your options and what you possibly can prove at trial. You may be appointed a public defender or you could try contacting a local defense attorney for a free initial consultation. Good luck.
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Thank you for your previously reply. I made a typo when I was typing, what I meant was the police were not called, and I did not receive any civil demand or court ticket after three weeks. Does this change the answer you give me? How likely will the store call the police after the incident? You mentioned in other people’s posts that it is not the LP who gets to decide if I should pay for a fine or not, then who is the one that makes the decision? I called the store a couple of times, and the security said that I do not need to pay a fine, so I am not sure how reliable his words are. Need some more advise. Thank you so much.
Dear Yao: The decision of whether or not to press charges probably depends on the stores’ policiy concerning the value of the items stolen and when to move forward with pressing charges. In addition, the store owner or manager may ultimately make this decision. If the store security told you that you do not need to pay a fine, then you may have gotten lucky this time as the security would probably have a good idea about who is required to pay a fine. Again, if you do not receive anything in the mail within the next month or so, you may be lucky and don’t have to worry about a fine or going to court.
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I am 22 years old, live in Fl and today I committed the worst mistake I could possibly make. I was caught shoplifting a bottle of juice and pack of Tylenol pills (don’t ask me why– it was just one of those moments when evil thoughts took over my head). The security guy has stopped me as I exited the store and asked me to follow him to the backroom. He took me to the backroom and asked me to return the items. He then asked for my driver’s license, made a copy of it, filled out some paperwork work and asked me to sign it, he also took my picture with the items I lifted. I asked what will happen next and whether this will go to my criminal record and he said that he must submit the paper work to the store’s corporate office and store’s attorney office will contact me shortly via email. There was so many other questions going trough my head but I just set there and could open my mouth to clear those questions because of the shame I was feeling for doing something like this. Now I don’t know what to do and who to turn to for help. I can not disclose this to my parents as my mom will literally have a heart attack if she finds out. But I don’t know what should I do about this situation because in about a week from now I have my appointment to get my fingerprints done for citizenship, will this incident turn up on my records? and can I be denied in U.S citizenship? Also while taking my picture he said that it is part of procedure for the store’s records; however, he never said that I was prohibited from the store. Does this mean that I am allowed to enter it again and is my picture that he took will go public? To all the chains and all other retail stores? I read some info some other sited posted regarding this topic. Some say that after incidents like that the doors to making into the retail industry are closed forever. I recently applied for the marketing position offered by one of the biggest retail company in US. Will they be able to have access to that incident? What if I was to apply for a government job can they view this incident? I am very ashamed of my actions and I still cant find reasoning for my actions. A part of me things that is a lesson forever learned and I got what I deserved for engaging into something like this. I am more upset that I have fallen to such a low standards and brought a shame to my parents name, after all, the have thought me better. What should i do, any advise or recommendation will be appreciated. I was thinking to write an apology letter and send the copy to all parties involved (to local store, corporate office and store’s attorney) Would this be a good idea?
Dear Samia: The store may choose to send you a “civil demand” letter requiring payment of a fine. If this occurs, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter and you will not have to go to court or have anything on your record. However, if charges end up being filed, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of the program, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. If you receive the civil demand letter and pay the fine, then it’s unlikely that the incident could affect your immigration process; however, it would be best to consult with a local immigration attorney about the matter to confirm. If you were not told that you cannot enter the store again, then it shouldn’t be a problem returning there. Some stores enter information about shoplifters into a private database (this is not public or government information). If the store has access to such a database, then your chances of getting a job with that store are most likely limited, but it should not affect your chances with other companies. It sounds like you’ve already learned from this mistake, which is good so that you won’t make the same mistake twice. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
Dear Judge,
I posted my case earlier this month. It has been three weeks, and I did not receive civil demand or court ticket or anything. How much should I still worry? I was caught shoplifting three weeks ago, and police were called.
Dear Yao: It could take a couple months or so for you to see receive something in the mail. Unfortunately, you’ll just have to wait and be patient and try not to worry. Every state has what’s called a “statute of limitations” to file charges against a person. For example, in many states for a misdemeanor offense, the state has up to one year after the incident occurred to file charges. However, if you don’t receive anything in the mail within the next couple months, then you may have gotten lucky this time. Good luck.
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Thank you Judge Tom for responding back to my questions. Reading what you wrote two questions came to mind. Since the police officer had taken me to get fingerprints and photos does that make the case worst? And if I just pay the citation and not go to court because it’s not a mandatory appearance, will that hurt me in the long run? Again, thank you for taking the time to answers these questions.
Dear Kamae: Getting printed and photographed doesn’t necessarily make the case worse. It’s a matter of policy and procedure and varies around the country. This first offense should not hurt future college, job or military applications. You can call the court and ask about clearing your record. You may have to wait a period of time after it’s all over (possibly a year or two) but it’s a common practice. Google the name of your state and the words “expungement of records” for the details. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Ok so my friend works at a store and he got caught stealing some things, this is his first time though and he returned all the things he stoled and when they asked him did he steal he told them honestly that he did, he got fired and he’s going to court, what will happen to him then? and would he go to jail? would this affect him trying to get another job? would it be on his record?
Dear Rosy: Since this is your friend’s first offense, it is likely that he will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Therefore, he would not have a record of a conviction and the incident should not affect his ability to get a job. It is extremely unlikely that he will be facing jail time for this first offense unless he violates the terms of his diversion program. Good luck to your friend.
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Hi Judge Tom, I just turned 23 this november. Anyway, this past wednesday I was caught shoplifting total $8.99. The police were called, they made me sign some documents, and the police handcuffed me, drove me to the police station & finger printed me along with taking my picture. The citation he gave me marked that I don’t have to appear in court. My questions are what will happen if I do choose to go to court? And was it really neccessary for the police officer to handcuff me and take me to the police station for finger prints & head shots? Should I have requested a copy of the loss prevention reports along with the other documents I signed? And if I should, can I still do so by calling the retail store and request it? Thank you and your response will be greatly appreciate.
Dear Kamae: If you have the option to go to court, then you are deciding to fight the charges and go to trial. Depending on the rules in your jurisdiction and the citation that was issued to you, it’s possible that you will be offered a plea if you go to court and will have the choice of either taking a plea or going to trial. You could try contacting either a local defense attorney or the court to find out what your options are and what will likely happen if you go to court. It’s ultimately up to the police to decide whether to arrest you, fingerprint you, etc. even for minor offenses. Finally, yes you could try contacting the store to ask for a copy of the loss prevention report. If you go to trial, this may be part of the government’s evidence and you would receive a copy. Good luck.
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Me and my friend got caught shoplifting $98 jeans we are going to get a court date in the mail and a fine, will my school be contacted about this?
Dear Claire: It’s very unlikely that your school will be contacted about the charges as the courts do not usually involve the schools in these proceedings.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
Thanks Judge, I have a few more questions. When my cousin 16 and, I 17 go to court, Will the probation officer or judge ask for a school Id, school grades other? What if I lose my Id before court date? Will we be fingerprinted etc? Im 17, I know I committed a crime for shoplifting, Should I plead guilty or no contest? Will it stay on my record and for How long? Can it be reduced to an infraction instead of misdemeanor and how? My family cant afford an attorney, how do I get a Public Defender?
Dear Jenny: It’s very unlikely that you will have to show a school ID, grades, etc. when you go to court. It’s also unlikely that you will be fingerprinted. You will have to decide whether to plead guilty and accept responsibility or fight the charges and go to trial as we do not provide legal advice. However, when you go to court, the probation or court officer will explain the process to you so you will have an opportunity to ask additional questions at that time. A public defender may or may not be appointed depending on the laws of your state. In some states, PDs are not appointed for misdemeanor offenses that don’t require mandatory jail time. If a diversion program is offered to you (see our previous answer to you and click on diversion for more info), then you would not have a record since the charges would be dismissed. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
Thanks for the reply Judge Tom. Im really panicking now. I have a clean record, and Im learning a big lesson that honesty is the right thing to do. What will happen if this was in Ca?. Police didnt fingerprint me or take shots? Will theydo so if I confess my real age? I knew I wasnt doing the right thing, I was in so much shock I wanted to find a way to get out quicker. If I go to court and tell the probation officer or judge will they charge me with a second misdemeanor?
Dear Mileidi: Try to calm down as it’s not very likely that you’re facing jail time if this is your first offense. Yes, you could be charged with false reporting, but the court and prosecutor’s office also may choose to not file additional charges and just move forward with your shoplifting case. If this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program, which means that upon successful completion of the program, the charges would be dismissed. Again, you could try contacting a local attorney to find out more based on the laws in your state. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
Dear Judge Tom, i was recently caught shoplifting at walmart, the lp took me to a room where they filed my info, but i was scared to death of the consequences, i gave the lp wrong phone no., address, and dob – i lied to be a minor to get off from going to jail because the lp assured if i was 18+ i would be going to jail. im really 21+. the lp called police, they came, and i gave the police my correct address, phone no., but kept the false dob. this small mistake has troubled me i cant sleep or eat from remorse, more like, i was cited for a juvenile court for petty theft. what should i do? Should i confess at the court that I concealed my dob for fear of going to jail? what are the serious consequences of this lie? please advice me all you can. thanks.
Dear Mileidi: Since you were cited to appear in court, it is likely that your real DOB will be discovered. You could call the court or the police department to explain your circumstances and provide your correct information. You may be charged with an additional offense – false reporting, as it is a crime to provide a false name or DOB to the police. It may be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the facts and laws in your state. Jail time is not usually imposed for a first offense shoplifting act, but if you stole hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise, it may be more likely. For more information, you could try contacting a local defense attorney for a free initial consultation. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
Thank you so much. I really learned my lesson, especially because it was something out of my character. I knew I was wrong and that’s why even though they let me go I went right home and told my mom. She was very kind because she was glad I was honest. She kept trying to reassure me nothing would happen but no offense to my mother she is no legal expert. In a way though I am glad it happened because if I hadn’t got caught then most likely I would have gotten cocky and would try again until I got caught and had a way worse experience. Thanks!
We’re glad you learned from this. Enjoy the holidays.
Dear Judge Tom. I was recently caught shoplifting at a walmart in michigan that totaled $199.99. i was taken into a room in the back and had to fill out some paperwork. the police were called and i was not arrested but was given a ticket for Retail Fraud III. I havent got my letter from walmart or the court for a hearing date yet. i am extremely ashamed, and embarrased for my actions and am really scared on what my sentence will be. I am 18 years old and have a completly clean record except for a traffic accident. what are the chances of me going to jail? what should i expect at court? and will i be given a more severe punishment if i tell the truth and plead guilty? Please help me. thank you for your time.
Dear Jake: Since this is your first offense, you are likely facing probation with community service, a fine, classes or counseling. Jail time is not very likely for a first offense, but it’s ultimatley up to the judge. You may be appointed a public defender in which case you should talk to him/her about your options and the consequences you face by pleading guilty. However, you are not going to face more serious penalties by taking responsibility and pleading guilty. Every defendant has a choice of either fighting the charges and going to trial or accepting a plea agreement. You will find out more during your first court date. Good luck.
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Im 15 and had gotten caught shoplifting at zellers. I went into the change room and switched my bra for the new one. I was being vary stupid. Later as I was out the door and on the street the security gaud called me in and showed me my original bra. After (right away) when she asked me if it was mine I admitted. She then placed me under arrest. She then Called the police and the police said she overstepped her athority and I wasn’t in any trouble. I was banned from zellers for a year. 6 days later a letter came in the mail saying something like I have a certain date to pay this money, but the police had said I wasn’t in any trouble to my mom! By the way it has been my first time stealing ever and truly regret it. The bra cost 16.99 what will happen?
Dear Jenn: There are two sides to a shoplifting case. One is criminal and the other is civil. The letter from the store is the “civil demand” request for payment of a fine. Once it’s paid the case is closed. Stores don’t normally press criminal charges when the civil fine is paid. The police decide if criminal charges will be filed against you. That’s what the officer told you and your mom, but that doesn’t take care of the store’s fine. Good luck.
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to enter a plea bargain do you plead guilty or not guilty? And is it true if you plead guilty, but your facing a jail sentence the judge doesnt let you and you go to trial? Last question, when they read you your charges do you ask for the diversion program before or after you plead? Also if you plead guilty do you get the maximum or does the judge then decides what the punishment is?
Dear Brian: A plea bargain means the prosecutor has offered to let you admit to one of the crimes you’re charged with in return for dismissal of others. Or it could be pleading to a lesser offense that would carry a reduced sentence. In other words, if you’re charged with burglary that may be a felony and the offer is to let you admit to attempted burglary instead of going to trial. If you accept the plea offer, you’ll go before a judge and admit the attempted burglary. Sentencing will be for that crime and not the original burglary offense. Diversion may be part of the bargain, that depends on the offense and the prosecutor. The judge decides the penalty and it must comply with the state or federal laws that apply to the crime. A judge can’t exceed what the law authorizes for maximum punishment. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
dear judge tom. im extremely ashamed/sorry and will never do it again ever. i went to wal mart to look for a mouse then i noticed i didnt have enough money to pay for it. my family is going thru economic hardship, i got desperate (i know its no excuse). i ripped it out put it in my purse with a few other things totaled $75. the LP caught me im 17 and my cousin 16, at the stores exit, took us to the back room, they wrote down our info on a paper- i dont know what the paper’s used for. i was nervous but cooperating, somehow i gave the wrong address bc i wasnt concentrating too many emotions were taking place. now I dont know when I’ll get a civil demand in the mail, Should I go or call the store to fix this? ALso LP incriminated my cousin being innocent, he didnt steal anything, nothing was found on him and was inspected by LP. What will happen to him? Can he get cleared from the store database and the police citation to court?
Before the police came i tried to negotiate with the LP to pay for all the merchandise, at first she said no bc a store policy states if someone gets caught outside the store theyre not able to pay for the merch. They called the police to make a report, but they were taking long and their shift was over in half an hour, they asked me if my parents could come and i asked again if i could have them pay for the stuff she said that we might be able to, but the police came and made a report for shoplifting, and split the amount in half for both so it would come down to less than 50usd. We have a court citation for 490.1a. Another problem is we dont have money to afford an attorney. Im scared to my bones, What documents do we bring to court, What should we expect from the judge? Im in urgent need of help, thank you in advance.
Dear Jenny: Since you’re both cited in to court, make sure you appear. If you miss the hearing the judge may issue an arrest warrant. Since this is your first offense, you’ll probably meet with a probation officer at court. He or she will explain to you the process. You don’t need a lawyer at this point. If you plan to admit what you did, you may be offered diversion. When you finish the terms of diversion (work hours, a class, etc.) the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. The same for your cousin. If he didn’t do anything then explain this to the probation officer. It’s up to you to decide whether to call the store and provide the correct address. Discuss it with your parents. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
About 8 months ago I shoplifted from a store and got caught. The lady told me not to follow her and I took the stuff out and put it on the counter, I waited for Ten minutes panicking and in shock no one came back so I proceeded to leave and as I did they took the stuff I left and that was it. I completely regret this and had never done it before and will never do it again. I cry almost everyday and live in fear of them doing something to me. So that is my question even though it’s been 8 months and they let me go and got their stuff back can they still d something to me? I live in CA and it was a Macy’s store also when it happened I was 17 and I will be 18 soon does that make a difference?
Dear Rebecca: It’s highly unlikely anything will happen since they didn’t obtain any identifying information from you. Basically you got lucky this time. It sounds like you learned from this incident which is good. Relax and study hard.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
So I went to court today. and There wasn’t a judge so I just talked to one of the lawyer’s that were there. Since the judge wasn’t there i had to talk to a lawyer. And they said I won’t have a record as long as I do 15 hours of community service and that I need to pay a repetition fee and have it done by December 15th. They also told me to be glad that I didn’t see a judge because things could have been worse. but Thank you so much for your help! i really needed it 🙂
You’re welcome, Tony. All the best.
Hey again about the beer run. I found out that the police classified it as a class 2 misdemeanor. Do you know what my options or consequences might be? I want to let the judge know that I am a good student, I am going to attend college next august and I am currently employed. How do I go about asking him about the diverse program and or probation, community service fines. I cannot go to jail because I will then not be able to graduate in May & then I can’t go to college like I intend do. What do you believe can happen? The arraigment is in December.
Dear Brian: When you go to court, you’ll meet with a probation officer who will explain the process to you. Explain everything to him/her as you have here. You’re not likely to go to jail this time. If you have a transcript of your current grades, bring it with you and any other positive statements regarding your present activities. These will be taken into consideration in determining if diversion will be offered or not. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
If I got caught shoplifting how long until does it usually take for a letter to come in the mail if it does come?
If the LP officer told me that i dont have to worry about any fines or anything? Can I still receive a letter in the mail and if I do I have a case why I shouldn’t pay it. Also, should I contact the store to see if I can deal with this without sending a letter.
Dear Jonah: It’s usually not up to the loss prevention employee to decide if the store wants to fine you or press charges. If they are going to impose the civil fine, you’ll receive a letter from the store. It can take from a few weeks to several months. It depends on the volume of incidents the store has, how busy their corporate office is, etc. As far as contacting the store to arrange for notice to you personally, you can always try. However, if you’re under 18, they may refuse to deal with you personally due to parental responsibility laws that may apply. Good luck.
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Okay so its like this~ When I was 13/14 i got caught stealing with my best friend. We got brought up to the security room, and they called our parents. But the police never came, and I never got anything which told me I needed to go to court. But I did get the bill which was quite a large sum of money. Well I’m 16 now and would really like to get a job (and soon start feeling out college appilcations), but I’m not sure if that whole incident is on my record. I live in Portland, Oregon.
Dear Shivak: Since the police weren’t involved and you didn’t go to court, you don’t have a record. The only record might be with the store. That’s not likely to come up on a background check. Good luck and have fun in college.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Okay so my court date is tomorrow and everyone has been telling me that Federal Court is really bad. Like I am so afraid I am going to jail. I also heard there is some kind of limit that you can’t go over when you steal. I stole a video game that was $39.99. And my mom told me i wasn’t charged with anything since I was not arrested. Can you give me any advice on what might happen in a federal court if I tell the truth and plead guilty?
Dear Tony: It’s highly unlikely you’ll go to jail. More likely is a meeting with a probation officer, a chance to admit what you did, and then diversion as mentioned earlier. Once you successfully complete your diversion terms the case will be closed. So relax and good luck tomorrow. Let us know what happens.
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Hey again I was just wondering what if they want to try us as adults as the cops mentioned is possible. Our birthdays aren’t until 6 months away. Will we be charged as minors or adults? lastly, if we aren’t referred to the diversion program can we ask about it while we aren’t at our pre-trial or arriagment?
Dear Brian: It’s up to the prosecutor to decide whether to file charges in juvenile or adult court. Since you’re close to 18, they may hold the case until you’re 18 and then file in adult court. It depends on the facts of the case, your history, and the laws in your state. Once you know which court you’ll be in, then you can discuss with the assigned probation officer the availability of diversion. When you’re notified of your court hearing, make sure you go. Otherwise the court may issue an arrest warrant. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
If I was caught shoplifting less than $20 in maryland and my information was taken down and my picture was taken but no police were called what are the chances of receiving a fine. Also, if I inquired about a fine and was not told about one will I have to pay it if they send it to me.
Dear Jonah: Since the police weren’t called, it’s unlikely that you’ll have to go to court over this incident. You may receive a letter in the mail from the store requesting payment of a civil fine. It could be several hundred dollars and it may take a few months before it comes. Once it’s paid the case is closed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I was caught shoplifting, in CA, a total amount of 43$ in merchandise. A police Officer was called and put me in hand cuffs in the Loss Prevention Office and had me sign a “ticket looking thing” which gave me a court date and states it is a misdemeanor 490.5 pc. I signed it and cooperated so he let me go from that office and never took me to the jail or “booked me” or anything. My court date is in 6 weeks, but I live out of state in MD and was only there on vacation. I don’t know if I will have to return to CA for my court date, the Officer mentioned having a Public Defender go in my place. I am so confused and I don’t know what to do. Also, the police officer stated that I could have it dropped down to an infraction since this was my first offense. How do I go about fighting to have the charge lowered? And would I still be able to have it lowered if a Public Defender goes in my place? Also, What are the differences between an “Infraction” and a “Misdemeanor”?
Also, I noticed on my ticket thing that he just put my address off of my ID which was not my correct up-to-date address even though I had provided my address, what can I do to make sure I don’t miss any important mail or notices about this?
Thank you so much! Any advice will help!
Also, I am 21 and was 21 when the offense occurred.
Thank you so much,
Dear Samantha: First, an infraction is a lesser offense than a misdemeanor. There are degrees of crimes from first class felonies to infractions or petty offenses.
You might call the court you’re supposed to appear at next month and ask about your case. Explain that you’re out of state, what the charge is, and for the public defender’s contact number. When you call the public defender’s office, ask about their policy in handling these cases, especially when you’re out of state. You might be able to work this out without having to return to California. But don’t just blow it off because it’s always possible that an arrest warrant could be issued by the court. That could really mess things up in your future if and when the warrant turned up on a records check by a college admissions office, future employer, bank application, or during a traffic stop etc. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Walmart said they were pressing charges so does that change the information you gave me?… and he just said that the magistrate would be sending me a letter in the mail and that if i didnt pay the fine they would put a bench warrant out for my arrest.
Dear Natalie: That doesn’t change anything. Just wait for the letter and follow the instructions given. The letter could be from the store requesting payment of a civil fine. Once paid the case may be closed. Or you may get a letter from the court setting a date for a hearing. If that’s what you receive, don’t miss the hearing. The legal process will then be explained to you by a probation officer. See diversion here about this program that you’ll likely be offered. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hi I’m 20 yrs old and I got caught with shopliftin. I took 3 items from target. Which were 12.99 each this is the first time that I have done this. I know what I did was wrong and I’m dealing with the situation. I just want to know what is really gonna happen to me at court.
Dear Nessavae: Since this is your first time you’ll probably be offered a diversion program.
Once you complete the terms of diversion the case will be closed. When you go to court the legal process will be explained to you by a probation officer. You may also receive a letter from the store requesting payment of a fine. When you pay it, that will end the civil side of the case. You’re not required to pay the fine. If you don’t the store may decide to press charges. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hello Again. I need one more information. As long as you are in diversion program, does it show up in your background record (Criminal Record)while a company search for it?
Dear Mohammad: No, while in the program and once you successfully finish it, the charge is dismissed and there’s no public record that should be disclosed when a background check is done.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
The other day I was in Walmart picking up some groceries and i also had a few cosmetics they kept falling threw the buggy so i put them on top of my purse and threw the busy crowd and my cell phone going off the dropped down into my purse which i did not notice at the time. So i did alittle more shopping and then went to the check out to pay for my items. While leaving a undercover walmart person said i need the cosmetics back i was so upset nervous and scared i completely forgot about them i had NO intentions of stealing i never have and never would. I offered to pay numerous times and the guy was just telling me i tried stealing them dont lie to him. Although the cops were not called he said i would be receiving somethign in the mail in a couple weeks. I am in college and i cant have this on my record and i would feel differently if i intended stealing it which it was a complete ACCIDENT…. what should i do? what is going to happen to me?
Dear Natalie: Since the police didn’t appear or take any of your information, it’s unlikely that you’ll have to go to court for this. You may receive a letter from the store requiring payment of a civil fine. It could be several hundred dollars. Once it’s paid the case is closed and you don’t have a record to be concerned about. However, you don’t have to pay the fine if you don’t feel, as you’ve stated, that you did anything wrong and that it was an oversight. If you don’t pay, the store may press charges. If they do, you’ll receive notice in the mail from the court of a hearing you’ll need to attend. Once at court, explain your position to the probation officer and/or the judge. You have a right to plead not guilty and leave it to the court to decide the case. Talk this over with your parents before deciding how to proceed. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
4 friends and I got caught doing a beer run and 3 of us are 17 and the other is 18. The cops that arrested us said we will need to appear in court with 2 misdemeanors for possession of alcohol and shoplifting. None of us have records for anything in the past and this all happened in Tempe, Arizona. The police returned the beer to the store and let us go except for the 18 year old he had to stay the night in jail. Do you believe we will be let off with community service, probation and fines? rather than going serving in jail? please explain what can happen to us. Thank you.
Dear Brian: It’s unlikely you’ll get any jail or juvenile detention time. If this is your first offense, you probably be offered diversion. When you complete diversion, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. It’s always possible, depending on the judge and prosecutor, that you’ll be placed on probation with a fine, community service or a class to attend. Diversion is rarely available a second time. So, think twice before you steal again. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
My friend and I got caught shoplifting at a Claire’s 2 days ago. I stole only one pair of earrings off of a $20.00 worth of merch. I took one pair off of it, and my friend stole 2 rings. I do not know how much merch we stole was worth, but the point is we were caught by a guy ‘undercover’ at the mall. He took down our info.. but the thing is we both lied. We gave down fake names and said we were sisters because we looked alike and because we were scared out of our minds so we didn’t know anything to do but lie. I gave a relatives home phone # and my old friend’s house address. The guy that took us said he would not bring us to the police because of the insignificant amount merch we stole, but I’m afraid I will get a letter, and because I gave the guy an address that is not mine, that he will send us a fine/court date letter. Since my friend and and said we were sister’s she called her father to pick us up and the guy talked to him, and took his driver’s license and he wrote something down (I don’t know what he wrote down). I assume that he wront down her father’s name and address. but if I do receive a letter how long after the “crime” would I receive the letter? a month? a couple of days?
Dear Tiffany: To answer your other question, yes this would be your first offense. Since the store security obtained your friend’s address through her father, the store may send you both civil demand letters requesting payment of a fine to your friend’s house. These letters are usually sent out within a couple months of the shoplifting incident occurring. If you receive these letters and pay the fine, that may be the end of the matter. However, if the store chooses to press charges for either the shoplifting offense or the providing false information (if the store realizes you did this) or both, then you will receive a letter in the mail to appear in court. Since this is your first offense, you would probably be offered diversion, which means that the charges would be dismissed upon successful completion of the program. Remember that the penalties will increase for additional offenses so we hope you learned from this incident. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
hi judge. alright so i stole from this store and it was under 40 dollars. im only 17 but im turning 18 in a few weeks. cops came and took all my info. so im really scared and do not know what to do. do i have to go to court? whats are my penalties? will this stay in my record? the cops didnt say anything about court. thank u
Dear Jason: The store may choose to send you a civil demand letter requesting payment of a fine. If you pay this fine, that may be the end of the matter and you would not have to go to court. If the store chooses to press charges, then you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. You would not have a criminal record of any conviction. Remember that the penalties will increase for a second offense so we hope you learned a valuable lesson from this incident. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
hi me and my friend got caught stealing at target and we each had abt 40 dollars worth of stuff. we r 18 years old college freshmen but we made a huge mistake and we resorted to stealing because of our financial situation.the police caught us and cited us but didnt arrest us and said we would be getting a letter to go to court. is there a way i can tell the judge to drop the charges if i do a lot of community services.its my first offense and i do not want this on my record since i am planning to become a doctor.
Dear John: Since this is your first offense, it is likely that you will be offered some type of diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Remember that the penalties will increase for a second offense so we hope you learned a valuable lesson from this incident. Good luck in school.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
thanks judge. most of the ones who did petty theft were let go of with a fine and probation only. mines a little bit worse though however…it also seemed like the repeat offenders were told they have to do work alternative. no one was offered community service hours though. are most of the judges the same? i hope i get a lenient one like the first one. is there any way i can change my court date sooner so i dont have to worry for 2 months?
Dear Jason: The judges in each county usually impose similar sentences for the various kinds of offenses, so you are most likely facing similar consequences to those you saw imposed for other shoplifting incidents. You could try calling either the court or your attorney to see if you can get your court date scheduled sooner, but it may not be an option if the court’s calendar is completely full for the next few months. Try to relax and not worry too much as you may just have to wait a few more months for your case to be resolved.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
I have learned my lesson!! And to think with everything i do, because this has really messed me up and i’ve changed and this will only make me stronger now that i know THINK THINK THINK THINK!!! and i know for sure i will never ever do something like this or worse ever again! But the court is making me scared!!
We’re glad to hear it, Kendra. Best of luck.
hello judge – i was caught shop lifting about 3 weeks ago -NY-the store called police officer – he came to the store, wrote out a ticket for me to appear in court ( Janurary) – i had all my proper ID, i’m 46 yrs old and had never shop lifted before ( no prior records) and would never do it again ! what might happen in court ?
Dear Donna: First, this is a teen law website providing information to teens about their rights and the laws that affect them. However, to help put your mind at ease, you may be offered a diversion program since this is your first offense, but it will depend on the amount of the items stolen and whether a diversion program is offered in your county. If you successfully complete diversion, the charges would be dismissed and the case closed. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
I just turned 15 and she is 15 and about two months ago Me and a friend were in Louisiana for a concert cause her grandfather builds the stages and stuff. BUT we LIVE in Texas and so me and her were alone on the BoardWalk and we had just eaten lunch and i had paid for that and so we didn’t have much money left. And she was like “hey lets go into claires” and i said okay. We walked in and we started looking around and the first thing she did was find a pair of ear rings and gave them to me and goes “here can you TAKE these for me?” i looked at her and told her “i dont know” i picked them up and looked at the price it was 8.99$ i didn’t even see what they looked like! i wasn’t planning on taking them at all. So me and her continued to look around the store and at one point i put them in my pocket because we were picking stuff up with 2 hands and we were taking pics and stuff and instead of putting them down thats where i put them… And when she was ready to go she had walked out and left me inside the story! And as soon as i was going to drop the ear rings the lady that worked there pulled my friend back inside and told me to give her the ear rings… i was speechless and i should of said something but i was shocked because of what my friend did.. She put on this scared face and goes “i had NO idea she had those!! I was NOT part of this at all” then after that i really had noooo idea what to say.. and i got arrested and the guy told me that i had to go to court! and PLUS he didn’t let me go he held me and her untill her grandfather came to pick us up! and now court is in a few days! and a lot has happened and i dont talk to that friend anymore and she was my best friend for 6 years soo it wasn’t easy. My mom and sister having been telling me things and it makes it sound like its going to be HELL and i am TERRIFIED!!! What’s going to happpen?? am i going to have to stand up in front of people or just the judge?? Also i have to go back to Louisiana!!! what is he/she going to ask me?? whats going to happen???
Its also my first time stealing! Because this is not me, i never go with the flow of things! sooo im terrified!!
Dear Kendra: First, Kendra, relax. Since this is your first offense, you can expect to be offered a diversion program. That means when you finish some community service work or attend a class, the case will be closed. Since you live out of state, you may be allowed to do the hours in your neighborhood. When you go to court the process will be explained to you by a probation officer. Listen carefully and ask questions so you fully understand what’s going on. It’s best that you no longer hang out with this friend who turned out not to be such a good friend. Good luck.
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hey its me again, the probation officer wants to see my report card and its not that good i have 1 c and the rest are D’s is this bad? is it a greater chance of getting probation? or am i alright cause my family thinks im screwed.
Dear Justin: We don’t think you really believe that Ds are alright. Your grades shouldn’t affect the decision to place you on probation or not. But they will tell your probation officer something about what’s going on and give him/her a chance to offer you services. Your PO needs to know everything about you in order to keep you out of trouble and get you back on track. Good luck.
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hey judge, i had my court date and all they did was tell me what im being charged with and then i said i wanted a public defender, so they gave me a piece of paper saying my next court date(in 3 months) such a long time from now…do i meet with my public defender or does he call me? i believe at my next court date im going to be sentenced. it should be a fine and a class most likely or work alternative. most of the people i was in court with were there for drunk driving and stealing and they all got work alternative and a fine, unless they were a second time offender. also what does it mean when the judge says “you have to serve 5 days in jail under the work alternative program” does that mean that they work in jail and get to go home after theyre done working or do you stay there overnight and work? so confused and hope i dont have to stay there at jail and work. no one was assigned community service hours so im not too sure
also judge when i do get my public defender do they go to speak for me? do i have to be present in court on that day?
Dear Jason: Yes, you need to appear at your next hearing. Look on the paperwork you received for a phone number to call to speak with your attorney. He or she may also call you when it gets closer to your court date. Sometimes they are so busy with hundreds of cases, they don’t expect to speak with you until the day of the hearing. That is not unusual. ‘Work alternative’ usually means you spend nights in jail and are released during the day to go to work. Judges don’t want low risk offenders to lose their jobs. You may not be facing this anyway. You may just receive some work hours and a fine. Good luck.
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Hi again this is Randa I have been trying to get a hold of my public defender and he never answers or returns my email or phone calls and the one time I got a hold of him he didn’t even know who I was and didn’t say nothing to me . Can I ask my public defender for a diversion? So if I don’t get a diversion what will happen if I get an expungement? how long after can I apply for an expungement after? I just want to do whatever it takes to handle this situation because I did it and now I have to suffer the consequences. I want to do whatever it takes to get this off my record.
Dear Randa: You may not get a chance to talk with your lawyer until your next hearing. He will ask for diversion and if you don’t get it, you may have to admit the incident, if that’s what you decide to do, and follow the court’s orders. That may include a class or community service. When you finish whatever you’re told to do, then you can apply to clear your record (expungement). Be patient. Courts and public defenders have hundreds of cases and it takes time to get through the system. Good luck.
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Hi again,
Thanks for the advices, I really apprecite it. Plus for you having this website, its very helpful. But I have another question, they gave me a ticket and they told me to wait for a letter for court date*/the program since its my First offense. Also, they say if I don’t recieve it in 10 days I should call this number they gave it to me. What could possibility happen, if I don’t call them?
Dear Pa: Depending on the volume of cases in your area, it may be longer than ten days before you receive the letter. Follow the instructions you were given and call. Otherwise this won’t be resolved or automatically go away. It could follow you around for years. Good luck.
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so should i just stay away from claire’s for a while? bcuz i cant risk getting caught at all
That would be a good idea. You might also think about doing the right thing and that’s either returning the items or sending the store payment for it. You don’t have to sign your name.
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hey its me again im the one who stole robotussin yea i wanted to know something i got a letter in the mail and it said im seeing a probation officer does that mean im getting probation or no? its on the 16th
Dear Justin: It means you’ll meet with a probation officer and he or she will explain the process to you. You’ll likely be given diversion and won’t see a judge. You may be placed on informal probation until the diversion is completed. Once you finish the terms of diversion the case will be closed. Good luck.
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hi im 12 years old and yesterday i stole 2 pins out of a pack of 4 pins that costed about $4.50 from clairs there were video cameras and i think they got me on tape but i got home what will happen?Do they know where i live?what if im moving?help me please
Dear Chiquita: If the store didn’t stop you or call the police, there’s little chance you’ll hear anything more about this. Even if you’re seen on their video, they need your address and name to press charges. You may have gotten lucky this time, but don’t count on it happening again. Depending on the value of what you steal, you could some day be locked up for shoplifting. Good luck.
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“Please discharge my previous comment”
Hey Mohammad again.
One more questions. Due to my shop lifting act currently I am going through my diversion program. I have taken my “Turing Point” educational class, all most done with my community service work and will submit all the requirements in front of the court by February. My question is when I am applying for jobs they are asking me “Have you ever been convicted of or pled quilty to any crime ? “, Can I say “NO” to this one? I believe I have never been convicted or plead guilty for my offense. When you are permitted with a diversion program doesn’t it count in that way? please let me know
Thanks Again.
Dear Mohammad: You’re right – when you finish the diversion program the charge is dismissed and the case closed. If you didn’t appear before a judge or plead guilty to anything, you have not been convicted. Read questions on applications carefully because language is important in deciding how to answer truthfully. Good luck.
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My cousen and I stole from walmart and we got caught but were not arrested. We later got a letterin in the mail saying we were getting charged for theft. This is my first offense ever and it was a really dumb mistake and I realize the consequences of my actions. I have a public defender so my question is since this is my first crime ever will this get put on my record am I going to have a background? and do public offenders really help ? I feel like having a public defender defend me won’t help me at all. I don’t know what to do I just don’t want this on my record. I’m 19 so I feel like I’m going to get charged and I’m going to have a record
Dear Randa: Public defenders are usually dedicated, competent attorneys. Talk to him/her about your concerns and the process will be explained to you. You may be offered diversion which will keep you from having a record. Even if you end up with a record, you can apply for expungement after a period of time. Ask about this as well. Good luck.
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I am a Cna nurse will it go on my records cause they let me go off with a warning and not to come back. and they didnt call they police and i didnt get a ticket. will anything happen to my cna lisence or my record???
Since there’s no police or court record of this incident, it shouldn’t have any affect on your license or future employment.
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conitnue the first part if the person shoplift but they put the item back it wouldn’t be shoplift and why would sercurty follow you out the car and get your licensece plate and give you a warning that they don’t want you in their store any more but it does sound that you are banned in their store.
Dear Maria: The laws of your state may define shoplifting as including in-store behavior such as removing an item from its package and then returning it to the shelf before leaving the store. You can Google the name of your state and “shoplifting laws” for the details that would apply to your situation. If you’re seen shoplifting whether you are prosecuted or not, the store can ban you from returning. If you do return, they can press trespassing charges against you. Good luck.
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Hi judge tom, i have yet another question about my case. I went to see the probation officer and she gave me diversion, but when i asked if this was going on my record and for how long, she said it was going to be on my record for 15 years. This seems ridiculous. Can you explain please? She said it’s going to show up for everything: colleges, jobs, anything. I’m really afraid this is going to affect my future. What can i do about it?
You might ask her for an explanation since you’re in diversion. That usually means when you successfully complete the program, the charge is dismissed and there’s no official record. The laws in your state may be different and you might have to live with the 15 years, but inquire about this so you understand fully what you’re facing. You could also speak with a local criminal defense attorney for an interpretation of your situation, or the public defender if that’s who was involved with your case. Good luck.
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Me and my friend went to the store.(Indiana) As we were walkin up to the counter she said grabb that gum and put it in your pocket. I said no but she kept saying that I was scared. I really didn’t want to but I also didn’t want to be known as the girl who was scarry. Anyways I picked it up and put it in my pocket and as we walked out of the store she said ” See know was that so hard??” Then a officer came up behind us and said we were going to be taking to jail if we didn’t give up the gum we put in our pockets. What I wanted to know was what would happen next???????
Dear DaeJa: That depends on what the store decides to do. They can press charges against you for shoplifting if they choose. If the officer and the store didn’t take any identifying information, there’s little chance you’ll hear anything further about this incident. If you receive a notice in the mail advising you of a court hearing, don’t miss it. Otherwise the court may issue a warrant for your arrest. Good luck. Next time don’t give in to peer pressure. Your friend won’t be with you when you’re facing the judge – you’ll be on your own.
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Me and my mom notice that we were going to get caught for shoplifting so we put the fake jewelry back. we apologized for it and said we would never do it again. and one of the coworkers followed us out and took are liscense plate number he gave us a warning and to never come back to their store. Will they call the cops since they have our lisence plate number and will they put pictures of us up at their jcp store or a warrant on us?? we both are scare and will never do it again and it was our first time. so will dont know what will happen. but we know we wont do it again.
Dear Maria: It is possible that the store will press shoplifting charges, but unlikely. If the police weren’t called and you weren’t given a court date, then this may be the end of it. Stores don’t usually post photos of shoplifters but it’s their decision to do so. Since you’ve been banned from the store, don’t return or they could file trespassing charges against you. Good luck.
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Hello. I am 27, live in California, and shoplifted for the first (and LAST) time at Macy’s in June of 2009. The amount was around 300 or 400 dollars. I have never been so scared and ashamed in my life. I regret it more than anything! I cannot even sleep at night, still think about and worry about it constantly and I need advice. Basically what happened is LP stopped me outside, brought me back to their offices, took my picture and all of my info, and had me sit there, scared and shaking, for over 3 hours. After three hours, they said that the police were called but since they still hadn;t shown up, they were going to let me go after I signed some papers saying I would never return to a Macy’s West store ever again. I also paid the store’s civil fee right away (again this was over a year ago). Here is my question: Is this on my record? Like I said, they told me that they called the police, but after three hours the police never showed up so they walked me out and I went hom after signing the papers. I paid the fee to Macy’s right away. I never went to court b/c I wasn’t told to. Please help – I want to be a police officer and I am also applying for other jobs in hopes of a career change right now. I need to know if this is on my record!!!! Thank you for your time.
Dear Amanda: Although AsktheJudge.info is a teen-law website, we will respond to your question. You don’t have an official record with the police or justice system. The only record would be with the store for their purposes, especially in the event you return when you’ve been banned. If you did return they could press trespassing charges against you. Good luck in your pursuits and we’re glad you learned from this incident.
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Hello…I’m 17 and yes, I’m a Senior. So not so long ago, like last week me and my friend got caught shoplifting at MOA and I gave them my identification. Now, I’m applying to colleges and they’re asking if I have even been convicted of a felony..The problem is..should I say YES or No? Would they ever find out, if I click ‘No”? Do all college check background from your SSN? I’m worried, I won’t get accepted to that college. Please give me advices…
Dear Pa Houa: If you weren’t interviewed by the police, given a ticket or a date to appear in court, you haven’t been convicted of anything regarding this incident. The store may keep a record for their own purposes. Most colleges do not do criminal background checks on applicants. You could always call the schools you’re applying to and ask what their policy is. Good luck.
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Hello sir,
I arecently stole a bottle of wine from a pharmacy store in another county about 40 miles away from my town.
When they asked for it back I panicked and ran out of the store with it. I’m sure I was caught on camera inside the store. My car was backed into a parking space, concealing the plate and I drove off with the item as fast as I could. They seemed to make no attempt to get my license plate number or to stop me.
However, I am not sure if there was a camera in the parking lot. Do you think they will go through the trouble to look at a tape to try and identify my plate, and what could I expect to happen if I havn’t heard anything in three days?
I feel horrible about this.
It’s unlikely that they’ll study the tapes to identify you, but it’s always a possibility. We don’t know what you mean by “three days” because the statute of limitations for filing a theft or shoplifting charge against you is more than that, probably at least one year. If you do receive a notice in the mail to appear in court, don’t miss the hearing or a warrant can be issued for your arrest. If you want some relief from your remorse, you could always drop payment for the wine in the mail to the store owner. You don’t have to identify yourself. Good luck.
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I stole from Walmart less than 6 months ago and I am now am on a diversion program. I was completely stupid and stole about $30 from the Walmart again, but I wasn’t caught. But thinking back to the situation, I used my debit card to pay for the other items. So is it possible for Walmart to be able to find out my address from my debit card and have the police show up?
Dear Elliot: Yes, it’s possible that the store might be able to find your contact information through your debit card, but unlikely since it would take time and resources to get the information. However, most stores have surveillance cameras and the loss prevention department could possibly identify you if you return to the store. If you end up being charged with another offense, then it’s likely that you would violate the terms of your diversion program, so the original charges would not be dismissed. Also, the penalties will increase for second and additional offenses, so we hope you have learned from these incidents.
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well i am 17 and got caught stealing. As the cop told me to get out the car he arrested me and searched the car asking me questions about what was stolen. He didnt even read me my rights but i still answered his questions. they took stuff from the car that they were looking for. ANd then took a item that they had no idea that i took from a diffrent store. This is my first time getting caught for stealing and havent been in any trouble. what should i ask for to get off clean. and could this case get dismissed somehow. I am in the state of michigan. and was it right for them to take the item that they had no clue that was stolen.
Dear Gavin: Depending on the amount of the items stolen, you may be offered a diversion program since this is your first offense. That means that upon successful completion of the program, the charges would be dismissed and the case closed. Therefore, you would not have a record of a conviction. When you go to your first court appearance, you will find out more concerning the possible consequences at that time. If the police believed that the other item might have been stolen, then they could take it and hold onto it as evidence while your case is pending. Generally, the police need a warrant to conduct a search of a person’s property such as a car, but there are exceptions including a “search incident to the arrest” of a person. Good luck.
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Dear Jason: It is unlikely that you would go to jail for this offense. If you get into more trouble, then the chances for serving time in detention or jail increase. It’s always up to the judge.
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Dear Jason: When you go to court you’ll meet with a court or probation officer. They will speak with you about representation and whether you want a public defender. If you qualify financially the court will appoint a lawyer for you. He or she will speak for you in court and attempt to reach a fair outcome. Good luck.
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hi sir.
well like alot of these other people i supposly i guess i did cause its on my record… i am 17 and currently in a bank teller class and the teacher says that banks do not hire peole with even a mistomenor i just found out. and i was just wondering if when i turn 18 will it go away or do i need to get it exponge and how do i do that… i got in trouble because supposely my old best friend she use to be… she was stealling and i didnt know but i was right next to her the whole time then i went to macdonalds and she said lets go so i didnt think anything then the lady said just give me the stuff i didnt know what she talking about she lloked at my friend she started crying and gave her the perse and told me do u have anything i said no she said ok u can go as i started walking she asked my friend how old are you she said 16 then she stopped me and asked me i said 17 so they charged me cause they said i was with her and i should have known better… i went to harris county jail… and i knew i didnt steal but my lawyer told me just to plead guilty and they lowered it form a B to a C so i just want to know because next month i turn 18 and im gonna have a baby in jan and im almost done with this course i just wannna know how i can take it away…please tell me as soon as posible
Dear Victoria: Contact the court you went to and ask about expunging your record. You can also check online if the court has a web site. Many courts do today and you can print out the “juvenile records” form, fill it out and send it to the court. It may take a month or two before you hear from the court because of the volume of cases. You could also call the lawyer who represented you and ask him how to go about clearing your record. Good luck with your baby and education.
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hi, im 15 years old and about a month ago i got caught shoplifting robotussin cause my brother was sick and i thought i had money but then i realized i didnt so i put it in my pocket. i got caught and police were called i got a ticket im not going to court but im meeting with a probation officer what will my punishment be? i have a clean record this is my very first time getting in trouble and i have helped out the cops in the past by witnessing a fight and giving a report so am i going to get probation or what? i live in michigan if that helps?
Dear Justin: It sounds like you probably will be offered a diversion program. That means that upon successful completion of the program which usually includes community service, a fine and a class or counseling, the case would be closed and the charges dismissed. These programs do not necessarily include being placed on probation. Good luck.
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Dear Jason: Since this is your first offense and you are being charged with a misdemeanor, you are likely facing probation with community service, a fine and a class or counseling. However, it is ultimately up to the judge as to how you are sentenced. When you go to your first court date, you will find out more at that time. It sounds like you have already learned from your mistake, but remember that if you find yourself in more trouble, jail time will be more likely. Good luck.
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about a week ago i was caught shoplifting with my friend and i did not get arrested.But i am only 12 what is going to happen o me?
Dear Georgia: If the police weren’t involved and you weren’t given a notice to appear in court, then this may be the end of it. You might receive a letter from the store requiring payment of a fine. It could take a month or two before the letter arrives. Once you and your parents pay the fine the case will be closed. You may have gotten lucky this time, Georgia, but don’t think it will happen again. Study hard and enjoy the school year.
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So will i go to Jail?
Dear Tony: It is unlikely that you would get any jail time if you’re offered the diversion program. It is possible, however, if you get into additional trouble and break the law. It is up to the judge to decide the penalty. Good luck.
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Friday night i got caught shoplifting 50$’s worth of cosmetics from Walmart Michigan, this was my frist time, the security caught me by the door, they took me to the back room wrote up a report took pictures of what i took and made a copy of my id, they called the police the police gave me a ticket and told me to set a court date. He said i was considered arrested i was charged with a misdemeanor, im scared and im not sure what to do, can this be taken off my record what should i do and say, i am planing on attending pharmacy school will this show up when they do a background check and will this affect my chance of getting in?
i currently work,will they notify my work of what happened even though they didnt get any information other then the name of my job not the location or anything else ?
Dear Dena: Since this is your first offense, there is a good chance that you will be offered a diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of the terms of the program, the charges would be dismissed and the case closed. If this occurs, you would not have a criminal record of the incident and wouldn’t need to worry about it affecting your chances of getting into pharmacy school. Also, it is extremely unlikely that your employer will be notified about this incident. Remember that the penalties will increase for additional offenses so we hope you learned from this incident. Good luck.
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this is my second time i got caught stealing. i was in Ohio and stole at CVS. i was on my way back home to Ny. when i got caught i was sent to the county jail in ohio for 3 days. its a first degree theif missdomeaner (sp?)i went in front of the judge and said i was guilty.he said i served my 3 days out of 100 .i had to pay a fine and tell NY what i did because he (ohio judge) said i would be on probation for a yr and pay a fine. so when i got home i had called the courts to find out what i had to do because 20 min after i got out of jail i was in a 3 car accident an forgot about what the judge said.so the lady said all u have to do is pay the fine (i just sent it out) and case closed. she never mentioned probation.i asked , are u sure thats all and she said yes. i called again and another lady said the same thing. i pay case closed. probation was never spoken of when i called but i do have a paper saying i have to report to probation in ny. IS MY CASE CLOSED LIKE THEY SAID? LIKE I SAID THEY NEVER SAID THE WORD PROBATION
Dear Selena: You may want to call the court in Ohio and explain your situtation. Tell them that the NY court is telling you that the case is closed even though your paperwork states that you are on probation. Every state handles the transfer of probation from one state to another state differently. You could also consider calling or even going into the probation office in NY and showing them your paperwork. Perhpaps the transfer paperwork has not been filed yet and therefore, NY does not know that they need to supervise you. It’s unlikely that the officer would have told the judge about your accident and therefore, changed the terms of your sentence. Good luck.
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okay so if you shoplifeted when u were 14 at walmart but it does not go on your record and than you’re 15 now and you got caught at Sears and it goes on ur record and you have to go to court what would you face , & the sears people called for a background check and the sheriff said its okay to be release to the parents. what will you face, they told sears that a fine has been sent before but you can realease ,because if it was 2nd time , its juvytime , but the first time did not go on my criminal revord but my Walmart record.
Dear Pakou: Since this is your first time in juvenile court, you can expect to be offered what is called “diversion.”
Once you finish the diversion terms the case will be closed. If you were told not to return to the store, don’t or you could be charged with trespass. Good luck.
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they dropped it to a misdemeanor. so now what happens? is it less likely ill go to jail for it?
Dear Shannon: Yes, it is less likely that you’ll get any jail time for a first-time misdemeanor.
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I got caught shoplifting at Walmart. It was 19 dollars worth of stuff. I am 17 and have to go to court, what will happen to me? I dont have a lawyer either
Dear Carly: You may not need a lawyer. When you go to court, the legal process will be explained to you. As a first time offender, you may be offered “diversion.” That means when you finish some community service, pay a fine, or attend a class the case will be closed. You won’t have a record to worry about in the future. Don’t miss your court date and don’t steal again. The consequences increase as you reoffend. Good luck.
On the HomePage of http://www.askthejudge.info is our new “A Teenager’s Guide to Juvenile Court.”
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Hi, i don’t know if you still reply to these things but i decided to give this a try.
So when i was maybe 15-16 i was caught stealing 3-4 times (different times, different stores). I was fined but not brought into court. Everytime i got caught i was just fined. I’m 17 soon to be 18 in a few days, i’m looking for a job and cant seem to find one, thinking hard and long about it i was wondering does this show up on my record? Does it affect my chances of employment?
Dear Randy: If you didn’t go to court or plead guilty before a judge, there shouldn’t be a formal record of these incidents. It sounds like you completed a diversion program and the cases were closed. There may be a record of the fact that you were in diversion or a record with the store that you paid the “civil demand” but that wouldn’t affect employment opportunities. You might check with the court where the stealing took place and see if they have a record of this. If they do, you can ask about clearing your record. Good luck.
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Thank you. And they also read that I have to go to a federal court? Is that a bad thing? or is it the same since this is my first offense?
Dear Tony: Federal court works similarly to a state court when it comes to criminal cases. The process will be explained to you when you go, and you may be eligible for their diversion program. You’re in federal court because the shoplifting took place on federal property – the Navy Exchange. Good luck.
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so I go in there with my public defender during the second court date, and I plead guilty that I did take the money, then what usually would happen from there? if they don’t drop it to a misdemeanor can I still apply for house arrest since you said I wont get to do a diversion program since its a felony? Im doing everything and anything I can do to avoid jail time.
Dear Shannon: You have to trust your public defender to represent you zealously and seek what’s in your best interests. He/she will discuss the case with the prosecutor and if possible work out a deal that the court will approve. Your lawyer’s goal is the same, to keep you out of jail. Good luck.
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oh because my case is a felony right now…so what is another way I would go about this? also what do they mean when they say that it can be knocked down to a misdemeanor?
Dear Shannon: That means the prosecutor may make you an offer. That is, if you admit or plead guilty to a lesser charge, the case won’t go to trial. A shoplifting charge, for example, may be reduced to a lower class misdemeanor or from a felony to a misdemeanor which reduces the penalty the court may impose.
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thank you judge. what exactly is a diversion program and how long do they last? is it offered to first time offenders instead of jail time?
Dear Shannon: A diversion program means that the case doesn’t turn into a formal prosecution and then a criminal record once the diversion terms are met. You’re usually given a certain amount of time [a month or so] to complete the work hours, pay the fine or attend a class. And yes, it is offered usually to first and sometimes second-time offenders. That depends, of course, on the offense. A first-time rapist, for example, wouldn’t be offered diversion. It’s for low misdemeanors or petty offenses not felonies. Good luck.
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ok so i spoke with the boss and sat all day in the holding cell yesterday unti my bail was posted which was a good 12 hours. i was then bailed out and went to see my bondsman this morning and he gave me my court date. he also thinks i will be placed in a diversion program and have to pay restitution. even though it is a felony he said it will likely be dropped to a misdemeanor since it is my first offense so with that being said it will likely not be jail time?
Dear Shannon: That’s correct, it won’t likely mean jail time. Hopefully, you’ve learned from this experience and can pass it on to friends and acquaintances. Good luck.
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Hello, I have been trying to find someone I can ask about this problem I have, I purchased a puppy in NOvember of 09 which I purchased under the assumption he was healthy, which in fact he WAS NOT. I have been constantly caring for this dog since the day they sold him to me. He is very sick, and they claim they had no idea. They keep lying and lying and messing up their story. They will not reimburse me for the vet bills which are 4,000$ I did sign there contract, under the assumption I was buying a healthy dog. Can I sue them for the amount I Paid and the vet bills???
Deart Brittney: First, take a look at the contract you signed. There may be some language in it about buying the dog “as is” with no guarantees about his health. Or there may be a provision about how much time after the purchase you have to bring him back for a refund or coverage of medical bills. If they have violated the terms of the contract, then yes, you have a right to go to small claims court to resolve this. Check with your local court to see which one has jurisdiction over this type of case. Many courts set monetary limits on lawsuits – you may have to go to a different court since the amount you’re dealing with is $4,000. You should also discuss this with a local lawyer for advice on how to proceed. Maybe a letter to the store from a lawyer will resolve this rather than going to court. Some lawyers will give you a free 30-60 minute consultation. Good luck.
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Thank you for your reply. I have some more questions. Should I call the store again and ask if I will be receiving a civil demand letter? Will they tell me? And who should I speak to when I call them? The manager or the security guy? How long will it take them to mail me the civil demand letter?
I just called the store, and the security told me that I am not going to have to pay a fine, and they just wanted to let me know my lesson. I feel so lucky that the store is giving another change, and I have definitely learned my lesson, and I will never never do this again. I understan how this can ruin all my hard work during the past 21 year old. I just want to thank you for your reply and advice, and I want to tell anyone who has made the mistake before not to do anything like this anymore. Only a 10 min incident can ruin one’s entire future!!!! I never experienced anything so serious before, and I would never forget this!!!!! Thank you again.
You’re welcome, Yao. We’re glad you’ve learned from this incident and hope others do the same.
When I was 17 years old I was caught shoplifting from the Navy Exchange. They gave me a ticket with a fine and I paid the fine.The cop told me if I paid the fine I won’t have to go to court but I still got a letter in the mail giving me a court date. This is my first offense and I have never been to court. I just turned 18 3 weeks ago. What do i expect? Please help me. I am so scared I can’t even sleep.
Dear Tony: Whatever you do, don’t miss the court hearing. When you go the process will be explained to you. As a first-time offender, you may be offered diversion. That means when you finish some community service, pay a fine, or attend a class about shoplifting the case will be closed. This one incident shouldn’t affect your future plans for school, employment or enlistment in the military. However, if you get into more trouble the consequences increase.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I am still very nervous about the whole thing. I am on F1 student visa, and I am applying for job and summer internships now. I am afraid that this shoplifting will ruin my future. I feel really really bad for what I have done. I did not eat or sleep for these two days, and I am so scared to tell my parents and my friends about this. What should I do? Help me please.
Dear Yao: Try to calm down. In your case, there is a good chance that you got off easy this time with a verbal warning. If you receive any civil demand letter, it means that the incident is being handled through the store and not the courts. Therefore, even if you get this letter and pay the fine, you would not have any criminal record. Without a criminal record, it should not affect your ability to get a job or stay in this country, but you could contact a local immigration attorney to confirm this. Perhaps you should consider talking to your parents about this as they may be able to help put your mind at ease knowing that you have that additional support. You certainly sound remorseful for your actions and know that you made a big mistake.
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Thank you for your quick response, i have been worried about this for 2 days now and its been interfering with my school work. I am pretty relieved; the cop who assigned my diversion program also mentioned that all charges would be dropped, was not sure if civil recovery was included. At any case i will never be shoplifting again, i have definitely learned by lesson thank you for your quick response.
Dear Rax: You’re welcome. Best of luck and try to focus on your school work again.
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I was caught shoplifting at a local walmart and was arrested. i paid my bond and have a court date. i have never been to court and dont know what to expect. I took $58 worth of goods and it is my first offense and i am 19. what will happen at court will i have a lawyer appointed to me when i arrive? or do i speak to the judge alone. i know i am wrong for this crime and am just curious as to how many more fines i will receive. As now getting another job on top of the one i have and going to college full time in addition to a misdemeanor on my record..will not be very easy. I have already received the walmart fine and my court date is in a month. (i live in IL if that helps)
Dear Bri: If you pay the Walmart fine, the store may choose to not press charges. You could also bring some verification that you paid the fine to court to let the judge and prosecutor know that you’ve already accepted responsibility and have paid Walmart. Since this is your first offense, you are likely facing a diversion program. That means upon completion of community service, payment of a fine and/or attending a class or counseling, the charges would be dropped and the case dismissed. You may not be appointed an attorney since you are likely facing a misdemeanor and not a felony charge with no mandatory jail time (depending on the specific laws of your state). Good luck.
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This is my first time, happening at a walmart in brampton ontario. the police were called and i am to complete a youth referral program to drop the charges for the offense. the amount stolen was 32 dollars and all items were returned will i still get fined? and if so how much. i am 16 years old.
Dear Rax: Since you are involved with a youth referral program, it’s extremely unlikely that the store will send you a civil demand letter asking for payment of a fine. However, there may be some relatively low fee/fine through the youth program. You could try asking your probation officer or whoever you are in contact with through the program about whether you should expect to pay a fine. These types of programs often impose community service hours rather than a fine. Good luck.
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hi.this is my second ofense and happed a sears in new york they catch me shoplift $18 dolar value they took my information from my license and tell me that i was going to receive a letter in the mail from they attoney is been already like 20 day and i have’nt receive anything yet so was gonna happe or wath should i do?? please help me iam afraid.
Dear Dora: It may take the store a couple months or so to send you the civil demand letter requesting payment of a fine, so continue to watch your mail. If you pay the civil demand, it’s likely that it will be the end of the matter and you will hear nothing more about the incident. Otherwise, the store could choose to press charges in which case you would receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Since this is your second offense, diversion is unlikely, but you’re probably facing community service, a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling. Remember that the penalties will continue to increase for additional offenses, so we hope you learned from this incident. Good luck.
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Thank you for your reply. I have one more question, how can the store find out what my current address is if they want to send me a civil demand. The ID I showed them only has my old old address in Oregon. I am living in new York now. Do you think they will call the polie and find out my information? I am not sure if I should call the store the second time, since I have called them last night once already.
Dear Yao: It’s unlikely that the store will call the police to track you down. If your mail from your Oregon residence is no longer being forwarded to you, then it will most likely be returned to the sender. If the store has any additional contact information such as your phone number, they may try calling you to find out your current address. Good luck.
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i was recently charged with concealment of merchandise/ shoplift and it ranged from 90 to 100 dollars. its my first offense and i just wanna know whats the most they can do to me?
Dear Voniie: Since it’s a first offense, a diversion program or probation with community service, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling are the likely consequences. Although jail time is an option for the judge in many states for shoplifting offenses, it’s extremely unlikely to recieve any time for a first offense. Good luck.
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Im 15 years old working at superstore, today i got called into the managers offce and a loss prevention person came in and said i got caught stealing on cameras and something about charges but i had to pay the $10 i took and it came out of my paycheck, this is my first offence (unless warnings count). I live in canada, will i get a fine? will i get a minor theft chrge if it was just a couple chocolae bars?
Dear Laine: It’s ultimately up to the store as to how they proceed with the matter. It sounds like they chose to take the money out of your paycheck rather than pressing charges or requesting payment of a civil demand or fine. However, the store has the option to press charges or send you a civil demand letter, so you could receive either a notice in the mail to appear in court or a letter from the store requesting payment of a fine. You could try asking your manager and/or loss prevention about this and whether the store will take any further action. Good luck.
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I have a question. I was caught shoplifting yesterday. It was a 1.5 dollar stuff. I feel really really bad for what I have done. cannot eat or sleep for the whole night. When I was caught, the security guy took me to a private room, and ask for my ID. I give them my state ID first, then they ask if i have school ID. So i gave my school ID to them. They did not call the police or mention anything about the fine. Then they let me go. I felt really really bad afterwards, so I called them when I got back and apologized again for what I have done. The security guy answered the phone and tole me not to worry, and he told me he will not call my school. I asked if I would be banned from the store, he said two months. I am so nervous and scared, what will happen next? I live in New York. But my ID is from Oregon. Do you think I will receive a civic demand? Thank you
Dear Yao: It’s great that you realize what you did was wrong and it was a mistake. Now that you’ve accepted responsibility and apologized, try to calm down. You may have gotten lucky this time with a verbal warning and a ban from the store for two months especially since they didn’t say anything about the fine. However, you still could receive a civil demand letter in the mail. Perhaps you could try calling the store security and explain that you are nervous about what’s going to happen next and whether you are going to have to pay a fine. Good luck.
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Dear Richerd: It depends on whether the fine was a civil fine to be paid directly to the store or whether your friend had to go to court and was ordered to pay the fine. If the fine was requested by the store as part of a “civil demand”, failure to pay it will most likely result in the store pressing charges and then receiving a notice in the mail to appear in court. If the fine was part of a court order, then failure to comply with the court order could result in a warrant being issued. Your friend could try calling the court and asking about the status of his case. If there’s a warrant, he could ask the clerk what he needs to do to get the warrant quashed (possibly just paying the fine). Good luck to your friend.
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thank you judge, in most cases do they proceed and go through? i read that your public defender can apply for house arrest or community service hours and the judge can deny them if you are a second time offender or if you are dangerous. i hope i do not get sentenced jail time and if i do i hope this works out. one more question…do the jails and prisons take care of you? feed, shower, let you shave? do they let you go outside at all in a small area for air? are you allowed to use phones or computers if you behave? can you have visits from family? i read a lot of stories about them not caring about you….if i go there i definitely will be sick to my stomach. what happens if i get very sick?
Dear Shannon: Again, it’s ultimately up to the judge as to the sentence imposed, but you’re a first time offender, you are more likely to receive community service and/or house arrest rather than jail time. Try talking to your lawyer about this as he/she is in a better position to tell you what the judge is likely to do in your case. Yes, jails and prisons are required to take care of your basic needs – food, shelter, sanitation, medical needs, etc. However, every jurisdiction and jail/prison has its own rules concerning inmates’ rights and privileges such as outdoor time, phone calls and visitation with friends/family. You could try calling your local jail and asking about these matters. Good luck.
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thank you judge.
i contacted the court house again a few minutes ago and they still are saying that my record is clean. no one is pressing charges against me i suppose. im afraid if i call the police officer and tell him that my record is clean he will backfire and make sure i get convicted of this crime. still not sure what to do or how to handle this. if it is not showing up in their system then i should be alright…not sure…hopefully
Dear James: If the court is not showing any warrants or charges filed against you, then it’s unlikely that there is a warrant. However, you could also try calling the jail where the officer told you to turn yourself in and ask whether there is anything in their system showing any warrants against you. Good luck.
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if i am sentenced jail time can i request house arrest or community service hours instead so i can finish my college courses?
Dear Shannon: Yes, you and/or your lawyer can request something less than what the court is considering. But the final decision belongs to the judge. Good luck.
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so today i got caught shoplifting these two energy drinks and i (which i dont know why) put them in my bag because i went to the bathroom in the store and i walked out and someone ratted on me and when security came up he asked do i have money to pay for those items and i said yes and paid for them and he told me to never come back but the thing is that ive never stolen anything in my life. is that still considered shoplifing?
Dear Emiliee: Under the laws of your state it may be shoplifting. If you had not been stopped by security and left the store, as it sounds like you intended, that would clearly be stealing. So you got lucky if the store decides not to press charges. If they don’t have any identifying information this is probably the end of it. Don’t return to the store or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
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ok so since its my first offense and IF they do sentence me jail time is it possible for me to apply for house arrest so i can continue going to my classes? my case may be dropped to a misdemeanor. it all depends on the judge. i would just like to know what are the options besides jail time? people are saying yes i will go to jail and others are telling me no since its my first offense. but it is a felony at the moment. i am just waiting to turn myself in as soon as i speak to an attorney. the attorneys are saying i might and might not and the bail bondsmen are all telling me no jail time but since its my first offense, im really really scared, im afraid im going to turn myself in and never see anyone for a very long time. what happens if i get upset and cry? i can barely eat or sleep right now and im not even in jail. i just want to know my options instead of jail time.
Dear Shannon: The options are jail, house arrest, or release under other terms ordered by the judge. It’s entirely up to the court. No one can tell you for sure what the judge is going to do. The hearing may even be continued to a later date. That happens and release terms will be decided that day.
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hi judge.
my name is james. i have been accused of a felony. i had a meeting with my workers at work as well as my boss. also a police officer called and said i need to turn myself into the county jail. however, i called the courthouse a few hours ago asking if there are any wanted warrants in my name and they had said no. the officer called me about a week ago. im wondering if i should let it go since there is nothing on my records and no warrants, or what should i do?
Dear James: You shouldn’t just let it go because it would make things worse if there is an outstanding warrant and you don’t turn yourself in. You might consider contacting the public defender’s office since they may be appointed by the court to represent you or talking with a private defense attorney. Your area may have a Free Legal Assistance Program where you can speak with a lawyer for 30 to 60 minutes without charge. You could also call the police officer back and tell him you checked with the court and found no warrant. Good luck.
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ok but everyone keeps saying relax and that i wont, and that the jails are too overcrowded and they want bad people. this is what happened…i took cash from work about 900-1000 dollars, which isnt that much compared to average people who do this…i paid back all of the money already, have to go to jail on thursday this week, plan on bailing out. my family is helping me and we have it all arranged, then i wait around for my court date, usually 30 days or less i heard…but one of my questions is what happens on the first court date? i already am pleading guilty and cant afford an attourney so ill talk to my public defender, but they said this is a felony, but it can drop to a misdemeanor. what happens on the first court date though? pleading guilty and really wish to just get this over and done with. first offense. never will do anything this stupid again but i need advice and help please im so scared and im 18 too just turned 18 a few months ago…
Dear Shannon: Your lawyer will explain the court process to you – what will happen at court and what you can expect. The charge could be reduced to a misdemeanor if the law allows that and the prosecutor is willing to do it. Your lawyer and the prosecutor will discuss the case and how to handle it. Then your lawyer will explain to you what your options are. Trust him/her and then you can decide what to do. Good luck.
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so since this is my first offense i wont go to jail most likely? im so scared and i feel horrible all the time. cant eat or sleep at night. i worry i will go to jail. its a felony, embezzlement of 900 dollars. first offense. im so scared!
Dear Shannon: It’s easy for us to say “Relax” but you stand a chance of not being locked up when you go to court this week. There are no guarantees about this but time will tell. Be honest and explain to the court how remorseful you are and the judge will take that into consideration. Good luck.
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Hello Judge,
I am 18 year-old living in Maryland. I recently stole an amount $37 of random stuffs in the Wegmans market. I was taken to a private room by the store securities. They asked for my Driver’s license and social security number, made a copy of those. Since this was my first time ever, I was given the options to deal with the store civilly or to be taken to the police station. So of course, I decided to deal with the store civilly, and that means to pay them the civil demand and it is double the price of the total items I stole, which was 37 x 2 = $74. So I did end up paying them $74 cash in person and had to sign their Civil Demand notice as well as the compromising notice for not entering the Wegmans Market everywhere for at least 2 years. That was everything I had to do.
I wonder if this whole demeaning ordeal is officially over, or I’ll get a letter from the court in like 1-2 months? What should I do then? Will this be on permanent criminal record? I am truthfully terrified and regretful. Thank you.
Dear Mitch: It sounds like you got lucky this time by the store allowing you to choose paying the civil demand rather than having to go to court. Although the store could still press charges, it is unlikely since they gave you an option and you already paid the civil fee. Therefore, you will not have anything on your record from this incident since the courts were not involved. In the unlikely case you receive a notice in the mail to appear in court, be sure to appear on the time and date ordered. You would probably be offered diversion since this is your first offense. It sounds like you learned from this mistake. Remember you probably won’t be as lucky next time. Good luck.
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in most cases do first time people spend time in jail for this? i can do community service hours, or even house arrest, since im a college student i dont want to go to jail. how can i avoid this? it is my first time and im sorry. i paid restitution already
Dear Shannon: Since this is your first offense, you are more likely to be placed on probation and receive community service, a fine and classes or counseling especially since you’ve already taken some responsibility for your actions by paying restitution. However, it’s ultimately up to the judge. It is likely that you will be appointed a public defender if you cannot afford an attorney for this case who you’ll be able to speak to about your options and the likely consequences. Good luck.
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im 17 yrs old i got caught shoplifting. everyone says itll leave my record when im 18 but what happens if i cant pay my fine til im 18 or a little after i turned 18? will it stay on my record forever?
Dear Steven: If this is your first offense, it shouldn’t be difficult to clear your record after a period of time. Every state has its own laws and procedures about this so you’ll have to Google the name of your state and the words “juvenile record expungement” for the details. Even if you don’t pay the fine in full until after you’re 18, you can still apply to clear your record. Good luck.
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im supposed to turn myself in to jail next thursday. first offense, for embezzlement and my career(safeway) i took about 900 dollars all together. i am wondering after being arrested and booked the officer tells me what my bail amount is going to be right? then i would get 4 phone calls and let my family know as well as my bondsman. then i get out of jail and wait for my court date? im hoping they do not keep me in jail. it is my first offense and our bondsmen say there is a bail amount for everyone usually. what situations would they keep me there though? i know it was a huge mistake but im afraid of being locked in a small room for days. help me please and give me some advice. i cant go to jail. my family wants to help bail me out
Dear Shannon: The purpose of bail is to make sure you show up at all court hearings. People who are flight risks usually have high bail set by the court. If you have roots in your area [school, work, family, etc.] you’ll have no trouble getting a low bail set. Certain crimes aren’t bailable, depending on the laws of the state involved, such as murder, rape, treason etc. Your offense should be bailable as long as the court feels you’re not a runaway or flight risk. Good luck.
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My 14 year-old daughter was caught shoplifting at K-Mart. She was with friends and they each stole about $50.00 worth of items. When I was called to the store to pick up my daughter from the security office, I was notified by the head of security that my daughter’s name and information would be placed in a database of shoplifters. After investigating, I found the name of the database called Wazagua. I’m not suggesting that my daughter is innocent at all, and we paid a $200.00 civil fine to K-mart; however, I am troubled that a corporation is allowed to put a minor child’s information into a database without parental consent.
Is it legal for corporations to do this without parental permission? I have spoken to my lawyer and he says the law is unclear.
Thank you tons for offering this service.
Dear Rick: Shoplifting databases have been around for some time. They are organizations of retailers that collect information regarding shoplifting incidents. Members may submit identifying information about the shoplifter into the database. Then other members may check the database to see if a prospective employee has been in trouble before. We’re not aware of this process being challenged in court or found to be unconstitutional. It’s close to the situation where the police investigate a crime, don’t file any charges, but keep a record of the incident. For more details, especially applicable to your state, Google your state’s name and “shoplifting database” or look into the National Retail Theft Database online. Good luck.
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is it true that after being processed and booked into jail though they post my bail, so my dad can bail me out shortly after within 24 hours? we called a few bail bondsmen and they had told us this. then they said i would be bailed out and have to attend my court date or they keep the money.
Dear Matt: Because the specific rules and procedures differ in every state, your local bondsmen probably have a good idea of how the system works where you live since they are in the business of posting people’s bonds. They are most likely correct that the bond can be posted shortly after you are booked and therefore, you will be released at some point within 24 hours. You may want to clarify with the bondsmen exactly what they will need from you/your father in order to post the bond. Good luck.
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what can i expect if the county im going to court in dont have a diversion program and its my first offence shoplifting
Dear Dom: If there’s no diversion program you may still be eligible to complete community service in exchange for a dismissal of the case. Instead of completing the hours for an approved agency, you’ll have to find your own place to work and then give the court proof that you did the work for the required hours. Make sure you get a signed statement from the place where you worked. Remember, this isn’t paid work – it’s voluntary service. Good luck.
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dear judge.
a week ago i was cuaght stealing 250 dollars worth of things from shoprite. i was sent to the securty office where i had to sign some papers and they took my name,address,height and weight. they got me on camara taking the items BUT NOT PUTTING THEM INSIDE A BAG. i had to call my mom and tell her what happen. the undercover securty guard told my mom that it wasnt the first time i did it WITCH IS TRUE i still dont know why i did. he told my mom that she would be getting something in the mail in which she had to pay but it was better off paid in cash. the police werent involve while i was there. i havent been sleeping at all, i dont eat either, ive been crying this whole time, i even throw up in at shoprite. im really scared to what will happen. i was also told to not go into the store. but they never told me for how long. I hated myself for doing this and to my parents. i will never ever do that again. they never told my mom that i had to go to court or anything just to pay the fine. i live in NY and just turn 17. can you please help me by telling me what could happen to me and how much the fine could be? will this be on my perment record?
will i go to jail. please help me!
thank you jennee.
Dear Jennee: It sounds like you may receive a “civil demand” letter in the mail requesting payment of a fine. If you pay this fine, that may be the end of the matter and you would not have to go to court or have a criminal record. However, if you end up receiving a notice in the mail to appear in court, be sure to appear on the date and time required. It’s very unlikely that you are facing jail time over this incident especially if this is your first offense. Don’t return to the store otherwise you could be cited with trespassing. Many stores have a one year limit for prohibiting shoplifters to enter the store, but it could be longer. You could contact a manager and ask how long you are prohibited from entering. Good luck.
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when i get to the police station to turn myself in can i imeediately use bail instead of going to jail and having to wait? i cannot go there with college midterms coming up. i need to use bail. and i also put 10 percent down only correct? so if it was 50,000 to bail me out, i would pay 5,000?
one last question. how long would it take for me to see a judge? when i have the arraignment the judge tells me how much it costs to bail me out? then do i call a family member and tell them how much it is going to be or what if my dad has the money with him when he comes to court with me? does he stand up and say he is bailing me out? please please please help me. thank you so much.
Dear Matt: Every jurisdiction handles these matters differently. It’s a fairly routine procedure but the rules and policies vary slightly from one town to the next. So, tell your Dad what’s going on before you need him to bail you out. He may want to run this by a criminal defense attorney. The attorney may go with you to make all the arrangements. This would also save you a lot of stress and aggravation. Good luck.
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also my boss wants me prosecuted. so that means i definitely have to go to jail because thats what he wants? or can the judge change this if i tell them i have college and family…
Dear Matt: The judge decides the penalty. Your boss, as the victim, will be allowed to speak, as will your lawyer, parents, etc. So what your boss wants isn’t necessarily what the court will do. Good luck.
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one last question please, once i turn myself in do i then go to jail or do they let me pay bail? they had said something about i have to go to jail for 48 hours then have a court date. can you explain how the bail works please? i cannot afford jail time in this situation. im scared out of my mind and even when i go to court i will be crying and be so scared. will that make the judge mad if i get very upset during the court date? its just i am very very scared and dont want to lose family and friends
Dear Matt: Bail is money that’s posted to ensure your attendance at future court hearings. If you don’t show up, the bail is forfeited and not returned to you or whoever put up the money for you. We can’t tell you what the court process is – it’s different in every jurisdiction. Try to stay calm in court. It’s acceptable to get emotional just not out of control. Good luck.
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thank you but i just called the officer and told him what i did. he says i need to turn myself in then have a court hearing within 48 hours….they want to keep me at the jail but i am so scared…i cant afford bail. what is the jail like? do i tell the judge i have class and stuff? im so scared the judge will want me in jail for years after my court date. the officer said the judge chooses what happens to me. please please help im so scared right now
Dear Matt: First, talk this over with your parents or an adult that you trust. See if they will go with you to court. Explain your circumstances to the judge regarding school, family, etc. It is unusual for a first-time offender to be given jail time but, as we said before, nothing is a sure thing. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
this is matt again. thank you. the amount was about 500 dollars…this IS my first offense though. a police officer called and asked some questions. if i do go to jail how long would it be? im so scared and in college and have a family. im so sorry what can i do to avoid jail?
Dear Matt: First, relax. We know that’s easy to say. But once you explain what happened to your lawyer and/or the judge and what you’re doing now (college, etc.) and express your remorse, the jduge will take everything into consideration in sentencing. You may be worrying needlessly although there’s no absolute guaranty about the outcome until you get there. Good luck.
