How old do you have to be to get married?
If you′re eighteen, you may marry without anyone′s permission. If you′re not eighteen, you′ll need permission from your parents or features regular updates from the news, important decisions from the nation′s courts, and online discussions with Judge Tom. Find out everything you need to know about youth rights, juvenile law and juvenile justice. AsktheJudge – Empowering youth one question at a time.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this site is made available to the general public and is not intended to serve as legal advice.You should consult a trained legal professional in your area for questions you may have about the laws affecting juveniles or any legal interpretations.
What are your rights & obligations under the law as you near adulthood?
If you′re eighteen, you may marry without anyone′s permission. If you′re not eighteen, you′ll need permission from your parents or
Throughout U.S. history, young men have been called for military service. From colonial times through the Vietnam War, eligible males
Once you′re eighteen, you may be eligible for various public offices. The three branches of government have positions filled by elected
It wasn′t that long ago that the right to vote in this country became universal. In your parents’ and grandpaents’ lifetime,
As a general rule, firearms may not be sold to minors. So, for the most part, you cannot buy a
If you′re under eighteen, most landlords won′t rent to you without a parent or guardian co-signing the lease. This may
Once in a while, you might think about changing your name. Some parents have saddled their kids with terrible, embarrassing
At some point before your eighteenth birthday, you′ll probably think about being on your own—or emancipated. But what does it
Anyone under the age of eighteen is referred to as a minor, a child, a juvenile, or an adolescent. The