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hi im 18 years old. i work at macys in california. i was caught stealing money from the registers and was questioned by a loss prevention officer. i was suspended from work then have to go back to meet with my boss next week. i am very scared of what will happen to me. they say it is all up to my boss as to what to do with me. will i be arrested and taken to jail..? i have a family and am in college and am just very scared that i will go to jail….please help me. i know it was wrong
Dear Matt: Your boss has several options. He’ll likely ask for an explanation about this incident. Tell the truth and maybe you’ll get a second chance. He could also fire you or place you on a probation period for a few months. He may refer this to the police to press charges. If that happens you’ll be notified of a court hearing where you’ll meet with a court officer who will explain the process to you. As a first-time offender you may be placed in a diversion program. That means when you finish some community service, pay a fine or attend a theft class the case will be closed. If the amount you took was low [under $100 for example], there may not be any jail time. That’s up to the court. Good luck.
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I have a question that I am asking for my cousin. We are in Virginia, and he was seen shoplifting a item worth $25.00 a few days ago by an employee, but was not stopped before he left the store. The employee found out about it, when he saw an empty container that the cousin left behind other items. There were no security camera near the item. He saw someone come behind him outside and he thinks that the employee took down his license plate number. My cousin has never been in trouble before, and has only one ticket for speeding. I have told him to go back to the store and turn himself in, but since he is 24, I cannot force him to…. If the store decides to take action, when will he be notified by the court? What will the penalties be? Any advice would be helpful.
Dear Neal: Since your cousin wasn’t stopped by the store employee and the police weren’t involved, it’s unlikely he’ll hear anything more about this incident. But it’s always possible. He may receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. If that happens, he’ll meet with a probation officer at court and the process will be explained to him. For a first time offender, he may receive some community service hours, ordered to pay a fine or attend a shoplifting class. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I got arrested shoplifted from a macys in california. First time offense considered grand theft because of the expensive items and dollar amount was oevr by 2 dollars. I absolutely hate my self for doin such a bad thing! Anyway I learned my lesson and will never resort to that! My question is that i went back to macys to purchase makeup, I was in and out I just had my wallet with me so I didnt look suspicious, but I used my debit card to pay for the item, I didnt realize at the time of purchase that they could get me for trespassing because my name is on the card. Is my name flagged? If I used my card can they find out I trespassed? Can they issue a warrant if they find out I made a purchase? Is there a chance they might not find out I bought something or will my purchase of the debit card give me away? And will they arrest me and will i be in jail for a while. I pray not Im so scared I wasnt thinkin I dont ever have the urge to steal I just went in this quick time to buy one thing of makecup that I always buy from there. Please let me know what i should do. I dont want to go to jail I have a two year old. Thank you
Dear Jas: It’s not too likely that you’ll be arrested or even charged with trespassing for this incident. Otherwise, you would have been told at the time to leave because you were banned from the store, and the police would have been called. You could be contacted through the information from your debit card if the store decided to press trespass charges. But this doesn’t happen very often. Don’t return until the trespass period is over.
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Hello,yesturday it was my court day they put it from chopliffting to like i been loud in the store so on the record will be diifferent as my lawyer told me and i paid 250 fine and 150 probation with 40 hours working and they give me a list for places to do the works but i want to ask if i can do the commenty service at palec not in the list cuz all are sofar away from me like if i go to the library or chruch is that okay if not listed in the list?
Dear Vanesa: What you have suggested is probably okay but you need to obtain permission before you do the work to get credit for it. Call the person you met with at court and ask for his/her permission. Or you could call your lawyer and run this by him/her. The idea of community service is to work without pay for a non-profit organization. So a school or library is fine. But ask first. Good luck.
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I was accused of shop lifting today in Claires but did not leave the store. I was at the front of the store when the Manager asked if she could have a hair clip that I had in my purse. It was not in my purse it was under my arm and I inteded on paying for it. She did not call Police or Security and let me go I am 17 years old. She said I should be expecting something in the mail, what will that be? Is it a fine and if i choose not to pay it what will then happen? I did not steal any items and they said if My father comes in to talk about it she will automatically press charges? Is that possible? I have nothing on my record and never would dream of stealing anything.
Dear Ashley: You may receive a “civil demand” letter in the mail requesting payment of a fine. If this occurs and you pay the fine, that likely will be the end of the matter. It’s your decision whether or not you pay the fine and if you don’t want to pay it or admit the shoplifting, then charges may be filed. If charges are filed, you will receive a notice in the mail to apppear in court. During your first court appearance, the process will be explained to you and you will have the right to take your case to trial if that’s what you choose. Talk these issues over with your parents, so you can consider your options and make the decision with your parent’s help. Good luck.
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Just really curious so anyways my friend got caught shoplifting and she thought she wouldn’t get caught so here is the story…
She went to the cafeteria to grab something…
She didn’t pay for her breakfast burrito and she walked out with it like whatever to her class.
She came back later to grab a water bottle and walked out the cafeteria building entirely.
She was walking and the cops caught her and she went back to the cafeteria.
She said the cops questioned her and asked for her driver’s license and why she didn’t pay for the food.
The head chef guy said he won’t press charges but the cop said he was gonna tell the VP or something she said to me.
She went to the cashier to pay for the food and the total was $5-$6
I told her what an idiot she was… so she asked me what was gonna happen now and i said idk so anyone know??
She is 19 and a college student
Dear Tiana: If this is her first offense and she receives a notice from the court to appear at a hearing, once she goes, the process will be explained to her. She may be offered diversion that means when she completes some community service, pays a fine or attends a class the case will be closed. It’s also possible she may not hear anything further about this incident. Good luck.
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Me and my mother went to Whole Foods recently to buy some things and my mother wanted me to find Fish Oil for her, she has arthritis and people say that oil helps to reduce inflammation. I went and found it for her. When I told her that it was $50/bottle she said she has no such money and that I don’t have to pay for her. I asked what do we do? She decided for the 1st time in her life she will just take it. I saw a guy in the store he was kind of looking at us. I said I am not doing it, she said I am not asking you to do it, give me that oil. I gave it to her she had her purse open. O how stupid it was, the guy was store security, I went outside my mother followed me. He caught her outside the store and went after me. He looked into my purse found nothing grubber my purse from me and said I sow you putting oil into your mothers purse you are very clever you made her steal for you where is the stuff that you had in your purse. I said I had no stuff and did not make her steal. He told us if we sign their paperwork like I put that stuff in her purse he will let us go with some fine because my mother is elderly 75 I just have to say I put it there and if not he will hand cuff us and call police and we go to jail. We signed his papers he called police anyway and told him that I put it in her purse and I was so scared I said I did and I will pay for the oil just let my mother go. But it was only to get us both involved. Police said that I committed a crime more than my mother because I made her steel and it is elderly abuse based on what security told him. I had no idea that if I say I put it in her purse they will make me guilty and her guilty. My mother only listened she doesn’t speak English at all. It was all my fault. The fact was that she wanted to have that stupid oil had no money has arthritis and did not wanted me to pay so much much money for it. Something came over her and she just decided to take it. I found it for her in the store and gave it to her but it was not my decision to steal nor I made her to do that in any way. And I said I put it in her purse just so they let her out. Police gave us both PC488. We never stole anything before ever, no records, no even traffic violations. What a mess now o my God. I did not intend to steal it neither did she, it just happened. Why did I say I put it in her purse, I thought what is the big deal she is my mother. Apparently it is. We go to court both of us Nov.2 and will plead no guilty. Of course no lawyer. What do we do now, I don’t want any records on me I would never taken anything out of the store but she did not know what we will get ourselves into. How do we get out of this mess? Please advise.
I forgot to say total was $170 worth of that fish oil, small bottles but very pricey.
Dear Nancy: First, calm down. When you go to court you’ll meet with a probation officer who will explain the process to you. Tell the truth. It’s your choice to either plead guilty or not guilty. A public defender [lawyer] may be appointed to represent you. Tell him/her everything you stated here and your lawyer will discuss the situation with the prosecutor. If your mom is questioned she should also be truthful so you can get this behind you. Honesty is the best policy. Good luck.
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I got caught shoplifting with a friend about 8 months ago, we were told to pay a fine and that we were not allowed back. They told us that the police wouldn’t be called. Since then I just finished paying off the fine and I got a letter stating the following: “we have received your complete payment asserted in our demand letter. Your payment is full satisfaction of your civil liability under the oregon state civil shoplifting law in regard to the refference incident. As a matter of information, the satisfaction of the civil matter does not in any way affect or comprimise any criminal action which may be brought against any person. Thank you for your interest in this matter.”
What does this mean? Am I done dealing with it and paying fines, am I going to be charged for a criminal case?
Dear Samantha: It’s not likely that you’ll be charged with shoplifting. Since the police weren’t involved there’s no case to refer to your local prosecutor. Consider yourself lucky this time. There are two sides of shoplifting – a civil action that you satisfied, and the criminal side that can be filed but probably not in this case. If formal charges are filed, keep the civil demand letter you received to show the court. The judge would likely take it into consideration. Good luck.
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Can I drink while on diversion?
Basically, am I going to get alcohol tested? Im turning 18 this weekend and I want to have a good time.
Im off probation too. I applied for expungement last wednesday.
Dear Nell: We’re surprised at your question. Whether you’re in diversion or not, your state prohibits alcohol consumption until age 21, not 18. If you’re ticketed for underage drinking, it may affect your application for expungement of your juvenile record. Think twice before jeopardizing your future.
Good luck, and Happy Birthday.
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thank you so much for your time. but i just have one more question.
well the undercover securty guard spoke with my mom. he told her to pay the fines in cash. he told me you very lucky that we are letting you go. i didnt give them any trouble and like i said the police never came. im really scared that i will have to go to court. i do not want to go because im scared this will hurt me in the future. do you think they can press charges after the fines are paid?
Dear Jenny: Yes, the store can still press charges even after the fine is paid because the fine is considered a “civil” consequence. Since shoplifting is a crime, the incident can also end up in court. However, in your case since the police weren’t involved, it’s unlikely that charges will be filed or you’ll have to go to court. If you didn’t get a receipt from the store for the fine that you paid, ask your Mom to try and obtain one. If you have to go to court, you can show this to the judge as evidence that you complied with the store’s request. It could help in the outcome in court. Good luck.
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thank you for your advice. this happen yesterday.
but i just wanted to ask well this be a crimial record for me? i mean i suppose to go to college next year and i dont want this to effect me. what happens if i dont get a summons?
Dear Jenny: If you don’t get a summons then you’ve lucked out this time. If the prosecutor files charges then the court will summon you to appear at a hearing. It’s possible that this will end once the civil fine is paid to the store if you hear from them. Depending on how this turns out, if you end up with a record, you can apply for an expungement or destruction at a certain time. Ask about this when and if you go to court. Good luck.
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im 17 yrs old and i was cuaght shoplifting at a supermarket. i stole cosmitcs [$251] they took my information down. address and name. they called my parents and called the police i was sitting in the securty office for about 2 hrs and police never came. they took everything i stole and took a picture of me. my parents were called. when the maneger came he told me to never come to the supermarket. and handed my stuff and they told me to leave before the cops came. i was never arrested. they told my mom that she had to pay for the fines that were comming in the mail. and the guy told me ‘dont be surprise if you get a summons in mail.’ i dont have a criminal record. i live in staten iland, NY. i learned my lesson. and i will never ever do it again. i regret doing it. what will happen to me?
Dear Jenny: There are two possibilities here–civil and criminal. The store may send you a letter requiring payment of a fine to the store. The law authorizes this and, oftentimes, once the fine is paid the case is closed. The store will keep a record of the incident in the event you return and steal again. This is the civil action that may happen. Regarding the summons, that is the notice from a court to appear at a designated time and date. This is the criminal action that can be filed against you for shoplifting. At your first appearance in court the process will be explained to you. As a first-time offender you may be offered diversion. Once completed, the case will be closed. You’ll meet with a probation officer when you go to court who will explain everything to you and your parents. Don’t return to the store since you’ve been banned. Otherwise they can file trespassing charges against you. Good luck.
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Me and my friend got caught stealing from shopko. We are 14, and 15. The items came out to be $50. And this is our second time. What will be the punishments.?
Dear Brittany: Since this is your second time, you may not be offered diversion. This time, if you admit the shoplifting, you may be placed on probation for a period of time. When you go to court, the process will be explained to you. Once you follow all terms of probation, the case will be closed. Think twice before you steal again. Each time you go to court the consequences become more severe. Good luck.
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Hi im 18 years old almost 19 and i got caught stealing 210 dollars worth of groceries from walmart. the cops were called and the walmart manager took my picture and info. the cop gave me his card with my case number on it and told me to get ahold of an attorney. I got ahold of one and he told me not to do anything as far as an attorney until i get a court date. the officer told me it was a class 4 felony which i dont get because in the Arizona law it says if you have stole 250 or less it is a mistermener. why would he tell me this? can you tell me what you think will happen to me? and what i should do.
Dear Lacy: If this is your first offense, you’ll probably be offered diversion. Once you’re notified of your court date, you can contact the lawyer you spoke with or just go to court where a probation officer will explain the process to you. You may not need a lawyer depending on what you decide to do. Once you complete diversion the case will be closed. As far as the officer telling you that it’s a felony, he may have thought the figure was over $250. and not $210. Good luck.
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Can a store issue a civil demand without mentioning it to you or accusing you of price switching? I was stopped by LP at check-out because 4 items were not ringing up correctly, I told him to make the items for the correct price and he took me to Customer Service, they returned the wrong priced items and I left, no info. taken from me, but I did pay with credit card. I did not leave the store with the items and they were returned and my credit card credited. If they see me on video price switching, can they send me a civil demand or do soemthing else? If I ever go back to the store can they detain me about this?
Dear Barbara: The answer depends on the shoplifting and theft laws in your state. Every state has its own laws regarding these crimes. In some states, you don’t have to leave the store with the item for the incident to constitute shoplifting. Switching price tags or other attempts to take an item without paying for it amount to shoplifting and can be prosecuted. Stores are authorized to impose a civil fine on shoplifters that may keep the shoplifter out of court and without a criminal record. If you return to the store you may be stopped and questioned about this. If you disagree with paying the civil demand or any charge that might be filed against you, you have that right. If you end up in court over this, the legal process will be explained to you. If you plead not guilty it will be set for trial and you may have a chance to speak with a lawyer, or you can hire your own. Good luck.
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hello judge, it’s me again, i was caught shoplifting about 2 months ago and they sent a fine home -which i paid- but now, they sent another letter. This time is from the probation office. It says i have to attend an interview to discuss the case. I was wondering what will happen when i go, because I don’t think we’re going to just simply “discuss the case.” Am i going to have to go to court?
Dear Cheyenne: The fine you paid satisfies the “civil side” of your shoplifting incident. The letter you received from the probation office regards the “criminal side” of the case. When you meet with the probation officer, he/she will explain the process to you. You’ll probably be offered to participate in a “diversion” program which means when you complete some community service, pay an additional fine or attend a class, the case will be closed. Diversion allows you to avoid having a criminal record or go before a judge in court. If you have any questions about this, ask the probation officer at court. Good luck.
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i was caught shoplifting at walmart on Dec of 2008, 2yrs ago when i was 19, 21 now. no cops were involved, just me and the undercover security guy. item was under 5$. i think he said not to step into that walmart for at least 2yrs, is that true? i learned my lesson
Dear Marin: If that is what you were told then, yes, you need to follow the ban. Stores do have the authority to ban shoplifters from their premises. If a store official tells you not to return and you do, they can notify the police and press trespassing charges against you. You can always ask the store to lift the ban, but make the request over the phone, by email or in writing. Don’t go there while the ban is in place. Good luck.
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Hello. I got caught shoplifting and the total amount of the items I stole was under $50. My friend told me if it is under $50, there’s something else…? I’m not exactly sure but I was curious about that. Because I went to the court today and they told me my case wasn’t in the system yet so I have to wait for a letter from the law enforcement agency or something and it will tell me what to do. However, my friend who got caught shoplifting with me, except she stole a total of about $100 or $150, met the judge today and received the punishment of community service. How come only my case was not in the system yet? Is it because I stole something that was less than $50? Or is it because I am 18 now? I wasn’t 18 when I committed the crime though and I remember the police officer told me I won’t go to jail because when the crime happened, I was under 18. I am very confused.
Dear Lily: Your case may be handled differently because you’re an adult and the amount taken was lower. Every court and jurisdiction in the country handles shoplifting cases in their own way depending on state law and volume of cases. So, you might get lucky this time and be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine or attend a class the case will be closed. Wait for instructions in the mail that could come anytime or, depending on the size of the city where this happened, in a few months. Don’t miss your hearing or the court may issue an arrest warrant. Good luck.
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Btw, if she steal for a month and come back after that. Can they stil recognize her and arrest her ? Like would they track down hidden cameras outside & inside the store?
Dear Samantha: It is possible that someone might recognize her if she returns to the same store. It would be advisable to stay away for a few months or longer. And yes, they may check their videos in order to identify shoplifters. That’s why they’re there in the first place.
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I am not sure if this kind of criminal trespass warning is applies to this statement? ” have you ever received a suspended sentence, been place on probation, or been paroled?” But you just said that I didn’t place on probation unless I go to court. So I didn’t have to go to court means I didn’t been place on probation? so did I received a suspended sentence?
Dear Ken: We can’t say exactly what happened since we weren’t there with you. It does not sound like you were placed on probation or receive a suspended sentence. It sounds like you’re participating in a diversion program that, when you complete, will end the case with no official record. The trespass warning is from the store or the mall.
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Again, one more question , on the application of the US citizenship, it has ask me” have you even committed a crime or offense for shich you were not arrested?” and another statement said:” have you ever received a suspended sentence, been place on probation, or been paroled?” For this two statements, should I put “yes” or ” No” if I never want them to know? If I put “No”, will they find out later that I had been commit the offense?
Dear Ken: Language in any application you complete is very important. You must read each question carefully and respond truthfully. We cannot tell you how to answer. Make sure you understand the words before answering. If you are not sure how to answer a question, get some advice from a friend or adult you trust so you can make an informed decision. Good luck.
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Hi, Thanks for you response.. but I have another question, will the USCIS for my US citizenship find out that I had a “statute of limitations” which is the criminal trespass warning. ? The trespass warning said is for one year that I can’t have any contact with the store. Is this kind trespass warning a probation? And this is made by the store not the police, so will the Judge find out I have a trespass warning from the store? Is there anyway they will check with the store or find out from the police officer since they had my information copy? I really don’t want to mention this during the interview or in the application.If I don’t have any criminal or police record is that means there is no way they can find out I have the statute of limitations? I am really worry please help.
Dear Ken: If you don’t go to court about the shoplifting, the only record that exists is with the store and the police. The statute of limitations means the prosecutor has a certain period of time to file a charge after which no charges may be filed. It’s doubtful that immigration will find out about this. The trespass part is an order from the store to stay away for one year. If you violate that, the store can file a trespass charge against you. Unless you go to court, you are not on probation. It’s a judge who places you on probation. Good luck.
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It’s me askin for my friend again and I told her again nothing would happen but she said that her mom goes their often almost everyday and that the pharmacy have her name
adress and everything and was wondering can they catch her still then by asking her mom questions and the pharmcy .. She couldn’t sleep or eat bcause she is so scared and I feel sorry for her, so is their a possibily that she can get caught without returning to the store ever? But her mom will still continue to go there tho .. Thank you so much for your time judge
Dear Samantha: No one can say what will happen in the future. As you know, anything is possible. She’ll just have to relax and hope for the best. Her mother may be questioned by the store manager and she’ll have to decide how to respond. All the best.
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hello welll just saturday I was in the mall with a friend we spend all our money and really wanted some earings for her mom birthday so we stole some earrings and got caught so they call the police the officer didnt give me no notice or anything just let me leave with my brother so what will happen am i lucky or will i go to court i learn my lesson i never stole before so i very scared plz help
Dear Sam: It sounds like you possibly got lucky this time. However, if the police and/or store manager took down your contact information, you may receive either a “civil demand” letter requiring payment of a fine to the store or if the store wants to press charges, then you may receive a notice to appear in court. Typically, the store and/or court would mail this to you within a couple months of the incident. If no one took down your contact info, then you most likely are lucky and will not be hearing anything more about the incident. We’re glad to hear you learned from this incident. Good luck.
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ok thank you – I will ask the risk manager or general manger, but what about the part where they brought the girls into the security room first and then went to get the female officer? Because when I arrived he was just going to get a female officer. Are they not suppose to have a female officer in the room before they brought the girls into the security room?
Dear Marie: That would depend on store policy and the availability of a male or female employee to stay with the alleged shoplifter. Again, run this by the store manager who will explain their policy to you.
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Hi, I was caught shoplifting two months ago in DFS Hawaii , This is my first offens and my record is clean. and the got the sign two papers and got the Criminal trespass warning. The mall security copy got my liscen and copy my down all my information also my driver liscen number. Then the cop came and sign the trepass warning which made by the mall security. and the cop also copy down my infomation. But they told me my record will still clear and let me go. And I didnt reveive anything in the mail and no need to go to court. Now I am going to apply my US citizenship and I am worry about if there will be anything appear in my record? Will I have any report from the police officer? But the trespass warning is not made by the officer but the mall. And the officer did copy my information. If not, why do the officer need to copy down my information for ? Would there will be anything in my record? Will the us government / judge find out that I have this offens ? would they find out if I had got a criminal trespass warning? Because I don’t want to mention about this during my US citizenship interview at all. I am so scary now, worry that if this is going to effect me for applying US citizenship. and also effect my future. Please help, I know if all my fault I messy up my life, I will definitely not doing anything like this.
Dear Ken: From what you have described, it sounds like you do not have to worry about having any record with the police or having to report this incident. The police most likely took down your information in case the store decided to press charges, so that a notice to appear in court could be mailed to you. Since it’s already been a couple months, it’s unlikely that you will receive a notice in the mail; however, every state has what’s called a “statute of limitations” which are the time limits to file charges against a person. For example, the statute of limitations for a shoplifting offense or misdemeanor offense in many states is somewhere between six months to one year. Request a copy of your criminal record with your local law enforcement agency to confirm that there is nothing on your record. Good luck with everything.
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My daughter was caught shoplifting at one of the mall stores – JC Penny she is 13 – the two mall security personal caught her walking out of the store with some costume jewerly – I was still in the store – my older daughter came to alert me as to what had happened – when I got to the security office the 2 young men had to to girls 12 and 13 in their office – when I arrived they proceeded to get a female officer into the office with them – although the local police showed up they girls were not taken into custody because they are under 14 – but when I arrived home my daughter told me that the store security employees took their picture, my concern is are they allowed to photograph the 12 and 13 without my permission? I was not aware this was done.
Dear Marie: Under the laws of your state the store may be allowed to photograph alleged shoplifters when they are caught. You can ask the store’s risk manager or general manager about their policies. Some stores take photos, some don’t. If your daughter was banned from the store, be sure she knows not to return. Otherwise she may be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
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im 18 and i live in Minnesota! i was caught shop lifting a week ago from Down in The Vally. i stole one item under $50 and the person working was cussing, yelling and saying inappropriate assumptions towards me while i was being apologetic. ive never been caught for anything before so my record was clean before this misdemeanor. the cop acted like what i did was a minor thing and was kind of joking around with me. am i going to need a lawyer? and what is going to happen since im 18? after i do what im served can i work to get that misdemeanor off my record?
Dear TimmyTom: Since this is your first offense, you’ll probably be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine or attend a class the case will be closed. When you go to court the process will be explained to you. You may not need a lawyer but you can ask about that at court. It’s your decision – one you might want to discuss with your parents. After whatever happens you will become eligible after a period of time to apply for a clean record. Ask at court how to do this and when you can. Good luck.
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Caught shoplifting in BC Canada. Police came and gave me paper work with a court date which I had to sign. They took statements of the employees who witnessed it. What can I do to strengthen my chances of having the least thrown at me? I’ve already looked into going to a Shoplifting Prevention Program well before getting caught and am attending it as soon as the next session starts up. This is not the first time I have stolen items and it seems like it is an addiction and I really need to change this aspect of my life. Does anyone know of other means I could try other than counselling? A similar thing happened to an old friend of mine. He was told he had a court date by the police, but when he showed up it was apparently just for a parole officer appointment and nothing bad happened to him after that (clean record). How do I get a parole officer without having to go to court?
Dear Stupid [not our comment]: First, if this is your first time going to court, you can expect to be offered diversion. That means if you admit the shoplifting you’ll have to complete some community service, pay a fine or attend a class and the case will be closed. Taking the shoplifting class is a good idea. Let the probation officer and court know if you complete it. It’s possible that when you go to court, you’ll meet only with a probation officer and not the judge. If you reoffend, you’ll be explaining yourself to a judge. Good luck.
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since its a bigger city you think it takes longer to process this happened in clermont couty ohio we were suppose to be processed through couty so you think it could take a while for that do countys usually take a long time to process
Dear Dom: Again, it really depends on the volume of cases, the population in your area, etc. Yes, if you live in a very populated area, it may take longer to process your case and for you to receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. However, the store could have chosen not to press charges and you may not hear anything more about the incident.
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i got caught shoplifting at jcp 6 weeks ago the cops were called and i was told they would issue a warrant for my arrest but they have stil not done so i stole 130 dollars worth of stuff and my friend took 310 but thet combined it together i have already made arrangements to pay the civil demand but im wondering how long it will be for court im a nursing student and this is my first offense i just got in the nursing program and if i get any convictions i get kicked out is it possible they arent pressing charges my friend never left the store they apprehended her still in the store and we was thinking maybe thats why they havent done it yet or are they just making us wait
Dear Dom: There are sveral possibilities here. Since you paid the civil fine, the store may not want to press charges. Or it could just be taking time to process the case. That depends in part on the size of the city where this happened and the volume of cases handled by the court and prosecutor’s office. Usually for a misdemeanor, they have up to a year to file formal charges. It’s called a statute of limitation. Hopefully, you won’t hear anything further and that you’ve learned from this experience. Good luck.
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I live in Texas and I am now 19. I was arrested when I was 18 for shop lifting. I was taken to a holding cell, I believe, and was later bailed out. I paid cash and did not go through a bailbond or anything. I never had to go to court but I remember taking some sort of take home “test,” basically telling me why stealing is bad and so on and asking me questions about myself and how I felt at the time I was stealing. They later mailed the results back to me and stated that I passed the test and that my answers indicated that I was stealing because I was going through an emotional time in my life.. (which was sorta true.)
So my questions is, will this be on my record since I got arrested but did not go to court.
Dear Christina: Depending on the laws in your state, the fact that you completed a pre-trial diversion program may be on record. But you weren’t formally charged or convicted of anything, based on what you’ve described. So, be careful when filling out applications for college, jobs or the military. Read the questions carefully so you can answer truthfully. The arrest may be on your record but it should be followed by a note that states you completed diversion. You could also look into having the record expunged. Google the words “Texas records expungement” for information about this. You could also call the court you were in and ask about expungement. Good luck.
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i got a citation for shoplifting at a macy’s in illinois. i was 18 at the time and given a citation which i paid asap and paid macys too. how has this affected my record for applying to jobs and such especially since i am majoring in criminal justice? should i get it expunged?
Dear Sam: If you’re eligible to apply for expungement it’s a good idea. That way you don’t have to worry about a record showing up throughout your life. Future job, education, military, etc. applications can be affected by a record. Check with the court you were in, or sent the fine to, to see if there is a record of the incident. If there is, ask about filing a motion for expungement or destruction of records. You could also Google “Illinois records expungement” for more information. Good luck.
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Today I got caught putting a 75 % sticker on these two boots I wanted. It totalled 51.00 of what i didn’t pay for. I am really scared. I was cited and I have to go to court. I live in WASHINGTON state and this happened in the PX in the military installation. I am a spouse. What can happen to me? I’m really scared and I have never done anything before. This will be my first and last. I am feeling really bad, and I understand that this affects my husband who is deployed who doesn’t need this from me. Stupid thing to do on my part. I just need to know what Im possibly facing.
Dear Clare: Since this is your first offense, you can expect to be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine, or attend a class the case will be closed. If formal charges are filed against you, you still may be eligible for a pre-trial program. It’s up to the court and whether they have such a program in your area. It’s also possible, but unlikely, that you’d be placed on probation. If that happens it will be for a short period of time. Good luck.
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Hello my name is Sherice.last month me nd my cousin shoplifted. We was told we had to pay for any item that we stole. We ended up paying about $40.00. now this incident happened last moth. at the time they said that no charges was to made against us if we confess what we did and pay for all the items. We’ve both received a civil claim against us. i don’t completely know what that means but we have to pay $150. Is this possible? that they say all we have to do is confess and pay for the items and that they hope we learned our lesson..but still we have to pay the $150?
Dear Sherice: Most states have a law that allows stores to impose a “civil fine” on shoplifters. This keeps hundreds of cases out of court and prevents you from having a record. So, once you pay the fine the case will be closed. You may not be so lucky the next time you think of shoplifting. The store can always press charges which will take you before a judge. Good luck.
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Hello sir, My sister (she ws 19 ( in canada)) did shoplifting from zellers worth 100$ and got caught, but as it was her first time she paid some fines and got banned frm hbc and did alternative measures and completely did her program and now its been 2 months that she again got caught with shoplifting worth 500$. and she is 19, So can you please tell what is going to happen ? Although now after this incident we have started sending her to counselling on daily basis and she very much understands her responsiblity now. Please let me know this. As, we are very scared for her. thankyou so much! And u did answer my question Before about the above question. what i wanted to know now is Should we get a lawyer for her ? because she now really understands her responsibilities and she doesnt want to go in jail. please let me know.
Dear Neeta: Depending on the policy of the court involved in this case, she may be appointed a lawyer by the court. If not, she may want to talk with one before going to her first hearing. Since she’s an adult with a prior offense, the consequences may be harsher this time. She could call the court and ask about the process and if she’ll be appointed a lawyer. Good luck.
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helloo my name is aderly , i am 16 and live in Maple Shade NJ . ok so yesterday i was at kmart and i was with my friend which is 14 years old, he gave me a little box that had phone covers in it , he gave it to me so i could hold it for him and he told me that he already paid for it but i wad talking on the phone so i didnt really pay atention . So when we’re walking out of the store , im guessing it was like the manager or somethingthat stoped us and told us to go in his office and put everything we stole on his desk . so i put everything i had on me on the desk because i didnt really know what was going on. so then they started asking us questions about us and answered them cooperatively , so ten they told us all we had to do was call someone that was over 18 to come pick us up and sign the release form. so then we couldnt get anyone because they were all working so then they called the police and the police asked us more question about us. and told us that in a couple weeks MAYBE we will get a paper that says that we have to go to court. so all i want to know is , Do my parents have to come with me IF i have to go court?. and whats gonna happen IF i do go ?.
Dear Aderly: You might receive two notices in the mail. First, the store may send you a statement requiring payment of a fine. This is called a “civil demand.” Once you pay it the case is usually closed. You may also receive a notice from the court about a criminal hearing. That’s if the prosecutor decides to file a shoplifting charge against you. When you go to court, the process will be explained to you. You may be offered diversion if this is your first offense. That means when you finish some community service, pay a fine or attend a class the case will be closed. You may have a chance to talk with a lawyer about how to proceed. You should tell your parents about this so they can go with you to court. Most juvenile courts require parents to be present. If you didn’t do anything wrong and had no intent to shoplift, explain that to your parents and lawyer. Good luck.
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hello. my friend and i have been caught shoplifting at a mall and we have to go to court this month. i am aware of a few consequences such as community service and receiving a fine but is it possible to ask the judge to not get a fine or is it something we cannot avoid? and if we do get a fine, about how much will be the fine? and will my dad go in with me to the juvenile court when i meet the judge? who will be in the court room?
it’s a lot of questions but i just want to be aware before the court date. thank you for your assistance.
Dear Lily: Your questions are important and it’s a good idea to know in advance what might happen. First, yes your dad will be with you in the courtroom. Judges prefer seeing parents with their kids in court. If the judge considers giving you a fine, you can explain your financial situation and he/she may consider giving you extra work hours instead. Judges understand the economy and financial strains on families. You may not see a judge, however. If this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion. The probation officer will explain the program to you and it may not include a fine. Tell the person you’ll meet with when you go to court that you’d prefer community service over a fine. Good luck.
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Hello sir, My sister (she ws 19 ( in canada)) did shoplifting from zellers worth 100$ and got caught, but as it was her first time she paid some fines and got banned frm hbc and did alternative measures and completely did her program and now its been 2 months that she again got caught with shoplifting worth 500$. and she is 19, So can you please tell what is going to happen ? Although now after this incident we have started sending her to counselling on daily basis and she very much understands her responsiblity now. Please let me know this. As, we are very scared for her. thankyou so much!
Dear Neeta: It’s possible this time that she’ll be put on probation for a period of time. She’ll be supervised by a probation officer and have additional terms to follow. Depending on the practice of the court she’ll be in, she may be sentenced to a brief period in detention or jail. Every jurisdiction handles shoplifting differently. She could also be given diversion again with additional community service. Good luck.
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I just shoplifted in Century 21 last month. I am 18 and live in NYC. I shoplifted $19 worth of sheer stockings. They took a mug picture of me and the item I stole. Didn’t call the police, just fill out a paper and they didnt really say anything to me. After I fill out the paper and they putting the info to computer.. they tell me to leave. and I had to ask them, what do I do? Do I need to go to court? They just told me I might need to pay a fine. So will I go to court? I just received a letter telling me to pay $89.55. So do you think they will mail me another letter telling me to go to court? It was my first time.. will I have any criminal records? If so.. can it be sealed?
Dear Sally: Since this is your first offense and the police were not involved, you won’t be going to court. The store can handle shoplifting cases as a civil matter without pressing formal charges. That’s what it sounds like is happening here. Once you pay the civil fine, the case will be closed. If the store told you not to return, don’t. Otherwise you could be charged with trespass. Think twice the next time you’re tempted to steal something. Good luck.
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Hi, I got caught shoplifting at Sephora & all the item I took was about $117. I’m only 15 years old & I don’t know what to do. I really made my parent disappoint & even my older sister. The employer said that I’m going to get a letter setting my court date & that I might have to pay a fine. My question is “Can I really get charge for a fine?” & “Can’t I just do community service instead of paying?” Because I rather do that. I feel bad for my parents, they didn’t cause it but still they might have to pay for my cause, I rather pay for it, but I can’t. I dont have money. Thanks.
Dear Kelly: Since this is your first offense you may be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine, or attend a class the case will be closed. You may also receive a letter from the store requiring payment of a fine. You might be able to work something out with the store where low, monthly payments will be accepted. If you have to go to court you could explain to the judge that you’d prefer work hours over a fine. Shoplifting involves two separate actions against you — one is civil [the fine from the store] and criminal [a charge filed in court] Good luck.
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I was framed for shoplifting, a few months ago but I was too afraid to confess that it wasn’t me because of the sheer fact that I didn’t know who or how the clothing got into my bag. I was charge and my parents paid the fine, but I later found out who the real culprit was. I’m afraid I’m underage with a shoplifting record and I was wondering if there was anything to do to put this person to justice and me out of the dark.
Dear Annie: First, if you didn’t go to court or participate in a court diversion program, you don’t have an official record to worry about. The fine your parents paid may be what is called a “civil demand” which doesn’t result in a criminal record. The only record that might exist is with the store in the event you return and do something wrong in the future. Talk with your parents about this. They can discuss the situation with the store and the store might clear your name in their records. Good luck.
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I shoplifted from American Eagle and now I feel bad and am planning on taking the shirt (I didn’t get caught) back I stole…as I stole it as a dare…If I take it back and pay for it will I get persecuted still?
This is to my last comment, I’m 16 years old.
Dear Jared: Your remorse is good and you’re doing the right thing by returning it to the store. Whether they will press charges or not is their decision. You might consider telling your parents what you did and if they go with you to return it, it might help resolve this without formal charges or a record. Good luck.
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Dear Judge,
I was caught shoplfiting at a department store. I went to court, the charges have been dropped. My question is about the internal records of the store. They took down my name and basic information using my driver’s license. Even though I will have a clean record is there any way that the information on the store’s database can ruin my future image?
Dear Mark: It’s unlikely that the store’s in-house records will have any affect on your future. They keep note of shoplifting incidents in the event you return to the store and shoplift again. Also if you were banned from the store for a period of time, they have a record of that if you returned. They could then press trespass charges.
Good luck.
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Good evening sir. I have a question which seems to be very confusing. About 2 months ago, i was caught shoplifting $60 worth of merchandise, i was ashame for what did. That same day police decided to give me a F.A.T.ticket, that i had to appear in court. However, i was told by an attorney that its very likely that i would be given an ACD and not have to pay a fine for the merchandise. However, today i received a letter in the mail today from an Attorney who represents the retail store and stated that I have to “owe” them the amount of $250 according to the New York State General Law Section 11-105. So my question is this. Do I have to pay the fine even if i was giving an ACD?
Dear Sean: You received a “civil demand” letter from the store. In every state, there are laws that allow stores to collect this civil fee without having to go to court. Often when a person pays this fine, the store chooses to not press charges against the person. This could be the case for you which could result in you not having to go to court or participate in any ACD program. However, the store still could press charges even if you pay the civil fine. If you choose not to pay the fine, then you are more likely to have to go to court. You will have to decide what you want to do. Perhaps you could speak to the lawyer you spoke to earlier about this letter and your options. Good luck.
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I worked at a store about a year and a half ago. I took some extra discounts on stuff I bought and turned myself in after loss prevention caught my friend. They ordered us to pay the store back but they didnt file charges or take us to court. Its been a eyar later and i work as a civilian in the sheriff office in California. The background check didnt turn up anything. I learned my lesson and want to go be a police officer..will that incident hurt me?
Dear Ana: From what you have described, it doesn’t sound like you have any record with either the court or the police. Therefore, this incident should not affect your ability to become an officer since it was handled internally with the store. You could request a copy of your criminal record with either your local court or police department to confirm that there is nothing on it. Best of luck.
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A year ago, my friends & I was caught shoplifting, we were 13 then & it was at Jcpenny’s. They told us they will give us a call when we have to go to court. But they never called us. I wanted to know since we didn’t go to court did they file shoplifting in our records anyways?
Dear Monica: Since it’s been a year, it’s unlikely the store filed any charges against you. You would have heard something by now. If they took your information [name, address, etc] they may be keeping their own file in the event you return and shoplift again. The next time you won’t be so lucky. So hopefully you’ve learned from this incident. Also if you were banned from the store, don’t return until you have permission. Otherwise you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
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i was caught shoplifting from kmart, with my two little cousins im only 17, i go to court october 12th and my dad doesnt know yet and i dont know what to do, i wanna know what mite happen..
Dear Michelle: First, you need to tell your dad about this. He’s going to find out eventually and it would be better coming directly from you. Remember he was a teenager once and would appreciate your coming to him first. If this is your first offense, you’ll likely be offered diversion which means when you finish some community service, the case will be closed. When you go to court the process will be explained to you. Good luck.
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hello. my friend and i were caught shoplifting at the mall. we were caught and the police came. they gave us a ticket and said we need to show up to court on the assigned date. they also told us our records can be sealed because we are under 18. i am turning 18 soon which means i will be able to ask for my juvenile records to be sealed. however, i heard sealing a juveline record takes a while. unfortunately, i have to apply to college this year. when they ask if i have ever been adjudicated or convicted of a misdemeanor, felony, or other crime, do i answer yes or no if my juvenile records are in the process of becoming sealed?
Dear Lily: Good question. Pay close attention to the questions asked on any application you complete. If they ask about convictions, you can answer no since in juvenile court you’re not technically “convicted” of a crime – you’re adjudicated responsible for the offense. Also if this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion which means after completing some community service the case will be closed without an official record. Also, as you mentioned, even if you have a record for this incident, after a period of time you can apply for its expungement. Each state is different regarding the time periods and offenses, so ask about this when you go to court. Good luck.
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i was caught shoplifting before but the cop took down some information and let me go, i was let go and only charged by the store with some civil stuff and the second time i was caught the police officer gave me a note that said “to a person not yet charged with an offence” and i am to appear in court what is going to happen to me? am i going to face jail time? and is my case going to be closed after one visit to the court? because the item was worth 45 dollars worth, what is the worst that could happen to me? and should i plead guilty?
Dear Jason: We can’t tell you whether to plead guilty or not. Discuss that with your parents and attorney if you have one. When you go to court you’ll meet with a court officer or probation officer. He/she will explain the process to you. You may be offered “diversion” which means when you complete some community service, pay a fine or attend a class the case will be closed. You won’t have a record that will affect your future. It’s not likely you’ll get any jail time for a first offense. But the possibility is always there if you continue to break the law. Good luck.
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hey im 15 and was at a jewellery store with my mum, my mum bought something with her master card and while she was doing that i was looking at some charms and they were in some box that spins around and while i was spinning it a charm fell off so i managed to get my hand inside the box and grab it and i put it in my bag and walked of with my mum and went into another store with my mum and while we were in there the lady from the jewellery store was out side with security pointing at me so i got the charm out and ditched it into a box in the store, then me and my mum walked out and the security talked to me and said there was video footage of me stealing it but i denyied it all and so he just wanted to know what i wanted to say and then he let us go. what will happend now will they get my mums details of the master card and send police to my house?? what will happen if they do come to my house??
Dear Justin: It is possible for the police to trace your whereabouts through your Mom’s credit card information. For such a small item they may not do so but you never know. If they come to your home to speak with you and your mother, tell them the truth. Lying only makes any situation worse. In some states and countries, lying to a police officer is another crime – sometimes called “false reporting” or “obstruction of justice.” So, be honest and learn from this experience. Good luck.
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my friend got caught shoplifting at macys. she took a jacket and jewlery and the fine was 395$. i took part in this and they have me on camera too. they didnt call me in when they questioned her. the next day the police called me and her looking to talk to us. in the bag we also had stuff from other stores that we took. what will happen to me? i live in california.
Dear Linh: After the police finish interviewing the two of you and any other witnesses they decide to talk to, they can refer the case to the local prosecutor. He/she will decide whether there are grounds to file any charges including shoplifting. You may receive a letter in the mail notifying you of a court date. Make sure you appear if that happens. You might want to discuss this with your parents so it doesn’t come as a complete surprise later. Good luck.
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Hello,just today i recieved a letter from the court telling me thats i should go to the police station to get fingerprintd and my photo id should be with me before the court day does that mean maybe i go to jail as i said this is my first offense and the merchandise 65 $ worth and everything was by accident
Dear Venesa: It doesn’t mean that you’re going to jail. It may be the practice in your area for juveniles to be fingerprinted before appearing in court when charged with a crime. You may still be eligible for the diversion program. Follow the court’s instructions and don’t miss the hearing. Good luck.
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my mom was caught stealing from kmar and they took us to a back room and they told us to empty our pockets i only took 2 pairs of earings but she took more i believe it was about 106$ worth of things im 13 and they told us that we would have to go to court what will happen to me will i got to jail? i know it was so very stupid but we just cant afford things nomore and what will happen to my mom this is our first time getting caught
Dear Jamelia: Since this is the first time for both you and your Mom, you can both expect to be offered what is called “diversion.” That means when you finish some community service, pay a fine or attend a class, the case will be dismissed. The court process will be explained to you when you go to court. Don’t miss your hearing and don’t steal again because the consequences get worse each time you appear before a judge. You won’t be going to jail this time but it is possible if you reoffend. Good luck.
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In the summer of 2009, me and my friend(i was 16 and she was 17) got caught shoplifting. 50$ worth of items from Kmart. We gave the stuff back but the store called the police and they took us to the station. We just sat there waiting for my mom to come get us. They said we may go to court. SO much time has passed and I have recently moved to another state. NOW my friend called me last week and she had to go to a hearing. My friend said they just told her not to do it again basically and that was it! The juvenile case handler said i need to contact them but my friend said she didn’t have the number! I had no idea about the hearing, no mail or call! Will i go to jail for that? How was i supposed to know? I’m so worried, i’m pregnant and due very soon! I have enough problems already.
Dear Molly: It is extremely unlikely that you are facing jail for this incident. Also, it’s possible that charges were never filed against you and that you never had a court date. Google the name of the court where your friend had to appear for the phone number. Explain to the person that you moved out of state and never received a notice to appear in court. Just be sure to contact the court and explain your circumstances and it will work out. Best of luck.
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Dear Judge,
Me and my friend got caught shoplifting at target yesterday, and they are charging us with a felony charge for our first offense. if we have shoplifted there before and they never sent us anything can they charge for our past or just what they caught us for? i live in california if that helps, and we are both over 18
Dear Maria: When you receive the paperwork from the court or prosecutor’s office you’ll see exactly what you’re charged with. The charges may include an incident from the past as long as it’s within your state’s statute of limitations. That means charges can be filed up to a year or two after an incident in misdemeanor cases and longer if a felony. You have to check your state laws about the length of time for the individual crime. The felony may be based on the value of the items taken. Shoplifting may be a felony offense if the value exceeds $250, for example, or some similar amount. Good luck.
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i was caught shoplifting before but the cop took down some information and let me go, i was let go and only charged by the store with some civil stuff so i have to pay around 600 dollars and the second time i was caught the police officer gave me a note that said “to a person not yet charged with an offence” and i am to appear in court what is going to happen to me?
Dear Andrew: Since this is your first time having to appear in court for shoplifting, you may be offered a diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service and a class or counseling, the case would be closed and the charges dismissed. Remember that the penalties will continue to increase for additional offenses, so we hope you’ve learned from this incident. Good luck.
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Hi so me and my friend got cought stealing at sears. The day before we got cought we stole a pair of shorts and i stole a shirt, and the next day they cought us with everything in the bag. We connfessed to it all and we were completly honest. We have court this following monday. I know that the stuff wasnt over 200$ i am 14 years old. Whats going to happen to us?
Dear Gabby: If this is your first offense you can expect to be offered “diversion.” That means when you complete some community service, attend a class or counseling, or pay a fine the case will be closed. You won’t have a record but you will if you shoplift again. The process will be explained to you when you go to court. Don’t miss your hearing or the court can issue an arrest warrant. We hope you’ve learned from this experience. Good luck.
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Currently I am in a probation period due my silly shoplifting act. I am looking for jobs and some of them asked me if I had any records? At one place I found a term called “suspended imposition of sentence”. What does it mean? Should I say “NO” ? How do companies search for your criminal record. Do they always look for your records? The job I am applying for is in Texas and my shoplifting act happed at Tulsa, Oklahoma. Please help me out in this issue. Thanks a lot.
Dear Mohammad: We can’t tell you what to answer or report. We suggest you read the questions very carefully because the words used on applications are important. Depending on how your case was handled, you may not have been convicted of shoplifting. You may have completed a diversion program which means you probably weren’t found guilty by a court and your case was dismissed after you finished the terms of diversion. Companies use different services to do background checks or go through the police departments. Not all companies conduct criminal checks. Good luck in your job search.
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so i got caught shoplifting about $3.00 worth of merchandise from a rite aide in california. im 19. no cops were called. they said it would stay in rite aide only. i would be banned for a year and have a fine sent in the mail, but thats it… is this true? will it not go on my record and if i pay will it just go away?
Dear Lyn: You got lucky this time. It is true that stores may choose not to prosecute a shoplifter and impose a civil fine instead. It is called a “civil demand” and once you receive the letter from the store and pay the fine the case is closed. The store will keep its own record in the event you return to the store and shoplift again. Also don’t return to the store while you’re banned. Otherwise you can be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
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Hello, when I was 18 my friends and I were caught shoplifting. The police came and hand cuffed us and took us down to the station. They took our pictures but they didn’t read us our rights or take our finger prints. We didn’t spend any time in jail but we had to be in court on the following Monday. It was a first time offense for all of us and we were all given 50 hours of community service, which we completed. My questions are do we have a conviction on our records and when applying for a job do I put yes or no when asked have I ever plead guilty or been convicted to a misdemeanor.
Dear Tina: If you appeared before a judge and admitted the shoplifting, you may have a record with the court. However, if you only met with a court or probation officer, signed some papers and completed your work hours, you may not have an official court record that needs to be reported. It sounds like you may have completed a diversion program that prevents you from having a conviction for the shoplifting. You could call the court you were in and ask if they have anything on you. Good luck.
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Hi judge I was caught stealing from Wal-Mart 3 days ago and was released with a bail bond and it was am laptop i brought a hammer and gently broke the glass and ran the 4 LP’s were chasing me and they caught me and called the Sheriff and got arrested and im 21 this is my 6th offense i have 3 felonies for violent crimes and 2 misdemeanors for stealing what will happen to me sir im sorry 🙁
Dear Kristina: With your record it’s a possibility this time you’ll receive some time in jail. You’re probably familiar with the court process. You’ll be appointed a lawyer if you don’t hire your own and the court will decide the penalty. You know you have the right to plead not guilty and make the state prove you committed this offense. Discuss the case with your lawyer. Maybe it’s time to think seriously about your future and how you want to spend it – free or incarcerated. Good luck.
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Hello Judge I was caught shoplifting at wal mart in TX it was a 60$ game and was arrested and got released 4 hours later with a PR BOND and this happened on May 5th and this is my first offense and im 18 and went to court 2 times first time for to get a court appointed attorney second time cuz it was suppost to be an arraigment and my attorney didn’t show up and now im awaiting for my 3rd one in October and i just got mailed a Civil Penalty Release and was wondering if i would still need to go to court?? 😀
Dear Damacio: Yes, you still need to go to court. The letter from the store is what’s called a “civil demand” notice. Once you pay the fine, the store will send you a release. Many states authorize stores to impose a civil fine in shoplifting cases. This is separate from the criminal process for committing the crime of shoplifting. Discuss this with your lawyer who will advise you on how to proceed. Good luck.
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Hello there. I’m 17. So, in August I was caught shoplifting at H&M. I received a ticket. The cop named it a misdemeanor because I told him that it wasn’t the first time I shoplifted. He was going to take me to the juvenile hall but, I convinced him to let me go because I was completely truthful with him. Honestly, I’m really afraid because about 5 years ago I received a shoplifting ticket. Will that show up on my case when I go to court? What can I expect when I go to court? I’m afraid to go to court because I read somewhere that I can spend 6 months in juvenile hall. If that’s the case I’d rather not go to court at all! This is my senior year and I don’t want this to mess up my chance of graduating.
Dear Kim: Since your first offense was five years ago and you’re still a minor, it’s unlikely that you’ll receive any jail time. Every court in every state differs on how they handle these cases but generally you could expect to be offered diversion after which the case is closed. Don’t miss court or things will definitely get worse. The judge could issue a n arrest warrant or the charge could be held over until you turn 18 and then you’re facing adult sentencing for the same offense. When you go to court ask the person you’ll meet with and the process will be explained to you. Good luck.
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I am 20 years old.I got caught stealing some earrings worth $20, it was my first time. i never should have done that. What would be my punishment, In the state of Ks?
Dear Lenae: Since this is your first offense you can expect to be offered “diversion.”
Once you finish the terms of diversion the case will be closed. You could also Google “Kansas shoplifting penalties” for detailed information about the court process and consequences. Good luck.
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20 years ago in the state of Oklahoma when I was 18, a friend and I did get caught shoplifting. If I remember correctly it was for merchandise over $50. I am pretty sure it was considered a felony since being over $50. We did get arrested, posted bail and had to do community service and I did have a probation officer for a short time. (remember seeing officer 2 times) My question is…. is that still on my record? I am volunteering at my sons elementary school and that requires a background check and thumb print. On the paper I had to fill out it asked if I have been convicted of a felony. I said no because I couldnt quite remember if it was considered a felony or not. Pretty sure it is but dont know if it will even show. It was my first and only trouble I have ever had with the law and a little embarrassing. I would love to not have to tell the school about it if possible, but do not want to lose any chances of volunteering at the school.
Dear Shannon: Since you don’t remember if it was a felony or not, it might be best to be up front with it. The background check may disclose it and the opportunity to volunteer at the school will be lost. After twenty years with no further involvement with the police or courts, this single incident shouldn’t affect your application with the school. If they’re concerned about it you can explain the circumstances and why you said no. That may be better than remaining silent and then having to explain yourself if it shows up on the records check. Good luck.
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I worked as a retail employee, i dont know what came over at the time of the incident i am about to tell you. I went to work one day and a coworker of mine gave me a bag that supposely a customer left with a merchandise (candy) and less than $10 in the bag. I worked my normal hours and took that purchase with me, i thought to myself this isnt valuable so ill take it with me. by the way the custormer didnt leave his purchase in the store. someone else found it outside the store and brought it in the store since the bag has the store logo. So the next day i come in i work four hours and then im cited to the loss prevention office and long story short: i now have a case with loss prevention i payed what i took…my question is will that case now go on my record. They never fired me from the job i just got suspended for a couple of weeks. But i didnt go back when i got the ok to do so. I didnt have the guts to go back after what i did. again will that be on my record if I wanted to get a new job in retail?? THANK YOU!
Dear Jessica: Since the police weren’t involved and you didn’t have to go to court, you don’t have an official record. The only record that may exist is with the store for their own purposes. You weren’t charged with shoplifting, cited in to court or convicted of anything. This one incident shouldn’t affect future job applications or education opportunities. Hopefully you’ve learned from this. Good luck.
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I just turned 18 fifteen days ago & got caught stealing $380 worth & got arrested. Went to prison/jail for the night. Talked to this guy that appointed me my court date on Nov 2 and let me go instead of holding me til this day. I’m guessing he was the decision maker/judge of the prison? Now that I know my court date, when should I expect to talk to my appointed attorney? (I should have one from the county appointed for me right?) I’m clueless to who they are and when I have to meet them. Do you think that they will certainly give me diversion b/c it was my first time offense?
Dear Christine: As you know, there are no certainties in life. So as far as diversion there’s a good chance it will be offered to you but no guarantees. Your lawyer will contact you before the hearing. If you don’t hear from him/her, you’ll meet at the time of the hearing. You could call the public defender’s office and ask who it is or private counsel if that’s who has been appointed. Good luck.
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Yeah, theres no proof because my kids put the stuff in my purse in the fitting room but when we left the fitting i forgot to ask them for the stuff and i was busy trying to find biger size for me but when we left the fitting room thier hands were empty and im the only 1 was holding 1 piece the piece i entered to the fitting room so thats why they ask me to open my purse and my kids were already out of the store getting the candy from the candy machine i told the security im not leaving just wanna call the kids cuz i want to go to the cashier and i did not find the stuff so he did not let me leave to call them and asked me to open my purse
Dear Venisa: When you go to court explain all of this to the court officer you’ll meet with and the judge. Good luck.
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Sorry, i did not understand wich one better to not get any criminal record pay money or take the comunity service pls help me
Dear Venisa: We can’t advise you about what to do. When everything is explained to you at court, then you must decide what’s best for you. If you complete the diversion program, you won’t have a record. If you don’t and the court finds you guilty, you’ll have a record but one that you can apply to have cleared after a period of time. Good luck.
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Hello again, so my girlfriend got off this morning. She has a court date on Nov. 2. Does she have to go to court in order to do the diversion? Or is this her first hearing.. Thank you again.
Dear Kevin: Yes she needs to appear at the hearing or risk the issuanxce of an arrest warrant for not showing up. The diversion program will be explained to her then if it’s available in this case. Otherwise the court process will be reviewed with her and she’ll decide how she wants to proceed, Good luck.
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Hello, just wanna to ask you please if it was for the first time offense will be an my record or no? and can i pay fine instead the community services.
Dear Venisa: If you end up with a record, after a period of time you can apply to have it expunged. Ask about this when you go to court. However, if you go through a diversion program, you won’t have a record to worry about. Whether you can pay a fine rather than complete community service is up to the court – either the probation officer or the judge. Don’t expect it, however, because work hours are meant to make a contribution to the community and be a lesson to curtail future misbehavior. Good luck.
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Hello, I am asking for my girlfriend. We are located in California and she just got caught shoplifting. It was around $350 worth of items. She was playing stupid for everything, lied about her name, age, just everything. She is in jail right now and I was wondering whats going to happen to her. Police is indeed involved. Today is Friday and they said she wont be out till Monday. Court on Tuesday. What should she expect in court.. and how to get it off her records.. Thank you in advance for answering. This would be her first offense too.
Dear Kevin: Since this is her first offense, she can expect to be offered what is called “diversion.” http://www.askthejudge.info/what-does-diversion-mean/6735/
Once she completes the terms of diversion (work hours, a fine, or a class) the case will be dismissed and she won’t have a record. It’s also possible that she may be given time served since she spent the weekend in jail. Good luck. Hopefully she’s learned from this experience.
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A few days ago i got caught shop lifting in Maryland at lord and taylor. the items in total were under $100 dollars. I gave them back the items (none were damaged) and gave them my license aka name & address. They did not press charges but banned me from any lord and taylor for 2 years and told me that in MD the law is they can fine me twice the amount i stole. When i asked how do i pay this fine they said i could pay now or later. i said now and they took me to the cash register but my card was denied then they told me i could pay part of it today and the rest at a later date i said id like to pay in full and how should i do that they said to call them and come in the store to pay asap. if i don’t pay will i get a fine in the mail? since there were no police involved can they put a warrant out for arrest? are there any statue of limitations on cases like this in MD?
Dear Chelsea: Yes, if you don’t pay the fine, you may receive a civil demand letter in the mail requesting payment of the fine. A warrant will not be issued, but the store could turn over your information to the police in which case you may receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Every state has a statute of limitations for all offenses. Since the amount you stole was less than $100, you most likely would be facing misdemeanor charges. Most states have a 6 months to one year statute of limitations for misdemeanors. If you’re willing to admit the offense and return to the store to pay the fine, that most likely would be the end of the matter. Good luck.
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Sorry Mr judge i have 1 more question how they gonna figure out that my kids put the stuff if in the fitting rooms theres no camera and is that alowed to put camera in the fitting rooms? and i forgot to tell that when they open my purse they took stuff already mine like hairband for the kids i used i baught them from their store but not at the same day the problem happen like 2 weeks ago,Does they have the right to open my purse before i go to cashier or to go out of the store?
Dear Venisa: Explain all of this to your lawyer. He/she knows the law that applies to your case and can advise you accordingly. Good luck.
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Hello,im from michigan i caught shoplifting at birlington coat factory i have clean recoed i never had and problem it was by mistakes i went to the fitting room and my kid was holding mu purse till i try something on during that time my kid was looking for a change to get candy from the candy machine and she put the stuff i told her to keep it with her till i done in my purse and when i done she gave me the purse back and i forgot to ask for the stuff i went after to get deffirent size of the piece i tried on and go to the cashier then i figured out thats something missing i put the shirts somewhere to call my kid from the candy machine the security told me im not alowed to go i told him im not leaving just wanna call my kid he refused and ask me to open my purse , when i did i figured that the stuff its in my purse the police came and talk to me and gave me a ticket with a misd, and told me to call the court btw 3 to 14 days i put a lawyer and im realy confused and stressed cuz it never happened to me b4 and i never got in trouble before please tell me if theres any thing will show on my record or jail time ,i can pay the fine and i learned a lesson that to teatch my kids more and tell them they not alowed to put or touch any thing b4 i pay for it
Dear Venisa: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of the program, the case would be closed and the charges dismissed. It’s unlikely that you would receive any jail time for a first offense. Talk your concerns over with your attorney as he/she will be able to provide advice about your options. Good luck.
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this happened like 10 month ago only and i was 26 and yes i did the division program so they dismissed my case will this show up in record because i wasn’t minor at tha time and is not been a long time of the incident ??
Dear Joseph: One of the purposes of diversion is the avoidance of a record. Anything is possible but it’s not likely this will show up in a records check. Good luck.
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Hi, I’m 15 and I got caught shoplifting at Dillard’s and I have court tomorrow. Will they drug test? I know I’m clean, but my friend got caught with me and she on the other hand is not so clean.
Dear Kell: In most shoplifting cases, drug tests are not ordered unless the judge has reason to believe that you’re involved with drugs. The item or items taken may also be indicative of drug use such as shoplifting cigarette rolling papers, or products believed to prevent someone from testing positive [Urin-Luck, etc]. Your physical appearance and speech could also tip off the court that drugs have been used recently. Good luck.
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i am applying for a school job in new york and they will do a fingerprint background check, will a dismissed shoplift case prevent me from that job opportunity?? Please help
Dear Joseph: The answer depends on a number of factors: your current age, your age at the time of the incident, whether a record even exists, and whether you completed a diversion program in exchange for dismissal, not to mention the applicable laws of your state. It’s not likely the shoplifting will affect your future employment opportunities if it’s at least a few years ago and you were a minor. Good luck.
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Ok this occur in new york its was a macys store the value was 125 they call the police and i paid 500 fine i went to the court and the judge send me for shoplift class after that they returned me 500 fine and thats it my lawyer said that this incident will no appear in my record afer six month but some people tell me that this its no true iam cufuse cause i wet for a job and they going to take my finger print iam afraid that this appear in my record the case was dismissed but will this still be a problem applying for this job if they going to take my finger print??
Dear Lauren: If your lawyer and the court told you there wouldn’t be a record, you can relax and accept their word for it. It sounds like you completed a diversion program and your case was dismissed for complying with the terms you were given. If you’re losing sleep over this, you can contact the court you went to and ask if you have a record. You can also double-check with your lawyer. Good luck.
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So my cousin got caught for shoplifting. It was an honest mistake but he agreed he did it. He was really calm and agreed to everything they said. Signed the papers and left. There is a fine of $150 dollars. Now he cannot enter any walmart or Sams club. He wants to go back tomorrow and talk to the managers about it. Is this a good idea?
Also, After paying the fine, can he enter the store?
Dear Sam: It is not a good idea for him to return to the store after he’s been banned. Depending on your state’s laws he could be charged with trespassing if he returns while the ban is in place. He could call the store and speak with the manager or loss prevention person. Paying the fine does not lift the ban unless that was what he was told by the store employee. Good luck.
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Since Im a Minor should I look to get this expunged? Will diversion erase this from my record?
Dear Alice: By completing diversion successfully, you won’t have a record. You can check with the court afterwards and see if anything exist regarding this incident that would be available to the public. Even if you ended up with a record by pleading guilty or being found guilty by the court, after a period of time you can apply to the court to expunge your record. Good luck.
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Ashley Sun, 12 Sep 2010 at 09:22
Hello, my Name is Ashley and a few months ago I was caught stealing at Walmart, at the age of 17, in ILLINOIS. I was caught stealing no more than $20. So they asked for my name, address, and number. So i gave them all my info. They said I was going to get a letter in the mail. I am now 18 and I just got my final notice in the mail from an attorney at law. I have not responded to them or paid my fine of $250, I have 7 days to respond..
What happens if I refuse to respond?
Would this be on my record? (even if no police were involved, and all they have is my name and address)
Would I have problems getting a job?
Please help me. preferably before these seven days.
Dear Ashley: If you refuse to pay the fine, the store may decide to press charges. You would receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Now that you’re an adult this could end up on your record which may have an affect on your future. After a period of time you could apply to the court for an expungement of your record. You could also be offered diversion and then apply for a clear record upon completion. It might be best to end this incident as soon as possible by paying the fine from the store, but it’s your decision. Good luck.
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Hey but I don’t understand, they have no background info on me, how can they put it in my record?
What if I Just move, they don’t know that.
All they would have is my name and adress..?
& I COULD HAVE given them false info, but i didn’t…i just don’t understand..
They have nothing on me, just a name, that prob, everyone has, and an adress.
Dear Ashley: If the store’s civil fine remains unpaid, they may decide to refer this incident to the local prosecutor and a shoplifting charge could be filed against you. If that happens, if you plead guilty or are found guilty by the court, you would have a criminal record as an adult. It is possible to find you and serve the court papers on you since they have your name and address. It is unlikely that any of this will happen for an item worth $20 but it is always a possibility. Good luck.
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Im 26 (new york) and I was caught shoplifting at macys, it was some jewelery about 125$, and i had to go into a back room, he got my info such as my first and last name, my adress and he looked at my license card and Scc number, i told him the truth that i hadn’t stolen anything before and that it was just a stupid dare. They call the police and i went arrested i pay a fine and i also pay macy 500$ i went to court with my lawyer and he told me that after six month this incident will not appear in my record its been 9 month already, but today i went to get a job and the aplication said that if i been arrested for a crime and i said no but they going take my finger print will this incident appear in my record when they take my fingers print or not?? please help me
Dear Paulie: The incident may appear on your record. We suggest that you contact your lawyer and ask him how to go about clearing your record. There may be a simple, online form at the court that you can file. It usually doesn’t require an attorney to do this. The court may have a self-help center with the forms available to the public. Good luck.
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Hello, my Name is Ashley and a few months ago I was caught stealing at Walmart, at the age of 17, in ILLINOIS. I was caught stealing no more than $20. So they asked for my name, address, and number. So i gave them all my info. They said I was going to get a letter in the mail. I am now 18 and I just got my final notice in the mail from an attorney at law. I have not responded to them or paid my fine of $250, I have 7 days to respond..
What happens if I refuse to respond?
Would this be on my record? (even if no police were involved, and all they have is my name and address)
Would I have problems getting a job?
Please help me. preferably before these seven days.
Dear Ashley: If you refuse to pay oftentimes the store decides to press charges. You would receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Now that you’re an adult this could end up on your record which may have an affect on your future. After a period of time you could apply to the court for an expungement of your record. You could also be offered diversion and then apply for a clear record upon completion. It might be best to end this incident as soon as possible by paying the fine from the store, but it’s your decision. Good luck.
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hello judge ? am 16 , me and my friend got caught shoplifting. The amount that we stoled was about $51.00 . This was the first time we’ve Ever gotten caught they told us we would get a letter in 2 weeks , and its beeen over 3 maybe 4 . we’ve called alot of times to check up but still no response ? what will they do to us ?.,.
Dear Serenity: Sometimes it takes a month or two before receive the letter from the store. It will ask you to pay a fine called a “civil demand” that, once paid, the case will be closed. Be patient. Good luck.
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I am 18 years old and i got caught shoplifting from urban outfitters. the merchandise amounted to $90, they kept me in the back of the store and the cops came, checked my record which was clean. and they let me go with a ticket for my court date. Do i have to let my parents know? Since you’re an adult, that is your decision whether to tell your parents or not. Is it vital that i take a lawyer? That is your decision. You can discuss it with the court officer you’ll meet with when you go to court. You may not necessarily need one if, for example, you are offered and agree to a diversion program. What do you think my punishment will be?If you participate in diversion you’ll have to complete some community service, pay a fine or attend a class in return for dismissal of the charge. How can i get it expunged so it does not show up on my job applications in the future?The court officer will explain expungement to you. You may have to wait a period of time before you’re eligible to apply. Good luck.
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Hey, im 15 and i got caught stealing a mascara, eyeliner and two eyeshadows from walmart. I cooperated with them and they didnt call the police. This is the fist time ive done it. I live in texas, so what would be the consequences? how much will we need to pay?
Dear Elena: Since the police weren’t called and this is your first offense, you can expect a letter from the store requiring payment of a fine. It’s called a “civil demand” and when paid usually ends the case. The amount of the fine depends on your state laws about shoplifting and the total value of the items taken. It can run into several hundred dollars. Good luck.
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So my friend got caught shoplifting today from a TJ maxx in minnesota but he lives in wisconsin and just recently turned 17. he took two bottles of cologne and i have no idea what the price on those was but i am fairly confident it was less than $50. what kind of charges would he be facing?
Dear Connor: The likely charge would be for shoplifting. If the store has identifying information and how to contact him in Wisconsin, he may receive a notice in the mail about a court hearing. He would be required to appear or risk the issuance of an arrest warrant. On the other hand, he may have gotten lucky this time and won’t hear anything further about this incident. Thanks for asking.
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Hello. Yesterday I got nervous and panicked about being pregnany , so I went to Cub foods and went to the bathroom and used a pregnancy test then stuffed the box in the garbage. While me and my friend were leaving the cub foods parking lot we got pulled over and the police asked if we had shoplifted anything. I immediately fessed up and said I had taken a pregnancy test in the bathroom and threw away the box without paying for it. The cop called my parents and said he will give me a court date. This is my 1st offense and I am 17 in MN. What will happen to me most likely? On my college application where it says am I a juvenile offense should I say yes?
Dear Alice: Since this is your first offense and you’re a minor, you’ll probably be offered diversion. That means when you finish some community service, pay a fine or attend a class the case will be closed. When you go to court, the process will be explained to you. This one incident shouldn’t affect your future plans for education or employment. Read the questions on job and college applications very carefully. If you’re asked, for example, if you’ve been convicted of any crime and you complete the diversion program, you can answer “no.” Discuss the questions that you’re not sure about with your parents. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hi Judge, I am 16 years old and I got caught stealing from Walmart. I had 3 loss pevention officers following me and I didn’t notice execpt for one. But the total of my stealing was $381.77. I hope only getting community service and fines or something, but I don’t want to pay alot… I don’t have a shoplifting lawyer, only a public defender. But they didn’t send anything in the mail. My brother called them and he ask them when it is coming in, they told him 1 to 2 months. This is my first offesne on my record so far. But I don’t know what are my punishments, I don’t think it would be misdemeanor, I would say a felony charge because its over $250 like you said in your last replys to people. So I would really like for you to reply.
Ok… Thanks judge. But In Louisiana, they don’t have clasess down here and I keep reading on forums or some gosh darn place that the felony charge of Louisiana is $100 Bucks. I was mostly aimming for Fines and community service… But not probaition… I am just so scared, because I am 16 in college and I know this is going to freak my future.
Hi, its Paul again… So would I be facing like 2 years in Community service or something? Because I am just super scared and I pray everyday on this.
Dear Paul: The Public Defender you mentioned is your lawyer in this case. You need to call him or her and ask about your concerns. Community service is usually a set number of hours to complete and you’re given enough time to get them done – for example, a few months. There are online shoplifting classes that you might be able to take.You will receive notice in the mail about your hearing – don’t miss it or the court may issue a warrant for your arrest. This one incident shouldn’t affect your future education or employment plans. Good luck.
[This is information onlky – not legal advice].
sorry for writing so much lol but i also wanted to kno is there any way possible that they will work something out with me to where i can pay for the merchandise but i dont realy see how they can charge us with shoplifting when we hadnt even made it out of the door because the security guy stopped us before we even got to the door and took us to the office and took pictures n we had to fill out some forms
Dear Torrey: Explain what happened to your lawyer or the judge when you go to court. Under the shoplifting law in your state it’s possible that you didn’t have to leave the store to have committed the crime. Good luck.
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hey im 19 and last year back in december me and two of my friends got caught shoplifting at walmart in bluefield va and anything over 250$ there is a felony and we had stole 3 go phones and the value total was a little over 300 dollars the phones were 98.88 each and this is my first time ever going to jail my two friends are 16 and 17 but they let them go their parents came and got them from the police department but then theyve turned my case over to the grand jury but i missed court and ive just recently found out my name was in the indictment papers…what happens when you get indicted and what do you think theyll do since its my first offense they havent contacted me since i missed my court date and im kinda scared to contact them or go to court because im scared that theyll give me time but im thinking that itll probably be probhation since its my first offense
do you think theyll drop the charge to a misdemeanor and give me probhation and now im wanting to get a job because ive also found out that my girlfriend is pregnant but im scared that if i get a job then theyll find my location and come and arrest me or something im also taking my ged classes almost finished with them and soon planning on goin to college and my case is also against the common wealth of virginia
Dear Torrey: Since this is your first offensde, there’s a good chance you’ll be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine or attend a class the case will be closed. You could call the court and ask how to proceed since you missed the first hearing. You could also call the public defender’s office and ask if they’ve been appointed to represent you. If they are appointed you can speak with your lawyer about what you do next. Good luck.
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A couple of weeks ago i was caught shoplifting a 30 dollar item form sears. Yesterday i got a civil claim letter asking for 279 dollars! This is outrageous. I was wondering if i could sue them for extortion or attempted extorsion. I am a minor in the state of IL
Dear Justin: The store is probably thinking the same thing about your conduct – that it’s outrageous for you to steal from them which is why they are asking for such a high civil fine. Although you could always file a lawsuit, you would not have any real claim against the store since all states have laws that allow stores to request these “civil demands” from shoplifters. If you pay the fine, it may be the end of the matter and you would not have to go to court. If you don’t pay the fine, you may receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. The possible consequences and penalties for shoplifting always outweigh any benefit from getting away with it, so think it through before making an impulsive move. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
Hi Judge, I am 16 years old and I got caught stealing from Walmart. I had 3 loss pevention officers following me and I didn’t notice execpt for one. But the total of my stealing was $381.77. I hope only getting community service and fines or something, but I don’t want to pay alot… I don’t have a shoplifting lawyer, only a public defender. But they didn’t send anything in the mail. My brother called them and he ask them when it is coming in, they told him 1 to 2 months. This is my first offesne on my record so far. But I don’t know what are my punishments, I don’t think it would be misdemeanor, I would say a felony charge because its over $250 like you said in your last replys to people. So I would really like for you to reply.
Dear Paul: Depending on the specific laws of your state, you may be facing felony charges since the amount is over $250 and you’ve been appointed a public defender, who is your lawyer. Since this is your first offense, you may be facing probation with community serivce and/or a class and payment of a fine. Talk this over with your lawyer since he/she will be able to tell you the possible outcomes of your case. Good luck.
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I have a question, I am 35 yrs old and I worked at Kmart in 2000 and got arrested, the charge was receiving stolen property, I got probation and was told it would be a misdeamenor if I completed probation… A year later, I worked at Walmart and basically did the same thing (Being Stupid). This time I did a little jail time and now I have 2 felonies on my record. Is it possible I can get my record cleared or expunged, I can’t find employment because of my record…What can I do? It’s now 2010 and nothing’s been added to my record in over seven years. What would you suggest? Thank you
Dear Yolonda: Askthejudge.info is an educational website for and about teenagers and the law. We do not provide legal advice to adults or teens. We suggest you consult a criminal defense attorney in your area. You may be able to obtain a free consultation for approximately 30 minutes. Ask about this when you call. Good luck.
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Hello Sir,
This happened in Duane Reade. I entered the store to buy a sun screen and a box of shoe polish kit. As I wanted to send this in postal, I tried by putting the sun screen in the box and checked if it fits right. Then I went to the next isle looking for some OTC tablets and did some walk across the isles. As I wanted to get additional stuff and I didn’t have the shopping bag, I put my items in the bag I carried in. Then when I take the item out while going for billing, everything inside falls in my bag. Due to laziness, I just took the box and the sun screen and was moving towards the cashier, now some LP person approached me and accused me of shoplifting and when I try to explain he branded particular community of people (that I belong) that you are all like that. You does something like this then give such explanations. Then he take me to the manager and took couple of pic after asking me to hold the items. Then he asked me for ID, as I was already scared, I told him I don’t hv one. But he tapped on my purse in the pant pocket and told me to take it out. He pulled the licence from me and took down my info. When I asked to explain him what is going to happen, he told that I (he) am not here to talk to you. Just give me the information. Then I started shouting to call the cops. He didn’t respond. Then he asked me to sign that store form. I refused. Then he threatened me that I have to stay in the store until I signed the form and this form is only for the store records and nothing will happen. As I had another appointment for which I was already late, I just signed the form and left the store thinking that nothing will happen. But after I did some search in the internet, I understood that there is a possibilty for charges / fines. So I called the store back and asked if there will be any charges / fine. Now he told me to wait for 2 to 3 weeks to see if there is any action though he clearly told in the store there won’t be any charges / fine. Now I lost my sleep and couldn’t concentrate on work. What will happen now? I work for a very reputed organization and never been accused of anything. Is there a way for me to sue the store or LP? What are my chances?
Dear David: There are several possible outcomes here. You may receive a letter from the store requesting payment of a fine. It could take a month or two before the letter comes. Usually, once the fine is paid the case is closed. You could also receive a notice from a court to appear at a hearing. Don’t miss the hearing or a warrant could be issued for your arrest. Once in court, the process will be explained to you. You may be offered diversion which means after you finish some community service, pay a fine or attend a class the case is closed without an official record. As far as any remedies you may have against the store or Loss Prevention person, you’ll have to discuss that with a local lawyer. Askthejudge.info does not provide legal advice to adults or teens. Good luck.
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hey. so i stole something and i got home. will they come after me?
Dear Derek: You may get a visit from the police if the store was able to identify you from personal observation by the clerk or owner or if a video was taken of the incident. You may be given a ticket or notice to appear in court where the process will be explained to you. Good luck and think twice before breaking the law again. You may have gotten lucky this time but luck runs out.
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Hi I asked a question above under this same name.
Today I got a flat tire, and my college police helped me change it. He took all my info, and license plate #’s so he could make a report. (for a tire change..wtf)
I know I’m probably being paranoid..but is he going to look me up? I’m still worried about my stealing incident, and though it’s just 1 week shy of being 2 months since that incident..and I haven’t received anything..I’m still scared they got my license plate. So my 1st question is- Would he look me up for some reason with the info he took? and 2. Would it show that my license plate # was searched for if the store ever even got my license plates?
also, he’s college police, he wouldn’t interact with city police would he? like they’re 2 separate things? but he did ask me if (on my license) that was my correct address. why would he ask that? am i going to get a paper in the mail for getting a flat tire?!
Dear K: As you know, anything is possible. The officer could run your license through a database but it’s unlikely there will be a connection with the store incident. Depending on the laws in your state, campus police have similar authority to investigate crimes, make arrests, etc. As school police their primary responsibility is campus safety and enforcement of school rules and traffic laws. You may still receive notice in the mail about the earlier incident. Good luck.
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hi, im am 19 years old and got caught stealing from my job. a guy from loss prevention came and talked to me in the back about what happend.He read all my information and said he sees i have a clean record, I told him the truth and he had me write a letter saying everything that i had told him,and also sign some papers agreeing to pay for what i took which was $127. i didnt have the money to pay for it that day but i have to meet back at the store friday with him to pay the money. he also said if i dont hear from him by the following monday that everything is all clear. Im afraid to go back up there because i dont know whats going to happen. will they arrest me if i go back up there? I live in ohio and will this be put on my record if they press charges on me? i also have been baned from the store. will i get kicked out of school because im in college? and also will i ever be able to get a job again?
Dear Sheree: Since he has your information, which we assume means address and phone number, it would be best to return on Friday and pay the fine. If he wanted to involve the police he would have called them the day this happened. The store may decide not to press charges in which case you won’t have a record or anything to worry about as far as your education or employment. Make sure you comply with the ban from the store. Otherwise you could be charged with trespassing if you return. You might want to discuss this with your parents as well even though you’re an adult. Their advice could be useful in this situation. Good luck.
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hi i’m 20 i got caught shoplifting $152 worth of clothes my record is clean and i’m wondering if this will be a felony or what will happen when i go to court??
Dear Krystal: The offense will most likely be charged as a misdemeanor which is determined by the value of the items stolen. (Most states don’t charge these offenses as felonies unless the value of the itmes stolen are at least $250 or even higher depending on the state’s laws.) If this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program, which means that the charges would be dismissed upon successful completion of the program. Good luck.
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Hi judge Tom, i asked earlier about the Sears $50 dollars thing, well i just got a mail and it said i have to pay $375, but at the bottom it says “the payment of any demand upon you does not prevent criminal prosecution under a related criminal statute provision. Payment of the amount demanded may not be used in any court proceedings by our client as an admission of liability. you might want to seek the advice of counsel regarding this.” What’s that supposed to mean? I might still have to go to court?
Dear Cheyenne: Although charges may filed against even if you pay the “civil demand”, most stores choose not to press charges once this fine is paid. Stores have the ability to seek this civil fine from those who were caught shoplifting. If you choose to pay the fine on time, there’s a good chance that charges won’t be filed and you won’t have to go to court, however, this is not guaranteed. You could try contacting the court to see whether or not charges have been filed and whether you have an upcoming court date. If you don’t pay the civil demand, then it’s much more likely that you’ll have to go to court over this. Perhaps you could try talking this over with your parents for their advice. Good luck.
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im 18 and live in Australia. i got caught stealing three paris of underwear valued at about 25 dollars and a necklace valued at about 13 dollars. This is the first time i have ever been charged with anything. i have a court date in two weeks, i was wondering what will be the fine cost or whatever that i may get? i googled Australian shoplifting and nothing is usefull.
i need your help! please.
Dear Missy: In the U.S., diversion programs are common for a first offense of shoplifting. These types of programs are also used in other countries and it’s likely that Australia has something similar. When you go to court, you’ll find out more about the possible penalties and what you are likely facing. Find out more about diversion programs in the U.S. and chances are, they are similar in Australia. Good luck.
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what happens if you arent caught shoplifting, and you know ther is absolutely no way they seen you do anything but they take your license plate number down without so much as uttering a word to you?
Dear Travis: They may have seen you on camera or from a position in the store that you were unaware of. You may receive a letter in the mail requiring payment of a fine called a “civil demand.” If you did shoplift from the store, when you pay the fine the case will be closed. You might also receive a letter from the court advising you of a court hearing. Don’t miss this or a warrant may be issued for your arrest. At court you’ll have an opportunity to speak with a probation officer who will explain what happens now. On the other hand you may not hear anything further about this incident. If you did shoplift, don’t press your luck and do it again. Good luck.
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I have court
in a few days i stole undies $7.99 and got caught i also got arrested I’m 16 years old
i want to know what am i expecting in court?
Please Help!
Dear Jocelyn: If this is your first offense, you can expect to be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine or attend a class the case will be closed. When you go to court the process will be explained to you by a court or probation officer. Diversion is usually offered one time so be sure not to give in to the temptation to shoplift again. Good luck.
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i was caught shoplifting, im 17. they did not call the cops or talk about fees. they took the one 18$ shirt i stole because i didnt have enough money with me… i know it was wrong and not exceptable escuse, i should of just went back later after getting money. but anyways, they didnt call the police but made me wright down my information and give them my ID and asked what school i went to. They then had me call my mom and talked to her and let me go. They banned me from all of there stores. If i pay for something somewhere else and they ask for my identification with my debit card (to pay for items in differnt stores) will they see what i have done when they check my card or id? does the information of where i live and everything is just stored at the place i shoplifted and all of there stores?
STEALING IS WRONG and i know that now its not worth it for a little 18$ shirt.
Dear Jessie: The store may enter your information in their database so all of their other stores has the information. Since you were banned from the store, remember not to return to any of their stores or you could be charged with trespassing. Other businesses you go to shouldn’t have any record of this incident. Good to hear that you’ve learned from this experience. Good luck.
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if you were caught shoplifting at age 16. they sent me to the STAR program and i ompleted it. does it stay on my records? i live in the state of texas
Dear Lucy: Your completion of the program may stay on record with the court or juvenile probation department. However, it shouldn’t have any affect on your employment or education plans in the future. If the STAR program was through the court, you could contact them and see if there’s a record or if you can apply to have the record cleared. Good luck.
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Hey it is me again and me and my friend were caught shoplifting in early May and I haven’t we haven’t heard anything from police people or the person who owns the shop were we stole from or from macys where we also stole. what most likely is going to happen?
Dear Sara: It’s not unusual for a few months to pass before you hear anything. But you’ll soon be able to relax if you hear nothing at all. Consider this a lucky break this time and think twice before shoplifting again. Good luck.
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My indecent was that 2 friends & i went to shoplift some items at Khols, my friends put the items in my backpack, as we were leaving the security guard brought me in the office & my friends got away, I’m 14 years old & i live in northern California, the officer arrest me, & i have to go to court, what will happen to me? i know i have to go to court & the judge will decide but what are my chances to go to college & going to juvenile hall? BTW it was a misdemeanor ($48.00)
Thank you
Dear Josh: Since this is your first offense you may be offered diversion. That means when you finish some community service, attend a class or counseling the case will be closed. This one incident won’t have any affect on future job or education plans. Good luck and hopefully you’ve learned from this.
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Dear Judge Tom,
My incident with shoplifting happened about last September in Oregon. I am in my late 20’s and currently having a background check for my future job. When I was caught, the store manager had me sign some papers and I was asked not to return to the store anymore. I wasn’t arrested, but I know that they had video of the event. I was never detained at all by loss prevention or law enforcement. I never was asked to pay a fine or any court date. I regret it everyday, and have never stolen since. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Dear Amy: Since you were never cited or had to appear in court, there is no record of the incident. You can tell any potential employers that you do not have a criminal record or a prior conviction at least for this incident. Don’t return to the store otherwise you could be cited and arrested for trespassing. We’re glad to hear that you learned from this incident. Good luck.
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Sorry, my last question! And as for the arrest, does that mean if I go through a program, it wont show up, as if I was never arrested? Thanks!
Dear Scott: If you go through a program, your arrest record may not be destroyed depending on the laws of your state. Although you would not have a record of any conviction, it’s possible that the arrest will remain on your record. When you go to court, you’ll have the opportunity to speak with a probation or court officer. Ask him or her about whether the arrest will remain on your record even if you successfully complete a diversion program.
As for your other question about whether you can go to other Macy’s, the ban means that you are banned from all Macy’s. It’s not a good idea to risk getting arrested or cited for trespassing if you try to go to another Macy’s.
Good luck.
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sorry, but i have a quick question. even though I was arrested and fingerprinted for shoplifting (a total of about 60 dollars), i can still have the charges dropped if I go through a diversion program or some sort of thing?
Dear Scott: Yes, as long as diversion is an option in your case and you are offered this type of program by the court or the prosecutor’s office, then it’s possible for the charges to be dismissed upon successful completion of the program.
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i am a minor (age 17)and yesterday, i was caught shoplifting at Macy’s in CA. As i left the store, two LP people stopped me and took me to a back room. There I filled out papers, and they said they were calling the police. I had to pay a 395 civil fine and was told i was banned for 3 years. But after the police came, they arrested me and took my finger prints and picture. The officer told me that the court will notify me if I have to go to court. Also, when i was in 6th grade (abour 6 years ago), I was also arrested for prank calling my school. I know this was a stupid actionand I am remorseful. But I would like to know if I would have to go to court and if it will go on my record (even though I was arrested for shoplifting). I know i can get my records sealed when I turn 18 next year, but will these offenses affrect applying to college? Thanks!
Dear Scott: Since you paid the civil fine or if you’re going to pay the $395 civil fine, the store may choose to not press charges which means that you would not have to go to court. However, if you end up receiving a notice in the mail to appear in court, be sure to appear on the date and time, otherwise a warrant will be issued. If this is your first shoplifting offense, you may be offered a diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. If this occurs, you would not have a record of any conviction. If diversion is not an option in your case, you could always go back to the court once you complete the terms of your sentence and ask for your record to be destroyed or expunged. It is unlikely that this incident would affect your college application process. Be sure to read the language on any application carefully, so that you can answer truthfully. If the application asks about any prior “convictions” and your case is handled in juvenile court, you can answer “no” since you are “adjudicated” and not “convicted” in juvenile court. Good luck.
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Hi judge I was caught stealing a game from walmart that happened 7 months ago valued $60 and i went to court on July 26 and the judge told me that I have a theft charge ant told me that I can have a court appointed attorney and was wondering what can the court attorney do for me and also I went to my attorneys office and he wont be back until September and my court is this Tuesday what would you reccomend me to do and this is my first offense and i just graduated im 18 and planning to join the USAF thanks you reply 🙂
Dear Damacio: Your attorney will review the police reports and any other documents that exist and advise you on your case. When you go to court, your attorney may have another attorney there to cover for him/her who you will be able to talk to. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and charges dismissed. Remember that the penalties will continue to increase for additional offenses, so we hope you learned from this incident. Good luck.
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Dear Judge Tom
My daughter age 17 and a friend age 15 were caught by loss prevention shoplifting at JCP (value of items unsure but around $130 each person). They were detained and yelled at and ridiculed and they were asked questions like “what do your parents do for a living” etc… The questioning happened before parents arrived. When I arrived, I confronted both girls and told them it is wrong what they did, the act of theft and that they need to take this very seriously. The security officer came out of his office yelling again that they younger girl will go to juvenile detention and yelled at my daughter that she is a Felon and she is going to jail. We all felt intimidated and scared. No police were present. My daughter is to appear for arraignment in adult court. Unfortunately, she has a prior for a small amount of marijuana possession 1 1/2 years ago which she completed community service for through Juvenile court. Can you tell me in Michigan if it is okay for loss prevention to verbally abuse detainees and if they can interview at length without parents permission or presence? Also, they are charging me $200. civil charge as requested by an out of state lawyer. If I pay the $200 they will not file a civil suit. Is it legal for them to hold the parent responsible if they are charging the minor as an adult?
Thanks so much. We are to appear Friday at 9:00 AM
I am a good parent, despite my daughters issues. My other daughter does not behave this way and this daughter is impulsive and I have asked for help from Psychiatrists and counselors.
Dear Ms. Sonntag: There are two separate proceedings that may occur when someone steals whether it’s called theft or shoplifting. There is a crime involved which takes the person to criminal or juvenile court. Then there is a civil penalty that many states authorize businesses to impose in place of sueing the shoplifter. Some states allow up to three times the amount shoplifted with a cap of say $200 or $300. So even when you pay the civil fine to the store, your daughter still has to deal with the criminal side of the incident. Regarding the behavior of the LP employee, they are authorized to question shoplifting suspects. Regulating their demeanor is another matter. You could write his supervisor a letter expressing your displeasure with his handling of the case, but you might want to wait until after paying the fine and receiving a letter closing the case out. For more information you can Google “Michigan shoplifting laws.” Good luck.
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I was banned from the store.
If I go to the store, what would be happend?
All of the workers know my face?
How do they catch me if I go there?
Can’t I go there just one time?
Dear Jane: It’s your choice whether to return to the store or not. However, since you were banned if you do go back you could be charged with trespassing. Is violating the ban so important that you’d risk being arrested? Think about it before going back. Good luck.
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Hello Judge Tom, me and a friend(both 15) were caught shoplifting at Sears two weeks ago in Cali. I stole $50 worth of stuff and my friend $45. This was our first prosecution. They took us into a room and made us fill out paperwork and a policewoman arrived, handcuffed us and took us in. Our parents were called to let us out. They took pictures and fingerprinted us. They said we’ll be getting a mail about when court is. I was wondering whats the most likely result that the judge would declare? How should i speak to the judge so that he will cut me some slack?
Additional details:
The policewoman said that this will be on my record until I’m 18.
When i apply for college or a job after I’m 18, would this still be on there? I’m afraid this will disadvantage me
Dear Cheyenne: Since this is your first offense you can expect to be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine or restitution to the store, or attend a class the case will be closed. If that happens you won’t have a record to worry about. Don’t miss your hearing and the process will be explained to you when you go to court. When speaking with the judge, be respectful and tell the truth. You may not even see a judge if diversion works out. Hopefully you’ve learned from this. The next time, diversion won’t be available. Good luck.
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Hello Judge it is Dylan again,
This time I have another question. I got a letter from the court saying that Count 1: Retail Fraud – Third Degree. Then it says what I did. After that though it says Misdemeanor: 93 Days and/or $500.00, or 3 times the value/difference in price of property stolen, obtained, or attempted to be obtained, whichever is greater. What does this mean? Does it mean that Wal-Mart is sending me a bill and that I would have to pay that? Or would I have to pay more at the court, that up to $500.00 thing? I am 16 and this happened in Michigan. What does this mean I am just so worried that I will have more to pay for… Like I said before what happened was I opened the box of razors and my friend took them and concealed them. So why does it say I stole them? Please help me…
This was also my firt offense ever to the above statement.
Dear Dylan: The court document you received spells out the charge filed against you and the maximun penalties you’re facing. It doesn’t mean that the judge will give you these penalties – it could be something less depending on the circumstances. In addition to the consequences of this criminal charge, the store may impose a fine on you. That’s the civil part of the case. When you go to court you can discuss the charges with your lawyer if one is appointed for you. The charge alleges you stole the razors because the prosecutor sees both of you acting together to steal the items. You’ll get to explain your part in the incident at court. Good luck.
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Hey Judge! It’s jenna again, sorry for writing so much! 😀 but I just came to update you on how things went; My parents had the court date moved up because of a last minuet before school vacation; so it was today!!
Firstly, I did get offered diversion! The man said that it was really rare in this area that I would get offered diversion and if I ever get into another situation of any sort it will never happen again.. but that will NEVER happen! I have learned my lesson. I have to do a free online class, and attend a council class for 3 months. I didn’t get any court fee’s or anything else, just counciling and an online class.
I have certainly learned my lesson, and thank you for all of the help!!!
You’re welcome, Jenna. Glad things worked out for you. Study hard.
I am twenty one years old. A few weeks ago, I had some people over at my house and they were drinking beer. At, around 2am we ran out of beer and the “party” was winding down. So, I decided to walk to the store with my friend and get a cigar. On our way out a guest stopped me and said we needed more beer. I said jokingly, “it’s past 2am what are you gonna do steal it?” He replied with “yeah, you guys distract the clerk and I’ll grab the beer.” He then laughed and I thought he was joking. My friend and I walked out and down to the store. I was at the check out asking the clerk for a cigar and in comes that guest. He ran out a few seconds later with a case of beer. I told my friend to run after him, and he did, but came back and said he couldn’t catch him. The clerk asked me if I was with him and I said no. The clerk rolled her eyes and gave me a disgusted look. Then the clerk finished ringing my friend and I up and we left. My wife went into the store a few weeks later, to find that the store manager put up security camera pictures of my friend and I and said that we were “lookouts” and they called the police and have a warrant out for us. what do I do? Please help. Thank you
Dear Tony: In order to avoid further inconvenience if there is a warrant out for your arrest, you might want to talk with a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. A traffic stop could result in your being locked up on the warrant. Many cities and towns have free legal assistance programs for the public. You get roughly 30 minutes with a lawyer and that might be all you need to get some advice. Call your local court and ask if they have such a program. Otherwise, you can call one out of the phone book or online. Good luck.
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So today me and my friend were caught shoplifting jewelry at JCP. I realized a lot of people do. But I’m 16 and so is she, we were caught and had to fill out papers. No police were involved because oh parents could come. The lady said we would have to go to court though? I’m wondering, since I’m a minor, this will go on my juvy record? Is that still considered permanent record. I’m jus worried about what’s going to happen. How much trouble am I technically in? The stuff we took was on a sale table for about 15. Original price 60. I live in California if that helps any.. Thanks
Dear Karina: If you end up in court, you’ll likely be offered diversion. That means when you finish some community service, pay a fine or restitution to the store, attend a class or counseling the case will be closed. After a year or so you can apply for a clear record. Ask someone at court about this. If you don’t hear from the court you may only get a letter in the mail from the store requiring payment of a fine. Pay it on time and this will be over. It is what’s called a “civil demand” that most states allow stores to impose rather than clogging the courts with these cases. Good luck.
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I was caught shoplifting for the first time at sears. I am in my 50s. the total was 212. I live in PA. The police was called and he checked on my status and confirmed there are no warrants or previous arrests. the LP dept took me in the back and had me sign some papers. They said I’d get a letter in the mail about restitution and will probably have to appear in front of the magistrate. But the lady said to me ‘ make sure you pay that fine immediately ‘ whatever you do….
Should I get a lawyer? If I pay that fine immediately does that mean possible not appearing in court? I am sick to my stomach but am so glad I got caught. i feel like a ton of bricks have been lifted off of my shoulders. I knew I’d never stop unless caught. Didn’t need any of the stuff – I would put it in the poor boxes. I have made an appointment for therapy. Should I share all this information with the judge? Please tell me what to expect and what to do. Thanks.
Dear Nancy: First we must tell you that Askthejudge.info is an educational site for teenagers about the law. We do not provide legal advice to adults or teens. We can tell you, however, that paying the “civil demand” from the store is a good idea. You may not have to go to court if it’s paid on time. On the other hand, you’ll have to appear in court if your local prosecutor decides to file a shoplifting charge against you. If that happens explain everything to the court and your lawyer if you have one. The fact that you’ve started therapy is in your favor. Good luck.
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Hi Judge, its Jenna here again. (I stole from Claires) I was just informed that my court date is september 5th, and I am nearly freaking out. I talked to my parents about diversion and they don’t think I’ll be offered it. Should I expect probation then? It was only 18.00 dollars worth of merch. but my parents do not think that I will be offered any program to avoid probation/a record. if I do get probation, how will this effect my schooling? I am only 15, and in highschool- top of my class. School is VERY important to me, as is getting a job. How will this effect my getting a job?
Dear Jenna: If you do receive probation, follow the terms to the letter and on time. Then you’ll be eligible to apply for an expunged record. Ask your probation officer about your record and how to clear it. You have plenty of time before you’re 18 and should have no problem starting adulthood with a clear record. That’s assuming, of course, that there are no further incidents. This shouldn’t have any affect on future plans for education or employment. Good luck and here’s hoping diversion is offered.
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I was caught shoplifting at sears in IL, im 15. I was walking out when i was stopped by an LP. I hid the item in my wasitband inside a dressing room. I was looking on the internet and found out that if the LP don’t see you conceal the item they can’t do anything about it. This happened a couple days ago and i alredy confessed to stealing it but since if what i said above is true, did the LP unlawfully detain me?
Dear Alex: As you know, stores may have only one or two loss prevention employees on duty. There may be 50 or more shoppers in the store. Consequently video cameras are installed to keep on eye on all sections of the store. It is not true that the LP officer has to visibly see you shoplift before stopping you. He can rely on the video, or his observation of you after you hid the item, or information from another employee or shopper. The LP may conduct an investigative stop to question you. For more on this you can Google the name of your state and “shoplifting.” Good luck.
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My sister 16 yrs and I 15 yrs went shopping once and got caught shoplifting and my sister had done her community service after court already. I was just wondering what would happen to me when I turn 16?
Dear Nalee: If you didn’t receive a ticket or notice to appear in court when your sister was caught, it’s not likely you’ll hear anything further about this incident. Depending on when this happened it may be too late to take you to court for it. When you turn 16, if you shoplift again, you may be charged and end up with similar penalties as your sister. Good luck.
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Sweet total honesty!..Well I gotta do what I gotta do. Thanks
What would happen if your underage and you are investigated for a beer run? The cops came to my house and asked for me saying it was nothing serious. I’m wondering what would be the worst that could happen since they didn’t specify what really happened. Should I plead the fifth? Or should I wait and see if I am actually caught up and verify that the cops know what they are actually charging me for?…
Dear Danni: We can’t tell you what to do or give you legal advice. We suggest you talk with your parents about this even if they don’t know now. They will find out eventually so it’s better to be up front with them. If you lie to the police you may be charged with a crime: obstruction of justice or false reporting. If you are charged with anything you’ll be notified about a court hearing where you’ll have a chance to discuss your case with a lawyer, or your family may hire one to represent you. Confide in your parents for starters. Good luck.
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Hi. I’m 18 years old and I got caught shoplifting(1st Offence) from Wal-Mart in May and I paid the Civil Fines and I have Court on the 8th of September. Everything I stole added up to $71. The only reason I stole in the first place is b/c I was under stress and not in the right state of mind b/c I had alot of bad things happen to me the months before and I feel so bad about stealing, I even cried when the officer was talking to me. I was wondering what would happen to me and if I told the Judge about me not being in the right state of mind would I get in serious trouble?
Dear Christian: Since this is your first offense, you can expect to be offered diversion. That means if you admit the shoplifting and then complete some community service, pay a fine or restitution to the store, attend a class or counseling the case will be closed. You’ll have a chance at your hearing to speak with a court or probation officer. Tell them you’ve paid the civil demand and explain what happened and why. Don’t miss court. Good luck.
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Hi, I asked a question about trying to shoplift, but got caught, employee didn’t ask me ANY info, & I left the store. Store was in a mall, I was scared they would call security/police & get my license plate #’s.
It’s been 1 month. I just looked up crime reports and the date I shoplifted, and there is a theft crime listed at the mall on that date. But the time stated shows 1 hour later than when my crime happened. I’m curious..do you think the store person did report the crime..and it’s possible that they did get my license plate # from the cameras?
I haven’t gotten a civil demand or anything yet, and this could not even be my crime. Idk, I just assumed since it’s the same date, it says “theft crime” and shows the mall I did it in, thanks!
how do you know if a warrant is out for your arrest?
Dear K: It’s not likely that you’ll hear anything without any means to identify you. Depending on the size of the mall, another theft by someone else an hour later is not unusual. When you get stopped by the police and they run a check on your name, that’s when you’ll know if there’s an outstanding warrant. You could also call the police and ask if you’re curious. Good luck.
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hello, about 2 months ago I got caught shoplifting about $600 dollars worth of stuff from menards. I didn’t get arrested but I did have to turn myself in after a warrant was issued. Now apparently I have some really bad issues because I just got caught shoplifting again I had about $260 stuff from jcpenny. The second time i got caught was in a different county. Both charged were class d felony. I havnt even been to court for my first offense yet do you think I’ll have to serve jail time or do you think if I start therapy and tell the judge that I have problems but I’m trying to work on them in therapy if he will lenient on me. I’m 22 and I have two sons and I think I’ll just go crazy if I have to be away from them! I must be the stupid person Alive!
Oh also I don’t know if you can answer this or not. My husband is talking about divorcing me. Do you think I have any chance of getting custody of my children or has my stupidy cost me my entire family?
Dear Sandra: The answers to your questions about the two shoplifting incidents depend on the laws in your area and the policies of the court that has jurisdiction over this case. It is always a possibility that a stint in jail may be ordered by the court. If you explain the situation at home and express remorse for your behavior, the judge will take that into consideration. If you feel you need help to control your urge to steal, starting with counseling as soon as possible is a good idea. The judge will also take notice of that. Regarding a divorce, you’re not likely to lose custody of your children over a shoplifting incident alone. The bottom line in determining custody is best interests of the children. If you continue to break the law, however, the chances increase that you’ll be sentenced to some jail time which will remove you from your children. Good luck.
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I live in CA and I recently got caught shoplifting at Kohls about a month ago. I am 22. I stole a couple t-shirts and everything was prob worth less than $50. I was sent to the camera room and later on a cop came and questioned me and got all my information down. This is my first offense. I was wondering what would happen to me next. Like do I just have to go to court and pay a fine or will I end up in jail? Please help me out. I am very confused. Ive never been in trouble with authority before
Dear Rob: Two things could happen. First, you might hear from the store by way of a letter requiring payment of a fine. If that happens, pay it on time and the case may be closed. You may also receive a notice in the mail to appear in court for shoplifting. That may take a month or so before you get it. Don’t miss your hearing date. The process will be explained to you at court by a court/probation officer. You may be offered diversion which means when you complete some community service, pay a fine or restitution, attend a class or counseling the case will be closed. You could also end up on probation for a short period under the same terms described above. Once you have all of this behind you, you can apply to have your record expunged. Good luck.
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well I in micro center in Rockville Maryland when this happened
I came in the store and I saw the clearance rack it’s a bunch of picked over and opened stuff and as I looked I saw these VGA adapter that were 70% off retail the box said 5.99 so that’s 1.24 but there were two in the box I took them out and looked at them and put them back in as I get up to the front I also have memory 159.99 and a wifi n adapter the lady at the cash register saw the box with the VGA adapters in there and opened it and said that the price was for only one and I said ring me up for two. And she seem like she was doing it but she did not so she rang me up for one knowing there was two in there. So the security guy calls me in the back and start saying I know what you did you put and extra one in there I told him that I know two was in there and I told the lady to ring me up for two. He did not care he called the police and they heard me out and did not take me to jail or charge me.
I asked was they going to take me to court and they did not give me and answer and the lady that rung up my stuff and saw the two and charged me for one they would not get her to prove my point.
So I am wondering what will happen next I called and he said it takes 2 months to get a court date.
He also refunded the 1 VGA adapter after I paid for it.
He is saying I tryed to take a 1.24 VGA adapter which is crazy,lol
What should I do? What should I expect to happen? How long will it take for them to do something? Do you think I should write corporate and let them handle this?
Any advice will help thank you in advance .
Dear James: It may take awhile for you to hear something from either the store or the court. It depends on the size of your town/city and how busy your local prosecutor is. You may not hear anything at all. If the police believed you they won’t be filing a report and sending it in for charges. If you do get charged with theft or shoplifting, tell the truth. Explain your side of the story to your attorney if you have one and the court. Also if you were banned from the store, don’t return. Otherwise you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
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My friend and I went into Walmart today. She got a cart and I went with her to look at comforters for her kids, she put two in her cart, and then went to the front of the store to get a sticker on them, so she could take them back for money. *stealing* I didn’t want to be around her while she was doing this, so I took my nephew to get his hair cut at Cost Cutters inside Walmart. She went to customer service to return the comforters and get the money put on a card. (I was not around while she was doing this) As we were about to leave the store, they took her and I and my nephew all back into the room. The police were called, she was charged with theft, and I was told to not come back again. I was not around her when she returned the stuff, but I was there when she put the stuff in her cart. I shop at Walmart very often, is there anyway I can get the ban taken off?
Dear Ally: Stores have the authority to ban customers for a variety of reasons. Although your explanation is plausible, the store may not accept it as sufficient. You could write them a letter explaining in full what happened and ask about lifting the ban. Send it to the Loss Prevention Office or the company’s headquarters. If it’s that important to you, you could also contact a local lawyer to write a letter on your behalf. That might cost you a few hundred dollars. Otherwise, don’t violate the ban or you could be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
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Hi again,
Does this prevent me from being able to acquire a student loan?
Thank you
Dear Samantha: That depends on the specific rules and regulations of the lender. They may not ask about or obtain information about this incident. At this point you don’t have a record regarding this and may not have one after the court process especially if diversion is available to you. Good luck.
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Hi its Samantha again,
I am worried I won’t be in the US when they issue a court date and my lawyer said that he could appear in court for me. I don’t want the court to think I am running away as I will be studying as a full time student in another country. My lawyer said he could receive my mail for me and notify me once I receive anything. I was not charged the first time, but I assume they will charge me again. But they will see that the items were returned. Will this remain on my permanent record? Will I have to get it expunged? Is my case complicated and unusual? Sorry for so many questions I am just very scared. I have never done anything like this and am the first person to ever have dishonored my family in such a horrible way.
One more question: What are the chances of me going to jail? I have told you the everything and the whole truth.
Dear Samantha: Your case is not complicated or unusual. Courts see all kinds of situations on a regular basis. Relax and trust that your lawyer will represent you zealously. He will keep you informed about what happens and, under the rules of court, may appear for you in your absence. There is little chance of a jail sentence, but again you have a lawyer to explain everything to you. Have faith in his advice. He also knows about expungement and clearing a record once one exists. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
thank you
To Whom it may concern;
I am 19 years old and live in Florida. I go to a prestigious university in Europe and did something so out of character. I stole 220 USD worth from a department store. I regret it more than anything. I stole a couple articles earlier that day amounting to 60 dollars and I went back with the intention to return an item I had purchased but was overcome with financial worries I stole again and was caught. This was my first time doing this and the items amounting to 60 dollars were returned. I am worried the store may link the two and charge me twice. Will that affect my PTA and misdemeanor charge? Will I have to go to jail? I am really a good kid but I was selfish and stupid in what I did the other day. If I go to jail it will ruin my relationship with my family and my university degree. I know I should have thought of this before I committed the crime but I didn’t and am now facing the consequences. What will happen to me?
Dear Samantha: Since these are your first offenses and they happened the same day, you’re likely to be offered what is called diversion or deferred prosecution. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine or restitution, attend a class or counseling the case will be closed. Don’t miss your court date. It’s unlikely that you’ll receive any jail time. Both incidents may be handled at the same time. You’ll have an opportunity once at court to discuss this with a court officer or a public defender. Good luck.
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I worked at wal-mart in oklahoma city. On my last day, my friend grabbed some games and movies, and i grabbed two then gave them to him. He opened them, and we were caught. I was told i was put on two weeks suspension and that I would get a call from loss protection, and that I could do whatever after that. He said I was banned from the store, and My friend has stolen things many times from the store, and at first I didn’t know he had, but he had been with me each time. In total, from what I’ve found, he’s taken well over $500….What should I expect, and what all CAN they do to me if I claim that I was not the one stealing, just an accomplice? Please be quick.
and by the way, they did NOT ask either of us for any type of ID whatsoever. I’m not sure what they can do to me, for they’ll probably put it all on me. Can they hold my pay? I really would like to know soon.
Dear David: First, as an accomplice you can be charged as if you were the main perpetrator. An accomplice shares the responsibility for the crime. You may receive a letter from the store requiring payment of a fine. If you do pay it on time and the case may be closed. Or you could receive a notice from the court telling you when to appear for a hearing. Since you worked there they have your identification information. Once in court you may be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community service, pay restitution, attend a class or counseling the case is closed. Since you’ve been banned from the store, don’t return or you be charged with trespassing. Good luck.
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Dear judge i was with some friends and got caught shoplifting i never put anything in the bag one of my friends did i was eighteen at the time and i got a summonds to go to court i went to court and got thirty hours community service and had to pay fines i did that and also got probation for a year now my public defender appealed my case but i didn kno i missed my date and spent a day in jail and now i have to go to court for the appeal i want to stay away from court and jail. I don’t kno wut to do i go to court tomorrow and im scared to death this is the first time i’ve gotten into trouble now because of this i have a concealment charge and failure to appear charge i am so worried wut do u believe the out come will be if i tell the judge that i belive there was a misunderstanding between me and my previous lawyer and i never wanted this case appealed?
Dear Zach: Get to court early so you can speak with your lawyer. Since you’ve already completed the community service and paid the fine, you should be in good shape as far as the shoplifting charge goes. Regarding the concealment charge, you’ll have to talk that over with your lawyer. Try to give him or her a call today for advice and information about the next hearing. Good luck.
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Thank you. Also, do you have any idea on what the punishment will look llike?
Dear Deon: You may be placed on probation with specific terms you’ll have to follow. That may include some community service or a fine or restitution. It’s up to the judge to decide the penalty. Since you lie out of state, you may not be ordered to attend a class or counseling unless they’re available where you live. Good luck.
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I was in seattle on vacation and was caught stealing alcohol. I am 17 years old, and charges of Minor in Possession of alcohol, and 3rd degree theft were charged. I am curious as to what may happen to me. This was my first crime, and i live in alaska. How will this work out? I cant afford to fly to seattle for my court date. Are there other options?
Dear Deon: Read any paperwork you were given carefully. There should also be the name and telephone number of the court you’re to appear in. You can call the court, explain where you live and ask how to handle the ticket. Someone should be able to give you information in order to avoid the issuance of a warrant. You might also consider writing the court a letter, not email, explaining where you live. Don’t forget to put the ticket number on the letter and the envelope. That way it makes its way to your court file. You could also speak with a lawyer in your town about this for advice. Good luck.
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My sister and cousin were caught shoplifting. The total amount was $304 and some change. in georgia if it is over $300 it is considered a felony. i dont know about my cousin but my sister is a first time offender. what do you think is oging to happen to her?
Dear Chris: As a first time offender, your sister may be offered diversion or what is called deferred prosecution. That means when she completes some community service hours, pays a fine, attends a class or counseling the case will be closed. Tell her not to miss her court date – she’ll have a chance at court to discuss the process with a court or probation officer. Good luck.
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hello my name is adejah martin and i recently got caught shoplifting from a meijer with my cousin and a friend.me and my cousin were the ones stealing but my friend didnt take anything but she knew we were stealing and she’d ask if we could take things for her so i took things for myself and my cousin took things for my friend we had left the store and right when we left two ladies that worked at the store came out and caught us they let my friend go though i i was very cooperative and didnt give any attitude but my cousin did and one of the ladies swore at my cousin (were all thirteen.) my father and my vousins mother came to pick us up but my cousin was only staying with me and she lives in chicago illinois. were waiting for our court dates to come in the mail im an honor roll student and have never been in any legal trouble before nor have my cousin or my friend but my cousin isnt doing very good in school and shes smarter than me but she has issues at home with her parents (divorce) and my friend is add,bipolar,and dislexic.but she copes with it. i have no clue what is going to go on in court and im very worried and im not sure what to expect please someone help me. 🙁
by the way..we both stole cosmetics both around 60 dollars worth and we were fined 200 dollars (both of our parents were charged with this amount) and they said there could be other charges,,like what? please let me know thank you.
Dear Adejah: Since this is your first offense and considering your age, you’ll probably be offered diversion when you go to court. That means when you complete some community service hours, pay a fine in addition to the one you paid the store, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed. Don’t miss your court date. You can discuss the process with a court or probation officer when you get there. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hello again Judge.
I now have another problem. My friend is trying to put the blame on me of putting something else in the other friends purse, but when they caught us they found it in her purse and said that she did it and they didn’t say that me or the other friend helped? So if her parents decided in court to say that I also helped do it, can I get in trouble even though the girl who had it in her purse already took the blame to the cops? So can I get in trouble even though they said she was the only one who did it??
Dear Dylan: Anything is possible as you know. If the truth comes out the judge will decide who’s responsible for what. If you end up in court on this, tell the truth. That is always the best approach to anything you’ll face in your life. Good luck.
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Thank you for the help. Now I am wondering what can happen to me. I am 16 and the merchandise was around $20. I just want to know what can all happen to me seeing as how I still only opened the merchandise and didn’t conceal it. I live in Michigan and was wondering what they have to say about me being 16 and what can happen to me. Thanks for all the help! 🙂
Dear Dylan: What happens is up to the judge who hears the case and the evidence the state presents in support of the shoplifting charge. The case could be dismissed because the evidence doesn’t support the charge against you. If you’re found guilty you could be placed on probation with some community service hours, a fine or a shoplifting class. Talk with either the court officer or attorney you’ll meet when you go to your first hearing. Good luck.
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I was caught with one of my friends at Wal-Mart for shop lifting and I was told that since I opened the item and she put it in her bag I am also busted for shoplifting. Is that true? I thought that if anything I should be in trouble for destruction of property and just pay for how much it was and be allowed to leave. What I did was open the box and take it out, then my friend she grabbed them and put them in her bag. So am I still guilty of shoplifting seeing as how I didn’t conceal the item on my person? I just don’t understand if that is what I should be in trouble for. I am just really worried because, I know this is bad to say, I just feel like all I did was open it up and shouldn’t have to be in trouble for shoplifing. I know that they said I was part of it since I opened it and she took it, but still I just opened it. Not concealed it and left the store with it. Please help. 🙁
Dear Dylan: What you did may fit the legal definition of shoplifting in your state. Google your state’s name and “shoplifting” and you can read the law that defines shoplifting. Usually when you’re assisting someone take something you can be charged with the same crime, or as an accessory to the crime, as the one who actually leaves the store with the item. If you go to court on this talk it over with a court officer or an attorney and they’ll explain the law to you and the court process. Good luck.
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If i am on probabtion alreadyy and shoplifted what can happen to me?
Dear Sam: That’s a good question. As you know one of your probation terms is to remain law-abiding. So, by shoplifting, you’ve violated your probation and face increased consequences. Talk to your probation officer and/or lawyer about what can happen now. You may be continued on probation with additional terms including some time in detention depending on your record and the court. Good luck and think twice the next time you’re tempted to steal.
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I’m fifteen, and I got caught stealing $36.00 worth of stuff from Walmart. It was my first time, but I got arrested and taken to jail. I have a court date soon and I’m extremely scared; What will happen?
Dear Nat Jayne: Since this is your first, and hopefully last, offense you may be offered what is called deferred prosecution or diversion. That means when you complete community service, pay a fine or restitution, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed. You could also be placed on probation for a period of time with similar terms. If that happens ask about clearing your record after you successfully finish probation. Don’t miss your court date and dress appropriately. Good luck.
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I just got caught shoplifting at khols and the items total $262 all together. That amount Is a misdemeanor of retail fraud 2nd degree in the state of MI. I have a court date and am hiring an attorney. What are the possible consequences if this is my first offense and I have a clear record? Will I still have pay for up 3x the amount stolen to the store no matter what? if I can talk the case down, is it possible that I will only have to pay court fines? I am in college, will this affect my financial aid? I am going to be graduating college in a year and a half with a teaching degree, will this restrict me from getting a job? I appreciate your help!
Dear Aw: Since this is your first offense you may be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine or restitution, attend a class or counseling the case will be closed. Fines are up to the court and may be up to the maximum allowed by statute. Your school is not likely to find out about this and it shouldn’t affect future employment once your record is cleared. Discuss all of this with your lawyer. He or she will be able to explain the legal procedures in your state and what to expect. Good luck.
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hi, recently a friend and i ( not proudly) shoplifted at macys. I stole 175 worth of jewlery and she took 130-135 worth. Since i’m 17, and i have a clean record, how much do you think ill be paying for a fine? Also is there anyway I could talk to the judge about doing community service in substitution of paying the whole amount?
Dear Kara: Since this is your first offense, you may not have to pay a fine. It depends on how the store and police, if they were involved, decide to handle this. The store could send you a letter requiring payment of a fine. Pay it on time and that part of the case will be closed. If you have to go to juvenile court on this, you may be offered diversion which means when you complete community work hours, pay restitution, attend a class or counseling the case is closed. You should have a chance to speak with a court officer or the judge. You can explain why you’d prefer hours over a fine. Good luck.
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Hi again, thanks for answering my question. i talked with my mother and she said she thinks that she wrote down our old adress on the information paper the LP guy gave to her. I know she wasn’t thinking because she was in shock, can they still send one to me? Also, if i do have to go to court and go through a diversion program do i have to pay ANOTHER fine? i’ve already cost my parents $500, which i feel terrible about and i know they won’t be able to pay more. im hoping i dont recieve the notice. they didnt call the police or mall security at macys either.
Dear Khadija: As we mentioned earlier, you’re not likely to hear anything further about this. If you do, an additional fine from the court is possible but you’ll have a chance to explain your situation to the judge. You may receive additional work hours in place of the fine. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Yes, definitely a lesson learned! You said they might still send a court date in the mail, why wouldn’t they just send a civil demand instead?
Dear K: You may receive both – one from the court if charges are filed, and one from the store if they decide to impose a fine. The store’s action is considered a civil action, and the court’s is a criminal proceeding.
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I was caught trying to take a item, but gave it back to the clerk when asked. I never left the store with the item, and the clerk said absolutely nothing to me except to ask for the item back. I wasn’t asked for any info: name, address, ID, etc..nothing! This store was in a mall.
Would the clerk will still press charges (even though he said nothing & let me go)? The only way to get my info would be through my license plates, but the car isn’t registered to me. I’m a girl, and the car is registered to a guy. So, if they did check, would they see the guy name & decide to not bother with it since it clearly isn’t me (girl)?
It has been 4 weeks since this incident. I’m so paranoid about my parents finding the letter in the mail that I stay home and wait for the mail each day. I’m 20, but still live w/ them. Should I worry anymore? Will I really be charged if they have no possible info on me? Also my town has 100k people, and the store is kind of busy usually. Surely they wouldn’t take the time to go through mall tapes and find my license plate if they could have just gotten my info immediately?
Also..this store’s policy is to prosecute every shoplifter no matter the amount of dollar items. But maybe I got lucky/the clerk didn’t want to deal with it? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Dear K: You may have gotten lucky this time. As you know anything is possible so you may receive a letter in the mail notifying you of a court date. However, since a month has passed since the incident and there’s no way to identify you, it’s unlikely you’ll hear anything further about this. A lesson learned, right? It’s hardly worth the aggravation you’ve gone through. Good luck.
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I was caught shoplifting at macy’s in massachusetts yesterday. It was a terrible mistake, i regret it. As i was walking out of the store the LP guy approached me, took me into a room, and made me fill out a form, the basics – height, weight, name, etc. my mom was called and paid the $500 fine. i dont know how much the clothes were worth but i dont think they exceeded $150. the guy said that i would have to go to juvenile court where a judge would speak to me and tell me not to do this again, ask me why i did it, etc. should i be worried? what’s going to happen? this is the first time i’ve ever been in this kind of trouble, i’m only 14. Will it be on my record also? I’ve heard that sometimes macy’s says shoplifters will recieve a court notice just to scare people, im not sure..
Dear Khadija: It is possible that you won’t hear anything further about this. On the other hand, anything is possible and you may receive a notice in the mail to appear at a court hearing. If that happens, you may be offered diversion since this is a first offense. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling the case will be closed. After completion of the diversion terms you can apply to the court for expungement of your juvenile record. When you appear in court the process will be explained to you. If you do have to go to court don’t miss the hearing and dress appropriately – like you’re going to church. Good luck.
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How long do they have to send the civil demand..aka how long does the statute of limitations last? And how long do letters usually take to come?
Dear J: The statute of limitations for a misdemeanor may be one or two years. Every state has its own laws about this – you’d have to Google your state’s name, the crime and “statute of limitations.” It could take several months before you receive the letter. It all depends on whether it comes directly from the store or their corporate headquarters, or the attorney who represents the store.
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sorry again for asking questions repeatedly. who should i call? the headquarters and just simply ask them if they’re a part of a national database? if they’re not released to the general public, won’t they just hang up on me? and if i were able to write the database a letter, asking to get rid of my name, if they contact the store i stole from, wouldn’t the store NOT want my name taken off anyway? im sorry for having a confusing question. I’m just reaaaaaally scared about what will happen to my current job in retail.
Dear LM: You can try direct contact with the database and see what their procedure is to remove a name. You could also contact the store in writing, explain the situation and see if they’ll have it removed. Once they understand what happened they may believe you and help you out. Otherwise, you may be worrying needlessly unless there’s reason for your present employer to run a check on you.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hi again. Thank you so much for answering my question. Is there a way to clear my name put of the database? I didn’t do anything, however I was accused and my parent just signed the forms in order to not have any cops involved. With a case kindof like innocent’s, what is the best thing to do? Pay and that’s it? Or is it wise to settle this in court? O do you think no one would believe?
Dear LM: If the store does file names of shoplifters with a database, you could ask them which one they use and write to them explaining the situation. They may need a letter from the store agreeing with removing your name. You may be worrying needlessly, however, unless you know for sure that the store files names and has done so in your case. The court wouldn’t have anything to do with the database. They’re two separate entities and you’re not involved with a court since nothing was filed there.
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hi, im in the same situation as Innocent. Is it true that there is a database where stores like forever 21 can put my name and info, and give access for other (major and minor) retailers to have my name too? i work with a major retailer at the moment, and i don’t want to be fired for something i didn’t do. (im also a minor, age 17 if that mattered)
Dear LM: As we told Innocent, there are national databases that retail stores can join and report shoplifting incidents. Other retailers who belong to the database can then seek information on potential employees. If there’s a match, then you may not be hired. Hopefully you’d be given a chance to explain what happened. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
also, is it true that there is a database where forever 21 can put my name and info, and give access for other (majore and minor) retailers to have my name too? i work with a major retailer at the moment, and i don’t want to be fired for something i didn’t do.
Dear Innocent: There are national databases where retailers who subscribe to the service can add your name. Then other subscribers can check the base when interviewing prospective employees. You’ll have to check with the store to see if they’ve sent your name in. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear Judge,
I payed the settlement offer that I received from Walmart, will i be hearing from them again? You may receive a receipt from the store indicating that you paid the requested amount.
Also, once I complete the diversion program will the crime automatically be expunged from my record or will I have to ask for it to be? Each state differs in how they treat their records. It may not be an automatic expungement – you may have to apply for it. Ask the court or whoever is supervising your case.
If this situation is expunged will schools and jobs be able to see anything related to this and, when asked if i’ve ever been convicted of a crime on an application, will I have to say yes? You haven’t been “convicted” of a crime if you went through diversion. Read the questions on all applications carefully and answer truthfully. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
hi again, i just wanted to ask a few more questions. the store was forever 21, in san francisco. they did not tell me to NOT go to their store anymore, but i dont plan on going there anytime soon anyway. will this restrict me from their other stores however?
so, this will not be shown on any record, background check, etc? if i were to look for a job, what am i suppose to state in the application regarding any crimes?
thank you so much for the answer. i feel humiliated, especially because this act was my friends act, and i was just with the wrong person.
Dear Innocent: It’s probably a good idea to stay away from the store for awhile. This doesn’t mean you can’t go to their other stores if you weren’t trespassed from them. This shouldn’t appear on a background check. As far as answering questions on school or job applications, read the questions carefully because the exact words used in them are important. For example, if you’re asked if you’ve ever been “convicted” of a crime, based on this one incident, you haven’t so you can honestly answer “no.” Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
i live in california. 17, currently a minor.
yesteraday i was accused of stealing. this is how it went down: i tore off the tag of a piece of jewelry costing no more than $8. i was thinking about stealing it, however, i did not want the item, and gave it to my friend– who had just bought something, to put back to the bowl of jewelry while i tried on one more outfit. i did not purchase the outfit. we left the store, and we were stopped and accused of stealing.
they found more jewelry in my friends purse, including the ring with the tag off. i know this looks bad, but i ended up looking like i was working with her. i did not want to steal anything, and had the intention of putting the jewelry back in its bowl. she even admitted that i knew nothing of the theft that she was doing. however, i was still accused for the one item.
this is my first “petty theft”. i am scared. how will this effect my college applications, future job applications, and the like? what will happen to me? will i be charged? what should i do. there were no cops involved, however they did take my name and number, and other info of my parents. i would like this to be as though it had never happened, if possible. i was just with the wrong person, and i truly wish i had put the item back into the jewelry bowl my self instead of this happening to me. please give me some advice!
Dear Innocent: If the police weren’t called and you weren’t given a ticket or notice to appear in court, then you may have gotten lucky this time. You may still receive a letter in the mail from the store requiring payment of a fine, called a “civil demand.” Once you pay it the case will be closed. This one incident shouldn’t affect your future or plans for further education or employment. If the store told you not to return, don’t. Otherwise they can charge you with trespassing. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I saw similar acts, but I’m 18 years old, my court date is before my birthday which i turn 19. but i stole from Macys, I never stole before, It was just a moment thing, and i stole under 500$. I Paid Macys Stealing Fee. Now i have court. I have a clean record. I Stay In Missouri. IM FREAKING OUT!!! I’m getting a lawyer I don’t know what to expect, I’m a good kid, I’m enrolled in an University,and have a job, WHAT WILL HAPPEN?
Dear Carlo: Since this is your first offense, you’ll likely be offered a deferred prosecution or diversion program. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling the case will be closed. If you end up on probation the terms may be the same and when you successfully complete them you can apply for an expungement of your record. You may also plead not-guilty and proceed to trial. Discuss all of these options with your lawyer. Listen to his or her advice and then decide what you want to do. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I asked the question 3 above this. What does the “civil demand” letter look like? Will it say the name of a law firm, or the store or something? And also, if they did get my info through the license plate #..would they even send the letter? How could they know if the car was under my name..which it isn’t..?
Dear J: They may not pursue the license number for the very reason that they know the registered name may or may not be you. The civil demand letter will either be on the store’s letterhead or a lawyer’s representing the store. The lawyer will state that the letter is on behalf of the store.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hi. I live in Illinois (I am 16) and I got caught shoplifting $15 worth of stuff from k-mart. I know its bad and I learned my lesson. They took my name and called my dad. They said I was going to get fined and I couldn’t go back to that k-mart for 1 year. They also said my name goes in the database for every retailer to see. I got a letter with a $200 fine and my parents paid it. Does this go on my criminal record? Does this stay with me forever? Is it going to be hard for me to find a job? How about college?
Dear Sunny: Since the police weren’t involved and you didn’t have to go to court, you don’t have a “criminal” record. The only record that exists is with the store in the event you return and shoplift again. So, this incident shouldn’t affect your future plans for employment or further education. Don’t return to the store since you’ve been banned. Otherwise they can charge you with trespassing. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
today i just got caught stealing from a store and got a fine of 200 dollars< will that effect me in getting into college
Dear Cant: It shouldn’t have an effect on future education or employment opportunities. Once you pay the fine to the store the case may be closed unless they reported the incident to the police and formal charges are filed. If that happens, after you complete whatever penalty the court imposes, you can apply to have your record expunged. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I tried stealing a $10 item at a store, but was caught. The sales guy asked for the item back, and I handed it to him. He said nothing more. No information was given at ALL. I left the store. When he asked for the item back he was clearly mad though, and after I left I saw him go to the phone. (The store was in a mall — so maybe he was calling mall security? Or maybe I’m just paranoid)
This happened a month ago. I’ve received nothing in the mail, but I’m terrified that I will. Would he go through the trouble to check security tapes in the parking lot & get my license plate #? Or because he asked for no info, and let me go, do you think this is over and done with?
Dear J.: As you know, anything is possible including checking video tapes to identify you, etc. But it’s not likely that he would spend the time to do this when he had the opportunity to question you at the time. You may have gotten lucky this time, but don’t push it. If he told you not to return to the store, don’t. Otherwise you could be charged with trespass. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hi Judge.
I got caught shoplifting at dillards by the police. After taking back the merchandise and writing me a misdemanor citation they told me to appear in court. They also told me that I can not go back into any dillards anywhere. I am 20 years old and they said that this will go on my personal record and that got me really scared. I was wondering when they write the citation does it go on my record right away or is that up to the judge. This is my first offense and do judges usually give community service and some other form oflesser punishment for first time offenders or is that only for minors? Also what do I do after I plead guilty? Do I just let the judge decide after that or what? In your opinion will this go on my personal record?
Oh yeah forgot to mention that the police said that the merchandise totaled to $229 but they gave me a misdemeanor citation and they let me walk out on my own.
Dear Vivia: Until you go to vourt the only record that exists is with the store and the police. After appearing in court, depending on how the case is handled, you may or may not have an official court record of the incident. Since this is your first offense, even as an adult, you may be offered diversion. If that happens make sure you complete all of the terms issued by the judge and the case will be closed. If you decide to admit to the shoplift the judge will tell you what your sentence is. Once you comply with all of the terms, even if you’re placed on short-term probation, the case will end and hopefully you’ve learned from this. This incident alone shouldn’t affect your future plans regarding employment, education or otherwise. Good luck.
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hi. I’m 18 and live in Florence, KY. I was accused of shoplifting,but when they accused me outside the store I didn’t have anything. They said they had my picture coming and coming out and he had two DVDs in his hand that he said I stole. He said he’s lucky that I didn’t get arrested but he took down my license plate. and i was banned from the store. He doesn’t know anything about me. No name or nothing and no items in my possession. Just his accusation. What will happen to me?
Dear Seb: Based on the fact that he wrote down your license plate number, it’s possible they could find out additional contact information based on the registered owner’s information, but this is unlikely since they don’t even know whether you are the registered owner. You most likely will not hear anything more about this incident. Stay away from the store though otherwise you could face a trespass charge. If you want to challenge the ban from the store, you could try contacting a manager to explain the circumstances and your side of the story. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
Two months ago, me and my older sister were caught shoplifting t Kohls. The stolen merchandise totaled out to be $314. In Georgia, it is considered a felony since it was over $300. The LP person totaled our clothes together but we stole our own clothes not together. If they were to split it up it wouldn’t have been a felony charge. Me and my sister both had to pay a $150 fine for Kohl’s which we did pay. I have to go to courty on August the 9th and I am really scared. I don’t have a defense lawyer and this is both our first offense. What is going to happen? – Worried Georgia Citized
Dear Alicia: When you go to court the process will be explained to you by a court or probation officer. If you decide to admit the shoplifting explain what happened including the fact that each of you took different items that add up to less than the $300 individually. You may be offered deferred prosecution or what is called diversion. That means when you finish community service hours, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling the case will be closed. Don’t miss your court date or a warrant may be issued for your arrest. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear Judge-
I recently shoplifted under $25 worth of merchandise and was not stopped at the time. The store had a sign saying there was a candid camera. I’m 18 and I was in Mass. but I live in Illinois. If they did not stop me at the time, what are the odds they will be able to find me later?
Dear Mary: The odds are in your favor unless they have some way to identify you. You could receive a letter in the mail requiring payment of a civil fine or court appearance but it seems unlikely without your name, address or other means of identifying you. You may not be so lucky next time – make this your last shoplifting incident.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear Judge,
My Friends daughter was caught shoplifting-when she was a minor-she was not allowed to return to the mall for 5 years.Since she turned 18 she was shoplifting recieved a note to pay walmart back- she did not-went to court,self represented and was found guilty.she spent about 4 days in jail and Dad bailed her out.Since that time she has lived from place to place-not wanting to obey the rules she leaves home…only returning for money or similar request. Her family asked if she could live with me in a neighboring state and go to school to get her GED (she quit school a few weeks before graduation)I have one child remaining at home (13) How do I find out if she is allowed to leave her state or if she has probation or community service, etc.? Her father and grandmother
are not willing to check-stating they do not want to get her in trouble. She has not obtained her school records etc. She said there was no answer- her family asked when I want her here? I do not want any trouble-her mother was my best friend for 37 yrs.(before she passed away) Please Advise!
Dear Darlene: Since your friend’s daughter is now 18 she should be able to help you obtain the information you want before taking her in. She can contact the court or her probation officer and get a letter stating her status with the court and her authority to leave the state. There isn’t a lot you can do because of her adult status and confidentiality/privacy laws. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear Judge,
If i pay the Settlement Offer will all charges be dropped or will i still have to attend court and seek diversion?
Dear Jorge: There are two aspects of a shoplifting or theft incident. One is the criminal side where formal charges are filed and you take care of the matter in court. The other is civil through payment of a fine to the store. In most cases when the civil fine is paid, law enforcement doesn’t prosecute the shoplifting. But that doesn’t mean both civil and criminal consequences couldn’t happen. After paying the fine to the store, the local prosecutor could still file a shoplifting charge against you. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear Judge,
I am currently on a year of probation for pleading guilty to shoplifting of under $10, after a very confusing misunderstanding to which I simply plead guilty to avoid dragging it out longer than it should have. Either way, I signed what the mall cops wanted me to sign and they told me to plead guilty, so I did. I was 20 yrs old at the time. I did 40-50 hours of community service, and since then have turned 21. Probation hasn’t really stopped me living life normally, and I even forget about it from time to time.
However, I am currently applying for a basic security guard job after consulting with the manager and handing over my letters of recommendation.
My question to you is: am I able to still be hired for said job in my current position? (First offense)
Dear James: Whether you’re eligible for this position is entirely up to the employer. Since you’re still on probation they may want you to successfully complete your term before hiring you. However, depending on the job itself, there’s no law keeping them from hiring you now even knowing that you’re on probation. It’s up to them unless it’s a government job where restrictions may apply. Good luck and keep your record clean from here on. After a period of time [a year or so] you’ll be able to apply for expungement of your record.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear Judge,
I recently asked you about the consequences from my shoplifting a $34 item within Walmart.
My question now relates to a letter I’ve received in the mail. Its is a settlement offer from a law-firm representing Walmart. It says I have to pay $200 withing 20 days of receiving this letter (and addresses to “Florida Statutes Section 772.11”).
If I pay their settlement, would this mean no further action will be taken? Should I pay this and if I fail to what will be the consequences and the chance they will pursue such actions.
Also, in the Florida Statutes 772.11, it is said they are to offer me 30 days to pay yet I am only granted 20. Isn’t this conflicting with state law?
Thank you
Dear Jorge: Under Florida law the store can fine you up to three times the value of the item(s) taken not to exceed $200 or sue you in civil court. If you go to court, you may also be held responsible for attorney fees and court costs plus the store may collect from your parents if you are a minor. If you pay the $200 the case will be closed. You are correct about the statute giving you 30 days to pay the fine. If you plan to pay the fine, notify the lawyer who wrote to you of your plan and that your interpretation of the law allows 30 days from the day you received his letter. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I got caught shoplifting Now i got
court this friday i got a call from a probation
office but i dont want to get probation all i want is
to be charged for what i did. Ive learned my leason&iwill
never do it again. What do i do? if i got to court will i still
get probation? This is my first time ever stealing&getting
Dear Jocelyn: Just because you received a call from probation doesn’t mean you’ll be placed on probation by the court. Don’t miss your hearing date or a warrant for your arrest could be issued. If this is your first offense, you may be given deferred prosecution or diversion. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I have a question. I made a huge mistake and got caught shoplifting. The amount was $37. It is my first offense. My first ticket was a traffic violation. Is there any way that I can get my shoplifting ticket dropped to only a fine and no community service?
Dear Haley: It’s possible but it’s up to the judge you appear before. You can explain to the court officer and/or the judge why you’d prefer no community service and see what happens. You’d have to have a pretty good reason for the judge to waive it. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I’m 15 almost 16. I had to go to juvelile court once before, a little over a year ago, for commiting a felony, but they dropped it because they could clearly see it was a slip up. Now I have to go back for helping my boyfriend shoplift 50$ from a JC Pennies on Oklahoma. I never touched the merchandise and nothing was for me. I have never shoplifted before and I’m sure he hasn’t. My boyfriend had to go to court for egging his coaches car a year ago and again, for wrecking during the oklahoma ice storm. My boyfriend turned 18 esrlier this year, so we go to different courts and have different times. We got our tickets and court dates in the store. If we have to pay a certain amount of money we’re more then willing to do it to make this easier on everyone.
What should we expect from the different courts?
What could be the penalties for each of us?
What could I do to help my former situation and going back? (I’m sure my parents won’t hire a lawyer)
How will this affect our future independently?
What could we do to help our overall situations?
Should we expect anything outrageous?
If there is anything more me or my boyfriend should know please inform me.
Dear Hillary: Let’s take your questions one at a time. Since you’re a first offender and appearing in juvenile court, you can expect what is called deferred prosecution or diversion. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling the case will be closed. This one incident shouldn’t affect your future plans for school, work or military service. Neither of you should expect anything “outrageous” as you say. However, your boyfriend may be facing a harsher consequence because of his record and because he’s an adult. The judge may feel that some jail time may be appropriate. He could also be placed on probation with specific terms to follow. Both of you should appear at your hearings on time, dress appropriately [no gum, etc] and tell the truth. You may have a chance to speak with a court officer before the hearing who will explain the process to you. Your boyfriend may end up with a record that, after a period of time, he may be eligible to apply for expungement. He can ask about this when he’s in court. Good luck to you both. Hopefully this is your final brush with the law. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
hey my name is nikki and i got caught shopliftin at a clothing store but since i wuz pregnant an havin contractions they took me to the hospital but they never arrested me what do you think will happen to me others say that they will put a warrent out on me? i need some answers
Dear Nikki: If the store or police don’t have any identifying information on you, it’s unlikely you’ll hear anything further about the shoplifting. Otherwise you could receive a notice in the mail to appear in court or a request from the store to pay a civil fine. You may not receive either for a month or two. It’s unlikely that a warrant would be issued for your arrest. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
thanks again judge!
I am a 19 yo full-time college student who was caught shoplifting (first offense, no prior record) about $100 worth of items from Walmart. Police were called and I was given a citation (not taken to a station or fingerprinted) to appear in municipal court. My court date is set for a time after I leave for college out of state. Am I required to appear at court (I’ll have to request continuance) or could I simply pay the fine? Do I qualify for a pretrial diversion program? What are the circumstances for having the case expunged? I have consulted a lawyer who recommended I not pay the settlement that Walmart will send in the mail. Is this the right choice? I am absolutely terrified and have no idea what to do. Could anyone provide a step-by-step plan of action to get through the consequences of my idiocy?
Dear Jenna: Since this is your first offense the possibility of diversion is good. When you go to court the process will be explained to you. If you admit the shoplift and complete the terms of diversion, the case will be closed. You shouldn’t have a record to worry about – that’s the purpose of diversion. If diversion isn’t available where you live, after you comply with the court’s sentence you can apply for expungement of your record. You may have to wait a year or so depending on the laws in your state. Regarding the store’s civil demand [their fine], that’s your decision whether to pay it or not. You might ask the lawyer you consulted with about the consequences of not paying it. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I’m 18 and got caught shoplifting in virginia. I am scared because everyone ive asked says that virginia is really harsh in court. This is my first offence, and i plan on representing myself and pleading guilty. I didnt steal over 200 dollars and they said if i had stolen that much, i would have gone straight to jail. I had a minor with me who also stole, but they said they were going to drop the Accomplice to a minor charges. Will her name come up in court? Or is it going to only be about me in my case? The ticket I was issued just says “Shoplifting” as the offence. If they bring the minor issue up, or anything else, do I ask for a continuency as this would be new evidence they want to lay on me? Is there any way i can just pay a fine and NOT do comm. service as it will definatly affect my job hours? Thank you.
Dear Jen: When you go to court the process will be explained to you by a court or probation officer. You may be offered diversion which means when you complete community service, pay a fine or restitution, complete a class or counseling the case will be closed. You can explain to the judge that you’d prefer a fine to work hours. The issue regarding the minor who was with you may or may not come up. Usually the court only needs to know about your participation and responsibility in the incident. Just tell the truth and if you’re not comfortable answering a question, explain why. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear Judge Tom,
A friend and I were at Pathmark (in New Jersey) a few days ago and we shoplifted a bunch of makeup. We were caught just as we were about to leave the store, and we were taken into the back room and the security manager (I believe thats who she was)took down our information like our address, telephone number, and the IDs of whomever came to pick us up. When we asked if there would be any consequences that would follow up with this, she simply replied, “WELL, You girls should have thought of that BEFORE shoplifting!” Simply enough, she was very distraught at us and mean. We are both minors, have straight A’s and B’s, we are more or less at the top of our classes, and this scared us straight. I have been crying myself to sleep every day since the incident, and I’ve lost a lot of weight because I can’t bring myself to eat. Both of us are scared out of our wits in case a Court Date comes. We would rather have a giant fee to pay than have a court date. The thought shakes us to our very cores. After she took down my friend’s information, she told her father that “since they are minors, we cannot press charges” and I vaguely remember that she might have said that nothing will go onto our records. We are thankful for that. But we are still greatly, insurmountably worried about that court date. The amount that we TOTALED in the shoplifted goods were around 190$ (she insisted it was 200 until we glanced at the receipt she waved around, and then she finally corrected herself that it was indeed 190) we were so shocked that it had totaled up to that much. And, a few days ago, after consulting a few of our friends, we decided that we would call the Pathmark, and ask if we could speak with their manager. And then we would proceed to the pathmark (with her father as a guardian, since we are further no longer allowed in any pathmark branches by ourselves) and tell them how truly sorry we are, from the bottom of our hearts. And that we would not care if there would be a fine, but just as long as we can somehow not have a court date, or anything that would involve the law, it would be greatly helpful and appreciated. We do not know if it will help us, but we just could not wait around crying the whole day while we waited for such things to happen. I would appreciate it if you can tell us what the possibilities are of us receiving such Court Date after these said actions are taken? Do you think it will help our chances of not receiving the letter? Thank you so much in advance.
Dear Christina: If the police didn’t appear at the scene and you didn’t get a ticket or a notice to appear in court, then it’s unlikely that formal charges will be filed. You may receive a letter from the store requiring payment of what is called a “civil demand.” This is a fine that stores are authorized to collect in shoplifting cases. Pay it on time and the case will be closed. Don’t return to the store without a parent or guardian or you could be charged with trespass. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hello, Jenna here again. I have a few more questions to ask. First off, thank you so much for the information you’ve given me.
but, what if I don’t get offered “deferred prosecution” or “diversion.” ?? What might happen then?
and also, my parents seem to think I will get slamed hard for what I’ve done, and that I’ll get a lot of probation. I’m not sure they’ve herd of diversion. Should I tell them about this newly gained information?
Should I ask, when in court, about diversion?
Dear Jenna: If diversion isn’t available then you can either admit the shoplifting [plead guilty] or deny it [plead not guilty]. If you admit it then the judge will impose consequences that may include a period of probation – generally not more than a year. If you deny it then a trial will be set. If you’re found guilty then the penalty may be the same, probation with specific terms [work hours, a fine, counseling, etc.]. Discuss all of this with your parents since you’re a minor and want to rebuild their trust in you. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear Judge,
This is a different Jamie than the Jamie above. Ive asked several questions before and am very grateful of your help. I have another question, I am currently 16 and my case has not closed i dont think but the charges were dropped and I am now on diversion. I have to complete a program in order to have my case closed i think. But i am going to china this summer. Am i allowed to travel before my case is closed? I have another court in september, but my lawyer will go on my behave. Thanks again
Dear Jamie: You should ask your lawyer about leaving the court’s jurisdiction before you complete the diversion program. Most likely it’s ok unless the judge told you not to leave. So ask your lawyer and/or your probation officer – whoever is assigned to supervise your diversion. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I was caught shoplifting 5 months ago a $60 item at Wal-Mart and now have to go to court tomorrow and this is my first offense I live in Texas and im 18 I spoke to the judge earlier and told him what is the best thing to do and he was nice and told me not to say not guilty even though I did it what should I do thanks!! 😀
Dear Jaime: When you appear in court, the process will be explained to you. You have a choice of pleading guilty, not guilty or no contest. “No contest” means you’re not contesting the evidence the state would present to the court to prove your guilt. It’s treated the same as a guilty plea. You may have a chance to talk with a lawyer who can advise you. Tell the truth at all times. Since this is your first offense you may be offered deferred prosecution. That means when you finish some community service, pay a fine or restitution, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed. After a period of time, possibly a year or so, you can apply to the court for an expungement of your record. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear Judge Tom,
I’m 15 and I live in the state of Michigan. I was recently caught stealing 2 items (total of $18.00), at a claires store. They prosecute every shoplifter no matter the amount of items or dollar value. I have never done this before, and it was so stupid in the first place. I will never do it again, ever! but, I have never been in trouble with the law; ever. We got a letter for restitution of $180.00; But that was just so they couldn’t sue civily? (I really don’t understand) and it doesn’t handle the criminal part of the whole situation. I still have to go to court. My mother is going to pay the restitution next week. – how long will it take to know what is going on from there on out? I over heard some siblings talking about 1st degree; 2nd, etc. I’ve tried to google it for the laws on what is considered 1st, 2nd and such in my state of michigan, but I am unable to find anything. I really don’t know the difference either! I was hoping for some help! I am really scared; confused as to what is going on, and I would rather not ask my parents; I am really ashamed of what I’ve done.
addition details;
I was informed that I will have to pay court fee’s by my parents and the letter we recieved about restitution also said that claries is entitled to 10x the dollar value of the items stolen. no less than $50, and no more than $200.
– I am once again, scared and confused! please, please help! thank you, so much.
Dear Jenna: You’re right about the civil penalty from the store being separate from the criminal action against you. Once you pay the $180 to the store, their case will be closed. Then when you go to court on the shoplifting charge, the process will be explained to you. Since this is your first offense, you’ll likely be offered what is called “deferred prosecution” or “diversion.” That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine to the court, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed. You won’t have an official record that will affect future education or employment pursuits. If the store told you to not return, don’t. Otherwise they can charge you with trespassing. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear Judge Im 21 and was arrested in Wal-Mart for accidently stealing an Ipod me and my friends broked the glass and took ipods totaled $1300.00 and it was 4am this is my 2nd offense now I have to go to court im so worried what will happen to me 🙁
Dear Kristina: Since this is your second offense, you may not be offered deferred prosecution. When you go to court, you’ll meet with a court officer or attorney. The process will be explained to you. You can either admit the crime, plead not guilty or no contest. Possible penalties include probation, community service, restitution to the store, a fine, and counseling. The court will decide what consequence is best under the circumstances and your criminal history. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hey Tom I was arrested for stealing a laptop from best buy and I was on probation and the laptop was $1,230.00 and going to court this is my 3rd offense what will happen im 19 years old thanks 🙂
Dear Xavi: The penalty depends on your state laws, your criminal history, present circumstances [school, work, etc.] and the policies of the court. You may be offered diversion depending on your age when the earlier crimes were committed. You may also be facing some time in jail, probation with specific terms and random drug testing if there’s a history of drug use. Talk with your lawyer about the possible penalties when deciding how you’re going to plead – guilty, not guilty or no contest. Good luck.
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I am 21 and I got caught stealing in California. I live in Nevada I had to pay a settlement. It was my first offense would it show on my records?
Dear Jenny: It’s not likely that anything will show on your record except at the store. They may have made a note of the incident in the event you return and shoplift again. Since you didn’t receive a ticket or have to go to court, there’s no official record of this. Good luck.
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Hi my name is Gina and I am 19 and got stealing almost a month ago. I got a letter in the mail to pay $175 civil demand and they said they were pressing charges against me. I stole less than $50 worth. They said it would take two weeks to get everything in the mail but I have not received any court date yet. I wanted to know how long it usually takes to receive it or if maybe they never pressed anything against me? I live in New Jersey. Should I call up somewhere to find out, I am not sure what to do?
Dear Gina: Once you pay the civil demand the case will probably be closed. They may have used the phrase “press charges” to get you to pay the fine. On the other hand they are still authorized to seek prosecution in which case you’ll receive a notice in the mail regarding a court date. It could take a month or two for the notice to go out. If you get one, don’t miss court – the process will be explained to you once you appear. Good luck.
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Hey Tom Im 18 and live in Texas and I was caught shoplifting in Texas March 6 2010 in Wal-Mart it was a video game less than $100 and its my first offense I did have money to pay for it since I was by myself and I started getting a chest pain and I have High Blood Pressure and the lines were full and I needed to got to my moms car and tell her so I was in a hurry for the chest pain so they stopped me on the way out ans I told them the story but didn’t believe me so they called the police and i was taken to PD and was arrested and all of a sudden I fainted and they took me to the hospital from PD and they said I was at a high risk of a heart attack and they let me go then the next day I turned myself in and in like 1 hour I came out with a PR Bond since then I haven’t been in trouble and 1 month later i get a letter saying settlement offer $200.00 and yes I payed in 3 payments then about a week ago I get a letter saying I need to go to court im extremely nervous its my first offense what will happen? Will I go to jail??
Dear Damacio: You can relax a little. It’s unlikely that you’ll go to jail over this incident. Since you’re 18 and this is a first offense, you’ll probably be offered deferred prosecution or what is called diversion. That means when you finish some community service, pay a fine or restitution to the store, attend a class or counseling the case will be closed. Don’t miss your court date – the process will be explained to you at that time. Let the judge know that you paid the $200 civil demand. Good luck.
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I got a letter and it says I need to pay $300 dollars. Until when do I pay for it? If I pay it later, will it matter?
Dear Jane: There should be a “date due” somewhere on the letter you received. If not, it’s safe to assume you have 30 days to pay. If you need more time, send in what you can with a note that the balance will be paid within the next 30-60 days. Don’t ignore the letter unless you want to go to court over the matter. Good luck.
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The thing is i don’t have a receipt for the two items that didn’t beep but if it didn’t set off the alarm they cant be making me pay for it since that would mean they have no proof that i supposedly “stole it”
how much could the fines go up to if the items totaled at $73 ?
Dear Michelle: The amount of the fine is set by state law. You could Google your state’s name and “civil demand – shoplifting” for details. Good luck.
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I am 17 years old, i was accused of shoplifting from a store. I had the merchandise in my bag when i walked into the store however the alarm did not go off, when i left the store the merchandise did go off, it was three shirts totaling $73. When the worker slid each item thru the detectors only 1 rang yet she took all three and took me downstairs where they took down my information and called my mom, i have a paper that says something about civil demand notice, but the worker never said anything about court, or my records or anything. What does this mean, will i get court, will it stay on my record. And since all the merchandise didn’t set off the alarm does that mean that i shouldn’t be charged the complete cost of everything ?
Dear Michelle: If the police didn’t come and you didn’t receive a ticket or notice to appear in court, then it’s being handled as a civil matter by the store. Once you receive the civil demand letter, pay the fine on time and the case will be closed. You shouldn’t have a record as a result of this except with the store. If you disagree with the amount of the fine because two of the items were yours when you walked in, tell your Mom so she can discuss this with the store. You should be able to reach an agreement, especially if you have a receipt for the items that were already yours. Good luck.
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i am 18 years old and i recently just got caught at Macys shoplifting $70 worth of items. I did not get arrested but i did get sent to a back room with all my information was told that i was baned from all Macys stores for 3 years and had to pay $400 to Macys an officer came and gave me a ticket as well for a court date. Will this stay on my record? and if i ever apply at a retail store for a job will they look for a shoplifting background?
Dear Kiley: The process will be explained to you when you go to court. If you’re given the chance to complete a diversion program and you do so, there won’t be a record to worry about. Otherwise, if this incident results in an adult record, after a period of time you can apply to have it expunged. Ask about this at court. Don’t miss your court date and complete all terms ordered by the court on time. Good luck.
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i stole sumthing from my local walgreens store worth about 30 dollars now they want me to pay them over 200 dollars thats just rediculous and i didnt even get to keep what i attemted to steal. anyways im refusing to pay it, but if they do decide to press charges for something rediculous will the cops send me a letter to go to court or will i get an arrest warrant? is rediculous how these big rich corps try to steal more money from us than wat we try to steal from them.
Dear Delmar: You may not agree with the fine but stores are authorized by law to impose a fine on shoplifters. The amount of the fine depends on your state laws. If you don’t pay, as you said, they can press charges against you and you may end up paying the same fine, completing community service, etc. It’s unlikely that a warrant will be issued for your arrest unless you miss your court date. You should receive notice in the mail. Good luck.
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hey so i got caught shoplifting the worst part was it was my job… they only caught me threw returning it for vouchers and they said i have to pay a fine of $1,880
thats supposedly how much everything was worth.. do you think that if i get a lawyer it may help fight to lower the fine? or what happens if i dont pay the fine.?
Dear Yesenia: If you don’t pay the fine the store may choose to press charges against you. You can talk with a lawyer in your area about your options. He or she may provide you with a free consultation about your case and then you can decide how you want to handle this. Good luck.
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I was caught stealing sum stuff from work.. we hada meeting and I have to pay a fine adn some other stuff … but I havent been able to get back to teh people and was wondering what can happen if I go to court ?? I’m 17 and this is my first time ..
Dear Stephanie: If you’ve been given a court date make sure you don’t miss it. The process will be explained to you by a court or probation officer. You may be offered diversion which means when you complete some community service, pay restitution to your employer, attend a class or counseling the case will be closed. After a period of time you can apply to have your record expunged – ask about that when you’re at court. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear Judge,
I am 19 and was caught shoplifting a $34 item from a Walmart in Miami, Florida. It was my first time (I have no criminal record) and will be my last. I was not arrested but the officers –very pleasant and fun guys from my experience with them– wrote me up and told me I will be getting a court date within 3-4 weeks via mail.
My questions are the following: What are possible charges I will face in a Florida court?
If I get the charges expunged, does this mean my record will be clean as if the crime had never been committed?
If the case is expunged, will I still need to report it under any job applications?
I will be applying to transfer to a different (probably ivy league) colleges, will I have to report this assuming it is expunged?
How will this affect me in the future?
I appreciate what you do and for your time.
Dear Jorge: When you go to court, the process will be explained to you. Since this is your first offense you’re likely to be offered deferred prosecution or what is called “diversion.” That means when you complete some community service hours, pay a fine or restitution to the store, attend a class or counseling the case will be closed. You may not have a “record” from this incident if diversion is available and you’re not convicted of the crime of shoplifting. This shouldn’t affect future school or job opportunities, only if you continue to steal. Read all questions on applications carefully and answer truthfully. Don’t miss your court date. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I was caught shoplifting 78 dolalrs worth of clothes yesterday in Virginia. I am 18 years old. I have a court date coming up and I’ve never been through anything like this before. Will I get sent to jail? Will there be a large fine over 200 dollars? Do I need an atorney or may I just plea guilty? I am very very scared.
Dear Jay: It’s not likely that you’ll go to jail. Since this is your first offense you may be offered deferred prosecution or what’s called “diversion.” That means when you complete some community service hours, pay a fine or restitution to the store, attend counseling or a class the case will be closed. After a period of time, a year or so, you can apply to the court for an expungement of your record. The process will be explained to you when you go to court. You may not need a lawyer if you’re planning to plead guilty, but that’s your decision. Think twice before shoplifting again, especially now that you’re an adult. Good luck.
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Ok im 17 living in S.A Tx and i was caught shoplifting and the maneger press charges on me so ill b attending court next month, my question is what will be my punishment and how will this affect my future?
Dear Ana: If this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community service hourrs, pay a fine or restitution, attend a class or counseling the case will be closed. It shouldn’t affect your future unless you repeat this behavior and end up with an adult record. Good luck.
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my friends ran into a grocery store and grabbed a couple bottles of liquor. They got into my car and I drove off. As I was driving away, it is likely that a bystander wrote down my license plate number down the road a little from the store. If the man were to give this information to the store, would they consider it to be credible if it wasn’t an actual employee who saw the license plate? I hate myself for letting this happen. I was pressured into being the getaway vehicle, knowing it was a terrible idea. It was stupid and it wasn’t me. I’m no theft, seeing as what I did was just as bad as stealing. I feel regretful, and I guess it was a lesson that needed to be learned. I just feel paranoid now that they might track me down. I told my friends we should return it, but they are afraid the store might detain us. Any advice or reassuring words? Thank you
Dear Brad: It is possible that the police may trace the license number, if it was reported to them, and attempt to identify you and your friends. That may depend on whether the store wants to press charges. A case could be made if the store employee and the witness down the street can identify your friends and you as the driver of the getaway car. You’re equally responsible for the theft as an accomplice even though you didn’t enter the store. That being said, it’s also possible that you won’t hear anything about this. You may have gotten lucky this time. As you said, a lesson learned. Good luck.
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Thank you very much for your information I really appreciate it I have been worrying abt this everyday since it happened. So everything should be taken care of on that court date? and i’ve heard from alot of people that jail time is very unlikely is this true? Oh and i forgot to ask I’m starting college next month will this affect me from getting a grant or other financial aid?
Dear Katy: That’s correct. Although there are no guaranties, you’re not likely to be jailed. Nor should this incident prevent you from pursuing your education or opportunites for a grant, financial aid, etc. Good luck with your studies.
[This is informattion only – not legal advice].
I’m 18 and about a month ago I was caught shoplifting two bras from Macys which valued at $66.00,I was going through a rough time and I made a stupid first mistake which I am very sorry for and I’m trying to do what i can to make it up.They took me into the security office took my info i signed a no trespassing paper and then a police officer gave me a paper with my court date on it,I did pay back the civil demand fee to the store Im not sure if that will help me at all in court,anyways this is my first time ever getting into any kind of trouble and I cannot afford a lawyer my court date is coming up soon and I’m very nervous,can anyone tell me what i should do? or what is most likely to happen? and does the judge decide on deferred adjudication? or who do i ask abt that? I really don’t want this to stay on my record forever I live in Florida if that helps,my plan so far is to just go to court and be honest and hope for the best will i be ok without a lawyer?
Dear Katy: When you go to court the process will be explained to you by a court officer or possibly an attorney. It is your decision whether you want an attorney to represent you and you will have the opportunity to discuss this. In many cases of this kind, lawyers aren’t needed unless you plan to plead not guilty and proceed to trial. Then it would be advisable to have a lawyer.
Since this is your first offense you may be offered deferred prosecution or what is called diversion. That means when you complete some community service hours, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling the case will be closed. You won’t have a record because you were “diverted” away from the criminal justice system by complying with the terms of diversion. Even if in your jurisdiction you end up with a record with the court or law enforcement, you can apply to have it expunged after a certain period of time. Ask about that when you’re in court. You can also let the judge know that you paid the civil demand from the store. It could only help. Good luck.
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A month ago I was caught shoplifting $110.91 worth of items from a CVS in Massachusetts. I am a 24-year-old out of state resident and this is my first offense.
The LP officer took down my information, took a picture and the police were called. They also took down my information and looked up my records from my home state (clean). After some deliberation, the store told me I was not allowed to return for three years and I was allowed to leave.
Last week, I received a civil demand for $375 which is to be paid within 25 days. If I pay this, will there be a separate follow up from the police? I did not receive a ticket or court date the day I was caught.
Thank you so much – this site has been a great resource for me through this situation. I have certainly learned my lesson.
Word to the wise for others – though it may be tempting, stealing is NOT worth it! It is not only an immoral thing to do, but it affects other individuals indirectly, through increased cost of products, etc. Get a job and pay for your items.
Dear Laura: First, thank you for your words of advice to others. We’re glad you’ve learned from this experience. And we’re happy that you found Askthejudge helpful.
Since you haven’t heard from the police or a court regarding further action on the shoplifting, it may be a closed case once the civil demand is paid. That is usually what happens.
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I have written an apology letter to TJ MAXX, but should i go there and deliver it? or would it be better if i stayed clear of the store completely??
Also, I am a foster “parent” for Michigan Humane Society animals, so i am literally doing 24 hour community service every day from my home.
would/could any of this work to help me avoid a harsher punishment?
if not, is there anything I can do??
Dear Adie: If you were told by the store not to return, it’s not advisable that you do. Just mail your letter to them addressed to Loss Prevention. As far as community service, the rationale behind it is for you to do something for the community in addition to your regular routine. It’s doubtful that the court would accept your hours at home since you already do it. There would be no lesson learned in getting extra credit for the same work. But you can always ask. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
o ok thanks. But what if I have returned everything to them in merchandable condition?
Dear Jaime: If that’s the case then you won’t owe any restitution for the merchandise.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hi, I asked the last question, thank you very much for answering. I’m curious as to how long the letter would take to come if I’m even sent one? And also, how would they be able to trace my address..would it be through my license plate # if they somehow got that?
Dear K: Yes, it could be through your license plate if they have it. The letter could take a few eeks or even a month or two to get. It depends on the size of your town and how busy the store is. The incident may have to go to corporate headquarters wherever that is and then the letter may be sent out. Good luck.
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I went to the mall with a friend. I tried taking a small item in a store, but was caught. The worker just said, “Can you return the item to its place?” I handed it to him. He said nothing else. My friend and I looked in the store for a few minutes, then left.
After we left I looked back and saw him dialing a phone #. I’m paranoid that he was calling mall security/the police. Is this possible? He didn’t ask me ANY information, no name/address/ss #/id.
After that we left the mall to my car. No one followed us, and I really didn’t notice anyone taking my license plate #, but this is the part I feel most paranoid about. Is it possible he could have been calling security & they can review tapes and see my license plate # when I’m leaving? Like I said, NO one was watching as we left, in fact when we were leaving police were outside dealing with some handcuffed person and didn’t even glance at us. Also, even if my license plate # was captured, how can they be sure it wasn’t my friends car? Also, not sure if this matters, but my car was in a parking lot far away from the original store.
I’m just really paranoid, this happened 2 days ago, and I’m scared about getting that letter in the mail, but I’m just wondering if this is possible because they have none of my information. But, I do know the store had one camera, I’m unsure whether cameras were in the parking lot. Also, this is my first time trying to shoplift.
I didn’t purchase anything at the mall, so they have no debit/credit card details. If the worker didn’t ask for any information, would he really go through the trouble to have security find me? And why wouldn’t he just take me in the back of his store and make me wait for security, rather than have them track me down in the mall somewhere? There was no one in the store besides me, my friend, and him, so I don’t see it as “he didn’t want to cause a scene” by asking for my info, because he easily could of. Also, it is possible that I’m just paranoid, and he was calling someone else/or the phone rang. Thanks.
Dear K: Since neither the police or the store have any information about you, there’s little possibility that you’ll hear anything further about this incident. If somehow the store is able to trace your address you may receive a “civil demand” letter in the mail requiring payment of a fine. Pay it on time and the case will be closed. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear Judge,
so thank you so much for your help and im doing quite well. so its been months and i’ve paid my civil demand and doing a program. But i recently recieved another letter from the lawyer of the store and it says. ” In consideration of the payment of …, the payment of which does not constitute an admission of liability, …… hereby releases (name) from all additional civil damages arising out of an incident in (store). apart from any claims for restitution if the store failed to fully recover its property or its merchandise in merchantable condition.”
Im sorry but can you please explain What this means??
Dear Jaime: Assuming the gaps left in your question quoting the letter were filled in with your information, then this appears to be a receipt for your payment of the civil demand. It means you’re free from any further liability from the shoplifting except for paying for the item or items if they weren’t returned to the store or were returned and couldn’t be placed back on the shelf for sale because, for example, the package had been opened or the item was damaged. If you have any questions about this, you could contact the lawyer who wrote the letter or the store. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Thanks again.
I am 18 years old, and yesterday I was caught shoplifting from TJ MAXX. I had attempted to steal a $19.99 dress, as i was walking out, a store employee said “I just need the merchandise returned”. I took out the dress and handed it to her, about to walk away, another man told me i had to come back with them.
they took down all my information, then the employee said she “had to call her boss to see what she should do about this”, and after a laughing phone call between them, she told me she was calling the police to pick me up.
Literally shaking with fear and humiliation, i was walked out of the store in handcuffs, put in the back of the police car, and drove to the station where my fingerprints were taken. I did not have to sign anything at the police station, get put in a cell, or have to post bail. After my fingerprints were taken the Officer told me to call for a ride, because he was “kicking me out of his front door, unless i wanted i ride home” which i did not.
I was handed a ticket, saying i had to call in within 14 days and set a court date.
I have no idea what to expect, I had nothing on my record before this, and I am beyond terrified.
Could you please just let me know what to expect?
Fines? Probation? Community Service?
I have never even been in a courtroom before, words cannot describe my fear.
please help, I live in Michigan
Dear Adie: Since this is your first offense you may be offered diversion. That is a program where you complete some community service hours, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling [all depending on the judge] in return for a closed case. The process will be explained to you when you go to court. You can also plead not guilty and the case will be set for trial. It’s your decision. You may have a chance to speak with a lawyer at court. Good luck.
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okay so i am 18 yrs old i got caught stealing once when i was 16 i have been stealing again and there a police or police station that has been calling myy house what is going to happen to me or whats is going on?
Dear D: We think you can answer your question best. You say you’re “stealing again” which may be why the police want to talk with you. It’s possible that you’ve been identified by an eyewitness or video camera. If you are charged with theft you’ll receive instructions on what happens next. Usually you’ll have to appear in court where the charges will be explained and you’ll have an opportunity to speak. An attorney may be appointed to represent you if you can’t afford one. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I was 17 and got caught shoplifting with my friend at Target about a month ago. They took my driver’s license and called my parents. Since my parents weren’t available, and since my friend drove us to Target, they let me leave and go home with her. The police weren’t involved and they didn’t make me sign any papers or anything. I got a letter in the mail a couple of days ago asking for a civil demand of $295. What happens if I don’t pay it? Seeing as how legally, they weren’t supposed to release me without my parent’s knowing about it and they didn’t have me sign any papers, what could they do? By the way, I just turned 18 if that makes any difference.
Dear Lauren: Stores in many states are authorized under law to impose a fine [civil demand] on shoplifters. If the fine isn’t paid they could refer the matter to the police and press charges. Whether you signed any papers or not may not make a difference. If they can prove that you committed the shoplift, through an eyewitness or videotape, you could be charged. As an adult you face getting a record if you go to court. If you pay the fine, there’s no official criminal record and you haven’t been convicted of anything. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I’m 18 years old and last night i was out shopping with my freinds in H&M.. We instantly ran out of money and so, we decided to steal clothes for “fun”(it was my first time). It was really stupid i know, and i didnt think it would be a big deal at the time.
Anyway, when we got in the fitting room, my bag was the biggest so they stashed all the clothes in MY bag.. As i left the store, i thought i had gotten away with it but then a security guard ran after me and took me back to the storage room at the back of H&M.. They emptied my bag and found the clothes there (worth 80$) i didnt want to get my friends involved to so i told him it was all me and they had nothing to do with it.
The man took my ID and got it photocopied, and then gave it back, took my fingerprint on this paper that had my name and date and time, and then he made me pay for the clothes i stole (80$) without even taking them.
He then let me go and told me he didnt want to cause me trouble because i look like a “decent” girl, but that i was banned from the store for life.. and that my ID was for the salespeople to see so i couldnt enter the store ever again..
I just wanted to know, although he didnt call the police or anything and he let me go, but will him photocopying my ID and taking my fingerprint do me any harm? as in will be put into my record even though no police was called and i wasnt harmed in any way? i freaked out when he took my fingerprint, i felt like a criminal
I have been freaking out and cant sleep ever since this incident, and i cant talk to anyone about it because im so ashamed.
please i need to know if this will do me harm or if they were just trying to scare me off so i wouldnt do it again
Dear Anna: You got lucky this time since the police weren’t called and you don’t have to go to court. Based on this one incident, you don’t have a record that would affect any future plans for school, employment, etc. The only record is with the store for their purposes. The police may also keep a note of this in the event you do it again. Don’t return to the store unless the ban is lifted. Otherwise you could be charged with trespass. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
im applying for a job. over six months have passed and i stayed out of trouble. which means my probation has passed. however i have not received anything in the mail yet. Is my record automatically closed now, or is it only valid once I get my paperwork in the mail?
Dear Anonymous: If you have successfully completed your probation you may be eligible to apply for a clear record. That depends on a number of things. First, the laws in your state, and the practice of your local court. Call your probation officer or the court and ask about the process to obtain an expungement of your record. There may even be a form you can file online. Check the court’s website under Forms or Self-Help. Good luck.
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hey, it’s jake
i commented on this before. im still so nerveouse 🙁
the ticket that i have says class c misdemeanor and i remember the police officer saying that its like a traffic ticket!???
Dear Jake: Traffic tickets in some jurisdictions can include low misdemeanors. That is likely what happened in your case. Either way, relax. Your options will be explained to you and then you can decide what you want to do. Good luck.
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hi again, my mom just flipped out for mentioning my school name on here is there any way you could delete my comment or block out the name?
Done – we deleted the name of the school.
THANK YOUU so mucchhhh that made me feel better
You’re welcome.
I forgot to add “if you get cought stealing after the age of 21 and it turns out to be a petty misdameanor will it be on your record permanently?”
Dear Fong: Depending on the class of misdemeanor and your state laws, it can probably be removed from your record after a period of time. Google the crime you were charged with [theft, shoplifting, larceny, etc.] and the words “expunging criminal records” along with the name of your state for more information on how to clean up your record. You could also call the court and get this information – maybe online as well, by going to the court’s website. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Where can I get a free criminal background check? I’ve been looking for a job for quite sometime now and finaly get a break, but turns out I didn’t pass the background check.
Dear Fong: Go online and check “background checks” on Google where there will be plenty of sites. You could also call your local juvenile or adult court, depending on your age, and ask for information about this. You could also ask the employer who ran a check on you about what appeared on your record. He or she may tell you so you have as much information as possible. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
also, this was my first offense. im a good kid, i have over 200 hours of community service and had a 4.0 gpa. does any of that matter?
Dear Alyson: Yes, everything you’ve stated here can make a difference once you appear in court. Share this with the judge if you get the chance. Good luck.
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im 18 years old and i live in new jersey, im freaking out. i got caught stealing at kohls a week ago, i took $200 worth of stuff. i got arrested and my court date was july 19th but i just got a letter saying they moved it to august 2nd. im leaving for college in august, will the police notify my school about this? what are the chances my acceptance will be rescinded? also, will i serve jail time? the laws in my state say for $200-$500 is a fourth degree offense with a maximum of 6 months in prison and $1000 fines. im hoping it will get dropped to disorderly persons. what happens now? will this stay on my record forever?
Dear Alyson: It’s not likely the school will find out about this from either the police or the court. If this is your first offense, jail time is a remote possibility but not likely to happen. You’ll probably be offered a diversion program where you’ll be required to complete more community service work, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling. Once you comply with the court’s orders the case will be closed. You won’t have a permanent record. After a period of time you can apply to the court for an expungement of your record – usually a year or two. Ask about this when you go to court. Good luck.
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Johnson here again.
Also, since I didn’t have enough money for the batteries I paid via EFTPOS on the whole transaction, can they search up my details and hunt me down? I paid for it all though!
Kind Regards,
See answer to your first question.
My friend and I were shopping at a grocery store and bought a few things (hairdye, potato chips, soft drinks, etc). I didn’t have enough money to buy batteries so I shoved them into the hairdye box that I was going to purchase. At the checkout I was approached by LP and was told to pay for the batteries. I paid for the batteries and walked out and drove home. Now I am paranoid that the police will come knocking at my door issuing a fine of some sort (because I drove home perhaps they caught my number plate) although no details were exchanged. Although I’m well off financially, I found it ridiculous to be paying that much for batteries BUT I’m never going to do something like that again!! What now? I was wondering whether you can get tracked down by the cameras in the store. Please help!
Dear Johnson: As you know, anything is possible. The store or police if they were called could check the store’s video, your license if someone wrote it down or through your credit/debit card payment. You coulkd receive a notice in the mail to pay a fine to the store or a date to appear in court. These are all possibilities, none of which are likely to happen. You probably got lucky this time and won’t hear anything else about this. Think twice before shoplifting again.
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I brought some stuffs into the store for a return at JC, but some I have receipts and some I don’t.(I don’t have some receipt because I loss it or thrown it away before hand. But I don’t want to return in for a refund or exchange yet because I am lazy to wait in line, so I took the stuff with me in the bag and wheel in throughout the store and I bought some more stuffs and ready to ring it at the register and I was stop by the store boss who told me to enter into a room. Room had 2 police officers. They check my stuff and they did find some with receipts like I said and some without receipt because I explain that I want to only exchange those without receipt(sometimes I lost my receipt or mistakenly thrown some way in the home for couple of weeks ago), but those with receipt-I want a refund. The boss of the store try to force me to admit that I shoplift the items that I didn’t have the receipt for. But I reply, no I didn’t shoplift anything. The police later wrote down my name, social security, address, and telephone number. For several hours, I explain the same thing again and again, the boss still try to force me to admit again ….How can I admit something that I didn’t do?, I repeatedly say over and over again. After several hours, of debating with them that I can’t admit to something that I didn’t do, they release me and said I was free to go and had me sign a trespass for the store. I cannot step foot into the store property anymore or I would be jail. I signed the paper and left like they told, but I’m still not wrong, why did they force me to sign it? I’m afraid that if I didn’t sign, they wouldn’t let me leave, so I was scared.They didn’t say anything else to me and just asked me to leave right away, but they did kept some of my clothes that I didn’t have the receipts for. They said I have to leave now or they would take me to jail. Should this be the end or Should I be expecting something else from them in the mail?
Dear Mom: This may be the end of the incident. You could receive a letter in the mail from the store requiring payment of a fine, but since you didn’t admit anything and if they have no eyewitnesses or tape of you doing anything wrong, you’re not likely to be charged with shoplifting. Good luck.
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me and my friend were caught shoplifting at kohls the other day. we are 16. i attempted to steal one shirt worth $30 and my friend attempted to steal $140 worth of merchandise… what will happen? will i definately go to court?
Dear Anon: If this is your first offense you can expect to be offered a diversion program if such is available in your area. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed. You could also be placed on probation for a short period with similar terms. If that happens, once you complete all probation terms you can apply for your record with the court to be cleared. Good luck.
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hi, i already commented on this before but i still have a few questions left to ask.
i’ve been reading online other incidents simlar to mine and some lawyers that replied back told them not to pay because these stores are just looking to get money out of me, and that if i dont pay they will go away and not sue me, as they will lose more money than gained in a court battle.
I also mentioned that i gave them a wrong address, should i go and correct it? or just leave it, as i have not decided if i want to pay or not. And because i gave them a wrong address, the ticket may not even come ot me? can i be charged or sued for giving wrong information?
i mean i gave the chocolate bar back, and the questioning took less than 20 minuites and the loss prevention officers are paid through their hourly wage, so technically sears did not loose any money over this. So why did they make me sign a paper saying they will make me pay a payment?
how much do you think the payment may come out to for a $3 chocolate bar?
Dear Christine: You may not hear anything from the store. If you do, laws authorize stores to impose a fine in shoplifting cases. Many stores choose that route to close the case over pressing charges and going to court. It’s your decision whether to pay the fine or not. We cannot tell you what to do other than what’s right.
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Hi. I’m Brianna, I’m 19. I got arrested last year for stealing make up at Wal-Mart.. It was around 80 dollars worth.. I got 24 hours of community service.. I am almost 8 months pregnant now and got caught a few says ago stealing a bra that was no more than 8 dollars. I don’t want them to take my baby away. Will that happen? What should I expect?
Dear Brianna: It’s not likely that you’ll receive any jail time, especially being pregnant or with a newborn. If your first shoplifting was when you were under 18, the adult court may not have a record of it. That means this time you’d be considered a first time offender in adult court. Diversion may be available to you which means more community service hours, restitution, counseling or a class. Think twice before breaking the law again. You don’t want to be separated from your baby. Good luck.
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hi, my friend was caught shoplifting a pair of jeans under 10$, after bags were emptied the worker told her to leave and never come back e enot called
and she says no matter what she is not telling her parents
Dear Ashley: She should tell her parents for two reasons: First, they’ll find out if they take her to the store and someone approaches her and her parents and brings up the incident and the trespass warning; second, it’s the right thing to do. She can explain to them why she did it and how she feels about it now. Honesty is always the best in any situation. Good luck to your friend.
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im 17 my friend and i were caught shoplifting over 500 dollars worth of stufff so they called the cops they took down our info and said we may or may not get a court date. we are being sopoivly fined through khols where it happend and banned from the storw till we are 21. it has been almost a week and nothin has come in the mail yet. We will have to pay for damages if any and have to pay their fine. idk if the cops fined us and im scared it will show up on my perminate record what is going to happen? ims o scared i have learned my lesson trust me i mean it gave me a pannic attack they had to call the an ambiulance
Dear Kelly: You may receive a letter in the mail from the store requiring payment of a fine. Once you pay it the case will be closed and you won’t have a record that will affect your future. If, however, the local prosecutor files shoplifting charges against you, you will be notified of a court date. When you appear at court the process will be explained to you. You can plead guilty or not guilty – it’s your decision. If this is a first offense, you’re likely to receive some community service hours, restitution, a class or counseling. It could take a month or two before you hear anything from the court or the store. Good luck.
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Okay I got caught shoplifting at a store but I also had things from other stores but only the store I got caught shoplifting at prosecuted my total was 68 dollars what could I be charged with ?
Dear Juju: You may be charged with shoplifting which is a misdemeanor if the value of the item taken falls under a certain amount. You will receive notice in the mail regarding a court date. If you don’t you could also receive a letter from the store requiring payment of a fine. Pay it on time and the case will be closed. This incident shouldn’t have any affect on future college or job applications. Good luck.
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Hi me and my friend were caught shoplifting a $3 chocolate bar at sears
this is my first offence they called the police but i was not charged.
they asked for my name and other questions
but i accidentally gave them a wrong address (I got two numbers mixed up)
They made me sign a notice that says they will take legal actions for the merchandise i took. but because my parents were not there I signed where it said parent/legal guardien signature
do i still have to pay the fine? I didnt technically sign it? because i heard if i didnt sign the notice then i dont have to pay the required compensation – should i go back and clear up my address mistake? PLEASE HELP ME
Dear Christine: If you received a ticket or citation with a stated fine, you should pay it and the case will be closed. Otherwise it could follow you around and become a problem later. If you choose to ignore it because of some incorrect information on the ticket, either you’ll never hear about it again or eventually you may hear from the store and/or police. Do what you think is right. Good luck.
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Hi, I live in Florida and I am 21 years old. I was caught stealing from Bealls Outlet Store and I had already walked out the store an was on my way to the car when some guy stopped me an told me I had to come inside sor stealing at this point I was freaking out crying already because I knew I made a huge mistake. This was the first time I ever did something like that. They took all my info and called the cops they checked my background and because I have a clean record they let me go but gave me a Notice to appear citation so I have to set a court date and appear in front of the judge. I am soo terrified because of my age that they wont let me off the hook so easily I dont mind paying a fine but will I be going to jail? I am a single Mom and I can’t go to jail I am soo scared. What is going to happen when I go to court? It wasn’t a felony it was a midemeanor thats why they let me go soo whats going to happen? I’ve never been in trouble before and I’m reallt freaked out please help me.
Dear Amanda: First, relax. Since this is your first offense and it’s a misdemeanor you will probably be offered to participate in a diversion program. That means when you complete some community service hours, pay a fine or restitution to the store, attend a clas or counseling, the case will be closed. You are not likely to receive any jail time. Don’t miss your court date. The process will be explained to you at the court. Good luck.
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Hi, I live in BC Canada and a friend (both 19) and i got caught stealing cosmetics worth about 350 total. The cops were called but didnt arrest us. He didnt fingerprint us or anything and said that he wasletting us go but the loss preventions guy said that now this case is a civil matter. He said that if we got caught doing anything like drinking and driving etc our record will say we got arrested for theft. DOes this mean it is on my permanent record? If it does will i be unable to get a job? what civil action will be taken? will i have to go to court?
Dear Trami: If you weren’t arrested or charged with shoplifting or theft, you don’t have a criminal record for this incident. The record the officer mentioned may be one kept by the police department for future purposes. In other words, if you steal again and the police see that you were given a break this time, they will likely charge you with a crime. If this incident is handled as a civil matter by the store, you will receive notice in the mail requiring payment of a fine. You can expect to receive it within a month or two. Pay the fine on time and the case will be closed. Good luck.
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Thanks for such a great info. But where should I drop this letter? To whom should I refer?
Dear Mohammad: The letter needs to go to the court – to the assigned judge if you know his or her name. Don’t forget to put the case number on the letter and outside of the envelope.
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Mohammad again. My case is still not in their data base yet. I need to leave the country on coming 6th. So I need to postpone my court date by 2nd july then. But if it doesn’t show up in their database by then, what should I do? I called Municipal Court today and they said it may take more then a week! What should I do ?
Dear Mohammad: It might be a good idea to put your request for a continuance in writing so the court has a record of it. That way the judge won’t think you simply blew off your court date. In your letter be sure to state your full name and the ticket or case number. Also attach a copy of your itinerary showing your trip dates – maybe a copy of your plane tickets. Good luck.
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I understand that it have already been in the newpapers. but the face that it is still online is what gets me. I just dont want for people to be able so search my name and see that under crime and has my full name and shoplifting right next to it 🙁 i’ll try what you have mentioned and hope ot get something done. thank you. 🙁
This happened this saturday. I went to the mall with some cousins and some of their friends. We split up and i went with 2 cousins and her friend. Me and my girl cousin stole a bathinsuit she stole the top and i the bottom but they werent even for us they were for her friend and her friend stole alot of jewelry that i swear i didnt know about and my cousin claims she didnt know about it either. Well they caught us and they callled the police and our parents. They took us(me and my cousin) to juvie and her friend to jail because she was seventeen. They decided to charge all of us with the same thing but i dont understand why because both me and my cousin only had the swimsuit and it was only like 17 dollars. They told us we have to go to court and we will get a letter in 3 to 6 weeks. I dont want this to end up on my permenant record because i have never done this before and i want to get a good job next year when im 16. I live in Houston Tx so please tell me what you think or know might probably happen.
Dear Deyla: Shoplifting is stealing no matter what the value of the item. Since this is your first offense and you’re 15, you may be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. If your court doesn’t offer diversion and you admit the shoplifting, at some point in the future you can apply to have your record expunged. When you go to court ask about this. Think twice before doing this again because the consequences increase as you reoffend. Good luck.
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Hey, This happened Saturday.
Me(14), my god sister(15), and my little sister(5) were shopping at the mall in Rochester, NY. My mom just offered to buy me some shorts but we wanted to shop for ourselves so she gaved me the money and we went to Rue 21 bought some clothes, then went to Sears thats when we messed up. We wasnt suppose to be there and we didnt really need anything out of there because we couldve just bought stuff out of the teen stores. But my lil sister didnt wanna go in there and I should have listened, we went in there stole a shirt and a pair shorts about $32 dollars. When we walked out two men came running behind us and said “mall security come with us.” We were claim and did everything the said they called our parents, the police came and took information. They also said the clothes were good enough to go back on the shelf so we wouldnt be charged extra. Gave us a ticket with no court date on it and we were free to go. In Janurary I was caught stealing me and my aunt I had probation but got off early for good behavior and its not on my record so I wouldnt have to tell nobody about it. & My life has been hell ever since im really sorry if I can go back in time I swear I would but I cant so… What will happen to us? Could we just pay the fine or do community service? I really dont want probation again. PLEASE HELP WERE SCARED.
Dear Niaye: If the ticket you received has no court date on it, you may be sent a notice in the mail from either the court or the store. The store may require you to pay a fine called a “civil demand.” Pay it on time and the case will be closed. If you’re notified about a court date, don’t miss it. If you don’t hear anything at all, you got lucky this time. Think twice before shoplifting again. Consequences increase as you repeat this behavior. Good luck.
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Hi its me again. i’ve emailed the publisher/editor and he said “not unless the police erred the name” but its just a newspaper. can i take legal action? im over 18..
thanks againn.
Dear Sara: Under your state’s laws you may have certain privacy rights. Talk with a lawyer who is familiar with privacy laws and the First Amendment. You could call your State Bar Association and ask for a reference to a lawyer who practices in this area of law. He or she may provide a free consultation for 30-60 minutes. Keep in mind that litigation is expensive, lengthy and may bring you more publicity – exactly what you’re trying to avoid regarding your name in a newspaper that is pretty much dead news the day after it’s printed. Good luck.
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hi there so in ga, in the county that i was caught for shoplifting, my name is now on thecitizen.com i was wondering if i could get that removed from the web? is there anyway to get my name and pulic report removed? please help me! thanks.. 🙁
Dear Sara: Public records are just that – public. You could contact the website, explain why you would like your name removed and see if they’ll honor your request. Also talk with your parents about this. If you’re under 18 the information may be protected under the laws of your state. Good luck.
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Hi its Mohammad again. I was wondering what might be my fine for shop lifting of $384. Its my first time and I am really shocked about what I have done!! If they ask me for community service how many hours it might get? If the judge don’t provide me with the diversion option then can I ask him for that? Thanks again for all the informations.
Dear Mohammad: Every juvenile court has its own rules and policies. You can ask about a diversion program when you go to court and also about what to expect as a fine. The court officer will be familiar with your court’s policy. The laws of your state also spell out the possible penalties for shoplifting. It’s up to the judge to set the number of community service hours – based on other jurisdictions, you can expect at least 30, maybe more. Try Googling your state’s name and “juvenile court shoplifting penalties” for more information. Good luck.
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Sorry for so many questions, I am just very concerned. So what exactly is a “juvenile criminal record”? Is that the record kept with the court? or the one kept with the police? Also, since this happened seven years ago, do the police clear this incident automatically? Also, since the police never reported this information to my elementary/middle/high school, how would colleges have access to this incident? Thank you very much for your responses.
Dear Emily: Yes, it’s the one kept by the court if kept at all. Each state’s juvenile system operates independently and in some instances differently. You’d have to check with yours to see how long they keep their records. The same with police departments around the country. They most likely have no record of this incident. And usually colleges and universities don’t do record checks, so you can relax.
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So if I never had to go to juvenile court and pay any fees would there even be anything about shoplifting on my juvenile record? Its not like I was convicted and had to go to court, so how could the police write anything on my record?
Dear Emily: You wouldn’t have anything on the court’s record but could have an information card or document on file with the police for their own records. And that’s only if the police were involved and took a report. You can call the police department and ask if you have anything on file with them and how you can get it cleared. Good luck.
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So what exactly is a background check? And who has access to them? What would it say if they searched my name? Is it anything I should be worried about? Will it be on my permanent record or juvenile record? I never had to pay a fine or go to court. What exactly is a police record? Do scholarship agencies do “background” checks? I’m still confused to what exactly lays ahead in my future because of this. If you could explain it I would appreciate it.
Dearily: A background check is an investigation into your past. Standard questions sent to police agencies, employers and references that you list on an application include criminal or juvenile history, past jobs, education, etc. As far as employment questions, reasons for getting fired are confidential. If you end up with a record in juvenile court, it may not be permanent. At a certain point you can apply for expungment of the record. All the best.
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Hello. I was caught shoplifting at a store yesterday and the lady at the store asked me to return the item, let me finish shopping, and no mall security was called. As I was shopping in other stores people were basically watching me, but nobody said anything to me about it. They might have information on me from my rewards card but Im not sure they can pull up the information unless the card is scanned. I recieved nothing in the mail today so I’m just curious as to what could happen?
Dear Cynthia: It sounds like you got lucky this time. Without your contact information it’s not likely you’ll hear anything else about this incident. You could receive notice in the mail requiring payment of a fine to the store. Pay it promptly and the case will be closed. You may not receive the letter for a month or two. Good luck.
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Thank you for your answer. So what does the police do with my information? Do they put it in their police records? Do colleges and employers have access to that information? Also, why did Meijers call the police to come if they weren’t pressing charges or anything? Thanks.
Dear Emily: Stores will often notify the police so a record is made of the incident – it’s for information purposes only. If you shoplift again they will know this isn’t the first time and the case may be handled differently. Usually schools don’t do record checks on applicants. Some of the larger corporations do background checks but not all employers. Good luck.
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Hi. A few years ago when I was about 10 or 11, I got caught stealing some lip glosses from Meijers in Michigan. The store security took me to a back room and the police were called. They asked me a few questions (name, age, etc). My mom was with me at the time. The total price of the items I stole came out to be about $26. I got to go home afterwords and I don’t think they sent any sort of Civil demands letter or court letter. When I was in the room they told me I could have gone to juvenile jail for this. I want to know if the police comes does it mean that I was arrested? I was never handcuffed or anything, I was just asked a bunch of questions in the security room of Meijers. Also, this was a while back but I didn’t have to go to court or anything so does that mean I don’t have a juvenile record? I am really worried this could hinder my college application process.
Dear Emily: Based on what you’ve described you were not arrested and don’t have to worry about future job or college applications. “Arrest” means you were not free to leave – that the police took you into custody. Since your Mom was there and you were allowed to leave with her, you weren’t arrested. It sounds like the matter is closed and hopefully you’ve leanred a lesson. Good luck.
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Hello. I was caught shoplifting at Aerie today and the lady at the store asked me to return the item, let me finish shopping, and no mall security was called. As I was shopping in other stores people were basically watching me, but nobody said anything to me about it. I’m just curious as to what can happen?
Dear Tiffany: If no one took any identifying information from you, you may have gotten lucky this time. If they have your name and address you may receive a letter from the store requiring payment of a fine. Once it’s paid the case is closed. Or they could press shoplifting charges against you. If that happens you’ll receive a notice in the mail of a court hearing. Good luck.
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Thanks again. Surely I will call them back again on Monday and ask them what can I do. Generally how long doest it take to get the info in their data base? How common is it to shift the court date? Do I need to make any further preparation? I really need to make this trip! Thanks for all the info you provided so far.
Dear Mohammad: Continuances are common but you need to show the court a valid reason for requesting one. Your scheduled trip should be enough for the court to grant a brief extension of your hearing. The volume of cases in your area dictates the amount of time it takes to enter it into the court’s system. Good luck.
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hi my name is mamut and i have 50 hours of comunity service and to report once a month but din´´t did any of this i left the countri(CANADA) what its gonna happen with me when i am going back to canada??….sorry if u don´t understand
Dear Mamut: If you were ordered by a court to complete the hours and report monthly, you may be in trouble if you ignore these orders. If you are on probation and left the court’s jurisdiction, a warrant for your arrest may be issued by the court. If you have a probation officer, call him or her and ask about the consequences of your actions and how to remedy the situation. Good luck.
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Thanks for your info. I need to know few more things. My court date is on 9th of July. But I am leaving USA in 6th and will return on August 14th. I am going back to my country and its urgent. I can’t skip this. I went to the Tulsa Municipal Court today and they said it might take time to get my ticket into their data base. I need to change the first court date. What should I do?
Dear Mohammad: It might take time but you don’t want to miss your court date. Ask the court for a continuance and explain why you need it. Provide the court with a copy of your travel itinerary [for example, your plane tickets] to verify your request for a continuance. Try calling the court first or maybe you’ll have to make another trip there. Good luck.
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Hi. I was caught shoplifting under $25 from Wal Mart. They took my ID and have all of my information, but no police were called and they just banned me from the store. They never said I would be charged with any sort of money or anything, but I keep reading online that they send letters asking to pay hundreds of dollars in “fines.” I was never told I would receive this, but is it possible I will? Also, do I have to pay it?
Dear Nicole: Stores are authorized in most states to impose civil fines on shoplifters. They can reach into the hundreds of dollars. If you don’t pay they can press charges against you. It may take a few weeks or even months before you hear from them. If you’re unsure about what to do, talk with your parents or a criminal defense lawyer. Good luck.
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Hi today I got caught while shoplifting from JCPenny Tulsa. I am really shamed about what I have done. It was worth of $350. They called the police and took all my information from my drivers licence and then let me go. Asked me to go to the court and discuss about the ticket with the Judge. No charge accused so far. Its depending on the judge I guess. What should I do now with this shameful incident I have done today? Will it be a permanent criminal record? Will it harm my Job opportunity? I am 24 years old and this is my first offense. Please suggest me if you can. Thanks
Dear Mohammad: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine, restitution to the store, or attend a class, the case will be closed without a formal criminal record. The process and your options will be explained to you when you go to court. Don’t miss your court date or a warrant could be issued for your arrest. Since you’re an adult, if you end up with a record, after a certain period of time you can apply for its expungement. Ask about this when you’re in court. Good luck.
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Hello Judge,
I’m 21 and I got caught today at Dillards. I live in Texas, the item was worth 69 dollars and this is my first type of offense of any kind ,aside from paid and dismissed speeding tickets thanks to defensive driving. The cops were called because I didn’t have my ID but when they didn’t show, the security guard and an woman walked me to my car to get it with me. They took my information down, banned me from ever entering any dillards, and began to file a police report. The police didn’t show though and I was let go. I hugged the security guy who stopped me, as we made friends while we were waiting for the police. What can I expect from this point?
Dear Laura: Since you left the store on good terms with security, you may not hear anything further regarding this incident. On the other hand they could still file a police report. If charges are pressed against you, you’ll receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. You could also receive a letter from the store requiring payment of a civil fine. Once it’s paid the case is closed. Make sure you don’t return to the store since you were banned. It’s considered trespassing to violate a ban from a store. Good luck.
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Well i live in the state of texas. after they let me go from the store i went to go pay my ticket at the police station. and it came out to $200 and they told me if i wanted to go to court and pledge not guilty and i said no.
Dear Jake: Since you paid the fine at the police department then there is a record of this incident with them. They will likely keep it on file until you turn 18. You can ask at the police station what their policy is regarding juvenile records and how to have it expunged. Good luck.
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i was cuaght shop lifting with one of my friends… but the didnt arrest us they just gave us a ticket and let us go. so that same day i went to go pay the fine. so, i’m still wondering if it stays in our record or not? even if i don;t have to go to court
Dear Jake: It depends on your state laws about shoplifting. If you didn’t go to court or plead guilty to the shoplifting, you’re not likely to have an official criminal or juvenile record. If the fine you paid was imposed by the store and that’s who you paid, then it was handled as a civil matter. Bottom line: don’t steal again because the consequences increase and you will end up with a “record.” Good luck.
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hey i have another question… do i need an aturney? and what questions is the judge going to ask me?
Dear Kaelah: You and your parents need to decide whether you need an attorney or not. When you go to court the process will be explained to you. If you’re unable to hire your own lawyer, the court may appoint one for you. If you decide to admit the charge, the judge will want you to explain what you did. He or she needs to hear from you what happened before deciding whether you broke the law or not. You also asked about how long you’d be locked up in juvie. That depends on the law that applies in this case and the judge assigned to you. It’s not likely you’d get any detention time if this is your first offense. Good luck.
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Hi im so sorry i know i have been very i annoying but its because im stressed out … however, i recieved the letter the fine was £80 .. i am going to pay it .. but i have one last question as soon as i pay this money .. would i have any record that would stop me from getting into university and getting a job later .. thank you so much this means alot to me.
Dear Amy: In the United States you wouldn’t have a record of this incident because it was handled as a civil matter. Once you pay the amount the store requires, the case is closed. No need to worry about future job or school applications. It’s most likely the same in the UK. This shouldn’t have any affect on your future. All the best.
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i got caught shop lifting at walmart, awhile ago and they still haven’t sent me my letter from their lawyer so i can pay my fee. do you know how i can contact them?
Dear Nicole: It may take several weeks for you to receive this “civil demand” letter. However, if you have not moved and they have your current contact information, it’s possible that you may be lucky and they decided to not bother sending you the letter especially if the value of the item stolen was very low. You could just wait it out and see whether they send the letter to you and if several months go by, it’s unlikely that you will receive one. Good luck.
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Hi its Amy again .. i still havent recieved the letter for the fine its been a week and a few days .. do you think i should go and check with the store or just leave it.. ?
Dear Amy: It may take several weeks for you to receive this letter, so just try to relax and be patient.
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Ok..My friend who is 17 years(6 months pregnant) old just called me like twenty minutes ago.When she called she stated that she had stolen a t shirt from walmart and is now on her way to fulton county jail.I do know that she was with two other females that had stolen alot of things. But far as my friend I dont know whats going on with her at this moment.Can you please tell me what goes on when she arrives to the jail,and Will she serve time? Im worried sick! Please Help!!!
Dear Nia: If this is her first offense, she’s not likely to spend any time in jail. She may be offered diversion which means when she completes some community service, attends a class or pays restitution the case will be closed. If this isn’t her first offense she may be placed on probation with specific terms she’ll be required to follow. Since she’s six months pregnant, it’s doubtful she’ll be locked up just for this offense. If she’s been banned from the store, tell her not to return or she’ll be charged with trespass. Good luck.
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i got caught shoplifting about 2 weeks ago but have recieved no court date letter or anything what should i do ? do you think they will let it slide it was my 1st offense with no previous record of any sort
Dear Jessica: The store may choose to send you a “civil demand” letter requiring payment of a fine. If you receive this letter, be sure to pay the fine on time if you admit to the shoplifting, and that may be the end of the matter with no court charges filed. However, you may receive a notice to appear in court. It could take weeks or even months to receive this notice depending on where you live and how many cases are pending in your local court. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion. This means that the case would be closed and any charges dismissed upon successful completion of a class or counseling and payment of a fine. Remember that the penalties will increase for additional offenses, so we hope you learned from this incident. Good luck.
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I kept thinking about my situation and i was wondering what the difference is between pleaing no contest and guilty. And if i were to plea no contest and pay the fine bc i dont want to have to go back for another court date. Will it still be possible for me to exphunge my record or have my record cleaned? thank you so much!
Dear Sara: Pleading no contest means that you’re not objecting to what the state would present as evidence at trial that you committed the crime. You’re not admitting the offense but the court may find you guilty based on the state’s evidence. As far as sentencing goes, a no contest plea is treated the same as if you had pleaded guilty. Once you complete the terms ordered at sentencing you may be able to apply for expungement of your record. Ask a court or probation officer about this. You may have to wait a period of time [1 year for example] before you’re eligible to apply. Good luck.
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Me(14) and my friend(15) were caught shoplifting at Zellers. As soon as we got past the electronic security scanner, two guys grabbed our shirts and took us to this room where they took down our information, banned us from the store for 1 year, called the cops and called our parents. My mom was at work so the officer took me to her workplace. The officer gave me a court date and told me that i will have to pay a fine. I got a letter asking to pay the fine today and my mom is going to pay tomorrow. Now all I have left to do is attend the police station so they can take my finger prints, photos etc. and I have a court date. What will happen in court. I have done some researching and found out that since this is my first offense, i wont get charged. Is this true and what will I have to do in court to not go to jail. And I am thinking about writing an apology letter to Zellers. Is that a good idea?
Dear Nick: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service, payment of a fine and attending a class or counseling, the case would be closed and the charges not filed or dismissed. Jail time is very unlikely because this is your first offense. However, if you violate the terms of your sentence or program, it may be more likely. A sincere apology letter would be a good idea regardless of your court case. We hope you learned from this incident as you will face more serious consequences for additional offenses. Good luck.
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well i got stealing for the first time at macys. i stole some nice pair of levis and there was no sensor thing on it. i went into the fitting room with a couple of other items to not make it obvious that i was jacking the jeans. i put the jeans in my person and left macys. This lady then followed me and said i got stolen merchadise and i have to come with her. They called my parents and we had to pay a fine and they told me i have court. How long does it take for them to mail you and inform you that you have court? And they said i can’t miss the court date cause i’ll go to juvi or something but my parents booked a family vaca in flordia and what would happen if we are in flordia but we couldn’t make it to the court?
Dear Kimberly: The notice to appear in court may take weeks or even months to be mailed to you depending on how populated the area is where you live and the number of cases filed and pending in your local court. If you receive the notice and the court date happens to be when you will be in Florida with your family, contact the clerk of the court and explain the circumstances. They will probably be able to give you an extension and move your court date to after your planned family vacation. Good luck.
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Hi, i’m ana. i ranaway from home, for 3 days, and on the 3rd day the cops found me Shoplifting with my friend who also ranaway. We we’re both arrested, and charged with Burglary. i’m a minor, i’m only gunna be 15 in 8 days. i stole from 4 stores because i needed clothes cuss i was a runaway, we stole from h&m, wetseal, sephora, and AmericanAppareal. AA banned us from the store, in the process of us getting arrested… i have a mugshot, n’ court.! i really want to know what the court is going to do to me?! it’s my first offence, i went a while back n’ they we’re talking something about going from a felony to a misdeminor, i accepted the charges put on me. & i have to go back to court for their final desicion…what do you think there gunna say? :O i’m scaredd.
Dear Ana: Since this is your first offense, you may be placed on probation with community service, fines and classes or counseling. The judge could also impose jail or detention time depending on the laws of your state, but may give you an opportunity to comply with the terms of your sentence. If you violate the terms or get into more trouble, then jail time is more likely. We hope you learned from this incident. Good luck.
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About 6 months ago I was caught shoplifting about $70 in a large grocery store in Toronto, Canada. I was arrested and a police officer was called in, he took down my name, address, physical decription and I signed a sheet from the store (I don’t recall what it was for, they gave me a copy but I don’t have it anymore). I was also banned from the store.
I was let go afterwards and a few months later I recieved a letter from the store saying to pay a fine to cover costs involved in arresting me, or else I may go to court. I paid the fine and everything’s over and done with.
My question is, do I have a criminal record resulting from this? I never had to go to court or down to the police station to get fingerprints, etc. Just fined by the store and my info taken down by the policeman. I was 24 at the time and I’ve never been in trouble before or after that incident.
Dear Anne: Based on your description of what happened, you don’t have an official criminal record. Since you weren’t formally charged with a crime and didn’t go to court, you weren’t convicted of anything. The matter was handled as a civil offense and is now closed. If you’re still banned from the store, don’t return or you can be charged with trespass. Good luck.
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Thank you.
Okay, I live in West Virginia, and I got caught shoplifting. I’m only 15 years old, but I was on probation for underage consupition. When I went into the store, I stole some alchool(Lord Calvert and After Shock). Can you tell me what might happen?
Dear Barry: Since you’re already on probation a number of things may happen. You could be charged with violating your probation and shoplifting. The consequences may be stricter than what you were originally put on probation for, including some time in detention. It all depends on the facts of the case, your history with the court, your probation officer’s recommendation to the court, and the judge.
From here on, follow your probation terms to the letter in order to avoid even greater consequences. Good luck.
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Hi im Amy i got cought shoplifting last week. i got a lipgloss from h&m and two nail polishes from boots i got cought in Boots store they took me in to a room took my name adress and a picture. the manager said i was band from the store and that i will recieve a letter with the detailed amount of money i need to pay (fine).. the items wer less than £10 all together .. i live in london .. will i have a criminal record and will this effect my futer .. as well as i havent recieved the letter yet .. i am soo worried as well as how much will the fine be around ?
Dear Amy: Since this is your first offense the store may choose not to press charges against you. They can impose a fine that once it’s paid the case is closed. You won’t have a criminal record to worry about from this incident. Since you were banned from the store, don’t return or they can file trespass charges against you. Good luck.
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Hi there! thank you sooo much for the quick reply! so after a sleepless night 🙁 i woke up bright and early to give the court that i have to to go to in Jul and spoke with a clerk. She knew it was me when i told her my court date 🙁 pretty sad.. but anyway, she said the first day i would be sitting and the judge will call out names and when he calls my name i would either have to say guilty, no guilty or no contest. and she said he basically said its no contest for my case and she had just entered my info in the system 🙁 no, if i do no contest i would have to pay a 680 fine +10 for court fee. and thats it.. but it’ll still be on my record, of course 🙁 nowwwww since i know thats gonna happen, i was wondering if i plea no contest, will there be anyway to expunge it?? or whatever the word is.. she said if i wanted to try to clear it.. i would have to plea not guilty and have a second court date. at the second court date he would call my name.. the judge and i would ask to speak to a solicitor.. and then explain to the judge and ask them if there is anyway to get this clear of records.. is that the only way to go about that? im just scared if i plea not guilty i’d have to “fight” and get an attorney but i cannot afford one 🙁 so i guess im jsut wondering if i plea no contest if there is a way to go back and try to clear my files after i pay the fine… thanks again!!!
Dear Sara: We cannot tell you how to plead. That’s entirely up to you since whatever you do will affect your life. You may want to talk with a lawyer [solicitor] in your area for advice. Pleading no contest is treated the same as pleading not guilty. After accepting the plea the court proceeds to sentencing. In most jurisdictions the opportunity to clear or expunge your record after a period of time exists. However, you may have to wait a year or so. Ask your attorney or someone at court about the time required. Good luck
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Hi there, im really really scared of what is to happen to me. I got caught shoplifting and the total was $70 they gave me a misdameanor. I was taken to jail… got booked and was bonded out. I had already paid 189 for the bond people to come get me. I have a court date in about a month. im really really scared. i also don’t have anything else on my record besides a speeding ticket. what should i expect at court? also, i cannot afford an attorney. I am 24 years old and still in college. is there something i should do before court time? i heard you can talk to a prosecutor if you arrive to court early. I’m really scared 🙁 please help me.
Dear Sara: Since this is your first offense, you’ll probably be offered diversion when you go to court. Yes, arrive early and you may get a chance to meet with a court officer or the prosecutor to discuss the process. If you admit the shoplift and accept diversion, you’ll have to complete some community service, attend a class or counseling and then the case will be closed. At this first hearing it’s unlikely anyone from the store will be there, although they have a right to appear – this is not a trial so witnesses don’t usually appear the first time. You may receive something in the mail before the hearing. Read it carefully and follow the instructions. Don’t miss your court date. Relax and good luck.
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I am a minor turning 18 next month. I have been caught shoplifting once before at Nordstroms, but there was no conviction or court date, just a civil demand so it is not on my record.I recently got caught shoplifting at Walmart. An officer was called to the scene, and issued me a citation with a misdemeanor pending court date on it. I accidentally told the officer it was my second time being caught stealing which i shouldn’t have. I shouldn’t have told him, because the first time I got caught was at Nordstroms and I just had to pay a civil demand with no charges (so it is not on my record). I’ve made a stupid mistake by shoplifting in the first place and sincerely regret it.
How can I fix this?
Will the officer be there at the time of my court date?
Can I tell the judge that it is my first offense and ask for a diversion program?
What should I do?
Dear Adam: It is very unlikely that the officer will be at your first court date especially considering the populated area you live in [Orange County, Calif.]. Although you previously got caught shoplifting, you do not have any “prior” offense on your record since the shoplifting incident was handled civilly rather than criminally. Therefore, you may be offered a diversion program. If diversion is not an option in your case, you still will most likely be offered some type of probation or just have to complete community service, pay a fine and attend a class or counseling. Remember that the penalties will continue to increase for additional offenses, so we hope you learned from this incident.
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hi this belle again earlier you said that if I was offer a diversion program. well lets say if I did, will the record clear out or it’ll stay in there if I apply for a job do I check no or yes to explain?
Dear Belle: “Diversion” means the case is diverted away from the judicial process meaning there won’t be an official record of the incident. We can’t tell you how to answer questions on applications. Read them very carefully and answer truthfully. Words such as “arrested” and “convicted” are important in job, school, etc. applications. Good luck.
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hey my friend just called me the other day and told me that she stole shoes from a store the clerk saw her and she ran and got away. shes scared and worried what can happen like do they have her pic up in the mall oh yeah she ran through the mall she said and I can defently not say anymore that I told this about her cause I was the only one she told i think sooo can she go to that mall again
Dear Dan: Unless she was told by someone with authority such as the store owner/manager, mall security or the police not to return to the mall, she’s allowed to. It’s not likely that her photo is displayed in the mall unless that’s the mall’s practice and they have or took a picture of her. She may have gotten away with this shoplift but her luck will run out eventually. We hope she’ll change her ways. All the best.
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Thank you. No I do not have a court date or have i had any restrictions placed on me. The police came, lectured me on not to ruin my life, gave me the 70$ ticket, told me to pay it in 15 days and then left. I also left with a civil demand notice. That is it. I’m just reading a lot about people with past arrests (like protestors) who have tried to gain entry and have been denied…so that is why i am asking. I just hope that it doesn’t show up at the border.
Are you able to travel with an arrest record? or having a previous contact with the police?
Dear Audrey: You’re free to travel unless restrictions have been placed on you by court order. If you have a court date and travel before it comes around, make sure you appear on the scheduled date or the court may issue a warrant for your arrest. Good luck.
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I was caught shoplifting. An undercover LP caught me as I walked out the door and took me into the back room. There, they proceeded to take my information down, read my rights and waited for the police to come. When the police came, they decided not to press any charges, and just gave me a lecture and a 70$ ticket for trespassing which I paid online a few days later….it was a provincial offences ticket, equivalent to a traffic ticket. However, one of them did write down alot of my information from whatever pieces of ID i had.
Alot of souces from the internet are giving me different answers, some say I will have no problem travelling and others say I might. Please HELP!!!
Dear Audrey: Most likely you do not have a criminal record since what you received from the police was a ticket that you’ve paid. If you did not have to go before or judge and did not plead guilty, you only received a civil citation, much like a traffic ticket as you stated. It shouldn’t have any affect on your travels to the U.S. Good luck.
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I got caught shoplifting a $28 item from a retail store in MN. It was a first time offense; I’ve never been in trouble before. I’m 29 yrs old. I was so scared at the time I thought it best to just cooperate with the shopkeeper and the police and I admitted guilt. I did not sign anywhere. Police issued me a ticket. I’m not a citizen of United States, I ‘m here with my husband on depended visa for temporarily for 8-12 months just months back. I have to appear in court. What should I expect?
Dear Mamatha: Askthejudge is an educational website for teenagers about the law. Consequently we are unable to answer your questions. We suggest you look at some of the answers we’ve given to teen shoplifters. As a first offender, your options may be the same as stated below. Good luck.
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Hi this is let again. I went ahead and mailed back the item with a note. I still feel awful though. If the store was going to press charges, how long does that usually take. If I were to get a letter, should I expect it a week or a month. I don’t know what else to do. I think I may go and talk to a counselor or something.
Dear Let: You’ve done the right thing. Don’t be too hard on yourself – we all make mistakes. Learning from them is what’s important. It could take a month or even longer to hear from them if they’re going to take action. But it’s not likely, especially now that they have the merchandise back. Talk with someone you trust about this if your feelings of guilt continue. All the best.
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Hello. I was caught tonight stealing a 12.00 drug test from walmart. I was stopped on the way out of the store and taken to the back room. They took down information and released me, saying that no charges would be filed and in the future to only return as a paying customer. After I realized I was caught I made a joke saying what if I have to stop by and use the bathroom. They seemed like nice people and understood that I just made a mistake, while being that it was simply petty theft I understand the ramifications of breaking the law and do not intend to shoplift anymore. My question is that because no police were called and no charges filed is there any legal ramifications? They gave me a letter saying their lawyers could possibly contact me for a civil suit to pay a fine. I understand what I did was wrong and have no problem paying the fine, I am just relieved that this is all that happened. I intend to contact their law offices tomorrow and find out what they would like me to do. Further than this is there anything else that could be done. Furthermore, and here is the killer, I am on probation. Because nothing official happened will my probation officer find out? The lady did not ask for his name or any contact information besides mine. Please let me know all possible outcomes of this situation. Thank you very much.
Dear Alex: You got lucky this time. Since you’re on probation already, you could be charged with the shoplift as well as violating your probation. Doesn’t one of the probation terms require you to be law-abiding? It’s a standard term all over the U.S. Your PO won’t likely find out about this incident unless you tell him or her. You’ll receive a letter from the store requiring payment of a fine – it’s called a “civil demand” that’s authorized by law in shoplifting cases. Pay it on time and the case will then be closed. You may not hear from the store for several months due to red tape and the volume of cases processed. Good luck.
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Hello, my friend was caught stealing last september and I was with her. I didn’t know she was stealing and I didn’t have any stolen items on me. The police where never involved but I still got a fine. I’m trying to aply for jobs now and I don’t know of I have a record or not. I live in Delaware I’d say the store but I don’t want to get you in any trouble. Could you please help me? Thank you! :] ps: will my friend have a record even though she didn’t get taken to the police either?
Dear Alanna: If the court was not involved in any way, you don’t have an official record. The fine probably came from the store. They are authorized to impose fines on shoplifters rather than press charges and go to court. The store will keep a record of the incident but it’s not public information. Read all questions on job and school applications carefully and answer truthfully. You haven’t been convicted of anything if you didn’t have to go to court. The same goes for your friend. Good luck.
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this is belle again um by the way I live in minnesota brooklyn park/mineapolis mn and um I want to know my sister and I both got the same court date and time Im 21 she’s 19 I wonder does age make a difference? if I plead guilty and ask to pay for any kinds of fees they trow at me to have the case drop, will it happen? or will i be going to jail… I get really scared when I think about it. I just really really want something not so bad to happen. I heard that the judge will give you options if it’s your first time shoplifting offense. is it true? or is it just people saying? I really don’t know what’s going to happen…
Dear Belle: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program. That means when you complete some community service, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. You and your sister are both
adults, so keep in mind if you reoffend, the consequences increase. Don’t miss your hearing date. We can’t tell you how to plead – that’s up to you. When you get to court, a probation officer may explain the process to you and your options. Good luck.
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Hello Hanna here agian about being with the wrong friend when she stoled the shirt and all my information of was taken well the police was involved and they are the ones who took my name, address, phone#, and School should i still send an e-mail oh and plus i was right thier with her when she took it off the hanger and put it on and i didnt say anything because i really didnt know what to say besides dont take it, i barely know her?
Dear Hanna: It’s your decision about how to handle this. If you write to the store, be sure to explain everything that happened and your relationship with the other girl. You might want to talk this over with your parents first and then decide what to do. Good luck.
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I stole a 10 shirt from a store and I purchased about 60 dollars worth of other clothes. I did not get caught then but will the police come looking for me now that the store has my credit card info. I feel awful the guilt is eating me alive. Should i mail back the shirt with a note. Awful mistake I will never do that again.
Dear Let: If the store can identify you as the person who took the shirt and wishes to press charges, you could be notified by mail by either the store or the police. Your thought about returning it with a note is a good idea. We all make mistakes – consider this a learning experience and do the right thing. Good luck.
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hello im 17 yrs old and well just recently me and my friend whent to the mall i havnt seen her in a long WHILE and well this was our first time to hang out. i really didnt know her much(but know i do) but when we were at sears she told me she was going to steal a shirt i was like your kidding and then she said “you dare me” i was like i dont know we were looking for shirts then she puts it on and were walking out and this men stops us and says if she took the shirt from the store i was silent all the time didnt say a word but she said she bought it not too long ago. they only took my name, address, and phone number and they said that we were band from the Mall is this in my permenent record and am i really band from the mall FOREVER and what can i do so they can forgive me for being with the wrong friend at the wrong time
and i feel really bad and scaerd.:(
Dear Hanna: First, since the police weren’t involved you don’t have to worry about a “permanent record.” The only record may be those kept by the mall in the event you return. They have the right to ban you for a period of time. If you return while the ban is in place, you could be charged with trespass. Since you didn’t shoplift anything, you could write a letter explaining what happened. Send it to the security office for the mall and see if they will cancel the ban. If they say no, you could try again after a period of time (six months or so). It’s not likely anyone will contact your school about this. Good luck.
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I was caught shoplifting at a walgreens. i stole a lipbalm and at the end the guy was like under cover security. he took me to the back and hand cufed me. he said he was in a good mood and wasnt gonna call the police. my dad came and picked me up and he had to pay a 500 dollar fine. I’m under 18. not fair 🙁
Dear Taylor: It may not seem fair but it’s better than being charged with shoplifting, going to court and having a juvenile record. Stores are authorized to impose a fine and many do rather than press charges. Hopefully you’ve learned from this incident and won’t repeat it. Consequences increase as you reoffend. Have you talked with your Dad about repaying him over a period of time? All the best.
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theres just a three more questions i have to ask…
1.) are they gonna yell at me?
2.)Is there going to be a jury?
3.)Is there going to be people watching me? like the people who just walk in and watch or just me and my parents and whoever comes with us?
(and are you a real judge?) just askin nuthing important… :/
Dear Kaelah: One, no one is going to yell at you in court. Second, most states don’t have juries in juvenile court. You wouldn’t have one anyway if you plan to admit the shoplift. And third, there may be other people in the courtroom when you and your parents arrive. It depends on how your courts are run and the volume of cases. Don’t worry about anyone else there – concentrate on what the judge says to you and your parents. And yes, Judge Tom was a juvenile and family court judge for 23 years before retiring in 2008. Good luck.
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I was at claires and i stole fifty dollers worth of stuff, im not really a bad kid and i just have to know am i going to juvie?? im 13 and i dont wanna go to juvie im a good girl!!!! so, will i go to juvie? n if i do how long will it be? Im sooo scared please help…
Dear Kaelah: Considering your age and this being a first offense, you’re not likely to be locked up – this time. You may be required to complete a diversion program. That means when you finish some community service or attend a class, the case will be closed. Don’t give in to temptation again because the consequences increase as you reoffend. Good luck.
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I’m 20 years old and I got caught shoplifting DVDs at Wal-Mart. (Less than $200)I checked out then was confronted by their security. He did grab a hold of my shirt very tightly the whole time so I wouldn’t run away (even though it was obvious I wasn’t) after they got my info, took pictures of the stolen merchandise, the local police handcuffed me and took me to jail. After I was processed I spent 11 hours in jail until I was bailed out by a friend. My original bail was $450, but through a bail bond company it was only $108. I have a citation and a court date. What should I do? Do I need an attorney? Do I plead not-guilty or guilty? This is my first offense and I don’t know what is going to happen.
Dear William: We can’t tell you what to do or how to plead. That is your decision. You can admit what you did and take the consequences. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program. That means when you finish some community service, attend a class or counseling, the case will be dismissed. Or you can deny the incident and go to trial on the shoplifting charge. The process will be explained to you when you appear in court. If you can’t afford a lawyer, one may be appointed for you. Don’t miss your court date or a warrant can be issued for your arrest. Good luck.
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i got back from court well the most they did was let me off with a warning and made me go to a class. Just want to tell u what happened. 😀
Thanks, Matt, for the update.
Got caught shoplifting at Walmart
He took my I.D. and written all my info and I gave him a false Social…
Not arrested but am subject to a $150.00 Fine…I am 21 and the walmart was in New jERSEY
Will this be on my permeant record?
Dear Rick: If the police weren’t involved and you weren’t given a court date, there won’t be a record. Walmart may keep its own file on this in the event you return and steal again. Next time, they may choose to press charges. Pay the fine on time and the case will be closed. Good luck.
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i got caught shoplifting,last summer it was my first time and it hasnt happend again, i got diversion and got a signed paper to take to the police, but i had to leave town right away for school, now im back home and figured out i lost the paper to clear my “police record” how can i get a nother one? im takeing nursing and need to get this resolved before i start my co-op, please help!!!
Dear Amoii: Contact either the court that granted you diversion or the police department that was involved and ask for a new form. If there’s been no new offenses and you completed diversion, you should be able to have your record expunged. Good luck in your studies.
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me and my friend both got caught shoplifting at walmart we both stole 2 video games they were both $50 well we got before we left the store but i was thinking about outing mine back we headed back there i was about to out the game back in the case then the guy stopped us i told him what i was doing and he said yeah right. i go to court tomorrow. it is my first time doing this.
Dear Matt: Tell the court officer that you’ll meet with when you go to court and the judge what happened and what you intended to do. It might make a difference if you attempted to return the game before you left the store. Otherwise, you may be offered deferred prosecution if you complete some community service and attend a class. That way you won’t have a record and the case will be closed. This will all be explained to you tomorrow at court. Good luck.
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About 2 days ago, my friend and I (we are both 13) were caught shoplifting at claire’s in Houston, TX at First Colony . My friend took something, but didnt tell me she put it back, and i stole two earrings totaling 15 dollars. The guy in a white shirt, im guessing a security guard(?) came in and the manager told him everything . then the guy called the police. i had to fill out a “Shoplifting Incident Report” sheet including my name, date of birth, number, address, city/state/zip code & legal guardian. what is going to happen now? will it affect me in the future?
im really ashamed and a disappointment to my mother, shes a single mom . and i fell really bad for doing this to her knowing she tries hard to provide me with what i need . You reply is appreciated .
Dear Tori: Considering your age and that this is your first offense, you may not hear anything further from the police or the store. On the other hand, the store may send you a letter requiring payment of a fine. Once it’s paid, the case is closed. If the police gave you a ticket with a court date on it, make sure you tell your Mom and show up in court. You may be offered diversion which is a program where you complete some community service or attend a class and the case is closed and you don’t have a record. Hopefully you’ve learned from this incident and don’t repeat it. Good luck.
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I have a Warrant out for my arrest I hear since I’m only age 17, when I turn 18 my juvenile records leaves and they don’t really worry about a petty shopplifting crime. Is that true will my warrant eventually leave cause my crime is so petty.
Dear DeVon: That depends on the laws in your area and the nature of the warrant. If the amount involved in the shoplifting was low, the charge may be dropped once you turn 18. On the other hand it could follow you into your adult life where you’d face adult penalties. The prosecutor could also drop the charges against you now and refile them once you turn 18 which puts you into the adult system. Check with a local criminal defense attorney about your options. Good luck.
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okay so i wrote a couple of weeks back about how me and my littles sister got caught shoplifting. now we got two tickets in the mail mine is for $300 and hers is for $250. to me it makes no sense because i took absolutely nothing. i knew about it but can they really fine my $300 for allowing her to do something? what would happen if i dont pay?
Dear Mia: If these were tickets from the police or a notice from the court to appear for a hearing, you have a choice of either paying or pleading not guilty and going to trial on the shoplifting charge. If you do that you’ll have a chance to explain your side of the case and hope the judge believes you. If these are letters from the store asking for payment of the fines, you can either pay it or take your chances that they won’t press formal charges. If they do, you’ll receive notice from the court to appear for a hearing. Good luck.
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I have another question.
I am in Vancouver,
it is going to be recorded?
And how much is the fine going to be?
Is there no way to hide this problem to my parents?
What if my parents couldn’t answer the police’s phone call?
They would come to my house and areest me?
Dear Jane: A record of this incident may be kept by the store in the event you return in the future and steal again. Also the police may keep an information sheet on this for a period of time for the same reason. Since the store isn’t pressing charges, you won’t be arrested for anything. The fine could be several hundred dollars.
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Hello, I am really ashamed, but I got caught shoplifting at a store. The securitary called a police. A police came, and wrote down I name, my mother’s name and phone number. (I’m 18 years old) Then, the police said that he was going to contact my mother. Why does he contact my mother? I’m an adult right now…… Also the securitary took my picture and got my personal information. I really don’t want my mother to know about this….. If the police said he was going to, then he would call to my mother for sure? Is anything more I could be punished? or I could get a fine for that by mail? The police didn’t say that I need to go to the court…then am I ok? He just warned me not to do it again because the security didn’t want to punish me.
Please answer, Thank you
Dear Jane: If the store told the police they didn’t want to press charges, then you got lucky this time. They still may be able to fine you. If you receive a letter in the mail from the store, pay the fine on time and the case will be closed. Since you live in Canada, the laws of your province may authorize the police to notify your parents even though you’re 18. Good luck.
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Hello Tom,
Last month my friend Taylor, and I went to a mall.
We live in Denver, Co. And I’m 13 years old and she’s 12. As we were there she suggested that we should go take some stuff from Clairs so we could experience what shoplifting would feel like since we never done it before. Later on she and I stole some stuff and the cashier saw us take it but was to busy to tell us to put it back, so she got her friends to follow us out of the store to see if we took anything out of our pockets. Of course we did. Then, we stopped at a stoplight and the friends told us how it was wrong of what we did and told us to go back and return the items. We did and the cashier called sercurity. We put everything onto the counter and she checked out pockets. As sercurity came down to the store he checked out pockets and put us in cuffs and brought us to the sercurity office. They then got our phone number, names, school, where we lived, what we looked like, and took pictures of us and called our moms and the police. Our parents signed the information to say it was all correct. The police came and gave us tickets and checked out pockets. Now we have to go to court on June 9, 2010. This is our first time shoplifting and all the items were up to $53.
I’m wondering what will happen to me while in court. Should I plea guilty? Will I get community service? What things could I get for community for examples? How much will the fines come up to?
Thank you for your time.
Dear Bianca: Since this is your first offense, the court may give you a chance to participate in their diversion program. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine and attend a class about the law, the case will be closed. You could also receive a letter from the store requiring payment of a fine. We can’t tell you what to do when you go to court. Talk everything over with your parents and the court officer you’ll meet when you go. Now that you know how it feels to shoplift, we hope you’ve learned a lesson about stealing and its consequences. Good luck.
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If i leave the country to go on my vacation and come back before my trial date. I will be able to get back in the country right? i am a permanent resident and not a citizen yet. They cant not let me back in because of a small shoplifting case?
Dear Sam: What you are asking requires the expertise of a lawyer who specializes in immigration law. With the many changes in the laws this past decade, we are not qualified to answer nor do we provide legal advice to our readers. We suggest you contact a lawyer about this before your trip or contact a local immigration office. Good luck.
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okay this is maya again he doesn’t know his court date they did’t tell him when is the court date don’t the judge suppose to send him a date and time for the court date??
Dear Maya: He can call the court and with his name and other information they ask for, his date to appear should be found.
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this is maya again so that means when he goes to court one day this summer he might not go to jail for the shoplifting??
Dear Maya: That’s correct. It’s unlikely he’d go to jail for a first-time shoplifting offense. Remind him not to miss his court date.
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well my boyfriend a couple months back he and a friend was stealing but he didn’t go to court yet but he’s going to court this summer he doesn’t know whats going to happen i told him what i read (First-time shoplifters usually go through a diversion program, which includes counseling, community service hours, and restitution.
and he’s only 16.
okay today somebody was smoking that was around him so this girl through some paper that was sill lit and the police was asking him questions and let him go because he didn’t know what happened intill the smoke was coming up.
he doesn’t know whats going to happen to hi can you please help.
and the state that it’s in is Maryland.
Dear Maya: What you have said about diversion is correct if this is a first offense, low value of items taken and your friend is a minor. Regarding the paper on fire, it doesn’t sound like anything will happen to him if he wasn’t arrested or didn’t receive a ticket at the time the police interviewd him. Otherwise he could have been cited for reckless burning or some other property related crime. Good luck.
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I guess I have more of a question, anyhow, if one over 21 was caught shoplifting by LP and the police were not involved, and you were never made to go to court, or put on probation or served community service, you simply had to pay a one time fee (to the store) is your permanent record tarnished? do you have a criminal record, will that prevent you from getting jobs?
Dear Suse: Based on what you’ve described you shouldn’t have to worry about this incident. If the police were not involved or the courts, you don’t have a criminal record. The only “record” you have is with the store in the event you return and shoplift again – they would likely decide to press charges if that happened. Good luck.
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why is it i have to pay a fine to the court for stealing and then also the fine to the store i stole from? or si the fien the court giving me covers the fien from the store?
Dear Nicole: Your state law may authorize both penalties for shoplifting. One is a civil fine, from the store, and the other a penalty for breaking the law, a criminal penalty that the court imposes. This is a common practice across the country in theft and shoplifting cases.
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So I’m thirteen and i got caught shoplifting at a dollar general store.(Buffalo NY) I had body lotion and and shampoo and conditioner. The cops came took my number down called my mom too pick me up and All that then they said they would have contact and This is my first time Whats gonna happen?!?
Dear Elizabeth: You may receive a letter from the store requiring payment of a fine. If you pay it on time the matter will be closed with nothing on your record. Or you may receive a letter giving you a date to appear in court. Don’t miss your court date. The process will be explained to you when you go. If this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed. It’s up to the judge to decide how to handle this. Good luck.
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hello its me again the guy with the 5 t-shirts.. i am 19 years old and when the loss prevention took my license plate number he did not talk to me or anything.. i simply freaked out and drove my car home… now my question is… macy’s always report those incidents ??? or do they let them pass by ??? i need all the information u can think off please. also what will happen if i got pulled over and the police knew from my license plate that i shoplifted ??? i am going out of the country over the summer and i am going to stay in europe for 3 months… if i got pulled over after 3-4 months from the incident ??? can they still charge me ??? thank you for ur patience !!
Dear George: You said you took t-shirts from Macy’s and drove away. Unless they can identify you as the shoplifter, you can’t be charged with the offense. The license number on the car doesn’t necessarily lead to you as the car may have been borrowed or the registered owner is someone else. The store could send you a letter requiring payment of a fine. If that happens pay it on time and this matter will be closed without anything on your record. The store has a certain period of time to press charges. It’s called a statute of limitations. Usually in misdemeanor cases it’s one or two years. So, yes, when you return from Europe in a few months you could still be charged with shoplifting. Good luck.
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hey judge it is me again.
yes the police were involved. and it was to stores i believe they are pressing charges i kno for sure one is but im not for sure about the other. and if it is on my record how long will it be there? and by community service do you mean probation? and if that happens and i pay the fine and do the community service hours will i be off probation? or do you stay on probation till the time period the judge said u were on probation is over? how much do u think the fine will be? i live in MO. thnx
Dear Sara: Community service is work done for a local non-profit organization – basically volunteer work. If you are polaced on probation it will be for a designated period – possibly six months to a year. Once you successfully complete all of your probation terms you will be released – it could be less than the time you were given depending on your probation officer and the judge. Good luck.
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Hi i live in California and i got a burglary felony. They are giving me this contract if where i fulfill it they will act like it will never happen. But can the probation officer still drug test me even tho the case wasn’t related to drugs?
Dear James: If you agree to random drug testing, then the probation officer can ask you to test. If it’s part of the diversion program which is voluntary on your part, then you must comply. Otherwise, you’re facing formal charges on the burgalry which may result in a conviction, sentence and a record. Discuss the options here with the probation officer and your lawyer if you have one. Good luck.
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Hi. I live in New Zealand. I got caught shoplifting a singlet from a mall when I was 14 years old. I filled out a form with my details, then two police officers came and took my picture and fingerprints. Later I was driven home. This was the first and last time for me. I am currently 21 years old and hoping to apply for a job being a flight attendant next year. Just wondering if this would show under their background check? Is there a record and if so, can I clear it? Thanks in advance!
Dear Rachel: It’s doubtful that there is a record of this incident. If you didn’t go to court you wouldn’t have an official record. You haven’t been convicted or adjudicated of any offense. If it does appear in a background check, you’ll have a chance to explain what happened and also seven years without further incident is in your favor. Good luck with the airlines.
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so that means that i dont HAVE to put it on my job applications? if they ran a background check, would they see it?
Dear Kristy: It’s not likely to appear on a background check if you didn’t go to court. Again, read the questions very close and answer truthfully. Good luck.
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I live in Toronto was caught by security office at Metro Store yesterday cost $30.I gave them Driving licensee as a ID. They got my name and address and asked some question and did paper work. They called police and police took my ID card and did some paper work and submitted my information in some machine in their care. Security office gave me legal notice for fine. They also said that there would be a fine in the mail in 2-6 weeks. Any advice would be really appreciated. I’m 29 years old and student.what is going to happen? Will they put it on my record. what am i going to put on my job applications? if it says convicted, does that mean i have to tell them? do i HAVE to tell them? if they run a check on me, will they see it?
Dear GD: Askthejudge.info is an educational website for teenagers about the law. Consequently we are unable to respond to your questions. If you read through some of the Q’s and A’s below you’ll find information about the shoplifting process that is followed in most first-time offense cases. This is likely applicable in Canada as well as in America. Good luck.
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I was caught shoplifting at Cub Foods the other day. and it was like 40 dollars of things. what is going to happen? what am i going to put on my job applicatoins? if it says convicted, does that mean i have to tell them? do i HAVE to tell them? if they run a check on me, will they see it? i’m 16 and i live in brooklyn park, minnesota
Dear Kristy: What happens depends on whether you’re cited into court or not. If you have a court date, make sure you don’t miss it. Since you’re a minor and if this is your first offense, you’ll probably be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine, or attend a class, the case will be closed. The process will be explained to you at court. You may also receive a letter from the store requiring payment of a fine. Pay it on time and the case will be closed. Read all questions on job applications carefully and answer truthfully. A juvenile is not usually “convicted” unless tried in adult court. Good luck.
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thank you:)
Hi. I stole $117.69 worth of magazines the other day. I got issued a citation for court next month. This is my first time ever stealing and dont have a criminal record at all. Im going to plead guilty in court without a lawyer. what will happen???? I regret I ever stole. Im 21 years old. I’m so stressed and worried about the whole thing:<
Dear Shay: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed. If your area doesn’t have a diversion program and you plead guilty, the consequences may be the same plus a period on probation. Follow your probation terms to the letter and once you successfully finish probation, you can ask to have your record cleared. Good luck.
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i am 19 and live in california, my little sister and me went to walmart and she stole a bunch of accessories probobly worth between 50 to 60 dollors i knew aobut it and we got caught. they didnt notify the police but they said we would get a fine in the mail. after we pay the fine will this stay on our record?
Dear Mia: If you pay the fine on time, then the case will be closed and you won’t have an official record with the police or court. The store may keep their own record of this incident in the event you return to the store and shoplift again. Good luck.
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I missed Court and the lady told me to go Open Court what does this mean, will I be arrested.
Dear DeVon: Proceedings in courts around the country differ from state to state. “Open Court” may mean a group hearing for those who missed their individual hearing. Don’t miss court again if you have a new date to appear. Depending on the charge and the assigned judge, issuance of an arrest warrant is always possible. A first-time no-show usually does not result in an arrest. Good luck.
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Hello, so i went to court today, and i pleaded guilty to shoplifting, so can i still ask for a diversion? I believe i will get fined and community service however what can i expect for my second appearance?
Dear Nicole: When you return to court for your next hearing, it will likely be the penalty phase where the judge decides what the consequence will be. It may include a probation period, work hours, a fine, etc. When you succesfully complete the terms ordered by the court, you can ask for a clean record. You may have to wait a period of time [one year or so] before you’re eligible for this. Ask about expunging your record when you return. Good luck.
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I was caught by LP at Kmart yesterday. They got my name and address (I live in Indiana) and said it would be a civil suit,and that it wouldn’t be on my record and I wouldn’t have to go to court. Is that true? They also said that there would be a fine in the mail in 2-6 weeks. How much would it be? I stole a pair of earrings out of a multi pack that cost $10. Any advice would be really appreciated. I’m 16 years old.
Dear Amy: What you were told is correct. Many states authorize stores to handle shoplifting incidents as a civil matter rather than a criminal case. The fine could be in the hundreds of dollars. When it’s paid, the case is closed and you don’t have a record. Also if the store told you not to return, make sure you don’t. Otherwise they can charge you with trespassing. Good luck.
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Hello, I was caught shoplifting years ago, no police were involved, they did however “fine” me. I made payments to the store and when i finished I asked if it were going to show up on my record and they said no and said something along the lines of because it was a “civil case”. It was a long time ago and this is all I can remember and cannot find the letter that stated I was done with payments. Either way, I am not sure if this is true and was hoping you could shed some clarification? I am now applying for a job and am not sure whether to report it or not. I am not even sure how I would report it being as I was not convicted or anything. please help!
Dear Elaine: If you didn’t go to court when the shoplifting happened, you were not convicted or adjudicated deliquent as a juvenile. It sounds like you went through diversion which means you don’t have a record. When completing job applications, read every question carefully. If a question asks if you’ve ever been “convicted” you’ll know how to answer. Good luck.
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I got caught shoplifting in NJ, and the police was notified. I am over the age of 18. While at the police station I got finger printed, and even my picture take. I have to go back to court and most likely pay a fine. However i wanted to know will this incident show up on my record? Is there a way i can get it removed?
Dear Nicole: As an adult it may remain on your record unless you’re offered diversion. That means when you complete some community service or attend a class or counseling, the case is closed and there’s no official record of the incident. If diversion isn’t available and you admit the shoplifting and receive a penalty, the offense can be removed from your record after a period of time. Ask about this when you go to court. It’s usually a year or so before you’re eligible to have your record expunged. Good luck.
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sorry to bother you again but maybe i didnt give enough info last nite when i posted…..btw i do want to tell you that i think your website is great and it really does help people out ALOT!! ok back to my story.. as i said before this item had fell in my cart and as i was picking it up out of my cart OUTSIDE of the store after i had put my bags and purse on my arm the lp guy came and started yelling… told me if i was calm and cooperative that i would not being going to jail, they claim i put this empty box back on a different shelf but i had put it there simply because i had picked out something different and put it back where i had got the new items as i said before it fell out in my cart and i put an empty box back on the shelf not knowing it was empty, i tried explaining all this to the lp guy and he was just really rude and intimidating the cops were called i was arrested for concealment under 200$ i dont have much of a fight due to the fact that i signed a paper stating i walked out of the store without paying for this item i signed the paper because i was scared and needed to get home to my sick mother and plus the lp guy said i had to sign that paper and the tresspass paper in order not to be taken in to the police station, im so worried and already suffer from depression and anxiety and i just cant even sleep due to the fact i can not afford to spend one day in jail because i take care of my terminally ill mom, the court appt lawyer says that the laws here in my county will put me in jail but something about doing an online shoplifting class and some community service hours BEFORE court and in some cases they are let go without jail time.. what do u think?? do u think im going to jail im so scared i just cant believe something like this could happen ive never been arrested never been to court nothing!!! like i said before i live in pwc in virginia and i am over the age 18 PLEASE HELP ME
Dear Debbie: First, you can relax a little about this. It’s not likely that you’ll go to jail especially if you complete the diversion program. That’s why they exist. Talk with your lawyer about what’s required to avoid going to trial on the charge and what you need to do in diversion. When you complete the community service and the online class, the case will be closed. You have a court-appointed lawyer, so stay in touch with him or her and get all your questions answered so you know exactly what you’re doing. Good luck. We’re glad you like the site – thanks for your comments.
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HI today i got shop lifting. The woman was eyeing me and then when i went out and paid for the items i got caught. she grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and dragged me back into the store. They said they wouldn’t call the cops but if i don’t pay $40 they’re going to call my school, who will then call me parents. I’m only 13 and this is my first time getting caught. What’s going to happen?
Dear Anthony: First, you need to tell your parents about what happened. They can go to the store and settle this so you can avoid being charged with shoplifting and having a juvenile record. They will have to pay the amount that the store is requiring. This is a common practice with stores so no one has to go to court. Once the amount is paid the matter is closed. If you were told not to return to the store, don’t. You could be charged with trespass if you do. Don’t give in to temptation again because the consequences increase as you reoffend. Good luck.
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Thanks for the advise.1 more thing, i went an tryed clothes on in the dressing room and clearly on camrera walked out with the the same clothes i went in with.The under cover secrurity was on his hands an knees trying to look at me while i was changing and i noticed him doing this before i even shut the door,before i even begin trying the clothes on..He says he saw me but its clear he must have been mistakin.. no merchindise was recovered ..If i take this to court is it possible to counter sue for false acusations aginst the store becuz now im tramatized, i cant go anyplace now without thinking im gonna get harrased for stealing.
Dear Karl: This is a situation that you need to discuss with a local lawyer who is familiar with privacy issues as it relates to criminal law. Your may have a Free Legal Assistance Program [FLAP] where you live. This is a program where attorneys donate time to the public and provide free legal advice. Usually you’re limited to thirty minutes but that’s enough time to explain the situation and receive advice on whether you have a case or not. Check with your local court or law library to see if there’s a FLAP in your area. Good luck.
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I was accused of stealin from a strore..i left the store an recieved a phone call from an officer saying he wanted to talk to me about the shoplifting an if he didnt here back from me he would put a warrant out for my arrest..i didnt get a chance to get back with him but i went down to the station to turn myself in ,but their wasnt any warrants for me..I recieved a letter in the mail from an attorney sayin i was detained for shoplifting an am demanded to pay $200 in 30 days,what should i do??
Dear Karl: What you may have received is a “civil demand” letter from the store. Many states authorize stores to collect fines in shoplifting cases rather than taking the matter to court. If you’re not sure about the letter, there should be a telephone number on it that you can call and ask for clarification. Otherwise, if you pay it on time, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record with law enforcement or the court. Discuss your options with your parents. Good luck.
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hi i was actually at kohls the other day the lp guy came out yelling at me saying i stole this perfume which i didnt… it had actually fell into my cart without me knowing because i had put back the box not knowing it had fell out.. i know it doesnt sound right but it honestly really did happen,,, im 21 and a very honest person and never have been in trouble in my life please tell me what you think is gonna happen to me im scared to death… i also live in va and if i do these classes that you are telling ppl about to get this cleared because it would be my first offense does that mean it is whipped off your record and not there anymore or does that just mean u are free to go??
Dear Debbie: If the police weren’t involved then you won’t have an official record to worry about. The store may keep its own records of shoplifting incidents in case you return and it happens again. If you end up in court, explain to the judge exactly what happened. You’re not automatically guilty because a store employee thinks you shoplifted. If you don’t hear anything from the court but receive a letter from the store asking for payment of a fine, you must decide how you want to handle it. If you pay, the case will be closed. If you don’t they could either let it go this time or contact the police to file charges against you. Good luck.
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I stole less than 50 dollars from walmart. They didn’t call the police, although I was threatened plenty of times. Um, the guy said I’ll be getting a fine in the mail, retention or something starting with a re. I’m just tryna see what to do now. He didn’t ban me. THis is my first time doing this… Ugh Im ashamed and embarassed by this…I just feel so stupid. I really can’t describe how I feel. I don’t want this to mess my life up.
Dear Frances: You may receive a letter in the mail requiring payment of a fine. It’s called a “civil demand” that stores can impose in shoplifting cases. Pay it on time and the case will be closed. You won’t have a record and this incident shouldn’t affect your future plans for school or work. Think twice before giving in to temptation again. Consequences increase as you reoffend. Good luck.
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hello i was caught shopelifting the police was called i was arrested and now i have to go to court. will i get any jail time? this is my first time shoplifting but my second petty larcney charge.
Dear Tiffany: You could be facing some time in jail or juvenile detention depending on your age. If you’re on probation now, you’ve also violated your probation by committing a second offense. If you’re not on probation, you may be after this incident. If you admit the shoplifting the court may decide that a period of supervision is appropriate because of the earlier larceny charge. Don’t miss your court date. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear Judge, I was caught shoplifting from Target in California about 4 weeks ago. I am 17, they made me write down some information (name, address, phone number) and sign the paper stating that I had stolen 100 dollars worth of merchandise. The police was not involved and my brother had to come pick me up (Parents weren’t available.) & the guy told me the fine was going to be arriving in the mail in 4-6 weeks. Will it really be the actual fine? Don’t I have to go to the court first? If I do, will my parents have to go with me or is it okay if I just go by myself? Thanks for the help.
Dear Amy: Many states allow stores to impose a fine on shoplifters. It’s called a “civil demand” and may run into hundreds of dollars. Pay it on time and the case will be closed. The store could also decide to press charges against you. If they do you’ll receive a notice in the mail regarding a court hearing. Usually they rely on the civil demand and then close the case. Good luck.
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she has the paper with her.
Ive looked up some info and ive read that they just try and get money out of you. i dont know im worried of what will happen. The cops were never called while we were there and they just took info and they didnt make us sign anything. Does that mean its in the system? My attorney said they have nothing on us or theres nothing there. So im confused.
Dear Meeee: The incident is in the store’s system – their records. Since the police weren’t involved, there’s no official record. Listen to your lawyer – she knows the local laws and will tell you what will happen, if anything. As far as the store goes, they may keep the video and report from this for a while. Your lawyer may know what store policy is. Good luck.
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I’m 14 I stealing some toy in K-mart. The toltal is around 20-30.I live in California. when I walk out the door and the security caught me. they take me the back room, they ask for the stuff back. I give everything to them. They tell me to call my parent to pick me up. When my parent came, they tells them to sign the paper, and charge us 200-400 dolla, they said we will recieve the bill. (They are no police are involved).
Question is.
1.Is that go to my record?
2.If is it, how can I clear it?
3.If is in my record, how is going to affect my life later?
Dear Mghiep: Since the police weren’t involved and you don’t have to go to court, you won’t have a record. This shouldn’t have any affect on your future. The store will keep a record of this incident in the event you return to the store and shoplift again. You may not be as lucky next time. Good luck.
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replying to my previous post, macys was going to forward my information to the other store. will they do anything about me? thank you.
Dear Leah: That’s up to the other store and whatever evidence they have against you. They may have a video or eyewitness. It’s their decision whether to press charges or not. Good luck.
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I stole from walmart and I got a letter 2 weeks after and says I have to pay 200$ but an attorney says Its stupid and I wont have to pay.That they just want money so shes going to deal with it. Could that be true? What can happen with this?
Dear Meeee: You said that “shes going to deal with it.” So, wait and see what happens. Many states authorize by law stores to impose a “civil demand” on shoplifters. They can ask for payment of a fine [for example, $200.00 as done here in your case] or press charges against you. Make sure you let your attorney know the date listed on the letter for payment. Good luck.
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yesterday, i was shopping at the mall. I took a pair of underwear from victoria’s secret and a pair of socks from macys. when i was leaving macys, the security people stopped me and said that they caught me. as they were looking through my bag, they found everything. macys just made me pay a fine and i have to go to a thing where i listen to right choices. my mom came and picked me up. i still don’t know what victoria’s secret will do about it. i am 16 and live in pennsylvania. what will happen to me? will this be on my records forever? i am a really good girl. i get good grades. ive never done anything like this before. first offense. what will happen to me?
Dear Leah: You may have gotten lucky with the first store. If they didn’t stop you or obtain your identification, you probably won’t hear from them. The only record that may exist is with Macy’s, not the police or court since they weren’t involved. Learn from this incident since consequences increase as you reoffend. Good luck.
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I was caught shoplifting some jewelry in Macy’s yesterday, it wasn’t my first time doing so, but the first time I was caught.
They took me into questioning, took down my info and called the police. Then the police took my mugshot and fingerprints. I’m only 15 and this happened in New Jersey but I live in NYC. The items were worth about $300 and they said I had to go to court and pa fines. Also that my record would disappear in 3 years as if it never happened. So the question I have is what they say true? Is there any way else I can make up for the items? Thank You.
Dear Alma: There may be a way to avoid the fine, especially at your age. You’ll have to go to court to see what the options are. Someone there will explain the process to you, either a court or probation officer, if not the judge. You may be offered diversion which means when you complete some community service, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed. Don’t miss your court date or a warrant for your arrest may be issued. Good luck.
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Dear judge my friend was shopping and paid for her stuff and walked out the store she made it to her girlfriends car (who was sitting in the car in the parking lot) and then a man is running up my friend and told her that she need to come with her back to the store to talk about the items she bought. she okay then she stop him and asked why the man would not tell her why so she said no and got into her girllfriends car and they left the man got her girlfriends licence plate. my question is what will happen to her girlfriend if she didnt know what was going on.
Dear Asia: It’s possible that your friend may be interviewed by the police if the store contacts them about this incident. She should tell them the truth about what she was doing. Tell your friend to keep her receipt so she can prove she purchased the items that day. Good luck.
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Can i leave the country after a preliminary hearing? I am planning on coming back before the Trial date. But its not against the law or anything right?
Dear Sam: If you haven’t been told by either the police or the court not to go, you should be able to – as long as you’re back for your next hearing. Don’t miss it or a warrant could be issued for your arrest. Good luck.
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dear judge, im 18 and got caught shoplifting the police was involve and gave me a ticket and in the ticket it said court date will be notify, and i heard people saying someone willl come to ur house and give u the paper to sign to go to court.. i dont want my parent to know, but if its true someone will come then what i have to do? i thought they only mail me a court letter thats it? but i keep hearing people say someone will come to ur house for court date, is it true? or they just trying to scared me 🙁
Dear Luz: The usual practice is to receive a letter in the mail notifying you of your court date, where to appear and the time. However, the procedure where you live may be different, especially if you’re in a small town. Most cities don’t have the resources or funds to send someone out with these notices when it can just as efficiently be done through the mail. Either way, you should tell your parents what happened. They may find out sooner or later and it would be better to come from you. Good luck.
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Can i ask for an extension for my trial date when i go to my preliminary hearing? My preliminary hearing in on may 27th and i am going out of the country June 8th and will be back July 8th. Would i be able to go out of the country or should i ask the court to extend my preliminary hearing or the actual trial date?
Dear Sam: If you have been appointed a lawyer [public defender or private counsel], ask him or her this question. If there’s no one to contact at this time, you can call the court where you are to appear and ask someone. They should be able to tell you whether you can get a continuance of your hearings. You could also write a letter explaining the upcoming trip and request a short continuance. Include a copy of your plane tickets or itinerary. Be sure to put your name and the number of the case [ticket] on your letter so they can track it to your file. Good luck.
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Hey, i told u my story on april 26th. I got the letter now, but it wrote my first letter of my first name wrong. Do you think i should pay the fee or ignore it?
Dear Jenny: That’s up to you to decide. Since they know your name and address, getting one letter in your first name wrong doesn’t change the facts of the case or provide you a loophole to escape responsibility. Do the right thing.
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i would like some advice concerning my situation. I got caught shoplifting at walmart in texas…i didn’t get banned nor arrested. I stole under the amount of $50 dollars and have to appear in court. This is my Frist Theft Offense.The concern i have is that i have a previous record. Since 2008 i’ve gotten three traffic tickets; for two of them i did deferred adjudication. My question is will my previous traffic violations affect my petty theft charge and will i be able to take deferred adjudication again?
Thank you:]
Dear Jessica: That depends on the size of your city/town and if you were in a different court for your traffic offenses. One court may not share its records with other courts. You could be offered diversion again if the court you’re going to on this shoplifting incident isn’t aware of the traffic citations. It could also depend on the nature of the traffic tickets – some are civil offenses while others [like DUI] are criminal. Good luck.
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okay so my friend and i got caught stealing at walmart. we’re both over 18 and we live in texas. it was less 50 bucks all together and they gave us our court dates and we left. now my problem is that i have a flight booked to leave the state on my court date and i dont have time to go to court AND catch my flight. i dont want to have to cancel my flight and pay for another one just because of this. is there a way i can go into court early and get this taken care of or even have it pushed back to when im back from my vacation?
Dear Bonnie: The best way to handle this is to call the court [a number should be on the ticket or Google the name of the court], explain your situation and ask for a short continuance. You may have to provide verification of your trip [copies of your plane ticket] so the court can see that the continuance is justified. The sooner you do this, the better. Missing court can result in the issuance of a warrant for your arrest. Good luck.
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I am from arkansas and recently me and two friends got cought stealing from k mart i got cought with a fifteen dollar shirt the called the cops and i have a court date i am only 17 and this will be the first time i have got in trouble for something big what will the do to me im scared please help me!!
Dear Dianna: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. When you get to court, a probation or court officer will explain the process to you. Don’t miss your court date or you risk having a warrant issued for your arrest. Good luck.
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Hi, my husband was caught shoplifting in March in the amount of $469.00. He had stolen from the store previously for similar amounts but that didn’t come up while he was detained. He got caught while he was putting the groceries in the car, cooperated with store personel, the cops were called but he was not arrested just cited, and he paid for the groceries and was allowed to take the stuff and go. A summons came and he is due in court tomorrow. The citation said he could face a $500 fine and up to 18 months in jail. He is 28, this is his first offense and we live in MD. He plans to plead no contest. Also, and I don’t know if it matters but, he was on an antidepressant at the time which I think is to blame for a lot of his impulsiveness because he’s never done anything like this before.
My questions are: What are the odds that he will have to serve jailtime? Could they look back through their security tapes and find him stealing other things, and will that be mentioned at the trial? Will having paid for the groceries help him at all (we kept the receipt)? Will the fact that he has since stopped taking the medicine and has been much more stable matter or is it worth mentioning (we don’t have medical documentation of this)?
Dear Kat: Askthejudge.info is an educational web site for teenagers about the law. We do not provide legal advice to adults or teens. Your husband may have a chance to speak with a lawyer tomorrow [public defender] or hire his own before deciding how to proceed in court. Good luck.
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If I gave them my information and signed the paperwork for stealing an item under $3, what are the chances of being reported to the National Retail Theft Database from KMart? or will they just keep the information within their store?
Dear Greg: If the store is a member of the Database and reports it, then it’s on record. They may not report incidents under a certain amount which would certainly include a $3 item. You also asked if this would affect future job opportunities. It depends on how the questions are asked on employment applications. Read them very carefully and answer truthfully. If given the chance to explain what happened, do so in a straightforward manner. Good luck.
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dear judgge,
i had my court date and i was offered a second chance diversion program. the states attorney said i would be signing up for it on my next court date. how long is this class and how much do you have to pay for it? can they charge me more fines? can anything else happen or do i just take the class and everything will be resolved? im still afraid that something else is going to go wrong.
Sharon: If you were offered diversion again, the specifics of the program should have been explained to you. Once you complete the terms of the program, the case is over. The only additional fine you might receive is from the store if they choose to send you a letter requiring payment. Think next time you’re tempted to shoplift. It’s rare that diversion is available on the third offense. Good luck.
hi jugde, im 18 and got caugght shoplifting that add up to 100 but they didnt arrest me or put me in jail, but instead just give me the paper call misdemeanor summon and to be notified my court date later on what is that suppose to mean? because usually i heard if you get caught shoplifting you will get arrested and put in jail to get finger print and wait to be bail out. but i didnt get arrested? whats that suppose to mean?
Dear Lily: Shoplifting charges are handled differently around the country. Make sure you don’t miss your court date. A court or probation officer will explain the process to you. If this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the matter will be closed. Otherwise you might be placed on probation for a period of time with similar conditions. Good luck.
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Dear Judge,
I was caught shoplifting a can of snuff at K-Mart in PA on Feb. 6th, 2010. They took my information and said it would not go on my criminal record and the police were not involved. It was also my first time offense. They said i will get a fine in a week or two. I have never gotten that fine and have not been contacted by them. Is there anything else that can happen to me?
Dear Greg: In a second message you added that you are 20. There’s a chance you may not hear anything further since it’s been a few months and the value of the item was low. You might still receive a letter from the store requiring payment of a fine. If you do, pay it promptly and the case will be closed. Good luck.
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i was at the mall with my friend and we did a stupid mistake in shoplifting. it got out of hand and we ended up stealing 56 items from macys’s adding up to $650. we got caught and had to go into the back room. they got all our information, filled out juvinile papers, called our parents and told us we were band from the store and we would be getting court dates in the mail soon. my court date is soon and i just want to know what to expect. it is my first offence and if they look into my school records i’ve never done anything wrong and i have good grades. what should i expect?
Dear Julie: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the matter will be closed. If your area doesn’t have a diversion program, you’ll have to decide whether you’re going to admit or deny the shoplifting charge. The consequences of going to trial and being found guilty by the court are similar to diversion terms plus you could be placed on probation for a period of time. Since you’ve been banned from the store, don’t return or you may be charged with trespass. Good luck.
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I’m 18 years old and I admitted to stealing $31 merchandise to my store. When the loss prevention guy interrogated me, and I admitted what I took, he was yelling at me and accusing me of stealing more stuff. I don’t think thats lawful? Then I wrote down on this paper given to me that I can be terminated OR persecuted. I got fired then a month later they fined me $312 and I will be paying them monthly for the cause..BUT on the other hand, I gave back the 2 tanktops & payed him $31 dollars. I don’t understand. Also, does this go in my record?
Dear Alex: If the police weren’t involved and you didn’t go to court, then you don’t have a record. The store may keep a record of the incident for their own purposes. The fine you received is called a “civil demand.” Many states authorize stores to fine shoplifters. Once you pay the fine the matter is closed. The store may also choose to press charges against you, but most don’t when they handle the incident through the civil process. You may not be as lucky if you shoplift again. Good luck.
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Hello Judge.
So here is my story…
My friend has been shoplifting small things for a while. I have never had the ‘guts’ to do so (still dont). So after school friday we went to walmart to pick up some food or whatever. I wasnt sure if she was going to steal some makeup items or purchase them because she had the money this time. (keep in mind, she has stolen at walmart once before with me). So she picks up some items and asks if i want anything, and i pick out a blush for her to steal for me. In the end, we pick up $35 dollars worth of stuff. I do try and convience her to put it all back, but i didnt force it. She kept reminding me she has done this so many times before and that walmart never checks their cameras. Anyways, when we are leaving we get confronted be a guy and he takes us to a room. He tells us to take out all his stuff. I had nothing on me, it was all on her. He says he has seen us steal before but he didnt catch us the first time (we stole $12 worth of stuff that time) I admitted to it (should i have done that?). He took pictures of the stuff stolen and he called the police. I was laughing a lot because i couldnt believe it, i was in shock.. can I get in trouble for that? the put that i was laughing a lot in the ‘remarks’ section. (I like how he didnt put that i was crying a lot too..). They also said that i was blocking the camera when she tried to steal the stuff, I really wasnt though! Id always walk away when she put it in her bag. But i dont think i could make them believe me that i really wasnt blocking the camera. and I am 17, I live in GA. And im wondering if this will clear from my record when Im 18? This is a misdemeanor.. Also, i have a job. Do you think my boss will find out.
Thanks so much.
Dear Nelly: First, it’s not likely your boss will find out about this, unless you live in a very small town. You said you admitted to participating in this incident and that’s entirely up to you whether to admit or deny it. You should do what’s right and if you were involved, admitting shows character and responsibility. If you go to court, admit it and receive a consequence from the judge, this could be on your record for a period of time. That depends on the laws of your state. At some point you’ll be able to ask the court to expunge your record. Ask about this when you appear in court. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
ok so me and my friend karly were caught shoplifting, first time.we are both 12. and we are good girls we have good grades good attitudes and we run with the right crowd. but we stole maybe 300 dollars worth of clothes. how long will this be on my record? and what will most likely be the consequences?
Dear Sara: What will happen depends on how this shoplifting incident was handled. If the police were involved and you were given a ticket, read it and don’t miss the court date stated on the ticket. If the police were not involved, the store may decide not to press charges and handle it themselves. In that case, you may receive a letter in the mail requiring payment of a fine. Pay it on time and then this will be over. If you have to go to court, you may be offered what is called “diversion.” That means when you finish some community service work, pay a fine, or attend a class, then the case is over and you won’t have a record. You may be too young to do community service hours but that’s up to the judge. We hope you’ve learned a lesson and that you don’t give in to temptation again. Good luck.
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hey judge i have a question
in december i got cought shoplifting in forever 21 and i got sent to a probation officer and he told me that sense i got good grades and never been into trouble i didnt have to go to court, and pay the forever 21 the money. Yesterday i went to the mall with my sister and her friend and we went to JCPenny looking for some jeans and my sisters friend gave me some shorts to steal and i did it and i got caught again what do tou think will happen with me, do you think i will go to juvinil? do you think i willl have alot of problems coming up?
Dear Andrea: It looks like your luck has run out. If you were given a ticket with a court date on it, be sure to show up. You may be offered a diversion program which means when you complete some community service, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed. Or you can deny the charge and go to trial. That’s your decision. You could also receive a letter in the mail from the store requiring payment of a fine called a “civil demand.” Pay it on time and the matter will be closed. Discuss your options with your parents. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
thank you judge, this is rosey again,wat about my record or bad credit? will it stay in my record? if so should i go talk to an attorney or anything? im still young and i dont want anything in my record. I want to achieve my dream, AND i dont want this case to ruin my life 🙁 just because of my stupidity for a second without think ruin my life. please help me and also i went and talk to my attorney today he said something like i have to pay 1500 for him to do this case… i dont have that kind of money im still a student. what should i do?
Dear Rosey: Askthejudge.info does not provide legal advice. When you go to court explain your financial situation to the judge. You may be appointed a public defender to represent you. Or you may decide to admit the charge and proceed to sentencing. You can also plead not guilty and proceed to trial. It’s entirely up to you. As mentioned before, the process will be explained to you at court. If you admit or are found guilty by the court, and you complete the consequences the court imposes, you can apply for your record to be expunged. You may have to wait a year or so, but this won’t follow you around the rest of your life. You can clean up your record after a period of time. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
hi judge, i just got caught for shoplifting today at walmart that cost ($101)i didint get arrested at that time or anything but they took my id and take a picture of me. then gave me this paper said Misdemeanor summons and it said i have to go to court when the letter is being mail to me. Im so afraid what will happen to me in court, and i just recently turned 18.. i dont plan on telling my parent at all please help me with this issue, can i just talk to a lawyer and pay the fine and for this matter to drop? or i have to go to court? please help me 🙁 im soo stupid for even shoplifting in the first i dont know what i was thinking. :
Dear Rosey: If this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion if your court has such a program. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the matter will be closed. Don’t miss your court date. You may also receive a letter from the store requiring payment of a “civil demand.” This is a fine stores are permitted to charge in shoplifting cases. Pay it by the due date stated in the letter. When you go to court you can discuss your options with the court or probation officer that you’ll meet. He or she will explain the process to you. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hi Judge,
I appreciate all of the answers you have given and attempted my hand at reading through all of them but I believe my situation is a bit different from those that have been posted. I am 21 years old and was caught stealing about $20 worth of items from Urban Outfitters about 2 years ago. I was never legally charged but had that additional fine of $200 on top of the items that I have stolen plus the 3 year ban from that particular store.
My biggest concern is that I am trying to apply for an internship in their sister company Anthropolgie and am very weary if I should even attempt to apply to work for them because of this so called “shoplifting database.” I am extremely remorseful for my actions and would not hesitate explaining my previous situation and expressing my lessons learned.
Essentially I am asking if I should even attempt to apply to work for them and if I do should I mention this prior history with them during the application process? Or just wait if I am ever considered for the job and questioned about my record? This an caused an immense about of anxiety and I just want to move on with my life.
I greatly appreciate your advice.
Dear Alex: It sounds like you’ve learned a valuable lesson and one that shouldn’t keep you from pursuing your interests. On any application you complete, whether it’s for employment, college or the military, answer truthfully. Read each question carefully and pay attention to the language used. If, for example, you are asked if you’ve ever been charged with a crime or convicted of a crime, based on what you’ve said here, you haven’t. Your shoplifting was handled as a civil matter through the store, not the police or a court. The store may have its own record of this incident and it may or may not share the information with sister companies. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I got caught shoplifting about 2 weeks ago and i just got a court letter about a preliminary hearing, which i will attend. But i am also planing to go out of the country for a month do you think that they will let me go? or will they say that i cannot go?
Dear Sam: If you ask for a continuance as soon as possible, it’s likely the court will give you a new date to appear. You may have to show some verification regarding your trip such as showing them your plane ticket or travel itinerary. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
but i think they actually filed it as a warning..like the police was involved and stuff…..so that doesnt count as a first offense?
Dear Iman: A warning, whether it’s kept by the police for their records or not, is not a conviction or juvenile adjudication. As far as the court goes, a warning would not be a first offense.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
When i go to a preliminary hearing do they present all the evidence in front of everyone?
Dear Sid: Usually at a preliminary hearing the state only needs to present enough evidence to show probable cause that an offense was committed and by you. So all of the evidence does not have to be presented at that time. This isn’t a full-blown trial, so you can expect a few people to be present, court officials for example, but not the general public. Good luck.
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I recently got caught stealing at macys…over 100$ and i’d say about 2 years ago i got caught at kroger..but they just gave me a warning.. I didnt get my court date yet..but when i get it..what do you think will happen to me 🙁 Like what would the consequences be if i own up to it.
Dear Iman: In a follow up question you asked if a warning counts as a first offense. The answer is no, at least to the court since you weren’t charged and there’s no official record of it. What happens to you this time depends on your age and what’s available in your area. Your court may have a diversion program for first time offenders. That means when you complete some community service work, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the matter will be closed. Don’t miss your court date. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
What if my parents insist on going with me, but i dont want them to go to court with me could i tell someone there since i am over 18 that they can’t come in with me.
Dear Sid: Explain to your parents that you’d prefer to handle this as an adult and by yourself. If you still live at home and they support you, you may have to give in and let them appear with you. It’s not a legal right but a matter of courtesy. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Is there a legal way to keep my parents from attending the preliminary or actually court proceedings should they occur? I am over the age of 18 if that matters.
Dear Sid: Since you’re an adult you can appear in court without your parents unless there is a court order that they appear with you. Read the ticket or documents you’ve received carefully to see if this is addressed. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hey Judge,
I was caught shoplifting at khols. first time ever.
I just got a paper from court in the mail and it says its a preliminary hearing?? what does that mean?
Dear Sid: A preliminary hearing is held to determine if there is enough evidence to proceed with the shoplifting charge. Usually the state will present it’s evidence and the court decides if there is “probable cause” to believe that you committed the offense. If not, the charge is dismissed. Good luck.
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i was caught shopliffting from sears.. it was a ten dollar thing of perfume what is going to happen to me? this is my first offence ever steeling something.
Dear Coco: Assuming you’re a teenager, you’re likely to be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community service, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed. If charges aren’t filed, the store may send you a letter asking for a “civil demand.” This is a fine that they are authorized to collect or they may pursue shoplifting charges. If you get this letter, pay it on time and it will be over. Tell your parents what happened to avoid surprise later on. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I am a 15 year old girl. I live in the state of virginia, and 2 days ago i was caught shoplifting at claires. It was $6.50. I have never done it before but she caught me at the door. She immediately called the cops and supposedly it is store policy to prosecute. I am curious whats going to happen. Is it positive that i’ll have to go to court, will this be on my record, and what do you think the penalties will be. Thanks
Dear Meghan: If you weren’t given a ticket or notice to appear in court, you may not be prosecuted this time. On the other hand, you could receive a notice in the mail with a court date. The store could also choose to handle this by sending you a “civil demand” letter requiring payment of a fine. If you get that letter, pay it on time and the case will be closed. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community service work, attend a class or counseling, the case is closed and you don’t have a record. Good luck.
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I was with a friend and we where walking around wal mart around christmas time. My friend noticed the game cases open. As we where walking my friend was like we should get some. I was like no dude no way, As we where walking around another time we passed the game cases my friend was like come on dude we can make some money buy just jacking these then taking them to sale them. I said ok whatever we got the games unpackaged them in the bathroom stashed the cases and where on our way out. As we where walking out we stepped through the doors and two men walked up and said “We suspect you have some merchandise of ours”. I just gave them the games and so did my friend. We went to the back got questioned and a cop came up. The games that we stole added up around 500 and something dollars with tax and all they would not split the price between us. I have court today Im not sure what to expect. I am pleading guilty to the charge because i did it. I have learned my lesson by more than enough. I am 16 and From Arkansas in white county what should i expect??? Thank you Please give me all the information you can.
Dear Blaine: When you go to court, you’ll meet with a court or probation officer. He or she will explain the process to you. If you admit what you did, the court may proceed to sentencing. You may be placed on probation or given the opportunity to complete a diversion program. That means when you finish community service, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed. If you’re put on probation your terms will include some of the same requirements. Once you successfully meet all probation terms you’ll be released. Hopefully you’ve learned from this and won’t reoffend. The consequences increase as you get older. Good luck.
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If i cant pay is there anything else I can do to pay it off?The people told me that they most likely wont do it so im hoping they dont. Because I co-operated with them.
Dear Break: If you’re unable to pay the fine, contact the store and see if they have an alternative to paying it in cash, such as working it off at the store. Good luck.
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Hi, I am 16 and am in 11th grade in high school. When I was in 9th grade I got caught stealing and went through all the necessary consequences such as community service, a lecture program, and paid for my expenses and they said it was off my record. I don’t steal anymore and completely learned my lesson but about 2 weeks ago I got caught with my friend at Target who is a compulsive stealer because I just got temptation since she was getting away with it so much. The cops came and we got charged and everything but we havent been called yet or anything. I have stopped being friends with that girl and I wanted to know since this is my second offense- what my consequences would be, if it would be on my record for college applications next year or future jobs, and if I could possibly use my community service hours that I do every week at the soup kitchen and an autistic camp I am volunteering at this summer towards my hours for court?
Dear Anne: We’re sorry to hear you gave in to temptation again. Since this isn’t your first offense, you may be facing a period on probation – six months to a year. Your probation terms may include more community service in addition to what you’re already doing as a volunteer. You could also be fined and ordered into counseling or to attend additional classes. This shouldn’t affect your college plans or future employment. Once you turn 18, ask about having your juvenile record expunged. Good luck.
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Okay I was caught stealing and they didnt call the cops or anything. They took my info. Im seventeen ive never been introuble with the law. I stole from walmart. I might have to pay a fine they said. They said they probably wont but i dont know whats going to happen.
Has this exactly happened to someone where they had to wait and see if they were going to pay or not. And if it did happen?
Dear Break: What you may be receiving in the mail is called a “civil demand.” Stores are allowed to fine you when you’re caught stealing from them. It could take several months before you hear from them and the fine could be several hundred dollars. Pay it on time and the case is closed. Otherwise they may decide to press shoplifting charges against you in which case you’ll receive a summons to appear in court. Good luck.
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so my friend and i were caught shoplifting. I am 15 she is 17. they took us to a room and asked for information. i got scared to death started crying praying and my nose was bleeding and i was shaking. ive never done anything like this before. this is the worst feeling in the world knowing that you are a criminal. I have a few questions though. This will go on my record i know but im sentenced to court in 4 days and i want to know what happens there. how do i react? Am i gonna be able to go to college if this is stil on my record? get a job? This really sux even thoug i learned my lesson i am never gonna get this feeling out of my gut that ive dissapointed God an dmy parents. PLEASE HELP
Dear Natalie: First thing, relax. You’re not a criminal – you made a mistake and will learn from it. Since you’re a minor you may be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community service. attend a class about shoplifting or counseling, this will be closed and you won’t have a record. This one-time incident won’t affect your future in school, college or employment. Be truthful in court, complete the terms the judge gives you and carry on. Good luck.
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I got caught stealing one item today worth 65$ at the mall. The police officer let me go with a promise to appear. I am 25 and have a previous record of trafficking drugs. My previous charge has been over 5 years. After that there has been no incidents wioth police officers at all. I was wondering what is most likely to happen to me? Am i looking at long jail time?
Dear Jin: Askthejudge.info is a teen-law web site. We don’t provide legal advice to adults or teens. Your sentence on the latest charge depends on the laws of your state and may take into consideration your previous offense when you were 20. Ask your public defender or private attorney what laws apply to you. Good luck.
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Dear Chastity: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion which requires the completion of community work hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling. Upon completion, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. If diversion is not an option, you are likely facing similar consequences as those mentioned above and will have the opportunity after successfully completing your sentence to go back to the court and ask for your record to be destroyed or expunged. Jail time is unlikely for a first offense, but if you violate the terms of your sentence or probation, it’s more likely. This first offense should not affect your ability to get a job, but remember that the penalties will continue to increase for additional offenses. Good luck.
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Hello, around three months ago when I was 15, a friend and I left school early illegally. I live in N.Y. During the time we were out of school, the friend that I was wanted to go into a store. Even though I warned her that she would get caught, we both walked into the store. She had my bag in her hand, and she stole food from the store that only came up to a total of 2.99$. A store worker asked her if she put it back, and she said that she did, we left and were across the street when we heard her yelling for us to come back. We went back, even though we could have gotten away, and she called the police. We were both arrested. My mom had to come pick me up due to me being a minor, and my friend had to go to criminal court. Months passed and I hadn’t heard anything, so I assumed my charges were dropped. The store manager said in her statement that she was shocked that I was arrested because I wasnt the one who did it, but I got a phone call saying that I would appear in youth court next monday, even though i am now 16. I was told that my record would be shredded, but im having doubts about this. I have plans to teach when I am older, and I don’t want this to get in the way. What should I expect?
Dear Sarah: If this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community work hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. If you do not want to admit to the shoplifting offense, you may want to speak with a local attorney for more information about your options. Even if diversion is not an option in your case, you will have the opportunity to go back to the court and ask for your record to be destroyed or expunged after you successfully complete your sentence. Therefore, this case should not prohibit you from teaching when you’re older, but remember that the penalties will increase for any additional offenses so we hope you learned from this incident. Good luck.
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well, i was at walmart about an hour ago, i was stealing some yugioh cards. i know stupid right? ive done it before and never gotten caught. well i was walking out of the garden center and when i went out it beeped. the guy told me to come back and asked me if i had anything and i said no, he told me to walk with him so i did and he called for some guy to come over, they asked me if i had anything again and i said no that i was going to my car to get my wallet, well it looked like they were still waiting on someone but walmart was super busy that day so they let me go, i threw it all out of my pockets and left. will anything happen to me?
Dear Jacob: You may have gotten lucky this time. Without your name, address, or phone number, they may not be able to contact you or file a shoplifting charge. You said you’ve done this before. It looks like your luck has run out even though this time you were released. Think twice before stealing again. Good luck.
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i live in CA
so i got myself 4 t-shirt and was about to leave
but this LP stopping me and told me that i was caught shoplifting
he take me in and asked me for my address, school name , phone number, my birthday, my mom’s driver license and asked my mom to sign 2 forms (i don’t know what she signed). He did not tell me anything about the civil demand. what’s going to happened to me? this is my first time and i am really scared.
i am 14 if that helps
Dear Jasmin: If he doesn’t refer this to the police, then you may receive a letter from the store requiring payment of a fine – a civil demand. Pay it on time and this will be closed. Otherwise you may receive a notice in the mail to appear in court if shoplifting charges are filed. Either way, since this is your first offense, you’ll probably be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community work, attend counseling or a class, then the case is closed. Think twice the next time you’re tempted to steal. Good luck.
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i’m 18 years old and got caught shop lifting at a missouri wal mart. i stole about $60 worth of merchandise. it’s my first offence and is considered a misdomeanor. i was arrested in wal mart and had to give all my info and i have a court date. what charges am i facing and is it a possibility that my charges could be dropped? i recently signed up for counceling. would that help me with charges?
Dear Samantha: Your ticket should state the charge – theft or shoplifting is likely. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion. Don’t expect the charge to be dropped unless the store decides not to prosecute. Diversion means when you complete some community service work, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the matter will be closed. Don’t miss the court date. You’ll probably meet with a court/probation officer before the hearing. You can ask him or her any questions about the process and what you can expect. Good luck.
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I was wondering how long does it take for the letter from court to come for shoplifting? they Officer told me 60 to 90 days. does that sound about right? i love in Maryland
Dear Sid: Yes, it could take up to three months. A lot depends on the size of your town/city, how busy the store is and if the matter needs to go to corporate headquarters that may be out of state. Good luck.
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Hey Judge its anon again. About the mailing to them. Do I just send em money or write a letter? What else should I include?
Dear Anon: That’s up to you to decide. Payment for the items and a note, whether you sign it or not, is the suggestion.
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But if i plead guilty will this be on my record forever even if i shoplifted for the first time in my life? i am 19 years old.
Dear Sid: Most states have a law regarding the expungement of records for misdemeanors and lower crimes. Ask about this when you go to court. You may have to wait a year or so before applying for expungement. Make sure you follow and complete all terms you’re given by the court and/or probation officer. Good luck.
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So Judge,
Since this incident happened today, when should I call to plead my case to them?
Thanks, Bill
Dear Bill: You might want to wait a week or so before you call to let it get into the system.
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Today my sister came next intsindent ….. she stole the grocery store the goods at $ 25 … she was detained by a security guard of the store, decorated the notice of civil demand, which specifies a fine of 650. In notitse specified only Dreaver license, no longer its informatsii.Security alerted her that the fine be paid within 5 working days, otherwise it will put on collectioin you please tell me how to be in this situation and whether it really put the collection is not having a number of social security?
Dear: Stores are authorized to issue “civil demands” in shoplifting incidents. If unpaid, they can pursue prosecution against the shoplifter and/or file a complaint with credit agencies. They may not have enough information for the agency to add it to her ratings, but that’s a risk of not paying the demand. Good luck.
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Hi Judge,
One more question, if they catch you, don’t they have to get your signature on the paperwork?
Thanks, Bill
Dear Bill: It would have been better if they had obtained your signature and given you a copy, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they can’t proceed against you. They have an eyewitness to the shoplifting [or video] and whoever interviewed you can identify you in court, if necessary.
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I got caught shoplifting and i got a criminal citation. this my first time ever stealing and i got caught. I am also a US resident going through the process of becoming a citizen of U.S.A. will this affect my citizenship in any way?? And should i get a lawyer? or just plead guilty? I have never in my life has any convictions or anything.
Dear Sid: Since this may be an immigration issue combined with criminal law, you should talk with a lawyer before doing anything. We can’t advise you about how to plead – guilty or not guilty. That is up to you and should be decided after speaking with a lawyer. Check with your local court to see if they have a legal advice program for the public. Good luck.
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I stole a energy drink and A Mountain dew. i Feel really bad and learned my lesson. I think they have cameras, But can I get In trouble Even if they have me on camera? I mean they dont have any ID about me. I wanna pay em back but Im afarid to go back Into the store.
Dear Anon: Depending on the size of your town or city, they may be able to identify you. If not, then you got lucky this time. If you want to do the right thing, as you mentioned, you could send the value of the items to them by mail. Good luck.
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Hello Judge,
I was caught stealing a $0.97 pack of batteries from Walmart in California. The guy took me in and filled out some paperwork, he didn’t call the police and said I will not get a criminal record. He also didn’t make me sign the paperwork, or give me a copy of it. But, he said I might get a fine, he told me to call the number and ask the Walmart people to not give me a fine because it was less than a dollar. I am a college student, as well as working a part-time job, and I have two loans. I also bought the batteries. So do you think they will give me a fine if I plead my case to these people?
Thanks, Bill.
Dear Bill: It sounds like you got lucky this time. Call the number and explain what happened and how remorseful you are about the incident. Stores are authorized to impose a “civil demand” that often run several hundred dollars. Once paid the matter is closed and there’s no record involved. Explain your situation and they may waive the fine. Good luck.
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Hi my name is kimberly and i got caught shoplifting from claires, this if my first time ever. I am 14 years old, and i live in OKlahoma. But i went to arkansas mall. so i got put into a jail for juveniles but i only got to stay 3 days in there. Then i went to court and the judege told me i got a signicture bond and that i have court again this coming month. I am really scared. What would i have to do? I am also going to WI this summer and i don’t know if i still can because i’m a afraid, will i get community service for the whole summer?? I stole a 5 $ headband and i got handcuffed and walked out of the mall. Since i don’t live in Arkansas what will they do?
Dear Kimberly: The best way to handle this situation is to first tell your parents or legal guardian about what happened. They will be able to contact the out-of-state court and help you resolve this situation. It may be an easy solution that may only involve some community work hours that you can do in Wisconsin. Don’t put this off, though. Good luck.
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Hello. I’m 18 and last Friday i got caught shoplifting at Deb’s. They called the police and i got a ticket with an statute ordinance 609.52. I called and they said this mean i HAVE to show up in court. I’m really scared. This is the first time ANYTHING like this has happened to me. I’ve never got a ticket for anything in my entire life. I obviously have learned my lesson and will NEVER do it again. I stole less then 50$ of stuff for sure. Are they going to take me to jail? Please help me.
Dear Alli: Since this is your first offense and the amount is low, you’ll likely be offered diversion. That means if you admit the shoplift and then complete some community work hours, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the matter will be closed. It’s not likely that you’ll be locked up. Don’t miss the scheduled hearing and dress appropriate for court. Good luck.
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Remember me? From Washington state? I was caught shoplifting at 17, and turned 18 soon after that. The court tells me I will be trialed as an 18 year old.. (Adult in WA)
What should I expect?
If I’m offered a diversion program, what should I expect?
Would the diversion program test me? (Pee, blood, etc)
Dear Heidi: If you admit the shoplift incident and are offered diversion, you can expect to have to complete some community work hours, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling. If the court or probation have reason to believe that you use or have used drugs in the past, you may be required to randomly test. A violation [testing dirty] may have consequences as well. Good luck.
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i am 19 years old and a few days ago i was caught helping a friend shoplift.. this is the 3rd time i have been arrested for shoplifting once when i was 15 and once when i was 17 i have a court date in a few weeks and i dont know what will happen and how should i plead. i live in florida and someone told me the 3rd time is a felony is that true?
Dear Tash: It may be true in your state that a third shoplifting charge becomes a felony. Maybe not, however, if the first two were when you were a minor. Now that you’re over 18, with two previous incidents, you can expect the consequences to be stricter. You may be placed on probation for a period of time with specific terms to follow. Only you can decide how to plead – discuss this with a lawyer when you go to court. You may be appointed a public defender if you can’t afford your own attorney. Good luck.
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Dear judge, I was caught shoplifting yesterday at a clothing store. It was in the morning. It was me (17) and my younger brother(3). I had gotten &70 worth of stuff. The guy from the stor had came and got me upon my exit and so I went with him. He told me dat he saw mw and I told him dat I understand wat I did and I know that I’m wrong. He called the police on me and they gave mr a court ticket and he banned me from the store. O am ashammed of my self and feel embarassed. This is do not me. I am a straight a student and a high ranking officer in ROTC. I have never fine such thing before and I have learned my lesson. I live in nc and my court date is weeks from now. Again I have never dine this and this is my first time and I don’t know what to do . Please help and tell me what I should expect. I plan on being a pediatric dentist and I hope this will not ruin my future. I am also wondering if this will stay on my record. Please help me and thank you for all u do to theses people.
Dear Selma: Since this is your first offense, you can expect to be offered a diversion program. You said you’ll have a lawyer with you, so he or she will explain everything to you. Once you complete the diversion work hours, attend a class or counseling, the matter will be closed. If you end up with a juvenile record, after you’re 18 you can ask the court to expunge it. It will not affect your future educational plans. You asked about how to dress for court – like you’re going to church is the safest bet – casual but decent. Good luck.
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hey i was just wondering if i could get some advice, i wont go through the whole story but basically me and my friends got caught shoplifting and put into cells, all my friends were 15 and got away with everything pretty much very simply apart from having to have an interview in front of their parents, i on the other hand is 16 and i got charged 5 times :/ ( 5 diffrent shops) my mums friend said that i am going to have to go to court? this is the frist time i have ever been in trouble with the police and i dont have a clue. what will happen? will i get put to court? will i get put in jail?:| im sooooo scared help!
Dear Shannen: You may receive a notice in the mail requiring you to go to court on these shoplifting incidents. Since this is your first time, you may be offered diversion which means when you complete some community service, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the matter will be closed. Don’t miss the court date and don’t give in to temptation the next time you’re in a store. Consequences increase as you reoffend, including jail/detention. When you go to court, you’ll meet with a probation/court officer who will explain everything to you. Good luck.
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dear judge,
hi again my older is 21 years. i am worried about it.anyway, thank you so much
I went to a store to buy something. I got a lot of things from the store and I picked up stuff and put them in my shopping bag and when I got to the cashier I took out everything or so I taught. After paying for them I put them back in my bag and on my way out the door the alarm went off. The security guard came and took everything i bought and they were rescanned and on the process they found out that the aluminum foil was not paid for$1.20 and I bought stuff worth $100.00 and I have $50.00 in my purse left. They took me to their office and I told them it was a mistake and I did not intentionally steal the foil. they took my ID card, wrote out my name and address and they banned my from the store but they did not call the police because they said it was an honest mistake. Will this go to my police record?
Dear Teddy: It’s not likely that you’ll have a record from this incident. The only record may be with the store, but not the police or court. Since they recognized this as an oversight when you checked out, the information they took is likely for internal store use in the event you return and it happens again. Good luck.
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okay… i got caught shoplifting once from walmart did my service than got off probation for 3 days than got caught stealing from spencers at age 17 ill turn 18 before i go to court can i still go to juvie if im 18 cause i commited it when i was 17 i was also with my friend and he got caught stealing and my probation officer knows about it now but i didnt get caught will i be charged for it to?
Dear Brandon: It depends on the laws of your state whether you’ll be handled as an adult on the shoplifting incident when you were 17, or remain in juvenile court. The process will be explained to you when you go to court – don’t miss the hearing or things will just get worse for you. If you weren’t identified in the other incident, it’s not likely you’ll be charged. Think before committing any more crimes – as an adult you’re facing jail and/or prison time if you reoffend. Good luck.
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Dear Judge,
hi i am from Germany . On September 9th 2008, my friend and I went to a clothing store named “Rose” where we bought some clothes. At the time of our entry to the store my friend and I were both carrying hand bags. Approximately three and a half hours later, we went to another store by the name of “Shopka” in order to buy other items as we were planning to leave the USA on Oct 8th 2008. We stayed inside the store for approximately 40 minutes. During that time, my friend purchased a bag. We then went to the cashier to pay for what we have purchased. We paid and headed towards the exit door, when the theft alarm started to sound off. At that time a female approached us and asked to see what was inside our bags. We told her that our bags contained some clothes, a pair of shoes and other miscellaneous items. The female then searched the bag and found some new clothes, so she asked if we had a receipt. I told her that we had bought some clothes from the “Rose” store. When I asked my friend about the receipt, he told me that he threw it away and that he didn’t know he was supposed to keep it. The female employee and two male security guards didn’t believe us and said that if we admit to taking these items from this store, they will resolve this matter. We told them again that we purchased such items from another store, but they said that if you admit to taking it from this store we will resolve the case; otherwise, we will call the police. When we stood by our statement, the security guards called the police. When the police officers arrived, they asked where we got the items from. We told them again that we purchased the items from another store and that we don’t have a receipt because my friend threw it away. We told the police officers that we didn’t know laws in the USA. The police officers told us that we are under arrest for theft and that we must accompany them to the police station. They then put each of us in a separate police vehicle and drove us to the police department. They also confiscated our bags. We were then processed for pre booking. The police department officials told us that we can either stay in jail or pay a release bond and appear in court on October 18th 2008.We paid the bond, but told them that we must leave the USA by October 8th 2008 due to our flight schedule. The police department officials then gave us a phone numbers and told us to coordinate with the court personnel to change our appearance date. We told the police that we must leave on October 8th 2008, because our J1 Visa is only good for four months. No one really cared for what we said so we had to leave on October the 8th 2008 in order not to violate US immigration law. This caused us to miss our court date.and now on 15th may 2010 we have interview in united state embassy in my country after couple weeks is this problem for us and we cant get visa for second time or what.also I are worring about my crimal record. Will it stay on my record for life? thank you
Dear Oliver: Be sure to appear for the May 15 interview. The process will be explained to you at that time. There may or may not be a warrant out for you for missing the October date – ask about that at the interview. You may be offered a way to resolve this without affecting your life from here on – such as a diversion program where you complete some community service hours in return for a closed case. If you’re under 18, speak with your parents about this and tell them about the interview on May 15. Good luck.
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Hi its me again and i told you my story earlier on April 9th. I got a letter to go to juvie and talk. But now I just got a letter saying I have a second degree burglary. This is my first offense ever. Is there anyway I don’t have to go to court? Can I settle this outside of court? What can I do?
Dear James: Check both letters and see if there is a case number that matches. It sounds like the same incident that you’re required to go to court for. Don’t miss the hearing. You’ll have a chance to talk with a court/probation officer and review your options. Bring a parent with you as well. Good luck.
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Hello. I was shoplifting today and i got caught. They took me into a back room, wrote out some paperwork saying that i can never go back into the store and then they called the police. The police handcuffed me, took my prints and picture, and put me in a room until my parents got there. They didnt pay any bond or anything to get me out. They said i may/may not be called for court depending on what is decided. If i do go to court what will i face? I just turned 17 and i live in Illinois. If im charged will it go on my permanent record? It was like, $25 worth of stuff. I just saw that a new law in illinois says that a misdemeanor for shoplifting means its a juvenile thing and i wont be charged as an adult. Is this true? I regret it very much and i dont want this to affect me for the rest of my life. Please help me.
Dear Elle: Since this is your first offense, you’ll likely be offered diversion when you go to court. That means when you complete some community work hours, pay a fine or attend a class, the matter will be closed. After a period of time [usually a year or so] you can apply for expungement of your record. Then you won’t have to worry about a record as an adult. Ask the court/probation officer you’ll meet with when you go to court. Good luck.
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i was stole from store in Montana state, some perfume and other stuff and they took me in the security office and took down my information and called a police women as well. She got my information down as well and called it in and gave me a ticket for my court date, and told me i just have to go to court. and i wanna know what might happen? .. this is my first time and trust me i will never do it again.. but i also want to came back to USA and I have an interview a few weeks in united state embssy in my country.is this big promblem for me to get new visa?.but i worring about my crimal record. Will it stay on my record for life? it this case record forever for me background scerity.pleas answer to me
Dear Anas: First, be sure to appear on the day your court date is set. Missing the hearing will not help your situation. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community service hours, pay a fine or attend a class, the matter will be closed. After a period of time [maybe a year or so] you can apply for your record to be expunged. Ask the court/probation officer about his when you go to court. Good luck.
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Sorry, that post was by mistake.
O.k, so speaking of mistakes. I have definitely made those. I am in my 20s. Was stopped at grocery store for having items in bag, but did not exit the store yet. I was still shopping. I was stopped and interrogated by store manager and was taken back. Cop was called after I was apprehended (which was not pretty how it happened, I was bullied and tackled,detained and bag was taken away from me by force and searched with out police being there yet). Although I have no priors on record, I have taken things from this particular store in the past(to which I deeply regret and still in disbelief I was ever capable of doing it). When I think about the other times, I shudder at the fact. I think that is why I was caught, was bc of past incidents. I am so ashamed of me and need help. I hate what I’ve done and regret it for the rest of my life. I already have a lawyer on this. But I’m ashamed to tell her everything for fear of her judging me (isn’t that sad?). I am given the offer to do a misdemeanor intervention program by prosecutor. I want to do this bc I want no more trouble. It has been almost 2 months since the incident. Can they look at past videos and try to get me for things in the past even after completing program and paid dues? In the prosecutor report, it states no video evidence of the incident on the date I was charged. Lawyer says if it’s not on report, they can’t use it in court. All I want is to put this all behind me. I am not a bad person and I never cause trouble. It makes me sick to know that I have been doing this and not realizing how harmful it is to myself and my community.
I also want to know what are merchant’s rights in apprehending me with force? I hear different things. Even my lawyer can’t seem to give a clear answer since the police report is not concise and thorough. I know I should tell her (my lawyer) everything. When I presented the case I did not tell her whether I was guilty or not. Just facts from the yellow ticket. She pled not guilty on arraignment. This happened in FL, and just need some more answers. I am scared if the store will try to get me for more things. I did not sign the papers that they tried to coerce me to in the back, I was too scared to admit to anything. I don’t want any more trouble. My lawyer thinks we can stand a chance, based on what she sees in prosecutor’s discovery and police report. I think store is waiting to see if I take it to court and then try to use tapes. Do you think this is the case? HELP! What should I do?
I know this is so much at once but I could use some outside advice. Should I tell my lawyer everything? Should I just enter MIP program and put it all behind me? Can the store get me on other charges even after this one is dismissed?
I am also thinking of going to seek therapy or counseling. I hear that ppl like me can be repeat offenders in the future and I do not want to fall in that category. I don’t want to steal or deprive anyone of anything. I am sorry for what I have done and want to make it right. Advice would be greatly appreciated.
Dear Shantaal: Askthejudge.info is a web site for teenagers about the law. We do not provide legal advice to adults or teens. In your situation, you have to decide how much you’re willing to tell your lawyer. Remember, what you tell her is confidential and she’s represents only you and your interests. Good luck.
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I just turned 18 a few months ago and got caught shoplifting an item in a grocery store worth $3.99 (in MN). My information was taken, the item was returned to the store, I was banned there for one year, and the police were called. I was cooperative, correct information was given, and I received a citation to appear in court. I have a spotless record, never done something like this before; stupidest decision, I honestly just didn’t have the money, I’m in college, live away from home (although I don’t get money from parents) and have $8 to last another 2 weeks. I know that its a misdemeanor charge, but because the value of the item was so low, can it get reduced lower (ike to an infraction, because then it wouldn’t appear on a background check)? If so, how? And is there any way that it will not show up on a background check for future employers? What would a typical fine be? I’m assuming there would be monthly payment plans? I’m so embarasssed about it, and glad I’m 18 because I don’t want any of my family to know about it.
Dear Victoria: First, relax a little about this. Since this is your first offense and you have to go to court, you’ll probably be offered a diversion program. That means when you complete some community work hours, pay a fine, or attend a class then the matter will be closed. At a certain point, maybe after one year, you can ask the court to expunge your record. If granted then you won’t have any record to worry about. Ask the court or probation officer about this when you go. Explain your circumstances and you’ll be given a payment schedule if you receive a fine. Good luck.
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hey what would happen if i got cought stealing alchol in the state of nevada im 17 years old, thanks
Dear Jacob: Since you’re under 21, stealing alcohol could result in being charged with theft and possession of alcohol. You’d be facing a judge who could place you on probation with terms that you’d have to follow. Depending on he laws in Nevada you could also be ordered to spend some time in detention. That would be up to the judge. Good luck, and think twice before breaking any law.
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Hello, a month after I had turned 15 I was caught shoplifting at Nordstrom. I had to pay a fine and am banned from the store for 2 years. I am now 16 and it will be 2 years in August since then. If I’m planning on applying for a job now, will it affect my chances? Will I have to write that I was caught shoplifting on my application?
Dear Jessica: If you’re applying for a job at Nordstrom’s, you should admit the incident. They probably have a record of it including the two-year ban. Otherwise, if you’re applying at other stores, read the questions on the application very carefully and answer truthfully. Since you didn’t go to court, you weren’t convicted and don’t have an official record of a criminal act. Good luck.
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Thankyou God Bless!!!
Thank you so much for the information. I just have one more question. When they took my info I gave them my college address and my home address (where my parents live). I also gave them my cell phone number and home phone number. So if they did mail or call then they would have founf a way to let me know right? Just curious because it has been two years and I havent heeard anything at all.
Dear Bri: You’re right – with all that contact information, they would have reached you by now. We think you can relax at this point.
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Hi, i am 19 and i was caught shoplifting 2-3weeks ago. I wasnt sure who i was caught by, a police or just security guard in the store. He had me filled out my information and said they would mail me a letter,and i have to pay for it, and will be a problem for me if i try to find a job in the future. What i want to know is, how long it takes for me to get the mail, and if i dont get it, will it appear on ,my credit statement? Please let me know as soon as possible.
Thank you!
Dear Jenny: This incident shouldn’t appear on your credit report. Depending on the size of your city and volume of cases the store handles, it could take several weeks or months before you hear from them. When you do, pat the “civil demand” on time and the matter will be closed. Good luck.
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Dear Judge,
I shoplifted two years ago in 2008. I stole a gift card that was worth 17.00 from work. At the time I was 19 and I live in GA. The Lady from lost & prevention questioned me and I told her everything. i admitted to it, cried, told her why I did it, and even gave her some tips as to how other people were stealing. She had to terminate me from my job and she had me fill out a detailed paper on what happened, took my finger print, social and address. I felt awful. It was my first offense. I even went back the next day and wrote a letter that apologized to the entire company and the store manager. I also returned the items and the gift card(without them asking) to the manager personally and I told him my reason for doing that was because I did not want something that I did not rightfully purchase. Now it has been 2 years and I havent heard anything from them. I never got a fine, or call, or court date, or letter or anything! Last summer i applied for jobs but never could get hired. A friend of mine is an officer and he told me if the police are not involved I dont have to worry about it being on my record or anything. But today I have an interview and I just wanted to be honest. So is their a possibility that the incident could be on my record? Should I put yes for criminal background? I havent had anything else happen when it comes to get in trouble. I never even had a ticket. and agian they never contacted me in anyway in two years. Could they put it on my record without telling me? Please help me as much as you can. Thank you so much!
Dear Bri: Since it’s been two years and you haven’t gone to court or received any notice of charges filed, then you’re most likely in the clear. You shouldn’t have a record from this incident. So as far as completing applications, read the questions carefully and answer truthfully. Good luck.
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I am 16 years old and I was caught shoplifting at a local store for a drink worth around 2 dollars. This is my first offense and I was taken into a small security room and then later arrested where they took my photo and fingerprints. Shortly after, my sister came to pick me up. Is there a possibility that I won’t have to go to court? Also, if I do go to court and am in a diversion program, will I have to pay court fees and fines? Would you know an estimate of how much I would have to pay?
Dear Matt: There is a possibility you won’t have to go to court. If you weren’t given a ticket or don’t receive a summons in the mail to appear in court, then you got lucky this time. You may receive a letter from the store requiring payment of a “civil demand” which could be several hundred dollars. Pay it on time and the matter will be closed. Good luck.
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Dear Judge Tom,
Yesterday I made the biggest, stupidest mistake ever by shoplifting, and I have learned my lesson. I don’t know what i was thinking, it’s not like me. It was embarrassing, selfish, an eye opener and I will never do it again.
I was with my best friend and we’re both 16 at a Rite Aid store in the state of California. We shoplifted make-up, a mascara and coverup, both pricing around $30. I put it in my friends purse. As we walked out of the store, the man came out showed us an id and told us to come back in the store for the makeup we have stolen. we cooperated so we wouldnt get in more trouble and he started getting our addresses #’s names height parents names etc. He said we would have to call our parents/guardians. My bestfriend is really close to me and her aunt came to pick her up. However i didn’t want to call my mom so the Man released me to my bf’s aunt. He said it wouldnt be a criminal record, shown or interfere at our school, but we would be getting a check from $50-500. I’m stressing and i cant sleep because i really hope i wont have to pay $500. I know im lucky because they didnt call the cops and make it a criminal thing and i will pay it but,
My questions are: When will we be expecting the letter or check? How much will it be for the items stolen? Will my friend and I pay two seperate prices? Can i be filed criminal charges?
I’m so sorry I have committed this act, and now that ive been researching it i see the gravity of it. Please can you answer my questions or give me a bit of guidance . thanks so much
Dear Sam: We’re glad you’re remorseful about this incident. Hopefully you’ve learned something. You’ll receive a letter in the mail requiring you to pay what is called a “civil demand.” As you were told it could be between $50 and $500. Pay it on time and the matter will be closed. You may be able to set up a payment plan with the store. Read the letter carefully for the details. Good luck.
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Hi, I am 17 and my friends and I went to haunted trails for the night and i shot invisible ink all over the windows because when I shot it at my friend it missed and hit the window. I didn’t say anything because I knew that part of Haunted Trails closing routine was to clean the windows. So, I left waiting for my friend who drove to come outside. He was taking long so I went back in and the security guards said” Hey, come here” So i did and he responds” Why did you spray invisible ink all over the window?” “You can be charged with criminal defamation.” I said “I didn’t” He says”Stop lying you did and you know you did” I DID NOT say anything to this statement. He says “come here and fill out this paper with your name, address, and your parents phone #” I put my name and parents phone number not my address though. He called my mom and got her voicemail and said “Hi, this is ***** from haunted trails security. We have your son ***** ***** here and we just want to inform you we have detained him for spraying ink on our windows. If you have any questions call us at ***-***-****. He also left the door open in front of 5 of my friend and my friends cousins, so he could embarrass me. Is there anything I can do here. I feel he treated me unfairly and tryed to hurt my reputation by letting my friends hear everything that was going on. Also, was i required to show him ID or even go with him to the room? He said I could be charged with criminal defamation. Did he falsely accuse me?
Dear Frank: When you’re on someone else’s property, whether it’s public or private, you’re expected to respect it and not do any damage, intentional or otherwise. He was in his right to question you about it and take some information about your identity. About embarassing you in front of your friends. there’s little you can do about that. It’s the price of being out in public. Good luck.
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My friend and I were “caught” shoplifting, but denied anything, and the woman just let us go without a word no security or anything. Should I be worried about the situation ? (under $4)
Dear Lilly: It sounds like you got a break this time. Without any names, addresses, phone numbers, etc. you’re not likely to hear from anyone about this. If she does have your name and address, you may receive a civil demand letter in the mail requiring you to pay a fine. Once it’s paid the matter will be closed. Good luck.
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Hello Judge,
I have a 15 year old daughter that got caught shoplifting $346 worth in Sears. We are in the state of Florida so over 300 is a felony. She has no criminal record, we were all shocked because this is not like her. She has always been a good girl, involved with the church, sings in the competition for the church, and is involved in fine arts. She goes to a Christian school, however this year her grades have began to drop. But this is so not like her, I think she was stealing for someone else but she won’t tell me a name. I am worried about what to expect in
court, I don’t want her to go to jail. I don’t know if I should get a Attorney I mean what good would it do they caught her red handed. Even more than that I am worried about her and I don’t know how to deal with this. I have to be honest with myself and know that she didn’t just wake up and decide to shoplift, there
has to be other problems that I don’t know about. I don’t know how much more sheltered she can be besides taking her out of school and homeschooling her and not letting her have friends
at church. She wasn’t even at the mall by herself my mom was with her, however she was waiting for her in the car, my daughter was suppose to run to the bathroom and then come out to the car. Maybe she has been too sheltered and I have another daughter 10 yrs old that I won’t let walk around the block like the other kids and in a high risk pregnancy with another girl on the way. I read that over 300 dollars in Florida sentence could be up to 5 yrs in jail? Would that be true for a minor with no record? I am sooo worried. Thank you for your time.
Dear Ms. Padgett: Since this is your daughter’s first offense and considering her age, it’s not likely that she’ll be locked up. She may be offered diversion which means that she’ll have to complete some community work hours, attend a class or counseling, and pay restitution to the store. Once she follows the terms of diversion, the case will be closed. When you go to court for her hearing, discuss the situation with the court or probation officer. He or she should have some suggestions to help you and your daughter in the future. Good luck.
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I got caught shoplifting at Macy’s. I caught stealing $122 worth of merchandise. They held me in the back for a couple of hours and made me sign a document saying that I will not be able to go back to Macy’s for three years. They said that I should be expecting a civil claim / civil demand that will make me a fine for this incident. I want to know because I was not booked/arrested by the police and I did not sign any citations from the police, will I have to worry about receiving or hearing from the courts regarding this incident?
The guy said that they tried to call the police department to come get me but they were busy, so they decided to let me go. I want to know if the courts will ever notify me to go to court regarding this incident? Does Macy’s report these incidents to the police department for further action?
Dear Andrew: Since the police were not involved and you weren’t given a ticket or notice to appear in court, you probably won’t have to go to court. It sounds like the store has decided to handle this through the civil demand process only. So, once you receive the letter, make sure you pay the fine on time and this matter should be over. Think twice before stealing again – you may not be so lucky next time. Good luck.
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Hi I went to a fast food place today and the total came out to be more then I expected $12.21 I got a little scared because that was the first time it had happened to me so I left all the money I had which were $10 and left the place. A couple of minutes later the police caught up to me and stopped me and asked me questions like my name, address and age , I’m 18. I told them everything without lying and in the end they only told me to go and to never go back to that mall. What will happen to me in this situation? Will this go on my record and if it does is there a way to clean it up? once again this is the first time something like this has happened to me and also I am not a legal resident and I live in D.C but the incident happened in Arlington, VA.
Dear Jaime: You may have lucked out this time with just a warning from the police. On the other hand, since they took your name and address, you may receive a “civil demand” letter in the mail from the store. It is a request for payment of a fine, usually from $100 to $200. Pay it on time and the matter will be closed. Otherwise the store may request that formal charges be filed. Good luck.
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I posted a few weeks ago about a pair of earings that I had attempted to take as a kind of “dare”. It has been three weeks now and I haven’t heard anything. Also, there is a website I got on from the advice of a friend in law school which shows all the dockets in my county. There has been nothing filed there. I’m a little concerned (and i know you cannot give me advice) because I think the chances of them filing criminal charges at this point are not good, but my lawyer says they are (we had agreed to him refunding me all but $200 if the files were never actually charged). I guess my question is simply this. I was caught shoplifting on April 3rd 2010, and have received no notice of criminal charges or civil demands in the mail. What are the chances I still will and how much longer should I expect to wait if they “most likely will charge me” as my lawyer is telling me.
Dear John: Whether you’re formally charged depends on a number of factors: the size of your city, how busy your local prosecutor’s office is, the strength of the case against you, etc. It’s not uncommon for the process to take several months after the incident. The statute of limitations in your state may allow up to one year to file on a misdemeanor. Good luck.
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Hello there! I sent you a message couple weeks ago about my story. They sent me a letter to go meet up at juvie to talk. Does that mean I won’t have to go to court? Will this be settled outside of court?
Dear James: It could mean that they will offer you a diversion program which may be handled outside of court. You will learn more when you show up for your “talk”. Good luck.
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Same Allison as above – sorry to bother you again! I heard the manager saying to security that there are no floor cameras, so it’s essentially the manager’s word against mine that I didn’t do anything because there is no video evidence. The stolen item was in her pocket, however. Do you think that the judge would take this into account? I cannot afford a lawyer in the event that I have to plead not guilty, and though the diversion might be easier, it’s an admission to something I very plainly did not do!
Dear Allison: If you are appointed a public defender, you need to talk to him or her about your concerns. However, many jurisdictions do not appoint public defenders in matters involving no mandatory jail time. You will likely have an opportunity during your first court appearance to speak with a court officer as well as a prosecutor. Finally, you could try contacting a local criminal attorney. Many attorneys offer a free initial consultation. Good luck.
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my friend and i just got caught shoplifting for the first time about two days ago i was so scared. all together we took 300 worth of clothes. i didnt go to jail when they caught me. does this mean there is a possiblility that i can go to jail on my court date or even carter hall and i was already on probation also does that make it worse? what do i do idk what to do i just wanna know if i have to go to jail or carterhall
🙁 someone help me!
Dear Shanikia: You should be worried. You’re on probation and you got caught stealing – not a good thing. It’s entirely up to the judge to decide the consequences – it may mean some time in detention, juvie, lockup, whatever you call it in your state. Either way, the judge may feel it’s time to get your attention so, when you’re released, you’ll follow your probation terms to the letter. You may luck out this time and be continued on probation with additional terms and no lock up. It’s time to take probation seriously. Good luck.
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hi, im 19 and i got caught stealing $60 worth of clothes form a store. they called the police, but they let me go becasue it was my first offence, but i have a courtdate. whats going to happen at court? am i going to go on probation? (how long) i was told i was going to have to pay a fine, are they going to put me in jail for this? i dont have a lawyer (i cant afford one) ….please help
Dear Victoria: Be sure to make your court date. Because of your age and the fact that this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion. That means when you complete some community work hours, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the matter will be closed. You may not be placed on probation, but even if you are, it will likely be short-term as long as you complete your terms and stay out of trouble. Good luck.
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I got caught shoplifitng from Kohls-$150 worth of stuff. I was arrested and I have a court date. Im willing to pay any fines and do any community service or whatnot. The problem is, I was planning on moving to Alaska May 25th, i already had the plane tickets and all, my court date is May 3rd. Will I still be able to move even if I get probation? I live in Georgia, is there anyway I can complete my probation and/or community service in Alaska?
Dear Jessica: These are good questions that may affect others in your situation. Make sure you let the court officer you’ll meet with on May 3 and the judge know what’s going on. The court will likely take your move into consideration and possibly give you additional time to complete any work hours ordered or other consequences imposed. If this is your first offense, you may not be placed on probation but be trusted to comply with the court’s orders. Failure to comply, even if you’re out of state, can result in a warrant and your return to the court’s jurisdiction. Good luck.
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My friend (she is 19) tried to steal something from Claire’s and got caught yesterday – I (20) was with her in the store but did NOT steal anything and never intended to. The manager, however, claimed that I was her “lookout” and I wound up with a Notice to Appear and wound up in the back of a squad car – in handcuffs! – despite the $5.00 item having been in HER front pocket and my assertion to the officer that I had not stolen anything. They searched me and confirmed this.
What is going to happen to me? Can I call anyone to find out if I will be charged based on what the manager says? There are apparently no floor cameras in the store so there is no video record of her stealing and me NOT stealing except the manager’s word, and I am unsure what to expect. I am a full-time student and have no record.Dear Allison: Since you received a Notice to Appear, the process will be explained to you at that time. Don’t miss the hearing or appointment that’s scheduled for you, otherwise it may result in the issuance of a warrant. If you are charged with shoplifting, you may plead not guilty and make the state prove that you broke the law. You may also be offered diversion, if you admit the charge. That means when you complete some community work, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the matter is closed. You can discuss all these options when you attend the hearing. Good luck.
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this goes with my other one above…i am 20 they didnt call the police and i even offered to pay for what i supposibly took wich was $2.00 and i had exactly that in cash cuz they asked how much cash i had on me. but they told me no because they weren’t going to call the police or press charges and that i wasn’t banned but i would be watched closely next time. I’m not scared I just want to know what to prepare myself for because im very angry. My sister was with me and said that the lady had been following us from the very
moment we walked into the store and to me that is suspicious. so any help would be great.
Dear Martha: We’re answering both of your questions together since they apply to the same incident. It doesn’t sound like you have to worry about being charged with anything since you explained what you did and they seem satisfied with your story. Just to be safe you might want to hold on to the receipt for the earlier nail glue for a while just in case you hear something further on this. Be extra careful next time you’re in the store, especially since they told you about being watched. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
If you are inside walmart and you had an item in you hand aka nail glue but set it down somewhere in the store because you realized you didnt need it and paid for all of your items and as you were leaving two security guards pulled you aside and accused you of stealing and took you to the security room wrote down your information and took a picture and told you since you are saying that you didnt steal it and had nail glue from nails you bought two days ago and had the reciept to prove it at home and you gave that one to them and it happened to be the same brand and they said they half believed you so they weren’t going to press charges and no one else would see the picture or your information( home address, phone number, weight, eye color ect.) and they gave you a warning since you have never stolen and they were making it your first offense are they going to charge you?
i live in Illinois i was charged with retail theft when i was 17 and now im 18 and im wondering if that will show up on a background check because im trying to get a job.
Dear Nikki: It could show up on a background check depending on how the charge was handled. If you went through a diversion program and completed it, there is likely no adjudication or conviction on your record. If you plead guilty and completed the consequence [probation, fine, work hours, etc] there may not be an official record since you were a minor. Now that you’re 18 and assuming no longer under the court’s jurisdiction, you may be eligible to apply for an expunged record. Check with either the court you were in or the assigned court/probation officer about this. He or she should be able to tell you how to clear your record, if you have one. Good luck.
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Ok but do you think that how explained it to you do you think im going to have to pay a fine if i didnt steal nothing!
Dear Devon: No one can say for sure what will happen. It depends on so many variables that you’ll have to wait and see. Just be honest and polite when you go to court.[This is information only – not legal advice].
I was previsouly with my god brother and my god cousin. We all went to the mall and my brother and I both went into sears so that i can purchase some clothes for after prom. So that after I decided to look out the door and see yell to my cousin to come here. The next thing I know I 2 big sercurity guards come and tell me I’ve been caught shopplifing. But I didnt take andy tags off and I had enough cash for what i wanted? Do you think the judge will just drop the case and the judge just might forget about it and i dont get no mail nor a phone call to my house, so that my mom want find out ither and im only age 17.
Dear Devon: If a shoplifting charge has been filed and you have to go to court, it’s not likely the judge will just “drop the case.” He or she may dismiss the case after you explain what happened. The best thing to do now is to tell your Mom so she doesn’t find out in the mail or from a phone call from the court. Tell her exactly what happened and she’ll advise you on how to proceed. Good luck.
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i recently stole from niemans…..the item was amounted to $65…. i was arrested for about 17hours, finger printed, photo was taken the whole nine…then i was sent to another holding sell..but later on released that morning andi was told to appear in court…im 18 and this is my first offence..any advice on what will happen when i appear in court?
Dear Johnny: Since this is your first offense and the amount shoplifted is low, you may be offered diversion. That means upon completion of community work hours, payment of a fine or restitution to the store, attending a class or counseling, the matter may be closed. If you plead not guilty and go to trial, which is your choice, the consequences may be similar if you’re found guilty. Penalties increase as offenses continue. Think twice the next time you’re tempted. Good luck.
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Alright so here is the story. First off i went to toysRus and i stole from there, i didnt get caught and i went with my friends to kmart. i decided to take something and i got caught for it . my total was around 70 dollars and i was wonder how much would you think my fine would be and can i pay off my fine by doing community service hours? By the way i am 14 years old and my first time offence
Dear John: As a first-time offender, you may be offered diversion. That means you may have to complete some community work hours, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling and then the matter is closed. The fine is up to the court and depends on your state’s law on shoplifting. The store could also require you to pay what is called a “civil demand” usually $100 to $300. Good luck.
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what will happen to me if i stole a bottle from the store but gave the bottle back then ran
Dear Jake: If the bottle you returned wasn’t damaged in any way and could placed back on the shelf for sale, the store may decide to let it go this time. They could also notify the police and give them any identifying information they have about you. Your last second change of heart was good – think twice before being tempted again. Good luck.
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i stole from the clothing store hollister and left the store. i am 17 years old and i got arrested. the clothing had no holes and i gave everything back. the amount stolen was $282. can you be fined for that amount and what could you face?
Dear Noel: Depending on the laws in your state, you may be fined for the value of the clothes as well as a civil penalty called a “civil demand” that the store may require you to pay. That could be an additional few hundred dollars. Think before shoplifting again – the consequences increase, especially after you become a legal adult at 18. Good luck.
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Last weekend, I was caught shoplifting at a walmart in ma for the second time. The first time I got caught was about 7 months ago. I stole about 25$ worth of stuff. Got a fine in the mail for 250$, paid it, and the matter was done with. This time all I took was one eyeliner that cost 5$. The first time I got cought, I was 17. But I am 18 now. Although when I got caught for the first time, they said that I am ‘an adult in the eyes of walmart’. The same thing that happend last time happend this time. They took my info, the cops came in to scare me and tell me that I was going to get a letter in the mail with a fine and possibly a court date. Last time I was with two other girls. They both had stuff too, but only like 10$ worth. They never got a fine or anything. Since it’s my second time I am scared of whats going to happen, even though it was only 5$.
Dear Ashley: The value of the item taken isn’t as important as the act itself. Since this is your second time, the store may decide to file formal shoplifting charges against you. If they do, you’ll get a notice in the mail to appear in court on a certain date. Don’t miss it or things may get worse. You may be offered diversion which means if you complete some community service, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the matter will again be closed. It’s up to the court. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
hi, i was caught in plymouth, MA shoplifting from walmart. i was with my friend who also shoplifted. i stole 26$ worth of merchandies where she stole about 10$. it was my first time but her second. she was caught from a different walmart before. they took our liscenses and took down our information. they called the police who came and took down our information. they said to wait for the mail and they would ask us to go to court and pay the fines. my friend who was caught before did not have to go to court, and i can not afford to go to court and get in more trouble. i just wanted to know if i would have to go to court if i went and paid the fee. also i am 17 and she is 18, what is going to happen to her as an 18 year old second offender?
Dear Billy: As a second-time offender and an adult [at 18], your friend may be charged with shoplifting and have to go to court. She may be offered diversion which means when she completes community service, pays restitution, attends a class or counseling the matter may be closed. The same options may be available to you as a first-time offender. Don’t miss your court date or things will get worse. Good luck.
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Dear Devon: Askthejudge.info is a website for teenagers about the law. We do not provide legal advice to adults or teens on any subject. Ordinarily when you pay the “civil demand” the store doesn’t pursue criminal charges. However, if the local prosecutor decides to file charges, you’ll be notified and then you can discuss your options with an attorney. Good luck.
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i am 18 years old and i got caught shoplifting at walmart in louisiana. the amount was $10.12 and the manager said he wasnt calling the cops because the amount was so small. they took my license and made a copy of it. he also said that i would be getting a letter in the mail where i would have to pay restitution. how will this affect my applications for future jobs? how much restitution should i expect to pay for $10?
Dear Nicole: The letter you’ll recieve from the store calls for payment of a “civil demand.” Around the country they range from $100 to $300 dollars. Once paid, the matter is closed and you don’t have a record. It shouldn’t have any affect on future job or school applications. If you don’t pay it, the store may press formal shoplifting charges against you which could result in a record. Good luck.
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Iam 26 years old. I got caught shopfiting at Shopko in Madison, Wisconsin. The stuff worth about $30-40. This is the first time and Iam scared don’t know what to do. I never been in trouble and have a clean record. The people in the store took me to a backroom and take down my name,ID,SS#,address infos asked where I work. Than call the police and the police wrote me a $303 Court Citation. He said that this will be like a speeding ticket…. So what does this mean? I never gotten a speed ticket before. He said, just pay the citation on time. On the citation it said no mamdatory appearance. So, I didn’t have to go to court. I don’t know why I did it and it stupid. Will never do it again. So I pay the citation a on time and a couples of weeks later I got a letter in the mail from SHOPKO for a civil demand.
If I just pay the civil demand and the store doesn’t press charges or anything will this whole incident pretty much go away? As in I don’t have to worry about it anymore cause the whole thing will be over. If I had to do a background check or something in the future,this would not show up right?
I am just really worried that this will come back to me somehow in the future and how this will affect me. And how to answer in the job application if asked if I have commited a crime so forth. I didn’t go to court or to jail. As far as I know. The police didn’t say anything about completed community service or program at all. Please, Please help me. I really don’t know what’s going to happen to my background record and if so how long will it be on record or forever? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Dear Lylee: You’ll have to check your state laws about shoplifting to see what is required of you when you get caught. Google “shoplifting laws” and your state’s name for the specifics. When you pay the civil demand, there isn’t a court record of the incident and you haven’t been convicted of anything. Only when you’re officially charged and you go to court can you be “convicted” of a crime. In future applications for a job, enrollment at school, etc. read the questions carefully and answer them truthfully. Language is very important on all applications. Good luck.
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Hey,I live in India in Maharashtra.I was 13 to 14 years old and i got caught in a Car Logo(The symbol on car representing its company)theft.I was carried to police and i was proved to be the thief.But after some interrogation,the police left me.They took my name and addresse.Will there be any record against me?
This is my first offence.I wasnt sent to jail also.I was caught by 5 in evening and left by 12:00..Will there be any record???Will i get a good job if there is a record against me??Please answer my question..I will be very thankful to u.
Dear Ashish: Under the laws of your country, there may be a record of this incident. You’d have to ask a lawyer there or someone familiar with your laws about that. If you didn’t go to court or be placed on probation, there’s probably no official court record. The police may have kept their own record in case you got into more trouble later on. Any future job applications shouldn’t be affected either unless you were convicted of a charge. Good luck.
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I’m 17 and I was caught shoplifting at Nordstroms in California. When they got me I was too scared so I tried to run. When they checked me I had pliers, but I told them I have no used them. The police said I needed to go to court. They said I have a felony, but on the paper they gave me it didn’t circle any. I just received a letter a letter by the county saying that i’m going to be assigned to a probation officer and wll be notified in 45 days. Does that mean I still have to go to court? And will will happen next?
Dear James: Wait until you hear from the probation officer. If this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion. That means if you complete some community service, pay a fine, attend counseling or a class, the matter may be closed. Even if you go to court on this, you could still end up with similar consequences. The probation officer will explain the process to you, including your right to plead not guilty and go to trial on the charge. Good luck.
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If I accidentally took an item from a shop when I was 5 or 6 could I still get in trouble now? I feel really guilty even though it happened 8 years ago. It wandnt an expensive item I think it was a bottle opener? Please help!
Dear Mat: After eight years, it’s highly unlikely that you’d be in any trouble now. We think you could relax and learn from the experience. Good luck.
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My name is Jen i’m 18yrs old 17 at the time, i was caught shoplifting at kohls and the total was over 50$ (200$), i signed the papers saying that i was banned from kohls. they called the police and i was taken to the Police Department. I had to stay overnight. I was supposed to see the judge and all that but my parents have connections so they called the mayor and the chief of police and i was released. they put my time served as community service. i was not charged with shoplifting, thank god, but i did get the civil claim letter from Kohls stating that i had to pay a $200.00 fine. it says that my “failure to pay this amount may cause Kohl’s to make Further effort to enforce its rights under the law.” (This demand is made pursuant to Texas Civil Practice & remedies Code’ 134.005) this is my second notice, my dad is a Srgt. at a prison and he says that they are bluffing and i shouldnt pay it because i dont even have a charge. but i’d rather be safe then sorry. what should i do? i sort of think this is bluffing, and i’ve learned from my mistake. i dont think they would go through all the trouble and expenses of taking me to court? what do you think
Dear Jen: Under the law, victims of shoplifting may pursue prosecution by filing a complaint with the police. They may also seek payment of the civil fine, or both. If you choose to ignore their demand letter, don’t be surprised if you receive a notice to appear in court on a charge of shoplifting. The fact that you have received a second letter indicates they are serious about this incident and intend to enforce their rights to the fullest extent. It’s your decision how to handle this. Good luck.
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Dear Judge,
I am 19 year old college student from Wisconsin and recently been caught for stealing a 14 dollar knee brace. I am overwhelmed with guilt for this was my first offense.If I could take it back I would. I handed back the brace, and taken into a back office they asked me for my name, school address, and phone number. The police were not contacted and I am not kicked out of the store because of my cooperation.. but the kmart security worker said that I could expect to recieve a civil demand fine. Do civil fines go on your criminal record? Because the civil fine will be written up by Kmart will it be tracable info for future employeers? Also, is it possible that after they escorted me out they contacted the police. I really hope that my once pure criminal record isn’t tarnished by a dumb mistake that will be never again made. PLEASE HELP!!
Dear Kappy: Most likely you will receive a letter in the mail requiring payment of a fine. Pay it on time and the matter should be closed. Civil fines usually don’t appear on criminal records, and future employers don’t receive notice of these incidents. Hopefully, you’ve learned something from this experience. Good luck.
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hey ma name is mayo i shoplifted at walgreens at new jersey for first time it have benn two weeks noww but havnt here anythingggg ..no police nothin but im scared if they check the camera maybe they will charge me help plzzz/ ?
Dear Mayo: It sounds like you may have gotten lucky this time. However, it’s still possible if the store has any contact information for you that you will receive a “civil demand” letter requiring payment of a fine. If you receive this letter, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter without any criminal charges being filed. You probably won’t be as lucky next time, so we hope you learned from this incident. Good luck.
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Dear Judge,
A few days ago I was caught shoplifting $115 worth of stuff from a grocery store. About 2 and a half years ago I was caught at the same store shoplifting $22 worth of stuff. I am 29 and have absolutely nothing else on my record. Last time I did $180 altogether in fines & that’s it. What should I expect this time? Please help me I can’t handle Jail, help me please?
Dear Ms. Derkey: Askthejudge is a web site for teenagers about the law. Consequently we are unable to assist you and don’t provide legal advice to anyone – teen or adult. What may happen to you depends on your local law enforcement and the policies of your court. You may be facing probation, a fine, restitution, community work hours or even jail. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I wrote earlier about the my case and have spoken to several lawyers. They are charging me about $500 and then he said to expect about another $500 worth of court fees. I do not have $1000. I have come up with about $650. Do you think that I should show up on my court date and explain my situation and ask for the deferred judgment without an attorney? I mean, in these cases, is it common for them to grant it to someone without an attorney? Because I don’t have money. If they say no, can I then hire an attorney and get another court date?
Dear Caroline: Whether you will be offered a deferred judgment will depend on a number of factors including the policies of the court and prosecutor’s office and if a deferred judgment program exists in your county, the facts of your case and your criminal record. If deferred judgment is an option in your county and is available for shoplifting offenses, it is likely that you will be offered this type of program. Perhaps you could appear for your first court date at which time you should have a better idea as to what to expect in your case. You do not need to hire an attorney before your first court date. You can retain counsel at any time while your case is still pending in court. Good luck.
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I was caught shoplifting a pair of eareings from jcp 3 days ago. Some lp guy grabbed me and made me go to a room. I was cooperative and did everything they said and signed some papers. I have contacted a lawyer that said they will help me for 900 dollars to keep this off my record. I got to college, financially support myself at 20, and have no prior record. The value of the earings was 60 dollars. Cops came in later but they didn’t give me anyrthing. They all kind of made fun of me because I had a bag of hollister clothes I paid for. I don’t steal, this was a stupid mistake I let somebody talk me into it for a small amount of cash (a bet) just to see if I could do it. I’m very concerned about my record b.c I just got hired on geek squad at best buy and I know ill get fired before I even finish my training if they find out. Is 900 worth a lawyer for this, what are my chances of getting off on my own, and my chancws of getting a lighter sentence like a disorderly conduct w. A lawyer. Thanks!
Dear John: Askthejudge.info does not provide legal advice, so we cannot tell you whether you should hire an attorney and what your chances are of getting a good deal with an attorney, etc. The store may choose to send you a “civil demand” letter requiring payment of a fine. If you receive this letter, be sure to pay the fine on time if you are admitting the shoplifting offense and that may be the end of the matter. You may also receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Because you have no prior criminal record, you may be offered a diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. If diversion is not an option in your case, you are likely facing similar consequences as those mentioned above and possibly being placed on probation. You can always go back to the court after successfully completing your sentence and request that your record be destroyed or expunged. If you end up going to court on this matter, you could go to your first court at which time you would have a better idea as to what to expect and then decide whether you want to hire an attorney. Good luck.
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Hi, I am 16 I live in Flordia with my guardian since my mom passed away and I have never lived with my father. I got caught shoplifting and everything was a total of about $34 at Claires. After being obtained by the Manager and Asst.Manager, they called the police and when the officer came, she took me to her car, and when my grandma and brother came, she said I would get a letter from Claires saying about a court order because I would get sued from Claires and it will be $250. What will happen in court? will this go on my record if this is the first time it has happened and it was just a warning according to the officer? and will I have to be taken away from my guardian?
Dear Giselle: The store may choose to send you a “civil demand” letter requiring payment of a fine (usually around $200 or so). If you receive this letter, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter. If this occurs and no charges are filed in court, then it means that you will not have any record of the incident and don’t have to worry about hearing anything more about it. However, if you end up receiving a notice in the mail to appear in court, be sure to appear on time on the date that is stated on the notice. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the matter will be closed and the charges dismissed. Again, if this occurs, you will not have a record of the incident. You do not need to worry about being taken away from your guardian. The only possibility of this happening would be if you were placed on probation and you violated by getting into serious trouble, so the judge places you in detention. We hope you learned from this incident and that you won’t find yourself in any more trouble. Good luck.
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Hi there. My story is almost similar to another persons but Ok so..on friday night I went to a store and stole but ditched the items once I knew I was being watched. I believe they just had a strong suspicion that I stole..even though I did. But they didn’t see me get rid of the thing. It was under 20 dollars. Didn’t rip or ruin it in anyway shape or form. I didn’t see any cameras, I don’t think they have them but I guess there’s a chance I could be wrong. I concealed the item in the fitting room. I know I wasn’t seen or noticed. I bought other things with a credit card and then I was followed out and they looked at me get in my car that is registered under my name and drive away. the guy was right behind my car noticeably watching me get in and looking at my car and plate info. I have stolen from that store a couple times..and I took censors off things and stashed them..I’m sure they were found. Is there a chance I can be arrested or notified? I didn’t actually take the item and I didn’t even ruin it in anyway. Just worried. My mom is taking me to counceling because she figured out I was stealing. I know its wrong..I have been very stupid in my choices. Thank you.
Dear Colin: We’re glad to hear that you are going to counseling and working on this issue since you know it’s a problem. If the store believes that you stole an item, damaged an item by opening the package, etc. or has information that you stole an item in the past, then the store may send you a “civil demand” letter in the mail requiring payment of a fine. If this happens, be sure to pay the fine on time and that may be the end of the matter. It’s also possible that criminal charges will be filed and you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court although it’s not likely since you were not stopped and detained by store personnel who would have obtained your contact information. Don’t allow yourself to make this mistake again. Good luck.
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hi Judge
it’s me muskaan my sister hasn’t recieved anything as of yet but she want’s to know if it will go on her record
Dear Muskaan: It depends on whether criminal charges end up being filed against your sister. If charges are filed and this is her first offense, she may be offered a diversion program which will require community work hours, payment of a fine and possibly a class or counseling. Once the program is completed, the case would be closed and the charges dismissed. If charges are not filed, then she should not have a record of the incident. Every state has a “statute of limitations” which is a mandatory time period for filing charges. For example, the statute of limitations for a misdemeanor offense may be one year. Your sister could try Googling your state’s name and “statute of limitations” to find the specific laws in your state and know how long the state has to file charges. If you sister does not receive anything in the mail within the next couple months or so, there is a good chance that she may not hear anything more about the matter.
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hi again judge,
this is nancy who shoplifted from american eagle in rhode island and is scared that ill recieve a civil demand in the mail in my california home. do you know approximately how long it will take to get there? I shoplifted on friday
Dear Nancy: Usually civil demand letters are sent to the person within a month or two of the offense, so you may have to wait several more weeks before you receive it. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
I got caught shoplifting in the mall, and it was a keychain for $2.99. I have court at the end of the month and I’m extremely nervous. I just turned 18 a month ago, and I’ve never had a criminal charge or anything on my record before. I was very respectful and gave no problems when talking to the police, and was completely honest. I knew they could tell I was embarassed and ashamed, but I was wondering how court would go? Do you think they will just give me a slap on the hand because its my first offense, and it only was a three dollar keychain? Or will I get probation or community service? Please let me know, thanks.
Dear Nicole: Because this is your first offense, there is a good chance that you will be offered a diversion program. This means that upon successful completion of community service, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case would be closed and the charges dismissed. Remember that the penalties will increase for any additional offenses, so we hope you learned from this incident. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
Dear Judge,
Its Jamie again, Im sorry to keep bothering you but I am going to get my finger prints done a couple more days, and I am scared out of my pants. I know what I did was completely wrong, but will I be a criminal for the rest of my life? Im only 15, and my life has barely begun. Also I have a court date on the 30th of april, my parents hired a lawyer but what if it fails? what will happen to me? Im so stupid for what I have done but Im getting so stressed out by this. Could you please tell me what will happen? Thanks Again
Dear Jamie: Most states have some sort of diversion program that is offered to those charged with a first offense for shoplifting. If this type of program is offered to you, it means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. Even if diversion is not an option for you, once you complete your sentence and turn 18 or a little older (depending on the laws of your state), you can go back to the court and request that your juvenile record be destroyed. For more information about getting your juvenile record destroyed, click here. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
I was in a store recently that was selling cell phone cases. I walked up to one of the men who worked there and asked if he had any cases for my type of phone, I gave him my phone and he showed me some cases. He was really trying to convince me to buy a case (i really didnt like any of the colors) he had me try on four or five cases on my phone. he handed my phone back to me with a case still on it and he took another case and told me to put it in my pocket to see how it felt. I put my phone in my other hand under my wallet so i could put the case in my pocket. I gave him the case and said no thank you, i dont like it. I politely said bye and thanked him, i proceeded to look at other things in the store when he came up to me and said i was shoplifting. I totally forgot there was still a case on my phone. I offered to give it back after apologizing and trying to explain. I even offered to pay for it. He didnt believe i had forgotten about it and called the police. We both gave our testimony to the police officer and the officer said it looked like a misunderstanding and I wasn’t charged. I want to be a police officer and was just wondering if my name is now in the system or not.
If so are my future employers able to see this?
I am 16 years old and I live in Ontario Canada.
Dear Ashley: If you were not arrested, cited or sent a notice in the mail to appear in court, then there should not be any record of the incident. To be sure, you could contact your local law enforcement department and ask for a copy of your record. Good luck.
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I’m 14, and just like what I said on the previous question. My friend who also have to go to court before, because he destroy properties which cost 300 dollar. And he also 14, and he got Community Hour. So I wonder what will happen to me, am I gonna be like the same as him or what. And can I get a job, if I was proving Guilty and that gonna stay on my record for about 5 year
Dear Viet: Again, what happens will depend on your age, history with law enforcement and the courts, and other factors. It will be up to the judge to decide the consequences. You may be offered diversion that would include work hours, a fine or restitution, and counseling. If you end up being offered a diversion program, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed upon successful completion of the program. Therefore, you would not have a record. Otherwise, if you end up with a record, you can go back to the court and request that your record be expunged or destroyed after you complete your sentence and turn 18. Depending on your state’s laws, you may have to wait a few years past your 18th birthday before you can request your record be destroyed. Good luck.
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I shoplifted once in Florida ($10) when I was 17 and just got banned from the store and they made me pay $200.00 fine and I never heard anything from it again. I am now 22 years old and yesterday I got caught stealing $25 worth of medication that I needed from Walmart in Tulsa, OK.I did not have the money to pay for it and I really needed it. Unfortunately I got caught and the cops gave me a ticket for petit larceny from a retailer and told me I must go to court. I am very nervous since I do not have money for an attorney. I was seeking to get Deferred Judgment on i. My big question is, can I still apply for Deferred Judgment as a Firt Time Offender even though I had that other incident when I was a minor? No police where involved that time.Please help me. I am so scared. I would have never stolen again if it wasn’t because I really needed the medication for health reasons. I am scared to tell the judge I am a first time offender and then have them bring up the incident in Florida when I was a minor. Canthey do that?!
Dear Caroline: Since police were not involved in the first incident when you were a minor and you never went to court, you do not have any criminal record from that incident. Therefore, the court and prosecutor involved in your current case will know nothing about the previous incident and it will not be held against you. Since this is your first offense and the value of the item stolen was low, you may be offered a diversion program (also called a deferred prosecution or judgment in some jurisdictions). This means that upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and attending a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. If diversion is not an option, you are likely facing similar consequences as those mentioned above and possibly being placed on probation. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
Thank you for the info. I guess I also forgot to mention I did pay for the other item with a credit card..so they have my name. I figure if nothing happens otherwise, they will just have me noted as a shoplifter for that store and the other chains so I should stay away.
And if I do receive a letter to appear in court..will I just get a lawyer and admit what I did? What I get from this is that the intention to steal, even though I changed my mind, is still a crime. I don’t want to make a mistake and cause any more issues with this. Is this something I can reasonably fight because I didn’t actually take the merchandise out of the store?
Thank you again.
Dear Julie: If you end up receiving a notice in the mail to appear in court, you will have decide whether you want to retain an attorney to help you fight the charges, plead guilty or take your case to trial. Askthejudge.info does not provide legal advice, but information to help you know what to expect. You could consult with an attorney first before you decide to hire one and you would receive additional information to help you make your decision. Good luck.
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Hi Judge.
Last night I went into a clothing store with no intent to steal..but I ended up putting a 15 dollar shirt in my purse in the fittig room. I am positive no one saw and noticed but when I put the other clothes back there was an emtpy hanger with them and a store employee or manager (not sure what she was) saw it and started watching me.
I did buy another item and notcied her watching me and waiting at the door for me. When no one was looking I discarded the item on a table and walked out. As I walked out she asked me “did you get your bag? Did you get everything you a PAID FOR?” And I knew for sure she knew. I just smiled and said yes and she followed me out and watched me get in my car. I’m pretty sure you noted my license plate number.
I’m a total wreck because I got caught and am scared ithat in any moment, the police will be at my door to escort me away in handcuffs. I feel disgusting for stealing because as a retail worker, I know exactly what shrink does to businesses and its workers. I’ve already made the decision to go to therapy. I’ve never been arrested before..I was caught twice a couple years ago at a Macy’s and at a Sears but only paid a civil demand.
Oh, I live in california..what do you think?
Dear Julie: You already know that what you were doing was wrong. It’s a good idea that you are looking into therapy especially if you have a tendency to shoplift and be impulsive even though you know it’s wrong. Since you removed the stolen item from your purse before leaving the store and the clerk/manager did not actually stop you and obtain your contact information, you most likely got lucky this time. Even if she took down your license plate number, that is usually not enough information to contact you since you may not be the registered owner of the vehicle. Again, it’s unlikely that you will hear anything more of this, but if so, you will receive a notice in the mail to appear in court or to pay the store a civil fine. The police will not come to your house and arrest you. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
So does that mean there still might be another fine from the court?
Dear CeeCee: Yes, there could be another fine from court but only if local law enforcement decides to file charges which often does not happen once the civil fine has been paid and the store is not pressing charges.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
Hi judge, it’s me again.
Thank you for answering. Today, O got a ‘settlement claim’ in the mail from a law firm that represents Anthropologie (the store that I shoplifted from).
It states:
“Pursuant to Cal. Penal Code, Section 490.5 (b) and/or (c), ANTHROPOLOGIE may consider moving forward with a statutory civil damages claim against you.
We ask that you settle this matter by making payment to us in the amount of $500.00 within twenty (20) days of the date of this letter. Upon receipt of full payment and clearance of funds, you will receive a written release of the statutory civil “penalty” claim.”
What does this mean, exactly? Do I still have to go to court? Also, will there be another fine from the court?
Dear CeeCee: This is the civil fine that stores may seek from shoplifters. Once paid, the matter is closed as far as the store is concerned. However, that doesn’t mean that criminal [shoplifting] charges can’t be filed, but it’s unlikely to happen unless local law enforcement decides to do so. People don’t realize that oftentimes when the law is broken there may be both civil and criminal consequences. You might want to talk with a lawyer before you decide what to do in this case – or your parents. Good luck.
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I was caught stealing food from Stop&Shop with my friend and we were told to call our parents. They asked for our name date of birth and our address, they soon let us go because we lived far away from Stop&Shop. Will it go to our record and will they send us a fine? I live in Massachusetts, and thank you for your help
Dear Bob: If you’re under 18 and this is a first offense, you’ll probably receive a letter from the store requiring payment of a fine. If that happens, pay it on time and the case may be closed. Otherwise you may have to go to court on the shoplifting charge if one is filed. The process will be explained to you at that time. Don’t give in to temptation again – the consequences increase as crimes add up. Not to mention, stealing is wrong whether you’re caught or not. Good luck.
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Hello judge,
I had a lapse in judgement today and shoplifted at American Eagle. I stole some jewelry which amounted to about $15. The sales staff kept on eyeing me and I bought something at the end using a credit card. Will they contact me if I was caught on video? And I am currently across the country away form my home address for college, so will they call me or mail me something?
Thank you so much for your help.
Dear Nancy: In most states stores are authorized to impose a fine [civil demand] against a shoplifter. If they have your identification, address, etc. they may send you a letter requiruing payment of a fine, usually $100 to $300 dollars. Pay it on time if you get this, otherwise the store may notify the police in order to press charges. Think twice before doing this again, the consequences increase as incidents continue. Good luck.
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hi judge
my sister got caught at rite aid today as she was walking out the LP stopped her and asked her to come to the back and while they were walking he asked her if she took something at first she got scared and said no then he told her we have u on camera opening a makeup item then she told them that she did open it but threw it in one of the ile he asked her to show where she threw it so she did they found the paper but not the item he then took her to the back and asked her again he told her if they call the police it could become a big thing he asked her once again and she pulled the item out of her purse and gave it to him he asked how much was it she told him it was $10 and that she was sorry and she will pay for it he told she has to wait till the manager came then they will dicide she kept on telling him she was sorry and that it was her first time and that she didn’t know why she even did it when the manager came they took to another room and asked ther sign some paper and made a copy of her DL and then walked her to the door and just told her that she was no long allowed to this or anyother Rite Aid please let me know if there is anything she should worry about she is really scared she doesn’t want it to get on her record they took her SS# also. she lives in CA if that helps.
Dear Muskaan: She may receive a letter in the mail requiring payment of a civil fine – it could be several hundred dollars. If this happens, she needs to pay it on time and the matter will most likely be closed. Otherwise the store may notify the police and shoplifting charges may be filed. Tell her not to return to the store if she was banned for a period of time. Good luck.
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Hello again! THanks for all of your great anwsers, but recently I recieved a mail from sephora demanding 300dollar, it says that i have to pay it within 30 days, also that upon reciept of your full payment and clearence of funds, you will recieve a written release of the civil claim. what does this mean? I have a court date, and a lwayer, why are they sending this? thanks
Dear Jamie: What you have received is called a “civil demand.” In most states the store may fine you a certain amount, usually in the hundreds, for stealing from them. It has nothing to do with being charged with a crime or going to court. Both may be a consequence of the shoplifting incident. Talk it over with your lawyer to get the exact advice regarding this letter and what to do. Good luck.
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Dear Judge: I have a question regarding shoplifting and age of majority. In my province (BC) the age of majority is 19, but federal law dictates that it is 18, does federal law override provincial law when it comes to dealing with shoplifters? I’m 18 and was recently caught shoplifting $60 worth of merchandise from Zellers, I had my picture taken and signed the ban for 10 years and the Notice of Intended Legal Action. The police came and let me off with no charges. However, my father is considering suing store security as I am a minor(?), so anything I sign is void and they aren’t allowed to take pictures of me. Is that true? Thanks in advance!
Dear Grace: It is not likely that the store is prohibited by law from obtaining information from you, including a photo, when a crime is committed on their premises. You and your father will have to discuss the specifics of the incident and the local laws that apply to you with a lawyer since he’s considering filing a lawsuit. Askthejudge.info is an educational site for teens but we don’t provide legal advice to adults or teenagers. Good luck.
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My brother had associate’s chase him out of a store. I gave him a ride home. I do not know what he did in the clothing store but I know some associate’s came out and they took down my license plate number. I am in the state of NV and wondering what could happen to me as a driver. Thank you.
Dear Sally: If the store employee reports the incident to the police, you may hear from them if an investigation is conducted. If it is discovered that you acted as a lookout or driver while he committed a crime in the store [shoplifting, criminal damage, etc], you may be charged with the crime as an accomplice. The totality of the circumstances are taken into consideration when sizing up a situation and filing formal charges against someone. Good luck.
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Say I were to open something, put it in my pocket, notice I am under surveillance and then put the item back and leave the store will I get in trouble?
Dear William: If you damaged the packaging to the point where the store can’t sell it as new, they can ask you to pay a fine, what is called a civil demand under the laws of your state. Or they can refer the incident to the police if they choose. Good luck.
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I am now 20 years old. I was caught shoplifting and I did not have to go to court or jail. The only thing I had to do is pay for my fine which is over $500. After i finish paying for the fine, will this be erased from my record? I applied for a job but since they did the criminal background check, I cannot get the job. I do not want this issue to affect my issue. I really need information!!
Dear Patricia: If you didn’t go to court on this incident and are only paying the fine imposed by the store [a civil demand], then there’s no official record with the court or law enforcement. Unless you have other incidents in the past that would show up on a background check, this latest one shouldn’t have. You could check with your local police department and obtain your own record if one exists. You may have to pay a small fee for it, but it would be good information to have if you’re unsure. Similar to running your own credit report every year. Good luck.
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Dear Judge
Yesterday, 2 of my friends went into Claires.One was 13 other was 14.Both female.Well my two friends wanted to “pretend to be bad” and the 13 year old took the tag off the 5$ bracelet and put it in her hand.Then she and her other friend kept talking, hanging out and they two totally forgot about her having a bracelet on her hand and was about to walk out of claires when the clerk came to them and said please come here.They asked if she had any id, she said no and they checked her shopping bag from anotehr store and found another 5$ bracelet in the bag.The 14 year ols told me that she hadnt seen the 13 put the bracelet in her bag and write before they took her away she wispered in her ear ” do you swear you didnt steal it ” she said “yes”.When they took the 13 year old away the 14 year old called me and told me what happened.SHe also told me that hte 13 year old didnt want to rip the tag of but the 14 year old convinced her.But the 13 year old never told the police about that.Since they took her downtown they will probably want to hear what happened again .WHat if she tell that the 14 year old told hr to keep it on and this is the 13 year olds first time of shoplifting and getting cought.What will happen to my 2 best friends.SOrry for the lengh.
Dear Ange: Since this is a first offense for all involved, they will likely be offered diversion – that means that once they complete a class or counseling, or community work hours, the case will be closed. It’s up to the court to decide. The store may also send each of them a letter requesting payment of a fine. Good luck.
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I got caught shoplifting at a departments store in arizona today, the total amount was about $70, this is the first time offence, first time that i am in this kind of situation, i have good grades at school and a clean record, i did it because i was being peerpreasure by some girls from school, i really regreat it, and i know i did something bad, i learned my lesson, i know i shouldnt have done it, im 17 turning 18 in less thn a week, my mom wasnt called or anything (only my contact info was taken) but i needed and adult to pickme up so my cousin whos 24 went for me,the police told me that i was going to get a bill in the mail by the store & since the store is making charges then i was going to get a paper to go to court, the police told that i just might have to take some clases but it was up to the judge, since i am going to be 18 next week an i will have to go to court next month , do my parents need to go with me, or can i just go by myself, i was 17 when i comited the crime and will be 18 during court day
Dear Kim: When you receive the letter from the court, read it carefully. It will tell you when to appear and where as well as whether you need to bring a parent or not. Most likely since you’ll be 18 at the time of the hearing, you can go by yourself. The officer is right – since it’s your first offense you may be offered diversion which means upon completing a class or work hours, the matter will be closed. Don’t let peer pressure influence you to do something you know is wrong. Good luck.
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hi, i got caught shoplifting at urban outfitters stealing a shirt 2 pairs of earings and some other earings from another store. unfortunatly i had scissors, which made it intent, what would be the consequences be, i havent gotten and notices about the court date yet or any fines, since ive had time to think about what ive done personally i know i will never do it again, im writing an apology letter to urban outfitters and ive taken account to writing something about it in my school news paper. do u think i will be on probation because of the scissors, i hope not..
Dear Coral: If you’re charged with theft or shoplifting, you’ll receive notice of a court date. It could take as long as a month or so before you hear anything depending on the size of your city and how busy the local prosecutor is. Your letter of apology is a good idea. Probation is a possibility as well as community service hours, a fine, restitution and counseling. Good luck.
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I shoplifted an item under $30 form walgreens a couple weeks ago. On my way out a manager asked me to stop so he could ask some questions but I panicked and ran. They got my license as I was driving away in the parking lot. When I came home from school today there was a business card from a policeman in my door asking that I call the officer back. I knew if I didnt that I would be getting confronted by the police at one point or another no matter what. So I called the officer and I’m going to meet up with her on Tuesday morning. I asked her what all this was about (even thought I already knew) and she confirmed my license plate was recorded in the parking lot where the shoplifting occurred. I’m s.cared and I know I’m caught. There’s obviously video footage of me in the parking lot and most definitely of me and/or the theft occurring in the store.
What should I expect? Do I admit to stealing when I talk to the officer on Tuesday? Please advise, it was a first time stupid mistake and I am terrified.
Dear Karen: First, tell your parents or guardian if you’re a minor. They may want to go with you on Tuesday. What you decide to do is entirely up to you. Since this is your first offense, as you stated, you can expect diversion which means if you admit the shoplifting and agree to complete some community service hours, pay a fine and/or restituion, and attend counseling if required to, the matter will then be closed. Otherwise if you’re charged with shoplifting, you’ll have to appear in court and the consequences are similar including the possibility of a probation period. It’s your decision, Karen, whether you admit it or not – tell the truth and face the music. There’s a valuable lesson here if you do the right thing. Good luck.
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I stole about a month ago and i was just wondering if i could still be caught is there any possible chance i could be busted?
Dear Abraham: Whether you get caught and charged with theft or shoplifting depends on the circumstances. If you were identified by someone or caught on video at the store, it’s possible that a charge may be filed with the court. On the other hand, if it’s been a month and you haven’t heard anything from the store or police, you may have gotten lucky this time. Think twice before you repeat this behavior. Jail or juvenile detention isn’t where you want to be.
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Hi, Im 17 and live in the UK and got caught shoplifting the other day. I know what I did, and it was not worth what Im feeling now.
The store detective called the police, and I had to pay for the items that I had stolen. Im also banned from all the stores that go by that name. I was told by the policewoman that as this was my first time offence that I would have a police record, but that it would not be made public and that it shouldnt affect applying for university or a job. I dont know what I’ll do if this stupid few seconds of impulse ruin my chances of having a future. Do you know if this is true and that it wont be made public??
Also, I javent told my parents out of shame…is there anyway that they will be finding out??
Thanks in advance
Dear Kristen: What you were told is correct. This incident isn’t likely to affect your future college applications, employment searches or military ambitions if you have such. Stay away from the store as ordered or you could be charged with trespassing. For more about the theft [shoplifting] laws in England, take a look at thesite.org and search under “shoplifting.” To eliminate the worry about your parents finding out, which they could over time, tell them yourself. Good luck.
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its me again. I’m also curious if this ruins my chances of getting a job [unskilled labor]. both times, they told me that its not going on any criminal record. thank you for your advice, and no I’m not going to do this again.
Dear Rachel: No, it shouldn’t ruin your chances for further education, employment opportunities, military, etc. Read all questions on applications carefully and answer truthfully. If you haven’t gone to court, you haven’t been “convicted” of a crime. Good luck.
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I am a minor and I have been caught shoplifting twice in two different places. both times did not involve the police. what will happen?
Dear Rachel: You’re pushing your luck. If the police weren’t involved, there likely won’t be any charges filed against you. However, the store may notify you in writing about a civil [a fine] they can collect from you for shoplifting. You may receive a letter in the mail about this. If you do, pay it on time and the matter will be closed. Think twice before stealing again. Good luck.
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I am 16 years old and got caught shoplifting at a mall. It was my first time ever stealing and i did it completely out of impulse. It was totally out of character and i have never been in trouble with the law before. The cops at the mall arrested me and i have a court date in a couple weeks. I am really nervous as to what is going to happen. What should i expect?
Dear Yarden: Once you appear in court, the process will be explained to you. Since this is your first offense, you may qualify for diversion. That means if you complete some work hours, pay a fine, complete a class or counseling, the matter will be closed. Otherwise, you can go to trial on the charge, if you plead not guilty, and the consequences may be the same plus a probation period. Discuss your options with the court officer you’ll meet when you appear. Good luck.
how likely is it to go to jail for a misdemeanor? im afraid of that. it was my mistake so i will pay the fines but im just afraid of going to jail. should i hire a lawyer? will it all be done and taken care of in one court date?
Dear Sharon: Depending on what happens when you go to court, it could be resolved at one hearing. If this is your first offense, and again depending on the policies in your area, you’re not likely to go to jail. If you reoffend, the chances are better that you’ll receive some jail time – usually up to one year for a misdemeanor. Good luck.
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i’m 17 years old and live in california. i just got caught shoplifting today in a store called anthropologie. i was there with a friend and the sensor went off. we stole a couple of journals and belts. we got taken to a room where the mall security/police got called. we were then questioned and had to sign store forms which stated that we cannot go into the store for at least 3 years. we then got taken to the mall police station and he had to call our parents. he said that we weren’t charged for a felony since this was a mistake and a first time offense, but we did had a court date and had to show up. he said it would only look like a traffic ticket on our record, but that’s about it. what i’m worried about is what would happen when we go to court. also, do my parents have to show up with me on my court date? what if they have to work and can’t take it off? can my aunt or uncle take me? or can a sibling of legal age take me
Dear CeeCee: Read the ticket you received carefully. It should say whether to bring a parent or not. Most likely, since you’re a minor, a parent needs to attend with you. You can call the court in advance and ask if some other relative may appear if your parents can’t get off work. The shoplifting process will be explained to you when you appear in court. You may be offered diversion which means once you complete some work hours, pay a fine, or attend a class or counseling the matter will be closed. Don’t return to the store while you’re banned or they may charge you with trespassing. Good luck.
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hi judge!
so i went to court and everything turned out ok. had to pay a fine and i got probation. im going to start going to school soon and my mom wants me to open a bank account where my aunt works, but im scared because i dont know if they do background checks when you open a bank account…so do they?
JJ: It’s not likely that banks or credit unions do background checks for new accounts or deposits. To know for sure, ask when you open the account or ask your aunt to inquire. Good idea to start saving a little – you won’t regret it. Good luck.
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Thank you for answering, and also sorry for late reply. I got a question, it the same one as the one I ask before but it just some more info that I want to ask. All the item is under 200 dollar, and will I go to jail or I just gonna get Community Hour or what? And I live in Virginia, so will anything will happen?
Dear Viet: What happens will depend on your age, history with law enforcement and the courts, and other factors. It will be up to the judge to decide the consequences. You may be offered diversion that would include work hours, a fine or restitution, and counseling. Good luck.
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hi. im 19 years old and i got caught shoplifting at sears for $115.94 worth of clothing and other places.but the cop just returned them to the stores. im extrememly scared and upset at myself.i dont know what to do. the cops handcuffed me and took me to the station where they just took all my information fingerprints, mugshots, and then let me go without paying. he said that i would have to pay about $130 but i didnt have to beccause he talked to his seargant and he was in a good mood and i was cooperating with them and i had no record. this is my first offense and my court date is april 6th. should i hire a lawyer? how much am i going to get fined? i live in elgin, il. will it be on my record forever?
Dear Sharon: The criminal process will be explained to you when you go to court. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program. That means if you complete community work hours, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling the matter will be closed. That’s if you admit the shoplifting. If you deny it and go to trial, the conseuences may be similar including a probation period. Either way, after a period of time [a year or so] you can request that your record be expunged. Good luck.
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This is a first offense for me. I am regretting ever doing such a stupid thing. I am planning to plead guilty but will I be charged as an adult? What will happen after I plead guilty? I heard that PL 165.40 is punishable by up to 1 year in prison. I really don’t want to go to jail, especially when I am so close to graduating high school. I don’t want this one bad judgment to ruin my life. Can I get this record sealed?
I also heard something about an ACD. How can I request one? Can I request one without an lawyer? Can I request an ACD before my trial?
Dear Ann: You mentioned in a separate message that you were charged with shoplifting. Since this is your first offense, you’re not likely to be tried as an adult, or be sentenced to one year in prison. That’s the maximum sentence usually given repeat offenders. You may be offered diversion which means if you complete some community service, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling the matter will be closed. It shouldn’t affect your education or graduation date. There are different abbreviations and acronyms all over the country – what does ACD stand for? When you go to court, ask about sealing your record. Good luck.
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Thank you very much for your response. Yes I’m also glad, you have no idea how awful I felt! I’m not sure if they will actually call a police or question me since its a pretty big store and they have other problems and such. I have been avoiding that store and I’m afraid to go back and apologize…what if they arrest me or call the police?
Dear Karen: You may consider writing them a letter of apology to ease your conscience.
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do the police notified current job or scholl for shoplifting.
Dear Marie: In most cases, the police don’t have the time to contact employers or schools of criminal activity unless it is connected with the store or school. It may also make a difference if the offender is already on probation with specific terms involving the school or business.
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Im 15 ready to turn 16 and im filling out job applications.. it asks ‘have you ever been convicted of a felon or misdemeanor?’ check yes/no… a few years ago i got caught stealing about $5 dollars value, and didnt get pressed charges. the cops were called and i was asked questions there, then taken to the police station where my mom was called and i was asked more questions, and the officer filled out a form… i was banned from the store for awhile, wit no charges pressed, but a form filled out, i dont know if im actually convicted. on my application do i check yes or no? i live in kansas if that helps.. thanx.
Dear Sherissa: First, since you weren’t charged with shoplifting or anything else, and you didn’t go to court, you weren’t convicted of anything. It sounds like this incident was handled as a civil matter and your only record s with the store and a notation that may be on file with the police. There’s a good chance it’s gone since it’s been a few years. Read the employment questions carefully and answer truthfully.
Good luck with the job and your education.
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I’m only fifteen. I shoplifted from a local jewel in Illinois but i didn’t get caught. The thing that happened though was that I left the packages in the store and I’m sure they looked over the security tapes after finding out its me and my friends. its my first (and last) time. What I’m afraid is that something will happen to me if I ever go back. Like will they stop me and then arrest me? I’m a bit confused on what can possibly happen to me but all I know is that I’m done with this whole shoplifting deal.
Dear Karen: Glad to hear you’re done stealing – your life will be much better for it. If you return to the store and they know it’s you from the video, they may question you and/or call the police. Every store has its own policies regarding the treatment of shoplifters. You might want to avoid the store for awhile or better yet, return and apologize for your behavior. Good luck.
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ok my name is matt and i live in chicago il..im 14 years old and me and my friend got caught shoplifting… i took only $15 worth of things and he took more then $50 worth of things.This is my first time ever!!! he did it before.. So what will happen?what do i pay?? do i get arrested??? help!!
Dear Matt: First, relax. If the police didn’t come to the store and give you a ticket or notice to appear in court, then the matter will likely be handled by the store. You may receive a letter in the mail telling you to pay a “civil demand” which is a fine. Pay it on time if you admit the shoplifting. You can also choose not to pay and fight it in court. Discuss this with your parents. Also, if the store told you not to return, don’t. Otherwise, they can file trespass charges against you.Good luck.
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hi im from texas and i was caught shoplifting recently $73.00 worth of merchandise 1st offense. (misdemeanor b) The lp called the police n he took me to mcallen police station. there i waited to see the judge for my bail amount ($502.00) from there i was taken to county after they took all my info down i was bailed out. but the officers there told me to expect a court date… what will happen next? and i was also wondering if i will lose my job at a clothing store because of this… does the county inform my employer?
Dear Arleen: You stated in a second message that you’re 19 – that’s why you’re in adult court and not the juvenile system. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion. That means if you complete some community work hours, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the matter will be closed. You can plead not guilty and go to trial on the charge – it is your decision. The process will be explained to you when you go to court. After a period of time [a year or two] you may be able to apply for an expungement of your record. Good luck.
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I have an edit for my last question, I have shoplifted before, but I wasn’t caught. They only have footage. they never took me in LP. Does this change your answer?
Dear Michelle: It wouldn’t change the situation unless you were charged or consequenced by the store for the earlier incidents. If that were the case, the penalties for a subsequent offense could be greater.
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I was with a friend today in JCP in New Jersey. She took a $9 ring, and I was going to, but decided NOT TO and PAID for a necklace instead. She stuck the empty box in the back on the display case, and while we were paying for my necklace, we noticed an undercover security guard by the case, staring at us, holding TWO empty ring cases. she followed us out of the store and through the mall, but didn’t follow us to my car, stop us, or talk to us. Because they have my credit info, are they going to look me up and fine me, even though I didn’t do anything? or do you feel they’ll let it go?
Dear Allison: Since you weren’t stopped or questioned, it’s unlikely you’ll hear from anyone. However, you could receive a letter from the store requiring that you pay a fine. Since you didn’t take anything, read the letter carefully before deciding what you’ll do. Discuss the situation with your parents who may assist you in resolving this with the store. Good luck.
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If I am 18 and was caught Shoplifting in North Carolina, will my parents and my college be notified, or can I take care of it all on my own?
Also, it was my first charge and I don’t know why I even did it. the store called the police and I got a ticket and everyone was very nice about it, but I have a may court date.
Dear HW: Since you’re an adult, your parents may not be notified. Make sure you appear in court on the date given. Police don’t usually notify schools either, but every jurisdiction is different. You should be able to handle this on your own. Good luck.
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I’m 20 and got caught shoplifting in CA. The total came out to $68. I’ve done it before, twice. And apparently they said that they had it on camera. I feel very badly about this. They took me to LP, and then I went to county jail and they cited me and gave me a court date. Will I be sent to jail? Or will this show up on my record? And if so, what will it say? I feel very badly about this and plan on showing up at court and apologizing profusely. They also banned me from the store where I was planning on going to pay for the items I took previously. So I can’t do that anymore.
Dear Michelle: Since you’re an adult and this is your third offense, you’ll likely have a record. Once you complete all consequences of this incident [probation, work hours, etc.] you may be eligible to clean up your record after a year or two. Ask about this when you go to court. Don’t return to the store or trespassing charges could be filed against you. If you want to pay for past thefts, you could send a letter with payment to the store. Good luck.
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i have court on monday for a misdermoner retail theft. now i have done jail time for it already and have bailed out twice for it. i did not finsih my community service hours but i did pay the 300 dollars in fines for missing it. i was just wondering if the fact that i payed my fines for missing it will help me out, because i cannot do anymore jail time.what could i be sentenced? and i have no fines as of right now to pay.
Dear John: Anything you’ve done should help to some degree. However, if you’re in violation of court orders or probation terms, the judge will take that into consideration. Discuss the possible consequences with your lawyer or probation/court officer. Good luck.
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the police were involved in my incident, state troopers to be exact. they said im going to recieve a letter, but i already paid the company back. and since its my second offence what do you think exactly might happend? one offence was in a different county than now about almost a year ago… what do you think will happend?
Dear Maria: If it’s been a year and you haven’t heard anything, you’re likely in the clear. But that’s no guaranty since every state has its own statute of limitations regarding crimes. Crimes committed in different counties may result in two separate charges filed in different county courts. Good luck.
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hi, im 20 and live in mn. i got caught stealing worth of $265 and got a citation from a police. he says to wait for a letter in the mail to go to court. on the back of the citation is info on how to pay the fine, but i don’t know if im supposed to pay the fine [there wasn’t any amount written except for the amount i stole] or if im supposed to go to court first. this is my first time and im scared. will it be on my record, and am i supposed to plead guilty or ask for a diversion or what? im really clueless.
Dear Minkie: If there is no court date written on the ticket, then wait for the notice in the mail. Make sure you attend on the specified date. If this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion. The process will be explained to you by a court/probation officer when you go to court. Diversion may include work hours, a fine, attending a class or counseling. Once you finish whatever you’re required to do, the matter will be closed and at a certain point [a year or two usually] you can ask the court to expunge your record. You can plead not guilty and a trial will be set. It’s your decision and one that will be discussed when you appear for your hearing. Good luck.
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i was in wal mart today and got caught stealing cologne, markers, and a bra. it all added up to $77. I am a little confused because loss prevention told me that he wasnt going to call the cops but that i would be receiving a fine. i did not sign anything though. he just took down the info on my license and my social security number, not my phone number or signature anywhere and joked about how he thought the cologne was more expensive -.- he didnt say i couldnt be on property or anything. but my question is am i going to have to go to court ? because he said once i left the parking lot wal mart couldnt help me any longer. im 18 and i live in nevada and ive never gotten in trouble with the law before.. i just want to know what is happening next.
Dear Hailey: The store can keep the shoplifting incident the store’s business only and not notify the police. If this happens, you’ll get a letter in the mail requiring payment of a civil fine. If this happens, pay it on time and the matter will be closed. Or they can turn the case over to the police to press charges. In that case you’ll receive a notice in the mail about a court date. If that happens, don’t miss the hearing. You may qualify for diversion in court which means you’ll have to complete some work hours, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling and then the case is closed. It would be advisable that you stay away from the store even if you were told to by Wal-Mart.
Good luck.
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i was caught stealing a gift card from work, its my second time stealing. what will happend to me?
Dear Maria: It depends on the store and if the police were involved. If it’s not reported, the store can fine you a certain amount and trespass you from the store. That means don’t return for the period they tell you. The fine may be several hundred dollars. If shoplifting charges are filed you may be offered diversion. That means if you complete some community work hours, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the matter will be closed. Once you turn 18 you can ask the court to expunge your record. Good luck.
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oh okay. Believe me, I’m never doing it again. The reason why I’m thinking it was a undercover cop car is because it had some little police department sticker on the car, but the car didn’t seem to be stalking me. and it wasn’t following me for super long. but also… I’m just curious if, in order for you to be fined shoplifting, must someone have witnessed you in the act? and would a store go through their surveillance tapes just to find out what you look like?
Dear Samara: The store can go through their tapes and try to identify you. The car you saw may have noting to do with the incident. It could have been a coincidence especially since you were nervous and on high alert about getting caught.
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Hi, I went to target earlier today and stole a face wash. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t caught on camera and i left the store and drove home. and I didnt really pay attention to cars around me but the car behind me just switched lanes and passed me up and kept going straight and as i was turning, I noticed it was an undercover cop car. I started freaking out thinking they got my license plate. can they show up at my house or call making the claim that I shoplifted, or did I get away with it? And I’m not dwelling on the fact that they were following ME because the main street i was on was the street the city police dept is on. I’m never risking this ever again. What are your thoughts?
Dear Samara: It would be unusual for an undercover officer to be involved in a shoplifting incident. However, every city and town operates differently. You’ll know if you’re in trouble if and when you receive a notice in the mail to appear in court. Hopefully, because stealing is wrong, you’ll mend your ways, not because you’re in fear of getting caught. Good luck.
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um when you say the court will appoint one for me do you mean they can pay for it? the thing is my parents are refusing to get me a lawyer, and also the lawyer they appoint, will they try to help me?
Dear Jamie: If you qualify financially for a court-appointed lawyer, then the court may give you one. He or she will represent you at no cost, or minimal cost to you. It’s up to the court. Your lawyer’s job is to represent you in the case zealously and as required by the law and professional ethics. Good luck.
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hi im 18 years old never been in trouble with the law, i currently was fired from my job for using store credit cards with money on them. i received my letter in the mail saying i was being charged with theft less than 100$. please help will i go to jail? will i be able to get a job?
Dear Iesha: It depends on whether the store is handling this as a civil matter or pressing criminal charges against you. If it’s civil, you’ll most likely be required to pay a civil demand fine and the case will be closed. If charges are filed, you’ll have to appear in court where you may be offered, as a first-time offender, diversion. That means if you complete some community work hours, pay a fine or restitution, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed. Once you’ve finished all requirements, you may be eligible to apply for your record to be expunged. You may have to wait a year or so however before applying. You can ask about this when and if you go to court. Good luck.
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Today, i was caught shoplifting at sephora. the amount was $20. a worker there took me into an office, questioned me and told me that i would have to pay a fine of $1000. is that true? he also made me sign a paper stating that i will be arrested if i enter any sephora ever again. he called the cops and the cop handcuffed me, took me to a security office, and asked me my name, contact info, ssn, height, weight, etc, etc. what will happen? am i required to go to court? do i have to go to juvie? because my mom seems convinced that i will. this is my first offense and they told me that it was a petty misdemeanor. i’m really scared. i realize that it was wrong, but i honestly had no idea what was going on in my head at the time. (i’m 14 and i live in california)
Dear Tiffany: If the officer didn’t give you a citation [ticket] or court date, you may not have to go. Every jurisdiction has its own procedure in handling shoplifting incidents. You may receive a notice in the mail advising you of a date to appear in court. If you do, don’t miss the hearing. The process will then be explained to you. As a first-time offender, you may be offered diversion. That means if you admit the charge, you’ll have to complete some community work hours, pay a fine or restitution to the store, attend a class or counseling and the the matter will be closed. The letter from the store may be a “civil demand”, possibly up to $1,000.00, although that sounds a little high, that you’ll have to pay unless you decide to fight the shoplifting charge. Don’t return to the store or trespassing charges may be filed against you. Good luck.
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can you give me some pros and cons of havving a lawyer? is it worth the money?
Dear Jamie: A lawyer is trained to know the laws and rules that apply to your case. He or she can attempt to negotiate a deal on your behalf with the state. He would also be able to look at the circumstances of your case and see that your rights are protected throughout the process. If you can’t afford a lawyer, the court may appoint one to represent you. Good luck.
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One last question,i have never been in court before, can you please tell me is it gonna be like the ones we see on tv? like with so many people?? thanks so much for your time i really appreciate this
Dear Jamie: We can’t tell you exactly what it will be lke in your area. However, juvenile court hearings are generally closed to the public. In most jurisdictions, it’s nothing like what you see on television. It may involve you, your parents and lawyer, if you have one, the judge, a clerk of the court and court reporter [maybe], and the state’s attorney. There will be a few more people [victim and witnesses] if you plead not guilty and go to trial. Relax. Juvenile court hearings are not quite as formal as other types of proceedings.
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Thank you for replying! I have a great future ahead of me and i dont understand why i stole. but how can i deny the shoplifting if they have it on tape, and what would happen in a trial? what if i said i was innocent but truth is i wasnt, would i be charged of lying?? Im so lost and so dissapointed in myself for not seeing what i was doing. I really want to leave eveything behind and start over , but is there a possibility that my school will be notified? and a permenant record?
Dear Jamie: The trial process and consequences of both admitting or denying the shoplifting charge will be explained to you at court. Generally, schools are not notified of off-campus incidents. After this is behind you, you can ask the court to expunge your record. You may have to wait a period of time [a year, for example, or until you’re 18]. It’s a simple process that requires you to stay out of any further trouble to be eligible for a destruction of your juvenile record. Good luck.
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Im 15 and i got caught for shoplifting for around 300 dollars.On the ticket i recieved it said 334b. I have stolen before from this store but this was the first time I got caught. My record has been clear until this. I am to go to court in a month. Would it be better to have a lawyer? also please explain what plea guilty and innocent are. I Finally realize how serious shoplifting is and i will never even think about it again! but in court will i be asked of previous episodes? Thanks so much
Dear Jamie: You stated in a follow-up message that you live in Canada. The laws of your province will apply to your case. If you deny the shoplifting, you will have a hearing [trial] to decide whether you’re guilty or not. You may be eligible for a court-appointed lawyer. If you admit the shoplifting, the court will proceed to sentencing. That may include some community work hours, a fine or restitution to the store, a class or counseling. At your first hearing, the process will be explained to you, including whether you need a lawyer or not. That is really a decision for you and your parents to make. Good luck.
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Hi again,
They did in fact call the police. It was a police man who wrote the “tresspass” document up. That is why I am worried it will show up. I would think that it wouldn’t since I wasn’t charged and didn’t have to go to court.
When I stole from the store, I was unfortunately under the influence of Oxycontin. I no longer use drugs anymore though, and am wanting to find a job.
Dear M.: The only record of the incident may be the information card filled out by the police and kept in their department. No official court record would exist if you didn’t have to appear in court.
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I am 17 and I live in Illinois. My friend and I just got caught shopping in Kolhs. Half of the items were put on my fault because I “aided” so all together it added up to nearly $200. I got prosecuted and my mom had to pick me up from the police station. I do not have to go to court, I only have to take a class. It was my first offense so they said they were going easy on me. How much will this affect my chances of getting into a good college and a job? Also is this considered a felony or a misdemeanor, I wasn’t told.
Dear Gina: Since you weren’t given a court date or formally charged with shoplifting, you won’t have a “record” that will be provided colleges, future employers, etc. The only record will be with the store in the event you return and steal from them again, and with the police department. Complete the class on time and think twice before giving in to temptation again. Good luck.
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About 2 years ago I was caught shoplifting and was trespassed. Nothing more came of it– I wasn’t charged, did not have to go to court, etc.
My question is: Will this show up on a background check?
Dear M. Wilson: Based on what you’ve stated, it shouldn’t show up anywhere except in the store’s records. If they didn’t notify the police then there shouldn’t be an official record of the incident.
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So i got caught stealing four shirts at TJ MAX. Im 17 and turning 18 in a month. My mom was brought and so were the police. They gave us a case number and said i should be getting something in the mail. I confessed to stealing somthing before at Target so i was told to return that. What kind of trouble do you think I will be in? I have had a MIC earlier that summer too and thats the first trouble i have ever been in..
Dear Megan: When you receive the letter and you agree to admit the shoplifting, follow the instructions immediately. You may be offered diversion meaning that upon completion of community work hours, payment of a fine or restitution to the store, a class or counseling, the case will be closed. Otherwise you can plead not guilty and go to trial – it’s your decision. Good luck.
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My friend and I went shopping and he got caught stealing I got a ticket for shoplifting as well just because I was with him..when I went to court they offered me diversion classes..when i take those does the shoplifting remain on my record or what happens to it?
Dear Charlene: Once you complete all terms of diversion, the matter should be closed. Since you were “diverted” away from the judicial process [formal charges and prosecution], there should be no record of the incident except with the store. The court may keep a note indicating that you’ve been through diversion so it’s not offered again. Good luck.
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can my lawyer help dismiss my case. and how long can it take to get a court date.
Dear Marie: If you have a lawyer, ask him or her these questions. He should know the rules that apply to your case and whether there are grounds to file a motion to dismiss. He can also tell you when to expect a date for the hearing. Good luck.
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Hi judge, thanks for your advise, how do you know if the store file a report to the police? how long it takes? because i am going on a trip, so i am a little bit worry.
Dear Amanda: You’ll know if you are served with papers telling you to appear in court, or if the police contact you during their investigation. It could take as long as a year, depending on your state’s statute of limitations regarding misdemeanors.
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Hi Judge,
I posted a question on last fri ,26 Feb
(i apologize for all the questions by the way)
Can the store make a police report after shoplifter leaves the scene?
I am still very worry about it, can i contact LP department of the store to find out?
Thank you!
Dear Amanda: Yes, a store can file a report after the person leaves the store, and the police may follow up with their investigation if they choose to do so. Feel free to contact the store if you’re worried – some would choose to leave things the way they are and not rock the boat, but it’s your decision. Good luck.
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I went to see a lawyer this morning regarding my case. he told me that he may be able to stop this from getting on my record, but not certain. I can
t sleep at night,I dont know if he can stop it from going to my record.
Dear Marie: Trust that your lawyer will do everything he can that’s in your best interests. If unsuccessful ask him what can be done at a later time and what the process involves. Good luck.
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The other day my friend and I got caught shoplifting from walmart in ohio. We’re both 17 and will be 18 in about 2 months. I only had 10 dollars worth of stuff in my purse but she about about 60. They said that they were going to combine it. We gave back all the stuff but I forgot to give back one thing. Later they asked me if the thing I forgot to give back was mine. I said it was and they asked my parents and they said it was mine too. They let me leave with my parents. I just realized that The thing wasn’t mine and that I took it. Can I get in more trouble for this? What should I do about it? I have a court date in March and I have no idea whats going to happen. I’m an all A student and in 2 sports and various clubs. Can I get in more trouble for accidently not giving it back or will they even bring it up since my parents said it was mine?
Dear Leslie: Now that you realize that the item is not yours and was taken from the store, tell your parents. Then you can decide how to proceed. Your parents may agree with fessing up now by advising the sore or waiting until you go to court to explain what happened. Either way, the truth about the incident and exactly what was taken, should be revealed. Good luck.
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my bf got cought shoplifting and he dosent have papers and doesnt want to go to court what can happen to him hes planing to go back to his country befor court date?? this is his first time going to court thanks
Dear Tania: If he misses his court date, the court may issue a warrant for his arrest. If he leaves the country the warrant may remain outstanding. That means if he returns to the court’s jurisdiction, he may be arrested on the warrant and brought before the court. Good luck.
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I got caught shoplifting from a store in Maryland I am ib my 20s. I dont know why did I make that foolish decision. the police were called they took my info and gave me a citation said to wait for a court date. should I hire a lawyer now. What should I expect. Is it going to stay on my record. will i be terminated from my job. I am trying to get into a nursing program. I do not know what to do.
Dear Marie: You may not need a lawyer until you receive a notice to appear in court. Once you go, the process will be explained to you by a court/probation officer. If this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion. That means if you complete some work hours, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling the matter will be closed. At some point in the future, you may be able to apply for an expungement of your record. Good luck.
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I shoplifted from Forever 21 when I was 17 years old. I only took a ring that was probably $5.00. I was fined and I paid the fine by the time I was supposed to. Is this considered a felony or not?
Dear Mary: It depends on the laws of the state you were in, but it was most likely a misdemeanor not a felony. If you kept any paperwork or court documents from the incident, it might state the classification of the offense. Good luck.
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hi this is a followup question to the other one i asked today. you said i MAY be offered a diversion program? what is the other thing that could happen if I don’t get offered that?
Dear Katie: If diversion is not available in your area or it’s not offered, then you have to decide whether to admit or deny the charge. If you deny it, then a trial will be set. You can discuss these options with the court and/or your lawyer. The court may appoint one to represent you depending on a number of factors that the court will explain to you. Good luck.
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Hi again,thanks for your advise. I have one more question,
they didn’t tell me to expect a letter in mail (civil fine, press charged..) should i worry about it? thanks
Dear Amanda: You’ll either receive what is called a “civil demand” letter in the mail or not. If you do, pay it on time if you’re admitting the incident. Otherwise, the store may pursue charges through the court and you can have a trial on the shoplifting charge. If you don’t receive anything in the mail, the matter is likely closed and only on record with the store.
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I’m 17 years old and I turn 18 in about 2 months. I live in ohio and was recently caught shoplifting. I was taken back into a room and a police officer was called and I had to call my parents to come pick me up. The only thing the police officer did was write up a report and give me a court date and then I went home with my parents. I am an all A student, recetnly admitted to OSU, and a member of the national honor society. What are some punishments that I may get? I have never had any problems with the law before. I personally only took 3 dollars worth of stuff but my friend took about 50 and They said they were going to lump the sums together. I’m just really confused and scared.
Dear Katie: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program when you go to court. Upon completion of community service hours, payment of a fine and/or restitution to the store, attending a class or counseling session, the matter will be closed. The process will be explained to you by a court/probation officer. It shouldn’t have an affect on your education or employment plans, but if you repeat this behavior, it will impact your future. Good luck.
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Hi Judge, 2 days ago i got caught shoplifting at tj maxx. i am 21 and live in new york. it was my first time stealing and i really regret doing it. i took something about $4.99 dollars worth. Lp guy put me into a room and i returned item and answered all questions honestly. since i was cooperating, they released me, they didn’t call the police. they didn’t tell me have to pay any fine or go to court. they just got my name address and other information.They said the paper work will stay in the store. i’m still allowed to go to the store but they will watch me. But I am still worried,i am really scared that this incident is gonna come back to haunt me. please help, im really freaking out, i wish i had never done it.
Dear Amanda: You have the right attitude about what you did. Hopefully this lesson will stay with you. If the store just keeps its own record of the incident without notifying the police, it shouldn’t have any affect on your future [jobs, education, military etc]. However, if you return to the store and shoplift again, the outcome will likely be different. Good luck.
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HELP! ok check this out. I wanted to play a prank on my golf fanatic friend. He hates titleist balls so for his birthday I was going to buy him titleist balls, but have them in a different golf ball box. (he’ll think I got him bridgestone, but SURPRISE.. Titleist!)
Soooo… I went to WALMART, and switched the lids of the golf balls to disguise the titleist balls. The product rung up bridgestone, but inside were tietlist. Nothing was broken or opened. I simply slid the lids off and swapped them. The difference was $3 on the $29 product!!!!!!
LOST PREVENTIONS stopped me before exiting the store, reached in my bag and confirmed that I had switch tops.
I explained that my intention was not to shoplift, but to disguise these balls and play a prank on a buddy.
They took all my info down, took my picture, and said I would get a letter in the mail and pay a fine. FOR $3!!!! And I wasn’t really shoplifting.
Is there anything I can do???? I don’t want to pay a fine, or have my face in WALMART computers.
Dear Danny: The bottom line here is that stealing is stealing. You admit obtaining an item from the store for $3.00 less than its value by switching the lids. So the store loses three dollars on your transaction. Whether it’s classified under the criminal laws of your state as theft, shoplifting or larceny, it’s illegal. You’re lucky if the store decides not to prosecute but only seeks a civil fine from you. Next time you may be explaining the situation to a judge. Pranks sometime backfire, as you have learned. Good luck.
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So a couple of weeks ago, me and 2 other friends went to store and started ripping the security tags off,(damaged the clothing) as soon as we left the store we got caught. This is my first time i EVER done such, one of my friends has been seen doing the same thing but never caught, and my other friend has been involved in a situation where he/she was with someone who stole something and they both got caught she was given a warning. Does this mean, since i was caught committing a crime with these two people the consequances will be worse, i feel so horrible. I cant seem to look in the mirror and see the person i use to be. I live in Toronto Ontario Canada, and the amount of stolen goods in my bag added up to $380 ( theft under $5000) Should i call the store and apologize, even though it was a couple weeks ago? i really want to, but at this stage i dont know, im scared and regret everything i did. We were given a ban which restricted us from going back to that mall for a year.
what are the possible outcomes?
Dear Mel: The consequences depend on whether you’re going to court or not, and whether you’ll be charged with shoplifting or theft. If not, then be sure to stay away from the mall forthe year. Otherwise, you may be charged with trespassing since you’ve been warned not to return. Your local court may have a diversion program for first time offenders. If so and you’re eligible, you’ll have to complete some community work hours, pay a fine or restitution to the store, attend a class or counseling. Then the matter will be closed. It’s your decision about apologizing to the store. If you end up in court and admit to the theft, you can do it then. Good luck.
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Hello, i am 15 years old.& i recently got caught stealing from wal mart. it was the first time i have ever got stealing before, & the first time i have ever been in trouble with the law. My spring break is coming up in a few weeks, i have plans to go to texas with my friend. (the friend who i got caught stealing with & she is 18.) Someone had mentioned to me, that i might not be able to go to texas or leave the state at all without a gaurdian because of the trouble i had got into. i was wondering if this is true?
Dear Mariah: It may be true depending on the circumstances of your situation. First thing to consider is the law of your state. As a minor, it may restrict your travel until this incident is resolved. If you were formally charged with shoplifting, any court orders regarding your release must be followed. Even if there are no outstanding orders limiting your travel out of state, then you still need your parents’ or guardian’s permission to go. Considering this 18-year-old was your accomplice in the shoplifting, your parents may not approve a trip with her. Good luck.
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Im pretty sure i got caught stealing.I went to supermarket to get a couple of things and i ended up stealing something(small worth $6)i dont know why but i just did(stupid right). I soon as i was finishing paying at the register for my other things i had. two people that looked like manager or the Lp came, but didt say anything to me but just kept staring at me and talking amongs themselfs.So i grab my things and leftthe store,got in my car and left.They did’t chase me or anything..Can i still get in trouble?
Dear Vic: It’s possible that you could receive a letter in the mail notifying you of a fine. But not likely since they have no identifying information from you other than the license number on the car. This still wouldn’t necessarily lead them to you if it was a borrowed car, for example. You might consider returning the item and apologizing – which would be the right thing to do in this case. Don’t steal again – you may not be so lucky next time. Good luck.
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thanks for your advice.
I was arrested a little over a month ago for shoplifting. i was put on probation and had to pay fines. Yesterday i was caught again. I go to school full time and applied for a job. What are the chances of me going to jail? i have learned my lesson and know i will never shop lift again. im 18
Dear Polly: Since this is your second offense in a short period of time and you’re already on probation, the judge may decide to give you a taste of what it’s like to lose your freedom. It depends on the facts of the incident, the judge assigned to your case, and what the prosecutor will be recommending as a penalty. Good luck.
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I was arrested a little over a month ago for shoplifting. i was put on probation and had to pay fines. Yesterday i was caught again. I go to school full time and applied for a job. What are the chances of me going to jail? i have learned my lesson and know i will never shop lift again
Dear Polly: Depending on your age and whether you’re a juvenile or not, you could spend some time in detention. You not only broke the law again, but you violated your probation. The judge may want to up the consequences with a stint in lock-up. Of course, it’s entirely up to the court. If you continue to steal, the length of time in jail will increase. Good luck.
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me (24) and a friend (19) got caught shoplifting in Arkansas (we live in Missouri) from JcPenny. we are now banned from the store. we were arrested and taken to jail. bonded out. and have to appear in court on March 8th. This is our first time offense. Everything i’m reading online is saying we can be sentenced to up to a year in jail. i’m really hoping that does not happen. what is most likely to happen in court? should we get a lawyer?
Dear Dolly: The year in jail is probably the maximum sentence available to the court. You’re not likely to receive this as it’s your first offense. You may be offered diversion which means that upon completion of community work hours, payment of a fine, restitution to the store, a class or counseling, the matter will be closed. Or if you plead guilty, the same consequences may be imposed. The process will be explained to you when you go to court and then you can decide whether you need a lawyer or not. Don’t miss your court date and dress appropriately. Good luck.
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Last August I was caught internal shoplifting of $165. The police were called and wrote me a citation BUT I payed my restitution that same day with a money order. Later maybe two weeks later the lp guy went and dropped all charges against me and I did not have to go to court. I was never charged for the crime in front of a judge so I wanted to kno because the police filed a citation would this appear on my background check for my employer to see?
Dear Janee: Every jurisdiction handles shoplifting cases differently. You don’t have an official “record” since you weren’t charged with a crime or go to court. Your case was handled through a “civil demand” and you paid the fine. Depending on where you apply for a job and your police department policies regarding record keeping, there may be a note in a file about this incident. Check with the police involved to see how they handle these cases. Good luck.
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I was caught taking a DVD 0ut 0f a case and I waIked 0ut with it. This is my first time steaIing and I did s0 intenti0naIIy because I feIt that WaIMart and KMart are the 1s steaIing fr0m pe0pIe in f0regn c0untries.
Anyway, I g0t caught and I understand that I have 2 pay 4 the item. WHat I’m w0ndering is that is it IawfuI f0r me 2 have 2 pay f0r the item and nt get the item…I returned the item 2 the pers0n wh0 caught me. S0 I have 2 pay f0r it and they get 2 keep it?
Dear James: Most states have civil statutes allowing retailers to seek what is called a “civil demand” from anyone who shoplifts from their establishment. The amounts vary but may be in the hundreds of dollars. If unpaid, they may choose to file formal charges against the thief. This holds true whether the item taken is returned or not. If removed from the original packaging, they may not be able to place it back on the shelf as a new item for the original price. Furthermore, your political beliefs don’t justify breaking the law. Try explaining your reasoning to the judge and see how far it gets you. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Thank You Judge for your information given. Blessings
Hello Judge November 4 2009 me and my fiend stole a purse bag full of thigs like candles, clothes, decorations from Kohls in Ohio. A security personel asked us to come back into the store. I recieved the civil demand of 200.00 and I paid it in January. The security guy took our pictures posted a ban from the store for life.the police was called and took a report then let us go. Me and my Friend Havent heard anything else from Kohls or the counties court. What should I expect now that its almost March and havent heard anything yet? Thanks for your Help.
Dear Heather: Depending on your location and the volume of cases filed in your county, you may be in the clear. If the state was going to file shoplifting charges against you, it would have happened by now. Unless your local district attorney is backed up with cases. There is usually a year in which they can file the charge – it’s called a statute of limitations setting a time period to file – usually a year for misdemeanors and longer for felonies. Good luck.
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I’m 15 years old and got caught shoplifting around $40 worth of merchandise. It was my first time. I returned all of the merchandise and went to see the clerk magistrate. We also recieved a fine in the mail for 250 dollars that my mom didn’t pay yet because she thought we should hear the verdict beforehand. The clerk magistrate dropped my charge. Soon we recieved 2 more letters saying we had a fine for 500 dollars. My mom refuses to pay that big of a fine for a misdemeanor. I understand that I should pay for it, but I don’t have a job because jobs for my age are seasonal here. When I am able to earn the money i’d be 100 percent willing to pay my mom back, but she won’t pay it. I want to know that if my mom refuses to pay, can I get in trouble for it? Also, would this effect my ability to get a normal part time job?
Dear Caitlyn: In most states, there are two consequences for shoplifting. First is civil, meaning the store can impose what is called a “civil demand” against you. The letter requesting the $250.00 from the store was the civil resolution of the offense. The second part is a formal charge filed with a court – the criminal aspect of the incident. You said the court dismissed it, so what’s left is your obligation to pay the demand – it may be up to $500 now because the statute may allow a higher amount for nonpayment. It shouldn’t have any affect on your job applications since you were convicted or adjudicated of shoplifting. The fine needs to be paid asap or it may increase again. Good luck.
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ok im asking too many questions now…im scheduled for jury duty tomorrow, however, when i filled out the questionaire it was before the shoplifting incident. what do i do? still go?
Dear JJ: Yes, still go, otherwise you may not like the consequences for not showing up. Explain the situation to the jury commissioner when you get there. Ask if it’s necessary to update the form regarding incidents since you completed it.
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But how exactly could they prove if I was shoplifting if they didn’t catch it in my possesion? And as for notifying me of additional charges, how would that work? Would they send me something in the mail? Sorry for all the questions but I have been able to eat or sleep, I am really sorry
Dear JJ: Proving that a crime has been committed is different from charging someone. The state has to prove the case against you beyond a reasonable doubt. This means they need strong evidence that you shoplifted. The exact details of the incident must be shown in court and that’s something you would discuss with your lawyer if you decided to plead not guilty. If they decide to pursue this any further, the prosecutor may ask the police to find you so you can be notified. You could receive notice by mail or be personally served with papers. Good luck.
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So if they suspect that I was shoplifting the previous time before I got caught and they press more charges, will I be notified of the added charges?
JJ: Absolutely. The Fourteenth Amendment requires that everyone, including teenagers, be notified of any charges filed against them and an opportunity to be heard by the court. If you’re charged with the earlier shoplifting, it could be considered a second offense depending on the criminal laws in your state. Two offenses on two separate dates may be treated as one conviction or two depending on a number of factors. Discuss these with your probation officer or attorney.
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sorry again. i was also wondering if i am qualified for a public defender. i dont have a job and i dont go to school. are my parents accountable for hiring a laywer for me since im living under their roof and they will pay for all other fees?
Dear JJ: The assignment and availability of a public defender depends on the resources in your community. Not all jurisdictions have a public defender’s office. And assignment depends on your income and parent’s ability to hire an attorney for you. You can find out more about this when you go to court. Good luck.
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Im not sure if my question got approved. But im 19 and was caught with a friend shoplifting. My amount was $120 worth of stolen items. I deeply regret it. This happened yesterday and I haven’t been able to eat or sleep. Sadly, I had stolen items a week before but didn’t get caught. Would they go back and look at videos and even though they didn’t catch me would they still charge me? Also, this is my first offence, will I go to jail? I live in los angeles california if its makes a difference. and I can’t afford a lawyer, do I have to get one? And should I plead guilty? I mean I know I did it 🙁 I really won’t ever do this again…couldn’t stand the dissapointment for my parents…
Dear JJ: It is unlikely that you will go to jail, but remember anything is possible. It depends on the law in this case, the judge and prosecutor, your history, etc. The court may give you a lawyer when you appear for your hearing. The process will be explained to you at court. Discuss your options with your lawyer and then decide how you want to proceed. Pleading guilty is entirely up to you. Good luck.
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Hi. Im 19 and was caught shoplifting with a friend. The amount of the items I stole was $120. Im completely mortified. Sadly, I had been in the same store a week before and stolen items but didn’t get caught. Can they go back and review tapes and charge me for that? Also, what do you think my sentencing would be? This is my first offence…would I go to jail? I live in los angeles california if that’s any help. Once again i am completely ashamed. I can’t bare to see the look of dissapointment on my parents faces again. :'(
Dear JJ: The store may review earlier tapes and if you’re seen shoplifting, they could tell the police. Additional charges may be filed by the prosecutor. As an adult and a first offender, you may be placed on probation with terms including community service hours, a fine, restitution to the store, a class or counseling. Don’t give in to temptation – the consequences increase as you reoffend. Good luck.
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do they normally bring videos of you stealing in court? if they catch you from previous videos, can they bring that up and charge you more money?
Dear Mel: Videos that have caught you in the act could be used in court, but generally are used only if the case goes to trial. In other words, if you plead not guilty and a trial is set, the prosecutor may obtain the tapes from the store and attempt to use them as evidence of the crime. If there are additional videos of you shoplifting on other dates, the police and prosecutor could review them and consider new charges. Good luck.
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Dear Tom,
Today I was caught shoplifting at Sears in the state of Washington. It totaled up to $70 something. I am currently 17 years old, about to be 18 in less than a month. When I got caught, police was called in to ask for my id, address, etc. My mom came, signed a few papers and we were let go with information about court and what not coming in the mail later. Couple months ago, I had a case that I got deferred ($150 fee, and I can’t get things deferred anymore for another 7 years).
Will my high school be informed of this? (Will I get kicked out, etc)
Will the colleges I applied to, be informed of this?
Will I have trouble receiving scholarship or any loans because of this?
Will I have trouble finding a job after this?
Will this show up on my record?
What are the consequences that I will have to face?
I’ve learned my lesson, and I am most sorry for my mom who had to go through this and be in pain all because of my idiotic actions. I’m never doing this again.
Please inform me in any kind of way that you can.
Thank you.
Dear Heidi: You state that this is your first offense but that a few months ago you had another matter that was deferred. That may be why you’re going to court this time. Either way, the process, including your options, will be explained to you at court. You may be offered diversion depending on your first offense and whether you complied with the terms. Schools don’t normally find out about shoplifting incidents and this shouldn’t affect college or job opportunities in the future. Read any application you’re filling out very carefully and answer truthfully. If you’re in juvenile court for these offenses and are either diverted or you admit to the charge and are found delinquent, you haven’t been “convicted” of a crime. Discuss this with the court officer you’ll meet when you go. Good luck.
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I was recently caught for shoplifting in nyc . i am not a
US resident . i am her eon F1 visa . What will happent o me ?
Dear Kim: Depending on your age and whether this is a first offense, you may be offered diversion. That means if you complete some community service hours, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the matter will be closed. You may be eligible for the same program if you’re over 18 if New York City has a diversion alternative. If the value of the items taken is low, this incident shouldn’t affect your status with Immigration. Repeat offenses may, however, result in deportation. Good luck.
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me and two other friends of mine were caught shoplifting @target. our ages are 14, 17, and 17. the 14 year old girl stole items that were about $30 while me and my other friend stole items worth $50 in total. The security got us and sent us to the room where they got our information. they also called the police and we were sent to the police station. they got our finger prints and info, called our parents and had them pick us up. they notified us that we were going to be getting a mail notifying us about the court date. does this mean that target is pressing charges against us in addition to the fine? we live in newark, ca btw.
Dear Mel: It could mean that Target is pressing charges and the process will be explained to you when you go to court. Or it could mean that you’ll be offered a diversion program through the court. For first time offenders, diversion is common. Once you complete some community service hours, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the matter is closed. Don’t miss your court date. Good luck.
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Hi. I’m 19 years old. I got caught shoplifting at a Walmart in Georgia. The merchandise was $34 total. I was arrested and bailed out 8 hours later. I have court on April 1. This is my first offense (I’ve only gotten traffic tickets before this). I’m also in college. Both of my parents are currently unemployed, and I work part-time in fast-food.
I know community service and restitution should be expected, but all I care about is getting my record cleared. I’ve heard about the diversion program, but I have no idea how that works. I also don’t have a lot of money for a lawyer ($500 maybe). I can’t let this affect my future employment. Please help!
Dear Amy: Since this is your first offense, you may be eligible for a diversion program if it exists in your area. If it does and you’re offered this as a way to handle this charge, it will mean you’ll have to complete work hours, pay a fine, complete a class or counseling in return for a closed case and no formal record of the incident. This won’t be allowed for a second offense, however. This shouldn’t affect your future education or employment plans if all terms are completed on time. Good luck.
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You sound as if all your sorry for is that you got caught.
And Shawn,with the technology that is out today,it is highly possible they would find your real birth date and age.Skip tracing and all.I’m shocked that your Mom would lie too..
Hi I am 15 and recently got caught shoplifting at a Kmart. They didnt prosecute me because all I had was a pair of $15 dollar headphones (According to there policy its not a high enough amount to prosecute)They took down my information and called my mom. We now have to pay a $200 dollar fine. They said this incident will not go on a criminal record but stores such as sears and other kmarts will be able to see the file. What other stores can see this file and will this affect my ability to get a job at a store such as publix or Dillards? Also lets say I would of ran when they caught me (They caught me right out of the store door) Are they legally allowed to chase me and tackle me down because I am only 15? Also lets say I ran into a store and said these men are trying to kidnap me. Do you think I would have a good chance of getting away?
Thanks in advanced -Alex
Dear Alex: This incident shouldn’t affect future employment opportunities. You don’t have a criminal record, but stay away from the store or next time they could file trespassing charges against you. About tackling you during a chase, you’ll have to look to local law regarding store security and their authority. Good luck.
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I am 23..I may have the worst case ever..a couple of months ago I got caught shoplifting no police were involved, I was banned and paid the civil fine thing and that was the end of it. Just recently, I don’t know why I did it but I shoplifted again (and this is the last time i totally learned my lesson and I am completely ashamed of myself I WILL NEVER DO IT AGAIN..) But i went into a store tole a couple of items that were less than $30, but i bought stuff with a debit card..the lp person caught me and took me in the back ask for some information and i was so scared out of my mind that i would be put in jail so i lied abut my age (BAD IDEA I KNOW I WASN’T THINKING)..i didn’t give the lp person an id or my drivers license number so my mom came they asked for my age my mom gave them a fake birthday and they wrote down my address and my moms id. The lp person was very understanding and nice and she just had me banned from the store and a letter in the mail later and let me go..Now, my question is..there any possible way i could get caught lying? I AM SOO SORRY I WILL NEVER DO IT AGAIN! =(=(
Dear Shawn: It’s possible they could discover the truth regarding your age and birth date. If they do, fess up and do the right thing. You sound remorseful about this incident so don’t make it worse by lying again. Good luck.
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It’s real simple and not rocket science kids,if something doesn’t belong to you,you simply should NOT take it.You have no entitlement to it.Pretty basic here.If you choose to steal,you make yourself a thief.You cannot blame anyone or anything else for your choices.You made the choices,you own them.No one gives you permission to steal,but yourselves.”Thief” what a label to have laid upon you from your own choices.Yes,we all make mistakes and we either learn from them or we don’t.In my opinion,what is long term consequences of theft is getting trust back from people.People that matter to you.Stealing goes right along with lying.Hand in hand.Would you like to be stolen from? No. Why is that? Because it’s your stuff,and no one has a right to it but you.Just like you have no right to steal from anyone.You lie and steal,there will be no trust.Rightly so.Trust is not given,it is earned.Young people,the world doesn’t owe you a dang thing!The world doesn’t revolve around you.Nor around me.It doesn’t owe me anything either.What you want, you have to,or should work hard for.Nothing is going to be handed to you.And it’s not yours to take.This mindset nowadays of instant gratification is really childish and selfish.I mean is what you steal worth all the consequences?And there always will be consequences.Not just from the stores stolen from,but legally.Court dates,probations,ankle monitoring,facing a Judge,your squashed reputation,how you feel about yourselves,your parents have to pay money and they did nothing wrong.And,having a record.You do this at 17 or 18,(According to what state you live in and are declared legally an adult)your going to jail.It is what it is.And you’ll have no one to blame but yourselves.Your futures are all coming up.You all have a chace to shine! You have a theft record,who is going to hire you? You want a job that includes saying “You want fries with that or do you want this meal supersized?” 300 times a day the rest of your life? Probably not.I know young people can be impulsive,but you need to start thinking about what will or could happen.In my life,I have found something that works for me,and that is “Doubt means don’t.” If you question & doubt doing something or saying something,chances are real high you should not do or say it.Think about making the right choices.Let’s get real,you all know what the right choices are.If someone is asking you to steal,a so called “friend”…..just tell them “No”. After all,if you steal for someone else,chances are high you get caught,and they go on their merry way.And your in handcuffs going off to jail.You all know right from wrong,and good from bad.Be a person who can hold their heads up high, because they are honest,have a strong work ethic,treat people the way you want to be treated. Life is too short for all this nonscense and foolishness.Truly it is.Become a person of integrity.Learn from these lessons and do not repeat them again.I know I probably sound like your Mom.And that’s OK.Because I am a Mom.The only person your hurting is yourself.
Dear Connie: Thank you for your comments.
hi im 13 years old and i recently got caught shoplifting from baby blue 🙁 I know i know it was a dumb decision and now im really scared! They told me to give down my number and i gave them a fake one, so when they called my parents they didn’t pick up because it wasn’t the real number. And they took my backpack and said that my dad is going to have to come and pick it up by monday morning, and if he doesn’t, then the will call my school to get my information, and he already knows my name because all my notebooks in my bag have my name on it! But when he goes to the school, there might not be anybody there because its winter vacation. Is it okay if one of my gaudrian calls them saying that it was a mistake and that im only 13 and that i’ll never go in that store again and stuff? Also my parents can’t pick up my bag because they work 7 days a week from 7 in the morning to 9 in the night! Im really scared. I know i was stupid! Do you think they will let me go with a warning since im a minor, and let me get the bag myself? Please help im so scared and i don’t want to go to court or anything because as far as my parents, they just think i lost my bag!
Dear Jane: Rather than worrying so much about who knows what or who calls whom, the best solution is to tell your parents the truth about what you did and that you made a mistake. They’re most likely going to find out anyway. So face the music and this won’t change your life drastically. Since you’re 13 and this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion which means you’ll have to finish some community work hours, pay a fine or attend a class or counseling in return for a closure of the case. If the court is not involved, the store can ask you to pay a fine. So, either way, your parents will find out about this – the sooner the better, and from you not someone else. Good luck.
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We adopted our son when he was 3.Since he has been ten years old,he has been incorrigable.He is almost 18 now,and living with his friends parents.He was caught shoplifting from 2 stores a year ago,and we were fined close to $1000.00 from a Lawyers office who represent the store.(K-Mart)Just recently,the same thing happened.And yes because of Ohio law,we the parents are being fined again.$700.00.I know what the law states about minor children and parental responsibility.Yet I feel that my husband and I are being punished for something we didn’t and wouldn’t ever do.While he merrily goes along with hardly a slap on the hand.What legal rights do we as parents have in a situation like this?If we don’t pay the fines,there could be a civil action put against us.Neither of us have a criminal record of any kind.Moral and decent working folks.Seems so unfair.How about letting the one who did the crime be punished?How can they learn if there are no significant consequences.So frustrating and seems so unfair.The court date is 3 weeks before his 18th birthday.I would think the courts would see this and punish him instead of two people who never would steal anything from anyone.He stole $100.00 worth of things from this store,and we are being fined $700.00? Somethings wrong here.Why are we being punished and why $700.00? Insane.
To add to the previous post,I think my son may continue to shoplift,knowing nothing will happen to him,and we will be made to pay crazy amounts of money. Revenge in other words.For what I don’t know.He laughed the last time he saw we had to pay and said “Ha! They have to pay!” “Nice” mindset.But that’s on him.Still I think the courts here in Ohio should punish him.Punish anyone who shoplifts.
To add to the previous post,I think my son may continue to shoplift,knowing nothing will happen to him,and we will be made to pay crazy amounts of money. Revenge in other words.For what I don’t know.He laughed the last time he saw we had to pay and said “Ha! They have to pay!” “Nice” mindset.But that’s on him.Still I think the courts here in Ohio should punish him.Punish anyone who shoplifts.
Dear Ms. Cage: First, you sound aware of your state’s laws regarding parental responsibility over the acts of minors. Every state has a monetary limit that parents are held to unless their child is emancipated under the law. Since your son has a court date, as his parents, you should plan to be there and explain your position to the judge. That won’t necessarily relieve you from financial responsibility but the court may take your position into consideration in handling your son’s case. Good luck.
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Me and my bestfriend got caught stealing from wal-mart. We are both 19 and it was our first times stealing. We stole chapstick and when the security caught us he told us that we may be getting a citation in the in about two weeks. Now 3 months later my bestfriend has gotten a letter and we are not sure if it from that. My question is that if it is a citation for that and we pay it will it still show up on our records? We live in CA and we know it was very very very stupid idea to even try it, we both regret it very much. What should we do?
Dear Lawrence: Once you receive the civil demand from the store, pay it as soon as possible if you admit that you shoplifted the item. If you don’t pay, the store may choose to file charges against you. If you don’t go to court about this, there won’t be an official judicial record of the incident. The store may keep its own records in the event you return and/or steal from them again. Good luck.
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I have a question for you about background checks. I was arrested at 19 in the state of Wisconsin for stealing a bottle of booze from a Pick and Save. I was fingerprinted and detained for a few hours and was then released. I also admitted to what I had done. I did not have to go to court but I had to pay a fine to the Police Dept. in 30 days. I paid the fine and that was that. My question is will this show up on my background check? If I understand the law correctly I was not convicted because I didn’t go to court. Was the fine Civil Demand, meaning once I pay it my record is cleaned? And also, I am applying for a job as a US Census taker. If this is still on my record will it ruin my chances? Should I just check with the Police Dept?
Thanks in advance for any response at all.
Dear Charlie: Since you didn’t go to court, there is probably no official record of the incident with the judicial system. The police could have their own record of it depending on how long they maintain records of non-court cases. It’s best to check with them to see if they have you on file for this incident. Read the questions carefully on the Census application. You weren’t “convicted” of a crime if you weren’t charged and the matter was handled out of court as a civil penalty to the store. Good luck.
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My friend got caught shoplifting, although I don’t know what. He lives in Virginia, and it isn’t his first offense. Getting caught shoplifting, means he violated his probation. He also violated his house arrest, although it wasn’t with the anklet, just his mom monitoring him. He is in Juvy now, until March 1st, thats his court date.
Any idea on how long he will be in?
Dear Katie: You said in a second message that he is 15, so since he’s in juvenile court, committed a new offense while on probation, he may be looking at a period of time in detention. It’s entirely up to the judge who knows his history, family situation and psychological needs. Depending on the facts, he could also be setting himself up for commitment to the juvenile department of corrections. All the best.
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Dear Judge,
I recently got caught stealing at a store in California with items adding up to around 30 dollars or so. Since I’m 14, the guy didn’t have to call the police or anything, but I was getting a fee. When I put my address down, I forgot that I’m moving in a week or so. When will I receive my fee? Will they know where to send it even though I’m going to have a new address?
Dear Gabby: Most likely your Mom or Dad filed a change of address form with the post office. That way, all mail received after you move will be forwarded to your new address. When you get the letter from the store with the fine, make sure you pay it on time and then this matter will be closed. Hopefully, you’ve learned something from this incident. Good luck.
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NY shoplifted item $58 first offense
Dear JAS: If you’re a minor and asking what may happen to you, it depends on the laws in your area and the practice of the court and prosecutor. You may be eligible for a diversion program if one exists. That means you would be required to complete some community service work, pay a fine, or attend a class or counseling. If diversion is not available, and you admit the shoplift, you could be placed on probation with similar terms. You could also plead not guilty and go to trial on the charge. Good luck.
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Dear Judge,
My court date is coming up and I’m not sure how to prepare for it. Can you explain to me who/how many people will be there? If it is private? What documents would I have to bring?
Thank you in advance =]
Dear Donna: If you are a minor, the process will be explained to you when you first arrive at court. Be a little early if you can. If you received any paperwork in the mail, go over it carefully. It should tell you what to bring. Or you can call the court in advance and ask what to expect when you go. Don’t miss your court date and dress appropriately. Good luck.
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He just told me that supposedly after three months, his record will be wiped clean, does that mean if they filed the charge after 3 months, then it would be considered a first offense again?
Dear Marco: Not necessarily. He has to look to the laws in his area that apply to shoplifting and the rules of the court. He can contact the court or juvenile probation department and ask for details.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
K, thanks. I’m going to tell him not to worry, considering like 11 days have gone by since he first shoplifted from the store and about 3 have gone by since then second time and the time he got caught.
And also, if they did press charges on the first one he didn’t get caught for, do you have any idea how much bail would be, or if bail would even be an option?
Dear Marco: Whether bail is available and the amount is up to your local court and the laws that apply to the case. Every jurisdiction differs on bail amounts and who is eligible for release on bail. In some areas, there is no bail for juveniles unless they’re being tried as adults.
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K, well one last question, does the fact that while he was being questioned when he was caught shoplifting the $150 item, they checked their records to see if he had done anything like it before, and he hadn’t make a difference? And he doesn’t think they think that he had ever been in the store before.
Dear Marco: It may make a difference in the way the case is handled. If he’s seen as a first offender, he may be eligible for diversion. If this was a second or third offense, he may face greater consequences – it depends on the laws in your area that apply to shoplifting.
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And it would also be tough to I.D. him just from security cameras, right? Especially if he didn’t speak to any salepeople that day.
Dear Marco: Not necessarily. Cameras and security systems are always improving – so it would depend on the age of their system.
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K. I know what statute of limitations is, I was just referring to logically, they would have to go back farther in time to see them the longer time goes on, and therefor it is probably more unlikely.
K, good deal. He’ll be relieved to hear it. And I am correct in saying that the longer time goes on, the slimmer the chances are, right?
Dear Marco: Not necessarily because there’s a statute of limitations that applies to all crimes. That means the state has a year to file charges for misdemeanors and longer for felonies. It’s different in every jurisdiction, you’ll have to check yours. Google your state name, shoplifting and statute of limitations for more details.
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They obviously have all his information, or he says they do, and he’ll definitely never do it again, but they would have to be very sure it was he in the first tape, right? Because they wouldn’t want to file charges against an innocent person, or i don’t think so at least. And the longer it goes by, the less of a chance there is he will be caught, right? I can’t imagine they would just scan through past security tapes looking for him. Especially since they apparently searched his info and he had never been to the given store before the $150 incident according to their records.
Dear Marco: You’re right. They would have to have a positive identification before filing charges. The chances are slim that they would search further into past tapes, but there’s always the possibility.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Thank you for the response Judge.
My friend who is 17, who got arrested, has been arrested 3 other times. Do you think she could get something harsher than a diversion program?
And for me, how would they be able to contact me?
Dear Gavin: Your friend may not be eligible for diversion with his record of prior incidents. The process will be explained to him once he goes to court. As far as identifying you, the store or police could contact your school, show then the photo and letterman’s jacket and make an identification. You would then be contacted by the police or receive a summons in the mail to appear in court.
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My friends and I went to Walmart. I stole items that were worth less than 20$ and wasn’t caught. I left before my friends and went to the car and waited for my friends to come out.
In about 5 minutes most of my friends came out, but not all of them.
So about an hour or so later, I found out three of my friends got caught shoplifting, and each individual person had less than 20$ of stolen items in them. What will probably happen to them? Two of them are 16, and one is 17, and she was arrested.
Also, what will happen to me?
I left the store without being stopped or anything,
but my friends told me that the Walmart guy said they had me on camera stealing something. I had my Letter Men’s jacket on, so they do have my name. I’m 15 and live in Michigan. Can they do anything?
I’ve learned my lesson about stealing now, and I’m definitely not going to steal anymore, because I’m extremely worried.
Dear Gavin: Regarding your friends, if this is their first offense, they may be offered a diversion program. That means if they complete some community work hours, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the matter will be closed. If the store studies the tape, identifies you and wants to prosecute, that is their decision. You will be notified by letter to either pay the store a fine, or appear in court. As a letterman at school you have a responsibility as a role model, whether you like it or not. Keep that in mind when tempted again to break the law. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear Judge,
I have a friend who was having shoplifting issues in the state of Texas, he stole something from a store worth about $90, then he was an idiot and stole something from the same store about a week later worth $150, the second time he got caught, and got put into a first offense program or something like that to get it off his record (Juvenile, he’s 17). Does he have any risk of being charged for the $90 item that he stole a week before he got caught with the $150 item? Like security tapes or something? He’s my best friend and I’ve never seen him this distraught.
Dear Marco: If he was caught on tape during the first incident, there’s always a chance the store may review their tapes and file charges. It’s their decision. They may choose not to since he’s already in court and completing the diversion program. Hopefully, he’s learned from this experience. All the best.
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Well basically i got caught shoplifting 48 dollars worth of pants at Macys 2 wks ago, i was taken to a little room and they got all my information and the police came and got my fingerprints and my headshots and interrogated me and (after reading my rights) my two other friends that got caught stealing with me, well basically my friend told the cop that we intended to steal, my other friend kept her mouth shut and when it was my turn i told him that we were there just doing our own thing and that stealing was just a compulsive thing and it wasnt planned out.
He basically said that my friend and i have two different stories and now im scared to plea not guilty because he might use this against me, so my main question is, does the court or what not can change my 490.5 to a 459? or no? And what are the odds of having this charge be lessened to an infraction or a 415 (disturbing the peace) or even a diversion can be eligible? And when i plea not guilty which i think i might do, i can get a PD and we can resolve the matter in one day? Or do i have to go to another court date?
im a first time offender
im 18 yrs old, one is 19 and 18 (i know we’re dumb, we’re all college students that are broke)
Dear Manuel: Since, as you said, this is your first offense, even though you’re an adult, you may be eligible for a diversion program. Once you go to court, you’ll meet with a court officer who will explain the process to you. Then you decide how you want to proceed. A Public Defender may be appointed to represent you depending on what’s available in your jurisdiction. Discuss your options with him or her before you decide. Good luck.
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my friend was arrested a while ago for stealing a bottle of vodka from a grocery store. he was arrested and went to court and everything. he was also 14 at the time. how hard will this make it for him to get into a good college?
Dear K: Assuming your friend stays out of trouble, with no new offenses, it shouldn’t have any effect on future job or college pursuits. He should check with the court or his probation officer about having his record expunged. He may have to wait until he’s 18 depending on your local laws.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
thanks so much for the last response, do you think that if i stop stealing things, then i can just put it behind me and no one will find out?
Dear Jessie: Yes, you can put it behind you, but there is no guaranty that no one will find out. It’s advisable and the right thing to do to stop – you’ll feel better about yourself in the long run. All the best.
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im 15, about to be 16, and i steal from walmart sometimes, and i have never gotten caught. im paranoid now for some reason that my parents will get a call and they will find out that i shoplifted. i tried not to let the cameras see me, but i dont know if i was hidden all of the time. is it possible for them to catch me still?
pleaseee help me!!!
Dear Jessie: It’s always possible to get caught doing something wrong, whether the cameras are working or not. Since you admit that you continue to steal from the store, with little remorse, it sounds like it’s time to face the music, from both the authorities and your parents. Your luck will run out soon – maybe you should consider working and buying the things you like, rather than stealing them. Good luck.
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i’m 21 years old & i got caught shoplifting makeup. what will happen to me in court since i am an adult. & is will this stay on my record since i’m a first time offender?
Dear Rose: Since you’re a first time offender, you may be offered a diversion program where you’ll be required to complete some community service, pay a fine, complete a class or counseling. Once you’ve complied with the terms, the case will be closed. If you end up in court, the same consequences are likely. After a period of time, depending on your state’s laws, you can ask the court to expunge your record. Good luck.
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I got caught shoplifting today, i took a bag of chips, and as soon as i got outa the store with my friend, the guy yells and tells me to stop, so i stopped. and he ran to me, and i thought he wanted the chips back , so i handed the chips, but instead of grabing the chips he grabbed my collar, and pulled me into the store, i was thrown in the store, and i hit the door while he threw me in there, i wasnt injured but it stinged for a bit, also he told me to empty all my things, and i did, and my backpack also, but there was nothign in there, so then he decideds to take my backpack. and says that i have to call a parent to get it back.
in there is useless things, but theres my name, and stuff, so do you think he’d go to my school and report me?
Dear Jay: It’s not likely that he would notify your school. You may receive a letter at home requesting a civil fine that you should pay as soon as possible. Tell your parents what happened and then you can return to the store for your backpack. Hopefully, you’ve learned from this experience. Good luck.
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i am 17 soon to be 18 this month i jus got caught a few days ago shoplifting with friends now what is gonna happen to me? this is my first time and i hav to go to court on march and i also got fingerprinted and they took photos….pls help me
Dear Sam: Since this is your first time, you may be offered diversion which means if you complete some community work hours, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed. Or you could end up in court with similar consequences. The court officer you meet when you go will explain the process to you. You could also plead not guilty and go to trial – that’s your decision. Good luck.
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im 18 years old and its my first offense, took me to a little room got my information, cops came and said i have a court date which is not long from now. My question(s) are
– Is a defense attorney worth it ? Well obviously it is but its just a minor crime, which is serious in a way
– i stole 48 dollar pants at Macys (CA), i know pretty stupid, couldnt this be reduced to a non-criminal infraction?
– Whats the odds of me be put into jail? im a college student =/
– The judge isnt going to question me of who i stole with? Because i was with friends that stole as well
-Is there anyway i can just plead guilty or no contest and get this over with? Like am i eligible for a diversion?
Dear Manny: Askthejudge.info does not provide legal advice and cannot tell you whether or not you should hire an attorney or how to plead in court. That is something you will have to decide on your own. Whether you will be given the opportunity to participate in a diversion program will depend on the prosecutor handling your case, the court and whether such a program exists in your county. However, for a first offense, diversion is often an option. This means that you would have to complete community service hours, pay a fine/restitution and attend a class or counseling and the case would be closed and the charges dismissed. Jail time is very unlikely for a first offense. If diversion is not an option and you end up with a record, you can always go back to the court and request your record be expunged or destroyed after successfully completing your sentence. The judge does not usually ask about the facts of the case except when and if you plead guilty at which time the judge hears some facts in order to accept the plea agreement. When you appear for your first court date, more will be explained to you at that time and you will have a better idea of what to expect. Good luck.
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I was caught shoplifting at TJ Maxx about 6 months ago. It was only 1 item worth $9.99. I was sure they were going to send me a civil demand notice or something but it’s been so long now and I’ve heard nothing from them.
I do remember them saying that if I were to go back to the store they were call the police, but my mom is asking me to go with her tomorrow. She doesn’t know about the incident and I do not feel like telling her. Do these people have my picture on file, do you think they will recognize me, and can I get in trouble just by being in the store?
Dear Jess: If the store told you not to return, then don’t. Once they’ve “trespassed” you, then they may decide to press charges against you if you return. Tell your Mom what happened, face the music and move on. Honesty is always the best way to go. Good luck.
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I got a question, me and my friend go to Sear and my friend jack some stuff and he put it in my backpack. And he ask me to carry it for him, it was part of my fault that I carry the bag for him. But I didn’t take anything, and later we both got handcuff by the security staff and they will send a letter home to notify when I have to serve court. They also said that if I don’t show up for court I have to serve Juvenile Detention. So my question is that if I show up for court, do I have to serve Juvenile Detention or not?
Dear Viet: If this is the first time you have been charged with shoplifting, it is very unlikely that you will have to go to juvenile detention. Often the courts and prosecutors will offer some sort of diversion program for first time offenders. This means that if you successfully complete community service hours, pay the fine/restitution and attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed and the charges dismissed. You also may be facing a probationary period. You will have an opportunity to speak with a court officer or probation officer during your first court appearance who can provide more information about what you can expect. Good luck.
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Thank you for your response and so quickly! I do not have my receipt and I have been back to the store. They know me and know I didn’t do it but they said my mom’s car was part of a theft??? And, the police are saying they will tow the car for evidence. This is all very odd. My mom was out of town so unless our car was stolen and we did not know it, we don’t know how to resolve this. The police said they are “just investigating” a theft and the person left in our car. But, the store knows it wasn’t me. Not sure what to do now???
Dear Melissa: Although you have not been charged with an offense at this point since you have not been cited by the police and have not received a notice in the mail to appear in court, you could consult with a local attorney about the matter who could provide you legal advice and help you decide what to do. Good luck.
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I was recently caught at the mall (MACYS) stealing merchandise worth $135. they said i have to go to court and i’m really scared. what’s going to happen and what are the consequences for my stupid, immature actions.
-janine, 14 years old, miami florida
Dear Janine: If this is your first offense, it’s possible that you will be offered a diversion program. This means that once you successfully complete community service hours, pay a fine/restitution and complete a class or counseling, the matter will be closed and the charges dismissed. If diversion is not an option for you, it is likely that you will face the same consequences as above in addition to being placed on probation. Remember that your penalties will increase for any new offenses committed, so we hope you learned from this incident. Good luck.
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Hello! I was at a local grocery store the other day and bought items. I got in my car and left. My mother received a call from the local police department stating I bagged my own groceries and left (the car is in my mom’s name). I did pay for the groceries, no longer have a receipt and no one stopped me at the store. The police officer says they have video of me taking $150 worth of stuff. What should I do? Do I call the police back?
Dear Melissa: Askthejudge.info does not provide legal advice. You might consider returning to the store and explain the situation. Find the receipt and take it with you – that should resolve the matter. Good luck.
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hello, i have friends that have been caught for shoplifting(they only took 1 item worth about $.50 at diffent times). Well they were charged with a misdemeanor, fine, court, community service, etc… Well anyways someone told me that if you get caught stealling something below $.99 you can’t be arrested. Is this true? They are 16 and live in Minnesota(couldnt find anything on Google). Also they were banned from the store ror life, pretty harsh for $.50
Thank you
Dear Chase: Every state has its own laws and rules regarding shoplifting and how this crime is handled. By Googling “Minnesota shoplifting laws” you should be able to obtain specific information. It’s not uncommon to be trespassed or banned from a store or mall for a period of time [one year is common]. All the best.
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So it would take 2 years for this to be officially clear in the state of new york? What would they bring me to court for exactly? Like i said I paid the fines and i received a release says i am “hereby released from any statutory civil claims…”
Dear Stephanie: It sounds like you’ve settled the matter with the store. But criminal charges could always be filed during the statute of limitations period. It’s not likely since the store has apparently chosen not to involve the police. So you can relax.
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Hello, if I got caught stealing in California, and they decided to take me to court, is a department store going to be able to look through previous footage and charge me if I was caught stealing then, too? I’m a female minor.
Dear Stephanie: If the store finds further evidence of additional crimes, they could turn it over to the police to investigate. Additional charges could be filed depending on the circumstances and the applicable laws. Good luck.
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Thanks again, haha. So what is considered a misdemeanor? I’m sorry im not fmailiar with a lot of law terms.
Dear Stephanie: On our home page, enter “misdemeanor” in the Search window [upper right corner] and scroll down to the 12th question. Have fun. -ATJ.info
Thank you! Yes anything is possible..but for how long can “anything” be possible? (i apologize for all the questions by the way)
Dear Stephanie: Actually, that’s a good question. Most criminal laws have what is called a ‘statute of limitations” which means there’s only so much time after the incident where charges can be filed against a person. Misdemeanors are usually one year, with longer periods for felonies. Then there are crimes, such as murder and treason, where there is no statute of limitations. There’s no limit on the questions you can ask us – no apology needed.
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Judge, thank you so much for your advice. I’ve been so worried about the incident for months and months. Its just me or does this type of stuff seem so up in the air, so to speak? For example, I had no idea what would happen to me legally…I was just worried one day I’d get fired from my current job, or the police would show up at my house out of no where. Or i’ll randomly get something in the mail, like a court order? Is this something rational I should worry about? Im probably just being silly, but I really worry about this stuff.
Dear Stephanie: As you know, anything is possible. But most likely this incident is history if it’s been quiet for six months. All the best.
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well me and my friend both walked into jc penny and she stole some make-up that i had know idea about and then we went to go try on some clothes and we went into the same fitting room and she put some clothes in her bag and i was whispering her not too but i didnt want to her to get in trouble so i didnt say anything to her then she put the dress that i tryed on in my bag i was scared and told her not to but she convinced me and then we got caught and i didnt go to juvie becaude the dress was under 40 but i would like to know what is going to happen when i go to court im 15 and i have never done anything bad(never been suspended i haven’t even had detention in my life) also i live in houston texas and my friend is 17 so are they going to treat her like an adult
Dear Estefany: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program which means if you complete some work hours, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the matter will be closed. Or you could be placed on probation with similar terms. Whether your friend is treated as an adult for this incident depends on her history and how the police/prosecutor choose to handle her case. Good luck.
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if you do shoplifting and the police don’t get called . how much time do the store have to press charges against the person.
Dear Wana_b: Every state has its own laws regarding the time to file charges against someone. It’s called a statute of limitations. It may be a year for a misdemeanor offense, and longer for felonies. Google your state’s name, shoplifting and statute of limitations and you’ll be able to read the laws that apply to you. Good luck.
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Hi! I was caught shoplifitng at a local Walgreens 6 months ago.Im 20 and live in NYC. I paid a fine straight away, I was not arrested, they just took down my ID and said they use it incase I come back in to check my ID. Will anything else happen to me? Court? anything? Im going to school to become a teacher and Im scared. Im just trying to right my wrongs and so the right thing now. What will happen to me?
Dear Stephanie: If it’s been six months and you haven’t heard anything from the store, police or a court, then you’re most likely in the clear. The store will keep the information on file about the incident in the event you return and shoplift again. All the best with your teaching career – you have some real life experiences now to share with your students.
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Hey, I have a question
What will i get, me and a friend got caught shoplifting from Claire’s, and we are both only 12. What will be the punishment?
Dear Lily: If this is your first time shoplifting, you may hear from the store asking you to pay a fine by a certain date. Or the store may refer the incident to the police. You may be eligible for a diversion program which means you’d have to do some community service hours, pay a fine, attend class or counseling in return for no formal charges in court. Think twice before doing this again. The consequences increase as you get older and continue to break the law.
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Im 33 years old.I got caught at Kohls in Virginia b4 2 months. It was a Nike shoes sale for $49 but ticket price was around $65. Security took down my information. No cops were called and he said nothing about being banned from Kohls. He just said that I will be getting a fine in the mail from Kohls Headquaters, Wisconsin . Now is this all that’s going to happen? And when he took down my address I completely blanked and forgot to tell him that I wont be at that address for much longer, is there any number or email I could call to change my address, or will they even do it? Please help me, I’m freaking out and I know I did stupid mistake also my all nights are going sleeples .Also I did my change my address at post office.Now it been 8 weeks I havn’t received any letters from them please help me.How do I contact them? HOW SOON I WILL GET A LETTER FROM THEM?What if I don’t received any letter from them?What they do?please help me.
Dear Tennu: Askthejudge.info is a website for teenagers about the law. We don’t provide legal advice to anyone whether a teen or an adult. You should hear from the store soon if you had your mail forwarded. Good luck.
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So im 18 and got caught stealing at kmart, no cops were called, the guy said i would get stuff in the mail. All he did was get my ss #, my name, and address, asked a few basic questions and thats it. My total for items stole was $17. Will i go to jail? What will all happen? How long does the stuff in the mail take? Please help.
Dear Alexis: Since you’re an adult, the store could refer this to the police who could charge you with shoplifting. On the other hand, the store may send you a letter requiring that you pay a fine [civil demand] and the case is then closed upon payment. They’ll keep the information taken at the time for their own records. It could take up to a month before you hear from them. The store cannot send you to jail – only if you’re charged and convicted of a crime does jail become a possibility. Don’t steal again.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
i was at walmart with my friend and i stole some make up…. i didnt get caught but she went back to walmart that night and there was cops there and im really scared… what should i do? if i return it or pay for it can i still get into trouble?
Dear Darianne: Since you’re asking, we think you know what the right thing to do is, right? You said in a follow-up message that you’re 14, so if this is your first offense, and you returned to the store, returned the goods and apologized, this could be the end of it. There are no guarantees here, but doing what’s right and ethical has its own rewards. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hi Judge,
You may or may not recall, I wrote here about a month ago. So far, I have paid my civil fines, but am still waiting on the court documents. I plan on applying for a job soon, and my question is, IF I don’t receive the court documents by the time I get an interview, will my employers be able to pull this incident up while doing a background check? If so, I would rather not apply until I am completely sure that it has been cleared off my record.
I guess my overall question is, if it does get on my record, when, exactly, will my employers be able to pull this information up in a background check? Will they be able to right now, even though I haven’t gotten the court documents? Or would it be there after I’ve gone to court, and am in the process of getting it cleared off? I just need a time frame so that I know when I can apply without this hindering it.
Thank you.
Dear Jasmina: Yes, we remember you. You may or may not have a record to worry about. If you don’t go to court on this, there’s no official record. Even if you go, but complete a diversion program, there’s still no official record – it’s been diverted by your completion of the terms. You’ll have to wait and see. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Thank you very much for your response. Just as an added note, the LP officer said the paperwork went in a file and it was not necessary to give me a copy as they were not going to proceed further. When the time comes for applications, he will be truthful for what has happened. Thank you your Honor, you were most helpful!
Im 19 me and my friend were at walmart and I had put makeup in the shopping cart and she covered it up and then she stole over 500 dollars worth of stuff.I knew she was stealing it but I didnt steal it we both went to jail and got bailed out but its a felony charge, what will happen when I go to court. I dont have a record and i didnt walk out the store with anything I walked out a different door with nothing on me. What will happen when i go to superior court
Dear Christina: Since it’s your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program. That means if you complete some community service hours, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the case may be closed. You’ll have a chance when you go to court to speak with a court [probation] officer who will explain the process. You may also plead not guilty and go to trial – it’s your decision. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
My 15 year old son (who overheard some friends say how easy shoplifting was) got caught for the 1st time at Marshall’s in Miami, Fla. The store is in a mall. I was called to the store’s loss prevention office. The LP officer told me they would not call police nor mall security. I asked about court, civil demand, etc. He stated he was only filling out an Incident form, which included my son’s info and my license info for my son’s release to me. He showed me a different form that he could have filled out, which involved paying a civil fine, but because my son was extremely cooperative, he would not take it any further, no letters, no civil fine/demand, etc. My son is not allowed to enter any Marshall stores for 1 year. He IS allowed to be in the mall though. But the LP officer stated there is a retail database for all retail stores & my son’s info would be on file for 7 years, so if he applies for a job or on his college application, he would have to answer YES to Shoplifting. According to one of your previous answers, there is no such database. From the research on Florida law, since my son was not convicted, will not have to go to court or pay a fine, etc. . .he would NOT have to admit to shoplifting on any applications, as there is no record. I do believe the 7 year thing was a scare tactic on the LP officer’s part. My son is extremely worried as he will be applying for a part time job at Publix in January of 2011, and is studying hard to get into college. I don’t want him to be nervous nor am I angry with him, I just want to help him deal with this situation in the proper manner. Any input on your part is very helpful. Thank you.
Dear CJM: There is no official governmental database for juvenile shoplifters. Private companies exist that keep track of employee theft cases, embezzlement, etc. and some retail stores pay these companies for information before hiring an employee. But these don’t apply to minors. Your son needs to read the questions on every application [college, employment, military etc.] very closely and answer truthfully. In what you have described, he hasn’t been convicted of a crime. Good luck.
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My roommate works at a store and took costomer gift cards while working there as a cashier. H care took about 4 giftcards that in total added to about $90. He did it a few months go and stopped because he knew it was wrong and now two months later he got caught. What will happen to him. He’s 19 and this is his first offense I guess you can call it. They suspended him from work and said that they’d fax it to the next highest people. He called Human resources and they said it wouldn’t go to court and he wouldn’t go to jail. So what will happen to him? Should he just quit? He already paid his manager the $90. Will it go on his record?
Dear Kristopher: If the police or courts aren’t involved, he won’t have an official criminal record. The store will likely keep a record of the event, especially if he continues his employment with them and he steals from them again. The store may require that he pay them a fine or some other consequence. It’s up to him and his boss whether to continue working for the store. Good luck.
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What is a citation? I got one in the mail regarding my shoplifting a month ago from the Juvenile Probation Department. What does this mean?
Dear Melissa: The citation is an order that you appear at the date and place stated. You will meet with a court [probation] officer who will explain the process to you. If this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion. That means if you complete some community work hours, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the matter will be closed. Don’t miss your court date. Good luck.
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my friend took some stuff but she took it out of the package and left the trash on the floor she wasent neer any camras so what would happen to her can they pin it on her if she wasent caught
Dear Allison: Your friend could have been caught on a camera you didn’t see. If so, she may receive a letter in the mail from the store requesting payment of a civil fine. Also, if the store knows her name or a way to identify her, they may report the incident to the police, in which case she may be charged with shoplifting.
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hello – about four months ago i switched price tags at a tj maxx but did not get caught after buying the item (it was a $5 difference and i did it in the fitting rooms and the clothing area was generally a huge mess). i returned the item because i felt very guilty and bought additional merchandise that i didn’t really need because i felt bad about it. i’ve used my credit card to pay there before so i’m still worried that they might pursue it after all this time? do you think they will? thank you very much for all of your help
Dear Amy: It’s possible, but after all this time, it’s not likely you’ll hear anything from the police or the store. If you do hear something, explain what you did to resolve the incident and express your apparent remorse. You did the right thing.
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hey im 17, live in texas. me and a friend went to sears last saturday and were caught attempting to shoplift $$800 worth of gold jewelry by LP. it was my idea mostly to try and steal it so i took the blame for most of the items. we were arrested and taken to jail, got finger printed- the works. later i(not my friend cause she got bailed early) was sent to county jail where i spent the rest of the night. later that day(sunday i was bailed and met up with my friend. till today she has been trying to convince me to take all the blame for the crime we BOTH committed, but i told her no because there is proof and witnesses that she is guilty plus she admitted to the officer that arrested us she stole items with me. while in jail someone told me stealing gold jewelry is classified under a felony no matter the value of it. do you think i will still be eligible for an alternative jail sentence, like probation? this is my first offense. thanks for your help:)
Dear Kat: If, as you say, an alternative sentence means a diversion program, yes it’s possible if your county has such a program for minors. Shoplifting may be a felony depending on the value of the items taken. It’s up to the court and district attorney whether you’re eligible for leniency on a first offense. Good luck.
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Hey. I was caughy shoplifting at a mall a few days ago. I had $242 worth of stuff. I’m banned from the mall for a period of time and banned from all Dillards stores. They took my information and called the police and since I am 18 I was taken to the police station and they got my picture and prints. I have a court date in a few days but I’m really worried about school and getting a job in the future. I’m a freshman in college and am hoping to follow my dreams in becoming a psychologist. I was wondering how it would affect my school, scholoarships and grants, and if it will stay on my record forever and it would hinder me in getting a job. Please help!!
Dear Megan: If this is your first offense, although you’re 18, you may be offered a diversion program. That means if you complete some work hours, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the matter may be closed without you getting a record. Discuss this possibility with the court officer you’ll meet with at your hearing. Good luck.
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okay, i live in texas. i got caught stealing a necklace at a little jewlry store in a mall. the necklace was $11.50. what will be my punishment? and what are they going to ask me in the court room?
Dear Ashley: If you’re a minor and this is your first offense, you can expect to participate in a diversion program. This means if you complete some community service hours, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the matter will be closed. You may also choose to plead not guilty and proceed to trial on the charge. Once you go to court, you’ll have a chance to speak with a court officer or probation officer who will explain the process to you. Good luck.
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sorry i didnt get a letter for a restitution it was for a Arraignment
hey its parker again i got a letter in the mail today and its for a Arraignment date. I dont know what to do. will i have to pay a bail? what will happen at the Arraignment and what will happen if i plea no contest?
im going for what i think is a 1st degree misdemeanour this is my first offence.
Dear Parker: An arraignment is your first hearing on the shoplifting charge. The charge will be read to you and you’ll be asked how you want to plead, guilty, not guilty, or no contest [which is treated the same as a guilty plea]. You’ll have a chance to speak with a court officer or public defender before you say anything. He or she will explain the process to you, or the judge will. If you’re confused or don’t understand something, say so. You need to understand exactly what you’re doing and the consequences before acting. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hello! I was arreseted for taking groceries from a store a friend posted my bond and i go to court tomorrow what will i get from this i live in Ohio. Thanks
Dear Lori: Assuming you’re a young adult [18-21] since you said bond was posted for your release, the process will be explained to you when you appear in court. If this is your first offense, you may be offered a diversion program which includes community work hours, a class or counseling, a fine and restitution to the store. You could also be placed on probation. Once all terms are completed you can ask the court to expunge your record. Good luck.
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i am 16 and my brother is 18 we were both caught shopliffting and this is the first time it happens but idk what happens next? i live in florida
Dear Jose: There are two possibilities. You may have to appear in court if formal charges are filed. Or the store may choose to handle this by sending you a demand letter requiring payment of a fine to the store. If you end up in court, you may be able to complete a diversion program. That would include work hours, a fine, a class or counseling in return for closing the case and no official record. Your brother’s case may be handled slightly differently since he’s an adult. Good luck.
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Dear S.N.: That is entirely up to you. Askthejudge.info does not provide legal advice to anyone, adult or teenager. Talk with your parents or other person you trust for advice. Good luck.
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I was caught shoplifting almost $400 worth of merchandise, and i am to go to a court officer tomorrow. What’s going to happen? Will i recieve bigger conseqences because i stole more expensive merchandise?
Dear Justin: The court officer will explain the process and your options. You may be offered diversion depending on your age and history with the court. Yes, consequences may increase depending on the amount of the theft. Each state differs in classifying crimes and appropriate penalties. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
About how much should I be expecting to have to pay for the charges/fines ?
Dear Jaylene: We can’t say because every jurisdiction sets its own figures and oftentimes there are surcharges added on. It also depends on the amount of the items taken.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear S.N.: The fine imposed by the court is set by statute and it could be several hundred dollars, with the possibility of additional surcharges. A store’s civil demand is usually several hundred dollars as well. You can call the store’s loss prevention officer and ask.
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I am 16 and i got got shoplifting from a store with 79$ worth of clothing. I was arrested and told that I would receive papers in the mail but it has already been two weeks. How long does it take for the papers to come in? How will i know if they dropped charges?
Dear Jaylene: It is not unusual for a month or so to go by before you hear from the court or the store. If you receive notice from the court to appear, be sure to show up on time. Otherwise, if no shoplifting charge is filed, the store may seek payment of a fine. Pay it on time and the matter will be closed. Good luck.
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Hi. I was just caught stealing something but the guy walkie talkied my license plate number and then told me to drop what i stole. He then said if I were to get into my car and leave without returning the goods then they would call the police. I basically returned what I had taken (regretfully), and he told me “Don’t come back to my store” and walked off. Is this something I can put behind me now, or should I expect to be contacted? No police were involved at the scene, no information was collected or pictures were taken, no forms or papers were filled. Just that my license plate was read through a walkie talkie just in case I decided to flee the scene without returning the stolen item. Thank you for your help!
Dear B: It sounds like you lucked out this time. Without identifying information you’re not likely to hear anything further about this. A license plate number doesn’t necessarily connect you to the owner of the car unless it’s the same person. Since you’ve been told not to return to the store, be sure to stay away. Otherwise the store owner can press trespass charges against you. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear S.N.: If you complete the diversion program, assuming it’s available to you, there won’t be a record of the incident. Whether it affects your and your parents’ citizenship application depends on the naturalization process and its requirements. If there is no official record of this incident, it won’t likely come to the attention of immigration officials. Answer all questions on the application truthfully. Good luck.
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About 8 months ago I was caught shoplifting and I plead guilty. I payed the store a fine we t to court payed fines and community service. I’m looking for a new job since it was a shoplifting misdemeanor does that mean on job applications I have to say yes to being convicted of a felon?
Dear Jessica: You raise a good question about applications. The exact language on the form is very important. If the question is whether you were “convicted” of a felony, based on what you’ve told us, the answer is no. The shoplifting was handled as a misdemeanor. If you were a minor [under 18] you weren’t “convicted” – you were “adjudicated” delinquent. Good luck.
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I was caught shoplifting at a Whole Foods grocery store. I attempted to steal expensive facial moisturizing cream that amounted to $80 because I didn’t have enough money. I proceeded to pay for the rest of my groceries and left to go back to my car until the loss prevention manager took me inside. I was very cooperative and the police were called in. I have never been convicted before and have no warrants. I was not taken to jail for shoplifting at Whole Foods that day but I have a court appearance in two weeks. Was I technically arrested even though I didn’t wear handcuffs? Does this go onto my permanent record or onto a shoplifters database? I currently work in a major retail/clothing store and am afraid that I will lose my job if they find out through a database. Will my managers find out what happened even though I stole from a grocery store? If I move out of America, will this event decrease my chances of getting a job in Europe? Also, since this is my first misdemeanor and first appearance in court, do I have to bring a lawyer? I am 20 years old and truly feel that I am not a true criminal and do not know how to proceed. Thank you for your help.
Dear Anon: First, if the police only took a report and cited you into court, you were not arrested. Once you appear in court, the process will be explained to you. Since you’re only 20 and this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion which means once you complete community work hours, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the matter will be closed. Depending on the laws in California, where you stated you’re from in a follow-up message, there may not be an official record of this. As far as we know, there is no national governmental database for shoplifters. This shouldn’t affect your future employment opportunities. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear S.N.: Since you’re an adult you can appear in court on your own. If this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion which means if you complete some community work hours, pay a fine, attend a class or sounseling, the matter will be closed and there may not be a record of this incident. Don’t miss the court date or a notice may be sent to your home about the next hearing date. Good luck.
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Hi, I am 21 and live in TN.
I got caught shoplifting yesterday, it was the first time I’ve ever done anything like this and I have no reason, excuse or explaination. I just know that it was wrong and have a learned a very serious and severe lesson. Which at my age, you’d think I know better, and I did. As soon, as I did it….I was remorseful. Anyhow, the Loss Prevention approached me as I was exiting the store, asked me to follow him, which I did. I returned the merchandise and the police were called. I gave all my information. The officer was a very kind man and he gave me a ticket basically all it said was “Shoplifting 3 items with a cost of $100” And he told me my court date was Feb 1st, in General Sessions and not Criminal Court. So, I’m wondering what I should expect at court. It was my FIRST offense, it was $100 cost, not a penny more. I was not arrested. And, the officer said I would likely get fined and 6 months probation and possibly 5 days in jail. I expected these things but not the jail time, that is my concern. Any advice or knowledge of this situation?
Thank you
Dear K: The officer may have been advising you of the maximum sentences under the circumstances. You may be eligible for a diversion program that means upon completion of work hours, payment of a fine and/or attendance at a class or counseling session, the matter will be closed. You could contact your local public defender’s office and ask for advice. Every state has its own laws and criminal code. The laws in Tennessee may authorize a period in jail for first-time shoplifters, but it would be unusual in a case involving a low dollar amount. Good luck.
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Hi, I’m 16 in california. I stole a shirt from ROSS that was only about 12 dollars and I noticed the security man point at me. I walked around the store and I wasn’t sure what to do because I had put the shirt on and had my normal shirt in my bag so I went to the dressing room again and switched and gave it back to the lady. I then walked out of the store. No one talked to me or called me back in but I know for sure they saw me. I didn’t leave the store with the merchandise. I recently recived some phone voice mails asking to talk to my parents and I’m not sure what’s happening. The messages don’t leave a call back number or any information, it simply asks for my parents using my name. Could the store possibly be contacting me? If so, what will happen?
Dear Stacy: It is possible that the store is attempting to contact your parents, but unlikely since no one ever spoke with you or obtained your contact information. When a store catches a shoplifter, typically the store will decide to contact the police and press charges and/or send a “civil demand” letter asking you to pay a civil fine of up to a few hundred dollars. If the police were involved, you would receive a notice in the mail notifying you of your first court date. If this occurs and it is your first offense, it is likely that you would be offered a diversion program which means that any charges would be dismissed upon successful completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and completion of a class or counseling. You may be lucky this time and we hope you learned a valuable lesson from this incident.
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Hey judge it’s Melissa again well when
you replied you called me Tiffany lol but the cops
were called to the store they took my ssn and height and weight
but no pictures.. no Finger prints or anything so I’m really not sure
what to expect but I have to set up some screening
appt. But I don’t even know what that is?
Dear Melissa: Sorry about the name error – if you were given a number to call, that may be to arrange some form of diversion [community service] in order to avoid court and a juvenile record. So make the call and follow the instructions you’re given to complete the process and close out this incident. Good luck.
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thanks. How can I pay for the item without getting in trouble?
Dear Steve: You could consider sending the money to the store with a note – it’s your decision whether to sign it or not. Glad you’re thinking about this.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear judge.
Me and my friend got caught shop liftin yesterday at sears he waz the look out man.we stole a game that was 30 dollars wen we got out the store we went to the mall part then the undercover workers stopped us and asked us to come to the back they took down all our information and the women seem lyk she had a attitude she said the game we stole waz 30 dollars when the other worker told her it was 30 she said no people who steal don’t get discounts then they told us if we call our parents they will jst let us go but my dad is dead and my mom waz at work and she had a new cell number and I didint know the number and I live with my grandparents when I told em that they didint believe me and called the police the store workers made us sighn a paper saying we did steal from sears and another 1 that we waz banned from the mall for 5 years the police took down our information and told us we would get a call and a letter in the mail sayin we had to go to teen court and had my granddad sighn us over to leave (bt I waz nervous and gave them the wrong address number) what will happen when I go to court
Dear Nick: Once you know the court date, make sure you appear. You may be offered diversion which means you may be required to complete some work hours, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling for dismissal of the charge. If you miss court, a warrant may be issued for your arrest. Don’t return to the mall or trespass charges could be filed against you. Good luck.
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Hey judge,
i’m fourteen years old and i was caught shoplifting from walmart today, i know it’s so stupid i stole lip gloss that was $6 i know it was stupid, it was the stupidest thing i have EVER done. this was the first time (and the last time) i have ever been in any trouble with the law!, they say i am banned from walmart even the parking lot!! my mom was there but she had no clue i was doing that! i feel horrible! what should i expect, do i need a lawyer? P.S. i live in Kansas if that helps at all.
i feel terrible 🙁 thank you so much for reading this.
Dear Melissa: If the police were not called and have not been involved, then it’s possible that the store is willing to resolve the situation with a civil fine only and not press charges. When a store chooses to not involve the police, they will send a “civil demand” letter asking for payment of a fine of up to a few hundred dollars. Pay off the fine and the case may be closed. You don’t need a lawyer at this point unless you’re charged with shoplifting and have to go to court. Think twice before doing this again.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
today I stole a five dollar item from a grocer store and wasn’t caught. I talked to my parents in the store and am afraid of being identified through them by being seen on camera since they purchased items so the store can find their names. I am 17 and live in Connecticut. Will the store spend the time to try and indentify me and then have me arrested?
Dear Steve: The store has the option of pressing charges against shoplifters or they can seek a civil penalty against you. They may send you a letter in the mail requesting $100 to $200 [usually]. Pay it on time and the matter will be over. Of course that’s if they decide to identify you and track you down, or they can notify the police. Bottom line – pay for your items – the aggravation and consequences aren’t worth it. It’s a matter of right vs. wrong.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Is it possible to get a shoplifting ban lifted? If so, then how should I go about doing it? If not, please explain why.
Dear Kathy: It is possible by asking the store or mall that issued the ban. Try writing them a letter explaining the situation and why you’d like it lifted. Good luck.
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hey i did a beer run last night at wal mart,meaning i just walked in took two cases and walked out, im sure that they got a video of my face but i put the beer in my friends car and he took me home so they probably got his liscense plate, but before i did it they saw him talking to my other friend who was driving my car and i am worried they got my license plate also. the person who drove me home is on probation. i am 17 years old. should i be expecting police at my house soon?
Dear Scott: It’s possible, but you may have lucked out this time. Depending on how busy your local law enforcement is these days, they may not pursue this shoplifting if the store doesn’t press charges. On the other hand, you may be charged with shoplifting and underage possession of alcohol. Think twice before you do it again. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear judge,
Its parker again, and i was wondering if i was to be put on propbation would i still be able to ride bulls on the weekends and and what kind of community service normaly be givin to someone for shoplifing and thank you for the information you have givin to me so far it has been a big help.
Dear Parker: What you’re assigned to do for community service all depends on the needs of your community. You may be assigned anything from clean-up duties at a park to serving at a nursing home, animal shelter, or local community center. As far as restrictions on your regular activities, that’s up to the judge and the court officer assigned to you. Have a good 2010 – stay out of trouble.
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hello. im 18 and i live in michigan. Im currently on probation. i got cought shoplifting one out of the two 20 dollar earrings. they took me to the security room and were being all cool with me. they called in a lady cop and she took my name and address and told me to expect a letter in the mail for court date in six weeks. i just wanna know what will happen to me. its my first time getting cought shoplifting. and im on probation.????
Dear Simon: Since you’re already on probation the new shoplifting incident is also a violation of your probation. The consequences depend on your history of offenses, your present work or school status and many other factors that the court will take into consideration. Discuss the possible penalties with your probation officer. He or she should be able to give you an idea of what you’re facing. Good luck.
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Well I got caught shopliftng(will NEVER do something that STUPID again) and they took me to the little office in the store and called the police, I’m 16 (about to be 17) and what I stole was under $70 The police did not take me in the station and I didn’t ride the car and they did not get my finger prints. What will happen to my record? It’s my first offense (and my last). Will it be clean after I turn 18?
Dear Gabi: Since this is your first offense, you may be offered what is called diversion. That means if you complete some community service, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed with no official juvenile record. You may also receive notice of a court date which may have the same result. Whatever happens, be sure to meet all deadlines regarding the terms that you agree to. If you end up with a record, once you’re 18 you’ll be able to apply for a clear one depending on the laws of your state. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
okay, i’ll be waiting until then, thanks
You’re welcome, Jack.
Dear judge i would like if i was to get a lawyer if the out come will be better or about the same?
Dear Parker: Since hiring a lawyer doesn’t change the facts of the case or the applicable law, in an ideal world it shouldn’t make a difference. This is something you should discuss with your parents before deciding how to proceed. Lawyers are trained to examine the details of a case and protect your rights under current laws and procedures.
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deR JUDGE i would like to know if you would by any chance know hour many hours they would give me?
Dear Parker: The number of work hours depends on the need for community service in your area, the judge assigned to the case, your court policies regarding work hours, and your history of offenses. There are many factors in making these decisions. You can ask the court officer that you’ll meet when you go to court – he or she should have a good idea of the number you can expect. Good luck.
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Hi. I got caught shoplifting today, and im really scared. It was my first time, and it was at claires. Im 14 years old and i live in CA. AND THE EXACT AMOUNT I got caught stealing was $12.50. The policeman gave me a “ticket” and they would call my house for my court date. It was my first time, im really scared and all i want to know is, what is going to happen?
Dear Melissa: Since this is your first time you’ll probably be given a chance to complete a diversion program. That means if you do some work hours, attend a class or counseling session, the charge may be dropped and you won’t have a record. Otherwise, you may have to see a judge and explain what happened. The consequences may be the same. Just don’t do it again because the penalties increase with each offense. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
ok me and my friend got caught shopliftin in jcpennys in florida and i got caught taking $258 wroth of idems and i was arrested and was charged with a misterminer im 18 and this is my 1st offence what will happen to me?
Dear Parker: Since you are 18, you will be charged as an adult. Your case may still be resolved through a diversion program which is a common resolution for first offenses. This program will require you to complete community work hours, pay a fine/restitution and attend a class or counseling. Upon successful completion of the program, the charges would be dismissed. If you plead guilty, you would likely be facing similar consequences in addition to being placed on probation. Once the case is over, you could go back to the court and request that your record be expunged. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
Hi Judge, My friend Josh recently got caught stealing beer from a store and is worried that he will be put back into Juvie for 3 years. I didn’t think it was possible for them to lock him away for that long when he’s only 15. But he does have a pretty bad record of getting into stuff, and he’s told me he has to go to court but thinks that an appeal is useless seeing as the Judge does not like him. Can he really be put away for that long?
Dear Mary: In some states, it is possible to send a teenager to the juvenile department of corrections for years. If your friend’s record is extensive, as you say, and he’s been warned by the court about future activities, he may be facing lockup until he’s 18. It’s up to the sentencing judge who will take into consideration his attitude, behavior, criminal history, community safety and rehabilitation possibilities. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hello, Judge
my boyfriend got caught shoplifting and he provided false information(he said he’ll be so embrassed if his family finds out about it so he told lies). He is 25 years old. Police is involved and take a picture of him and gave him a court date. The information he provided is all wrong expect his phone number.He is thinking not to go to court beacuse the information he gave is not him and he is moving to another state. He is scared to go to court because they are going to charge aganist false information to police. Its his 1st time messing with the law.What would you advice? are they going to come after him even if he move out to another state. He have cancelled his phone service as well and moved out already. If he goes to court he will have more charges aganist him and if he doesnt then he is scared to death by getting caught through his phone number..Any advice? He have learned his lesson now.
Thank you so much!
Dear Jessica: First, we must tell you that Askthejudge.info is an educational website for teenagers about the law. We do not provide legal advice to anyone – adult or teen. Since your boyfriend is 25, he needs to face the music now before the situation gets worse. Every state has its own laws and procedures regarding the processing of crimes, including the issuance of warrants that could follow him from state to state. Courts don’t take it lightly when a defendant fails to appear for a hearing. His current offenses are probably misdemeanors and he should consider dealing with them now. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
im 13 today i was caught shoplifting at claires. it was a complete accident. i was gettint a text from my mom and the item(which was worth4$) was in my hand. when i went to grab the phone out of my purse i accidentally dropped the item in my purse and didnt relize it. when i left the store the manager grabbed me and told me to give her bac her stuff. i didnt know what she was talking about so when she ased me to look in my purse i saw the item and i was freaking out because i have never been in trouble and ive never had any intention to steal. she called security and they too my information and gave me a court date. Im EXTREAMLY scared.this is my first offence. what will happen to me?
Dear Bailey: What you have described is not uncommon. Many people have done the same thing and its understandable. Explain exactly what happened to the court officer that you’ll meet with when you go to court. He or she will explain the process to you and you and your parents can decide how you want to proceed. After you explain what happened, the prosecutor may decide to drop the charge against you. If not, you’ll probably be offered diversion which means after you complete some work hours, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Police were called to kohls and I was accused of shopflifting. I was given a ticket and will have to go to court. I would not sign a statement of intentually shoplifting as it was not intentual. I had a necklace that was not concealed it was laying on the top of my other bags, When I went to checkout I did not see it and was stopped at the door. I asked what was going on and was told to follow the store personal. I have to plead not quilty, but am reading that no contest and there should be no court cost. I cannot aford to pay costs but just can’t plea guilty when I forgot about it. How would you proceed? I am an adult.
Dear Gayle: Askthejudge.info is a site about the law for teenagers. We do not provide legal advice to either adults or teens. You need to speak with your lawyer or court officer about this situation and how to proceed. Good luck.
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well, sorry to bother you but i was looking at this site http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/problems/shoplifting.html# and it said that
“•Even if people who shoplift aren’t prosecuted, their names can end up on a national database that some companies look at when making hiring decisions”?
Dear Jack: We researched your comment and are unable to locate a “national database” for shoplifters. We wrote to KidsHealth.org for clarification and will post any new information we might receive. A store may keep its own records of people caught shoplifting in their database which may be national [Walmart, Target, Penneys etc.] but we’re unaware of a law enforcement database that is national regarding shoplifters.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Yes!!thank you so much! now i can finally get this off my chest, thanks a lot!
so if my emploeyers do a background check will my name ever show up?
(by the way, Thanks so much, been thinking about this since the day i did it…i feel so much better having somebody who knows what their doing telling me truthful answers)
Dear Jack: It’s not likely that anything has been entered into a law enforcement database if the police and courts weren’t involved. Relax and have a safe New Years.
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well, i’ve been thinking these past years so much, well i got caught lifting an they got my info but not my ssn and took me back to their room They filled the paper out and parent came but no police and i paid a civil demand…… thats pretty much it… will my record be in the national theft databse and preventing me from a job if they do a background chek?
Dear Jack: If there were no police involved and you weren’t cited in to court, there is no “record” of this incident in the judicial system. It may stay in the store’s records in the event you return and shoplift again. Then they may choose to prosecute you. This should not be in a national database. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hi. I was caught today shoplifting with my friend from Walgreens. Combined we took about $90 in our backpacks. They have us on camera coming there multiple times. Now after sitting in a holding cell arrested that turned into a wake up call. I have a clean record and this was my first time caught. I’ve never been in trouble with the law. We’re both 17 but we have different stories.
We were taken to the back of the store and they counted up how much we lifted. They said they will prosecute us, then they called the police. After about 2 hours they let us go to our parents.
He actually was on probation for “weapons possession” (it was a BB gun but it was still classified that way). What can he expect?
We don’t have a court date because it was done today but we were just wondering what to expect.
Oh and to add, this probably won’t have any affect but when arresting they didn’t read us our rights. I am not really worried about the police just the lawsuit that I think is coming.
Thanks! We have learned our lesson.
Dear Rob: First, if only the store was involved and no police, there’s no requirement that you be read your “rights.” The Miranda warnings only apply to those in custody by law enfrocement, not to store owners, teachers, principals, etc. Since this is your first offense, you may be eligible for diversion which means you’ll have to complete some community service hours, pay a fine, attend a class or counseling and the case will be closed. You won’t have a “juvenile record” if you follow all terms of diversion. Or you may just receive a letter from the store demanding that you pay a fine, then the matter is closed. Your friend may be handled differently since he’s already on probation. The new shoplifting is a violation of probation. He needs to discuss the situation with his probation officer if it comes to his or her attention. Good luck – hopefully you’ve learned something from this incident.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hi Judge,
This is the same Jasmina from an earlier post. I just had another quick question. I am currently filling out my grad application and it is asking whether or not I have been CONVICTED of a crime. While I have gotten my civil fine in the mail, I have not yet received the documents from the court, and I was told that it may take several months (I may already hear back from my school by then). Am I only convicted once I am in court, or am I currently convicted now? Suppose they ran a background check on me right now (and let’s suppose that all my information has been entered into the system), would my school be able to pull up my current charges? I don’t know whether or not I should put yes or no. I plan on getting this pushed off my record, so this makes it kind of hard for me to explain.
Thank you for your time!
Dear Jasmina: If you haven’t been to court or pleaded guilty or not guilty to the charge, you have not been “convicted.” If you’re offered diversion and complete the program successfully, your record will be clear because the charge was “diverted” away from the criminal system. So, read the questions carefully before answering.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I live in USA. in Dearborn, i am international studtents I got caught shoplifting in amount of 50 $ for first time in my life . i am planing to pay the amount even if i will not eat anything. i got caught by police. i am feeling guilty since then. i will have court but i am scared so much. I am afraid i cannot pay fine to court Am i going to jail? is this will be in my record if i would apply to green card. please tell me what can i do? thanks
Dear Ranosh: Askthejudge.info is a website for teens about juvenile law and teens’ rights; therefore, the information provided by Askthejudge does not apply to you since you are an adult. That being said, we will go ahead and provide some information to help put your mind at ease. Since this is your first offense, there is still a chance that the court and prosecutor will allow your case to proceed through a diversion program. The program would require completion of community service hours, payment of a fine/restitution and possibly the completion of a class or counseling. Jail time is usually not imposed for a first offense; however, if you violate the terms of your program, jail time is more likely. Upon successful completion of the program, the charges would be dismissed and you would have no record, although you should consult with an immigration attorney to find out how it might affect your chances of obtaining a green card. You may also face being placed on probation. If this occurs, you would have a record and could later ask the court to set aside your conviction or expunge your record. Typically the courts do not require that the fine be paid up front. They will work with you and allow you to make payments. We hope you learned from this incident. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
i just got caught shoplifting at local mall in my town. the officers took my prints and i have to go to court next month,and the place is pressing charges also. will this stick with me the rest of my life. will i be able to get a job? plus this is my first offense.
Dear Dii: Since this is your first offense, and we assume you’re under 18, you may be offered diversion when you go to court. A court officer will explain the process to you. It may include work hours, a fine or restitution to the store, a class or counseling program. If you were trespassed from the mall, don’t return until you’re permitted. If you receive diversion, you won’t have a “record” and this one incident shouldn’t affect the rest of your life. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
today i was caught shoplioplifting from wal mart. it was all under $25 and im a minor (17). a guy stopped me at the door and made me go in this room and made me call my mom and come get me (she was already in the store). i live in the state of california. i wanna know what will happen to me… i know i’ll have to pay fines but what about court? and my record?? is it gonna be on it forever?? im really sorry and i dont ever want to do it again. and i just read something about walmart letting go minors if the stuff was under $25 is that true to??
Dear Sarah: Since this is your first offense and you’re a minor, you may not have to go to court. The store may handle it without notifying the police. You’ll likely receive a letter in the mail requesting payment of a civil fine – pay it on time and the case will be closed, although it will stay on record with the store in the event you return and shoplift again. If this is what happens, you don’t have a “juvenile record” for future job or school purposes. Good luck.
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Hey I need some help. I am originally from Texas but my husband is in the navy so I moved to Virginia with him. Well I got caught shoplifting a couple years ago items less that 100$ and was put on probation for 9 mnths, well a few months later i got a felony charge with it bein less that a gram ( x pill ) which i am currently on right now. Just yesterday out of stupidity I was caught shoplifting for 2nd time ( this is in 2 diff states)I tried calling probation officer but since its the holidays they are not there. Also I am in the middle of trying to get early dismissal for my probation, which i dnt think will happen now. Me and my probation officer have a pretty good relationship tho and I been doing so good and been going to college ive just been so stressed out I was just being stupid. What could happen to me?
Dear Alicia: What happens depends on how you decide to proceed with the current charges. Since you’re on probation already, you’re facing additional probation time with a possibility of additional jail time due to your history [as related to us in a second email]. Discuss the situation with your attorney and/or probation officer and decide what’s best for you [i.e. trial, pleading guilty or working out a plea agreement]. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I shoplifted, got caught, and was charged with an infraction because it was my first offense a year ago (2008). Even though it was my first offense, it wasn’t my first time shoplifting, I had shoplifed a couple times before that but got away.
I’ve learned my lesson in a very hard way. I’m a very good and honest person, it was just at the period of time I was addicted to shoplifting. I’ve been feeling bad every day ever since, I’d just sit and stare at those stuffs that I’ve taken and feel pain and regret, every single day.
Besides, I feel scared, would the store look back at their security camera tapes and find out that I stole more than once and would they call the cops to search my house?
I don’t know what I’d do with all these stuffs now. I want to get rid of all of them, they are mostly jewlery, can you help me find a way to give them away?
Dear Tram: The store won’t likely review their tapes looking for you or report anything to the police since a year has passed. To ease your conscience, you might consider sending the items back to the store with a note of apology – you don’t have to sign it or identify yourself. Otherwise, you could donate the items to charity. It’s good that you’ve learned from this experience. All the best.
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hi im teania,i got shoplifting at jc penny i live in maryland,so i had to pay $81 doller to jc penny bcuz that is twice as the price i steal so after a month i got a latter from court,this is my first time caught and im 15,in da letter they told me to bring some stuff bt i dont know what r thet do u have to bring them?and it sed something about screening service,do i have to take that test,and can u plz expline me what kind of paper do i need when i go2 court?
Dear Teania: Ask your Mom or Dad or any other family member to read the letter you received from the court. You need to take with you whatever the court requires in order to avoid having to return a second time. You may be placed in the court’s diversion program after going through screening. The court officer will explain the process to you. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
hi,i got shoplifting at walmart abt a month ago
they told me to go to court,im just wondring what
things and what kind of paper should i bring to court?
thank you.
Dear Jhon: If you were not cited in to a court or told when and where to appear, relax until you are notified. Once you become aware of a court date, make sure you appear on time, and the process will be explained to you. The store may have decided just to warn you this time and take no further action. If that’s the case, don’t repeat the incident because it won’t be the same next time it happens. Good luck.
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Hello, i was Just curious as to what will happen to me I was caught trying to take this cheap necklace, it was only $9.50 and it’s my first offense, I’m 17 and I just want to know how much trouble I’m in or wants going to happen
Dear Kaelani: Either the store may handle this as a civil matter, meaning you’ll get a letter with notice of a fine or it will go to court and you’ll receive notice in the mail. Either way you’re probably looking at community service hours, a fine, a class or counseling, or possibly probation. Once this is behind you, you can ask the court for a clear record. Good luck.
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hi,this is amie im from maryland,and i got shoplifting at jc penny and im 14 i steal abot $40 doller,this is my first time caught,and i feel so gulity anyway i dont know what to expect in court they send me a letter from court and sed i have a appointment in intake officer,im just wondring do i need a lywer and my parent does not speck english that much nd the letter also sed that the youth and the parent to take screening services whats that?will this will be in my record forever? and will the court send a letter to my school that i got shoplifting?plz i need answer really quick,thank you
Dear Amie: When you go to court and meet with the court officer, he or she will explain the process to you. If this is your first offense, you’ll probably be offered diversion which means if you complete some work hours, pay a fine, complete a class or counseling, the case will be closed. You won’t have a “record” and your school shouldn’t become aware of it. Don’t become a repeat offender and this incident won’t follow you around in your adult life. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Judge Tom, I;M a 61 year old lady who is on medications now ,and lost my husband and have a brother dying from cancer in my home state of n.c ,i live in georgia and i was in wal-marts about half out of my mind with every thing going on in my life and its x-mas and i can;t go home ,but i am being honest its the first time i have ever done something so dumb ,and i know better why i don;t know maybe attention i don;t lie and was caught shoplifting nothing big just a few small things and the lady that caught me was so rude to me and i take care of my godfather also who is 89 and i am stressed out ,the lady is black and i begged her please i will pay for it ,just let me go home ,this woman had no right to talk to me like that i know what i did was wrong ,but treat me like a human and i am whiye and this small town is alot of gossip and she knew i had copd and i had mt medicine with me ,i have a court date and i;m trying to sell my home and go back to my family whats left of it ,i am not looking for pity god knows ,i don;t need that ,and wgat will happen to me in georgia for the police officer cuffed me and told me well the good news is you have no record no sir i have always lived a clean life tryed to and when i lost my mother and husband real close together ,i also have some uncureable isssues with my health and i am about to worry myself sick about the court date for the whole town knows everybody and i am so ashamed ,is there a way i can see the judge alone or a officer of the court and matbe he can tel me what is going to happen ,i cannot go to jail for i have so many things on me now ,so please advise me how i can do this without the whole town knowing it ,for i will never leave my home again if i have to stand there and tell the court my story ,my dr, said not to worry i am a good person just stressed out and alot of people do things .will a letter to the court from him help for i am not a well person and believe me i will do anything they ask as long as the whole town does not know for i would really go off the deep end then help me sir if you can ,i don;t have alot of money and do i need a lawyer ,please advise me soon ,thank you judge tom
Dear Ms. Langert: First, we must tell you that Askthejudge is a web site for teenagers about the law. So your question is beyond the scope of this site. However, we will tell you that if this is your first offense, when you meet with the court officer, you may expect to be offered diversion which means if you complete work hours, pay a fine, go to a class or counseling, this matter will be over. It may not be made public either, but every city, town etc. is different. Since you’re an adult, it may be public information. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear Judge,
Background: I am a 17 year old girl that attends a very prestigious school, has good grades (4.0), and has done community service (+200 hours).
Scenario: On December 8th, I went to Macy’s with two friends with no intention of stealing. We came in the store to shop for christmas presents. While shopping, I realized all the nice things that I wish I could afford to give as presents to my family. I stole a bit less than $100 worth of merchandise and was caught. While in the loss prevention office, I texted my friends that I got caught and the woman in charge took my phone away and questioned me about the text. My two friends left about an hour later. I was then arrested, printed, given a citation and released to my mother. My court date is in February.
On November 18 I went to target with the same two friends with no intention of stealing. I actually bought about $30 worth of food. However while shopping my friends decided to shoplift make-up and I was peer pressured into doing the same. The whole time I didn’t want to do it and I was very scared, but I have friendship issues and I didn’t want to show that I was a “wimp.” I was caught again with about $250 worth of merchandise (most of which weren’t even mine) and had the same process repeated. My court date is in March.
I know you won’t believe me when I say I will never shoplift again, but I really learned my lesson this time. I have completely stopped talking to those girls and I am really hoping that I can do something to lower my sentence or not have to go to jail. My 2 person (mom and me) home income is is less than 10,000 a year and I really don’t think I can afford to pay all the fines.
Please, help me. I am so scared and I really want to find redemption.
If it helps, my first arrest was in Torrance and the second was in Cerritos.
Thank you so much for your time.
Dear Donna: It’s good that you’ve recognized the influence of these so-called friends and moved on. Now you have to acept the consequences of your actions. Since you’re a minor and these are your first offenses, you may be offered a diversion program. That means if you complete work hours, pay a fine and/or restitution, attend a class or counseling, the case will be closed and you may avoid a record. You may also be put on probation for a brief period with the same terms. Follow the court’s orders and you can put this behind you. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I have a question regarding my son who is 15. He got caught shoplifting today at walmart the amount was a dollar and some change. They called the police and filed a report and now we have to go to court. Is there anything I can do to keep him from having to go to court? I even offered to pay the dollar as I did not even know he did this and they refused to take my money. Is there anything at all I can about this? I live in TN
Dear Kerri: You need to appear in court with your son and take care of this. It may involve a diversion program which means your son will have to complete a class, counseling, work hours or pay a fine, and the case will be closed. As long as he doesn’t repeat this behavior, his future shouldn’t be affected. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hello, I was arrested for shoplifting and went to court. I was seventeen so they said they were going to fix my record due to my age and they said if I didn’t get into trouble for 6 months, the case is over. Does this mean it is totally gone. If I want to pursue a career in criminal justice for law, will this situation affect anything. Am I allowed to?
Dear Darcy: It means it will be gone once you complete the terms required of you. This is “diversion” – a common procedure for first time offenders of lesser crimes. You won’t have a “record” and will be able to go forward with any education, military and employment opportunities. Just don’t become a repeat offender. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hi Judge Tom,
I am currently a university student in the state of Washington (age 23). Yesterday, I got caught shoplifting at my University Bookstore, but my case is a little different. You see, at the end of every quarter, there is what we call “Textbook Buybacks,” in which students sell back their textbooks back to the bookstore for a fraction of the price. I did an awful thing by basically going into the bookstore, picking up a new textbook and re-selling it back to them. I was caught, and it was worth about $130. The store security pretty much detained me, had me fill out some paper work, said I would have some civil fines to pay coming in the mail for me and that I should be expecting some court orders/documents 1-3 months from now. I am banned from all University Bookstores nationwide, no police were involved, but I’m sure they’re sending my information in.
I feel horrible. Just thinking about makes me so sick and upset that I can’t even eat; it’s consuming my thoughts, so I’m really hoping that you can answer some of my questions so that I may be somewhat at peace with myself for the time being.
I did this because I needed a little extra cash for the holidays. I wanted to get something a little special this year for my family, and now I realize that this was not worth it. Instead of enjoying my time with them now, it is spent looking up what will happen to me.
Judge, I am very scared. I am so sorry for what I have done (believe me, I won’t be doing it again) and I don’t know what will happen to me. This is my first offense ever, and I will be graduating this coming June. I will be applying for grad school this year, and if I don’t get in, I want to be able to at least find a job. I am devastated that this could prevent me from getting one. I know what I did was wrong, and I’m willing to face the consequences… only, I don’t really know what they are?
I am willing to pay the fines, since I know I am at fault. I’m just scared about the court process, moreover, my criminal record. I am willing to do community service or whatever it takes to make this go away, but I’m scared that it will forever remain on my record. Is there any chance, at all, that after doing what is asked of me, that this won’t go on my record? I know that is usually the case with juveniles, but I am an adult, so I just want to know what is most likely going to happen.
Thank you in advance, and I’m sorry for the long novel I wrote here.
Dear Jasmina: Since this is your first offense, you may be eligible for a diversion program that your local court/prosecutor may offer for this type of offense. If so, you’ll have to complete community work hours, pay a fine, complete a class or counseling, etc. Once done, the matter is closed and you don’t have a record. Even if you have to go to court and you admit the incident, the consequences are similar and once completed, you may apply to clear your record after a period of time. Every state handles shoplifting differently, so you need to ask a court or probation officer what is the policy where you live for adults. This won’t ruin your life or future opportunities – but you need to deal with the consequences as soon as possible so you can put this behind you. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I have a friend that is on probation and was with a friend that was caught shoplifting. My friend was also given a ticket to appear in court because they were together. What will happen to my friend that is on probation?
Dear Patrick: What happens to your friend on probation depends entirely on his part, if any, in the shoplifting incident. If he was involved and is charged, it will affect his probation. It could be revoked and he’d be facing jail depending on his record. Otherwise, if he’s not involved, his probation shouldn’t be affected unless he violated any of its terms such as associating with the other friend who shoplifted. Good luck to your friend.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I got caught shoplifting and I’m 19 and I’m wondering if I really have to pay the store the fine they issued me. I know I have to pay the fine that the courts issue me but do I have to pay the fine that the store told me I had to pay them? And also how am I going to pay the fines that the court issues me? Do I have to pay them upfront? What if I can’t pay up front? Is there some kind of payment plan?
Dear Charissa: Yes, you do have to pay the civil fine the store imposes or they can sue you for it which will increase the amount you’ll owe them [including their attorney fees]. As far as the court, they will work with you and put you on a payment schedule that meets your financial situation. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
i was caught shoplifting at a food store(los angeles, california) and i have court in 2 days. what should i expect or what are they going or tell me?
Dear Kyle: You’ll meet with a court officer [probation officer] and the process will be explained to you. If this is your first time, depending on your age, you may be eligible for diversion. That means if you complete work hours, pay a fine or restitution to the store, a class or counseling, the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. Otherwise, you can plead not guilty and go to trial on the charge, letting the court decide your guilt or innocence and penalty. Good luck.
This is information only – not legal advice].
So today i was caught shoplifting some batteries at walmart today. it totaled to around $6. The Lp caught up to me as i was walking out the door. he took me to back and took my information and told me i would receive a letter for restitution. NOW my main question starts here… i am currently on probation and i am wondering if my probation officer will hear about this? Oh and i am in texas.
Unless the store or the police contact your probation officer, it’s not likely he or she would be notified of this latest incident. It’s always best to play it straight so you might consider whether you’ll tell your PO or not. One of your probation terms requires you to stay out of trouble and not break the law, right? This one is your call – talk it over with your parents. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I have a couple more questions…since I am 20 is there any way my parents will find out about this? I am too ashamed to tell them. Second how long do HYTA/diversion programs usually last? Last how much do you think I am looking to pay?
Dear Nicole: Since you’re an adult, your parents shouldn’t be involved. Diversion programs vary in length from state to state. You can call the court and ask for general information about their program. The same with fines – they vary in different court jurisdictions. You could ask about this as well when you call the court or public defender’s office. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I was arrested for shoplifting. I’m 17 and I will be tried as an adult, however this is my first time being arrested and I was never read my miranda rights. I was cuffed to a bench, questioned, photographed, had my finger prints taken and was given a courtdate. Can I “get off free” because the officer didn’t tell me my rights?
Dear Rose: Whether “Miranda” applies to your situation is a case specific determination. Discuss the facts of your case with your lawyer and he or she will decide whether to challenge any statements you made to the police. It’s not an automatic “get off free” as you suggest. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Just today, my 13 year old sister was caught shoplifting at Claire’s in San Diego. She took three necklaces retailing at about $8 each. There were no police, but the manager had asked for my dad’s driver’s license number and address. She says that she will send the information to the corporate and if they decide to prosecute, then a court date will be mailed. This is her first offense.. will there be a prosecutiong? Will there be a fine? What will be the consequences?
Dear Mindy: Since this is your sister’s first offense and she’s 13, you may not hear anything from either the police or the store. The store could impose a civil fine that she’ll be required to pay [or your parents] and then the case will be closed. We hope she’s learned something from this experience. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Thank you I will call the court tomorrow.
Dear judge Tom, a few days ago my friend and I got caught shoplifting from a macys. I only took one item, a 65 dollar pair of sunglasses, I did not go to macys intending to shoplift but rather buy christmas presents for family and friends. This decision was completely implusive and I am sincerely ashamed of my actions.
I am prepared to take responsibility for my actions and pay my civil demands and court fees as possible as I am able. I am 19 years old and This is the first offense I have ever committed in my entire life so i would like to apply for pretrial diversion. But I cannot find any reliable information on how to go about getting it. I would hire a lawyer to help me figure it out but I only work part time because I am a student in college and cannot afford to do so. A friend told me that since my crime is so petty that I will not be able to get a public defender. Is this true? If so could you give me information about how to apply with for pretrial diversion? Am I supposed to speak with the judge about it before the hearing, or request it during? and do I have to be sentenced beforehand?
As I have said this is my first offense so I am unsure of what to do, I am prepared to take responsibility for my mistake but my future is very important to me, and I just want a second chance to have a clean record and be a law abiding member of society. Thank you.
Dear Samantha: Since this is your first offense, you may be eligible for diversion if it is offered in your area. It’s entirely up to the laws and practices of your city/town. If you have a court date, the process will be explained to you. If you don’t, then pay the civil demand and the case may be closed with your only record being with the store. If you’ve been cited into court, you can call the court in advance of your hearing date and ask for information about what to expect. Good luck.
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I was caught shoplifting from Kohls. I am being charged with retail fraud of the 3rd degree. The amount taken was around 85$. The police were called and I was taken in for fingerprints/picture. I was released by $50 cash bond. My court date is a week from tomorrow. I was told I would be appointed an attorney by the court since there is no way I can afford one. I am 20 years old and this is my first offense ever and I am very scared of what will happen. I live in Michigan and I know that HYTA is available. Bottom line if you could give me some advice on what to do/expect I would appreciate it.
Dear Nicole: Once you get to court and meet with your lawyer and/or probation officer, the process will be explained to you. You may be eligible for diversion since, as you said, this is your first offense. Or you may be placed on short-term probation with terms that you’ll need to complete [work hours, a fine, restitution, etc.]. Tell the truth and you’ll be able to put this behind you soon. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hello i have an upcoming court date in maryland. i have been charged with eight counts of theft and one count of scheming. i was cought taking money out of the registers when i worked at target. the total was over 500 dollars which is a felony. i am a first time offender however and have no previous criminal record. i am receiving therapy right now. do you think that is a good way to show the judge that i am never going to steal again? Is there anyway to avoid jail time in this situation?
Dear Nick: Anything you can do to improve yourself is a good thing and the court may take it into consideration. As far as avoiding jail time, that depends on the facts of the case and the specific criminal laws in your state. If you have a lawyer, ask him or her what they think will be a reasonable sentence in your case. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear Judge:
Thank you so much for answering. I will definitely stay away from the store, and stay away from troubles. I will be the best I could be.Again, thanks a lot.
God Bless You,
Hi, i am 34 years old, yesterday my cousin asked me to take her to the boscovs store in reading PA to get some stuff not knowing her real intentions. well we got cauth and i said we because i did bought something and after i found out she was stiling i let her used my bag to put her stuffs, we was taken into an office the LP only took my information because my cousin didnt have any ID on her,i was so upset,scare and ashame because i have never done anything like these before. i am so afraid. the LP didnt make me sign anything no police was called (that i know)they just told me that a letter will come in the mail with a penalty or something like that.
will it be on my record?
what should i do? Please help i am going crazy about it.
Dear Tatiana: Askthejudge.info is an educational web site for teenagers about the law. You may read some of our responses to similar questions from teens to get an idea of how shoplifting is handled by stores and the justice system. We don’t provide legal advice to adults or kids for that matter, just information. Good luck.
Hi, the other day I got caught shoplifting from Macys with an $80 shirt. About a halfhour later, the security guards and a cop came and arrested me at the mall. I have an upcoming court date. While in court will they ask if I have shoplifted before this? Is there any possible way they can know? Can they search my house for any stolen items? And I am 16 years old. Thanks 🙂
Dear Joe: Once you’re in court, you may be asked a number of questions. You’ll meet with a probation or court officer and the process will be explained to you. It’s not likely that your house would be searched unless the police have probable cause to believe stolen items are there and they have a search warrant. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I’m a 19 year old college student and about 3 months ago, I was accused of shoplifting in Icing.
I’m a very indecisive shopper, and was meandering back and forth trying to decide if I wanted a pair of earrings, valued at $10.50, or a nail polish for $4.50 and I’d already picked up sunglasses off the sale rack.
Unfortunately, I have a habit of picking. I pick scabs (horrible and gross, I know.), sunburn, stickers, and anything that’s peeling. Well, the sticker on the back of the earrings was peeling, and I subconciously started to pick at it whilst decided on a nail polish color. I’d walked away to back to the sun glasses rack to make sure that they were really $2 so I’d have enough money, and then came back to the earrings, realizing that the pair I had in my hand was no longer there. Apparently, I’d dropped them, and they fell in my hot topic bag, which I hadn’t realized until the assistant manager stopped me on my way back to the earring rack, made a huge scene, and called the mall cops on me.
I was taken away after she took her time getting my info, and sat in the back of the mall for 4 hours until the state cop came, searched through all of my belongings, arrested me, and took me to the station.
After being terrified out of my wits and afraid to tell anyone about the whole ordeal, I finally told my parents because I was becoming physically ill from the stress. My intention was to plead guilty and try to get probation before judgment since this is my first offense, and all I wanted was for this horrific ordeal to be over with. But since my parents got involved and got a lawyer, they told me to plead not guilty and wouldn’t let me pay the $150 charge to drop all of this nonsense. So, I went to my arraignment and was told that if convicted, I could end up in jail for up to a year, or have $2,000 worth of fines.
I’m terrified and would much rather die than go to jail for something I did on accident. My lawyer is going to fight saying that I hadn’t even tried to leave the store with the earrings. What are the chances that I’ll be proven not guilty?
Dear Kate: That’s a question even your lawyer would have difficulty answering. But he or she should know best, since they know the community, the judge and have sized up your case by reading the police reports, etc. There are no guarantees that the decision will go either way. Talk this over with your lawyer, and stop ‘picking’ unless you’re in the produce section.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
hi,im 14 i live in maryland i got shoplifting few weeks ago in Jc penny,this is my first time stealing i steal about $40,i know was stupid for stealing and i will never do it agin in my life ,so a lady who works their took to this romm and she check me and she found a shirt in my bag,then she call the police,and they told me i have to pay the price twice as much and i have to go to court,but they havent send me the date yet,but from jc penny they sent me a letter it say i have to pay $81 and i did bt didnt say anything abt court,so i was wondring what will happen in da court,do i need a lywer,will it be on my record forever and will they tell my school?
Dear Tanya: Police don’t usually tell schools about kids who get caught shoplifting. If you are given a court date, the process will be explained to you by a court/probation officer when you go. Since it’s your first offense, you may be offered diversion which means you’ll complete some work hours, pay a fine, attend counseling or a class about theft. You may have a record but talk to the court officer about getting it cleared once all of this is resolved. Good luck.
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I am 17 years old and I got caught shoplifting it was a 1 gigabyte DDR ram worth $54.95 and i opened the package in the bathroom and put it in my pocket and as I was walking out on the first door where the scanners are at a man stopped me and said I know what you did now follow me before they started questions he asked me if I have any jobs then he asked if I had a id card on me (I didn’t) so at that time a police officer said and I quote “That’s not good” so I give him my info everything but my ssn but my dad came in and gave him all his info including ssn and they wrote me a citation which reads my crime as “robbery” I know mostly what they can get me for is larceny this is my first offense to will this be on my record? I live in Arkansas
Dear John: Since this is your first offense and you’re a minor, you may be offered diversion which will keep your record clear once you complete the terms of the program [for example, work hours, a fine, class or counseling]. What you describe isn’t robbery. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear Judge Tom,
I worked at Target in Florida and got caught shoplifting a coffee maker that cost a little over $100. I couldn’t afford it, and wanted to give my girlfriend a nice gift for her birthday, so I turned to something that I would not normally do: petty theft.
I am 23 and have never been convicted or even associated with any crimes before. My question is: how much of a fine should I be expecting and what consequences am I looking at on my permanent record?
Dear John: Since you are 23, any charges filed against would be filed in adult court. Based on your lack of criminal history, it is possible for your case to end up in a diversion program. This means that you could avoid a criminal record if you pay a fine or restitution to the store, complete community service hours and complete any required counseling or class. If diversion is not an option, you may face similar consequences while being on probation. Shoplifting fines vary from state to state. When you go to court, you should have an opportunity to speak with a court officer and ask him/her about how much of a fine you may be facing. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
I got a citation for misdeaminor and larceny. Once my court date arrived, i went to the clerk office, and they couldn’t find my records anywhere. so I left my citation with the clerk. she said she will talk to the police officer who wrote my citation. but when i called her back she said the police officer had to look back in his records. So i’m guessing he never filed my charges, and it’s been 2 months since my accident. My friends been in a similar situation, he was charged with a theft felony, but the police who was suppose to file his case never did, and when his court date came, the police officer retired, so the judge or the DA dismissed his case. He came out with a clean record and didn’t have to pay any fee. So i’m very confused, What could this mean? and is this a good or bad thing to happen?
Dear Lily: You may have gotten lucky if either the officer did not file his paperwork/report or the prosecutor’s office declined prosecution. However, this is something you should not count on as normally police reports are submitted and charges are filed. Every state has a “statute of limitations” for filing misdemeanor charges, which means that the officer still may have several months to file the incident report. Make sure the court has your correct address and contact information because if charges are filed and a court date is set, you need to be sure to appear in court. If charges end up not being filed, we hope you learned a valuable lesson from this incident. Good luck.
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hi, my brother and I (both adult) were caught shoplifting at Canadian Tire. It was a stupid stupid mistake in our behalf. I dont know what we both were thinking and now we both regret it :(.
Long story short police was called and we both got the court date.
It is our first time and we both have a clean record.
What are the consequences. Do we need a lawyer? Is there going to be a criminal record?
Dear Barbara: The charges and consequences you are facing depend on the laws of the province you live in. In the U.S., shoplifting charges can be filed either as a misdemeanor or felony depending on the amount that was stolen and whether it is a person’s first offense. You should be notified of your charges and whether counsel will be appointed to represent you at your first court date. To find out more, try googling “shoplifting” and the name of your province. Good luck.
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do i call the state court or the recorders? one of my court dates is recorders and my second court date is at state do i call both of them?
Dear Ashley: Since you’re in two different courts, you need to call them both. Good luck.
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hi, i got caught shoplifting 11 months ago at a Sears. I went through a diversion program so my misdemeanor could be expunged. I learned my lesson. Trust me!! But today at Macy’s when I was in the fitting room I took in a lot of items and laid them down on top of my purse which was open because I had just taken my phone out. A small flimsy shirt got in there and I did not even notice because I was too busy talking on the phone. When I was leaving an LP office stopped me and told me to give them back their shirt. I repeated that I had not taken anything to which he grabbed my hand and said that he would slam me on the floor if i did not cooperate. When I saw the shirt I was dumbfounded. The cops came and gave me a ticket for a court date. I paid a fine to Macy’s today and the Loss Prevention officer told me that the video tape would not be used unless my lawyer subpoenaed it. I plan on getting a lawyer. Is there any advice you could give me? I am a college student in Florida. What are my chances of beating this??
Dear Giovanna: As far as “beating this” charge, you’ll need to discuss that with your lawyer since you plan to get one. We assume you’re 18 or older since you’re in college, so you’ll be treated as an adult and not a juvenile. Explain the circumstances to your lawyer and maybe you’ll be able to complete another diversion program or be dealt with leniently if this is your first offense as an adult. Good luck.
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hi. yesterday i got caught shoplifting at target. im 16 and live in california. it was my first time stealing and i really regret doing it. i took little cosmetics, about $30 dollars worth. they put me into a room and i returned everything and answered all questions honestly. since i was cooperating, they released me to my mother. they didnt call the police. i didnt have to pay any fine or go to court. they just got my name address school licesnse plate number, and other information. im still allowed to go to target, but they sent my picture to other targets so if i ever were to go into one, they would watch me. im really scared that this incident is gonna come back to haunt me. how long will my picture be in target? is this on my permanent record? if so, for how long? will my school be notified of this? will it come up when i apply for college next year and future job applications? please help, im really freaking out, i wish i had never done it.
Dear Amanda: It sounds like you’ve learned a good lesson. You’ll probably not hear anything further about this incident unless you do it again. The store will keep their record on you, but it’s not likely to go any further. There shouldn’t be a formal charge since the police weren’t involved and you don’t have a juvenile court record. It shouldn’t affect any college or job applications, so count yourself lucky this time.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
hi judge.
im 18, i was caught stealing from the walmart around the corner from my house. they made me sign papers. took a picture of me. i was arrested for the first time ever in my life. i disappointed my family and i disappointed myself i havent even looked in the mirror since. im so embrassed. my mom was so angry and disappointed in me. i feel really bad about stealing from walmart and it will never happen again. iwill never a day in life ever steal again. i didnt like being in jail with murders. my crime as a misdemeanor it came out too $24.00. i got a ticket the week before for loitering is that a criminal act. there wasnt a sign saying we couldnt be there and we wasnt warned to leave. i go to court jan 2 2010 for loitering. then i go to court feb 25, 2010 for the shoplifting. do still qualify to plea first offense since i got a loitering ticket? how do i go about getting the first offense diversion? and can i get this off my record once im done with the first offense? i have no juvenile record. im in college will this affect my student money, because i dont have a job? and i planned on payin my fees with that. i live in GA. i really scared. i dont want to ever go back to that place ever.
Dear Ashley: If there is a phone number for the court on your papers, call and ask if you can schedule the hearings for the same time for both tickets. Since these are your first offenses, and the loitering being minor, you may be offered diversion. If so, complete whatever the agreement is [work hours, a fine, a class, etc.] and then both will be resolved. Depending on the laws in Georgia, you may not have a “record” following diversion, or you can apply to have it cleared after a period of time. Either way, they shouldn’t affect your college plans or future job applications. Good luck.
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Hi so yesterday my friends and i shoplifted from a few stores but never got caught but and im scared that i am on survellience cameras at one store the clerk kept eyeing me the whole entire time at another store even when my friends and i finished putting things in our pocket and were just playing around smelling perfume and giving each other makeovers. He never once approched me but im soo scared that the police will call my parents or show up at my door. I think i just need reasurance that the police wont show up because they dont have any information on who i am. I know what i did was completly wrong and i will never ever do anything stupid and reckless like this again because i am so scared.
Dear Alli: You should be scared since you broke the law. However, if you weren’t stopped and neither the store or police know your name, address, etc. you may not hear anything about this. You’re on tape now, so if you return to the store and shoplift again, things will be different. Talk this over with your parents and how remorseful you are about what you did. The truth wins out in the end and you’ll feel better about yourself. They might want you to go back to the store and apologize which would be the right thing to do. We hope, Alli, you’ve learned from this. Good luck.
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We live in California and My son and his friend got caught shoplifting at Macy’s worth 635.00 for him and 450.00 for her . He has a cutter since they plan this to give a gift to a friend the officer said he can be charge for felony because they plan this but is their 1st offense both very good kind I don’t know what will happen.
Dear Alexis: As minors and their first offense, they will meet with a court officer and the process will be explained to them. Shoplifting may be a felony depending on the value of the items taken. They are looking at possible probation or a diversion program that would include restitution to the store, work hours, a fine, class, counseling or even detention if the court decides it’s appropriate. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Hello Judge Tom. I am 16 and was caught shoplifting today($600 worth of things)in one of the Sears stores in California. But I seem to have problem recalling what happened. When the police officer asked me, I was so blanked out. Even now, I still can’t remember what happened. How it started, how it went..all that problems. I realized I was in trouble when I walked out with a bag full of stolen merchandises and was stopped. What’s going to happen to me?Are the police going to inform my school, my teachers about this? Is my school going to force me out? Are they going to kick me out? What is going to happen to me? Fines? Jail?
Thank you so much for answering my questions.
Dear Eva: If the store and the prosecutor decide to charge you with shoplifting, you’ll receive notice in the mail of your court date. Don’t miss it. You’ll meet with a court/probation officer and the process will be explained to you. If you’re guilty, the court may sentence you to probation, a fine, community work hours, a class or counseling, or detention if the judge thinks it’s appropriate. You might be eligible for diversion if this is your first offense. Ask the probation officer about that. The police don’t normally notify schools about off-campus incidents, unless it endangers the school in any way. Stay away from the store. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
Dear Chris: What you might receive in the mail is a “civil demand” which is a fine that the store may collect in shoplifting cases. Usually around a few hundred dollars if assessed – pay it on time and this incident will be over. Also stay out of the store or they can press trespassing charges against you. Good luck.
thanks for the comment………..what do you mean by if assessed….how long does it usually take for this civil demand to come in the mail? and why a few hundred dollar fine for somthing that wasnt even over 3 to 5 dollars?? will they press charges or any thing like that or would it really like for real be done and over with if I were to pay this civil demand if I was to get one??
Dear Chris. Stores usually send out their demand letters for payment of a civil fine within a month of the incident. The laws of your state authorize them to fine someone caught shoplifting and the amounts vary from state to state. You could also be prosecuted for the same offense – these are civil and criminal remedies for the crime. Usually both don’t take place, but it’s possible. Read the papers you were given carefully and follow the instructions about paying the fine. If it’s not included, then you’ll receive additional instructions in the mail.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ADVICE YOUR GIVING EVERYONE YOU ARE A VERY HELPFUL PERSON! I know I will sleep better tonight knowing i will not have a record and I know many others are releived at what you have told them I personally think that you are a great help to people that do not know whats gonna happen when they go to court or anything to do with the matter! Thank you so much for the help! -Corrinne 🙂
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ADVICE YOUR GIVING EVERYONE YOU ARE A VERY HELPFUL PERSON! I know I will sleep better tonight knowing i will not have a record and I know many others are releived at what you have told them I personally think that you are a great help to people that do not know whats gonna happen when they go to court or anything to do with the matter! Thank you so much for the help! -Amanda 🙂
I am 13 and i live in wisconsin. me and my friend stole $2 eyeliner from Shopko and we got regular police fines, and shopko is sueing us for $150+ can they do that? will this be on my record for getting a job? is there a way i can get out of paying this $150+ fine?
Dear Taylor: Yes, the store can fine you and $100 to $200 is common around the country. If you pay on time and no further action is taken, you won’t have a juvenile record. If it happens again, you may be prosecuted and end up on probation or in detention. Stay away from the store, especially if you were told not to come back. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
dear judge tom.
I shoplifted about a week ago and got caought taking a $20 video game in kmart, took it out of the box and put it in my pocket. they called the cops and i got busted before i even walked out of the door. its my first offance im 14 y.o., and live in lake county florida, and i make good grades and am in njrotc. what will my charges be, will they put it in my reccords, and will i get kicked out of rotc.
please help im nervous that it will affect my future carear in the millatry
Dear Scott: Since it’s your first offense, you may not be prosecuted for shoplifting. If you weren’t given a citation or told to appear in court, this may be handled by the store. You may get a letter in the mail from the store requiring payment of a civil fine. Pay it on time and the matter may be closed. If you go to court you’ll likely receive work hours, a fine, counseling, a class, or restitution to the store. You may not have a juvenile record so it shouldn’t affect your ROTC or military plans unless you do it again. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice].
I live in texas, i was in a walmart sunday nov. 29. I was in the autoparts section and had grabbed a box of licence plate bolts woth around $3. I continued browsing and croutched to look at another item that was close to the floor. I put the bolts in my hoodie pocket so i wouldnt forget them when i got up. After a fer minutes of looking. I put it back got up and cotinued browsing the store for thing i might want for christmas. I had been in there a while and was leaving when i realized i had the bolts still in the hoodie. Before i had the chance to go back to pay for them the LP lady rushed to me and accused me of shoplifting. I told her i knew of the item she meant, haded it to her and told her i didnt mean to take them. She took me to a room, asked me questions, and asked for my ID. Im 17 and considered an adult. She scanned my ID and took my info. She told me they were not going to call police and that i will be getting a letter in the mail. Then she sent me on my way. As i was in there i told her of a couple who actually were shoplifting. She listened but still didnt believe me when i told her i didnt inted to take the item.
Dear Vincent: If the Loss Prevention lady accepts your explanation of what happened, you may not hear anything further. They have your contact information, so it may be wise to stay away from the store for awhile. Or you may get a letter from the store requiring payment of a civil demand [fine]. If you pay it, the matter will be closed. You could decide to fight it and then you can explain what happened to a judge who will decide the consequences. Talk this over with your parents in deciding what to do. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
what are some good place to do community service???
Dear Melody: Many places that use volunteers allow you to complete community service hours for school credit or for the court or diversion program. Animal shelters, homeless meal kitchens, libraries, parks, Boys and Girls Clubs, etc are good places to check. You can also call your local juvenile court or probation office and ask for a list of places to do community service. Good luck.
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Hello people, I was caught last monday evening shoplifting, very dumb of me, it was’nt a lot just a few dollars worth of crap, but I’ll cut to the chase, Lost Prevention stopped me just before I walked outside with it and asked me to follow him to his office so I agreed, ok long story short the police were not called my picture was not taken no finger prints non of that stuff, the only thing the LP guy asked for was my Driver’s License and my phone number and asked me a few basic questions, when he got done he told me to never return to the store or I would be arressted so I agreed to never return, he also gave me a three page paper, two of the papers had Pennsylvania’s laws and what not, and the first page says That I would be getting something in the mail, what will I get in the mail? how long will it be till I get it? I am 23 live in PA, I have never done this nor do I know what will happen, Please Help, Answers Please!!
Dear Chris: What you might receive in the mail is a “civil demand” which is a fine that the store may collect in shoplifting cases. Usually around a few hundred dollars if assessed – pay it on time and this incident will be over. Also stay out of the store or they can press trespassing charges against you. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
i am 15 years old and i was caught shop lifting. Really dumb descion I know. But anyway I have to go to court and i was wondering if i’m going to have to tell a story or get up on the stand on something? And this was the first time i’ve ever done this. My mother has to pay a fine, so will i have any other punishment? Thank you so very much again.
Dear Amanda: When you go to court, you’ll probably meet with a court [probation] officer who will explain the process to you. Since this is your first offense, you may be offered diversion which means if you complete work hours, pay the store restitution, attend a class or counseling, etc the case will be closed and you won’t have a record. If you plead not guilty it will be set for trial before a judge. If found guilty, you may be placed on probation with the same terms listed above and you’ll have a juvenile record. Good luck.
[This is information only, not legal advice.]
Judge Tom, in August of 2009 ( 4 months from my birthday on december 8, making me 18), I got caught shoplifting from a local walmart in Virginia. I took an I.D card holder and a tie, and the total came up to 10 dollars. Since I am 17, cooperated, and the total of what I took was under 25,and it was my 1st ever offense, the lady let me off easy. She said I don’t have to go to court, pay a fine, or anything. No police were involved or nothing. All she did was jot down my information, and called my mom to pick me up. She said this isn’t going to be on my record, but I am in the walmart system, so if i caught doing the same act within a year. I will be arrested and put in jail and etc. My question is, how long will i be in the walmart system?
will it be for a year? and am I still allowed to shop there?
Dear Eric: This is a common response to first time shoplifters. Your name and info could be in the store’s system for some time, at least a year. Unless you were told at the time you got caught to stay out of the store, you could probably return. Stores often trespass a shoplifter for a period of time and/or assess a civil demand [fee] which you’d be notified of by mail. We’d recommend staying away from the store for awhile – once you’re 18 in December, you can be prosecuted as an adult with adult consequences. Good luck.
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Hi, my friend and I who are both 18 have just gotten caught shoplifting at TJ MAXX in Ohio. they totalled the things she had stolen to about 34 dollars, and mine to 22. We were taken down to the police station wherewe were finger printed and photographed. I know this is on my permanent record, so I was wondering if there were and way to get this exponged? Also, while they were getting our information, they asked for my “emergency contact” info, so not thinking, I said my mother and her phone number. They never asked my friend for this info.. she has been 18 for 8 months, and I have for four. Do you think even though I am 18 they will call my mom? And what do you think will happen in court? We payed nothing the day it happened and got out on a signature bond. We have court the 8th of Dec.
Dear Amy: Since this is your first time, you may be offered a diversion program instead of formal prosecution. This means, if you agree, you’ll have to either pay a fine and restitution to the victim, complete work hours, a class and maybe counseling. You avoid a record by completing diversion. Or if you plead guilty, you may receive the same consequences and can ask in a year or so for your record to be expunged. Every state has different rules about destruction of records and clearing your name. Good luck.
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Cont… the yellow citation paper said misdemonon.. Do jobs and colleges care about misdemoners? And is that on my record at this very moment? Or until court?
See answer above to Maria’s first question. Thanks for writing.]
So on black friday me(18) and 3 (17,17,15) other girls got caught shoplifting @ a georgia walmart for clerance cameras which totaled to 214.00.. The store records said 214 on each of our papers and 65.00 on the police papers.. He gave us each a citation that said we had court in jan. This is my first offense. What will they ask me in court? Will we have to tell a story? And will this stay on my record? I heard that in ga your 1st offense can be expunged…
Dear Maria: First, when you go to court, the process will be explained to you. You’ll meet with a court officer and may be offered diversion. That means you can choose to complete work hours, attend counseling and/or a class, pay a fine and/or restitution to the store. Once you complete the terms, the matter is closed with no record. If you plead guilty, your sentence may include the same as above and after a certain period you can apply to the court for a clear record. Colleges don’t usually ask for juvenile records or records of minor offenses (traffic, etc). On your college application, read the question carefully and answer truthfully – if you complete diversion, you weren’t convicted of a crime. Good luck.
[This is information only – not legal advice.]
Ok so me and my friend were caught shoplifting for the first time at a belks in north carolina. We are only 14. The cops got our names, and address’s, etc. they also gave us a court date. we are really scared of whats gonna happen. the merchandise we took was about 200$ added up together. we dont know whats gonna happen. so i was wondering what the judge could do to us? and will our high school be told?
Dear Corrinne: Since this is your first offense, you’ll probably meet with a court officer and everything will be explained to you. You may be offered diversion which means if you complete some work hours, pay a fine, pay restitution to the store, or attend a class, the matter will be closed. Or you may be placed on probation with similar terms. When you turn 18, apply to the court for a clear record. Good luck.
[This is information only, not legal advice.]
I was caught stealing when I was 16. The police were called and the store told me that my parents would be fined and that they weren’t going to press charges. For college applications, I’m asked,”Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor, felony, or other crime?” How do I respond to this?
Dear Michelle: If you were only fined by the store and never went to court, you haven’t been convicted of anything and you don’t have a record. So you can answer no unless you know otherwise. Read all questions on college and job applications very closely. Good luck.
I got caught by whole foods loss prevention, Cypress Security, and they are charging me a civil demand of 500 dollars, for a 4 dollar item. I did not have to go through police, what should i do? Can they really charge me that?
Dear Matt: Under the laws of your state, this amount may be a legal civil remedy for shoplifting. Google the name of your state and “shoplifting civil demand” and see what you find out. The store may choose to take this route rather than refer you for prosecution. Pay the amount by the deadline given and the matter should be closed. Good luck.
The above is information only, not legal advice.
Thank you very much. My court date is tomorrow (I scheduled it while ate the police station) is there anything i can do to prepare myself for it? I’m at school and I cant afford a lawyer, should I worry about that? Lastly, according to what I’ve read so far online, one of my options might be diversion… what exactly is that and would I qualify for it? Thanks again.
Dear Pat: If this is your first offense, you may qualify for diversion. That means if you agree to complete some work hours, counseling, pay a fine, etc. the matter will conclude with no criminal record or court proceedings. You may meet with a court officer who will explain this to you. You may be asked about finances and be offered a public defender if charges are filed. All the best.
The other day I was caught stealing two 30 packs of beer from the supermarket, a total of $34.00. Stupid, I know. Upon leaving the store I was approached by a surveillance person, who asked me for a receipt, I told him I didn’t have one, and then ran away. A police officer eventually found me across the street, handcuffed me, brought me back to the supermarket where the surveillance person did some paperwork, and then I was taken to the police station where I gave them all my information, fingerprints, and picture taken. I’m 19 and I live in New York. What should I expect? Thanks
Dear Pat: Since you’re an adult, but under age for alcohol, you could expect a citation for shoplifting or theft, and possession of alcohol. You might get a notice by mail of a court date and any charges filed against you. Don’t miss court or a warrant for your arrest could be issued. If you find yourself in court, your rights and possible consequences will be explained to you. It may include probation, a fine, restitution, community service hours, and counseling. Good luck.
Dear Layla: It is the store’s decision whether to pursue prosecution for the shoplifting. It sounds like it may end with the warning given and possibly a letter with a demand to pay a civil fine. If that’s the case, paying it on time should end this incident. Good luck.
I just got caught shoplifting about 9 dollars worth of merchandise. It was the first time and they took me in a room, got my info, like my ss#, address, phone number, but didn;t call the cops. They had me sign a notice for a choicepoint thing, which I’m not exactly sure what it is, but didn’t say anything or give me anything about civil demand. Does this mean I don’t have to pay, or will I just get something in the mail. Also, will this prevent me from getting jobs in the future?
Dear Chrissy: You may get something in the mail from the store with directions in how to avoid prosecution. They will likely fine you a certain amount and maybe require some community service hours. Whatever they require, met the deadline to avoid further action. If this is diversion, you won’t have a criminal record. Good luck.
I (age 23) was Caught shoplifting in florida worth 3 dollars. a cop was called and present but they did not inform me i was arrested and i did not have to sign anything. i then paid for the merchandise and they gave me a verbal trespassing warning and i was free to leave. my boyfriend was also with me and they took his information but he also did not sign anything or was informed that he was arrested. will anything else happen now? and will my boyfriend be charged with anything?
thank you for your advice.
Dear JR: It sounds like this is the end of it, unless either of you return to the store. Then trespass charges could be filed against you. A shoplifting charge could be filed anytime before the statute of limitations runs [usually a year or two] but usually in cases of a first offense and little value that’s been repaid, you may not hear anything further. But every state handles these cases differently. Good Luck.
Heey i jusst got caught shop lifting =\ i refreet it and wat i took was about 80 dollars this was at jcpeenny and i dnt know what’s gonna happen I’m scared they hand cuffed me took me down to the polica and asked me for my name took pictures of me I’m really scared what do yoou think is gonna happen ? =(
Dear Janeet: If you end up in court, you may be sentenced to pay a fine, restitution to the victim, complete community service hours, attend counseling or a class. It depends on your history, the amount taken, and your attitude. You may also be put on probation for a period of time. Good luck.
I’m 18 i just got caught shoplifting. I was brought in to an office no police were called and I was told a letter will be sent to me in the mail from the company from which i stole the item headquaters in which would be a fine. also i signed a form that the woman told me stated that it means I cannot go onto the property of the store for a year. The police were not called. What all is going to happen? this isn’t going to be put on a criminal record correct?
Dear Daniel: If the police were not involved and you’re not formally charged with shoplifting, you won’t have a criminal record. It sounds like the store is handling it themselves, which is their decision. Follow the directions in the letter you receive that may include a fine of several hundred dollars, and the trespass notice to stay away for a year. That’s a pretty common consequence. Next time, pay or save the money until you can buy it. Good luck.
P.s. When i go to court, it is necessary for me to get my own attorney?
Trey: It’s up to you to either accept the appointment of a public defender, if you’re financially unable to hire your own lawyer, or get your own. The process and your options will be explained to you at your first appearance in court.
When i was 18, i got caught shoplifting an item at a store. the item was less then 30 dollars and i live in california. i am wondering when i go to court, and this is my first misdemeanor and crime, what punishment would i face?
Dear Trey: If, as you said, this is your first offense, you’re likely looking at a fine, restitution to the store, community service hours, a class about theft and the law, and possibly counseling. It’s up to your probation officer and the judge. Good luck.
When I was 17, i got caught shoplifting, something small under $10. There was no police involved, but they called my father to come pick me up from the store. they wrote down some of my info and my state ID #. How long will this stay on my record? Will the employers be able to see it if they do a background check? The incident happened over 3 years ago and I was never caught or arrested for anything else. I’ve been trying to get a city job and they deffinately do background checks.. I didn’t get the job I want and I’m afraid it is because of
something stupid that i did when i was younger
Dear Red: The chances of there being a formal “record” of this incident are slim. If you didn’t go to court, participate in a diversion program, or have any contact with the police, the only evidence of this may be in the store’s possession. It shouldn’t keep you from future pursuits. Good luck.
Judge Tom,
Hi im 24 in CA. I was caught 3 days ago in target w a shopping cart full of stuff trying to leave the store, LP stopped me took the cart and didnt ask for any info and let me leave the store (i was with my baby). i have done this a bunch of times before at this same store. do you think they will come after me by pulling up my license plate or off the cameras? what should i do to prepear myself for the worst? i am not going to enter target anymore and i def learned my lesson and am getting help w my addiction. any advice? i cannot sleep at night im
worried sick!
Dear Missy: With a “shopping cart” full of items, you may receive a notice in the mail about consequences that may include a fine to the store, or notice to appear in court. If you’re charged with shoplifting you can expect a fine, restitution, counseling, work hours or probation. Depending on the total value of the items, it could either be a misdemeanor or felony. Get some help before this gets out of hand and you’re facing a lengthy sentence. Good luck.
Oh, also, all that happened when i was caught was that i went in and filled out a sheet explaining what i did. The wal-mart people took my information (social security number, name, address, etc) and then gave me a lecture. then They took my picture and told me never to come in again. What am I looking at as my punishment? again, this is my first offense ever and i am 20 years old. See Jason’s first message for Response.
Hey, I was just caught stealing a game from wal-mart. The game was only 10 dollars, and I had no prior intent to go in and take it. The only reason i took it was because i saw it, and really wanted to play it, but did not have enough money on me to buy it, and so i just slipped it into my pocket. I’m 20 years old, and this is my first offense ever. What is going to happen to me most likely?
Judge Tom’s response:
Hi Jason. Most likely, you won’t hear anything further. If you hear from the court, you may be offered diversion which means you’ll do some community service hours, pay a fine, take a class and/or pay restitution. Stay away from the store for as long as they told you to, otherwise you could be cited for trespass if you return. Good luck.
Hey, I was just caught at kmart shoplifting about $18 worth of food. The cops weren’t called and i was cooperative, they had me fill out some paperwork and they have my ss# and the things i had to sign said that they could sue, but the lp guy said they probably wouldn’t since it wasn’t a whole lot of stuff and i was being cooperative. am i going to get a letter soon saying that i have to pay a fine? they never mentioned anything about a monetary penalty… and will this go on my record in some way since they have my SS#?
Judge Tom’s response:
You’ll have a “record” with the store, so if they told you not to return, don’t. You may hear from the store requesting a civil fine [allowed in many states] which may be around $100 to $200. This is different from a criminal charge for the offense. Unless you’re formally charged and have to go to court, you shouldn’t have a juvenile record with the court. Good luck.
hola senor tom. so i was at b&n and bought a boxed set series rhere waere 6 of em and the boxed set had only 4. so then i impulsively and stupidly took them too thinking to myself i shp here so much and spend an average of at least 200 a month it should be a free gift. then at target i told my mom bout these too books i wanted put em in the kart left her and wen i got home asked her did she pay and she said no i told u to put it back in the store AND FLIPPED. i feel really bad but got wat iwanted 2 advice?
Judge Tom’s response:
George, we think you know what the right thing to do is – either return to the store and pay for the item taken, or return the item and explain what happened. Bad deeds have a way of coming back to you. Good luck.
I got caught shoplifting, first offense, and the LP guy was writing down my police case file number. I am banned from the store and I have to pay a fine to the store. He said it is up to the police if I will need to go to court and that it is separate from what the store is charging me. The officer didn’t give me much information but she did give me her business card with my case file number and she said she’ll contact me. The number wasn’t the same as the one that LP guy wrote down. What does this mean?
Judge Tom’s response:
A police report usually has one number, a DR or Departmental Report number. That’s more than likely what the officer gave you. The number that the store’s Loss Prevention person wrote down was probably the store’s own number to record the incident and it’s only for internal use with the store. Good luck.
Hi again.
Thank you for your response and yes, I have learned my lesson. I will never ever do anything that can and will jeopardize my future.
But another question, the officer told me he would give me a call today, which is the day after the incident. I told him I was going to be working until 5:00 pm and he said he would give me a call after 5. It is more than 2 hours past 5:00 and he hasn’t called yet and I was wondering if I should give him a call back. I don’t know if giving him a call would make my situation worse.
Judge Tom’s response:
It may or may not. If he said he’d call, wait for him to do so.
Hi Tom,
I just got caught shoplifting. It was very stupid of me, but what’s done is done. The store was H&M and the LP person told me I had to pay a fine to the store, around $200 to $300 and I am banned from all H&Ms worldwide. He got my information and a picture and everything. It’s such a waste because I actually like that store. The LP person told me that it is up to the police officer to decide what happens to me and usually, for first time offenders, they just get off with a warning. I was feeling better, and the LP person acknowledged the fact that I do not seem like the type to shoplift, and he was right. I was dared and was too scared of the consequences if I didn’t obliged. It didn’t occur to me that shoplifting is a greater offense. I was stupid.
So, the police officer came and he asked me questions and I thought it was going rather well until he told me that he will give me a call tomorrow whether I will have to go to court. I gave him my cellphone number as I do not want my parents to know what had happened just yet. I am 19. He didn’t get any information from me, but he did get information from the LP person.
I am terrified because I still want to go to a reputable school and earn a degree and have a job. I am so scared this will go on my permanent record and I won’t be able to pursue my dreams. What will happen with me in this case?
Judge Tom’s response:
Even though you’re an adult, if charges are filed, they’ll most likely be for either a petty offense or a misdemeanor depending on your state’s laws. Most states have a process to obtain a clean record after all court proceedings are done and full compliance with court orders are completed [work hours, counseling, a class, restitution, etc.] You may not hear anything further about this and, if so, consider it a valuable lesson. Good luck.
im not sure if i was descriptive enough. the store did not realize i had more stolen goods in my possession from their store.. but when the cops bring the bag back, i am sure they will realize. is it required to notify me before i appear in court or are they allowed to simply not say anything about it until court. i am from long island, NY.
Judge Tom’s response:
Due process of law requires that you be given notice of all charges filed against you and a right to be heard. So, if there are additional charges filed out of this shoplifting incident, you’ll be advised before you go to court or at that time and have a chance to discuss the situation with your lawyer. Good luck.
hello i was recently accused of shoplifting and it is my first offense. the cops gave me the charges and court date. however, i too had other stolen stuff confiscated that was not seen by the store that caught me, but the cops said they would give the bag of items back to the store to put back. my question is… can new charges be brought up in court that i was not aware of until i went to court, or would i have to be notified about all charges before going to court, so that i may be able to get the proper lawyer and be prepared for what i will encounter.
can you tell me if the store knows that stuff is mine. or do they deal with so many cases a day that they dont notice. do the cops just give it back. or is the store security that returns the items to the other stores. if i was already charged with 170, can they look back and see that i did it twice and charge me for the other items even if its after the fact. would they notify me or would they save it for court. do they usually go through camera footage to see what exactly happened or do they just follow the police report
Judge Tom’s response:
The answers to all of your questions, Jamie, are based on local law and practice. You need to run these by your lawyer.
i was caught shoplifting and have to go to court in a few days. that day i shoplifted from a few stores. i shoplifted earlier from this one store and got away with it. then i went to some other stores in the mall. i went back to the first store and tried to shoplift more but got caught as i was leaving. they took the stuff i stole from the day and made me take out what i stole when i got caught. i took out the stuff from the second time, but not the first. the cops and store security looked in the bag but didnt notice the other stuff because it was all in bags from other stores names. the amount i was charged with is 175 dollars. i was arrested and everything, but the cops said i wont be jailed, just fined, community service, and/or a class, and in a certain time, it can be expunged. we got a lawyer that we know well but i havent told him or my parents the whole story. is it best to just keep quiet and hope the cops either gave it back or the store just decided to let it go, or will they charge me for that too. its been about 3 days since, and i havent heard anything about it. i really learned my lesson, and i just want this all to be over. i understand that i plead not guilty and then go to a trial where we work out what i must do.
im 17, female, and probably the least likely person to ever do this. ive gone to catholic school my whole life and i work in a church. im ashamed, embarrassed, and really want this to be over with. please help.
Judge Tom’s response:
Jamie – based on what you’ve stated, we think you know the answer and the right thing to do. We cannot provide you legal advice about how to proceed, but you should level with your lawyer and listen to his or her advice. Good luck.
I am a visitor from other country, and I was caught for shoplifting. Police didn’t come, just security there took my ID and I payed money and filled out some papers,I was banned from the store, he took my picture and told me that he needed it in case if I come back, so then they arrest me. Do I have any record now?
Judge Tom’s response:
From what you’ve stated, the only “record” you have is with the store. The store owner may choose to report this incident that can result in formal charges. Be sure not to return to the store and aggravate the situation. Good luck.
Judge Tom’s response:
It is entirely up to the court and the diversion officer that you worked with on the first offense. If you violated the terms of diversion, you can expect the consequences to be greater. If you are charged with a new offense and either admit or are found guilty of it, you may receive probation. Good luck.
I got caught shoplifiting from wal mart recently i know it was really stupid of me and i will NEVER do it again bt i am 19 and the guy took back into his office checked my bags adn said that this time im not gonna go to jail but he did ban me from all wal-marts nation wide adn said that the lawyers are going to send me a fine in the mail and that i have 3 weeks to pay it afte i get it or i go to jail, but when i asked about court he said i didnt have to go because i did not get arrested, btw i live in maryland and i am 19
Judge Tom’s response:
You got lucky this time. Under your state’s laws, this form of diversion keeps you out of court and record-free. Follow the terms of the letter. If you have any questions about what you’re asked to do, call your local public/legal defender’s office or legal aid. Good luck.
I was caught shoplifting $34 of make up by an undercover cop at bartelles and was taken in the back and gave my name, address, number, and Soicial security number. I was told I was going to be sent a court date and a fine in the mail. How much will I probably have to pay and what will happen? Will this stay on my record?
Judge Tom’s response:
Erika, you will know alot more once you receive the letter in the mail. It should explain your rights and how to resolve this case. If you are offered diversion [fine, work hours, etc.] you may not have a record. There will likely be someone’s name and phone number in the letter if you have additional questions. Good luck.
last month i got caught shoplifting at wal-mart..and it was my first time…they filled out papers, but did not take my picture..and the cop knew i learned my lesson and dropped all charges but the wal-mart security said i wasnt allowed to go to any wal-marts in the world at all anymore for as long as i live…is that true?
and the wal-mart people ended up sending me something in the mail that said i had to pay them 100$ within 20 days, and that if i dont that they will have there client take further civil action…can they do that after saying that im just not allowed to go to wal-mart anymore and that they werent going to do anything else?…
p.s i recommend for anyone not to steal, even if you dont have the money for it,wait till you get money…because honestly its not worth any of this…=(…i let my parents, family and myself down by doing what i did, and even if my record goes clean at 18, ill still have to live with the fact that i did something stupid like that…
Judge Tom’s response:
First, your advice to others at the end of your question is good. We hope you have learned something from this experience. The store does have the authority to ban you from its premises since you were caught stealing. Under the laws of the state you live, they may also be allowed to impose a civil penalty for shoplifting. You can check this by Googling your state’s name and “shoplifting” and read what the consequences are. Good luck.
hi im 15 and i got caught shoplifting at walmart 6 months ago in woodbury MN. i went to a class and paid the fines. i was banned from all walmarts. last month i got caught again with some friends in hudson WI at walmart. the same guard that caught me in woodbury caught me in hudson. i got a tresspassing ticket and a court hearing ticket and the items ticket for $240. Whats gonna happen to me? am i too young to be put on house arrest? Am i gonna go to jail? Am i gonna be put on house arrest? Do i have to do community service.
Judge Tom’s response:
Dear Angela: Any of the consequences you mention are possible. What will happen depends on the laws in your area regarding shoplifting and the court’s practice. Many courts follow a practice of increasing consequences as you continue to break the law, so detention is possible. If a court officer [probation or intake officer, for example] has been assigned to you, call him or her and ask about the process and what may happen. Good luck.
well i was caught shoplifting cold medicine(i wasn’t going to get high off of it, my friend convinced me to do it with him). And it was a stupid action and i know this, i have another small misdemeanor but it was sapost to have been wiped clean off my record after i got off probation for it. I’m in Michigan so what is going to happen to me?
Judge Tom’s response:
That depends on the laws in your area, your record of offenses, especially if the first offense is still on your record, and what the prosecutor decides to do. You may be placed back on probation with additional terms. Think before you do something that you know is wrong. As your record grows, so do the penalties. Good luck.
hi again..
i have one more question to add..
if i just pay the civil demand and the store doesnt press charges or anything will this whole incident pretty much go away? as in i dont have to worry about it anymore cause the whole thing will be over..
like if i had to do a background check or something in the future this would not show up right?
i am just really worried that this will come back to me somehow in the future and how this will affect me…i was such an idiot!!
thank you judge tom!!!!!
Judge Tom’s response:
Anna: In most situations, the matter stays with the store and there’s no “criminal record.” It wouldn’t be reported to any college or university and because you haven’t been charged or convicted of a crime, there is nothing to report on job or college applications depending on how the question is phrased on the application – read it carefully and answer it honestly. Good luck.
I am 16 (almost 17)and I got caught shoplifting two tubes of lipstick (no more thatn $20 total) at a sears in california and the LP guys took me back to their office where i returned the items. Then they called my dad who signed a form saying he knew he had to pay the civil demand (?)there was no police involved and they didn’t prosecute me..
i feel really bad about it and i have definitely learned my lesson especially since i have never shoplifted before. It was a first time offense..
so i was wondering if i have some sort of criminal record now.
Also will they tell my highschool that i shoplifted and will this affect my college apps?
And if i do pay the civil demand in full is it likely for them to still press charges later and send me to court?
thank you so much!!
i am so worried over this whole issue and i am scared that i have ruined my life in a matter of minutes!!!
please help me!!
Judge Tom’s response:
Anna, because you were not arrested or charged in court with shoplifting, it’s unlikely that you have any criminal record. You can call the clerk of the juvenile court in your county and ask for a copy of your juvenile record to confirm that there is nothing on it. It’s also unlikely that the store will try to press any charges for two tubes of lipstick after you have paid the civil demand. Finally, colleges do not usually ask for juvenile court records and since you most likely don’t have a record anyway, this incident should not affect your college application process. We hope you learned a valuable lesson from this experience.
Dear Judge Tom,
My sister, who’s 13 years old, and I (im sixteen) got caught stealing from claires that’s worth about $5 dollars, the store asst. manager who caught us said that she’s prosecuting us. we are banned from the mall for a year, and a month had passed and we recieve nothing, but i just recently got a called from the police from the mall, and asked my parents and they are not present at the time, they did not give the info. but im assuming its about the crime my sister and i committed. it was our first time doing it, and it was very stupid. i was just wondering, what will happen to us? will it be on our permanent record? will we have to pay a fine? (we didnt pay anything when we got caught, we just returned the item and they made us sign papers).
Judge Tom’s response:
Any number of things may happen. First, tell your parents about the call from mall security so they can contact them and hopefully resolve this. The store could decide to follow through with charges which would mean you’d be going to court or possibly a diversion program. Diversion usually includes work hours, a fine and/or restitution. Or you could be placed on probation for a period of time. If none of this happens, you don’t have a juvenile record with the court. Stay away from the mall this next year or things will get worse. Good luck.
ok a couple of days ago i was at ross in florida my friend from school called me to go to K-mart so i did i walk in the store and i see anothr kid from school and i asked him if he had seen my friend he said yea he is at the front so i go and i see him at the cash register buying gum and i said wats up to him and then he got his receipt from the lady and we left then as we were walkin i saw he took out some mittens and he told me to hold them as we turn the corner there was 2 cop cars and 1 of the cops came out and stopped him and in my mind i was like he probably stole stuff so i got scared i dropped the mittens and kept walking because none of the cops stopped me so im walking home later that day he called me saying that he gave the cops my number but not my adress so iwas wondering if im goin to juvy im 14 years old and i live at florida
Judge Tom’s response:
Unless you’re charged or cited for shoplifting or as an accessory to the crime, you probably won’t be “going to juvy.” Your friend may have given the police your number so they can verify his explanation of what happened. Good luck.
hello i live in nova scotia i was supposidly caught for shoplifting at a local bargain shop ( my 1 1/2 year old daughter had a toy i was unaware of and i left without paying, it was still in the box and not hidden so obviously i wasent trying to ‘steal’ it or i would have least taken it out of the box or hid it somewhere) anyways they called the police but i was not fined, charged etc. they took my name and address and told me i wasent allowed back in the store and i was alloweed to leave. my question is i am in the process of getting a criminal record check done for my work and i am wondering if this stupidity will shop up on it. if it will be on it then at least i can be honest with my empolyer before they receive the results so i dont look like im hiding the fact etc. i duno i dont feel i stole but obviously the store did and although the store n police didnt do anything i am scared that it will show up anywho just wondering what you think thanks
Judge Tom’s response:
What you did is not uncommon and most store owners understand. Since you weren’t cited or arrested, it’s doubtful whether there is any official record of the incident. And whether it was entered into the criminal justice computer system is remote. If you lean towards explaining the incident to present or future employers, feel free, but it’s unlikely that it would show up on a records check. All the best.
Me and my friend were in kmart and we got caught stealing a 12 pack of beer, they trespassed us and let us drive away but told us to tell our parents to call him by friday(it was saturday on halloween) he said if he didnt get a call then he would send a unit from our county to our house to tell them for us. do you think he will actually send one? or just said it to scare us. please help im scared and i dont wanna get grounded, im 16 btw. thanks
Judge Tom’s response:
It’s hard to tell what the store owner will do. Even if the police come to your home and tell your parents, grounding is better than the consequences you’ll get if you go to court. You have many years before you’re 21, so slow down on the alcohol use and possession. Most states have increasing consequences when you’re caught including detention. Good luck.
i was caught shoplifting in toronto canada, they didnt do anything just a paper to go to court and afeter that i didnt go to court since i was by myself in that country with not family not place to live( i was staying at my friend´s place) and i decided to come to my country to get some money and go back, now i paid what the store wanted me to pay and i am planning to go back to canada, since i am resident, waht could happen to me???
Judge Tom’s response:
Because you missed court, the judge may have issued a warrant for your arrest. On the other hand, since you paid the store back, it’s possible that the charge has been dropped if the store decided that it was satisfied and the prosecutor asked the court to dismiss the case. It could go either way. Call the local prosecutor’s office and ask what the status of the case is – then you’ll know what you have to do. Good luck.
I heard of a policy a Wal-Mart
“If a person if under 18 and gets caught shoplifting under 25$ they are free to go with no involvement of the police” Is this true?
Judge Tom’s response:
You would have to find out from Walmart what their corporate policy is concerning shoplifters. However, a policy is usually used as a guideline and is not the law. The store managers can always take whatever action they believe is appropriate under the circumstances and normally stores will refer a shoplifting case to the police.
My friend was questioned by the lost prevention officer at work, all in all, he admit to stealing items total to no more than five dollars. After reading a few papers he sign them, however, he clearly remembers nothing about any statement that lets the lost prevention officer place this five dollar mistake on his record. So can the lost prevention do that? Plus, without providing him a copy of what he signed?
And, now he cannot get a new job due to the five dollars.
Thank You!
Judge Tom’s response:
When your friend was hired, he probably signed some paperwork that included the terms of employment. They may have covered consequences of workplace mistakes or inappropriate acts, including noting such in his employment record. Under the laws of your state, he may be entitled to a copy of his record and disciplinary action. Good luck.
Hello, i’m 18 years old and i was in wal-mart this past weekend with a friend and she’s 15 and we got caught shoplifting and this was my first time and they let her go cause she was underage and i’m stressing out about whats gonna happen tome 🙁 i was arrested and have to go to court and i’m very scared! can you tell me what might happen to me?
Judge Tom’s response:
If this is your first offense, as you stated, relax. You’ll probably meet with a court official [probation officer]. You may be offered a diversion program depending on the value of what was taken. This would include community service hours, a fine, restitution to the victim or counseling. If diversion is offered and you agree to the terms, make sure you finish everything on time. You may be able to clear your record later on. Even if you’re placed on probation, it may be for a short time while you meet the terms ordered by the court. Good luck.
Again, you need to check with local counsel about this. The laws vary from province to province as you may know. Contact a private defense attorney in your area or public defender’s office for information.
regarding the last post: she took around $150 and i googled it but she is really worried about it staying on her record and her court date isn’t for another two months..will it stay ?
my friend got caught shoplifting at walmart in canada and she got arrested because she is 18. She has a court date but she is worring about her crimal record. Will it stay on her record for life? Will she recieve a letter in the mail saying anything about this?
What is going to happen
Judge Tom’s response:
Generally it depends on the amount of the item stolen. We are not familiar with specific criminal laws in Canada and don’t want to mislead you. It would be best to speak with a lawyer, or Google “shoplifting canada” for advice and information from Canadian attorneys. Good luck.
my friend stole a shirt from a local store and when walking out a person from the store told him to stop. my friend denied having the shirt but the store clerk then said come with him, my friend took off running and got away. He recieved a phone call from an officer and his car was identified. he did not answer the officers phone call and just listened to the officers message telling him to come back to the store. He did not come back, nor has he heard word from the officer for over a week. He has 3 prior records including battery and possesion of paraphanlia. what should he expect?
Judge Tom’s response:
Since his car was identified and it’s likely the store clerk can also ID him, he can expect notice in the mail of a citation or charges filed, or maybe an officer at his door to serve him legal papers. A week isn’t very long following an incident like this depending on the size of your town and other factors. So he can’t rest easy – it would be best to face the music by returning the shirt and speaking with the storeowner and police. Good luck.
Hi my name is Tennile im 21 and i got arrested for fighting with my neighbors and the police charged me with reckless endangerment then later on my neighbors called the police on me again and they charged me with assault my neighbors lied on me a lot so i have to go to court next month and im wondering what will happen
Judge Tom’s response:
Tennile, askthejudge.info is a teen-law web site and doesn’t provide legal advice or interpretation of laws. We can tell you that, as an adult, depending on your past record, if there is one, you may be facing time in jail or prison, a fine, restitution, counseling, and/or community service hours while on probation. Every state is different in how they treat criminal acts. You’ll most likely be assigned a probation officer who can explain the process to you and what to expect. Good luck.
Dear Judge Tom,
Thank you for my prior response. My incident with shoplifting happened about 6 years ago in the state of Michigan. I am now 22 and is currently having a background check for my future job. The shoplifting event will not show up at all on my record or will it show an arrest? Would the arrest effect the position? Like I said before I went to a diversion program and also paid the fine but never went to court Therefore you said I was never convicted. I received a call from the recruiter that my background is going through court investigation. It was a stupid thing to do and I have never came encountered with the law ever since then but I did file a domestic violence report, could that also be why I am in the court system? Thank you for your time. Your response is greatly appreciated.
Depending on the laws that apply to you in your state, filing a domestic violence report as an adult could be a matter of record that could trigger further investigation. DV, as it’s referred to, is serious business nationwide. It’s not an incident taken lightly anywhere. Good luck.
Im 18 (Canada) and I was caught shoplifting at The Bay, it was a pair of Guess Jeans about 100$, the guy was from loss prevention and i had to go into a back room, he got my info such as my first and last name, my adress and he looked at my care card and SIN number, i told him the truth that i hadn’t stolen anything before and that it was just a stupid dare. They checked into my criminal records and stuff and then said i was getting off with just a ban. Should i be expecting something in the mail? a fine? will it go on my criminal record? Im also going to be going to school to be a cop so…?
Judge Tom’s response:
James: Depending on the laws in your province, you may be getting off easy with just a ban from the store or mall. If the storeowner doesn’t report the theft, you’re not likely to have a record. Google “shoplifting” and your province’s name and you should be able to bring up the current status of the law. Think before you repeat this behavior, especially if you’re going into law enforcement. Good luck.
hi, my sister shoplifted at rite aid and she’s 13. they (police) said it was informal and she will not go to court, does this go into her record and is her school notified? will this effect her getting a job or anything in the future?
Judge Tom’s response:
If your sister does not have to go to court, but has to pay a fine and possibly complete community service hours, it’s likely that your sister’s case has been referred to a “diversion” program. If she successfully completes the diversion program and does everything she is asked to do, she should not have any record of the incident and it should not affect her education or employment opportunities in the future.
Hi, I have a question about shoplifting; I got arrested, went to a diversion program, paid a fine, and never went to court. If an employer were to do a background check would they be able to find anything? Would that incident be considered a slap on the wrist to behave since I have completed everything that they had asked?
Judge Tom’s response:
If you completed the diversion program, it’s not likely that there’s a record available for anyone to see. Juvenile records aren’t usually public, and you haven’t been “convicted” of a crime. You may consider it a slap on the wrist, but if you get another citation, the juvenile court will know about this incident, and it will be taken into consideration. Good luck.
i live in minnesota, and im 13 if i do the commuity service how long do i have to do it
Judge Tom’s response:
It’s up to the court and/or your probation officer how long you’ll have to complete the hours you have to do. If you have a legitimate reason, you may be able to get an extension of time, but don’t count on it or put it off to the last minute. Good luck.
hi, I got caught shoplifting for the first time and im 19…
i have being charge to court… What will happen to me???
Judge Tom’s response:
If this is your first offense, you can expect restitution to the victim, community service hours, counseling, a fine and/or probation. The judge could also detain you for a short period depending on the shoplifting laws in your state. Good luck and think twice before re-offending because consequences increase.
my friend and i stole from a store, for the first time. we got caught. i don’t know why we did it.. we really had no intentions on taking anything, but we did. cheap, one thing. and the cop charged her with a misdameanor and me only a warning, we have court on the 5th of novmeber. what is going to happen? and will i get any court fines or anything? and will it go onto my record, bc i have to sign up for colleges soon. and i’m scared.
Judge Tom’s response:
If you were given a warning, you ordinarily wouldn’t be going to court. Your friend may be facing a fine, restitution, community service hours, counseling or probation. It’s up to the judge. Depending on the amount involved and your age, you may or may not have a juvenile record. If you do, you can ask for it to be expunged or cleared once you become an adult. Good luck.
me and my firends both r 13 and we got caught shoplifting at cub foods the cop said we have to go to the court but there is another way that we dont have to but they will give us a phone call and tell us what to do but im wondering can me and my friends just do the community service and dont go to the court or do we have to?
Judge Tom’s response:
In most situations you don’t have a choice. It’s up to your local police and prosecutor and the programs available in your area. If you can do community service rather than going to court, that’s best. You may also be able to avoid a juvenile record by completing the diversion program. Good luck, and pay for what you want, or you’ll pay for it later in ways you won’t like.
hi, i was caught shoplifting about a month or so and i have to go to court in about a month. i stole some perfume and they took me in the security office and took down my information and called a police women as well. She got my information down as well and called it in and gave me a ticket for my court date. Then my step brother came to pick me up from the security office and told me i just have to go to court. i live in New York and i wanna know what might happen? .. this is my first time and trust me i will never do it again.. but i also want to get a job and have an interview a few weeks after my court date … will that show up in my record? because i really need a job and if i have a record it will be harder =/ help?!
Judge Tom’s response:
Make sure you show up on the date set for court. Things will only worsen if you blow it off. If this is your first offense, you could expect some community service hours, a fine, and restitution if the victim is asking for it. Read any question on an employment application very carefully. If you’re in juvenile court, remember you’re not a ‘convicted criminal.’ If anything, you may be an ‘adjudicated minor.’ Language is important, but you must be truthful in answering. Good luck.
Hi, i’m 17, i was caught ‘shoplifting’ in a food store. I had no purpose to steal the fruit but i was going to buy the fruit. It happened like this….i had two large folders in both of my hands. i picked up the fruit i was going to buy and put it in my pocket since both my hands were full. i looked around the shop to see if i needed anything else and i didn’t. then i started walking out of the shop. It wasn’t until a while later the that shopkeeper tapped me on the shoulder and said that i have stolen the fruit. It was then that i remembered the fruit was still in my pocket. Honestly, i had completely forgotten about it! i tried explaining to him but its hard for him to believe. Of course, i wouldn’t believe if i was him. Fortunately, i paid back the money. He didn’t ask for name and address and no police were involved. How do i know if i will face any charges, fines or going to court? It’s only been two days since the inccident.
Judge Tom’s response:
It sounds like you’ve lucked out and won’t hear anything from the police or court. If he didn’t take your name, etc. there’s little chance you’ll be charged with shoplifting. Of course there’s always a video that may have captured your movement in the store. If, by chance, you end up in court, explain to the judge what happened. What you’ve described is not uncommon. Yours truly has done exactly the same thing at Home Depot without any intent of not paying. Good luck.
Will my parents be involved if I got caught stealing in Illinois at age 17 (considered an adult there) if I live in indiana or can i go to court and do everything myself? Also, what consequences will I likely face (I stole a 10$ bottle of alcohol from kmart)? Lastly, how much money will I lost likely be charged altogether? I’m not trying to get myself out of a bad situation because I’m a bad person, I have a clean record and I am generally a good person, altough, I had an alcohol problem and this was definately a slip for me.
Judge Tom’s response:
Call the Illinois court and ask these questions. They should be able to tell you if your parents need to be involved and the process to handle the shoplifting charge. You can expect possibly a fine, maybe restitution to the victim and some community service hours. Stay clean and sober and your legal troubles will end. Good luck.
I was caught stealing when I was 16, there were fines but the store said that they weren’t going to press charges. Does this mean it won’t be on my record? (I live in Mass. if that helps.)
Judge Tom’s response:
It could mean no record. It depends on if formal charges were filed with the court. Check with the police agency involved at the time – see if they have any record of the incident and if they referred the case to the local prosecutor or juvenile court. Good luck
hi. me and two of my friends got caught shoplifting today at claire’s for items less than $50. we all are 14 years old and we have never got caught stealing before. we have to go into a family court for a lecture from the judge. will this go on our permanent record? will they inform our school?
Judge Tom’s response:
When you’re before the judge, ask him or her these questions. Every state has its own laws about disclosure to schools, and juvenile records. Make this your last trip to court. Good luck.
Dear Judge Tom,
I have severely learned my lesson. This incident happened yesterday. How long before i know for sure that i am in the clear? I’ve been worried sick and severely and sincerely regret making such a stupid decision.
Judge Tom’s response:
Ellen, I’m glad you’ve learned your lesson. If it’s been a couple days by now and you haven’t heard anything, there’s a good chance you have gotten lucky. Every state has what’s called a “statute of limitations” for filing charges. For example, the statute of limitations for filing misdemeanor charges in some states is one year. That means the state has up to one year to actually file the charges. Again, if you have not heard from the store or police by now, it’s unlikely that they are pursuing an investigation.
i got caught stealing $30 worth of stuff and i’m 18. They didn’t call the police but i’m still getting fined and other things. i’m scared that i won’t be able 2 get jobs. I’ve never, ever done this before and i’m scared. please help.
Judge Tom’s response:
Even though they didn’t call the police, I’m assuming a complaint was made and charges were filed in court since you are paying a fine. Be sure to read any job applications carefully as many ask if you have any “felony convictions”. The answer would be no if either misdemeanor charges were filed or no charges were filed. Once you successfully complete the terms of your probation, you can go back to the court and ask for the conviction to be set aside or for your record to be expunged. If you were not arrested and charges were never filed in court, then you have no criminal record concerning this incident.
I’m pretty sure that i was might have been caught shoplifting. While i was not apprehended, i think my license plate was taken. The items in question were less than 30 dollars total.
What should i expect to happen?
Judge Tom’s response:
If you have not heard anything by now, you may have gotten lucky. However, if this incident just occurred and you end up hearing from the police, the possible charges that could be filed vary depending on the laws in your state. If this is your first offense and you have no prior criminal history, you could be placed in a diversion program which allows the court to dismiss the charges after certain requirements are met which may include probation, community service hours and payment of a fine. We certainly hope you learned your lesson from this incident. Good luck.
Thank you, I did it completely out of impulse and I felt really bad about it. I was really worried that it would come back to haunt me during college applications next year.
Judge Tom’s response:
Even if you’re charged with shoplifting, you can ask for your juvenile record to be expunged. It shouldn’t have any effect on college applications. Study hard and good luck.
I got caught stealing gum two days ago, the employee told me to put it back and let me leave. I know they got my license plate on camera, but I don’t know if they called the police or not. Could the put a warrant on me with just my license plate and how likely do you think the chance is that they will call the police on me is.
Judge Tom’s response:
You may get lucky and hear nothing further about the incident. Hopefully you’ll learn something from it. If you haven’t heard from the police by now you’re not likely to but don’t gloat about it – your time will come if you continue to break the law. All the best.
hi. im 14 years young and live in maryland and i was caught shoplifting (1st time) some fake rings and a fake necklese at JCP i dnt know that there were LPs around and i was also there with my mom,lil’ sista and uncle when my mom paid for the stuff she bought we headed to th exit door and 2 LP stoped me/us and said some stuff were stoled my mom got really scared and started overactin(since my mom had no idea tht i shoplifted) as i was qiving the item to the LPs after that they took me/mom for questioning and than the popo came and than some more questions.the amount doubled was around 200 something what can my mom and i expect when we go to jail and how long will the saty in my record? ( my mom had no idea tht i shoplifted)
Judge Tom’s response:
What will happen when you go to court depends on the shoplifting laws where you live. Since this is your first time, if the value of the items taken was small, you may be offered diversion. That means you may have to do some community service hours for dismissal of the charge. Or you may be ordered to complete a class, counseling or a term of probation. Good luck.
Say i got caught shoplifting from one store, but earlier that day i stole things from other stores and didn’t get caught. What should i do with the stuff i didn’t get caught with?
Judge Tom’s response:
Return it. That way you can know you did the right thing and you can put it behind you. The store owner may appreciate your honesty. Good luck.
thanks judge tom, i hope the judge understands, shoplifting didnt even occur in our mind, when i was accused i felt so disappointed and mad all at the same time, i didnt know what to think, i would never do anything like that
ok so me and my friends were gonna pull a prank we were gonna put some items into a basket and leave it by the entrance because theres a hidden hallway and we grab a bunch of ridiculous items like lipstick, chicken, silly string and markers, we didnt want to get caught for vandalism so we put the items in a bag and while we were heading to entrance by the hidden hallway the security worker stopped us and accused us of shoplifting, we past the electronic security, but we DIDNT leave the store yet with the items, can we still be cleared knowing that we werent gonna leave with the items and were gonna put them back by putting them in the basket?
Judge Tom’s response:
Whether what you did is shoplifting or not depends on the laws of your state. Even though you didn’t actually leave the store with the items, under some larceny/theft/shoplifting laws, you may have committed a crime. Look up these crimes in your area, or Google “shoplifting” and your state’s name for the specifics that apply to you. Good luck.
Hey, I have a question
What will i get, me and a friend got caught shoplifting from Shopko, and we are both only 15. What will be the punishment?
Judge Tom’s response:
The penalty for shoplifting depends on the laws of your state, the value of the item shoplifted [if over a certain amount it may be considered a felony], your age and history of offenses if this isn’t your first time in court, and a number of other factors. You may be placed on probation and required to complete community service hours, attend a class, or even spend time in juvenile detention if the judge thinks its appropriate. Good luck.
I have a question, my brother and I go to the store. My brother he steal the game but I didn’t know that, after he took the game card out of the box he gives the game card to me and ask me to hold it for him ( I thought that his own game, so I just take and put in my pocket). When we leave the store the guard stop us and said we are shopplifting. I really don’t know what happen, but my brother he just 15 and I 18, so when the security guard said he saw my brother took out the game and after that gave to me, but my brother younger so he can’t blame my brother and he force me the criminal because I’m 18 years old. The question is I’m innocent but the guard just want to nail me because I’m 18 I have responsible for my brother that is right or wrong.
Judge Tom’s response:
Under the laws of your state or country you may or may not be responsible for the acts of your younger brother. If you knew in advance what he was going to do, then you may be charged as an accessory to the shoplifting. If you didn’t know what he was doing, you need to explain this to your lawyer or to the court. In the United States, you are innocent until the state or local prosecutor proves beyond a reasonable doubt that you committed the crime. The final decision is up to the court to decide or the jury if there is one in this case. Good luck.